Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 02, 1897, Image 1

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    VOL.* xxxiv
1897. FALL AMMCEKEHT. 1897.
We take pleasure in announcing that we have airealy recei"e<l our first shipment
of new Fall Dress Goods, new Fsll Styles in Fancy Silks, and also the tact that
our order* were all placed before the new tariff became a law. We have our
Winter Wraps, Blankets and Yarns and Woolen Ores', Goods. Styles and quality
guaranteed at lower prices than ever.
Attention, Teachers, and also Visitors to the Butler County
We invite you to make our store your visiting place whilst attending the
Teachers* Institute and the Fair. You will receive a cordial welcjin.- and have
JhK opportunity to inspect one of the finest, most carefully selected up-to-dote
stock of Goods, Wraps, Millinery and Ladies' Tailor-made Suits ever brought
to Butler,
25c All-Wool Novelty Dress Goods 36-inch, value 39c
yjc •• •• " " " 40-inch, " 75c
All-Wool Country Blankets in pla : .n white, scarlet
and plaid, at $ 2 49 to $8 00 per pair.
69c New Fall styles in Fancy Silks value 85c
75C " *' 00
Speca forbids our mention of all the money-saving bargains that await you her
Come in and see for yourself.
Mrs. J E Zimmerman i
I C. F. T. Rape & Bro., 1
122 S. MAIN ST., BUTLER. PA, g|
|n This means the Lowest Prices for WATCHES, CLOCKS,
Offered to the Public.
1 53.00 buy* a Good'; $4.00 buys llani<Jeiß 011 $ll.OO "'Uysa lailies 2c,y\
jlWntch, nio\enient ma movement, wit
\ tby Elg in Watch Co.,withsbest Silvcrine iwith movement made by.' 1
'■ fSi 1 vertne cate j lease. yElgiti Wntcli Co.
1; It 3i '
]| $14.50 buys a gents~.[ $2.35 buv» a.i 8 da)s i lie best Alarm
Ul4 k, 20 year case, withi iclock, with ajartr.— made
| [Hamden or Elgin move-'[or oak finish. Formers for
\ [ment ; (4.00. x 65 Cts.
** % ■jMx-WrrtXrW.'-- - /r'rJt-JfrJfi
jjfc All Goods are Warranted to be just as we say they are,
MxtJitxssss m - ■
ffeo n n I G. F. KECK.
P 142 North Main St., Butler. Pa.
.# When ne make you a garment or a suit
—you nniy be sure that every st'tch in it
' in perfectly made. Our e*|>e<:ial pride is
in the quality of our tailoring, we pay high
wages and employ first-clnM tnilorn, so we
fy'.. Mt tbe hightst grade of garments ami you
' rf- know our prices are lower than others,
and we keep the largest stock of goods to
select from. Call and examine for yotir-
self, FITS aiAKANTEF.O, n-mi-itibir the
G F KECK Merchant Tailor-
Ul 1 ■ ilfc-wllj I42 N.MAINST„ BUTLER. PA.
Tailor, Matter and Gents Furnishing Goods.
Summer heat makes the problem of lookingfdressy and keepitigVool a hard one
Hut we've solved it; and for once economy, comfort and fashion go hand in bauii
Our summer suits are finer in fabric, nobbier in pattern and more stylihh in cut
han ever before, they fit your curves and yet they're not sweat hath outfits, 'flu
prices may surprise you.
J. S. YOUNG, Tailor.
101 S. MAIN St., • - . lIUTLER, I'A
For your prescription don't fall lo look (
over our line of perfumes, we have re- /
eel veil some very fine ones lately, and fj,' f. r
will lie pleased to have you examine 1 '&"*!&>) V/<2
We also have a very la. nvwir".ni< nl
of tooth brushes made expressly for us v j'>,
wbi' h t>ear our stamp, these brushes - ''l A'
we gusrantee and request the return of
any that prove unsatisfactory. —~
Yon may need something for your _
chapped hands and face, and if so we -'/fll
recommend Cvdoninm Cream as a fine ~ JS
toilet preparation.
V. r,. «v L. i:. it. K.
Schedule of l' -=engf-r Trains in effect
May *>, IBW . I itler time
Trains leave ihitlef as follows. < >Q
nennt Lak" I'xpres.' 7:2-i a m.. Erie
Mail 9:55 a. in. and Greenville Aecom
aodati :. 5: ( m Trains arriv. -
follows: C'once.iut Lake Express
p. m.. Erie Hail 2:99 p. ra. tad Green
ville Accommodation 9:20 a. m.
fiMinnl Laki Kipw lamat 738
a. in. and arrive ar !) "i sp. in.
Train leaving at 7ma ken connec
tion with Erie Ry. at Shenango. west:
train leaving at 9: >5 makes connection
with N. V &: P. at Mercer and with
Erie at Hhenanj. •. east: train leaving at
SMH makes connection with X V. &P.
at Mercer, north and south.
Ticket Agent
* Rjhßws} Schedule ol Pas- |
server Trains in effect May i 6,
I»« |jart. A litre. I
- VM :
Allegheny ''Vlyvr" 8 1"' ''i "
N A ..-J: \ "lull !;•*! "»li | .j M '• i •
Akruu M*il * V» am * «« v.'i
AlleghenJ A««- 'tuiMidatiofl I l ' ,J 1 " »*
Eipr»** •* (k ' '"•* 4 "
A1!..r1,.„> -H-.r' V" .;
< li|. *g., K\| r 'W »
Al|.»li<-I.V Mail '• *' " *">
Albgbeny -n»r " lt! "
Bill mi I Am HMMM ■> «► " « "j
Limit»i • 4n " "
K.*t,.. sad IVa.ll.ird Ml ® *- 1 M '*® W
(lari- :, A imi»i i - 1 : i <r m ■' •> • a.JI
Foxlmrp 7 M * *'•
AI1*KII«-I» i.\|n«a S 1 5 A.S 332 14
AI: . '• 1 1 ■ M
.V ■■ < >. mm -hri- !i Hl',*.* 7 iri
i |.|. ■ I' " J "
MwalHMift<tka« m :; l-n j.. m. Mb
rl>Mr comic li'iu at KvLanr !-r I» "" Allegheny
Valley By.
t'H titrinitft, li ic.-:- t..a1l I' iin tlie WTI, ii..rt,c
w,.»„r*.tiili».-t to
A. U. < HOI Oil, Aleut,
B. li KEY NOLI# --i fi. Ii i i'i.
A. C. 1* A AIU-gJ'M'J, f».
Pr.nNiiXVAiilA "*;!
■oon. —waa i'Avs
5:. .M. A M. K I "
n run. v *ooit M Zas ... |
s-<..i!,nr. \l. ■ .A KZkliaX ■'•••' • - I
iii.ti. i J ;27 ■ i- -'t -• I
■MI Jin.. Hon : . I it 17 a2A
*»•«.!- , : I
iltg'laj'- '' •'
• 1 -• ' ■ "■ '■ - T
ttui|M))urg h'* '■* :11 1 ' r ' I '
All'flw-u) - 27 'J I; i
A. M \.M. M.|i 'I | i "<l
aVXMt TKAJ T. ■ Bml-r t.i Atk«h.
City anil prltui]«U in'' . at 7: .< a. I.i
anil a.'»' p. m.
JfOBTII. / Wi.l.K l)A Vr
•i A. >i \.:.i i'. it . v
Mlcgli. io < i'l . 7 I'l V '■> II 2'. 2 1
Ml.un»t,nf* , 7 II 9 la It .s7 •: •« ...
(|: .. • ' ... '< ll' II I • •; 1-1 ...
Sun . . '•» 30 II '• " ' .7
Ta«-. li. ..... . T.A it 12 '» '• I
Half'..." 7 ..'I '' II 12 I.: i I
But! -I' «■•>.. '7 4i., !. ,V. 12 2.S 1 ' 7 <».
BnOal Jun tj.,. 7M] •» 12 2.'. IW7 if
■axiitil iirg « lii(li> UIS 4!il 4 M 7 24
111 i 1.1 I: i I'' i 17 ''
\M.A. M .I'. M jl». M.if *!
siMi.vv TUIKI Umi Ui|t«VCttf fcrßw
l«r Hud |«Hnd[«l initiate KtMiioim at a. M. h»kl
|». hi.
«Hk liAti I'll: Till. KAST. V.Mt. luih
I' M. A.M.I P. M. I'. M.
2 3ft II 2-1 Iv 111 TIM *' .... I I"
:i 7 27 ai Butli-r Jimillun I* . 1-2'.
:: :n< 7 4fi IT 811111 JII Mi ion »i » "12 <-
3 :i'i 7 l'i ar Kn <-|«irt I* s 2* 12 m>
:i 3!i 7 ft-l " All. -li. ih -linn Hun " » -I 12 HI
aM■' I lil.ur* " #»II «
4 ifi a 211 " i'n■!lt.ii» i \i«.llo) " 7 .VI 11 ■■■■l
4 « r,I •• St;!i ■ vi. - 7:n 11 i •
ft l». !l 22 " lllair.nl!.. " 7"i 10 4»i
.'i I". II ,ii " lll.firi.vill.. 111 !'• r-«'t I'.n ." ft 2 ! i 10 I '
hMI tl t',l " Alt,. • .... M <«'
Imi :; 1(1 llatrl.i.i • .... 3in
4 m f. 21 rinU.Miii.il •' .... II 2<i
P. M. I'. M IA. M.I'M
On Slllrlay, llaiii I'.it* int'lliitl.T 7 a in, «. »li !».-■ I»
1.. i llarrlnlaiiif, Ml -na ...I l'l ilail'.||.liia
Tliri.nirli trail,. I. ■ till ~;wl Irani- l'it!nl>ilri( (I lliun
Station), an f.,llnw 4:
Atlanti. Uipri'M, .tally, :v:m a *
I'm nnylTa nia I.i in! t. -1 " 7:lft
liar l.»|.r,—, " 7:31) "
Main 1.1111. K»tiri*, " MM "
HIMAMaCqna, " • • •* ■
Kaati-ni Kx|ireaa, " 7:ll'i
rmum. " H;| " "
I'lilla.l a Mail, Sinnln.VH only H •'» v.r4
Mrtiil Mmri n, tHw AM K. Watt.r..--
\irt VaHn DMriet, Quiiw nH ttMMiaßMtt
fl..|i| Stri-. t, I'lttMl.iiiK. I'a
I.i n. r.l Manager (ii-n l IS.—l A in-lit.
\ r '
I j ■
The Place to Buy
G;\S l'i.'i'' i<S A,\i> MX
TURKS, lio r., HATIi TUBS,
improved -im gas
107 Er st Joflcison St.
v - 4
c £
E/ \
'" V
Price coinpJctc with By-
Pass and Gla::a Chimney $2 CO
With Mica Chimney $2.25.
Geo, W. Whi'ehill,
HKFKJUI r*. l.nxMl I rufiM'H,
Sim ! inn I?'»xarnl Hurplun l*<iiuiflu
l loiih
Thr )»« -,i w <t<h itt the lovovt 11 *i ••
James B. Murphy,
Mcrcvii si., W • I nd. Hut Ir. I'u.
N«-ir Kufn« r« r'^^r^w'fy
Liver Ills
Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headacae, c... ti
fation. seur stomach, indigestion are
cured by Hood's Pills. They do :lieir work
ySa " | ! n
ISe>t after dinner pills. W** aS |
■■ ■ ■
Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., I.owell. Mass.
Tiit onU' Pill to take with Food's Sarsapar'Ha.
Tliin 1» Your Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps,
a generous sample will be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay lever C ure
fEly's Cream Bai.u snfticient to demon
strate tbe merits of the rciiifcdy.
56 Warren St, Sew York City.
P.ev John Reid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont.,
recommended Ely's Cream lialm to me. I
can emphasize his statement, ' "lt is a posi
tive cure for catarrh if used as directed."
Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres.
Church, Helena ; Mont.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug Price, 00 cents.
Road and Bridge Reports
N<>ti<*e is her«'l«y irlven that tl.<- following:
mud :iwl bridges Imvo been confirmed »i>i
by the Court and will i>e presented 011 the
tir-.t Saturday of Sept. < onrt. 1* «7. In-inff the
II day of • rtiif month, and if no exceptions
are filed they W'll be* on firmed absolutely.
It. li. NO. 1, Junes -s-ion. !W7. In re peti
tion of citizens of Washington township and
vicinity forucountv bridge over the south
branch of Slipperyroek i*reek at :l point on
tie road leading from the North WarOiinirtou
and Suubury road to Moniteau and t'oai
town, In safd towmtlilp. between Iftodi «•:
Meals heirs and Win. Martin and i rank
Milliard. March 3d. M<7. viewers appointed
by the court, and .fune 7. l*.n. rejiort of
viewers Hied stating that tin* propos -i
bridge is necessary and tha* the itrn will
require more expense t naa it is rear*.'inable
the town-.liip of Washington should bear
and loeate the bite th« i«. of where towiish',
nrid'_'«* now stands, anil that no eliange i
- ry i.. the »>«-• I of the t>»ib!i<- io:if|.
:'t< to i tile »: v 'urt and be ialu »•
fore tie L rand Jury at next term.
U. D No. 2. June vssion, ls»7. In re peti
• ♦<♦»»! of eltizcn* of i oiM'ord township and
I . . iriity. to vacate, change and supply a pa? t
| i>f tin* Concord and McfJrath 'fill r«»:td,
which lies between a point at or near the
j old coal bank, opeuinc -out l i of the hoii'-.e ol
joint T. Wi 'k f to a point at or near the in
t.-r t ion of the ItoyrMown road will! IU e
I Concord and M< Crai.» Mill road north of
I -*M«I house, distant < O' about twenty rod .
M:»p*ii Itii. IS'.IT, viewers appointed by lie
I'lillli, June 7. -HI. , of »iewers li'
I ed, lallng that tin proposed change i»
| necessary, and have surveyed a road be
tween the points named. No damages as
sessed. June 12, I h '>7. approved, and fix
width of road at :« feet; notice to l»e given
according to rules of < ourt.
BY THE < 'ot'KT
K. I>. No. June v ssion. |su7. In re peti
tion of I'll I/ens of i entre lownship for a
nubli. toad oeginniug at a point ««»i the pub
lic r« •;?I leading from the Butler and New
I'astle road lot tie old .Mercer road at the in
ter < I ion of the land ,of Sarah J. Johnston
and N.C. Stephenson and extending thence
to a point on the public road leading fr«>,u
the village of I'liionvilh* to Kalston s Mill,
lit or near the house of Samuel McKay, in
aid township. March, *. lsW, viewer-* ap
pointed by the court, and May I »7. r
port of vi< wers filed, slating that the prob
ov-d road is n« and have survey* i
a road bet ween the points named, the pro
bable cost of making *aid road, three bun
dle<J dollars, to l>e oorne by the township,
i:,', dai iages atMeiuied to Hamu< I McKay,
litie. II dollar-: to Alexander lire.-. ,ter. . ..
each to lie paid b;, tin count v
June YZ, I*o7, approved, and fix width of
road at .'w feet; notice lo be given according
to rul« of Court. BY Thk Cot'HT.
it. J>. No. I, June session. 1 v *7. hi re peti
tion of clll/ens of Forward and Fen II town
ships for a public road in-ginning at nolnt on
the Three degree road in Forward town
ship, on the line bet ween the lands of
< iiarh-t Coiiaby and Mrs. Caroline liet»er
\ ling, running thence to a point on tln
Itrownsdale ami Ciade Mill road in I'eiin
township, oil line of lands of J. A Hart''.ell
; and v. g. Wetbh . Api II 12, i ... i leu ers ap
pointed by the ( ourt, and June 0, i •. i
port of vh '■»• i s filed, -latin - that tin p,,f
j>osed road Is necessary, and have surveyed
a road between the points named, probahh
cost of making said road, atxmtonc hundred
dollars, to be lioruc by the township. Ihim
• ages assessed to W. S. Weihle, i«• 11 dollars, lo
l»e paid by the county. June VZ, iHtff, ap
i proved, and tlx width of road :tt -tJ feet;
notice- to be given according to rules of
court. BY THIS cotriiT,
If. l>. No. June se, ,Jon, Ht»7. I irepetl
i tion of citizens of I'arker township for a
county bridge over Hear creek, at the place
where' the public road leading from Martliis
i burg to I'arKer *it y crosses tin- said creek
April 12, lsW7, viewers appointed by the
court, and June 7, l - *.»7, report of viewers fi I -
ed, dating that tlie propo-.ed bridge is nec
essary and will require more expense than
it Is reasonable that the township of I'ari.ej
should bear, and locate the site thereof
where iln township bridge now stands; no
change is necessary In the bed of the public
load. June 12, approved .iotlcc »o !*•
given according to rules of court, and 'H
laid b« for« Jury at next t< rm
liv Tin. < oner.
