| Holiday Announcement. \ 5j holiday presents for everybody. J S the best of everything for Christmas. \ jj A thoroughly first-class stock combining || V We are showing a fine assortment and a variety | novelty, quali- if V to suit all tastes in staple ami fancy Dry Goods, - flr Dress goods, Fancy Goods, I-ine Art (»oods, . and plfi- ? 2 Ladies', Misses' and Children's Wraps, Purs, ty ailU r W Collarettes and Capes. Children's Fur Sets ... ? i from *t to 93.75. I/"lies' Fine Embroidered ganCe. Wlt h fl R Handkerchiefs from 5 cents to 50 cents each. —-—-—— 5 A One hundred dozen special value Fine Swiss nr j rp - cfrjptlv fl R Emdroidered Handkerchiefs for 10 cents, real priuea Sllimiy T ■ value 20 cents. Handkerchief and Glo\e _ fl R Boxes. Nectie Cases, Leather Cuff and Collar fair and With* ■ Boxes, Jewel Boxes, Photo Holders; a fine line ■ f O of Dolls. We offer a great Variety of appropn- j n +hp rpaph of M 0 ate presents for ladies, gentlemen and children. m tne reaCll Ul I 5 While we cannot describe or enumerate our t (P ariety of elegant attractions, we are very glad a || flgyy jg J V to show them to all visitors. We claim for our • | R stock general excellence, great variety and ? reasonable prices. Whatever your wants may the time tO | Rbe we can meet them with beautiful and also ————— £ A useful selections. , { R We solicit a comparison of goods and prices, l)Uy. _ • knowing youwill find our Holiday line the J R best and cheapest, 1 Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman, j 5 N. B. Sole Agent For Standard Patterns Assignee Sale. Having been appointed assignee for the benefit of creditors of D. A B ck Sutler Pa., I supposed it would take at least one year to close out tLio iuiuiense stock, but owing to the way the goods are going out it will not take more than three months more to close out the entire stock. e still have a quantity of children's suits, ages from 4 to 10 years-good heavy cassimers, former prices from $4 to SB, which we will sell at what you would have to pay for satinet or shody suits, *1.75 to J2.50 per suit satinets from 50c to SI.OO. Children's and Boys' overcoats from ages 4to 20, former price from $4 to sl2, now from f. to fS. Young men s suits for ages 15 to 20 years many of them at less than half price—also shirts, ties collars, cuffs, gloves, mittens, a full line of underwear from the cheap est to the best makes-men's and boys' sweaters-cordivan jackets, men s bovs and children's pants, children's astrachan reefers only $2.50, sell everywhere at £4.00; Beaver and chincliilli reefers from *1.50 to *2.00- watches, chains, rings, pins, umbrellas, trunks, valise's, hosiery, combs, brushes ami a variety of notions for Christmas presents. As I expect to close out this entire stock within the next 90 days I gtve notice to all pei sons knowing themselves indebted to said D. A. Heck to call and settle the same at once as after Febuary 1, 1898, the looks will be left with my at torney for collection with cost and interest as the books must be settled as soon as the goods are closed out. If you wish to avail yourself of the many bargains offered, CALL SOON. L. M. Cochran, assignee. 1 CHRISTMAS ! will soon be here, [ And we are prepared to furnish you with all the choice £ delicacies of the season, and REMEMBER f | "if you get it at the Butler Produce it's fresh." | j> The Butler Produce Co., j ![ 130 W. Jefferson Sf Q I MOORE, PrOp'r. $ * Butler, Co., Pa. r £ - Order Your Xmas Turkey Early ——— >OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP^ IVERY IMPORTANT EVENT j; IN MILLINERY SELLING! I We have secured a large quanity of MILLINERY goods < at just one-third and one-half of their regular price. > I . We can give you 25c black wings for 10: per pair; 50 and 75c ' ' Aigretts for 25c; 25c A'gretts for 15c; $1.25 and < > $1.50 hats for 79 cents. | | Sale will begin NOVEMBER 29th, and continue while the goods last. First comers get the best. MARKS', [ 108 S. Main St., one door South i # «f Butler Savings Bank. * |FREE! FREE!! £ OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. 