This is intended a.; a special invitation to you to call and look over our stock you have no idea of how murh and what we have unless you call and see for your self and then compare prices with others if we cannot save you money we don't ask you to buy, No difference what you want alx>ut a buggy or harness come here. Yours, S. B. Mautincodrt & Co. 128 E. Jefferson St. Butler, Penn'a. ' / X969VX 96X9SMXX / eSS2SS2SS2SS=SS=^ Charming Spring Styles IK fine:efootwear. WE START AN ELEGANT LINE . Ladies' Gent's and Children's Russet shoes in the popular shades, chocolate, mahogany and ox blood, lace and button in ali the widths A A to E iJk?*T£l/ pointed and the new coin toe, with the 1 new vesting cloth tops and all leather. AJmV There will be more tan shoes worn this season than any previous cne, they are i i cooler- in hot weather than black, besides L /S/i\ A l i ' being fashionable. Prices in ladies, / ' ■ * V to (3.00. Infants and childrens 25c to f y/jj 1 V 75c, Misses sizes 11 '/i SI.OO to Our Line of Dong"&la and Vici (' Kid Shoes. b' Is complete ;in all the newest lasts, ~ fmuKt.w A \MTv *I iT / direct to us from the liest manufacturers. •^ak Tl I I f" " Ladies Dong pat tip button 75c and f 1.00; zSSBI,- TJongola at fi.25, *1.50 and *2.00; In fants and Childrens at to, 18, 25 and 50 * cents; Misses sizes li'/i, at 75c, 85c, Sl-oo Comb»Y. , g!§: and $1.25. SPRIN'i SHOES FOR MEN AND BOVS Of best vici tan kid, and Russia tan calf skin 8 distinct r 'yles. They oembinc_all the advantages of higher price shoes in fit, shape style and c».. r. Rowt t1.50, $2.00, $2 50 *3 00 and *4.00. cu .,. OUR MPN'S $2.50 AND $3 08 RUSSET SHOES BeaU anything to be found in Butler, more styles and a better quality for the money. Don't forget to sec our men's fine shoes, new coin toe at *' °°. *- 5 «, y you «n't match these in Butler. The boys Russet at *t.oo, *..25 *"<» *< 5«- ake the boys by storm IITILEOENTS LACE HEEL Shoes at 75c 90c fi.oo and 81.15 just like your!fathers, bhoes 9- 3/j s WORKING SHOES SERVICABLE At 75c, si.oo, #1 25 and in creedtnore bellus tongue. Butler's Leading 1) r ITTTCCI TAW opp Sbot House vi* Hotel Loiry. -WHILE YOU ARE WAITING For yonr prescription don't fail to look , iff over our line of perfumes, we have re- /, ,j j ceived some very fine ones lately, and will be pleased to have you examine rTI lat We alio have a verv large assortment of tooth brushes m«le expressly for us _ wbt' h bear our stamp, these brushes Xil-ZP we gutrantee and request the return of >|tTjf any thit prove unsatisfactory. You may need something for your - , /Air ( chapped hands and face, and if so we -Zw/ recommend Cydonium Craam as a fine toilet preparation. REDICK & G ROHM A N DRUGGISTS. PEOPLES PHONE. 114 " liiJTLER PA. JOHN W. COULTER, Itlorney-at-Lai and Real Estate Agent. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO COLLECTION . RF.COKD BUILDING. Bt.'TLgK DANGER! lie* in the ordinary bicycle saddle. It iho tenaitive parts loil causes saddle injury. Polvift nit ff ■ nn tli« Pelv it r tu.n • \ Orel inn' y Saddle*. Christy Saddle. /Vi 9 j BOOK LET Christy-- Anatomical Saddle oveirome* all objection*. Comfortable cmli ion* aie no adjusted ai to receive the bony prominences of the pelvis, thii. obviating •11 pressure. It Is m.tdc of metal and cannot warp or •• hange Its shape. »«A* VI*W, SHOWING COII. VKIM.S. »m the Christy b~tng Hit"! t » ywir M«- 1? NuUbuki will lom a »alcoti account of your piefert i Price, $5.00 A. G. SPALDING & BROS. How York Chicago Philadelphia Wuthmytun yntu IS THE TIME TO HAVE "Un Your CLEANED or DT?ED If you want goou and reliable cleaning or dyeing done, tlu-re is just one place In town where you can get it, and that is at Til fiOllffl DT( WOIKS '2IG (Jentor avenue do fine work in out door Photographs. This is the time of year to have a picture ot your house. Give us a trial. Agent for the Jamestown Sliding B'ind Co.—New York. R. FISHES & SON, I BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insuraice Company Office cor. Main and Cuuninghait Kts. * LF. WICK. Pr.«. «KO. k KTTKIitli, rir. Pr... li. H. tlr lf >KI)t S.r'y m,,| Tr«*«* 11l BECTOMH. Alfwl Wick. Henderson Oliver, '!?■.]) I rvln, .I;u,ics St. |,h< i, ,#n. A. W llliu'kmore, N Wcltzi l I Homtiduii. II .1 Klliitflcr. Kcttcrcr. than. Itclihun. '<<•„ ICeiino, .loh 11 Kim-iilk. 10YAL fircJUf- KIN Af Pr.t l ■ VETERINARY SPECIFICS 500 PAGE BOOK HAILED FREE. CONTENTS: Part I.—Diseases of Horses. Part ll.—Diseases of Cattle. Part 111. —Diseases of Sheep. Part IV.—Diseases of Hogs. Part V. —Diseases of Dogs. Part Vl.—Diseases of Poultry. Same book in better binding 80 ets. HI irßKilt'lEO. CO., C«. WOtaa * Wi M... \.« l.rk NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAL, WEAKNESS and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific No. 28, in use over4o years, the only successful remedy. $1 per vial,or 5 riali and large rial powder,for SJ I s:i by Dracgitt., or Mnl potpsld oa rer*fpt of HIXFUUETS' BtD. CO., C«r. *UIUm k lokmSU., CATARRH local'disease WptflSW and is the result ol colds and -jerrOLu* sudden climatic chan;cs. -T H&hJ For you- Protection M we positive./ state thst t - remedy does not contain AB mercury or any other injur- N loot drug. IMn c£H Ely's Cream Balm is acknowledced to be the mo?t thoroarb care for Xual < surrb, Co:d in Head acd llay Fever of all remedies. It open* and cleanses the nasal passages, allays fain ana inflammation, heals the sore*, pro tects the membrane from cold., restores the series of taste and smell. Price *oc. at Prngcists or by mail. ELY BKOTUKKS, 65 Warren Street, New York. THAT TIRED SYSTEM can lie made7strong by cautious use of pure liquors.| jWe offer Pure 6-year-old unadulterated Whisky, either Finch's, Over holt, Gibson, Guckenheimer, Large, or Mt. Vernon at f i.oo per full quart, or 6 qts. for ( $5.00. We do not say you cannot get purity and age elsewhere. We do say, in 9 cases out of 10, you pay for adulterated substitutes. On C. 0. 0. or Mail Orders of #IO.OO or ever we prepay all charges Our Motto : "FAIR DEALINGS TO EVERYBODY." Grandfather s Choice Whisky, guaran teed 3 years eld, $ 2.00 per gallon. ssrsr kevivo liETO r Jk-'JS- Man Ist Dair. WJk V. 1 - 111 1 ) f OfM e. THF. tIHI'.AT :Wlh -Dhj-.C HU FRENCH REMEDY pr duces the above resultH In :*) rtajs. It aci> pot?.erliill} and quickly. Cures when all other* fall. Yfimz men will regain their lost mun hood, ami old men will recover their youthful vlifnr by using REVIVO. It quickly and surely r, stor<-» Nervousness. Lost vitality. I.ost I'ower. Falling Memory, Wasting Diseases, and ill effects 1 f excess and Indiscretion, which un fits one for study, business or marriage. It not only cur<-» uj starting at trie seat of disease, but is a urea' nerve tonic and blood builder, bringing bar k the pink plow to pale cheeks <n<l restoring the Are of youth. It wapls <.|f Insanity and Consumption. Insist "h b.ivlrig liKVIYO, no other. It can be carried In vest picket. By mal. fi.'JOper parkaKC. ».r >l.-. l.>r f, Id with a positive written guarantee in cure or refund tl:« n obey. Circular tree. A Jdr< ItOYAI. MKPK INK <>., ' UN'AOO. 11.1. Pot Sale by REDDICK & GROMANN, £ ~x. I'A n i"(JKS LAivi ? q i'l'i ii. ..i.rt.v-M:< . .* i.." & O it. ' - 't-.-'iTMCT. V' p: r T' ciiiinh. f J -' <• v-I \!i ;.,rf I|l li- ••r • -v , : ■ .fiVrti .- !:•>•_ '!« •_ • • A'jCSSSH TAK fS PHILADELPHIA kj( 'J IKjjgSßl --DiiNTAL BOOMS -- r f " ' Ave., Pitt.burij, rn. J( 111 We're pn ACTI CA ' Yd»le K tli ft, HEX Z* CROWN and workM Mil HW.'burf—WHY ,*OT DO V njlM, #*»yours? o»i«i crowns A rJVIK# W">'l BRIDGE work rediK-ed t.,F« lll«Vl Uis PER TOOTH Air t1..-1" W \| mm & BKHT IN Til K WORLD. <t»w«arlngf(ualltles«rß unsurpassed, actually •utlmstlng two boxes if any other brand. Not «ffecte<l by bent MTUKT Till: fJR.NiriNK. FOB SALE IIY rEALERii UZS J-.RALLY. P.' hlrheatr/ '» Rnglliti TMatnond (Iran*. ENHYROYAL PILIS v Orlflnul anil Ouljr Gmulnf. A f- f( Unuirt f. r >'t%irke,t,r • > /'■ ' /jf S\ mmi rfHrttn ' in |*r«t »f»<l Om-d mfl«lllo\\C' whh t»lii« rlMw* T»U«i Vy W WlO'ifltlirr. li'fitM uangrm- I 'u'rtUw ▼ I I Af tl'inmrvt imiration* A» l»ru or Mn<l 4e. 1 W ,•» 11 im|.i for 'liar* V'lßoallll Ibl \ *• r> for ** r. *.y rrtnrm \ [r MmIJ. ti t I'M. Itf.Url'iicr' tl.' • I « km I r ._ .U. I hiiP.'in., WRIEHT'Sta For all Bilious and Nekvous |HBI I I Diuaw. They purify the Lll ■ ■ k Clood and give Hsaltiiv action to the entire system. ■ ■ Cure DYSPEPStA, HEADACHE, OONSTIPATIOP and PIMPLES. NEW HOTEL IN BUTLER. Having rentef' the Cunningham House. We arc prepared to g've ltoardiug hy the week, day or met... Our tables art laden with plenty of good victual'.; our rooms and beds are neat and comfort able, pnd our charges reasonable. Give us a call and be convinced. P. A. McELWEE, Prop r. 12') K. Cunningham St. Want Any Wall Paper Wo Have the Latest and Best, New Styles Cheap and Bar. j gains in Old Stock INO TRASH OF ANY KIND. JAn Immense Stock in The I Basement. ASK TO SEE WALL PAPER AT ! DOUGLASS' I 241 S. Main St. W\NTEI> I AITIII Cf. MEN OR WOMEN 1., travel for responsible established I In,ll .e In I'eiiiisylvanla Salary »*,'■" ami 11 pen vs. Position permanent. Iti.fei eiiee Enclose self-atlili'sse«l >t:inipeil hi Iv> lop<- The National, ?t»r Insurance Itblg Chicago TH J£ CITIZEN Th<- Stellar Vault in June. Q.Ever since the time of Hipparchns. who is called the father of astronomy, the study of the heavens has been car ried on in the most systematic manner. For many centuries the stars were sup posed to be immovably tixed in the ce lestial vault, and to l>e without proper motion. It is true the ancient astrono mers supposed all the stars made a diur nal revolution about the earth as the centre of the universe, but their idea was that the celestial sphere, so called, was a material crystal substance, and that the stars were imbedded in that sphere and carried by it around the earth even - twenty four hours. The refined methods of modern astron omy have disclosed the fact tnat the stars are not fixed" but on the contra ry have a proper motion at various an gles to the line of sight, and consequent ly the positions of the stars and con figurations of the constellations are un dergoing a slow change. The change is so exceedingly slow that it would re- quire thousand.-, of years to become at all noticeable. If Hipparchns himself were to return to earth he would see not the slightest apparent change in the constellation. Incredible as it may- seem astromomers can even detect the motion of a star when that motion is in the line of sight. They can determine by means of the spectroscope whether a star is approaching or receding from the earth, but the rate of the motion is indeterminate. It has thus been a seer tained that Sirius, Betelgeuse, Kigel, Castor and Regnlus are receding from us while Arcturus, Vega, Deneb Cygni and Pollux are approaching. It would be impossible to explain lucidly just how they arrive at this knowledge, hut it is dednced from certain principles de pendant uj>on the undulatory theory of light. Ptolemy who lived about 300 years af ter Hipparchua was probably the first astronomer to compile a catalogue of the stars, but it is supposed by some that his catalogue was really the work of Hipparchus. Ptolemy was for sev eral centuries the pre eminent author ity on astronomy, and his work the "Almagest" contained the snm and sub stance of all that was known on the sub ject up to the time of Kepler. It does not require very close observa tion to acertain the fact that different constellations are visible at different seasons, and it is a curious fact that the arangements are such that the bright est constellations are mostly visible dur ing the long evenings, while the less brilliant ones are so grouped as to ap pear for the most part at the season of short nights. Thus in the long wintry evenings the sky is adorned with such splended constellations as Orion, Tau rus, Leo and Canis Major, while in mid summer, constellations of inferior splen dor predominate. Just at this time the most striking groups visible in the eve ning are Leo with its sickle, Scorpio with its scythe. Bootes the Herdsman, Cygnus the Swan, Lyra the Harp,, Aquila the Eagle and Corona Borealis the Northern Crown. In addition to these are the beautiful circuiupolar con stellations which are visible at nil sea In the morning sky we find Venus at its greatest brilliancy on June 4. About three-tenths of its disk is illuminated and its telescopic apperance is similar to the moon at fotir days old. Satrun and Uranus being in conjunc tion on June is will come to the lire rid simultaneously on that evening, the ex act time of meridian transit being 10:')' i standard time at Butler. Saturn is at that instant two degrees above Uranus and tin- latter may be readily identified. On June 21, the sun comes to the northern limit of his declination and the astronomical summer begins. lie is on that date directly in the zenith at noon at poin' i on the tropic of Cancer. The above day is also the longest of the year, north of the equator, its exact length depending on the latitude of the given place. It is found to vary from 12 hours at the equator to 24 hours at the arctic circle. Computations have been made to determine its length for several different points on the earth, and the results are subjoined:- Bntler * 15h. 7m. New York 15h. <>in. Greenwich lflh. HBm. Paris USh. 11m. St, Petersburg lnh 51m. Aunt KiiclnuTs lion-hound ami Kl<M'aill|NlU4'. Made of Grape Juice, liock Candy (Crystal and the Horehonnd herb, in a simple and effective remedy for coughs, colds, hommeM and sore tbiwt high ly recommended for consumptives. This is no patent medicine mixture, bat it in pare Horehonnd. Elecampane Root, U«M-k Candy and Grape Juice, combined with other medicines much uwd by cormnmpitveH, pnblic speakers and singers. Sold by druggists. Price 25centH and 75 cent.H. Many a woman keeps her age who couldn't keep any other secret. Hood's Sarsaparilla rests the tired brain, ft gives nerve strength and biKlily health. The devil is still making some jx-ople believe they are doing all the Lord ex pects if they spend nn hour or two each week in church. RHEUMATISM .Vany cases treated with other remedies, have been cured with Armstrongs "I cur'- II." It reaches pain, cures pains, bruises, crampcolic, cholera-morbus, etc, • Even the light-headed girls are l>ow ed down with the weight of their new spring hats. DII'HTHERIA Nine times in ten a physician will not lie needed if Arm strong's Diphtheria and (Juinsy Drops art used as soon as soreness is felt in the throat. There is an undertaker in F rank ford who rejoices in the name of Phil (J raves. We know of bnt, one community in the world where dyspepsia is practically unknown, and that is the shakers of Mount Lebanon, N. V. These good people have ls-en studying the subject of digestion foi more than a hundred years, and that they understand it pret ty thoroughly, is evidenced in the fore going fact, Their Digestive Cordial is the safest and best remedy in case of indigestion that we know of. A trial j 1 xittfe can be had through your drug gist* for the trifling sum of 10 cents. The Shaker Digestive Cordial supplies ! the system with food already digest I'd, and at the same time aids the diges t ion of other foods. It will almost in stantly relieve the ordinary symptoms of indigestion and no sufferer need fie ' told what these are. LAXOI. is the hest medicine for child ren. Doctors recomend it in place of Castor Oil Kll HUM ATISM CI'KEH IN A DAY. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in i to 3 days. Its action up >n th - system i remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once th causes and the disease itutu< diately npf ears. The dose greatly bem fits; 7, r , centfc. Sold hy J. C. Rcdic, utU J. P. lialph Druggists Butler Apr 96 CYCLISTS AND COLD BATHS. A I*h»-«lcl«n'» Vltw •» Pr»»fi Time to lndalgf. A physician, who is himself a wheel n.un of several years' experience and who has also devoted great attention to other athletics, lays down this gen eral proposition: "Never take a cold bath when you are tired.** He points out that the greater the exercise the more poisonous waste material is cre ated, and that a cold bath does not as sist the skin in getting 1 rid of this prod uct, whereas a warm bath does. The doctor adds: "When you take a cold bath you de pend upon the heart to bring about re action. If this heart be already tired by the long ride it may not be strong enough to brinjr about reaction, and the blood and its waste material may not be brought to the surface. Inter nal congestions may follow, and, as I have seen in two cases, death may en sue. It matte*not how hot you may be, how much you may be perspiring, the cold bath is harmless provided al ways the heart be not tired. A simple rule for the bicyclist, whereby he may know whether the heart be tired is Bimply to count the pulse, having in a previous quiesceait state ascertained what his individual pulse rate j>er min ute is. When, after a long ride, his pulse rate is normal he may with safe ty use the cold bath. He should, there fore, rest after a tiresome journey un til the pulse is normal or thereabouts, Ray even ten beats per minute faster than normal, or what is far better, get into a tepid bath, one neither very hot nor very cold. When he lias remained ic the warm water long enough for the pulse rate to be about normal, he ea.n then, with perfect safety, plunge into (Cold water, and these two procedures form the ideal way of using water ou the surface after fatigue." MUSCLE-MAKING FADS. Exercises That Keep Athletic Girls Abreast of Their Brothers. The fad for fencing at home has Jed many a girl to set up in the privacy of her father's residence a private gym nasium, or, as she prefers to dub it, an "armory," where she practices with the aid of an instructor and in com pany with a few of her intimate friends, says an eastern exchange. Many a girl can do her trick on the flying rings or the parallel bar in a manner that makes her college-bred brother hustle for his laurels. And lie'll have to hustle still more whan the glorious May days come and she can show the result of her secret train ing on the golf links and the tennis court. The Vassar girls and students at other of the famous women colleges and co educational institutions have estab lished gymnasium classes and are hard at work preparing for the coming Bum mer. The Wellesley girls train with a special view of developing the mus cles, necessary to become expert at the oars, and their famous fours and eights are expected to beat all records this season. Bowling has its devotees, and many of the fair sex have proved themselves experts on the alleys. The most usual place for practicing bowling is at some of the large ath letic clubs, which generally have one day in the week, known as "ladies' day." BURMESE GIRLS. OosslplnK nnil Fllrtlnw its Tliey Kill Tlielr Jars at the Well. In every household the daughter has her appointed work. In all but the richest merchants' houses the daugh ter's duty is to bring the water from the well evening und morning, says Blackwood's Magazine. It is the gos siping place of the village, this well, and us the sun sets there come running down all the girls of the village. As they fill their jars they lean over the curb and talk, and it is here that are told the latest news, the latest flirta tion, the latest marriage, the little scandal of the place. Very few men come. Water-carrying is not their duty, und there is a proper time and place for flirtation. So the girls have the well almost to themselves. Almont every girl will weave. In every house there will lie n loom, where the girls weave their dresses and those, of their parents. And very many girls will have Mulls in the bazar. Other duties are the husking of the rice and the milking of cheroots. Of eourse, In the richer households there will he servants to do all this, but even in them the daughter will frequently weave, cither for herself or for her parents. Almost every g-irl will do something, If it be only to pass the time. HE HAD NERVE. The Average Drummer Wouldn't He In It tvlth Tlil» You nic Men. "Talk about tli» drummer having pall," said the man who had paid for the last round, reports the Pitts burgh News, "the worst ease I ever heard of was in a plain, everyday coun try boy. He was wild, und got into so many scrapes at home thnt his folks sent him out west. He disappeared for u year or two, and In the meantime I got married. My wife and I went west for our honeymoon, and on a train about 100 miles from Tacoina I found this country boy In the car sitting be side a big-, stout, coarse man. Hill, the hoy, had the other fellow shackled to him. He recognized me, and began In quiring after the folks at liis hojne. After awhile he said: " 'l'm getting along all right. Folks up here, where I am, think so well of me tliey made me sheriff. I'm just tak ing this chap down to the pen. Oh, yes; I've reformed, and you can tell the folks so when you get back. I don't have time *0 write them.' "When my wife went ahead into tho sleeping enr the coarse, stout man turned to me, asked if I knew Bill's folks, and when I said 1 did, he replied: •Wall, fell them whnt you please, bu# I'm the sheriff.'" KOOD'S MLLS euro Liver Ills, 811- lousnnss, Indigestion, Hsadacho. liasy to take, opsy to operati. 25c. A popular tombstone inscription of the next century will read: "He al ways rode his wheel to tho right. " KNOCKED OUT—A merchant says Morrison Bros Co jgli Syrup has knock ed out my sales on all other cough cures. The man who gives away straw hats doesn't make his presents felt. NATURE'S Compound is gaining in favor every day. C. P. Stewart, Salts burg l'a., says: "It has helped me more than anything else." It builds up the system gives a good natural appetite. "Its so nice to live in the suburbs," gnrgled Mrs. Newlywed. "You see, we raise all our own vegetables, and its almost as cheap as buying them.'' ARMSTRONG'S—LittIe System Pills, tin- liiiest and liest e\\ r tl-.i d, A true liver pill that is sure to please, 'What's that old woman doing now?" queried the stocking in the work basket. "She's getting out her needle and yam." "Well!" exclaimed the stocking, "I'll lie darned!" Tho latest slang phrase is "Oh, 1 don't know; you'll never Is- an excuse for a lygal holiday. it is reported that lan Maelaren is writing a novel in the dialect used by Scotch infants between the ages of six months and two year SpcrrN l iilerini'iilt'il <lr;i|»" •luice in l''.iiropr Has a wide reputation from i'.'» efH racy in the sick room. The juice is rich, tastes like eating the ripe grape fresh from the vine used by churches. ®TGNORANCE in regard to A paint materials or painting , would seem in this age to be in excusable, when full information can be had free. It interested, it jajpu will pay to get pamphlet and Bp color cards, also twelve pictures of houses painted in different or combinations ot colors, pfr:) free. Send your address. NATIONAI. LEAD & OIL CO. OF PF.NNSVIA ANIA, German Nat. Bank building, Pittsburgh, Pa. ,4 A HAND SAW IS A GOOD THING, BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH." SAPOLIO IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. YOU CAN'T STOP IT. QIRLS WILL JUMP ROPE. Let them jump they will not jump long, the time will come when they will not care to jump. Buy them good shoes and let them go, children are hard on shoes at all times anil when rope junip ing begins that's when they wear out the fastest. IRON CLAD SHOES. Will stand the test. We have given I this matter of children's shoes careful attention anil we feel safe in saying that there are no better made, and if you buy your children's shoes of us you will not be disappointed. ALL OUR LINES Are complete, you will need shoes or li ppers this Spring, try Uf, men's and lad ies' fine shoes 75c to $3.00; boys and girls shoes 75c to $2.00; children's shoes 25c, 50c and 75c. SEE OUR 98c LINE Men's high cut 2 buckle plow shoes j 9Sc, Ladies' fine tan and butt shoes 98, Men's fine shoes 98c. The Greatest Sale on Record, DON'T MIBS IT. C. E. MILLER. 215 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. AT J. R. (JRIRB'S Li and u DO Not Make Five. t; " % .y%? ■ A V v /< - / I n ..u It's quite n problem to please everyone's taste in any line you may select and particularly of jewelry, silver novelties, cut glass, etc., but I'm sure you will find what you want in my large stock and at such prices that defy com petition. I am making a spe. cialty of nobby and find Goods and want your trade. J. 1. EMEU. 118 SOUTH MAIN 8T Butler Sayings Bank Butler, Pa. Capital - #60,000.00 Surplus and Profits - $119,263.67 JOS. I, PURVIS President .1. HKNItY I ROUT MAN Vice-President WM. CAMI'HKM., Jr.. Cwihier I .or IS I!. HTK.:N Teller Dl|(K<"Kilts Joseph 1., l urvls. J. llenry Tro'Uman W. 11 llMuiluit. W. A. Ht»*ln• J.' S. Campbell. The llutler -avliijts Itank Is tin- Oldest ItunUllii.' I nsl II ill lon In Kill li-r < oiinl y (ii'inriil I.mill Inn IHIHIIKHS triiiisai-liil. We solicit iii-fouuti <>f oil producers, nier rliants, farmers and others. All husim ss entrusted to us will receive prompt atlcnilon. Interest million time deposits. •I'l I K Butler Counlj National Bank, 1 in tier Penn, Capital paid in - Surplus and Profits #114,647.87 Jos. Hartman, President; J. V. Kitts, Vice President; C. A. Bailey. Cashier; John C. McMarlin, Ass't Cashier. A general liatiklnu luislnrhi triiiisacted. lutnrs! pulil on time deposits. Mom y loam <1 on approval m-.urlty \V» Ifivltt* you toojM ii an account with till* hunk. . . ... |»IKErT«iK> Hon. Joseph Hurt man. lion \y Walriron. I>r. N. M lloovi r 11. M«*- | >w» » nvy. I'- K. Altramn, <\ IV t'olllti*. I rnltli IA"»I1«' I' Hn/Ml. M HiMiruii. W \V II l.arkln. Humphrey, l>r W. 1 \1« < imtllos*, Bun MtiMfth, Luvl " wis*, .1. V. illttt. Hotel Willard. Reopened and ready for the accommoda tion of the traveling public. Everything First-class. | MRS. MATTIE REIHING, Owner | SEANOR & NACE'S Livery, Feed and Sale Stable REAR OF WICK HOUSE, BUTLER, PA. The best of hor*ea Mid tirst class ritis alway? on hand and for hire Best accomodations in town fer perm* netit hoarding std transient trade. Speci al care guaranteed. 1 Stable room lor sixty-five hoi sea. A good clas* of horses, both dri.ers and draft hor»es always on hand and lor sale under a fuli gtiarantfe; and horses bought upon proper notification by SEANOR A NACE. Telephone, No 219." EGGS FOR SALE. From pure bred stock at hard times prices, Barred Buff and White Plymouth Rocks, BulT and White Leghorns, Mammoth Im perial I'ekin Ducks, $1.50 per setting, $6.00 per 100. Stock for sale, also Belgian 1 lares. F. HERRINGTON & CO. Warsaw, N. Y. Do not b*» rtiwlrrd by alluring *dT<rtli«rnient* rwul think j-m ran get the txwt mjulo, flnnt flalMh m»d MOST POPULAR SEWING IWACHISL for « mere "'•nir. Hiiy from n>!Ubl«» manufurturor* tlmt haw » reputation by honrit ami r jtioo* d ilini'. There innonoln the* world that <mi equal In r . * bnnfi-al nmrtnirtu.n. durability of workJ'i„ 1 • -.'in- iiemi of HniMh. b**auty In ajiiMMU-iinre. • i inn r.y lmprowro«nUaji the NEW HOME. /RITE FOR CIRCULARS. iNew Home Sewing Machine Co. ; • 1.1U.M4H. IkMrroii,Mtw. J»t'mo*B<ji »ai;,N.Y. ll' too, IM. MT, Lon». Mo. IliUU,Tuil. hi* iIAJICUOO.CtU ATL»*XJL,OA. roil SALE «V J. B. McDIiVITT Dealer in Sawing MnchiDes, Pianos and Organ*—next door to V. M. 0. A. build ing—Butler Pa. Buy the light-running, New Home, sawing insohiue, perfect satisfaction puar anteeil, never eets ont of order. i YVheclc v < Wilson I\t:v. F.:' i aniily Sew'ng; lachlno. Ro. .br. i\ Sail hearings Easy Rui'.fiint';, Q. ;ci, Rapid and Sewing Machines for I amily :■ 'f I octory use, for all grades of Cloth and Leather. Speed und Duruhlity. Factory and Head Office, Bridgeport, Connecticut, U. S. IK, FOR SALE BY HENRY BIEHL, DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Needles for all kinds of sewing machines, lioss Washing Machines, etc. N. MAIN ST. BUTLER PA. N. ll. —Second-hand Sewing Machines front #5.00 up. Sewing machines repaired. TIN WARE AND ROOFING A SPECIALTY. L. C.WICK, in Rough Worked Lumber Of am, kini>s. • Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always in Stock. LIML, 11 \IR AND PLASTER Office opposite P. it W. Depot. BUTLER, PA, 0 Q y SPRING | | The Leading Millinery Honse in Butler County. ;; A The first shipment of SPRING BONNETS, HATS, I'I.OWKRS, RIBBONS, i ) X etc. has arrived. THEY ARE BEAI'TIES. and at prices way below . . jf the usual prices for early Spring goods. If you want a stylish A Bonnet or Hat now is the time as we have all the new \ JL sua;*, for Spriaf in stock. . . Remcmlier we alwavs keep in stock .1 full MOcNRiNO BONNETS, < ► X MATS, VEILS AND VEILING: also a largi- line of Communion yr WREATHS AND VEILS. V « n. t. pape, \ A 122 S. MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA, 122 S. MAIN STS joooooOCKtOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI rxx>cococcoccrroc- :-ooc-j Puiic* y is 1 . ti t /WRr*. V"> o g tuaatv .{ ?owe^. § Q if f p O I UP 751 " 1 » Hitch your ' But be sure?. | business j & it's in a | | works to a if ; Fahys Gold- 8 I good watch. | I filled Case, | >ji And that you buy it from g E. QRIEB, JEWELER, 139 N. MAIN STRKET, BUTLER, PA. :: "THE COMMERCIAL," ] K. THORNBURG Prop'r., Evans City, PaV < ► popular house has just been entirely remodeled 4 > { > and refurnished. Everything convenient, and guests < > , , Located near Post office and P.& W. Depot. When i . . . in Evans City t~»p at the Commercial. Bell Tele- . yoeoooooooooooeo<\\>eooQooGo<x > 1 • i When You :| Lay Out Money <! VS^vN^Wy' be sure that you are getting the real ! | No. 2 Koaj Bu BE >. value of the "price yon pay. I i Fredonia Bug 16S running ami | ——————— every penny they > | Your dealer sells them. cost you. ' ! THE FRDDONIA MFG. CO.. Youngatown, Ohio. Natures Best Stimulant is a Little Good WHISKEY. $- It is wonderful how much good a little whiskey dots the system. How often nre we worn out, listless and dispirited finding fault with evcry tl ing and <?verylxxlv, and not knowing the rea son why—Try some Silver Age Rye Whisky afe as a tonic, and you will wonder at its immediate effect. It helps to rebuild wasted tissues, re store circulation and stimulate nature. What is Silver Age Rye? Jfe It is a whiskey made fomons for its purity and medicinal qualities—Doctors use and prescrit>e, Hospitals are never without it and every house hold in the laml should keep a liottlc— It is Sold by Druggists affe And first class dealers at $1.50 per full quart, or will lie shipped to your address on receipt of this amount. If there is unything wanted in good liquors of any description, we have it at lowest prices. MAX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquors, 82 Federal St Allegheny, Pa SEND FOR CATALOGUE AM> PRICE LIST; MAILED EREE ON APPLICATION. The New-York Weekly Tribune FOR - t EVERY member of EVERY family on EVERY farm, in v " 'vv s EVERY State 01 Territory.. i \ EOR Kducation, S V FOR Noble Manhood, \ EOR True Womanhood, I r P PI \ T important news of the Nation I r P ( i IA7 K the most reliable market reports. II "1 I V CiO brilliant and instructive editorials. T'r HTVFS fascinating short stories. ® J ' nit uccxcclled agricultural department I T / < I L 1 (J scientific and mechanical information. J * illustrated fashion articles. FT (i l VKS ' u,moroils illu-^tcations. entertainment to young and old. IT r I IV F s satisfaction everywhere to everybody We furnish "The Citizen" and "N. Y. Weekly Tribune" F-OR F>»;R YEAR. CASH IV ADVANCE. Addrew all orders to Nt ClllfiH Write your name and address on a postal card, send it <0 Geo. W. Best, T«hune Building, New York City, and a sample copv of lIIK NKW \'JKK WKFKI* TRIUL'NK will he mailed to you.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers