WUSELTON'S - Jf' f r -- _ *JS.: .ii'• r - i !'!» « # ■=#! I» W COMFORTS IN ; , FOOTWEAR Scarcely a home in Liv :s: cogEjty uiat hai;.'t wmesieed of a pair of fr, The Store, The Street, The Laboring Man The Farmer, The Mechanic, The Parson, Summer Vacation, The New Woman. W'e have cui prices on all -unirner shoes and oxfonls in order to clean ' . j*M%ady for fell goo<ss. We want the room and rauft have it. The * ' -prices we ' ,41l name you on :ta ;e goo«< will induce you to help us ac complish oar object. One lot Ladies' "An Shoes.. »t 95c value*; 50 and f* 00 One lot Ladies' Black and Russet Oxfords. at 50c value £an One lot Ladies' Button Boots, pat tip at /3 c value 100 an 1 5 One lot Ladies' Button F»t.s, nr. at fx 50 $2 value 3 00 and 400 One lot Ladies' Lace Shoes at 75c \alue 00 Men's and Beys' Bicycle Shoes Reduced, One lot Men'« Russet i hoes at »i 15 vajtie |i 75 One lot Boys' Russet Shoes ft 90 valu One lot Youths' Russet Saoes. at /5 value 5 One lot Misses' Russet Shoes 3»i s- One lot Cliildrer."s Russet Shoes a - VJ!f , ,- One lot Children's Fine S'-l*s. sizes 8 to 11 a* 5° a . *2 One lot Children's Fine Shoes, =i*es 6to 8. at 50 ri £e Bicycle Leggins This is a bouafidc mark-down —no "FAKE" sale—fair dealing with every man. womia or child. Come in and look these bargains over. Bauer's Leading i> p OIICpi TflM 0pp ' Slwe House illlJLLlUli Hotel towiy. * D A HECK SON * CHAMPION CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. We are offering this Spring the finest line of Men's, Boy's and Children's suits ever offered in plaids, cheviots and worsted suits ever seen, at prices that will surprise you, our all-wool suits at $470 are as good quality as any one can ofter you at $6.00, our all-wool suits at $4.90 equal to any SB.OO suit offered on the market, children's knee pants from 15c to sl, fine all worsted suits, tailor made, from $6.00 to $15.00, our 35c knee equal to any 50c pants, overalls, jackets and jumpers, our King overall, equal to anything ior 75 c> Sweet. Orr & Co' § Best Overalls only 65 cents, i Shirts from 20c tc st.oc, neckwear, t.cs, collars, cuffs, handker chiefs, socks and stockings from 5c up. Trunks valises, telescopes, watches, chains, charms, rings, pins, studs, waist sots, collars and cuft buttons, ajl the latest styles, summer clothing just tho thing for hot weather in crash, linen, serge, flannels and ;ilpacca. Hats all the Ir.est styles in stiff, soft and stra' s—so styles of straw ha's '.o select from. Underv.ea., f'os ey, sjsj _-nc;rf. 10 suit the taste of the most fastidious. Umbrellas, brashes, combs, garters, pocket and bill boo'cs, purses, pencils, knives, harmonicons. Children's wash suits, our 49c suits equal to any 75c suit in the market, finest crash suits orly $1.25 sold everywhere at $2.00. We guarantee best goods for least money—and ask comparison in quality and price, you ought to see our lire of shirts we control the Semper Idem, thi: best shirt in the world. Exarr'ne our stock, compare quality and match them if you can. our many friends for their very liberal patron age and hoping to merit a continuance of the same we remain ■ Yours respectfully, |D. A. HECK & SON. 121 N.iMAIN ST. BUTLER PA P. S.'''SUITS MADE TO ORDER. Bargains in all Lines. You'll Be Surprised And Financially Benefitted By Attending Our Grand Clearance Sale. Al\pT\rT? IV Clf A and into the region of bargain* is llli - I"it 1V Li 111 Oll''Lu- sale of Summer goods—we have a great many Tan Shoes and^Oxfords —Slippers in several different styles—Fine Yici Kid Shoes in gents sizes and many different styles of fine dongola shoes in Ladies Mioses ana Childrens sizes which are ail included in this great reduction sale —we wish to close out the balance of our summer stock and it will ]>ay you to attend this great reduction sale—Down they go—Stock must be sold even if we have to make a sacrifice on the goods. A FEW OF OUR PRICES. Ladie's Slippers 25c. s<-*\ 75C, and 95c Ladic's Fine Dongola Oxfords 75c, ♦I.OO and $1.25 Ladie's Fine Tan Oxfords 75C. 9«c and SI.OO Ladie's Fine Dongola Shoes 9 oc > f1.0011.25 Ladie's Fine Tan or Ox Blood Shoes at s'-35 Ladie's Waterproof Shoes at 95c, Ji.oo and $1.25 Misses' Fine Dongola Shoes, lace or button Misses' Fine Russett Shoes, lace or 4 button 80c Men's Fine Buff Shoes at fi.oo Men's Fine Tan Shoes at $1.25 Boy's Fine Tan Shoes at SI.OO Youth's Fine Tan Shoes at 75c Children's Grain Shoes at S (K A large stock of Men's and Boy's Urogans and Army Shoes to be closed out very cheap—Balance of our Bicycle Shoes, Lawn Te.inis Shoes and Slippers go at half price. See our Bargain Counters crowded wilh interesting bargains. For The Latest Style in Fine Footwear. Call And See Us. JOHN BICKEL. 128 S. MAIN St. BUTLER. PA. Semi-Annual Clearance Sale It will pay you to come milts to attend this Clearance Sale. Our limited space will permit us to give very few of the wonderful bargains to be found on nur counters during |uly and August. CORSETS: <xl«l si/.es In 50c, 75c, and <I.OO, quality at ,9c. [J Sue. 75c, and fi.oo Jiats at 9c Exquisite line of children's hats at 9c. Children's Leghorn Flats at 19c. Children's Fine Milan hats at 19c Ladies' Hatf that were $ 1.50 and $2 at 19c 'I 1 1) I\l\fI? I t II tTC. Regardless of former price we w ill sell any 1 IVI .'1 jil Hl' 11il 10. trimmed hat in the store at 69c and Hqc. CHILDREN'S MULL CAPS: GSD&SSRIR,, $1 and $r 25 caps at 49c. MARKS; to& S. Main St., one door South vif Batler Savings Bank SEANOR I MS L C.WICK, Livery, Feed and Sale Stable drai.kb in REAR OF WICK HOUSE, BUTLER PA. Rough Worked Lumber The beat of horses i.ml fir t clas* ri»TH ** slwayn on band and for hire. Best accomodation* in town for perma- AU< KINDS. nent boarding and transient trade. Speci al care fruaranteed. Doors, Sash, Winds, Mouldings, Stable room for sixty five horses. Shingles mil I -itli A good clan.-* of horseH, both driver* and * a i • draft homes always on hand and for sale Always 111 Stock. nndoT a fall nnarai-t.ee; and horses bought ,p.m proper cotilioaUon^V ß LIMB, HAIK AND PLASTER Telephone, No 219. __________ Office opposite I'. iV W. Depot. WANTEU- kaithpti. MEN OR WOMEN BUTLER PA Ui travel for r<-»p«int>llil. •-•uublNhi-il ' ' Intuitu In l'etimylvauia. falary and oximmiik!*. Position pcrmanvut. U» rt- | ___ _____- i nre. Enclose self-addressed stamped en- I otiwol CUe NMlunal ' t,Kr lnsuraD ' :t isldK - * tiobfccribe tor the Omu«. _ Ceonre Frands Train, the fa "■> raou* sage of I I .i. **" V has for thirty i r" —"" vears de- C*' cUneA the ry* f \ W coofinion ' Shl> ' of b cy I) r rjkiht!* and care of his health dur ing y ,ulh at-3 maturity hr may live to a u . j -Till fcs able to say with I at>s.'.'.utc truth " • am a child myself." ! Youth is not a of yean. H.»;,t>in. « l ir- not a que'tii-n if vperimces V- atb is - at! ! h althi-vc...h Th alth> J person ycunr or oid, tnD be a happy per ! sou It a im; . matter to (jet tlv. body into a healthy condition and then to keep it th«.r-:- Or i itrce's Golden Medical r>:«- cov-. is the <•; of h alth and hcilrti saver- It i. the great !;h- n.aker ■ and fleah-baUder. :t make* Um -petite 'k" • the di -t 1 per fect thl Iha Mtht, tfae bi"o<l pure, the RUisele- 4 -troTijr the bnin clear, the nerves steady ard every vital oigan in the bony healthy and vigorou It makes firm, healthy ficsb. but does not m.-,kc corpulent pec pie iuorc corpu' nt It does not make flabby 1 esh like ct.: liver oil. It purifies the Wood and drives out the of ms'ari.l and rheumatism It is the best nmcuy ..'i blood ar.J disease- It euro- -■ , • ni < ( :il 1 cas» of consump tion r.ratt fn! ps'ier.f •> 'o had ' -n ftivf fi uptodii have permuted ; :: experi -1 enct . r.ant**, fidufesM-s to be r. p-'"' 1 '! ec' in T.'r ri»rc-'S Comn.an I S . - ci ~ .-r. <he sufTorer who ' wi-i-c-s • inv. - rat n's»v write to any of 1 tl.eso The 'Colder > '"!ical Discovery' lis -oM braQ medicine (fcihn, tad only | for the Mke "i a peoai - added profi* I ivrnd "" on c-. ni Hamp.- to cover co.-t lof mailing on! . 'cr a >pj of Ur i i;a6 ppj i'.Va '..J book, "Comm n iSer M• -isca: A.. - i-er , paper c >-er-« Avidrtss Di. K. V. i'ier> Ilutfalo, N. V". HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL FOR Piles or Hemorrhoids. Fissures Sc Fistulas. Burns & Scalds. Wounds & Bruises. Cuts & Sores. Boils & Tumors. Eczema & Eruptions. Suit Rheum & Tetters. Chapped Hands. Fever Blisters. Sore Lips & Nostrils. Corns & Bunions. Stings & Bites of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and SI.OO. SoM by or !«cut do- t paid on reclpt of prle<> ncariiKKTs am co., 111 a 11a «wiaa>iM.,3»»tmt. CATARRH LOCAL* DISEASE and is the resuit of coliia and tudden climatic changes. »'ZI For your Protection PWfEyi's IT'Jj we poaitively i?LaU: that II JB rerii' rly dv.rj ij -t contain IDcrrnnr cr any other • . ur- ELY S QRSAM EALTNSSLSI is acknowledjed »o be the rr.opt thflronch cu r e for Nmal Catarrb,C'»W in 11♦.:• ti 1 Ilayrevfrof i.I rsm-difß. i* opt:.- ano t.io nai»a- H..11- I d IBIS ' • r |.!<- Heli r •• n BbniM from cold mtowi siei oft„ r t- limcil. J'rict* !>-.; i»taor by m. i : t n HKKS A W • re for PRUNELINE fHAOr-MARK Pf THC (DEAL LAXATIVE AND CUKE FOR CONSTIPATION. AS PLEAT-ANT AS HONF.v A:.D St'R-1 CVRZ FOR t -.: D-"£jep;i=!, Bilicn-'tKaa, Stomach Trciblcc Bow?l Disorder*, Liver Di i , Insgn'ar'ty, Ki3rey Tronble», H'. ;ache, Fevere, Skin orii Bio.-' Diiordsrs, Tl -k atij Sailor C'n'npleiics, *t -> /;a« >a>- -jt, -i oib". i"t CCfc I'-A io,l Ci u:: 1J AN If»KTI-f SsTATt OF TMC HOWCLS. PY'\ y - LINO in the r,.ifcst .ind surest crdharti .nd aperient one can use. . I thorouglny cleanses witiiout t'ripinr, purifier tli" LU.od nd removes uil wr'st" i tiie system. It tioes away with Castor Oil, Saits, Blue Mass and all other nauseous purgatives. It toi.es and energizes all the great or gans of the system. It is free from all harshly acting drugs, and is always safe, always ready, always reliable. K! :zp THE HEAD THC FCET WARM! AND THC BOWELS USING PftiJNITUNE rort THI %AfurpC«K. PRUNELINE eo T;;E perfect FAMILY medicini. SOLD BY ALL OFAifns, C'f sent on receipt of SO ceui» to any :.ddrcu» BY Wtßk«;»idnn & Bn.wsi Drug Co. fOl* BALTIC Or t, MO.. U. ij. H fin s ~PVI7LA*dclphI A A » "OEntal ROOMS.- nji i - sib Av«., PitUburg , f a. M t Wr i. PRACTICA'.VV'" Mfx fa CROWN »»• BF.IOjE M I'M A*" f wttiburg—WHY NOT DO M JlffaH IMYOURS? CHOWNSA Vtcl (/ W ERIOGE W. rkr. 1 . c.l t.M HiS PER TOOTH M.-x' H' A FJ! " W< r i•-••'ti ii-h.!. ON lv «a V WRIGHTS® For a'l Rimous am) NERVOUS B fg% DIUU..&S. They punly die MAM ■ ■ |b ftLacu and give Hualtiiv tenon to the .a:ire system. S ■ ■■■ Curo DYGPEPSfA, HEADACHE, CONSTIPATIOK and PIWPLF.B. IXA.TUKS LAKH fyffa Q J-IUVATK UistHNSAItV. -IXAT JS Cr.a. Pi AVE ano Fo >hth Or.. / Ji'M'-'if '- PITTSBUBOK, PA. K JfJt.-L AV.o.M- .ft' u::. •• «'«ni. '•'•••'...tlAt.ail'i--*' 'l.l .M !- ieiUli.il Aio li"iit("l nt tin.- .■>' aen try \ ii:i ■ ncew.ml] •ttaiii' >l. In .s. t\ i kel s cr ol tli - Ito ilCelkMitrby* I m t Suraewi , ta the ol u-.-t and ouml ; ~. |,, .-,I I:CI M-: i iii it..- - :tv. ■ t ; •'«! ;it • iiilmi . V i.s li-'li.llly fi'.nn- • ,i* ■n.-niii! I'Mrtton-tKlincrction of youth, etc., catic nr |ilij"-!'-,ai an 4 j'.'iilal <I«•#-.•»>*, 1 :•> i> ;>i encrjey, V-MI tti'Vncy, etc. I al-«> (. i .:n'i OKI Sol' -. Ili -. Cili illifuiiKi'.tFni, Dn'l nil it: r tiirSUin. W.kj.l, I...urf , I'r'.n .i . Or- ii. ,tt Cr i. ultut n tree nn-J utrledy oonlkleiil OO -l »nm,Dtr t 17to BY. M.; BCIKI.'i; .2to '■ l*. M. j U ["all .it oflct er MlttH DkS, LAKK, OOF. ■ \vi-, xs iO*3't: vr t-i i wic in.W. i'.l AXLE ' NFLBILIL GREASE lIKST 7?t Til K WORLD. lt«i Woniiairq'uUitircangurpnaaril, artually OTtla".tlnpi. .« ol.f .~f„. y ntti.-p bran.l. Not tofl- tf ...i hr In t If <iKT 'l im(;K,\l INK. rwtt bALS JiV I'SALIUZXLV^U.X. Fl riitfli..»««•« Bacllafa liimx.ll I'-on/l. EFJAYSTAVAL S^SA-T-S ,jr." -V Oflflnul Hit 'I Only 4««*wulnr- A •Arc. iUbl«. #4' ty»AiU l<ru*; for F/'•<i /y\\ (ey*%Q\r:z'. v*, •' 1 * tSKW P" \ tJ. i " He'll f for Uillrt" ' « .r. I . rt turn X if' Mali. l«M>Oo T'MiuwftUM A>m rvvm. / Cfctrli »!■ r(4 ml XVjiUfUy hq ■>jg ) Uu V Vrtoiiu. * J H LTLI/i^lN : • L. JLJL !i -1 1 WOMAN'S CX>LIMN'. The craze for Red dne« not decrease . ; Ked rooms for country houses are its - j latest manifestation, and it might be t ' .-aid, not rich, dark toned down red, ] but the vivid, uncompromising hue I j ihat is aptly designated a "sealing wax red White or gray enameled wood work i- used in these rooms, and after 1 that red walls, red funitnre and re 1 fit . tings to the end. One such room into which the writer was ushered not long J ago carried out its color motive to a red serene, a tall folding photograph holder " red shades to silver lamps, and red , i leather belongings to the open writing ; ' desk. It was the special snuggery of t i young woman, and it was a relief : jto find that she wore a white gown i j! 'eln-d and stocked with red ribbon ' ) The only jarring sj>ot on the lurid land scai#* was the guest, who. unfortunate » ly was not dressed to match the apart laent. t ; An authority advises the proper t dress when sitting for a photograph is t an important element to the success of j | the picture Striking patterns, such - | large pla ids. wide stripes, much jet J • flittering t;lm ruing or jewelry > should be avoided. Shiny materials, like lustrous silk or satin, produces a - poor effect. The tone of color should rmonize with the sitter s complexion nd hair, sharp contrasts being undesir ! rble The line between flesh and , dress at neck and wrists should be soft ened by being veiled with lace or SOUK filmy material The best fabrics tc wear before th< camera are soft woolens Pdu'.l finished silks or fleecy tissues. | Every woman." says a shoemaker, "should own a boot dryer upon which to fit a wet shoe that it may dry in shape; the best substitute for such a convienience being loose oats, with which the shoe may be filled." There should be, it may be added, fair weath er Ixxits as well as fair weather bonnets both left at home when clouds are drip ping. Rubbers. as is well known, ruin shoes: they are rarely worn nowadays by the woman who understands the proper dressing of the feet. She will choose, rather, the storm l*»ots that are waterproof and need no rnbl»er protect ion. The theatre hat question has been yery easily settled in some of the met ropolitan theatres. At one of the most popular, just as the curtain is > to go up for the first act. an usher walks down each aisle, saying in a load tone; "Ladies will please remove Jtheir large hat- Hiereis an invariable simulta neous movement to the head on the part of every woman who is still wear ing anything except a very close l>on net. , For washing the hair, particularly such as is inclined to be oily, nothing is 1 ?tter, according to a woman who has long used it. than the common hard soap of the kitchen. A strong suds is made and the hair thoroughly washed, and then promptly rinsed in clear water to which a few droj>s of toilet water are added. One of the best renovaters for silks eonsists of a tablespoonful of vinegar to one of water, with a few drops of ammonia added. This can be applied j with a sponge. One progressive housekeeper declares l hat cheesecloth has removed from her •> lifelong burden dishcloth. She keeps the kitchen supplied with the i lotii:-neatly hemmed made from the coarse three or four cent quality. These want a good lid rd washing and rubbing when new to take out any stif fening they may own and reduce them to that absorbing state which is their j. r< atest beneficence As easily as th ey ■hsorb, they free themselves from (.Terse Mid the daily washing in hot i nds that in the case of a linen or wool cloth does not half cleanse, keeps the cheesecloth sink and dish cloths ro' oughly clean. Another acceptable -ervice of the many to which the mate rial lends itself in household economy is the emergency teaball. A little bag made with a string to draw up and wind around the neck is a cleanly and satisfactory way to make tea, as good in its results as the expensive teaball. There is. if one looks for it, a reason behind most so-called fashionable ens toms. The ceremony of prefacing a dinner with a light course is not only good form, but has a distinct dietetic cause of being. A physician will ex plain why a light first course taken slowly is of value. A person comes to the table tired and hungry, and needs first something to stimulate the secre tions of the stomach. This is found easiest in a few spoonfuls of hot well seasoned sonp. Then the joint and veg ■ tables ' in be taken with benefit to the sy-i-em The last class of persons to resent the influence of the bicycle are dressmakers. Between the raised merit and lowered prices of shop dressmaking and the in creasing wear of bicycling costumes, the modistes are finding their sovereign ty much reduced. Until this season, and towards the latter part of last sum mer, women were quite punctilious abont confining their wear of a bicy cling suit to the actual wheeling expedi tion; now, however, in the country they spend half, nearly the whole day in the comfortable dress, finding it very serviceable for walks, mountain climb ing and general outing wear. Men's tailors have long protested against this inclination and growing habit to live in bicycle anil polo suits on the part of their customers. Now that women are adopting the same practice, negligee dress will seem dominant indeed It curious how quickly custom re vol u tionizes ideas and adjusts criticism. (irapes lor C'ougli* ami I'or Sing ers. Auntie Rachael a Holland nurse, has discovered a novel and effective way of using grapes in combination with Ele ei in pane Root and Horeliound for the purpose of (.-tiring coughs, colds and .-ore throat. It is called Aunt Rachaels Elecampane and Horehound Cordial, and it is said that physicians are recom mending it freely iti the East Singers and lecturers carry a bottle with them. Such a gathering as the Christian Endeavor Convention conies high when it is held on the extreme edge of the continent. An estimate from San Fran cisco, where the meeting was held, puts the cost to the delegates at about $2,500,000. This includes the fare of 25,000 persons from points east of the Mississippi river. It requires 10(1 trains and 1,200 cars to carry them. ARMSTRONG'S Little System I'llls I fine. A true Liver Fill— 25c Tlif* Farniff's .Tollr Lot. A lortor from the frsirrnnt harvest fields of Volant to ;t New castle paper says "While th>- overworked preach ers aud the toil v.-. ni lawyers are enjoy ing their vacation- in cool ami shady places, the frisky fanner is hustling from -nnrise to sail set to get np hi* harvest, either riding a machine where every piece of unpainted metal will make a blister on his hands or pitching hay from the wind-row to the wagon with the nan's rays beating down on his head at 100 degrees. It is no wonder so many professional men 'sigh for the pleasant and peaceful lot of the farmer Invalid and Sacramental lVnic>. Speer's Unfermented Grape Juice is pure and nnintoxicating. It is made from the finest native grown Port Grape ••special}* for the use of Christian Churches, preserved from fresh and ! pnre juice as it is pressed, and gnaran | teed to retain its grateful flavor and es I >eiitial qualities unimpaired for any i period. Much used for evening parties and invalids who do not use stimulants A stove has been invented to cool rooms in summer. Salt, a small quan tity of ice and a patent chemical are used, and the stove becomes so cold that if a hand is placed upon it, the skin will instantly blister. As salt is cheap, the chemical not dear, and as the stove can make its own ice in the oven, the device is one that will be likely to come into general operation in warm climates. It may seem a joke to some people to think of coo' ng a house, but it is just as logical as overheating it in winter. The house of the future will have refrig erating appliances as well as huge furn aces in the cellar. If it is necessary to keep warm in winter as a matter of comfort it is equally important to sleep in a cool room when the thermometer is raging. This cooling idea may grow gradually, but it will come before many years, and then it will l>e as common to have cold air pipes as hot ones. If you have a run down system build it up and gain new life by taking Hood s Sarsaparilla. A school teacher lately put the quest ion, ' What is the highest form of animal life? "The Giraffe!" responded a bright member of the class, KEEP I Cure Uin the home. It is an instant relief in case of sudden pain Cholera-Morbus, Croup, Sprains, Bruises, Toothache &c—Ask your Druggist. Nell What makes you think he thinks well of jon? Bellr He called me a peach. Nell-Yon i*>or thing' Don't you know you know the peach crop has failed. HOOj'S PiLCS f-urc Liver nis, Bil iousness, Indigestion, Headache. Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c. He Tell you what lets found; a ociety for mutal admiration. I, for in stance, admire your beautiful eyes and what do you admire in me? She—Your g m id taste HEADACHE Fowders — Ifyou use any use a good one. Ask your Druggist lor Armstrong's (I Cure U) Headache Fow ders. " 1 got even with Nobds for talking to me so ranch aliont his disease. •'What <li<l you do." "I sent liiM address to every patent medicine firm in the country." Time never flies, except when it is geting around to the day when a note is due. If asked the question "Have yongota stomach?" it would be safe on general principles to answer "Yes. But if yon are sure of it, that is, if yon ever feel any distress after eating or any pain of whatever discription in the re gion of your stomach, you have got something more than an ordinary stomach: in other words you have got a diseased stomach. The stomach is a powerful muscle, and the proper rem edy for a tired muscle is rest. Try the Shaker Digestive Cordial, for this pro duet not only contains digested food which will nourish the system without any work 011 the part of the diseased organs, hut it aids the digestion of other foods as well. You can test its value in your case for the trifling sum of 10 cents. Sample bottles at this price are carried by all druggists. LAXOI. IS the best medicine for child ren. Doctors recommend it in place <>f Castor Oil Nocturnal cats are holding their sum mer saengerfest. The latest "coon slang ' is not "am a wahm baby" but "am fast black." The expressman with his trunks is reaping a harvest. The iceman is not the only pebble. He Your father likes me. He says 1 remind him of his ls>y hood days. ■"'he Have you been telling him some of your jokes? THE remedies put up by the I Cure U Co., I/t'd., No., 106 Centre Ave., are first class, and Rive excellent satisfaction. Sold by every Druggist in Butler Coun ty. She —Does she return your love? He 1 don't know. She has returned my love letters. "O! then Hhe doesn't "Yes. but she is keeping my pres ents.'' The Philosopher rises to remark that a fellow never realizes the futility of telling a secret to a married man until he is married himself. RIIRUIfATISM CI'RKD IN A DAY. I "Mystic Cure ' for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 davs. Its action upon the systiwi is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the causes and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Kedic, and J. F. Balph I)ru£gists Butler Apr 96 WE ARE WITH .THE PEOPLE. You never hear us complain of busi ness being ba<l—we aim and succeed in making it good, by fair and'square treat ment of all our customers. „S¥?o FAIR DEALINGS TO EVERY ONE- If we say to you our liquors are six years old, we won't ask you to take oor word for it but put them »o the test, you and your friends to lie the judge. Pure liquors are healthful. (iunrantrcd purest year old Whiskey either liuckcnhclmer. Finch, (iibsori. Overboil. l.arße, Ml. Vernon, } 1 per full quart or 6 quarts for f5, Grandfather's Choice Whiskey, guar anteed 3 years old, $2 l>er gallon. On C. O. I>. or mail orders of $lO or over, we prepay all charges. ROBERT LEWIN & CO,, Importers and Wholesalers, 111 Wa<er St. Opposite B. & 0. Depot Telephone, 2179 Pittsburg, I'a. GOOD FARM FOR SALE. The Ford .* rm in Donegal twp , near Millerstown is for sale It contains about 150 acres, is well watered and 111. good condition For terms inquire at this office ' -THE GREAT- |s sutler Fair Is only a few weeks distant, and of cot: erybodj is . going. What About That Old Buggy ami harness going in it or don't you want a new one and .;o in style? Now Is The Time To Get Reriy. \v hav<. a -tov'K and 1 prices are less than you can imagine. Probably Yoiu* Buggy Neeus a New Top, - i.. .cm, o> maybe a new set of wheels, don't get ;r \i !:es re paired, a new set wont cost yott any r .e Ti:e\ .re already tired. Then You Know Your Harness Are Old A Ui .0. b; g them in and have them overhauled or g. .s-„ ve have all kinds and makes, and repair it!' n! , ,u.-c all parts of harness and have them ready tc s. /, so y it need not waii—or probably your fami'y is to !ar ■. a buggy and some must stay at home Then Get a Surry Or Spring Wagon and t •c ly together. We have all these things ca,. .u.<u see them YOURS TRULY. iiisr S. B. Martincoui t <k Co-! 128 East Jefferson street, Buder, Pa. x AGENTS SUTLER ; Osborne Steel Rake. C C Johnston, Butler, PA WHERE WILL YOU FIND ANOTHER RAKE THAT HAS THREE OF THE SEVEN? FLED ZEHFIER. : Rjv.-r i'.'- v rr.rinz parts. One rake—two live*. » , D r ■-/ i t whcelv Wi!! ni-ke a bigger windrow than any /.etl • z i. . . . ..kc on e;*r;h ♦Jiryr'- •• heeU—three times as strong as single spoke Sproull Bros. 1 al>»e dump, high or low, suit yourself. At acddlc '! 5 or raised or lowered to suit different kinds red teeth with coil spring and flattened W J Stoner u 'r-tinr teeth t- prevent rolling of the hay or its Kuclid, Pa. heels on hillside. J W Ervin. Vl. M .„bon.« * Co.. No. Bred s«.. Slipperyrock. Pa. , >• til.-r.i; full line of Fart, "A HAND SAW iS A COOD THiUG, BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH." SAPOLIO IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEtrJINCL [ I Wheeler & Wilson New No. D r'amily Sewing Machine; Rotary Motion & Ball Bearings Mi.XI" IT Easy Rufiaiiur, Q.iizt, Rapid and Durable. Sewing Machines for Family .IHJ Factory use, for all grades of Cloth and Leather. Speed end Durabllty. factory and Head Office, Bridgeport, Connecticut, 1. S. FOR SALE BY HENRY BIEHL, DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Needles for all kinds of sewing machines, Boss Washing Machines, etc. N. MAIN ST. BUTLER *PA. N. 15.—Second-hand Sewing Machines from $5.00 up. Sewing machines repaired. TIN WARE AND ROOFING A SPECIALTY. ynuj IS THt TIME TO HAVE Run Your ClotHir\g DYED If you want and reliable cleaning or dyeing done, there is just one i>lacc in town where you i can get it, and that is at [Hf BUTUB OK WORKS 21(3 avenue. do fine work in out door Photographs. This is the time of year to have a picture ol your house. Give us a trial. Agent for the JuineHtown Sliding Blind Co.—New York. R. FISHER & SON. Carpet Cleaning Time Is here. Telephone or write to W 11. McGeary, West Knd, who has the best of machinery and does the best work. Carets called for and delivered. Carpets shipped from a dis tance will 1*: promptly cleaned iml returned. w. B. McGEARY, People's Telephone 41. PonotbedMeiredhT li. i • >••!* r.». ;.j.-r.t*r■ «1 J 1 think you ran |f*-t tl.« l>'V. in:: !•> llr.'- !i »ir \ I A MOST POPULAR SCWiNO MAOHINP j « foramraioaf. Hsj frw ibl ■ j A tti.it h«v*> kralrifdanpiit.-'ti'tw by l.« » t » •' : I « (liwlui'r Then' In n«n«l<i ' • v. iM thai ««#i» «*iu:il { 1 In mtvhaniral rurn*run ton, durability of .. m I»hi • fin«n«*«i of finl.-ih. b« *<:ty In *K»-..ruiir. ,or i<o# 1 r-mjuiy lmprx)Tt*n.<- km i MEW HOWtl S WRITE FOR CiwCUl.AftdS. j He Hew Home Sewing Macblca Co. ; >as<oi». MASS. Bocttk*. MAS* CKUi;;oKBgrAMB,N.X { C:i;caoo, Itx. Ht, l4>< w. Mo. lui.lam. i kxau. San PBAJrcU' •). < Al— A 1 LA VTA, QA. 4 FOR ALi BV J. B. McOEVITT Dealoi' in Sowin,- i ir . Piano* and Organ*—next iloor to V. M C. A. build- 1 ine—Rutler Pa. a Buy the light ru N'un- Home, 1 sewinff machine, pi Hect nfaction guar J aijteod, novur (f«U <f <■ <r. I F. H WAL3ENMYER, i ' 1 DEALER IN—Cut blowers, Bedding 1 Plants, Decoration:. and t Floral Designs. % Bedding Plants * A SPECJAI.TY —S- J (iREhN HOUSE West of Const Mouse, Lfn coin St. STORE. IIS S. Main St., Butler. Ph KEVIVO \ S RESTORES Vitality h MAI)K A Man % ,;,VaV Of Mc THE (.KKAT nli i'W FRENCH RKMEDY produces the abov* uh ' 1:1 >* acta powerfully m I i« ; - t'ure* win n all other* fall. Vol " * ' j r i«»-.t manhitod, aud o ' i - ' youthful vlfctir by uniit" ''l \l\<> It <»iil«* K 1y and mi r»-l v nn • * * ouMieas vitality. la »st |*ow« t i ii M» 'n«»ry u iM.- Inx lMNeue, and ill < ir©ct*i»f« *ces» and in • llicretloo. which mil ne»» or marriage. •' : 1 only . .r» i»y starting :*t 11»• • mhi preat tier*•• tonic and bit '.* d i be pink i low to pi i ho fire of youth. CiuiHuinpii'iii. Ins!- I;I.M\o, ii" other, ft can be enri t I • 1 « • *v mall *i 00 per pack a positive wrlttei • « •' r ' fund the money. ICOYAI, MKDiriM- r< « ' ' 11 1 i lor Sn le l»y it KIH il' s v (i'« MIMA N N BRICKER ci VINROE. LIVER v FKKD am ! HAM.KSTAHU First class rigf it t< • oii'd.lc rate Special Attcntioo to Transient Custom Barn in rear of Dim -i People's Telephone, ». it. S"- 1 * W. J Vi.NRI i ) 3-jmner. y PAPE Summer. rSE LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE OF BUTLER CO All Goods Reduced 33 1-3 per cent. >Jur Milliner}* this season is acknowledged by all who have in our stock to be the finest most stylish and prettiest ever ought to this city. Nothing has been spared to make our mil mary department complete in every* respect. All the latest styles in t>< nuets and hats All the beautiful flowers and feathers All latest shad« in ribbons and trimmings For the baby to .• very old lady. From the cheapest to the finest goods can be ind in our complete miUmeiy store. If you have not visited our ■tore this seas- .1 it will be to your advantage to do to as we save u moneyo:l every purchase. Our Stock of Mourning Bonnets. Hats. Veils, <&c M Always Complete. 122 S \y J PAPE, Butler. Pa EOCOOO XXXXVC-CO •_ .. >. :OOOO&OOGOOOGC. - 2 c v | Pumc" Is X o I tuality ifijv Power J I Hitch your ylf tu But be sure! # business a| | it's in a ; 6 works to a i H? Fahys Gold=§ X•1 * Q | good watch, Jjj pi filled Case, | 3 And that you buy it from £ E. GRIEB, jeweler, 139 N. MAIN STREET,BUTLER ■ PA. GOOD OLD TIMES. When, years ago, a A GOOD FARMER would prepare for harvest, the best chicken on the place—the finest roll of butter—and many other good things to EAT and DRINK would be served at harvesting and threshing— The men would get the whiskey when in the field, and too on going and coming from the field—No harm in that then, and is there now? INO, Not when you can get good honest whiskey, and that you are sure of getting from MAX KLEIN, and at reasonable prices— A Few of the Following Will Convince You:— ANCHOR" RYE~%$i An old fashioned whiskey $2 00 per gallon POSSUM~Ssa A full bodied corn and r\ e whiskey $2 50 per gallon. GUCKENHEIMER-*aa *A four year oh 1 pure Rye $3 00 per gallon. BEAR CREEK a The finest six year old w hiskcy $4 00 per gallon. WINES Of all grades. $1 50, $1 75. $2 00 and $2 50 per gallon. Send,for our price list, and sec some of the many other articles for sale by us—anil the special selections which will save vou money—Address MAX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquors, 82 Tederal St Allegheny, Pa. EX pre. WAGE paid on all orders of $5 00 and over No charge ' for box ing and shipping. | "THE COMMERCIAL," : VW. K. THORNBURG Prop'r., Evans City, Pa.) | ft This popular house just been entirely remodeled < > and refurnished. Everything- convenient, and guests 4' y X will always receive close attention. X Located near I'ostofficc and l'.& W. Depot. When i y jf in Evans City t~>p at the Commercial. Hell Tele- . . Jf phone No. 16. . . > >ooooooo<x>oo<>oo< JOOOOOOOOCX / Roughest Roads ( / feel like boulevards beneath the springs of V 1 No. 2 Ro»J Buggy. 1 • 1 / They are strong and beautiful— |£| 1 V The. wise man's choice in ve- f / hides. They are at all dealers. # ( Made by THE FREDONIA MFG. CO., Youngstown, Ohio. \ # The New-York Weekly Tribune FOR EVERY member of iS, * EVERY family on **-• EVERY farm, in ' EVERY village, in , EVERY State or Territory. ■ "i \ FOR Education, V K' £ FOR Noble Manhood, \ ' FOR True Womanhood, Irp i 1 i \riji O alI important news of the Nation i vT A \ Jli>~ a || important news of the tVoild. 1m / 1 | yUG the liable market reports. I '' i ' J-JIO brilliant anil instructive editorials. Irn fascinating short stories. -®- vTJ. ? IJO an UCCXC elled agricultural department 1m / < IAT "L 1 U scientific and mechanical information. -®- » LtJ illustrated fashion articles, irn f 1 I \ T I? Q humorous illustrations. ■ 'J » LjO cn t cr tainment to young and old. I T 1 V KS 1 1 VTI V XJkJ sat j s f act j on every where to everybody We furnish "The Citizen" and "N. Y. Weekly Tribune" FOR si.so PER YEAR. CASH IN ADVANCE. Address all orders to THE CITIZEN ,„te your name and address on a postal card, send it 'o GEO_ W B<st, JNBUI* Building, New York City, and a uunpic copv of IHK NHW \ORK BJ*IT I'HIBWMK will be mailed to yo»>.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers