A LITTLE TALK. The season has been a backward one on account oi the wet weather, yet our business has been greater than ever— WHY IS THIS? It is easily accounted for, cur theory has always been that ii people are treated fairly and honestly they will appreciate it —and for fifteen years we have pursued this policy— Never Misrepresent, nor try to get Rich off one Customer, And people have found this out and prefer to deal where they know they get the worth of their money— Neighbor! The question to ask yourself when you think of buying a or harness is—does the dealer know what he is selling—will he sell an article for just what it is and at the lowest possible price, also is his knowledge of the business sufficient that I may rely on it. 1 Men patronize such a firm—if after all these years our repu tation is not such as to meet all these exactions in your mind, then go elsewhere —bear in mind that bug gies arc cheaper now than ever in the history of our country, and the season is here when you need one. - CALL AND SEE US. And see if we cannot save you money—if not do not deal, certainly this is fair. We never had as fine a stock of buggies, surries an J '.arness as we have now, and remember we are thi Wholesale and Re tail House in our line in tuc state. Thanking >ou for past favors we remain YOURS TRULY, tKffiT s. B. Martincourt & Co -128 East Jefterson street, Butler, Pa. Charming Spring]] Styles IN FINE FOOTWEAR. Manv of which are'to be seen here alone, a mammouth collection of captivating novelties in shoes. It's> grand spring stock that awaits your inspection. WE, START;AN ELEGANT LINE -p. Ladies' Gent's and Children's p!nL Russet shoes in the J popular shades, chocolate, mahogany and ox blood, lace and button in all the widths A A to E pointed and the new coin toe, with the J new ves ting cloth tops and all leather. There will be more tan shoes worn this Mini- season than any previous one, they are \ vlf • cooler in hot weather than black, besides / \' £\ I ' being fashionable. Prices in ladies, $r.25 K 7-J I IWL\ VI -. to $3.00. Infants and cbildreus 25c to /] //f! /75c, Misses sizes SI.OO to si.s°.iE3 Our Line of Dongola and Vici / Kid Shoes. I !" is complete in all the newest lasts, \'X / direct to us from the best manufacturers. ;Sf ■)>* I r**"" Indies Dong pat tip button 75c and f 1.00; ''l 'df. l<- Uongola at $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00; 111- fants and Childrens at 10, 18, 25 and 50 cents; Misses sizes u}4, at 75c, 85c, JT.OO &Vfif&f: and SPRING SHOES FOR MEN AND BOYS Of best vici tan kid, and Russia tan calf skin 8 distinct f iyles T pX£ hymen's the idvantages of higher price shoes in fit shape style and cc.or. 1 nces 111 m Russ»t|r.so, $2.00, *2 50 $3 00 and 14.00. OUR MFN'S $2.50 AND 53.00 RUSSETj;SHOES Beats anything to be found in Butler, more styles and a better quality for the money Don't forget to see our men's fine shoes, new coin toe at SIOO, f l2 s a 50 youcan't n.ftch these in Butler. The boys Russet at *..00, $1.25 and f 1.50 alee the boys by storm UTILE OENTS LACE SPRING HEEL Shoes 9-13# at 75c 90c SI.OO and Sr. 25 arc gems just like your fathers. MEN S WORKING SHOES SERVICABLE At 75c, SI.OO, f 1 25 ami $1 50 in creedmore bellus tongue. Butler's Leading |) p IITTCCT TAW opp ' Sloe House D. L. IlUjCLlvll Hotel Lowry. * D. A. HECK & SON. * CHAMPION CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. We are offering this Spring the finest line of Men's, Roy's and Children's suits eVer oflered in plaids, cheviots and worsted suits ever seen, at prices that will surprise you, our all-wool suits at $4.70 arc as good quality as any one can ofler you at $6.00, our all-wool suits at $4.90 equal to any SB.OO suit offered on the market, children's knee pants from 15c to sl, fine all worsted suits, tailor made, lrom $6.00 to $15.00, our 35c knee pants equal to any 50c pants, overalls, jackets and jumpers, our King overall, equal to anything tor 75c. Sweet, Orr & Co'. 0 Best Overalls only 65 cents. Shirts from 2oc to SI.OO, neckwear, ties, collars, cuffs, handker chiefs, socks and stockings from 5c up. Trunks valises, telescopes, watches, chains, charms, rings, pins, studs,, waist sets, collars and cuft buttons, all the latest styles, summer clothing just thj thing for hot weather in crash, linen, serge, flannels and alpacca. Hats all the latest styles in stift, soft and straws—so styles of straw hats to select from. Underwear, Hosiery, suspenders to suit the taste of the most fastidious. Umbrellas, brushes, combs, garters, pocket and bill books, purses, pencils, knives, harmonicons. Children's wash suits, our 49c suits equal to any 75c i>uit in the market, finest crash suits only $1.25 sold everywhere at $2.00. We guarantee best goods for least money—and ask comparison in quality and price, you ought to see our line of shirts we control the Semper Idem, the best shirt in the world. Examine our stock, compare quality and match them if you can. Thanking our many friends for their very liberal patron age and hoping to merit a continuance of the same we remain, Yours respectfully, D. A HECK & SON. 121 N. MAIN ST. BUTLER, PA MADE TO ORDER. APOLLO GAS LAMP. Sv JPfy APOLLO Price complete with By- Pass and Glass Chimney $2 00 With Mica Chimney $2.25. Geo. W. Whitehill, AGENT FOR BUTLER, CO; ABRAMS, BROWN & Co. Insurance and Real Estate. STRONG COMPANIES PROMPT SETTLEMENTS. Home Insurance Jo. of New ><■•'%. Ji.si.i ance Co, of \'<*rtb America, of i'mladelphiu Pa. Pbe nix Insurance of Brooklyn. N \ and Hartford Insurance Co. of Hertford Corner of Main and tl.e Dia mond. north of Court 1 louse. liutlt i i'a. I Want Any Wall Paper We Have the Latest and Best. New Styles Cheap and Bar. gains in Old Stock. NO TRASH OF ANY KIND. An Immense Stock in The Basement. ASK TO SEE WALL PAPER AT DOUGLASS' r:-z 241 S. Main St. F. H. WALDENMYER, Florist. DEALER IN- Cut Flowers, Bedding Plants, Vegetables, Decorations and Floral Designs. Bedding £ Vegetable Plants A SPECIALTY. UPfctlv HOUSE West ol Court 'House, Lia coin St, STORE, IIS S. Main St., Butler. Pa. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL; FOR Piles or Hemorrhoids. Fissures & Fistulas. Burns & Scalds. Wounds & Bruises. Cuts & Sores. Boils & Tumors. Eczema & Eruptions. Salt Rheum & Tetters. Chapped Hands. Fever Blisters. Sore Lips & Nostril 3. Corns & Bunions. Stings & Bites of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and SI.OO. ( SoW by druggists, or sent post-j>alJ 011 receipt of prlo» HClrllKZlS' SED. CO., 111*113 rUIUmSI-iSwVork. CATARRH LOCAL* DISEASE and is the result oferfds a n d fqf/': /<£„' .)!.£■ kuddc climatic changes. 1 For your Protection Jk - mercury or aay other iuj if- aJJ? Eijf stream is acknowledged »»e tVe w t -Torch care l t Catarrh, O-.d In Ho." i r.r. l 1! .v jo*- rof :ill remedies. It opens and clctusv* the nasi! \ allays t tin ana I tects the membrai e from co • , : * '" ' of tatte and i'r:r» -M or I yri.i.i. ELY BUOTU£I:s, 5C> Warren Yor«c. WE ARE WITH THE PEOPLE. You never hear us complain of busi- ; ness being bad —we aim and succeed in ' making it good, by fair and square treat- ] ment of all our customers. FAIR DEALINGS ; m&r TO EVERY ONE- If we say to you our liquors are six years old, we won't ask you to take otir word for it—but put them to the test, i you and your friends to be the judge. Pure liquors are healthful. Guaranteed pure 6 year old Whiskey—either Guckenheimer, Finch, Gibson, Overholt, Large, Mt. Vernon, $i per full quart or 6 quarts for $5, Grandfather's Choice Whiskey, guar ' anteed 3 years old, $2 per gallon. On C. O. D. or mail orders of $lO or > over, we prepay all charges. 5 ROBERT LEWIN & CO,, Importers and Wholesalers, s 411 Wa«er St. Opposi e B. &0. Depot ; Telephone, 2179 Pittsburg, Pa. ' DOCTORS LAKE k|fl PRr/ATE DISPENSARY. L W PENN AVE. AND FOURTH BT.. JHK PITTSBURGH., PA. forms of Delicate and Com plicated Diseases requiring CON- FinzsTiAL XMDSCIENTIFIC MCHU lcation are treated at this X>JS oensary with a success . arely attained. Dr.S. i\. I.ake is ?. member of the Itoval College of I ny jicians and Surgeon?, am'- is the ol lest ami n»>st ?xperi&aced SPECIALISV in the city. Special at tention given to Nervous Debility frome.*"cessiv4 •ncntal exertion, 1-adiscrction of youtli, etc., caus ing physical and jiental decay,lack of energy, despondency, etc.; also Cancers Old Sores, Fits, Piles, Rheumatism, and all diseases of the Skin. Blood, I.umra,Urinary Organs,etc. Consultation 'ree and strictly coufidentiaL OOce liouns 9to S and 7 to 8 r. M.; Sundays, Sto 4 P. If.Onb. i nil at office or address DRS. A> E AAQ'Ci'LI aT. PITCRB , 'KGH.&£ , j TAFT'S PHILADELPHIA ft 'it fffim --DENTAL ROOMS.-- M ' wora 39 - sth Ave., Pittsburg. Pa. *1 iK'EE*®! We'rePRACTICA' '..Yiloli.gUu #: MML M CROWN ami BRIOJE«orkH Vfffil jCTt of WHY rtOT OOV faaYOURS? Gold CROWNS A VWarV/ M : ""' BRIDGE work reduced !• f' L"' Yi "*? fits PER TOOTH Aire :!i. 1 X) vj & **T OF mi 1»\ C N L.Y FBMIi GREASE BEST IN THE WORLD, Its wen rinpqnalities ar<» unpiiry'isoed, actuary outlasting io boxes of a-.w ,><: rbrnnd. Not ftffectod by beat. irtlET TI li «RXI!INK. FOB SALE UY CEALER2 CKNiiSALLY. rhtehMtef S RntUtH Rrnrifl. PENNYROYAL FSUS I OrlgtaAi MI«1 OR!/ Genuine. A r alwa-S r ?iar:.\ IADICS est /X\ *>S\ IUaA tor'fJkfhrM- rt K . lliuh. if.*"-, t iirand in Hed an* (, M met*Uio\\Or >v alod wl 'i Mil© I 1 on. Ttke 4M no other. R'fu-c unr.gm .. * 'ttirw ▼ I*l fjf'i'>TlM and imitaci :xa. At DrurfliHfa, or iond 4r. 1 w jjf In stamp# for particular*. vr-iuionlals ai.l 1 5P* |v "KcJicf for •*" •> by return i. fy 13B!!. 10,T - W > * R n* *>vr*r. M Nw -"> ua^rnn SuJ Ur All ( jc*.i . r !. Jit*. l'LUiula., I'm* WFSIGHTIJ® For all BILIOUS and NERVOUS VVII I flf DISEASES. They purify the BJM ■ ■ CLOOD and give HEALTHY rll I Q action to the entire system. ■ ■ ■■■■ W V Curo DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, v OONSTIPATIOK and PIMPLES. , NEW HOTEL IN BUTLER. ! Having renteii the ' Cunningham House. We are prepared to g've lx>arding by the ~ week, day or mer... Our tables are f laden with plenty of good victuals; our rooms and beds are neat and comfort able, and our charges reasonable. Give us a call and be convinced. £P. A. McELWEE. Prop r. 120 E. Cunningham St. * C. & D"; A LOVER OF GOOD HATS i , ' ] Can surely fin 1 lus every desire satisfied ill our Spring 1897 stock, which con tains all the shapes, colors and qualities ! i most admired by connoisseur;. V. c have ! ( uo fancy prices, but merely value 101- | value. WE TREAT Furnishing Goods in the same manner, | I buying the best and selling as !o\> many charge for infer .or ijoods. We are I always glad to show visitors our goods. j ; Call And See Us. COLBERT & DALE, 242 S. MAIN ST BVTLER, PA ' ' ' •' i: " ; J : EFJUiiSXCii i..;. ' » .tri) 'ju.i'nuu. lu» ••ivertinlinf *'• THE CITIZEN Tlie New (lanic The bill which has just received the Governor s approval, will do away with the nefarious trade of pot-hunters, snarers. as well as the murderous occu pation of the hat-bird hunter, whose business has been made possible by the vanity of lovely women. Section two deals with the protection of song and insecti verous birds and pro vides that persons who desire to collect birds, their nests and ej;gs for strictly scientific purposes shall obtain a certiti cate from the Board of Game Commis sioners. at a cost of five dollars. The money derived from these permits, heretofore issued by the prothonotaries of the different counties, at a cost of SI.OO per year, will be devoted to the use of the Game Commissioners From this source a revenue of perhaps *2OO or ifc'iH) annually w .'1 be obtained. As there bav. been numerous com plaints in past years about the great de st ruction of nest 3 and eggs of game birds by men wuo claim to hold per aiits for collecting for scientific put poses. the framers of this new bill j ro poses to stop this anil the law ha- i"-"ii so framed that the Game Commission ers cannot. even if they so desired, trive m permit which will enable any pers. 11 to collect siaui' irds or the : r nest- ai 'i ' ~V.*i;i!e s ••••• may bf aimried to ob ject to this clause it is needless to say that it is n good one. and science will not suffer bv its rigid enforcement The bill prohibit* the sale of game >f all kinds killed in the State. Thi- fea tnre is intended to stop a class of 11011 residents v.ho live in adjoining States and who come over the Pennsylvania lines and trespass and sh-.«ot on the pre mises of Pennsylvania Transportation companies are prohibited from carrying game out of the State, but they are not interferred with in carrying game kill ed in other States through this State Game dealers of Pennsylvania can pur chase and sell all the game they wish to that has been killed 111 other States Heretofore in consequence of deficient game laws, so tar as penalty clauses were concerned, it has been found practically impossible in many cases to do anything with a class of game viola tors who had no property and when ar rested took advantage of the insolvent law and would escape, by this means, punishment for their misdeeds. This has been corrected by the new bill and now if men kill frame illegally they will be put to jail if their fines are not paid, a day for every dollar of fine imposed. The use of ferrets is common in a good many localities in Pennsylvania, but this practice will have to be stop ped. as a man now found with a ferret in possession when hunting rabbits will be liable to a severe fine. The framers of this bill originally tried to establish a uniform season for the taking of all game, but in view of the fact that there were so many diverse opinions among the sportsmen as to the wisdom of this feature it was abandon ed. Under the new bill woodcock can be taken in the month of July and from October 15th to December 15th, inclu sive; deer in the month of November, rabbits from November Ist to December 15th, inclusive. The season, so far as they relate to ducks, reed birds, snipes plover, doves and wild pigeons, are the same as under the old laws. Pheasants, squirrel, quail and wild turkeys can be legally taken from October 15th to De ceinber 15th Mongolian or English pheasants, which have been introduced in a few of the localities with a view of naturalization, cannot be killed a period of five years. To iirevent' the professional hunter and market shooter from slaughtering great quantities of game in a limited time a limitation has been placed on the number of birds, etc.. which a gun ner can kill in a day, as follows: Wood cock and pheasants, 10; quail, 15; wild turkeys 2, and no person is allowed to kill more than two deer in any one sea son. IVruvi. di Hitters. Lafayette, Ind. August « 1H:I:!. Aunt Racheal Speers: I have been using your Peruvian Bit ters of late for malarial fever that 1 have not been entirely rid of for the past two years until now 1 must say your Bitters beat everything. 1 used it only six weeks and besjan to improve the fir.st week. lam now well and hearty an.l feel young again, even now in the very hot weather MRS. -lANE NEWMAN. WHY. With women nothing seem to balk A fluent witchery of talk: Though p ~>ud or humble, old or youn- ', The muses sit upon her tongue. Why this was so. a f:ible old Of Persian stamp shall here unfold "When the first pair arrived on earth The power of speech thus had its birth "To soothe their care, their sorrow drawn. Ten baskets of bright talk came down; But while the man was sipping wine, The woman took, for her part, nine!" A good tonic is necessary after sick ness to restoie perfect health. Hood's Sarsaparilla will do it. The citizens of Lubec are going to buy a new hearse for the town by pop ular subscription The proposition made is this: Each subscriber agrees to pay sl. with the proviso "that if he should have use for the same" (the hearse, of course) within two years, he shall be entitled to a rebate equal to the sum subscribed. It is evident that the subscribers who have occasion to use the hearse will be "in it. " RHEUMATISM—Many cases treated with other remedies, have been cured with Armstrongs "f cure U." It reaches pain, cures pains, bruises, crampcolic, cholera-morbus, etc, "Alas! we have been deserted," wailed the two brunettes who had been jilted. "Let us dye together." And they re paired to a drug store and purchased pe roxide. DIPHTHERIA —Nine times in ten a physician will not be needed if Arm strong's Diphtheria and Quinsy Drops are used as soon as soreness is felt in the throat. "I've been taken in at last," mutter ed the green goods man, when he dis covered that his wife was a grass widow. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the causes ind the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Redic, ar.d J. F. Balpli Druggists Butler Apr 96 It is quite natural that the average woman's photograph should be a speak ing likeness. "By labor we ri-t is a good motto for the fellow who hates to get up in the morning The Philosopher rises to remark that a man is no longer a beau after he is tied. NATURE'S Compound is gaining in favor every day. C. P Stewart, Salts burg I'a., says: "It lias helped me more than anything else." It builds up the system xives a good natural appetite. He 1 m going to kiss yon. She—lf you do you'll get a good smack. Why did the fly fly?— Because the spider spied her. How to tell a gentleman Go right f-<> In!i. and st>' -k <"it. HOO J b rILLS> Liver Ills, -411- | ioubness, Indigestion, Headache. I Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c. I Fatso .Stimulation of Invention. ! To stimulate invention the United Stat«-s goverment has inacted that every inventor of a new and nseful machine, tool, article of niann- | factnre. composition of matter or any , ini>rovement thereon, shall have the , exclusive right to make, use and sell the | invention for a period of seventeen years. , This stimulation has bt-en quite snffi , cient. for. under its influence, as has been stated, more patents have granted the United States than in all the world j besides. Bnt recently there has lxtrii ; introduced an additional stimulation in the shape of false statements decietful promises about the great fortunes to lie made in patents, the result of which is turning the light heads of hundreds of thousands from normal toil to illusion, with its direful sequence of ruin and i want. It is an actual fact that thous ands of men and women are selling farms, horses, cows, find in clothes and shoes for themselves and children because they have been per suaded that a fortune awaits them in a patent for a churn, a washing machine, a kitchen cabinet a car coupler, nut lock. <>r in aome other of the hmi.lr.-l of . l-.s-.-s of ..vei-stocked inventions. Many patent attorneys, so called are flooding the country with "lists of in ventions wanted. Ti invention!- are of course, not wan; .1. There are. dead in the Patent t >ftice hundreds of patents in the ssimecl tss. and the." stimulating, seductive statements are really and only in the interest of the alleged patent at torneys who send them. He Declined. A Frenchman went to an American and said to him: "W hat a polar bear . 1 The American answered: What does a iHilar bear do ? I don't know. Why, he sits on the ice "Sits on zee ice?" •Yes," said the American, " there is nothing else to sit on. "Yell, vat he do. to?" "What does he also do? Why. he eats fish." "Eats fish—sits on zee ice and eats fish. Then I not accept.' "Why.what do you mean? \ou don t accept? What do von mean?" Oh. non. non. I does not. I was invite to be polar bear to a funeral." Superior to Imported Wine. >'J West 42nd. St. New York. Dec. 11. 1893. Alfred Sj.eec, Prest: Dear Sir I can say emphatically that I like your wines far better than any of the imported wines. Your Claret. "Sherry and Sauterne are very fine and agreeable, the latter is my fa vorite. I am yours truly, S. F. ROWLAND. Instead of going into the ground tfi ? oerrv business seems to be picking up. He: If I should steal a kiss, would you miss it? She: No; I wouldn't miss a kiss for the world. Judge: Yon are acquitted. Prisoner to the jury: Yery sorry gentle* men. to have put yon to this trouble for nothing. Wife: That new girl sletps like a log. I never can get her up. Husband: Let the baby sleep with her. A notice i>osted up in a Minnesota saw-mill reads—"The saws are runing. no need to touch them to convince your selves." Poisons engendered by food ferment ing in a dyspeptic stomach are the di rect cause of rheumatism, gont jbronch [ tis. liver and kidney trouble, asthma, pneumonia and many nervous ailments. These results are prevented bv the use of the Shaker Digestive Cordial, a remedy discovered and prepared by tlit Shakers of Mount Lebanon New York. It is in itself a food and has power to digest other food taken with it Tims it rr-ts the diseased stomach and finally masters the worst .-a. of dyspepsia. It acts promptly and fr»*h strength and increase of weight soon follows The first dose, taken immediatelev after eat ing. abates the pain and distress so dreaded by dyspeptics. Trial bottles — enough to prove it- merit 10 cents LAXOL is the BEST medicine for child ren. Doctors recommend it in place of Castor Oil An eating-house keeper advertised for "a boy to open oysters about fifteen years old." An oyster onght to be able to open itself long before it reaches its fifteenth yea'- Biggs, with effusion: Halloa. Whiffle, is that yon? 1 heard von were drown ed. Whiffle, with sadness: No, it was my brother. Briggs; What a pity. Miss Do you belive all the disagreeable things you read in the newpapers? Miss Buzbuz:l do if they'er about people I know. Young wife, who is trying lmrd to be practical: I see eggs are firmer, accord ing to the market reports Husband: Yes. my love. Wife: That means that they are hard-boiled, doesn't it? KNOCKED OUT —A merchant says Morrison Bros Cough Syrup has knock ed out my sales on all other cough cures. Captain Jawkins: No, I'm not exactly engaged, but I have the refusal of two or three girls. Miss Ethel: What a cap ital way of putting it! I suppose you have asked them, and they have said no. Mosses; vat shall I charge for dis coat, Rebecca? Rebecca: Six tollars. Mosses: But it only cost one tollar. Rebecca: Yell, you advertise to sell regardless of gost, don't you? ARMSTRONG'S—LittIe System Pills, the finest and best ever used, A true liver pill that is sure to please, "Speaking of eccentricities," said Propel ton, "my father is an example. He has not cut his hair for the half-do? en years." Indeed. His hair must be long by this time." "Oh no. The old gentleman was bald l>efore then. " A Parisian mother-in-law said to her son-in-law; "So you were at the ball last evening, and it isnot a month sine# you lost your wife." "That's true," an- ( swered the culprit, with a contrite air: "but I beg to remind you that I danced very sadly! TIIIC Butier County National Bank, j Butler Penn, Capital paid in - - $i00,000.00 Surplus and Profits - £114,647.87 Jos. Jlartman, President; J. V. Ritts, j Vice President; C. A. Bailey. Cashier; j John G. McM?rlin, Yss't C?sliicr. A general li;iriklnK busiurs", transacted. , Interest puifl on time deposits. Money lu i.ied eantiful styles #2 9S to 800 ft I \\ Ladies' Cloth and Silk Capes from f1 00 t0~.... 800 / / I \\ Misses'and Children's Reefers, from 75c to *SOO fl\ \\ Ladies' full Wind well made Calico Wrappers / / \\ 75c, $1 00 and 1 25 J \ \ Millinery in all its summer beauty—Trimmed I \J Hats from 9-Sc up No Greater Dress Goods Values Than We Offer Have Ever Existed No greater values in Ladies' Muslin 1 nderwear than we offer have ever existed. No greate: values in L;. lies' Jersey Ribl>ed ": rwear than we offer have ever ex isted. No great;r values in Ladies', Misses', and Children's Hosiery than we offer have ever existed. Special features in White Goods, Organdies, Dimities, Lappets, Wool Cbailies and Linings. All the new goods and idea- for commencement dr.sses; also Fans Gloves, Hosiery, Umbrellas and Fancy Parasol*, Laces and Em broideries- Visit our store it will pay you. We can save money for you. Mrs J. E. Zimmerman M A. HAND SAW IS A GOOD THING, BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH." SAPOLIO IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING* YOU CAN'T STOP IT. i GIRLS WILL JUMP ROPE. Let them jump they will not jump long, the lime will come when they will not care to jump. Buy them good shoes and let them go, children are hard on shoes at all times and when rope jump ing begins that's when the}- wear out the fastest. IRON CLAD SHOES. Will stand the test We have given this matter of children's shoes careful attention and we feel safe in saying that there are no better made, and if you buy your children's shoes of us you will not be disappointed. ALL OUR LINES Are complete, yon will need shoes or li ppers this Spring, tr\ it.--, men's and ladies' fine shoes 75c to $3.00; boys and girls shoes 75c to ••<2.00; children's shoes 25c. 50c and 75c. SEE OUR 98c LINE Men's high cut 2 buckle plow shoes yl->c, Ladies' fine tan and butt shoes 98, Men's fine shoes 98c. The Greatest Sale 011 Record, DON'T MISS IT C. E. MILLER. 215 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. j AT J. R. GRIEB S 2 and 2 Do Not Make Five. §!i\ M i I t-4 n| It's quite a problem to please everyone's taste in any line you may select and particularly ol jewelry, silver novelties, cut glass, etc., but I'm sure you will find what you want in my large stock and at such prices that defy com petition. I am making a spe. cialty of nobby and find Goods and want your trade. J, IGRIEB. 118 SOUTH 15AIN ST Bailer Savings Bank Huitier, I 3 ?j. Capital ----- $60,000.c0 Surplus and Profits - 19,263.67 JOS. L PURVIS President .1. IIKN'UV TROUT MAN V!«e-Precid«ii \VM. CAMPBi'.LL, Jr Cashier I.OI'IS R. STEIN Teller I)IKK<"T<>KS--.1 osepli L. Purvis, J. Henry Tro'-.tmun W. H. Brandon, W. A. Stein, J.!S. Campbell. Tlie Butlei s :iviiijrs Hank is tin Oldest llniikliii: Institution in Butler County. . ieueni) bunking business transacted. We solicit la of oil producer* mpj A*l'i i.uslit* ss entrusted to ,e will reCeUu I prompt attention. I Interest paid ou time deposits. Hotel Willard. Reopened and ready for the accommoda tion of the traveling public. Everything First-class, MRS. MATT'IE REIHING, Owner SBANOR S MACES Livery, Feed and Sale Stable REAR OF WICK HOUSE, BUTLER, PA. The best of horses" snd first class rijrs always on hand and for hire. Best accomodations iu town fer perma neut boarding and transient trade. Speci a! earo guaranteed. Stable room tor sixty-fire hoises. A good class of horse?, both drivers and draft horsea always on band and for gale nnd. r a full gnarauteo; and horses bought I in on pr-per notification by SEANOR A NACE. Telephone, No 219. 7, EGGS FOR SALE. From pure bred stock al hard times prices, Barrec Buff and White Rocks, Buff and White Leghorns, Mammoth Im perial Pekm Ducks, $1.50 per setting, $6.00 per 100 Stock for sale, also Belgian Hares. !F. HERRINGTON & CO. Warsaw, N. Y. not b* deceive*) bT allurtnc adTfrrtiwuunt* r Shink >ou can get the bent mado, llneet flnliih »!TE FOR CIRCULARS. V'ce flew Horn® Sewing Machine Co. •• .K. M a as. BOSTON, M ASH. 28 FKTOK N.I OIICAQO, fix. BT, LOOTS. Mo DALLAS, TKLUB. bA x FKAircuoo, C'AL Atlaxta, Oa. rOR SALE «V J. B. JVtcDEVITT liealor in Sewing Machines, Piano.s anil Organs—next door to Y. M. C. A. build ing—Butler Pa. Buy the light-runnirifj, JJew Home, sewin« raachino, perfect .^atislacti.in guar anlocil, never oat of order. Wheeler & Wiison No. >) family Sewing Machine, i -w « ; v l€:ion S. Ball bearings yAKE XT tasy Kunninx, Quiet, Rapid and Durable. Sewing Machines for Kamily iK:d Factory use, for all grades of Cloth and Leather. Sp-;cc! and Durablity. Factory and Head Office, Bridgeport, Connecticut, I'. S. . FOR SALE BY HENRY BIEHL. DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Needles for all kinds of sewing machines. Boss Washing Mach'r.ej, N. MAIN ST. BUTLER PA. N. B. —Second-hand Sewing Machines from $5.01' up. Sewinp repaired. TIN iVAHL AND RCGFING A SPECIALTY. Summer. D. T. PAPE Summer. THE LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE OF BUTLER CO. All Goods Reduced 33 1-3 per cent. Our Millinery this season is acknowledged by all who have in spected our stock to be the finest most stylish and prettiest ever brought to this city. Nothing has been spared to make our mil linary department complete in every respect. All the latest styles in bonnets and hats All the beautiful flowers and feathers. All the latest shades in ribbons and trimmings For the baby to the very old lady. From the cheapest to the finest goods can be found in our complete millinery store. If you have not visited our store this season it will be to your advantage to do so as we save you money on every- purchase. Our Stock of Mourning Bonnets, Hats, Veils, &c., Always Complete. 122 S. Main St. [) T PAPE. But,er P *' OOOOOOOOOOGOOG sOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO? ( I Punc* W is I I tuality iiPower.jjj I Hitch your 11 k But be sure;!; | business I® M it's in a I works to a f|| Fahys Gold-|i~ | good watch. | IN filled Case, jji jjl And that you buy it from and refurnished. Everything?convenient, and guests Q I > will always receive close attention. X Located near Postoffice and P.& W. Depot. When X { > in Evans City tip at the Commercial. Bell Tele- if ) Roughest Roads t f eel boulevards beneath the springs of % I No. 2 RoaJ Bucey. • 1 / They are strong and beautiful — 1 \ The wise man's choice in ve- / / hides. They are at all dealers. / / Made by THE FREDONIA MFG. CO., Youngstown, Ohio. \ Natures Best Stimulant is a Little Good WHISKEY. 11l It is wonderful how much good a little whiskey does the system. How often are we worn out, listless and dispirited—finding fault with every thing and everybody, and not knowing the rea son why—Try some Silver Age Rye Whisky as a tonic, and you will wonder at its immediate effect. It helps to rebuild wasted tissues, re store circulation and stimulate nature. What is Silver Age Rye? It is a whiskey made famous for its purity and medicinal qualities-Doctors use and prescribe, Hospitals are never without it and every house hold in the land should keep a bottle— It is Sold by Druggists silfe And first class dealers atfi.so per full quart, or will be shipped to your address on receipt of thia amount. If there is anything wantea in good liquors of any description, we have it at lowest prices. MAX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquors, 82 Federal St. Allegheny, Pa.. SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST; MAILED FREE ON APPLICATION. The New-York Weekly Tribune FOR EVERV member of frw' __ EVERY family on EVERY farm, in > EVERY village, in EVERY State ojt Territory. \ \ FOR Education, a v * FOR Noble Manhood, \ FOR True Womanhood, Trn important news of the Nation vTA T JliO all important news of the vVorld. rm f< 1 t ' ,c most re ' ia ble market reports. -®- vT I- V CiO i} r i]ii an t a nd instructive editorials.. Trp fascinating short stories. Tril scientific and mechanical information. -®- -Likl i]l us t ra ted fashion articles. GTVFS umorous l " ustrat,ons ' *" entertainment to young and old. IT GIVES ~ satisfaction everywhere to everybody |We furnish <; The Citizen" and "N. Y, Weekly Tribune" FOR si.so PER YEAR. CASH IN ADVANCE. Address all orders to TIE CIIIIEI W rile your name and address on a postal card, send it 10 Geo. Bttt, TWbune Building, New York City, and a sample copv of THK NEW \ORK KFXI* TRIBUKK will be mailed to jov,