Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 19, 1897, Image 2

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Entered :it P. O. at Butl< r asM WasS matter
WILLIAM C. NEGLF.Y - - Publisher.
A *
Republican County Ticket.
Gubernatorial Talk.
A correspondent of the Pittsburg Dis-1
patch, writing from Harrisburg. says:
"The scramble for the Governorship
thus early in the fight is attracting the
attention of the people, with nearly
every Congressman in the State a pros
pective candidate. It is impossible to
furnish definite information, bnt the
struggle promises to be the liveliest in
the history of the State.
"Last January the influence of Sena
tor Quay was much sought after by as
pirants for the high place, but since the
-T?TRT*«eof the reform programme and
the consequent resentment of the people
the different candidates are emboldened
to branch out for themselves. They
realize that Senator Quay has a battle
of his own to wage, and in spots it would
be a handicap to be known to have his
"On the other haild. the Senator will
avoid entangling alliances until he is
sure that his Senatorial title is clear.
Public sentiment may change radically
in a year, but at this time it cannot be
denied that a number of the Beaver
statesman's strongest friends are waver
ing in their loyalty.
"In the Juniata Valley, which the
Senator carried in the Combine war,
with the exception of Pern* county, the
sentiment is said to be decidedly anti
Quay. Huntingdon, which was the ban
ner Quay county two years ago, is re-
be quite offish, so that if deals
can be made in Allegheny and Phila
delphia counties profitable to the muni
cipal bosses they will certainly be ar
ranged. Martin, in the Quaker City,
will take advantage of the Senatorial
contest to nominate a Mayor of his
choice, which will be the crucial test
of his leadership.
"A quiet boom for Governor has re
cently been started for Secretary Reed
er. So many gubernatorial candidates
are aspringing up that it is hard to say
which is the latest. The friends of Gen
eral Reeder are urging his claims upon
Senator Quay, but the supposition is
that the latter favors Congressman W.
A. Stone of Allegheny. Colonel Stone
is reported to have said that Colonel
Quay never told him he was for him,
but nevertheless the Northside Con
gressman is regarded as the Quay can
didate. Attorney General McConnick
has not announced his candidacy, but
he will sorely be in the race, and at
present his friends are at work in his
The supporters of Congressman C.
W. Stone of Warren, outline the situa
tion as follows, and they have their
man in training, not exactly as a com
promise candidate, but they hope he
will be acceptable to both factions and
come in at the home stretch when the
others are winded. They profess to be
lieve that Stone of Allegheny is the
choice of Senator Quay, and McCor
mick will be the standard-bearer of the
independents and anti-Quav forces.
The fight will be hot. no doubt bitter,
and eventually narrow down to these
two, with the result that neither can be
nominated. Then the C. W. Stone
people will step forward and propose
their candidate as a good one upon
which both wings of the party can
unite. They will point out that in the
Combine row Stone, of Warren, was
neutral and could not be induced to
come off the top rail. It was not his
battle and he stood aside and watched
tion is good tactics for the Warren
Congressman, and he would win prob
ably if the contingency he anticipates
should arise, but that is as nncertain as
any problem in casuistry.
Meanwhile, a powerful combination
is being formed east and west to boom
Attorney General McCormick, whose
political record since he came into
prominence has been consistent. He
will unquestionably be backed by the
Business Men's League, the Wana
maker people and, of course, will be
supported by Governor Hastings and
his friends.
Ex-State Treasurer Jackson, of Arm
strong county, has the gubernatorial
bee badly.
He is counting upon the delegates
from his Congressional district, com
posed of Jefferson, Westmoreland, In
diana and Armstrong. State Chair
man Elkin will have considerable to
say about Indiana, and Beacom and
Bobbins will have to contend with
Colonel Huff for the control of West
moreland. The political whirligig is
changing so rapidly that Colonel Huff
may land on top in the next contest.
He is smarting under his defeats of the
last two years.
In Central and Western Pennsyl
vania there are Congressman Arnold
andGeneralJohn A. Wiley, who have
an eye on the executive chair. They
will be factors in their sections of the
State. The men of money bags who
would like to be Governor are Con
gressman William Connell, of Scran
ton, and ex-Congressman Leisenring, of
Connell has been waiting to see what
will turn up, and up to date has been
catering to the wishes and advice of
Senator Quay. At the same time he is
reaching out for other help, but judg
ing from his methods he is too cautious
to be successful. The supporters of
Leisenring claim he will surprise the
natives. It is noticed that most of the
people who talk in this vein live in
Luzerne county. They claim he has
set up delegates quietly over the State,
and has laid a groundwork that will
make him formidable. This may be
true, but Leisenring will have to do
some great legging before he wins."
(From the same correspondent.)
The rumor is persistent that the Phila
delphia Senators will vote for Quay,but
the bargain has not been sealed. Mar
tin's aim in life at present is torenomin
ate his brother-in-law, Receiver of
Taxes,and to secure a successor to May
or Warwick fridhdly to himself. The
Ward Leaders' League, according to
Clerk of Courts Ahern, will support Sena
tor Quay for another term in the Senate.
Just now Martin holds the whip hand,
but he will deal at the right time, and
Senator Quay will not be averse.
The poor Durham faction, which
elected Crow Sheriff, is to be pitied. It
is upon the yerge of revolt from Quay
ism. but doesn't know where to turn.
To break with Quay would rebound to
the advantage of its arch enemy. Mar
tin, so the workers grind their teeth and
vow vengeance in secret, while the Bea
ver statesman confers with the combine
leaders. Nothing in life is more galling
than the exasperation of helplessness.
The history of the sale of Senatorial
gold bricks to Governor Hastings—that
is how the general describes the trans
actions is an interesting chapter in
State politics of the last two years. The
facts are only now coming fully to the
surface. It is known that when Came
ron realized that he could not be re
elected and he immolated himself for
the white.metal. Senator Quay and he
sent a reliable man to Governor Has
tings to notify him that lie should be
his successor.
Then the programme was to make
Lieutenant Governor Lyon Governor,
and the honest intention evidently was
to pass the Pittsburg charter legislation
But the success of Sandy Crow in the
Philadelphia shrievalty fight gave Pen
rose. Durham and Andrews a new least*
of life, and the rest is history.
Penrose was virtually forced upon
Quay through the bold engineering of
Andrews. Governor Hastings was side
trucked ami Lieutenant Governor Wal
ter Lyon had to take his medicine, with
his colleague.
The unfortunate temper of Penrose is
getting him into a peck of trouble. His
flare-up with Attorney General McKen
na is in keeping with the row he hail
with Governor Hastings. This i 9 not
all, however. James McManes, the
old Philadelphia leader and head of the
Peoples Bank, it is current talk in poli
tical circles, also had a disagreement
with the young Senator, and the hanker
notified Senator Quay, as the story goes,
that whenever he wished to communi
cate with him in the fntnre to come
himself, or send another messenger than
Senator Penrose. These little sideplays
give the boys plenty to talk about
| It is difficult to say whether Senator
Qnay really intended to retire from pol
itics or was playing a game to have
Governor Hastings sign the Becker bill
Notwithstanding the talk of the Sena
tor's friends that he was personally in
different to the Becker measure, but in
teres ted himself to please Penrose and
Durham, it is in evidence that he was
as eager to have it signed as the chief
It developes that before Senator (juay
indulged in what some people think was
a hot-weather joke, that he was tired
of politics and would retire at the end
of this term, he wrote a letter to Gov
ernor Hastings making the same an
nouncement, and suggesting to the lat
ter that he would be his logical success
or. It is stated that in this letter, which
gos3ip seems to make quite authentic,
the Beaver statesman employed an In_
dian metaphor, saying that he longed
to sit quietlv in his wigwam, and all he
asked was that before the young braves
went to battle they would call and take
council of him. Then, when he pre
snmed that this letter had properly pav
ed the way.he and Senator Penrose call
ed on the Governor, and the row follow
ed after Daniel refused to sign the Beck
er measure.
At this hearing it is said on good an
thority that Senator Quay suggested th^-
tirst thing to be done was to floor Mar
tin, and the Becker bill would do it.
The Governor replied that Senatorial
gold bricks had 110 further charms for
him. Since then Senator Quay has had
at least one conference with Martin, the
man he proposed to wipe off the map
and this is modern politics. It is evident
if the people want reform in govern
ment they must select men to adminis
ter affairs and pass laws who do not
break them.
Since it is settled that Governor Has
tings will not be a candidate for the
Senate next year the anti-Quay people
are casting around for a man to jump
into the breach, and it is certain a good
one will be found, who will meet the
Senator on his own terms of a popular
vote. It will be rembered that in his
appeal to the p<«ople when Dalzell op
posed hira Senator Qnay invariably se
lected counties for the test where his
machine was in good working order ami
he was sure of victory. After several
pronouced successes his stock went up
in fine style as a result of reflex action
on other voters.
Thus the first bout with Dalzell oc
curred in Armstrong county, where the
leaders are of the Quay stripe, and the
Senator won in a canter. Since then
the workers in that county have been
rewarded. Colonel Jackson was made
Treasurer and Dan Heiner was sent to
Congress, and now is to be made United
States District Attorney. -
The opposition will not fall into the
same trap, but will adopt Quay s tact
ics, of selecting their counties in which
to make a big blnff. Tioga. Lycoming.
McKean, Clinton, Center, and even
Clearfield, York, Perry, Bucks Lehigh.
Carlton, Wyoming Lucerne, Schuylkill
Alleghenv and some others would not
be one sided Quay territoiy. The anti
Quay candidate will be coached to keep
out of counties on which Senator Quay
has a mortgage. It will be a battle
royal with the shrewd politics not all
confined to the Quay faction.
Prospect ancl Vicinity.
Be it remembered that
James McClymonds, who has worked
for H. A. Kelly all summer, departed
for his home at Centreville, Saturday.
We hope Jim will come to see us now
and then.
Joe Allen and Clay Sarver came down
from Isle, Saturday morning, and spent
awhile in town.
John Waddell and family went down
to Evans City list Saturday to witness
the ball game between Evans City and
,jonu wergie a Tin wire ana DM E>K-X
and mother-in law, Mrs. Teets, were
New Castle visitors last week. Bird
was surprised to see the bustle there.
Ira Gallagher and wife were in But
ler c>ne day last week, and we must say
that Ira and that new buggy make a
fine appearance.
H. W. Henshaw and G. P. Weigle
went berry hunting, west of town, last
Thursday, and Mrs. J. J. Shanor and
her girls came to the rescue with a
lunch at dinner time. Mrs. Shanor
thought the boys were "dudes," but
thanks anyway.
Mr. Bartell of Warren, 0., was the
guest of T. H. Boehm and family* last
week. We are glad to hear that Mr.
Bartell has a liking for our town.
Alex Stewart and wife and Stewart
Wilson and wife attended the recent
Weller-English reunion in Lawrence
Miss Nannie Murphy of Butler has
been visiting her aunts, Mrs. M. Heyl
and Mrs. John Weigle the past week.
Mrs. H. W. Langherst and girls spent
last week with Mrs. Lewis Albert of the
Hickory Corner district, visiting and
canning huckleberries.
Newt Riddle thinks that some of the
kittens in Prospect are the meanest a id
most impudent felines he ever saw. It
was fun for John Shaffer and Thannie
Grossman to watch the antics.
Miss Maud Hevl has returned from a
visit to her uncle, John Flinner of Lan
caster twp.
Marion Henshaw and wife of Butler
were the guests of C. M. Henshaw and
wife, a recent Sunday.
Curo Grossman recently went up to
Elora to attend to some important bus
iness, and during an ungarded moment
the horse broke the fills out of the bug
gy, and poor Curt had to come home on
horseback. Curt, a fellow will have
some mishaps.
Burry and Heyl are making the
rounds again with their "Low-down
Massillon" thresher, doing their usual
good work. John has a great time
keeping George and Ford from talking
too much with the girls
Edmnndson's band formed in line and
marched to the home of M. T. McCand
less, a mile north of town, one evening
last week. Of course Mrs. McCandless
furnished the boys with an excellent
C. P. Krantz, P. H. Sechler and Silas
Kissick have of late indulged in the
poet's fancies, and have written some
fair productions.
Mrs. George Deitz and children of
Allegheny have been summering at the
Boehm House, the past two weeks. We
believe that city folks would find more
rest, comfort and health in a place like
our town than they could by going to
the seashore and many other places, not
necessary to name.
W. T. Gallagher of Butler visited his
father, Thomas Gallagher, not long
Supt. Cheesman of Portersville passed
through town on his way to Butler last
Friday evening.
