the: <^itize:N.v .■'■ J. /. THURSDAY, MAY 13, i? 97- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Registers Notices, Road and Bridge Re ports and Widows Appnusmente for June Term. Application for C'hnrcb Charter. Eatray Cattle. ' Donthett & Graham speak "right out. Raffs "Green Goods.' C & T's Busy Days. Money to Loan. Notice to Teachers House for Sale. Wallace Shows for May 27. NOTE -All advertisers Int.-nJlns.' to make changes lu their a*l»- should notify us or tht lr liiu-ntlori tudowi, »v>t Ultr than Mon day roorntnfc. • Administrator* and Executors of estates can secure their receipt books at the < IT I 7.EN office. LOCAL AND GENERAL, It is May. it is May. Come let us away -la the fields where the wild floWers (frow; Throw care to the wind. And leave sorrow behind. It is time to go Maying, -you know! —Have voa seen the air ship'/ —May flowers are *low coming. —The wire screen is again to the fore —Spring onions are now in strong flavor. The shirr, waist girl has discarded her coat. - The snmmer boy is now kicking off his shoes. —Summer railroad schedules next week. —Get your, application for license in by the 31st. —Auctioneers can secure their note books at this office. —The small boy. will get the circus fever early this season. When a woman can't find anything to do she cleans house. —The Grove City cadets will be here 0:1 Decoration day- the 29th. —The ambitions of some men aie never fulfilled until they are filled full —Co E will go to Philadelphia to night, to take part in the parade of Saturday. The apple, plum, cherry and pear trees are in blooin. but the outlook for peaches is sliui. - The storm of last Sunday evening j was a success a« a street cleaner also as a mud maker —lf yon. want some draying done promptly, call up C. Martin, Telephone No. 214, Kearns' grocery. —The Rescue Hook and Ladder Co. have engaged Fred Weigand to train them in their hook and ladder drill. The people of Mc-Kean St., and those who are making changes in their buildings think that Butler is all torn op —1875 children attend the public schools in Butler Teachers can send in their applications for positions till June 12th. —Lock your doors and windows. At tempts have lately been made to bnrg larize the residences of J. M. Leighner and F. M. Keene. —A Bradford marksmen who has heen rehearsing with a gun that kicks complains of severe "shooting pains in his right shoulder. —W L. English is said to have been dragged and robbed near Middle Lan caster, a few days ago, whileon his way home from Harmony. —One of the strangest sights that can be seen in Butler, almost any evening, Is the chimney-swallows going to roost in Mrs. Snllivan's chimney. —Bnpd't Cheesman has found it nes essry to change the date of the Teach ers' Examinations for Saxonbnrg, Pros pect and Bntler See list. - -That Welsbach street light would be all right—with enough of them. No proposition has yet been made to Coun cil for supplying the town with them. —The Second Brigade will encamp at Conneaut Lake. Jtily 10th to lKth. The railroad company agreed to furnish ground, lumlier and ice, and bnild a switch, free of charge. - See Ralston, the famous high diver, with the Great Wallace Shows. He has no eqnal. He dives from a higher pinacle and with more grace and dar ing than allothers. The insurance for that million and a half fire in Pittsburg was divided among so many companies that none were hit very hard.The fire will cost the L. L. & a. of London $61,500; the Hart- ford $41,500 and the Union $550,000 Onr grocers are paying 13e for hut | ter, tic for eggs. 25c a dozen for rhuharh, 15c a doi. for onions, 10c a |>onnd for lettnee, 25c a does, bnnche® for radishes, iAOc a do/., bunches "tor asparagus, 35c a Im. for apples, Wlc a bn. for navy beans, SIOO a bn. for onions. - The menagerie with the Great Wal lace Shows is worth more to a child than a whole term <rf natural history in school Don't let the young folks miss it, for it is the largest and la st ■elected collection of wild beasts that ever toured this country E. Wayne street and the bridge part of Centre avenue are to la- paved with Brady Run brick and W Cunningham with Canton brief Nearly all the dif ferent makes of fire brick have been tried in Butler We would like to see the Asphalt blocks tried on some short street. JJv proclamation of the Governor, May |!Mh Saturday of this week will 1« n publie holiday in this State not, however, effecting the laws relating to legal holidays, the maturing of com BM-rcial paper, etc He invites the Deople of the st ate to help make the Washington monument dedication in Philadelphia on that day a great, oe casion - At a meeting last Thursday even ing of the Fir t W»'rd Hose ( it was decided that hereafter the running team should practice Monday and Thnrsday evening-', preparatory Tor the sniiimer racing campaign Harry Worth was elected as-istant captain to have charge of the team during the al>- sence of ('apt .Tolin Ayres Here's hop ing Butler will have the champion hose racing team of the world when next fall comes. Such beautiful things in the heart of the wissls; Flowers, and ferns and the moss! JSuch love of the birds, in the solitudes, Where the swift wings glaiiceand the tree tops toss: Kpace of silence, swept with -ong Which nolsidj IJ'.U nit, »;.M1 .1 bo\ . JSpaceH whei" myriad creatures throng. Sunning themselves in His guiding love. LKGAL NEWS NOTES. Clara Beigley ha- petitioned for di vorce from W G. Beigley. The 0/ A. J. Sloan, of Allegheny twp . was "p!T>bated E J. Dodds has brought action of assumpsit against Wm J and John M Voegtley. for S4OO. The case of Robert Hogg. Jr. vs Wm. Bailey was argued in the Snperi< r Court. Monday. The will of Jacob Lung, of Jack.-i n twp.. was probated and letters granted to John A. Eichert. J. L Purvis and Emily Montgomery! have brought suit in trespass vs. C 1 and A, W. McDonald. X C. McCnlloagb. Dr Hocken'oerrv and C. S. Kerr were appointed a com mittee to inquire into the alleged lunacy of Mrs. Kate Schwaiger The following wills were probated: of John Hanna of Clinton twp . Janus Walker, executor; of George Bohn, of of Clinton twp. Margaret E. Bohn. executor: of Maria A Liebler. of But ler twp . Harry Grieb and Matt Liebler executors. On Tuesday the Clinton twp. tax j caws were argued l<efort- the Superior Court, sitting in Pittsburg. These cases involve the question as to wheth er or not a wife's property on the prem ises can be taken for taxes and also th.' constitutionality of the Clinton twp. special road-law Wednesday, the Dr. Johnston, Gobi vs Scott, and Capital City Ins. Co. vs j Boggs cases from th's county were ar ' gued. The .Superior court will adjourn I next week. W. L. Reep, of Parker twp., aged T»; years has been held for court in SI,OOO bail in each of two cases against him for cutting gas and steam lines. His farm is leased for oil and gas purposes, and the old man claims the lessees had no right to sell gas from the lease, and six different times he cat the pipe line-. J. W. Wight one of the fore men of the laborers on Spellacy's contract on the new railroad, was committed to jail last week by Esq. J. B. Cunning ham on a charge of felonious rape upon a child of W. H. Hoch of Clinton twp. Constable Stratton bronght Wight to Butler, Clerk Meals took his recog in SI,OOO arif' Wight left the country. Wight boarded with the Hoch's and the case is of an aggregated nature, as the child is bnt nine .years of age. Robert Lawrence, who was charged by Isaac Cohen with keeping a disorder ly house, was given a hearing before Alderman Potter Friday evening. Isaac Cohen was the prosecutor in the case, and introduced testimony showing tliar one night last week a crowd of young men had congregated at Lawrence s place, and had made night hideous with their carousals. After bearing the testimony the alderman held Law rence for court. Lawrence came here b few weeks since from Piano, Butler lonnty. where he bad l>een postmaster, and opened a patent medicine and cigai store on Moravia street, near the Vul can iron works. He kept bacheloi ■ hall in the rear of the store, and it wa; here that the disturbance took place. New Castle Naws. A decision was made lately by Judge Criswell, of Venango Co., in a case that is attracting th« attention of the coun ty commissi' nenj in nearly every coun ty in ifae S'-jie. The compulsory ed ucation law of May 16, calls for the enumeration of all children be tween the ages of H and 18 years by the county assessors and fixes the amount they shall receive for the work, but does not state from whom they shall re ceive their compensation. John H. Mcpherson, assessor, brought suit against Venango county to recover for sach work Judge Criswell decided that as the county pays assessors for all other labors performed by them they shonld also pay for the enumera tion of the children. LATE PROPERTY TRANSFERS. C A Abrains to W J Rninberger, lot in Butler for $4,000. T C Kennedy to W C Evans lot in Mars for $375. W J McKee to Thomas Bester lot in Butler for SIOO. John L Kirkpatrick to J W Itedick, lot in Renfrew for SI,OOO. John T. Miller to P B & L E It R lot in Clay for $350. P Sanderson to P B A L E R R acres in Clay for S4OO. Margaret Heyl to <i A Milliard 06 acres in Muddy-reek for $51,050. Win Watson to W II Hill lot in Buf falo for SWQ. M E Bole to Martha S Bole property in Millerstown et al for S7(S>O. Martha S Bole to Jacob Reiber lot in Butler for -1000. Sophia Stehle to Jacob Reiber lot in Butler for sl. Laura Shaup to Sophia Nicklas lot in Evansburg for $l5O. Frederick Wagner to Margaret Reanser, 41 .acres in Jefferson for sr>:i4.:ti. Casper Kiianff to Henry Knanff, 555 acres in Jackson for $55652 H5. E McJunkin to B J Green, 50 acres in Jefferson for SISOO. Jno T Griffon to Jaa B McCalee, lot in Butler for $1550. A E King to J N Curry. 10 acres In Concord for $l5O. Emery Beighley to M J Boyle lot in Prospect for $250. D F Reed to J D Marshall, lot in But ler for $2*500 Jno C flrahain to C O Campbell, lot in Butler twp for WOO. MARRIAGE LICENSES. John E Altenbangli Pittsburg Emiua T Tait Butler D P Fleeger Sistersville W Va Margaret E Morgan Petrolia D W Holtzuian Renfrew Lixxie Uinstead Renfrew Claud Murtland Fairview twp Maud Campbell Concord twp J B Dnnlap Donegal twp Nora Swartzlander Fairview twp At Mercer Harry Calderwood of Butler and Mary E Hutchison of Mer cer Co. At Conneaut, O. Al G. Beavei for merly of Butler and Laura Phillips of Conneaut I Hweet the days of «i>ringtime weather, the jova of fif»* we feel; ' When the bloom in on th'' benther, j And the blooinera on the wheel 'l'hin i» the hint <>f tin live summer i uiojjtli" mi ga* rates, A lead peucil udvertiHeinent in KoihethiuK new for Butler outtride of the stationers lint Loyal H. McJnnkln the enterprising Insurance Agent haw ;i thousand of them, with hi* name and businoo on them Try one free gratis, j for nothing A load-talking fakir struck Butler, vt-t< rilay, which moved (tie now hoary ' headed Poet of the ('onnoquem-s-iing' to rhyme, thnsly. The first fakir of Spring He didn't do a thing i But bellow out loud And raise a biK crowd. Another vein is J.rt Jll> m d for next W< ek Foil SALE Handsome seven room cottage house »n VV Fulton Si Kle vated locution spring water, la::;e lot, splendid view, good title lmjiiire at this office MONEY'TO LOAN On Mr*!. mort g*t^' - at fi pei "i rit I>y J l> Marshall, Att vat Law 112 W Diamond St , i Bntler l'a. Bicycles repaired at White, Walter &Co s. Prices reasonable Hoarding House carib with act of Assemtily, 25 ci nt> for half a do/en, lot sale at CITIZKN office. Vox I'opuli- Buy your clothing under wear, hosiery, hats, raps, sox and neck wear of l>. A. lIKCK and save money. —Job work <>l all kind done at the CiTr/i n < tvyictt. Oh Man lis > >ll vy tto -,cc the bij. I of cIr.!IJC II.» SUJTF» at HHCK'.S only ! fi.25, yon can't get the same in town for J leas than $2.50, PERSONAL. 1 John Swii'!- ger of Evans City ha | been granted a pension. Daniel Heck of Oakland twp.. was in .! town yesterday. Dr Bricker "caught a cold"' and is • | laid up with tonsilitis. Levi Boyer of Lanca-ter twp. wi- in t j town on busines.- Tuesday. Co.. Superintendent Cheesman of \ Portersrille was in town, Saturday. W. S. Wible and son Charles if Penn twi w re in town, last Thursday. 1 Phillip Sutton t Penn twp. and F.stj, j Snyder of Bridy were in town last Sat -1 urday. Dottie Book \. r ; - well enough to vis:t j her neighbors. Jas F. Brown's family, last Saturday. Gottlieb Kradle of Butler twp.. is re- \ joicing over the arrival of a ten-pound j boy at his home Samuel Graham, of Kaur .- City vis | ited his father Edwin Graham of W Sunbury, last week. • E.-q. Moore and Jon Morrow I Worth twp. were in town on legal bus: j ness. Monday. Phillip Burtner vi-ited his daughter, Mrs. John Richey, this week. lie :' yet in poor health Harry Graham attended ibe funeral of hi* uncle. Edward, in \V Suni>ury. yesterday. Ed McFarland. the hands- .ine hotel clerk, sjient two weeks in New York : and got home last Saturday, he enjoy I ed it immensely. ('. (' McGregor of the Hotel McGreg or. and his wife were the guests of the the Hotel Butler, Tuesday Mr Mc- Gregor keeps one of the liest pnbli • houses in this part of the country. Mrs. Daniel Brunmett, o! San Berdi no, Cal., is visi;ing her father Henry Wagner. Sr., who is now in hi j »4th year, and very feeble. John Wagner, of Chicago, a son of Henry Sr is <ils ) here. N. W. Campbell of Clay twp., grad uated from the law school of the W e-t Virginia University, this week, and won first prize 11 the Intercollegiate, contest. His subject was "The French Revolution." Mr. James and Miss Mary McKee en tertained a number of their friends in a most hospitable manner on Monday evening. Yesterday Miss McKee and her mother left on an extended viMt to friends in Cincinnati. Iliey go via steamboat. Miss Emma Tilit and John E. Alten baugh, of Pittsburg were married at the home of the bride on Mercer St., Tuesday afternoon by Rev. Collins, in the presence of relatives ;;nd friends. The happy couple left on the evening trr;in for Pittsburg, where they will re side Dr. Bell and familv returned home from Pinehurst. N. C. last Friday. The Dr. looking better and feeling better. Capt. Ay res and wife were also benefitted by their stay there. Pine, hurst is about 1 100 miles from the coast in a fore t of pine tr< <-- Mr Tufts of Roston, the Uiillionare sod,' fountain man, bought 10,000 acr< there for SIO,OOO. Then he cleared off several hundred acres, and built a ho tel and cottages. The cottage, ar> furnished complete for housekeeping (excepting the linen) and cat! be rent« at reasonable rates A strong and high wire fence surrounds the place and bv 10 p. in all strangers must be outside of it. Mr Tufts also built an electric railway from Pinehurst !'• Southern Pine on the llaleigb •and Augusta R. R., a distance of six ifiile the place is becoming popular with people afflicted With throat and lnng weaknesses and his enterprise is prov ing a paying one. Another man bought and cleared several hundred acre?, in that neighliorhood and planted it in peach trees and expects to make money. Some Butler men have pur chased several thousand acre;- near Ascheville. about 175 miles west of Pine Hurst in the mountainous conn try. Wtit Pennsylvania Normal Assembly. The above is the official title of the educational institution that will oiieti its first se--ten at Exposition, Park on Conneaut Lalo . July •», IW»7. The Assembly will continue in sen sion four weeks, closing July Wth Trie school embraces The School of Prdagogy established two years ago. King's School of Oratory and a School of Music. The best talent from the three State Normal Schools, Edinboro, Slippery Rock and Clarion, together w;th emi nent specialists will have charge of th' instruction in the school of Pedagogy The City and County Superintendents and Principals ol Ea.-tcrii Oino ami Western Pennsylvania will conduct daily Round Table Meetings. Dr By ron W. King of Pittsburg, Pa., will have penonal charge of the M-hool ol oratory, and Mr. .1 M. 810.-te of \Vwyn» burg Pa., will wield the baton in the sch'iol of Music. It is confidently believed thai this will lie the greatest summer school in the State and from it- cooperative na tare is expected to Is- the most profita ble. The tuition js extremely low, onlj SIO.OO for an entire course, and the liv ing expenses can be made as low as de sired. Those interested are earnestly solicit ed to addrt ss the president R. Iv ' raw ford. Titusville Ca . for technical infor mation concerning this New Assembly, its. aims, advantages and location will ; be ready for free distribution in a few ■ days. L i Change of Time on The P. & W. f 'Hi the forthcoming Summer time card on the P. Ac W., taking effect Sun 1 day, May Kith, s >me radical changes 1 have been made in the arrivals and de, ' part tires of passenger trains The • figures are not at hand for tin- week's edition, but are promised us in tim« fur publication next week, Passenger folders will be placed in the hands of all local agents not later than Saturday of this week. Business men will do well to secure copies thereof Notice to Teachers The Butler School Hoard will receive applications for }>oritions f».s teachers up to Saturday, June 12, at 8 o'clock p. in. the election to t>e held on Wednesday , the 16th. Application# for position* as janitors will he received up to the same tiriK- Applications must he filed with the secretary. Hy order of the Hoard. THOMAS F. NIGGKL, Sec'y. COMMKNCHMF.NT AND WKI>I>IN«, PRESENTS. W'jhave just received a new and ele gant line of goods suitable for com mencement and wedding present!