iifC CONSIDER WT BOTH * PRICE /4»X I^l Is tl"|e first considera* tior\ witt\ maqy shoe Ig* QUALITY W should be the prime rJ2%I consideration. With out quality price is meaningless. WE CONSIDER BOTH Qualitv arid price M re's an instance Gentlemen's Hand-Sewed Shoes. 00 PATTERNED ON THE NEW ENGLISH LAST. # Showing the latest and most approved shades in Winter Tan and other UP-TO-DATE stocks, such as Box Calf and Enamel. Our name stamped on every pair. Chock full of style, wear, and shoe satisfaction. A. Ruff & Son. Sellers of Guaranteed Shoes. BICKEL'S Fall and Winter Stock Arriving Daily. Our large Fall and Winter stock has all arrived, and open and ready for yonr inspection. Owing to the Large orders which we placed early with the manufacturers we* are able to get lower a better assortment of boots ar.d shoes than ever] before, this means we will sell you good reliable footwear away down. In Men's Shoes —we have fine Patent Leathers— fine Calf and Kangaroo shoes in light and medium aoles—we have Enamels, Calfskin and heavy Russia Calf shoes hii leather- or men lined- -see our warranted waterproof shoe*— a heavy buckskin shoe, leather nntd extended heary hand aewed sole. Complete Stock of handmade and eastern bo* toe boots and shoes in any thickness sole you may want. Several different styles of oil grain and ktp boots and shoes in mens, toys and youth's sizes. In Ladies Shoes wc have many new and pretty styles in hand-turned McKays and hand-weltrole tewed shoes—fine dongola—-box calfs—winter tans—enamels and patent leather shoes—large assortment of Ladie's and Misses' etery day shoes of all kinds. Balance of our summer stock to be closed out regardless of cost as we need the room. i-i A large itock of slippers and oxford ties included in this great reduction sale. Three Large Sample Counters filled with interesting bargains. Sole leithfc- cut to any amount you may wish to purchase. JOHN BICKEL. 128 S. MAIN St. BUTLER, PA. The Wise Grocer. Will try to induce his customers to boy the very best gro ceries in the market, because by so doing he makes a sale that will give satisfaction, and it is the pleased and satis. fied customer who builds up the grocer's business. We have some of the very t»est goods obtainable which we sell as close as any house in the county. T/-ave us your order and we guarantee satisfaction. The Butler Produce Co., C L MOORE, Prop'r 130 W. Jefferson St., Butler,'Pi IF YOU 6ET IT AT THE BUTLER PRODUCE ITS FRESH. -—^ Fall and Winter Opening, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. SEPT. 30, OCT. 1-2. OF Lsdits'Lctke Hntf, Kc.rrd Fntc. T'c.Tinets and (hildnriH Hi»tn. Being tin mot piaetical »r.d t«*t amnfmint of j.attnnH and hats tiiij.imd in onr own wotk icciD, we have 1 vir tb(vn. (U<6t if )*>" "»<• r,«n,dy to bny or not. MARKS; 108 B. Main Bt., one door South wf Butler Savings !!ank. WHILE YOU ARE WAITING Vor your prescription don't fail 'oloolc , over our line of perfumes, we have re- // ; , ceived sotne very fine ones lately, ai.<; ('»■*. J/ \ j / r< " will be pleas* d to have you examine ' |i' /'A' J iltMn. "1 ? | We also have a wnrla.ge aw Mount ■*— ' ''**■"""' — of tooth brushes »ra de < xpit ►sly (cr 1» , '•' v 'V / vP """ wh" b bear our stamp, these brushes '"C- I f v we gutranlee and »eqiie!.t the return < f u* s *ny thit prove u»ml Mattery You may nc«d Kn.ttliing for >c ur ——i V" chapped band* tnd free, ard if fo »r . 'X/ 1 ' recr mmend Cvloniitm Crtfcm as a fine .. toilet preparation. REDIOK& GROHMANN DRUGGISTS. PEOPLES PHONE. I rV * BIJTLEK PA I JL A p,,easure rive I • is-not a pleasure drive unless ttie buggy 0 No. J Hoad Buggy. i \Fredonia Buggies I 9 arc the kind for your pleasure drives. 1 hey Kav* st/cngtfj V fl to last. Your dealer sells them. Insist that h<- se4l then) you. I f Made by THE FREDONIA MFG. CO., Youngstown, Ohio | SB! i Bright-faced, happy, rollicking, playfnl babies, thousands of them all over the broad land, have in their bodies the seeds of serious diseases, and while they laugh and play are facing death. The mother, in the majority of cases, is unconsciously re sponsible for this sad state of affairs. Where the mother, during the anxious period, suf fer? from weakness and disease of the dis tinctly feminine organism, it is useless to expect a sound and healthy baby. f*.very woman may be strong in a womanly way, and have robust, happy children A wonderful medicine for women is I*. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is the discovery of an eminent and skillful spe cialist. I)r. R V Pierce, for thirty years chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y. It is a medicine that acts directly and only on those delicate and important organs that bear the burdens of maternity. It makes them strong, healthy and elastic. It allays inflammation, heals ulceration, stops debilitating drains and soothes pain. It gives rest and tone to the tired nerves. It fits for wifehood and motherhood. It does away with the discomforts of the expectant period and makes baby's coming easy and comparatively painless. Honest druggists will not offer an inferior substitute for the sake of a little extra profit. " I suffered for years from displacement, debili tating drains inflammation and weak back." writes Mrs. Bessie McPherson. of fiS So Main St Providence. R I "I traveled with my husband and first noticed my weaknesses coming on when the jolt of the cars became unbearable. I stop ped traveling but the trouble steadily irrew worse 1 suffered so that I t>ecaine despondent and wish ed for death I took only a few bottles of Ur. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and was perma nently cured HUMPHREYS' No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Infants' Disease* No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 8 " Neuralgia. No. 9 Cures Headache. No. lO " Dyspepsia. No. 1 1 Delayed Periods. No. 12 " Leuchorrea. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. IS Cures Rheumatism. No. 10 " Malaria. No. 20 " Whooping Cough No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. 30 " Urinary Diseases No. 77 " Colds and Grip. SolJ by Druggist#, <>r s<-ut prepaid on receipt of price, 2. r »c., or 5 for sl. Da. lIrMi'HRRIB' HOMEOPATHIC JIANI-AL OF DISEASE* MAILEU FREE. Humphreys' Med, Co.. 11l William St.. N. Y. MfITHFRn mu I ncn.o' and about which such tender and holy recollections cluster as that of " MOTHER " —she who watched over our helpless infancy and guid ed our first tottering step. Yet the life of every Expectant Moth er is beset with danger and all ef fort should be made to avoid it. , so assists nature MfltllOr Q in the change tak- IvlUlllljl U ing place that _ m . the Expectant Lri Alirl Mother is ena ■ I IKIIII bled to look for ■ I ■w 11 W ward without dread, suffering or gloomy fore bodings, to the hour when she experiences the joy of Motherhood. Its use insures safety to the lives of both Mother and Child, and she is found stronger after than before confinement —in short, it "makes Childbirth natural and easy," as so many have said. Dont be persuaded to use anything but FRIEND u My wife suffered more in ten min utes with either of her other two chil dren than she did altogether with h<-r last, having previously used four bot tles of 4 Mother's Friend.' It is a l>iess|n? to any one expecting to be come a MOTI/ER," sars a customer. Uk.ndf.khon I)ai r., Carmi, Illinois. Of OrugßlHts at 11.00. or iwni l>ycxproHj» on receipt of prlc«. Wrlto for book containing tontlraonlali and valuable Information for all Mntbem. free. Jbf bra<llMtl Co , Atlanta, (»«. "iCEiI" TMOC-MAKK Nature's Nervine and Rapid Restorative. An unf iling cure for Diseases of the Dig'.:Nervous and (ienerativo System-: A Tonic of rare t(ficacy for Ilie o' young'and of marked vice Is.- udenta, Teachers, and al{ who arc < ngaged in Braiu work Close occupations. CURES Depression, Tired Feelings, Jervousness, Muscular Wealnesi, Loss of Appetite, Palpitation of Heut, Restlessness, Hysteria, lerve Weakness, General Excesses, Alcbollsm, and that nlmost innumerable series ol diseas- 1 and complications resulting from any derangement of the Nervous system. Invaluable for weak women and nervous children. Ctnc,d7 llorvoß, * Er. Cox'g Braceo. System, I,U ™ D Cooolia Sound Eost, USIIO Norva Good V/ork, ♦ Tonie. CONTAINS NO ORIATC* OR DANGEROUS DRUOt TO MARC A HABIT. ;;o Cents per Pottle; If tliree '« * : ordered at onetime, a ropy ol OIL i a ''.'-.k. WID Da MM 1 u«1 c 1 IK C. 1619T1 AND DEALERS OR 01' • ,T Of ua ON RECEIPT Of RRICE GO CKNTI. Wliikeliiu'.m 5r Drown Drug Co. VOLE PRURRIEIORS, CALTIMOn :, MID , u. 8. A. C\ iXKTOKs LAKH nad mi /THUhiUNMiiv. iTa Jr Or ,i. m. Ave. AHr» fouiijH OT. PITTBBUftOk, f'Af I AiMorin- i.r UcUrstauna (;«• pii. »ii I i>i v -i i i n-'i"ll:nz' "v --riI'ISTIAI. ftn'l MCIKSTim Mi 11, ir uiiMi mi) tr«int««l nt. '.lilt !>t* ■/I'll' .ry with n •! iii*« nrc'y aUnltiril. In. h. fi 1.:i1.c ' ..U'liil/irortlii! Ilii, jl< i>ilinilf I'liy i> t.i.'n ..fi«( Blirunr.'i , nil'' 111' "I lent ttii'l rniiot ■l» i ie->cri.| hi'Ki'i ',i ll.ni Ilv. kin"Ui| »t --' nll'.n llivun tn?"-.' m Itrtillll> front in ,iill r \<n tlon-l i'T. u'ratlou of youth, ctr.,<!#»*- iiif i'liv"l.-iii iini. jii'ntiil 'lr# ny,liu"k <>f rneriry. :.-.|ii.n Vncy.ctr. ; m.<i( riu'i-m OlilHont, Klin, I'llo , Klii-iniialimn, hii'l ul 1 ilixriincH'if the HI. in. ll'. .1, tun• •, I• rln:ir\ "ifill ,tt''. fill.Kiillnllull 'l i'li in- ; Hlrlrti* ruulMi nll-il O.tJi o lioiii»,# tr liiiil 710 »■. v . ii, 2 t<» 4r. M. -.rill. nil ul OSiiO or ui|.i. . |ill > I \lf I'. WC. *» iw i.Kii'Tt:trr. i'rrir«ii<.'rirjii.i-< fRAIiER greale |II>T TUB WIIRI.D, ttM wauine'i"slitl<'S»t" MKHIIT i/iuwu #t:tuiuiy cuUtilifiK t ■«„ %;t a tiy of h.-rbrahd. Not ttbcljkill.yliaat irIiKTTIIKOKNriNI, POH BXLK IIY liKai.ituh iirsvuii.tir the oitizkn A women who writes about WWD6D has this to say abont women who should not marry, those types of feminine fair ness that are better off when single The woman who proudly declares that she cannot even hem a i*>cket handker j chief, never made up a bed in her life. : adds with a simper that she ha;-- "been in society ever since she jwas 15 The women who won Id rather nurse a pug dog than a baby. The woman who thinks she can get fi.OOO worth of style out of a $ I.UOO salary. The woman who wants to refurnish her house every spring The woman who buys for the mere pleasure of buying. The woman who does not know how many cents, halves, quarters, dimes, and nickles there are in a dollar. The woman who thinks that men are angels and demi gods. The woman who would rather die than wear a bonnet two season s old. The woman who thinks that the nurse and the cook can keep house. The woman who thinks it is cheaper to buy bread than to make it. The woman who buys bric-a brie for the parlor and borrows kitchen utensils from her neigh bors. The woman who wants things just because "other women" have them The woman who thinks she is an orna ment to her sex if she wins a progress ive euchre prize. "Going into a decline." How often do we hear this expression. What does it mean? It means that people are los ing fiesh,growing thin, wasting. The way to correct this condition is to improve the digestion. The condi tion arises from an inability to eat anil digest food. In fact food does more harm than good because it ferments and putrefies in the stomach, developing I>oisionons substances which when absorbed cause various disorders. What is required is that the stomach be made to perform its duties. The Shaker Digestive Cordial is a food al ready digested and a digester of foods as well. It will make the stomach healthy. Get a book from the druggist and read about it A California chemist has robbed Cas tor Oil of its bad taste. Laxol is its name. Bob Burdette says, "A woman can not sharpen a pencil, and out side of commercial circles, she cannot tie a package to make it look like any thing save a crooked cross section of chaos, but, land of miracles ! See what she can do with a pin! I believe there are some women who can pin a glass knob to a door." " That grand old lady, Susan B. An ihony, who was the foremost speaker in the first national women's suffrage con vention, held forty five years ago, was recently asked to tell-of her love affairs. "I never had any worth telling," she said, "for there was not a bit of ro mance about any of my affairs. 1 al-1 ways said, like the old maid, that the man I, wanted would not have me, and those who wanted me were so bad that the devil himself would not have them." Gold may be found in the Klondike valley, but health is found by taking Hood's Sarsaparillii. The silver crank is alone in his mis ery. Even the leaves are" changing to gold. The curative system of going without breakfast is a fa<l that first became not ed in Meadville, but it is spreading. The Bradford Record nays the numlier of "no-breakfast" people in that city is rapidly increasing; that "all who nave tried the plan claim to have been benefitted, and are enthusiastic in >ir« ing others suffering from stomach troubles to adopt it also.". Well, it's just dead easy to try the plan. All you have to do is to take a cup of coffee or fill up with hydrant water in the morn ing and run with empty boilers until dinner time. It is to bad to spend half of a short life distressed with neuralgia, when a 25 cent liottle of Salvation Oil will cure it quickly The Pennsylvania Tube Works, of I'ittsbmg have given notice that the wages of employes will lie advanced 10 per cent on the gOth, This gives a slice of genuine prosperity to abont l,3(i() workmen. Qlt is claimed that two weekn ago a man at Cambridge springs broke all records by drinking 75 glasses of (tray spring water in a day. The former high notch was 05 glasses. There s no merit in such hoggish gnJping as that. The chap who thus makes a perambul ating reservoir of himself is ripe for the fool-killer. Dr. Boll's Pills are a specific for fe male complaints. Ladies who have once used them are ni-ver without this safe remedy Coffee grows wild in Arabia and in the Hondan. The l»est champagne corks cost aliont six cents apiece Ten regiments fn the J'rltlwh annv publish newspapers. The people of Borneo make beer from the [S'pper plant. THK remedies put up b> the | Cure U Co., J,'l'd., No., 106 Centre Ave., are first class, and give excellent satisfaction. Sold by every Druggist in Itntler Coun ty. Killarney can boast of the most per feet echo. It repeat", a nipiet note nearly twenty times. The Hour mills of Seattle are said to be running night and day because of the great demand for breadstuff* from China and Japan. Constantinople has about M?.y 000 inhabitants, of whom 155,000 »re (•reeks and 150,000 Armenians, and less than 400,000 Moslems. lie Vol I >«•«•«•!% «•«!. The experience of the Speer N. .1 Wine Co alter a continuous career of more than forty in •• rape('nitlire t;nd Wine makfiu; he r< tulfed in th» production t>i ilr-:ndy that rivals I enuessy umi M<rr.ell of (.'ogwir ,\ ' ! i.e. delicate |."> \t i oM 'liiipe Brand) is rare, tlu ir ( liiii.ix vintage of |nr<; h becoming < clebrated among Knropean who appreciate a pure article. Brng (Hits M«*11 it. The (iaitiifhiel chcoting, H,oooacres in Aderdeenshire, belonging to Parquh arson of Ivercald. have been let to an American naji;ed < 'jil Bachelors are women's rights, and widowers are women s lefts. A good time is never as good as the recollection of it. Krie in to have a "mutual telephone, to be used among 000 subscribers. "It's the thin joke, says the Philoso, pher, "that is the hardest to see through. HEADAC Jll'. I'lmilcri. If you use any line a j;is»d one. Ask your for Armstrong's 1 I Cure (J ) Headache Pow ders. Remarkable brilliant display of the well known Novemtier meteors may lie exfcted during (he next ttfw' or three years. There is much truth in the remark of the venerable Galusha A. Grow that one of the great evils of our system of goverment is the tendency to give of flee to those who are not qualified to fill it. and there are too many offices, and that it costs too much to govern ' ourselves. 1 It will lie well for all interested to I bear in mind that the act of legislature. June 10, If. 17. makes the wearing of any insignia badge or button of any fraternal or labor organization by any person in this State, unless such person is authorized under the constitution and by-laws to do so. a misdeanor, pu ble by fine not exceeding SIOO. It is a strict mh* with the big trans atlantic steamship companies that the wife of the captain shall not tra\el in his ship Th supposition is that if anything should happen to the ship the captain, instead of attending to his pub lic duty, would devote his attention mainly to the safety of his wife. In other words, he'd sacrifice all the jmss engers in order to save his "first mate. The tail of the great comet of IW3 was 200,000,000 miles long. A teaspoonful of microbes coiitaii.3 more than 4,000,000 individuals. ARMSTRONG'S Little System Pills are fine. A true Liver l"ill. —25c. A speck of gold weighing the mil lionth part of a grain may be easily seen by the naked eye. The bones and muscles of the human body are capable of over 1200 different movements. In Spain the goat is the domestic sub stitute for the cow, that country hav ing 4,530.000 goats. 1 uHolland the average production for cows is eight pounds of butter and I*o pounds of cheese per annum. Dr, Bull s Cough Syrup is the best 111 the market. A single bottle will con- Vice you of ts excellence. Iry it During the present century the food Bapply of the principal nations have in creased in much greater ratioe than the population. The amount of iron in the human blood is about an ounce to the 100, pounds, or a little over a quarter of an ounce to the individual. Aristotle mentions a woman who had five living children at one birth four times successively; Menage tells f one who had twenty-one children in seven years. KEEP I Cure L" in the home. It is an nstant relief in case of sudden pain holera-Morbus, Croup, Sprains, Bruises, ctoothache &c—Ask your Druggist. The normal temperature of a man is about 1)8* degrees; of the euail 70; oys ter, 82; porpoise, 100; rat cat and ox, 102; sheep, 104; hog. 105; chicken. 111. A single bee, with all its industry, en ergy and innumerable journeys it lias to perform, will not collect much more than a teaspoonful of honey in a , single season. ' It is said that since the remarkable cold winter of 181)3-94 there are many parts of South Carolina in which the ' bluebird once so plentiful, has become totally extinct. t Duty. It in a duty we owe to ourselves, as r well as those who are dejiendent upon Y UH, to pel-serve our health and strength. Aunt llachel s Peruvian Malara Bitters are found to be an unfailing and valu n able assistant in inantaininK the vij<or of the system, and in keeping it in tone, h Excellent for those subject to malarial fevers, females and weakly persons to an appetite. r Starfish commit suicide. When one is i caught with a net it disolves itself into 1 many pieces, which escape through the meshes. In time each piece lie comes a perfect animal. I Insects are for their size, the strong est members of the animal creation. Many beetles can lift a weight equal ' to more than live hundred times the •' weight of their bodies. l> . HCOVi •- 5 L L j c'cirfi I ijor tMa, !> !i 1 lousness, Indigestion, Headache, t Easy to take, oasy to oporatt. 28c. The most valuable fur is that of the 1 sea otter. t )ne thousand dollars has ' been paid for a single skin of this ani final not more than two yards IOIIK b.v r three (quarters of a yard wide. The worst moonshiner In North Car olina has been capured in Raleigh. He is described at the most repulsive look int< creature ever tried in the State, and his six wives and thirty-nine children, An apparatus for destroying veriuln < on fowls and small aliimals consists of a revolving cylinder with a cloth open i ing in the side, having draw strings The fowls and insect powder are placed in the cylinder, which is then revolved by a crank It fs seven and a half years since the Kaiser came 'to the throne, and in that time he has killed, according to the official statisticts, 2.j,:iT2 head of game. The list <•" v;h(ij y ami i*nd three large bears, but lakes no ac count of very small game. The wee ones of the Buffalo Kinder garden have adapted this "yell ' "B, a, bay; b, y, bee; Vn»ir<;r'e kide ftiv. ! Eenie, meenlo minie mo! j Kindergarden! Buffalol" KIIHUMATISM CURED IN A DAY. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in i to \ days. Its action ti|K>n the system remarka'tlc aud mykterioiis. 't re;noves at once the can «ck and the diabase immediately dis appears. Tl»e first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Solil by J. C. Redic, and J. I'. Il'tlph Druggists Butler Apr 96 READY FOR AGENTS " yolloving Tho Equator '1 MARK t?ti«V.V Mar£ Twaln\ sg Journey Around The World. VTN 1 IKIIA through Australia, luJla, Honth TUrllN'x Africa, etc. The Author'. I VI Alll O Uiultr/iUcf- A«uccri»friiiaUio ktnrt. Knormoaa nalff aeaurwl. II mi nnnv 3,000 aqcnt* want*r» NrW HIIIIK to »ell It. K*c'i»lyj dclm l»fcl» uuur* lViitv £or tUiBIBM atrfMriui. Menilot| PM'«. AJiUt)M-» j (ATON & MAINS, 1 ?l3 Filbert Street, ST. CHARLES HOTEL WOOD STKEU» i'MIRD AVENUK, PITISBURG, PA. lias been improved throughout with a view of catering to the comfort of its guests Everything homelike Ve• • I'm t'itM r " '.'cvv i tt»pei». New f)eC. orations. NKW MANAC.I'.M I'.NT. I.IK-Utlon Hm-St 111 1 lie I'lly. t'lmveuioni tn all Itallroad stations. Table sirlelly l'lrsUelass. Ital« *. f.M«I mid •;:» per liny ST.CHAK! liS HOTEL C(>. WN lonstmo. i'N ». <•. 11. PAIHI. Maunnr. M A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director. I 337 S. Main St., Butler.! ®'~pHESE brands of White t.cad'i 1 (see list) are not made by any patent or quick process, hut by the "old Dutch" process of slow corrosion. 1 hey are the best; are the standard, and have i W been tor years. Protect your in- tcrests by makiftg sure the brand i hrisht fv p* By usinir National I-cad Co.'* TVr~ W • :.e 1- . h krr orl, shade ,> rM, ( ''J to. i9£ll also cards showmg pictures of twelve h - i -»• :1 y V^U-J2/*^?/g irfl various styles or of shades !v»n**rdc.' \ -.nan to v ttW intending to juint. NATIONAL LEAD & Oil. CO. OF rEXXSYI V.WIA. German Xat. liank Building, I'itt.Sui h, l\i. " V, r.. DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES/ GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF S A POLIO* CATARRH LOCAL 1 DISEASE and is the result of co'ds and IV .OfcCOlOw sudden climatic changes. V/v/ For your Protection we positively uUtte t..at tK:» remedy doea u t contain as , mercury or any other .ujur- jEj^H iom drug. V^H Ely's Cream Balm is to I e tlic most thoronph cur* for Nasal Catarrh, Cn.d in Heart anil llay lever of all ramedii'B. It opens and c'tunnes the liaxal allay" pain anil lnlfcui matlon. heals the s<>res, pro tects the membrane fruui colds, restores the MtiMS of taste and smell. Price si>c. at lirnsgists or by mail. ELY BKOTUKHS, 66 Warren Street, New York. Wheeler & Wilson New No. 9 r amily Sewing Machine. Rotary Notion & Ball Bearings MAKE IT Easy Running, Quiet, Rapid and Durable. Sewing Machines for Family and Factory use, for all grades of Cloth and Leather. Speed and Durablity. Factory and Head Ofdc^f, Bridgeport. Connecticut. 11. S. A. FOR SALE BY HENRY BIEHL, DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Needles for al kinds of sewing machines etc. N. MAIN|ST. BUTLER PA. N. It.—Second-hand Sewinj; Machines frotn $5.10 up. Sowing machines repaired TIN WARE AND ROOFING A SPECIALTY. ! 1 *„" wwl l7l b t*!' arln K adrorttssmenUa.vj think you I**o (rut the bent made, fliilnh nucl MOST POPULAR BCWINO MACHINE! r» r • H»nu Kuyfrom m*nura<-ttir»r.< 1 I " by hnnPHt an.l m V >*,- nl.nj Jht»r*» Id rum*' 1 11 th#> world n,*r cmn <*m«l •' •» !, . fil.nl (•.,!.■(miction of working I IliM fM-MM or Hnluli, l<«-ntif yln ft|>i*MirNlir<- ) lM i , liiiproTenMsnta mm lh« NEW HO M 7 'VRITE FOP C3»VUkAR&. ' ■■■ Nnw Home Seilni? Mine Co. ' M«»s ItiJiTn*, MASH at'lllowHoi niir * r 1.1. In.. Mr, Mo. D»Ltii)VßjAa. tm inu«au«>, C»L. Anuiu, <i*. FGH SALE IV McDfiVITT »»eiiler tn Ncwinfr Machioen, Piailim nnd Organ*-- nest door t" V. M. 0. A. liuild init Ilr.tler P#. Iluy the light-running, Now Home, •pwins macliiue, purfoct Ktttirfliusli.in u tl » r anteed, never «et< ont of order. ■ 1 - : a>- WE Akb WITH THE PEOPLE. You never hear us ncsH being bad we aiu> and succeed in making it uood, by fair and square treat uieut of all our customers. motto l-'A I It DFALIMiS TO EVERYONE. If »c say to you our liquors are six yeais old, we won't ask you to tnkg word for it but put tljes,. to liie test, you and your friends to lie the Judge, l'ure liquors are healthful. OuarHiilccd pure (1 year old Whiskey cither (iutkcnheinier. t-'liuh, Olhton. Overboil, I.b rjje. Ml. Vernon, per full quart or 6 quarts for (5 ( Orauilfatlier's t'ljoico Whiskey, >;uar- years old, ]>er gallon. On C. O. 1). or mail orders of ifio or over, we prepay all charges. ROBERT LEWIN & Q()„ Importer; Otltl Wlifdesalera, ill wa-ec Si. Opposite H. & 0. Depot Telephone, 2179 Pittsburg, Pa. SEANOK « NACES Livery, Ftcil anil Sale Stable REAR OF WICK HOUSE, I BUTLER P5,, '»•,<« iiorft of hnrt.nil fiiHt idam riyM wlwayKon hatiil aud lor hire. Itrst acciitnodalinns in town frr pxrtna- , nent boarding and tranfient trade. Spool. 111 euro guaranteed. Htalile roi 111 lor »ix ty fwit I*ol. A good fin:- (if wotli Urhen and ua|V alws, '■! ou hand and lur sale ituder 4 lull gnara ■ t liouglil jpon proper notitloallun liv HKANOK a sack. Telephone, No REVIVO UH RESTORES Vitality ; 7 Well Man THE OUKAT "-nli DAY. FRENCH REMEDY pr<Klu«.*«*s the above result- in It acts powerfully ami quiekly. fures wlieii all otiHTs* fall. "Younjr men will regain t!»« ir lost maiihcHKl. and <»l«l men will recover their youthful by KKVIYo. It quick ly and Hun ly restores Nervousness. Eost " Guilty, Lost Power, I • [ ry, Wast lIIK IHseiise. and all etTe<*ts of and in- I discretion, which unfits one for study. biM ■ ness or marriage. It not t»nly eures i»y starting at the seat of disease, hut i> a great nerve tonie and bI«MHI builder, bringing bark ithe pink glow to pale rli«*eks :ai<l restoring the tire of youth. It wards off Insanity and ConsuQiptfim. Insist tm having KKYINO, no other. It ran In* carried in \est jvM*ket. liv mall, f 1.40 per package, or six for with a positive written guarantee to cure or re fund the money. Circular free. Address I KOYAE MEDIi INE( <»., <HK AOO. ILL. I or Sale by KEDDH K & GROIIMANN. ftr*na. ENNYFIOYAL PIUS -<* x A U.'Ji Drarciit ' wVa CM&QSfk n < itran > Ki dan 1 c -fW othrr. i.ano' • •• «ilu- V 3 I*/ /Vi ,iim -itui A» l»nr-.'«rwo4 4r. IC- yj »•» Ibr |*r-; it*. " 'm«Uli an«» El for l.»rlt. • • •'. *J r^i«m - \ t* MMI. IM.OOO r•• WRIGHfS» For all BILIOUS »nd Ncavous VSII 9 H| DIUASXI. They purify the ■ ■ h| BLOOD and K' VE UHALTHV * »cuon to the entire system. ■ ■ Curo DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, CONSTIPATIOK and PIMPLES. • BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Firo Insuraice Company Office cor. Main and Cunningl ail Sts. WICK, Pre*. MEO. kKTIKBKB, Vlre Pre*. L. K Jlr.)r.>K IK. Stc'j am! Tir»', I)IUF.('T()KS. Alfri'il Wti'k, lleiiilersou Oliver. lir. \V. Irvln, Jumrs Sti'plieuwm. ,V. W. Hliu krnoli'. N. Wi'ltrel, K. Itowpian. II J. KilttUlfr. (ieo. Kettt'ivr C'lluf. Uvl'liUH, « qC(i. jl.l»i»i" ' .loliti Kuenltt. j McJUW)|IN Afcent. [Established 1836. - Washington Seminary WASHINGTON PA.S A Boardinx and Day School for (ilrls, Colleui) Preparatory. Ui'Eiiliir and F.lri-llve ('i)iirHes. Musi.-, Art .'inil Klix'Utiiiu. tilst year KJH'IIS SI'IMI IIIIH r l.Hli. fj. McMM.LAN, Principal. Hotel Willard Reopcneil and rca ly for the accommoda tion of tlic traveling public. Everything f ; irst-dass. MBS MATTIK KEIHING, Owner I BRICKER & VINROE. • LIVKRY I'KHI) ANI» liXCHVN'CK SiAIILU 1 First class rigs i\\ veisonable rates 1 Sp'i|r,l \tlwbtlon to Transient Custom. Barn in rear of Diamond St.," Butler I'a People's Telephone, No. 44. ;H. C. BRICKKR 1 AND > i^rop'rs. W. f. VIWKOK, J y Give* /« ajtcclnffxctl Tlrcm! winning I'riutsiti t. nt*i CiHCin Ann Arfiv to DUFF X' SO MS, 1:1 f V*itrt Avctmc, *+> I'* APOLLO GAS LAMP. j M, / V : v % Price compl«i*» with By. Pass uud Glass Chimney $2 00 With Mica Chironey $2.25, Geo. w, Wbiteiii!!, 1 AO EN r 1' »R BUTLKR, C<» 1 EYES EXAlifibi) KHEK IFTUSGI|' IL. Klrkpatrict, and Jeveln j ' Ne*t to Coun Kutler, I.ate I fojt |l.irol<H;icl liuitilute ) FALL «,„* D T PAPE FALL - * * WINTER. * WINTER. The Leading Millinery House, of Butler Co. Ladies who love beautiful ami stylish milliner} can now have an opportunity of seeing the grandest display of i-ail and Winter bon nets, hats, feathers, ribbons, etc., ever brought to our city. Nothing has been spared in {Foreign and Dfitwstii Markets) to make our stock complete in every respect. All other years have been excelled for lovely, stylish millinery, and for cheapness. We ask no fam\ prices. We give you the very latest stvle. The very best goods at prices jou can save money. All are invited to insj »ect our stock. Our Stock of Mourning Millinery Always Complete. 122 S. Main St. Jj. J. PAPE, Butler Pa. INo Difference No difference to you how we got them—but we got them. A whole lot of watches which we cannot wear out ourselves, and not being in the watch business we decided to give them to our custom ers. These watches are not toy watches but good reliable time keepers and handsome. Now we will give one of these watches to any person buying at our store until further notice, blankets, robes, sleigh, buggy or wagon harness or other goods, amounting to $lO or over at one time. We charge you nothing for the watch—it is a piesent for you—of course you tan readily see that if the watch cost us even a dollar or two we could not aflord to do it, but to be can- WATCHES WATCHES whole lot for what we considered nearly noth- REE-^- ing, and can aflord to be liberal with them. But do not let tEtfs feacf you to believe they are worthless—wc carry one ourselves met toad them good reliable timekeepers. Here now is a s;ood chance to get a watch for nothing because we give you the goods you buy at least 10 per cent, less thar. you can buy them elsewhere, which would mean $1 i worth of goods for siO and a good watch for good fellow ship. Call and see for yourself. Martincourt & Co. S. B. Martincourt. J. M Leighner. j'ooz ocoocooc oc -z z scoc/ooa ooooooc>ooood3ooooooooooooo I Punc* is I 1 tuality Jk Power. I 1 Hitch your tM 5 But be sure| business if p. it's ?n a jf: works to a IH jp Fahys Gold-1 j good watch.j j| [r filled Case, | And that you huy it from g F OPIFR THE L " JEWELER, I.?*) Nv Main Street, BUTler, l'A. | "THE COMMERCIAL;' : VS. K. THORNBURG Prop'r., Evans City, Pa, 11 < > This popular house has just been entirely remaiWeif 4 > i > and refurnished, Everything convenient, and guests { ) will always receive close attention. * I' \ Located near I'ostoflke and l'.& W. Depot. When V I' y in Evans City t»p at the Commercial. Bell Tele- 1 ( 4 1 k phone No. 16. j X>OOOOOOOOOOOOOO<ji>OOOOOOOOOv. The New-York Weekly Tritae FOR ' „ EVERY member of EVERY family on tegflfek ;*• EVERY farm, In EVERY village, in : X, E-VERV S^rTcr,-, tmy . \ FOR Kducation s \ * V r , OK , Noblc M mhood, K)K I rue V 4 omanhood, IT GIVES 4,1 -ortant news of the Nation al| o*" ,p ur tant news «>l the lY oriel. JT most reliable market reports. y -rilliant and instructive editorials. IT GIVEP, fascinating short stories. irn tli « r an ucexcelled agricultural dep irfrtUiit j J | (ij,\ scientific and mechanical information. * illustrated fashion articles. I (i | ' ,,,mf>r ' uls illustrations. entertainment to yoiinc and ol J IT GIVES . satisfaction < vci) wikic to everybody We furnish "The Citizen 1 ' and "N. Y. WecKly Tribune'* FOR si.so P£:R YVj\R. cash in a»v aNOK A"l<lrc*s nil urricra to JL C p(( I7IM inc uiiiLtn U rite iinnie-, n ,l n'lilrca nil H pfiKl/ j , M ii<l il Hi G«-o. \V. Host. Tribune- IJuililing. V<icw York CitYi Mini n » miplc cot'v of Tiik Nkw York Hki ki.T' I'kiiii;jlK wiU t* tt'wilwl 1»* yitp. L. C. WICK., DKAI.KR IN Worked Lumber Of AM. KINKS. 1 )iM)rs, Sasli, 111 intls, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always in Stock. LIME, H\IR AND PLASTER Office opposite I*. W. Depot. BUTLER. PA, F. H. WALDENMYER, Florist. DEADER IN Cut Flowers, Plants, Vegetables,} Decorations ahd Floral Design". Bedding / Vegetable F'sr.is A SPECIALTY.- —-.a. OREtN HOUSE Weil ol Const House Lfn coin SI, STORE, lit S. Main SI., Butler, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers