BIOCEL'S Fall and Winter Stock Arriving Daily. Our large Fall and Winter stock has all arrived, and open and ready for your inspection. Owing to the Large will sell you good reliable footwear (.own. In Men's Shoes _we have fine Patent Leathers-fine Calf a,d Ifather oTfiTn shoe, leather lined ex tended heavy hand sewed sole. Complete Stock of nd vouth's sizes. In Ladies Shoes wc have many new and pretty 8 and' pa ten\ "leaner and Misses' every day shoes of all kinds. Balance of our summer stock to be closed out regardless of cost as we need the "Tlarge stock of slippers and oxford ties included in this great reduction «le. Three Large Sample Counters filled with interesting bargains. Sole leather cut to any amount you may wish to purchase. JOHN BICKEL. 128 S. MAIN St. BUTLER, PA. The Wise Grocer. Will try to induce his customers to boy the very best gro ceries in the market, because by so doing he makes a sale tMWto A that will give satisfaction, and it is the pleased and satis. IfeSm fied customer who builds up the grocer's business \.e wllvlpj have some of the very best goods obtainable which we sell as close as any house in the county. Leave us your order and we guarantee satisfaction. The Butler Produce Co., C L MOORE, Prop'r 130 W. Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. IF YOU GET IT AT THE_BUTLER PRODUCE T'S FRESH. ,Itm V __ Fall and Winter Opening, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. <■ SEPT. 3°> . OCT. I=2. OF Ladiee' Larue Hats. Ronn.l H,t«, '"'/ES' inborn" ! cbeertnllyit >,.» » "» i > refurnished. Everything convenient, and guests 4 f 4 > will always receive close attention. I Located near Postoffice and P.& W. Depot. When I I i in Evans City t~>p at the Commercial. Bell Tcler ( I When You ; Out Money \ be sure that you are getting the real ; I No. 2 HOIJ Buggy. value of the price you P av. . | Fredonia Buggies running and worth I J every penny they > J Your dealer sells them. cost you. , ! THS FREOONIA MFG. CO., Younftstown, Ohio. > iltU U- I lan The average elerfry- I * I' ' m;ln •* nr,t a healthy i I Ey t X-i 'in' man. There arc mmy I 'IT. jrH \V reason . tl: .t i nttilv I 2 S-* \ | [pi nte to mats him dt .i --, \ -ujcats. He learis a life. ' He doesn't take IMmM sufficient exer- Jv'/ 4 cise - J ust the saine fetSKm •;£?; he is a hard-working i JEEStffi &£'. fan He takes too j much trouble about .i 1 | ,- l other people's troub- | JSSE? j' '' . * cs t0 trou * l ' e much — i Jjj* a^ ut '*' s own - ■4- - '""" r?\ I \ about other sick pco- II jU L\ pie to look after his I - ] health The re fT 1 " " 01 sult ' s tl,at tl,c bar< *- 1 working clergyman | becomes a semi • in valid early in life. There is no necessity for this. A clergy- | man adds nothing to his usefulness, but greatly detracts fruui it. by neglecting Ins ; health. If a he clergyman or layman. ' will resort to the right remedy just as soon ; as he reels out of sorts, and knows that he is., li'.t: bilious, or that his liver is torpid, I or his digestion is out of order, he will re- | main healthy and robust and add much to hi-, usefulness and many years to his life. 1 Dr Pierce's Gold :i Medical D-.scovery restores the appetite, makes digestion and assimilation perfect, invigorates the liver, purifies the blood and tones the nerves. It js» the greatest of all known blood-makers and flesh builders. It cures 98 per cent, of all cases of consumption and diseases of the air passages. Thousands who were given up by the doctors and had lost all hope have testified to their complete re covery under this marvelous medicine. It is the discover? of an eminent and skillful specialist. Dr. R. V. Pierce, for thirty years chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y. All medicine dealers sell it. " Eight years ago I was taken with what inv doctor" called liver complaint." writes N. K. Krn.'.rick. Esq. of Campton. Orafton Co New Hampshire. " I began doctoring for it, taking sarsapariilas and other medicine*. Last Febru ary I had a bilious attack and 1 could not tit up lonir enough to eat I l*g-in taking I)r Pierce's medicines. 1 have taken one bottle of ' i.olilen Medical Jliscovery ' and one vial of ' Pleasaut Pellets.' I find no other medicine equal to yours in helping me." Without an equil for constipation and biliousness —Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. VETERINARY SPECIFICS 500 PAGE BOOK MAILED FREE. CONTENTS : Part I.—Diseases of Horses. Part ll.—Diseases of Cattle. Part lll.—Diseases of Sheep. Part IV.—Diseases of Hogs. Part V.—Diseases of Dogs. Part Vl.—Diseases of Poultry. Same book in better binding SO eta. ■ rnPIIRETS'BEn. CO., Cor.wlW»M * J " hn »«..*♦"*** NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAL, WEAKNESS and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific Mo. 28, in use over 40 years, the only successful remedy. $1 per vial,or S vials andlarne rial powder,for S3 gold br I>rugslM«, or la., *•» Baby Mine! t feels an inde scribable dread of the pain and most critical pe- Becoming a a source of joy suffering and danger of the ordeal make its anticipation one of misery, MOTHER'S FRIEND is the remedy which relieves women of the great pain and suf fering incident to maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman's severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is re moved by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer de spondent or gloomy; nervousness nausea and other distressing con ditions are avoided, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so com mon to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother's Friend. It is a blessing to woman. ®I.OO PEREOTTLE atall Drugstores, or sent by express oil receipt of price. Containing invaluable information of rnrr Interest to all wouien, will lw> gent rntt to any address, upon application, by The BBAPFIEI.D REGULATOR CO., Atlanta. 6a. PRUNE LINE TRADE-MARK REGISTERED. THE IDEAL LAXATIVE AND CURE FOR CONSTIPATION. AS PLEASANT AS HONEY AND SURE CURE FOR Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Stomach Troubles, Bowel Disorders, Liver Diseases, Irregularity, Kidney Trouble!, Headache, Fevers, Sick Stomach, Skin •nd Blood Disorders, Thick and Sallow Complexion, AND VERY MANY OTHER DISEASE* AND COMPLICATIONS SUE TO AN INACTIVS STATE OF THE BOWEL*. PRUNELINE is the safest and surest cathartic and aperient one can use. It thoroughly cleanses without griping, purifies the blood P n d removes all ■waste from the system. It does away with Castor Oil, Salts, Blue Mass and nil other nauseous purgatives. It tones and energizes all the great or gans of the system. It is free from all harshly acting drugs, and is always safe, always ready, always reliable. KEEP 'HE HEAD COO - THE FEET U'Ai. ...NO THE BOVJELS USING PRUT-UNE ROH TH' U»T>I:R PURPOM. SrPUNELINIL 12 THE PERFECT FAMILY MEDICINE. COLO BY ALL OFAIEP>, o: -• .*. vf f ***? to any address UY Wr " ;:n «'i Bf-.v.n Drug Co. -OLE PROPRIETORS. ► e;.-.- v . SE, MD., U. S. A. C\ UOCrOKs LAlli: ■A ■ Mil TK OWPICXSARV. /|U. Jft CR .i. PCHN Ave ANr> FOUHTH OT. v JBhP PITTSBURGH, PA. A It formsof Delicate and Com plicated Diseases requiring CON rinisriAi. and SCIENTIFIC Med. icatioit nro treated at *.his I>is • oansary W'tlj a success .arc?y attained. Dr. S. h.i.ako 1(4!' member of the Boj'il t oilt£Ol l'liv | Jicians and Surgeon?, am 1 . Is the ol lest ami iiio«t | :xperieacetl SPECIALISY in lliecity. Special at- I Million (;iven to Nervous I'eblllty iromercessiv ticntal exertion, tidiscrcti'in of youth, etc., caus- I ing physical ami jiental decay,lack of enenry, | iespondency, etc.; nlaoCftacers. Old Sores, Fits, Piles, Khcuuiatlam, and all diseases')f the Skin. , BUwd. l.umts Urinary Organs,etc. Consultation Ireo ai.U BtrictlT conr.dcntiaL O.lice houm,9l - and 1 to 3 ?. M.; Sundays, 3 to 4 I'. M. v)-ih . : ['all at olli( in Soil* It has been observed in France that, in localities where animals are interred which have died of charbon. the genus of this infections malady persist in the soils for many years, and that, especial ly when cereal crops are cultivated upon such soils, there is a great danger of contaminating healthy cattle with the same disease. In one case it was observed that many sheep which were pastured in a field in which two years before, a single animal which had died of charbon was bnried were infected with the disease and died. In like manner, it is entirely probable that the germs of hog cholera may l>e preserved in the soil for many years, to finally a{jain l>e brought into f.n activity which may prove most disastrous lor the own ers of swine. Every effort should be made by agronomists to avoid infecting the soil by carcasses which are dead from any zymotic disease. Cremation is the only safe method of disposing of such infected carcasses. The investigations of scientists have shown that there are many diseases of an infectious nature due to these germs, and that these genus may preserve their vitality in the soil Among others may be mentioned yellow fever and te tanus, and'the microbe producing the bubonic plague, which retains its vital ity in the soil, and thus escapes entire eradication For the leasons given above, the agronomist, who also has at heart the health and wellfare of man and beast, can hardly look with favor npon any of the plans which have been proposed for the use of sewage from large cities for irrigation purposes. There is scarcely a time in any large city when some in fections disease due to the activity of germs does not exsist, and the sewage is liable at all times to be contaminated therewith. H. W. "Wiley, in Jour. Frank. Inst. Although many remedies are pushed into the market by spicy advertise ments. Dr. Bull s Cough Syrup still takes the lead. An otherwise inexplicable eye trouble in a lad of 16 was recently traced to sleeping hwere the light fell full upon his eyes in the early morning, When the occulist began to ask questions this fact developed, and the next morning the boy's room was visited soon after dawn by his mother, to find that the eyeballs of her son, under the closed lids, moved constantly and uneasily, as if to escape the glare that penetrated the soft curtain ot' tlesh. As the room was too small to premit the bed to be turned about, the manner of sleeping was reversed, and a light screen placed in position to protect the head from dangerous draughts A dark green shade, put up to roll from the bottom, is another device, to exclude the light in a small sleeping room. This may be supplemented with an eighteen inch valance of dark material, put across the top of the window casing so that when the window is lowered from the top there may still b« a shield. Most men break down when afflicted with rheumatism. If they would try Salvation Oil they would find relief at once. She: 1 know I'm cross at times. John but, if I had my life to live over again I should marry you just the same, lie: I havp my doubts about that. Don't run any risks about health Keep well at ail times by taking Hood ! Sarsaparilla. An Eastern editor says: "Our women are accused of being fond of whistling, Well so be it. What is more lovely than tulips well blown';' THE remedies put up by the I Cure U Co., L't'd., No., 106 Centre Ave., art first class, and j;ive excellent satisfaction. Sold by every Druggist in Butler Coun ty. As the course of true love never runs smooth, it is supposed that there will always be plenty of friction matches in the world. HEADACHE Powders—lt you use any use a good one. Ask your Druggist for Armstrong's (I Cure U) Headache Pow ders. "What did her father say when you told him that yon wanted to marry his daughter. Rivers'?'' "Well, Banks, he didn't absolutely re fuse, but he imposed a very serious con dition." "What was it ;' "He said he would see me hanged first." HOOD'S r"! LC cure Livor tt!s, bil iousness, Headache. Easy to take, easy to operatn. 25c. He: I envy the man who sang the tenor solo. She: Why, 1 thought he had a very poor voice! He: So did I. But just think of his nerve i What is the difference between a goose and a defeated adversary 1 One gives down and the other gives up. Aunt Rachel's Horclioiuid aiul Elecampane. Combined with Speer's Grapp Jnicc and Rock Candy for Public Speakers and Singers is being prescribed by many prpmiment physicians, which is a guar antee of its purity and its efficiency in curing pulmonary complaints. It is used in preference to Cod Liver Oil, and in many cases the curative results are quicker and more permanent. For sale by druggists, Prie£ '25 cents and 75 cents. "I would send you a kiss, papa,' wrote little Lucy who was away on a visit, "but I haVe been eating onions.'' No mystery about it. When the Shakers offered some time ago to give away a bottle of their Digestive Cordial to any one who might call at their New York ofliice, there was a great rush and a great many people thought they were crazy. Subsequent events proved it to have been a very eleven advertising transac tion, for although they gave away thou sands of bottles, it was in the end profit | able: nearly every one that took a free j <»otUe i;Hnie OH I "I WHH»J and jeing ~ »the first woman bank cashier in the 1 ! world. Z j Mrs. Clara Omo, a "cowboy," who killed five men in her career, died the 1- other day at Perry, Oklahoma. She • was 56 years old. Otter trapping is still reported occa sionally from Missouri. A few days ago an otter 5 feet !t inpbes long was caught in McDonald county. Owing to the unusual snowfall in Switzerland chamois have become so tame that in some places they visit the stables in search of food PITTSBURG EXPOSITION Opportunity to See the Attractions Should Be Grasped These Closing Days. Now that the Pittsburg ExDosition has passed the halt mile post and Is on the J)omestretch (or the season of 1397, It be hooves all who have not seen the great in dustrlal show this year to accept the re markably low rate of excursions and go to Pittsburg as soon us possible There are Innumerable attractions at the big •how and there is always something to in terest and amuse the visitor. Thus far this season the attendance of out-of-town visitors has been all that the Exposition ; management could desire, but the west- j ern section of the great Keystone state Is ! thickly populated, and there are hun- ; dreds of people yet who have not seen the Exposition. There is room for many thousand people on the spacious grounds and the Exposition management can take care of afl who come. All the railway lines are running excursions now almost daily and a low rate can be had at any lime. The attendance at the Exposition runs tip into thousands every day. and the pres ence of so many visitors makes plenty of life about the bis: buildings No amuse inent attraction in Pittsburg or vicinity kffords to many varied and entertaining 'eatures a* the Exposition. It is a host in tself, and there is always something new to be seen then' It Is an industrial world >n a small scale, and there is something to constantly engross the attention of the risitor. In Mechanical hall are to be seen ,he of the mills and factories, the triumphs of Inventive jenius of the past decade. There are en fines and mechanical contrivances of all leseriptlons, and the whirring of the iwiftly moving wheels is like music to the over of machinery. Chief among the ex ilbits in Mechanical hall is that of the »Ve=tinghouse Electric and Manufactur ng company, with its half dozen coin >oUnd engines, ga* engines a id dynamos >f every sire—'he largest having a capacity >f furnishing v»,000 lights. The Wi-sting iouse exhibit this year is the most brll iant ever witnessed at the Exposition, md a source of much ploasure to the via tors. Over in the main hall are scores of , magnificent mercantile and art exhibits j >n every hand. The aisles are lined with :hem and to enumerate all of the splen lid displavs made would be an almost ;ndless task. There arc also many special imuseinent attractions in the big liullil ,ng. among them a cineniatographe, lo latcd In the art gallery just overthe main restibule, which is operated every hour in the (lav, showing some of the very latest news of Important o.ciits at home and ibroad; a model of i»I'olorado gold mine n actual operation, showing the miners it work and the cars In motion; an "X ray machine bv means of which visitors ire enabled to see the bones of !iands; and a horseless carriage. The ast named attraction 1° operated d«.ily »(; he platform bet«e> n the two M;< build ngs It is run by compressed air. The ■ompatir will have another here this *eek that will be oiwhil by steam, l'he mechanism of tlie machine Is very iiniplu and one that horseless ,chicles were not brought into general use veurs ugo. \ 'new attraction at the Exposition this iveek will be Jiin Key. the famous rano soloist. She has a splendid voice md knows how to use it to good advaut ►g. !=h3 is dividing honors with thf. wind. The last week of the Exposition ivlll be marked by the presenoe of John Philip Sousa and his famous concert jand No one tan afford to miss these Ino musical attractions. Dr. Bull's Pills cure all blood disord ers. The genunine bear the signature of Dr. John W. Bull and the bull's head trade-mark. Stratum, the Cripple Creek million aire refuses to go into any money mak ing schemes on the grounds that he is trying to keep his income "down with in the limits of decency." The most valuable collection of stamps in Russia belongs to a Mr. Breitfnss, of St. Petersburg. It is ar ranged in over one hundred volumes and is valued at 1,000,000 rubles. ARMSTRONG'S Little System Pills are fine. A true Liver Pill.— 25c. John B. Dnke, the millionaire cigar ette manufacturer, has never smoked a cigaicttu, Connecticut sportsmen want to stop the snaring and also the killing of all the game birds for a period of three years. Family wines that rival the world in excellence are from S peer's Passaic. N. J. Vineyards. The Claret, vintage 1881. the Burgundy and Port are very old superior wines. The port is especial ly for invalids. The Climax Brandy is superior. The fund fo* the unemployed of Los Angeles. Cal., has reached #50,000. Councils have appropriated SI,OOO for tools, and idle men will l>e employed by the Park Commission. At a recent village collection in con stantine, Mich., the women taxpayers were allowed to vote 011 an plcctpo light l)on(l proposition, but only three availed themselves of the right. KEEP I Cure Uin the home. It is an nstant relief in case of sudden pain holera-Morbus, Croup, Sprains, Bruises, ctoothaclip i'.c —Ask youi Druggist. At least 1,000,000 cords of wood are used annually by the paper mills of the United States, which would build a wall 1,515 miles long, four feet wide and four feet hijrb A contemporary mentions that there are schools in Belgium where the girls are not only taught housekeeping in all its branches but the management children at, well. Speer s Old Port Grape Wine from his Oporto Grape vineyards at Passaic, N. ,T.. his Socialite Claret, vin. 1881, and his luscious Burgundy stand unri valled by any wines in the world, espec ially- for invalids. A new lace machine has been invent ud in Austria which turns out an article which cannot l»e distinguished from hand-made lace. According to the recent Russian cen sus the populations of the four chief fit ies are St. Petersburg, 1,250,000; Mos cow, 1,050,000; Warsaw. 600,000, and Odessa. 410,000. RHEUMATISM CI RED IN A DAY. •'Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures 111 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious, It removes ai once the causes and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Redic, ar.d J. F. B-ilpli Druggists Butler Apr 96 Interest at the rate 1,000 per cent, was mentioned in a money-lending case heard at Dublin the other day It is estimated that during the pres ent century no less than 80.0*10,000, of civilized men have i>erished in waf A Parisian is said to have construct ed a machine which makes it possible to split a .human hair into thirty-six partit. ® HP HERE is a right way ro paint and a wrong way. The right J way is to have the best paint Pure White Lead (see list of gen uine brands) and Linseed Oil applied by a practical painter. The mA wrong way is to get some mixture sflV about which you know nothing vjjW and apply it yourself or have ! some inexperienced, irrcsponsi ble P erson do »• - |-v |-< p Bv u- LeIJC s \\ eLet ! 1 Itirg Col n* i- - - — r.- »45\\ rK r r or4 -*■>" shade is readi'.v . .. ... .1 1.. j,: .rt »!i< IIS • ***-«*-< valuable information and card showing »am| ic» t-f rsfree; - I ...Med i* V" « \ 5 *" r ~J'!y *• n styles ~r combinations of shades forwarded upon application. NATION AI. LEAD & OIL CO. OK PENNSYLVANIA, l)German Nat. Bank Building, Pittsburgh, !'»• " \v:.: _i DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES.' GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OP BAPOLIO* CATARRH LOCAL'DISEASE and is the result ol coUs and nraf.cOlD* I sudden climatic clian-es. Nr/is ■ I For your Protection KWFEVER >.~~M we positively state tiiat ti.ia remedy dor* n.>t contain mercury or any olher iajjr- Ely's Crsam is acknowledged to be the most thorough cure for Nana I ( atarrh. Cold in Head and Hay fevtr pf ail remedies It MI.T.« AND c!< r.n«c» the imsol ;>«mace*, ■ allays pain ana iritl:ir rn on, heals the s->re#, pro- * tccts the mcmhrai «fr >m colds, restores the so;., es j of last"' and smell. 1 rlr • ."«V. at nr by mail. ELY liKt ' i ll LI;S, o<3 V.'arreu struct, New York. W : ieetc:* c; Wiison f\cw .., ramify ! ' . Z . J* •r* f-i |r* n v.* •- •- ; 1 J i.v: Jh»v.> , SJ. . ~\ Kvj«-i''3 <5. Lii*?. tc-.mgs tasy Qt*v*t, Rapid and Durable, Sewing Machines for Katrtliy «: D iactory use, for all grades of CLOUT a;IJ Leather. Speed anJ Durablity. Faetcry and Head Office, Bridgeport, Connecticut, li. S. FOR SALE BY HENRY BIEHL,, DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Needles for all kinds of sewing machines, Boss Washing Machines, etc. N. MAIN ST. BUTLER PA. N. B.—Second-hand Sewing Machines from $5.00 up. Sewing machines repaired. TIN WARE AND ROOFING A SPECIALTY. jso notl« DECEIVED by allnrtnff ADVERTISEMENTS ILTI .-hiuk you can cret the Dent made, flnert finish and TFOST POPULAR SEWING MACHINE rbr A MURE WNJF. BUY from reliable manufacturer* tL-IT havejmined a reputation by honent and wquar" ! -.tlin.r. There IN nine TN the world that «•«»*•. hunical ronMrurtion, DURABILITY OC.rt I-RR2 Mn< nrwof fini«H, •»M>EMIAIK.'* < R H r.i ..NP|QY»IUEI>«4I THE NEW HOMK 1 .fcIYE FOR CIRCULARS. Sew Home Sewing Machine Co. M ass. HOBTO*. MISS. M Cino* Sarißi,-, N V ' 0,1L1.. ST. LOCTS, MO luuja.TujU.-i. . fuAlicisoo, Cit. ATDAKTA, Qa. FOR «AUC BY J. B. McDEVITT Dcalt'i in Sowing Machines, Piauoa and Organs -reyt door to V. M. C. A. build- . inp—Bctler PH. Buy the light-running, N r ew Home, sewing machine, perfect satisfaction guar ( anieed, never eel* ont of order. WE ARE WITH THE PEOPLE. You never hear t?s cotuplain of busi ness belujf bad—we aim and biicceed in making it good, by fair and square treat ment of all our customers. mS¥?o fair dealings EVERYONE- If we say to you our liquors are six years old, we won't ask you to take our word for it—but put them to the test, yoti and your friends to be the judge. Pure liquors arc healthful. Guaranteed pure 6 year old Whiskey - either (iuckenheimcr, Finch. (jihson, Overhott, 1 nrße Mt. Vernon. fi per full quart or 6 quarts for is. Grandfather's Choice Whiskey, guar anteed 3 years old, #2 per gallon. On C. O. I). or mail orders of sio or over, we prepay all charges. ROBERT LEWIN £ CO,, and Wholesalers, al care guaranteed- Stable r»ctn tor fiity live noiges. A good class of hordes, both drivers aud ' ilrat' h"rses :ilvrays on hand and lor sale 1 undi-r a full guar.i tee; and horses Ixiught 1 ipon proper notilicati of exct ss and in liscretlon. wbick units one for study, lmsl iess Of marriage. It not only cures by .l:..ung at the sent of dUi-ase. but is a great lerve tonic and blood liulltler. bringing back .lie pluk glow to pale cheeks and restoring ;he Sre of youth. It wards off Insanity and '\Uisumption. Insist on having REVIYO, no nail, il.oo per package, or six for SS.flO. with » positi\e written guarantee to cure or re-, rund the money, circular free A(ldt<*» R< p\ A L MEDICINE <" . CHICAUtj ILL For Sale by REDDKK & GB»»uJf VN>\ P^Miuaratrf 'm niaiaoat' Bmil ENNYROYAL PILLS Original Bail Only (<<>uulnr. A 7"fc-'\ tA<(, lidK t»ons »«k $■ ' («T«V knt'r $ AW«* /»«« /ff\\ > jK- ' 'in K«*«t 1 m#Ulli«\Xj?y «. x.c\ with heir inv.r, T»ke vßr .V . ,!"»olk. i. .. »i.' if '\r v I / fjf .'tofu a»ui imiTa • n* uPru(;.l«, orKM^ 1 C- Y in itimi I for fartioy'» tfiinoalab ud I rrr«»r» V •■•Mi i4>(«> n - 41.M P». 1 WRIGHTS.!® F o r »U 3iu»us and NEKVOUS I B M DISEASES. They purify the BLOOD and give HEALTHY ■ ■ I ■ jQ action to the entire system. ■ ■ Cure DYSPEPSIA. HEADACHE, CONSTIPATIOK and PIMPLES. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Company Office cor. Main and Cuti»V,V-i;h«»» Mts. WICk. KCTTKUkU. Vice Pr«. L. S. HrJt'NMV sor'r unit T»r»». DIRECTORS. Alfred Wick, Henderson Oliver. Dr. \V. Irvln. James Stephenson. V. W. Klackmore. N. Weitiel. K. Bowman. H. J. Kllngler, Geo. Ketterer. ( lias. Kelihun. Geo. Kenno. John lvoenle. LOYAX Agent. Established 1836. Washington Seminary WASHINGTON PA- A Boarding and Day Schnol lor Girls. OoUeilti Preparatory. Regular and Electivi Courses. Music. Art and Elocution. 01s year opens September l.'ith. MRS. M. N. McMILLAN, Principal. Hotel Willard i Reopened aiul rea ly for the accouinioda- I tioti of the traveling i public. Everything First-class, ! MRS MATTIE REIHING, Owner I BRICKER & VINROE. LIVERY FEED AND EXCHANGE STABLE First class rig? at reasonable rates Special Attention to Transient Custom. Barn in rear of Diamond St. * People's Te'spiwue, No. 44. „11. C. BRICKER | AND - Prop'rs. VV. j. Vinrok, J Gives .1 specialized Ilrend- winning Education. fOR CIRCULARS APPLY TO P. DUFF A SOSS. 24-t Fit* £ Ave out, PITTSHUSn PJ. APOLLO GAS LAMP. r 1 I APOLLO! / x A AROLLO v F; LJ£ Price complete with JBy« Pass and Glass Chimney $2 00 With Mica Chimney $2.25. Geo. W. Whiteliill, AGENT I'OR BUTLER. CO» EYES EXAHiKtU FHEE OP CBAKGfi D >. L. KirKpatrick, Opucidu dud JeieiM St*t to Court House Butlet, Late Graduate La Port llaruloi;id Institute •, D. T. PAPE - # WINTER. * WiNTER - The Leading Millinery House, of Butler Co. i I-adies who love beautiful and stylish millinery can now ha\e an v ! opportunity of seeing the grandest display ol 1* all and Winter bon- \ nets, hats, feathers, libbons, etc., ever brought to our city. Nothing has been spared in {Foreign and Domestic Markets) to make our \ stock complete in ever)' respect. All other years have been excelled for lovely, stylish millinery, and i for cheapness. We ask no fancy prices. We give you the very latest style. The very best goods at prices you can save money. All are invited to insp« ot our stock. Our Stock of Millinery Always Complete. ; 122 S. Main St. JJ. J. PAPE, Butler Pa. FACTS Of which our Butler county people are now aware, and whicn will save you money and get you much better article. |U_ 1 We have no salesman visiting you oil given dates, and Hie ■ Jtl/l HU. I. money saved for R. R. fares, traveling expenses and wages is given to you. Fart Nn ? We carry the largest stock of Whiskies, Wines and liquors I ' lIU. C.. j n \v es t ern I'cnn'a., and are satisfied with small profits. We have l>een in business nearly thirty years, and need no Fact No 3 introduction. We dealt fairly with the public on the prin ciple that pure, reliable whiskies, branr ics, gins and wines sold at a reasonable profit is the only way to succeed. Fact NO. 4. We jmy expressage oil all orders of five dollars and over. Fart Nn R ° ur Bear Creek R >' c vlliske >" at 00 P* 1, oxes— making no charge—and will guarautee you satisfaction. MAX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquors, 82 Federal St Allegheny, Pa Ford City Pennsylvania. WHERE AND WHAT IS FORD CITY? FORD CITY I 15 A TOWN OWNED BY THE PITTSBURGH PLATE GLASS COMPANY, FL Situated on the Allegheny Valley Railroad and the Allegheny River, forty miles from Pittsburgh. It is not a new town in one sense, being seven years old ; but in the sense of a Business and Residence Town it is more than new, be- 1 cause there has never been a Lot or House sold in Ford City. There is now Only One Store of any kin iin Ford City and there are over 3,000 people living there, and a-, thickly settled and rich farming community surrounding it. WHAT MAKES FORD CITY? The Pittsburgh Plate Glass Targest works are there, employing 1,000 people, and when running full capacity this force will be almost doubie\EVERY State or Territory. : I®- !S^—^ \ \ FOR Education, ® \ FOR Nolilw Manhood, \ FOR True Womanhood, x * ,n P° ,tant news, of the Nation 1 all important news of the World. IT CtIVF'S the most reliable market reports. brilliant and instinctive editorials. XT GIVES * asc ' nat ' n S short stories. an ucexcelled agricultural department. TT T"XT'"l^scientific and mechanical information, illustrated fashion articles. IT GIVES tumorous illustrations. I entertainment to yountr and old- IT GIVES satisfaction everyv ucrc to everybody We furnish "The Citizen' 1 and "N. Y. Weekly Tribune" FOR si»so PER YEAR. CASH IN ADVANCE. Address all orders t<> THE turn, , Write your name and address on ii }>ostal card, send it 'o Geo. W. Best, \ Building, New York City, and a sample copv of Tuk New \qrk \ Vkibunk will be tnaile