-, con sisting of watches, chains, charms, rinj;-. of nil kinds. Diamonds loose and mounted. Solid silver novelties, rich cut glass, etc , which we offer at glitter ing inducement* In the way of price :. K L- KIRKI'ATRICK, Jeweler. Next to Court IIou:,e. A Bicycle. Would make it very ucccntabh- cotii ineiici uient present Wis li.ive the lin ist line, it' t!i<' lowest prices, to elect from. Wnrri. w u.tkk <V <'<> To The Wool Grower. Word will I H? ii little higher than hint He;i"on. We expect to keep up with the market ami pay the hi.die t price in eush. A TKOUTMAN AC SONS ARK YOU INTERESTED. The liutler Collegiate Institute is! . your eonsideratiou became, It prepares teachers for teaching, students for college, young men and women for tlu practical duti' . of life. It offers the lu st VOCAI, and INSTK' MI."STAI, instruction.. I The SUMMKK NOK.MAI, will give tc:i< li ers and students a chance to review and make up studies. Ym may enter at any J time. Send for dfrular . impiovcil Vr'i: Cam-ras • .hint received at White, Waiter A- C'oV CHURCH NOTES. Thirty-two people joined the United Presbyterian Church, last Sunday— thirtv -one being received on profession, and one on certificate. The Evange lists did some good in Butler. The last of Dr. Carlos Martyns lec tures in the interests of Christian Citi zenship was delivered in the U. P. church Sunday evening to a large audience. Six lectures were delivered in all and if the people of Butler, and other cities who hear the same just put in practice what they have heard preached to them, it will make a vast improvement, local and national of the United State- Dr Martyn prea -hes that sound old doctrine. "the man in local politics and the principle in na tional. " A temperance lecture in the form of a "chalk talk ' will be delivered in the Grace Lutheran church this evening. It is free to all. PUBLIC SCHOOL GRADUATES. The following list of public school graduates has been furnished by Super intendent Cheesman Harrisville boro., Alice Moore and Paul Brown. Slipperyrock twp., Mary J Woolford. Millerstown lioro.. Charles Forquer and Edward Hollobaugh Donegal twp. M. Pearl Young, Kate Dipner, John Pontious. Mamie Graham and Wesley Sip< Lancaster twp., Chas. E. Read, Jno. X. Cooper. Chas. K. Shanor, Albert U Lueben. Albert H. Metz and Richard Ramsey. Adams-twp.. Richardson and S. 15 Little. Allegheny twp., Kate McSherry, Myrtle McCandless. Ella McGinnis and Edward Koblmeyer Brady twp., Bertha Snyder. W. B. Lntz and Maine McNees. Franklin twp.. Mosine M Hemp hill. Maine A. Fletcher, Ida M Rajip, Arthur McCandless and Otis M. Wei gle. Penn twp., Charles C. Adams. Petrolia, Genevea E. Dean. Kittie Kneale. Allie Given, Arthur Starr and Hellen G. Carlin. Fairview twp., Minnie Hoover, John Ilouge, Grace P. Miller, Carl C. Beck, Grace Mortimer. Mamie Pickard, W 111. Rigney. Maine M. King and Julia E. Story- Parker twp., William Patton. Clinton twp.. Hattie C. Bickett. Mil ton Muder, Tillie M Seftoh, W. C McCall, Thomas Ferguson, and Jenni* 11. Hay. Middlesex twp., BerniceE. Campbell Clay twp., Frank McClung, Jay C Coulter and Alice Sea ton Centre twp.. Bertha Carnahan, Hen rietta Hoon. Concord twp., Charles Catlin, Lolo M. Kuhns, Gertrude Wick, Lottie E. Flemming. Hartford Flemming, Ross ( ampbell and Anna Russell. Oakland twp . W. J. Benson, (iertie Benson, Laura Bippns, Minnie Beatty Everett Pierce. Isabella Donellv and Cei elia Benson. An Enjoyable Concert The; concert gfiven by the pupils of E. Otto Davis was indeed an enjoyable affair, and shows that Butler in among the l>est ot them in the music line. Each number of the program was ex ecu ted with a precision and marked ability, which goes toshow the thorough training they have received. The solos by W. Forest Hull and trio by Mr. anil Mrs. E. Otto Davis and Mr. linff were exceptionally fine. In all it was an <'X hibitiow in which Butler may well bt proud. Showmen Who Arc Courteous. The (ireat Wallace Show i.-> noted foi nothing more than it is for its t."our teons treatment of patrons Once they have paid their money and pas: ed in side the mammoth stretch of canvas, they regarded as guests, and are treated as such. All questions are politely answered, and parent# can Make the menagerie a good schooling , for tin children. Well informed at 1 tendants are constantly present to dis j cuss the habits and natures of tin | many wild creatures which have beet, I collected from all lands and seas ot j the globe. Everything possible is don< to make the show lioth instructive and ! interesting At Butler, Thursday ' May 27th Lqw Rates to Washington, D. C. The 1 ist of tin- Pennsylvania Railroad i Company 's Spring excursions to W'.i-H i ington will leave Pittsburg May 20 i IHK7. Round triji tickets good within ten ! days ar . permitting of a stop over in, Baltimore in either direction within limit, will be sold at rates quoted below good for use going on special train, or | on Train N'o. 4, leaving Pittsburg at < 8:10 P. M., returning on any regular! train except the Pennsylvania Limited Special train of parlor cars and day coaches will be run on the following schedule: — Train leaves, Rate. Pittsburg 8.00 A. M $9.00 Butler 6.25 ~ #.OO Freetiort 7.411 ~ 0,00 Washington. . .Arrive 7.15 P. M Pullman sleeping cars will be run through on night, train leaving Pitts burg at 8. 10 P, M. Should the number of passengers not be sufficient to warrant the running of a special train, the company reserves the right to cary participants in this ex cursion on regular trains. Tickets on sal<-at Pittsburg, at Union Ticket Office, ilfio Fifth Avenue, and Union Station, and at all stations men tinned above. For full information ap ply to agents or Thomas E. Watt. Pa setiger Agent Western District. Fifth Avenue anil Sinitbfield Street Pitt burg Pants -Over aoao pairs to select front, at prices, oh well, don't mention them, its awful, where; ;>t lIKCK'S. A BARGAIN. A Hardman I'iauo Which cost s4so' Must be sold as the owner has left town' It can be had for f 160, spot cash. In quire at this office. < »ents Congo and • tjiera hook timbrel las for 75 cents at. the PKHI'I.I.H STOKI. Do you want a hat or cap? Hkck has litem and can save you money. t 'nderwear a specialty at H Hen's His stock is largest and finest ever offered in Butler. Say Papa did you see 11 Ken's neck wear, it beats anything you cv r saw. Good work harness for two horses our own make, $25.00; checkliiies for let*, than leather is worth, at MARTIN DOUU'f & Co. The liutler Lubricating Oil Co. has moved back to their old stand 119 W. Jefferson St. Steelsinith & Patterson new building, where all kinds of engine, machinery and illuminating oils 0/ the finest quality are kept in stock in the basement, and will be delivered to any j part of the city when ordered from C, li. I Mclntire, agent. F< >u SALE A new "drop head Wheeler &' Wilson Sewing MachiiH' Inquire at this office. Music scholars wanted, at laH W. Wayne St. Bicycles for 1897. This year we are selling the following well known wheels Cleveland, Victor, Monarch, Phoenix, riunol, Hercules, Stella, Defiance, Benton and Crescent. Prices $25 to ijir»> We keep tires and everything that is needed about a bicycle also Vive Cameras and supplies, bicycles for hire. K. L. KIRK PATRICK, 1 Jeweler. WHITH WALTER .S: CO. 1 Arc Itiug the inmou, High Art li! I .'Supplies and ail kinds of repairing done. 1 Improved Vive Cameras just recti red ; i;ti ycles for hire. ACCIDENTS. Etbal Allen, of Callerv, was kicked in the face by a hur>e a few days ago. He was taken to a hospital for treat ment. Will Manny fell from a ladder a few days ago and was badly biuised. A boy named Pardee, of Ziegler ave.. found a gas-leak on the street, last Sat nrday. applied a litfht to it. and now wishes he hadn't, for he was badly burned. Wui. Doerr. who work* ior Richey. j fell from an ice-derrick Monday, and j was badly braised about tfie head. A Letter For You. Unclaimed letters nt the t'ost .ttiee at Butler Pa., week ending May 10, I*o7. Miss Maggie Adams: Mr. Win. J. Clark: Miss iSadie Copper: H. Craw ford, Esq.; Mr. Joseph Darling: Mr. A. Filby 2 . Mr- Kate Huston. <are Ada Hnston; Willis Hutchison. Es<j. Ms Ti.mey Howard; Mr. Charles Johnston Miss Bessie Kamerer I. G. Lehman: Miss Kate Martin : Mrs. Sarah McGin nis Mr. John Pogson: Carol Reichner W. B. Strong. F>II. : Bertha Sarvers; II Steinner: Mrs E. W. Smith: Mr. Baxt. ■ Trevar: Mr A J Withrnp. FOURTH CLASS MATTER. Miss Laura N. McCaw. In calling for these letters please say advertised JOHN BROWN, P. M PANTS THAT FIT. Made of goods that wear, and keep their shapt. We are turning tlicm out by the hundreds and the values are so far ahead of anything you ever saw, the goods themselves so perfect, so stylish, so thoroughly up to date, that much a-- ina\ promise you ill find more when you get there .; IUTI.KR I'A NTS C< « 125 W. Jefferson St. —% block west of Berg's Hank. FOR YOU TO THINK ABOUT Note 1 The Butler Business College and school of Shorthand is the best place to get a thorough training in txjok keeping, shorthand and typewriting, ari thmetic, con tin rcial law, geography, reading and spelling. Call and investi gate for yourself. You will be couvinc ed. That's business. Note 2. If you would l>e a first class accountant, hook-keeper or shorthand writer,don't expect to attain thatdistinc tion In - taking a cheap course, or a course because it is cheap. Never expect something for nothing. Pay skilled in structors price., tint skilled labor natural Iv commands. Get the Lest. We liire only the best teachers. Business men have confidence i.i our methods. We slake our reputation 011 our graduates. That's business, too. Note 3. If you are a sclif K> teacher, spend your vacation with us; acquire the art of shorthand and typewriting, 01 make of yourself an accountant; you will increase your earning power. Isn't that business. This College is located l»etween the Court House and Hotel Williard, and re mains open 51 weeks it> the year, indi vidual instruction, students enter at nny time. Correspondence solicited and vis itors made welcome. J. M. Bashline, President. Butler' Pa. Sox and shirts, all wool and a yard wide, cheaper than the cheapest - 'it HECK'S 121 N. Main St. —The best place to get your harness and parts of harness cheap, is at MAR TINXOURT & Co LOW PRICKS IN MUSICAL GOODS. Some special prices at Grieb Nt Lamb's dissolution sale n <w going on. New Pianos.... S2OO and up New Organs and up Guitars $4 and up Mandolins fj-5° and up Violins Si ,50 and up Autoharps f2 and up There are also some second hand in struments- pianos at ?35 to ;i< ■>, Or gans at S2O to 90. Harmonices and other musical instru ments at proportionately low rates. Strings of all kinds constantly in stock. No 118 SOUTH Main ST. Widows Appraisements. The following yrldo>v's appt .isuients of p« property and real er*tat« apart for the tx'fH fii of tin willow.** of cJ• have IMM-II fllt-l hi tin* OIHCM of the fieri: of <>r pliaus Court of Hutler <' vi/.: Widow of John Kelly. $43 70 \V .1 I 11• k. (real and per- Honul) I 0 : .lacoh L .John iton JAM*! Adam Ivradel . UNO 00 Levi M«-<iowriu, (realty) :tno o<> Beriia rd Keruper . IWO no Kohert M' |.! haiiey 111 "■■» Jamai P Cbniptwll " Henry Keller tw All person-* Interested In the above an ;»i .isleuicnt s will t aUe not lee thai they .Mil i»<* presented for confirmation to t he OrphatiN Court of Itnl ler count v. I'a., on Saturday,the liitli day of .lunc.A. l>.. I*W7, and If 110 « \- eentious |>e filedi they will Ik* eoiitlrrned aL IS AA <' MKALH. rierk <>. f\ Road and Bridge Reports Not lee Is In re by (riven that the following road and brldgeM have IHM»U euofirmed nisi by the Court and will be tireseuted on the llrnt Saturday of June < ourt. IW7.' belnK Ire 12 day of {tain month, and If no exception* ar* tiled they will he eonflrn.«" ut ely KDNo I. March Hesalons, HUi Ift re petl -111 in of <* j t Izcns of township and vleinlty for county bridge oyer a branch of ItufTalo cnMik, at ;» point on road leading from llutlvr to Mlllerstown (lower road) where said road said creek on the fat fu of I lent > ** I r®d©rlck. In Done## township, hecember 7. I*l*l, viewers wen t \ p pointed by the Court, and February :.V. I-'.1., report of tiled, statlfltf I hilt tin proposed hrldtfe Is ne. • ->-»arv and that the same shall require more expense than ll is reasonable that tile township of Donegal rthould bear* and locate Kite thotoof tlw natni , tow* hip I • , ; • Landing and I i I I no i halite I* nei trv In the bed of the public road. Marh U, I*'.i7, approved: notl< |in lie I'lveii a- cordlnr to the tub of Court arid to be laid before the {(rand Jury at next term liv I n». (*ot I IT. ; I: l> Noil. March sslons. KC In re'petl ten of e|tl/» »is of Ja« lison township, llutli-r • count y. I'a.. for a public road on the oli| plank road at <i near the MPl.iiy shoe »hop, ill lb' township of .lack- VIII, ami endliiK A; a point on TIE (>l,llllllll tad neat the Boavi 1 road, lb the town ship of Jackson. December 11. I •*'.*». viewer, appointed by the Court. March I M»7. report of viewers tiled, stating that Ihe pro|H»s«d road Is ne« 1 ttry and havt • > •. ■ n road butwww the |M »l u1 sna ined the plDbftblo wwl of ma K said road, ti\*• liilndn d d'dlars. t<» be borm by the Uvwnahln and daniagen asnen ,« d (foiiy tlollitis) l • l».iiile| K.ipt March |M»7, approved intl fix width ol foad it f. . ; notlee to be :'lv• r 1 aci oidln;: to rule of < ItY TtWS COLMU Kl» No . March S«*Mote., IKIV In re petition "T .11 i/« 11 -»« .r Parkt 1 township But I fer rounty Pa., torn br!4(?e ovei tin |*tigh I I «>rd ovei li« :ii • I' *• k hi l'urk« f oWie.blp. oil I' ti,< road 1 "ili from the North WiQthluifton road to tin l^alrview and ttrttiti 1• - "l wTiteh en . aid Bt at creek i" #a!d Patki»r town sh 11'."at what If k 1 own tit Push' ford. I n , . 1 0 1 17, irli Nrem tppolntetT by the Ckiurl ? and February XI 1 •• 1 porl »f viewei HI stating that the proponed brldtf' U neees s iry and the «'rectlonof the sana will re ijiilre piote i-Jtp'• 11 ♦ than 11 i«* n asonable that it.* towuship of Parker aboold bear, and locate thi site then of the name antown ( fthlp Inidge now standing, 1 Ino eh < 1 l in > . ssary in tin- bed of puhMc road coiired • | jnjr with Hald bridtft March 8, 1887, approv ' 111. .Notlee |o tw J/l\'eri a• ' ortl I '• rto t nil of I (/ourt . I.' Ito 1 laid he fort •he « .1 and Jut \ at next let 111 Uv Till. < ofirr t ertllled from the record- this 'H. day of I. . I . I ■ \\< MI \ I ■ i lerk Q. H i "UtL APOLLO GAS LAMP. r 1 [ .POutl \ ; yv . X / /.POLLO "X \ V Price complete with By- Pass and Glass Chimney $2 00 With Mica Chimney utjo. W. biiiieiiiil, AGKNT l'(»K llU'i'LliK, CO OIL XOTICS. Tin- i>nrcha>iiiK agencies are paying , 556 and stj to-day. EVANS CITY —At Evans City Green let> Root have put their No. '•} Win Ramsey to pnmping an<l have a 50-bar | rel producer. Th.' same company is drilling Nos. 4 and '< < n the s;»me farm. I Their Xo. Samuel Rarrsey i> drilling and will he due this week It is locat : ed near the Turner well on the Younji farm, a 75 barrel producer Burke, Marshall & Co s No. 1 on the J ! Ronoinus farm has l>een in two months 1 and is making 100 barrels a day. The wells in the Evans City territory show . staying <j:ialiti. - :il>ovo "he average arul | considerable new work is ,-tarting in that locality. His ler A: Co. s No 1, Ranisev came in yesterday and started off at 15 i<bls. an hour. Thi.~ l«xation is alnint 40 rod:- southwest of Barnsdell & Co. s well, where Brownie was killed, and was so generallv condemned by oil men that Eisler conid i?et no one to take an i interest excepting Cal. Patterson, who ! drilled the well Billy has SO acres and it will make him rich. The well was reported to be doiir_r bbls. this morning. It is on the Mnrbnrger adjoining the Ramsey, and Eisler has it all excepting a one six j teenth. Trunks, valises, bags and telescopes ot HECK'S. LEGAL ADVtRTiSMENFS. I Application For Charter Notice is hereby given that an appli cation will be made to the Court >f Com mon I "leas of Butler county, on the "th day of June, 1597, at 10 o'clock A. M., under the corporation act entitled "An net to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," ap . proved April 29, 1574, and the supple ments thereto, by Win. Thicker, Henry A. Piel, August (ibcrndoerfer, Wm. Thiel inan, I-'. C. Windhorst, August Werner, Hugo F. Milltr, Christian Thielnian and J. I*. Bratschi for a charter of an intend ed corporation to be called the Evan gelical Lutheran St. John's congrega tion ol Mars., the character and object of which is the suppoit of public wor ship and benevolent work, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges con ferred by said act and its supplements. J. I). MABSHAI.I,, Att'y. Estray Cattle < .line to the premises of <ieori?e Minkiii in Winfield twp., near Carbon Black, on Friday, May 7, 1H!)7. three heifers one black, polled, one light gray, with horns and star in face, and the other red, horned, and with white saddle and white belly The owner is requested to come for ward, prove property, pay charges and take them away; otherwise they will l>e disposed of according to law. GEORGE W WATSON. Clerk. Sarverrfville P. O. Butler Co.. Pa. AUDITORS NOTICE In lie. Final uc- In the Orphan's c 01: nt .f John Kohrier 1 ( ourt of Hutler < 'oun ad iu inl st r ator or ty. Pa. <>. C No. in John (*. Kuuse, doe'd. I»«*c. Term, IW7. l>n petition for appoint merit «»f an Auditor to (Ihirlliute balance for dNt rlhutlon. the Court ma<le the following order: •• (prll 9)11.. I ihe wit bin petition presented In open Court, and upon due eon >idc rut lon « ourt appoints (MO. W. I'U-ejfer, Auditor for the purposes within set forth liv Thk < OURT. ('••it i tied from the records, t hi-. ;vm h day of April, Iswr ISAAC Mkai.S. < 'lurk 0. ( . I will ;it tend to the dntles of the alnive ap* |M»lntment at mv otHce In Huth r. I*n on >ai ninlay, t lie ISJnd day of May. IW. at 10 ociocU A. M.. of which ail parties Interested will take notice. <!!•:<». W FLEEOEK. A uditor " AUDITORS NOTICE. In re final aeeount of J. Walter Hartley In the Orphan's land K. McJtiukln < -onrt of Itut U*r Co I*H. l.\ rs. of Wrn. I tart O. No 4*l J line Term ley, dec*d. J 1897, Now April lit. I*l*7. the a hove petition heitur nre ent« lln open Court l»y McJ link ill t«.il fircat h at; oriM-y.-, foi -»ald executors, «in du*- consldeiation the nrayer thereof Is granted and Andrew G. Williams. llsi| . is appointed audiloi to inaki dlst rlhu lion of the l»alaitr«- II iiamK of .aid e\« -utors to and amoiiv f liiKe i nt It !«-d there*. ♦> according t<» I a .v. and ntko report tliorsof to this Court at Junt Term next. Hv THE t 'ou BT. A I part h s intere ,ted will take not let that I will all nd to the duties of my appoint ment a auditor in t In-alovc case at the of l|c«« of Williams Mltciiell No ||n, Diamond >t Ituth r I*a,, on I'rhlay, May 'll I*'.i7. at l'»o'clockA. M.. at which time and place all parties Interested may appear and he heard ANDREW <1 WILLIAMS. A uditor. Orphan's Court Sale. Ily virtue of an order of sale, Issued from lilt <». pli.oi > < '••in t of I'.ni ler i\ . , ,»t No ... June Term, I«li7, and to me directed, I will expose to public aale on the premises at 11 A. M. of Tuesday. May 18th. 1897. I lie following described real estate of Uos anna Landls. dee'd., ituated In Cranberry twp. liutier Co. I'a,, ud bounded and d« scrilM'd as follows: On the north t»y lauds of (tordon MllllKan. on the east by lands of (Jeor#e lloehn's heirs, on the soutn by lands of (iordoii and on the west by same; eonlaluliiK live (.*») acres, more or less, ami havliitf Oiefeon ere<-ted a four-r«Hime<l frame <1 welllnif C'ioumc. frame stable, and bearing orchirtMl of choice fruls irecs Tills property Is all under fence, lu 'oiulltlon. ami fronts ««n the public road h-adinic to l-'reedoin. I 11 IC.NfS OF SALK One third of the pur chase money lu cash on continual lon of sale by Il,e Court, and the remainder iu two e.|ual, annual installment . with legal Int•• r >t thereon from said date: deferred pay ent to be securud by l»ond and mortga • on tie- premises, which are to contallt an at - torney s commission of .» per cent, lu case of •ollect lon by legal | r«.(•<• is \Ac N W KltiliT, Adm'rof Itosarina Landls, dee'd. W II LUHK lit I Lot I Bt ' rCo Pt Notice in Divorce. Int lie ('ourt of t 'mil- I rank l» Met hesuey. uiou Fleas of Hut ler vs It'o., I'a. Mice t». Met hesney AD. No. 4fl, Dec.T.. 'Ml. J llook 17. Fage 'J3U. To Ami r. U. Met Two siibnoenas r. al»ov< cas« having liern r< turned (N K I you. Ihe said A lice <*. Mc < 'hesney, atn»ve riatned defendant,a re hereby required to apnear In said Court of < 'oriiruou I'ha-. to be held at Ituth r Fa , • »ti Monday, t lie 71 h day of June. IMlf7, being the tlrst day ofne\t terru of said l ourt |.o answer t he said eoinplalnt and show cause. If any you have, why .HI absolute divorce from the IHIIIIIS «»f matrimony should not h< granted to said I ra nl« I r Nl cf In Sliey VOII ar« also lie ruby not Itled T hat the com plaint In the cam will Ix heanl buforu i bid • ourt and dutorralnud on Juno N IW7 at which time and place you are notified to WM It I loons. Sheriff. Administrator's Notice. I.ettei'. of administration on the estate of Captain Isaac 1.. Hoycr, of Lancaster twp., Butler county I'a., dee'd., having Iweii granted l>y the Register of said comity to the undersigned, therefore nil persons knowing them elves indebted to ..ud i state arc requested to make sjK'eily paynient and those having claiins against said estate can present them properly authenticated for settlement to LKVI HOVKK, Administrator Middle l.aneaster, I'. <). K. MCJUNKIN, Att y. Executors' Notice. Letters testamentary on the last will and testament of James l'arks, late of lliddlcau tw j>.. Batter Co. I'a., dte'd.. having been granted by the Register of iid county to the undersigned, therefore all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate arc requested to make ■ peedy payment and those having claims against the same enn present them prop erty authenticated lor settlement to WI LUAM PARKS, and ROIittKI \V. lIt'XTON, F.x'rs. C.ladc Mills, I'.O. li. MCJUNKIN, Att'y. Executrix Notice. | Letters testamentary on the estate ot | Jacob 1,. Johnston, dee'd, late of Sum mit twp., Ilutlcr Co. I'a., having been granted to the undersigned, all |»ersous ' knowing themselves indebted to .std rs 1 tate will please make immediate pay ' nient ai d any having el'iirri aj-ainst wiul t . <late ivlll pre.i nt 'l'-' duly authenti e ited fv/i seUlc4li 'it to MRS. Ei.i/AHHTit JOHNSTON ICx'x. Ituth r I'. (>., I'a. , WI 1.1.1 AM.S& MITCHKL.I., Att'ys. 1> , * erhaps you ilon't know how R , : ead\* we ate on relation to prescrip ! tions it will not be amiss to ( 1 your attention to the \> ! eliable I - i intelligence r A rompt service jjiven T <> everything of the kind placed our hands prescription department i\ A ever was so comete s ave you money too. C. Itf, BOYB. f harmacist. Diamond Block. - Butler, a Administrator's Notice Letters of administration oil the es tate of Rosa Read, dee'd, late of Adams twp.. Butler Co. Pa., having been giant ed to the undersigned, all persons, kn vim: themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay nient. and any having claims against •aid estate will present them duly au thenticated to ISAAC X WRWHT, Adm'r. Lovi. Beaver Co. Pa. \V. 11. LD.SK, Alt v. Administrator's Notice. Letters of administration on the es tate of Rosanna Landis. dee'd late of Cranberry twp., Butler Co. Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons, knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make iiiimedi ate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated to ISAAC N. WRIGHT, Adm'r, Lovi, Beaver Co. Pa W H. LUSK, Att'y Executor's Notice. Letters testamentary on the estate of Marv A Cowan, dee'd. la'e of Middlesex twp., Butler Co. Pa., having been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment,and ail}- having claims against said estate will present them properly authenticated for settlement to W. D. BRANDON, Ex'r., Butler Pa. Executors' Notice. Letters testamentary oti the estate ol William Gilghrist, Sr., dee'd, late of Cherry twp. Butler Co., fa. having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said es tate will please make immediate pay ment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement to W. H. GILGHRIST, Moniteau, R. B. GII,GHRIST, Butler I'a. lixr's. A. B. C. MCVART.AND, Att'y. SHERIFFS SALE, V.. I) No. VI and 74, .luiu l Term, I*l*7. W. I> Brandon anrl MrQulstlon & Moon*. Atly'* Hy virtue of ;i writ of |'|. Fa. USUIMI out of tlic<'«furt of ( ormiMUi I*1«;IH of Ituthr t'oun fy. I'a., ami to ni«' dlriM*tftl, there will IHI nx p'ox fl to publl«-sah . at t In* court liouso. In tin* borough of Itt'tU-r. Pa., on FRIDAY, TIIH lith DAY OF MAY, \ 1). IMC. at 1 oVIorU P. M., tlio following dencrlbod propi*rty, to-wlt: All tlie rljrht. tltlo. Interest and rlalui of (•"nrdorlrk Pfaln*. of. In and to two a« res and om liundred thlrty-tlirot* p«»r<!lu»M. or less, situatrd in Haxouburg Inirough, Uutlcr roil nty. I'M., IKXI (I<I<*<I as follows, to-wlt: I*'routing on the north Hide of Main street Ino I • * t front ixtendlng baek north 74 IH' relies ami lii links, lN»und«*doti (lit l went hy lot of Martini Nt'her, on the north hy lot of Krt'drrlek Kaui'r, on tin-east hy lot «»f Chris tian SUHihiceii, and ke«'|iliiK the saine length UKI hreadth aforesaid, said des<-rl»*»d lot of ground lieltig nart of a larger purchase of hind by.l A Konhllng. I <' K«H»hllng and wife, by deed dated July Wh, A. I» IH.V* recorded InOeed 11« H »| v No. 17, vol. 2, page j '.Hi; having aa t wo-.ntory brick house, used a«. ;i hotel, fravm bam, aud otler out buildings erected thereon Seized and taken lu • ■ \ecutlou as the property of I'rederlck I'falM at the suit of Jose nil Kohnfelder et al. WILLIAM 11. hODDS, SherltT Sherinr s omce. lint ler. Pa.. April 2h, IHtTT. JOS. HORNE & CO. THE PLACE TO BUY SILKS is where you can v{"t what you want, get the best of what you want, and get that best the cheapest. That covers the whole ground of our claims for our silk department. We claim the Largest Variety, The Best Qualities, and Decidedly the Lowest Prices. Here arc some illustrations which will show tile truth of our claims: Printed Foulards, Printed Indias, New, bright, fresh, clean, stylish pat terns, nothing old or shelf-worn or un desirable, including a number of Carre check patterns, so intensely papular for Shirt Waists, never sold for less than li.o<> a yard before. These 75c, 85c and 91.00 silks for FIFTY CENTS A YARD. Taffeta Silks These are fl.txt and some are $1.25 1 quality silks, Checks, bright plaids and mosaic patterns, all shades, maikcd at Seventy-five Cents a Yard. Changeable Taffotas A really magnificent assortment iu the new shades of purple, cerise, blue, green, tan and gray, at Seventy-five Cents a Yard Send for samples and for our Spring Catalogue, ntK | where you saw this 1 advertisement. I.nee Curt iln Buyers will do well to get our Special I,ace Curtain Catalogue. Penii Avenue and Fifth St., prrrsßUßG. Want Any Wall Paper * We Have the Liitest and Best. Now Styles Cheap and Bar. gains in Old Stoek NO TRASH OF ANY KIND. An Immense Stock in Tho Basement. TO SEE WALL PAPER AT DOUGLASS 1 1 241 S. Main St. WE SPEAK BECAUSE WE * * HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY About our Mens' Bov's and Children's Clothing. WE HAVE SUITS THAT ARE RIGHT. i Goods Right. ( ( / Cut Right. / / Look Right. S ) Made Right, y ) Wear Right, v COME RIGHT IN AND SEE. Douthett &• Graham. Main and Street. FIRST ON M mm DECK OU# l INK OF SPRING NOVFLTIES JO your inspection It's your privilege JB (flp whether you want a suit now or not, jV U you'll find u> strictly uu to date and with the largest line of new >" !Q afr the county Brown overplaids, fir scotches, serges Oilack and blue, 1 fancy cassimeres and homespuns, JC ALL 07 CLOTHES SCHAUL & NAST. Leading Clothers, 137 S Main »t. Butler Pa. ... > - . LL +WP JJ The Wise Grocer. Will try to induce his customers to buy the very best gro ceries in the market, because by so doing he makes a sale that will give satisfaction, and it is the pleased and satis fieil customer who builds up the grocer's business. We have some of the very best goods obtainable which we sell as close as any house in the county. I.eave us your order and we guarantee satisfaction. The Butler Produce Co.. C l MOORE, Prop'r 130 W. Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. IF YOU GET IT AT THE BUTLER PRODUCE IT S FRESH. Summer Millinery Our stock of trimmed hats is larger than ever be fore, but if you don't see what you want your order will be filled while you wait. Children's trimmed hats from 50c to $5.00. Ladies' trimmed hats from 98c to $ 11.00, Look at our corsets, we can fit any figure. Our Muslin Underwear apeaks tor itself. MARKS'. -#§■# 10S S. Main St., one door South of Butler Savings Hank. p-GREEN GOODS/"" I A Wc have them —not counterfeit bills, but the newest thing in Shoes. The> are all the rage in the larger cities. i j Ladies' are made in dark green vici kid with silk vest- . ing top, in hand-turned or McKay sewed. We have 4 them in all sizes and widths, A Ato K. at $ 00. $3.50 W2 A and $4 00 per pair. Men's arc also made in dark green M j vici kid with green cloth top. All sizes, widths 13 to h. J I'rice $3.00 and $3.50 per pair. 4 A ► J We also have the largest line of Chocolate ami Ox Woods, in both Ladies' and Gentlemen's Shoes to be M found in Butler County. ;j A. RUF?& SON, i IN SHOE FASHIONS. Butler Pa. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS. Harmony. May 21 « Mum. May 35 liutler, Jimo l'i. 1: rn in, May i! 7 ('birora, MHV 38 Snxonburtf. Slav -H I *n Ht|Nict, Jmm 1 1 .sunlmrv, Juno'"J N.irth Washington. Juno Kan < 'lnir«\ .1 line --1 1 InrnHvillt l , Jun« !i.i Slipperyrofk, June '»'•! I'm trrHvillf, July 10. Hutler, July if*. Examination* will coinnmnoi* prompt ly at tt A. M. Applicant* nitty ttae ••i t)i«-r pencil or )m-h but pencil with not! |in|K>r N jirrfHiTiHl No private « x tt in imit i< >riM will !»• given All frienda of ilmation nn> invited to lie present at examination* H I, CMKKSKMAN, ('<nility Mni>erintcndcnt Kxmmnation for Permanent Certificates. 'l'll- committo ii|>poitit<'<l by t In- Hint*' NuiHsrlnteiident will hold an ex am illation for Teacher's Permanent tVr titi.-itfs in lint lor on lb)- 7th ami nth of M KllllJ? till! b, ;,, Wi! pllx'K J>« ♦ ID-lit lui reuulret 11.• I<>i-• -im-ni! to the | i-oi. ■ initlieforc fiitfrin ; thecxaminit tion. . I LoYAb FkM.MAN 11A1.L., Chairman of Com. ' Practical Horse Shoer A WILL ROBINSON, formerly Horse m Slioer i«t the Wick House has # opened business in a shop in the 5 rear of the Arlington Hotel, J where he will do II orac-Shoeing \ in the most approved style. # TRACK AND ROAD MORSES A {SPECIALTY. EYES EXAMINED FKEK OP •» R. L. Ktrkpatrick, Optlctan trnd Jeielei Next to Court House llutler, l'ote Grailnatc La I'ortHaroloijicl lustitutc . Wwri i KAiTint i Mf simfluMi'N |»» liHVt'i for i hlmlillhliiml imiiM' iii IVimvyl vittila Halnrv and « IN»h|i loii |n*rtimiioiit. Kcft-r --«*lH- Kim lose fttlilllptxl 1311- m Th© National, Htur luauruucv BUlg* Chicago
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers