I THE CITIZEN. THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1597. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTE—AII advertisers intending to make • change* in tUelr ads. should notify us of their Intention to do so. not later than Mon day morning. Road Reports. Widow's Appraisements, Register's Notices and Jury Lists for Sept. Term. An Ordinance. Robinson, the Horseshoer. C. & T.'s Prices. The Butler Collegiate Institute. Grove City College. Excursions. Administrators and Executors of estates can secure their receipt books at the CITI ZEN office. LOCAL AND GENERAL, "Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater, Had a wife and couldn't keep her; He hid her bloomers, bike and bell, And then he kept her very well. —Butler Fair—Sept. 7, 8, 9 and 10th. BOY WANTED-16 to 18 years of . years of age. with good common school education For particulars inquire at CITIZEN office. —Go up to the Orphans' Home this evening. —Cute curtailers of other people's cur rency are getting in their work these nights. —McClung & Co. struck a good gas ser on the T. R. Hoon farm in Centre twp. last week. —John A. Richey and S. S. Gill purchased the Steele cigar store, and it has been reopened. —The spelling of some of the names on the Jury List is incorrect but we print these lists just as they are writ ten. —We have received a well-written Btring of items from Brownsdale, but our correspondent does not give his or her name, and we cannot afford to vary from our rule in this respect. —The Band Concert and fancy byci - cle riding by Proctor, the new Butler first baseman, collected an unusually large crowd on the Diamond, Tuesday evening. —lf the CITIZEN pleases you, hand it to a neighbor who does not take it, and ask him to add his name to the long and appieciative list of patrons already on our books. Sample copies sent free. —Twenty years ago Karns City was a booming oil town with about 2000 population, now she has about 200 pop ulation. and these ask that the charter be annulled and the town again become part of Fairview twp. —We have it on the authority of a prominent lady of this town and one who has had much experience, having had a corn on each toe, that corns should never be pared during the increase of the moon. But if the operation is perform ed during the decrease of the moon the corns will soon disappear. The same rule applies to killing hogs. —The editor of a juvenile publication recently received the following: "Mistur editur: deer sur, please stop yor papur. sister Annie died on monday aftur redeing yore last wekes number." At last accounts the paper was still going -through its subscription list was shorter by one name. —Several localities in Western Penna were visited by rain and hail storms, Tuesday, and several fatalites were re ported, the oddest of which was the death of Ella Alexander at Blairsville while answering a telephone call. She and the hired man were at home, at the time the latter in the cellar grinding an ax. When the 'phone rang the yonng lady, aged 19, answered it, and the next moment the lightning struck the tele phone, passing through her body, tear ing her shoes off and passing through " the floor. —When you go to the telephone to converse with somebody around the corner or a mile away, compose yourself and talk quietly and naturally. The more natural the voice, the clear er transmission. Considering the difficul ty and wear of temper in trying to hold conversation with people who cannot make themselves intelligible when ad dressing a transmitter, we agree with the Chicago Record that somebody should start a school to instruct people in the use of the telephone. There is the nervous man with the high-pitch voice, says the Record, who roars into the telephone until the in strument at the other end gives out only a series of noisy buzzes. There is the misguided person who gets too close to the telephone, and his twin brother who stands too far from it. There is the fee ble-voiced woman whose talk is about M intelligible as the murmur of a sea shell, and there is the woman who stands two feet away and shrieks in coherently a sentence in which about t aro out of every five words can be un derstood. The women in fact -probably from their inexperience—are the worst offenders. The man with the vigorous lungs and the shouting accent is likely to be quite as bad. Somebody evident ly should set forth to give instructions in the art of talking by telephone. Lessons are needed in slow, distinct enunciation, in a voice not too high or too noisy, and with the lips near the trans mitter. —The "National Hay Asso'n" met in Pittsburg Tuesday, and discussed the situation and had several pleasant out ings. Delegates from nearly all the northern states, and some from Canada were present. Speaking of the outlook for this season Willis Pollock, editor of the "Hay Trade Journal" said the pres ent prospect is for the largest hay crop ever grown in this country; the largest in tonnage and the greatest in value. In 1896 the hay crop of the United States was estimated to be 59,000,000, in round numbers, and the crop this season is ex pected to reach between 60,000.000, and 70,000,000, tons at least. The National Hay association through its legislative committee has brought about the plat ing of a tariff of $4 a ton on hay in the present Dingley law. instead of $2 per ton as in the Wilson law. The total imports of hay rluring 1895 1896 under the Wilson law amounted to 504,000 ton 9 for which we paid $4,207,000. Under the new tirriff law the imports are bound to be greatly reduced, thus add ing a large sum of money annually to the farmers. In 1895 the total average value of the hay crop was estimated at $393,000,000,. The amount of hay re oeived in 41 of the leading cities of this country last year was 8,000, 000, tons, which sold at an average price of sl6 per ton. It would require double this amount to supply other markets and cost $29,000, (KM). The growers and dealers in hay this season have great reason to feel encouraged, and this fact will account for a very large attendance at the present convention in Pittsburg. LEGAL NEWS. NOTES. The will of Fredrick Eppinger of Lancaster twp was probated, no letters. Letters of administration on the es tate of Jannette M. Norton, late of Mars, were granted to C. S. Norton. The Forest Oil Co. recently bought a number of leases in Jackson twp . from A. J. Douthett. G. A. Eyman, .. as. Harvey and Levi M. Wise, the prices paid aggregating s*<,ooo. The petitions for naturalization of James Horsley, Wm. A. Oughton, Henry Wilson and Charles Koepple. have been filed and will be beard Thursday, September 7. Florence Conley, by her next friend T. C. Kennedy, has petitioned for di vorce from A. T. Conley. Wm. Caster, by his next friend F. L Caster, has had a capias in trespass is sued against Wm. C. Hawn claiming SSOO damages. On Saturday last Eckert Kalbpeti tioned Court for a Commission in Lunacy as to his wife, Rosenna, and Dr. Graham, Esq. Kennedy and Alex Russell were appointed. The case was heard in Col. Thompson's office Mon day and Tuesday, Col. Thompson ap pearing for the petitioner and S. F. Bowser for Mrs.*Kalb. and theCommi sion filed its report yesterday, with the "conclusion that Rosanna Kalb is in that peculiar condition; mentally and physically, that her own safety and welfare, as well as that of others, re quire that she be placed in some bospi al or asylum where she may receive pio per medical treatment," etc., and re commend Court to make such order as will carry their finding into effect. The defendant's counsel filed objec tions to this recommendation, and says that the Commission having failed to find Mrs. Kalb insane, as provided by law, the Court has no jurisdiction to make further decree in the matter, ex cept to dismiss the proceedings at cost of petitioner The Committee slightly amended their report, Mrs Kalb was taken to the Hospital at Mercer, this morning. A dispatch from Mars, dated last Fri day stated that William Hooks, a 19- year-old boy of that place was missing, and it was alleged he has been passing forged checks in wholesale quantities. The checks are drawn on the Butler Connty National bank and bear the signature ot Blair Hooks. At this place Thomas Miles, a barber, cashed a SIOO check by giving two checks, one for SSO and another for $29, and the balance in cash. Topping & Craig cashed one by accepting a $65 check in payment of a small bill and giving good checks for the balance. A. C. Irvine gave 45 cash for one of the worthless slips. The amount of cash obtained was not more than $75, but the boy has good checks worth S2OO. The banks on which thev are drawn, however, have been notified. In Butler Hooks ordered a bicycle off White, Walter & Co.. tendering one of the worthless checks in payment. He was to get the wheel yesterday, but failed to show up. LATE PROPERTY TRANSFERS. T. C. and J. A. Kennedy to D. S. Fair, lot in Mars for $250. 0. C. Barr to Florence K. Conley, lot in Mars. Wm Rape to G H Burr, 68 acres in Farward for sl. G H Burr to Wm Rape. 68 acres in Forward for sl. Zelienople Ex Co to Thos Bolivor, lot in Jackson for $450. Zelienople Ex Co to G B Junkin, lot in Jackson for sl. A M Lusk to C C Frederick lot in Zelienople for $4,000. Susan Armbruster to Geo E Millin ger, lot in Butler for $535. John D. Pisor to Isaiah N Meals, lot in Washington for S4O. P Whitmire to S D Badger, lot in Boydstown for $225. G. Muehlheim to D. F Reed, lot in Butler for $325. Thos. Bester to L. L. Thompson lot in Butler for $l5O. J. W. Croft to Mary Murray 110 acres in Cranberry for $550. Marriage License*. S A A cor Allegheny Pa Gertrude Weser Butler A C Aaron Butler Anna Weigand Butler J J Schnlt.is Butler Agnes C Koch Butler twp At Pittsburg,S. B. Davison and Anna E. Barr of Mars. —Butler Fair—Sept. 7, 8, 9 and 10th. —Tne Water Co. is rebuilding the Boydstown dam. —The Stewart-English reunion is tak ing place today in Muddycreek twp. —The only people that know much they don't tell are editors and milk men. —The longer a man is married the less room he finds for his clothes in any of the closets. —The people who pray hardest for the millennium wouldn't know what to do with themselves if it really came. —As soon as a woman gets an idea that she is the intellectual equal of man her husband logins to get along with picked-up dinners. —The man who kicks the hardest about the way the city cleans the streets is the same small boy that al ways used to walk in the gutter. —Deaths from mosquito bites or stings have lately been reported from different parts of the country. Oil of Pennyroyal is recommended as an anti dote. —Don't mix cucumbers, green-apples and tomatoes. An Allegheny county boy ate two dozen tomatoes, a peck of green apples and four cucn mbers—and he died. —One of the most interesting little books we have looked over for a long time is "The Pennsylvania Reader'— Historical and Patriotic—by S. O. Goho, A. M., late Superintendent of schools at Milton Pa." It is designed for the use of schools, is published by the American Book Co., Washington Square, N. Y., aDd is surely worthy of the consideration of all school boards in this state. —At the meeting of Council next Tuesday evening the the Committee ap pointed to consider the proposition of the Street Railway Co. for the right of way of several of our streets will prob ably make a report and the same will be discussed. Some people think the company should be made pay a large sum for the use of our streets—that to end their obligation; and others think that the sum should be small to begin with but that the Com pany should keep the streets they use in order and pay the borough a percentage of their gross receipts. Odd Fellows Excursion. The Odd Fellows of this neck of the woods will excurt to Port Dover, Cana ca. on Thursday the 26th inst. The train will leave Butler at 6A. M. town time aud run to Conneaut Harbor, at which point the excursionists will take the boat for Port Dover. The tickets will be good for five days and the rate from Butler will be tint $2.50 for the round trip. The rate from Mars, Har mong Zelienople, Evans City, etc,, from which points the specials will start about 5 A. M. will be $3.00. Everybody invited. Collegiate Institute. The Fall Term opens Tuesday, Sept. 7. Complete literary courses, exceptional advantages in vocal and instrumental music. Department of Elocution and Physical Culture. Address, E. F. LOUCKS, Principal, Butler, Pa. PERSONAL. —Butler Fair—Sept. 7, 8, 9 and loth. M. H. Sitler of Harmony was in town today. Uriah Sloan of Emlenton was in-town today. Chris. Huselton is visiting in Phila delphia. Jas. J. Sutton of Evans City, wa? in town. Friday. J. S. Boyer. of Jefferson Centre, was in town. Mondav. Ben Foster, of Free port, visitud friends in Butler. Sunday. Miss Agnes Wise, of Evans City visited friend in Butler. Tuesday. John Niggle, who was visiting his folks here, has returned to New York. Mrs. Jennie E. Zimmerman and her son Don left for New York, Wednesday. Capt and Mrs Ayres are visiting Mr and Mr*. T. H. Greer at Pittsburg. A. B. Crouch, of the P & W., and his wife left town for Colorado, yestei dav J N. Patterson. Mrs. Sarah Mackey and Miss Ada Findley left for the East this morning. Mrs. Evans, of Tarentnm and Miss Cook, of Washington, are the guests of Mrs. John Findlev. Dan Harrington, who has been tele graphing at Renfrew, has gone to work for the P. B. & L E. at Greenville. Jacob Hutzley, of Forward twp.. was in town Tuesday. He has been super visor of his township for six years. O. M. Patterson and wife, of Hil liards returned Monday from camp meeting at North Sewickly, Beaver Co. Dr. S. D. Bell and daughter, Lena, have left for Colorado, the Doctor hop ing to find a more agreeable climate there. Mr. and Mrs. James T. Marshall, of Penn township will have a silver wed ding celebration at their home on Sat urday, August 21. Miss Margaret Graham has returned from a pleasant visit with her Uncle Robert's family in Meadville, where they run down to Conneaut Lake even day. Jacob Reiber, the drover, Chas. W. Reiber. the printer. Alf. M. Reiber, Misses Maggie and Lizzie Reiber. and George and Will Troutman, left for New York this morning. W. W. Harbison and wife, of Ben nett, Pa., visited John Campbell and wife, of Jefferson twp.. and Jacob P. Wise and wife, of Penn twp., last week. Mr. Harbison is in the milk business and is doing well. L. M. Ekin. a son of Findley Ekin, of the first ward, is visiting his folks here. Lorain went to Huntington, W. Va., some years ago, and is in the employ of the car factory there as stenographer. The Huntington shops employ about a thousand men and make the town. Senator Quay, it is said, will proceed from Florida to San Francisco and sail on a trip of several months to Hawaii, Samoa and the Solomon group of islands, probably going as far as Aus tralia. Who'll take care of us while Quay's away t And who will construct the "reform" and "economy and re trenchment" planks in the next State platform? —Franklin News. ACCIDENTS. J. J. Watkins lost a finger in the Purvis plaining mill, last week. While John R. McJunkin, of Clay twp., was in town last Thursday, an express wagon knocked a wheel off his buggy; but Mr. McJunkin was not hurt. Henry L. Roenigk, of Winfield twp., had fifteen sheep killed by lightning, during a storm, a few days ago. The herd took shelter under a tree during the storm, and all were killed excepting one little lamb. August Freeling lost three sheep during same storm. A six-year old son of Herman Berg, Jr., of Pittsburg, formerly of Bntler, was ground to pieces by a street car, a few days ago. His mother sent him to the store just across the street, and he was caught by an electric car. The German Lutheranchurch at Saxonburg was struck by lightning and slightly damaged, Tuesday afternoon. Improvements. Herb Harper's new store room, front ing Centre Ave., is one of the hand somest in Butler. It is large and well lighted; has water-colored walls, steel ceiling, wash room, elevator and every other modern convenience. Herb, will move his stock into it next month, and is already occupying the second story for a residence. Nicholson & Co's new candy factory, on Centre Ave., near the railroad track, is doing a good business. They make all their own candy from the best of sugar, and guarantee purity. It is good. Try it. L. C. Wick is building a three story brick addition to his planing mill, near Centre Ave bridge; 60x30 feet. Jno. Henninger is building on his lot in W. Pearl St. The excavation for the basement sto ry of the new hospital is about complet ed. Contractor Schenck intends rush ing the job. liiMim the Fair. The Butler Fair has secured the serv ices of Prof. Will H. Davison, of Wash ington, D. C., the world-renowned, high-wire trick artist of the world, who performs 26 different tricks on a high wire 325 feet long, such acts as stand ing on his head, rocking a chair, walk ing like a drunken man, carrying a man across it, walking on it with both feet tied together, etc. This is his 20th season They have also engaged the Guide less Wonder, Pacing Horse. Pacing every day without rider or driver or prompting whateyer, but simply on his courage, scores for the word, comes back at tap of bell and when he gets the word "go" paces at full speed the the full mile and is very fast. Here are two great, new and interest ing attractions the management of the great Butler Fair has provided at great expense in order to amuse and enter tain its patrons and proves beyond doubt that they are going to fulfil their early announcement of making the coming Fair th<* greatest ever yet held. Remember, the above performances are given daily and Jren to all on the grounds. CHURCH NOTES. The corner stone of the new German Lutheran Church at Evans City was laid last Sunday, and sermon by Rev. D. L. Roth. There was no service in the U. P. church on Sunday. Rev. John Gibson, of Fairview, will preach next Sunday morning and evening. Rev. McKee will conduct the first service after his return from his vacation on Sunday, August 22. Rev. Dr Moffit, of Washington Jef ferson College, preached for the Presby terians on Sundoy. Grove City College. Grove City College opens September 14. Catalogues and Illustrated Hand Hooks cheerfully sent to any address. Young people desiring an education should investigate the cost and advanta ges of this institution. Address the President, ISAAC C. KETI.KK, Grove City, Pa. The Butler Lubricating Oil Co. has moved back to their old stand 119 W. Jefferson St. Steelsmith & Patterson's new building, where all kinds of engine, machinery and illuminating oils of the finest quality are kept in stock in the basement, and will be delivered to any part of the city when ordered from C, K. Mclntire; agent. SlM>rtiiiK Xoto!*. —Butler Fair—Sept. 7, 8, !> and 10th The- Rescne Hook and : Ladder and i First Ward Hose Cos left for Beaver ' Falls on a special over the P. & W. at • H o'clock this morning. There will be | a parade and one hose race today, and ! the remainder of the races on Friday, j Quite a crowd baa gone along to root fur Butler. The return train will leave Beaver Falls at 10 P. M., Friday. The members of the First Ward Running team are John Zickrick. John Ayres. H. Worth, J Cole. Costin Mc- Elroy, C. Sellers, John Wise, Fred Weigand. W J. Heineman. C. Reeder. Ed. Negley. Jean Morrison, D. Reed. Joe Heineman. Panl Cronenwett. and J. A. Walters. The members of the Rescue Hook and Ladder running team are Chas. Johnston. Captain; W. H O'Brien, Manager: Joe Elliott. L. Rockenstein. Walter Campbell, Chas. Burckhalter. Clarence Watters, Percy Beighley. Perry Harkless, Tbos. Armstrong, Si. Ensminger, John Michaels, Frank Gir rard, Ed. (irieb, R. Fisber, Lester Thompson. Harry Carr and Tom Sulli van. By a telegram from Beaver Falls re ceived by Manager Al. Walters yester day it was learned that all three races will be run on Friday, instead of one on Thursday and two on Friday as at first aranged. This makes a hard day's work. Martins Ferry is entered under an assumed name calling themselves the Buckeye team. Over 12000 changed hands on the race at the Fair Ground last Saturday after noon. Mac. who is about 22 years old, showed great form winning the second heat in 2:21. and could have paced fas ter if necessary. The summary is as follows: Mac, Wm. Weigle 1 1 Cottonwood, Norman Bredin 2 2 Ladv Elsworth, L. Dean 4 3 Jack B. H. A. Moorhead 'A 4 Time 2:27J, 2:21. At Columbus, 0., last week. Joe Patchen won the free-for-all pace, de feating Star Pointer (Titley's old pacer and in the second heat equaled the world's race record of 2:01 5. Star Poin ter paced the last half of the third mile in one minute flat. Minnie McGregor now has a mark of She is at Warren, 0.. this week. Butler's ball club was defeated by Brookville. at that place, by a score of r> to 2 last Thursday. The" team came home on Friday and whipped Jeanette 12 to 6, and again on Saturday 5 to 4. One of the best games of ball that has been played on the home grounds this year was that of Tuesday between the Butler and Evans City Clubs. The Evans City boys were taken into camp on the tune of 2 to 0. Hodgkinson done the twirling for Butler and allow ed the visitors but three hits. Waddell pitched a good game for Evans City al lowing our own but six hits. The game was remarkably free of errors— but one being recorded to either club. The Butler club again defeated the Eveans City Club yesterday by a score of 7 to 4. The Gospel ministers of Erie have again impressed upon members of the secular professions the folly of putting their trust in earthly things. The team of nine Erie preachers on Thursday last met a nine picked from the doctors and dentists of the town, and smote them with an awful slaughter on the ball field. The doctors collapsed at the end of the sth inning, when the score was 39 to 8 against them. The clerical sluggers were as fresh as daisies. Rev. B. Canfield Jones, did their catching, and Rector Spalking delivered the curves that confounded the worldlings. —Franklin News. Turn Outs. —Butler Fair —Sept. 7, 8, 9 and 10th. Neyrnan Christley, of Slipperyroek twp., threshed 33 bushels of wheat from one acre. E. R. Boyer, of Lancaster twp., had 48$ bushels of wheat from two acres, and 91 bushels of rye from 2f acres. The Markets. Our grocers are paying 10c for eggs. 12c for butter, 60c for new potatoes, 1 jc l>er pound for cabbage, 12c a dozen for corn, 60c a bu. for green beans, 4c a quart for blackberries, 7c for huckle berries, 20c a dozen for cukes, 50c for turnips, 30 to 40c per pair for spring chickens, and 75c a bu. for onions. Our dealers are paying 70c for wheat, 24c for oats, 32c for corn, and 35c for rye. A Letter For You. Unclaimed letters at the Postoffice at Butler Pa., week ending Aug. 9, 1897. Mr. Andrew Douglass, 111 Hall St., Miss B. Fillie. Mr. I'. F. Fitzsimmons, Mrs. Emma Fisher, Mr. Fred Genthotts, Stif Guinea, Mr. D. L. Hazlett, Anna Leechburg, Mr. J. B. Laughner, Ma nolle Mastronianni (Italian), Mr. A. J. McCullough, R. G. McElhoes, Esq., Miss Blanch McQuistion. care Grace Crawford, 2; Hugh O'Neil, Miss Rae Phillips, Chas Plante, Mrs. Stella Smith. Miss Kate Smith. Mr. Russell Stepp, Mr. Fred Staley, Mr. C. W. Sowl, Howard Turner and Miss Effa Young. In calling for these letters please say advertised. JOHN W. BROWN. P. M State Normal School. The State Normal School at Slippery Rock opens September 6, 1897, with in creased facilities for work. We intend to do the liest work jiossible in prepar ing teachers for the common schools. Expense only $54 for sixteen weeks. Send for a catalogue. ALBERT E. MALTBV. Teachers' Institute. Butler county Teachers' Institute will be held at Butler during the week begin ning August 30, 1897. The following instructors have been secured for the week. Dr. N. C. Schaffer, State Superintend ent; Dr. Henry Houck, Department State Superintendent; Dr. A. E Malt by and Miss Selia E. Patridge. Evening entertainments will be given by Dr. Houck, Prof. P. H Dins more. Prof. Frank Beard and Col. Geo. W. Bain. School boards that have not elected teachers should do so at once and send a report of election to me. It is our desire to make the institute helpful to the teacher, an effort is being made to this end. It is expected fhat every teacher in the county will be present and improve the opportunity to prepare for earnest and efficient work in the school room. Beginning as it does at the open ing of the term, this great source of interest and enthusiasm, this exchange i of ideas by teachers and of the discuss i ion of principles and methods by learn ed and able instructors cannot fail to be helpful to all earnest teachers. Programmes will be printed and sent to all teachers and directors. S. L. CHEESMAN, County Superintendent. Pants That Fit. Made of goods that wear, and keep their shape. We are turning them out by the hundreds and the values are so far ahead of anything you ever saw, the goods themselves so perfect, so stylish, so thoroughly up to date, that much as we may promise you will find more when you get there BUTX,EK PANTS CO. 125 W. Jefferson Sst.— l / z block west of j Berg's Bank. Reduced Kates via Pennsylvania Itnilrond tor Mount Gretna Farmers' Encampment. From August lif to 20, inclusive, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell, for the above occasion round-trip tickets to Mount Gretna and return at rate of one fare for the round trip, from principal stations. These tickets will ; be valid for return passage until August 28, inclusive. For information in regard to train service and specific rates application should be made to ticket agents. —Music scholars wanted, at 128 W. Wayne St. 011. sores. The market has stood a» 71 all this week. MIDDLESEX— Hickev. Belli* :{ from PbMade'phia. Pr<>por tionate rates from other points. Low Prices in Musical Goods. Some special prices at Grieb & Lamb's dissolution sale now going on. New l'ianos <2OO and up New Organs SSO and up Guitars $4 and up Mandolins $3-s<) and up Violins $1,50 and up Autoharps $2 and up There are also some second hand in struments— pianos at #35 to sroo, Or gans at #2O to 90. Ilarmonices and other musical instru ments at proportionately low rates Strings of all kinds constantly in stock No 118 SOUTH MAIN ST. G. A. K. Kiicampnu'iit, Itiill'alo. For the National Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, at Buffa lo, August 28, the Pennsylvania Rail road Company will sell special tickets from all points on its system to Buffalo and return at rate of single fare for the ronnd trip. These tickets will IK* sold and will -be good going on Aug ust 21 to 28, and good to return not earl ier than August 24 nor later than Aug ust 81 1807. —What are you going to take to the Butler Fair this vear. Every Sunday until further notice the I'. & W. will run special train to Alle gheny and return, leaving Butler at 8:15 a. m., returning arrive at Butler at 7:03 p. rn., Butler time. Fare for the round •trip, only 75 cents. ¥ /"* I'ure Spring Water I I I * Ice delivered to all parts of town. Finelce Cream, Cakes, Confectionary and wheat and rye bread, JOHN A. RICHEY F< )R SALE Handsome seven-room cottage house on W. Fulton St. Ele vated location, spring water, large lot, spleudid view, good title. Inquire at this office. XKIGHKOItHOOD NOTES. Perry Mai tland, a well known and well-to-do insurance agent, of New Castle, committed snicide last Friday, by cutting his throat. A gas-well at Hornellsville. N. Y., has developed into a "freak." so far as the old accepted theories are concerned about the bowels of the earth being a mighty hot place. The well is 1,100 feet deep, and a few days ago the work men found that they could not raise the tools from the bottom. When they bailed it quantities of ice were brought up from the depths of the well, and it was concluded that the tools were frozen fast. A quanity of salt was used in an ineffectual attempt to cut the ice The gas pressure in the well is still very strong. In the vicinity of Shippensbtirg there is a promise of the largest crop of peaches in history. In some orchards between Edgemont and Waynesboro and the Susquehanna growers have employed men to pick off some of the green peaches lest the trees break down. Over 100,000 bushels between Chain bersburg and the Susquehanna is the estimate, not including the orchards in the vicinity of Waynesboro, which are the largest in the valley. A Johnstown butcher. James Hn dack. had a narrow escape from freez ing to death in his own refrigerator on Thursday last. Hudack went to his ice "box after closing his shop to get a piece of meat. While he was inside the door closed and the automatic lock securely imprisoned him in his frigid cell. Realizing his peril, Hudack howled for help, but the thick walls of the ice box deadened the noise. Being clad only in light summer clothing, he found himself slowly freezing in a short time. A neighbor finally heard the noise and aroused Hudack's family. The ice box was the last portion of the shop examined and there the butcher was found unconscious on the floor. Vigorous rubbing and a hot whiskey punch brought him around in a short time. —Job work ot all kinds done at the CITIZEN OFFICE. —Some solid walnut furniture for sale —lnquire at this office. A BARGAIN. A Hard man Piano Which cost $450. Must be sold as the owner has left town. It can be had for $l6O, spot cash. In quire at this office. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING the cleaning of water closets and privies within Butler Borough, re quiring a license therefor and pre scribing the punishment for the violation thereof. WHERAS The Board of Health of Butler Borough report and recommend the passage of an ordinance regulating the cleaning of water closets or privies within Bntler Borough, therefore be it ordained as follows: Be it ordained by the Burgess and Town Council of Butler Borough, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by authority of the same: SECTION Ist. That from and after the passage of this ordinance it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to deposit the contents of any water closet or privy any place within the borough of Butler and the contents of all water closets or privies shall be re moved to some unobjectionable place outside of Butler Borough, which place shall be approved of by the Board of Health of Bntler Borough. SECTION 2nd. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to clean out a water closet or privy within Butler Borough without first having obtained a license from the Board of Health of the said borough authorizing him or them so to do. SECTION 3rd. Any person violating this ordinance upon conviction thereof before the Burgess or any of the Jus tices of the Peace in and for Bntler Borough shall be sentenced to pay a line of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars, with costs of suit, which fine shall be collected and enforced as other fines are by law au thorized to be collected and enforced. Ordained and enacted in Council this 3rd day of August, A. D., 1897. Attest: DANIEL YOUNKINS, President of the Town Council. H. E. COULTER, Secy. Augnst Oth, 181)7, the within and foregoing ordinance is hereby approved. JOHN T. MYERS, Burgess. A Perfect Cut. When you get a suit you want it made right. A perfect cut is necessary. High grade goods, a perfect cut and careful workman ship are a combination which give the best results and these arc apprecir ted by the customer. In thai way he gets his money's worth. A Standard Established. You see it yourself. No one need ex plain to you why the clothes made by us are the most popular. Ours is a standard that makes them perfect. We keep our goods up to the limit of perfec tion and our workmen all assist in making the clothes first-class. It is Easy Enough to cut into cloth and turn out clothes. It takes ability to obtain perfect re sults. Our tailors are the best, our cutter an artist and the per fect results as natural as the mis takes of others. Hecause our clothes are the best, people want them. WEDDING SUITS A SPECIALTY. IMCO Cor. Diamond. Butler. Pa BRICKER & VINROE. LIVERY FEED AND EXCHANGE STABLE First class rigs at reasonable rates Special Attention to Transient Custom Barn in rear of Diamond St.," Butler Pa | People's Telephone, No. 44. JH. C. BRICKKK 1 AND }■ Prop'rs. \V. J. VINROE, J j p 1 erh.ins you don't know how "eady we are on everything relating to prescrip | tions !a it will not be amiss to 0 J your attention to the 1 "eliable X ntelligence P rompt service given T | o everything of the kind placed j our hands | prescription department ! \T j x ever was so omplete i Q I ave you money too. O.M, JBCYD, 3-* harmaoist. Diamond Block, - Butler, a LEGAL ADVERTISMENTS. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the first and final account of Samuel Graham, now deceased, committee of Thomas Graham, lunatic, as filed by his adminis trator James A. McMarliu has been filed in the Pruthonotary's office of the Court of Common Pleas in and for Bntler Co. Pa. at Ms. D. No. 2, September term, ißßfi; and that the same will be present ed for confirmation and allowance on Saturday, September nth, 1897. ROBT. J. THOMPSON, Pro. AD M l NTSTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Letters of administration in the estate of James Orrill, deed, late of Jefferson tup., Butler Co., Ta., having been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authentica ted for settlement to MRS. MARY ORRILL, Adm'x, Great Belt, Butler Co., Pa. C. WALKER, Attorney. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. In estate of L. F. Ganter, late of But ler I'a., dee'd., whereas letters testamen tary have been duly issued to me, Sadie E. Ganter, executrix of said decedent, notice is hereby given to all parties ow ing the estate of said decedent to call and S2ttle, and, all persons having claims agahist the same, will please present them dulv authenticated for payment. SADIE E. GANTER, Ex'r. Butler, Pa. S. F. and A. L- BOWSER, Att'ys. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the es tate of Samuel Graham, dee'd., late of Cranberry two., Butler Co. Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment; and any having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement to JAMES A. MCMARUN Adm'r. Butler, Pa. JAS. M. GAI.BREATH, Att'y. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of Andrew J. Sloan, late of Allegheny twp., Butler Co. Pa., deceased, having been granted by the register of said county to the undersigned, therefore all persons knowing themselves to be indebted to said estate are reqaested to make speedy payment, and those who may have claims against the same can present them properly authenticated for settle ment to L. C. SLOAN, Executor. Six Points P. O. Butler Co. Pa. E. MCJUNKIN, att'y for executor and estate. STRAY HORSE. Came to the premises of the under signed, who is living on the farm of the late John Huselton in Butler twp., But ler County Pa., on the 1 ith day of July inst., a dark bay colored horse about 16 years old and about 16 hands high, and will weigh about 13 hundred pounds. The owner is hereby notified to come forward, prove projjerty, pay charges and take him away, otherwise he will be disposed according to law. S. S. CRAWFORD, R.enfrew, Butler, Co. Pa. B. df ti. 500 pieces i2'/ 2 cent) C Irish Lawns—double - " I" 1 « width— 40 inches wide ) ■■■■■■ —White grounds with neat colored stripes and figures— navy blue and whites —pinks, buffs, lavender—the best varie ty of styles in good low priced wash goods ever offered. Large lot of 10, 12>0 "J 1 0_ and 15 cent Lawns, [ I I"CL Percales and Dimities j —Light, medium and dark effects— stripes, figures and loral designs—such money's worth as will surprise every one who investigates—and they'll save a lot of money on nice useful goods. Assortment of white j ground 10 cent Amer- [ lean Dimities ) m —Dark colored line striped—for waists, house gowns and children's wear these are unequaled value at five cents a yard. Write for samples and see what a chance this is—"Let the goods and pri. es proVe it." Ask for samples of fine dress goods and suitings at 25, 35 and 50c —Goods that were 75c to $ I.so—splendid I for separate skirts and girls' fall school j suits. American Dress Goods 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25c. —Double width, neat styles. Bogo-s& Buhl ALLEGHENY, PA. ABRAMS, BROWN & Co. Insurance and Real Estate. STRONG COMPANIES PROMPT SETTLEMENTS. Home Inaurarn'c Co. of New York, Insur ance ('o. of North A merle.-!, .if I'IIII.-MIHIIIIU I'll. Plicnlx liiMirumi' of llriMiklyn. V V. ami Hartford Insurance Co. of Hertford Con II OFFICE: Cun*r of Mali} at. uuti the JJla moiio. Dortli of Court House, Butler Pn, CLOTHING SACRIFICE. Clearance Sale Of Light and medium weight suits in Men's, Boy's and Children's \\ J Fh* not want t0 carr Y over any stock. THERE ** ** FORE THIS CUT OF 50 per cent. If you want anything in the CLOTHING LINE CALL ON US THIS MONTH. SCHAUL & NAST LEADING CLOTHIERS. 137 S Mala st. Batter Pa. What Need of Saying Much? Have You Ever Bought Clothing From Us? If Not. Start in Now, It is Never Too Late - To Correct an Oversight A Few Odd Lots And Sizes Which Are Going at a Very Low Price. DOUTHETT & Q RAH AM. Main and Cunningham Street. HELD UP AT BUTLER. All close cash buyers are held up at Butler's Progressive Shoe house OD ac count of the great Cash hale now going on. Footwear is being said at prices never before heard of. JULY IS TO BE A GREAT MONTH We want to make July the busiest month of the year. All Summer goods must be sold regardless of cost or pro fit. We have some great leaders to offer you. Here are a Few. Men's fine Buff Cong. No 6 69c Men's fine Buff Cong, and Bals No. 6 to 98c Men's Army Shoes sewed No 6 to 11. 89c Men's fine Chocolate Shoes lace {1.25 Ladie's Serge Gaiters 39c Ladie's Serge Slippers 25c Ladie's fine Kid Slippers 45c Ladie's Chocolate Oxfords 69c Ladie's fine Kid Shoes 98c Children's Shoes 18c 25c 50c Boy's Shoes 75C fi-Oo Don't Miss This Sale If you are in need of footwear. C. E. MILLER. 215 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. APOLLO GAS LAMP. EI A APOLLO y Price complete with By- Pass and Glass Chimney $2 00 With Mica Chimney $2.25. Geo. W. Whitehill, AGENT FOR BUTLER, CO Hotel W illard. Reopened and rea ly . for the accommoda tion of the traveling public. Everything First-class. MRS. MATTIE REIHING, Owner I L. S. McJUNKIN, Insurance and Real Estate Agent. 117 E. JEFFERSON ST., BUTLER, - PA , WE ARE MAKIN6 Good clothes at such low prices that poor ones aic no longer wanted. ? ? ? t d There is a little something about & J the collar and lapel of ;our coats '' l • and a certain graceful hang of the 1 1 J trousers that makes them original. J j # It is in part of the details, a |> i knack which[cheap tailors cannot J | J acquire no matter how good is the I ' material they use. f I ® i i WE INVITE Your inspection of our new Spring Patterns and a com parison of prices. ALAND, MAKER OF MEN'S CLOTHES AT J. R. GRIEB'S 2 and 2 Do Not Make Rye. |dp It's quite a problem to please everyone's taste in any line you may select and particularly oi jewelry, silver novelties, cut glass, etc., but I'm sure you will find what you want in my large stock and at such prices that defy com petition. I am making a spe. cialty of nobby and find Goods and want your trade. J. H GBE 118 SOUTH ST Wall Paper Sale To get room and re duce stock. Any wall paper in the house in cluding grades from 50c to £ 1.00 at 30c All grades under 50c for 30c All grades under 30c for , 20c AT DOUGLASS' 241 S. Main St. EYES EXAMINED FREE OP CHARGE b L Kirkpatrick, Optician and Jewta Next to Court House Butler, Lktt Graduate La Port Hsrolcgltf Utftiftfftt