1 (IRS. J. E. ZIMMERMAN. | 1 $ Special Sale of Black Dress j S ' Goods And Ladies' Wraps. J g LADIES JACKETS. J ' jn We offer advantages to our customers in Ladies' Jacket* that we do g ( V not say cannot be matched, but that so far lia . e not Wen equalled. * » IN ASSURANCE OF SATISFACTION", 2 IN I*OINT Ol- ASMHtT.MENT, 5 IN POINT OF PRICE. £| S We have just received a large shipment of Ladies' Rough Boucle £ Jo Jackets. Our price on these is £4- just save *2 52 0.. lus 1 • • arnicnt; real value, *- so. Special value we offer in I lain £ S Kersey jackets at <M>. Real value, <7 5" Ladies' Thibet wed Boucle Capes, >j«."» <M». \alue, |S 00. g j ! ? BLACK DRESS GOODS. S « KoeatK-Black Figured All-Wol Novelties 38 in. I.es wide real value *> rents j8 We have always made a specialty of Black Dress Goods, but we con- g V sider these the best values we have ever offered you at these prices. fK U You will find by comparing prices we ask for Millinery, Lace Oir- J 5 tains, Blankets, Yarns. Flannels. Hosiery and Underwear, &c., that we . M 'can save voumcnev.n each and every article mentioned, and that* U quality will bear comparison. We invite your inspection before pur- g chasing. y | Mrs. J- E Zimmerman | 3 N B Sole agent for Standard Patterns. Write for fasbon sheet. \, ]) S OUT IN THE COLD! Take Them as They Run ana you'll not find a stock in Butler that will average up like this one. We haven't l<een in this business all these years without having learned where the good shoe makers reside. We've located pretty nearly all the good ones and we got about the best things they produce, always paying a fair but close price for all we purclnse. Find our / -— ——"/ C Stock is in harmony with up-to-date J [ I f ideas of dress. The BOYS anf ' t U- I I! ! ) C GIRLS can now get heavy shoes N I ? 1 I j i i : « J but neat and trim in appearance and / 1 ' j ( i ' ( fashioned oil same lasts as our fine _, \L_ ~v s^,oes - S \ Shoes For Well Dressed \ i~ it ' ~ Sl~/ v Men and Women who want to lie r ~~~ / well dressed and who wish to begin } Ht\ Y /at th - * foundation. These are the / ' Ui' '' S kind of shoes we want to show you. J ' .p't'j,f fAs for price the same old htrd times \ J Men's and Women's jgft- 1 heavy shoes that we will warrant in J \ proof Calf, Kangaroo Calf, at very 1 . f low prices. WOOL BOOTS, 0 shoes and Ladies Warm Lii\edShoes Felt and Leather Soles for Tender Feet. Now that Fall has come, we can't go barefooted any longer. We wear shoes front the time we are up until we retire, and some people—men-have been known to wear thrm to bed. That's probably when the shoes are tight. All our shoes are prohibitionists. Bute's Wis ft p ITTTCri TAIW «PP' Shoe Hons? D»\j» 11U *3.CJL 11/1! Hotel Lowry. >oooooooooooo<i>oooc , oo<>oo<^C' : ' < j HIGH CLASS niLLINERY j; ■ at moderate prices. !\ i . Exquisite Black Ilats trimmed with tips, ligrette, velvet, < > . ornaments and ribbon, only sjc2 25- 4 > Velvet Toques trimmed with ribl»on and tips, only $2. I Beautiful line of Children's Hats at ft 50, $2 00, $3 00. i > Fine Black Velvet Hats at S3 50, worth *5 00. ( f Fine Black Velvet Hats »t $5 worth $7 00. I i * COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of Ladies' and V ► Children's Underwear and Hos'ery. l'rices always the :; MARKS', |j; < ► 108 S. Main St., one door South ( ► ut Butler Savings Bank. The Wise Grocer. Will try to induce his customers to buy the very best ceries in the market, l>ecause by so doing he makes a sale that will give satisfaction, and it is the pleased and satis. fied customer who builds up the grocer's business. We have some of the very l>est goo<ls obtainable which we sell as close as any house in the county. I/-ave us your order and we'guarantes satisfaction. ( The Butler Produce Co., C L MOORE, Prop'r 130JW. Jefferson St.,Jßutlcr,JPa IF YOU GET IT AT THE BUTLER PRODUCE IT'S FRESH. ——^ NEWS and OPINIONS of NATIONAL IMPORTANCE THE SUN at ONE CONTAINS BOTH. Daily, by mail, - - $6 a year Daily and Sunday, by mail. $8 a year The Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday News paper in the world- PRICE 5c A COPY. BY MAIL, $2 A YEAR- Address THE SUN, New York. SEAN9R & NACES Livery, Feed and Sale Stable RE\R OF WICK HOUSE, BUTLER, I'A. Tl.o l>e*tof hor«'H und fimt. clafc* rijfn aivraya on hand and for hire. Beit accomodation* in town f< r perma nent hoarding ami transient trade. Hpei lc»rn Bublc room lor >ixty five home*. \ (rood claoa of hornei, both driver* and diatt #«r»ei» alwavn on hand and lor wilr nnd< ra ! -11 •• .U < ; anil horne* 311 »n proper notification hv hIS A SOU A. ACM. Telephone, No 219. bubtcribe ior iho Citmin tin ill IS THE Tli/iE TO HAVE nUlf Your Clothir\£> CLEANED or D"¥ED If you want goou ;irnJ reliabh cleaning or dyeing done, there is just one place in town where you ' can pet it, and that is at Hi #lllll# Dli HSfS 21C Center avenue Ijf3i-\Ve do fine work in oui loor Photographs, This is tiie time of ye'ir to have a picture ot your house. Give us a trial. A/?ent for tb»* Jamestown Slidiue blind C ».—N-* Y <rk. E. FISHER & SOH, 3RICKER 4 VINROE. Livery Feed and Exchange Stabj.l: First class at reasonable rates Special Attention to Transient Custom. Btrn in rearjuf Dian;«,n<l St.," P.utler P.t j People'# Telephone, No. 44. ;il. C. IiRICKER | and ■ Prop'rs. W. /. VinkoH, j ~T. 5. MC.IUNKIN, Insurance and Real Estate Agent. 117 I',. J EPPERSON ST., BUTLER. - PA Advertise in tbo (Jin/, en, I is to e 'inc -quart iv i U- -v j .I ot:t and I.i C.' the dif .> [ iLJMI ficulty and fight it j 3 y If YOU are -iek or ] K H| Jl - the h*" sl | > ; -. /, ' 01 K 1 • • neg fiSy My/ JJ I !«-ct or ignore it or 1 ilfajp Jr //I pretend that it / // . ' _ / / I 7 find t}.! proper rem- j / / fl> (il ■ Lj A bi.' dyspep- L «Vetera not only makes life miserable, but it i- -urc to lead to somtthiiiß worse, unless promptly taken 1.1 haud and corrected It IS {... :;-:i to attempt to dodge <-uch trouVU « i bv my :nere temporary expeui. nt. Th? 1 only sensible way is to get rid of them tor J stood and all by a thoroughly rational. K*o- I tific medicine like Dr. Pierce's Golden Med- | ical Discovery. It cures all disordered, debilitated conci tions by its direct action upon the liver and di; r -tie • organs; it gives them pr to mak ; fr sh, healthy blood free from biiuius impurities; it drives all disease-germ; out of the circulation: it creates solid, muscular flesh and constitutional power. I.ung and throat affections, which are often simply the result of imp lircd !.;.tri tion. are reached and cured by this wonder ful '' Discovery" in case-- where cod liver oil emulsions are u >c!ess. because the !>i - covcry " is readily assimilated by d licate stomachs. It is "far superior to malt ex tracts, because its beneficial cuccts are permanent. •' p r pierce, lam one of yonr grateful natien'ts." writes Mrs. Annie M Norma:: ol F-nin'i:ik. Wayne Co., Pa. ' I have take" • Go' n Metlical D ; -very.' at«o 'Knvon: • I'r - •Cfipt'-'t,' an 1 Pellet; ' v. ith i I-m many of my fnen.N l- 1 •>»•"*«"- rlc.'l bTTßijfht to lire rhe ■xii '• I consumption ami <leath vr a- only a matu rct time That was six year 1 ago I eon • • •Jo try vour mMicine. I <*»atim.H Mtll I had ate' n nine ii >tf.- of ' Discovery ' and several »" • > of ' Pellets." t got well ni'.<l have done a l.r. jt deal of hard work Pinee." When the liver and bowels don't wrrk. the bodv and brain won't. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are a sure, safe, speedv n. d permanent cure for con ii-.ation. and a torpid livei. One Pi-llet is a geu..c laxative and two a .n:!d cathartic. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL FOR Piles or Hemorrhoids. „ Fissures & Fistulas. Burns & Scalds. t Wounds & Bruises. Cuts & Sores. Boils & Tumors. Eczema & Eruptions. Salt Rheum & Tetters. Chapped Hands. Fever Blisters. Sore Lips & Nostrils. , Corns & Bunions. Stings & Bites of Insects. ] Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and SI.OO. Soirt by drugKliU, or sent j*#>t pa ill on receipt of price ' UmrHßlls' HID. CO., 11l A lit «WU»bt..S«»lwk. MANY THINK! when the Creator said to woman, "In sorrow shalt thou bring forth children," that a curse was pro nounced against the human race, but the joy felt by every Mother when she first presses to her heart her babe, proves the contrary. Danger and suffering lurk in the pathway of the Expectant Mother, and should be avoided, that she may reach the hour when the hope of her hea.'* is to be real ized, in full vigor and strength. MOTHER'S FRIEND so relaxes the y-'Sp system and as :yiftOfotsu sists Nature, p// tk® " ec> jljs sea, Headache, Gloomy I-ore boding of dan ger, and the trying hour is robbed of its pain and suhering, as so many happy mothers have experienced. Nothing but "Mother'B Friend" docs this. Don't be deceived or persuaded to use anything else. ••Mother's IK r'io jrreateFt remedy ever r.ut 'in the; market, nwlull our customers i>ral«eit Uglily."—W. 11. Kiso & Co., Whltewrlght, rex. Of druKtM't* at •! to. or i. :nt by cx|.r< - on re ceipt ..f )>rl Write for book i-ontulain:; tama ble information for all Mothers, mailed free. Hie llradfield Kcralaior Co., Atlanta, <<&. TRADE-MARX. s : ?ji Nerv* and Rapid Restorative, An imf t'ing: cure for Diseases of the bigesi". Nervous and <.< nerative Systct . A Tonic of rare Hlk acy for the • - young and of n».irl< ccl ser« vice for S'udents, Teachers, and all who are engaged in iicaiu work st close occupations. CURES Depression, Tired Peelings, nervousness, Muscular Weakness, Loss o! Appetite, Palpitation of Heart, Restlessness, Hysteria, Herve Weakness, General Discomfort, : Excesses, Alcholism, nnd th .t almost innumerable series ol disc- and complications resulting from 1 y (!• rangement of*he Nervous system. Invaluable for weak women ' and nervous children. 1 Stsariy Nerves, * Dr. Cos'a J., , IHSCHED Bracsa lystcn, Cocclin 1 Boui.i .t.-' ct, dsihi] Ncrvo Good ork, * Tonic. CONTAINC fiO oriATCa Of* DANGEROUS DRUQ« TO MAKE A HABIT. , EO Cents per Bottle; If three >fi". ;be order* dmt onetime, a copy oJ Ori' V liouk will be included free. ' fT <RUC.G;«rt AND DEALER® OR DI«E< U» Ofl RrCCIFT Of PRICE CO CtNTS. fit brown Drug Co. SOLE .'ROPHIt rows, f EALTIMOI", MO, 'J. 8. A. I I*- Z. ft 1 S PHI LA D Lf- Mi -■ 1 " " irjtk --OKfITAL ROOMS.— V . -!?f PfiACTICA' - t I'i ' i , I CROWN *■'■> Bf.,n .g > H ' Wwjl ■' WH Y HOT DOf< J-'it rS*'.'OURS? ; ' CROWN'.', fisll'/ml"" 1 BRIOGE w "' k V ' ''li'i Ili6 part tooth ai .1, k >3 -J V '•' "f ''"<ih II 1 ONLY $P r» -r-r-' -"-z --" Ready for Agents "Following The Equator" 1 MAKK iwTisii Journey Around Hie World, | TWAIN'S ' fcouA r' Mention Paper. Addrm*— tATOH & MAINS, 1213 FJbort Street, Philarielph«r Tll EC CITIZEN. The i ulture of I hestnut*. The Lancaster New Era says that people are betfinti'.nK to realize that there is money in growing chest nuts. There is never a glut of these nuts in the great city markets. The\ may become plentiful in the country j towns and around the places where thev are grown, but a prompt market can always be found for them in cities, and at full prices, too. But it seems to ; be gradually dawning on wideawake! men that there can be more made on ■ chestnuts than almost any other crop. | when the projier choice of varieties have lieen made and the proper attention | given them. We have from time to time seen m j our exchanges that owners of chestnut timber have here and there graf . ted young sprouts with iui- j proved varieties when the mer- I charitable timl*-r has been cut away, j The most recent case is that of a citizen j of New York, who owns a laige tract j of chestnut-timber land in Luzerne' county, this State. The standing chest nut trees having r a hed the merchant able size, were cut away, and the sec ond year thereafter ten thousand sprouts were grafted with the large , Japanese and Spanish varieties. In due time this wide-awake landed pro- : prietor will find he has by this move ment made one of the best investments of his life. The ease with which these chestnut orchards can be started, and their small cost, should stimulate men who have suitable lands to enter upon the business of chestnut culture. In the . first place, chestnut sprout land in , shese parts is almost valueless, except for the timber that is «tandin« on it. (t consists of hilly or mountainous land that is frequently so rocky as to be in •apable of cultivation. Its only va'ne is in the growth of the chestnut sprouts that can be cut from it ever}' fifteen or twenty years. It is well known that anywhere from three to a dozen young sprouts are sent up from the roots of the tree. The most likely ones of these sprouts are grafted and the lest are cut away. Two years after grafting these yonng sprouts or trees will liegin to bear. IVriivisiii !titt«;rs. LaFayette, Ind., August 0, 189:5. Aunt liachael Speer: I have been using your Peruvian Bit ters of late for malarial fever that I have not been entirely rid of for the past two years until now. I must say your bitters beat everything. 1 used it only six weeks and began to improve the first week. I am now well and hearty and feel young again, even now in this very hot weather. Mrs .Tane Newman. rk Thata'N Bpigrsau. ; Among the Hayings which Mark Twain ' |)ti ts in the month of "Pudd n head ' Wilson" are thejoliowing: •it were not bent that we all think alike. It is the difference of opinion that makea race horses." • April 1. This if) the day upon I which we are reminded of what we are j on the other three hundred and sixty- , four." "Consider well proportion of things. It is better to be a yoting June bag than an old bird of paradise." Few things are harder to put np with than the annoyance of a good example. "Ha bit is habit, and not to I** flung ont of the window by any man, but coaxed down stairs a step -it a tiin • "It is often the case that the man wuo can t tell a lie thinks lie's the best jndge of one." • Truth is the most valuable thing v <; have; let ns economize it. ' "if yon pick np a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man." □ "All say, 'How hard it is that we have to die' a strange complaint to come from the month* of people who have to live." Air ship schemes are only successful when they go np. We indorse all the proprietor# K av about the merits of Salvation Oil It ii the greatest cure on earth for pain. 2.j cts. Yellow .JoiiriisUisni. Sixty nine page-, of rubbish. Twenty-nine pages of rot, Forty-six pages of scandal vile, Served to us piping hot. Seventeen hundred pictures • Death, disease and dispair Lies and fakes and fakes and lies Stuck in 'most everywhere. Thirty four sad comic pages, Printed in reds, greens and blues; Thousands of items we don't care to read. lint only two columns of news. From Life. HEADACHE I'ouders II you use any use a good one. Ask your Druggist for Armstrong's (I Cure U) Headache Pow ders. The school children of Warren. J'a . have been offered sjii.* in prizes by Mrs. L. I). Wetmore for the three best com positions written on the subject:" The Vulu? of Politeness." Thecompositioim selected will be read at a mass meeting which will be held in the near future. It was Josh Billing;-, we be'ieve. who hit off in a single sentance the value of politeness: "PolitnesH ij like an air cushion, there may not be much in it, but it eases us mightily over the jolts in the joiuney of life. THE remedies put up b> the I Cure U Co., L't'd., No., i<»6 Centre Ave., art first class, an<! gi\c excellent satisfaction. Sold by every Druggist in Hntler Coun ty. In 1 li«* Chautauqua, belt lit,00(1,000 baskets of grapes were harvested this season. "I have never bfi-1 a day's siekneJs in my life," said a middi aged man the other day. "What n comfort it would be." sighs some poor invalid, 1 mbe be in bis place for a year or two." Vet half of the in valid* we see might be just as healthy as he, if they would only take proper care of themselves, eat proper food and digest it. It's to strange that sneh simple things are overlooked by those who want , health. hood makes health It makes strength and strength wards off siekiif s. The man who had | never been uiek was strong because he ' always dig: -!*-d bis food and you could ' become 'the t*ame by helping your I i stomach to work as well w his Sha 1 Iter Dige-tive Cordial will help your I . ! stomach by making the food you eat I i make you fat. Druggists '-11 it. Trial lottle 10 cents. RHEUMATISM CI'RHD IN A I>AY. 1 "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in i to 5 days. It, action upon the system is remarkable , nil mysterious. It remove ,at once the ; » causes and the disease immediately de.- • ppj 1 iirs. The brst dost* greatly benefits; i ' 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Kcdic, and J. I'. Ralph Druggists llutler \pr96 1 < at :tu<l KattUr. Richard M. yer who lives about three miles south of Rockwood, Somerset . • •onnty. Pa.. OB the Baltimore and <Mo railroad, -ays that he has a big house ' cat that hunts and kills snakes as an or dinary cat does mice. Mr. Mover, is a stonecutter, and is working at 'Woods j Run. His home is in the narrow valley of Casselman river. The house stands ; on a strip of Iwttom land l>etween the railroad and the stream. Rattlesnakes i are i i nuuion and domestic enough in . I their taste to crawl under the front I porch or into the hog pen. The snakes keep pretty well to the mountains dnr ing the summer, but when the upland springs dry they move toward the riv- I er This year the long drought drove them down early. Baltimore A: j Ohio trains crushed the lives out of ! many as the reptiles sunned themselves j on the tracks. < >ne morning Mrs. j Moyer found the cat and a big rattler in combat. The dog watched the fight from a safe distance. Mrs. Moyer said ■ that the action of both combatants were so rapid that she could hardly tell the cat from the snake. The cat j lost its hold and was getting the worst \of it for a while. The fight ended sud- j I denly by the death of the snake. Puss had landed one hard bile in the snake s l : neck. The cat went into the house, i | lay down behind the kitchen stove and | staved tlitre for two days. In that time it did not move nor eat. and hard ly seemed to breathe. On the third day the cat revived, ate a hearty meal and went out. Since that time its chief end in life seems to be the exterm ination of snakes. The cat hunts " them along the railroad, in rocky dens, by the streams, and will even venture j into a groundhog hole like a ferret to ee'.c snakes. When lighting a snake. Mr. Mover, siiys, the cat is the fiercest looking creature he ever saw. At Washington's Tomb. During the recent visit of Premier Laurier and other Canadians to Wash ington. the ladies of the Canadian par ty were entertained by an excursion to Mount Vernon and were accompanied by the wives of the Cabinet and several others prominent in social circles there. They were met by Mr Dodge, the super intendent of the plaee, who escorted them through the old mansion and grounds' and finally conducted them down the winding path to the bluff that overlooked the Potomac and con cealed the vault that contains the dust of the father of his country. As the party approached the sacred place Mr. Dodge, who was leading, turned and said, in an impressive tone: "Ladies, it is just a step to the tomb of Washington. " There was a pause and a reverential silence for an instant, which was bro ken by the clear, sweet voice of a Cabi net lady, who asked that ever present conundrum: "Is iny hat on straight?' Superior to Imported Wines. •JO West 4hid St., New York. Dec. 11. IH9B. Alfred Speer Presi.: Dear Sir: I can say emphatically that I like your wines far better than any of the imported wines. Your Claret. Sherry and Sauterne are very fine and agreeable. Your latter is my favorite. I am, yours truely. S. F. Howland. It Cured Ilini. A military Tory candidate for Par liament was addressing a meeting of voters in an English village at a by elec tion which took place toward the end of lWt£. The candidate was known to be strongly in favor of Hogging in the army and tbi • was being used ag.iin.it him with damaging effect. Defending himself, the orator urged that no neces piiry disgrace attached to being flogged. •Why," cried he. "1 was flogged my I,elf once, and it was for telling the truth." "And it cured eo naw do-ibt said a rustic in the meeting. Save time and money by always hav ing Dr. Bull s Pills handy for the