5 I? This handsome cut glass decanter filled with fine wine and a \ beautiful calendar in colors for 1898. will be presented to every \ 4 purchaser, during the holidays, no matter what the amount. This W offer Is made to make you more familiar with us and our goods. 3 ? Ir~il If you want to sur- J £ OUR prise your friend with \ ? MOTTO m 1 a Xmas M let us * J 7 11 have Ihe order and wa V 3 IS & -j will ship It for you, $ £ FAIR PURE 2 DEALINGS LIQUORS, i > TO OUR PRICE. \ Grandfather's EVERYONE Choice ~ a « 00i > ETcniunc straight whiskey, 5 OUR Finch, Overholt. CL C SZS 'Vtf ISOT Large. Gibson. 5 | goods , .... |J§|& S N CUARAN- I 3& x r or riSWffi: } > TEED Write for our \ 5 PURE. price ,ist of C :■ wi"2S. etc. £ W Expreaaago we prepay on orders of $5 00 or ovor. J All gooda securely boxed, packed and shipped promptly. $™T Robt. Lewin & Co., SEE | 5 411 Water St., Opp. B. &0. Depot. PITTSBURG, PA. J Subscribe for the "CITIZEN." The story is told of a young married w. nan. who asked another younsr married woman how she managed to get along so amicably with her husband. The answer was, " I feed the brute—his stomach with food and his mind with flatten.*." Kven a man will have to admit that this young; wo man had solved about two thirds of the art of making the average man happy. The other third consists of keeping his body in such condition that he will enjoy his food and his mind in such condition that he will be susceptible to flattery. It isn't much u>e to put tempting food before a man who hasn't an appetite. It doesn't pay to lavish smiles on a man whose nerves are racked and overworked. The average man pays very little attention to his health, and won't take medicine of his own accord until he is flat on his back. A shrewd wife will keep an eye on her liti-i --band's welfare in this respect, and when she sees that he is bilious or suffering from indigestion, or is generally out of sorts, will see that he resorts to that most wonderful of all invigorators, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It is the best of all appetite - sharpeners, blood - makers and flesh-builders. It corrects all disorders of the digestion and makes the liver active and "the blood pure. It tones the nerves and cures all cases of nervous exhaustion and prostration. It cures 9S per cent, of nil cases of consumption, bronchial, throat kindred ailments. Medicine dealers sell U. Mrs. Rebecca F. Gari!n»r, of Grafton. York Co.. Va.. writes: " I was so sick with dyspepsia that I cou'.d not eat anything for over four months. I thought I was e"ing to die. I weighed oalv Pa pounds I took two bottles of thr • Golden Med ical Discovery.' lam now as well as ever and weigh 125 pounds." For constipation Dr. Pierce's Pellets. HUMPHREYS' No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Infants' Diseasea No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 8 " Neuralgia. No. 9 Cures Headache. No. IO " Dyspepsia. No. 1 1 Delayed Periods No. 12 " Leuchorrea. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. IB Cures Rheumatism. No. 16 " Malaria. No. 20 " Whooping Cough No. 27 " Kidney Diseases No. 30 " Urinary Diseases No. 77 " Colds and Grip. Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price, 25c., or 5 for sl. DR. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC MANUAI. OF DISEASES MAILED FREE. Humphreys' Med. Co.. 11l William St, N. Y. THE DANGER to which the Expectant Mother is exposed and the foreboding and dread with which she looks for ward to the hour of woman's severest trial is appreciated by but few. All effort should be made to smooth these rugged places in life's pathway for her, ere she presses to her bosom her babe. MOTHER'S FRIEND allays Nervousness, and so assists Nature that the change goes for ward in an easy manner, without such violent protest in the way of Nausea, Headache, Etc. Gloomy forebodings yield to cheerful and hopeful anticipations —she passes through the ordeal quickly and without pain—is left strong and vigorous and enabled to joyously perform the high and holy duties now devolved upon her. Safety to life of both is assured by the use of " Mother's Friend," and the time of recovery shortened. "I know one lady, the mother of three children, who suffered greatly in the birth of each, who obtained a bottle of 'Mother's Friend' of nie before her fourth confinement, and was relieved quickly and easily. All agree that their labor was shorter and less painful." JOHN G. Polhill, Macon, Ga. 81.00 PER BOTTLE atall Drugstores, or sent by express on receipt of price. Containing invaluable information of 'rjjyjr interest to al! women, will be sent to FREE any addrtsj upon application, by THC B3ADFIELO REO'JLH T OHCO., ATLANTA, GA* PRDIELIHE TRADE-MARK RCG!6TCRC9. THE IDEAL LAXATIVE AND CURE FOR CONSTIPATION. AS PLEASANT AS HONEY AND SURE CURH FOR Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Stomach Troubles, Bowel Disorders, Lfvei Diseases, Irregularity, Kidney Troubles, Headache, Fevers, Sick Stomach, Skin and Blood Disorders, Thick and Sallow Complexion, AND VERY MANY OTHER DISEASES ANi) COMPLICATIONS DUE TO AN INACTIVE STATE OR THC BOWELS. PRUNELINE is the safest and surest cathartic and aperient one can use. It thoroughly cleanses without griping:, purifies the blood and removes all waste from the system. It does away with Castor Oil, Salts, Blue Mass and all other nauseous purgatives. It tones and energizes all the great or gans of the system. It is free from all harshly acting drugs, and is always cafe, always ready, always re'iable. XEEJ- tME HEAO COOU, THE FEET WARM AND THE BOWELS USING PRUNELIME FOR THE LATTtR PURPOSE. PRUNELINE IS THL PERFECT FAMILY MEDICINE. SOLD BY ALL OEAICRS. or sent on receipt of 50 cents to any address BY Wiclcclmann & Brown Drug Co. SOLE PROPRIETORS, BALTIMORE. MD., U. S. A. TAFTS PHrLA"DEL*7T IA "HF~aEdB —DENTAL ROOMS.-- fa] '• ' 39 - sth Ave., Pittsburg. Pa. St SI •SySSeH Wo , rcpRACTICA , .LYl Wagon Tracks on Country Hoads. It is the narrow tires of heavy farm and freight wagons that do the most serious damage to country roads, especially during or after heavy rains, or while the frost is coming out of the ground in the spring, a single wagon track, but slightly depressed below the surface, forms a channel in which the water will stand on its level and down which it will run on the hills, soften ing or cutting out the material of the roadwaj . and preparing a way for the traffic to grind out a couple of deep and unsightly ruts. These results are seen at their worst in a country where the soil is alluvial or clayey; but in any country and on any road except a first class macadam the destruction of the surface by formation of ruts is only a question of time. The adoption of 1 roid tired wagons, and care in filling the ruts, would mitigate the evil; but as things go to-day in most country districts, these remedies are' conspicuous by their absence. The United States Department of Agriculture is carrying ont experi ments with a view to saving country roads from this quick deterioration. The device consists of laying down in the center of the road two flat steel tracks to the gage of the average farm wagons. The steel rails, for they are nothing less, are to be 7-16 inch thick and an inverted trough shape. They will be bedded in grav el laid in trenches, and they will be tied together at the joints and in the middle. On all hills the rails will be slightly corru gated or roughened to enable horses to tike a good foothold. In addition to the durability of a road made on these lines, 'it is claimed that such a road would reduce the- tractive resistance from forty pounds per ton on a macadam surface to eight pounds per ton on the trough rails. It is estimated that the cost of the rails and fittings for a short stretch of road will be at the rate of about $3,500 per mile; though a line several;miles in length could be built for about £2.000 per mile. This estimate is for a track which would weigh abont 100 tons per mile: a track for lighter traffic, weigh ing about fifty tons per mile, could be built for half the above named sum. These figures represent the cost of ma terial only, the grading and track lay ing not being included. As regards the value of such a road, there may be some districts where its construction and maintenance would be more economical that of a first-class macadam, but we doubt whether it would prove to be so in cases where the materials of macadam construction are within easy reach As regards the increased hauling capacity of the steel tracked road, there is no doubt that it would be greatly increased, through scarcely, we imagine, to the extent five hundred per cent—claimed by the of the system.—Scientific American. Port (irapc Wine tor the Sirk We cun confidently recommend Speer's Port Grape Wine a superior article of wine for the sick and debilitated. The vineyards and cellars are at Pas saic, N. J." —Medical Review. No brandy is tetter than Speer's Climax', of INTO. Oil, Tln-sc Women! We have all along doubted the suc cess of women in politics, and now have fresh reason to believe them insin ce: e while running for office. If they prove winners one may not feel safe, as there is no knowing what they are up to "then. At a late election at Tekamah, Xeb., there were only two candidates in the field for Snperintendant of Schools. One of them belonging to the sex com monly called fair. The other was a mere man. lie was a Republican; she was a Pop. It was a lively campaign. The wo man kept the lead. The odds were on her to the tune of ab.iut 5 to 1. Bat all bets were declared off before the populace went to the polls. On the eve of election, when it was too late to put up another candidate, the woman withdrew. The man was virtually elected by default. Then—greatest perfidy of all the two were married! So it goes. Why throw away your money for every new cough syrup, when you can buy that standard remedy Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup? Horse owner's would do we 1 ! to re member that their horses should 1* blanketed when allowed to stand out in the cold weather for any length of time. There is a disposition everywhere to en force th<> humane law in this regard. THE remedies put ip bj the I Cure U Co., L't'd., No., 106 Centre Ave., are first class, and give excellent satisfaction. Sold by every Druggist in Butler Coun ty. Here are some pointed paragraphs: Some headaches are natural and some are acquired. It takes three to make a pair—counting in the clergyman. At 40 a -man wishes that he knew what' he thouglit he knew at 20 Spinsterhood in often the flirt's punishment for contempt oc court. A mileage book is so interesting that the traveler is always sorry when he reaches the last page: When we say that wisdom is better than wisdom is better than rk-lies we always mean our wisdom and other people's riches. Bad news and a soft-boiled egg should always be broken gently, otherwise you are aj>t to make a mess of it. HEADACHE Powders—lt you use any use a good one. Ask your Druggist l'or Armstrong's (I Cure I') Headache Pow ders. The way to choose wives Is the same as for knives; It is—idem semper— Be, sure of their temper. ARMSTRONG'S; Little System Pills are fine. A true Liver Pill.— 25c. if a small bottle of Shaker Digestive Cordial does you no good, don't buy a long one. "Proye all things; hold fast that which is good," It's not good for every body, only for the thin, pale, sick, weak and weary For those who are starving for want of digested food. For those who cannot get fat or strong, because their stomachs do not work as they uUght [ to. There are the people, millions of them whom Shaker Digestive Cordial will cure. 1 Food makes strength, muscle, brain, blood, energy after it is digested. If | not digested, it will do no good at all. j Shaker Digestive Cordial helps your I stomach to digest your food and cures j indigestion permanently. When you've | tried a small bottle, you can tell, j Sold by druggists Trial bottle 10 ' cents, i ' Some people would get along a great j deal faster if they didn't lose so much j time in telling other people how very smart they are. KEEP I Cure I* in the home. It is an ' nstant relief in case of sudden pain cholera-Morbus, Croup, Sprains, Bruises toothache &c—A sk your Druggist. Colleges, Clinrclies and Politics Froin ocean to ocean the land is dot ted with colleges and universities, the foundations whereof were laid in faith ami self-sacrifice. To day yonth sets forth to stndy in one of