Huselton's Summer Comforts in Footwear Scareely a home in Bntler county that hasn't some need of a pair of shoes for The Store, The Street, The Laboring Man The Farmer, The Mechanic, The Parson, Summer Vacation, The New Woman We have cnt prices on all summer shoes and oxfords in order to clean up ready for fall goods. We want the room and must have it. The pnces we will name you on these goods will induce you to help us ac complish our object. , . , „ at QSC value $i 50 and #2 OO One lot Lames Tin Shoes ~ an( j r OO G.~- lot Ladies' Black and Russet Oxfords. at 50c .%alue /O ra _ One lot Ladies' Button Boots, rat tip V«"'r '<-> value - 00 and 400 One lot Ladies' Button Boots, fine at f 1 of *alue 300 an 400 One lot Ladies' Lace Shoes at 75c 100 an 1 5 I Men's and Boys' Bicycle Shoes Reduced, One lot Men's Russet Shoes at f I 15 value |i 75 One lot Boys' Russet Shoes a ?° va ue 5 One lot Ycuths' T.nsset Shoes at ,5 ™ 5 One lot Misses' Russet Shoes. at 75 va ue 125 One lot Children's Russet Shoes at 50 5 One lot Children's Fine Shoes, sizes Bto at 30 va 5 One lot Children's Fine Shoes, sizes 6to 8 at 50 • Bicycle Leggins This is a bonafide mark-down —no "FAKE" sale fair dealing with every man, womin or child. Come in and look these bargains o\er. Ballet's Leading |> r ITTTCCI TAW °P p < Shoe House vl 1 Hotel Lowry. Bargains in all Lines. You'll Be Surprised And Financially Benefitted By Attending Our Grand Clearance Sale. AT\T) TI7T7 IV OIT AT? C —Down and into the region of bargains is this Dill \£j ill ollULO—sale of Summer goods—we have a great many Tan Shoes and Oxfords—Slippers in several different styles-Fine Via Kid Shoes in gents sizes and many different styles of fine dongola shoes in Ladies Misses and Cbildrens sizes which are all included in this great reduction sale we wish to close out the balance of our summer stock and it will pay you to attend tills great reduction sale—Down they go—Stock must be sold even if we have to make a sacrifice on the goods. A FEW OF OUR PRICES. MBattEU*** Ladie's Pine T.n -75 c. 9oc and Ji .<*> Ladle's Fine Dongola Shoes 900- " . > Ladie's Fine Tan or Ox Blood Shoes at •••**•3s Ladie's Waterproof Shoes at 95 c . Jf.oo and Misses' Fine Dongola Shoes, lace or button Misses' Fine Russett Shoes, lace or button ...Hoc Men's Fine Buff Shoes at Ji.oo Men's Fine Tan Shoes at i- 2 5 Boy's Fine Tan Shoes at Youth's Fine Tan Shoes at 75C Children's Grain Shoes at S OO A large stock of Men's and Boy's Brogans and Army Shoes to be closed out very cheap—Balance of our Bicycle Shoes, Lawn Tennis Shoes and Slippers go at half price. See our Bargain Counters crowded with interesting bargains. For The Latest Style in Fine Footwear, Call And See Us. - JOHN BICKEL. 128 S. MAIN St. BUTLER, PA. -THE GREAT- Sutler Fair Is only a few weeks distant, and of course everybody is going. What About That Old Buggy and harness of yours, are you going in it or don't you want a new one and go in style? Now Is The Time To Get Ready. We have a large stock .and prices are less than you can imagine. Probably Your Buggy Needs a New Top, we have them, 01 maybe a new set of wheels, don't get your old ones re paired, a new set wont cost you any more. They are already tired. Then You Know Your Harness Are Old And Unsafe, bring them in and have them overhauled or get a new set, we have all kinds and makes, and repair all kinds, and make all part 3 of harness and have them ready to sell, so you need not wait—or probably your family is too large for a buggy and some must stay at home Then Get a Surry Or Spring Wagon and all go comfortably together. We have all these things call and see them. YOURS TRULY, J:S,Sr S. B. Martincourt & Co -128 East Jefferson street, ButlerJPa. { "THE COMMERCIAL," 8 ( .K. THORNBURG Prop'r., Evans City, Pa { > This popular house has just been entirely remodeled A i > and refurnished. Everything convenient, and guests X < I will always receive close attention. X I Located near Postoffice and P.& W. Depot. When X - X . 1 SEANOR & NAGGS i Livery, Feed and Sale Stable REAR OI ? WICK HOUSE, I BCTLER.iPA. i Tim bout of horses mul first claJ»n*or»«l Rrani. ENNYROYAL PIUS Orlftißl and Only Graulne. A *- TV *ARC. alwaja r-. table, LAOICS uk A\ r.jl l tfsiß Dncclit for ('MchgMter a Fnqtiab. /'n jffV\ in Itrd aoariku:ar». »r-»iroonlala ani \ V w "Krllef for l,adle« ** •* .r. hf rrtnm \ kf MK.iL. KIOOOT i•- in Se Brown Drug Co. SOLE PROPRIETORS, BALTIMORE, MD , U. S. A. r\ DOCTORS LAKE hg ■ J'lU . /.TK DISPESSA KY. -QL' .JFI OCA. PENT-. AVE. AMO FOURTH 3T., PITTSBURGH, PA. Atlfomisof Delicatoan 1 COlll - Diseases!<• \v>tn a accesi .«rcly attained. I)i.h. K. I-akcls? member of the Royal Coilt go of I liy i.-inpsaii'l Surguon:, nn' 1 . i« tiie o! lest and mo.- t ;\|n'ric'i«'.cd M'KOlAi-is.' in tlmctty- Spec'al at .rntt'in given to*«srvou»l»cbillty l'romcrccsaiv ■cental exertion,lvlucreti'in of youth, ete., cai;;.- inf physical ana cental decay,lack of 1 neixy. >»poii 'ncy. etA ; ai.»CracciH Old.Sore", Kits I'iltM, lilx uiiiatlaiM, and all rjtan*,ctc. Cci.«..nation | !reo ai:u oti ictiT conCdentiai Office houo" 'J t" i and 7 to 8 V. M.; Kundiiyß. 2 to * I*. K. >-il; .ill at ofti'C or a(i'lrcv« DCs. I. Mill, : >KXSi A* K ANQjiTiiiT> luill fa : HS M ICS AXLE IMlti grease BEST TSIE WORLD. ftsweariD|irqiiali(iiKareunsurraf!e the very ; best in the market, while their fine Old Port and Unfermented Grape Juice are ! superior to all others for the sick room and Communion Table. For pure grape Brandy their Old Climax, vintage I *7»>. in admitted the best to I** had Vine yard and cellars at Passaic. X. J. I Vacation days are growing few Is it honest for a jiuftre to charge the ! State mileage, when he don't i»ay any car fare, but travels on a For in stance, a judge travels I'*' miles by mil to hold court for another judge (for which service he gets *!•> a day ). he pays no railroad fare, yet charges the , State 10 cents a mile for ever}- mile traveled; is that the act of an honest man': We have a nniuber of judges in the State who do just this thing.—ln diana Messenger The fly nnisance is pretty bad this year. Here is a remedy that is said to be a good one; Take a tablespoonfull | of ground black i**pi r to pamphlet and color cards, also twelve pictures - I| ot houses painted in different shades or combinations ot colors, pfwj tree. Send your address. X ITT XAI LEAD & PENNSYLVANIA, German Nat. Dank i>uilding t la. i HAND SAW IS A GOOD Thl JG, Bji NOT TG SHAVE WITH." SAPOLIO IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. ' * ee ' '''^ e boulevards beneath the springs of ( and beautiful- p rC( j Q n j a \ v.i.e mans cnoice in ve- / 5. They are at all dealers. I Mai: by THE FREDONIA MFG. CO., Younestown, Ohio. \ I'lggL NINTH ANNUAL 1g 97 :" : '-r ? \ 4 :V -7 -20 u / . v 5 -■ ns Sept. 1, Closes Oct, 16. j ■ .S'iiJMO'ois BAKES 3 ~ i AND "nj '< *nafcis TB f " r ;; r uyu, -L, Brooke,s mmm j ii lMI? BTTT'C* wild west fMl&jj muLDMEXiCAftHIPPODROME. ] ■ A3"VE ARE AMOMG THE MANY NEW ATTRACTIONS THIS YEAH 1 CATARRH LOCAL DISEASE and is the result of colds a id rjjgCj/orrtOlD« sudden climatic; :gp Hfinß For your Promotion PWfEYEg A3 &, ~a we positively guue K, remedy docs net cotifciia ESp . mercury or itny ciUer injur- px— y £9 Ely's Cream is acknowledged to l o t! c meet tborongh cure for , Na*al Catarrh, Co d in Lead and Hay Fever of all remedies. It opens at. ! cleanses the nasal paasases, allays nain arid inflammation, heals the sore-*, pro tects tfie membrane from cold-, restores the senses ui taste an ->< ... r.usLu.9.r«. it * r.i/ r.r:«:A* v'< • ■ jf ■ M-f 1 ■■ ' -WHY .mot Dot* * ,S "/ [ I WE ARE WITH THE PEOPLE. You never hear us complain of busi ness being bad—we aim and succeed in making it good, by f.iir and square treat ment of all our customers. i„S?? 0 F \11! UKAI.INGS TO l-;V ERY ONE. ' 1 ylf we say to you our liquors are six ears old, we won't ask you to take oar word for it—but put tliem to the test, you and your friends to be the judge. Pure liquors are healthful. Guaranteed pure 6 year old Whiskey either 1 | Gackenhelßier, Finch. Gibson, Overholt, Large. Mt. Vernon, j fi per full quart or 6 quarts for <5, < Grandfather's Choice Whiskey, guar anteed 3 years old, ti per gallon. Oil C. O D. or mail orders of $lO or over, we prepay jII charges. ROBERT LEWIN & CO,, 1 Importers and Wholesalers, I ~ 411 Wa'er St. Opposite B. &0. Depot j Telephone, 2179 Pittsburg, Pa, I t. Whcclcr & Wiison New No, 9 family Sewing Machine. I ft % Bearings Easy Running.. Qu:;'t, K- vIS and Durable, Sewing Machines for Family ai d i .;ctory use. for all grades of Cloth and Leather. Speed and Durablity. Factory and Head Ot'tice, Bridgeport, Connecticut, I'. S. A. FOR SALE BY -<^3—HENRY BIEHL, DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Needles for all ■ kinds of sewing machines, Boss Washing Machines, etc. N. MAIN ST. BUTLER SPA. N. B.—Second-hand Sewing Machines from #5.00 up. Sewing machines repaired. TIN WARE AND ROOFING A SPECIALTY. REVIVO U M RESTORES Vitality " Mau rilH I;HF.AT DAY. FRENCH REMEDY produces tin? aljo* r r**Mi'»> in days. It nets r>ow« ullv . id nulc %*y. I'mcs when .ill otlK'ts fji'l. men \»ill in their nianliood. and old inca will »eco»'©r thi'lr youthful vfcor by usiux l» A ' VO. ltqulck i lv nod .surely restoii - \« t vojsness, Lost vitality. Ix»st Poui i Fail* \u Memo./ \\ast i I»Disease, and all cflV '»s of e\ *ess a»id In discn Tlon, which n»> lis one f »»• s.ud/. busi ness or at the «.«-:it o* «'is« ,«se. bu* is a jrreat nerve I«»n!«• and blood build -i, back t lie nink jxlow t«» pale cheeks mid restoring the fire oT youth. It waidsoff I lsanlty and C'onsurnptlon. Insist mi having UiOVIVO, 110 other. It e;m l»e carrle per or si* f«»r with » positive written guarantee to cure «»r re fund the inoiiev. « ireular free. Addr*?sa ROYAL MKiHtINKCO.. (ill! AGO, ILL For Sale by UKDDICK ACil£o||MANN. BUTLtR COUNTY I Mutual Fire Insuraice Company Oflice cor. Main and Sts. ILF. WH K t'ri>*. KKTTKULB, Vlr? frrs. L. H. Ic4t'>KlJt ■> r', it t ti h DIRECTORS Alfr. il Wick, HenderMin Oliver, I >r. W. Irvin, -laru« - Stephenson. V. W. It 11, more, N v\cit/.el K. Itowiuuu, It. J. Klillßll t»en. Kutterer, ("has. Kflinuu. (ieo. Kenno, John Kih'ulr. LOYAL KcJUWKIN Agent W \ ntf.h rarraniL ww 01 voun to trnvcl for r* i spon»ill>!e | liouw ill l'i iin>v'v;.iii:i. - Iliiiv f") and expenses. Position »e» ina.'ent. Kefer- CIJ. . I'.llclllM si'lf-.ullli -* .' -.1 hiped 11.. vi l.ip,-. Tae National, lasurane« t Chicago 1 j Summer. D. T. PAPE Summer. THE LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE OF BUTLER CO. All Goods Reduced 33 1-3 per cent. Our Millinery this season is acknowledged by all who have in spected our stock to be the finest most stylish and prettiest ever brought to this city. Nothing has been spared to make our mil linary department complete in every respect. All the latest styles in bonnets and hats All the beautiful flowers and feathers. All the latest shades in ribbons and trimmings For the baby to the very old lady From the cheapest to the finest goods can be found in our complete millinery store. If you have not visited our store this season it \\ ii! Le to youi advantage to do so as we save you money on every purchase. Our Stock of Mourning Bonnets, Hats, Veils, &c M Always Complete. !22 v S. J*a,n St. D . J PAPE, Bu^ P »' Semi-Annual Clearance Sale I: will pay you to come wiles to attend this Clearance Sale. Our litiited space will permit us to give very few of the wonderful bargains to be found on our counters during luly and August. ( OKSt j]V Odd sizesm 50c, 75c. and SI.OO, quality at 39c. i • NAT | 50c, 75c, and ti.oo hats at 9: Ex .uisite line cf clildreu's hats at 9c. Children's Leghorn Flats at 19c. Children's Fine Milan hats at 19c Ladies' Hatr that were $1.50 and *2 at 19c TIM \\ \\ V h If \ Regardless ot former price we will sell any 11l 1 .'1 .'1 1.. 1' 11 .1 lOi trimmed hat in the store at 69c and 89c. CHILDREN'S MULL CAPS: SSSESSc. $1 and $1.25 caps at 49c. MARKS,' 10S S. Main St., one door South of Botler Savings Bank. § Punc* i s I tuality/f^Power.| $ Hitch your W «But be surejjj | business I I it's in a j I works to a ®S| Fahys Gold- j! ? 1 good watch. ||W filled Case, ||| I And that you buy It from J jE. GRIEB, JEWELER, 139 N. MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. ; GOOD OLD TIMESr When, years ago, a A GOOD FARMER would prepare j for harvest, the best chicken on the place—the finest roll of butter—and many other good things to "RAT and DRINK would be served at harvesting and threshing— The men would get the whiskey when in the field, and too on going and coming from the field—No harm in that then, j and is there now? INO, Not when ywti tan get good honest whiskey, and that you arc sure of getting from MAX KLEIN, and at reasonable prices— A Few of the Following Will Convince You;— ANCHOR RYE-©* An old fashioned whiskey $2 00 per gallon / possums A full bodied corn and rye whiskey $2 50 per gallon. ! GUCKENHEIMER^ft A four year old pure Rye, , . $3 00 per g.tllon. BEAR CREEKS , The finest six year old whiskey $4 00 per gallon. WINES Of all grades $1 50, $1 75, $2 00 and $2 50 per gallc n, , Send for our price list, and spe some of the many other articles for sale by us—and the special selections which will save you money —Address MAX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquors, 82 Federal St. Allegheny, Fa F.xpressage paid on all orders of $5 00 and qver. No charge for box* ing and shipping. The New-York Weekly Tribune FOR EVERY member of V.w* - EVERY family or, ■r- . . EVERY farm, in > EVERY village, in V.- *• " EVERY State or Territory. ' V * •». V *' . ' \ .* tOR Education, 1 \ FOR Noble Manhood, V FOR True Womanhood, 1 r P n '' important news of the Nation 4- T Ili O a n important news of the World. T r F GIVFS the most reliable market reports. brilliant and instructive editorials, VF GTVFS fascinating short stories. * an ucexcelled agricultural department f r P fiT\ T scientific and mechanical information, illustrated fashion articles. I r P f' jV 7" K'Q humorous illustrations. entertainment to young and old. IT GIVES . , .. satisfaction everywhere to evetybody We furnish "The Citizen" and "N. Y. Weekly Tribune" FOR PER YEAR. CASH IN ADVANCE. Addrass all orders to THE CITIZfff Write vour name and address on a postal card, send it 'o Geo. W. Best, Tribune Building, New York City, and a sample topv of THE NEW YORK WFK«XA TKIHUNE will be mailed to yoi> Advertise in the CITIZEN,