many diseases which trouble families at times. At the desk of many managers of the largest and most successful houses hangs a sign which reads: "We pat ronize only newspapers in advertising, and it will be useless to approach 11s with a program, bulletin or any similar scheme. The day of sign boar I, hand bill and circular advertising is over with men who have tried them all most effectively. KIiKP I Cure Uin the home. It is an H-stant relief in case of sudden pain c holera-Morbus, Croup, Sprains, Hi u ; ses, toothache &c- Ask your liruggist. A question of time "What o'clock?' ARMSTRONG'S Little System Pills are fine. A true Liver l'il!.—2sc. "What's the use of anything," asks the six-months old baby. "If a fellow can't put it. in his mouth?" ~ 1. y ;.i '..u::' t.'3, 'li. tr.dlKCSt.cn, Hoadachc. Easy to take, o»sv t<> operate. 5:5 c "PatrieV" said the doctor to his patient, a groom, "you're run down a bit. that's all. What you need is ani mal food." And Pat departed quite contented. A day or two afterwards the doctor happened to think of his patient, and called on hipi "Well Pat," said he, ' how are yon getting on with youi treatment?" "Oh, shure, sir," said Pan. "Oi man age all right with the oats, but it's bar rd with the chopped hay? Breathinjf impure air causes impure blood. Clear your system by taking Mood's sarsaparilla. WE GUARANTEE ro GIVE You the purest and choicest Whiskey or Wine, sold at the price you pay else where for adulterated. Wc bottle direct from the Government stamped barrel, | nlv> hav ■ in stock large supply of quarts bottled at Distillery under the govern in* nl supervision that bottled by us we year nit* 1 to be ns Dure and as good. m2¥?O I-AIR DEALINGS , % I'd EVERY ONE (iunranteed pure 0 year old Whiskey either (iuckenbeh.icr, Rnch, Gibson, Overboil. l.arRC, Ml. Vernon. ft per full quart or ft quarts for $5, Grandfathers Choice Whiskey, guar antc d t, yars old, $2 per gallon. On C. O, I). or mail orders of $lO or over, we prepay all charges. ROBERT LEWIN & CO., Importer., anil Wholesaler , 411 Water St. Opposite B. & 0. Dcpol Telephone, 3170 Pittsburg, Pa. CpiiKß AXLE " sreasf in -er •» Tin: uuui.u. Its w<ve . 1 ir.r" tin ■ .rj.: • • ft-lu.itly outta«tii •• • . . |„, JI .- <~f miy #.-| riirnid N< L | i.y t * UKT TIIIC CKM INK. I VOU SALE HX \ \ /HAT has been your ex- f jgsjfis oufcM \ \ perience? That the "just- ! Sgp as-good," 44 sold-tor-less-money " j kinds are the most expensive? #That the best, or standard, in all : lines is the cheapest ? The best j in paints is Pure White Lead and Linseed Oil. (See list of the - genuine brands.) f/yj pr\ Tv* us nfr Nationui Co » I \r~ \V - • Lc~d Tir s 1 A w IC ■ r or *. * n >' desired *ha : is re.« ly i i'_ ;h u g (' /y \ valuable inform.*: *i .in. ; w . *. «.x ; u • ard* showing pictures o( ii j \\ <• various styles or combinations of shales fctm N'ATIONAI. LEAD & OIL CO. or FI NN -VI YANIA, German Nat. Bank Building, h, i _ ! CATARRH LOCAL'DISEASE and utheresult cf .-.nd e!w- <4*. r,£,-;jiSW »udden climat o ch„-, . 1 Kor j our I*r<;i! ii> a J KATrrven"- S we po»;iivc:y ..d.. : - ■*/-> J/jS remniy i. t < > mercury or any oilier :.j r- * £fg» Ely's Gream if acknor. ed_t Ito N? t)i rt noet thr.roneh cure for Nafal Catarrh, Co d in *ad liay l*ever of all remedies. It oth tw and c.<a;.sc« the na«al p».fsa<je«i % allay* pm •. km Bl I I - tIM i» pro tects tne membrane from col !•*. rentoies the senses 4»ftasteaivlsmclL Pricesoc,at ELY BROTLIKit \ 56 Warn-a Street, New York. C. D. A IOVER OF GOOD HATS yfrjA , Can surely hat ii.s every deKre satisfied in our Spring 1597 stock, which con tains all the shapes, colors and qua itirs most admired by connoisseurs. W'ehave no fancy prices, but merely value for valae WE TREAT Furnishing Goods in the same manner, buying the best and selling as low as many charge for inferior eoods. We are always glad to show visitors our goods. Call And See Us. COLBERT & DALE, 242 S. Main ST BUTI.KR, PA AT J R. QRIKB S '2, and > Do Not Make Five, j fix # F\ ' ' t'b JI IU It's quite «i i>ionicm fo plc?se 1 everyone's taste in any line you may select and particularly of 1 jewelry, silver novelties, cut ' etc., but I'm sure you will find wl at you want in my stock and at such prices that defy com petition. I am making a spe. • cialty of nobby and find Goods and want your trade. 118 SOUTH MAIN 8T ST. CHARLES HOTEL WOOD STRIiKT and THIKD AVENUE, PITTSBURG, PA. I Has been improved throughout with a view of catering to the comfort of its guests. Everything homelike. New Furniture. New Carpets. New Dec orations. Nkw Manackment. fxx*atl>in Kliii st In the <'ily. Convenient to all KallroaU Stat lons. Table Mrlctly I'lrnt-rlass. It if. if. jy.oo ipi'l SU') |ht tiny" ST. CHARLES HOTEL CO. Wm. ItOiteuitK'J. I'i. >. o. II- I'ai.nk. Manager. PURE RYE WHISKY. FACTS I'rlee nnwlltiK to a(te. f! 00, rU..Mi. »'(00. fI.VI. fl.oo. «I.SO. $.1.00, J5..M1. 1 - iillfonila >V'lne». 7.'*• to 41- r io l.rr i»«l. Send for lull prl' - e 11*t. ( A. ANDRIESSEN. r 188 Federal St. Allegheny, Fa. | iBUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insuraice Company Office cor. Main and Cunnittghau Sts. WICK. Krw UK'>- KHIHU.It. VlreFrn. • 1,. S. miii;Tr»*». I>l HECTORS. 1 A Ifr. <1 W i'*U. lleii<li r*oii Oliver, Ur. W. Irvln. .liiiM.-s >««nhetiw>n. ' V W. Mlin Krnorv. N At Itr«-l. I' Itowtunti. U. .1. Kllnirlnr. (#r«i i\< ti«'r< r, ' lius. ItiMuiiitt. f;. |r«.|i!io. Jollll K.H-filtf. LOYAL McJUWKIN Agerit. Whec ic r «S: Wiis on j fcew No. 9 family ScVv in g I a chine. *"» : - ~*l~ ' "'** v \ - • ' '■.%> • *?' J ,-A V. '••- ..«• \V» » ■'.! JVa-i.--* >"^4 ri'.ticr- w Ball Bearings vax.; IT Lr.sy Running, Qnsct, Rapid and Durable, Sewing Machines for Fami'y a.! Factory use. for all grades 0$ CJoin and Leather. Speed and Durabllty. Factory ami Head Office* Bridgeport, Connecticut, U. S. A. FOR SALE BY HENRY BIEHL, DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Needles for all kinds of sewing machines, Boss Washing Machines, etc. N. MAIN ST. BUTLER PA. N.JB. —Second-hand Sewing Machines fiont $5.00 up. Sewing machines repaired. TIN WARE AND ROOFING A SPECIALTY. \ jfati | E • • Qi&Nk i 9 .«••••! by altarlncr adTcrtbmMtiiad _. it:** Uvt flncat fliiish fUHt Cr»OLAR SEWING MACHINE l.'trfroni rrll*bl« manufitrtnrrr-M ! « r« n , |-v mid mjuarv 1 • rid tbftt an • <j»i •! tMirt'fri, durability of working 1 K v ir* or ha* wt'u NEW HO.MI&. •■>■< CIRCULARS. . r. Swing Machine Co. m ' sit >* Sot Xit «i. N.Y sALt CV J. B. McDEVITT DO.IIOI in Sowing Uxi'l.i »h. Piano* ami! Organs--next door to V M. C. A. build ing—Flntlcr I'n. Buy the light-rnnniinr. N'ew Home, newing machine, perfect aaiininction guar anlet'il. never sets i>nt of order. REVIVO i>„; M REfcTOBES Vitality a Aft Will Man M DAY (r'jiyW 'WoIL ... \. ..\v /v ()f Mc TIIE OK EAT :*ith DAT. FRENCH REMEDY produces tin* alxjvc results In .M) diijru. It aots powerfully and quickly. Cures when ail others fall. Younjr men will regain their lost iranlnxxl, and o)<l men will recover t heir yotith.wi vljrorhy using liKVIVO. It quick ly ami surely Wrvousness, Lost vitality, Lost power. I'lillltiK Memory, last ing in aae, and ttll« fl?e< i-> ot exi ets ana In <lls« retlon. which unfits one for study, husl ness or marriage. It not only cures l»y starting at the neat ««f <llse isc. hut Is a irreat nerve tonic and hhnKl hnlhler. hack t In 1 pink if low to pale cheeks and restoring the fire of youth. It wards off Insanity and ('onsuuilitfou. Insist on having UKVIVO, no other, ft can Ik* carried In v« si pocket. Itv mall. *1 per pa< Uage. or six for f>VOO, with a positive written |?uarante« to cure or re fill;#! the money. «'lt«ulat i«»\ Ac!diess ICOYA L MIMH |\F. ro . < III' \\«SO. ILL. For Sale hy HF.DI'HK A f •K< »ll MANN. Pewnyroyal PIUS B V Orleln"! nn>l Only (Jrtiulnr. A V \ e'M'< r-il»» «'k if««i '.i uivtaiite >VBr M . *'' Tn«» afh« r. »-fifw. v fl T, t j 'ltrl I.Y f-ip U<!h«' ' rrtnm \ 'A M».U. |«»,')«»«/ - Name t\*mr. '« hi. tiralr* I !««•••' VU'IM'.II.. .-Hi !' m 1 a mi |), r.AM'.-„ They jMir.fr «he BJI I ■ ■■ liiooo and give Hialtkv g 311 ■! action to the entire r.yrtem. U ■ Curo DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, COHSTIPATIOK and PIMPLES. L. C.WICK, DI'AUK" »N Rough Worked Lumber Ol' AIX KINDS. 1 )oors, Sasli, Blinds, Mould'n^s, ShinplcH and Lath Alwa/s in Si oik. LIMIi, h \IR AND IM ASTIiK t)flice op|x site I'. & W. t)ei>ot. BITfLER. PA, -rs Give a upeciuJltc l Hrr.ntJ- winning f'ducatt n. , rom Cl*cut *>f% Aft LY r " /'. DI'FF A- SONS, Li t I lith A venue, I riTTSVVKG. /'A. I ALL »»* D T PAPE" lL ». WINTER. & WINTEft. The Leading Millinery House, of Butler Co. Ladies who love beautiful and stylish millinery can now have an •oitunity of seeing the grandest display of !• all and Winter bon ds, hats, feathers, ribbons, etc., ever brought to our city. Nothing .is been spared in (Foreign and Dcnwstic Markets) to make our lock complete in every respect. All other years have been excelled for lovely, stylish millinery, and or cheapness. We ask no fancy prices. We give you the very atest style. The very best goods at prices you can save money. All tre invited to inspect our stock. Our Stock ot Mourning Millinery Always Complete. 122 S. Main St. J PAPE, Bu^ er - Pa * JOOOCCJQOOCCSCX'GOOC'OOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOQOOOOOOCXTOJg IPunc- is | tuality Power, j Hitch your Wi I But be sure | business g S it's in a c works to a ! n f 1 GoJd= | | watch, j\i'! i filled Case, p And that you b*:;- : ( E. GRIEB, JEWELER 139 N. Main Street, BUTLER, TA. WHILE YOU ARE WAITING For your prescription don't fail <olook - , over our line of perfumes, we have re- fj J \ ceived some very fine ones lately, arc I '' ' will be pleased to have vou examine * We also have a very la. isst rtm n, 1 V of tooth brushes made expressly for u< _ Q / V\"" ~ wl'i'hhear our stamp, these brushes ' we guarantee and request tbe return of v -\ _:y th it prove unsatisfactory - You may need something for your -•" " cliappetl hands and face, and if so we , recommend Cvdonium Cream as a fine toilet preparation. REDICK& GROHMANN DRUGGISTS. PEOPLES PHONE. it 4. BUTLER r A ["FREE" This Crystal Glass Decantsi filletl with a fine Sweet Malaga Wine with every purchase of Si.oo and over from a December 10th to January ist, 1898. | The Yalne ol the Kx paid p S wine alone in on A LI. oruekm of u jS worth tI.OO, and rV' jfJ fj.lW and over. "/ rt the di'C.-tiit.r v. ill V; \"y Make \ our own H m prove un oriiiuiieiit \V i H selection, and we B S to any i-Ul. U>:»nl. w will park in a plain H We kno'A yon will Vr— ~~TJ ' K,x i jjj « want .-oinv li'|ti"nt 1 ! INCLLDINO S S for the l..iliilavs. I - ' ] THU S We will furniah I | g ' OH WINF, H Ki you «1111 the I J t t 1 and deliver at vour K ■i BEST. i - 1 d«K>r without any fe i PUREST, extra charge what- | I 5 CHEAPEST JjMt\ evor> I .... .. . .... <M 'k\ TRY... H liiskuc, \\ 1 11 e « [, Si?c Quarts 9 MAX KLEIN, wholesale LIQUORS, Expretsage Paid on all Orders of $6.00 and Over. 8a Federal Street, ALLEGHENY, PA. ■ BORN SEPTEMBER l8 ' 1 \ 1841. For more than fifty-six years it has novel' tailed in its weekly visits to the homes of fanners and villagers throughout the o o United States IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity and happiness, f< r the improvement of their business and home interests, for education, for the elevation of Amcricar. manhood and true womanhood. IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and instructive s.tories of the doings of the world, the nation and states. IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved n ethods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and the proper time to convert them into the largest possible amount of money. IT HAS le«l in all matters pertaining to the welfare cf farmers and village!s, and for over half a century has held their confi dence and esteem. Wc furnish the CITIZEN and N. Y. Weekly Tribune R)R si.so PER YEAR. CASH IN ADVANCK. Address all orders to The Citizen, V, iite vour name and address on a |x*>tal card, (.cpd it 'o Geo. W- Best, Tnbvpe lhiihling, New York City, and a sample copv of Thk Nkw Ymkk W K EKt.V THIMtiNK wi" he tn&il<Ml to yoi - . iSubscribe for the "CITIZEM."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers