Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 13, 1897, Image 4
| DOWN. J It took fourteen rounds lor Fitzsimons 5 to knock Corbett ont. It took thirteen P M ballots to a minate a Republican Con- Tjt p-esiman in this Congressional district. K V It costs ten dollars to become a member X of the Butler Board of Trade. It takes JR <P only to buy a set of our own make a Hvjifry Harness with wide curved breast Jv R f collar and trade of oak leather. This is / 10 U >U tie !*st harness fr.r the money we be- |/ I lieve in America. Of course we have f J# 1 them as low as t3-£O, but yon know and I 1 we know this kind is no good, don't f (m U| j wear, and liable to break any minute and I jB i horse run away and break your neck all I 40 J# I for 13.50. No, No, we don't say such I J5 H stuff ia good. You always know what f (R m / j Martincourt & Co. say can be relied up- h U X Sj on, and the price is always right. No V •[ jf ' extortion, no deception here. Our capac- 5 ity for making harness is tbuty sets per tf week, and buying wholesale as we do, 6 and F a yi n K DO ren, > can ' t wc •J cheap as any factory, and we do. We Uk U never had as large a stock of buggies and wagons as now, and never as chea;>. jpfe |s. B. HARTINGODRT & Go| J S. B. M4OTNCOIRT, IM. £ Mtenon St. g X J. H. LEMHNER. Bnl,er pa mmm —■—■^ Charming Spring Styles IN'FINE FOOTWEAR. Many of which'are to'be seen here alone, a mammouth collection of captivating novelties in shoes. It's' a grand spring stock that awaits your inspection. WE START AN ELEGANT LINE r-ii Ladies' Gent's and Children's Russet shoes in the popular shades, chocolate, mahogany and ox blood, lace and button in all the widths A A to K pointed and the new coin toe, with ihe new vesting cloth tops and all leather. JpF C~ There will be more tan shoes worn this / >r season than any previous one, they are I j; AV A; being fashionable Prices in ladies, 25 I /v/ ' j \ I to Infants and children* 25c to / /✓'/// irn y> • 75c, Misses sizes n>£ SI.OO to $1.50. Our Line of Dongola and Vici t/' T'i [ t Kid Shoes, Imp /'''■■ < 7 li COfciplcte in all the newest laits, " " \jujwwy/i yyjjrjf j J I direct lo us from the fx-st manufacturers. W' JJr' fit I T*~ I.allies Dong pat tip button 75c and sf.oo; iWij; J' Dongola at #1.25, *1.50 and $2.00; In -1 fants and Children-! at 10, «8, 25 and , J&Bri£k cents; Misses sizes at 75c, HSC, Si-oo IffS ' nd *'' 2s SPRIfa SHOES FOR MEN AND 80VS Of best vici tan kid. and Russia tan calf skin H distinct t '.ylcs. They combine .11 th« advantages of higher price shoes in fit, shape style and v.. or. I'rtces 111 xuei. s Ru v;t <2.no, |2 50 *3 00 and $4.00. OUR MRN'S S2.SO AND U M RUSSET SHOES 1: its anythintf to be found in Butler, more styles and a better quality for the money. Don't forget to sec o-r jnen'sfinc slkks, new coin toe at SI.OO, $1 25 and 11.50. you can't natch these in Butler. The boys Russet at fi '/>, li 25 and si.y>. take the boys by storm UTILE OENTS LACE SPRINCi HfiEL Shoe* 9-13J* at 75c 9* ti oo and «i.25 are gems just like your,fathers. MEN'S WORKING SHOES SERVICABLE At 75c, SI.OO, f 1 25 and fi 50 in creedmore l>ellu» U^ngue. Botler's biding D f IIIICEI TOW 0pp ' SUM Uoose LI. I. nu JLLI Ui 1 Hotel Loiry. -c,—-WHILE YOU ARE WAITING For your pre«cription don't fail to look , over ciur line of perfumes, we have re- // 1 <i> celved some very fine ones lately, and \f) r will lie pleased to have you examine ) Ml/-' them. We al*> have a very large assortnit nt 1 of tooth brushes ma/le expressly for us Wj^^=rrr-—-—1 wbi'b bear our stamp, these Washes '.?/'• f v we guarantee and request the return of .y \jTmt any tV.it iirove unsatisfactory. tff ~ Vou may need something for your ___ yV?' chapped hands and face, and if we '■" / recommend Cvdonium Cr-am as a fine _ toilet prei>aration. REDICK& GROHMAN.'S" DRUGGISTS. PEOPLES PHONE. 1 14. JWJTLER DANGER! lie* l'i Ihe ordinary bicycle while. It nrf««>« Um KUllive }>a/U anil cauiet taddle Injury. J'«Jv « t r««t« '■•!.- I via a« if r»»f» ■ • •• « Of :iftMtjr CHfUiy b»4d!«. /t| • i fWM)K Let Christy - ® Anatomical Saddle oveicomaa all objfetion*. Comfortable eu»H ion* j1 e «> adjuilcil at to receive ll>« bony prumlnericaa of tba pelvi«, than olivialing all piexura. It It ma>!e of metal ari'l cannot warp or tbange It* ohapr. .... W, • MOW|MO COII. ImU« eft ft>« dlfiftjr Utng fitted lo y>tir Ho dm ■»» ♦ili lom « m!« OH ftveount of yvur prnf«r«r»c% Prloft, 95.00 A. O. SPALDINQ & BROS. Ckitago Phlleiltlphia Y/mf>wgU>n JOHN W. COULTER, Attornfcy-it-Law and Kfial Estate Agent. HI'WIAL ATTI V'l IOX OIVKN Tl> 1 1 tUI.V,' TIO.N . Ki.COkLi JiLILL«JNO. Ul 'iLJiK ynuf IS THE TIME TO HAVE nUn \ r oiu* ciotiiin<} CLEANED or DYPD Ifyou'v.nit j;oii'i ;iiifl reli,*rl»lc cleaning or ilyi inj.; done, ti irt just one place in town where yofi can get it, and thai in at 111 OIIUHi DTI WHS 21 (') C %'ni,cr n vciiuo WajL. VVc do fine work in out- Joor I'hotograpiiii, Till? in the time of) ir to a picture "I yotir hou .i-. Give u# a trial. A v'-ut for tin- .Jnfi.i atown slidinv Hliod C'l.-Ni'W Y' ik. E. FISHER & SON, BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Company Office COT. .Vain and SI' iI.V. Willi fr.a WK«. KfnUMI. I Ir, 1,. . U * arJl Mfcl" 4., , J, .. ix 11 k> rim • Alfi. lWi . IIKII'II 1 ■ N oilv. r. 111, W Irvll*. 1,111. „ -vii v vv niii lu 11, \ Wi-it/i 1, I-". Ilowi.mii. II I I llnifli r. 1 i « I- ■ li. 1 1 r ' iii», Hi* oliim, Oco, Ih'niio, John K.h nlir, LOYAL McJUkKIN Agent. WANTKI# I AITIII f F, MKNOIt WOMI N Iruvr) f »>r nnptninlblt houu« In I'# fin : ylvtifili* Hfilnrv I iin'l « ' 11» »i « l'» .itJi.M |«i rrruiMi fit |u<ff>r ♦ •ll''# !'.»•' I#»H« mlf it#|ljf< HH#'#l Hi Jl f|i 'I 1 f.- v 1 ■ 111 jh■ 'Mm- MuOotml, Htur Innuriiiii # lildg. ( ltU:uKu VETERINARY SPECIFICS 500 FAOX BOOK MAILED FBJOL CONTENTS: Part I.—Diseases of Horses. Part ll.—Diseases of Cattle. Part lll.—Diseases of Sheep. Part IV.—Diseases of Hogs. Part V.—Diseases of Dogs. Part Vl.—Diseases of Poultry. Saroe book m better binding 30 ctm. ■ t xrUßkl»*ak&. CO., Cor. A i«k> Si A . v \*«f«rk NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITA I. WEAKNESS I and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific No 28, in us« over AO y«nrs, the only successful remedy. SI p«r rial,or 5 riai« andJaige vial powder,for S4 S.« l t f OrHflM. ot «nl pOMptld 'O r«<-«lpt of t»rle*. M£D. CO., Ur. WUDmi * J»h«« Su.. f««w V«t CATARRH LOCAL* DISEASE and is the rcsuff of colds and Eg -jWa c^f-r^OU* sodden climatic changes. For your Protection §nHwrrvtiT we pocitireiy rta:«: tluvt w 'v* r -£jfigi resje/iy does n-1 ccnUun Mr - - mercery or iny other it. r- Ely's Cream i§ acknow e*lgfe«l to be ti c most thoroogh cure for Nval Catarrh, Coid n Head and Hay Fever of al ahay» pain R-.a inflaiiimaiion. h- . » the p- r»-«. tecU tne membra:«» fr'.rn coiH-, r- -ft -«• the of taateat i •mel!. I*ri< ♦- at Dm by mail. ELY BKOTH£US, 06 Warren fcircet, New York. mow oi I pure i I" whiskey yoo htrtlly know what that meant ju unitsi you've obtaiud yoar supply » from our ftock . • POT DOS. 0 Prlv-t. rtoti. 1* jt». tjd. K.OO 20 OO vj Glb«oi>. 10 " 1 »•> 1500 9 VlBCb. 8 - 1 »a 12.00 Olb.on, 6 " 1.00 10.00 7 Finch, It " 100 10 00 V 0»«rl(olt, 5 ** 1.00 10.00 an 4 we put them up In FULL quarts —we carry only the fuliefct l.neof t> ail grades of wiues. liqu r- cor- K dials, hrandiea, ric. S-t;d for a fj | complete price lis'. Old Exrc«T 0 U the latfttid • frlcwl-tl « •vctin i sian'lLy tl*« w go»xJ J fellow's chaei " T\ £ li.oc full qunris—sla quarta $> We »eod ali fio ordeis free o' - f * ch*-r|fr to any j ; JOS FLEMING A SON. Whilc'.i!* »'« S»«aH Dtuw'-*'*. | MAkKl.'f ST. » THAT TIRED SYSTEM can \jC made strong by cautious use of ptite liquors. We offer Pure 6-year-ol<l unadulterated Whisky, either Finch's, Over holt, Gi»>sfjn, Guckenheimer, I y arge, or Mt. Vernon at $ i oo per full quart, or 6 '(tfl. for We do not say you cannot gtt purity an'l a%c elsewhere. Wc do say, in 9 caw s out of 10, you pay for adulterated substitutes. On C. 0. D. or Moil Order , of flO 00 or <ver we prepay all charxea Our Motto : "FAIR DEALINGS TO EVERYBODY." Grandfather's Choice Whisky, ><u;it:m teed 3 years old, #2.00 per gallon. ROBERT LtiWIN & CO,, Imj>ortcrs and Wholesalers, 411 Wa'er St. Opposite B. &0. Depot Telephone. 2179 Pittsburg, Pa. V «EVIVO f Mb TUB liKfcAT iOthJltey. FRENCH REMEDY utftni i-n Ih* übov) results In :m days. It ads powerfully soil quickly. cures when all other* fall. Ton nil men will regain their lost, man hood. HIII old men will roeorer their youthful vlnorfoy usinif KKVIVO. Itoulekly an'i n«jr«:iy rest/ires .Nervousness. tx/st vitality, l/»t J'ower. FiiMlriu Memory. Wasting I»IK< -««•». nod ill ~(Tw-t, „f excess fin'i InillM ret.lnu, which un nii one for stilly, business or rnsrrlaKe. It not only cures «/ «tartln(t nt tne 1 ■ it or dlse;if>e. t,'it Is a Kre.it. nerve lontc 11 nil blood builder hr>n((lni{ hack the f»lnk l>low Ui pal" cheek. ari'l restoring the lire of youth. It wards or (inanity iniif < dtistltniition. Insist on having ItKVIVO. no other. It can he < irrled In vi t pfii act. I>y mail, tl.'A|>er (<a/.kat:e. or six for |r, no witti s positive written guarantee o» cure or refund the money. Circular free Address HOY A I. MKDI'INC' (»., 'IIICA'IO, 111. For Bale hy RKI>r>lCK He OROMANN, r-\DOCTOR,-> LAKH hjfcft I'KIVATK I»I<4I*BNHAIIV. (7<~ J Qr ,4. Pi 111. A/. *nr» Fo'ir.TM GT.. -iMK. PITTBBUBOH. PA. »\ yvll for in* or In-lir itn un'l Com plicated lilwii-vc* n i|inrlrt*i :oi»- riIiKKTIAI. ftli'l M< If ""»I' M"l --irnii'fTi mo tre»u-'l At tlii* :»i ---, -iry With a ru'rcM. nrely attAlne'l. Ijr. B. K. I..1U1:1. mitnliar of th'i ltov.il I oil. *>: Tf I liy "( in. iri'l .HnrKiX/.i'., an.' '* n "'' •J 1 ""' Brr:< lAMfti In IhnrHr » lf»l at • I,Hon Ki*«n toKorvou. Krl.illty from or whIV nu :■(Hi .•'*.;rllon,l"i'llwriitlon of yoiilli,cl'\,<nu»- II,K ~liy«l<al ami wnUI <le<-ny,la<t< of Mi'irifjr, i,oi.'Vw,y. elr.; «Ui(,t I Mil Hores Kit*, I'llei, Itlii Hiimtlwi, mi'l nil dhmwil tlioHkln, IM.xA Urinary Ori(nim,i.t'-. Con.tillntlon *iii' nir'. utrlrtly eonrl'lmtial Offleo hour., U t/- l;i;, III»ir. v.; ftnn'l.yn, 8 U» < r. M. <<nlj . 'l 1.t0m.-n or il.:r.« W<<. I.AKK.}»'(>. ► NX A» IT INDWIUI', I'L LTHIS'ILM/LL. Yh TAIVS PHILADELPHIA A VBSI --DENTAL HGOMS -■ flf I >'J • *vn Av« pittaburg H <1 WW Wu'r.pRACTICA' . Y'l"'""t'-' > UK aCHOtMN BF.I'Wi M I'fi niu'inr* WHY :IOT Tr V Altfl fWvOUR»7 CPOWH " Mill# *1""' BRIDC.f ' V I «llf litfS PfR TOOTH A " I ill V o'i'.vi l V FRMER GREASE Ilf'WT IN TilK WOIU,|>. lUwrifrln:>.|i'n!ti-.-*«rniiri« 1 rjm«».•<}, a, l.mJly oatlutlriK 1.».i I,o*l-. of nny ..lln-r t.ran.l, Hut mlt 1. i.vl t,y Iml iriJKTTiI It UKM'I.NK* roit BALIS IIY MvlU.lti; (JKNKHALLY. r| RaaMx* MaMß* 'EHNYROYAL PIUS />; 4»rlglml m»'l Only UMININ#. A ftnir, a. »».!•, 1 A f»' * • »-» y I 7 fj/h'nt ...//!»••' ■ 1 » *!I- .- 4 •. »r *»«T 1 'y I-. f r j "p>r«Ul« 1 r 7 "llill f f-rf » H-'l.#' »•» rrnAnm \ .7 llMil. M.INM ' . * 1.1 %• r 1#» •»t it#•' »nl«|u»r# ( WRIGHT'S,SS I'm nil fin > -''H'"! !<■>■>'<"<» |MHI B 1)1.1-MI'J. llirr If IfaJil li fj ?g^- .li 4 UIVC lIIAI IHV ■ ■ K/'t'.n 10 Ihi tfi'lrfl «ytlrm, B I fciSi®* Ctiro DYfIPEPniA, HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION nnd PIMPLES. MEW HOTEL !N BUTLER. Illiv'xg »«»<IV l|» Cufininyliaiii House. V.V «n- j)rrp«rc<l to wik, 'hiy nr met.., Our tnlili« nrr ltwli-n willi |ili-nty of K<"«l vicliialu; i.itr tontnn aur! IK-'U urir neiit an.l coujf.;rt mljlC, i*ii'] our tiniiU'v re»vifii|blr. 'Vive lit a call and l>" ronvinceii P. A. McELWEE. Prop'r, im< J;. hi. THK CITIZKIST Water in Severe Cases of Illness. The Phrenological Journal gives the j following ust-ful hints on the applies tions of water in severe attacks of ill ! ness. The adult members of the fami ly should keep them in mind for an em ergency. A strip of flannel or a soft napkin, folded lengthwise and dipped in hot water and wrnng out. and then applied around the neck of a child that has the croup will usually bring relief in a few minutes. f A proper towel folded j*-veral times, and dipped in hot water. quickly wrung and applied over the site of toothache and neuralgia will generally afford prompt relief. This treatment for colic has been found to work like magic. Nothing so promptly cuts short a congestion of the lungs, sore throat and rheumatism as hot water, when applied early in the case and thoroughly Hot water taken freely half an hour before lied time is an excellent cathar tic in the case of constipation, while it has a soothing effect upon the stomach and bowels. i This treatment continued a few months with the addition of a cup of hot water slowly sipjied half an hour before each meal, with proper attention to diet, will cure most cases of dyspep sia. There s a man in Tennessee who is very much soared on his bad Inck. He accidentally shot a dog, and in trying to f-xplain to the owner how it occured accidentally *bot him. In a further ef fort of Illustration he accidentally shot the coroner, and is now out on bail try ing to find somebody to whom he may explain the latter occurrence. Perhaps it may be a disappointment to many good people to learn that the mnltiacopic pictures of the Fitraim mons-Corbett fight at Carson are not failures, as has been extensively re ported. It is thought the report of their being ruined was sent out to pre vent adverse laws pending in several Legislatures. So the kinetoscope show of the 14-ronnd tight will probably start on its rounds after all. It took 11,000 different pictures to show con tinnously the details of the big scrap. HOOD'S J'ILLS euro Liver Ilia, Mil lousness, Indigestion, Headache Easy to tako, oasy to oporatt. 25c Some of the heirs of Sir Francis Drake, the famous mariner, recently held a meeting in New Castle Pa , to take measures to secure their claims to his estate. The estate is said to lie now worth |200,000,WW in bonda and money. This seems like quite a bit of property to l>e lying and waiting for its proper owners. In fact it isn't every man that can gather in two hundred million dol lars and at the same time get as much fan out of life as did the great circum navigator But it must not be forgot ten that the Admiral was a hustler, and may have picked up a great many snaps while sailing around the world. Besides the property has lieen increas ing in value ever Mince the days of Queen Elizabeth. The estate is appar ently doing so well that it seems like poor js.licy for the heirs to disturb it. There are 27"> of these Drake heirs sev eral of them residing in Lawrence and Mercer counties. For that tired feeling Hood's Sarsa parilla has no equal. It invigorates tbi whole body. A call problem is having a run that is as much a brain puzzler as the per eentage problem. A man pastured a calf for a neighbor until the bill amounted to about the price of the calf. The owner called one day and asked. "Well what about the calf?' "I have been thinking about it, was the reply, "and have conclnned that if yi>n would let me have the calf we would call it square." The owner studied over the matter a few minutes and said. "No, I wont do that, but 111 tell yon what I will do: if yon will keep the calf two weeks more you can have it." DIPIITIIHRIA Nine times in ten a physician will not be needed if Arm strong's Diphtheria and Quinsy Dropi sre used a«i soon as soreness is felt in the throat. A tailor in Philadelphia is 100 years old, and one of the papers there refers to him as a case of "the survival of the litttst. Pretty good for Philadelphia I'p in Warren the Presbyterians nu so pleased with their new church build iriK that they have taken to holding sunrise meetings in it. RIIKUMATISM Vaiiy cases .rested with other remedies, have been cured with Armstrongs "I cure \J," It reaches pain, cure, pains, bruises, crampcolic, cholera morbus, etc, "Oeorge, you'll have to send some ls>dy to fix the washlsdlei Jane came home late last night arid went into the kitch- n in the (lark and full down the cellar stairs with the Isiiler and two lengths of stovepipe." "That accounts for it " "Accounts for what?" "Accounts for my dreaming I was at a Wngner opera "1876 Climax." Is the name nt a superior quality ol jJrandy, placed on the market by the Hpeer N. .1 Wine Co as a companion to their Old Port (irape Wine This old brandy Is a pure distillation from the grape and stands unrivaled It is considered, by eminent, medical men fe.r stijierior to most the French P.rnndii s for lnedi' lnnl tiiirjsises, and is preferred by them toother IJrandies on account of its known purity Hold by lirugKiMt-: A young doctor said to a idrl "Do you know dear, I have a heart slice tiori for yon ?' "Have yon had it, long?" she c-oylj inquired "Oh, yes' I feel that I will liver trou bled life without you," he replied "Then yon had better asthma," she murmured. A tired stomach is v<-ry much like a sprained ankle. If you suffer from any of the symptoms of dyspepsia, your •tOßMfib IS tire<| |( MeedH II ■ till' li We must relieve it of all work for a time, or until il is restored to Its nntu ral Strength To do this successfully, we must use a food which is alt' a ly ili jested ' ill side of the body, and which will siij the fligustion nl oth< r foods that may be taken with It Much n product is the Shaker I>i(festive cordial The Shakers have utilized the dlge live principles presented in plants for the manufacture of this article, and il sticeess has 'ieen truly phenomenal You can try it. for the nominal sum of 10 cents ns sample Imttles are -old by ( )ll dpiggists at this price bA*ot, Is I lie tiesl medicine for children Doe tors rei uirnend t ill pll.o lof 1 ustor Oil, Old lady Poor fellow I suppose your blindness is incurable? Have you ever been treated? Blind man Yes. mum, but not often. Taint many as h»> likes | u • seen g lug into a bar room with a poor blind beggar. The Ooglywoo. Forest and Stream. The London "Mail says that a ntim ber of wealthy Englishmen have organ ized an expedition to come to the Un ' ited States to shoot wild horses in the Rocky Mountains. The gentlemen can, after they get through shooting "wild horses in the ! Rocky mountains" come down onto the . plains and shoot Ooglywoo, which is found in great numbers in that vicinity It has six legs and a very strong short tail. When danger appears, it at once stands on its tail and spins rapidly around. Of course this makes a hole. ' into whkb the Ooglywoo sinks rapidly out of sight. The hole then disappears | also. "What is the judge going to do now asked the green juror, in a whisper. "He is going to charge the jury. "said the foreman. "Charge the jury"; Charge us'; What for"; We don't have to pay nothin' for the privilege of sittin' on jury, do we?" The wayworn man had fallen in the street in a very good swoon. The usual crowd gathered, and the usual inan who-knows-what-to-do shouted: "Stand back and give him air." j "Air!" said he. with fine scorn. "Air' When I ain't had nothin' but air for t'ree days!" Returned traveler: What has become of Catchem and Cheatem. the rich law yer^Retired. I presume? Resident: Yes, retired. They are both in the poor house. Traveler: Phew! What happened? Resident: They had a quarrel, and sued each other. A Letter to Aunt Kachael. CAKIO, 111., August 29, To Aunt Rachael Speer at Passaic, N J. DEAR MADAM: We have used your Malarial Hitters for several months past and find it the very best tonic we nave ever used to effectually wipe out all traces of malarial fever. My wife has l«-en sickly feverish and languid for the past four seasons, and has tried almost everything. We heard so much of your bitters that I concluded to try it; my wife's appetite has returned and she is strong, well and sprightly again and all owing to your Peruvian Malarial liitters. (>. H. WOOLLWAUD. Waiter, seeing dissatisfaction on guest's face: Wasn't the diner cooked to suit yon sir? Guest' Yes; all but the bill. Just take that back anil tell them to boil it down a little. An artist being asked: "Is sculpture difficult?" answered "Why, bless you, no! You only have to take a block of marlje nud a chisel, and knock off all the marble you don't want. KNOCKED. OUT —A merchant nays Morrison Bros Cough Syrup has knock ed out my sales on all other cough cures. Aren't you afraid your husband will be facinated by that pretty widow next door? No danger, he likes a garden and she keeps chickens. Victor What makes you no ugly. Tommy? Don't yon like your new baby brother? Tommy, viciously: Well I did till somebody came in and said he lookrd like me. NATURE'S Compound is gaining in favor every day, C. P. Stewart, Salis bury Pa., says: "It has helped me more than anything else." It builds up the system gives a good natural appetite. "The policeman was simply awful I never Haw such brass." "The copper must have «ot mixed." A man who has jnst been stung by an angry bee is taking his first lesson in rudimentary education. He Is learning a bee' See? Mistress: Von brok<- rny Sevres plate You an- discharged How did yon do it? Servant I carelessly dropped one of the biscuits yon made yesterday on it arid it broke. Circus manager Who is making that unearthly noise in the dressing room 1 Assistant Oh, sir, that is only Miss Blondy, the snake charmer, she just saw a mouse ARMSTRONG'S Little System Pills, the finest and best ever lined, A true liver pill that is sure to please. What is that which is taken from you before you |toasesu it? Yonr photo graph. Party at the door Is the lady of the house In ? Cook I'm one of thim. sor. A negro proverb says, "I)e oyster hab more sense dan most fish, for him know when to keep him mont' shut " Why is a mad bull an animal of a convivial disposition ? Uocaus he offers a horn to every one he meets Leerly, What time of day was Adam the most lonesome? Meerley .Just before eve A Baltimore man sued a railway company for a broken arm, received in a wreck on their road The company tried to settle for <llOO, but the man wanted VHi The X ray showed that tils arm had not been broken and he got nothing He met her at the seaside, With her locks of shilling gold Hut. now she's In the city. She's a brunette as of old It seems strange that fast colors won't run Men '|niti immcrvd in business-- The divers. Tight money The kind men buy a jag with. i There lire redeem ing" features even In the pawnbroker's shops I JOH'.IJMATISM Vaunt) IN A lIAV. "Mystic Cure" for I'heuriiate HI ou:l Neuralgia radically curei. 111 i to 3 days. Its action ntKJii the system remarkable ' and mysterious. It removes at nin e (tie causes and the disease immediiitely dis- 1 sp[ ears. 'l'll'- lirst dose greatly tienefits; 7", cent'.. Sold by |. C. Kedic, si;d J. I'. Hslpli Druggists Itutler Apr</i Carpet Cleaning Timo In Jit'tr, Telrpltotir* or write* to W It. McCeary, West End, who has the best of machinery and I does the bent work, ( ariiets ' I called for and delivered. I mpels shipped from a dis- t taucc Mill ptoinpkly cleaned ind returned, W. B. McGEARY. ropl':'4 Telrpbonr 41. % . .1 o» • V -- 1 »M - »<* » • - U • pLEASE bear in mind the fact " standard," in all lines com mands a fair price. See list of the brands of Pure White Lead which are the standard. They AjE9Hg«fi are the best. Avoid those brands i said to be "just as good,' offered tr tor " less money," and of so called White Lead." VCnCC By u«inf National Lrad Co.'» Pare We Lead T.nt Ingr Col |~* r* cm, any de»:rrd tha.'c i« r*«d:iy v run ' I'umpr ' g:v:o; f( n ▼aluabl# information and card show 4 v mj-le* :» (ret; j|P« 1] a '*° ctr^> *howinf pictures of twelve houses .-f different drvspif painted .a o various styles or combination* of shale* forwarded up . a- to tho«« %• intending to paint. > NATIONAL LEAD & OIL CO. OF PENNSYLVANIA, licrmaa Nat. Hank Pittsburgh. Pa. M A HAND SAW IS A GOOD THII.G, BUT NOT TQ SHAVE WITH." SAPOLJO IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. YOU CAN'T STOP IT. GIRLS WILL JUMP ROPE. Let them jutnp they will not jump i long, the time will come when they will | not care to jump. Buy them good shoes anil let them go. children are hard on shoes at all times ami when rope jump ing begin. that's when they wear out the fastest. IKON CLAD SHOES. Will stand the test. We have given this matter of children's shoes careful j attention anil we feel safe in saying that j there are no littler made, and if you huv | your children's shoes of us you will not he disappointed. ALL OUR LIN S Are complete, you will need shoes or li p|>ers tLis ! pring, try u», men's anil ladies' fine shoes 75c to $3.00; lmys and girl:, shoes 75c to $2.1-0; children's shoes 25c, 50c and 75c. SEE OUR 98c LINE Men's high cut 2 lute die plow shoes j yKc, I,ailies' line tan and butt shoes 98, Men's fine shoes yßc. . The Greatest Sale on Record, DON'T MISS IT C. E. MILLER. | 215 S. Main Si., Rutlcr, l'a. AT J. K. (iRIRB'S U and Li Do Not Make l : ive. It's i|iiir< ,-t problem to please everyone's taste in any line you may select am! particularly ol jewelry, silver novelties, cut glass, etc., hut I'm sure you will find what you want in my large stock and at such prices that defy com petition. I am making a spe. cialty of nobby and find floods and want your trade. J. IGRIEB. 118 SOUTH MAIN 8T Butler Savings Bank i >LI I LC- r, 1 **!. Capital . ft* >,i *l* 1,00 Surplus and I'rolitn fi <9,363.67 ./OS I.IM't'.VI President J. 11 IN ft 1 I Kill "I'M AN . Vl.'.. I'r, „.|,.„| WM.CAMPHKIX, Jr Casblar 1 '.l 18 It -1 K!N 11 IN r 111 Itl'.i "lol: I' I'cli I'. I'urvls, .1. 11 «• i«ry I rii' lJlliill' W. II Itr.ili'liin, W. A. MI'III. TLIR MULL* I 11K'LIMIT I-4 III' O|<)« <4l IliitiWlllU 111 al H 11! jit lint l< 1 4 otitil y lit- hi rnl liiiiil. iiiu liu I runmu'l \V« ii •< *#llf 11 *4 «»f n|| |»r« I If' • 1 tin 1 rfiiitilH, furimri iili#| oth"m All I »•»•») ti« *•* • mill .«• 11 to u* will 11 « • lv« l#f«>ffll>f • I'' niton llitif! ;t •))! ||| nil t.) III« 111 pi 1141 f '■« THK ] Sutler County National Bank, / I J1111« • r I '* •11 11, Capital p till 111 fll «»,m»M«i Surplus nud Profits ji 14/1,17.87 Jo<j. 111111tn in, President, J. V. Pitts, Vice President; C. A. Ilalf.y. t .mhlcr; lohn '.. M■ M • 1111, 'v 1( .1 ,',i 1 a A H««ll* ' 11 ' *li U llt If Imi In* -.1 . '' ill . ' I' 'I lull m it |• j • I*l -ifi IJI mi dlip' >«i|l4 Money lui»tii'i| m, i|ipr'iv 'l •*« tirlly Wr 111 Vlt 1 f 1 t'MIJi Ili ■ t :i« • Mil ||| #ll 11 till, I»F F: I 4 TIN Hon H. ,»». HUM. ... I|.M | W. H WHHlroii in \ M Ifimvi'i M M. Hwi'i 11. y I I Maa II < I' 1 •»11111 •; I 1. «mH'• M 11 -/)• M M 1 i-nan, w W II l.iiil. 11l I * 11111 IIMILIIIII* V Ml W 1 Mi l .null. . It- 11 M.i ... 11,. |,i.vl »l Wh. I, V. mii I tiubscriho lor tlio CiXIZKN Hotel Willard. Reopened anil ready for the accommoda tion of the traveling public. Everything First-class. : Mils. HATTIE HbliiUlG, o«uer SEANOK & NAGE'S Livery, Feed and Sale Stable REAR OF WICK HOUSE, BUTLER, PA. Tl»-best of horM>« bed lirnt oV* always on baml m it f'"" hire. Itenl acenmiiiUtKiim in town for pi-rtna nent lioari'.iDg and transient trade. Speei al care guur^utned. Stable ruoni Inr sixty-five boincrt. A ftoi-d class of hnr.-ios. both drivers and draft horses always on hand and lor Hale under a foil (tnarantee; and horses bought opon proper uotilicali' ii by SBANOK A NACK. I Telephone, No 'Jl£l EGGS FOR SALE. From pure bred stock at hard times prices, Marred Itufl and White Plymouth Rocks, Kulf and White Leghorns, Mammoth Im perial I'ekm Ducks, $1.50 per setting, s<>.oo per 100. Stock for sale, also Belgian 11 arcs. F. HERRINGTON & CO. Warsaw, N. Y. f^^VCHINEV |>'» not l»«» ij«*» •«! fi«ii bv a 11111' I*s MtvwtliN'i.icntiufi J tliUik younm Hr t itu« |»«wi iiiaii«>, Ittumt fltiißli iui'l MOST POPULAR *KWIMQ MAOHIM 1 fir n »ii«rr '«►»»«• t-ur from nHuMn inm -f. liif -r t ..i.i ynliintf ii r«>fnil*ll<iti • n ' i I .>«ilim Tin if Ii flour lit tlin wi»rl«1 »!u«| mil • junl tmnbnt • "imtnii-tlon. ilnrntiiitti i»f ».-ilni p-.i: - in.t iM n of IIIIImII, l»k ojtp.44raii. 4Vir li%« .1 improv. iii*i<t.iiui ti. • NKW HOMt WfllTE FOR CIRCULARB. Sew Home Sewing Machine Co. 1 'IAHII. lUrfTON, MaMM 'in t'WI«»»l Hv» 4MR, N.f . MJ.. Mr, IXM'IM. Mo. biUa* LTKIAI, Art-A*TA, Ga. rOR UALS UV J. B. McDEVITT lienler In Bewin« Mnohlncn, I'iaiioii and ()r«an« next door to Y M. (J. A. build in|- - Itutlw Pit. liny the light-ritfittlikpc. Now Home, Mnwlng maohiiitt, porleol «atidaotii>n un>% r anteod, never <"ti out of jriler. Whce tc r & Wilson New No. i) l amity Scwin&v Machine. Rotary Motion £ Kail Hearings lUKi I r Easy kunninc. Quiet, Rapid and Durable. Sewing Machines for I amity and I nctory one, lor all grades ol (loth and i.cother. !l|icco anil l>urnl>ll(y. I nclory mid lit nil Olflce, Bridgeport, Connecticut, L. S. A. FOR SALE BY Mi-NkY mi-Hi., DKALEH IN llnrilwurc, Sloven, Htrwinjj MmbincM, N'red lin for nil kludi <>f .HVIIIJ: timilliin-4, It., i Wiediinj; Mm-hiiie*. etc. N. MAIN ST BUTLER PA. N. 11. rollil 11 it li< I Sewttlg Mm hill' . It'HII ♦ i li Up. nun hinen repaired TIN WARE AND HOOFING A SPECIALTY. L. C. WICK, in M.I M i- KOIKJII Worked Lumber Ol' AM. K INI »'i. I loots, Sr h, liliti'l t, Mouldings, Shingles and l.allt Always in Sto» k. I IMi:. II VIP AM) IM ASTI R j offlei- oppoiiiti 1'... \V. Hi put. BUTJLEE, PA, ! | D. T. PA PE | $ Tbe Leading Milliner} House in Boiler Coonty. <> © The first shipment of SPRING BONNETS, HATS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS i > etc. has arrived. THEY ARE BEAUTIES, and at prices way below ' ,1 Jf the usual prices for early Sprint; goods. If you want a stylish | * OF Bonnet or Hat now is the time as we have all the new < > shape- lor Spring la stock. y Retneni'wr we always keep in stock a full line of MOI'NRI.NU BONNETS, < ► £HATS, \ fcILS AND \ EILING: ;t!s» a larjr* h:ie».i Communion WREATHS AND \ tILS. { > I i). r r. papb; I; O i-2 S. MAN ST. .>L fL- . I'A \2i . MAIN ST 4' y K >o©ossot »oooooooc<oo4oooeoe0( OOOOOOOOOOOOOGeoOOOOOOOCK/GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1 Punc* is | I tuafity /y- fe Power, f I Hitch your I ylj $ But be sure! business ]jS It it's in a | works to a $ $ Fahys Gold«| I good watch. | | ! filled Case, j; g Ajjd that you buy it from *|j E.GRIEB, je^ e e ler . 139 N. MAIN STREET, BUTLKR, FA. J. S. Young. J. S. Young. I desire to thank the public for their very liberal pat ronage since I went into the merchant tailoring buittess, and to show my appreciation of the same; and in order to make room for the extensive line of spring goods that are daily arriving, I will SJII anything in my stock at greatly reduced prices. J. S. YOUNG. Tailor. 101 S. MAIN St., - . . BUTLER. VA When You | Lay Out Money I ** sure ,h:lt y»u arc getting the real ' . j No. • Hoaj Bugcv value of the price you pav. ! 1 Fredonia Bugg LS«i i | ———————— ■ every penny they Your dealer sella them. cost you. | | TIIC PRCDONIA MFG. CO., Youngntown, Ohio. 1 -rr-ri-rnirriruuuuuLii ' Natures Best Stimulant is a Little Good WHISKEY. % It 1* wonderful how much good a little whiskey does the system. How often are we worn out, listless ami dispirited finding fault with every tl Ing ai:«l ••verybodv, hum not knowing the rea son why Try some Silver Age Rye Whisky as 11 tonic, ami you will wonder at its immediate effect. It helps to rebuild wasted tissues, re store circulation mid stimulate nature. What is Silver Rye? It is a whiskey tmule fnitons for its purity and medicinal i|ualitics Doctors use nttd picscrilie, Hospitals are never without it and every house hold in the laud should keep a liottle- - It is Sold by Druggists And first class dealers atf 1.50 j>e< full quart, or will be shipticd to your address on receipt of this amount, il there is anything wanted in good liouors of any description, we have it nt lowest prices. MAX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquors, 82 Federal St Alloghony, Pa SUN I) EOR CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST; MAILED EREE ON A/'l'l./C. l T/ON. The New-York Weekly Tribune FOR » . I'.VKR Y nictnbrr of Uy-M,,. KVKKV family rut tOBBL. KVI-'.KY firm, '■"Sf ■ J*- % \ 'w KVI'.K V State 01 Territory. \ ', «. «-v. t ' I' • <o«e>- » \ TL I I'*OR I ducation, \ V ' l'<)K Noble Manhood, * FOR True Womanhood, I'P til V '"M I "''t'tt nru • of the Nation .ill important news of the iVorld. I'M ( 1 I V "'li-di! 11; .tt k< u reports. 1 * biilliant and iti'.tt iclive editorial*. J r |' (i | VFiS l.i dnatiiij; -hurt stork . •in ucexi < lint i 1;;ri« ultural department J f | 1 (|| VKS M ;,l, d mn. It-inieal information. illustrated lashiott arlit Irs, I'P f * I \' KS ' ,um "" ,,,s iHn'tratioii'. 1 utei t.iinnu ni tn > »»tin{* and old. IT <iIV MS satisi.ittinu evetywnere to everybody We furnish "The Citizen" and 4t N. Y. Weekly Tribune" f-OR Si.So VIM YIiAR. ('ASII IV ABVANCU, IHf. CiriZEK Willi- y■n 11 inline anil address oil a |swl«l 1 aid, send It m <Jeo, W. Hcst, Tlihiuie luiildmg, New VOl k City, and u aatnplc cupv ol TillC Nr.w V'jkk Wui'Jii.tf 1 KibUNK will LM: luallcii tu you