Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 30, 1897, Image 4
PfcKELS Pall and Winter Stock Arriving Daily. Our large Fall and Winter stock has all arrived, and open and ready for your inspection. Owing to the Large which « e pl.d early «i.h the . nric es and a better assortment of boots ar.d shoes tnan e\er dciu.c, will sell you good reliable footwear away down. In Men's Shoes extended he. ty hand sewed sole. Complete Stock of wnd vouth's sizes. In Ladies Shoes wc have many new and pretty styles in hand-turned Mc^ a >- 9 sewed shoes —fine dongola—box calfs—winter tans enamels p shoes —lfirge assortment of Ladie's and Misses' every day shoes of all kinds. Balance of our summer stock to'be closed out regardless of cost as we need the Tlarge stock of slippers and oxford ties included in this great reduction sale. Three Large Sample Counters filled with interesting bargains. Sole leather cut to any amount you may wish to purchase. JOHN BICKEL. 128 S. MAIN St. BUTLER, PA. The Wise Grocer. Will try to induce his customers to buy the very best gro ceries in the market, because by so doing he makes a sale AmW»± that will give satisfaction, and it is the pleased and satis. fied customer who builds up the grocer's business. V.e have some of the very best goods obtainable which we sell as close as any house in the county. Leave us your order and we guarantee satisfaction. The Butler Produce Co., C L MOORE, Prop'r 130 W. Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. IF YOU GET IT AT THE BUTLER PRODUCE T'S FRESH. Fall and Winter Opening, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, SEPT. 30, OCT. 1-2. OF work room, we have ev#r shown, (roods shown cheerful \ } . buy or not. MARKS,' 108 S. Main St., one door South of Eutler Savings Bank. YOU ARE WAITING For your prescription don't fail <olook :■' ; over our line of perfumes, we have re- // , .<?> ceived some very fine ones lately, and N will be pleased to have you examine We also have a very la.ge assortm nt of tooth brushes made expressly for us « wb''h bear our stamp, these brushes we guarantee and request the return of - *ny thit prove unsatisfactory. You may need something for your - chapped hands and face, and if so we recommend Cvdonium Cream as a fine toilet preparation. REDICK& G ROHM ANN DRUGGISTS. PEOPLES PHONE. ir 4 . BUTLER PA O3OOCOOOOOCCCCSSOCCOOODJQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOJ 1 | Punc wis j | tuality /#, Power. I | Hitch your « ■ But be sure| I business n it's in a | works to a 111 Fahys Gold iji good watch. j| |W filled Case, | j And that you buy it from | E. GRIEB, JEWELER, 139 N. MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. ; p^ooooooooooooo<jfroooooooo<x li "THE COMMERCIAL," : ( K. THORNBURG Prop'r., Evans City, Pa | { ► This popular bouse has just been entirely remodeled 4 1 ( > and refurnished. Everything convenient, and guests 4 > { 1 Located near Postofike and P.& W. Depot. When ] , , in Evai JJ City t->p at the Comir.ercial. Bell Tele- J | ' MM *AMMMMMMMMMMMMMWMWWWWUUWUWWWWWWWM When You i Lay Out Money \ be sure that you are getting the real ' > No. 2 Road Buggy. . value of the price you pav. I ; Fredonia running and | j ———————— every penny they ; , Your dealer sells them. cost you. i ] | THE FREDONIA MFG. CO., Youngetown, Ohio. ] 1 The fondest anticipation in woman'* life is when she is looking forward to the ing of the sweet and ten der little bundle of hu inanity that will some day call her mother. ■ It Is a pity that this I joyful expectancy ■ should ever be /W M clouded with \ r solicitude physical ar&^iX matern in- vol of this ive mothi-r |>.y he re the Hp jPJS ff alth - sustaining | power of Dr. Pierce's i *g7T P* vor i ,e Prescription L <■ a< early during the -■■K period. (J The special organs and Q Wnerve-centers pertaining to |W sj T maternity are directly fortified W 9 11 and reinforced by this wonder- T 3 'ful "Prescription." It gives the mother genuine, perma nent strength, capacity and cheerfulness. It renders the ordeal of motherhood abso lutely safe and comparatively easy; insures against subsequent relapse and prostration; promotes ample and healthful nourishment for the child and endows it with natural constitutional vigor. For nearly thirty years Dr Pierce has been chief consulting phvsidan to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute of Buffalo. N. Y. Any wo man may consult him either personally or by letter free of charge, and with absolute assurance of receiving sound, practical advice from the 1 highest professional authority. By enclosing twenty-one one-cent stamps to pay the cost of mailing only, she will receive a paper bound copy of Dr. Pierce's thousan J-pnge illustrated book, " The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser." or a handsome cloth-bound copy, for thirty-one stamps. Mrs. Fred Hunt, of Burnt Hills, Co., N. Y., says: " I read about Dr Pierce's Favorit- Prescription being so good for a woman with child so I got two bottles last September, and December 13th. I had a twelve-pound baby girl. When I was confined I was not sick in any wav I did not suffer any pain, and when the child was born I walked into another room and weut to bed. I never had an after-pain or any other pain. This is the eighth child and the largest of them all." HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL FOB Piles or Hemorrhoids. Fissures & Fistulas. Burns & Scalds. Wounds & Bruises. Cuts & Sores. Boils & Tumors. Eczema & Eruptions. Salt Rheum & Tetters. Chapped Hands. Fever Blisters. Sore Lips & Nostrils. Corns & Bunions. Stings A Bites of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and SI.OO. Sold by druggist*, or gent post paid on receipt of price BriPHREYS'XKA. CO., 11l * 11* WUIUaBL t X««rYoft. GETTING READY Every expectant mother haa a trying ordeal to faca. If she does not -r it. ' 1\ I *j there is no telling ' 1 what may happen. (J Child-birth is full of uncertainties if Nature is not given proper assistance. Mother's Friend is the best help you can use at this time. It is a liniment, and when regularly ap plied several months before baby comes, it makes the advent easy and nearly pain less. Jt relieves and prevents '' morning sickness," relaxes the overstrained mus cles, relieves the distended feeling, short ens labor, makes recovery rapid and cer tain without any dangerous after-effects. Mother's Friend is good for only one purpose, viz.: to relieve motherhood of danger and pain. One dollar per bottle at all drug stores, or sent by express on receipt of price- FREE BOOKS, containing valuable iaforma tlou for women, will bo f*ent to any addrtM upon application to THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta, Oa. LARRABEEu _ RHEUMATIC m LINIMENT. TRADC-ICAIIII Magical Pain Extractor. CURES RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHE, NEURALGIA, BACKACHE, LUMBAGO, CATARBH, | AND ALL KINDS OP PAINS AND ACHES. For nearly three-score years and ten this famous old household friend has been curing pains and aches, and has never disappointed the user. It is clean, pure, efficacious, agreeably smelling and quickly acting. IT IS A RICH, SPICY COMPOUND AND INVALUABLE FOR CUTS, SCALDS, SORES, BURNS, ULCERS, WOUNDS, ERYSIPELAS. SKIN TROUBLES, ETC.. ETC. Price 35 Cents, AT OCALCRB ANO DRUGGISTS, Of tent in quantity of 3 or more packages to any address on receipt of money, by Winkelmann & Brown Drug Co. SOI.C PROPRIETORS, BALTIMORE, MO., U. 8. A. f"\ iAm TORS « '> * TE DISrKNSAItV. £) ~* r ' p --' r AV-. Af uFojRTMC: •jfflaM PirrSBUROK. PA AT forms of Del irate one! Com P Dbe;»s>o-4 reqitii uii»Con V ffijr M.. .STi4LanaSCIENT.F!CMctI h .ure treated at *ins Di: i «. » with a .are'y attaii»e<L I>r. b I. Ikt I '--- •r.mitN-r of tiic Itov-al toil* .golf Ha .»i'B <i:i(i Snrv,«> -1., f»m*. is the o! lest and most 1 nc i in »!..■*< itv feprr'al a # t'on given to>"V voiw lability i»ome v cenßlv c* fal r»xertW»iis?T» l.^'ret>«>n of youth, etc., caut •j physical unr- jientai •Icvny,la«-k of energy. l»o»* U'tsoy* eir : ii.joC' <»id Sores Fits j <i'lieuniaiimn, nn-iaii cli*-naeeof the Skin I ru»nrv« , v::jrca,tt('. Cci.swltatloi Mi I • : « ■.. I ■ .1 O'jCC hO(tl* 9t' . i 7 8 *!.; 2 t«) 4 rr. .nh . ] ait r\i '■ nr i. 1 , D!:<. f. \ICE- ■ <■ - A * KIJ ♦'i'lii i i»m*v.unirfjf9. CO 1 "B AXLE grease BEST 'X TtlE WORLD, Itsl wearinctiualitit-saro unsnrpoased, aotuallv Swlaitiqg two bun s- if a uy otber hraini. Not by heat. I iTCJKTTIIK «;k.NI INK. VOBBALE BY UENEKALLX. 'THB OITIZKIST. STILL THE CHAMPION. The Man From y»i— Ia Hard Ron, kit Win* In the Streteh. They had been telling stories, aDd the man from the north had listened attentive ly without betraying any desire to break In until they had made up their minds that he had never ohserved anything at all extraordinary in the whole course of his life. Then he suddenly spoke up. "Speaking of cold"— he liegan. Up to this time the weathor had not been discuss ed at all, but, of course, that is tbe usual way of starting a real good story In some parts of the country. "Speaking of cold," he repeated after a pause to make sure that he had not forgot ten the story, "when I wus up among the Eskimos I found that things froze so tignt and solid that it was customary to build fireplaces and stoves of snow and Ice." The man from Kansas breathed hurd. "Do you mean to say," he asked at last, "that you actually started fires in stoves and fireplaces made of snow?" "Certainly," replied the man from the north. "Now, do you knew. I never would have believed that if you hadn't told me?" said the man from Kansas. "I read about that in a newspaper a little while ago, and I said to myself that if I could only find out who wrote it I'd hire htm as press agent for a boom town, for I made up my mind he was surely one of the most artis tic liars that ever got the attention of a re porter, but if you assure me that you know of yourown knowledge that it is absolute ly true, why, that's different." The man from the north winced a little when the Kansan spoke of having seen the story in a newsjmper, but that was all. He insisted that there could bo no doubt as to the truth of It. "Why, I've actually seen them do it myself," he said. "You see, the snow freezes up so hard that the hottest kind of a fire won't begin to melt it under six months." "That settles it," returned the man from Kansas. "My last doubt is removed, and I want to say that it is the most re markable thing I ever heard of, with a single exception." "What's the exception?" asked the man from the north. "Why, out where I live In Kansas," ex plained the Kunsan, "It gets go hot during the month of August that we actually use Are for refrigerating purposes.'' It was decided without debate that the man from Kansas was still entitled to be known as champion.—Chicago Post. Reflection* of a Bachelor. Most people lose their way trying to cut across lots. Before she gets engaged every girl thinks she will keep her husband at arm's length. When you kiss some girls, you feel like going to get your mustache curled right away. Life was originally made all bitter, but the angels dropped a little sweetness In It for the children. An engagement is au agreement entered into by tbe rest of the town to discuss which of two people Is going to get the best of It. After tbe de-il had got JSve to eat the apple he gave her a clove to chew, so Adam wouldn't notice it on her breath. He was afraid Adam wouldn't notice It anyway, but ho knew the clove would make him mighty curious.—New York Press. _ Cruel. "I always keep my word." "Will nobody tako it?"— Pick Me Up. A Oreat Mental Effort. "You oawn't 'dry your tears,' don't you know," said Cholly, brightening visi bly as the idLa occurred to him. "When they're dry, they are not tears, don't you know! You should say, 'Dry your obeeks.' " And It so fatigued Cholly to think this out thut he was unable to suck the knob of bis eane for fully five minutes.—Chicago Tribune. In Alaska. An Atlanta man who is prospecting in the Alaskan goldflelds writes to a friend here: "I am in great need of a horse. We had two for dini.ir yesterday, but Lord knows where tho next will coipo from t My fine setter and two rat terriers wore barbecued on Sunday and brought S6O a pound."— Atlanta Constitution. Awaiting Developments. Fenshaw—l hear you are to wed Colonel Swinger, Mrs. Grasse. He's a noble fel low, every inch a soldier, born V) com mand ! Widow prasse—H'm! We'll see about th&.t, Mr. Fenshaw, we'll see about thai. —Boston Transcript The Retort Piquant. Mistress—Mary, have you got a young man in tbe kitchen? Cook (under notice to leave) —I have. An I consider a young man in the kitchen la a jolly sight better than an old man in the drarln room. So there!— Pick Me Up. Higher Aspiration*. "If you will be a good boy," said Mr. Uptodate, "I will take you to the circus." "I will consider the proposition," said Johnny, "if you will make it the roof gar den instead of the circus." —New York Sunday Journal. The Tenth Man. Mrs. Henpeck—Nine out of every ten people marry for money nowadays. Henpcck (unguardedly)— Well, If I were single again, money couldn't hire me to marry any one!— Nuggets. Ita Strong Point. "What is your idea of a good summer novel?" "It is a book that is too heavy to be held up when you lie on your back in a ham mock."—Chicago Record. Larceny. 'Tin now that the summer girl throws Back her head In astonishment's pose, And she cries: ''What is this? I've been robbed of a kiss. And it happened right under wy nose I'' —Washington Star. Hood's Sarsaparilla 1.1 a peculiar ined icine—peculiar because it permanently cures. The silence of the silver orators is be coming quite oppressive these days. It is in marked contrast with their chat er of a year ago. THE remedies put up !>> the I Cure U Co., L't'd., No., 106 Centre Ave., are first class, and give excellent satisfaction. Sold by every Druggist in Butler Coun ty. To say that a woman looks like ''a country school ma'am" is to be truly complimentary. HEADACHE Powders—lt you use any use a good one. Ask your Druggist lor Armstrong's 'I Cure U) Headache Pow ders. With the approach of fall the bicycle girls and the trees will reverse the pres ent order of things; the latter's limbs will be bare, whilst the former's will be covered HOOD'S <-ILLS euro Liver Ills, Bil iousness, Indigestion, Headache. Easy to take, oasv to operatn. 25c. Wheat is reported nervous, but the man who has a barn full of it to sell is not feeling that way. ARMSTRONG'S Little System Pills are fine. A true Liver I'll!.— 25c. □The 2-cer.t postage stamps are not to be changed to a green color. The recent International Postal Congress agreed on a color for stamps to be used by all nations, and the scheme requires our - cent stamp to remain of its pres ept tfolor, carmine. A Haunting Memory. "Pard," said Alosely Wraggs as toe two lounged up ia front of a druggist's show window, "I'll beta cold buckwheat ag'ln a last year's doughnut you don't know wot that thing Is that's a hangln up there.'' "I know wot It is as well as you do," scornfully answered Tuff old Knutt. "It's a hot water bottle. I laid down on a back porch In Milwaukee wunst an frroaned an let on like I had the ploorisy, an some durnod fool In the houso, 'stead o' glvln me a drink o' beer, brought me out one o' them things full o' hot water, an told me to put It ag'ln my chlst. I done It, an the stopper come out, ur the thing busted, ur somethln, an it"—here TulTold Knutt shuddered visibly—"lt give me the fust bath I'd had fur 19 year. Rookon I'd fur git wot it looked like? Yon go an soak yer old hood!" Chicago Tribune. Self Sacrifice. You, perhaps, have traveled on so crook ed a road that the rear car has been met by the engine, but probably no one else In Maine has had such another experience as a Rangely guide lately enjoyed. The guide, while working on a log drive, fell Into the water. Ho struggled at the bot tom for awhile and finally got up, and, grasping a big log, held on for life. The current was so swift that it carried his body under the log, and his feet stuck out of the water on the other side. Just, as a oomrade was about to grasp him by the shoulders he gasped, looked at his own feet pityingly and said to his rescuer: "Don't mind me. Save that fellow that's In head fret!"—Phillips (Me.) Phono graph. Their Fate. "Have pity! Do not pity me!" Implored the weeping peroxide heroine. The false whiskered villain steadily aimed his blank cartridged revolver at the maiden's heart and hissed: "I can't help it. People expect to get their money's worth, even if this act ts only a curtain raiser." He pulled the trigger, but as the proper ty man had forgotten to put in n ridge the fair maiden's life was spared. ev York Sunday World. WUlch? They were discussing the latest bit of gossip in connection with the old maid. "It's all true," explained one. "I saw the paper myself, and some one bad inserted an unauthorized notice of her marriage just for spite." "For spite?" repeated the other. "Certainly. What else could It be?" "Why, under the circumstances I should think It might be regarded as charity."— Chicago Post. Tbe Fatal Crash. "Judge, I jlst couldn't help it," was the explanation of Joey the butcher, who had violently, though hilariously, assault ed a mild and gonlle citizen. "What did he go and havo a suit of clothes made out of toweling fer if ho didn't want me to wipe up the face of the earth wid him?"— Cincinnati Enquire):. Too Much Draft. "They haw moved our choir to the oth er end of the church." "What's that for?" "Our clergyman is delicate, and he said he couldn't stand to have 12 girls fanning his bald spot all nt once."—Louisville Courler-Joucpvl To Be Farther Considered. Fenshaw —I hear you are to wed Colon*} Swinger, Mrs. Grasse. He'sn noble feljow. pvery Inch a soldier, born to command- Widow Grasse—H'mt We'll see about that, Mr. Fenshaw; we'll see about that. —Boston Transcript. Judicial Knowledge. "I understand that Judge Knewher granted Poordiok a divorce without hear ing any testimony." "Yes, he had once been tbe husband of Poordiok'* wife.' Hew York Sunday Journal. Save* the DUhea. Mrs. Puce—Mercy! You let your girl off every afternoon? Mrs. Mauve—Yes, and It it such a sav ing! The more she is away the fewer dishes she breaks.—Detroit Free Press. A Radical Change. He (meeting his last year's girl at tb« seaside) —You haven't changed much linoe we parted here last year. jahe (blushing)— Only my name.—Ke*» York Sundav Journal. The Mount Lebanon Shakers recently performed a preat deed of charity, ai though it was not designed as a char ity, being nothing more or less than an advertising scheme. It however result ed in much good just the same. Thev 'ave away 1,00() bottles of their Digest ive Cordial to those suffering from stom ach derangements. It was so eifeotivg iu curing those who used the remedy that they were loud in their praises of it and in eonse quence a large demand for the Cordial was at once created. The druggists of this town have little books that tell all about it. Digestive Cordial creates an appetite, aids digest ion and brings about a rapid increase in flesh and strength. Laxol is the name of a palatable Cas tor Oil. Just ti»e thing rot children Louisiana levee repairing enploys 13,000 men. Germany makes 2,000,000 false eyes annually. KEEP I Cure Uin the home. It is an nstant relief in case of sudden pain holera-Morbus. Croup. Sprains, Bruises, ctoothache &c—Ask your Druggist. The UnHfi States contains 150,00 C seamstresses. Birmingham, Eng.. makes 37,000,00u pins daily. Speer's Old Port Grape Wine from his Oporto Grape vineyards at Passaic, N. J., his Socialite Claret, vin. 1881, and his luseious Burgundy stand unri valled by any wines in the world, ially for invalids. The United States has 1,300 fruit and vegetable canneries. It is estimated that the wheat crop of Oklahoma this year will foot up to 15, 'IOO,OOO bushels. Wine for th«« Communion Tnbh*. Speer's unfermented grape juice pre served absolutely pure as it runs from the press without cooking or the addi tion of spirits or any substance in any f«nn whatever. It is preserved by pre cipitating and extracting the ferment or yeast principal by fumigation and electricity. The electric fan is taking a well earned rest. Uneasy lies the face that wears a drug store complexion. No man can make a fool of himself all the time. He has to sleep occasionly. This is a good time to lay in a supply of straw hats for next summer. To enjoy sausage all that is necessary | is faith, hope and charity; faith is the sausage, hope that it isn't your own dog, but if it is, charity enough to believe that the man did not know it. Many a fellow makes a big front without much backing. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in I to .$ days. Its action upon the system is remarkable aud mysterious. It removes at ouce the causes and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Kedic, and J. F. B-ilph Druggists Butler Apr 96 EYES EXAW.KbD HH ur CHARGE H L. Kiripatfick, Optician and Jewelei Nt*t to Court House liuMei, Late Cradnjte La I'ort Harolo'-ficl Institute AdvertUe in tho CiriZEH, • ONSIDER THE COST Supple the I building is 60x25x20 It will require to paint it, 14 gals, ready-mixed paint Or, four 25-lb. kegs of white lead. «,6.oo; five gals, pure linseed oil, 00; four cans tinting colors, 80 cts.; x / % pt japan dryer, 9 § 9 .0o—a saving of $8.50 in favor of W Pure White Lead without considering its greater durability. Examine the brand (see list). rnrr By win* VatkxuJ Lead CoPure White I>ad Tintm* O*- I fx r n ors - any detired shade it re add v obtai»ec* Pamt*r»iei Myb valuable information and card »ho« "mprt of co»ort f'te . ov—/ Vn *l*° cards ihowing pictures of twelve houses c { vlJlrren; teMgna p«ajted m ( 1 23 qVrxftjf/ V I various styles or combiAtuoa* o( shade* forwarded npoo application to those Sy unending to pamt NATIONAL LEAD & OIL CO. OF PENNSYLVANIA, German Nat. Bank Building, Pittsburgh. I*a. % " Vv.« 2. DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES." GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF S A POLIO' CATARRH LOCAL'D'I SEAS E U(L it the result of cold] and F(«R.COI.DL sudden climatic change:. PV'I?<RVTO| For your Protection fwicvt» ©3 M we positively state ttiat this 'ys remedy do« not contnin i mercury or acy uiiier .ujur -0y f s Cream Balm@siSfl la acknowlcdjed to be the most thironph cure for Nasal Catarrh, Cold in ltend and Hay frertr of all remedies. It opens and clcanaen the nasal passages, allays pain and inflammation, heals the ores, pro- I tects the membrane from colds, restores the senses of taste and smell. Price Site, ar Drmrpisuorhymail. ELY JJKOTH£HS, S« Warren street. New York. j VVhecicr Wiison; New ?.-> "• r'amily SO W J NP; Mac H INC. |• •- - \-- KiAary Moilca & Rat! Ee-r^ss I;\KE IT Easy Runn?ftg, Quiet, RAPID AND DURABLE. ; Sewing Machines for Family -L':U ractory use, FUF all grades Ot Ciolh and Leather. Speed and Durabiity. Factory and Head Office, Bridgeport, Connecticut, L'. S. A. FOR SALE BY BIEHL, j DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Sewing j Machines, Needles for all ' kinds of sewing maphines, | BO?S Washing Machines, 1 etc. N. MAIN ST. BUTLER ?PA. N. B.— Second-hand Sewing | Machines from $5.00 up. Sewing machines repaired. TIN WARE AND ROOFING A SPECIALTY. Do not \*E deceived by *Uartn* FTDVERTLGTMCOTTR 1 03 , think you can GET the I>«irt miufc, FTYEEFFCIIS ARL 2 MOST POPULAR SKWINC MACHiti* for A mere song. Bay from RELIABLE manufacturer* that have trained a reputation bjr hanfwt and »qu*r«? d *a!inir. There In nope in the world thai can •n mechanic*! construction, durability of a^rkizm • -"TS. fin- RU»« of DNISH, Ixjauty in I.A* .IV IIIIPROTCXUENTEA* the NEW HOMc VRITE FOR CIRCULARS. New Home Sevlng Machine Co. .••ou. Misa. Booroir, Xiu. aHno>l«luu.M.l i< -.no. 111. Br.Locn.Ma DILUS-TKUS. FiuJ'cuoo, CAL. ATLAUTA, (li. rOA *ALK AY J. B. McDEVITT DEALT-.- in S.WIDK MACHINES, Pianoi AND >RN»NS--!IERT door to Y. M. C. A- boila in»r— (ictlnr P». Ruy THE light-runmn*, NEW Home, SOWING machine, perfuot kifttisiaell.'N never e«ts out of order. , 3EANOR & NAGES Livery, Feed and Sale Stable REAR Op WJQ£ HOUSE, BL'TLKR, PA. TL.E best of horcoa I»ML first olaes rijfg always on hand and for hire. Best »CCIINI'IDA!I"NS in town for perma nent boarding ar.<L rrarii-ient. trade. Speci al EARN guaranteed. Stable room tor ti*ty-five lioisoa. A good clan* of hornet!, both drivers and Uialt horses always on band and for sale under a foil guarantee; and homes bought lpon proper notification bv SEANOR A NACE. Telephone, No 219. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insuraice Company Office cor. Main anil Cunninghau Sts. W U K Pro« «KO. KKTTKRKB. Vice PrM. L. N. HRJU.IHLL *W'[ anil IW DIRECTORS. Alfred W irk, Henderson Oliver. Or. W. Irvin. James Stephenson. •V. W. Hlackmore. N. WeUiel, F. Bowman, H. J- KlinKler, Geo. Ketterer, CVuis. Rebhun, Geo. Kenno. Jotm KoenU. LOYAL Agent A BRICK HOUSE. Pressed brick front, t o story aud mansard, large rooms, wide ball, ele gant cellar — rooms, lot 24 X LOO— louse oti rear of ot — brick, si* rooms. houses in good condition and occupied, within five uiinutes walk of Pittsburg Court House—value *7,500. VV'i'l trade fur faim in good loca.ion within 30 mt!' ■> Pittsburg, Px on or ueat Railroad—address The Butler Citfren. J WE ARE WITH THE PEOPLE. You never hear us complain of bus: ness being bad—we aim and succeed :n making it good, by f»ir and square trei.t --' tnent of all our custcjjieis. MBSO FAIR DEALINGS WIFWTO EVERYONE. If we say to you -,ir liquors Rtc s■: yeais old, we won't ..sk you to take o word for it—but put them »<< the to; •, ; you and your friemt' t<■ he the juii>: ; Pure liquors are healthful. ; Guaranteed pare 6 year old Whiskey either ' Guckeaheltner, Fiacii, Gibsjn. Overboil, Large, Mt Veraoo, $1 per full quart or 6 quarts for SS. Grandfather's Ch.'ic \V. i-kev, gu,-. anteed 3 years old, -2 pr jMli n On C. O. D. or m il oul. rs of *ir> . ■ j , over, we prepay all char c - ROBERT LEWIN & CO Importers atiil Wholesalers, 4)1 Wa«er St. Opposite 8. & 0. Depot, Telephone, 2179 S'itt bnrj>. P THE GREAT 30th DAY. FRENCH REMEDY produces the above results In 89 I acts powerfully anil quU'kiy Osiris whei. ! all i iKSt WUnhoou, unit old men will rei-over theii i youthful vigor t>y usln»r REVIVO. It quick - , ly and surely restores Nervousness, I.os. vitality, Lost Power, Failing Memory. Wast- I lng Disease, and all effects of excess and tn • discretion, which unfits one for study, busi- I ness or marriage, it not only CIRM bv | starting at tbe seat nf disease, but is e. j<rent , nerve tonic and blood builder bribing back t the pink slow to palf cUoeks and restoring the fire fc.l vuutb. It wards off Insanity and I Cob slim jit ion. Insist on having REVIVO, no other. It can be carried in vest poeket. by mail, SI.OO per package, or six for i">.oo, with ' a positive written guarantee to cure or re- I fund the money. Circular free. Addr ess ROYAL MEDItJINE CO., CHICAGO, ILL For Sale by REIHIIcK i OH< 'UM.VNN. J PENNYRUVAL PIUS I -JCN Oplfinat AB'J Crfji A j ' ,r c If ST "RulicJ Pt»r tuijiiv* "' ■ • r , w««rs , \ i? Mf.lL • „ *" • -• -i,on Kqoju--K ' »;ii v.a: T I"»- ! WRIGHTS® For all Biuous and N«RVO;TS I I ' DISXASXS. They pur'fy the fjfJftK M ■ | BLOOD and give HKALTHV W" g J| Kb; j action to the entire system. 9 B NBfßt9t« , Cura DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, I CONSTIPATION and PIMPLES. WHEAT. WHEAT 63 3-4 SI.OO ■ The fastest money maker iu the world j NOW IS THE TIM Iv) VUXE MONEY | If you have lost notu-y innke it i>a< now. F>on't Wait u.uii the chance t -1 gone. We are s > ••. 1- custom ; " We told y.i ... ; 1 :L' it . . I It has sli - Id " il.o"i Differenoe 36 i 4 cents, or $3,625.00 on 10.000 3ushe!s. SIOO.OO WOULD HAVE CARRiED i"H£ DEAL JUNE 26th we p wheat. We now 1 .25. Buy it <>i: the benefit of th< Always Oet Our AJ. ...4. Our . ard of ins:: .t . ' 11 ai.i ftpc vtiij' a<:ilieas All ba.aiiit а,.c subject to check. б, W. WYUECO,. Members of the Ohica;- j i;->.ird of Trade 17 ye.'rs Established 1836. Washington Seminary WASHINGTON PA. A Boarding aod Qa> Schoai io. flirts. vktUcge PTOparntory, Regular and Electlv* Courses. Music, Art ana Elcnutlon. 'ilst year opens SeptemlK'r 15th, I MRS. M. N. McMILLAN, Principal Hotel Willard. Reopened and rea ly for the accoraqiQiln. tion o{ the traveling public. Everything First-class. MRS MATTIE REIHISG, Owner BRICKER & VINROE. LIVERY FKKD AND ivxen ANGE STABLK First class rigs at reasonable rates Special Attention to lr«as!eut Custom. Barn in rear of Diamond St., I'.utler Pa People's Telephone, No. 44. J!. C. BRICKKK ) AND r Prop'rs. W. /. VINROR, J Gires a specialised BrcnrJ. v-inning* L ducat ion j roil C'ffCL P. DUFF & SOS'S. Li: ! :::h A.. i PITTS: UKO, V i j Sabcribe for tie Omni, D. *T. ftAPE, The Leading Millinery House of Butler Co- Will have a large and lieautiful line of Fall and Autumn Millinery. For The Teachers Institute and Butler Fair. ALL INVITED TO CALL. Main St. £) J. PAPE, Butler. Pa. FACTS ip- Of which our Butler county people are now aware, and whicn will save you money and get you much better article. F3Ct No 1 We have no salesman visiting you on given dales, and the ' * money saved for R. R. fares, traveling expenses and wages is given to you. Fact No 2 We carry the largest stock of Whiskies, Wines and liquors. . ' n Westgrn Penn'a., and are satisfied with small profits. We have been in business nearly thirty years, and need no raCt NO. 3 introduction. We dealt fairly with the public on the prin _______ ciple that pure, reliable whiskies, branc.ies, gins ami wines sold at a reasonable profit is the only way to succeed. I a ?l NO. 4. We pay expressage on all or !ers of five dollars and over. '"apf Nn R Our Hear Creek Rye Whiskey at fi.oo per quart, or 6 quarts 1 '*"* for $5.00, cannot be equaled in J.lie county for the money. 1 • aft Nn R * or *3- 00 we w ' ls sen( ' >' cu 8 gallon of Guckenheiiuer's. ! nil* "■ Pure Kve —4 years old—None better. Send for our dialogue and price list; muled free of CA|rp.\ act No. 7. and you can select what you need from a large of every known kind of liqror. We ship in p'aijk boxes— making no charge—r.nd will guarantee you satisfaction. MAX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquors, 82 Federal St Allegheny, Pa Ford City Pennsylvania. WHERE AND WHAT IS FORD CITV? FORD CITY IS A TOWN OWNED BY THE PITTSBURGH PLATE GLASS COMPANY.-- Situated on the Allegheny V alley Railroad and the Allegheny River, forty miles from Pittsburgh. It is not a new town in one sense, being seven years old ; but in the sense of a Business and Residence Town it is more than new, be cause there has never been a Lot or House sold in Ford City. There is now Only One Store of any kin !in Ford! City and there are over 3,000 people living there, awd at thickly settled and rich farming community surrounding it. WHAT MAKES FORD CITY? The Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company's fans-est works are there, employing 1,000 people, and when running full capacity this force will be almost doubled, bein< r the LARGEST PLATE GLASS WORKS IN THE WORLD. FORD CITY REAL ESTATE Lots and houses will be offered FOR SALE about Oc tober 1 st, 1597. Not One Lot has been sold and None will be sold until the opening day, to be announced in this paper, when You will have equal opportunity with all others to pur chase, build and operate a store, or own a dwelling, in what the present owners propose to make the MODEL TOWN of the ALLEGHENY VALLEY, HOW? By Sewering, Grading and Paving the and making wide Flagstone Sidewalks, which are already shaded by splendid trees. This work is nov\> under way and will be completed by present owners. Ford City has Water Works, Natural Gas and Electric Light.. Watch this paper for time of opening sale and come to Ford City. Judge for yourself whether it is not a good place; to do business, make your home, or invest for speculation. Price Ust and plan will be mailed on application. EDGAR M. MOORE, Re»l EtUt* Agent of rn __ I Tic Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. FORD CITY, PA. he Dew-York Weekly Tribune FOR EVERY member of EVERY family on EVERY farm, in 'EVERY village, in EVERY State or Trffftoij-. L 1 f®- — ; \ » FOR Education, FOR Noble Manhood, \ * FOR True Womanhood, Trn a " important news of the Nation » CiO a |j important news of the iVorld. TT (rl the most reliable market reports. V* I. V Cito b r j]ii an t and instructive editorials. T'F t.ascinating short stories. an >cexcel!e l agricultural department T r p Ttl V scientific and nn-chanical information.. * iu ustra t e< j fashion articles. yV QTV p Q humorous illustrations. VaJ. t LiO cn tertainm-jnt to young and old v TT PTVFS * satisfaction evcrywiiere to every body We furnish "The Citizen" and "N. Y. Weekly Tribune" FOR si.so PER YEAR. CASH IN ADVANCE. Address all orders to Tit cinm •Viite your name aud address on * postal c. rd, send it <o G*o. \V. Best. Tribuu«s Ml aiding. New York Citv, and a sairple copv of Thk New \ okk vvuri* •imunu w'U tie mailed to y»i> advertise in the CIfIZEJN.