W THE r 4 as^ona^e | from the very first day. WHY? U.-cause they ate > y made properly and we are as particular as you about the i fit of the shoe. Whatever price you have been paving ► > for your shoes we would like you to try a pair of < I OUR LADIES' $2-50 SHOES : I Because they are the equal of shoes that are sold at $3 W W and $3.50. Ifyou have never paid that much for a pair L of shoes they will be a revelation to you. \ou never go W. back to the cheap kinds after wearing these. f A. RUFF & SON, » V SHOE MILLINERS, J t BUTLER, PENN'A. M I MRS. J. E. ZIMMERMAN- | £ Special Sale of Black Dress 5 g Goods And Ladies' Wraps. g g LADIES JACKETS. % ■B We offer advantages to our customers in Ladies' Jackets that we do jv not say cannot be matched, but that so far hace not been equalled. i IX ASSURANCE OF SATISFACTION, « W IN POINT OF ASSORTMENT, * 5 IN POINT OF PRICE. S u We have just received a large shipment of Ladies' Rough Boucle Jackets. Our price on these is $4 OS. You just save $2 52 on this flr garment; real value, $7 50. Special value we offer in Ladies' I'lain U Kersey Jackets at $0 GO. Real value, $7 50. Ladies' Thibet Trim- rtk C med Boucle Capes, Mii 00. Value, $8 00. C 6 BLACK DRESS GOODS. S Sr Scents—Black Figured All-Wool Novelties 'M Inches wide—real value 50 cents Ok 45 40 tV> " Ok S6O to - $1 00 U j5 We have always made a specialty of Black Dress Goods, but we con- |o M sider these the best values we have ever offered you at these prices. K U You will find by comparing prices we ask for Millinery, Lace Cur- S tains, Blankets, Yarns, Flannels, Hosiery and Underwear. &c., that we flr can save you money 'in each and every article mentioned, and that U quality will bear comparison. We invite your inspection before pur- chasing. l Mrs. J. E Zimmerman | 5 N B Sole agent for Standard Patterns. Write for fashon sheet. NBS OUT IN THE COLD! Take Them as They Run and you'll not*find a stock in Butler that will average up like this one. We haven't been in this business all these years without having learned where the good slioe* makers reside. We've located pretty nearly all the good ones and we got about the best things they produce, always paying a fair but close price for all we purchase. You Will Find Our C ___ —7 V Stock is in harmony with up-to-date r tC* I I t ideas of dress. The BOYS an(^ C h l C GIRLS can now get hea\y shoes 1 "I ) 1 m Jj *1 / hut neat an d trim in appearance and C t*"— k I j 1 j C fashioned 011 same lasts as our fine / 0 yhoes t f % m \ Shoes For Well Oressed J // f Men and Women who want to l>e C I 4V T / well dressed and who wish to begin / / JSSpI i li /). ,«•')/ / at foundation. These are the v < 4.: .h. \ kind of shoes we want to show you. J ,/A, 4 /As for price the same old hf.rd times < • jKiiiU- / ens andw ° mens 3 S heavy shoes that we will warrant in p ?• — r low prices. k a WOO l' B O OTS, -^✓v^^BOofs R SHOES ar,d Ladies Warm Lurked. Shoes Felt and Leather Soles for Tender Feet. Now that Fall has come, we can't go barefooted any longer. We wear shoes from the time we are up until we retire, and some people—men -have been known to wear them to bed. That's probably when the shoes are tight. All our shots are prohibitionists. Butla's Leading I) p IIITCET TAW <>pp, Shoe House O • \j# 11 U*JLLI vll HotelLovry. >oooooooooooo<B>ooooooeooopo< I HIGH CLASS HILLINERY ; ; moderate prices. | | Exquisite Black Hats trimmed with tips, ligrette, velvet, | ornaments and ribbon, only #2 25. Velvet Toques trimmed with ribbon anil tips, only $2. Beautiful line of Children's Hats at $1 50, $2 00, $3 00. Fine Black Velvet Hats at $3 50, worth $5 00. * Fine Black Velvet Hats at $5 00, worth $7 00. i > COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of Ladies' and jr Children's Underwear and Hosiery. Prices alway3 the i > i; "marks', I; ' ' 108 S. Main St., one door South < I ► of P.utler Savings Bank. i The Wise Grocer. « Will try to indue: his customers to boy the very best gro ceries in the market, because by so doing he makes a sule that will give satisfaction, and it is the pleased and satis. fied customer who builds up the grocer's business. V.e have some of the very best goods obtainable which we sell as close as any house in the county. Leave us your order and wejguarante; satisfaction. The Butler Produce Co., C L MOORE, Prop'r l 3°_W. Jefferson St.,Jl!utler,JPa IF YOU GET IT AT THE BUTLER PRODUCE IT'S FRESH. ——-v i i I /«rv Behind evtrr frrrat man you will find .1 i great motht r Behind VLf every preat man you will |TrS find:, licalth; (\ t L\V"*"v I \ i\ niot u i-1. A f \ s V } i'.child s phy // i ! \W X— ca 1 and '// mental w 1- I wvfrvsK l i/i ' H dous a ' x 'u e 1 If.l H\ Ilk 1-. L |\ ■ gestation. If, : /lV,y u I . j / / Hi months, the j /51 I ( l\t mother suf- I / | f T fers from j / C |OB /■ \ weakness! ( --*J W W 6 1 ant j dise.-. e [ | of the deli cate and im portant or gans that bear the burdens of maternity, the chances are that her child will be weak, puny and sickly, with the seeds ot -< 1 ions dit-ease already implanted in its little body '■ at birth. If the mother, during the interest ; ing period, suffers from the abnormal men tal states which recur periodically with wo men who are weak in a womanly way, these 1 conditions will impress themselves upon the mind of the child. Every woman wants children who are both physically and mentally healthy. Every woman may have that kind of chil dren if she will take proper care of herself in a womanly way. Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the best of all medicines fot prospective mothers. It acts directly on the delicate and important orprar. - that bear the brunt of maternity. It makes them strong, healthy, vigorous, virile and elastic. It allays inflammation, heals ulceration, soothes pain and tones and builds up the shattered nerves. It banishes the usual dis comforts of the critical period, and mikes baby's introduction to the world easy almost painless. It insures the little new comer's health and a bountiful supply of nourishment. A book about keeping well. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser. For pa per-covered copy send 21 one-cent stamps to cover mailing onlv. Cloth binding, 31 stamps. Dr. R. V. Pierce, Euffalo, N. V. HUMPHREYS* No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Infants' Diseasea No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 8 " Neuralgia. No. & Cures Headache. No. IO " Dyspepsia. No. 1 1 Delayed Periods No. 12 " Leuchorrea. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. 13 Cures Rheumatism. No. 16 " Malaria. No. 20 " Whooping Cough No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. 30 " Urinary Diseases No. 77 " Colds and Grip. Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid 011 receipt of price, 25c., or 5 for SI. DRT. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC MASI AI. or DISEASES MAILED FKEE. Humphreys' Med. Co.. 11l William St.. N. Y MOTHER!^ and about which such tender and holy recollections cluster as that of " MOTHER " —she who watched over our helpless infancy and guid ed our first tottering step. Vet the life of every Expectant Moth er is beset with danger and all ef fort should be made to avoid it. _ _ . | . so assists nature Mother s _ m - the Expectant LriAHH Mother is cna r II Mil II bled to look for- I B I UHU ward without dread, suffering or gloomy fore bodings, to the hour when she experiences the joy of Motherhood. Its use insures safety to the lives of both Mother and Child, and she is found stronger after than before confinement —in short, it "makes Childbirth natural and easy, as so many have said. Dont be persuaded to use anything but MOTHEjTSniIEND "My wife suffered more in ten min utes with either of her other two chil dren than she did altogether with her last, having previously usej four bot tles of 'Mother's Friend.' It is a blessing to any one expecting to be come a MOTHER," says a customer. BENDKKSOX DALE, Carmi, Illinois. Of Druggists at 51.00, or sent by express on receipt of price. Write for book containing testimonials Ami valuable information for all Mothers, free. The Bradfleld Uegulator Co., Atlanta, Ua. prunelTne TRADE-MARK REGISTERED. THE IDEAL LAXATIVE AND CURB FOR CONSTIPATION. AS PLEASANT AS HONEY < AND SURE CUR'S FOR Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Stomach Troubles, Bowel Disorders, Liver Diseases, Irregularity, Kidney Troubles, Headache, Fevers, Sick Stomach, Skio and Blood Disorders, Thick and Sallow Complexion, I t AND VERY MANY OTHER DISEASES AND COMPLICATIONS DUE TO AN IMACTIVf . STATE or THE BOWELS. ( PRUNELINE is the safest and surest cathartic and aperient one can use. It i thoroughly cleanses without griping, purifies the blood and removes all waste from the system. It does away j with Castor Oil, Salts, Blue Mass and all other nauseous purgatives. It' tones and energizes all the great or gans of ihe system. It is free from all harshly acting drugs, and is always Eafe, always ready, always re'iable. KEEP THE HEAD COOI, THE FEET WARM AND THE BOWELS USING P3U NET LINE FOR THE LATTER PURPOSE. PRUNELINE IS TKt PERFECT FAMILY MEDSCINf. I SOLD DY ALL DEALERS, cr sent OH receipt of 50 tents to any address BY Winkc'maisn & Brov/n Drug Co. s BOLE PHOPRIEYOR*. ' E.".L- YORE, MD., U. 3. A. ] i < .j TAFVS *-: .-aSa "DENTAL ROOMS - - l(' la 39 - sth Ave., Pittsburg, Fa. pi 1 !*l We'repraCTlCA' '.yd""'}:'!" H®X » CROWN -"id BF.iOjt worl f? V'J fc. £A of I'lUslmrg-WHY ,<OT DO V Klffl. #B|vqyHS? CROWNSf, ( U »si J BRIDGE rediiretl i . ■ • l!"«W Jw*s PER TOOTH *'» I'" L* 1 \3 y -*et ofl ceth ii»:ule, cNLY $8 \ : r iADY FOR AGENTS ' " rclloTsrlng Tho Equator '* I'.iclS Mark. Twain's .Journey Around T!io World, "Till iI If ,I;rtv •- Auetralia, India, South | bVAlni \ Africa, etc. The Author's BWW mil w Matter pi see. A success from tho 1 stirt Enormous sale assured. RSutU il'tni/ y.OOO AUAH.9 WANTED lf» If Ulllln JL Kxtlu*lv<» field, ir-ll UUUI\ Wriltf for cJrtui.na-ana terms. , Mcutiou I'aptr. Aitdrcss— 1 EATON & MAINS. 1213 Filbert Street, Philadelphia. 1 1 THE CITIZECN. Bad [ Thev were both Spiritualists, and it j is hardly necessary to add that they I ; were not commonplace, for, being | Spiritualists, how could they possibly j l>e commonplacev No! I They met. this He and She (It sounds l like the speakers in a dialogue joke. I but this, is no joking, laughing matter, j It's serious 1. at a seance. Have you ever teaneed, any of von fellows? It's great fan. After the lights are turned ont yon take hold of the girl nearest you, and But I'm getting away frun my story. After the seance was over and the spirit of Daniel Webster has vouchsaf ed to the faithful this sonlterrifying communication: "Iseenalotof things when I was alive," and various other equally mysterious manifestations had presented themselves, this He and She fell into conversation. They had never met before, bnt as they gazed into each others eyes they recognized right away that each was the other's affinity! "My Affinity!" he cried. "Mine!'' she mnrmered.and fell into his arms. "Yon are married, of course'.'" he then said. "No," she whispered, hesitatingly. "Nor I.'' he reluctantly admitted. "Then we mnst part!" They could not love, these twin souls, because there was nothing to prevent it. anil what is the good of being Affinities if you don't have to strive against Fate? There is nothing commonplace al>ont your Spiritualistic Affinity, b'gee— New York Journal. American Farmer's Institute Club. A committee from this club report the wines of Alfred Speer, of Passaic, N. .T. the most reliable to be obtained, and that his Oporto Grape makes a Port Wine superior to any in the world. His Claret and Brandy have no super iors. As Years Rolled By. He swore that for true love he'd marry: In a cottage he'd much rather tarry. W T ith his love by his side. Than take for his bride A girl who had millions to carry. He was twenty. Years passed: he was thirty and single In society's gay whirl he'd mingle; He had loved half a score. He was loving once more— A lass? No. Her coin's golden Jingle. He was thirty. A bachelor still, the old sinner! Met a maiden and tried hard to win her, Not because she was fair Or had money to spare, But—because she could order a dinner. He was forty. There is no dyspepsia or headache in the house where Dr. Bull's Pills are kept. They are invaluable for all stomach troubles. A gentleman lately dismissed a clever but dishonest gardener. For the sake of his wife and family he gave him a character, a:>d this is how he worded it: I hereby certify that A. B. has been my gardener for over two years, and that during that time he has got more ont of my garden than any man I ever employed. KEEP I Cure Uin the home. It is an nstant relief in case of sudden pain cholera-Morbus, Croup, Spraius, Bruises, toothache &e—-Ask your Druggist. When all the tiny wheeling stars Their cycle-lamps have lit, And bending o'er their handle bars, On roads celestial flit. I trundle out my tandem, fleet, With Dais}' at my side: We mount and then, our flying feet Propel ns far and wide. Along the smooth secluded pike We take our ev'ning run, Two sonls with but a single bike, Two hearts that scorch as one. THE remedies put up by the I Cure U Co., L't'd., No., 106 Centre Ave., are first class, and give excellent satisfaction. Sold by every Druggist in Butler Coun ty. Very disagreeable gymnastics-A jumping toothache. When is a ship like a book? —When it is outward bound. The skilled burglar may not be wealthy, but he takes things easy. To get up a dinner of great variety, cooks should be allowed a wide range. ' If yon eat what yon like, and digest it, yon will surely be strong and ; healthy. But if you don't digest it, yon might almost as well not eat. for what good can your food do you if it doeseu't < nourish yon? ( If you find that you can't digest it. . there is a simple help for your stomach. 1 It is Shaker Digestive Cordial, made bj the Shakers of Mount Lebanon. It has never failed to enre the worst , case of indigestion. Strength and health come from the food you eat, after it has been digested and has gone into the blond. The best tonic is digested food. The ' best aid to digestion, Shakers Digestive Cordial. When you have acid eructations, nausea, headache, wind, dizziness.offen- - sive breath, or any other symptoms of ' dyspepsia,, Shakers Digestive Cordial « will cure you. c At druggists. Trial bottle 10 cents lis easy enough to be pleasant When life flows along like a song: . But the man worth while the one 1 who will smile When everything goes dead wrong. i For the test of the heart is trouble. And it always come 3 with years, ' And the smile that is worth the price of the earth Is the smile that comes through tears. c Ella Wheeler Wilcox. \ f HEADACHE Powders—lt you use any use a good one. Ask your Druggist for j Armstrong's (I Cure U) Headache Pow- , ders. , When yon meet a teacher of the pri mary school lift your hat reverently. } She is the good angel of the republic. This woman takes a car load of little \ bantlings whose mothers sent them to ( school to get rid of them, and though ( each child is such an anarchist that nei- C ther father or mother can set along with ; them, she makes useful citizens out of them.—Tyrone Times. It's a wonder women never think of c cutting off a bit of their skirts instead | of wasting the time of one hand hold them up If some men had to work iu order to '1 obtain a living, they wouldn't live very long HOOD'S .-S'.i.ii c--;re U'.verttis, Bil iousness, tndi,;esticn f Headache. Easv to take, oasv to operato. 25c "Yon long for things most," says the > Philosopher, "when you are short.' It i£ *h<> hardest sort of task to con- _ vince ones-if that the pain ot duty u the pleasanter one to travel. The Missing Letter Fraud. In almost every city daily newspaper, and in many reputable weeklies are , found advertisments puriKirtmg to be i guessing contests in which the contest j ants are competitors for prizes of vari j ons stated values some as high as $ 10,000 in gold.—All the-e so-called guessing . contests, like the word-building schemes are frauds. The current issue of the Criterion says of them: "Some sort of warning should go out to the public regarding these advertisments, now frequent in the columns of the daily papers, offering j large cash prizes to persons taking part j in certain "Missing Letters" contests. These things have al ways been ntter ■ frauds.—The advertisers depend upon j a sufficient number of gullibles sending in their fiftv or twenty-five cents en-; trance fee to double the money they j will have to pay out in prizes even al lowing that they are actually forthcom ing. 111 England the crookedness of there schemes has been frequently ex posed. Lan astonished that onr news- I papers off°r their advertising- space to such stuff. Still, when I recall the bucket shop advertisements that those same daily papers carried so blithely until exposure of their fraudulency came, I admit that I might have expect- j I ed this present sequel." , 1 The Speer Brand of Brandy. It is a guarantee of Excellence. The Climax Brandy made from grape in j 1878 is absolutely pure For sickness in your family do not for heaven's sake 1 nse any brandy but old and strictly j pure distillant from the grape. Free of charge—an empty gun. It's queer, but henpecked husbands seldom crow. The last glass before going to bed— The looking glass. Handled without gloves—Knives and forks, generally. The "coughing hoss" is the Indian name for a locomotive. Caller: "Are you sure Miss Riche is not in?" Maid: "Do you doubt her word, sir?" She: "I hear you have just got mar ried: is it too late to offer eongratula tions?" He: "O, yes; I was married three weeks ago. A sensible woman will never fail to keep a bottle of Salvation Oil on hand for cuts and bruises. It is unrivaled. 25 cents. "Spare me!" she moaned. But he was unrelenting. "No," he answered, "I'll not spare you a cent." "Your husband seems to be a victim of the tobacco habit." i "No —I'm the victim. He thorough- t ly enjoys it." Old Gentleman, to tramp: why are v you opposed to work? Tramp: I ain't. If people didn't work how could I get along these hard times? ARMSTRONG'S Little System Pil'.s are fine. A true Liver 1'i1!.—2.5c, "George, I'm glad to see that you 1 are polite, and offer sister the oranges a first." "Yes'm; 'cause then she has to be po lite. an' take th' little one." "Do you believe it is true that Geo. Washington never told a lie?" "I don't know. But if he didn't, Martha most of been an ideal wife. " Wife: " What a sweet smile there is on baby's face, John!" Husband; Yes, lie s probably dream ing that he's keeping uie awake." The Miss: "Don't you think they are two souls with but a single thought?'" The Cynic: "well, I shouldn't wonder. They are both making fools of them selves. " Old Millyuns: "Young man. my daughter tells me that you kissed her last niirht." Percival Tootles: "well, if she wants to go around bragging about it, that s 'her privilege." Mr. Howland: "I tell you, Maria, you're worrying over nothing. I can stop smoking any time I want to.' Mrs. Howland: "Well, then, stop now." Mr. Howland. I don't want to now. 1 Barnstormer: "Every cent was taken ; at our last performance." £ Roscius de Hammer: "1 heard about it. I was told that the audience car- ' ried off the benches as the only way of getting any return for their money." * Breathing impure air causes impure j blood. Clear your system by taking Hood's garsaparilla. "Railway accident this morning." said Blinkins. a suburban resident, after he had returned from his business in town and met his wife at the station "Is it possible?" "Yes,the train was up to time both ways." How still they are.' 1 remarked Mrs. Fogg, apropos of the young couple n the next room. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY. "Mystic Cure" .for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in I to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the causes and the disease immediately dis appears. Tlie first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by J. C. RediC, ar.d J. K. Bnlph Druggists Butler. \pr 96 WE GUARANTEE TO GIVE You the purest and choicest Whiskey or Wine, sold at the price you pay else where for adulterated. We bottle direct from the Government stamped barrel, also have in stock large supply of quarts bottled at Distillery under the govern- j nient supervision that bottled by us we guarantee to be as oure and as good. motto FAIR DEALINGS ,»hVto everyone. Guaranteed pure 6 year old Whiskey- either (iuckenhcirner, Fintu, Gibsoa, Overbolt, Large, Mt. Vernon. per full quart or 6 quarts for $5, Grandfathei's cnoice Whiskey, guar, anteed 3 years old, $2 per gallon. On C. O. D. or mail orders of sio or over, we prepay all charges. ROBERT LEWIN & CO,, Importers and Wholesalers, ill Water St. Opposite B. & 0. Depot Telephone, 2179 Pittsburg, Pa | rifrt&£!l GRfc'ASE I! BEST 7.M THE WORLD. i J Its wearinrrq'i.i]it iejjare unsurpassed, actually i ( outlasting two boxes of any other brand. Not I *fecU>l by heat. trcjßT TH K CKNI'INS, FOR SALE JiY rEAXKRi' GENERAL?^ I: Advertise in the UITIXZN. # pLEASE bear in mind the fact " standard/' in all lines com mands a fair price. See list of €the brands ot Pure White Lead gk which are the standard. They are the best. Avoid those brands SEW said to be "just as good," offered r tor " less money,*' and of "so called White Lead." Av rnrp By using National Ivad Co.'* Tare White Lead Timing Col /x Vatt r~* |/r H or*, any de*:r**d shade i» readily « bta.ned. l'Ainphlrt k vaj /'AT, 1 — _ valuable information and card she'Xing sazn; .<e% of c« rstree; ['JSJ :"l\> *1) cards showing pictures of twelve houses of Hitferent c'.e- painted u» t VAr: ,us styles or combinations of shades forwarded upon appi icatioo io taots A * intending to paint. NATIONAL LEAD & OIL CO. OF PENNSYLVANIA, German Xat. Bank Building, Pittsburgh, I'a. Druggist CATARRH 1° CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's CrsaiTi Balm p^ VFlV S >^|>g contains no cocaine, W y mercury any etSw It is quick.y Absorb- L It opens and CIOUIK \ COLD 1 * HEAD Ileals and Protects the Membrane. Restore* the Senses of Taste an»l Mne'.l. Full Size 50c.; Trial Size 1 rtc.; at Dm*. _ r sta or by mail. SJ-X BROTHERS, 53 Warren Street, New York- C. & D. A LOYER OF GOOD HATS Can surely tin 1 ins every desire satisfied in our Spring 1897 stock, which con tains all the shapes, colors and qualities most admired by connoisseurs. We have no fancy prices, but merely value for valoe WE TREAT Furnishing Goods in the same manner, buying the best and selling as low as many charge for inferior tjoods. We are always glad to show visitors our good a Call And See Us. COLBERT & DALE, 242 9. MAIN ST. BUTLER, PA AT J. R. GRIRB^S U and '2. Do Not Make Five. kZA /V* \ CT I I 1 ) iff ' I II 4 r && V It's quite a proDiein ro please everyone's taste in any line you may select and particularly of jewelry, silver novelties, cut glass, etc., but I'm sure you will find what you want in my large stock and at such prices that defy com petition. I am making a spe. cialty of nobby and find Goods and want your trade, J. 8 GSIEB. 118 SOUTH MAIN 8T ST. CHARLES HOTEL WOOD STREET and THIRD AVENUE, PITTSBURG, PA. Has been improved throughout with a vievy of catering to the comfort of its {•uests. F very thing homelike. New Furniture. New Carpets. New Dec orations. NKW MANAGEMENT. Location Finest in the City. Convenient to ;*1 liailroad Stations. Table Strictly First-class. Ka.es. $2.00 and per day? ST. CHAtfLES HOTEL CO. WM. ROSEBURO. Pres. O. It. PAINT. Mani'TUß. PURE RYE WHISKY. —FACTS - Price accord ins to ago. 32.00. $2.2.". $2.30. $3 00, $3.50, SI.OO. s!.«>, $.'.00, §3..V>. California Wines, 75c to 81.50 pur ual. Send for full price list. A. ANDRIESSEN. iSS Federal St. Allegheny, Pa. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insuraice Company Office cor. Main and Cunningbau Sts. i VVliu, l^eß. «EO. K KTTEKKB, Vtre Fres. L. %. McJl'N kI.V, Sff'j PJRECTOUtf. Mfred >Vtck, Henderson Oliver, >r. W. Irvin. James Stephenson. V. W. Black more. N. WeltieY, •'.Bowman, 11. J. Kllnccler, ieo. Ketterer, ('has. Rebliun. Jeo. Renno. John Koenie. LOYAL KcJIWKIN Aqsnt. Advertiae.in tho CmitJEN, | vv heeler & Wilson New No. 9 family Scwi ng; Mac ri in e. ffe 'y/ b:-jmE3l ! \>~sv .W ;A't ".-a.-Ucs '"^^3 kvotary Motion & 5r.1l Hearings Easy Running, Quiet, Rapid and Durable. Sewing; Machines for Family and Factory use, for all grades of CSoth and Leather. Speed ar.d Durablity. Factory ar.d Head Office, Bridgeport, Connecticut, U. S. A. FOR SAI-E BY HENRY BIEHL, DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Needles for all kinds of sewing machines, Boss Washing Machines, etc. N. MAIN ST. BUTLER PA. N/B.—Second-hand Sewing Machines from $5.00 up. Sewing machines repaired. TIN WARE AND ROOFING A SPECIALTY. r>o not bA deceived tor alluring adrertiaemanta arid think you can tfet the beet made, finest llnlah and f*OST POPULAR SEWING MACHINE for a mere sonar. Ha j from reliable manufacturer* that have pained a reputation by honest and sqt:4i e n-a!:ncr- There ia none In the world that r&a in rmchanlcal construction, durability of work-fit <l9. tt'irtitwis of flnlnh, beauty In appearand**, or h>* my improvement*aa the NEW HOME WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. :i New Home Sewing Machine Co. •OK. M BOSTON, M \sa. £8 UJCIOM N.Y uicaco. 111. ST. LOUTS, MO. DALUL*. raxa tax F&AXCISOO, CAL. AXLAjna, Uv FOR SALE BY J. B. McDEVITT Denier in Sewing Mftohlr.es, Piauoß nnd Or(tanß--rert iloor to Y. M. C. A. build ing—Butler Prt. Buy th» iight-rusnlng, New Hnmfl, sewing machine, >n guar an teed, never treH ont of order. Sir REVIVO restores mm Ist HAY. jt /$ 1-! |>\V #rM Of Me TUK UIvEAT 30lli DAY. FRENCH REMEDY produces the above results In .'JO days. It acts powerfullv and quickly. Cures when all others fail. Youim men will regain their lost rranhtHM). and old men will recover their youth.ul vigor by using KGVIVO. It quick ly and surely restores Nervousness, Lost vitality. Lost Power, Failing Memory. Wast ing Disease, and all effects of excess'and in discretion, which unfits one for study, busi ness or marriage. It not only cures hy starting at the seat of disease, but is a great nerve tonic and blood builder, bringing back the pink glow to pale cheeks and restoring the lire of youth. It wards off Insanity ana Consumption. Insist on having REVIVO, no other. It can he carried in vest pocket. By mail. £I.OO per package, or six for s>.oo, witp :i positive written guarantee to cure or re fund the money. Circular free. Address UOYAL MEDICINE CO.. CHICAGO, ILL. For Sale by KKDDICK &GK<M(MANN Ph.rrtectr'* Hr«n* ER.»¥BQY«L PILLS -■TOv •n'l Only Genuine. ▲ ~ A alwi • »o.c» i.k £\ i»ru«si«t f r • Dia a7V\ mnr * d L '"' 1 ' lh-1 *-* a.^uUic - - Ti.Lo \y W Hrt •/ ' :»itu- V 1/ - r.f||a • :.n;i f r pu'i in, "-'■ooaWl u.t ' V - !t. i • f v...* .'iu.** . "-i newtfi.. rt --on For alt BILIOUS and NEKVOI* 8 H PISXAISS. They purify the fjll | ■ L| BLOOD and give 1 i EALTHY 3 R |J iccion to the entire system. §5 ■ IbBMSV Cure DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, OOWSTIP ATIOK and PIMPLES. L. C.WICK, DKAI.EK IN Rough i Worked Lumber OK AM. KINDS. Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always in Stock. LIME. lUIR AND PLASTER V )u;Ce Opposite t*. W. tlepot. BUTLER. PA. 6%) Gives n tncrlalirr'l Pr \ fMmati. u. » iAPPLV TO fi DUFF it SOXS, V-t4 Fillh Avenue, riTTSUURO. PA. i FAU D T PAPE Mll - * * WINTER. * WINTER. The Leading Millinery House, of Butler Co. I-adies who love beautiful and stylish millinery can now have an j opportunity of seeing the grandest display of Fall and Winter bon ; nets, hats, feathers, ribbons, etc., ever brought to our city. Nothing . has been spared in (. Foreign and Domestic Markets) to make our stock complete in every respect. All other years have been excelled for lovely, stylish millinery, and | for cheapness. We ask no fancy prices. We give you the very latest style. The very best goods at prices you can save money. All j are invited to inspect our stock. Our Stock of Mourning Millinery Always Complete. !22J,JlainSt. D. T. PAPE, P"- F000CCCXXXX>COOPC0J00CO00000C?000000000000000000000fc !Punc s is tuality/lk Power. j|j Hitch your 9 |But be sure j business I I it's in a works to a re PF a^ys Gold good watch. j| |PS filled Case, )i I And that you b*Jv !' fi*om E. CiRIEB, JEWELER 139 N. MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. WHILE YOU ARE WAITING ' For yora prescription don't fail to look • • « f ' over our line of perfumes, we have re- I, i;i j > ceived some very fine ones lately, and will be pleased to have vou examine , > I v/?'' J •tem. We also have a verv la. ge assortmt n. " of tooth brushes made expressly for u« Q u—-j wbi«hbear our stamp, these brushes OnXV'/■ / we guarantee and request tbe return of ITZ. K :jt)tit prove unsatisfactory. - You may need something for your '* i|T" '■ — ~ chapped hands and face, and if so we . 'V / recommend Cvdoniuni Cream as a fine toilet preparation. KEDICK & GROHMANN DRUGGISTS. PEOPLES PHONE. 114: BUTLER PA DIRECT FROM $4.00 $4.00 EXPRESS DISTILLER_TO EXPRESS PAID " PAID CONSUMER Saving profits and preventing adulteration. We have been in the liquor business for the past twenty-five years, and thoroughly under stand the wants of the public—During all that time we have sold nothing but the Purest Product, Direct From The Distillery. The Public know that they have always re ceived the best whiskey for their money, to be had.—We have a special offer to make— we want you to try a gallon of Bear Creek WHTskey—You know it sells everywhere for SI.OO per quart—Now to our friends of But ler County we will Deliver To Your Door—All Charges Paid, a gallon of this whiskey either in a jug or four full quart bottles for $4.00 — We Are Out The Amount Of Expressage, but we want yon to try a gallon —You'll buy it again, and tell your friends that its The Best Whiskey On Earth For The Money MAX KLEIN, Distiller and Wholesale Liquor, 82 Federal St Allegheny, Pa. c- BORN life-. SEPTEMBER is. 1 \ 1841, For more than fifty-six vears it has v v never failed in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the © o United States IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity and happiness, for the improvement of ti,efr business and home interests, for education, for th<; elevation of American manhood and true womanhoods IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and instructive stories of the doings of the world, the nation and states. IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved methods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and the proper time to convert them into the largest possible amount of money. IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to the welfare cf farmers and' villagers, and for over half a century has held their confi dence and esteem,, We furnish the CITIZEN and N. Y. Weekly Tribune FOR si.so PER YEAR. CASH IN ADVANCE. Address all orders to Jhe Citizen. Write your name and address on a postal card, send H to Geo. W. Beat, Tribune Building, New York City, and a sample copv of The New York Weekly Tribune will be mailed to yov. Subscribe for the "CITIZEN."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers