BICKELS Fall and Winter Stock Arriving Daily. Oar large Fall and Winter stock ha- all arrive*!, and open and ready for you- inspection. Owing to the Large will sell yon good reliable footwear away down. In Men's Shoes ,h«. *»d extended heary hand sewed sole. Complete Stock of and youth's sizes. In Ladies Shoes -c b,« ~»y ~w p r uy «,tetojSEj*SSUS!SS3T JKUfSES ■ewed shoes-fine dongola-box dav shoes of all kinds, shoes—large assortment of Ladies and Misses evcrj nay Balance of our summer stock to be closed out regardless of cost as we need the 'Tlarge s'ock of slippers and oxford ties included in this great reduction sale. Three Large Sample Counters fifled with interesting bargains. Sole leather cnt to any amount you may wish to purchase. JOBNJiICKEL. 128 S. MAIN St. BUTLER, PA. ■ ■ i: "THE COMMERCIAL," j; 1 K. THORNBURG Prop'r., Evans City, Pa.^ ( > This popular house has just been entirely remodeled <j > and refurnisned. Kverything convenient, and guests <I ► . will always receive close attention. <. > Located near Postoffice and P.& VV. Depot. When < f in Evans City t->p at the Commercial. Hell Tele- ' phone No. 16. ; >OOOOOOQOOOCOOO< >OCQOOOOO<y Ford City Pennsylvania. WHERE AND WHAT IS FORD CITY? FORD CITY 15 A TOWN OWNED BY THE PITTSBURGH PLATE GLASS COMPANY, Situated on the Allegheny Valley Railroad and the Allegheny River, forty miles from Pittsburgh. It is not a new town in one sense, being seven years old ; but in the sense of a Business and Residence' Town it is more than new, be cause there has never been a Lot or House sold in Ford City. There is now Only One Store of any kin in Ford City and there are over 3,000 people living t . r- and a thickly settled and rich farming community surrounding it. WHAT MAKES FORD CITY? The Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company's largest works are there, employing 1,000 people, and when running full • ' r ?l 1 1 1 fl " FORD CITY REAL ESTATE Lots and houses will be offered FOR SALE about Oc tober Ist, 1897. Not One Lot has been sold and None will be sold until the opening day, to be announced in this paper, when You will have equal opportunity with all others to pur chase, build and operate a store, or own a dwelling, in what the present owners propose to make the MODLL 'I OWN of the ALLEGHENY VALLEY. HOW? By Sewering, Grading and Paving the Streets and making wide Flagstone Sidewalks, which are already shaded by splendid trees. This work is now under way and will be completed by present owners. Ford City has Water Works, Natural Gas and Electric Light. Watch this paper for time of opening sale and come to Ford City. Judge for yourself whether it is not a good place to do business, make your home, or invest for speculation. [ Price list and plan will be mailed on application. EDGAR M. MOORE, Real P.itate Agent of Pfil/H C.ITV I>A Tfea Pittsburgh Plate Ula*. Co. hUKU CM V * 1 1 ie9n Roughest Roads ( / J c ' boulevard beneath the springs of \ | N-». 2 Hoad Buggy- • / They are strong and iHrautiftil— t*ofl Of! ) \ The wise .nan's choice in ve- / / hifles 'lhey are at all dealers. / Made by THE FREDONIA MFG. CO., Youngstown, Ohio. \ WE ARE mmmm PfTJP LI-. Voo never hear tin complain of bum nen* beinj{ bad -we aim and luccced I making it '»y f«ir and square treat mcut of all our customer*. MOT-ro I' AIItI) KA 1,1 \(i unmrTO EVERY ONE If we say to you our liquor* arc *ij year* old, *e won't ask you to take oj word for it but put them to the t<-M you and your friend* to 1m: the judge Pure liquor* are healthful. Guaranteed purc;6 year old Whl.kcy elthei (iucktnbclmcr. Finch, <iib«un, Overboil, l-*r*e, Ml. Vernon, $i per full quart or 0 quart* for #5, Grandfather'* Choice WhUkey, ;»uar anlccd 3 year* old, I 2 jicr gallon. On C. O. I), or mail order* of fio or over, wc prepay all charger. ROBERT LEWIN & CO,, Importers, and Wholesaler*, 411 Wi'er SI. Oppoiite B. & 0. Depot* Telephone, 2179 PittKburg. Pa. I l d .«»• • fUlanw Rtuil rEWimOYAi. PIUS p K, •*%l«»ftl «n«t Mntjr iiruulnr. A. M&k W "V* «flir». u-r-,»t •»' /./it » '*• • ■' Sol tijibe for the Citi/kn, f | mKIIIAA.U !"tV Jlis ' A •>- -/fi, v * f ' !" ! IWJI1 WJI M;t ' i n, n.M h ( •" C "A/ il T " K ''"SAT :««», |IAV. FRENCH REMEDY l.rtxlor. „ (1,. i,lk)Vc r < ,1111, In :» |i ,r z:,rrVY, h \""" <y <»r.