Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 09, 1897, Image 3

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Enu rwl at P. O. at Butlrr as U class matte.
WILLIAM C. NF.GLFY Put.li.-ber
i«»tr <»•' Coiigrt—».
All was animation and bustle at»out
the National Capitol. Monday morning,
as the "With Congress of the United
States was. about to meet the members
were shaking hands and chatting with
old friends and making new ones, and
the visitor* jjaJ'-rie® •' 1 •*'- I »se*
were crowd* -
Preci.- ' a-k . •"*!'' H * if
the Hon- Vi-.-' rres.ient HoUirt
in tiie 1 a tLeir v
eld and da . • session.
Blind C -
fered p~»y.-. t?i • h'ms« while blind
Chaplain Milb''.' ' r i~it
duty in the arid > len the new
numbers wer*> °* l ' *r?3 'Jr f ' .rilyj
the tfle-don o. .ker -r «"l
c- ' f the "i ....ery for
nt-u . .»cc«ipv preity well whole of
th- first dav« »«--ion. :/Ut this y«-ar
tL -HO CB«- . :i<;ties to
t, an 1 * uiui. ipon i-t
OKic. i'ion 3 devo .ne usual
committees v jpoin -It.-inform the
Pr ■ .-.' c -- was in" •«*sst9o
and 1- ;«irwl for any message be might
have to comma -it*-.
Half an hour late. Am><sU*nt He ere
tary Pra-len put in ao appwtnee with
official ropi<*s th'- P"e* 'icxits ui-s
sage Although ,ts en) "oiat® had,
in a measure. been accurately forecast
ed, it was listened to in bo f b houses
with close atte \t .he conclu
sion of the reading boiu nouses took a
reces« and the bbuAtom and representa
tives gathered in group* on the
and i:; the corridors to exchange opin
ions on tb' views of the chief executive
TFL«- >IE»-UG«'.
It gives me pleasure to extend greet
ing to the 5-lth Congress, :: emViled in
regular session at the seat of govern
ment, with many of whose senators and
representatives I have been
associated in the ser
vice Their meeting occurs
nnder felicitious conditions, justifying
sincere congratulations, arid calling for
ever gratefnl acknowledgement to a
beneficent yrovidence, which has so
signally blessed and prospered us as a
nation. Peace and good will with all
the nations of the earth continue un
A matter of genuine satisfaction is
the growing feeling of fraternal regard
and unification of all sections of oar
conntrv, the incompleteness of which
has too long delayed realization
of the highest blessing of the union
The spirit of patriotism is universal and
is ever increasing in favor. The public
questions which now engross us are
now lifted far above either partisan
ship, prejudice or former sectional dif
ferences They affect every part of
our common country alike, and permit
of no division on ancient linen, educ
tions of policy, the soundness of the
currency, the inviolability of national
obligations, the improvement of the
public service, appeal to the individual
conscience of every earnest citizen to
whatever party be belongs, or whatever
section of the country he may reside
The extra session of congress which
closed during July la/tt enacted import
ant legislation, and while its fullest ei
feet has not yet been realized, what ir
has already accomplished a are# us of
its timelines* nnd wisdom To test its
permanent * .ilut larther, time will Is-'
r quired, and the |M.. L le, satisfied with i
its operation and result" ">ns f/tr are]
in no mind to wit' . .t a fa!rtri»!. i
Tariff legisiat'"" h»vlr>«r f>een settled, I
the question i. >r con.uder I
atiou is that of In- • nncy
Curri'iir) Kcvihi iii Necessary
The work of putting onr finance* up
011 ; -omul \r difficult an it may
went, will appear eaaier "' v i«*n we re
call the financial operati . ...e gov
ermiK i.i mnc«- On th» »)th d*v
of t(nn« of tluit year v» hu<l outHtano
ing demand liabiitiwi in the HIIIII of
447 41. On the fir*t day of
Jannary. Ithe*e had been reduced
to .4W.88. Of onr intereat
bearirii< obligation*, the figure* un
even more utrilting. On .Inly I, lnfttf,
tin principal wa* On
thefirat dav of July, I«»«:{. thi- »nu»
had been reduced to <">v> osw 100 Th<
interest baring debt of the United
Hint™ on thf Hr*t |wy of fleccmlier
J»U~. wan
With the great rvannnxH of the gov
errnent and with trie honorable example
of the pant before UH, W« ou h ~t not to
hefeitate to enter upon a currency re
viaion which will make onr demand ob
ligation* hm oner«>n- "rid relieve onr
financial law* of aiiibi„..ity sod doubt
The brief review of what wnx arcomp
lUhi-d from the c|i*»- of tiie war to IHIH!
make* unreaaonabie any dhitruat of out
financial ability, ami aonndneHtt, whl'e
the situation from 1 H'J:; lo lWi/7 in nat ad
n*oni*h congreaa of the immediate IWCIH
gity of leginlating to make the return of
the condition* then prevailing impo*»i
There are many plana proj."Hed a* a
remedy for the evil Before we ran liii'l
the true remedy, we mnxt appreciate
the trtte evil. It in not thut our curren
cy of every kind in not good, for every
dollar in good good becaune the govern
ineiit H pledge i* oat lo keen it no, and
that pledge will not be broken The
evil of the present Hyntem i« found in
the great coat of maritaining the parity
of our different forma of uionev, that in,
keeping all of them at tmr with gold
It 1m iiiariifijat we luUNt deviw Home plan
to protect the government agaiimt bond
iMMiieH for rej*-atcd redemption)! Wc
ninat either curtail the opjmrtuiilty for
Npecalatlon, made eaay by the muftipli
ed redemption of our obligation*, or
increase the gold reaerve.
We have .'CHI, currency wb'ch
the government, by Holenin enactment,
ha* undertaken to keep at par Nolxxly
ia obliged to redeem in gold but the gov
eminent. The bank* are not re<|iiire<l
to redeem in gold The government in
obliged to keep equal wltfi gold all iin
ontatanding currency, while it* receipt*
are not required to In- paid in gold
They are paid in every kind of itioue
but gold and the only menu* by •vhlcn
the government can net koH in by bor
rowing Thla ia especially *o in tinn-i
of buaiuenn panic, a* <lnriug thi adniiu
iatration of my predecc or when the
proceed* of Ul-i I'm of lion')* were
n*«-d to pay the cxpcnw *of tin govern
ment in exi <H* of til revenuea, and <u
Ota in the gold rwt vc Wi'b »h«- i .■
nuea equal to our e*p' ' v-- Ih< n rt'onJ'!
\i< no deficit, requiring tin- i"-ue >f
Imiid* Bnt if tin 'old re-. i .-. fall- IN
low MO' ' ~ _..w will ii i,i ii
lcil< d, excipl 1 n Hi oil- IMIIUIHT
I« them any ol n-r f 'hie way
llli.ler e*i«tlllK I'' irther le/m
latlon i* luni and '' • • of •• -!Ift»«
bond* ion tin * "hould
give the "ccrelury "> I lie TTL it ..IV •*'»
tbority to m II liond* liearin;' a r.it•
of intermt than now ..til 1101 i/.i-d.
1 earnestly recomtiu-nd HI -toon a the
),tH of tli'- u'Miil are »ufli' 'cut
to pay e*|nm«i- wticn arr 1 nit<«l
notia are ein<ii ■ atu-h
i! • II In- kcjj ajuti . only paid
ont in i-hanr' tor gold 'I lii' i II ob
vion> duly. If <hev in pn. out in any
otll the J , ri-t 1-rn .'i-'.iitl, lo In
fo)! •Ed hy anoiui-r Imlid 1.0 fi
di.-< ,-ieiii another miiti tun
U» icdceui ,• noil I ten ring
If * < arc Pi an era of f>ro*i*Titv.
we run 1 "i n<i emlnrnwHinnnl from
o.rr pi i' id ii. iic lull tin- (iuugi i
Mtitl nWi and ill In even pn*i-nt
menacing u* HO lou n a* the
_ c*' 'hn', •< :M '-iitinaea.
I .-Oln ur with the wcretarv of the
tren-iiry that u»' -mal Innki lie allowed
tO 1"»ne Uoten to lua tltl'" Vttl'ie of tin
lamdn the. have de[>oHttiil, and that tin
tax on circulating note* . t-nn-d 1 v *i«-h
deposit* be reduced to one-be of I |M-r
cent, per anim,.. it.at authority
|H> (riven for eHtaliliHliiiieiit of national
hauka wit): i mini mom capital of
IHJO, to enable agricultural region* to \»■
supplied with currency to mw-t their'
needs. ,
1 recommend that the is*ue of nation
al l.ank notes be restricted to the de
nomination* of *1" and npwanl. If the
suggestions I have made .-hall have the
approval of congrdM, then I would re ,
commend that national banks be re
<inire<i to redeem their notes in gold.
The President refers to the condi ,
tions in Cuba, gives a sketch of the ia !
surreetion of ISC*. and the present one.
which begun in IM9C; criticizes Weyler -
cruel policy of concentration, state- the
offers of mediation made by thi - govero- ;
ment and the replies made by the
Spani-h government; discuses probable
recognition, and think* it would lie un
wise at present.
He favors the confirmation of the !
Hawaiian annexation treaty, and says
that the questions which have ansen
(.„• eti ...pan and Hawaii by reason j
| or the treatment of Japanese laborer-,
( e. to the Islands are in a satis : i
factory stage of settlement by negotis •,
; tio" This government ha« sought n - *! ,
i . in the matter, further than
jto cv" <■" its kindbesc disposition to '
I ward srw-u i» epe"dv and direct adjust ■
) raeht by the sovereign stat.-s a_s shall..
| comport with equity and honor. j
i Keiurdinir •imetallisi/i commerce j
[etc., u-. ay« •nndtr the provisions of j'
tbe act of the congress approved March ; j
•j, for the promotion of an inter j f
i; .tional agreement respecting bimetal- ;
i lisßi. 1 appoint Hon. Edward O. Wol !
; < ott, of (>)lorodo Hon Adiai E. Steven : '
son of Illinois and Hon. Charles J j
I'aintr, of MitNiJi''huw'tUi. hj! social en
voys to represent the United States-
Th»-y have been diligent in their efforts
to secure the. '■o-operation of European
countries in an international settlement
of he <jue*tion, but up to thid tiiu-'
have not been able to secure an agre
tui ut. They have not made their final
report, a* farther negotiations arr
pending and in contetnjilation. It is to
}*■ earnestly hoi»ed that theii labors
may r<--mlt in an international
meiit which will bring about recogni
tion of both gold and silver as money,
n]>on such terms and with snch safe
guards as will secure the use of both
metals upon a baais which shall work
no injustice to any class of our citizens
In order to execute the provisions of
the third and fourth sections of the re
venue act, approved July ±4, IK>7. I ap
pointed Hon John A Kasson a special
commissioner to undertake the requi
-ite negotiation* with foreign countries
desiring to avail themsalvt»s of the*e
provisions The negotiations are now
proceeding with «everal governments.
It is believed that by a careful
of the powers conferred by that act,
some grievances in onr mutual trade
relations may be either removed or
largely alleviated, and that the volume
of our commercial eaohanges may be
Most desirable is the effort to extend
our foreign commerce. To this end
onr merchant marine should be im
proved and enlarge'!. The inferiority
of our merchant marine is justly hurnil
jating to the national pride. 'I he gov
eminent, bT every proper means, Hhould
aid in making our nhips familiar visi
tors at every commercial port, thns
opening up new and valuable markets
to the surplus products of the farm and
And his concluding paragraphs refer
to the effort to preserve the far seals,
international arbitration, increase of
our naval power, government of Alas
kn. protection of Klondikers, Pacific
Kailroad debt to the government, civil
wrvice, and economy in expanses
Quay Politics
A dispatch from Washington ilated
last Saturday said:
District Attorney Heii.er turned up
here to day for the purp«>se of witness
ing the opening of Congress, he said,
but really to find out if he could, from
Senator Onay and State < bairtuan El
kin, who his assistant was to fx;.
The two most prominent candidates
for the place so far have been D. M.
M'P'-r < J Pittsburg, and John P. Lang
nam, or Indiana The lattei had tic
backing of Chairman Klkm. However,
when they all got together at Senator
nay's house it developed that the Sen
ator himself had a man for the place,
but the name of his candidate could not
IK- learned.
Mr Jleinerand Chairman Klkin had
a talk with Attorney (leucral MfKenna,
but the tangle was not straightened out
and the district attorney went home to
Pittsburg again this morning without
waiting for the opening of Congress. It
is probable the matter will be fixed up
l>efore Chairman Klkin g'*-* home
NKHill liOltllOOl* NOT MS.
The Lawrence county Commissioners
have asked for a poor bouse.
A thief went to the barn of a farmer
near Yonngstown O. in broad day light
stole a fine mare, and laughed at the
farmer's wife who tried to shoot him
W Scott Kimes of Parkersbnrg. W
Va who shot ex Deputy Sheriff Penj
am in Hall some time ago for inislejul
ing Kimes wife, and whom (iov. Atkin
son pardoned and remitted a fine of
SSOO on the ground that Kiim-s did
right, was found last week, a raving
Erie city has substituted VI candle
gas lamps for electricity in street light
ing Tin- contract has been ]«-t for five
years at f|.'» a light per year, tx-ing +ii fiO
less per light than the former price
There are 'MH lamps, and they figure on
saving 2HO jx-r year by the change.
A trapper killed a gray wolf in the
Cumberland valley, Franklin County
said to be the first of its kind killed in
Pennsylvania in the past fifty years.
There was a bad freight wreck on
the I' Ac W. It K near Washington
Lawrence Co early Monday morning,
and James Kilroy, a fireman was in
j u red.
The year 1 Mill is on the home stretch.
Santa Claus will descend tin- cliim
neys two weeks hence.
Corner loafers are retiring from their
The death s»|iieal of the |»orker is
heard in the land
Buckwheat cakes find a g»s,d many
"apfiearent vacancies" now a-days.
The wheat crop looks promising.
Mr and Mrs. If L Kelly entertained
friends on Saturday.
Mrs Harry McNees of Heaver Pulls
is visiting her mother, Mrs, It J Kelly,
(Froai another correspondent,)
Mr and Mrs Oraham m Zelicnople
visited David Studebaker's, "Irs (»ra
ham parents, last week
.hones Humphrey and wife attended
the funeral of Mrs Pciinett, Mr.
liumphrev s sister, who lived at liar
keyville last Thursday
I'rof It A Patterson held a meeting
on Thursday nigbt to organize a sing
inf ' l.i- in Jaeksvllle Thirty one
iiicinls i i iir.- enrolled and tie- ingilig
w ill undoubtedly be :i mic(e»n
The dam WHS' oven-d with Ice and
the lsivs were out trjitig tin-ir new
skates last Thursday
Thet' i' to be :i sclnsil entertaiiiment
in /.ion ;ch<sil boun on Friday night
Dec I otll
Horn To Mi and Mrs. M. C Sc at
irig, a boy.
.Icllersoii TH |». NO. I
Itcjiorl of s'-bool No I, JefTeison
Township The third month ol -'-bool
eloeed Dec *i Members enrolled
Those not absent dm ing the mouth
I were Olive Lodcr Minnie Wagner,
I ftirdie Oallagiier, Lidii peek. Ivlith N«-g
I ley Lizzie Shields, Clara Heck Elsie
Defmling Etnll Frederick, LOIIM
Shields, Kddie Oallagher and I rani
j iteiiuick. Those absent one day wen
'ioldie Negley Emma Kornrumph
E John Negley, Lawrence Smith Mar)
Deluding and Freddie Foertwk
1 The following average als»ye no per
cent in monthly examination Ivlith
Parr !i7
KruiJ Frederick !i> Minnie Wagner
ill. Ilirdle (iallttgher ill, Klsie Deimiing
;i| Itn iiiird Smith ii: and Ooblie S'c/
! ley tfs
Robert Brownlee recently appointe*
chief of the Bureau of Mine- has privet
the bituminous mine inspectors exjilici
instructions as to their duties, and as ;
consequence they will be compelled r
' work harder than heretofore if the;
wish to retain their berths. He has in
' formed ihetn that they most make ;
i detailed report to the department one<
a month and instructed them what th<
reports shall contain. They must shov
i thenumber of brick works supplied wit!
shale or clay from coal mines, the nami
. and location of such mines, and names
i of the railroad and nearest station
whether they consider th." method o:
i mining- drainage. hauling and ventila
tion the most practical and economic*
that coold VK* adopted to secure the
largest amount of coal in the field, bal
ing in view the safety of employees and
the reasonable remuneration of the
operator. nnmber of employees of each
mine, number of mult-s employed,
character of mine. systfTTi of mining
and the character of machinery used
with a statement as to whether proj>er
precautions ire taken to secure tlx.
safety of ali persons employed in the
mine: circumstances and responsibilite*
of all accident* immediately after in
v< • a: th" appliancf-s for signaling
from bottom of shaft or slope to engi
neer in charge of hoisting engine, and if
safety appliances work properly. Mine
operators and foreman must alson port
showing number and conseqnei.i-e or
accidents whether a strike or su.spen
bioii uii-j occurred, and the cause for it
whether it was ordered by labor organi
zatior.s, the extent to which itsucceded
the number of persons involved, loss of
wages to operator and employees, num
ber of native born and alien employees
and other information of a like chira ■
A nnmber of chauge-s have been made
I in the State capitol building plans and
at present it looks ax if the new sirnr
ture will be almost a reproduction of
the one recently destroyed except the
material used in ita construction.
When it is taken into consideration how
much til«e bus been lost in fighting the
architects' cases and making changes in
the plans so as to conform with the old
(Mi pi to 1, conservative people ask the
question "why did not the commission
select the plan of the destroyed building
at once, thus enabling it to save enor
mons e*pon-!< and insure the completion
of the structure before the next Legis
lature convenes?" Thin interrogative
the commission alone »- ir» answer and it
is safe to siy that no matter how mnch
hustling is done from now on the build
in# will not be ready for orvrupancy by
January -i, 1«',»!). when the Legislature
meets, thus again necessitating th'- pro
vision of temporary quarters.
West Siinhiirv.
The new flonring mill is nearingcotn
pletiori and as this mill is being fitted
up with the latest improved machinery
people will exr>ect good flour and lots of
it We wish the new firm success
Our merchants are doing a thriving
business, they are all deserving of pat
Od. Orover will give an entertain
merit in the near future in Academy
Hall for the benefit of the O A K pf
this place. The dat • has not been net
The time is near at hand when the
r.spirant for office will take you to OIK
side and tell yon why he should go arid
the other man stay lit home.
That niiiri who ir going t>> see that we
send men to the Legislature that he will
be in closer touch with will have hit
men out Let lb-- voters make a note oi
this saying, ar ! ir ;, .-e down at the is»lis
anything tint bears tie- "tamp ol t!i •
boas or the trail of the serpent f»ive
us purer politics or give us defeat.
We hope the hint thrown out at the
late e'.e -lion will have the desired effect
The people hive n:iid th it corruption in
politic-, in Pennsylvania must« "is-
We hope there will Is- no tools for the
bosses elected from old iiutler count"
but mi nof principle, who will vote for
a man for I H. Senator that will r< pre
sent Pennsylvania instead of Florida
N. F <i M
Saxonbiirg Sayings.
Tea/hers Institute will Isi held in
Saxonburg, Dec IHib A flue program
is being arranged and will be anriomic
ed later.
Mrs Lang has secured the service-of
a first class blacksmith and is now pre
pared for all kinds of work in that line
The < lyster Mapper ijiveii in t le- « )pci .i
House last Friday evening liy the mem
ls-rs at the enoir was a decjde<l succ< s-
a sum of money wi>s realized i.nd
will lie used ill altering the choir gallery
The memix-rs of the choir extend
hearty thanks to .ill those who in any
manlier aided with the supper
The prize cake was won by Mrs W.
J Chesm-y and Mrs Henry Horn, who
very generously donated it to be uoM
A J. A lexander has returned from
Miss Maggie Chesney left for New
< 'llStle last Wednevlay, sin- will attend
the winter term of ltose Point Acade
Mrs Will elma Warriwke died last
Saturday after a long illness She w.'s
Hit years of age and bad resided in S.i>.
on burg since early womanhood She Is
survived by two sons and two daugh
ters, Henry Kocbling of Cincinnati.
Aug. Warnecke, Mi- Herman Knwh
and Mrs, Hannah Stuebgen of Saxon
burg Funeral took place Monday,
Don't make a mistake and take some
other fellows dog when you go hunt
Twenty deaths have been recorded in
Saxonburg during the past year Most
of them Ix-oig old time residents.
Our election board is somewhat d<
moralized the Judge and Minority In
spec tor having moved away.
We haven t heard lunch als.ut the
new gas company lias it fizzled oil
The barber continues his tramps ovel
tie county in ieiireb of game
Don t forg< I the Teacher,i Institute
which vtII Is- held HI Saxonburg Sat
day, Dec. 1«
Li-gniniiig Jau Ist IH'.H all taxes re
miiining unpaid will have per cent
added to them ISy paving tip before
Jan. Ist this .'iper cent, can Is- -..ived
W J ('heaiiey J D Wilson E. I .
(irabam and Hub U-uib - repreneutwl
Saxonburg at tie-county -e.it but Mon
C J, Itaals- is set vlug his couiity as a
(Iratid Juror.
pob Prown is ruuniiig tie ciejunerv
during Chris Kanlxt ali enee.
Look out for -i '. -. I weddings in Sax
on burg around Cfirist mas time
l-'llcli Items.
The literarics at Rocky Hun have
commenced We hojs- I hey will be a
Mm. J. II Flick has returuc 1 home
from a two weeks visit, with friends at
(juite a niiiiilx-r oi tin- young folks of
Flick attend' I tie date > in Saxonburg.
Thuuksgiviug night.
lien] Mean* <>f • .'lanon is visiting in
this vicinity
Anyone wanting fancy back walls for
grates call on W I' ''rim-r
Eail He/.lep is talking of taton e inn
ate lessons.
Little Willie Melton i supposed to I c
the best hunter in Middlesex twp
Eddie Westerman, tfie drover, was
tie- guest of Adam (iould, Siturdm
Svlverter Montgomeiy was the guest,
of Thomas linker. DAD.
I'rif-itoct ami Vicinity.
R«-a«I aii'l think that:
Eil. McCleary was very much disap
pointed beewe ttm were BV'HMM
1 from Prospect last week. but. now Ed
here's to yonr satisfaction.
| L. B Shannon, the genial direct'>r oi
the Hill School. Isle, mad-- us a short
call. Saturday, and thinks his daughter
Fronkie. is recovering slowly fron
The local institute at the Mile Run
School will 1*; held Saturday. Dec. 1*
For particulars see small bills.
Joe All>ert says he knew it was
Sunday when he went to the
store bnt thought he conic
do some business anyway. anc
the joke is really on those who hav<
been teasing him. Now Joe. we don I
know about this.
Henry Hen-haw has returned from
j working at Edenau.
Ed. your friends are sorry for you on
I account of the loss of your horse, bnt
then losses are liable to come to all
good fellows.
T H Boehm and I'. H. Sechler went
t i Butler one day last week for a load
•>f granite* fur the Sechler Marble Co.,
j who have sev-ral contracts this winter
We are ali very glad that our meters
; have acted decently, but then think of
i Fred Milleman s and Mr- Wolford s
I All that are in favor of consoling with
them, raise th»- right hand. Good.
John Weigle is sending his spare
moments this winter making a wooden
wheeled bicycle Some have doubts of
the- out -oinc. but jn«t wait boys.
Mrs. Langherst rf entertained
the Luther League in fine style, an i the
evening wh pleasantly spent by all.
The boys think it the best fun in the
world to tease Asa Heyl about his trip
to Port Dover, but Asa says he will get
even with the fellow that was at the
bottom of the mischief.
Miss Louise McLure, who teaches
school in Connoquenessing twp. sj»ent
Saturday and Sunday at home. Lou
looks a-happy as one who has a good
pleasant school.
Oscar Siianor has about given up
moving to Muddy creek twp. in the
spring, Olad to hear it, Oscar.
C. F. Newman set the posts for the
new gas lamps last week, and soon our
town will shine as a city on a hill.
Win. Myers of Lancaster twp. was in
town Saturday with his felts 011 ready
for winter. fin coining, Win.
Charles Hueter walked to Butler and
back in one day. a (short time ago. Pret
ty good, Charley.
Messrs (iaisford and McGill were in
Porters villi* part of last week, and if
yon wish to see Mr. (iaisford take a
good h<<!ir.y laugh ask him to tull yon
about Mr. McGill and the hot brick in
Alton Lindsay of Chicago will give
his (toiiular entertainment in th»* ME.
Church, Friday evening. Dec. 10, under
the auspice- of the Academy manage
ment. Prof. Birth h octet will furnish
the music. Admission 2.» cento. Come.
Miss Lulu Beighloy, of WcHt Whites
town, was a caller in town, Haturday,
and spent a half day shopping and c.ill
Sila « Kissick and Charley Johnson
have ls-«-n vying with each other all fall
to see who would have the largest pork
t-r, bat when tin- hogs wi re killed and
Weighed. Charley s ulg lieat Silas' by
several pounds Silas did all he could,
Some of the children, grandchildren
and friends of Mr and Mrs. Samuel
Hoon gathered at their home Nov. 2<ttb,
to celebrate Mr. iioon'-t HTth birthday,
and eat turkey. Levi didn't care much
for turkey as lie helped to eat four
chickens and a turkey the day before
Thanksgiving Mr. Iloo'i received some
very nice present*, among them was a
fine cane rocker, l/iii he said that he
would not trade hisold arm chair, which
he bought four y>..i before he was
married til year* ago, for any new fan
gled rocker, although he was very
thankful for the gift.
The new organ in the Lutheran
< 'hnrch has caused ijuite a revival in
tin: i'hut'< ii mimic, tlje levity has passed
away and the choir i s gloriously united
and all arc working harmoniously to
getln-r for God s glorv. The organist i
iloing her many parts admirably.
(lev. Liphliter gave a lecture in the
I P. ChOTcb, Thursday evening. I)ee,
'.i for the benefit of the it O, D7i M
('omicil of thi i place
The farmers met Monday evening to
make arrangements foi* the Farmers In
stitute to la- held in January.
According to remarks dropped in pub
lie places, one would judge that our
voters will vote against the propose !
iM«,r farm to be voted for or against in
February. We have been always able
to keep our poor decently with a low
rate or tax, levied twice in ten years,
and it wouldn't necessarily be called
selfishne.-s-t not to vote for a continual
and increasing tax of oonrseaootitin
tsal and general tax would cqiutli/.e the
burden which may rest on a few locitli
ties. Think and vote.
Mrs. Lej ley who has been suffering
with bronchitis or grip, is slowly im
Sam and Charley are wondering
whether they will be -.cut for the Christ
mas tree this year
.Miss Jennie Uoxberry has gone to
Cleveland <> to spend the winter with
friends and relatives
Mrs. J. I). Myers of Franklin is the
guest of her sister Mr-., S. Weigh), and
has been somewhat mdinposcd since she
came to town.
Frank Critchlow ami wile attended
the funeral of Mr < rit.i hlow's sister,
Miss Jennie Thompson, at Flora, last
week < inr people sympathize with the
sorrowing friends.
Robert Allison and his new wife were
at the Prospei t House, lust week, re
cciving the congratulations of their
<iara Badger thinks a party i« far
nicer when there are no boys about
Now < lata you won't always think so
Moyal makes the food pure,
whulciooie and dellclou*.
Absolutely Pure
ROrAi Mr «.<* HCO WW VOW
it KirKp;itr!ck, Opliciao nl Jtwelei
Sfk\ to Court Hotjuc* Rui!fi',
("r: <1 in tr l.a I'«»tt H.irolor.ic! iimtttiitc*
Insurant and Km' Ks^iitn.
I Infill* I iiMiriiii« oof St'W Voi L ftmur
»M' of Noitli Aitii'iJri. "f I'ltil h fl**l|>liiu
IV. I'lt*-f ll h liihiii iiim »• ..f liroolily n. \ V
:■ 11 « 1 Hurl foul |iihiiiiui<'i' 1 o. of Uitrtford
ill I Ml <«i i !•< iof Milti -l .iit'l Ih« I Hit*
tiiOfifl- north of < ourt lloum , liutU-* I a.
FORTY TWO employese of the V. S
mint in Philadelphia were discharged
on Tuesday, at the suggestion of Assist
ant Sec y, of Treasury Vanderlip. who
recently investigated the affairs of th«
mint and dischared a large number oi
unneeded employes. The change wil
save the government from *4o.INNI t<
per Year
m: \ i i*s.
MILLER On Thursday. Dec. 2, ls;tT.
| at his home in Forward twp.. Jesse
Miller, in his tc»th year.
| GEIBLE At the hospital in Pittsburg.
Dec. :}. ls!>7. Jacob Geible.aged abont
' | 55 years.
John R. Porter of Oil City died last
| Saturday. He was a native of Butler
j county.
In its thousands of forms is the moat ter
rible affliction of the human race. Salt
rheum,sores,eruptions, boils, all humors,
j twellings, etc., originate in its foul taint,
'■ and are cured by the great and only True
Blood Purifier, Hood's Sarsaparilla. The
advanced theory of today that tuber-
I culosis, or consumption, is curable by
| proper nutrition, care and purifying the
| blood, finds confirmation in the experi
ence; of many who have been cured by
Hood's SarsapanNa
Hood's PIII3 .r ikh MS.
! i
Use It ~
j Daily.
] Our brush should be used daily !
] in place of the ordinary hair |
]! brush, hair washes, or hair grow- !'
( ers. If you do not find, after ]
(six months' trial, that
| Dr. Scott's
Hair Brush
1 will do all we claim for it send it !
< hack and your money J>l j
I; will be refunded. You
| can buy the number EmCWffil I
1 one siie for Cllftfefc I
i: One W
Dollar. |
It Is Guaranteed to Cure j
> Nervous Headache in five minutes! (
< Bilious Headache in five minutes 1 >
) Neuralgia in five minutes I
( Dandruff and diseases of the scalp ! )
) Prevents falling liair and baldness! (
( Hakes the liair long nnd glossy I >
{ For sale at Dry Hoods stores and DrugKlrts J
|or s'ni on approval, postpaid,on r««• ij.t (
C f prico and i u cents lor postal;. . >
I, ' I.lr' rm POOTOIfW STOHY " »"•' frrr .... J
I . • /'"»/. /"*l In format i4,n citnrrtH t n'l /'» y...tt'x \
I 1.1. tn lirlf fei n,.!% 10 1.1,. tr, L.rm.t f \
'*lr> 91 Mi. f f-1. ht. trl. I U I.ru*l,. C
i t lr. hi- i ifrti/ !UlZor»,%V t - I'lnmlfi. /
LUctric Intolta, U) els. tluni- Jruaarnf J
]> GEO. A SCOTT, e 4 a Broadw.,- . N Y «
I*., .V 1., K.
Trains depart N'o 1:1, W:-IO A. M No.
I t. ■>.<>, P. M. Butler time.
Trains arrive No. !». !l:.V> A. M. No.
11, si I' M liutler time.
No 12 runs through to Erie and con
neets with W N. Y & P. at Huston
Juii* iion for I ntiikliij and oil ( ity,
titid v.'ith N V. I. E tV \V at Sin-nan
go for all jioitits east. No II runs
through to Albion and connects with
W. N. N <V I' for Franklin and Oil
City A. B. CKOUCII, Agent.
|>li J'SBUl«i & WHS'IICKN
Railway. Schedule of I'as
cnyer i"rains in cflcct Nov. 21,
iH'jy. BL"IM:I< TIMK.
| Aniv*
«i!••/in'ii \ 4iion .. J . v i 0 17 am
Ml. "I l\. 1 M Ift I It .1 "
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M. I I M 1,... I, Pill.* I',
I It 111 I' IIIIMIS I It WlHlll
1., in |..| \| , , , r I. I P " » \fcr-l»«
I'arui for .ale, m-iir liutlcr, I it) acre*,
new bank barn, 1'.,.i0n.
In.juire at thin oilier.
T j
>F j Gold 1-
JL Teeth and Artitici.il Teeth without plates
J a specialty, Nitrous Oxide or Vitalized Air
or Local iucsthetics used.
Othce over Miilers grocery, east of Low
y house.
hR. W. I'. McTLROY,
Formerly known as the "Peerless
T . Painless l-'\tractor of Tectli." Located
permanently at 111 East Jefferson St.,
Opposite Hotel Lowrv, Butler. Will do
J (iential oj>erations of all kinds by the
latest devices and up-to-date methods.
T \* M. McALPINt.
Main St.
Naesthetics Administered.
| \R. J. K. FAULK,
T Painless extraction — No Gas- Crown
and work a specialty.
» Office —Room N'o. 1. new Hickel build
' iug.
137 E. Wayne St., office hours, io to
„ J2 a. m. l and to 3p. in.
F Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest
improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec
- ialty. Office over Miler's Shoe Store.
I| Eye, ear, nose and throat a specialty.
132 and 134 S. Main Street, Ralston
! building.
, Office 236 S. Main St., opp. P. O.
1 Residence 315 N. McKean St.
200 West Cuiiningham St.
New T rout man Butler Pa.
1 IJ. ROOM 3. ISiclcel ltlock. Butler Pa
1 Peoples Phone No. 309. Night call 173
! (' F. L. McQUISTION,
Office near Court House.
J Office N'o. 45, S. Main street, over City
John W. Coulter,
Special attention given to collections
j and business matters.
Refernce: Butler Savings Bank, or
Butler County National Bank.
Office on Main St. near Court House.
Office at No 8 S«jutli Diamond St.
Office at No. 104 Kiist Diamond St.
»11. GOL T WHER,
Office in MI • HELL building.
Office 011 North Diamond Street, oppo
site the Court House Lower Floor.
Offic'.* with Newton Black, IVSIJ. South
Diamond Street.
Boom J. Armory building.
Olflee between POBtoff.ce and Diamond
Ollice mi South Diamond Street.
Koom 8., Armory buildm N .
Li what pirates most reader..
We have jus! that tfyle oi
A Serial in a New One Called
: - 1
i.t l J /
•- -«-■ x
To thnt-- of our rmdero who keep P"«lc4
mi Mich niutlrii II la »ulv arcmiry tv
My tlial this »lorv was written ly
Rob.i t I.outn Slnvf 111011, an 4 la uOO vt
hit Nit
It is Thrillink'ly Interesting. '
READ ihc Opening
Cliaprcrs, Next Week,
1 IO SOUTH Main fitreet.
Over Slmul A Sn»l * CI illiinx Slore
I/M'a l< d notlll of we. 1 end of Weil
pem 1 St , containing I.| nrre*; nice
■hive-way to it AllkimUof fruit, best
uf wnler liimi nev-i lulling Kprini(, new
llouHc j i>,our. 011 In .1 lloor, ntoue
wall and cellar uud' i whole houiie.
I'M | I.irl nil hi tr. iinjuiic 011 IN eini'.l *T, or -
~1 A. T SCOTT.
1 liauiond >l.
•SutHTibi) lor the CITI/KN ,
Jury Lists for December Terms.
List i«f names drawn from the proper
jar? win tlli-i flMl day uf (>ct . lsj»7,
to serve as j>etit jurors at a regular
term of Court, commencing on the l.'lth
day of Dec.. Is:i7. the same l)eing the '2d
.Monday of said month
Alexander John C, Concord twp, car
Hnhl Ft". Forward twp, fanner.
Brown Jas. Franklin twp, farmer.
Cnnil»erland JH, Butler "id w, team
Chantler Win. Clinton twp. farmer.
Campbell .1 B. Slippery rock twp. farmer
Dirkin Peter. Oakland twp. farmer.
Dobson John. Adams twp, fanner.
Day.l C F. Clay twp. fanner.
Denny Michael. Winfield twp, fanner.
DanViensjieck Campbell. Washington
twp. fanner.
Kiifrl'-h John B. Cranberry twp.fanner
Elliott Robert. Buffalo twp. farmer.
Fennel Henry, Clearfield twp. farmer,
(ialbn ath James. Winfield twp,farmer.
QIOMIII r Jocob W, Kams City,butcher
(Mlchrist I£ol>ert. Marion twp. farmer.
(lleunCl I Slipperyrock twp. farmer,
(i.mnley ( narles, Venango twp.farmer.
Harkenstine Lewis. Jefferson twp, mer.
Humphrey W M, Centreville, fanner.
Jamison W P. Fairview lioro. teacher.
•Tones John L. Bntler M w. coroner.
Kribiis .1 A. Jackson twp. teacher.
Kennedy T Pierce. Muddycreek twp.
Leidecker J A. Bntler Ist w, producer
Moore Samuel. Bready twp. farmer.
Mi Clymonds J;is. Muddycreek twp. far
Martin Walker. Butler 4th w. teamster.
McLaughlin K S. Fairview twp.farmer.
Mates Amos. Butler Ist w, laborer.
Matirhoff < ieo Saxonburg, merchant.
McNeal F <' Adams twp. farmer.
Muder John E. .Tr Haxonbnrg, under
Mcßride F P. Clearfield twp, J P.
Martin Charles Wintield twp, farmer..
Pontious Henry, Donegal twp, fanner.
Ramsey Adison. Cranbery twp. farmer.
Ramsey E L, Centre twp, teacher.
Roth L M, dentist.
Rider Frank, Cranberry twp, farmer,
stauffer Henry, Lancaster twp. farmer.
Smith Adam. Bntler :id w. teamster.
Staples John. Adams twp. farmer.
Smith .1 J. Adams twp. farmer.
Shaffield H R, Mil'erstown. producer.
Wachmuth Win, Jr. Butler twp. far
Wagner Geo, Butler sth w. miller.
tend ils Voisr ears
Long Enough to Tell You
About Our New Serial.
It's simply splendid J*'-.*.*
Beautifully Illustrated and Published
in this Paper by Special
Not a dull line in the slory, but excit
ing from start to linish. That describe*
it exactly. The first installment begin*
in this issue.
Be Sure and Iteod It.
Have you ever calculated how
much is saved in tin- long run by
having your clothing made l>y
tailor, who know their business?
You j;« t bitter more care
ful workmanship and the lit and
style arc worth a <;rcat deal.
li s a satisfaction to wear first
class, well made clothes, ami I hen
it's economical as well. Clothes
that lil, wear longer, look better
and are more satisfactory to Ihe
wearer. Those who wear our
garments appreciate this.
Stop and calculate. Do you
wear tailor-made clothes? In
tli.it (.isc you have garments that
last longer, weai better and suit
you more completely than any
other. Kvery garment is made in
(In best style. No accidental
lit'. No effects, ll
is cheaper to wear CM torn clothes
than any others I'all tyles on
(!»r. I)l,irnor'.M. flutlor.
•int. uly HHI «*rlniu ••in fr«u» wl»«*Ui«-r mi
111 v • *i• t i<>ii i« inotiMhly iml<-iiUU<l" 1 .iiitiiniulm
tl'.nn *itl« Ily • MIIH<I<<III In I II i»i»dtHH»li oil I'nlrliU
n.-i.i ft. .- oi.li i. F oi<y f«.« »• '• wring
I'iilimilm 1 rtki'tt I Im-utf li M wi»i» A « o. rcxclVQ
#|«» Oil mitlrf, Wllbdllt « liriTfaf, ill III"
Scientific American.
A tii»n4«or»i»'lf ||la»tr*t««<l wtwrtrtf « »r
(•Ulntl-'ii « f miy n irliflO' l-.n»»i«J 'iriii.n. f. •
r•mi 1 tit hi* fl. •• jr nil iiMWMtaalera
MUNN & Co. 3uu " , " , "' r - New York
!!■ mil li um. 11. IS® K Ht.. W»blu«l<«i l»
ruu CAK ; INU
, 1 1 .'|-j | .I,# li' 11 hi I '.»* A«' ••flli 1 1 m Hmnut fl|
% - »1U 'JWI IV4 U* ». 1 '< J
| Holiday Announcement. |
% holiday presents for everybody. g
i the best of everything for Christmas. £
£ A thoroughly first-class stock combining 8
W, ar c showing a fine assortment and a variety || flAVAltv flllftli. K
to suit all tastes in staple and fancy Dry Goods, I ° " W " S
OT Dress goods, Fancy ti.xxls. Fine Art Ooods, I . , . flr
lilies , Misses' and Children's Wraps, Furs, |ty ftflQ 6lC*
Collarettes aud Capes. Children's Fur Setsl ■
,rom to $3.75 Ladies' Fine Embroidered I nanrp with U
Handkerchiefs troni 5 cents to 50 Cents each Q * fPJ
j/m One hundred dozen special value Fine Swiss M . .
Hmdroidered Handkerchiefs for 10 cents, real g prices strictly «
AFL) value JO cents. Handkerchief aud Glove
Hoxes. Xectie Cases, Leather Cuff and Collar fair and with-
Boxes, Jewel Boxes, Photo Holders; a fine line —jpk
- , ~ , , W
for ladies, gentlemeti .ind caildren. 10 th 6 rCSCtI 01 ft
hrle w- eannot descrit*? or enumerate our —^
•J variety of elegant attractions, *ve uxe very glad _ll y nlu • Mr
s^low them to all visitors. We claim for our
stock general excellence, great variety and W
a reasonable prices. Whatever vour wants may thp timP tft M
he we can meet them with beau:itul and also K
Uk useful selections.
Ti We solicit a comparison of goods and prices, UUV.
knowing you will find our Holidav line the
best and cheapest, flr
fj Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman. 1
I Uk Patterns- S
I Assignee Sale.
\ Having been appointed assignee for the benefit of creditors of D. A,
Heck, Butler l'a., I supposed it would take at least one year to close out
this immense stock, but owing to the way the goods are going out It will
not take more than three months more to close out the entire stock. We
st'll have a quantity of children's suits, ages from 4 to 10 years—good
heavy cassimers, former prices from $4 to fS, which we will sell at what
you would have to pay for satinet or shody suits, $ 1.75 to $2.50 per suit—
satinets from 50c to SI.OO. Children's aud l!oys' overcoats from ages 4to
20, former price from $4 to $1 a, now from #1 to SB. Young men's suits
for ages 15 to 20 years many of them Ht less than half price—also shirts,
ties, collars, cuffs, gloves, mittens, a full line of underwear from the cheap
est to the best makes—men's and boys' sweaters—cordivan jackets, men's,
boys' and children's pants, children's astrachatt reefers only $2.50, se'l
everywhere at f.j.00; Beaver and chinchilli reefers from $1.50 to $2.00 —
watches, chains, pins, umbrellas, trunks, valise's, hosiery, combs,
brushes and a variety of notions for Christmas presents. As I expect to
close out this entire stock within the nert 90 days I give notice to all pei
sons knowing themselves indebted to said IJ. A. Heck to call and settle the
same at once as after Febuary 1, IS9B, the books will be left with my at
torney for collection with cost and interest as the hooks must be settled as
soon as the goods are closed ou*. If you wish to avail yourself of the
mauy bargains offered, CALL SOON.
L. M. Cochran,
Our stock is complete in every detail Our stock of Diamond*
is the largest in llutler County, and as we buy direct from the inru
porters you can save the Jobbers profit by buying from us. We buy
all our diamonds loose and mount them to suit you, therefore you
get just what you pay for. All our diamonds are guaranteed to be
just as we say they arc or money refunded. VVe give our special at
tention to rep. it ing of fine watches and jewelry. vVe take old gold
and silver the same as money, paying the highest market prices.
C. F. T. PAPE & BRO,
JEWELERS, 122 South Main St., Butler, P«.
Tailor, Goods,
Summer heat makes the problem of looking dressy and keepiug cool a hard one
Hut we've solved it; and for once economy, comfort and fashion go hand in baud
Our summer suits aic finer in fabric, nobbier in pattern and more stylish in cut
han ever before, they fit your curves and yet they're not sweat bath outfit*, The
prices may surprise you,
J. S. YOUNG. Tailor.
101 S. MAIN St., - - HUTLKR. PA
■ T- ■ ■
IPunc y is
tuality /Jk Power,j |
Hitch your i ßut sure
business 9 P it's in a
works to a 1 H Fahys Gold- :
jrood watch.j jj |W filled Case,
And that you buy it from j
E GRIEB The Jeweler.
I uWmamwJy int N. Mnln Ht. Iluttrr. P».
Tin* I'oril fat in ill Donegal twp., ncur
Milli-i low ii IN fin «iilr It contain*
IIIMHII iy>acir», li well watered nml In
K>KMI cotylitfon I'or term* inquire ut
(bin other
SCIHI ll* the nau»e» «ml xldreanea of
three or more |ierfoi incrtt on thr piano
or i tojjrthrr with trn centa in mlver
or poM !«'• ami we w ill mail you ten
piri i-n lull *hcrt lliualc, COlUl»till|{ of
popular «oiixi. waltwn, murcllm, etc , ar
ranged for the piano ami organ, Attic**:
I'ci 1*111,4 M Music Hon. Co ,
In-lluiiiipollH, I ml.
Pfactical Horse Shoer
Formerly Horn Shoer at the
Wick House hna opened huai
nrwi in a ahop in the rear oi
the Arlington Hotel, whera
he will ilo Horae-Shoelnit In
the tuoal approved aiyle.