them. Do his parents know what he will believe when he graduates? Can they guess what his ideal will be then? So: and that helps to explain the look of anxiety they wear at the parting. He may return believ ing that the triumph of believing is to believe nothing. His ideal of life may be to stride before the multitude in pad ded breeches, with a shield on his nos\ a ball under his arm, and be pictured so in the newspapers. Or it may be to put on a white vest and apron and go be hind the bar. where tips can easily be had, and. properly used, be productive of much money. Is it not so? From ocean to ocean the land is dot ted with churches, and the richest of them, those with amplest resources, are abandoning the field which most de mands their service to the Salvation army, to the American Volunteers, to this and that and the other more or less responsible or irresponsible organization willing to enter it. Now and then the preacher of a costly church leaves be hind him the luxuries of worship and rents a hall, that he may ' reach the masses.'' who listen to him out of curi osity, after which he goes his way. and they go theirs. In politics we adopt one policy at one election, and at the next we see it over thrown. To-day we are all enthusiasm for a cause; tomorrow perhaps we shall despise it. To-day we glorify a man as the soul of patriotism, and to-morrow we denounce him. What do we see? Nothing. "We look for light, but be hold darkness; for brightness, but we walk in obscurity. We grope for the wall like the blind, yea we grope as they that have no eyes: we stumble at noonday as in the twilight." Can any man of sense make head or tail of the principle according to which thousands and tens of thousands of ballots were cast last election? He cannot. Thev who cast them were like sheep gone astrav, or like the man in Atlanta, were following the creatares of their imagin ation. —News. For Singers, an IS fleet ive Cure for Colds. Old Aunt iiachael, the well known nurse of Holland descent, has gotten up for some New York physicians, accord ing to their prescribed formula, a com bination of Horehound, Elecampane, Grape Juice and Rock Candy, that is doing wonders in the cure of coughs, colds and sore throat. It is put up in 25 and 75 cent sizes. Public speakers should carry a bottle in their pocket. Sold by druggists. That woman is a clever swindler," said the city detective, "and she is a dangerous woman because she is so sly. If I am not mistaken she is the origina tor of what is called the 'crock trick, which was so often played on the farm ers in market. This was her method of operating: She would go to market with a basket and a crock, the bottom of the crock having been removed, and purchase butter. The butter dealer would be requested to put the butter in the crock while it was in the basket, and after he did so the woman would place a cloth over the crock. Then she wouid make the request that she be al lowed to place the crock under the stall, and when she came back she would get and pay for the butter. Of course the dealer always assented and the woman would lift the crock out of the basket, the butter remaining, and carefully stow away the empty crock under the stall. And she never went back. When the dealer discovered that the crock was bottomless and he had been swindled he generally came down upon us with his tale of woe. and it was a long time before we caught on to the woman. But she is keeping very quiet now." That was a pretty clever swin dle, but it is too old to be worked at this late day. The proprietors of Salvation Oil will l>ay a large reward, if any certificate published by them is not found genu ine. When a girl falls in love she begins to doubt whether the angels have just such a good time after all. HOOO'C f-M.LS cvi-c Liver tns, mi iousn3ss, Jntiifjcst.on, Headache. Easy to take, e«sy to operate 25c Some men tell their wives everything that happens, while many men go much farther and tell them a number of tilings that never happen. Breathing impure air causes impure blood. Clear your system by taking Hood's sarsaparilla. It will soon be in order for some per sons to "turn over a new leaf," and shortly afterwards to forget all about the "turning." RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in I to } days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the causes and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Redic, and J. I". B-ilph Druggists Butler \pr q6 Do You 3j£- Know That John R. Grieb is selling out to quit business. It is a fact and no fake. All goods at cost and many under cost. Watches. Jewelery, Clocks. Silver-ware. Spectacles. Pianos. Organs. Musical Goods. and the store fixtures arc for sale, and the room for rent, with possession on April Ist. This is in time for HOLIDAY PRESENTS, | and I promise all my old an well as my new customers special bargains. ! Come and set* me at I 118 S. Main St. cn ifCD ftXLE rnjuilll GREASE BEST IN TUB WORLD. ita wearing qualities firf unsurpassed, actu&ny outlasting two boxes of any other brand. Not »*rctcens and elcar.scs the naMl jmssanes, allays pain and inflammation, heals'the gores, pro tects the membrai e from colli-*, es the senses of taste and rmell. Price «<)c. at Dmscistaorby mail. ELY ISKU'I UKKS, 5u Warren Street, Hew York. C. EX A LOVER OF GOOD HATS Can surety tin J Ins every desire satisfied in our Spring 1597 stock, which con tains all the shapes, colors and qualities most admired by connoisseurs. We have no fancy prices', but merely value for val'ie WE TREAT Furnishing Goods in the same manner, buying the best and selling as low as ms'iy charge for inferior goods. We are always glad to show visitors our goods. Call And See Us. COLBERT & DALE, 242 a. MAIN ST. BUTLER, PA L. C. WICK, DEALER^IN Rough £ Worked Lumber OF ALL KINDS. Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always in Stock. LIME, H \IR AND PLASTER Office opposite P. & W. Depot. BUTLER. PA, PURE RYE WHISKY. -FACTS | I'riri- according to use. 52.00. 52.2.V 5!..">0. £IOO. 83.">0. SI.OO. fl.r>o. V..00, $6.50. California Wines. ">c t051.50 per gal. Send for full price list. A. ANDRIESSEN. 188 Federal St. Allegheny, Pa. WNTliii For all BILIOUS and Nnsvoos 2pg g 3S 3 DISHASCS. They pur fy the 0 3 EB Blood and give llaALTiiv BT JJ B B action to the entire system, to ■ Cure DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, CONSTJPATIOK and PIMPLES. Gives a specialized Bread- winning Education. FOR CIRCULARS ARfLV TO P. DUFF & SONS. 244 Fifth Avenue, fITTSBVftG, f'-\. Subscribe lor the Citizim. i b. e d(y*civ#»d by aTlurlnir advertisement# and • : "'i caa ;rrt the b«»t made, finest fin tub and •f'.osr POPULAR SEWING MACHINS "ontr. teny from reliable manufacturer* i A rf>fiutati«>u by hon«**t ami pquax** 1 f t«* 1* nnn»- in the world that ran <-quaJ 1! *•<<»r:>«truction, durability of working .'•f Inlnh. beauty In appoarance, or )•.»« • '.nuntsa3 the NEW HOME. tIXAS,Tu_\£. TiL. A71.-OTA,(JA. fOH xAL'J ev J. B. McDEVITT Dtalei in Sewing Machioes, Piauoii and Org»na--ne?t door to V. M. C. A. bnild inp—Rr.tler Pn. Buy the light-running, Xewr Home, sewing machine, purfnet satis!acti->n fiuar anieed, never ir«U ont «>f ortler. RE VIVO tBSOUU 30lh DAT FRENCH REMEDY produces the above results in days. It acts powerfully and quioklv. <'urvs wuen all others fail. Young men v.ill regain tluir lost iraniiood, aucfrolu men will rocovertueir vouth.'ul vigor by uslnjr HEVIVO. It quick ly and surely restores Nervousness. Lost vitality. Lost Power, Failing Memory, past ing Disease, and all effects of excess aid in discretion. which unfits one for study, busi ness or marriage. It not only cures by starting at the >«-at of disease, but is a great nerve tonic and blood builder, bringing back t li«' pink glow to pale checks and restoring the tire of youth. It wards off Insanity and OuiMimntfon- Insist on having RKVIVO, no other. It can be carried in vest pocket By mail. *I.OO per package, or Mx for ».00, with a positive written guarantee to cure or re fund the rnonev. Circular free. Address ItoYAL MEI>K INF CO., CHICAGO. ILL. For Sale by liEIHUCK & liKOIIMANN. .roosts \a Fn*lUb IMamm-C Rra«t& ENNVROm PIU.S Ct k T:'' A /"<( Draul IHwOI . ffjW Wj jffVA I an.l 111 Kr4 aul ■<' iralnd with l»!ur rtMwm Take M Y n o other K'f"* ▼ 1 L y/ln rta-Jipa 1-* r .rtuuiar. • ■ ll uoaW» "KrUrf for U.I«o« ' r hyrrtmrm v JL" ii-'L * • - a -Vj'^Zr JW4 ar »J pr- f j ?0u L'AiS r INDVA^R '. i I'ittsb: R'iU rt »'.e A' 1 " rti-it» .ud ■& EEJHW QT01? I W - wUi TV. tw wl.Mticin* wt > 'll i 1 I HOLIDAY OPENING -*• :: OF THE TOY DEPARTMENT. I WE HAVE al *aj- enjoyed the repuUtion of having V THE BEST DISPLAY to 1* found in the city, and this year we sutpass all other vears. 4 > MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN are all ivited X to inspect our DISPLAY OF CHRISTMAS TOYS. ! ! In any other department you will find Christmas presents i ► to suit all—old and young. 1 . If there is anything you want put aside, SAY SO, an< l i i we will hold it for vou until called for. D. T. PAPE, ! 1 122 S. Main St. Butler. Pa. < 1 >00000000000<^000000000<>00< T. H. BURTON. * T. H BURTON. |STYLE,f Styie is Everything Now-a-days we atc B laJ that it appertains to every article in our stock, for correctness elegance are snre concomitants to artistic development. It Costs Yon no More to be in Harmony Willi The Best Expressed Styles of Tbe Season. Than to Constitute "A BACK NUMBER." t B „Kl l^ ln8 "".J'thing and everything irresponsible dealers may offer you This es !2££*f « ion win tratT !° ***' Up with the ti,UeS anil >°' u ; ' re oi tliat basis >i>ur»e.. it you will trust us to serve you. T. H. BURTON. 20 SOUTH MAIN ST.. BUTLER. PA. -AWHILE YOU ARE WAITING l-or your prescription don't fall to look over our line of perfumes, we have fe- ./ ceived some very fine ones lately, arc , • will be pleased to have you examine ■ ;./J, i • hem. JWTI-vx. ' * . i/i' I, I Iv V~w~ \\ e also have a very la.'eassortm n. * ■ of too'.h brushes made expressly for us ' \ ~~ • wb>. h bear our stamp, these brushes vNw' Y> we guirantee and request the return of -:ythit prove unsatisfactory ■ Vou may nee JS A Pleasure Drive i is not a pleasure drive unless the buggy • luxurious and easy running. X No. 2 Road j Fredonia Buggies j • are the kind for your pleasure drives. They have the strength • • to last. Your dealer sells them. Insist that he sell thein to you. • f Made by THE FREDONIA MFG. CO.. Youn§:stown, Ohio | vac? -» .1 • j| | This Crystal Glass Decanter fillet with ;t line Sweet Malaga I I Wine with every purchase- of Si.oo and ever from December 10th to Jauuary ist, 1898. The value, of the /'■, ;/"k Expressage paid | wine alone is f/\ 1 011 all ■ oiidehs of a worth SI.OO, and f>. , V /,j §5.00 and over, the decanter will y\ Make your own I prove an ornament \\ ft selection, and we a to any sideboard. W-> will pack in a plain 3 We know yo»i will yr ~rj lx>x, . want some liquors j | INCLUDING | for the holidays. —rr THE S i will furnish i, 1 you with the 111 ' ' J and deliver at your | and Cordials in the jMj' Six Quarts i and upwards per Let 11s have your jj MAX KLEIN, WHOLESALE LIQUORS, I" Expreasage Paid on all Orders of $5.00 and Over. | 82 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY, PA. | PKicr » I%T 3r*j* « s:. ■HIM ii'iiin 1 n ~ ... i--s ST BORN SEPTEMBER 18, T T~ i \ «- v 1841. For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the United States IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosp rity ami happiness, for the improvement of their business and lr ;ne interests, for education, for the elevation of American manhood and true womanhood. IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and* instructive stories of the doings of the world, the nation and states. IT HAS advised the farmer as to the must approved methods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and the proper time to convert them into the largest possible amount of money. IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to the welfare of farmers and villagers, and for over half a century has held tlieir confi dence and esteem. ■ 1.. 1 ' 1 ■■■■ -w—— We furnish the CITIZEN and N. Y. Weekly 1 ribune FOR si.so PER YEAR. CASH IN ADVANCE. Address all orders to The Citizen. ' Write your name and address on a postal card, send it ro Geo. W. Bc ® t > Building, New York City, and a sauiple copv of Thr Nrw \ jkk i»kki.\ J Vkiui'NK will be mailed to you