Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 15, 1897, Image 4
A LITTLE TALK. The season has beer a backward one on account Jot the wet weather, yet our business has been greater than ever — WHY IS THIS? it is easily accounted for, our theory* has always been that if people arc treated fairly and honestly they will appreciate it—and for fifteen years we ha\e pursued this policy - Jfever Misrepresent, nor try to get Rich, off one Customer, And people have found this out and prefer to deal where they know they get the worth of their money Neighbor! The question to ask yourself when you think of buying a buggy or harness is—does the dealer know what he is selling—will he sell ar. article for just what it is and at the lowest possible price, also is his knowledge of the business sufficient that I may rely on it. Then patronize such a firm—if a r ter all these years our repu tation is not such as to meet all these exactions in your mind, then go elsewhere —bear ir. mind that bug gies are cheaper now than ever in the history of our country, and the season is here when you need one., CALL AND SEE US. And see if we cannot save you money —if not do not deal, certainly this is fair We never had as fine a stock of buggies, surries and harness <is we have now, and remember we arc the largest Wholesale and Re tail House in our line in the state Thanking you for past favors we remain YOURS TRULY, S. B. Martincourt & Co -128 East Jefferson,street, Butler, Pa. Charming Spring Styles IN FINE FOOTWEAR. of which are to be seen here alone, a mammouth collection of captivating novelties in WE], ST ART AN ELEGANT LINE Ladies' Gent's and Children's Russet shoes in thejpopular shades, chocolate, mahogany and ox blood, lace and button in all the widths A A to E pointed and the new coin toe, with the J, new ves *' n 8 cloth tops and all leather. MV There will be more tan shoes worn this season than any previous one, they are L&OK cooler in hot weather than black, besides P y '/jt I' MR?V being fashionable. Prices in ladies, $1.25 t 'it I VS ■ to 13.00. Infants and childretis 25c to /. //)) fjV 75C, Misses sizes n'/i ti.oo to $1.50.) hg/ Our Line of Dongola and Vici Cj Kid Shoeß jt Is conpletel ;in all the newest lasts, SMt»A rarl!v t L direct to us from the best manufacturers. far Jif I Ladies Dong pat tip button 75c and s[.oo; "*»■ Dougolaat $1.25, sl-50 ami $2.00; In ~ fants and Childrens at 10, 18, 25 and 5c vVv cents; Misses sizes 11 y t , at 75c, SSC, SI.OO SPRING SHOES FOR MEN AND BOVS Of best vici tan kid, and Russia tan calf skin 8 distinct t tyles. They combine all the advantages of higher price shoes in fit, shape style and cc?or. Prices in men's RnwHi.so, $2.00, 12.50 #3 00 and $4.00. OUR M UN'S $2.50 AND $3 (Hi RUSSETjfSHOES to be found in Butler, more styles and a better quality for the money, forget to see onr men'sfm'i new coin toe at 00, $1 25 and if. 50. you cdp't match these in Butler. The boys Russet at SI.OO, *1.25 and $1.50 ake the boyi by storm. UTILE UENTS LACE SPRING HEEL Shoe« 9-T3J £at 75c 90c |i.oo and #1.25 are gems just like yourjfathers MEN'S WORKING SHOES SEKViCABLE At 75c, $ J.po, |i 25 and f1.50 in creedmore bellus tongut lnlto'ii Uatog n r UTTCCI TrtW opp. StotHyisfl 11U JEL IU il Hotel Loiry, %D. A. HECK & SON. CHAMPION CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. We are offering this Spring the finest line of Men's, Hoy's and Children's suits ever offered in p'aids, cheviots and worsted suits ever seen, at prices that will surprise you, our all-wool suits at $4 70 are as good quality as any one can offer you at SO.OO, our all-wool suits at $4.90 equal to any SB.OO suit offered on the market, children's knee pants from 15c to si, fine all worsted suits, tailor made, from $6 .OO to $15.00, our 35c knee pants equal to any 50c pants, overalls, I jackets and jumpers, our King overall, equal to anything for 75c. Sweet, Orr & Co'. § Best Overalls only 65 cents. I Shirts from 20c to $ 1 .00, neckwear, ties, collars, cuffs, handker chiefs, socks and stockings from 5c up. Trunks valises, telescopes, watches, chains, charms, rings, pins, studs, waist sets, collars and cuft buttons, all the latest styles, summer clothing just the thing for hot weather in crash, linen, serge, flannels and alpacca. Hats all the j latest styles in stiff, soft and straws—so styles of straw hats to select i from. Underwear, Hosiery, suspenders to suit the taste of the most I fastidious. Umbrellas, brushes, combs, garters, pocket and bill books, purses, pencils, knives, harmonicons. Children's wash suits, our 49c suits equal to any 75c suit in the market, finest crash suits only $1.25 sold everywhere at $2.00. We guarantee best goods for least money—and ask comparison in quality and price, you ought to see our line of shirts we control the Semper Idem, the best shirt in the world. Examine our stock, compare quality acd match them if you can. Thanking our many friends for their very liberal patron age and hoping to merit a continuance of the sam« we remain, Yours respectfully, D. A. HECK & SON. 121 N. MAIN ST. BUTLi.I'. PA. P. S.--SUITS MADE TO ORDER. APOLLO GAS LAMP. Pi APOLLO ' l ' Price complete with By- Pass and Glass Chimney $2 00 Mica Chimney $2.25. Geo. W. Whitehili, ACXKN r FOR BL'TLI'.U. COj f ABRAMS, BROWN & Co % Insarancfl aid Real Estate. STRONG COMPANIES PROMPT SETTLEMENTS. Homo liuurancc .'o of New Yo-.i, i, * anre Co, of North Amorlrit. of , Pa. I'henfx IriHuraiui „f Itio Hartford ln.urw.cu Co of OKKIC'K: Oomerof Main 8v iucl tr M » ' munrl. north of Court butler I'a. Want Any Wall Paper £ We Have the Latest: and Best. New Styles Cheap and Bar. gains in Old Stock NO TRASH OF ANY KIND. An Immense Stock in The Basement. ASK TO SF,E WALL PAPER AT DOUGLASS' 2 *»i S. y.ain St. ,• L.C.WICK, ~ Dealkk IN " ftough $ Worked Lumber Of ai.i. kini>s. Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, \ Shingles and Lath ".Always in Stock. UME, HAIR AND PLASTER 1 Office opposite I'. & W. J>cpot. BUTLER, PA, i "I gu*»s I'v« £jU been vietira \ ized." That's *S9> *4 i I thf «^ e » s °* rH li J Itaaay a hard- J / = working: maa, * If \*rX/- -<P r ' who ' worn out i F-J? /I .V-vS* \\) — nervous aod ;U- steeple •• ba» BP& ?v 'Hf I I been lor cj. nt»s *a«fe x wEjt >kl \ 1» bl«b -prla,.<i v<s|» -y doctor tvitb :t > **4 •> dollar'» worth T V« of Until. Fre- Sw j„ \ i,™ . ij'JCE'.ly the Iff I ll \ uar guess is entirely 1 W " correct There WV ars to ° "^37 ' doctors who ; re only lifted out of obscurity by the size Jf their bills. The business man or working man who gets nrn-down -.iid in ill health from over work, needs thf advice m.d treatment o' % phyMcian who i= fain >ue for the thousand* of cases he has cured, and not for the thouiuuids of dollar- he has charged. In Dr R. V. Pierce, of Euffalo, N. Y , he will find that kind of a physician. For thirty years Dr, Pierce has been chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgi cal Institute, at BuSalo. He is the discoverer of a wonderful medicine known as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It is a marvelous med icine fo: broken down s:n and women. It whets the iipetite purifies the blood, makes the digestion perieci and the liver active. Through the blood it acts directly on every orgin of the body, driving out impurities and disease germs It i= the great blood maker. flesh-builder and nerve-tonic It cures nervous prostration and exhaustion malaria, liver troubles, rheumatism, blood and skin diseases and 9?t per cent of all cases of consumption, weak lungs, spitting of Wood, lingering coughs and kindred ail ment 1 When you aa!t a d.aler for the "Golden Medical Discovery" insist upon having it. A dealer ii not a physician and has no right to advise some substitute When tfli trouble is of long standing write to Dr. Pierce, who rill answer let ters from sufferers without charge Very serious or complicated cases, or those need ing surgical treatment, sometimes find it necessary to come to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, for per sonal treatment and care. Dr. Pierce- ran be addressed there «^HUMPHREYS' y VETERINARY SPECIFICS 500 PAGE BOOK MAILED FRF.K, CONTENTS : Part I.—Diseases of Horses. Part ll.—Diseases of Cattle. Part lll.—Diseases of Sheep. Part IV.—Diseases of Hogs. Part V.—Diseases of Dogs. Part Vl.—Diseases of Poultry. Same boolc in better binding BO cts. Hi HrHttKTV BSD. ro., Cvi. nmua k Job" KU., *•» Vork NEKVOUS DEBILITY, 1 VITAL WEAKNESS and Prostration from Over ; work or other causes. Humphrey*' Homeopathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only i successful remedy. $1 per TxalfOr 6 vial* and Urge rial powder, foi $5 Hold by I>rajs;lita, or wnt postpaid on rec«!pt©f orlc» lil BPIIUMb' MUD. CO., Cw. Alllita A 4ohaSU., Xw* T«i CATARRH LOCAL 1 DISEASE K^mbaiv^ and it the result of cc'ds art VS ■ .ty* Hidden climatic chaises. V kftot For your Protc.-th.n jp KA?{ryEj?(fog J®li we positively s»tatt> tl-at. ti.m ££". ) remedy &oev ii t contain t.;fj mercury or any oilier injur- ' Sjj-i* is ac now -<!ped t n be the niort ♦horcngh cure for Naaai Catarrh, C'o.d in liead and i!ay Ferer of ill remedies. It opens and c ounw. the basal pa»?*apt e» allay a pain ana inflammation, heals the soren, pro tects the membrane frot » cola*, :stores the senses oi taste and mneii. Price fOc. at frruL'tfisUj or by mail. ELY ÜBO'lil£Kß| 6t ! Warrea Street, New York. WE AkE WITH THE PEOPLE. You never hear us complain of busi ness being bad—we aim and succeed in making it good, by fair jind square treat ment of all our customers. MOTTO FAIR DEALINGS wAr TO EVERY ONE- If we to you our liquors are sax years old, wc won't ask you to take o.ir word for it—but put them to the test, you and your friend tc be the judge. Pure liquors are healthful. Guaranteed purejfi year old V. hiske) either Guckenheimcr, Pinch, Uibson, Overhott, Large, Mt. Vernon, f i per full quart or 6 quarts for Grandfather's Choice Whiskey, guar anteed 3 years old, $2 per gallon. Ou C. O. I), or mail orders of ijfio or over, we prepay all charges. ROBERT LEWIN & CO,, Importers and Wholesalers, 411 Wa»er St. Opposite B. &0. Depot. | Telephone, 2179 Pittsburg, Ta. ti'tLi&ixL P IW JECeSfi --DENTAL ROOKS." Ml ® 39 ~ Av# a , Pitt&burg, Pj. 81 [ij iB7*WR R(j U&L sk CROWN a'"l &P.inGE work M isA AK of .JOT OO^ jySSRAU YOURS? CROWNS?, VwU W^' 1 BRIDGE W'TK r«n.r«£ toM Ir'lftW PER TOOTH Al«<. -theSl "Jl l»c*ts*t of Teeth ina«le. ON LY tO fa" WRIGHI"SSg; For »!l BILIOUJ and NERVOUS Vttlfl FL H DISEASES. They purify the Ul ■ B BLOOU iuiS give IIIAITUT ||a ft Action o tit entire system. ■ ■ StafcSßtS® Curo DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, OOMSTIPAYIOM and PIMPLES. C. & o. A LOVER OF GOOD HATS Can surely fin 1 his every desiresatisfied in our Spring 1897 stock, which con tains all the shapes, colors an<l qualities most admired by connoisseurs We have 110 fancy prices, hut merely value for value. WE TREAT Furnishing Goods in the same manner, buying the best an<l selling as low 'is many charge for inferior goods. We are always glad to show visitors our goods. Call And See Us. , COLBERT DALE, 242 S. MAIN ST BUTTER, PA W. NTEU I-AITHKI'L MF.NOHWOMKN n travi l fin n -.1 atillnliiil 1. ous< In IViiimylvaula. Salary 17*0 ' I'll ■s. i'mllloii ix rinam nt Ui'ftr 111-11,-,! .1 ir-:..lill. -5...1 .I: ill 11|< '1 |||- vi'liipi I National, Mar Insurance BWlit. CllilcaKO' THE CITIZEN The Washington Monument's Seisniosoopt'. The largest seismoscope in the world hangs through the renter of gravity in that great obelisk which was erected at Washington D C., in honor of our na tions first rnler. This instrument consists of a copper wire 174 feet long which holds a plum met suspended from its lower extrem ity into a vessel of water Two tran sits arranged at right angles to each other are focused upon the wire just above the plummet, and by means of these little telescspes the slightest vibra tion of the great mass of stone is indi cated upon a graduate scale. The expansion of the monument s south face, on a hot summer day, some times shifts the apex northward a few hundredths of an inch, and high winds frequently cause a slight variation from the normal position of the wire. Occa sionally the plummet swings violently when the weather is calm and cool, its motion under such circumstances being ascribed to vibration. ■ of the ae-un it self. The custodian of the monument takes a daily statement of the transits and prepares a monthly chart of the same, which is filed in the War Depart meut An examination of these records discloses the interesting fact that no permanent change has been effected in the {>osition of the monument, the plummet having always leaned toward its normal resting place when the causes of disturbance subsided. Tin- Woolly Horse of Lackawaim There comes from Masonville the strange story of a peddler and his horse. The vender of pins, needles and brica brac landed at a farmer's home one night and asked to remain untill morn ing, as his horse was sick. The farmer gave his consent and helped to doctor the horse; but, in spite of their combin ed effrots, the horse died, was skinned and they went to bed. Some time in the night the farmer was disturbed by hear ing a strange noise and arose to invest igate, when he discovered that the horse had recovered and was frisking about to keep warm. Feeling sorry for the animal, he proceeded to cover it with a sheepskin, which took root and grew. It is farther added that 75 pounds of fine wool was sheard from the horse a few months later. Truth appears to be stranger then fiction.—Scran ton (Pa.) Tribune. For Singers, an EflVctivi 1 Cure tor C'OIIIK. Old Aunt Rachael, the well known nurse of Holland descenf. has gotten up for some New York physician, accord ing to their prescribed formula, a com bination of Horehound, Elecampane, (irape Juice and Rock Candy, this is doing wonders in the cure of coughs, colds and sore throat. It is put up in 25 and 75 cent sizes. Public speakers should carry a bottle in their pocket, Sold by all druggists Lady in a bric-a-brac shop: Let me see something handsome, but cheap. Assistant: Yes'm. Something for a wedding present? Never gets full—The contribution box. The cause of weak nerves is impure blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood and cures. k A singular l>eing—A bachelor. How to get at the root of a thing- Dig Addrebs wanted— Where the signs of the times are to be had. When is it impossible for a secret to come to light?- When it is kept dark. If we could trace Dyspepsia to its source, it would lead back to our kitch ens. In fact, the secret of good health is good cooking, If well cooked, foods are partially digested; if poorly cooked, they are less digestible than in their raw state. If you are a victim of faulty cooking, thr. is, if you suffer from Dys pepsia. the rational cure must be looked for in an artificially digested food, and a food which will at the same time aid the digestion of other foods. Such u preparation virtually rests the tired di gestive organs, thereby restoring them to their natural strength. The Digestive Cordial, is prepared by the Shakers of Mount Lebanon, is just such a preparation, and a single 10 cent bottle will convince you of its value. If *<mr druggist doesn't keep it, he will I* glad to get it through his wholesale house LAXOL is the best medicine for child ren. Doctors recommend it in place of Castor Oil. Everything appears to be growing ex cept the price of oil. Application for relief —A mustard plaster. March without an end—The march of intellect. KKKP I Cure Uin the home. It is an instant relief in case of sudden pain Cholero-Morbus, Croup, Sprains, Bruises, j Toothache txc —Ask your Druggist. A public school boy defined the word 'demagogue" as "a vessel that holds beer, wine, gin. whisky, or any other kind of intoxicating liquor " Why are a conscienceless tenant and a tramp with a ragged coat very much alike? Because thev are each oblivions of the back rent. Mother: So you wish my daughter for your wife? He, gallantly Partly that madam, and partly that you may be my mother in-law. HEADACHE Powders If you use any use a good one. Ask your Druggist for Armstrong's (I Cure U) Headache Pow ders Husband, in the early morning; It must Is* time to get up. Wife Why? Husband, Baby's fallen asleep. Justice; Yon ar charged with steal ing Colonel Julep's chickens. Have you any Witnesses? Uncle Mosees: I heb not I don't steal chickens befo' witnesses. A maiden lady of very mature years was riding hei wheel recently on the sidewalk A policeman stopped her and said "Excuse me, lady, but I must ask you to go before a justice of tin- peace with me " "Well, now," she exclaimed, "I've been waiting more than 20 years for some man to ask me to go before a justice of the peace with him. Of course I'll go." The police dmanid not stop for further explanaj tions. TIIK remedies put up by the I Cure U Co., L't'd., No., 106 Centre Ave., are first class, and give excellent satisfaction. Sold by every Druggist in Butler Coun ty- Auctioneers have a good way of re ceivtng bids W here one may get change of scene At the theatre. (Jiven to rise, and yet does not leave its bed A river. A man who lias his wits alsmt him The editor of a comic paper. Towns XanKKi after States. The following gives the names of the States as towns in other States: Alabama is in New York and Wis consin. Arizona is in Louisiana and Nebras ka. Alaska is in Indiana, Michigan, West Virginia and Wisconsin. Arkansas is in Wisconsin. California is in lowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan. Missouri. Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Colorado is in Illinois and Texas. Delaware is in Arkansas, Indiana, Kentucky. New Jersey, and Ohio. Florida is in Illinois, Indiana, Massa chusetts, New York, North Carolina, and Ohio. Georgia is in Indiana and Vermont | Idaho is in Albania, North Carolina, and Ohio. Indiana is in Pennsylvania. lowa is in Louisana. Kansas is in Alabama. Illinois. Ken tucky, Ohio, and Tennessee. Louisiana is in Missouri. Maine is in Minnesota. New \ork, and New Jersey. Maryland is in New York. Michigan is in North Dakota. Montana is in Arkansas, Kansas. Missouri, New Jersey, and Wisconsin. Nevada is in Illinois, Indiana. lowa, Kentucky. Mississippi. Missouri, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. New Hampshire is in Ohio. New York is in New York and lowa- Ohio is in Colorado. Illinois. Kansas, Missouri, New York, aud Texas. Oklahoma is in Virginia. Oregon is in Arkansas. Illinois, Indi ana. Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, Pennsylvania. Tennes see, and Wisconsin. Tennessee is in Illinois. Texas is in Alabama, Georgia, Ken tucky, Maryland. Michigan. New York, Ohio, and West Virginia. Utah is in Illinois and Pennsylvania. Vermont is in Illinois, Indiana, and Missouri. HOOD'S HLLS cure Liver lite, tiii tousness, Irvdlgeation, Headache. Easy to tako, easy to operatn. 25c. A gentleman standing on the bank of a continental river called out in a loud voice, "Hallo, there! Which of you fellows can swim? All the boatman at once crowded round him, exclaiming; "1 can, sir—l can!'' Only one stood apart from the rest. To him the gentleman said "You there —can't you swim?" "No sir." "Very good; then ferry me across. An electric mouse trap is something new. A bit of cheese is attached to an electric wire. The mouse or rat to get at the bait must stand on a metal plate, and the moment he touches the cheese he is shocked to death. Every wagon should be a road maker instead of a rut maker. The day for narrow tires is passing away, and it cannot go too soon. ARMSTRONG'S Little System Pills are fine. A true Liver Pill.— 25c. The manager of a strolling company was requested by a big-wig of a certain town to play Henry VIII. Alas' it was not in the company's repertory :but, rather than disappoint his patron, he offered, without a moment's hesitation, to give Henery I V. twice over! Have you any thing to say before sentamce is pronounced against you?" asked the judge. "The only thing I'm kiekin' about," an swered the convicted burglar, "is bein' identified by a man that kept his head under the bed clothes the whole time. That's wrong!" , "You don't look like a hard citizen, but you plead guilty to the charge of being found in a gambling resort. I ought to inflict a fine of at least $5." "But your honor, I was intoxicated, or I would nt have " "Drunk, too, were you? The fine will be $lO and costs. Call the next case." Old Fine Climax Itrandy. From grape wine, has l>een fourteen years stored and cared for in the same way that Brandies are cared for in France, and is as fine in flavor and mel lowness as Hennessy Brandy of Cognac Ask your druggist for Speer's Climax Brandy. Most likely place for a fisherman to get a bite —At the mouth of a river. Wanted for exhibition purposes The girl who was seen throw up her head Many a man is the architect of his own fortune, but never gets money enough to build. When may a man lie said to be re dnced to extremities? When he has nothing to eat but pigs' feet Why is a doctor an anomaly? Be cause you may have an opinion of hint, yet have 110 opinion of him. Draper's assistant: Would you like to look through some of our blankets, madam? Customer: No; I want some you can't look through. A boy in a Sunday school, when ask ed the question: 'What is the chief end of man?' said, "The chief end of man is the end with the head 011'" "Yoh kain't put no' pendenee on de show folks make." said uncle Eben, "De bass player in de orchestra hab de bigges' fiddle, but ain't de feller dat sets de step f'oh de res' ob de inst'ments." Rheumatism Curbd in a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the calises and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Redic, and J. F. Ralph Ilrumjists Butler Apr 96 F . klrkuln ■. Knell.h IHaaaid H„>(. ( ENNYROYAL PILLS ,/L'v Original and Ouljr Genuine. A M- A fjUbU. LAOIt* 111 r. t,,T Cklrh—frß /Cngliik Oh* aVX VW lirawl In |(i d •!»'! Cold «n»f l»o\\JPr CX —wT>"*'•#. arai»l with |,1.1* rlM<on Take i / other, /(.fate r:ang*"".a lubtMu- I W w In ktiun|>i for riirtlcui-irs. • r"liuonltU and \ f T * " Keller for I M'll< • ■' h; rrlim \ /> Mnil. I*>.#«*> r M • u.r • *«.«»« , •• *«l«••»*•» %)-/. ! : l.n«'.u. I'lilUilu., I'a. FR4ZER GREASE IIKMT IN TUB WORLD. umnirpaMed, •rtually cot luMthiK two box*** of any other brand. Not by hent tVfJKTTfIB UKMINK. Won BALE JiV DEALERS UENKKA-LLY. EYES EXAMiKEU FKEK OF CHANGE R. L. KirKp;Urick, Optician and Jewelei Next to Court House BuMer, I'ate Cridiii-te l.a Port Harologicl Institute Subscribe lor the CITIZEN WE SPEAK BECAUSE V/E * *- HAVE SOMETHING TO DAY About our Mens' Boy's and Children's Clothing WE HAVE SUITS THAT ARE RIGHT. Goods Right. £ C Fit Right. S / Cut Right. J / Look Right. S ; Made Right. ) ) Wear Right. C Style Right. < Price Right. £ COME RIGHT IN AND SEE. Douthett &• G ram am. Main and Cunningham Street. I AGENTS BUTLER COUNTY. Osborne Steel Rake. Q Q Johnston. Butler, Pa. WHERE WILL YOU FIND ANOTHER RAKE THAT HAS THREE OF THE SEVEN? Fred Zehner. I k:.-»i!ile wearing parts One rake-two lives. Pi v 57 ,„ wheels. Will make a bigger windrow than any ZeiieUop.e, 13. \ Hi ycle wheel'*—three limes as strong as single spoke Sproull Bros. 4 Adjustable dump, high or low, suit yourself. Anatldale, Pa. c. '1 eeth can be raised or lowered to suit different kinds ♦ Oil tempered teeth with coil spring and flattened W J Stoner. r '•<:«tinp teeth to prevent rolling of the hay or its Euclid, Pa. ■ "heels on hillside J W Ervin. . „ Slipperyrock, Pa. . r> M Oslvrne & Co., <44 No. Broad St., r v - ,-Qiiylete ,::.tuUM;ue describing full lin« of Farm "A taiW is - c;j OD th:kg. but not to fiiAVE WITH." SAPOLIO IS THE PROPER THIHO FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. AT J. R. GRIRB S 5 2 and 2Do Not Make Five. zJ iSv; -. '• r t* . \ 1 ..v.v \ Or I' -S: /V Y.f\ / " \ t 1 ; --v k '' 1 1 •!' : 'L It's (juitc a problem to please everyone's taste in any line you may select and particularly of jewelry, silver novelties, cut glass, etc., but I'm sure you will find what you want in my large stock and at such prices that defy com petition. I am making a spc. cialty of nobby and find Goods and want your trade. J. R. GfilEl. 118 SOUTH MAIN ST WMTER RESORTST BEDFORD SPRINGS HOTEL. IlF.liroun, PENNA. THE CARLS HAD OF AMERICA. OPENS JUNE2S. One of the most naturally attractive re sorts In America. Location andd the Kraiul- I'st seem-ry, with its springs of curative waters. It Is a heatth-iflvtnK as well as a de lightful summer house. Toer«e's Orchestra will furnish Inusli-. K.ir Ixxikli-ts anil terms address J.I. ALSII", Manager. Hotel Lyndhurst. PARK.^> Near The Beach. All attractions; fine rooms and veran das; excellent cuisine and service. Reasonable Rates. Write for Booklet to Dr. Hawxhurst, Prop'r. Asbury Park, N. J. SEANOK & NACES Livery, Feed and Sale Stable REAR OV WICK HOUSE, BUTLER, I'A. Tl.o boat of horses" and lirst clans rifc'H always on hand and for hire. liest accomodations in town for perma nent hoarding and transient trade. Speci al tare guaranteed. Stable room tor sixty five horses. A good class of horses, both drivers aud dralt horses always on hand and for sale un<!er a full guarantee; and horses bought lp.rn proper notification by SEANOK * NACB. Telephone, No 219. Carpet Cleaning Time Is here. Telephone or write to W. B. McGeary, West End, who has the best of machinery and does the best work. Car,»eCs called for and delivered. Carpets shipped from a dis tance will be promptly cleaned and returned. W. B. McGEARY, People's Telephone 41. 1 HOTEL FOR SALE The Oriental Hotel, at Petrolia formerly owned and managed by W. H. Jellison; and which had the reputation of being one of the !>est hotels in the county is for sale. For terms and particulars inquire A. KUNORDLINGER & SON. Penn Ave. Pittsburg. OK W.II. 11. Riddle, llutlcr Pa. I>oE»ot»v» divolred br alluring advc rrtnrmertwajuJ think you can gvt thebost nuult, finest tinleh ant! MOST POPULAR SEWING MACHINE f- rtv incrv mm*. Hay from rclfahlo manufacture: j il.at have trained a reputation by hom xtAci! ■ • allnir There t* none in tho world that « jui tqui.l ni>—lianiral construction, durability of working • 1.1n»-neMi of flninh, b« atlty In appearand-, or lu»* •• «• r iiuprovcmenUaa t;ic NEW HOME M'RITE FOR CIRCULARS. ■i KBW Home Sewing Machine Ce. r Mi.w. Bono*,rut* ill fiosegc.tits.N 1 •• 'io. 111. ST, LOCM, MO. I>4U4H,Tkxas. »»« murcnoo, >'»u Atlajha, 3/. Ron «ALC QV J. B. McDEVITT Dealer in Sewing Machines, Pianos and Organs—next iloor to V. M. (.'. A. build ing—Hutler Pa. Buy the light-runm.ig, New Home, sewing machine, perfect sat-slaction guar anteod, never nets out <>f order. F. H. WALDENMYER, Florist. DEALER IN—Cut Flowers, Bedding Plants, Vegetables,' Decorations and Floral Designs. Bedding Veg eiaiiie Plants A SPECIALTY GREfcN MOUSE West ol Const House, Lfn coln St, STORE, 115 S. Main St., Butler, I'a W heeler fk Wilson New No. •> i 'amily Sevv inyr i lachiiie. 1 tfLr u. frfnC INj) 7 • Rci:-! y iii-iioa & iia'l hearings MAT*'., rr Easy Ruf.iiine, if>i-xi, Rapid and Durable. Sewing Machines for Family .IK.! 1- ictory u>i*. lor all grades ol Cloih and i.cathcr. Speed and Duraiility. factory ioid Hi ad Office, Bridgeport. Connecticut, U. S. FOR SALE BY BIKHL, DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Needles for all kinds of sowing machines, Boss Washing Machines, etc. N. MAIN ST. BUTLER *PA. N. H.—Second-hand Sewing Machines from 15.1*111]). Sewing machines repaired. TIN WARE AND ROOFING A SPECIALTY. BRICKER & VINROE. LIVKRY I*'KKI) ANI> IvXCHANOH Stabi.h First class rigs at reasonable rates Special Attentioa to Transient Custom Barn in rear of Diamond St.," Hutler I'a People's Telephone, No. -| t« Jl 1. C. B*icki:R I ANi) \ I'rop'rs. W. J. VIN&OK, J ' Summer. D. T. PAPE Summer. THE LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE OF BUTLER CO All Goods Reduced 33 1-3 per cent. . Our Millinery this season is acknowledged by all who have in rpccted our stock to be the finest most stylish and prettiest ever i i rought to this city. Nothing has been spared to make our mil ! i nar)- department complete in ever)' respect. All the latest styles in ! bonnets and hats All the beautiful flowers and feathers All the latest shades in ribbons and trimmings For the baby to the very old lady From the cheapest to the finest goods can be i >und in our complete millinery store. If you have not visited our ; tore this season it will be to your advantage to do so as we save you money on every purchase. Our Stock of Mourning Bonnets, Hats, Veils, &c., Always Complete. !22 S.JJain St. [) J. PAPE, But^ Pa -';: yj' Ibunc- <gp is | I tualify A Power. | | Hitch your I raj But be surejjj | business jB || it's in a | works to a $ fejl Fahys Gold- i|; | good watch. | j| j(M filled Case, j j a And that you buy it from £ E. GRIEB, JEWELER, 139 N. MAIN STREET,JBUTLER, PA. il "THE COMMERCIAL," i JtW. K. THORNBURG Prop'r., Evans City, Pa t | i » This popular bouse has just been entirely remodeled ( and refurnished. Everything^'convenient, and guests < will always receive close attention. i A Located near Postoffice and 1\& VV. Depot. When , in Evans City t->p at the Commercial. Bell Tele- . I £ phone No. 16. I ' t When You i Out Money ; be sure that you are getting the real ; ! No. 2 Red Bu ee >. value of the price you pay. ! ; Fredoniaßugg JGS running and | ——————— every penny they \ i Your dealer sella them. cost you. | I THE PREDOINIfI MFG. CO., Ohio. > The New-York Weekly Tribune FOR EVERY member of Shu., t-s EVERY family on < EVERY farm, in EVERY village, in V\ EVERY State or Territory. 1- J —4B> I \ EOR Education, * V EOR Noble Manhood, v * EOR True VVomaidiood, T a ]j important news of the vVorld. ITT GIVFS the most reliable market reports. brilliant and instructive editorials. IT fascinating short stories. an ucexcelled agricultural department IT scientific and mechanical information. illustrated fashion articles. IT GIVES humorous illustrations. entertainment to young and old. IT GIVES ~ , , . . satisfaction everywhere to everybody We furnish "The Citizen" and "N. Y. Weekly Tribune" FOR si.so PER YEAR. CASH IN ADVANCE. Address all orders to THE CITIZEN W rite your name and address on a postal card, send it ro Geo. W. Best, Tribune Uuilding, New York City, and a sample copv of Thk Nkw York Whkki* THI hunk will be mailed to yop Butler Savings Bank Hatler, Pa. Capital |60,000.00 Surplus and Profits - $119,263.67 JOS. L PURVIS President J. HISRY TROUTAIAN Vice-President WM. CAMPBELL, Jr Cashier I.OIIS B.BTEIN. Teller DIKI'.CTOItH -Jogcpli 1,. Purvis. J. Ilenry IroiituiiiM. W. I), liramloii. \V. A. Ktelh. J.'S. Cumpbcll. The HutU-r Savings Ituuk Is tin- Oldest ll.iiikliiK Institution In Hutler County. General banking business transacted. \V. solicit accounts of oil prcduccrs, mer chants, farmers and others. All liuslutss I'lilrusU'il to us will receive prompt at tent lon. * Into rent paid ou tlinti deposits. THE: Butler County National Bank, Butler Penn, Capital paid in - - $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits - f 114,647.87 Jo;. Ilartman, President; J. V. Ritts, Vice President; C. A. Bailey. Cashier; John G. McMarlin, Ass't Cashier. A general hanking business transacted. Interest paid on time deposits. Mom v loitiii'd on approved security. \V'| Invite you to open an account with tills IH It F.I TOUH Hon Joseph Ilartman, Hon. W - Wuldroil, I>r N. M lloover. II Mc ropy, H. I!. Aliruins, C. I*. Col I Inn, I. <»• Stult ti Leslie r lla/lett. M. Klneican. W. \\ II l.arkln, John Humphrey, l>r. W. <'. Mi « li.ltless. Hen Masseth. I.evl M. Wise, .1. V. Kilts. Hotel Willard. Reopened and rea ly for the accotntnoda tion of the traveling public. Everything First-class. MRS. MATTIE REIUIHG, Owner &iniil is THE TIME TO HAVE nUn Your Cloth ir\t£ CLEANED or DYED" If )ou want goou and reliable cleaning or dyeing done, there is just one place in town where you can get it, and that is at TIE HUILrH on WORKS (5 (Jontei* avenue. door Photographs. This is the time of year to have a picture ot your house. Give us a trial. Agent for tie Jameßtuwii S'idintf Blina C —New York. R. FISHER & SON, BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insura ice Company Office cor. Main ami Cunuiiighau Sts. AI.K. WM k. Pro#. •Jt'O. KKTTKUKK. Vice Pres. L. K. ■rJUSkIN. *« r and Tr»a». 1)1 HECTORS. Alfred Wick, Henderson Oliver. I)r. W. Irvln. JamesStephens#!!. V W. Itlackmore, N. Welt/el, I". liowman, II.J Kltngler. Geo. Kcttcrcr, t'lias. Kebliun, Geo. Kenno, John Koetilff. LOYAL McJUNKIN Agent. JOHN W. COULTER, Attorney-at-Law and Real Estate Agent. SPECIAL ATTENTION OIVEN TO COLLECTION . RECORD BUILDING. BUTLER