John Mcßride and a goodly number
of other picnicers from McCandless
passed through town last Friday morn
IHJT Oil their way to Slippery rock. The
young folks were enjoying themselves.
Miss Clara Heck of Butler has been
Visiting her relatives hereabouts, the
past two weeks, and has sung some of
her fine solos for the Lither League.
Mrs. .1 Park Hays of the Mile Run
district, recently spent the day with her
old schoolmate, Mrs. Lepley and fami
Miss Eva Keefer of West Liberty late
ly visited her sisters. Mrs. H. A. Kelly
and Mrs. J. L. Henshaw.
This was a great hay-harvest and
Daniel Shanor and John Shaffer had
nearly a hundred loads each.
Mrs. Fred Bander and daughter Mrs.
Wagner of Portersville were the gui sis
of Mrs. T. 11. Boehm, lately.
Ed. McCleary was in the city last
week buying goods and sight seeing.
The fuss that is made oyer the loss of
Secretary Sherman 's memory should not
cause it to be overlooked that the same
complaint ha* affected other eminent
gentlemen. The Republican leaders of
this State seem to have had a bad at
tack of it. concerning their own pledges,
ami in their arrangments for the fntnre
they hope for nothing better for them
selves than that the forget fulness shall
become epidemic among the people.
At tne meeting of the Business Men s
Republican League in Philadelphia last
Thursday the candidacy of Major Mc-
Cauley. of Chester county, for Auditor
General, was indorsed, but the com
mittee refrained from any indorsement
of a candidate for State Treasurer The
following resolutions were unamously
Wbereas, We. the Business Men s
Republican League of the State of
Pennsylvania, in our battle to protect
the people's interests from unjust and
vicious legislation, and against the
machinations of selfish and insolent
dictatorship, are pledged—strictly
within party lines —to support candi
dates of ability and fitness, regardless
of factions or their affiliations, believ
ing that the essential step towards im
proved political methods is the election
of better men to office; and
Whereas. It was thought that the
passage of the bill requiring interest on
State deposits would deprive the State
Treasurership contest of any vital issue,
but the shameless and persistent as
saults ujton the State Treasury by the
"mileage grabbers'' and Treasury loot
ers'" during the last session of the Legis
lature have demonstrated that the con
duct of the office of the State Treasurer
is still of vital importance to every tax
payer, and make it necessary to elect
as its guardian a man whose vault keys
shall not be merely the "will of a po
litical boss, ' and
Whereas. The widespread discontent
and disgust pervading the rank and Hie
of the Republican party in Pennsyl
vania, because of long-coatinued "one
man domination," should be met by
the selection of men as candidates for
Auditor General and State Treasurer of
unimpeachable character and marked
independence, free from those influences
that longer render possible or enconr
age "Treasury raids; therefore, be it
Resolved. That we heartily indorse
the candidacy of Major Levi C. McCau
ley, of Chester county, for Auditor
(ieneial. and pledge hiui the active and
eirnest support of this organization,
believing his sterling Republicanism,
splendid qualifications and indepen
dence to especially tit him for that of
fice; and be it further
Resolved, That we earnestly admon
ish the party managers, if they have
bonest regard for Republican welfare,
to take heed of the threatening storm
of righteous disapproval, by nominating
for State Treasurer a man who posses
ses the confidence oi the party, and
and whose best boast is not that "he is
the creiture of a boss."
The efforts to secure the removal of
United States District Attorney Hall by
inducing him to resign, or by ousting
him summarily, were given a final
quietus at the Department of Justice
last Thursday when Senator Penrose
called, it is supposed at the instance
of Qua}', to make a last appeal for the
i.iimediate appointment of ex-Congress
man Heiner.
The Attorney General has not hitlin
t > given any explicit answer to frequent
recent arguments of this character; but
when Penrose become somewhat dicta
torial che was told that Mr. Hall
would not be removed; that his resigna
tion had not been asked for, and would
not be, and that he would be permitted
to serve the brief remnant of bin term
without being disturbed.
The Attorney General intimated that
it was not specially complimentary to
Heinr and his friends that they should
connive at the dismissal of an officer
against whom there were no charges,
and that such a peformance would be
of no benefit to the prospective appoin
It is believed the sole reason for the
movement is that Qua}- and Ileinerhave
been somewhat alarmed at the growing
strength of Higgins, of Erie, and the
efforts making to secure the Attorney
ship for hiui-
Drs, G. L. Campell, and S. M. Bippns
have been appointed Pension Examin
ing surgeons for Butler Co.
R. M. Stewart of Erownsdale and
A. M. Borland of Butler have been
granted pensions.
.Be it known that:—
C. C. Criner is home from the Corn
wallis, W. Va. oil field, for a short stay.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Logan of Jefferson
Centre were the guest of A. H. Gold
last Friday.
Misses Florence and Lucy LaPoint of
Cooperstown were the guests of Miss
Pearl Criner, last week.
Miss Nannie McGowan of Tarentum
was the guest of Mrs. J. N. Fulton, last
Miss Mable McCall who has been at
tending scxiool at Wilmerding, is home
on a yacation.
Wm. Johnston and Win. Beckwith
were the guest of J. C. Johnston, last
An interesting game of ball was play
ed last.Saturday between the Flick nine
and Oakpoint Students. Score 23 to 23
in favor of Oakpoint.
Chas Firman, J. C. Johnston and Jas.
Anderson are seriously thinking of go
ing to Klondike.
Wm. Davis of Tarentum was the
guest of his cousin, S. F. Johnston, last
Miss Grace McCall is the guest of
Mrs. John Allen.
Koya! makes the food pure,
wholesome sad delicious.
Absolutely Pure
The Ford farm in Donegal twp., near
Millerstown is for sale. I* conta lis
about 150 acres, is well watered and ill
good condition. For terms inquire at
this office
Jiioks\ ille Nolo>.
The drill luitt l**en pnt in openition-for j
.1 gas well on the farm of W. P. Me- ]
Threshing and plowing are now the '
order of the day among those who are
HO fortunate aa to 1*» done harvesting.
The heart of the tiller of the soil is made
glad by a bountiful yield of wheat,hay,
i Miss Josie and Master John Tooney.
: who hare been visiting Mr. and Mrs.
G. W. Cnmley have returned to their
home in Pittsburg.
Rev. Mainwaring formerly of C'ali
fornia. Pa., now ministers to the spirit
ual wants of Zion Baptist church.
Mrs. Millie Pizor and daughter, Ora.
were pleasantly entertained by Mrs.
David Studebaker, on Friday.
Master John Moßride of Allegheny is
' making an extended visit to his grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mcßride of
this place.
Mrs. Prof. Book of Beaver Falls who
has been visiting her sister, Mrs. M. C.
Searing, has returned to her home.
The McNees and Taylor reunion will
be held at the home of Mrs. Susanna
McNees on Friday. Aug. '-0. A pleas
ant time is anticipated.
But lor County Pomona.
A regular meeting of Butler County
Pomona Grange No. 17. P. of H. will
meet at Winfield Grange Hall. Wept. 2.
at 10 o'clock, A M. All fourth degree
members are invited to attend.
1 Bv order of Committee.
Sec'y. Master.
THREE THOUSAND men are said to
be sti.lled at Dyea and Skagna on their
way to the Klondike gold fields, and
many are selling their out fits and re
—August '2B is the last day for the 5
per cent off taxes in Bntler.
WILSON—At her home in Butler,
August 14. 1897. Mrs Wilson, wife of
Amos C. Wilson, aged years.
Mrs. Wilson had been a sufferer from
heart disease for some months, and her
death was not unexpected. She was a
: sister of Frank and Al. Bowser, and
■ was an excellent woman.
LIEBLER - August 16, 18'.)7. Edmund
son of Henry Liebler, of Bntler, aged
8 years.
- ELLIOTT—At her home in Summit
F twp., August 15, 1897, Mrs. Anna
Elliott, wife of Huston Elliott, aged
L 38 years.
i Hea death was caused by inflamma
tion, the child dying also. She left 9
t children, 7of whom are small.
HILL —At the residence of Geo W al
ter on S. Washington street on Au
gust 16. 1897, Stephen H. Hill, aged
r 63 years.
[ A few weeks ago Mr. Hill fell from a
ladder while working in Walter's mill
' and was severely injured. It is now
> thought that an epileptic stroke caused
- his fall and death followed a general
breakdown of his system. Mr. Hill
was esteemed and respected by all who
knew him. the interment will be at his
home, Spencer, O.
' MONTAG—At her home in Jefferson
Centre, August 16, 1897, Mrs. Ed
i ward Montag, aged 47 years.
Joseph Ritner Simmers, formerly of
I Winfield twp., died at Braddock, July
31st. aged about 60 years.
While Mrs. Conley, of Millerstown
was washing, last Wednesday, she was
stricken with paralysis' and died short
lv after.
A. J. Nellis. the hay fork man, and
first president of the Pittsburg Expo
sition. died at Tarentum Monday.
That Backache
All Cured Now —Also Salt Rheum
and Kidney Troubles.
f'l had salt rheum aud kidney trouble,
and began taking Hood's Harsaparilla. Be
fore taking this medicine I could not Bleep
ot. lllgllt una my bock ochcd o© much that
I could not lie in bed, and was obliged to
walk the floor at night. lam now able to
go to bed and sleep nil night." GEOROE
SIMMON, Harbor Creek, Pennsylvania.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Istlie best-in fact the One True Mood Purifier
Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. '23 cents.
Good clothes at such low
prices that po r ones are no
longer wanted.
f ® ©
There is a little something aliout f
\ the collar and lapel of our coats \
m and a certain graceful hang of the #
? trousers that makes them original, i
S knack which cheap tailors cannot >
acquire no matter how good is the |r
* material they use. W
k & k 9
Your inspection of our new
Spring Patterns and a com
parison of prices.
Price complete with By-
Pass and Glass Chimney $2 00
With Mica Chimney $2,25.
Geo. W. Whiteliill,
Pressed brick front, two story and
mansard, large rooms, wide hall, ele
gant cellar —eight rooms, lot 24 X ico —
house on rear of lot—brick, six rooms.
Both houses in good condition and
occupied, within five minutes walk of
Pittsburg Court Ilo'ise —value #7,500.
Wi'l trade for farm in good location
within 30 miles of Pittsburg, Pa. on or
near Railroad—address
The Butler Citizen, i.
Sheriff's Sales.
| By virtue of sundry writs of Ven. K\. t Fi.
Fa., Lev.. Fa. icc. Isnuihl cut of the Court of
I Common Pl«*asof Butler county. Pa.. and to
me directed t&ere will be OJl posed T<> public
• at t!»«* t'ourt House, in the borough «>f
Butler, on
Friday, Septemder 3rd.
I A. n. IMB7. at I o'clock iv M.. the folk** n|
: deserted property. to-wit :
F. P. No. I2r;. >»'pt* m]>« r Term bVT, J. \\
Hutchison Atty.
All the right, title, interest and eiaim of
il A Bhinelknaerof. in and t<» all that cer- !
tain lot of ground, situated in Butler »*»!•«»..
Butler County. Pa.. In»utided follows, to- i
wit: On the north by Way ne st reet, • »ti tin
east by MrKean street, on t.ie south t»y
Quarry Reserve ii«»w an alley, and on the
west by lot No. *47" in i lie pla»i of >aid boro. 1
and being lot marked No "4o in the plan of
said boro., being sixty feei front on said ;
Wayne street and ruuii tig Iku'W 180 feet more
or less ha ing * one Mo.*y fr;une shop there- 1
<.ii erected. rti< ibt« nsi of sud H A Rhine
lander will fully upj.e.-r from inspection «»f
the willof the late \illiam Jthlnefander re
corded in Registers ofllce In and toi the
; county of Kuileroii Will Book "1' pau*
seized :*iid tal.cn in execution as the prop
? erty of II A Khinelander at the suit of John
Vounkins for use of J. W. lluU'hison.
E. T>. No. m. and !a 1 s«*pt«»mlN»r Term. l-s«7.
t \\. 11. Lusk and Alex Mitchell. Atty's.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
(ieoi'ge J smith and Mary t <» smith alias
Mary J. sinitn of. in a MI t" all that certain
lot of ground, situated in Butler l>oro.. Hut
l ler County I'a., bounded as follows. to-wit:
L On the noi'tli by lot of Joseph Kemper, on
the east by lot of Alary !*mitn. on the south
by Cunningham street, and on the west by a
public alley. Having a front of 90 feet on said
Cunningham st eet and running north
thence rt" iVet to lot of Joseph Kemper afore
said. having thereon « reeled a two srory
ImcK mansard roof building now known n>
t lie Cunningham Hotel. Kecorded in Deed
1 Book No i;>s ~f said county on page 4SZ.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Georgw J Smltn IUMI Mary C <• Smith
' alias Ma.*y •' Smith at tin- suit of Cieorge
Schenck : ntl Andrew U Williams for u»«- of
John S Wick.
E. D. No. 77 and v ">. September Term ls'J7.
W A Forquer, Atty.
All the right, title, interest and cla'-m of .1
W Stewart and El»/a!»eth Stewart, of. in ami
to all that ce. tain pU '*e or parcel of laud,
situated in Millersiown boro.. Butler County
\ I'a.. bounded ;is follows. to-wit: Beginning
at a post by lot of Joaiah Holland thence
souili iJ t tieg. west to land of Frank Boyle,
to a post; thence by lands o." Frank Boyle
norm 7J 1 - deg. 1:> *"eet to a post: ~ by
an alley *> feet; thence by Water street
"j south feet to the place of l>eglnning.
being the same piece of laud conveyed to J
W Stewart I>y t H Joints ton. recorded in
I ie4'd Book 145 page and Having a two
story frame dwelltng house, a small frame
stable, and other outbuildings erected
Seizeu and taken in execution as the prop
erty of J W Stewart and 1 lizabetn Stewart
f at the suit of Painter Murrin for use of C
II Johnston and C II Johnston.
E. I>. No. 12 SeptemlN'r Term, l s, .C. W. I).
1 lirandon. Atty.
r All the right, tiile, interest and claim of
i Frank Markwell. or. in and to aeres of
] land', more or less, situated in Concord twp..
Bui ler County. I'a., title to which was ac
quired by said defendant in three parts and
[ by three separate deeds, but hounded now
. as one t.act as follows, ou the north by the
1 public road and by M. J. Kobinson. on the
east by lands o.' Ciyiner «ieirs. and Kobinson,
on the south by la.ids of E L Kedick and the
* Thomas lot. and on the west by lands of
l Morrison and the public road.
\ and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Frank Markwell at the suit of
Stephen Markwell. Sr.
E. I>. No si, September Term. I*l*7. Newton
. Black Atty.
All the right, title interest and claim of
Mary Newton and Maggie Newton, now Mrs.
J P itall, o». In and to all that certain lot of
land, situated in Porte.sville !x>ro., Butler
\ County. I'a., bounded as follows, to-wit: on
the north by i«>t of Had i Bauor on the
east by Main street, on the south by lot of
i Kichard Kamsey. and on the west by lands
of John Neiper.*ha\ing thereon a store mom
frame, frame dwelling house, frame stable
and other outbuildings.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Mary Newton auti Maggie Newton
now Mrs. J PHall at the suit «>f E L Onn
uiughum now for use of James W Cunning
» ham.
s* E. I). No. 121 September Term. 1*97. J. W.
Hutcaison, Atty.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
1 Henry Thompson o»\ in and to all that cer
tain lot of ground situated in Butler boro..
But ler County. I'a.. being lot number two in
Frank Morris plan of lots of record in the
Recorders office of the said county in Deed
Book 124, page the said lot having a
( width of 4'. i'eet in front ou the northerly
. side of Cleveland >t.t <i in tne ->:titi plan, and
extending back therefrom northwardly a
distance of 200 feet to an alley whereon it
has a frontage of 40 feet and being bounded
1 on the east by lot now or late of Mrs. C M
Kersteter. on the west by lot now or late of
I' K Marcu. Having thereon erected a two
Story frame dwelling house and other out
i Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Henry Thompson at the suit of Key
stone State B & L Assoc. of Pittsburg Pa.
E. D. No. 110, 122 ai.d 123, Septemlier Term
1897, J. W. Hutchison Atty.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
L E Brackney of. in and to all that certain
lot of ground situated in Butler IKMO.. But
ler County, i'a.. iH'inj. lots Nos t> and 7 in \\
I Brug.i plan of lots in Springdaie in said
) iNiro. and taken together bounded and de
scribed as follows, to-w*t: Beginning at the
southeast corner of Fa : *riew Ave. and Beta
i Wry; thence south 1 deg. west feet, along
the east side of Fairriew Ave. to lot No. 8 In
said plan, them-e east i deg. sout i 19650-100
3 feet to an alley; thence » orth » deg. east *0
' feet along said alley io Beta Way aforesaid;
' .inri tlieuee west I ceg. no I h IMJ feel atori^
3 Beta Way to the place <»f beginning. Hav
ing the eon erected a two story frame dwel
-3 ling house of ten rooms and r<x>f, and
3 a stable and oi her outnuildings.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Lawson E at the suit of
Keystone State B & L Asso. of I'ittsburir
i* successors to the First National B & L
Asso. of Pittsburg Pa., and Mrs. Helen
Dickinson for use etc. et. al.
E. D. No. M, i:jo ; nd i:JO September Term.
1K97, W. I). Brandon ;md LLvj Wise Atty.
All the right title, interest and claim of
John Held, of, in and to all tnat certain
piece or parcel of land sit in Forward
twp.. But ler County. Pa., bounded as follows
to-wit: Beginning at a stone pile on the
south side Oi Connouuenessing cieen then by
saltl creek the following 12 courses viz:
south Ntt deg. west 32 perches, north 71 deg.
west 32 perches, north til deg. west
perches, north t>i deg. west Hi 1 * perches,
north t>« deg. west 20 perches, north 67 deg.
west 90 perches, north 45TV6 deg, west 19 •
perches, south 73deg. west i s perches, south
41» deg. west lti'-i pevches, souili deg. west
ft tia'4 perches south ;»1 deg. west I.V 2 perches,
/ to a Linn-wtKxi tree; thence by laqds now or
| formerly of Markwell south 7s 1 -, deg. east
I '37'« perches to a Line tree; thence crossing
J Glade Hun south 73* i deg. east 16 perches;
| thence along the bank of said run 7 courses
w as follows to-wit: south deg. east 34
J perches to a Linn tree. south .vs• deg. east
I south 73 deg. east 2J perches, south 70 deg.
J east 14 perches, south 42 deg. east and
| south l : deg. east 7 perches to line of laud
w formerly of Adam Brown: thence with said
J line and lands of William Douthett north 01
| deg. east 121 perches to a post on line «»f
I lands claimed by Critchlow: thence by line
J of said lands of James or Jesse Critchlow
} north 41 deg. west r>2 perches to tlie place of
k beginning, containing 12a acres and 12a
r perches, more or less. Having thereon
f erected a frame dwelling house, frame
stable and other outbuildings.
I ALSO—Of. in and to ail that certain piece
or parcel of land situated in Forward twp.,
Butler Countv, Pa., bounded as.follows, to
wit: Beginning at a post then of: i»y lands of
Jacob Wouster of which this a pan 22 4-10
perches to a cherry; thence north si <l««g.
west 33 3-10 perches to a post, south 73 deg.
east 13 »> 10 perches; thence by lands of
Henry Sithalier north 2ii deg. .V» perches:
thence by lauds of Jacob Wouster sout h 00' 2
deg. west 22': perches: thence south a 0 deg.
west 11 perches; thence south 2W l 2 deg. east
13 4-10 nc.vhes to the Place of beginning,
containing ten acres, more or less, ami re
corded in heed Book 112, page 373. Having
thereon erected a small dwelling house,
frame stable, etc. thereon
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of John Held at the suit of J E Bran
don for use of 11 C Welsh aud Con Nlcklas.
F. D. No. 10s Sept em I >er Term. 1597. Mates &
l oung Atty's.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
D A Haggerty. o\ In and to all that certain
piece or parcel of land, situated in Clearflelcl
twp.. Butler County, Pa., lioundcd as fol
lows. to-wit: On t ie north by lands of Mc-
Bride, on the east by lands of Wei I and heirs,
on the south by of Steighner and
. mi »»t»tl on tin'west T»y lands of Steighner
and a private road, cOutatniug sutv four
acres, more (>r -less ami having thereof
erected a log house and barn, and other
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of D A Haggerty at the suit of John
E. D. No. 123 September Term. 1*.»7. J. W
Hutchison Atty.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Lawson E Brackney, of, in and to all that
certain piece or parcel of land situated in
Clay twp.. Butler County. Pa., bounded as
follows, to-wit: On the north by'lands of
Nnaman I*' Hartley and Alexander Kalston.
east by lands of Milton Thompson, Thoonts
Thompson and Miller, on the south by lands
of Samuel Met all. John Sutton and Muddy
ereek. on Hie wesi by lands of John K Mc-
Junkins. containing seventeen acres, more
or less. Having thereon erected a good
dwelling house barn and other out buildings
Seized and takt n in execution as the prop
erty of Lawson E Brackney at the suit of
Mrs. lie lieu E Dickinson for use of W F
Turner now for use of J W Hutchison Ac F P
E. D. No. 82, September Term, IS<J7, Frank
Koh ler Atty.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
George L Barr, of. in and to all that certain
piece o** parcel «»f l:wid situated in Jefferson
twp., Butler County, Pa., bounded as fol-
Uiws. to-wit: Beginning at the southeast
corner of tract in public road; thence north
TMtf deg. west 12 5-16 perches, to a post:
thence along said public road al'j, tieg. west
:*"» 2-10 perches to a post: thence by lands
formerly Barr heirs north tieg. east 10a 7-10
perches t«» a post; thence south f*9H deg. east
(0 22-100 perches to a post or corner; thence
by lands of same tract south \ deg. west
12S 02-100 perches to a post or place of begin .
ning: containing 31 acres, more or less, re
corded in Deed Book 109. page L. I 'l.
Sei/ed and taken iti execution as the prop
erty of George L Barr at the suit of D 11
Wul ler.
E. D. No ;«3. 90. and i»7, Septemlier Term. ls'J7
S. F. Bowser and Painter Atty s.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Rudolph Bortmas. of. in and to all that cer
tain piece or parcel of land situated in Oak
land twp.. Butler county, Pa., bounded as
follows, to-wit: Beginning at a post at the
southeast corner, thence north 2 deg. west
along lands of A stougiiton 143 perches to a
post: thepcf south Ks», deg. west along line
of land formerly owned by William Shake
lev. now owned by A Stougrhton
perches to line of lands of Clymer heirs:
t hence south 2 deg. east along line of lands
of Clyiuer heirs. 143 perches to a post: thence
north otiVi deg. east along line of lauds of B
Robertson et al. s4 perches to the place of
beginning; containing 75 acres strict
measure, having thereon erected log dwel
: ling house and stable and other outbuiid- I
» lnjcs.
j Seized un«t taken in executlo?. jh the pr»»p
erty of Budoipb Bortmas at the suit of 1
Nicholas Pontius and Peter Whitmire.
E. D. N0.51 84 - UW7, 8 F \ \ L
Bowser Atty
All the ruht. title, inten'st and claim of
W A Martin u 1 ( N Martin, of. In ami
to all that certain tract of land situated in
Parker i n . butler County, Pa . bounded as ,
follows. t'»-wlt: on the north by lands of
Samuel Walker and T C Martin, on the east '
' t»y lands of \ B Gibson, on the south bf j
. lands of John Kymer formerly, now Jacoti !
\\ liitmire. and on the west by lands of John
: >a> formerly, r : • • w Edi ird 1 **.».• I linii g
| acr«s. uiote or less, anil having thereon
j erected a fian.e two st<>ry dwelling house.
I two frame barns, granery. and other out
Seized and taken in e\« ution as the prop
j erty »f W A Martin and Carrie Martin
the suit of E A Tot ten.
t E. D No. 120. SeptemlN'r Term. lsi»7. J. W.
Hutchison Atty,
I All the right, title, interest and claim of
S 8 GUI, ofrin and to all that certain i«>t «> f
land situated in Butler boro., Butler County
• Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: Being lot
jNo M l 7** in Mrs Jennie A Miller plan of ts
ill »ani lN»r«»uuli ttie saltl lot ha\um i width
of 40 feet in trout ou the caste* iy side of
Miller street tti said plan aud extending
back therefrom east wardly from said street ,
between parallel lines a distance IU
feet and six inches on the northerly side
aU ng lot So i % . In said pi—, and a distance
of 11M feet 10 in< i»es on t lie southerly siti»
along lot No. 16. in said plan to an alley 12 I
feet wide in the rear. Havini; thereon er- !
j ected a two story t.auie dwelling house, and
otlier outbuildings,
seized and taken in execution a» the prop-
I erty " r > s (.ill at tlie >uit of kt yst.nu state
; li \ L .\ss<>. of Bittshurg, Pa.*, sturcessors
j First National it LAsso. of Pittsburg, Pa.
TERMS OF SALI: The following must be
staictly complied with when property is
stricken down.
1. \\ hen the plaintiff or other Hen creditor
tiecomes the purchaser, the «*t»sts«>n the writ
must be paid, and a list of the liens, includ
ing mortgage searches on the property sold.
) together with such lien creditor's receipt*
for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or
such portion thereof as he may claim, must
be furnished the Sheritt'.
2. Ail bids must be paid in full.
3. All sales not settled immediately will
be continued until 1 o'clock p. m. of the next
day at which time all property noi sett.dd
for will again IK* put up and sold at the ex
pense anu risk of the person to whom first
: sold.
•see Purdon's Digest. 9th edition, page 4M»
and Smith's Forms page 3*4.
WILLI \ M B DODDS. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office. Butler. Pa.. Aug. 19. I*y7.
Register's Notices.
The Register hereby gives notice that the
following accounts of executors, adminis
trators and guardians have been filed In
this office according to law. and will IN* pre
sented to Court for confirmation and allow
ance on Saturday, tlie 11th day of sept. ls*»7.
at oo'clock, A. M„ of said day:
t 1. First and final account of Curtis L.
- Christ ley. guardian of Jennie B. Cliristley.
1 minor child of W. <». Christ ley. deceased.
2. Final account of Christina Kopp. exec
j utrix of John Kopp. deceased, late tif Cutler
. 3. Final account A. Krause. executor of
Margaret B. Friess. deceased, late of Jeffer
son twp.
4. Final account of Alex. Stewart, exec
» utor of Daniel Cress, deceased, late of Con -
11'iquenessing I M p
Final account of B. S. Rankin, guardian I
of William 11. McGarvey, minor child of
UolN'it McGarvey. deceased, late <»f Fair
view twp.
i 6. Final account of P. p. Brown, executor
of Robert McCalmont. deceased, late of West
f Sunbery.
7. Fir >t. final and distribution account of
f Neal Boyle, executor and trustee under the
i- will of Rodger Boyle, deceased, late of Done
, gal twp.
s. Final account of I*. (>. Purvis, guardian
f of W. H. Christie, minor child of T. T.
N Christie, deceased, late of Washington twp.
i 9. Final account of David S. Clark, exec
utor of James A. Clark, deceased, late of
Franklin twp.
10. Final account of S. I>. Bell, guardian
, of Mary H. Black, formerly Mary 11. Monnie.
. minor child of Alfred Monnie. deceased, late
. of Butler Iniro,
U. Final a-count of Mary A. Fleming,
administratrix of S. S. Fleming, deceased,
late oi Buffalo twp.
12. Final account of B. L. Ht>ekenberry.
? guardian of Jennie Dunlap. minor child of
W. W. Dunlap. deceased, late of Sunbury
. boro.
» 13 v Separate and final account of John
' A. Kennedy, one of the executors of Joseph
1 Miller, deceased, late tif Butler Imro.
i I*. Final account of John Reed, executor
' of George A. Lingenfelter. deceased, late of
i Centerville boro.
i 15. Final ;iccount of .T. A. F. Jackson, ad
t ministrator of Lavina Jackson, deceased.
1 late of Centre twp.
I 10. Final account of W. P. McCoy, execu
f tor of Matilda Hogg, deceased, late t>f Brady
> tw p.
17. Final account of Hannah S. Gephart.
administratrix of John Gephart, deceased,
late t>f Buffalo twp.
1-. Final-account of Isaac N. Wright, ad
ministrator of Rosanna Landis. deceased,
laic of Craulierry twp.
1 10. Final account of Joseph Rockenstcin.
adrnln Istraltor of F. P. Baldauf. deceased,
f late of Butaer boro.
i 2J. Final account of Samuel B. McCleary,
executor of Andrew Jamison, deceased, late
of Worth twp.
I 21. Supplemental final account of A. D.
- Thorn, .tiimiuistrator of John Thorn, de
• ce«sed, late of Butler twp.
i 22. Filial account of William Parks and
: Robert W. Buxton, executors of James
i Parks, deceased, late of Middlesex twp.
> 23. Final and distribution account, of
» Edward C. Beatty, administrator of llenri
; etta D. Beatty. deceased, late of Washington
21. Final ;vcoount of Charles E. Cranmer.
trustee in the estate of John Gerrard. de
l ceased, late «>t <vmre t wu.
Final and distribution account of John
- M. Reed, administrator of Hat tie Fleeger,
r deceased, late of Butler twp.
2t?. Final a<-count of Adam Kamerer.
, guardian of Ella A. Kamerer, tulnor child of
i joint D. Kamerer, deceased, late of Concord
2«. First and distribution account of E.
• C. Beatty and W. S. Beatty. executors of
John L. Beatty, deceased, late of Wasliing
f ton two., as tiled by E. C. Beatty.
i 2>. I irst partial account of T. Calvin Ken
-1 nedy and J. Anderson Kennedy, executors
i of S. A. Kennedy, deceased, late of Mars
29. Final account of Ferd Reiber. guar
dian of Clarence O. Spang, deceased, minor
child of Josiah R. Spang, deceased, late of
i Butler boro.
30. First partial account of John Findley.
administrator of 11. C. Black, deceased, late
. oi Harrisville boro.
1 W. J. ADAMS, Register.
; nun Your
i If you want goou and reliable
- cleaning or dyeing done, there is
just one place In town where you
■ can get it, and that is at
iHt em on ms
' k ,216 Center avenue,
B@,We do fine work in out
door Photographs. This is the
time of ysar to have a picture ot
your house. Give us a trial.
Agent for the Jamestown Sliding
Bliud Co. —New York.
Attorney-at-Law and Real Estate Agent.
Dealer IN
Rough Worked Lumber
Doors, Sash, Minds, Mouldings,
Shingles and Lath
Always in Stock.
Ofllce opposite P. & \V. Depot.
Practical Horse Shoer
Formerly Horse Shoer at the
Wick House has opened bus : »
ness in a shop in the rear of
the Arlington Hotel, where
he will do Horse-Shoeing iu
the most approved style.
hR. \V. P. McILROY,
Formerly known as the "Peerless
Painless Extractor of Teeth." Located
permanently at in East Jefferson St.,
Opposite Hotel Lowrv, Hutler. Will do
I dential operations of all kinds by the
latest devices and up-to-date methods.
I' it. McALI'INb.
Main St.
Na-sthetics Administered.
I kR. J. E. FAULK,
Painless extraction—N<> Gas —Crown i
i ana bridge work a specialty,
j Otfice —Room No. r. new Hiokel bnu>'.-
hR. X. 11. HOOVER,
IJ7 E. Wayne St., office hours, io to
12 a. m. i and to p. m.
I JR. CHAS. R. li. IU NT,
Eye, ear, nose and throat a specialty.
132 and 134 S. Maui Street, Ralstcn
200 West Cuuninghaui St.
Artificial Teeth in r:cd <>n the latest
improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec
ialty. Office over ililer s Sluie Store.
Office No. 45, S. Main st eet. over City
New Troutman Building, Butler Pa.
r A. RUSSELL, M. 1).
Li • Room 3, Bickel Block. Butler Pa
Peoples Phone No. 309. Night call 173
Office near Court Hotise.
Office in Mi cliell building.
Room 8., Armory building.
\\ T H. BROWN,
Office 236 S. Main St., opp. P. O.
Residence 315 N. McKean St.
Room J. —Armory building.
Office on South Diamond Street.
Office at No. 104 East Diamond St.
Office at No. S South Diam >nd St.
Office with Newton Black, Esq. South
Diamond Street.
Butler Savings Bank
L3u.tler, I 3 a.
Capital - - - - <60,000.0c
Surplus and Profits - $119,263.67
JOS. L PC'RVIs I'rtsidru
WM. CAMPBELL, Jr * ashlar
DIBEtTOBS -Joseph 1 ■ UITIS. .1. Heir
Troutiuim, W. 1). Urtndon W. A St'in. .1 S.
The Hutler Havmjfs Hank is the Oldest
Banking Institution in Butler County.
General banking business transacted.
We solicit accounts of oil producers, mer
chants. farmers and others.
All business entrusts 1 to us will receive
prompt attention.
Interest paid on time deposits.
T n if;
Butler County National Bank,
Butler Pen 11,
Capital p*id in - - $ 100,000.00
Surplus and Profits - 1114,647.87
Jos. Hartman, President; J. V. Ritts,
Vice President; C. A. Bailey. Cashier;
John G. McMarlin, Ass't Cashier.
A general banking business yansacted.
Interest paid on time de|x>si7s.
Money loaned on approved security.
VVe invite you to open an accouut with this
DIREt'TORS —Hon. Joseph Hartman, Hon.
W. S. VValdron, l»r N. .VI. Hoover. H. Vlc-
Sweeuey, E. E. A brain*, t'. P. Collins, I. O.
Smith, Leslie l». llazlett, M. l'inegati, VV.
VV. 11. Larkin, John Humphrey. l>r. VV. C.
McCamlless. Hon Masseth. Levi M. Wise.
J. V. Ritts.
C. & D.
'' .
V ■ .
v- • i
Can surely fin 1 lusevery 1! aireaatlsfied
in our Spring 1597 tock, which coti- j
tains all the shapes, c ' is and qua ities
most admired by connoisseurs We have
no fancy prices, but inert ly value for
Furnishing Goods in th same manner,
buying the best and selli: ;. is low 1-
many charge for infuior totxls. We are
always glad to show visitors .mr gixxls.
Call And See Us.
. - L. <» J \ • S
n ; xa;. i
,fiu oo.Tru>4 A»r rWrtinturf « > .* 1
1 -SALE- |
Next Monday morning }§
we will sell the few goods ®j
sg left from our Clearance ;
Sale at such prices as will Jjf
Sj close them out quickly. JV jj
Child's Bed, C ) Child's Bed# (jj
51.50, ( ) SIOO. (g£
Old Price r.s<>. 1 Old Price *«.o0. 1
Odd Chairs, j j Cancseat Chairs
f Old Price $1 and $1.50. r Old Price SI."Jo.
gj>Diningroomchairs) >Extension'Tables,
51.50. } S SB,OO.
Old Price #2.50. f \ Old Price $12.00. /
3USofa Bed Lounge,) < Oak Stands, bp
||\ $14,00. / S $1.25. \j||
Old Price $28.00. ? S Old Price $3.00.
Hall Rack, \ / Side Boards. /)g
jgn $30,00. S / $25.00, /fg
J The Odd Lots must' be jjj
closed out to make room ;g5
for the NEW FALL FUR- M
fcampbell ft TempletonJ
| C. F. T. Pape & Bro., 1
122 S. MAIN ST.. BUTLER. PA. g
jo This means the Lowest Prices for WATCH ES, CLOCKS,
Offered to the Public.
)K )j< ?K % '.t' % & %■ )icit %y * # % )K % % sjc % % ft •• ■ ••
53. 00 buys a Goo<lj| $4.00 buys Hamden or j[ $ll.OO ! ntvs a ladies zo-jf
' icb, movement madexElgin movement, \v itlijyear, 14 k, diamond case.f|
Elgin Watch Co.,with£best Silverine itwith movement made hv-Jjf
•;;Sil verine case ||case. *Elgin Watch Co.
$14.50 buys a geiitajf $2.35 buys aa 8 day I The best Alarm "
-i i.( k, 20 year case, with*clock, with alarm—waln'it-iClock made
MHamden or Elgin move--£or oak finish. for %
pment ;|price fj.co. 55 cts.£
All Goods are Warranted to be just as we say they are, yb
I j'
VM We must sell off our stock as fast as possible, so as to have room to >1
L 1 remodel our store the last week in August. Summer goods £
especially must go. Price is no object. Room for
A the carpenters to work is what we want. A F4
A few prices quoted would tell you 1
but little as everything
/ must go for what 1
j it will bring.
I] 25 to 50 per cent. h
L'n of the real value of the shoes. Don't miss a good tiling liy mis- WA
W A sing this sale. Come and see what
a dollar will do.
j A.. Ruff & Son's, I
Leaders in Low Prices. P4
< Mice on North Diamond Street, oppo j
site the Court House—Lower Floor.
Office on Main St. near Court House.
Ottico between Postoffice and Diamond
One of the most naturally attract Ire re
sorts tu America. Location amid the grand
est scenery, with Its springs of curative
waters, it is a health-giving as well as » de
lightful summer house. Toerge's Orchestra
will furnish music. For booklet* and term
V ALSIP, Manager.