THE CITIZEN. Entered :it P. O. at Butler as d class matter WILLIAM C. XKOLEY - - Publisher. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14. 's97- REPUBLICAN TICKET. ABDITO2 GCTTRAL, LEVI G. McCACLEY. STATS TREASURER. JAMES S.BEACOM. JTJRT COMMISSIONER. A. 0. EBIRHART. Synopsis of SCII«M>I Following is a synopsis of the com pulsory school law of this State now in force: Every parent, guardian, or other per son having control or charge of a child or children l>etween the ages of 8 and 10 years, shall be required to send such a child or children to a day school in which the common English branches are taught, and such child or children shall attend such schools continuously during at least 70 per centum of the time in which schools in their respec tive districts shall be in session. The compulsory attendance shall be gin at the begining of the school term The school board can excuse a child from attending npon presentation of the parents or guardian of good evi dence showing attendance or applica tion to study prevented by mental, physical or other urgent reason. This act does not apply to those be tween the ages of Vi and 16 who are regularly employed in some useful ser vice or who are being instructed in En glish in the common branches of learn ing by private teachers or in other edu cational institutions for a like period of time. It shall be the duty of each teacher in the district to report at the end of each month all children who have been ab sent five days without legal excuse. This includes private teachers and prin cipals of private schools or other educa tion::! ins itutions. Tenchern of private schools or classes shall furxu ai monthly to each child a certificate stating that he or she had been instructed as provided by this act. For every neglect of duty imposed by this act, the principal, teacher or per sons in parental relation offending shall be subject to prosecution and a fine not exceeding two dollars for the first of fence, and a fine not exceeding five dol lars for each subsequent conviction Directors may provide special schools or instructions for habitual truants and those who are insubordinate or disord erly while in attendance. The assessor, when not notified by the school board to the contrary, shall make a careful and correct list of all children between the ages of 6 and 21 within his district, giving full name, date of birth, age, sex, nationality, resi dence, sub-school district, name and ad dress of parent, or person in parental relation, and name and address of any employer of any child under 16 years of age that is engaged in any regular em ployment or services. The school board may elect an at tendance officer. Said officer or the ■secretary of the board shall recieve all reports, make all prosecutions, and add to the assessor's list the names of child ren within the prescribed ages. Tha attendance officer may arrest and place in such schools as the one in parental annhority or the board of directors may direct, truants and others who fail to attend school in accordance with the provisions of this act. SOME goods purchased in large cities may be of more superior quality and more satisfactory price, but com paratively few; while many, considering quality and price, can be purchased more ad vantageously at home. If viewed in the most selHsh sense possible, it is not generally the wisest {dan to purchase yonr supplies away from home. You have nsnally not so much time to select your goods in big crowded stores among strangers as in your home store with no throng of customers and plenty of oblig ing clerks to show yon everything mi nutely. You can return goods more conveniently if they are unsatisfactory, and get your money or goods more eas ily when desired When viewed more charitably and eqnitably it becomes entirely proper that we buy at home. Onr merchants contribute to our churches, tire companies, charitable institutions, employ our citizens for clerks and other services, pay taxes and help to mantain the destitute, etc. Shall they not reasonably lie supported by the community which they assist in bnilding up, socially and financially? They carry the unprofitable trade, give them the profitable also. HAKKISBUIM;. Gen. Hastings has fixed Monday, Nov. 15th as the day for dedicating the monuments at Chattanoga fever or no fever. Gov. Hastings granted a respite Tuesday to Frank Jongrass, of New Castle, from October 26 to January 7. in order that his case may be presented ■ to the Board of Pardons. Ex-Congressman Jackson, Senator Brown and Attorney Kurtz, of Lawr erance county, appeared for Jongrass. They submitted an affidavit made by Arlington P. Field, who, on the 7th inst., at New Castle, swore that he had seen the prisoner at the ferry at Bcoit Haven Pa., of which he then had tem porary charge, between October 5 and 7, I HSMi, which is said to be about SO mile* from the scene of the murder. It was mantained by Messers. Kurtz and Jackson that if the affiavit was true the Italian was two far from New Castle to have killed Jessie C'orrine on the night of October (1, 1 s'.Mi, The lioard of Pardons has twieed refused to inter «!Te with the execution of the murder's death warrant. THERE is one feature of the new tar iff lew that is proving its success every day. It is the clause taxing personal bag gage of returning Enriqiean tourists on all over one hundred dollars' worth of clothing lxmght abroad, which until the new tariff went into effect was brought in comparatively free, no mat ter what the amount. The result was that thousands and hundreds of thou sands of dollar*' worth of goods, that should have been made and lionght in this countiy, were brought home by these travelers. It is different now. For the whole of last year, ending June 30th, the duties of this source were but $<58,257.22, at New York, where the great majority of these foreign travel ers come, while siuce that time, and principally in the past two months, the revenues from this source were 1 Uo.fW. The other pi in fi pal jiorts of entry. lioston and Philadelphia, show a similar proportionate gain. The other features of the new tariff law are just as surely bringing prosperity to the rerun try in other, though more indirect, way». IST ATE Elkin, predictM a 2kgttU>li<-iUi plurality fif PW ; O»M V«U-H. ('otiiiui*.4ioii<*r>' Couv cntion. The County Commissioners of the state met in annual convention in the Court House at Gettysburg, last week, and during their three sessions discuss e«l maiJy laws, fhe administration of which practically falls n{M>n them. Resolutions were passed urging the passage of laws making all taxes a first lien on real estate: amending the Bal lot Law so as to give the Commission ers more time for having the printing done; and doing away with the un necessary December registration. The new fee bill for Constables was discussed, and it was developed that none of the counties were paving-under it The Courts of the state were censur ed for making orders for the payment of bills, etc.. for which there is no le gal authority. The new Alien Tax law was dis cussed. and each county agreed to con tribute enough to have the matter car ried to the Supreme Court of the I. nit ed States for final disposition. Dnring the discussions it was de veloped that some counties are paying costs for which there is no legal author ity. Butler County was represented in the convention by Commissioners Mitchell, Seaton and Sutton, Clerk Kiskaddon, and by Clerk of Conrts Meals, and they returned Friday and Saturday, well pleased with their trip. The next convention will l>e held in Clearfield, and an effort will be made to have the following convention held in Butler. OI K CURRENCY. (An essay, published by reqnest.) The Republican party has again been called by the people to assume the con trol of the affairs of the government of the conn try. In the execution of thewillof people many and heavy responsibilities will have to be assumed. Among the first to be discharged was the enact ment of a protective tariff to enable our manufacturers to resume business and give employment to the thousands of working men now idle: to raise rev enues sufficient to pay the current ex penses of the government and extricate it from its present condition of bank mptcy. The next thing to be done, and equal ly important, will be to make a thorough and radical reconstruction of our fi nancial and currency system and adapt them to the present requirements of the country. The present systems if tjiey can be called such have been the out growth chiefly of the war. When it broke out the government had little of either money or credit and it had to adopt such exjiedients as it could to meet its pressing necessities, and hence has grown an incongruous, cumbrous and expensive financial and currency system. The country is now prepared for and demands such changes as will place the affairs of the nation and the people on a sound and substantial basis. Many theories have been advanced and plans suggested, but none of these seem to fully meet the requirments of the situ ation. I wonld suggest therefore that the first thing to be done in this direc tion will be to repeal the law establish ing the sub-treasury, giving it five years to close up its business. This ex pensive and clumsy concern was created to make offices for favorites.lock up the money of the people when they most needed it, disturb the business of the country and to be a potent factor in politics. Its day of usefulness, if it ever had any, has long since passed and it should now be replaced by something better. The hundreds of millions of dollars now in the treasury should be in the hands of the people to which they thev belong, and the treasury depart ment reduced to its legitimate business, which is chiefly collecting and disburs ing the public revenue. All hoarding, banking or speculating with the public money should be discontinued, and only money sufficient kept in the treasury to meet current requirement!-. If the sub-treasury was aliolished. the best substitute for it would be found in an enlarged and improved National Banking system. This is a currency system based on the capital of the people and the credit of the government and is probably the best yet ever devised. The banks could do much of the business of the treasury with great facility and lit tle expense to the government. In solv ing these problems of currency and fi nances let the future as well as the pres ent be taken into consideration. Let Congress therefore authorize an increase of the National Banking capital to $l,00e Viai'iifed to keep their reserve fund in standard gold ann silver coin and redeem their notes only at their own counters and in each coin in the same proportion. The present plan of requiring many of the banks to redeem their notes at distant points should lie discontinued as the banks are required to withdraw their tnonev from home enterprise anil send it to distant centers where it is used for speculation. Thii .establishment of small banks should IJV encouraged in the large towns and smalj cities, a«j»l the whole system so changed as to malfr it attractive to people of small means, and make it a great popular institu tion in which the people wonld liecome interested and take a great pride, and which would be entirely removed from political control. A large wmfcral bank should be estab lished in the city of New York with a capital of s."K>,OiMt,ooo. 'I Iu- i.j'pilsfl t.q lie contributed by the National Bank* of the country, in the proportion of five per cent, of their capital stock. The increase of 10 per cent, in notes to the banks over that now received wonld more than supply the capital for this bank, anil which in a sense would cost them no£l)i uff. This bank should be managed by a boftfi] -I directors, to )>e divided into three clij&m? and three years. The Secretary of the Treasury should appoint one third of the directors, and name a vice president and an assistant cashier, who should have the oversight of the moneys of the government held by the bank. In addition to its circula tion based on bonds as the other banks it should be authorized to issue a gold circnlatioji to any amount based on gold coin in its {Kmtitftfgjon and held for its re demption. This circulation would be espeeiall,, valuable in large transactions and in in ternatioqaj business. The Secretary uf the Treasury should IK- required to keep the public moneys in this bank, anil make hit} payments through it This bank should tie re quired to make statements daily at tie close of business and send a copy to tin- Secretary of the Treasury. and alko be published in the daily papers. This statement in addition to the chief items of assets and liabilities should state the amount ot nol gold kept in the treasury is worth at least "00,000 an nually "to the people and hence cost them that amount to wnich one may add the constant expense of ren. If we add the slo,ooo.f course the system would be equally valuable to Mexico, Central America and States of South America. The first thing to be done would be to fix uniform standards of fineness, weights and values for the new coinage. The gold standard of the United States, nine-tenths fine, is probably, for several reasons, the best and should IK* adopted. For the standard of value the English shilling might Is- taken, and the quarter dollar of the United States, the mark of Germany, and the five francs of France adjusted to it so that five francs would equal in value four of the other coins. Let all the gold coine of these countries be adjusted to this bases. Then the pound sterling. American half eagle and the German twenty mark would be of equal valne. So the larger and smaller coins of these countries would have a uniform value •The silver coinage would be reduced to a uniformity on the same principle. This coinage should be entirely new and different from any now in use. Each country should as at present con tinue to coin its money, and should place its own image and superscription on the obverse of each coin and the names of the countries in the compact and their equivalent, on flic reverse This system of coinage would soon, 1 think, liecome popular, and would ultimately be adopted by the commer cial nations of the world. These suggestions, if adopted, would ultimately remove the subjects herein discussed from the field of political dis cussion and manipulation, and place our financial and currency system on an enduring basis, and much superior to that of any other Nation. BANKER. TBI gold yield of the U. S. for |s'.i7 is estimated at $80,000,000, one third of of the world's production. <>f this amount Colorado produced $24,000,00.), California $20,000,000, and Alaska $8,000,000. Klora Items. Burton Koch is engaged in breaking a vonng colt. Marion MeCJurdy and Charley Suvder njade a business trip to Butler. Rev. Sfiihlnjan and wife of Prospe t spent Saturday night with Mrs. Koch. Miss Bertha McDoigall has returned from a visit to her sister, Mrs. Birr of Carnegie. Misses Pearl Wilson, Birdie Shaffer and others are taking music lessons at present. Miss Marie Thompson has gone to lowa on an extended visit it her aunts. Miss Ajmje Lee who is at <'rove City spent M.Tj'l'iy with her uncle, Newton Thompson. L M. Staff attended the* meeting of the Pittsburg Svnod at Rochester as a delegate from the Lutheran Church of West Liberty. He reports a good time. West Li Wert > Willi'*. The schools of this township are pro pressing finely, with about KiOpupiis in attendance. Al Croll is taking out tlje burrs from his grist mill and putting in n roWt-r process. Give Peter a call now. Miss Ida Covert of Butler was visiting friends in this place lately. Chester Badger and wife of Porters ville were visiting his parents last Wpek. tfuvravrt Kcliy and wife of Prospect were visiting her parents Mi ani.Mio Kiefer, last week. Kev. Mc( 'leaster preached a very practical sermon on last Sabbath, and announced communion services on < >ct IT, preparatory services on Friday and Saturday previous to that, at 2 o'clock P. M The l'iospti-t CM; respondent seemed quite newsy last wcuL. The Ladies' Missionary Society att packing a box of clothing and one of eatables to send to some of the Mission Stations for distribution, and have set Saturday, Get. IH, to bring their offer ings to the U. P Church. ANON. Tile West St. Itrulge. We notice iu„ l(*i(]g" over the creek on West Jail street is l.arrn a»K-«l ul each end and travel over it by horses or wagon stopped. This must be a serious inconvenience to the citizens living up ion v'hat is called the Island or, Bend. J and !l speedy remedy is demanded. If the present bridge i.t pronounced uti j safe, as seems to lie the case, then a I new one sl.oili'l be erected at oiici. 11*'. I County gave the present one there to I some citizens, who had it put in place 101 l present site lint il is the duty of the Borough to see after it now, and anv delay may result in serious conse i|lAiliv|i In fact more o ridge,! are needed over I the ereek here on West' side of town, i There are now from five hundred to n | thousand people living over there, who, ! if high watj*r should come, could not j cross the IT. I k i the Jail street bndgit. lieitjg closed would be cut off from their fellow citizens unless they traye) | around by the plank road. Let us have more bridges. •) H. CHl'ltCH NOTES. R«*v.Coulter preafhwl in the V. M C. A hall twice la.-t Sunday. and spoke at the Y M. C. A. meeting that after noon His vitality, considering his affliction is remarkable. Communion was observe;! in the I P Church last Sabbath Seven new members were received during the last •jnarter. The Ladies Missionary Societv of St Paul s Reformed Church. South Side, will hold a social in the church on Thursday evening. < >ct 14th.. a short programme will be rendered and cake and coffee served All are invited. Admission II) eta. Monday evening the committee ap pointed by Presbytery. Revs. Coulter and Oiler and Elliot Robb ESIJ.. met in the Y. M. C A hall with those Presby terians who desired to organize a new church, and after the usual prelimina ries declared the Second Presbyterian Church of Butler to be an organization. H. H Allison. Dr P.yers, D. L. Clee land, C. 15. Conway. R A White and T. B. White were elected Elders; and .1. W. Brown. J. S. Jack. Ira M;-.Tunkin. C. E. Mclntyre. J A Kirijiatrick L W. Wise, Trustees. The election of Dea cons was postponed. The new church starts off with "- s, > members. Services will continue in the Y. M. C. A. Hall The first business before the Pitts burg Synod of Reformed Church meet ing in Wilkinsburg last Saturday war the selection of a place where the synod should convene next year. It was de cided to meet at St. Petersburg. Pa.. Octobers, ISUS. A commitee appoint ed to adjust the finances of the Worn en's Missionary Society with that of the finances of the synod reported that they had adjusted the matter. Shortly be fore the synod adjourned for lunch the proposition was made to devote the special collections of Children's Day and Christmas to the maintenance of the orphans' home at Butler. Pa. At present the funds so raised are given to the Sunday School Board, and the motion raised quite a -toriu in the syn od, but it carried. Bntler Presbytery (U. P.) met at Har mony Church near Harrisvilie, Tues day. and installed Rev. Mr. McKelvey, the newly elected pastor. Mr. McKelvev is the first pastjr to l>e installed in forty-five years and the fourth in nearly a century's existence of the church. Harmony church was originally Coil ing Spring, and was organized in the vear 1800 by the presbytery of Chartiers. Rev. Thomas McClintoek the first pas tor. began his lal>or in 18IM and served until his death in 1532. Rev. William Pollock was installed pastor <>f the unit ed congregation of Harmony and Unity in 183.1. and his pastorate ended in 18."»2 Rev. Samuel Kerr was installed pastor of Harmony in lss3,and his resignation was accepted by the presbytery in June last, he having served forty-four years. The congregation is the second in membership in Butler presbytery and is in a prosperous condition. It is Mr. McKelvey h first charge, as it was that of his predecessor, Mr. Kerr. Mr. McKelvv is a native of Sparta ill.. *nd a graduate of Xenia (O.) Theo logical Seminary. The ordination ser vices were conducted by Rev. T. V. Dugan, moderator of presbytery. Rev. 11. M. Sht-rrard preached the sermom. John S. McKee charged the pastor and Rev W. S. Richey the people. At the close of the impressive ceremony Dr. Kerr, the retiring pastor, arose and ask thi' privilege of making a statement in which the venerable pastor, now over so, referred feelingly to his long service in Harmony congregation and expressed his pleasure at being able to see his suc cessor installed under such auspicious circumstances. Before he closed he re quested that all the members of the congregation who were present at his installation forty-five years ago arise to their feet. But seven arose out of an audience of 400, They were Mrs Jane Brown. Mrs Samuel Conn, Mrs. Hugh Gill. Mrs. McMurray. Mrs. Eliza McKisson, Mrs. Eliza Hawk and E S. Be itty. Esq. All the members of But ler presbytery who met that day are dead except Dr. Kerr. During Dr. Kerr's long pastorate he never had a di vision in the session nor in the congre gation. There were many moist eyes in the house when the venerable minis ter pronounced his benediction on the young pastor and the congregation. AN* editor of Hamtm rg Germany has been sentenced to eight months impris onment for stating that King Leopold of Belgium kept and patronized gam bling saloons. OVER 1 - 2 cases of yellow fever have been reported in the Southern States to date. Royal make* the food pure, wholesome and delicious. p mi &AKINO POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAI ftAKINO PO#DIR CO . NfW YO«* C. & D. A LOVEK OF GOOD HATS & \ V/ I V." J r ]• - >i,V\ J Ay Can surely lin I in*every • lesrti! satisfied * in our Spring iHy7 slock, which con tains all the shapes colors and qualities most admired by connoisseurs. We have no fancy prices, but merely value for valie. WE TREAT Furnishing Goods in the same manner, Imying the best and selling as low is many charge for inferior goods. We are always g'ad to show visitors our goods Cal! Ant] See Us. COLBERT & DALE, i 242 S. MAIN Sr BUTI.ER, PA JOHN W COULTER, AUorney-i: \ 1 us. J ELLISON At her home in Petrolia. Oct. H, IS'JT, Mrs. W. H. Jellison. LEFEYRE At her home in Bntler. Oct. 'J. 18S)7. Eximinia. wife of John Lefevre. SPROULL—At his home in Cherry twp.. Oct. H, IS'.)7. Joseph Sproull, aged 7!> years. J. J. Doyle, Sr., a well known oil man of Franklin, was struck and instantly killed by a west 'xmnd passenger tr.fln on the West Penn railroad a short dis tance east of Hite station last Thurs day afternoon about I o'clock. Doyle was a :j2d degree Mason, about 55 years of age. Engine No. Hi:; attached to west bound passenger train No. 50. which arrived in Allegheny at 2:19 p. m., struck him. On his person were found letters addressed to him and busi ness cards from well known firms. He 1 had been walking 011 the track. Nervous Thousands are in this condition. They are despondent and gloomy, cannot sleep, have no nppetite, 110 energy, no ambition. Hood's ' : irsa par ilia soon brings help to such people. It gives them pure, rich blood, cures nervousness, creates an appetite, tones and strengthens the stomach and imparts new life and in creased vigor to all the organs of the body. Hood* S parilla Is the One True Rl grade goods, a perfect cut and careful workman ship are a combination which give the best results and these are appreci.' "'ed by the customer. 111 thai way lie gets liis money's worth. A Standard Established. You see it yourself. No one need ex plain to you why the clothes made by us are the most popular. Ours is a standard that makes them perfect. We keep our goods up to the limit of perfec tion and our workmen all assist in making the clothes first-class. It is Easy Enough to cut into cloth and turn out clothes. It takes ability to obtain perfect re sults. Our tailors are the best, our cutter an artist and the per fect results as natural as the mis takes of others. Because our clothe? are the best, people want them. wEDpIiG "surfs A SPECIALTY/ HPEM Cor Diamond, Mutter. Pa M. C. WAGNER, ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER. 139 South Main street. Over Shniil 4 Nasl's Clothing Store The iSOTiv6K(ITIZ6N. SI.OO imt year If paid In advance, otherwise M "»0 will Im* charged. A i»yi irrisiNU IUTW < hie Inch. one I hid •■1; eaeh subsequent llisi rllnn ">n «•«•»»t ea«li. udltorV and divori't' notlo -f* • eh; ever iMor ;fno' admlu)*lraM«rs noti« i •. • i- h. •-stray and dissolution noti»'« «?Jeaeii. Head iitu notice -In• mh a line f«»i til l and "»• • ills for ea«*h hii bseij uent Insertion. Noll«»-s anions '""al news Item* 15 rents a lin. for • ;ti'h Insertion i>bltnarl« *». euros t»f thanks, resolutions of r«s|MTl. nolli'«> of festivals and fairs. et«\, inserted at the rate of .»rents allti **. money to a-omnany 1 1n* order. Seven words of prose make a line. Kates for standing eardn and Job work on » pnlieat lon. All advertising; Is due after Hr-t Insertion, uod all transport advertising must i*t' paid for in' advaiie--. All commuriieat lons Inteuded for punllea tlon In t his paper must he norornpatiled by tin real name of t lie writer, not for puoliea tfnii i»u t /tiaittni • i>f i.' e..tli not lees ujust he accompanied by a responsible name. , Jury List for November Term. List of names drawn from the proj>c-r jury wheel this -21 st day of Sept ITttT. to serve .is traver- jurors at a special term of Court, commencing on the Nth day of No\ l-:»7 the same being the second Monday of said month Bell S s Miller-town, gent Bnlf<>rd Jefferson.Jefferson twp.farmer Campbell Warren. Millerstown. mer chant. Crawford Joseph. Allegheny twp. farm er. (.'bristly J L. Slipperyrock twp. farmer. Cypher Martin, NVintield twp, fanner. Dyke INI 'onnfxjnenessing twp.teacher, i Dumbaugh Jacob, Cranberry twp. farm er. Dick John. Franklin twp. farmer. Double H P. Cherry twp. farmer. Dugan Cornelius. Butler 4th w. har ! nessmaker | Dawson Wm, Buffalo twp. farmer. ' Eicholtz Wm. Zelienople, merchant, i FerTero Paul. Butler ">th w. clerk. 1 ({arrow ay Jas L. Butler 4th w. carpen tf r. ; Graham Harper. Butler ,">th w. rig j builder. | Harbison Jas H. Buffalo twp, farmer | Hutchinson Alexander. Butler :!d w. la lxirer. j Hnt<'bison A J. Bntler 2d w. gent i Irvin John. Cherry twp. farmer. Iman Dan. Penn twp. producer. Jackson J D, Butler 2d w, hardware man. Kramer Al. Butler 3d w. liveryman. Klingler H J. Butler 2d w. miller. KildooWm. Clay twp. farmer. Korn Adam. Clay twp. shoemaker. King M J. Karris City. J P. Kelly A G. Butler twp. teacher. Morse A H. Buffalo twp, J P. Mnrrin II T. Yenango twp. farmer. McKinnev J M. Connoq. twp. black smith. McClymonds Thos. Brady twp. teacher. McMillian Thos R. Middlesex twp, No tary Public. McCoy John 11, Cherry twp. fanner. Portman A J. Summit twp. tanner. Pierce James. Allegheny twp. farmer. Radei»Benj. Forward twp. farmer. Richie A B. Butler 4th w. teamster. Russell Nelson, Concord twp, fanner. Stevenson W S. Summit twp, farmer. Scott Chas, Winlield twp. farmer. Smith Chas H, Buffalo twp, farmer. Turk R J. Connoq. twp. carpenter. Thorn A D, Connoq. twp. fanner. Welshouce Wm. Bntler 4th w,druggist Whitesides John, Jr. Middlesex twp. farmer. West Palmer. Bntler Ist w. laborer. Wick J M. Concord twp. farmer. PR 0 FES SI 0 NAT CARDS. I v K. W. I». MdLROY, I ' DENTIST. Formerly known as the "Peerless Painless Kx tractor of Teeth." Located permanently at lit Hast Jefferson St., Opposite Hotel Lowrv, Butler. Will do dential operations of all kinds by the latest deiices and up-to-date methods. P M. McALI'INh, ' • DKNTIST. Main St. Naesthetics Administered. OR. J. E. FAULK, DKNTIST, Painless extraction—No Gas—Crown and bridge work a specialt}-. Office—Room No. i. new Ilickcl build ing- [)R. X. M. HOOVER, 1 " 13'/ E. Wayne St., office hours. 10 to 12 a. m. 1 and to 3 p. tn. R. CHAS. R. H. HINT, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Eye, ear, nose and throat a specialty. 132 and 134 S. Main Street, Ralston building. H. BROWN. '» • HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office 236 S. Main St., opp. P. O. Residence 315 N. McKeau St. hR. S. A. JOHNSTON, DENTIST. Gold Fillings Painless Extraction of Teeth and Artificial Teeth without plates a specialty, Nitrous Oxide or Vitalized Air or Local niesthetics used. Otiice over Millers grocery, east of Low rv house. CA Ml KL M. lUPIMS, K' PHYSICIAN ANDSURC;EON 20cj West Cunningham St. | J. DONALDSON, " • DENTIST. Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest improved plan. Gold I-'iUings a spec ialty. Office over Miler's Shoe Store. ( ' M. ZIMMERMAN '1 • PHYSICIAN AND SURGKON Office No. 45, S. Main street, over City Pharmacy. I BLACK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. New Trout man Building, Butler I'a. P A. RUSSELL, M. U. IJ» Room 3, Hickel lilock. Butler Pa Peoples Phone No. 309. Night call 173 r F. L. McQUISTION, • CIVII. ENGINKKR AND SURVEYOR, Office near Court House. HII. GGI'^HER' • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Mi clicll building. C H IMIIRSOL, 1 • ATTORNRY AT LAW. Office at No. 10 j East Diamond St. 1 M. I'A INTER, '' • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office between Postoffice and Diamond V ENVTON BLACK, -' ATTORNHY AT LAW. Office on South Diamond Street. | 'OULTER & I!AKI,K, " ATTIIRNH vs AT LAW. Room B-, Armory building. 4 T. BLACK, • ATTORNF.Y AT LAW. Room J. -Armory building. I B. HKEDIN. FI • ATTORNKY AT LAW. Office 011 Main St. near Court House. T T. SCOTT, '• • ATTORNEY A J LAW. Office at No S South Diamond St. 4 LEX RL'SSKLL. A ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office- with Newton lilack, Esq. South Diamond Street. 4 M. CIIRISTLEV, J* • ATTORNRY AT LAW. < )ffice on North Diamond Street, oppo site the Court House—Lower Floor. llfill/ IS THE TIME TO HAEV tiuH Your Clotli CLEANED or DYED If you want goou and reliable cleaning or dyeing done, there is just one place in town where you can get it, and that is at TH BOTLFR Dtt WORKS til ii CJenter avenuo. do fine work in out door Photographs. This is the time of yc-'ir to have a picture ot your house. Give us a trial. Agent for thi> Jamestown Sliding blind C'l. -Now V'ork. R. FISHER & SON, ABRAMS, BROWN & Co i Insurance and Kedi Estate STRONG COM I'ANIES I'ROMI'T SETTLEMENTS. j llouic liihiiriine* '«• «»r Now York. Itisur .lN.rl'll of North A IN. F L'II of riiilaiU'lphlu ; I'a I'll. nl\ lllMHunci- of lirooklyn N V. null lli,rlfl I |i T < orm rof Main St. anil tin! Dlu- 1 luoiiU. nortli of Court House. Ilutli-r I n, | We All Know i 1 that the slovenly dressed man never receives the respect and consideration the well dressed I man Rets. .One secret in dres -itjg well lies in the selection c f the right tailor. our garments are ci.t and made in cur own work-hop in this city. We are particular about the fit. fashion and all the minute details in their construction. Would be pleased to show you a product of our shop and also give you a pointer in econ omy . fail patterns now displayed ALAND, MAKER OF MEN'S LOTHES Ua Worth learning i- that despite the in creased cost of leather. We are selling shoes at lower prices than ever before. We anticipated our want; early in the season and bought very heavy before the advance in leather, and now we are in shape to sell you your footwear at old prices and some cases less. We Want To See You When you get ready to buy your fall footwear come to us, 110 matter if you need one pair or ten. We have the strongest line of shoes ever brought to Butler, and we will not be undersold. So you have nothing to lose and evety thing to gain by buying your shoes of us. Felts and Rubbers. It is a little early to speak ot these goods, but when you need them you will kindly runcmber us. Our Pi ices Arc Sure to be The LOWEST Butler's Progressive Shoe House. C. E. MILLER. 2lsjS.JMain St.. Butler, Pa. Butier Savings Bank Butler, Pa. Capi Lai - - - #60,000.00 Surplus and Profits - $119,263.67 JOS. L PIJRVtS President J. lIKNRY I ROUTMAN Vice-President WM. CAMPBELL, Jr Castiier LOUIS B. KTE:N Teller IMIiECTOKH -Joseph 1,, lurvls, .1. llenry Tro'Uman W. !>. HranJon. W. \. Stein. ,I,'S. Campbell. Tin- Butler Savings Hank I-. the Oldest HankliifC Institution in ltutler County, lieneral liunklnit business transacted. We solicit nuts of nil producers. nier cliants. farmers and others. Alt IMISIIM >s entrusted 10 us will receive prompt altenlion. Interest uuld on time deposits. ADV. INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE For State I reasurer of Pennsylvania. WILLIAM li. THOMPSON, the Hanker, ih a man whose nil rue is u hotiM-hol{l word lu Wpcieru Pennsylvania. lit' w»s »rn HI |K|.*» in Allegheny t it)' i\i lie i* An it made man. and i* n typical A inerit au in every re*j*et Ivlneated In the pub lie M hooN his native «• ity and Mudyluu hard in the evening home he finally passed the ex -uninaiioii for entrance t«. \Va>hlt tun unci Jeffer son (<•i I« gC H'' "ii-- obliged li'l« li ill- M»J i ate. 'i 1 v for a rniiw and betwetnue \« ar* int'il and IM.I li.- tin. .- tiiru's in th«- L'uloii ann> IIIKI WUM t U i«-«- N < ailed !»v lil« parents on aero tint of hi* youth. The en«l <»f the war i found I'ii i member of Kuapp*a Batl rj r« nu Brirania V«»lunieers t and bait in uenbff of No. 1: thi ureal fohnatoim ht> * it>ted n- treaaun iof tii< i'« i* f I uml juul pfi -o» ( ally Bupet viwd tlia payi nt • . .1 raK fo|n of * mone> to the Kiifferei •*.l in i n«- \W»IK of lehef. / !l•• wii treiunu . '"••• i•' n lap and Armfiilaa * amt;ir I lUiil- and «f ! : ■ Wnrkiuvnu-u Heiief ( ruinl vuo 1 a it-i 111 the \UuV day a <»f * the winteraol JHII.' and i-i'i lie I* tna-'ir« rof tlie Munleipai and the ihnnu: » Society, lie Is a trn».t« i «»f Wiuthlnaton J* IT« mm ('ftilewe, of U)C W( -T« r:• I ' and <•! 'he * Avery Memorial Ftuni f«#r tin 1 niored raee. lie in a nireetor In the IMtt*>hurk;h Safe 1M t «»m May lie la a inemt)er of the Third l*ren>l»yterian ( 11111 <' 11. and Ills ,i V.I - 1 .:1 ~ 1!' pi; I . tn ill nolitiev. hut Iteing of an t uiind. he haa not bealtated erlUi l« wrong doing in bii own party. The viiiinirful aet: »'i ,ft.l ia t Mjl; l.« i't-id tarelptn . it 1 1• '< \ !tdgea Eortofi. I' in • • led n foniifl lu the M't haioauaed Intense indignation all over tin -tnte and In PlttahurLli, "ii -• I'tendK'T 11 l"'" within a stone Ibiow of the epot when tlu Reir«l the hon< »t. voter an o| |«»rtunity t« \ote < n >iutc and l«K-ai < i«surs without havinj; hiv lui 't 1 n«a * chine lead* r*«f elthei of the «• I rm vi, vViu H Th. .«i|«on tfi< ;ati(li>htteforStati-'1 rean . urer. is the fii>t' uididaft «»f flu tu \« i ut) and With the kaiiK inanl\ « «nd irniep ud< net- I tiiat have marked hi>- v« |m >ie lif> he hie- aeeepted and entered «'ari't«tlv iiit-- HUM .mas for the 2 ofHee Fitted |4irtieuliirl> for the -lutienof Htate Treasurer hv hin training -nd ulth .» r«r.»rd for lntearitv atMi that hn« end* rtred him to all wiio know liiui, lie «tand<« to da\ I- f »re the pe«»ide of I'enrify 1\ aula a- ain l« 1« and id ate, and It has U-en trill) snid hy t J.• I t»- • ■ j.Unit v it will tie the people of tl \\ n. K , • Thom|-sotl, wli<» will • r: e» • i-y bl«* • 1 tion ludeMtxleiit people of t' « «11 »IM»UUI re ' 1 jmemU t thin uhen tin y to the j H-nn N\.v, i u per 2. and \• »f• to free 11.• in*- ur : «l from puspieion. by 1 la. . m , Ui^ \lfe work an,l fe k «"d Lit "U>)»iru»»4. 1. inoerina the platform and I»!HII of ' of tha ithl'-p nd. 1 f part\ amfro|4ev v of the tttuioub "|W,WW imlcuiint y fi<.nd" OAU 1 obtained by aildriwiing HAUMV 1 AKMaTa- wn | Htnto Seen tary Indf-p*rudcut l arty, No V» cod 1 0 ittaburtfh, l a. i illliiiiiiiiiiiii jj Rocking Chairs. jjj Jf g 3i PRICE. 51,50 /\ HarckWood Rocking Chairs exactly §( VpVV like cut. Antique finish. The best chair we have ever sold for the price. Come next week if you want one for 51.50 ( as they will soon be sold out at this price. Good as many I a $2.50 Rocking Chair. A A' A A A JS 1 Art Perfect Ranaes S S p | ARE THE BEST jg sgc No. 816 Perfect Cook Stove $lO i m ' 188 13 H gf ' 208 ' 15 §gf ys No. 817 Art Perfect Range $lB Ij3 1 3j ' 819 * ' ' 20 |g °S ' 821 • ' 22 ip • jj Heating Stoves for Gas or Coal, jg (Campbell g TempletonJ , j BUTLER, PA j DIRECT FROIVI HBHBNKWN^t^9BaF $4.00 $4.00 EXPRESS DISTILLER TO EXPRESS PAID PAID CONSUMER r Saving profits aid preventing adulteration. We have been in the liquor business for the past twenty-five years, anil thoroughly under stand the wants of the public—During all that time we have sold nothing but the Purest Product, Direct From The Distillery* The Public know that they have always re ceived the best \vlii>key fi>r their money, to be had.—We have a special ofler to make— we want you to try a gallon of Hear Creek Whiskey—Vou know it sells everywhere for SI.OO per quart —Now to our friends of ll'it ler County we will Deliver To Your Door—All Charges Paid, a gallon of this whiskey either in a jug or four full quart bottles for $4.00 — We Are Out The Amount Of Expressage v but we want you to try a gallon - -You'll buy it again, and tell your friends that its The Best Whiskey On Earth For The Money MAX KLEIN, Distiller and Wholesale Liquor, 8?, Federal St Allegheny, Pa WALL PAPER AT J. R. GRIFB'S CLEARANCE SALE j " I,ml - l>» Not Make Five.. | ; | HAS BEEN §1 I SUCCESS. . -Jj¥•• • ® , . >3 /W You can yet take advantage of it. Sec ( f these prices. j <1 w AH grades under ' " > j! for / | . ■ 1 11 l 30c sy / J All grades under 30c for OQ- It's quite a. |)iobi(.fn to prc#.*v cve;yone's taste in any line you AT may select and particularly «>f jewelry, silver novelties, cut glass, DOUGLASS' I etc., but I'm sure you wiil find what you want in my large stock 2.J1 S. Main St. ant j al such prices that defy coni- _ petition. 1 am making a spe. cialty of nobby and Knd Goods FARM IN BUTLER FOR SALE. and want your trade. north of weft end <»f West _ IVarl Si , containing 14 acres; nice T I 1 \ } g|l TT drive-wav toil All kimlsof fruit, ln-st I I | f I jJI J. II; i>l \%. »«r from never failing -.pring, new ! 3 J* I B M house 1 rooms 011 lirst floor, good stone ' I I wall and cellnr under whole house. U » J. 4 | v.* \nA UU « For particulars inquire 011 jiretnises, or j S l)iatnond St. lift SOUTH MAIN 8T