\lir CONSIDER WE BOTH * - P R ICE I|sS Is th|e first consider*!- *!> tiori with manv shoe *? ) « buyers. QUALITY F'JKSR B hou.lci be tl"|e prime cor\sideration. With out quality price is trie anin^ess. WE CONSIDER BOTH Qualitv an cl price Here's an ir\stance Gentlemen's Hand-Sewed Shoes. nooß PATTERNED ON THE J) NEW ENGLISH LAST. Showing the latest and most approved shades in Winter Tan and other UP-TO-DATE stocks such as Box Calf and Enamel. Our name stamped on every t , pair. Chock full of style, wear, and shoe satisfaction. \ j A. Ruff & Son, I 1 Sellers of Guaranteed Shoes. BICKEL'S Fall and Winter Stock Arriving Daily. Our large Fall and Winter stock has all arrived, and open and ready for your inspection. Owing to the Large orders which we placed early with the m'ans'we prices and a better assortment of boots and_ shoes than J. will sell you good reliable footwear away down. In Men's Shoes -we have fine Patent leathers-fine Calf « ! d shoes.in■ «g»t «n d soles—we have Enamels, Calfskin and heavy Russia Calf shoes in leather or nen warranted waterproof shoes -a heavy buckskin shoe, leather lined extended heavy hand sewed sole. Complete Stock of handmade and eastern box toe boots and shoes in any thickness sole you may want. Several different styles of oil grain and kip boots and shoes 111 mens, boys and youth's sizes. In Ladies Shoes wc have many new and pretty styles in hand-turned McKays ami hand-weltrole sewed shoes-fine dongola-box calfs-winter tans-enamels and patent leatner shoes—large assortment of Ladie's and Misses' every day shoes of all kinds. Balance of our summer stock to be closed out regardless of cost as we need the A large stock of slippers and oxford ties included in this great reduction sale. Three Large Sample Counters filled with interesting bargains. Sole leathe- cut to any amount you may wish to purchase. JOHN BICKEL. 128 8. MAIN St. BUTLER, PA, The Wise Grocer. Will try to induce his customers to bay the very l>est 2 ro " ceries in the market, because by so doing he makes a sale that will give satisfaction, and it is the pleased and satis, fied customer who builds up the grocer's business. \.t* have some of the very best goods obtainable which we sell as close as any house in the county. Leave us your order and wc guarantee 6alUfadion. The Butler Produce Co., C L MOORE, J rop'r 130 W. Jefferson St., Butler,'Pi IF YOU GET IT AT THE BUTLER PRODUCE IT'S FRESH. ——\ Fall and Winter Opening, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, SEPT. 30, OCT. 1-2. OF Ladies' Large Hate, Round Hat?, Eci.nelH «»id ChiWium Hate Edi.g th« mo»tpiacti '■> JjffflP- •nytl.it prove unsatisfactory. You may need something for your ' /lYf/" chapped hands and face, an-letp broken, his ap petite finickv. his skin sallow his breath foul and his mouth bad-tasting, he is having a struggle with ill-health If he is wise he will take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. It gives edge to the appetite and makes the digestion perfect. It invigorates the liver. It makes rich, red, pure blood. It puts vim into every organ and fiber of the body. It drives out all impurities and disease germs. It imparts the glow of health to the skin and the vigor of youth to the muscles. It tones the nerves and gives refreshing sleep. It builds firm flesh, but does not raise the weight above Nature's normal. It cures eft per cent, of all cases of consumption All medicine stores sell it. An honest dealer will not suggest a worthless substitute for the sake of a lit tle extra profit. The most valuable for both men and women is Dr. Pierce's Com »i» mon Sense Medical Adviser. A splendid thousand - page fl h ' r -£t volume, with over three hun wV I*s?'*' ' lred engravings and colored l"»N| plates. A copy, paper-cov- Vl"* | ered. will be sent to anyone sending twenty-one cents in L « ! one-cent stamps, to pay the 1 cost of mailing on/]\ to Dr. R. v. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. Cloth-bound 31 stamps. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL FOR Piles or Hemorrhoids. ' Fissures & Fistulas. Burns & Scalds, Wounds <£ Bruises. Cuts & Sores. Boils & Tumors. Eczema & Eruptions. Salt Rheum & Tetters. Chapped Hands. Fever Blisters. Sore Lips & Nostrils. Corns & Bunions. Stings & Bites of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and sr.oo. Sold by drtig(?l«u, or sent post-paid on receipt of price HtarHSEiy KD.ca, 111 * u> *iaiMbi..s«*w*. MANY THINK! when the Creator said to woman, "In sorrow shalt thou bring forth children," that a curse was pro nounced against the human race, but the joy felt by every Mother when she first presses to her heart her babe, proves the contrary. I)anger and suffering lurk in the pathway of the Expectant Mother, and should be avoided, that she may reach the hour when the hope of her heart is to be real ized, in full vigor and strength. MOTHER'S FRIEND so relaxes the gcr, andthe trying hour is robbed of its pain »nd suttering, as so many happy mothers have experienced, Nothing but "Mother's Friend" does this. Don't be deceived or persuaded to use anything else. "Mother's Friend" is tho greatest remedy ever pot on the market, and all our customers praise It highly."—W. 11. KIN a A Co., Whltewright, Tex. Of arv«t?isti> at »l 00, or wsnt py express on re ceipt o( price. WWtc foS* boois wumai&UJK valua ble Information for all Mothers, mailed free. Tho Uradfteld Ueirnlbtur Co., AtlanU, LARRABEEis _ RHEUMATIC ** LINIHEHT. TRADE-MANN. Magical Pain Extractor. CURES RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHE, NEURALGIA, BACKACHE, ■ LUMBAGO, CATARRH, AND ALL KINDS OF PAINS AND ACHES. For nearly ttoiee-score years and ten this famous old household friend |ia j been curing pains and aches, and hat never disappointed the user. It is clean, pure, efficacious, agreeably smelting and quickly acting. IT IS A #»ICH, SPICY COMPOUND AND f INVALUABLE FOR CUTS. SCALDS, SORES, BURNQ. ULCERS, WOUNDS, KRYSIPELAS. SKIN TROUBLES, ETC.. ETC. Price 25 Cents, AT pcALcaa Ana onucciti*. Off Miit in uuantity of 3 or more pa< lupri to any address on receipt of money, by Winkelmann & Brown Drug Co. •OIK PROPRIETORS. HALT: MORE, MO., U. 8. A. SIXHTOKS LAKE Mil . / TK DISrKNSABY. *> ,i Pen- AVE. AHO FOURTH OT. PITTSBURGH, PA. Ai! form*.of Delicate IIII'I COM nl:. at. it l>l.n ;iM;»re<|iiir!iiK«:<»». f umsiHL an'lScirsT'Kic Med. iciifi..ii i,i.: t|c»t"d nt '.hi* r>i i ■i y •f>| a ic'v uMiiiuuJ. |H .S. I, . imli-l lit tlie 1t... .il ( Oil. «Of I'llV . ,~| sll »n mi.' Ii tlic ollent iiml m*mt . !•,(. ."•• I si-u :» 1.1 M,' .11 thaitty. Kpei -at at . nil 111 •.lien to V"; »»II» I Wbillty fromeri' Jiiv. ■I. >.. l <-'\ertloii.3-|il.ir(rnn ,itr. Coti"i ltnt 1 >ll I. ... : hiiieti-' 1.-1. II'I ,1 U:'i 11 M. jj*ll? - . I ni. «■:••...! or II i 'lllf-. ».AI«K. O' . »>i tMD"llt I l»»'lVKft ,r l"Vli. A*J L~ a AXLE rlin {Jfit'ASE IJI>I N Til K WOltl.I). Its wfi«rln"i|.u«l|i it-Jinn ii.";:fi:rf, •/■timlly cutla«tlOK two lH,*e«T,f any olh. rbWKI. V<* I Vf' etul l.y I.e. 'lt I «r<;KT Til K 'JKNI 1 INK. 1 FOIt BALE JJV :;KMHiAi.tJtT ' THE CITIZKX Mow Mineral Waters Cure. When a patient reaches a mineral water summer resort, he is examined by the resident physician and ordered to drink certain quantities of the wate at certain times during the day this is increased from day to day until the i maximum quanity needed is reached. He is ordered to drink one or twor glasses upon rising, two or three glasses I between breakfast and dinner, the same | quanity in the afternoon, and a couple lof glasses before going to bed. The pa tient is urged to take it whether he j wants it or not. He tray say that he is i not thirsty, but that makes no differ | ence: he must take it as a medicine. • The quantitv is increased until we have known thirty glasses per day to l>e taken. A part of the benefit derived is be cause of the rest and change of scene: a part, perhaps, is from the small quan ity of the salt and other bases contained in these waters (we are not speaking of cathartic or chalybeate waters), but the benefit from this source is very slight. The secret of the cure is in the quantity of water taken. If the water be pure, free from organic matter, and taken in sufficent quantity, the results will be substantially the same; regard less of the "traces" of litha and small quantities of sodium chloride and other sxlts. You can perform these cures at home with ordinary drinking water, if of good quality, if you will require the patient to take it in the same quan titv a.s at the springs. It is verv easy to add lithia if desired; but j"ou must not loose sight of the fact that the quantity of water'not lithia) taken is I the important thing. It acts by flood ing the kidneys; by washing out the blader with a copious, bland and dilute urine; by unclogging the liver and clearing the brain. The patient feel* better from day to day; he is better. Irritable bladder is relieved, the kid neys act freel}*—are "washed out and many effete substances are carried out with the blood; this clears the way for the liver to act freely and normally, for there is an intimate relation be tween the liver and kidneys.- Med. World. For Singers ami Public Speakers Use Aunt Rachel's Elecampane and Horehound. It is known that clear white rock candy is the most healing of all substances, and horehound and elecampane the very best throat remed ies; combined we have Horehound. Ele campane, Grape Juice and Rock Candy, one of the best pulmonary remedies known. Singers and Public Speakers should carry a bottle in their pocket. For sale by" druggists. Price 20 cents and 75 cents. Already the farmers are fattening Thanksgiving turkeys. "I was anxious to shelter that fam ily," said the vacant house, "but they vouldn t 'let lue. Other people's troubles always bother us more than our own. Now'* the time to look on the bar gain counter for summer clothes. THE remedies put up bj the 1 Cure U Co., L't'd., No., 106 Centre Ave., art first class, and give excellent satisfaction. Sold by every Druggist in Butler Coun ty. The Warren Mail advertises for a good boy to learn the printing trade and newspaper business, and adds: 'No cigarette smoker need apply. That sort of provision will soon be tacked on all such adv's. of business men, says the Franklin News. The time is coming when a boy who de sires to be a*i accomplished cigarette smoker mnst devote his entire energy to it. Health and prosperity to those who keep their blood pure with Hood's Sar saparilla. A housekeeper should inspect her r( frigerator every alternate day at least, require that it lie wiped out daily with a cloth wet in soda and water, and thoroughly h on red with scouring soap twice a week. Look out for cheap substitutes! lie ware of new remedies. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has stood the test for nearly fifty years. A new disease known as "summer' grondent asking Mr. Speer about his Oporto Grape Juice he says he will warrant it to keep any length of time in bottles if they are kept full and well corked. The* juice is not likely to keep long after allowed to come in contact with atmosphere over 40 degrees temperature. It is ex cellent for invalids. John Chinaman ia a very slick article He has pulled the wool over Uncle Sam's eyes in a way that Uncle Sam's officials despise, and is laughing in his big wide sleeve over the way he played his tricks. It seems that when a China man sneaks into this country without permission and is caught he is at once sent back to China, Uncle Sam paying the cost of transportation. Those China men who reside in Mexico and who wish to take a little trip home at some body else's expense, hurry over the border into the United States.are promp tly siezed by the Government officials and sent back to China, which was the very thing they wanted. After their visit to China they return to Mexico where they are admitted without restric tion. and tell how they playei it oa the United States. The healing and purifying qualities of Salvation Oil render it the best arti n!e for the speedy cure qf ulcerated sores. 2"» c. In 1821 33 per cent of the population of Great Britain was engaged in farm ing; in IHBI only 12 per cent. Wine tasters eat a small pie ce of bread, with a scrap of ohees *, between simples to insure a.i unprejudiced taste. The agricultural capital of E>irope has doubled since 1H40: that of the Unit ed States has increased over sixfold. Panidoaleul as it may Bound, there are several varieties of fish that cannot swim. Ia every instance they are deep sea dwellers. ARMSTRONG'S Little System Pills are A true Liver l'ij!,—2sc. The Transvaa} produced J last year 1 - 340,000 tons of coal and 2,3N0,1H6, oun'-es of gold, according to thf» statis tics of the Johannasburg Chamber of Mines, In Bulgaria, the proprietors of a med icine, by which they claim to cure a specified disease, are liable to inpri son men t if the medicine fails to produce the desired etfect- KEEI* I Cure Uin the home. It is an n.stant relief in case of sudden pain liolera-Morhus, Croup, Sprains, Hruises, ctootliache &c —Ask your Druggist. Australia had last year UJOO miles of railway open. The capital expended on them has been tVi7,00!),0')0; the net revenue over working expenses is 2} per cent HOOD'S rSLLa cure l-iver (118, tjil lousr»2')s, Indigestion, Headache liasv to t3ko, oasy to opcrati, 25c The moat remarkable'gold beetle* in the world are found in Central America The head and wing eases are brilliant ly poliobul wiiu a »»».**»rw n« of gold it self. To sight and t">uoh thoy hive all the seeming of that metal. Oddly eu ough another species from the same region has the appearance < f l.eirjg wp.uftlu iii soul sjlver, fieshly bmnlih ei Thesa gold and silver beetles have a market value. Th:;y are w >rc'.i fr >n $2-5 to SSO each. The new organ of the <,f !-»t. >«tii h>an cisco, weighs more than 100,0' mi pounds, and more than pippq- It Is reported that Great Britain has notified our Goverment that she cannot p trticip ite in the c mferen :e cjn ;ern ing the seal fisheries if Russia and Jap an t ike part in it. This action is aiider stood to he prompted by Canada and it sriiacltt) H-in,. H!hat of had faith, as the ('ntish authorities understood from tin beginning that b jth Rns-tia and Japan were invited to send representatives. It is announced from Washington that the conference will be held /egardless of Great Britain's action The Insipid taste of bojled vyaterisdue to the elimination in the boiling process of the air cells. It many be reaerated before using by pouring it from one vessel into another, the two held some distance apart. Klf HUM AT ISM CURED IN A pAV. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in I to } days. Us action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cai-ses and the disease immediately iii; ;tp, earn. The first dose benefits; 75 cent'.. Sold by J. C. Kedic, ai.d J. I'. B'dph DruiiKists Butler Apr 96 r j i FOii ACENTG "Following Tb« Equator ' ; aRK Hark Twaiirs r;;; 1 ; Journey Around The World, "Tlif 1 linn through Auntrulia, India, South WANL \ Africa, etc. The Author'* 2 lift 111 O Mdnterjiuce. A hucccm from the Hart KnnrutooH uturi-d. uriii nnni/ 3,000 agents wantco WrW nllllK to sell 1L lOklu.iv Arid. M Wl\ Write for circulars and tcitnn. Mention Paper. AUdrona EATON & MftlfjS. 12|$ filjjcrt SiiuH, Phiiautlphi^ *i TAFT S PHILADELPHIA A i' jTvfiS —DENTAL ROOMS.-- U fc'f'/fiW 39 - sth Ave., PitUburg, P». j[| J • PRACTICA' . Y ; * ; CROWN BF «..iv M tf'J'/Si at"' I'ltuliurf—WHY NOT DO V fIIYOURS? "i'.l'l CROWNS A Ml/lLs MIWSoTw a ."f \ i yi-i-.i «*•> ■ r »<«•<>. iuhi 1 »•. only tn y < L fk A ?IN iJ - A.PER .": i i„; 11 11 .1 I'.h A.'" tl- 11 - i;i...auo| :':.,..'nu;REMIiTGTOir^R9S. till Xt.i'tv* Kx ml rwk i ® pLEASE bear in mind the fact " standard," in all lines com mands a fair price. See list of €the brands of Pure White.Lead which are the standard. They 3jg are the best. Avoid those brands said to be " just as good," offered r for " less money," and of "so # called White Lead." . f-« rvp ■-* Bv u* : .nir National L*ad Co.'* Pure White Lend Tinting Col l-« r« or*, anv desired shade is readily obtained Tamphlrt giving * ■-* valuable information and card showing sample* cl c r- free; also cards showing pictures of twelve houses of different I'-esigns pamted in various styles or combinations of shades upoa application to those intending to paint. NATIONAL LEAD & OIL CO. OF PENNSYLVANIA, German Nat. liank Luilding, Pittsburgh, Pa. " V. • DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES.* GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPOLIO* CATARRH LOCAL 1 DISEASE and is the result of cole* and Q/PfcCGlDw sudden climatic changes. For your Protection (fej & A we positively state tlr.t t: remedy doe* n>t contain /aCM mercury or any oiher *ujur- iM Ely's Cream Bairn is acknowledged to t»c the most thoroneh cure for Na.-al Catarrh, Co d in Head and Hay Fever of all remedies. It open- and cleanses the natal passage*, allays i»ain anu inflammation, heals the pro toct§ the membrane from cold*, restores the een«es of tapte and *mell. I*r.ce fjOc. at Drujjgista or by mail. ELY BRO'l liKUS, Warren street, New York. wheeler & Wilson New No. 9 r'amily ewing Machine. ■ INfl | Bcarints FWJ JfW j-.ry Motion & Ball Bearings MAKE XT Easy Running, Quiet, Rapid an(J Durable. Sewing Machines for Family and factory use. for all grades of Cioth and Leather. Speed and Durablity. Fact* ry arid Head Bridgeport, Connecticut, 11. S, FOR SALE BY HENRY BIEHL, DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Needles for all kinds of sewing machines, Boss .Washing etc. N. MAIN ST. BUTLER PA. X. II. —Second-hand Sewing Machines from $5.00 up. Sewing machines repaired. TIN WARE AND ROOFING A SPECIALt r. v* 1 JWi*CH!KES i .*OKT POPULAR SEWINC MACMIKE '"'Vfrom rell&Mu murofutun-ni a refutation by bonmt and wiuarr, IIN r« 1M ruiim In (tin world that can . MIM I durability of workW • . nil rji »« of finish, »>••<» 11 tjr In appearanrv, 01 i.iipr'.v.-ru.-ntH an the MEW •RITE PQR OIKCULAR^. ••9 K6W Home Sewing Machine Co is? s " HA * t U AXrtmxj, CAU ATI. AHTA J l order. WE ARE WITH THE PEOPLE. You neyer hear iitt cowiplainXof .busi ness being had we aim succeed In making it good, by fair and square treat ment of all our customeis. MSTT k O IA I It DKAI.IMJS KVKKV UNE, If we say [o you our liquors are six years old, we won't ask you to take our word for it but put them 'o the test, you and your friends to be the judge. Pure liquors are healthful. Ouaranked pure.6 year old Whiskey either (jUf kcnh-iitur, rilKli, Gibson, Uverholt, Larjje, Mt. Vernon. #1 per full quart or 6 quarts for $5, Grandfather's Choice Whiskey, guar anteed 3 years old, ¥2 per gallon. On C. (). 1). or mail orders of Jfta or over, we prepey ',ll chat^u.. ROBERT LEWIN & CO,, I importers and Wholesalers, r p»rma* n«nt boar-ale under a full t< c; and honeH bocght ip.m proper notification hy BEANOR A NAC'E, Telephone, No !!U. 1 RE VIVO 9*W RESTORES Vitality ®H?I madk a FMR 1 ' 1 MAN ofMc ! THE GREAT 30Ui I>AY. FRENCH REMEDY pnHlUi'es the above results in -V) tluys. It lifts powerfully and quickly, l ures when .ill others fail. Youne men will regain thi'lr lost manh«KKl. and old men will recover their youthful vijror hy Hp VIVO. It quick ly and surely restores Nervousness, Lost vitality. Lost Tower. KaUiuj? Memory, Wast ing Piscast*. and all effects of excess and in ! discretion, which unfits one f«»r study, l»usi |mm Of mrrlage. it not ooly cores tv I start In* at the seat of disease, but is a great nerve tonftc and hlood builder, bringrlng buck t 1 ulnk vlow to pale cheeks and restoring the fire ofvouth. ItwardsotT Insanity and ('onsumntfon. Insist oil having KEVIN O, no other, it can lie carried in vest pocket. Hv mail, fl.oo per or six for ■f'j.i'O. with a positi\e written guarantee t N. BTKFC tniabli. n .•../rJL \ w \ : f l f for 'x-.. • iaioni«a %ai i "Hldlef Rir U"llr» ' I r rtlira \ P WML u • v 1 Mi '•Hrr< ii.r ttt*. t: ■-» ;, Li:wdm. t WRiBHTi* For all Biuous and NERVOUS ■■■ ■ ■ DISSASES. They purify the KJI ■ ■ CLOOD and give HKAITIIV || g || action to the entire system. ■ ■ ■■■ Cure DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION and PIMPLES. BUTLGR COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Company Office cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. WICK. Pres. WKO. KKTTMUIiK. Tlee Prei. DIRECTORS. Alfn-il Wick. llendersoii Oliver. Dr. \V. Irvln, James Stephenson. ,V. W. Black more, N. \NVltzel. F. How man, 11. J. Klingler, (ieo. Ketterer, t'has. Itebhun, Geo. Kenno, John Koenk. LOYAL McJUftKIN Arjent. Washington eminary WASH PA. A Bnapiiujt «Md Day School for Girls. Colluiw I'rt'purntory. lti-Kiilur itnil Elcctlv Music, Art mill Klucutlo" niht ycur jailed and rea ly for the accommoda tion of the traveling public. Everything First-clags. | MRS MATTIK HEIHIHG, Owner BRICKER & VINROE. LIVKKY I'KED AND IvXtH.VNGIJ STAIII.K First class rign at reasonable rates Special Attention to Transient Custom Barn in rear of Diamond St.," I'utler l'a People's Telephone, No. 44. JII. C. 1 \Np > I'rop'rs. W. j. Give* n Hpcijnlizeri lUc.nl- wit ning Edm uti u r. DUFF'& SONS." Al l- Filth A venue. PITTSJJURd. PA. APOLLO CAITAMP! r J KAPOLL^fI K 7 /f X / APOLLO \ Prjf.o pomplctti with t ßy- Pasband Glass Chimney $2 00 With Mica Chimney $2.25. Geo. w. m AC.KN r FOR. BUTLKR. CO EYES KMUiKoi) fHKK u? CH4KGE S L KirKpatrick.. ..uu jeweh ' Next to Court |louse llu'lei, Late I (Iraduate l'ort lnbtilu',<; FALL *.»* D T PAPE FA %» * •§- WINTER, *£ WINTER^ The Leading Millinery House, of Butler Co. Ladies who love beautiful and stylish millinery can now have an opportunity of seeing the grandest display of 1- all and Winter bon nets, hats, feathers, ribbons, etc., ever brought to our city. Nothing has been spared in ( Foreign iinO^OOOO0OO( ; "THE COMMERCIAL," J J W. K. THORNBURG Prop'r., Evans City, Pa.< | \ > Tiiis popular house has iust been entirely remodeled i > « and refurnished. Everything convenient, and guests < > v f will always receive close attention.* > > J Located near Postoffice and P.& W. Depot. When V in Evans City t~>p at the Commercial. Hell Tele / phone No. 16. )O0OOOO&O&&OO&&$<{i>C&<>OOOOO v FOR Education, \ w t FOR Noble Manhood \ * EOR True Womaufcvp<4 t T r p ItIVFS il " im P ortant ti.ev\s of the- Nation Jl all important news of the vVorld. IT fr 1 V l ' u ' n)OSt market reports. brilliant and instructive editorials. IT GIVE fascinating short stories. an ucexcellcd agricultural department ; (jj I\ T KS scientific an-1 meclianical informati»».. J ~ illustrated fashion articles. l OlVliiS urnnrOT,s illustrations. entertainment to young and old.. IT GIVES . satisfaction everywnere to everybody We furnish "The Citizen" and "N. Y, Weekly Tribune" FOR si,So PER YEAR. CASH IN AnVANK. Aildrcia all orders to Ijj £ 01 I itl^ Write your name and adilrcss on a ]>ostai card, soul it 'o G«*o. W. Host, Tribune; building, New York City, and a sample coj>v of Tuh Nkw York Whfki I'HI BUNK wilt l)C mailed to yoi>. L. C. WICK, PKAIKK IN Rough £ Worked Lumber OF AM. KINDS. Doors, Sasli, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Alwavs Umck. ttUR AND PLASTER Office opposite P. & \Y, i'jopul. BUTLER. PA, F. H. WALDEMYER, DEALER IN--Cut Flowers, Bedding Planvi, ( Vegetables, J Decorations and Designs. \ Bedding J> y Vegetable Plants A SPECIALTY - OREfcN HOUSE West ol Const House Lfo, cola St, .STORE. IIS S. Mate St, Bntlcr. Pa.