-,«i 1 .. 11 ir .»lt other* fall Omjiiit ii,< n will r< K alii tln lr t, -I. '»'•! old will r'Vov. r ttii-lr youthful vI K . r t, y KI.VIVO ll quirk c- Iy aii'l *or<-ly r.Hto>. , Ni-rvoum.. 1.., 1 vitality, l.ov l'ow« 1. 1 all 111- Memory,' Ha»t ■r !i';: "■ ' ,r " ! '•' • - ««•" I" «i-**r»'tloii. Willi-h untilHoil. for tmly. t,u-i IM»* .. r niarrtaifi |i n«,i only curi .hv il.irtillK ill 1t... " lit Of 111 . .1 .... I, J.. 1.. tofiic mid 1.1.,*! I.iillfl. r, lirlriiclnu t.a. k pink flow lo |.al. .|,...ks an.l i,„t.,i1,,i/ Hi. nr.- of voutli. It wariU >.tr li. mlty , ~,1 •• 1 oiMUti. tit lon In l.t on having l!l.\ IVo, no ' I I' <• ' f / | ||| . . I „I . 1 I; «I.W fM r "r for V. W, WtT. r pfvltltA written KuurtuiUu- to rur«* or r« i/i 1v 4 l f " ' Adilf , AJL MJ I»l< I\f < a,, i Hji'A f#J* i|, f ror Kali- »»y UKf)!>J< K A (;iron \j \s\ ' WRIGHT 8% Per all !;iuom »nrf Nitirvov-. ■■■■ ■ fl| |ji-r>*!'- Thrr pm'fy i*.r UM 9 f| |R ™ i. and (jive Inalthv I utrm to l!it tn:lre kytteni. | EblK^Qw Cure DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION and PIMPLES. 1 AGENTS i'- "™~™"7~77~r. 1 . r. J tie Arctic l< i Alachtuc |- Wanted an for liutlcr County alio ail cuuutie* in I'c iiiinylvaiiia Write la once lo O. i'korr.k, Mai* I'a. >' 11 If men would A. on'.v r aiize that ill - health robs // them not only Iff of life, but of " g * jjf J out' h cheerless bis eyes, it shuts out the light of good judgment, and looks bigger than life or death, or wife or child. The facts are that ill-health very soon puts a Stop to a man's money-making powers and turns them into money-losing dis abilities. ... , , When a man's digestion is out of order and his liver sluggish, his brain g- *.<- dull, his muscles «luggi-h. his blood impure and every organ in the body —brain, lungs, heart, stomach, liver and kidneys -becomes crippled. A man with a crippled lung liver, heart, brain or kidney, is a worse crippl- ten time? ever, than a man who is minus a leg or an arm. The man who is criopled ontside may live a long life but the man who is crippled inside is taking a short cut to the grave. Dr. Pierce s Goloen Med ical Discovery cures indigestion makes th' appetite keen, the liver active, the blood pure and every organ healthy and vigorous. It makes lood and builds fle'h up to the healthy ; ndard. Honest dealers don't recommen- substitutes. •• I wish >o sa v to those wno Buffer from kidney and bladder trouble— lake Dr ft. V Pierce GoU'n V'itcal Discoterr wr.t--<- Dr Anderson of Carthage Jasper Co Mo ' A patient of mir says it is w rth !y, per bottle to any one who l afflicted as he was Three bottles cured htm en tire! i-crfectly miserable he was, Ijcfore takine the .Jtsoovery' and now is on" of the happi' st men in this County. Prof Chreine would gladly sign this if he were in town He requested m< to write a testimonial and make it as strong c 'he English language couid matt tl " A S 1 5° home doctor book FREK. For a | .aper-covered copy Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad-. :ser send 7: one ce:. stamps, to cover ost of mailing on!, Cloth binding 10 cents extra. Address "Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. HUMPHREYS' No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worm 3. No. 3 " Infants' Diseases No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 8 " Neuraigia. No. 9 Cures Headache. No. IO " Dyspepsia. No. 1 i Delayed Periods, No. 12 " Leuchorrea. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. *3 Cures Rheumatism. No. 10 " Malaria. No. 20 " Whooping Cough No. 27 " Kidney Diseases No. 30 " Urinary Diseases No. 77 " Colds and Grip. Sold l.y Druggists, or unt prepaid on receipt of price, 25c., or s.f"r sl. DXT. HCMPHRETS' HOUEOPATHIC MINI'AI, op DISEASES MAILED FI.EE. Humphreys' Med. Co.» 111 William St.. H. Y« THE DANGER to which the Expectant Mother is exposed and the foreboding and dread with which she looks for ward to the hour of woman's severest trial is appreciated by but few. All effort ahould be made to smooth these rugged places in life's pathway for her, ere she presses to her bosom her babe. MOTHER'S FRIEND allays Nervousness, and so a ;:iists Nature that the change goes for ward in an manner, without such violent protest in the way of Nausea, Headache, Ktc. Gloomy forebodings yield to cheerful and hopeful anticipations—she passes through the ordeal quickly and nfj}hfn ' •* perform the high and holy duties now devolved upon her. Safety to life of both is assured by the use of " Mother's Friend," and the time of recovery shortened. "I know one lady, tie- mother of three children, who suffered greatly in the birth of each, who "blained a bottle of Mother's Friend' ol rue before her fourth confinement, and wa- relieved quickly and ca- ily. All ajjjree that their iabor wan -.horter and Ic-, painful." Jous G. Poliull, Macon, Oa. 91.00 PEB BOTTLE at all Ttrngßtoriu, or »«»nt by nxprtnn on riculpt of prlco. SOCKS ' ir r.i.. >iiiu IM'.. tt:„t rrrr inUtte&l V} Worrtfcli, Will b4 Mint to rntt any a»J'ircr.a application, by The BRAonr.LD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta. a«. || r ' . e's Nervi and Uop'd Restoralive. "i ; 1 i", failing cure for I ) of tho l/ifc- vc, Nervous an-J '.-nerativo A 1 uriic of r.irc •Bu ICT 'or il.c <«' i younjf and of marked ser rice for 3l ideati. Teachers, and all v/ho a. , engaged in lituui work ot dose occupations. CURES Depression, Tired Feelings, llervooess, Muscular ¥/ eakness. Loss ol Appetite, Palpitation ol Heart, Restlessness, Hysteria, M?rvo Weakness, General Discomfort, Excesses, Alchollsm, and thnt - -.ost Innumerable series ol di' . ;,.;<1 l ornplit atiorik resulting from a > '••rangement of the Nervou« Bystem. Invaluable for weak women and nervoi;'; children. Eri: fc .yctom, Cocclin Eour.r DSj! | U Norvo Good 7/ork, • Tonic. CONTAIN* HO OPI ATf • OR b«M(,IHOUI OftUOt TO MAKC A HABIT. 50 Cents per Bottle; If thr***- 1 ',!♦!' Se ordered at our time, a t opy ol Ori'»ic * .. hook will be Included /ice. f ' CCUIST* AND OCALCR* on o»n?'-? ru% on MCCfcirT or pricc 60 UNTI. Winkt..:. .in & Brown Drug Co. COIC MomiCTOMS, OALTIMORC, MO, U. 8. A. ' £~\ iJOCTOKS LAKiI rj*b M Tl'. DIstTNMIiV. /'Uy« <t P' i' A/i AMUFOUHTHOT. 'hPmt. p» r . ha ' Al' form -of f if i: ixi«| Coin • *oiri ith. rtAL Uh'l r.f II liyi 'l. ;i"i tr«-f'«•<! ,'iL 'hi»* I> '' '■ ','"v Uiiii « • jf i.r»?'y itli:ili."<i. I>i .h, H. !:'• <i |l* fulrff Of tlx »• lit, ,*iir»d HurpT,., I-J l"|jr ol Ji Ml and m«HH f' ' .srr,cJAU»# in .1. •»ity f*p«. t;,l «♦.- • iilt'.fi "j veilv.iir I)/-lit I ity r '»• • 'I»: *< rtion»; ri'i ioii ol yot.fli, «*t./*. f #;/m (/liyiicAl ftn'i /n I.liti d»" ny,|/u-k of « i.« r r :y. ■ ' i-»»i *nc:y, nr. ; Old -• !«• , fiitt, I'll' . l(WTiiHifit|«n. liridall .11 •- -iio«*«of tlit- Hi. in .•-.-I. i i r • iTrinflr i ■ :*'• • Miv « '/.»iH / 1« »i»i tl Oi j' c lii>iii» U li , t t'» . »'- M. . , 2 to -t i*. .ril i!! .'it f-niris or r.»i m ■ |> fr -. / •- i . ,A 1 1 *. N!>• < I I I-I • • I 1 '•, I • rnhi.-.?f GREasF ii; r Tin* worm* lt«Wf • , ' THIi,; KM i\K* IIX iifcALKia: THE OITIZKN Eye Sanitation. If one organ more than another in the human body should have all the Ijenetit. of prevention, it is the eye. and yet to what abuses do we not see it daily and hourly subjected, says the Independent. People will read while riding on jolting cars, they will read by a poor light, not reflecting how much wiser and pleasant er it is to pay money to the ga? man than to the oculist. There are many expedients that will help to pteserve the sight of workers who can have but littlttime to rest;by cl -ing the eyes fir a few moments, or by looking off at a distant object so as to change the focus completly. and thns resting those parts of the retina that have been in use con tinuously for a long time, much may be gained. Then when one feels that the -ight is failing, do not delay going to an oculist, and having him fnrnish yon with a formula for the glasses that your eves need, and at the same time secure the services of a good optician. T1 "mathematics of the eye" are very well understood now. and the law that will make the light enter the eye at just the antde to correct the aberration that age has made will give you great compfort. and do much to prolong the useful ae-s of your eyes. The-skillful way in which astigmatism andnear-sightdenes:- are now corrected is a matter to rejoice over. One person asks: "Is it not dreadful to see such nnmbers of young children going about the streets with glasses on'; Are everybody's eyes degen eratinjj " Not at all. The child who. fifty years ago. wonld have been unable to learn to read from «heer inability to see the letters, is now able to keep up with hi* follows, and escape the inevit able headache that comes from eye strain, simply because a well adjusted pair of glasses has been supplied to him. As to the carelessness of employers, in failing to provide a good light for men who write all day, and whose eyes must pay the penalty there is no greater field for the application of the Christian rule "Do unto others," etc., than here. . This is seen more often in the city than in the country: but even here, we should like to see the census of the men who have made it a matter of conscience to supply a perfect light for their clerks and other employes. Then, when you 1 learn that a cataract is foiming do not ' despair; in these days of advanced sur -5 gery they are removed with but little injury to the vision. Ti(?bt shoes, tight tJ collars and titrht waists are detrimental to eye sight, by causing undue pressure t mi the brain: but of all the destroyer; of this precious possession of perfeci " vision, veils are the worst. On < wealthy oculist, owning a fine citj . mansion, in talking with a friend, saw I a lady with a finely dotted veil pass I Said he: "Those are the things tha have built my house " Very lately th » following experiment was tried: ' "Dr. Casey A. Wood, of Chicago, se jected a dozen typical specimens of veil > and applied the ordinary tests of abilit t to rend while wearing them These test : showed that every description of vei ' affects more or less the ability to se : distinctly, both in the distance and nea ■it hand. The nost ObjMtiOuUt k:ii" 1.8 the dotted veil. Other things bein; equal, vision is interfered with in direc pro[iortion t<> the number of meshes t>e ' sejuare inch. The texture il.h vei plays an important part in the mattei W hen the sides of the mesh are single compact threads the eye is much lei I embarrassed than when double thread are employed. The least objectionabl | veil irt without dots, sprays or other fit ► ■ " r **- thread j Kye tioubles do not necessarily rosul from wearing veils, for the healthy ey is as able as any other part or the Uyl to resist the strain they ionpcsK. upon it lint weak eyes ar c nurt by thent am prudence should teach not to strtiii healthy eyes l'j<i much." Nothing Succeeds Like S.icccs> ihe suevv tj ,ii ibe Spe-er N. .J Win in producing an extra uuality o • 'rape brandy is marvelous They rel alone on the trrape for body arid davor and hence there is a wide wl growim uiriiiajKi loi thin l-'uu'iy whi'-h rival iheoM l>ran<isol Cognac, France. '•.(.thing ij. liner or rii-fi»-r than Spier old Climax Brandy and his oi.l port five to fifteen year-old. For table r. tueir Clarets, Kaufer.c, . Uurgundic ■ad f' yji! mi'iirpah .ed |' y i lie »lck room, hospital and Hacrainen ''■ l purpose their I'rif. imerited <ir.v>« June m recommended and used J>y hot I physicians mid divine npldby drim Klsts, H AH one n nit of the wheat movemenl the i„ titaud lor vt*uel room is so grea that the Lake n.t i rom (.'hicago to Bnf f ,1, 0 has l/ecu doubled /tj- made twoC(*nti per bunhel; and transportation is hard t< get, even at this rate-, lie ipiteall theor i.-s there* is no lack of money to mov« CTOpa, 'I be only trouble j-, t.„ |j„d enough cars and boats: flood's Hnrsapanlla is a peculiar antd Icine peculiar because it permanently cured. I he fifteen exmntries from which hint of dissatisfaction with our Tariff have come have sold us in the past decade *l worth of (foods, and bought from in only #t,<>r,u,22o,7HJr worth, a balance in their favor of $1, 7H4,TJ2,h41. ll is scwx-ly probably under these cir ciunsiances that thoy are i;oing to tak< tiny steps which will embarrass or com plicate commercial relations so advanta geous to them. 'i UK remedies put up by the 1 Cure I Co., L'l'd., No., i'A Centre Ave., an ■ W<l I,y every l)ruy if ., .1 ~, oun' IV. I he negroes of Nouth Carolina are en gaged m burying the devil. ' A monu ment of state jugs and broken pitch fork < would.wen, appropriate. 111 ■. A f >AC 11 Iv I'owdcr* fi you use any uv- d goo<l one. ,v»k your Druggist for Aniihtrong'h I Cure V) ileadaclie Pow der». So far no enterprising newspaper hat , thought toi«'iiil Hon .John .1 iugallh to . Boston to report John L. Sullivan's | M ayoralty campaign. | hOQj'Ci c; . ,v. ttM| lousne -.n, Inui;; jstion, Hoadacho. Ea«v to take, oaay to oporat*. 25c. It is estimated that the falling off from the average European crop this year will be Wheat, 80M,OOO t (JOO btihels rye, j.Vioo.uoo, potato* 1,000,000 in 10. Aunt ItiicluH-l'.H Hitlers. The undeniable fact that these Bitters are composed in the main of Speer s Wine, with Peruvian Bark, Snake Boot etc analyzed and recommitted to in valid- and the .Medical I'rofoHion, by the I.< .1 < m-mists in the L'nited Stat. M, can not fail in inspiring confidence m tbi -11 ■ i,| tljcne Malarial Bitters. I here are men on the way to the Klondike who have never felt them '. In eijjual 10 the' task of shoveling snow oil ten sijuare feet of sidewalk, Akilh 1 i'. >N(»'.i I.utle System Pills arc fine. A true Liver Pill. —2sc. Higli Hats iu Church. Franklin News. Recently we commended the decision of the ladies of Grace Methodist Episcopal church. Oil City, to discard hats and bonnets during church service, an idea which they gonght from the recent Epworth league convention at Toronto, where the new style met with universal favor with the thousands in attendance. Also! here comes a woman to the • 'Blizzard." and in the name of the great apastle to the Gentiles she serves an in junction. She quotes St. Paul in I. Corinthians, si. as follows: For if the woman l>e not covered let her alsj be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered. •'For a mm indeed ought not to cov er his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of man. " The Oil City lady adds: "It is an ad mirable style of custom for the theater or opera, but not for the worship of Al mighty God." Now we venture to raise our bowed head and speak out one feeble remark. The women of Corinth, on whose milli nery arrangements Paul animadverted, where of the sort that needed to keep well out of sight; in fact, an extinguish er who have been about the best cover ing for them. Read the epistles to that people and you 11 get some inkling of tie prevailing style of folks Moreover, the head covering worn by the women of Corinth was in the nature of a low cowl, veil turban. Snppose St. Paul could have sat behind a forest of nodding plumes, shimmering ribbons, dead birds, wings and tails, all piled on the heads of an audience of l!»th centu ry North America women does tin good lady in Oil City believe that the great Apostle would have commanded those American girls to remain covered with such a bewilderment of top dressing* Nay, nay. Pauline? He would have quoted that other Scripture. "Top not, come down." Furthermore, viewing the matter from a litth century outlook, is it a shame for a true, dignified woman to lje in the presence of that noble animal, man. minus her hat or her bonnet Per haps every bald-headed man is "The image and glory of God." and perhaps every woman is the only glory of such bald-headed, whopper jawed, web-foot ed, round-shouldered man. Perhaps; but we want to get the information from St. Paul, A. I). I*ll7, before we as sumo masculine airs on that proposition. Grape and liark Hitters (<•»' .Mil iaria. Every one knows the value of the grape as a luscious and healthfnl fruit Aunt Rai-hael's Malarial Bitters is the ultimate of the Grape Juice; in its prop erties, mildly diuretic, sudorific and tonic. More than seven eights is rti<- pure jnice of the grape, simply made hitter by Peruvian Bask Chamomile Flowers, Snake Root. Arc., and will cure Malaria Fever iI used as directed. In a trip ."out north" the othfcr day, we noticed on one <<f our !»est farms n '•flax patch." Such a thing is a rarity these days; yet we can remember when the half acre or so of Ha* v.un a:j mon as the. "potato patch." In those •lays we had flax pollings" m,d "scutchit'.;;.- ai|d in winter the woni<-n oM l»i. tmiisijliold would a jm.i mhii of the time spinning fk"~ j, m i l>y the following summer it vVai into linen for trousers, t. )We ] H some of the cloth w rtS ,' n ;ide' plitif.. and the esti* nice ' barred and striped. And how the stuff wonld war! We were iJiown the other day a most beau tirnl table cloth iiju-w*. j < rfVTr. a ' " si y of t% • cloths now purchas" din the stores. The material is line and the dtaign very pretty. Indiana Pa. Mis [ senger KI-.EP I Cure t' j u the home. It is an tx.s'nnt relief in cake of suiJden pain I liolera-Morbus, Croup, Sprains, Utilises, ] (.toothache &c Ask your J>raggist. We join with an exchange in its prcv test against the annoyance to Inwrv kecjors caused by the delivery <band | bills and circulars by han Wit door It s a |iestiferous «nj.->ancc for busy wives and servat'>« be rung up to receive an advertising dodger setting forth the nier'ts of -onieljody'". bowel wt t-Atru eradieator, or soap, or baking i«>wder. W llOn a person begins to grow tliin lu re is soniethtiig wrong. greater than the supply ami it is onlj a question of time when the end iiiast ci init io nine cases out of ten the trouble is with the digestive organs. If you cm, restore them to a healthy condition you will stop the waste, put wi new flesh and cause them to feel hotter in every way. The food they Will be digest ed and appropriated the needs of the system, and a normal apjietite will ap pear. Consumption frequently follow a wasting of bodily tissue because nearly all consumptive* have indigestion. The Shaker Digestive Cordial will restore th>- stomach to a healthful condition in a vast majority of cases. Get one of their l*<oks from your druggist and learn about this new and valuable remedy. When the children need Castor Oil give them Laxol, it is palatable While crossing the r<»'t<l to IwrAiw his neighbor's pajM-r, an Krie county, N, V., man was run over by a wagon and his doctor bill for repair was $l ">, and even then ho didn't get the *■ paper. The moral is obvious. If you do HomethiiiK >'•»" would 1 ik<- t<» see in tin- paper*, come in yad tell uk (i)>oat it If you ilo, *<>hif hint' you 'l"'' 1 t'i in tiiiuL <Viii t worry ri liohr if " Home one (•!,. --, tell uii about thnt. A prominent hi cycle inanufwrcnrv r re cully MtiiU'd Ihut the cli!iinle->. wheel will lie II feature next yiMir, Uut tint.* it will lM!«-X(ienHive, a nil will tr-'i. therefore, do away with the prcm-ut wheel. It i- coHtlier to nmkc thitri th© other wheel owiniifto the (terfection d< mamled in tin- adjilhl mefit of tin |jit ft.H pi iim to I minimize friction. KIIhUMATr.HU C.VUHD IN A IJAY. Cute" for K'neuiiiatitiii ami .>i-uralj<iu radically curc-H in ito day.*. I It-, ai tion upm tie- symini r remarkable ami myktcriouA. It remove* at once the Cnuw.'i ami the di*-a»e immediately din f.pj ear;., i In- hi st dose liclicfill; 7.S cent',. Sold by J. C. Kcrfic, and J. I'. Hilph Uutlcr Apr</> L C. WICK, 1)1'. A I,KM I.N Rough ' Worked Lumber Of am, kinds. I 'ours, Sasli, JSlitxls, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always in Stock. i.imi;, m\ir and pi.asthr Office op|x>«itc I'. Ik w. i icpot. BUTLER, PA, TAO N'T be penny wise and IEBV pound foolish by buym fir called White Lead, or other substitutes tor Pure White Lead. In painting, the cost ot labor ! so tar exceeds the ot mate rial that the best only should be used. The best is Pure White Lead (see list of brands which are # genuine) and Pure Linseed Oil. P »p» T— ■ jr*« I»y u.irß N vena! 1.e.-A Co 1 * ' T Cr>l hKhh c.r>. ui> >!.• :.:cd «*ia-:e - re:i-i. v !'• ris.i: - t giving 1 I\LL, valuabc..:r • i mau..n car: ■ j . t; also showing pictures of iwelvc houses ■ ■ i t .:r%.cri« natfited in NATIONAL LEAD & OIL CO. OF PENNSYLVANIA, German Nat. liank Duiiding, Pittsburgh, Pa. "A HAND SAW IS A GOOLJ THIIvC, BUT NOT TQ SHAVE WITH." SAPOLIO :s THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANI^q, CATARRH LOCAL* DISEASE and is the resu't nf coVs and Cefff? COlSw sudden cit—«-*• - .-» |y^>" '"r ?1 For your l'rotP< tinn ±,~M Me positively a':■"•? *' t • « -v- 1 ? -V remedy d- • n<t nHp . C -.y J£M uiercury or cicy oibcr j r- £9E Ely's Cream IP acknowledge*! to be i'c thorough cure for Nftftal Catarrh, Cold in JJ-ad find Hay Fever of all remedies. It open* a:. !c . iiiseathe r.iaal allays nain nr.a ii Mammal '- . heals the b r spftv, tects the membrane fr ;n co ls re*totea the bv? oftaste r.n-L smell. Pricet " '*~TtTlt" KLY 1SU('TU£:!:•:» - JV.. : i;. Vt rk. iVheeler & Wiison ficw f.c 9 I amily Vwi 8 y; Machine, r.. :sy v !otio« & Ball Bearings MAKE XT tasy R* 1 : !'T» Qtfiet, Rapid and Durable, Sewing Machines for Family ' actory u»c. for till grad . :Ct th atid iwflwr. Speed ~-.J Durahlity. [ r . !■". . y anj Head Onlcc, fcridgcpcrl, Connecticut. U, S. FOR SALE BY I BIEHL |DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Sewinj Machines, Needles for al kinds »>f sewing machines I Boss Washing Machines } etc. 1 N. MAIN ST. BUTLER ?PA. N. I!.-- -Second-hgiid Sew in J. Sewing machines repaired TIN WARE AND ROOFING A SPECIALTY. { / * ■ V '\ V'' ■ '• 7:. — zzr T MR' F ».<• |I Y RTLLTIRIN:* N»W# RH»" TT.F R** R T ULLIK V ». NO U *T TFC« B«HT RMMTO, LIN R.T FLNI*.' </.' R POPULAR BCV„'TNG MACHTUL ~ '£F. LINY FRORN MLIALILI* INAUUFADTIR S : *III' -I & REPUTATION |»Y HONEVT AMI " LINOIITILN »!»*• MORIIL 11> IT I #..N <-I JUL *1 ''••RI»TRUR*TLMI, DURABILITY I >IR • ' F«RIL TLI, B' M TY ITI AP|I«-«R»IT' ■ «N thH MIW HOMb FOR CIRCULARS. I ; 'RNO SOWING MACHINE CO. » T '"•LOWTIVAT.'.V. »:.Y; F. I.'.RR I, MO. LUMJJI/RI; .:. ■ Ari.AU£JL, Ca, RON SALI TSV J. B. MCONVI RR DCAL'-I IN SCWIR - MHI HI.. <•«, I'LAU »H AND 'TF IT N< XT '"O■>: ■» Y. 41. 0. A. I.UILD INI'-. L .I MER P.I. URN TLT> N<• # »"UIU ' ,■ ~ 081 NO, PI-RTI'I'T • ILIFLAOLIO'I J. UUR I'LIIM-11, NI-VER TROTT «>M OF ORDER. 3EANOK &NACES L.IVTRY, FEED AND SALE STABLE RKAR OI'WICK IIOTJKK, HITTI.HW,' PA TIN; ILANT OF LLOR««M MID LILDL. CLU, ,| ttHH HJ * AY- ON HAND MID FOR BINS. BENT 1111-OINODAII'-N* IN TOWN FI R PF.RIRI.V NI-NL. 110111-'IIJIK UI.IL M.III I«NT TRADE, NL C*RE (FTIAR «IITC<I«L HTAHLE ROOM LOR MXTY LIVE IIOIKRK. A KOOII CLTXH OF |]<>R-I' . BOTH TLRIRORT AND •LRNFT LIOR UN AL«-A> ON HAND ANIL FOR HHI* >WD«R I FULL RNITR.I, H < , NOD HORN . HOT T?HT •T|ION PROPOR NOTIFICATION BY SHANOII A NACFA RNLEPHI:D«, NO R;I!L BUTLTR COUNTY MUTUAL FIRE INSURA ICE COMP ANY OFFICE COR. MAIN AMI CTTIMINJ/LIAN A«, At.r. WICK I'RI-N. NKU. KR:I RKIIKL<, VTRE L«RN, I K. V< JL *K I *«. SN * J NRl<| FIT«T.», tmiKi TOHM. ALFRRHL WFI'K, LL«*RMLI RMI/) OLLTIR L>l W. IRVLN, .LIIIITT■«» ST. IT 1 I . RIM»I ■ • \ WT I»/< I. I ITOWFNINI, II J KLINUH-R » K« 11• •»• *R < L,;, I11»,* 'HI) KIIIIIO, JOHN I \ • 111 • LUYAL MCJUNKIN Anon t. A BRICK HOUSE. I'REMCCL I,RICK FRONT, TV.R> *T..RY AILL ] IN;TI<I, LNRX<- RUOMIT, VTNLI HALL ,|, KIIUT CCLLIII TIJJLIT RCXMIA, LOT J\ X KWM "II R«H -.1 ...I L.RICK, -.IX MMM FJOTLL JLOUDCK 111 JJIILXL < OLLFLILJ>,|| AT|( ] NIXUTJLOL, WITLIIII FIVE IUINTIU-» WALK OF PITTMMIRG I OAII HOA m -R«LA« #7,500. WI'L TRADE i,,r FARM IN K .MK| IUCUTION WITHIN YI MILL. . «»F I'LTUB-JRK, I*;. ON ILEAL JTAILROA'T- ADDRI IS THE BUTLRR CITIZEN. AFLVCRTIM) IN THO CITIZEN, MR IB IS THE rjaSE TO ti AcV «"n Your v.,lotiiir\i£ CLEANJ£JL> or D~¥ ED 11 you want and reliable cleaning or dyer; done, there i> just one place in. .own where you can gev it, and that is at il* BUTLfB iM IBfiftS 216 Center avenue. do fine work in out door Photographs. This is the. time of yiar to have .1 picture o: your house. Give us a trial. Agent to? tbe JUUKHOWU Slidici lilinu (Jo. —Ne w York. E. FISHES. & SON, 1 AT J. R. GR'EB S and kf Do N ilt Five. ', C . ; i / v !I J | • w ( / : > • J It's quite, .t prooiem to picas*; everyone's taste in any line you may select and particularly ol jewelry, silver novelties, cut gla. c s, etc., but I'm sure you wiil find what you want in my large stock r . t uiAi uriy com petition. 1 am making a spe. cialty of nobby and find Goods ant' want your trade. J E GRIEB 118 SOUTH WAIN ST WHEAT. WHEAT. 63 34 SI.OO The fasU-st money maker in the world. NOW IS Till; TIMH TO VUKH MONEY. If you have I>>Ht money mike it back now. Don't wait until the chance is If one. We are right •;,> are our customers. \W told you lo l.ny wheal ut li-l'i 11 bus hlm ' mil<l nt »l.'*>. Difference 36 1-4 cents, or 53.625.00 on IU.OOO Bushels. SIOO.OO WOULD HAVE CARRIED THE DEAL. JUNlw6th we predicted S > cents for wheat. We now believe it will Nell at /1.25. Iluy it on this break, and get the benefit of llic advance to come. Always Oct Our AdvLc Brfore Investing. Our 1 aril of in.-flruetioii.. and literature Hi nt free to any aiidrcv.. All balance* are aubject to check. G. W VVYLIE CO., '■ Members ot the Chicago Hoard <.f Trade 17 years. Established 1836. Washington Seminary WASHINGTON PA. A Hoarding unit l>a> School lor <iirl». < olli-y I'rfpnmUtry Ui-rul.irttml Klwllvni CourHCN. Ar'i uihl I*;I• »<*utW>n. 'Uni ytrfir opt riH Hfpt< riilM-r l."»lli. MRS. M. N. McMM.I AN. Principal. Hotel Willard, I I Kcopcned and rca ly I for the aCComtnoda tion of the traveling public. liverylhinß Fiist class. MBS MATTIK HKIHING, Owner , BRICKER & ViNROt. ; ItftVKMV i' 1.1'.1i AM) I'.KIUM.I, . .I'AIK.H first class rigs at reasonable rates Spciinl Attention to Tr/tn ienl Cll*lom. Hum m rear of Diamond St., I'utlcr I'a 11'o/jil ( Telephone, ,|.|. ill. C. HUH KI.K | and > l'rop're. W. /. VINKOK, i TO b/AH.KfcU FHtiK OF CHIHGE v > L. Kirkpatric V Optician and Jeweiei Nf*t to Court Jl<i'«» "u'lii. l«ate Givdnatc La I'ort. J' Institute Advertittois tllo CiTizE*. 1 O. T. PAPE, The Leading Nlillinery House of Butler Co. Will have a large and beautiful line of Fall and Autumn Millinery. For The Teachers institute and Butler Fair. ALL INVITED TO CALL. 122 S. Main St. [). J. PAPE, Butler. P.. ~FAU. MILLINERY! LATEST DESIGNS IN WALKING HATS AMD SAILORS. Our Ladies Trimmed Hats at SI.QB, $2.49 and $2.98, Aie the best and most stylish for the price ever sold in this city. Newest Styles of Neckwear and Gloves. NEW UNDERWEAR. NEW HOSIERY. MARKS,' 10S St., one door South of Butler Savings Hank FACTS I Of which our Butler county people are now aware, and whicn will save you money and get you much better article. W< £ . M ■« We have DO salesman v«siting you on given dales, and the I aCt Il0« l« money saved for R. R. faros, traveling expenses and wages *" ~ is given to you. « jy Q We carry the largest v -tock of \\ hisUies, \V iues and lirjuors ftlCl 110. L. in Western renn'a., and aie satisfied with small profits We have been in business nearly thirty years, and need no Fart Nr» *3 introduction. We dealt fairly with the public oil the prin r Ctbl lIU. O. c j,)j c that pure, reliable whiskies, brandies, gius and wines """—' ~~ """ ;,t a reasonable profit is the only way to succeed. Fact NO. 4. We pay expteasage on all orders of five dollars and over. , - p Our Bear Creek Rye Whiskey at SI.OO ptr quart, orf> quart" I aCt Il0« v.'. f tir &5.00, cannot be equaled in the county for the ivotiey. IT fIU d l'or $3.00 we will send yi u a gallon of GuckentaeiiHef s ■ aCt 11 Qr 0- l'ure Kye—4 years old—None better. Send for our catalogue and i>riee li*t; milled free of charge, Flf't Nn 7 and you can select what you need from a large assortment llUi ».. of c * ery j.„ own kind of iifjror. We ship in pain boxes - I making no charge -end will guarantee you satisfaction. MAX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquors, 82 Federal St Allegheny, Pa. SgT NINTH ANNUAL 18 » 7 -j w , ? jiPITYSBORr EXPOSITION! Jj Opens Sept. 1, Closes Oct. 16. 3 23jA.lSn>fS 3 paMfma^s^SK^. ■ THE ABOVE ARE AHOMGTHE MANY NTVV ATTR ACTIO (MS TH IS YEAR The New-York Weekly Tribune FOR f-.-..j EVKRY member of KVKRY family on KVKRY farm, in , t KVKRY village, in KVKRY State or Territory, v !«&—<©><&— net \ v X. * I'OR Kducation, \ \ FOR Noble Manhood, * 1* OR True Womanhood, IT (* I Y FJH *" IKVVS l! '"• Nation .ill important ne*vs of the World. IT (J1 VKS t,M !"" st n,iabll • »«>i»rkes. reports. brilliant and instructive editorials. J y fa .cinaliiij; short stories an ut excelled ajjriciiltuial department II (l J \ KS 1 ,lllt ' ~lrth anical int.jrmation. illustrated fashion articles, IT (j} I V'iiS ' uim ruus ''lustrations, i ri , cntrll ' l i nm -"t to young and old. II (* IV hS , . satisfaction everywhere to evcijbody- We furnish "The Citizen" and "N. V. Weekly Tribune" F : ok si.So Pf;R YIiAR. CASH IN ADV'ANOK. Addrrs* nil order* to ID! ClflSH A rit yiiur name nn.l mtdr. ji on a ]»o*Ul emd, M>nd it to (>o. W. Hcst, Tribune Uuilding, New Vork City, ami a aauiple copy of Tim NKW Y-JKK WHI KI V iKint'NK. will be mailed to you
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers