Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 23, 1897, Image 4

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1 Holiday Announcement. |
5 holiday presents for everybody. $
5 the best of everything for Christmas. $
g A thoroughly first-class stock combining
flk We are showing a fine assortment and a variety I novelty, quali-
to suit all tastes in staple and fancy Dry Ooods, Ok
jpt Dress goods. Fancy Goo<ls, Fine Art Goods, . j gig-
S Ladies', Misses'and Children's Wraps, Furs, ly anu
Collarettes and Capes. Children's Fur Sets
S from to «V 75 Todies' Fine Embroidered qaflCe. Wlt il &
(R Handkerchiefs from 5 cents to 50 cents each.
U One hundred dozen special value l ine Swiss nr j rp c striCtlV
<R Emdroidered Handkerchiefs for 10 cents, real pntCS sl " ut V
U value Jo cents. Handkerchief and Glove , ... R
Boxes. Nectie Cases, Leather Cuff and Collar fair and Wltll-
U Boxes, Jewel Boxes, Photo Holders; a nne line fP
Sof Dolls. We offer a great variety of appropri- . .. peach Of m
m ate presents for ladies, gentlemen and children m * ne redUl m m
5 While we cannot describe or enumerate our
(A variety of elegant attractions, we are very glad NOW iS JQ
q? to show them to all visitors. »Ve claim for our |p
fir stock general excellence, great variety and
reasonable prices. Whatever your wants may the time 10
fPJ be we can meet them with beauiitul and also ——.——— —
We solicit a comparison of goods and prices, I jUIY. V
•jL knowing yonwill find our Holiday line the ~■ jj|
(R best and cheapest,
1 Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman. \
N. B. Sole Agent For Standard Patterns Uk
Assignee Sale, j
Having been appointed assignee for the benefit of creditors of I) A, 5
Heck. Hp tier Pa., I supposed it would take at least one year to close otu ■
this immense stock, but owing to the way the goods are going out It will ■
not take more than three months more to close out the entire stock. V. e |
still have a quantity of children's suits, ages from 4 to 10 year*—g
heavy cassimers, former prices from $4 to SB, which we will sell at v. lat ,
you would have to pay for satinet or shody suits, {1.75 to *2.50 per suit
satinets from 50c to fr.oo. Children's and Boys' overcoats from ages 4to
20, former price from $4 to f 12, now from ft to SB. Young men's suits
for ages 15 to 20 years many of them at less than half price—also shirts,
ties, collars, cuffs, gloves, mittens, a full line of underwear from the cheap
est to the best makes—men's and boys' sweaters— cordivan jackets, men s,
boy s' and children's pants, children's astrachan reefers only *2.50, se'l
everywhere at $4.00; Beaver and chinchilli reefers from *1.50 to (2.00
watches, chains, rings, pins, umbrellas, trunks, valise's, hos:ery, combs,
brushes and a variety of notions for Christmas presents. As 1 expect to
close out this entire stock within the next 90 days I give notice to ail pci- (
sons knowing themselves indebted to said D. A. Heck to call and settle the
same at once as after Febuary 1, 1898, the books will be left with my at
torney for collection with cost and interest as the books must be settled as
soon as the goods are closed out. If you wish to avail yourself of the
many bargains offered, CALL SOON.
L. M. Cochran,
|| will soon be here, J
! \ And we are prepared to furnish you with all the choice £
i* delicacies of the season, and REMEMBER *
J[ "if you get it at the Butler Produce it's fresh." J
I The Butler Produce Co., j
| KcTpr" 84 c - L MOORE - Pr °p' r -1
—.1.1 Order Your Xmas Turkey Early — -■»#
That an* uaeful at very attractlv<- prices. Ii is a jrroat it«*ni t n |
( j riirUtniUH buying to tuuki> yonr money cover the memt ground pos- ( )
' ' Ladles' embroidered handkerchief* from"K: to 50C. *
\ ► Ladies' hemstitched liAridken*hiefK from ;*• to JEW*. ( }
i I , Ladies' lace edge handkerchiefs from .V toft 2T». I ,
lec wool hoods. Silk hoods, hull line of Ladles' and children's *
4 underwear.
covers $1 00. Holiday price HHc. Ladles'chemise II 00 Holiday price "I "
i i N#c. Ladles' drawers $1 »**. Holiday price rt*- £"> I'KK < FAT. ills- d i
1 count on millinery. Mail orders receive prompt attention. J \
' ' 108 S. Main St., one door South ' '
< ► «jf Butler Savings Hank. i. ►
me cut glass decanter filled with fine wine and a \
ar in colors for 1898. will be presented to every %
g the holidays, no matter what the amount. This £
make you more familiar with us and our goods. J
m-9 If yon want to sur- J
S__i prise your friend with \
I 1 a Xmas gift, let us £
1 ] have the order and wj V
ft 4 will ship It for you. t
ay& pure s
J Tft /?• ■ \ OUR PRICE, k
\ Grandfather's
*+> EVERYONE Choice a * on(1 - *-
S CTC " ,UIII: straight whiskey.
OUR Finch, Overholt.
\ filialn l Large. Gibson.
3 Kri'V •</. Guckcnheiiner, V
I ?eed AN " ; M %?{«-',?• >
| PURE. r~ 111 ®« r J
m Expressag* we prapay on ordera of $5 OO or over. ,
J All goods s*cur«ly boxed, packed and shipped promptly.
S T X Robt. Lewin & Co., KSf > j
5 411 Water St.. opp. B. &0. Depot. PITTSBURG, PA. S
Subscribe for the "CITIZEN."
i' I Thi b< -.1 th whicli
IHmL j a mothrr can cronn hei
y XI I ty.
,v ). T ly feminin- l'hy^i
VA K~/f K «J^*> l!l ■'" " 1;i 'l 1 " 1
V her own nature
V . B* V F - vcr y woman i
111 ~? 'WJ*? should under 1
f' §£jt f/i stand the -;u '
IVK, /J" womanly war v
I H Nearly ifVf the ; N
pains and ache*, nearly all the weaknes> ,
and sickness and suffering of women i» t'.iie :
to disorders or disease of the org.ir.s di»-
tinctly feminine.
A woman who susTcrs in tbi- way is on- j A
fitted fur wifehood and motherhood Ma j
ternity is a raenace of death Thousand* <•
of women -iuffer in this v.ay because their !
innate modesty will not {k-rniil them to j ,
-übrait to the diser.stine examinations and J A
local treatment insisted up<jn by the average I
physician. These ordeal- arr unnecessary J T
I>r* R. V. Pierce an eminent and skillful |
specialist, for thirty yenr- ciii-' - : consuii'.ug I p
physician to the Invalids' Hotel I Sutri I
cal Institute, at Buffalo N V , has di
cover* d a wonderful remedy with which
women may treat and sp-.-edily cu: thera- !
selves in the p.ik.—y then o«n hrmes I
This medici::. is kno'vn a- Dr . ierce's Fa
vorite Prescription. It acts directly OB the l,
delicate and important organs concerned. '
It makes them well and strong It allavs t-1
inflamniation heals ulcerat: .. soothes i i(i
pain and rests the tortured nr. . Taken | .
during the critical period, it banishes the J
usual discomforts and makes bahy's advent B
easy and almost painless. Thousands of
women who wete once weak, sickly, nerv
ous fretful invalids, are now happy, health) fll
wives, because of this medicrn It is sold
by all good medicine dealers and no honest
dealer will advise a substitute. A
"When I commenced usivsr Dr. !•;« rce - -ned- 1>
icines some three years ajto. writes Mr* H;i iJ. p
Fox care of W. Fox. of K! ! r„ " . ;.i- Co., *
IlLs. I was the picture of death. I no heart
to tate anything Weijthtwas--
had Uen to see fire dufertlt doe .ors shoot mj A
tro-.ib'.e (female weakness I commenced t' V.i
I'r. I'ieree s medicines also ■■■."r- '. t.. f r ■ i
vice. I took lour txjttles of Dr. ITcrcr'e Pworih t-
Prescription and one ■. I*of ' I'" . - :lt TeV
lets, and am now a we!l woniaa."
Piles or Hemorrhoids.
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns A Scalds.
Wounds <v Bruises.
Cuts & Sores.
Boils & Tumors. B
Eczema & Eruptions. d
Salt Rheum & Tetters. t<
Chapped Hands. I
Fever Blisters. K
Sore Lips & Nostrils.
Corns & Bunions. '
Stings & Biles of Insects.
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and SI.OO.
Sold by druggists, or ftent post paid on receipt of price
nuni'MßEYif MEO. CO., 11l it 11? *(..>•« York.
Every expectant mother has ;
a trying ordeal to face. If she does not v
;■ .':;• tor it. B
*\\ ui I \ there is no telling '
' \ what ntay happen.
I j Cliild-birtli is full N
of uncertainties ii
Nature ii not given proper assistance.
Mother's friend
is the bent help you can rise at this time.
It is a liniment, and when regularly ap
plied several months before baby comes, I
it makes the advent easy and nearly pain
less. It relievec and prevents " morning t
BicknesK," relaxes the overstrained mus- 1
cles, relieves the distended feeling, short- t
ens labor, niak«« recovery rapid and cer- j
tain without any dangerous after-efTecta.
Mother's FrieiuJ is good for only one
purpose, viz.: to relieve motherhood of
danger and pain.
One dollar per bottle at all drug stores, or
sent by express ou receipt of price. ;
FKKE BOOKS, containing valuable inforiaa
ttoi, for women, will bo eont to any addresa ,
upon application lo
Atlanta, Cia.
ivUCE"' J R '
t ' :: J 8 Nerv'/ D and '
R; psd Restorative. t
An ti"'* cure for Diseases of the
|>iges>iv , Nervous and (".encrative
Systt. 1 Tonic of rar t - tliicacy for "
the ol'. 1 young and of .narked ser- v
vice fo. S'udents, Teachers, and all (
who are t in lirain work
close occupations.
Depression, Tired Feaiings,
nervousness, Inscnlar Weakness,
Loss of Appetite, Palpitation of Heart,
Restlessness, Hysteria,
Herve Weakness, General Discomfort,
Excesses, Alcholism,
and that r.lmost innumerable series ol
diset 1 - 1 iid complications re sulting
frum .':J ; . rangement of the Nervous '
Systen; invaluable for weak women
anu nervous children.
Steady Nerves, * Dr. Cox's
Bracac! System, ISS^ LI) Cocolia
Sound ftest, DSHB Nerve
Good « Tonic.
5c Cents per Bottle;
Iftbrce' r.'t! be ordczed at onetime, a copycH v
Ori"!'. LM k will be mciudctl ii cc.
*T "rvc.&«srs AND DCALCS3
Wiiikelm~nn <St Brown Drug Co.
S3IC ,«ltOI">lltTOH», (
* -jT-X----I - " (
j j - lAt-i'S PHILAUELf-HII.
* —DENTAL ROOf. 1 ;': - |J 1
'i ' 39 - 3th Ave., nttsbun. ! j ,
t\ .-'ri PHr.CTICA' „Y ll " 1,, -: n " :* J
ifck* CROWN tttt'l DF.IHje U lk u
' ! F« CM 1 li'i ""J-WHV NOT DO V
MBl *s;vourt'3? n "iii CROWNS A
will'/M"" B» IDGE ' T " rk ," 's
Jlfllf Uis PER TOOTH AIM. th«L» I
I Pjs 3\l V •»< <•»'!•••«•«». ntt'lf ONLY SB Jg I
" -•* mTMTLmTZ '
1 "Following Tho 'E'luator" ,
MAHK ii-i-'f Mark Twain's ,7 h rT ,
Journey Around Tile World,
win ■ .iiir. tl»r<»u.'h A <MIU».'i, ludia.Houth
kw book 1! is
Mcuiion Paper, AddreM
i LAION & MAINS. 1213 F.J tort Street, PhilidtlpMa.
Tlie Turkey'- Cliri*tnias Oit't.
said a tender. juicy tnrkey !
Unto a wise old hen. i
'This is the joyful Christmas tide ! I
Amongst the sons of men , I
rhey tell me 'tis a blissfnl time. ; :
When human hearts are erood: (
Vud kind and loving gifts are sent • .]
Throughout the neighborhood,
in sure that I am well beloved— s
In fact i'm quite a pet. j 1
S'ow mother, tell me what do you j 1
Suppose that 1 will get?" ; .■
Vnd then that good old turkey hen
Looked up in sad surprise,
\n<l while she spoke the briny tears
Were gushing from her eyes.
Alas' my son. 'tis very true.
That you'll receive a gift. j
\nd yon will get it. precious one.
most sndJen, hard anil swift,
rhey'll give to you a little ase.
Your feathers to bedeck, j
But oh it grieves me sore to say
You'll get it in the lieck'." (
A (juestion nt" Place. i
A little story is told on Bishop Doane
)y Bishop Potter. Upon his being j
•rented bishop. Doane conceived the,
dea of calling himself "William of j
Vlbany." after the English fashion.
3ishop Doane likes the high church
ityle. He carrietl hisidea into execution
md signed himself "William of Albany"
riiat title fell under the eye of Bishop
Potter on the register of a hotel where '
x>th happened to be stopping. Bishop
Potter remarked:
"Dane, what does this William of
\lbany mean?''
"Why that's wnat I am. It's the
Cnglis'u way. and therefore the correct
way of putting it. lam of Albany see.
utd my name is William, hence Wil
iam of Albany."
Bishop Porter thought a moment, and
then laughingly repli^i:
"Say Doane. if you were of Buffalo, I
suppose you'd call yourself Buffalo .
Bill.' ~ j
His .Mind Heavily Loaded. i
"You seem rather melancholy," re
marked the friend. (
"No," replied the gentleman who has
never before been a member of Con
;ress. "1 am not melancholy, merely '
pensive. I have just awakened to a full
= cn.,e of my responsibilities. It is the
luty of this government, by its example
to reform the governments of the world.
It is the duty of congress to reform this
government, and it's my duty to reform
congress, so you can't blame me for not
being my oldtime light hearted and
flippant self.
A Public Letter.
August 15, 1893. |
Aunt Un heal Speer, Dear Madam: — 1
We are seven in family, myself, wife
her sister and four children. All have
been sick two summers with malaria.
Quinine would break it but leaves us
weak and distressed in the head and
when we stopped the quinine the fever
returned. Many people praised your
Peruvian Bitters and our physician told
us to use it. I feel grateful to you be
cause your Bitters has enred everyone
of us after using twenty-one days. We
used it five and six times a day, taking
a table spoonful of the Bitters in a small
wine glass of Speer's Port Wine. Rev.
John ,1. Thomas.
As Christmas time comes on apace
We like to have our friends believe,
Tis pleasanter and better grace
To give than to receive.
Only good things are imitated, there
fore be snre that you get the genuine
salvation oil, if >ou want to cure your
You may talk about you terrapin,
AIM! cuuvass back and wine.
We're here to sing of buckwheat cakes
And gravy from the swine!
There's nothing that delights as so
In nil the gastronomies
As watching flap jacks steam and glow
Ami hearing them "kertiomix."
HOOD w CM!' ■ i iVC r ttl.:,
■ciisnus, IntllpfiSt.cn, Koadaclic.
Easy to ta'*o, amy to operate. 25c
The dancing season is with us, and
some of the bicycle girls are now tyi
deavoring to show how they can use
their feet gracefully other than on the
The mail who tights his opponent un
justly when running for office does not
deserve to be elected.
It is all yery well to talk about work
ing for glory, but there would not Im>
qnite so much effort made if the mon
ey side of tb*' question was left out.
Christmas is coming on apace.
Don't forget th- little ones,
The gobblei which escaped the
hatchet on Thanksgiving is strutting
around boldly, ilittle dreaming how
near Christmas is at haud.
Breathintf impure air causes impure
blood. Clear your system by taking
Hood's garsaphrilla
A lawyer is the only man who is glad
there are so many trials in life.
When you are grasping at something
yon think to be substance and find it
only a nonentity, it is a sign that you
will not lie troubled witn many difflcul
ties in your journey through life.
A certain miss, residing in the fifth
ward from the manner in which she
struts along the public thoroughfare
whistling, ought soon to be able to ren
rler the "Whistling Coon" to perfect
ion. »
"De ma-d woe peifa oon de hinkle
woe graya.
Derma set mer de hels room draya.
Food undigested, is poison Digest
rdit is life and strength. Millions of
us suffer from indigestion, but we often
don't know it. We think it is some
thing else. Even doctors oft» n mistake
the symptons.
Pale thin people who are overworked,
who need strength, who seem in want
uf proper food, should take Shaker IJi
g.-Htive Cordial, it is astonishing what
food will do,when properly digested
It will make you .strong, revive you,
refresh you, sustain you. make yon, fat
restore your color, mcke muscle, brain
fibre, courage, endurance, energy: in
crease your power to throw oil disease
and keep you healthy and happy.
Indigestion does just the opposite, but
indigestion can be cured and prevented
with Shaker Digestive Cordial.
Sold by ilruggists. Trial bottle 10 ets_
Recently a Warren minister said that
. w hen a pack of card-, is brought into
a home the devil is brought in We
move to add that when a pack of cards
id carried out of the home, for the pur
pose of playing on the sly, the
dt \ll s busy time more properly begins
Cards in the home are no worse than
any other sort of time killing divesion.
Children playing card games at their
homes soon get tired of them, thus
weakening the hold of any fascination
which cards might otherwise have.
Many a young woman is willing to
trust her heart with a young man that ;
no butcher would trust with a pound j
of liver.
i An Artie explorer makes a confident'
1. ctiirer, for he is never afraid af frosts. ;
The foxy small toy is willing to wear
tockir r *s six s:;:i-s too latve for him
about this time of year.
i J, M.Taylor of Emleton killed four.
' "dippers" on the river, at one shot. |
The sign is bad when folks commence
A-findin' fault with Providence
And balkin cause the earth don t shake
At every prancin' step they take
No man is nr»at till he can see
How less than littlf he would l>e
If stripped to self and stark and ban-
He hung his sign out anywhere
My doctrine is to lay aside
Contentions and be satisfied.
Jest do your best, and praise or blame
That followers that counts jest the
I've alius noticed great success
Is mixed with troubles more or less.
And its the man who does ths best
That gets more kicks than all the rest.
James Whitcomb Riley.
It Kept on Shrinking.
"I understood your uncle brought
*soo,ooo back from the Klondike. "
"Oh, no."
No"; Why, that was certainly the re
"Yes. that was the report at Dawson
City; but when he got to St Michael s
rumor let it drop to $525,000."
"Well, that's a pretty good sum."
"Of course it is. but after lie Lad sail
ed we got word that the actual value of
nis nuggets probably wouldn't exceed
"Still, he could do the handsome
thing by you if h« wanted to."
"Now doubt about that at all. but
when he landed at Seattle the newspa
per reports from there gave his fortune
as only $110,000."
"Even that is a good deal of money. "
"Very true, but the next time we
heard from him he was in San Francisco
and the best they could make of it there
was a little less than $50,000."
"Pretty good pay for a year's work,
"Unquestionable; but he reached Chi
cago this morning with a letter of credit
for $0.510 f which represented the total
value ot the gold tiiat he and hit partner
had brought down and delivered at the
San Francisco mint, and they want me
to board them all winter for nothing so
they can have that for their expenses
when the}" go back in the spring!"
It is strange indeed, that some for
tunes that seem as big as a house at a
distance cannot be seen with the naked
eye when they get into the same ward
with ns.
Old Fine Climax Brandy.
From grape wine, has been fourteen
years stored and cared for in the same
way that Brandies are cared for in
France, and is as tine in flavor and mel
lowness as Hennessy Brandy of Cognac.
Ask your druggist for Speer's Climax
If yon have the money, now is a good
time to buy Christmas presents. Yon
have a larger lot from which to make
your choice than if yon wait until a day
or two before.
A woman with many minds has a
hard road to travel. She can never
please herself, nor any one who
comes within her reach.
In the bright lexicon of laziness
which fate reserves for a Weary Willie
there is no such word ar "Work!"
"There's many a slip
"Twixt the cup and the lip. "
Is a saying both truthful and nice;
And there l>e many slips,,
Twixt the feet and the hips;
When the sidewalks are covered with
That yellow complexion can be cured
and banished by the use of Dr. Bull's
Pills, the best remedy for all liver dis
Speaking of an appropriate gift for
Christmas, what's the matter with a
year's subscription to the "Citizen" for
some absent friend who used to reside
here, and whom you would wish to
keep jtosted on Butler events? You
must IK- impressed with the appropri
ateness of a gift of that kind . Try it,
and receive the thanks of an overgrate
fnl soul who delights in a good thing.
Two "dont's" forjfairshoppers—Neck
ties and cigars for your husband.
"When a women finds an old feath
er." hays the Philosopher, "her eco
nomic soul prompts her to buy $lO
worth of other trimmings to build a
hat around it."
The style this season of men and
women both wearing heavy soled shoes
is a most sensible one, for winter at least.
Morn sickness is caused by shoes with
thin soles than almost anything else,
and this change to thick soled shoes is
one both good and sensible.
A Warren minister, in a sermon, re
ferred to a card table as "hell on f our
Now begin to get your swear-offs
brushed up ready for use.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures in I to $ days.
Its action upon the system is remarkable
and mysterious. It removes at once the
carscs and the disease immediately dis
appears. The first dose greatly benefits;
75 cent'-.. Sold by J. C. Kedic, and J. I*.
Balph Druggists Butler \pr
J We do not nar:ul<- l.i ft.ie you ;i com- ✓
f nx.il twit I le. tn l»- It I lefl wltli \
L i lieup, inferior wine. In order t<> < >l»- \
j tain your I rade; neither do we adver- S
f tine to etve yon two dollars for one X
* but we do give you straight, full nil |
/ ue tliiuors mid wine ut low and fiilr V
X prills. :onl 'it licliilay time always
/ reinenilier our eustoniers. Write f.»r X
\ compli Price List. f
X Quart. Oal. f
/ A ndrli ssen's He -t >llO f>.so \
\ Iliiil .'eiMirt Pure Kyc 10" f
i i.i- t-06 j \
\ Si
\ {
/ J
N kohinvxi County «our
A old < ablnet Half t f
S Redistilled, Kyi 30 t.<# /
S 188 Federal St., v
fti 'OT AXLE
t: -e: !S T«SK WOHT.O.
ftawAi 'n -M' iinßiKpCtvei!,actusHy
outliiit'ui i' .... ■'ifauy othrrhr«nd.
*ff'etoli UUI/IriIK'JHNIINK.
WUKM.i is V PEALKI' • f
Tll K
Busier County National tiank,
Out 1 ler 1 'eniii
Capital p iid in - - f t00,000.n0
Surplus and Profits fii'l,647-^7
Jos. Hartman, President; J. V. Ritts,
Vice President; C. A. Bailey. Cashier;
John ('». McMarlin, Ass't Cashier.
t general IMIIIKIIIK OU»IIIC->s transacted.
I nil rest |>ald on time ileposlr-.
Money loaned on it|>proved security.
\\ e Invite you to open an account wltli t Ms
MIUKCTOKS Hon. Joseph 11 art man, lion.
\V. - WuWlron, I»r. N. M. Hoover. 11. M'--
>», .inv. I I Ahrai.,-. ''. I*. Collins I.
. Smith. "I.eslle I* Haxlett. M. KlneK.in, ».
| >V. 11. I.arkin, John lliiuiphi.y. I'r. W. t".
. M.i'an.lle,,, lien M is-tli. l.evl M. Wise,
j. v. latts.
The Ford farm in Donegal twp , near
Miller.town is for sale. It contaiiu
about ISO acres, is well watered auil in
good condition. For terms inquire at
1 his office
| tiubeeribe for the CITUKN
Mark Hanna
r 11
j- (
-5:- r i'
: -' v", \
May or may not be U. S. Senator J
from Ohio, but Butlers l'r
Slioe House is taking the lead in
Butler. If you doubt it investi
gate the matter, ask any person
''not concerned," who is taking .
the lead in the shoe business at
Butler, and nine out of ten an
swers will be MILLER.
Some Reasons For It
and it is simply this, every day
since we opened our doors, over <
four years ago, our constant aim
has been to please the people by
selling them good shoes at low
prices, how well we have succeed-
ed our laige ami increasing trade
speaks louder than words.
Come to our Store.
Men's kip boots tap sole.. $i 48
Boys' kip boots tap sole.. . 1 24
Men's (ine shoes lace orcong 98
Boys* school shoes 98
Ladies' kid shoes lace or
button 98
Ladies' kang calf, button.. 98
Misses' school shoes 98
Childrens' sl..»'is 25c, 50c and 75c
Rubber and Felt Boots i
go where you will, price Felt and j
Hubber Boots for man woman
or child, then come to us and we
will save you money.
Leather and Findings, j
Send for price list. Repairing
done quickiy. I
215 S. Main St.. Butler, Pa.
for a generous Mm?
10 CENT BAlWsj
Ely's Cream Balm
contain* 110 cocaine,
Ciivci ltelief at once.
It opens ar.d cleanses _ . ur • n
the Nasal - rnJ 0 H LAD
Allays Inflammation.
llcalß anil Prim-.'- tin* Mcinl rane. Id-tore- the
Sen-.es of Tu-te ani J :"cll. Full Sixe Sue. ; Tr;al
Size 10c.; at Urn ---t-or I y nnil.
feLY BKOTHEKa, id V. arrca Street, \orl»'
C. &D.
/y1 k n)\
Can surely tin l his every Ueslre satisfied
in our Spring 1897 stock, which con
tains all the shapes, colors ami qualities
most admired hv connoisseurs. We have
110 fancy prices', but merely value for
Furnishing Goods in tl.e same manner,
buying the best and selling ns low is
miiy <-harge for inferior t»oods. We are
always glad to show visitors our goods.
Call And See Us.
Rough l Worked Lumber
Doors, Sash, Winds, Mouldings, i
Shingles and Lath
Always in Stock.
Office opposite I*. & W. l)e(Kit.
For all DiLiousand Naxvout S 1 B ffi
Dr.KAsES. They fir fy the ■ E M
liLO-n anj fcivr IfaALn.v Wr M B ■ ■ ■ |
I lrtton to the tn:ire system 9 B
Gira a npccinfuerl Ft rend- winning l.ihn uti n.
ro* ctmcui ahs AffiY y o
1\ DUFF tV' SOXS. 244 Fifth Aw /me.
PIT J &f J r r RO. PA
Mutual Fire Insuraice Company
Office cor. Main and Cunninghan Sts. t
IT II K frr»
t.liO. KKTTKUKK. Vlw Prrt. '
1,. K Ser'y an>l.Tr»a«
\lfn«l Wi.k. lli-iuhTM.il Oliver. |'
Or. W. Irvln. .lain.■-Sl«pli«-iiwiii. ,
V \\ HlarUmore. N. Wcll/.tl,
I'. How man. II •' K HufhT,
lit... K«*Urr**r, ('has H. l.liun.
1.1 i». lli iin... I.'lin K.H-nl*.
Advi-rtise ID tbo CfllzlH,
That John R. Gricb is selling out
to quit business.
It is a fact and no fake.
All goods at cost and many ;
under cost.
Silver-ware. I
Spectacles. j
Musical Goods. "
and the store fixtures are for sale,
and the room for rent, with
possession on April Ist.
Tliis is in time for
and I promise all my old as well
as my new customers special
bargains. \
Come and see me at
118 5. Main St.
Whc cI c r & Wilson
New No. 3 r'amily 5
Sewing Machine.
Rotary Motion & BaH Bearings
£asy Running, Quiet, RapiJ and |
Sewing Machines
for Family and Factory use, for all
grades of Cloth and Leather.
Speed and Durablity.
Factory and head Office,
Bridgeport, Connecticut, 11. S. A«
Hardware, Stoves, Sewing
Machines, Needles for all
kinds of sewing machines,
Boss Washing Machines,
X.JB. —Second-hand Sewing
Machines from $5.00 up.
Sewing machines repaired.
I»o not doeeifMl hr niluriru; riln* i:i»»nt#> anj
tj,:tik yoo can fretlite ixwt made, finest OnlMh f.n<l
f ' n n>«*re wonsr. J.tir from rt ''.i!»lt» m*n\ifa.-tMr» rv
♦' »f » »»v»- t':»'tv«.» & !>*• »mo t nmt MIUI:*-
• ' Hit rt? if in t\ • rt.! tbal rm . nrikl
.mlrr.l ('••ri«tru<'ti«»n. durability of W<HV|>C
n. riof finish. t»»-oi«ty in *rtnn*\ '•[
. tiic KEW HCMe
..?i7£ ror; CIRCULARS.
r<Homo Sewing Macbin3 Co.
f . YKt 1. lie.'TO*. M:«. 2» Cnoi Sc*'AH-. :• Y
•r.u HT. Lr>t 11. Uo. i--. Tnxa.
nUJICIbvOtfAL Altua.Ci*.
Dhklhi in ?ewinjf Mnclii.i'fanos ai.d
or(t*n»--next door t» V. U. 0. A. l uild
inc— Hr.tlnr PH.
Ruy the light-runninir. Xe**
scwiriK machinw, perfect Hslisiaoii.m puar
ar.ieed, never e«l < on! of "riler.
fllK U..I.AT :xrth DAY
prtHiiK'o.s tin* Jitiuvr results hi tiny*. Ii
I iirtpowerfully ami quickly. Cur**# wlion
all ot Iters fail. Younjr men w ill regain their
lost iruiiluHMl, hikl old men will rtyovtr their
youtli.nl l»y unliiu KKVIVO. It «|ulck
1y ami surely restores Nervousness, Lost
vitality. Lost l*ower. railing Memory, Wasl
lIIK Disease, ami ail etTeetM of excesn and In
discretion, which uuflts one for study busi
ness or marriage. It not only cures l»y
starting at the seat of disease, tint Is a great
nerve tonic and blood builder, bringing back
the pink glow to pale cheeks and restoring
the fire or vouth It wardsolT Insanity and
t onsuiiiiilion. Insist on having ICKVIVO, no
other It can IK* carried In vest pocket Hv
mall, $1 (XI per package, or six for #T».OO, with
aposltUe written guarant« e t<i cure or r«'-
fuud the inoiiey. Circular free. Address
l or Sale by KKIMUrK & GItOHMAN N.
Pb.FaMte • F»*rflt»H DlRm«»r«1 lira**.
. Ilrlgtniil «n<! Only
I(, .1 I '. 1.1
_"V7>. - IV ii.tr
A V w »....0r - *
I r " Hrlit V fur I «•;«••• " •" rf «■«
\ %▼•.»!- • •' - #r.
v « t.t« Uf t»r« ti.i- ; 1
-i »»r . J
Butler Savings Bank ,
Butler, Pra. ]
Capital - #60,0.10.00
Surplus "and I'rolits - 19,-t»3-'»7
JOS. I, PURVIS Pr#*i.l«nt
J. IIHN'KV IKOI'TMAN ... Vice lWdent ]
WM rAMPRKfT,, Jr Cii;l"tr
U H I.- ft. BTKIM ... Teller
lIiLKiK >!;."• - I.Moph 1.. I iirvl*. .1. Ilrnty
'lr«''im;in W. I>. Ilraii.lon, W. A. J. H.
Tin- Bull. r Sum.-, li.inU 1H tin- Oldent
Ili.nkhiK lii.sH«utl..n: n Hut ler I'ounty.
1., ucriil Iwinkiiii! I.UNIII. s, triiiiwwti'd.
t\'. w.fl.-lt aecounlt of ..II pr. IIII.'ITS, ni.-r
--chants, farmers and others
Allbuslmss entrusted to us will receive
prompt attention.
Interest tmhl on time deposit#.
YOU I- /1 iX / i is ■ ~pei»
t . 1 11 .1 '' •.\ 1 ■ ' II I 'irnu Of '
- -Til) wi't«« ml -—mu 1 UJ I
X WE HAVE '•«*« enjoyed toe rem;'* :i of liaving jr
V THE BEST DISPLAY to be fori:iJ in llie ci'.y, and vJ
C th : <> year we suipa*s all other years.
A MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN are nil invited Q
to inspect our
y In »ny other ilep.i:lment you will fi-i'J Clui!>*:na« p • -.-.i . A
A to suit all—old aud youtik;.
If thTe is anything you want put asi le, SAY SO, tn d
X we w ill hold it for you until called for.
$ D. T. PAPE, $
St 122 S. Main St. Butler. Pa. Jf
Style is Everything Now-a-days
An<l we ait glad that it appertains to every article in our stock, for correctness
and e»egance are sure concomitants to artistic development.
It Costs \ou no More to be In Harmony With The Best Expressed Stjleg of
The Season. Than to Constitute "A BACK NUMBER,"
By taking anything and everything irresponsible dealers may offer you. This es
tabushaient intends always to keep up with the times and you are sure of that basis
yourse t tt you will trust us to serve you.
For your prescription don't fail to look r
over our line of perfumes, we have re
ctived some very fine ones lately, anu £ 'j , \
will lie pleased to have you examine _ ( 1 J : , J
,hem '
We also have a verv la.j*eassortm n. '' ~"~S^
of tooth brushes made expressly for us
wbi'h bear our stamp, these brushes
we guarantee and request the return of , **^ (jjl ' y «/*•'
_ :y th it prove unsatisfactory.
You may need something for your ' elill——
chapped hands nnd face, and if so we <^7/
recommend Cvdoninm Criam as a fine -
toilet preparation.
j - *n*iiViwjr»r>nn_nj 1
When You
\ I< a y Out Money
\ be sure that you are getting the real '
< No. 3 Ho«d Buggy. value of the price you pay. I
I Fredonia Buggies running and worth |
" every penny they ;
! 1 Your dealer sells tliem. cost you. I |
« THE FRCOOKIA MFG. CO., Youngstown, Ohio.
*-i7» K ' I 111 |M| II «
(i..* i jLtiJii ;v{y,. --rfc2 rftit
! I hi.s Crystal <ilass I>ecantcr filled with a fine Sweet Malaga
VV i.e vifh every purchase of si.oo and over from
.j December 10th to January ist, 1898.
The value ot the Expressago paid |
r { wine alone in 'Nrvl on ALI OR,)ER - S °f I
y worth Sl.tX), and F V V" X/ $. r > 00 and over.
3 the decanter will Make your own I
jjj prove an ornament yT f n selection, and we |
S to any sideboard. xrZLiLvcx will pack in a plain |
We know you will V-i—"]f box,
g want some li.;uors | |i; | INCLUDING 1
Sj fur the holidays. * THE
B We will furnish 1 ]|j , DECANTER 1
I you with the < OF W,NE '
3 BEST ' and deliver at your I
Erprensnge Paid on all Orders of $5.00 and Over.
82 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY, PA. I
i|» BORN
For more than fifty-six years it has
never tailed in its weekly visits to
the homes of farmers and
villagers throughout the
United States
IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity and happiness, for
the improvement of their business and home interests, for
education, for the elevation of Americar manhood and true
IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and instructive stories of
the doings of the world, the nation and states.
IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved rretluds of
cultivating and harvesting his crops, and the proper time to
convert them into the largest possible amount of money.
IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to the welfare of farmers and
villagers, and for over half a century has held their confi
dcnci and esteem.
We furnish the CITIZEN and N. Y. Weekly Tribune
Address all order* to The Citizen.
Write your name anil add teas on a postal card, bend it fo V. Best, Tribune
miilding, New York City, and a •auipl* copv of Tun Nrw \-»K wbkki,Y
Tbibunß will be ta%ilcd to you