HUSELTONS SHOES * Has stood the tests for many years Thousands of People of Butler County Have used our goods and are satisfied "they like our method of doing busineas. ' what we say to them. "THEY KS'Off OUR STYLES" can be depended upon as being the latent, the cream of the market They know that our stock i« about twice as large to select from as any other shoe house in Butler. We Want You to Know T hat all summer shoes and low cuts are being sold at atxmt half price to clean up all summer stock. WE WANT YOT" TO KNOW our Kail Styles are now coming in and you can see them in "Boi Calf," "Crack-Proof Calf," "Tan Willow Calf, "French Enamel, "Dongola," "Oil Grain and Kangaroo Calf," on all the new lasts. WE WANT YOU TO KNOW that we sell Ladies Shoes .from 75c up to $4.00 That we sell Men's Shoes from 90c up to $5 00. You Are All Coming to the Butler Fair. And we want you to make this srore your head quarters; you are all welcome. Drop in and see our shoes and hear our methods of doing business Butte's Leading i> f IIITCCI TftN 0pp ' Shoo House • lIUOEL 1 UIl Hotel Lowry. BICKEL'S Fall and Winter Stock Arriving Daily. Our large Fall and Winter stock has all arrived, and open and ready for your inspection. Owing to the Large orde-s which we placed early with the manufacturers we are able to get lower price* atS abrtter assortment of boots and shoes than ever before, this means we will sell you good reliable footwear away down. In Men's Shoes -we have fine Patent Leathers-fine Calf and Kangaroo shoes in light and medium -olga we have Enamels, Calfskin and heavy Russia Calf singes in leather or linen lined—see our warranted waterproof shoes —a heavy buckskin shoe, leather lined extended heavy hand sewed sole. Complete Stock of handmade and eastern box toe boots and shoes in any thickness sole you may want. Several different styles of oil grain and kip boots and shoes in men s, boy s and youth's sizes. In Ladies Shoes wc have many new and pretty styles in hand-turned McKays and hand-weltrole •ewed shoes—fine dongola—box calfs—winter tans-enamels and patent leatner shoes— large assortment of Ladie's and Misses' every day shoes of all kinds. Balance of our summer stock to be closed out regardless of cost as we need the room. ... _ . A large stock of slippers and oxford ties included in this great reduction sale. Three Large Sample Counters filled with interesting bargains. Sole leather cut to any amount you may wish to purchase. JOHN BICKEL. 128 8, MAIN St. BUTLER, PA. • -THE GREAT gutler Fair Is only a few weeks distant, and of course everybody is going. What About That Old Buggy and harness of yours, are you going in it or don't you want a new one and go in style.' Now Is The Time To Get Ready. We have a large stock and prices .ire less than you can imagine. Probably Your Buggy Needs a New Top, we have them, 01 maybe a new set of wheels, don't get your old ones re paired, a new set wont cost you any* more. They are already tired. Then Tou Enow Your Harness Are Old And Unsafe, bring them in and have them overhauled or get a new set, we have all kinds and makes, and repair all kinds, and make all parts of harness and have them ready to sell, so you need not wait—or probably your family is too large for a buggy and some must stay at home Then Get a Surry Or Spring Wagon and all go comfortably together. We have 411 these things call and see them. YOURS TRULY, iIiST S. B. Martincourt & Co -128 East Jefferson street, Butler, Pa. "THE COMMERCIAL," j: |W. K. THORNBURG Prop'r., Evans City, | i ► This popular house has just been entirely remodeled < > < \ and refurnished. Everything convenient, and guests < < j will always receive close attention. ( Located near Postoffice und I\& VV. Depot. When , ( > in Evans City f>p at the Commercial. Bell Tele- SEANOR & MAGES Livery, Feed and Sale Stable REAR OF WICK HOUSK, BUTLER,PA. TLu beKt of t.nil tiut cla«H always on hand and for hire. Beet accomodation* in town fi r perma nent boarding and transient trade. Speci al oare guarinteed. Stable room tor tixty five iioitten A good cla«fi of horxeo, both driverx and Otalt horse* always on hand and (or gale under a foil gnar'antee; nnd horse* bonght ■jpon proper notification by HEAXOK &. iVACi:, Telephone, No 219. AGENTS - b 'R money-Red hot sel ler. The Arctic Refrigerating Machine —Wanted an agent for Butler Comity also all counties in Pennsylvania—Write at once to O. N. PROPER, Mars Ha. WRIGHT'S* For *!t Biuou« and NIRVOUS ■■■ ■ ■ FL| DISEASES. They purify the Ul ■ I BLOOD and give IIHALTHY I Q tctiwfa to the entire system. ■ ■ ■■■■Wf Cure HEADACHE, c OUST I PAT IOK ar d PIMPLES. P. '% DltmtWi 1 llranl ENNYROYAL PILLS Orlgifi«i Mil Oaly A m~ A i-.iaW#. lif's »•* m* Ufa: liiKi d <• ■id iu?t»lliov^«W 1 ' - -aio.l with bl»»« ribbon. Take lj * Tjl" 1 "Hhi r. uang*rrr.j »u' Hitu- ▼ 1 / ncl*ns tttut w%tr.iri./ri» At PruicKiata, or n*od I V Ja J"* PMlkulW*. ••"'lntADlal* *r.i \w* Ew " Kallef br ""• ■•••', rtltrn \ IT Ma.iL 1 *.Owfr *: , AaUiXZ*. . ' kHaaUrlMP' ' .rt vn''siuta. *, Iw.lftf.iif. /r-u.iau. rhLidi,pJ Subrribe for the CITIZEN. L > fy§( A mother .<£■ ' ,> ready to sacrifice her I ( -V^3bW self for her baby But v nature does not often ~ call for any «uch sacri fice. On the contrary nature calls upon iu:\ mother to carefully pro tect herself and in that way to protect her baby. During the critical period when a woman is looking forward to motherhood, the best protection «he can give to the tender little life which is depend ent upon her own. is to fortify her-elf with the health - bringing: " Favorite Prescrip tion " ptepared by Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel ind Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., and sold by all dealers in medicines. All the dangers of motherhood and most of its pains and discomfort- ar-.- entirely banished by the use of this rare ' Prescrip tion." .It gives elastic strength and true healthful vitality to the special organs and nerve - centres involved in motherhood. This healthful condition is transmitted to the baby both by the improved quality of the mother's secreted nourishment and by the child's increased constitutional vigor. It is a perfect health protector to them both. No other medicine was ever devised by an educated, scientific, physician for the express purpose of bringing health and strength to the special feminine organs. No other preparation ever accomplished this purpose so scientifically and effectually. A more particular description of its re markable properties with a full account of some surprising cures of female difficulties is given in one chapter of Dr. Pierce's great thousand page illustrated book, "The Peo ple's Common Sense Medical Adviser,'' which is sent free paper-bound for the mere cost of mailing: 21 one-cent stamps; or. cloth-bound, for v stamps. Address the Doctor as above. HUMPHREYS' y VETERINARY SPECIFICS 600 PAGE BOOK MAILED FREE. CONTENTS : Part I. —Diseases of Hoi*ses. Part II. —Diseases of Cattle. Part 111. —Diseases of Sheep. Part IV.—Diseases of Hogs. Part V.—Diseases of Dogs. Part Vl.—Diseases of Poultry. Same book in better binding 80 eta. HI aPllm W «ED. CO., Car. WUU.m * Jok. hu.. %•- Vork NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAL WEAKNESS and Prostration from Over work or other causes. HumphwyV Homeopnthic Specific No. 28, in use over4o years, the only successful remedy. SI Per vial,or 5 rials and large vial powder,for $5 SoM by Druggfata, or a«nt poat(*id on receipt of orlca. HUMPH KM V CO., Cor. ffOUa k lohaSta.. Sow THE INFLUENCE of the Mother shapes the course of unborn generations —goes sounding through all the ages and enters the confines of Eternity. With what care, there fore, should the Expectant Moth er be guarded, and hew great the effort be to ward off danger and make her life joyous and happy. MOTHER'S FRIEND made easy and the time of recovery short ened —many say " stronger after than before confinement." It in sures safety to life of both moth er and child. All who have used " Mother's Friend " say they will nev er be without it again. No other remedy robs confinement of its pain "A cuttomer whose wife used 'Mother's Friend.' gays that if alio had to go through the ordeal again, and there were but four bottles to be obtained, and tho cost was SIOO.OO per bottle, he would have them.'' UEO.LAVTOX, Dayton, Ohio Sent by express, on receiptor price. *I.OO PEE BOTTLE. Hook to " EXPECTANT MOTH ERS" mailed true upon application, containing valuable Information and voluntary tcsiiluaoiilalf. THE BRAOFIELD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA.GA SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PRUNELINE TRAOC-MARK REGISTERED. THE IDEAL LAXATIVE AND CURK FOR CONSTIPATION. AS PLEASANT AS HONEY AND SURE CURE'FOR Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Bilio'jsneu, Stomach Troubles, Bowel Disorders, Liver ;. - i3easea, Irregularity, Kidney Troubles, Headache, Fevers, Sick Stomach, Skin and Blood Disorders, Thick and Sallow Complexion, AND VCFTV MANY OTHER DISEASE* AND COMPLICATIONS DUE TO AN INACIIVC QTATE OP THE BOWELS. PRUNELINE is the safest and surest cathartic and aperient one can use. It thoroughly cleanses without griping', purifies the blood and removes all ■waste fro -.1 'lis system. It does away with Castor Oil, Salts, Blue Mass aud ell other nauseous purgatives. It tones and energizes all the great or f i;is of :he system. It is free from all 1 r My acting drugs, and is always £-.f . always ready, always ie'wt»lt r.rrr THE HEAD COO., THE FEET CD THE BOWELS OPEN. USING pnur:El-IR«E FOX THC JMN PURPON. PRUNELINE 13 THE PET.FECT FAMILY MEDICINE. COLO BY ALL OCALTKS, c-r on i cC4.ipt of 30 trnts to any address •X WV,-<- -in & Brown Drug Co. arte PROPRIETORS, C?' ;HE, MD., U. S. A. I C"X DOCTORS LAKH m PRI /TK DISPENSARY. Jn Ave. anu Fourth OT., I PITTSBURGH.. PA ' AH fornix of Delicate and Com - JPX.M plicated Diseasesrequilinn CON* tSI WJ FIPRXTIAL and SCIENTIFIC Mod icatn.i> arc treated nt this I>ir ifn-'ir; iMtfj a "irccM. nrrly attained. Dr. S. it. Lake!*" itiiriii'./CPol ti»C Iloyul I oil< I'liV .ii. ia.'B and Surm*>n:% pm* Is ti*n t»f i .f un>\ :.\|>«:rieire«l SPKOIAMS. m »I.o< tty Spoo'a! at entlon fjiven to Drbllltj i»*omercc:Biv »i»culitJe\erti<»n,l vl.wrctM»fi of youth,etc., faus inf physical an*4 iientu! decay,lwk of energy, lespou Icmcy. em ; at k>(.'» icer* Old Surc% Fits, I'iles. IfheuiuatiPm, and All the Skin. hioo<lsl. I rlnary Drgan Con*uitntlon *jre anil strirtiv omir.'U nil (I U«Uce UOUIP UU ; nti-l 1 to 8 1% M.; finnda* s 2 to 4 r. M. jnlt. i i ~ offlt .■ or id i » DRS. I S ! B. pi *P. KN'N A 1 K C r i CDilCli AXLE rnflalf GREASE BKST '.M TIIK VVOHI.p. 1 ItßWonrirurqualitl.-siirpur.flirpaißw] ®r,tually •utla»tiu< two Uixen'.f a, iy other t»r.ui<l. Not •ffectvd by tieat trtißT TUK CKNUINK, 1 FOB BALE WV DEALKBB 3ENLKALLK. THii CITIZKIS I»oktur." The country doctor gets some queer letters from his patients. The following are literal copies of genuine letters: The tuan who wrote the following had evidently been trying to cure him self before applying to the doctor. He wrote: "Will you be kind to send ine some thing to ease a very sad pain in my in side, for I have suffered since yesterday afternoon and uiy head is much swell ed. I have took brandv and whiskey and several other things but nothing don t give me no relief." The latter part of the next letter re minds one of the lines in "Macbeth." "If 'twere done when 'tis done, then twere well 'twere done quickly." "Mrs. Stone wants your opinion im mediately as to whether anything can be done for him by sending him away for change of air. She would be glad if anything could be done, to have it done if you thought it could be done, because she has to attend to hei hay soon." A more cheerful l.vdy was the new ly-made widow who wrote: "Dear Doctor—l have the sad news to have the pleasure to inform you by few lines that you needn't come no more. My poor husband is dead. He went off as easy as a glove."—New York Journal. Kugiisli sis Spoken. " Oh! tailor, press my suit to day," The young man cried in sorrow: " Because my girl expects that I Will press my suit tomorrow." " These clothss I wear are thin and old. And scarcely worth a hooter. And such a suitor as 1 am I'm sure would never snit her. '' " Of course," the tailor said with glee. When seen the young man's sorrow: " My lawyer has yonr lust year's bills. He'll press the suit to-morrow." X. V. Board of Health on Willi'. Dr. James of the New York hoard of health says: "I take great pleasure in testifying to the superior qualities of the Port Wine produced by Alfred Speer of New Jersey After a prolonged trial I reconi mend it as a superior wine for the sick and debilitated." It is kept in casks to a great age before bottling and though higher in price is far superior and more reliable than other wines. The Philadelphia Ledger is authority for the following, (l it -1 Altoona:" The Pennsylvania railroad is building at its Juniata shops in this city a t;igantie 9(J ton freight engine, which will have double the capacity of the standard freight engine now in use. It will carry 210 pounds of steam. In connect ion with 100,000 pound cars it will haul ore from the lakes to Pittsburg over the Erie & Pitt3durg road in competition with the Carnegie line. The train will be equipped with an air brake and will carry no crew, the whole duty of man aging the train devolving on the engi neer. When the big engine, with its specially constructed train of caas, be gins to run on the Erie & Pittsburg road, therate on ore will be reduced to 25 cents a ton. The Carnegie road now charges 40 cents a ton. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a peculiar med icine peculiar because it permanently cures. Aromatic spirits of ammonia is a stimulant and anti-spasmodic and de serves to be wider known and more freely used in certain cases instead of brandy, whiskey, etc. It is prescribed by physicians for flatulent colic, ner vous debility, and for sick headache. The dose is thirly drops in a wine-glass of water. There is practically no dan ger, of acquiring a taste for alcoholic liquors from is use. There is far less danger, in fact, of acquiring the liquor habet from its use than from the use of ginger, red pepper and other commonly used remedies. THE remedies put up by the I Cure U Co., L't'd., No., 106 Centre Ave., are first class, and give excellent satisfaction. Sold by every Druggist in Butler Coun ty- —A man out west recently received a letter from a friend who is in the Klondyke region. It advises him not t) start at present, and says: every t xiug is staked out here from the sea t) the top of the mountains, and everybody wants to sell. There'are more liars here to the square foot than in the infernal regions." An act likely to give satisfaction was approved by the Governor on May 19th last. It provides punisnment for break ing into or entering a schoolhonse or committing any sort of trespass or in jury to school property of any descrip tion The punishment is a fine not ex ceeding SIOO, or imprisonment not ex ceading six months; either or both at the dessretion of the court. HOOD'O cure Liver t!ts, <3il lojsness, Indigestion, Ke' tlache. Ensv to toko, oasy to oparati. 25c. Certain of the New York bankers and brokers send out weekly bulletin* giving their customers pointers on stock speculation and advice as to buying. This is a successful means of luring the lambs to make the trip to Easy street via Wall street. A big Wall street house recently received the following letter from a country plunger: "Dear Sir I have been on the right side of the market, according to your circulars, for six months and the mortgage on the farm is growing Inclosed please find my check for so much, for which you will please buy me something on the wrong side." HEADACHE Powders—lf-you use any use a good one. Ask your Druggist lor Armstrong's (I Cure l T ) Headache Pow ders, The Ohio law requiring horse shoei* to undergo an examination as to their fitness and capability as a pre requisite to continuing the business went into effect last Wednesday. The examina tious nib t-i ijy "i.iitiut.tod l«y tliw Stat>- Board of Horseshoers, who will issue certificates to those passing the required test. All apprentices will hereafter Ite required to attend a special course of lectnres on anatomy of horses' feet before presenting themselves for examation. Aunt Hncliat-I's Hitters. The undeniable fact that these Bitters are composed in the main of Speer's Wine, with Peruvian Bark, Snake Root, | etc analyzed and recommened to in valids Ann tb;: Medical Piotesli.n, hy ihu best Chemists in the United States, oan not fail in inspiring confidence in the use of these Malarial Bitters. Sweet home—A bee-hive. Marine art—Steamers drawing water. j Mock auction The place where the ' bnyttr is sold, | "This beatu me," as the eg»; ed, when it saw the spoon. Once in a minute, twice in a moment, once In a man's liie'r—Thn l«tt«v M PwUgogic (irtule-Cp ii» Kaii*a>.' Aliliene < Kan ) Reflector. | It is understood that Superintendent Stryker. in t.rder to "grade up the teachers, has prepared an entirely new set of questions for the next examina ' tion. Among them are these You can frequently see a white horse: why do why do you never see a white colt? Why does a horse eat grass backward and a cow forward? Why does a hop vine wind one way and a bean vine another"" Explain fully. Why does a horse tethered with a rope always unravel it, while a cow I twists it in knots? What is the length of a flour barrel? | What animals have no upper teeth and why? Why did Abdul Hamid delay accept ance of the proffered mediation of the Powers? After the Omaha platform, what is the greatest American document writ ten since the Declaration of Inde pendence? Give a historical fact of the following great men: Win. Stryker. G. Wash ington. Wm. Shakespear. Jerry Simp son, Napoleon At its last session the Pennsylvania Legislature passed a law for the protec tion of the fruit interests of the State. It is a law against infectious disease among fruit trees, and directed against 'such affections as peach yellows, pear blight and the black knot among plums, also the peach rosette or any contagious disease among cherry trees. In each township or borough there will be a board to see that the provisions of the law are executed, in case the owner of the infected fruit or fruit trees has not the sense and public spirit to destroy such trees or fruit himself. It is ex pected that the law will in time stamp out peach yellows, black knot and pear blight in the State. No matter how insignificant a man may be there is a girl somewhere in the world who will consider him distin guished looking. September heat is peculiarly trying to animals. Don't overdrive your horses in such !»<( degree weather as we have been having. KEEP I Cure I* in the home. It i-> an nstant relief in ease of sudden pain holera-Morhus, Croup, Sprains, Bruises, ctoothache S:c—Ask your uruggist. Doctor: My good woman does your son always stutter? Mother: Not always, sir—only when he attempts to talk. Medical examiner: Have there ever been any symptoms of insanity in your family t Applicant for insurance: Yes, sir—er that is my sister once refused a man worth half a millon. People who pay big interest—Those who borrow trouble. The cleverest thing imaginable An accomplished fact. A rough estimate Guessing at the number engaged in a street brawl. ARMSTRONG'S Little System Pills are fine. A true Liver fill.—25c. No, Maude, dear, oyster pattie i not an ish Irdish. The latest march is called "The Klon dyke." It is full of minors. Now the poor sparrow, mistaken for the reed bird, gets it in the neck. Klondyko is an Indian name and means "plenty of tish." The many United States Klondyke gold mining companies advertising to sell shares know ihat there are pleanty of suck ers in this country. What use is there in eating when food does yon no good— in fact, when it does yon more harm then good, for Mich is the case if it is not digested? If you have a loathing for food there is no use of forcing it down, for it will not be digested. You must restore the digestive organs to their natural strength and cause the food to be digest ed, when an appetite will come, and with it a relish for food. The tired, languid feeling will give place to vigor and energy; then you will put flesh on your bones and become strong. The Shakers Digestive Cordial as made by the Mount Lebanon Shakers contains food already digested and is a digester of foods as well. Its action is prompt and its effects permanent. Doctors prescribe Laxol because it has all the virtues of Castor Oil and is pala table. "What lfiade the mule kick you'/" they asked of a gentleman who had been seut Hying through the roof of a bam. And he answered: "Do you think I was fool enough to go back and ask him'.'" Teacher: Why was George Washing ton a great manV Tommy: Because we don't have 110 school on his birthday. Someone remarks that "solitude is well enough until yon want to borrow something." He, reading paper: Here's a note about an accident at White's house. The servant put some"gunpowder in the fire ajid she was blown through the roof. She, sympathetically: Poor Mrs. White has so much trouble with her girls! They ax*e always leaving her without giving notice. Wife: John, I suppose yon have s inie money saved up haven't yon? John: Not a traction. Wife; Why, John! It's a year since you stopped drinking, and you have worked like a slave every day since. John: That's true Wife: Where in your money, then? John: The money I saved by swear ing off I had to lend to old friends who didn't swear off. UtRKU IN A tWV. 'Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in I to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the causes and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly t>enefits 75 oeu's. Sold by J. C. L.etl t c, J. i ; , liilph tiruiifcists flutler Apr 96 ~L. C. WICK, Dkalkk in Hough £ Worked Lumber Of ai, 1, Kmns. I>oors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Alwa/s in Stock. LIME, HUR AND PLASTER Office opposite I'. & W. Depot. BUTLER, PA, M. C. WAGNER. ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER 139 South Main street- Ov«r Sbaul 4 Nsst'g gothloj Stqrs . ■■ 1 ■ is no getting away X from the fact that Pure White Lead (see list of" brands which arc genuine) and Pure Lin «seed Oil make the best paint. A chip, chalk or scale off, but will W outwear any ot the mixtures offered as substitutes. It is, thcrc #fore, bv tar the most economical. r*r\p f— * By UiiHg Na*. : :C< . I : »-• - ? * I\. valuable information and ai . >:> also card* showing pictures of twelve hou»e* I oft . : various styles or combinations of shades forwarded l, S3 intending to (taint. NATIONAL LEAD & OIL CO. OF PKX N German Xat. Bank Building, Pitt .. . . 'A tiAND SAW IS A GOOD THiNG. LJ . i-iw SHAVE WITH." SAPOLIO IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. The Wise Grocer. Will try to induce his customers to bny the very best gro ceries in the market, because by so doing h-i makes a sale that will give satisfaction, and it is the i an', s.i fied customer who builils up the gt ioor'- busim >. -e v(o ft* have some of the very best goods obtainable which we sell as close as any house in the county. Leave '.our order and we guarantee satisfaction. The Butler Produce Co., C L MOORE. Prop'r 130 VV. Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. IF YOU GET iT AT THE BUTLER PRODUCE T S FRESH. —~\ Jll A Pleasure Drive 1 ( : is not a pleasure drive unless the butigv I 1 is luxurious and easy running. ( ' >0.2 HoaJ Buggy. ' i Fredonia Buggies | ) are the kind for your pleasure drives. They have the strength I to last. Your dealer sells them. Insist that he sell them to you. 1 | Made by THE FREDONIA MFG. CO., Youngstown, Ohio ; p 7 ; .•* ' I .5 gjJWJ §"■ ' ■ 11/'-l 1 /' - IPITTSBORG EXPO? Opens Sept. 1 5 Closes Oct. 16. 3 FAMOUS BANDS f 3 SOUSA3- I Brooke;i! I M&mm 1 THE ABOVE APE AMOMGTHE MANY Nft«V ATTRACTtC 1 v < CATARRH LOCAL* DISEASE and is the result of colds and Cimj-.-COlOl sudden climatic Chan, :s. For your Protection £hay fever (fba we positively slate that V< s Bt. reimdy 4oes 1 Hi mercury or uny other injur- Eiy's Cream BdaiHsliS Is acknowledged to !>e the most cure for Nanal CaUrrn,Co;d in liead snd iiay Fever of all remedies. It open* and e'ean-e« the na?»al pasaapet, allays i»ain aria inflammation, hcnlg the snrep, pro tects the membrane from » restores the h«-i • •» of taste and smell. l*r:r«* v»r. at PniL'-i-fa or l»v mail. KLY 6-; Warren street, yew York. WE ARE WITH THE PEOPLE. You never hear us complain of busi ness being bail —we aim and succeed tn making it good, by fair and square treat ment of all our customers. I air dealings . 1, TO EVERY ONE- If we say to you our liquors are six years old, we won't ask you to take our word for it -but put them to the test, you and your friends to be the judge. Pure liquors are healthful G:;argi<fck,(J y*ar old Whiskey either (juckvnhuimcr, Pinch, fiibson, Overholt, large, Ml. Vernon, f 1 per full quart or 6 quarts for ss, Grandfather's Choice Whiskey, guar anteed 3 years old, $2 per gallon On C. n . T\ or i-.ajl orders of flO or Qvtr, we prepay all charges. ROBERT LEWIN & CO,, Importers and Wholesalers, ill Wi'er St. Opposite B. & 0. Depot Telephone, 2179 Pittsburg, Pa. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insuraice Company Office cor. Main and Sts. At.r. HlCk. fr.,s. HKO. KKTTKKKK. Vice Pres. L. S. ItrJV.Mtl.t. Sce'r met Trn>. DIRECTORS. Alfred Wick, Henderson Oliver. t»r W. Irvln. James Stephenson. ■V. \V. Jltackruore. V Weltzet. I". Bowman. 11. J. Kllntcler. (ieo. Ketterer, I'has. Kelilitin, Geo. Kenno, John Koenlit. LOYAL McJUNKIN Agent. RE VIVO RE TO ES Vitality ikt i'A\ m fct -IK. ° f MC TIIK GREAT aotli PAY. FRENCH REMEDY produces tin* above results in day* It acts uowcrfully und quickly. Cuns when all others fall, young men Will regain their hist manhood, and old men will recover tlielr voutlifm vigor by uslnir liKVIVo. |» thick ly and surelv ie>toi« . -u- • vitality Lei t*OiTer iailinj M -in >ry. W;isl ..m Dinense, mid all rflVrts <»f oxetand in dKertt lon, which unfits one for study, husl in-ss or marrlajre. it not only cures by starting at tin* scat of dlst-Hsr. hut Is ;i great nerve tonic and blood builder. bringin/ .<> ttie pink glow to pale chocks ".n,i t .-storfng the fire or youth. It w"lnsanity aiui t'onsunintion. ! %i»r l. « v lug y £ VIA '' 110 ofbof I l run bo carried in ves« i MM kct Uv U»aii:sl (w per or s| x for &.vo. with a|xisltl\«» writtt*ii miarantCf to cure or rc f. u1, 5 Circular trw Address lun AL MEDICINE «'<)., (HK At.o ILL. I or >ule by KKI>I>RK A <;»{<»!! M \ W Established 1836. Washington Seminary WASHINGTON PA. A Boardin; and Uay School for Girls, nv I'repuratory, Regular ami F.lertlve t'ourses. Music, Art iunl F.lih'ul lon. (list year opens September latli. MRS. M. N. McMillan, PriocipaS. Hotel Wiilard. Reopened and rea ly for the accommoda tion of the traveling public. Everything Hirst class. MRS. MATTIE REIHING, OTO A BRICK HOUSE. Pressed brick front, t-vo story and mansard, large rooms, wide hall, ele gant cellar —eight rooms, lot 24 X 100 house on rear of lot—brick, si\ rooms. Both houses in good condition and occupied, within five minutes walk of Pittsburg Court House—value *7,500. Will trade for farm in good location within 30 miles of Pittsburg, I'.i :.•> near Railroad—addref The Butiit Citizen (iOOD FARM TOR SALE. The Ford farm in I' in- si t , e 1 ! Milh-rstown is (Of • gooil condition. l*or iu<juite all this office i3~ nrl Npe, The Leading Millinery House of Butler Co- Will lia\e a large anil beautiful line of Fall and Autumn Millinery. For The Teachers Institute and Butler Fair. ALL INVITED TO CALL. 122 S. Main St. [) J PAPE, Pa. FALL MILLINERY! LATEST DESIGNS IN WALKING HATS AND SAILORS. Our Ladies Trimmed Hats at $1.98, $2.49 and $2.98, Aie the best and most stylish for the price ever sold in this city. Newest Styles of Neckwear and Gloves. NEW UNDERWEAR. NEW HOSIERY. MARKS; 10S S. Main St., one door South «f Butler Savings Hank. | I tuality /fkPower.l ! Hitch your j® & But be sure I business If II it's in a | works to a H M Fahys Gold= y I good watch. |'| jfl( filled Case, jj; And that you buy it from j> E. GRIEB, JEWELER, 139 N. MAIN STREET, liL'TLER, PA. Ford City Pennsylvania. WHERE AND WHAT IS FORD CITY? FORD CITY IS A TOWN OWNED BY THE PITTSBURGH PLATE GLASS COMPANY, Situated on the Allegheny Valley Railroad and the Alleg V i en y River, forty miles from Pittsburgh. It is not a new f , o wn in one sense, being seven years old; but in the v scn s e of a Business and Residence Town it is more tb' jn new ], e . cause there has never been a Lot or HouS'_. so ] f ] j n Ford City. There is now Only One Store ofl ; n jr or( j City and there are over 3.000 peopU | ivin t ' and a thickly settled and rich farming comr. n , n j ty surrounding it. WHAT MAKES FORD CITY? The Pittsburgh Place Olass Company's largest *v<>rks are thcie, employing 1 i oc,o people, and when running u l ' lls be almost doubled, being the LARGESI PLATE QLASS WORKS IN THE WORLD. FORD CITY REAL ESTATE j Lots and houses will be offered FOR SALE about Oc tober Ist, 1897. Not One Lot has been sold and None will be sold until the opening day, to be announced in this paper,, when You will havo equal opportunity with all others to pur • chase, build anu operate a store, or own a dwelling, in what: the present owners propose to make the MODEL TOWN of the ALLEGHENY VALLEY. HOW ? I By Sewering, Grading and Paving the Streets and making wide Flagstone Sidewalks, which are already shaded by splendid trees. I his work is now under way and will be completed by present owners. Ford City has Water VYos«ks, Natural Gas and Electric Light.. 1» this paper for time of opening sale and come l urd City. Judge for yours. It whether it is not a good place: to do business, make your home, or invest for speculation. Price list and plan will be mailed on application. EDGAR M. MOORE, deal l!*tatc Atfcnt of The Pittsburgh Plate Olass Co. FORD CITY, PA. The New-York Weekly Tribune FOR EVERY member of EVERY family on ajSjyfo/'"*' EVERY farm, in EVERY village, in A■ EVER\ State >,*r Teirftorj\ ( \ FOR Education, * \ FOR Noble Manho,»U. N» FOR True Womanhood, T'l'' (t! VF a '' > m P urtanl new-, of the Nation. all important news of the iVorld. T r P Ctl Y F the most reliable market reports. brilliant and instructive editorials. T r r fascinating short stories. an ucexcelled agricultural ile* jjrfnientf TT fi IY FS scientific and mechanical i ,,forma*Hrva. illustrated fashion articles, jrp Qj Y r fi;S humorous illustration-",, entertainment to y oun jr antl ld IT GIVES . , 1 every wn ere to everybody We furnish "The Citizen" and "N. Y. Weekly Tribune" FOR PER YEAR. CASH I\ ADVANCE. Address all orders to HE CM A riU our name aud address on * postal card, send it ro Geo. W. Best, Tribune Building, New York City, aud a sample copv of Thk New Vork Wkkkit I bibi.'nk will b* tuailcil to yov
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers