Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 19, 1897, Image 4

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Summer Comforts in Footwear
Scareely a home in Bntler county that hasn't some need of a pair of shoes for
The Store, The Street, The Laboring Man
The Farmer, The Mechanic, The Parson,
Summer Vacation, The New Woman
We have cnt prices on all summer shoes and oxfords in order to clean
up ready for fall goods. We want the room and must have it. The
pnces we will name you on these goods will induce you to help us ac
complish our object.
, . , „ at QSC value $i 50 and #2 OO
One lot Lames Tin Shoes ~ an( j r OO
G.~- lot Ladies' Black and Russet Oxfords. at 50c .%alue /O ra _
One lot Ladies' Button Boots, rat tip V«"'r '<-> value - 00 and 400
One lot Ladies' Button Boots, fine at f 1 of *alue 300 an 400
One lot Ladies' Lace Shoes at 75c 100 an 1 5
I Men's and Boys' Bicycle Shoes Reduced,
One lot Men's Russet Shoes at f I 15 value |i 75
One lot Boys' Russet Shoes a ?° va ue 5
One lot Ycuths' T.nsset Shoes at ,5 ™ 5
One lot Misses' Russet Shoes. at 75 va ue 125
One lot Children's Russet Shoes at 50 5
One lot Children's Fine Shoes, sizes Bto at 30 va 5
One lot Children's Fine Shoes, sizes 6to 8 at 50 •
Bicycle Leggins
This is a bonafide mark-down —no "FAKE" sale fair dealing with
every man, womin or child. Come in and look these bargains o\er.
Ballet's Leading |> r ITTTCCI TAW °P p <
Shoe House vl 1 Hotel Lowry.
Bargains in all Lines.
You'll Be Surprised And Financially
Benefitted By Attending Our
Grand Clearance Sale.
AT\T) TI7T7 IV OIT AT? C —Down and into the region of bargains is this
Dill \£j ill ollULO—sale of Summer goods—we have a great
many Tan Shoes and Oxfords—Slippers in several different styles-Fine Via Kid
Shoes in gents sizes and many different styles of fine dongola shoes in Ladies
Misses and Cbildrens sizes which are all included in this great reduction sale we
wish to close out the balance of our summer stock and it will pay you to attend tills
great reduction sale—Down they go—Stock must be sold even if we have to make a
sacrifice on the goods.
Ladie's Pine T.n -75 c. 9oc and Ji .<*>
Ladle's Fine Dongola Shoes 900- " . >
Ladie's Fine Tan or Ox Blood Shoes at •••**•3s
Ladie's Waterproof Shoes at 95 c . Jf.oo and
Misses' Fine Dongola Shoes, lace or button
Misses' Fine Russett Shoes, lace or button ...Hoc
Men's Fine Buff Shoes at Ji.oo
Men's Fine Tan Shoes at i- 2 5
Boy's Fine Tan Shoes at
Youth's Fine Tan Shoes at 75C
Children's Grain Shoes at S OO
A large stock of Men's and Boy's Brogans and Army Shoes to be closed out very
cheap—Balance of our Bicycle Shoes, Lawn Tennis Shoes and
Slippers go at half price.
See our Bargain Counters crowded with interesting bargains.
For The Latest Style in Fine Footwear, Call And See Us.
Sutler Fair
Is only a few weeks distant, and of course everybody is
What About That Old Buggy and harness of yours, are you
going in it or don't you want a new one and go in style?
Now Is The Time To Get Ready. We have a large stock .and
prices are less than you can imagine.
Probably Your Buggy Needs a New Top, we have them, 01
maybe a new set of wheels, don't get your old ones re
paired, a new set wont cost you any more. They are
already tired.
Then You Know Your Harness Are Old And Unsafe, bring
them in and have them overhauled or get a new set, we
have all kinds and makes, and repair all kinds, and make
all part 3 of harness and have them ready to sell, so you
need not wait—or probably your family is too large for a
buggy and some must stay at home
Then Get a Surry Or Spring Wagon and all go comfortably
together. We have all these things call and see them.
J:S,Sr S. B. Martincourt & Co
-128 East Jefferson street, ButlerJPa.
( .K. THORNBURG Prop'r., Evans City, Pa
{ > This popular house has just been entirely remodeled A
i > and refurnished. Everything convenient, and guests X
< I will always receive close attention. X
I Located near Postoffice and P.& W. Depot. When X
- X
. 1
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Tim bout of horses mul first cla<?s rigs
always on hand and for hire.
Best accomodations in town fur perma- ]
aact boarding and transient trade. Speci- i
al care guaranteed. j
Stable room lor HSty-five hoises.
A good cKsr of horses, both dm era and j
dmit hornbM always on hand and lor *ale
under a full gnarantee; and hordes bocghl
projw r.rtti fioat ion bv
Telephone, No 219.
AGENTSt B 'K money-Red hot sel
ler The Arctic Refrigerating Machine
—Wanted an agent for Butler County
also all counties iu Pennsylvania—Write
at once t* O. X. PROPER, Mars Pa.
For all BILIOUS and NEKTOUS jrSSfl B ■ M
DISEASES. They purify the BLJ I S I L
action to the entire system, ti I ■BBSU
r>J»n*or»«l Rrani.
Orlftißl and Only Graulne. A
*- TV *ARC. alwaja r-. table, LAOICS uk A\
r.jl l tfsiß Dncclit for ('MchgMter a Fnqtiab. /'n jffV\
in Itrd ao<l Void
with blua ribbon. Tnkc
■fVl Vyjno other. H<f"*e Cnnqerv.* ▼
I / nr tinns f»tui hnitnitone, ai PrDitKU.s, or *«m<l 4e.
I W In atninia for j>ariku:ar». »r-»iroonlala ani
\ V w "Krllef for l,adle« ** •* .r. hf rrtnm
\ kf MK.iL. KIOOOT i•- <tr.
-- -" ■ » !il. »M «virrC'Aci -' , . oiiKqun/e,
•**U' -a « - '■ruzz-*ta. r*hlLiwla. a !*«.
t-übncriLe Itr tbc CITIZEN
The younsr married couple who are crown
ed with good health are really a tins; and
queen. They are possessed of an armor that
j enables them to withstand all the hardships
and misfortunes of life. Accidents aside,
they will live long, happy lives of mutual
helpfulness, and they will be blessed with
amiable, healthy children. They will sit
together in the twilight of old acre ar.d look
back without regret over a mutually happy,
! helpful, useful, successful companionship.
There art thousands of young couples
i every day who start wedded life with but
i one drawback. —one or the other, or both,
suffer from ill-healtli. There can be no true
' wedded happiness that is overshadowed by
the black cloud of physical sutTeriug. The |
' man who contemplates matrimony, and re
; alizes that through overwork or worry ot
neglect, he is suffering from ill - health,
! should take the proper steps to remedy it
' before he assumes the responsibilities of a
husband. Dr. Pierce s Golden Medical Dis
covery is the best of all medicines for men
who have neglected their health. It makes
the appetite keen, the digestion perfect, the
liver active, and the blood pure and rich
with life-(riving elements. It is the great
blood maker and flesh-builder. It invigor
ates and gives virility, strength and vigor
No woman should wed while she suffers
from weakness and disease in a womanly
i way. These are the most disastrous of dis
order" from which a woman' can suffer.
Theybre3k down her general health. They
unfit her for wifehood and motherhood.
They make her a weak, sickly, nervous in
valid. Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription
cures all weakness and disease of the deli
cate and imnortant organs that b-._r the bur
dens of wifehood and motherhood. It
transforms weak, suffering, fretful invalids
into healthy, happy wives and mothers.
Both medicines are sold at all good med
icine stores.
Piles or Hemorrhoids.
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
Wounds & Bruises.
Cuts & Sores.
Boils & Tumors.
Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rheum & Tetters.
Chapped Hands,
Fever Blisters.
Sore Lips & Nostrils.
Corns & Bunions.
Stings & Bites of Insects.
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and SI.OO.
Sold by droggliiti, or aent post-paid on receipt of price
HlSmilCl V 111). CO., ill * in WUUubu.Xnlarfc.
Every expectant mother has
a trying ordeal to face. If she does not
' l\ I*l there is no telling
' \ what may happen.
Child-birth is full
of uncertainties if
Nature is not given proper assistance.
Mother's Friend
is the best help you can use at this time.
It is a liniment, and when regularly ap
plied several month's before baby comes,
it makes the advent easy and nearly pain
less. It relieves and prevents "morning
sickness,"' relaxes the overstrained mus
cles, relieves tiie distended feeling, short
ens labor, makes recovery rapid and cer
tain without any dangerous after-effects.
Mother's Friend is good for only one
purpose, viz.: to relieve motherhood of
danger and pain.
One dollar per bottle at all drug stores, or
sent by express on receipt of price.
FREE BOOKS, containing valuable informa
tion for women, will be sent to any address
upon application to
Atlanta. Ga.
Nervine. and
Rapid Restorative,
An unfailing cure for Diseases of the
Digestive, Nervous nr.'! Onerative
k . A Tonic of rare ccicacy for
tiie oi i young and of mark ed ser
vice for Students, Teachers, and all
who. are engaged in Braiu work ot
close occupations. *
Depression, Tired Feelings,
nervousness, Mnscnlar Weakness,
Loss of Appetite, Palpitation ol Heart,
Restlessness, Hysteria,
Heree Weakness, General Discomfort,
Excesses, Alcholism,
and thai almost innumerable series ol
diseases and complications resulting
from any derangement of the Nervous
system. Invaluable for weak Cornea
and nervous children.
Steads Nerves, ♦ Dr. Cox's
_ ... IISOBED « 1-
Braces system, gy Cocelui
Sound dsihg
Good Vfork, ♦ Tonic.
go Cents per Bottle;
If thrcr bottler, be ordered at onetime, a copy oJ
Orioic Cook Book will be included free.
Winkcli;;s>in Se Brown Drug Co.
hg ■ J'lU . /.TK DISPESSA KY.
Atlfomisof Delicatoan 1 COlll
- Diseases re<niirinK<:oN.
icatii.ii are treatwl at this Pi
■jcn-:ir> \v>tn a accesi .«rcly attained. I)i.h.
K. I-akcls? member of the Royal Coilt go of I liy
i.-inpsaii'l Surguon:, nn' 1 . i« tiie o! lest and mo.- t
;\|n'ric'i«'.cd M'KOlAi-is.' in tlmctty- Spec'al at
.rntt'in given to*«srvou»l»cbillty l'romcrccsaiv
■cental exertion,lvlucreti'in of youth, ete., cai;;.-
inf physical ana cental decay,lack of 1 neixy.
>»poii 'ncy. etA ; ai.»CracciH Old.Sore", Kits
I'iltM, lilx uiiiatlaiM, and all <ii< •.'ipcsof tiie Si. in. I
lil.Kxl, T.unen. Urinary <>rjtan*,ctc. Cci.«..nation |
!reo ai:u oti ictiT conCdentiai Office houo" 'J t"
i and 7 to 8 V. M.; Kundiiyß. 2 to * I*. K. >-il;
.ill at ofti'C or a(i'lrcv« DCs. I. Mill, :
>KXSi A* K ANQjiTiiiT firrfJ.it> luill fa :
IMlti grease
ftsweariD|irqiiali(iiKareunsurraf!<ett, tually
out la .tii c two lioxi-S'.r anv «.U-- brnnd. Not
•ffectod by Kent. IfUKT TIIU
rou BALE jjy DEALEBti tiOEhALLY. |
I THE Cl r riZKlSr
I '
WM th* Wfntfrn Confluent thr Cradle of
j The Democrat and Chronicle recent
ly republished from the Philadelphia
Times an account of the alleged dis
covery by Mr. Le Plongeon of a key to
\ the inscriptions on the ruined cities of
i Yucatan. With this key Le Plong'eon
claimed to have deciphered a record
of the flood upon the lintel of a door
at Chichen. It is asserted that the In
scriptions are in the ancient Maya lan
guage. The nature of the key found by
the explorer is not fully revealed. As a
form or dialect of the Maya tongue
is still spoken in Yucatan it is pos
sible that some aid was pained from
the natives. It is not likely that he
found any parallel writings in a known
langTiasre to throw any light on the
j The announcement, if it can be sub- i
stantiated, is of the highest importance, j
j For, if the writings cm the many ruined i
j buildings of Central America and Mex
ico can be read part of the mystery
j surrounding early man on this conti-
I Dent will be solved. The existence of 1
! written records and a dignified archi- j
) tecture show clearly that there was a ;
| high state of civilization,
i Officials of the bureau of ethnology
j nt Washington make haste to deny that !
Le Plongeon has made any discovery
whatever, and they may be right, but
such denial is the usual thing, and it
has no bearing on the subject. If the
French investigator has a key he can
substantiate his statements and ignore
the official doubters. Until he gives
some satisfactory exposition of his al
leged discovery, however, the decision
as to its merits must be reserved.
It has occurred to us that the se
crets of the ruined cities may yet be
revealed by a careful comparison of
the ruins with the monuments and ar
chitecture of India and China. Several
of the sculptured images found in Cen
tral America and Mexico bear a strik
ing resemblance to the statues of Hud
dha in Japan and Iturmah. The statue
of Quetzalcoatl of the ancient Mexicans,
seated with crossed legs and closed
eyes, in the attitude of contemplation,
with hands upon the lower limbs, bears
a striking resemblance in form to the
colossal Buddha. or (iuatama, at Amara
pura, Burmah. This comparison is
made from drawings in Chambers' Cy
clopedia and Ober's "Travels in Mex
ico." Quatzalcoatl was a divinity who
during his life on earth instructed the
natives in the use of metals, in agri
culture, and the arts of government.
A pillar discovered at Copan by the ex
plorers of the Pea body lyuseum of Har
vard college contains u figure, recant
]y sketched in the Boston Globe, that
resembles the giant statues of Buddha.
A statue from Polenque, pictured by
Ober, also resembles Buddha. Possi
bly there is a real relationship between
the statues of Quetzalcoatl and those
of Budha in Asia.
Was Buddha a personage of Amer
ican rather than Hindu origin? The
explorations by the authorities of the
Peabody museum, recently described
in the Boston Globe, reveal the fact that
the ruins now visible at Copan are but
the latest of three periods of growth
and decay. That is, under the floor
of the ruined temples are two other
foundations of cities or great build
ings buried deeply In debris of un
known antiquity. We quote from the
Globe: "Along the river front (Copan
extends for two miles along the Copan
river, and near the boundary of Guate
mala and Honduras) are found three
great strata, divided by floors or pave
ments of mortar cement. 'lf these
floors,' says Prof. Putnam, 'mark the
various levels corresponding to differ
ent epochs in the history of the city,
the question of the age of the ruins
becomes still more complicated; for
between each successive period of oc
cupancy there is a period of silence, the
leng-th of which can only be inferred
from the thickness of the superimposed
stratum.'" At Copan there are 23
sculptured monoliths 32 feet high. The
three pavements indicate an age that
may be even greater than that of any
monument or building now known.
Investigators are beginning to see
that the learning and the arts of the
world may have had their origin in
Ainerica, and not in India or Egypt.
The pyramids of Egypt fuay be copies
of the pyramids of Mexico, and the
highly ornamental sculptures and archi
tecture of India may have had their
origin in the temples of Uxinal, Mitla
and Chichen. At Chichen is found in
bold relief the Swastika, oldest of em
blems and known for ages through
out the east. This emblem shows com
mon knowledge, that may have sprung
from America and spread to Asia and
to Egypt. The presence of the Swastika
or cross with curved arms, or arms
turned in one direction at a right angle,
lends plausibility to the supposition
we have ventured, that Buddhism, and
early-world religion, may have origin
ated in America, and that the first stat
ues of the wise and enlightened one
were erected on this continent.
Study <Sf the ruins of Central America
has only just begun. It was about 1841
that Stephens explored them and gave
the first authentic description to the
world. His work excited ridicule, tie
cause many believed that his pictures
and descriptions were worlds of his
imagination; but to-day it is found
that lie was wonderfully accurate, and
did not go far enough in describing the
Attention .should be constantly direct
ed to the solution of the mystery cur
rounding America's ruinß, and it would
be well to look to China and India for u
clew.—Rochester Democrat and Chron
A Hard Kffg.
"You don't mean to say that it was
an egg which made this scalp wound?"
said tlie physician who had been called
to dress the lecturer's injuries.
"Yes," was the. faint reply.
"Then it must have been an egg laid
bv a Plymouth Hock hen." —Pittsburgh
In Oenth nn In I.lfc.
"The Widow Henpock says that her
husband's last word was of her."
"His last word? He never had on«
She was with him when he died." — N. Y
An Excellent Reason.
"What do you mean, Roaly, by pay
ing out money for expensive cigars in
these hard times?"
"The tobacconist won't trust me."—
Detroit Free Press.
.\u Itoom for Doubt.
Mrs. Ilenpeck—l see a man out west
sold his wife for sl2. What do you
think of that?
Mr. Henpeck—She must have been a
good one. —Town Topics.
Miss Passee —I as«ure you I have lived
only 18 short years.
Grump—Where were you the rest of
the time? —X. Y. Truth.
tJsiine Scarce.
Eastern Sportsman (in frontier camp)
—Any game here?
Resident (sadly)—Nawthun but po
ker.—X. Y. Weekly.
Kvcrylxxly Says.
That the Wines and Brandy of the
Mpeer N. J. Wine Co., Passaic, X. .T.,
! are leading all others in public fa%-or.
Their Bnadka axe OIKXONM tsn deli
' cacy of flavor, and are pronounced by
| the most capable judges to l>e the very
; best in the market, while their fine Old
Port and Unfermented Grape Juice are
! superior to all others for the sick room
and Communion Table. For pure grape
Brandy their Old Climax, vintage I *7»>.
in admitted the best to I** had Vine
yard and cellars at Passaic. X. J.
I Vacation days are growing few
Is it honest for a jiuftre to charge the !
State mileage, when he don't i»ay any
car fare, but travels on a For in
stance, a judge travels I'*' miles by mil
to hold court for another judge (for
which service he gets *!•> a day ). he
pays no railroad fare, yet charges the ,
State 10 cents a mile for ever}- mile
traveled; is that the act of an honest
man': We have a nniuber of judges in
the State who do just this thing.—ln
diana Messenger
The fly nnisance is pretty bad this
year. Here is a remedy that is said to
be a good one; Take a tablespoonfull |
of ground black i**pi<er and mix it with j
two teaspoonfuls . f brown sugar: mois :
ten the compound with milk, and place !
where are rays of light The flies will '
generally be attracted to it and eat I
greedily. If they do i r will be their last '
' meal, for the least of it is jwison to a •
| fly
j Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood
! and strengthens the whole svstem. Get
—After a woman has heard hard
stories about a man -he always wonders
j how be can go arotind so without a
I look of shame on his face.
There are two kinds of women—
' those that think it is nicer to kiss a lot
| of men once, and those that think it is
; nicer to kiss one man lots of times.
—When a woman tells a story to
company about a man whose hand
trembled and he began to cry, she gen
erally says it quivered like ati aspen
leaf, and his eyes grew moist.
HOO I'MLLS cure Liver Ills, Bil
iousness, Irtdigesticn, Headache.
Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c.
A young woman in St. Paul, being
at a spiritualist seance the other night,
jabbed a hatpin in the direction of the
materialized spirit, and because sha
heard profane language, got up and
left in indignation. Does she expect
self-respecting ghosts to stand every
—The best thing about some men is
—the st-ories their wives tell
—Xo man of good character wants to
thoroughly understand two women.
—When it s himself, a man says he
has accepted a position; when it's abo;.t
another man. he says he's found a job.
THE remedies put up by the 1 Cure U
Co., L'i'd., No., io6 Centre Ave., are
first class, and give excellent satis/action.
Sold by every Druggist in Butler Coun
There will be plenty of hot weather
Powdered cinnamon scattered in
cracks will drive away red ants.
Mosquitos were never known to lie so
bad as during the past two weeks.
We all want to go to heaven, but there
is very little demand for rapid transit,
KEEP I Cure Uin the home. It is an
nstant relief i.i case of sudden pain
holera-Morbus, Croup, Sprains, Bruises,
ctoothache &e—Ask your Oruggist.
The power to put worry behind you
is the surest way to gain happiness and
plumpness. [Ex.
Any person not a member wearing
the badge of a fraternal organization
is liable to a line of S2OO.
The Erie railway people say they have
carried more people to Chautauqua this
year than ever before.
HEADACHE Powders —If you use any
use a good one. Ask your Druggist lor
Armstrong's (I Cure U) Headacne Pow
The big silver mines in Utah are clos
ing down, owing to the decline in the
market of the white metal.
In some of the cities of the country
the lack of coal as a result of t he miners'
strike is becoming serious.
Hiitlorscusciit ol'.Speer's Wiut* by
the Facaulty of X. V.
Tbe Committee of Physicians request
ed to examine into the merits of the
wines of Alfred Speer. report these
wines strictly pure, acceptable in flavor,
platable and rich body, Dr. Cyrus Edi
son, of New York Board of Health, says
there is no better wine in the world.
The crop of white clover is large this
yerr and the busy bee has gathered an
an aboundant harvest of honey of the
finest quality.
The suggestion that the date of Me
morial day should be changed so that
the observance may be on Sunday has
much to commend it The chief reason
urged by the Grand army men is that
the day has lost its character on account
of the tendancy to devote it to outdoor
ARMSTRONG'S Little System Pills
are fine. A true Liver 1'il!.— 25c.
Bad men never get buried in grave
yards. If you do not believe this go out
to the cemeteries and read the iriscrip
tions on their tombstones.
The reason men don't fail financially,
is because they never have sufficient
money for that purpose.
We would like to look into the pleas
ant face of some one who has never had
any derangement of the digestive or
gans. We see the drawn and unhappy
faces of dyspeptics in every walk of
life. It is our national disease, and
nearly all complaints spring from
his source. Remove the stomach diffi
culty and the work is done.
Dyspeptics and pale, thin people are
literally starving, because they don, t
dijest their food. Consumption never
develops in people of robust and normal
digestion. Correct the wasting and loss
of flesh and we cure the disease. Do
this with food.
The Shaker Digestive Cordial contains
already digested food and is a digester
of food at the same time. Its effects are
felt at once, (jet a pamphlet of your
druggist and learn about it-
Laxol is Castor < )il made as sweet as
honey by new process. Children like it.
A down-town woman says her hus
banb is never more happy than when he
is giving her advice on a snbject of
which he knows nothing.
The great trouble with some men in
acquiring knowledge is the things they
are most eager to know are none of
their business.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days.
Its action apoi; 'he system is remarkable i
and mysterious. It removes once the
causes and the disease immediately dis- '
appears. The first dose greatly benefits;
75 cents. Sold by J. C. Redic, ar.d J. F.
Balph Druggists Butler Apr 96
Established 1836.
Washington Seminary ,
A Boarding and Day School for (iirls.
College IVen.-invfiry. Regular and Elective
Courses. Miisl<\ An : r<l Eloeutlon. 'list .
year opens September IStli.
MRS. M. N. MCMILLAN, Principal, j
o 1
I.■ . *
®T GNORAN T CF in regard to |
1 paint materials or painting!
would seem in tliis age to be in-
excusable, when full information
jdSjßnjSfk can be had free. If interested, it
mm&WFiHiS P a > r to pamphlet and
color cards, also twelve pictures
- I| ot houses painted in different
shades or combinations ot colors,
pfwj tree. Send your address.
German Nat. Dank i>uilding t la.
' * ee ' '''^ e boulevards beneath the springs of (
and beautiful- p rC( j Q n j a \
v.i.e mans cnoice in ve- /
5. They are at all dealers. I
Mai: by THE FREDONIA MFG. CO., Younestown, Ohio. \
I'lggL NINTH ANNUAL 1g 97 :"
: '-r ?
\ 4 :V -7 -20 u / . v 5
-■ ns Sept. 1, Closes Oct, 16. j
■ .S'iiJMO'ois BAKES 3
~ i AND "nj '< *nafcis TB f " r ;; r
uyu, -L, Brooke,s mmm j
ii lMI? BTTT'C* wild west
and is the result of colds a id rjjgCj/orrtOlD«
sudden climatic cl.an; :gp Hfinß
For your Promotion PWfEYEg A3 &, ~a
we positively guue tli.it t-.is K,
remedy docs net cotifciia ESp .
mercury or itny ciUer injur- px— y £9
Ely's Cream
is acknowledged to l o t! c meet tborongh cure for ,
Na*al Catarrh, Co d in Lead and Hay Fever of all
remedies. It opens at. ! cleanses the nasal paasases,
allays nain arid inflammation, heals the sore-*, pro
tects tfie membrane from cold-, restores the senses
ui taste an<l smell. l*rice at Druggists or by mail.
KLV BKOTiIJUtg, o'} Warren Street, Kcw York,
D* not b" (ifdwl by allurlnff advertisement* tad
think you can tret the bout made, finest finish «Bd
for a mere §arig. buy from reliable manufacture r?
*?.». t :.-»w u\ in tod a reputation by hon«-*t anil nquaru
lhen» inh'.iu-iu the world that can Cfju;-.!
in hi-" i.anirol co attraction, durability of working
\ fiueneM of flniah, be auty in appearance, or has
j New Home Sewing Machine Co.
- r.Xof*. BOTTOM. Mahu. 2S rmoNBvrAUE.N.Y
; 10. 111. ST, Lona.Mo DALLAS. Tkxls.
k«s raAVcisco, r \L, atlamu. go.
roh XAL* a:
Dealer in f-. wing Machines', Piano* ar.d
Organs—uest floor to Y. il. 0. A. build
ing—Butler Pa.
Buy the. light-running. Se" Home,
sowing «•.!a.cbi:i f, perfect satisfaction guar
aniee.l, never tret-» ont of order.
< T ~- rooms.-- M
.*• 2"> ->< ... r.usLu.9.r«. it
* r.i/ r.r:«:A* v'< • ■ jf
■ M-f 1 ■■ ' -WHY .mot Dot*
* ,<?j fn'/puas? i.i.M caowNsL",
M'-a | i V,; i RRIUC.E «"»!•'•» rwlui.-.t i"PJ
&S5 r-.fi TOOTH a: t! , s
H ri ' I *r ■•»«.•! I- .11 1 .!•• ONLY *>S "/
You never hear us complain of busi
ness being bad—we aim and succeed in
making it good, by f.iir and square treat
ment of all our customers.
i„S?? 0 F \11! UKAI.INGS
TO l-;V ERY ONE. '
1 ylf we say to you our liquors are six
ears old, we won't ask you to take oar
word for it—but put tliem to the test,
you and your friends to be the judge.
Pure liquors are healthful.
Guaranteed pure 6 year old Whiskey either 1 |
Gackenhelßier, Finch. Gibson,
Overholt, Large. Mt. Vernon, j
fi per full quart or 6 quarts for <5, <
Grandfather's Choice Whiskey, guar
anteed 3 years old, ti per gallon.
Oil C. O D. or mail orders of $lO or
over, we prepay jII charges.
Importers and Wholesalers, I ~
411 Wa'er St. Opposite B. &0. Depot j
Telephone, 2179 Pittsburg, Pa, I t.
Whcclcr & Wiison
New No, 9 family
Sewing Machine.
I ft <??; % y
t ;v" • TfJ
j ' ' ~ . -j
Kotarv >% Bearings
Easy Running.. Qu:;'t, K- vIS and
Sewing Machines
for Family ai d i .;ctory use. for all
grades of Cloth and Leather.
Speed and Durablity.
Factory and Head Ot'tice,
Bridgeport, Connecticut, I'. S. A.
Hardware, Stoves, Sewing
Machines, Needles for all
■ kinds of sewing machines,
Boss Washing Machines,
N. B.—Second-hand Sewing
Machines from #5.00 up.
Sewing machines repaired.
" Mau
produces tin? aljo* r r**Mi'»> in days. It
nets r>ow« ullv . id nulc %*y. I'mcs when
.ill otlK'ts fji'l. men \»ill in their
Jn.st nianliood. and old inca will »eco»'©r thi'lr
youthful vfcor by usiux l» A ' VO. ltqulck
i lv nod .surely restoii - \« t vojsness, Lost
vitality. Ix»st Poui i Fail* \u Memo./ \\ast
i I»Disease, and all cflV '»s of e\ *ess a»id In
discn Tlon, which n»> lis one f »»• s.ud/. busi
ness or
at the «.«-:it o* «'is« ,«se. bu* is a jrreat
nerve I«»n!«• and blood build -i, back
t lie nink jxlow t«» pale cheeks mid restoring
the fire oT youth. It waidsoff I lsanlty and
C'onsurnptlon. Insist mi having UiOVIVO, 110
other. It e;m l»e carrle<l In vest jMH'kei Bv
mail. ?I.U> per or si* f«»r with
» positive written guarantee to cure «»r re
fund the inoiiev. « ireular free. Addr*?sa
For Sale by UKDDICK ACil£o||MANN.
Mutual Fire Insuraice Company
Oflice cor. Main and Sts.
ILF. WH K t'ri>*.
KKTTKULB, Vlr? frrs.
L. H. Ic4t'>KlJt ■> r', it t ti h
Alfr. il Wick, HenderMin Oliver,
I >r. W. Irvin, -laru« - Stephenson.
V. W. It 11, more, N v\cit/.el
K. Itowiuuu, It. J. Klillßll
t»en. Kutterer, ("has. Kflinuu.
(ieo. Kenno, John Kih'ulr.
W \ ntf.h rarraniL ww 01 voun
to trnvcl for r* i spon»ill>!e |
liouw ill l'i iin>v'v;.iii:i. - Iliiiv f")
and expenses. Position »e» ina.'ent. Kefer-
CIJ. . I'.llclllM si'lf-.ullli -* .' -.1 hiped 11..
vi l.ip,-. Tae National, tr.ar lasurane« t
Chicago 1
j Summer. D. T. PAPE Summer.
All Goods Reduced 33 1-3 per cent.
Our Millinery this season is acknowledged by all who have in
spected our stock to be the finest most stylish and prettiest ever
brought to this city. Nothing has been spared to make our mil
linary department complete in every respect. All the latest styles in
bonnets and hats All the beautiful flowers and feathers. All
the latest shades in ribbons and trimmings For the baby to
the very old lady From the cheapest to the finest goods can be
found in our complete millinery store. If you have not visited our
store this season it \\ ii! Le to youi advantage to do so as we save
you money on every purchase.
Our Stock of Mourning Bonnets, Hats, Veils, &c M
Always Complete.
!22 v S. J*a,n St. D . J PAPE, Bu^ P »'
Semi-Annual Clearance Sale
I: will pay you to come wiles to attend this Clearance Sale. Our litiited space
will permit us to give very few of the wonderful bargains to be found
on our counters during luly and August.
( OKSt j]V Odd sizesm 50c, 75c. and SI.OO, quality at 39c.
• NAT | 50c, 75c, and ti.oo hats at 9:
Ex .uisite line cf clildreu's hats at 9c. Children's Leghorn Flats at 19c.
Children's Fine Milan hats at 19c Ladies' Hatr that were $1.50 and *2 at 19c
TIM \\ \\ V h If \ Regardless ot former price we will sell any
11l 1 .'1 .'1 1.. 1' 11 .1 lOi trimmed hat in the store at 69c and 89c.
$1 and $1.25 caps at 49c.
10S S. Main St., one door South
of Botler Savings Bank.
§ Punc* i s
I tuality/f^Power.|
$ Hitch your W «But be surejjj
| business I I it's in a
j I works to a ®S| Fahys Gold- j!
? 1 good watch. ||W filled Case, |||
I And that you buy It from J
When, years ago, a A GOOD FARMER would prepare
j for harvest, the best chicken on the place—the finest roll
of butter—and many other good things to "RAT and
DRINK would be served at harvesting and threshing—
The men would get the whiskey when in the field, and too
on going and coming from the field—No harm in that then,
j and is there now?
Not when ywti tan get good honest whiskey, and that you
arc sure of getting from MAX KLEIN, and at reasonable
A Few of the Following Will
Convince You;—
An old fashioned whiskey $2 00 per gallon
/ possums
A full bodied corn and rye whiskey $2 50 per gallon.
A four year old pure Rye, , . $3 00 per g.tllon.
, The finest six year old whiskey $4 00 per gallon.
Of all grades $1 50, $1 75, $2 00 and $2 50 per gallc n,
, Send for our price list, and spe some of the many other
articles for sale by us—and the special selections which
will save you money —Address
Wholesale Liquors, 82 Federal St. Allegheny, Fa
F.xpressage paid on all orders of $5 00 and qver. No charge for box*
ing and shipping.
The New-York Weekly Tribune
EVERY member of
V.w* - EVERY family or,
■r- . . EVERY farm, in
> EVERY village, in
V.- *• " EVERY State or Territory.
' V * •». V *' .
' \ .* tOR Education,
1 \ FOR Noble Manhood,
V FOR True Womanhood,
1 r P n '' important news of the Nation
4- T Ili O a n important news of the World.
T r F GIVFS the most reliable market reports.
brilliant and instructive editorials,
VF GTVFS fascinating short stories.
* an ucexcelled agricultural department
f r P fiT\ T scientific and mechanical information,
illustrated fashion articles.
I r P f' jV 7" K'Q humorous illustrations.
entertainment to young and old.
IT GIVES . , ..
satisfaction everywhere to evetybody
We furnish "The Citizen"
"N. Y. Weekly Tribune"
Addrass all orders to THE CITIZfff
Write vour name and address on a postal card, send it 'o Geo. W. Best, Tribune
Building, New York City, and a sample topv of THE NEW YORK WFK«XA
TKIHUNE will be mailed to yoi>
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