Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 09, 1897, Image 5
. %%%%%%%%%%%% [CHRISTMAS ® | J / —— - will soon be here, J > And we arc prepared to furnish you with all the choice # delicacies of the season, and REMEMBER 5 "if you get it at the Butler Produce it's fresh.' J | The Butler Produce Co.. J 130 W. Jefferson St C. L. MOORE, Prop'r. \ J Butler, Co., Pa. + Order Your Xmas Turkey Early OUT IN THE COLD! Take Them an They Run and you'll not find a stock in Butler that will average up like this one. We haven't been in this business all these years without having learned where the good shoe makers reside. We've located pretty nearly all the good ones and we got about the best things they produce, always paying a fair but close price for all we purchase. Will Find Our i >— —«.r— ——<0 C Stock is in harmony with up-to-date f | i, jl. | I j J&k ! ) C GIRLS can now get heavv shoes J f. U ) 1 • , 1 but neat and trim in appeirance and C '-** i ( ! ■ ' C fashioned on same lasts as our fine / (*] '- 1 -- — ~ » shoes. P \ Shoes For Well Dressed J </ J~ w f Men and Women who want to be \ / Pressed and who wish to begin J ! il '■>{ ' / t at th? foundation. These are the I /!II f, V kind of shoes we want to show you. f J'.' ) %As for price the same old hfrd times f -—/ C schedule holds good. \ S Men's and Women's j S heavy shoes that we willl warrant in |^BBE r W S °H°o L E S ßo °ai?d Ladies Wfariri LiqedShoes Felt and Leather Soles for Tender Feet. Now that Fall has come, we can't go barefooted any longer. We wear shoes from the time we are up until we retire, and some people—men—have been known to wear thrm to bed. That's probably when the shoes are tight. All our shoes are prohibitionists. Butte's leading T) n UITCCI TAW °M' Shoe House D•v* • IIU 3 EL, 1UI" Hotel Lowry. a T ] i "Service" si p 1 H ; School | i Shoes. | * \ TneyrTTße Best """" &1 i Shoes on Earth! j k L J i This is a bold statement to make but we nonestly and con- 1 1 ► scientiously know it's the truth. Your children, like all « < children, are hard on shoes. We have given special atten- J ► tion to having produced a line of school shoes, whose superi- m i ority to any line heretofore offered no one can dispute. They ► ► are made of best Oil Grain or Calf. Have rawhide or copper i r i tips. Only best sole leather is used in their construction. ► 1 A. BUFF & SON. £ < ► \ LEADERS IN LOW PRICES. ! L J BUTLER, PENNA.^, >oooooooooooo<ii>oc<>ooo^oooo^ [ A VERY IMPORTANT EVENT $ I IN MILLINERY SELLING! X ( > We have secured a larpe quanitv of MILLINERY good* A , at just one-third and one-half of their regular price. ' We can give you 25c black wings for 10: per pair; 50 and 75c w < > Aigretts for 25c; 25c A'gretts for 15c; $1.25 and O < $ 1.50 hats for 79 cents. A , , Sale will begin NOVEMBER 29th, and continue X > while the goods last. First comers get the best. X :: MARKS', | ' * 108 S. Main St., one door South V of Eutler Savings Rank. FREES FREEIS OUR SPECiAL HOLIDAY OFFFIR. > This handsome cut L'lass decanter filled with fine wine and a beautiful calendar in colors for 1898. will te presented to every purchaser, during the holidays, no matter what the amount. This £ C offer is made to make you more familiar with us and our goods. ? -> If you want to sur- £ £ OUR ~ ' prise your fiend with ? MOTTO I 1 2 Xmas gift, let us £ 4 I hava tiie order and W3 3 IS KT~ "1 Kill shi; it tor you, £ FAIR £_J, PUKE 2 DEALINGS WM\LIQUORS. i > to Mmk OUK |,RICE \ \ Grandfather's EVERYONE "" Choice a * ood - cfcnivnc ,< K -V* straight whiskey, £ K - 3 years old. per > 3 r V/ 'z \ gal.. $2.00. <* OUR rvf \ V Finch, Overholt. V kV i 7 "IW-Large. Gibson. S J GOODS eCS % !l Mt. Vernon. * J 0W"~4 ' • "wint Guckenheimer. t S ««***"- f£l% VfPiSVff!: ) £ TEED Write for our % 1 PURE. P r ' ce lis l of > wines, etc. £ m Exprassage we prepay on orders of $5 OO or over. • £ All goods securely boxed, packed and shipped promptly. S 7, h r Robt. Lewin & Co., SSf ? THE HURRYING FEET OF WOMEN at the new-born inf.int's cry. te'.N the *torv of woman's sympathy for her sister-woman. If women would only spread '.he medical gospel, that a woman is unfitted f>r wife hood and motherhood as Ion?: i she -uffers from weakness or disease of the distinctly . womanly organism, there would be less . necessity for the sisterly sympathy th.it a | woman receives when she is in the throes ! of child-bearir.fr j A woman who is thoroughly stronjr ami healthy in a womanly way ha~ to suffer ! comparatively little pain and sickn-ss when ■ she becomes a mother. Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription acts directly on t'.ie delicate and important orpins that bear the bur'lt-ns of maternity and gives them health, and elasticity. It allays *'iama tion. heals ulceration and - • ihe-- banishes the discomforts of the faint hearted period and makes babv'- advent easy and almost painles-. It insures tue newcomer's health. Over 90.000 women I have testified to its marvelous merits and ' many of them hive permitted tli- ir expen ences, names, addresses and photographs ! to be printed in Dr. Pierce's Common S use i Medical Adv: er. so that other wonitn may j learn of this wonderful medicine. Good medicine dealers it. I "I am now real well." writes Mrs. I.illie Hib ' bard of Merrill. Lincoln Co.. Wis. I have been doing my own hju- work, including washing I and ironinc I har.ll>' ever 'eet the p.im iii rny j side unle-« I lift hard. I took l.jur tKjttle- of Dr. Pierce- Favorite Prescription, one of 'CluMen Medical Discovery' and two bottles of 'FtesaUit Pellets I have not been t king any udicine for over two months. Thi is the first time I have I been well enough to do Jay work for over three years Your medicine is all that helped tne." Send 21 one-cent stamps, to cover cost of mailing only, for a paper - covered copy of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical j Adviser. Cloth binding, 10 cents extra, i Address Dr. R. V Pierce Buffilo. N' V It is the most popular meJ:. ' work in the English langui- ; it o ".a:- a ti.ousand and eight pages, and over three hundred illustrations. It i a great storehouse of valuable information a veritable medical library in one volume. "^HUMPHREYS 7 SPECIFICS 500 PAGE BOOK MAILED FREE. CONTENTS : Part I. Diseases of Houses. Part ll.—Diseases of Cattle. Part 111.—Diseases 0} Sheep. Part IV. —Diseases of Hogs. Part V. Diseases of Dogs. Part Vl.—Diseases of Poultry. Same book in better binding SO ct3. lit xriiui.l V3IED. CO., Cor. William A 4ohn SU., Vw York NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAL WEAKNESS and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only successful remedy. $1 per vial,or 5 viala and large- vial powder,for $5 Fold by Drocftali, or tent (xiitptM on receipt of t»rk«. ni'IPUBKIS' *KD. CO., Cor. tfiillaßi A lobaSU., sew Yovi of the Mother shapes the course of unborn generations—goes sounding through all the ages and enters the confines of Eternity. With *v hat care, there fore, should the Expectant Moth er be f :i;rded, and how great the effort be to ward off danger and make her life joyous and happy. MOTHER'S FRIEND o?x al 1 ays a! 1 Nc'vous "CSS, rc lievQS the il^che y=-f".k "w Camp s, h-'s t '■ M '- : i 1 X'- ; ZjifL Wli sea,and so 'are- system that Childbirth is made easy and the time of recovery short ened many say "stronger after than before confinement." It in sures Safety to life of both moth er and child. All who have used •* Mother's Friendsay they will nev er be without it again. No other remedy robs confinement of its pain "A customer wliotc wifo use«l 'Mother's Friend.' says that if she had to - » through tli • < r'leul apain, and there weic Lilt f«-:ir bottles t<* !»e obtained, ;:nd the cost was SlOOiX) jkt lx»ttle. he would have them/' GEO. LAYTON, Dayton, Ohio Sent by express, on receipt of price, fl.fjo PER BOTTLE. J'. ok to • i XFE< JTANT Mi OTH ERS" mailed free upon application, containing voluablo lriforiuattori and vuiuntarj THE BRAOFIELD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA.GA* SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS. LAMABEh o _ RHEDiATIC m LINIMENT. TRADE-MARK. Magical Pain Extractor. CURES RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHE, NEURALGIA, BACKACHE, LUMBAGO, CATARRH, AND ALL KINDS OF PAINS AND ACHES. j For nearly tlirce-scorc- years and ten [ this famous old hous ! .!■! friernl has | been curing pains and acli- s, md has I never disappointed th<: user. It is clean, pure, eliicaciou;, smeliiug and quit kly m linj. IT IS A | RICH. SPICY COivIFOUND AND INVALUACLU FOn CUTS, SCALDS, SO:;:-:, BURNS. ULCERS, WOUNDS, .-nvsiPELAb, SKJN Troublkc, Ctc., £tc. Price as Cents. *T DEALERS ANO DRUGGISTS, | RHitt Is oaantity of 3or mon 1 tees to lay address uu receipt oi money, by Winkclmann & Brown Druu Co. SOLE PROPRIETOHS, BALTIMORE, MD., -J £ *. | " riIkADCLt Hl'. »"• <>3 —DENTAL ROOMS.-- I*• .- jA ",9 - :th A'. J., Pittsbjig. r» ; . i •• PRACTICA* V ' ' • J ' CROWN QF.i'l Jt " ' * L\>- !"»"{ WHY ~OT DC fWYOURS? CROWN; . . V'i / h BRIDGE w, ' ,k ■l' H t - FF < TOOTH A!.■ • ih. 1, yi -j ' ' QNLV*g. S • 2ADY FOR AGENTS .■ 2 iii. "Following Tho Eouator" MAnK fcierf Mark Twain f s :\v, Journey Aruund The World. TWAIN'S |S NEW BUO'v ■ ITUII UUUii Wr f,, r ,| j; . .„ ~, Alt'iitiua I'aprr. Addrewi | EATON U MAINS. 1213 Filbert street, FhilaHi;lphi4. THE CITIZEN. Smrar ami Muscular K\<*rtit»ii. | It is ft fact well known to Alpine tonr that on difficult climbing essnrsions an increased desire is felt for the eonsnntp : tion of sweets and sweetened foods, and many who never touch snch things at home devour large quanities of them on these tonr- It is also frequently re inarkeel how eagerly the guides appro • priate any that may be left over . and consume it en route. At the insti of the Russian War Office, inves tigation.s have recently been made by means of a spei-ial apparatus into the ! j question whether the consumption of , | small ijuantities of sugar rendered the tired muscles capable of renewed i exertion. In order to obtain a practical ■ result, the person who was made the \ subject of the experiment was kept tot- ! ally ignorant of the object of the exper i imenters. On one day a sweet liquid ) was administered containing thirty: grammes of on the next day a similar liquid contaning a sufficent j amount of saccharin to render it indis 1 tinguishable from th j other as regarded ! taste. When a very large amount of ' muscular work his b?en preformed, it ' was found that a greater quintity of work could be got through on the days when the sugar was given then on the days when saccharin was given. The system had become very poor in sugar, in consequence of the severe muscular effort which had previously been gone throntrh. and hence the ad ministration of a comparatively small quantity of sugar had the effect of pro ducing an increased capability for work. Wonderful Malarial Hitter*. The recommendations of the best Chemists and M.'dicil Practitioners assure the public of the purity ..f Aunt Rachael's Malarial Bitters, the base of which is this wine, only made bitter by herbs and roots among which are Per uvian Bark.Chamomile Flowers, Snake Root, Ginser, etc. It is used daily by the Medical Faculity. Druggists sell the Bitters. lie (irdris tlicin from Cittslnirff. On the posts on one of the old l>eds in the Washington mansion at Mount Ver non are small glass knobs vith sockets drilled into them, which tit like spikes, but do not fasten on. It is perfectly natural for visitors to place their hands upon the knobs and those who do imme diately perceive that they can be token off. The next step is to slip them quiet, ly into the pocket and carry them away as reUcs of the sacred place. Although an attendant is employed to watch this room there are so many visitors that it is impossible for him to prevent svk-h pilfering, and the glass knobs have to be replaced two or three times a week during the busy season, -but that costs very little trouble and expense. A fac tory near Pittsburg turns them out for :> l cents a gross, and Mr. Dodge is in tiie habit of ordering a barrel of them every Spring. Among the recent applications is the me of a jet of air. instead of a jet of water, for cleansing. The cleaner turns on the air hose and with a moder ate press are all o* the dirt in clothes cirpets. upholstery, etc. can be blown away, and that without m a iibre 0 " the Hncs r fabric There have already b."-ii patented several pneumatic street sweejiers, and there appears to be no r ason 1 why they should not be ulti mately successful. To remove the painful consequences of imprudent eating, we suggest the us<* of l)r Bull's Pills. They cure indices tion. The veterinary department ot the University of Pennsylvania has recently fx-en experimenting with cattle under treatment for tuberculosis, and the re sults attained are said to encourage rea sonable hopes that a more successful treatment of consumption may be reached. It is possible that this minor department may win for the Univers ity even greater honor than the foot ball team that defeated Havard. TIIE remedies put op In the I Cure U Co., L'l'd., No., 106 Centre Ave., are first class, and n' ve excellent satisfaction. Sold by every Druggist in Butler Coun ty. i: pol l<•<! I>is<-o\ cry ol'Strontin 111. Thi' discovery of a large bed of stron .11 r ii at Put in Bay Island reported r'rom Toledo, has awakened a consider able amount or inlt rest among the tiltnnfactnrers o r fireworks, as it is thought likely that it will result in a • onsiderable re lu -tion in the price of 1 fire works iu which strontium ni t.Mte or strontium .u - bonate is used 1 Oaelarge manufaet.irer of fireworks in Xe;v York, who makes n:-e of about ole hundred aid fifty tons of stroll t'uiu nitrate in a y.- ir and imports the whole of it from Kurope. states that it c )st3 his lirm now about seven and a quarter tvuts a pound. If the stron t IJ 111 should be fo tn I in qu miti lies it would have the effect of lower ing the cost of certain classes of fire works, that is. all those thtt use a red or crhnsoa light. At prestot the sap ply c mies chiefly from Germany, and the American man ti'a nr-r li Hto pny 1 hixh price for it IlliADACIII". I'owders If you use any use a good one. Ask your for Armstrong's I Cure U) Headache I'ow ders. i)n the appro.i'-h of a thunder storm French fx-asants often make a very smoky fire s->ys industries and Iron, in the belief that tfety from lightning is thus assured. By some this is deemed a superstition, b it S.'hunter shows that the custom is based on reason, inas jiiueh as the srnoL acts us :: good con ductor for carrying t way the electric ity slowly and s JV.y lit- points i/iit that in l.lrtto caw a of damage by lii?ht nintf <l.:i churches :ind N.o mills have j '■i 11 struck while 11.1 nuniber of fac tory chimney« h:'s only been 0 KEKI' I Cure t? in the home. It is an nstant relief in ei'se of sudden pain ( holera-.Morl us, Croup, Sprains, Bruises, toothache &c~Ask jour druggist. A qtuf tion of linn "What o'clock? An lhiglisii firm getting ready to operate a silk and plush mill with five hundred l.\nds::l Patterhon, New Jer ' sey, a Welsh firm doubling the capac ! ity of the tin works at our neighboring ! town of Elwood City, and the manufac- ' ture of German plate Klass begun near ! Pittsburg on an extensive s;rale, all an , nounced within the past week, are indi | I cations of the way a Republican tariff bill has changed the condition of affairs ' from a year or two ago. when thiscoun try was sending abroad to foreign workmen the dollars we will now keep ' i at home for the same goods. RIIItUMAT ISM CrRED IN A f)AV. j | "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and : ! Neuralgia radically cures iii 1 to \ days. ( Its action upon the system i.- remarkable ; and mysterious. It removes at once the I causes and thi disease immediately dis-, j e.pj ears. The first dose greatly benefits; 175 cet ts. Sold by J. C. Redic, and J. I'. , 1 Ralph Druggist* Butler. \pr «/> J The lloly l.augli A remarkable religious revival is in progress in the country a few miles north of Brunswick. Ga.. in which a new featnre of religious enthnsiasui known as the "holy laugh" has been prominent. The meetings have been conducted in a large burn for several days by a tiayeling evangelist, and many of the converts has become so hysterical under the excitement that they give vent to a sound l>etween a bellow and a guffaw, which has been designated the "holy laugh." Several t>f the more excitable members went into trances and recently William Hickman, a young man. died after be ing rV. a cataleptic condition for 60 hoars Never in the history of that section has a religious demonstration | been attended with snch striking phys j ical accompaniments. In many instan ; ces the people become perfectly fren ' zied and when one breaks out in the j "holv laugh" it becomes infections and ; passes to others. The excitement is 90 , intense that all work has been aban | doned in the rural district surrounding ! for the time being, and the people flock ;to the meeting by hundreds. Some j opposition has ?prung up in the com munity against a continuance of the meeting, as it is feared th it others will die under the excitement. IK74> Climax Braixly. From gre.pe wine. has. by its extreme age and constant care while in uniform temperature and pure, sweet atmosphere of storage houses for fonrteen years, be come a rival of the Hennessy and other brands of Cognac Brandy, and much lower in price, and preferred by physi cian- of Philadelphia. New York and other cities. Buy it of druggists. Wliat (lie loser Could Do. A young la ly in Mnhlenbnrg county by the name of Miss Helen Hunt found a purse in church one Sunday morning recently and reported her find to the pastor, with the request that he report the finding of the pnrse and contents, and that it would be returned to its owner by applying to her. So the following Sunday the pastor made this announcement from the pulpit: ' Somob wly lost a purse here last Sun day evening, and if the owner wants the property he can go to Helen Hunt for it. Breathing impure air causes impure blood. Clear yonr system by taking Hood's yarsaparilla. Gov. Taylor, of Tennessee, the great est jollier in the country, made a spce "h in Texas a few days ago in which he remarked: "Texas is the biggest waffle on the griddle of North America. It is sweetened with tha honey of happiness pouring from the bunghole of prosperity and buttered with pure democracy." New remedies are being constantly introduced to the public, but Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup still inantains its pre emi nence. Among the stories that are probably old but never worn out, is that told recently 011 a minister at a campmeet ing in Florida. In beginning his dis course he said he had forgotten to bring his notes, and added: "I will' have to depend upon the Lord t\jr what j I say ti.i;; morning: this evening 1 will come better prepared. r. • Li > „ «• j. -j L i vor tris, ;c—>.. i ~t. „ii, He caciio. Easy to taXe, 3<tsv to oparsti, Übc A man was arrested at Trinidad, Col . Monday, for stealing a flock of :STI sheep. He drove them in the night, 15 miles, from a neighbor's ,ancli to railroad station, where he loaded them on etr.s. He was captured at Trinidad, where the train stopped, an 1 th 3 stolen sheep returned to their owner. ARMSTRONG'S I.ittle System Pills are fine. A true Liver HI!.— 25c. If strength is what you want, you should study what causes yon weak ness. It is practically lackxif food. But you eat three meals a day, and all you can eat at a time. Yes, but do yon digest itV Food undigested, is not food. It is not nourishment. 11 dosen't create strength. To digest your food take Shaker Di gestive Cordial at meals. After a while you will digest your food without it. Then yon will get jvell, and strong and healthy. Shaker Digestive Cordial cures indi gestion and all its symptons. snch as nausea, headache, eructations, pain in the stomach, giddiness, loss of appetite, etc. It makes yonr food nourish yon, and makes you strong and fat and hearty. Druggists sell it. Trial bottle 10 cents. Do V OLJ Know Tliat John R. Gricb is selling out to quit business. I t is a fact and no fake. AH go «.ls ;it cost and trriny under cost. Watches. Jewelery, Clocks. Silver-ware. Spectacles. Pianos, Organs. ivluslcal Goods, and liic store fixture.-; are sale, and the room for rent, with possession on April Ist. This is i.i time for HOLIDAY PRESENTS, and 1 p omii-e all my old a 1: well as my new customers special bargains. ■ Come-and see nu at 118 S. Main St. £L-.-,//£B AXLE nLtoa grease THE WOULD, Jtswrnrlur'i'mli'li-s&rpunimrpr.-Mfl. aitually outlast MJL-1 wu li,jx*-«i(any Ollkt nrand Not , tKedetl I OKTTH K ORNI'liUb 1 Fort 8AI.:: JiY fEALKB." oENKH.VL*.* Btt KEEPLR S SUPPLIES SUCH AS I lllvis, Smoki-rs. Ilrood I'rauiis. S«-.-t|<ins, : Scetloll Ikitt-N, lirood ami Surplus I-'ouudu ! lions. Tin- IK S. goods at the lowest possible i p'lct"- James B. Murphy. rwr Wi'hi Kud, liutlt*r. I'a. N« :ir Kam«*rer?i Ciniccry Ktori*. Advertiae in tbo CinzEN, J Mark Hanna, r ST"* - * x f •**,£- •--* 'it I ~j>r ' ■ ! J/;' v ,/"/j —y 1 'J.*.','/ _ cii—- ' ** May or may not be IT.l T . S. Senator i from Ohio, but Butlers Progressive j Shoe House is taking the lead in i Butler. If you doubt it investi gate the matter, ask any person 'not concerned," who is taking the lead in the shoe business at Butler, and nine out of ten an swers will be MILLER. Some Reasons For It and it is simply this, every day since we opened our doors, over four years ago, our constant aim has been to please the people by selling them good shoes at low prices, how well we have succeed ed our large and increasing trade speaks louder than words. Come to our Store. Wc Will -AVE YOU MONEY. Men's ki > boots tap sole.. ,$i 48 Boys' kip boots tap sole.. . 1 24 Me.:'s fine shoes lace orcong 98 Hoys' school shoes ... . 98 Ladies' kid shoes lace or button 98 Ladies' kang calf, batton.. 98 Misses' school -h .'e c 98 Childrens' slvu-s Rubber and Felt Boots where you will, price Felt and i:ubber Boots for man woman or child, then come to us and ue will save you money. Leather and Findings. Send f_>r price list. Repairing done quickiy. C. E MILLER. 215 S. Main St.. .Butler, Pa. CATARRH for a generous 10 CENT BAlWji TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Bate contains I'> cociWi-, F"j / in -;ury r/'r r.ny other injur iin*. *-• ■ *3 jlt Is qu.ckly Ahsoiii'.d. t "A —- j Civts K- -t atonco. | ■)*/ BE • r .- H£AD '■ Allays Infliunilioi' U *•-» lie.ils ami }"• -v - ti « Memiirane.. Uwlorra the ! St-: -es ot 'j'a-I-i an'l : mcll. !■ II Si-e suc.; Tr.at Blze 10c.; at Dnv.-.'-it*cr I y Tii iiL 5# Warren Street, Now lor*. C. Sv D. K LOVER OF GOOD HATS Can surely lin 1 Uisevery Uts:re satisfied in our Spring 1597 stock, which con tains all the shapes colors and quo itics most admired by connoisseurs. We have no fancy prices, but merely value for vale WE THE AT Furnishing Goods in 11. e same manrirr, buying the best and selling ss low vi ni;.*iy charge for iufeiior «oO;ls. We are always g'ad to show visitors anr goods Call And See Us. COLBERT & DALE, 242 S MWN ST BUTLER, PA ST. CIIARIES HOTEL WOOD STRKIiT and THIRD AVENUE, PITTSBURG, PA. Has been improved throughout with a view of catering to the comfort of its ( guests. Everything homelike. New j Furniture. New Carpets. New Dec orations. Mew MANAOEMKNT. Location Kliicsl In the City. Convenient 1.1 nil Hull rural Stations. Table Htrletly Flint-eliiss. Ru.es. and R. 50 per SI . CHAWLES HOTEL CO. IVsi i;ost:nrui.. L're>. <>. It. I'AIHK. Manager. J PURE RYE WHISKY. -FACTS , ! I'rli't! affording to aye. «..*>, ?i 00, !S:iSl.oo. SI. SO. JVOO, { fcYfiO. California WUit >. TV to 51..10 j per gal. Henil for full price list. j A. ANDRIESSEN. 188 Federal St. Allegheny, I'a. J WRIGHTS*j I Cor all BILIOUS and NERVOUS Rr-djl j| fl R the Eg* 111 M| I r.Looo anJ pivc HKALTUT W~ ■ : J action to the en:ire syriem. E O Curo DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, CONSTIPATIOK and PIMPLES. Gives n *j>ccinlueri Hrcnri■ winning Edmuti n. ! fOR Ct*CUI.A*S APPL Y »o I'. DUFF K- SOS'S. 244 Filth Aveaui. I'ITTSt'VRG. PA hubtcriLe lor tbo B, <v X » j the nicest holiday goods for less money that's the way we're g°' n & to do ! greater Christmas business this | year than ever before—we're pre | parcel for it—to make it pay you to buy here—complete holiday I store with hundreds and thous • ; ands of choice useful gift articles j —anJ a prompt, suremail order : department to fill your orders in j the niost satisfactory way. get our catalogue —sent by return of mail when you send your name and address —2OO pages —pictures and prices of silver novelties,dolls,, toys, mufflers, games, neckwear, §* novelties, umbrellas, books, gloves, cards, and almost no end of nice appro priate gifts for every one—large assortments to select from. Ladies' white hand kerchiefs—loo vari- I o.ls p^tteri.s—seal- j in i n loped, embroidered | I'tC —hemstitched, em- j- , broidered,-lace edge j eaCH. kinds you'd ex pect to be 15 to 25 c*_ 11 1 each. See what a nice umbrella we sell for a dollar. Now s the time to o e t ready lor Christmas. iioooS& J^lllll ALLEGHENY, PA. Wheeler & Wifson ISew No. 9 family Sewing Machine. Rotary Motion & Ball Bearings MAKE IT Easy Running, Quiet, Rapid and Durable. Sewing Machines for Family and i actory us»c, for all grades Ot Cloth and Leather. Speed and Durablity. Facti-ry and Office, Bridgeport, Connecticut, U. S. A. FOR SAI-E BY HENRY BIFfHL, DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Needles for all kinds of sewing machines, Boss Washing Machines, etc. N. MAIN ST. BUTLER PA. NJB. —Second-hand Sewing I Machines from $5.00 up. Sewing machines repaired. TIN WARE AND ROOFING A SPECIALTY. •I liv nllurlna ulrrrtlmiMiita lad ; ♦>)»• rwwt iiiiule, flnoHt flulah u:.AR BEWINO MAOHINK li'iyfrom manufat-turvrs I < it ruUtlon by hoDtvt and aquaro if» tl»* wi»rld tbat ran mjhal . f r nrfinn, tlurubilltjr of working it. h' tkuty in mpi>«<*ranr#, or NEW HOfNir. CIRCULARS. sewing Machine Co. 1 X l wir>»B^rAE*,N.X ■■ 1..M0 I'tLLAI.TUiI, .ik L. i HALC BV J. B. McOEVITT Dealei' in Sowing MactiineK, Piauox »nd Organs--nert rioor t" Y. M 0. A. tiuild inp—Bf.tler PH. Pny the lielit-rniiiiinif. NV*' H«tne, -owii f machine, perfect it- 'aeiiin jiuar amuiiil, never ccU out <>l irnlw. ~~ RE VIVO USr-i% KESTOHES Vitality Of Me 1 .ih in v. ynfujgm riiK CLKAT :imii DAY. FRENCH REMEDY lipkluims tli»* <llm 1\• ■ rt'suli** in days It iHjw«Tfully hik! quickly < art's wl»«*ii all otiHTs full. Vounn nun will rotfaJn tlu lr lo«%i n uiiifKxl. and old in» it will .\ rr I!n ir yonl l». ill vigor by using KK V I VO. It cjulrk ly and siircls' Wrvmisiirni, l.iwt J vitality. Lost I'owrr, I'allluu' M« niory. \V;inl ing Disi'av, and all • fTfCt»of« MTS> and In divn*tlon, wlil<*h unfits OIM* for -.tndv. busi ness or marriage. It not only <*urt*s l»y starting at tin* M*at <»f l»ut i; a great nor\r tonic and ImlldtT bringing back tin* pink glow to pale checks and restoring ] the fire of voutli. It wardnofl 1 ln-»aii|tv and J t onsuinnt[on. Insist on having UKVIYO, no other. It can IH* carried lit ve«»t |>H*ket By mail, fl.tw |wr package, or six for <*•.«*>. wltu J a |x>sit| ve writ ten guarantiee to cure or re fund the tnoney. t'lrcular free. Addre«<«* BOVAL MI I»H INK « o r||h \(.o. ILL. I or Sale by BKDIMt lv XtißtMiM \NM. j P' hietiMtiw *• Facttah Mr«al. ENNYROYAL PIUS ./T t "v Orlgln»l *u<l Only tewalnf. A \ *>Afe. ri»«.< t- -*i.lc. t*o»> % nru/firi 1 r «*•». u- ter a !>■•* " lUr '" I ■*«-•! 3 1 ' •' \ 'JW i."«l win. ri!.b«fe I »Lo VJr T v JM.. olh. r. H'' ' -+—r ▼ I f SJrimna a>ui —**'Ai »f 1 If. 1 (r- At Im »ti*m(« f«»r • la*uul*t« \ n "Hfllrf for I 1. '» • - If rHvni \ P M«.IL « r \:?r. _ IblrtiiatrilW U iir.i. •f.i:u*., t » fjjj lAA.rir;;:..., :uwiiiJCTc:;iiwi. ' 7JII io* wr e iiur m i o >oooo6ppooopo<i>oooooooooooo< I HOLIDAY OPENING «*- j: OF THE TOY DEPARTMENT.! 1 WE HAVE alw -s enjoyed the reputation of having jr THE BEST DISPLAY to be fouml in the city, and i > this vcar we sui j>ass all other years. i > MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN are all invited < > to inspect our . . DISPLAY OF CHRISTMAS TOYS. < > In any other department you will find Christmas presents ( > to suit all—old aud younv:. { > If there is anything you want put aside, SAY SO, &n d jI l we will hold it for you until called for. D. T. PAPE, • > 122 S. Main St. Butler. Pa. y i OOQg>OOPOOOO<Iij>OOOOOOOOOOO< TH. BURTON. T. H. BURTON, Style is Everything Now-a-days And we are glad that it appertains t° every article in our stock, for correctness and elegance are sure concomitants to artistic development. It Costs Yo«i no More to be in Harmony With The Best Expressed Styles of The Season. Than to Constitute "A BACK NUMBER," By taking anything and everything irresponsible dealers may offer you. This es vou "n S t Ways t0 keep Up wlth t,le tin,es and >' ou Pre sure °f that basis jourse.f if you will trust us to serve you T. H. BURTON, 20 SOUTH MAIN ST.. BUTLER. PA. WHILE YOU ARE WAITING For your prescription don't fail 'olook over our line of perfumes, we have re- / ' I ! ceived some very fine ones lately, anc will be pleased to have you examine V<L^ i hem. Jvi l/jr We also have a very la. asscrtm n. J- * -Lbrr'v of tooth brushes made expressly for u> V'VXrHt wl»« -j hear our stamp, these brushes we gi.jrantee and request the return of _:v tint prove unsatisfactory. ' You uiav need something for your *)l\\/ = cliapped hands and face, ami if so we recommend Cvdonium Cr;am as a fine * toilet preparation. *"*"""" HEDICK& GROHMANN DRUGGISTS. PEOPLES PHONE, if 4. BUTLER PA W Hisy a iuggy - ( ) that's reliable when you d 0 buy one. Fredoola Buggies TjAve f /en .hing in j'.-vor—i-eiul) ' il'i'.iiy, ease. You can lip *, this out by lc*,! A.< a' V'r. Y • .'ale* sells them «iade h- F-pFnny? ><rn o. iim— i iijikL^.zggaa^tv'afegaßMMM—M—a j FREE I 3 This Crystal Glass Decanter filled with a fine Sweet Malaga | ' j Wine with every purchase of SI.OO and over from i I December 10th to January Ist, 1898. | Ihe value of the Expressnge paid B j wine alone is on AL ,_ OKr)ERS 0 f E worth SI.OO, and f55.00 and over. » the decanter will W\AV Make yOUr own S prove an ornament \ff( selection, and we K t<> any sideboard. ti \V~. will pack in a plain I |We know you will S» ,1 r l,ox, | want some lii|Uora |,r | INCLUDING E for the holidays. - " —THE r" We will furnish DECANTER fj you with the ' OF WINE, IT - J j MAX KLEIN, WHOLESALE LIQUORS, jj Expretaage Paid on all Orders of $5.00 and Over. ft 82 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY, PA. I I'WICK I.HT I K t li. w BORN W&K-. ■ SEPTEMBER 18, i \ 1841. Kor more than fifty-six years it has •/ •' never failed in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the United States IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity ami happiness, for the improvement of their business and home interests, for education, for the elevation of American manhood and true womanhood. IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and instructive stories of the doings of the world, the nation and states. IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved methods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and the proper time to convert them into the largest possible amount of money. IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to the welfare cf farmers and villagets, and for over half a century has held their confi dence and esteem. We furnish the CITIZEN and N. Y. Weekly Tribune FOR si.so PER YEAR. CASH IN ADVANCE. Address all orders to The Citizen. /:■» _ Write your name an<l address on a postal card, send it »o Geo. W. Best, Tribune Building, New York City, and a sample cop? of Tus Nuw YORK WMHY TRIBUNE will be mailed to you.