THE; CITI^EM. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER n, i9?7. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTE—AII *dTertl*ers Intending to make '*hanr« tn their »ds. »l«otild notify us i>f their Intention Ui do *O. not later than Mon day mornlnz. Register * Notices. Ro»d and Bridge Reports Widow* appraisment- and Jury Lists for Dec.'Term. Executor's notice, estate of David B Crowe. Administrators sale, estate of Thomas I man Boyd's Pure Drags "Zimmerman's Special .Sale Sbanl & Naat's overcoats Marks High Class Millinery C. w and destroyed some fence. —Our advertising columns show that onr merchants are wide awake and full of business. They present the attrac tions of their stores in a business man ner. —The State Grange, Patrons of Hus bandry. met in Harrisburg. Tuesday: Wednesday. Worthy Master Leonard Rhone, made his report, and today Gov. Hastings is booked for an address —At the meeting of the School Board of Bntler, Saturday evening, a Dis cipline Committee was appointed to represent the Board at the trial of Miss Smith for alleged cruelty to a scholar —The party going to Chattanooga will leave town this evening at 5:40, on the P. & W , go to Cincinnati tonight on the B. & 0., to Nashville next day, and to Chattanr*>ga Saturday. Persons wanting berth.; for tonight had better wire ahead for them. - Do yon think this conuty should own a farm for the accommodation of the poor? If you have not "made up jronr mind" on the question, make your inquiries and form an opinion, as you will be expected to vote on the question three months hence. —At the Humane meeting in the Court House. Tuesday evening, it was decided to organize an independent so ciety in Butler to lie called the Butler Conutv Humane Society," and obtain a charter under the state law. AH male members will contribute $2 and female members sl. - -S. G. Purvis & Co's. planing mill is now running over time in order to fill orders from Phil'a. They, lately completed the mill work for the High School there, are now working on that for eighty fine residences in the North western part of the city, and have an order for a Blind Asylum in Camden that will keep them busy all winter —The Prospect Gas and Oil Co. is piping Portersville, and that town will soon lie illuminated with natural gas. It makes a noticable improvement on a country village eepcciallv at night to have a few lights placed along the streets. A. Hoch and son M. G. of Mil lerstown were in the western j>art of the county attending to the work last week. —Oliver Stougton's octagonal barn, about a mile east of Prospect, is a model dairv stable. A 1 a*ge silo occupies the centre and fifty or more stalls are built in a circle facing it. This way more cattle are comfortably gathered than is possible any other way in a barn of equal size, Mr. Stough ton operates the Prospect creamery which has a large and increasing trade in Bntler. - The sea of colon in the Hhenley Park conservatory known a* the "Ctarysanthemnui Show" is well worth a trip to Pittsburg; anrl while yon are there take a look at the new pictures in the Library building and another at the new bridge over the ravine, the steel span of which is !M0 feet from end to end facross) , while the atone work is fiOO feet in length, with a foot drive and two 10 foot sidewalks. It is a beauty and will cost, when completed, about £IOO, "00. - -The moot interesting article in the magazine* for this mooth in somebody's description °f Thomas A. Edison's plant at Kdison K .1 (among th<- hills of northern New Jersey) for extracting iron ore in small from Hand •tone. The plant consist* of three large bnildings in one of which the stone is crushed into sand the ore is extracted from the sand by the aid of or magnetism in the next, and the small particles of ore are compressed into bricks for nsc in the smelting fnrnace* in the other. It is a large and expensive plant, and it is said that Edison has been working on it for several years past. If the plant is a success, that is, if it prod nee* iron ore as cheaply as it can be mined and hauled from the natural deposits, it will make some changes in the iron business LKOAI. SF.WS. TKIAL LIST Common Pleas Court convene*!. Mon day morning, and the following <-a~~ have been disp>jsed of X. Garner vs Mary Kennedy, sei fa plea, no lien. wa.< settled by the parties. Four casei-. one each by .1 M Die trick. J J Reith. ii C" Dietnc-k and E. C Reith. against John Sachs et al sci. fa sur mechanics lien, were tried together on Monday. The issue wa whether the men could get liens for work done under sub-contractors Lewis Hazlett leases! land for oil and gas purposes from the Sarver sister- in Buffalo twp Hazlett contracted with Sachs to procure the drillinsc of a well. Sachs. after selling interests to H Lie bold. W. H O'Brien et al sub-con tracted with T Dietrirk who employ ed the plaintiffs By instruction of the Court, the jury, without leaving the box, found verdicts releasing the Sab ers and Hazlett fr<.m liability, and giv ing the plaintiff- liens on the intere-;s of the other defendants for W12.31. #257 6m. $317.35 and £ 1 -'6 -7 respectively. A Godfrey v> J. Brian et al sci. fa. plea payment, wa.- continued. Mrs. Kate Lat*haw vs Bickel and Mar, was settled. Frick and Lindsey & Co. vs Geo. Shaffer et al. assumpsit. plea non as sumpsit. was continued for =ett!einerj' E-Iward Snees et al v- T Bamsdalt etal.. ejectment, plea not guilty, was continued for settlement. Clinton twp. vs Road Commissioner's et al , issue awarded by the Court, wa continued. Maria Baldauf et al. vs Butier boro. issue awarded by the Court an appeal from viewers retnrn. was discontinued. The Shearer Locke Miller ejrhtley. on trial NOTES. The appeal of Win Wood from th'' auditors settlement of Clinton twp. was continued In Argument Court. last week, the case of It C. English, adm'r v.. Jennie Kennedy, nee <>sborne petition to open judgment was settled. A. L. Weihe vs J. C. Carrier and J. N. Johnston, motion to strik< off ap peal (2 cases, heard Nov. 4 and motion refused and cases placed on trial list for Monday Nov. 29. The decision in the Fred Weigel vs Butler Co. was held over pending a de cision of the Superior Court, to be made soon. In the cases of Wiles. Eihman, Bru ner and Osenbaugh vs the Peoples Gas Co. et al., motions to take off the com pulsory non suits, formerly imposed, were sustained and granted, and the rases were ordered to lie placed on a trial list. A capias in assumpsit was issued for Mary A. Nicklas against John F. Cress, with a claim of S2OOO damages Cress and Miss Nicklas a year hence were happy lovers and all preparations for a marriage about the Holidays of is'.w had been made, when Cress one day stripped off the engagmerit ring from her finger against her will, went away and married another woman. Bail of $llOO was required of Cress The plain tiff lives in Forward tp. and the defend ant in Butler Win. Williams plead guilty to as sanlt by pointing tire arms, when ar rested not long ago in the Stewart house. He said he had a yerv good reputation indeed in Butler, and it was the first time he wa «*ver before a court. He was sentenced last. Thurs day to pay a fine .f f 100. costs ond sent to the workhritise for month.':. A stay of proceedings has been arrant ed on the mechanics liens fifteen or more in number and aggregating *' lV > - filed a?Hinst the Hlipi>eryrock State Normal Sch<
    .22. The assignees of Patterson, of Slipperyrock twp . have reassigned his estate back to him. Ernest Koni and Hairy McClvmo ids. who recently took a night drive with a Sunbury man's horse and rig without leave, were held for court on charge of larceny, malicious mischief et'- On Saturday McClymonds plead guilty and was sentenced to pay ?20 fine and rt»> Is. Ira Preston, Bert, Thompson. o<*>. Forester, Thos. Coxen, Nick Laurens and George Coxen the men who recent ly tortured and robts-d Mrs Brown, near Harrisville, have ls-en held for burglary. The charter of the Mars Cemetery Ass'n has been recorded, also the char ter of the Prospect Oil and Oas Co. A rule was made on Eckert Kalb to show cause why alimony should not Is granted to his wife, Kosatina. John E. Atwell petitioned for the ap poirifmerit of a guardian over Nancy Atwell, of Marion twp., who is at pre sent confined in Dixmont. On Nov. 4, a divorce was granted to Minerva E. Bole from Clinton I> Bole. The A. Rorts were set aside, petitions permitted to withdraw the petitioners and present them again if desired, and Bntler to pay the co«ts in each case. Trial List for special term of Com mon F'leas Court, of Bntler ' o t., ».«• held commencing Monday, Nov. 22: N 11. Turner vs J. A Lawson et. al, John Mcl oy vs B il Co; J V RitU as signee, vs I*. B. A- L. K R It; Margt Dillmore vii J. H. Fanbel et al, E. Hftrver et al. vs .Standard Plate Ola«s (Jo; M. Finuegan et al vs K K Mays heinetal.W A Mcf V/rmick vs J. <» Patterson, ('al Barron vs A Heaton; J H. Peters vs J Itiddle et al A H. (' McFarland, receiver, vs J W Hall et al; A. Hteelsniith vs A M. Aiken et al; J. M. Htndelmker vs New Castle Gas Co; J. W Harris vs Union Heat & Light Co. J M Elliott vs P 15 «V L. E R. R; J H l>onaghy vs T VV Phillips K Jennings vs N Leonard; A. D Ury an vs Jas M Phillips H. A Coop> r vs 15. & P. R. R Co. M Dnffield vs M. L Zahnizer; At. O. Kane vs J Mi-Laugh lii>. adin'r, E. Kane vs J McLaughlin. fhe inf. oct the county *212« Man A Forbes hi- petitioned for a divorce from James Forbes. The bond for in the case of the Com v- W H Wnght for rapt- was for felted. the money paid over to the county, and now Mr Hoak. t K e father of the girl, has brought suit aga'nst the bond for damages and cost' Hereafter the County Commissioners will furnish the Election Boards with ungnuiiued envelopes for the unsealed retnrn and then the mistakes of seal ing both returns wiil be an impossibilr ty unless the board hunts up a pot of ; mucilage to do it v.-ith. Robt McGinnis. this morning, plead I guilty to Ocb and was sentenced to pay 1 <25 fi'ie f.'j t., prosecutrix und monthly for support of the child until ' it is seven years old He was required 1 to gi'.'- boud in for the performance | of the above The will of Mary C Mitchell, late of ' Centreville, was probated with' it let ! ters. al—> will ot D. B. Crowe late of Forward twp. witn letters testamen j tary to Ellen J. and David N Crowe | There .are thirty five cases on the | Q UiTXt-r Se>-:on Docket several | have already bt-en disposed of. Thos Jefferson has been held for j court on a charge of *>nnrlarv preferred . by Al Ziea*'er before Esq. vV. A. Sloan J of Evans t ity. Vanderfin ai*u Wilson, attorneys for John Kuafman. on 1 n ?day fue-1 a praeciji*- for sumuioas in trespass with a claim of slli*» against the P & W R K and F M King, its receiver. • A petition wa*, presented i:i court vestt-rday for Mr=. Capt Myers. daugii ter of the b-.te Christian otto, asking for a writ of partition of the deceased's estate and that notice be given to all heirs and parties concerned. Mrs M A Davis a-.ked that a jndg ment of *.•"> held against her by the Batler Co Fair Ass 11 be opened and she admitted to a defense. Jndge Stewart, of Franklin Co., fi'ed an opinion that effects all magistrates and constables in the state. Recently Magistrate John A. Seiders of Cham lienbnrg. brought suit the County Commissioners to recover fees in a summary caw.- where the defendant had gone to jail for costs. The Com rpi*j'oners, upon advice of the County Solicitor, refused to pay the biil and a case wa.4 prepared tor an appeal to the Court. Judge Stewart in his decision disposing of the "ase says it falls within the ruling of the Supreme Court in Crawford County iiarr G-i. I'eioi.-.1v.». ;t Si.ite K'-;»ort, .\c cording to the interpretation of tli. law cl-- made by lliir. Court, in ail cases of summary conviction for drunkenness, disorderly conduct, virlatioun ander game I**"* t~- pass and ~* of itn.s*..-,, while til.- are found guiltv ami sent tn jail for non payment of fines and costs, and the Magistrates and constables get nothing for their work. For years the fees and expen ses of snch caser have l. Jacob Bdwman to H J Neeley, lot in Butler for iW' l Lizzie M Witte U> John W Atkinson, lot at Sarvers Station for SIOO. Lewis Patterson to W. M. Humph rey, W> acres in Slipperyrock twp for f!» 112 V). P Hazlett to C H ' >liver. lot in But ler for sjtlWi Annie Woreham to I P Woman" lot in Clinton tor $5. Frank Householder to Eliza beth <.'h.:rch, - acres in Zelienople for $1190.02. H H I!oyd to Thos M Humes, lot in Saxon Station for $1! V II B McWilliams to John S Cra wford 91 ocres in (Jentre twp for >j'27:iO. Thos M Marshall to fcffie M Logan, lot la Mars for s»wo Thos M MxrMb-.1l <0 M.iry Boyd, lot in Mr.. - iji '/■ ■>. W N Davis'in to Julia A Davison, lot in Mars for WSO. K A Her ! -rson to .( II C>overt, 4'i acres in Perm for 575 S Mark ham to Emma Howiand, lot in Butler tor %■'■>?* Silas I'earce to J C Keer, lot in Slip pervrock for sol.7<> T J to L I McClymonds. 10 acres in Brady twp for *4OO Jas M Onith to P B& L E R K. 10 acres in Centre twp for fvOlO. L E Biehl to Edward Frank, lots in Wiufleld for Harriet Sntton hi Harriet E Day, lot in Bnena Vista for SSOO. Simon Young to I* I! A M Daulienspeck, lot in ZelJenople for SKVK>. S F Crowe to C J Mantz, lot in Adams for $ 125. .Marriage IJI <-nscs. William S Hays Mars Maggie B Wise Penn twp Charles Palm Allegheny twp (V»ra Patterson Ira W Stevenson Harrisville Nettie E Snyder Forestville Friend W Eka* Butler Blanche C Pringle Natrona Pa Harry H linrton Wilkinsburg Pf Stisnn M Fog'e rraoaliii twp Janie-- P Fleeger Centre twp Annie Campbell At Pittsburg Wm Neibert and Mary Bijginan, of Saxouburg; I P an- 1 '• :i -> M Johnsto i, oi Mon roeville. Ai Franklin < ha <'. McGlll and Mary E Hamilton, of Harrisville. VI MCKI/l s. Our dealers an paying MOc /or wheat, new and old, 40c f'.r rye, '•'/■ la for corn. 24c for oats, and SOc ahundred for buck wheat. Buckwheat Hoar retails at 2c per pound and wheat flour at $1.20 to $1.50 jiersack Our grocers are paving IHc a doz. for 2'x- a pound for butter, 30c a df>/. fr»r celery >V>v. a bushel, ierfectior iti every par' and detail t>f .i thf itt. i. production This the Hays are sai'l to nave a*'cotnplisb'd in prsentin'C Ivlgar Seidell s l»t«-st. and greatest effort, A j Hot < 'lu Time which wit! ' ; -en»-nt<"d I for the first tune in this '-ity at I'nrk Tlieatre. thin evening. Th< < >m|wuiv includes, Is ides the well Known stars, the Washbttrti Sisters Bernard Dyllyn, Frank V. Leach. Josi's ('laflin and lots of pretty girls. 7~, < «-nts to Alleslieiiy ami r<* turn via I li»- I'ittsinirg and Western. Every Sunday during Nov. 97 the P. Ac W will sell round trip tickets from Butler to Alleghenny at rate of 7 > cents Train leave Bntler at H i*, train re turning arive at Butler at 7 Oil p M A I>ed and omc solid walnut furni ture for "sale. lnquire at this office. Music scholari at taH W. Wayne St. I'KBSOVVL; Ham didn't arrive but i? eipected daily. W. J Mates and family have moved to Mt. Chestnut J J. Feidler of Harmony has been granted a pension James Robertson of Greece City was in town, yesterday. Harry A. Cooper of Jefferson Twp. was in town. Tuesday. Sherritf Dodds drove out to Porter" viile and back Saturday. Hiram Shaffer of Freeport was grant ed a pension last week C. T Reed's new lw by is a boy. It came to town last Mondav. Tom Frazifi of Saxonburg. i- now living on Fairview Avenue, ilutler. Ben Foster of Freeport visited his brother William of Bluff St , last week Harry Kchmerker paid a visit to his mother on S Washington St over Sun day. Marsh Douthett. now with E. P. Remington in Pittsburg is on the sick list. Mr W W Walt nof Niagara Fall N. V. is visiting uvr mother Mrs. X. C. Core G. J. Hetrick of Connoquenessi ng hnarking a big boil on one of las ..nus. E... Cnnniiiehan and wife of Clin ton twp did some topping in Butler. Tuesday. Rev. Collins left for Florida. Tues day H..-> wife will preach for him while he is away The Derriinore heirs inrend moving to Tareutum and will rent their farm in Jefferson Twp. < lifford Comman of Donegal Twp. and James Fennell of Clearfield Twp were in town, Saturday. O F Kiester,the Prospect store man. is hopping along on one foot because the other is crippled with rheumatism Jas McDowell. Jos. McNees, Juo. A. Doagan and S. F. Milford of Marion Twp. were in town on legal business, Saturday. Mrs. Jennie Duffy will sell her house and lot on Maple Ave. at a sacrifice, as she intends moving out of the county. Inquire at this office. Miss Lelah Wick of West Sun bury visited the family of Robert .T, Thomp son. West end. last Saturday and Sun i:i. and returned home on Monday Dr. Neyiiian now lives with his oantrho r Mrs, Hnyn<\ on Howard H?.. but retains his old office. Jno. Walker i» occupying tHe re-ridence on Main Ht W B Smitten and his corps of as -ti-taiiLrt lor tn»* \V Co. will leave Bntler next Saturday, and will not again visit this county for tour or five years. They sold about :500 ranges in this country, this trip. C. P. Johnson, tne veteran tailor w ho has been making clothes in Prospect for a generation past states that at the next presidential election there will be three Republican votes in his house hold, the father and two sons. Frank McCrea. the Butler House bar ber, carne up street, Tuesday carrying his gun and as tring of a dozen pheasants Frank is the best hunter in Bntler He was ont last week and got about V' pheasants. He gets them all in the woods. N. S. Waterman of Evans City was in town yesterday, taking orders for the "Ideal Sliding Blind", invented and manufactured by Edward Dam bach; and he secured two gon ffy's lot on MeKean J. I>, intends building next summer. The bricks are on E. Cunningham, but the pitching if ' Tot; E. Knlton paving will probably be finished tins week. Honpitiil Meeting. The ret'nlar annual in l " ting of the Woman's Hospital Association will be held in V. M ('. A liall on next Tues day aftern'ion, November 10, at 2 -M> o'clock. The election of officers for the ensuing year will lie held and rejiorts by the secretary, treasurer, and bnild ing committee will comprise part of the business of the meeting. Every liody interested in the Butler Connty (Jerieral Hospital is urged to In; [i resent Mrs. C C Brandon, Mrs. E B Herr, Psest. Secy. 01 I/NOII;S TIN. MAKKKT The Standard bad another H per cent dividend last week, which makes iiii per cent for this year, the market remains "stiff as a poker" at Ho. COOJ'BRSTOVVN Frazier Ac Co. have completed their test well on the Ed ward Burns farm, near (,'linton Church, and have a dry hole. Monks. Letever & (Jo. are through Ihesandat their No. 2 on the Joseph Loifan farm and have a duster The American Natural Gas company at it No, Keed, have developed K»S HI paying 'inanities in the hundred foot and it will not be drilled any deeper at i present. | /""* |"A Pure Spring Water I I ■"* Ice delivered to * all pfelts of town. I-'inelce Cream, Cakes, Confectionary I and wheat and lye bread, JOHN A. RJCHKV. \ The 15 tiler Lubricating Oil Co. ban j moved back t i their old stand 11<> W. I Jefferson St. Steelsmith & Patter win's ' icw building, where all kinds of engine, | machinery <■»"! illuminating oil. of ♦li nn 'juality an kept m »tuck in the t basement, and will be deliveied to any | ~art of t':-ciiv when ordered from C. K. 1 Mclntire, agent. Low Prices in Musical Goods. Some special prices at Grieb it Lamb's I dissolution sale now going on. I New l'ianos #2OO and up New Organs #5" a '" l "P ! Guitars fa «nd up ! Mandolins fa.S'J and up | Violins and tip I Antoharps fa and up j There are also some second hand in 1 slrumenta pianos at to Jioo, Or i at fzo t'i go. Illarmonices and other musica*. instru ments at proportionately low rates. Strings of all kinds constantly in stock. No 118 SOUTH MAIN ST. ACCIDENTS. Ed McCaffertv of the First ward had his face burned by the exphwiion of some powder while out hunting last Monday. A leaky gas pipe in an out building in W. P. Roesing's lot on North Mc Kean St. caused an explosion Sunday night but the fire following was quick ly extinguished While Harry Ziegler of Harmony was helping to dress tools 011 the Allen farm be leaned too far forward, and the ham mer swung by Mr NV igton, touched his head and made him unconsious fori an hour. Link Emery of Cooperstown had his mustache burned of by gas last Thursdav night The gas nad accumulated 111 the 1 flue end of the Iniiler and smoke stack from a leak in the throttle, and when j Link lit th>- gas underneath the boiler it ail exploded. While James Barriclnnan was walk ing past the new Stien building on S. Main St. Monday, a bundle of lath fall ing struck him on the bead and stun ned him. He was helped into the Hotel Willard and attended to by Drs Hoover and < 'auipbell Later he walked to his home on South McKean St Mrs. Barrick man is kan J has l»een confined to l>ed for several months past. While John Gallagher, of Lancaster township, was driving along the Pros pect road Tuesday ne was jn-t about to pa?s a point where 1 <-oal bank is being opened when a shovelfuil of dirt was thrown into a wh«"elbarrow which so fiitrhten'd his horse that it jnmped over an enbankment. overturning the buggy. Mr. Gallagher fell on his shoulder and head, sustaining painful injuries in the shoulder When he got up be v.-as surprised tc< find that he had lost the use of bin left leg below the knee. Dr Ralston was consulted and the discovery made that his leg was paralyzed, probably caused by concus ion of the brain. There have been case? where paralysis resulting from the same cause has been permanent, but it is earnestly hoped that he may fully recover in a few days. News. A horrible accident occurred last Sat urday on Franks run, in the Manning ton oil district. Will Conn, formerly of Steubenville. was the victim. He is a professional shooter of cil wells, and was returning to the nitro glycerine magazine, near the run. after working on some wells several miles out in the field. From some unknown cause the 300 pounds of nitro glycerine in the magazine exploded while he was near by. He and a team of horses were biown to piece*. The only trace of Conn that eo nld l>e fonnd was ragged piece of the corduroy tron»er v.-hich he wore. The remaind er of his body and clothing was blown to atoms. Small bits of the hordes har ness were found on trees. The report of the explosion was heard for ten miles. Conn comes of a family of well shoot ers and all have now met tragic deaths. His brother was killed in this way three years ago and his second brother died from a similar cause at Moundsville, about nine months ago. All three were known throughout Western Pennsyl vania. having done much work in the McDonald field. Will Conn was 'Jti years old and unmarried. V. >l. C. A. The Special Evangelistic Meetings for men begins tonight at 7:1.0, Mr. Smith the Evangelist is a power fnl Gospel preacher. Men hear him each evening at 7:110. Bible Readings for ladies and gentle men at U P M each afternoon PUBLIC SALES. L H Pfeifer, of Forward twp., in tends to quit farming, and will haye a sale of stock, fanning implements grain, etc., on Thursday, Nov. 18th. Nov. "-'I. —E. F. Luther on old Der rimore pla'-e in Jefferson twp. 10 A. M. horses, cattle, pigs, |x>nltry, farming implements, etc. A. M. Nicholas and (>. M. Hammers will sell the personal property of Thomas Iman dee d of Concord twp. on the piernises near Magic, 011 Satur day the 20th See adv. and bills. Nov. M», John Steighner, Clearfield twp. Nov. in. Glenn W. Christy, 2} miles east of North Washington. Nov. Tl, H W Mc Williams, Centre twp. One I lose. One dose of "77" taken at the the beginning of a cold is worth a half dozen afterward*. When you feel the first chill of shiver, or our throHt. feels scrapey, is the easy time to cure a cold or cheek the grip This is why so many people keep a vial of "77" handy, in the pocket, on the of fice desk, or in the home. If you forget your l>ottle, yon will be safe in asking your friend for a dose; it will lie consid ered a compliment. "77" is every whjre. Neglected colds take longer, but are "always "broken up" by "77". Dr. Humphreys' Manual of Diseases at your druggists, or sent, on receipt of Vie or #I.OO. Humphreys' Medi cine (U> ('A)T. William . $4.00 to 525.00. APOLLO GAS LAMP. f.pftitnj r * \j '!r* — X 'X ' APOLCO '•v V Price complete with By- Pass sind Olasß Chimney 12 00 With Mica Chimney $2.25. Geo, W. Whitehill, i ' I AGKNf FOR BUTLER. CO CIITRt II VOTES. ( ntnlußhi'>i M-rvicw> were held in the st Unfa OgaiM batberu iluutb last Sunda\ . About •£ * 1 participated Rev. J. R. Smith a t.-n day s series of evangelistic meetings in t:ie Y. M C. A. building Wednt-sday even ins He will preach in the U. P. church on Sabbath A sr rial sermon to tin- firemen was preached by the pastor of the (ienaan Lutheran church at Evans City last Sunday. The .1 A Irwin Company attended in dress uniform, and the church was crowded. The W. C T. I". .>f Springdale vill hold a Neal Pow i'l-niorial me-ting at the home of R W. Harper :J4O Centre Ave. on Thursday evrtiing N'ov. 19th 7 o'clock sharp, also a prayer meeting at the home of Mr I);.it- Centiv Ave. on Sabbath at :! P. M. All are invited. WHAT BUTLER COUNTY PEOPLE SAY WHO ARE USING HGME COM FORT RANGES. "Wrought Iron Range Co ' Gentlemen: We purchased irorn your salesman in i»q2 "Heme Comfort Ranges," and are pleased to say they have given ertire satisfaction, and we can cheerfully recommend them to our friends and neighbors. F. M. Robb, Sonora, Butler Co. Mrs. W. Kirch, St. Joe Station, butler Co. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schivertzer, Sarvers\i!le, Pa,, Butler Co. J. E Hepler, Sarversville l'a., Butler, Co. Peter P.ader, Petersville, Pa., Butler Co. H. McClymonds, M. D, Mrs. McClymcfbds, Renfrew, Pa. Butler Co. Jefferson Centre, Aug. 26 '97. | We the undersigned purchased a '•Home Comfort Range" from the "Wrought Iron Range C 0.," of St. Louis, Mo., six years ago. We are us ing gas in the range at present. We us ed wood and coal one year, and we have never had to have a back wall, or ijrate replaced since we have had the range. It is a perfect bakti, heater and a great saver of fuel. We can cheerfully recom mend it to anyone in need of a range. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Logan, "Wrought Iron Range C 0.." Gentlemen: We pnrc'.ased from >our salesman Barney Johnson, a "Home Comfort and are pleased to say it gives entire satisfaction. As it takes le s fuel, a spendid baker, and alway hot water on hand. And we can recom mend it to all in need of a good Rmge. Respt. Mr. and M's. John Harting. "To whom it may concern." This is to certify, I bought a "Home Comfort Steel Range" from Barney Johnson, salesman, recently, and find same a perfect Range in every respect. It takes a great deal less fuel, ana al ways hot water on hand. It is the best range we ever seen. I)r. O. K. Waldron, Mrs. B A. Waldron. "Wrought Iron Range C 0.," St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 25, 1897, We bought off your wagon a "Home Comfort Range," six years ago, and arc pleased to say it is in perfect order to day. We never have i-pent a cent on it for repairs, it is a perfect baker, heater and cooker, and we would not part with it for twice what we gave for it, if wv could not get another. Very Respt., Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Negley, Jefferson twp. Renfrew, Pa., Sept. 2, 1597. This is to certify that we have used a "Home Comfort Range" since 1X92, and it is as perfect today as the day we bonght it. It has needed no repairs whatever, and gives entire satisfaction Yours Rspt,, Jas. F. Marshall. "Wrought Iron Range C 0.," »Vc bough' from your uagotl a "Home Comfort Range" six years ago. It is a perfect stove in every respect, and in iim I' O>l I liferent paid on 11 >11" *• • 1 ■' :■ Money tonne*l on approve#! security Wi Invite you to open into ul with tliN hank. TOBS lion. Joseph II art man, linn. W H Wal'lron. Mr V M H«K»v . r II M' Sweeney. K I A brains. V. I - < olllim. I a Mr,lit h. I.cli. I' II a/let t. M. I 11., 1001. W W. 11 l.iirltln. John Humphrey. I>i W r Mef'anflle », it. n Mammlh. I.« vI M. Wl«w\ J. V. Kit Is. As to What You May Kxpect. Nothing but the best finds a place in our store. We are sure you ?rc willing to pay a fair price for pure drugs. We guarantee every article bearing our name to be just as repre sented or your money back. In promptness or proficiency of service we strive for the highest. Our constantly increasing business is the liest evidence that our efforts are appreciated. We thank »ur many customers for their lilieral patronage, A phased customer is our best advertisement. WHKRK DO YOU GFT VOIR PRESCRIPTIONS filled? Come to our store nevt time. It will be to your interest. RESPECTFULLY, C. N. Boyd, uIt day of next term of Court to itnswer tie:-,ald eomplalul and show cause. If any you have, why an alisolute dlvore* from the tionds of matrimony should not tie granted to the said Mrs. I.i»/.ii -nt 1 »li. \ ..11 ,iru al>o hereby untitled that the eom plaint In the ease will lie heard on Tuesday, "th day of December. 1 . Ik'fori said Court, and i here determined, at wliieh time and place you are hereby notified to attend. , _ W11.1.1 \ M It. IMIOT'S. Sheriff. PRANK KOHLIB. Att'y. NOTICE IN DIVORCE. Gottleib Hess | In the Court of Com versus I mon Pleas of IJutlcr Co Carolina Hess | Pa. A. I). No. 9 June j Term, 1H97 Book 18— Page 120. TO CAROLINA HESS; Two Subpoenas in al*»ve case having been returned "N. E. I." you the said Carolina He's, above named defendant, are hereby required to appear in said Court oi Common Pleas, to be held a*. Butler, Pa., on Tuesday the 7th. day of December, 1897, being the first Tuesday ol next term of said Court to answer the said complaint and show cause,if any you have, why an absolute divorce from the tionds of matrimony should not be grant ed to the said Gottleib Hess. You are hereby notified that the com plaint in the above will be heard before said Court and determined on December 7th, iHg7, at which time and place you are notified to attend. W 11,1,1 AM B. DOT>DS Sheriff. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. In re estate of David It. Crowe, dee'd., late of Forward twp., Butler Coun ty, Penn'a. Letters testamentary having been granted to the undersigned executors by the Register of Wills, on the estate of aforesaid decedent, therefore any and all persons indebted to said estate arc hereby notified Jto jay the same, and those having claims should present them properly proved for payment to I'U.MiN JANK Cuowg, DAVID N. CROWE, Executors of David B. Crowe. W. C. FINI>I.KV, Atty. Nov. 9, 1K97. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. letters testamentary on the estate of James M. Hay, dee'd., late of Clinton twp., Butler Co. Pa., having been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and anv having claims against said es tate will present them duly authenticat ed for settlement to CKORGK K. HAV, Ex'r Brownsdale P 0., Butler Co. Pa. J, I). MCJUNKIN, Att'y. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. betters of administration 011 the es tate of R. L. McCandlese, dee'd., late of Cherry twp., Butler Co. Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make iunnediate payment, and any having claims against the same will present them duly authen ticated for settlement to Mhh ANNIK McCANm.II.HH Alllll'x Coaltown, Butler Co. i'a. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Letter* testamentary on the e-tate of Samuel DufT, dee'd late of Wllitield twp . lin tier Co., I'a., having Iseu granted to the. nndnrHlgtied, all per-oiis knowing themselves indebted 10 snides tnte v.-ill pieitM' make immediate pay inent, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly an thcntirated for w.'ttieiiient to TIIOH I. l)t'i r, \ .. . HAMUKI. II Dl'fF, F liOl# N Winebiddle St . Pittsburg, Pa. HAUSTON a ''.V^ > 7 JOS. I, PIIBVIH President J. 11l NICY TKOPTMAN Vlee -President WM. < AMPBKIX, Jr <: S! ,h . , . , ' r l/HIH H.HTKIN .". Tall" DIBK'TOKH—Joseph 1.. Purvis, J. Henry Troutroan, W. I).Brandon. W. A. Hfln. J.:«. CtdobHll. The llntler KuvinK* Hank Is the Oldest Hum I. 11l u in Hurler I oiinty. 1.1 in nil ImnkluK business triuisiie«»il. \V. .ill. 11 ui-eoiiiits of oil producer*, iner ehiml •. farmers and others. All Inislm -s entrusted to us will receive 11 r< 11111 it attention. If.leie-il i>ald rice you pay else where for adulterated. Wc bottle direct from tin- t.ovcrnmcilt stamped barrel, ills., have in stock Inrge supply of quarts Ixittled at Ilistillery under the govcrn mi iit suticrviaioii that bottled by us wc gu n.iiilee to be as pure and as good MOTTO I AIR DEALINGS TO EVERY UNK (tunrnnlrcd pure ft >c«r old Whiskey either flockciilieiiner, Finch, lilbson, Overhoit, l-arfe, Ml. Vernon. f 1 |»er full i|uart or 6 quarts for >5, Crandfathei'a Choice Whiskey, guar antied 3 years old, *1 |ier gallon. On C. <). I), or mail orders of #io or over, we prejiay alt charges. ROISERT LIiWIN & CO,, Imjiorters and Wholesalers, 411 Waier SI. Opposite B. Kc 0. Depot Telephone, 2179 Pittaburg, Pa. Counting The Cost. Have you ever calculated how much is saved in the long run by having your clothing made by tailors who know thefr business? You get better goods, more care ful workmanship and the fit a.nd style are wortli a great deal. It's a satisfaction to wear first class, well made clothes, and then it's economical as well. Clothes that fit, wear longer, look better and are more satisfactory to the wearer. Those who wear our garments appreciate this. Stop and calculate. Do you wear tailor-made clothes? In that case you have garments that last longer, wear better and suit you more completely than any other. Every garment is made in the best style. No accidental fits. No disgraceful effects. It is cheaper to wear custom clothes than any others. Fall styles on display. WKDIMHG SUITS A SPECIALTY!""" ■PER & CO Cor. Diamond. Butler. Pa M. C. WAGNER, ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER, 139 South Main street. Over Sbaul 4k Nasi s Clothing Stora