It. I» No. 0, June se -lon, In n peti
tion or citizen* of hlngton township for
a county bridge over the middle branch of
Hlpneryrock creek*, when ■ public road
leaning from Wont Hun bury to r armington
c r<i-, • s said creek. In Washington township,
1,, r ft |,• v tone mines %piil t4 Iw,
vie wers ed by the court. and June
7. i-'.»7. report of filed itatlng
thai the propos€*d bridge i. n unary, inn
will rennfre more expense than It Is n-a . u
able that the township of Washiugtoii
ihou)d bear, and locate tin )•< thereof
where tlie township bridi N landv and
uo change I H necessary in the bed of the
pnblh* road. Jtißt 12 iWi approved •»
tlci- iii in- given ac ordlug te iiib-s of court
and to l.e laid ln-f »re tie grand Jury at net
i I'. v I n i ( Ol H i
I'. I» No J. Jum si", -iofi, 1 .'e In r* pell
Hon of citizens of But ler town ship for a pub
ljc road to bad from l ast Jeti'»-r-.on treet
« tension to the But icr and MUler-town
ro;id near the Butler Chen ilea I v,"iU Ma
"A, 1 •'.»"<. vie ,'. • r-. .i i|)olntcd by the court; and
June 7| UW7, report of viewers filed, staj>»g
I ' t i!i< pi'ofiosed road i an
J have f»ur»eyed a road U 'tri 'II tin point
amedj I lie prob«bb cost of making said
* J '»a*J. C! ■*'. to IM Iniriie by the said township
' '.uiiage-. in t he sum <»f fifty dollar-. a*s« -. ,e»|
#He v. Win. While 8 tate June 12, l'-ii7, ap
proved. and llx width of road at Jl feet. No
( iice to be given according to rub >of court.
BY THE i "ot;ici
i: i) • . M i b Mi i •• In n petl
llon of citizens of l orward Uiwusldp for re
view of road In l orward and I'enu town
ships from a point on the I'etersvllle and
' Browiisdab toad ii or mai tin • < unty
bridge In forward township to a point on
the Meridian road at Renfrew, In I'cnn
township. April I'.!, I .«. viewei , appointed
by the court, and June x, f *ll7. report o/
viewers fib-d, stating that the proposed road
Is necessary and have surveyed a road be
tween the nolnt s named, the probable cost,
AHIHI, to Is* IMlwe by the township. Ihiuia
ge , assessed to < a" per No|'.hi-1 m. thirty five
dollar >, to be paid i»y the county June I '.I,
|si*7. approved, and llx wldthoi road at -li
feet; notice to be given according lo i ule, of
court. BY 'I HE Cot'HT.
Certified from the records this 4th day of
tug, liftt I • \ M Ml M
t "lerk H. t 'ourt.
Widows' Appraisements.
The following widow's apliralsnii'iits of
n««is«mal property and real e .tnfe set apart
for Ihe benelit of the widows of decedents
have IM-CII filed In the ofllci of thef'lerk
of 1 )rphans Court of But h-r Co . viz:
Widow of Charles L. Ilrackney fym im
James (in ill N 1 00
M. H. Forrester i
I, I*, tianter 2im nil
Hiunuel (•raharn sen M*
« N Brown 990 00
(ieorge Itohll :. M .n K.i
Nicholas Kuaujr m is
William l.ardln (real) UH) 00
All persons Interested In the alsive un
iii aslement wll I take notice that they will
! I»e presented for con firm at ion to t he Orphan
• < ourt of Butler count y. Pa . on Sat n rday, tin
IMb day of Sept..A f>., IMU7, and If no ex
I centlons be fib d they will lie confirmed ah
I solutely.
ISA AC MF.ALH, < h-rk (>. <\
Hotel Willard.
Reopened and rca ly
for the accommoda
tion of the traveliii}'
livery tiling f-irst-class.
Subscribe tor ihu OITUKN
I believe that the last story that I
told you, my friends, was alxrut how I
received at the bidding of the emperor
the cross for valor which I had. if I
may be allowed to say so. so long de
served. Here upon the lapel of my coat
yon may see the ribbon, byt the medal
itself I keep in a leathern pouch at home,
and I never venture to take it out un
less one of the modern peace generals,
or some foreigner of distinction who
finds himself in our little town, takes
advantage of the opportunity to pay his
respects to the weii-known Brigadier
Gerard. Then I place it upon my breast,
and I give my mustache the old Maren
go twist which brings a gray point into
cither eye. Yet with it all I fear
that neither they, nor you. either, my
friends, will ever realize the man that
I was. You know me only as a civil
ian—with an air and a manner it is true
—bnt stUl merely as a civilian. Had
yon seen me as I stood in the doorway
of the inn at Alamo on the first day of
July in the year 1810 you would then
have known what the hussar may at
tain to.
For a month I had lingered in that
accursed village, and all on account of
a lance thrust in my ankle which made
it impossible for me to put my foot to
the ground. There were three of us at
first—old Bouvet, of the hussars;
Jacqnes Regnier, of the cuirassiers,
and a funny little voltigeur captain
whose name I forget—but they all got
well and hurried on to the front, while
I sat gnawing my fingers and tearing
my hair, and even, as I must conf'-ss,
weeping from time to time as I thought
of my hussars and the deplorable condi
tion in which they must, find themselves
when deprived of their colonel. I was
not a brigadier yet, you understand,
: although I already carried myself like
one. But I was the youngest colonel
i in the whole service, and my regiment
! was wife and children to me. It went
j to my heart that they should Vie be
! reaved. It is true that Ylllaret, the
1 senior major, was an excellent soldier,
but still even among the best there are
; degrees of merit.
Ah, that happy July day of which I
speak when first I limped to the door
i and stood in the golden Spanish sun
shine! It was but the evening before
that I had heard from the regiment.
They were at I'astores on the other
side of the mountains face to face with
the English—not forty miles from mo
by road. But how was Ito get to
them? The same thrust which bad
pierced my ankle had slain my charger.
I took advice from Gomez, the landlord,
and from an old priest who had slept
that night in the Inn, but neither of
them could do more than assure mo tlmt
j there was not so much as a colt left
! upon the whole country side. The
landlord would not hear of my cross
ing the mountains without an escort,
; for he assured me that El Cuchillo, the
Spanish guerrilla chief, was out that
way with his band, and that it meant a
death by torture to fall into his hands.
' The old priest observed, however, that
he did not think a French hussar
! would be deterred by that, and if I
had had any doubts they would of
| course have been decided by his re
But a horse 1 How was Ito get one?
I was standing in the doorway plotting
and planning when I heard the clink of
shoes, and, looking up I saw it great
bearded man with a blue cloak frogged
across in military fashion coming
towards ine. He was riding a big
black horse with one white stocking on
his near foreleg.
"Jlullo, comrade!" hald I, ns he came
up to me.
"IIullo!" said he.
"I am Col. Gerard, of the hussars,"
said I. "I have lain hero wounded for a
month and I am now ready to rejoin
iny regiment at I'astores."
"I am M. Vlilal, of the nommlssartat,"
he answered, "and I am myself upon my
way to I'astores. I should be gliul to
have your company, colonel, for I hear
that the mountains uro far from safe."
"Alas!" said I, "I have no horse. But
if you will sell me yours I will uromise
that an escort of hussars shall be sent
back for you."
He would not lieur of It, and It was
In vain that the landlord told hlin
dreadful stories of the doings of El
Cuchillo, and that I pointed out the
duty which he owed the army and to
t.he country. He would not even argue
but called loudly for a cup of wine. I
craftily asked him to dismount and to
drink with me, but ho must have seen
something In my face, for he shook bis
head nnd then us 1 approached him
•'> II Miotight of I. I/ing lilin by
the leg ho jerked his heels Int j his
horse's flanks and was off In a cloud of
My faith, It was enough to make a
man mad to see this fellow riding away
So gayly to Join Ills beef barrels and his
brandy casks, and then to think of my
five hundred beautiful btissars without
their leader. I was ga/.ing after hiiri
with bitter thoughts in my mind when
■who should touch tuu on the elbow but
the little priest whom I have mentioned.
"It Is I who can help you," said be, "t
am myself traveling south."
I put my arms about him mid us my
tinkle guvc way at Mu» jame moment
We nearly rolled npon the ground to
gether. .
"Oct me to Pastures," I cried, "anil
yon shall have a rosary of golden
TM-iidn." I had taken one from the con
vent of Bplrltu Sancto. It shows how
necessary it Is to take what you can
when you are upon a campaign, and
how tlie most unlikely things may be
come useful.
"I will take you," said he, in very ex
cellent li'rencli, "not been UM; I hope for
any reward, but because It Is my way
klways to do what I can to serve my
countryman, and that Is why I am so
beloved wherever I go." With that he
led yjc \<j tbe vlUjuje t V ap Pi' l
cowhouse in which we found a tumble
down sort of diligence such as they
vised to run early in this century be
tween some of our more remote vil
lages. There were three old mules, too,.
none of which were strong enough to
carry a man, but together they might
draw the coach. The sight of their
gaunt ribs and spavined legs gave
me more delight than the whole
two hundred and twenty hunters
of the emperor which I have seen in
their stalls at Fontainebleau. In ten
minute 3 the owner was harnessing
them into the coach, with no very good
will, however, for he was in mortal
dread of this terrible Cuchillo. It was
only by promising him riches in this
world, while the priest threatened him
with damnation in the next, that
last got him safely upon the box with
the reins between his fingers. Then
he was in such a hurry to get off out
of fear lest we should find ourselves in
the dark in the passes, that he hardly
gave ine time to renew my vows to the
innkeeper s daughter. I cannot at this
moment recall her name, but we wept
together a< we parted, and I can re
member that she was a very beautiful
woman. Yon will understand, my
friends, that when a man like mo, who
has fought the men and kissed the
women in fourteen separate kingdoms,
gives a wed of praise to the one or the
other it lias H little meaning of its own.
The little priest had seemed a trifle
! grave when we kissed good-bye, but ho
1 soon proved himself the best of com
-1 panions in the diligence. All the way
he amused" me with tales of his little
| parish up in the mountains and I in
my turn told him stories about the
: eamp, but my faitli I bail to pick my
! steps, for when I said a word too much
he would fidget in liis seat and his faco
would show the pain that I had given
; him. And of course it is not the
act of a gentleman to talk in anything
but a proper manner to a religious
man, though with all the care in the
world one's words may get out of hand
sometimes. He had come from the
north of Spain, as he told me, and was
going to see his mother in a village of
Estremadura, and as he spoke about
her little peasant home, and her joy in
seeing him, it brought my mother so
vividly to my thoughts that the tears
started to my eyes. In his simplicity
he showed me the little gifts which ho
was taking to her, and so kindly was
his manner that I could readily believe
him when he said that he was loved
wherever he went. He examined my
own uniform with as much curiosity as
a child, admiring the plume of my
busby and passing his fingers through
the sable with which my dolman was
t/imined. He drew my sword, too,
and then when I told him how many
men I had cut down with it, and set
my fingers on the notch made by the
shoulder bone of the Russian emperor's
aide-de-camp, he shuddered and placed
the weapon under the leathern cushion,
declaring that it made lilm sick to look
at it.
Well, we had been rolling and creak
ing on our way whilst this talk had
been going forward, and as we reached
the base of the mountains we could
hear the rumbling of cannon faraway
upon the right. This came from
Messena who was, as I knew, besieging
Cindad Rodrigo. There was nothing 1
should have wished better than to have
gone straight to him, for he was the
best Jew that I have heard of since
Joshua's time, and if you are In sight
of bis beaky nose anil bold, black eyes
you are not likely to miss much of what
Is going on. Still a siege Is always a
poor sort of a piok-and-shovel business,
anil there were better prospects with
| my hussars In front of the English.
Every mile that passed my heart grew
lighter and lighter until I found myself
abouting and singing like a young > n
slgn fresh from Saint Cyr, just to think
of seeing all my fine horses and my gal
lant felhjws once more,
j As we penetrated the mountains the
road grew rougher and the pass more
savage. At first we met a few mulc-
I teers, but now the whole countr
I seemed deserted, which Is not to I
wondered at when you think that the
French, the English and the guerrillas
had each in turn had command over It.
A., blank anil wild wan It, om- great
tirown wrinkled cltll succeedinganotn
«;r, and the pass growing narrower and
narrower, that I ceased to look out, but
Hit in silence thinking of this and that,
i of women whom I hail loved and of
horses which I bad handled. I
j Kvas suddenly brought back from
I my dreams, however, by observing the
j difficulties of my companion, who was
j trying with a sort of bradawl which he
had drawn out to bore a hole through
! the leathern strap which held up his
| water flask. As he worked with twitch
ing lingers the strap escaped his grasp
and the wooden bottle full at my feet.
I stooped to pick It up, and as 1 did so
the priest silently lenjied upon my
shoulders anil drove his bradawl Into
my eye.
My friends, 1 am, as you know, a man
stee\eil to face every danger. When
one has served from the siege of (lunun
to that last fatal day of Waterloo, and
j has had the special medal, which
I keep at home In a leathern
pouch, one can afford to confess
when one Is frightened. It may
console some of you when your ifwn
nerves play you tricks to remember
that you have beard even me, Brigadier
Gerard, say that I have been scared.
And besides my terror at this horrible
| attack, and the maddening pain of my
' wound, there was a sudden feeling of
loathing such as you might feel were
some filthy tarantula to strike its fangs
' Into you. I clutched the creature In
both hands and hurling him onto the
floor of the coach I stamped on him
with my heavy hoots. He hail drawn a
I pistol from the front of his soutane, but I
kicked It out of his hand, and again I fell
with my knees on Ills chest. Then for
the first time he screamed horribly,
while I, half blinded, felt about, for the
TIIMB LU. f in, 1 Ml' 11 u<J 11 it 1 lle. v. i
sword which he had so cunningly con
cealed. My hand had just lighted upon
it, and I was dashing the blood from
my face to see where he lay that I
might transfix him. when the whole
coach turned over npon its side, and
my weapon was jerked out of my grasp
by the shock. Before I could recover
myself the door was burst open aud I
was dragged by the heels on to t he road.
But even as I was torn out onto the
flint stones and realized that thirty
rufllans were standing around me, 1
was filled with joy. for my pelisse had
been pulled over my head in the strug
gle and was covering one of my eyes, and
It was with my wounded eye that I was
seeing this band of brigands. You see
for yourself by this pucker and scar
how the thin blade passed between
socket and ball, but it was only at that
moment when I was dragged from the
coach that I understood that my sight
was not gone forever. The creature's
intention, doubtless, was to drive it
through my brain and. indeed, he
loosened some portion of the inner
bone of my head, so that I afterwards
had more trouble from that wound
than from any one of the seventeen
which I have received.
They dragged rae out, these sons of
dogs, with curses and execrations, beat
ing mo with their lists and ki king me
as I lay upon the ground. I had fre
quently observed that the mountaineers
wore cloth swathed round their feet,
but never did I imagine that I should
have so much cause to be thankful for
it. Presently, seeing the blood upon
my head, and that I lay quiet, they
thought that I was unconscious, where
as I was storing every ugly face among
them in my memory, so that I might
see them all safely hanged if ever my
chance came around. Brawny ras.-als
they were, with yellow handkerchiefs
round their heads, and great red sashes
stuffed with weapons. They had rolled
two great rocks across the path, where
it took a short turn, and it was these
which had torn tiff one of the wheels of
the coach and upset us. As to the rep
tile who had acted the priest so clev
erly and had told me so much of his
parish and his mother, he. of course, had
known where the ambuscade was laid,
and had attempted to put me beyond
all resistance at the moment when we
reached it.
I cannot tell you how frantic their
rage was when they drew him out of
the coach and saw the state to which I
had reduced him. If he bad not got
his deserts he had at least sometli
as a souvenir of his meeting wit..
Etiannc Gerard, for his legs dangled
aimlessly nbout, and though the upper
part of his body was convulsed with
rage and pain lie sat straight down
upon his feet when they tried to set
him upright. But all the time his two
little black eyes, which had seemed so
kindly and so Innocent in the coach,
were glaring at me like |i wounded cat,
and lie spat and spat and spat in iny di
rection. My faith, when the wretches
jerked me onto my feet ugain, and when
I was dragged off up one of the mountain
paths, 1 understood that a time was
coming when I was to need all my
courage nnd resource. My enemy was
carried upon the shoulders of the men
behind me, and I could hear his hissing
and reviling first in one ear and then In
the other as I was hurried up the wind
ing track.
I suppose that it must have been an
hour that we ascended, and what with
my wounded ankle anil the pain from
my eye, and the fear lest this wound
should have spoiled my good looks, I
have made no journej' to which 1 look
back with less pleasure. I have never
beun a good climber at any time, but it
Is astonishing what you can uo, even
cvlth a stiff ankle, when you have a
copper-colored brigand at each elbow
ami a nine-inch blade within touch of
your whiskers. We came at last to a
place where the path wound over a
ridge and descended upon the other
side through thick pine trees into a
valley which opened to the south. In
time of peace I have little doubt that
the villains were all smugglers and
that these were the secret paths by
which they crossed the Portuguese
frontier. There were many mule
tracks, and once I was surprised to see
the marks of a large horse where a
stream had softened the track. These
were explained upon reaching a plaeo
where there was a clearing in tin- fir
wood. I saw the animal itself haltered
to a fallen tree. My eyes hardly rested
ujmu it when I recognized the great
black limbs and the white near the
foreleg. It was the very horso which I
hail begged for in the morning.
What then had become of Com
missariat Vidal? Waa It possibly tliut
t.h"~ was another Frenchman In as
|M-rilous a plight as myself! The
thought had hardly entered my head
when our party stopped and one of
them uttered a peculiar cry. It was
answered from among tin 1 brambles
which lined the base of a cliff at one
side of the clearing, and an instnnt later
ten or a dozen more brigands came out
fl-om amongst them and the two par
ties greeted each other. The newcom
ers surrendered my friend of the
bradawl with eric , of grief and sympa
thy, and then turning upon me they
brandished their knives and howled at
me like the gang of assassins that they
were. So frantic were their gestures
that l was convinced that my end hud
come, and was just bracing myself to
meet It in a manner which should be
worthy of my past reputation when
one of them gave an order, and I
was dragged roughly across the little
glade to tlie brambles from which this
new band had emerged.
A narrow pathway led through them
to a deep grotto In the side of the cliff.
The sun was already sotting outside
and In the cave Jtself it would have
been quite dark but for a pair of
torches which blazed from a socket on
cither side Between them there was
hitting at li rude tat.le a very slngular
loolting person, whom I saw Instantly,
from the respect with which the others
addressed him, could b« none other than
the brigand chief who had received,
<in account of his dreadful character,
the sinister name of i.i Cuchillo. Ihe
man whom I had Injured had been car
ried In and placed upon the top of a
barrel, his helpless legs dangling about
In front of hltn and his cat's eyes still
darting glances of hatred at me. I un
derstood from the snatches of talk
which 1 could follow between the
chief and him that he was the
lieutenant of the band, and that
part of his duties was to He In wait,
with Ills smooth tongue aud his peace
ful garb, for travelers like myitelf.
When I thought of how many gallant
officers may have been lured to their
death by this monster of hypocrisy It
gave ine a glow of pleasure to think
that. I hud brought his villainies to an
end though I feared it would be at the
cost of a life which neither the emperor
nor the army could wjjll spare.
As the Injured uuin, still supported
on the barrel by two comrades, was ex
plaining in Spanish all that hail be
fallen lilm. I was held by several if
the villains ill front of the table at
which tin-chief was seated, and Imdnn
ex. client opport unity of observing him.
I have seldom seen any man who was
lr%s like my Idea of a brigand, and es
pecial ly of a brigand with t.uch a repu
tation that in a land of cruelty lie had
earned so dark a nickname. Ills face
wai bluff, and broad and bland, with
ruddy cheeks and comfortable little
tufls of side whiskers, which gave him
tl}" Ul'U' lUtlliCC Ol 88 wull-tordo lttOC*T
ui ine Rue ist. Antoine. lie had not
any of those daring sashes or gleaming
weapons which distinguished his fol
lowers. but on the contrary he wore a
good broadoloth coat like a respectable
father of a family, and save his brown
leggings there was nothing to indicate
a Life among the mountains. His sur
roundings. too. corresponded with him
self, and beside his snuff box upon the
table there stood a great brown book,
which looked like a commercial ledger.
Many other books were ranged along a
plank between two powder casks, and
there was a gTeat Htter of papers, some
of which had verses scribbled ujoa
them. All this I took in while he,
leaning indolently back in his chair,
was listening to the report of his lieu
tenant. Having heard everything he
ordered the cripple to be carried out
again, and I was left with only three
guards waiting to hear ray fate, ne
took lip his pen and, tapping his fore
head with the handle of it, he pursed
up his lips and looked out of the corner
of his eyes at tho roof of the grotto.
"I suppose," said he at last, speaking
very excellent French, "that you are
not able to suggest a rhyme for the
word Covilha."
1 answered that my acquaintance
with the Spanish language was so
limited that I was unable to oblige
'it Is a very rich language," said he,
"but less prolific in rhymes than either
the German or the English. That is
why our best work has been done in
blank verse, a form of literature which,
as I need not remind a Frenchman, is
capable of reaching great heights. But
I fear that such subjects are somewhat
outside the range of a hussar."
I was about to answer that if they
were good enough for a guerrilla they
could not be too much for the light
cavalry, but he was already stooping
over his half-finished verse. lVesently
he threw down the pen with an ex
clamation of satisfaction and declaimed
a few lines which drew a cry of ap
proval from the three ruffians who held
me. His broad face blushed like a
young girl who receives her first com
"The critics are in my favor, it ap
pears," said he. "We amuse ourselves
in our long evenings by singing our
own ballads, you understand; I havo
some little facility in that direction
and I do not at all despair of seeing
some of my poor efforts in print before
long, and with 'Madrid' upon the title
page too. But we must get back to
business. May I ask what your name
"Etienne Gerard."
"The Third hussars."
"You are young for a colonel."
"My career has been uneventful one."
"Tut, that makes it the sadder," said
he, with his bland smile.
I made no unswer to that, but I tried
to show him by my bearing that I was
ready for the vory worst which could
befall inc.
"By the way, I rather fancy that wo
have had some of your corps here," said
lie, turning over the pages of his big,
brown register. "We endeavor to keep
a record of our operations. Here is a
heading under June 24. Have you not
a young officer tiathed Soubiron, a tall,
slight youth with light hair?"
"I see that we buried him upon that
"Poor lad!" I cried. "Ami how did
he die?"
"Wo burled him."
"But before you burled him?"
"You misunderstand, colonel, he was
lot dead before we burled him."
fro llf COKTtSrSD.|
Teacher Now, Johnny, MO have hod
the names of two Ktirl]>ed birds, tho
woodcock and the. quail. Cun you noniu
a third?
Johnny W'y cert'nly what's do
matter widdcjail bird? Up-10-Itetc.
MSI 11 I.lfe fUmlli-a.
Vou amy ]uk». you may sneer ut ntr ship*.
If you will.
Out you'll urn them unless you ateer clear
of tli* Mill.
—(.'hlenico Tlines-JlTalrt
Warned Out.
Brown Oh, for a lodge In some vust
Jones What's the matter; can't you
pav your rent where you are now?—
N. Y. Tribune.
Mis. lli>fl>oc I feel so miserable.
lO|bH Wli.it In the mil 1 1«• i-V
Mrs. II Mrs. Shaw told me a
lt»d I've forgotten wlmt it wus.- Phila
delphia I'rose.
\\ lint He Wat l.ooLlnu for.
Balcsiuun—Of course, we have »i|oars
and upright pianos.
Iturul Customer—That's jest what I
want for m.v darter, mister— straight,
honest roods.—Brook'vu LiJ[e.
i:\i-tllcu ( umbul l'ulled OC for Btae>
Ut of n Florida Cuban Colony.
Yborcity, the Cuban suburb of Tam
pa, Fla., was the scene of great excite
ment over a light between Tip, the big
white bull terrier of that place and a
willdcat just caught. It cam* off in
Sjiortsmen's park anil was attended by
hundreds, much money changing hands
on the result. The cat had been kept
from food for two days and »a« frantic
with rage. He was tied with a 20-foot
ro;;e to a stake, giving him ample room
to tight in. As soon as the bulldog was
brought near he struggled to get clear.
The dog i>ually burst away and the
next moment had sprung at the spit
ting eat. The feline monster dodged
cleverly and sprang out of reach, the
dog falling over and over in his frantic
efforts to stop. The cat sprung at Tip
before he got fairly os his legs, alight
ing on his back. It buried its teeth in
his shoulder and its sharp, curved claw
brought the blood at every dig. Tip
yelled with pain, but rolling over and
over l ie managed to dislodge the cat,
nnd seizintr its foreleg, drew it from hia
back Tip chewed on the cart's legs,
while the spitting feline cut the dog's
l:i«Je till the blood oame in streams.
Finally the dog broke loose for a mo
ment and the cat sprang to the end
of its rope.
Tip was a gory sight, one eye gone,
his ears cut short and ragged, his head
and body streaming with blood. See
ing his antagonist the plucky bull
went in with a rush. The cat made
a leap, but missed and fell almost in
front of the dog. There was a scuffle
and a tumble, the dog seizing the cat's
throat in a death grip. The cat again
escaped and Tip sprang after It. For
21 minutes the fight continued. Tip
finally seized the eat by the throat and
literally squeezed it to death, shaking
it in the air.
Historic Strartmre t« Sew York to
Torn Down.
The work of tenringdown the famous
old Tombs prison will begin shortly.
The arrangements for tearing down
the Center street front of the Tomb*
and beginning work on the new prison
building have been completed hy Paul
E. O'Brien, who has the work in charge,
nnd the work of demolition will be
begun at once. Only that part of the
Tombs facing on Center street will be
"torn down, and upon this site an en
tirely new building will be erected, ex
tending across the block on Center
street, a distance of 200 feet, and back
Into the block SO feet at a cost of
$.'>,471,000. Back of that part of the
prison which faces on Center Btreet is
the prison yard, inclosed by a wall
which encircles the block. In the cen
ter of the rectangular yard is built the
square prison proper, in which the
prisoners are held. It Is in the area
which lies between the prison proper
and the wall that the temporary quar
ters have been erected. Aside from th«
new building which will be erected, two
stories will be added to the present
prison proper. To many New Yorkers
the destruction of the historic old
structure is an act little short of vaa»
dallsm. It is one of the few pieces of
Egyptian architecture in America, and
is inseparably associated with theclty'a
Important Advance Step Takaa ky
Cnltira l»lnn Collefe.
President Whitman, of the Columbian
university, announces that an impor
tant step In advance has just been takeai
by that institution in the establishment
of courses In politics and sociology, to
be given in the law school by Dn. Lee
Davis Ixtdgv, who is the professor of
political science and international law
in the university. The new coune of
lectures will be devoted to ethnology,
u ntli ropo logy, the theory of the state,
coiii]>arative politics and sociology.
Tho aim will be to supply the connec
tive tissue, the adjacent anatomy, of
law studied its tin organic growth. Tho
work will move ulong tie llnaa laid
down by such masters as Freemao,
Maine, Pollock and Mailland. These
lecture courses by Dr. Lodge will form
the introductory work of the universi
ty's new school of connxiraUve Juris- ~
Prof. Brlsga' Daughtfr Qraiast*4
from I'nlon Theological Seminary.
The Irst woman to be graduated by
the faculty of Union Theological aein-
Inury received her diploma at the six
ty-first annual anniversary and com
mencement of that institution. The
1 interest in tho event was doubled by
the graduate being Emily Orncc Brlggs,
daughter of l'rof. C. A. Briggs, who vu
suspended by the general assembly
after a trial for heresy in 1b94.
Miss Ilrlggs, who is in her twenty-
Hrst year, carries off the honors, pass
ing all the men.
■lrr> That Uet Drank.
The Journal of Botany contains A
note on tho drunken habits of certain
bees, which find their intoxicant In tho
honey of certain flowers. The Intoxica
tion Is not the result of accident, but
the deliberate, choice of these dissolute
creatures. It is also noticed that on re
covering from a debauch a bee immedi
ately returned to the same flowers,
after which it had to be assisted home
to the hive, where it staggered to it*
cell and fell into heavy sleep.
Old Hooks In California.
More rare and interesting books, It
is said, can be found on the shelves of
♦lie old book stores In Ban Franeisoo
than anywhere else in the country ex
cept New York. This Is accounted for
l>y the fact that many families who
went to California in '4O have been
forced through reverses of fortune to
dispose of personal property, books
among the ri*l.
On« I'niiper to the FarttL
The Summit. (Me.) poorfurm !■ tM
anted by a solitary pauper.
5 _.iC -
Tom— I've just discovered UiatCliar
ley iJardup|Ki In a sore of relative of
Myrtle In thut so?
Tom—Yes; wo both have the wOft
u tic le.—U p-to- Date.
Those (.rated Wladovra.
The man from Jeraoy pauaod, »urprl**d,
Defore the prison drear.
And Moftly murmured: "They mUßVfclv
burned Ms megkeeterf Jiw«®