OUT IN THECOLD! Take Them as Th ey Run ,nd TOO 'II not find a stock in Butler that will average up like this one Wehavent l*tn':n this business all the*e years without baring lean-it w..ere the ?«>d s-oe make-5 reside. We've located pretty nearly all the good unes and we got about t..e best things they produce, always paying a fair but close puce for ail we purchase. V>A\ZV^ vrVS "^ /V "^ Y ° U Fird OUP / ■ —■ —. C stock is in hartnonv with up-to-date S __ ( - / ideas of dress. The BOYS ar^- / 1.. i J' V GIRLS ca " now S et heav - v shoe ! V 1 | l • v --~ ) but neat an.": trim ;n appearance and w | , : C fashioned on same .asts as our tine 1 —, ' • - t » shoes. i C Shoes For Well Dressed I f*-K 1 ' ' V kind of shoes we want to show you. S ' ♦ J\ s for price the same old hard times ; ? S Men's and Women's f| J heavy shoes we __*''''^^ rr^ nt c^ n | RUBBER W S°H°O L BS BOO a T n S a Ladies Warm Lir\ed Shoes Felt and Leather Soles for Tender Feet. Now that Fall has, come, we can't go barefooted aaw*been *"known from the time we are up until we retire, and some peopi '' s boes are to wear thf mto bed. That's probably when the shoes are tight. All oar sboes prohibitionists. Batler's Lading I) C TON ° PP ' Shoe House No Difference No difference to you how we got them—but we got them. A whole lot of watches which we cannot wear out ourselves, and not being in the watch business we decided to give them to our custom - ers. These watches are not toy watches but good reliable time keepers and handsome. Now we will give one of these watches to any person buying at our store until further notice, blankets, robes, sleigh, buggy or wagon harness or other goods, amounting to sio or over at one time. We charge you nothing for the watch—it is a present for you—of course you can readily see that if the watch cost us even a dollar or two we could not afford to do it, but to be can- WATCHES wc happen 'to'geT'.'he WATCHES whole lot for what we rD r>-*±, *FREE* considered nearly noth •ng, and can aflord to be liberal with them. Hut do not let this lead you to believe they are worthless —we carry one ourselves and find them good reliable timekeepers. Here now is a good chance to get a watch for nothing because we give you the goods you buy at least to per cent, less than you can buy them elsewhere, which would mean SII worth of goods for $lO and a good watch for good fellow ship. Call and see for yourself. Martincourt & Co. S. B. Martincourt. J. M Leighner. t>. __ The Wise Grocer. Will try to induce bin customers to boy the very t**t gro # eerie* in the market, ber.au.te by so doing he makes a sale that will give satisfaction, and it is the plea»e»l and satN. fied customer who builds uj> the grocer * Jiusineei. have some of the very best goods obtainable which we sell as close as any house in the county. Leave us your order and we guarantee satisfaction. The Butler Produce Co., C L MOORE, Prop'r iy, w. Jefferson St., Kutler.'T'a IF YOU GET IT AT THE BUTLER PRODUCE IT'S FRESH. IT SHOULD A satisfaction to know when you buy at this -.tore you are getting the J/ATI'.ST. the BKHT, tbc moat ST%'LIHII good* in the market at M>\V Kit PICK I.S POJB EQUAh Qi'AU TV, than jron can get any place else in the city. A* we have Mid before, >ll LLIMMtY U not a side issue but our NI'W 'IAI/I'V; giving MI IXINKttY and LA IM KM II ItMMII ISO <;OOl>M our undivid ed attention we can and do handle the best awxtftment at the lowest p.*vible price. + + + 4»» 4- ♦ + + + New Goods Kvery Week MARKS', 108 S. Main St., one door South of Butler Ha' iny* Hank. S A Pleasure Drive \ ■ (Jjfijjmj, r,r,t a ptiawedrive utile.. the btJKKV • J_ luxurious aid easy r .nnific. £ Ho, 2 H'-mi ButKy. 5 Fredonia Buggies • 2 are the kind for your pleasure drives. I hey have the drength • 2 to last. Your dealer sells them. Insist that h<- sell them to you. t J Wade by THE FREDONIA MFG. CO., Youngstown, Ohio J (BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insura ice Company Office cor. Main awl Cunwnjjhan Sis. WHK. «'r-» «KO. k KTTRKKH. Tl't «. L. ». »rJi;>hl». t-r'f UIKFXTOKK. A Iff •-<> Wlrk, 11.-ddi rv.f» Oltr'f.; I»r W. Irvlti. luHi-n -»• |.hi iiv«ii. .V W Hliw.krmir.-, W< itz»l. j", Itowrnnn, H. J. K Unifier, i Kkm r »*r * 'hn- • (Jt'o, Kenno, John LOYAL McJUWKIN Agent JOHN W. COULTEH, and Ecai^Estfte Agent. f>Cf,( IAL A ITf VTK»N OIVK.N 1" < ( T|i).S . RKCORD 1( U I can get it, and that is at 111 BUTUft OKI WfiSKS iil (> Oenter M.vcnu';. do fine work in out loor Photographs. This is the time of year to have a picture fr the J aincfttowri sii'linv hlii.'l {Jo. —N< w York. R. FIBHER & SON, TOuIAiN/JNL '£■, SmiGTON BROS' 'UI "Jfcl'tlit ««' True happinefs does not for a wo manly woman until she become- i mother. The fear of death tancS between thousands of women and this supreme joy If a wo man wil! but take the course, she may tranipie this fear out of her heart, and ail cause for it out of her body There is practically no danger, and bat i little pain, in maternity for a woman who is thoroughly healthy and strong :n a wo manly way. Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- i tion make s the delicate crc- in- that bear the I 1 burdens of maternity ->trong, healthy, virile j . and elastic. It banishes the distrt-s of the ■ period of impending maternity, and in sures the newcomer's health and an ample | supply of nourishment. An honest drug ; gist will not try to gc-t you to take some j substitute for his profit s sake. Prospective j methers who writ- to Dr. R V Pierce will [ receive the best advice of an eminent and i skillful specialist, for thirty years chief con su'.ting physician tothegrf at Invalids' flo- ; tel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo. N. Y. . • A neighbor of nu.ie who was r. Pierce's Pleas ant Pellets are the most rational cure known. They are mild but thorough and effective. They regulate ar.d invigorate stomarh. liver and bow- els. Never gripe No Itpf r other pill if like th- m. * V/Uviilt HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL FOR Piles or Hemorrhoids. Fissures & Fistulas. Burns A- Scalds. Wounds & Bruises. Cuts & Sores. Boil;- & Tumors. Eczema & Eruptions. Salt-Rheum & Tetters. Chapped Hands. Fever Blisters. Sore Lips & Nostrils. Corns & Bunions. Stings & Bites of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and Sl.oo. 80M by or wut post pall on Ipt of prict. IlMl'Jltll. I V «tB. C 0.,111 A 119 y>iaUshu.lM>lark. GETTING BtADY Every expectant mother has a trying ordeal to face. If she does not W* "**7 { " r il, '| \\ I j th'-re i 8 no telling \ what may hapjx;n. (J Child-birth iH full of iine'-rtairiti'.-s if Nature is not proper assistance. Mother's Friend! LB the It in a linim ot, and when regularly ap plied Hnvvritl mootha before baby coined, it mak- ) thraadvent w.y and nearly pain- ICHH Tt. relieve and prevent; "morning mcknem," relaxes tbe over ntraim 1 rnint cl'M, tlir- 'iif i>it l«-'i feeling, f-hort en» latxir mak' t r'-rovry rapid and cer tain without any dangerouH aftcr-cffectg. Mother''. I riend 1- for only one ptirfx)-<■, viz.: hi relieve motherhood of danger and pain. One dollar per bottl' at all 'i mu * tores, or »«it by e*iOlll to any addr«M upon application to TMli BRADPHiLU RCfi'XATOR CO.. Atkinla. Ua. PRUNELINE TRADE-MARK ftCGIftTCRCO. THE IDEAL LAXATIVE AND CUR It FOR CONSTIPATION. AS Pi.T. A ANT HONEY AND -b'RK CUKK ?OK Dyspepila, Billoiine«», BtomacU Troubles, Bowel Diiordem, Liver Vihcußta, Irrejrularity, Kidney Trouble*, Headache, Fever*, Sick Stomach, Skin and Blood Disorder!, Thick and Sallow Complexion, «NO VtM Mant OTHCK AMU COMPLie« TtON« OOC TO * N Hl»t.TIV* •T*Tt Of THE BOWCLS. PRUNHLINE ii tbc safe-nt and surest cathartif. ami aperient one >an use. It thoroughly > leanses without s;ripin;j, jjuriH' ; t!i« blood ri.i'l remove® ail wait® from the system. It does away with Castor Oil, Salts, I'luc Mass and all other nauseous purgatives. It tones anr| energizes all the great or i .of lie *yntem. It i > free from ail I hr .lily ;'ting drugs, and i-; always safe, always ready, always reliable. Hl;r? -fMC HEAD coo., thi. rtrT W I ff'! AND THE BOIMCLB "IPSN. uaiNO fRUMCLINE roc TMC iatti n ruaroni. PRUNELINE IN THIL PCRFCCT FAMILY MEDICINE. eoio ny AII. or*ir**, or BY Wiukc Smann & lirown Drug Co. HOLC PROP»irTOR«», BAtT' rIC.RC. MO., U. S. A. Hotel Willard. | ai!«l rea ly ! for the nceonmioila j tion 'if the traveling j public. livcrylhinjj First-class. ' MRS MATTIK HKIHIHG, OfMf r| Hi." AXLE I #®W fN 'J'IIK won I.n. , M-Narn — ta timtty outlmnt it>K I ■-.<> I/O*, -t ■ r uuy i,i 1,,-r 1,1 ~,«J »«'ot l.y li ii irUKTTIIi'.eKNIUNK. *Ott ti&i-li UK I'K.lX.Lii.' r,E.MI.IiAI.'.v_ ] THE CITIZEN. Two t't'iitn- (Y.iintj IWar KpiwKlo. fVime farmers in tht* eastern part of Centra cotintv recently fonnd Hirht bears in a corn field, four grown and four cnbs. They killed three of the old one- by shooting and captured the four cnbs which they are now keeping in a log pen. Some eight miles north i ear had evidently i>een keeping guard. \il?it Karliac!Hort'lioiini 1 :tnck f'andy and <»raj»■ Juice,combined with other medicines much used by consumptive- public speakers and sing ers Sold by druggists. Price cents and cents Another l.ake of oil. Gilkey H'slgers. of Plaingroye, has returned home from the United States 'if Columbia, South America, where he was in the interests of a railroad company. In the construction of the road R'idgcrs says that enough silver ore was taken out to pay for the con struction at the rate of per mile One of the oddities of the country is a mammoth spl iig of crude oiJ. This spring flows at the rat<- of 11,000 bar rels |Krr day, forming a lake of oil some distance below. The wonderful cure by Salvation Oil of Mr. M S. ''nip a ehrcnic rheumatic, 41fl(i«-orge St.. lJaltinore, Md i i miracle A man named John lirownlee of Washington conntv, was arrested re c-ntly for -tealing corn, and sent to the work house for 6» day >. lie is a man of considerable nerve. He went to Houstonvi 11 -•, to the home of a man named Hilton, found him away, went fo his corn field, husked 10 bushels of corn, went to the stable, got Hilton's horse and wagon, hitched up and haul ed the corn to Honstonville, sold it lor $1.75, put the money in his pocket, took the rig back and went home. 'I his was all done in daylight. THE remedies put up by the I Cure I' Co., I,'l'd., No , iige-.t Ive ('ordial, mitdi- from t'itif' - mcdicjnnl root 1 and herlx i. the most, mitural cure for indigestion It i< lieves the * v IJJ titorn' and cure i.he di - e.ine gent Iv, naturally cfliciently. imr fre-h life, strength and health to (ii k dys|M'ptics At drnggifd* A trial Isittle for 10 cents A re-ide:it of Atlien < Hriwlford court ty, was tapping a birrel of eider a few day.-, ago and he drove HI the t",y • with such force th it th • bung fhTfout and knocked him sen ")<•.. When he came to a realizing en:-e of his condi tion he found that his eye was badly blackened 11 IvADACIIK Powder*- It yon use any uv a good one. Ask your Druggist for AruiHtrong'-i I Cure I') Headache I'ow drr*. Mayor of (ireater New York will be in control of patronage second only to that of the President of the United States Within his gift will be the dis posal of :s' ' Philologists are at a loss as to the origin ' | of the word bachelor, but inclined to think it originally meant the tenant , of a tenant, a vassal who held of a va.«- sle. a serf in subordination to a serf ' Could opprobrium ico farther? In th> 1 days of chivalry a bachelor was a man i ' not allowed to lead his retainers in bat j ' tie with a banner He had no right to j carry a standard of his own. but had to j • fight under that of some other man. ! • There is more of the opprobrium. In ! Sparta men who remained unmarried after a certain age were not allowed to witness the gyinnf\stic performances, were compelled to march around the market place and a song composed against themselves, expressing the jn • tice of their punishment: anybody wa at liberty to pull their noses: "the usual respect of the young to the old was not ■ paid them. In Rome they were sub ! ject to fines, and occasionally to severer ■ penalties. The cause of this agitation is not far to seek. In the last census of the United States statistics of the con jugal condition of the people were print ed for the first time, and they show that nearly three fifths of the popu lation were single. "For the ages from 20 to 24 less than one-fifth of the males were found to be married, while of the females nearly one-half were married. For the ages from to 20 over one-half of the males and nearly three-fourths of the females were married. For the ages from :>> to nearly three-fourths of the males and four fifths of the fe males were marriijd. Up to this j>oint the proportion of married females in each age group was considerably in ex cess of that 'if males. For the ages from '■>'> to 44 the proportions were practically eqnal. the married com prising about four-fifths of the total number of this age group. At this age the proportion of females who were married reach a maximum. Specr's I 'iit'criiieiitcd Grape .luicc in Europe. ' Has a wide reputation from its effica cy in the sick room. The juice is rich, tastes like eating the ripe gra|>e fresh fjom the vine: used by churches. To became a man of means," says ths Philosopher, "it seems necessary for yon first to become a mean man. " Again there's sound of scrubbing. Again the floors are bare. And soap and whitewash odors Are floating through the air; There's trouble in the kite hen. Confusion in the hall. For women are house-cleaning They do it eviry fall." For skin diseases and blood disorders use l)r. Bull s Pills, which cleanse and 1 purify the blood without weakening the system. Repair your sidewalks; winter is com ing on. The autumn "haze" is not confined to 4 college towns. Thanksgiving will come on November 25th this year. The farmers will not feed wheat to their stock this year. It has been a great fall for hauling on the country roads. Church attendance picks up as the • weather Ix-comes cooler. KHKI' I Cure IT in the home. It is an n.stnnt relief in case of sudden pain 1 holi ra-Moi bus, Croup, Sprains, Bruises, Ctc'jlhache &c- Ask your Jiruggist. Old maid: .tie worth their weight in gold in the Klondike. IJr like a |M»st.age stamp, •it always tick to one thing until it gets there ' Hone cleaning i the order of the day ' among the women and husking corn 1 among the men Gold may be found in the Klondike valley, but health is found by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. The ease of a boy going insane !«• cause he could not. go to school is enough to cause comment until dooms day among parents who find themselves going almost in ane in their efforts to . in.tke their sons prefer the school room to the pleasure:! of the streets or field Too many youug women think too much of their .(rial accomplishments, and too little of their household -attain merits. Never defer a vital matter A cough shouldn t be neglected when ftr Hull s f'ough Syrup will core-it at once Alsiveall, know and believe that hu I inanity is advancing and that there is progress in human life and human affairs and that a t sure a- God live- I tin-future Jwill be greater and ie-tt r than the present, or past ' harles A Dana | The following i-i from a Texas news paper The price of this paper is not increased by the Dingley tariff bill, but we wi ii to corn*-1, the misnppreheii 'ion f of some at our Hiilc.cribcr who appear to think it is placed on the free list Why do pe'•( < I'KKO IN A I»AV. ' .Myntit Cure" Jior Rheumatism and Neuralgia radii , I.ly cure, in Ito \ days. I tit action upon the system 1 remarkable I .11111 mysterious. It removes at owe the t can■and the diM-Aii" immediately di». ' appears. The brut dote greatly U-nefils; 75 cent - Sold by J. C. K'-dic, and J. I'. ' italph Hruggi .'s Hu'Jer \ni •/> L FOR AGENTS " Following Tho K'pi»tor" MARK ' Mi'rK Twain-, Jourpry Around I!lo VVurlU, , I '-IN 111-.N ■'II A'l 1 111* 11 I, ' 1 1' 1'! 1 if'JnlN \ Affi' > «!' *11" Author . RII ril II O I/'/- h-r/t'*'• A ««»"' • - fi'»m II- • «fttf ttflflK e. ,OOOAa ' M?nWAf ' Tr J > y lIL-Vif UUUIA Wt '<• for «lnnlr,f* I t'liin, r I'aj iff, A'l'ir*"i £ AfON 4 MAlN'i. 1213 Filbert PhilaHulphb rrj. (Ai r f » FHILAD f I HI m 1 '• vnft --DENTAL HOOM'F ~ IK 'I.WB I /• /. , I." I- I•• H -V«SR vv, 'r F'HACTICA' ' /'' • ■'" t{ "" J I XcHOWN •"> lit- i'» .C M •th WHY NOT oof; " CROWN', L| , >' i-<>u wii 1 IIIKI wit at you want itt my «.tock and at sin Ii j>t i' that ilefy < ont pctition. I atn makiny a f.pe. cialty of nobby and find Goods and want your trade. J, l CIM 118 SOUTH MAIN ST ST. CHARLES HOTEL WOOD STKKKT and T) 11 KM AVKNUK, PITTSIiUKCi, PA. I I.tt IJI-CII iniprovt-d throughout with it view of < .itt rillg to tli<- couilort ol its j-iii-,: Ivvt-rytlting home like. New I' uiliitun- New < 'iirpets New I>ec orsttonn NHW M a NA'.KMICNT. |,« ii II f!' >ll I ifll 1 ill II" ( 1 ' ,V T 1 >ii V * ' 111 ** 111 L.O NIL H UIIOIH. Tuhlt 1 it' Ily lif ' ■ • pit.# t. Vi.W) unH '» |»« r «J'»y ST.CHAKIJiS HOTI I. CO. Wvt Ito* 1 111 Ito. I'n < <>• '! I'AIM, MIIIII.K't . BRICKER & VINROE. I.IVKUV 111 |£ANJ» I.Xt IIANOK STAItt.K 1 I i rst i lit. i riy.' fit rriisonilble rule» Spin i/tl Allcallnn to Transient Cu»lom Iturii in rearjof Diamond St.," I'.ntli i I'a People's Telephone, No. 41- •I!. C. lIKK KKX I A Nt> > Prop'rs W. I Vl N'lml',, J hYfcS KXAMif.ti) KrtKK uK CHARGE L, KirkpUrlcK, Optician .md JftWftlf 1 ! j Next to Court llotiv litt'lei, bate i Onda< t< La pnrt n u rioiftct itu I# 1 Bubacribv tor tho UtTitit) I Wheeler & Yv i i so n New No. 9 family Sewing hine. Rotary Motion & B;-II Bearings MAKI-: IT Easy Running, Quiet, Rapid anil Durable. I Sewing Machines for Family and Factory use. for all grades of Cioth atui Leather. Speed and Durahlity. Factory and Head Office. Bridgeport, Connecticut, L. S. A. FOR SALE BY HENRY BIEHL, DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Sfcwmj; Machines, Needles for all , kinds of sewing machines, Boss Washing Machines, etc. N. MAIN ST. BUTLER PA. NV li. Second-hand Sewing Machines from #5.00 up. Sewing machines repaired. TIN WARE AND ROOTING A SPECIALTY. f ßr nwi 'p wnsf. lit»T from nnirnjf«ft<;rt*r* * . I hmv- L'-4i»w ( j lU' i 'ilnllmi l»,y and KJIIHI • ilnir TIM FO lnn»i,i>|ii (hn *»«»rIt JI, M'>. htr I.AB ti.XAK *:4 i' llA,'.' nw •>, t'AU AtI4JIXA # 6a. Ron ev J. IJ. McDEVITT Il'iilo, iii M H'.hiiui, I'lintOK itt.il OrjraiiH i '!«><, -tn V M i A. iittilil ■ Ine— lir.tlor I'a. j Hoy 'lf light-rnnninn, Now Homo, ; «(>wlii(f niachirtr. pfrlt." - ! itUlai ii m ptiur niitei'il. n<'Vcr ({i'l "Hi nf iirdcr. : WEVIVO j k yy HF. TO CS> Vitality Of Me lilK UKICAT UHli I'A Y. FRENCH REMEDY I |»i*inhir« ♦Mm ill nt\r i« nl' in «I «V *■* 11 imvn rfn'ly am! ijuli'Ulv <'ur« •» wl»«*ri ail oilift • fall. Vinu n i uln ll.« li lost itian la KM), :t >I < I «»l 11 m« «i ■I t • \• li«-1 r j yfiit! liful vlt/<>r by >1 1111' I'l V I V<» It •| II It*!. ITy iin'l •**j M Iy i • lot' . , oiini« . 1.0-1 Vitality. I.ont I'ow i I .illiti-' M« nioiy, W.iHt Iritf l»Ui ami all « IT". \h of i »ttn lu ll,. rutlofl. .v lil< 11 ii ii li» » • »»n- for >t inly. l)U|i" tti oi i'i i'i i■>/* h mil "i,iy tturt ,( v ntaitllik' at MM .. at ol 411 •». .. .« I.ul in a jfi^■••at in rv« »«»i»i' mil l»looil ImlM' i. brlni'ltiK IHM U 11*«- alnk ;• fo lo |, «ln• !. uiml ft lorlti;' t IM« tin-«»f youth It Wit'HiotT l». unity a»»d lon IIIIKOI am 111 i'i Jon I, -vim/ 1(1. VIVO, tin ot Ik i II <*llii if ■ Hill* «l l»» • |»o- I• t IW 1.1 1,1 .| Ml |„ ~,,1 I I * fill ■OO V. lili 1. |pi * itiv. w r 111 •*i if* 1.1 oil- to rum or n fnnil l !>• mom y ' it nliii fr«-« A'bin . KOV A I. Ml l»l« 'IM I'D, « IM« I I I- Ii„ , ||. 11y i:i;i'l»H K.v I.HIUI IA N N rl •' I•■> f »..} I«*i f*J •«»«•>» ItiiiW/f EfiNYRUYfii. ?IUS M," 1 1.1..1 A p€.; 1 'g* f f.«r ' M • • r*lurn , Mml. I tilr It r«|r>M H«.» **| .*(•KAL.KH IN Rouyh Worked Lumber iiU A l,h KINP'i. I loin:., S.tsh, liliittl i, Alf>ttlilinj;*i, Sltiilgk'H am! I-illi Always in Slot k . UMI;, II \I\M) I'I.VSMIR Ollice opjHmit' r. it W. I it'jMtl. BUTLiIR, PA, ALL * n T PAPF FALL # * A " D WINTER. '■ I Art ATO WINTER. The Leading Millinery House, of Butler C. Ladies who love beautiful and stylish millinery can now have an • portunity of seeing the grandest display of hall and Winter bon tets, hats, feathers, ribbons, etc., ever brought to our city. Nothing k s been spared in (Foreign and lh incstic Markets) to make our -tock complete in every respect. All other years have been excelled for lovely, stylish millinery, and for cheapness. We ask no fancy prices. We give you the very latest style. The very best goods at prices you can save money. All are invited to inspect our stock. Our Stock of Mourning Millinery Always Complete. 122 S. Main St. jj PAPE, Butler^ Pa. tIOC liCJCCOO&SOsrKXWU J C»OCttOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOCWCX> . | Punc* is |i 1 tuality /|p r Power. 1 Hitch your || But be sure | business If jffl in a 1 works to a ' u f'l Fahys Qo!d=| 3 good watch.! N > * ~ % r! I s • Ana that , o.i "" E. GRIEB, JEWELER 139 N. MAIN STREET, BUTLER, I'A. WHILE YOU ARE WAITING l'or your prescription don't fail to look • . , over our line of perfumes, we have re- /. ceived souie very fine ones lately, anc £ - ir/ \ I /<■'' will l»e pleased to have you examine , . > 1 j tlietn. "j | j / ' I We also have a ver»-Ja.;»easst rtm 11. of tooth brushes made expressly for u« , -r4f/'/ '* wbv U bear our stamp, these brushes \v/ j? 1 we gutrantee and request the return of - ' ydfTjji ~ _ :y thjt prove unsatisfactory. ...—- Vou may need something for your ' i|V chapped hands and face, and if so we - recommend Cvdonium Cream as a fine . toilet preparation. UEDICK& GROHM ANN DRUGGISTS. PEOPLES PHONE. 114. ' BUTLER PA B!RECTJRQIVj $4.00 $4.00 EXPRESS DISTILLER TO EXPRESS PAID PAID CONSUMER Saving profits a id preventing adulteration. We have been in the liquor business for the past twenty-five years and thoroughly under stand the wants of the public—During all that time we have sold nothing but the Purest Product, Direct From The Distillery. The Public know that they have always re ceived the best whiskey for their money, to be had. —We have a special offer to make— we want you to try a gallon of Bear Creek Whiskey—Vou know it sells everywhere for SI .OO per quart Now to our friends of But ler County we will Deliver To Your Door—All Charges Paid, a gallon of this whiskey either in a jug or four full quart bottles for $4.00 We Are Out The Amount Of Expressage, but we want you to try a gallon- -You'll buy it again, and tell your friends that its The Best Whiskey On Earth For' The Money MAX KLEIN, Distiller and Wholesale Liquor, 82 Federal St Allegheny, Pa. BORN life-. SEPTEMBER - IS, ■< t n ; S V 1841. For more* than fifty-six years it lias never failed 11 i its weekly visits to the homes ol farmers and villagers throughout the United States IT HAS faithfully labored for tlu-ir pmsperity and happiness, lor the improvement of theit busine.< and home interest: l , lor education, for the elevation of American manhood and true womanhood. IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and i istructive stories of the doings of tin- world, the nation and states. IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved methods of « ullivating and his ■ mix, and the proper time to i.iivert tin hi into the largest possible amount of money. IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to the welfare of farmers and village!s, and for over li ill a century has held theit confi deitce and e .teem. We furnish "The Citizen" and "N. Y. Weekly Tribune"" FOR si.so m:R YIiAR. CAHII IN ADVANCE. Addre-'i nil order* to The Citizen. W rite your name and mldrriwt on * jumtal i hiil, wild it '<> t>o. VV. llc*t, llulldillj(, New York City, ami » wiuiplc copy of TIIK N«W VjRK WI.KKI.V I'hiuumk will t>« mailed to you