rt r-fl'vrf 1 Miir ,rr~ ■ t&XKXHfa | DOWN. J U It took fourteen rounds tor Fitzsimons Qk JQ to knock Corbett ont. It took thirteen M U| ballots to nominate a Republican Con- gressman in this Ccngressiona 1 district. )0 It costs ten dollars to become a member of the Butler Board of Trade. It takes fIP only SS.SO to buy a set of our own make Uk 5 * Buggy Harness with wide curved breast |v ; collar and made of oak leather. This is \J the best harness for the money we 1*- U K V lieve in America. Ot course we have i f 1 them as low as *3.5°. but you know and I 1 we know this kind is no good, don't f d I wear, and liable to break any minute and I * 1 horse run away and break your neck, all 1 (0 Uk I for #3.50. Xo, No, we don't say such I JO B stuff is good. Vou always know what ' a / Martincourt & Co. say call be relied up- I \ U £J on, and the price is always right. Xo V fIP extortion, no deception here. Our capac ity for making harness i? thirty sets per (BP week, and buying wholesale as we do, Uh and paying no rent, why can't we sell cheap as any factory, and we do. \\ e jpk U never had as large a stock of buggies and wagons as now, and never as cheap. MP j IS. B. MARTINCOURT & CO J M S. B. MARTINCOURT, '2B. E. Jefferson St. g 6 J. M. LEIGHNER. Bntler Pa Charming Spring Styles IN FINE FOOTWEAR. Many of which : are'.toibe seen here alone, a mammouth collection of captivating novelties in shoes. It's a grand spring stock that awaits your inspection. WE START AN ELEGANT LINE SPRING SHOES FOR MEN AND BOYS Of best vici tan kid, and Russia tan calf skin 8 distinct r Vylcs. They combine all th e advantages of higher price shoes in fit, shape style and cc.'or. Prices in men s Russetsl.so, *2.00, £2.5°. *3<» ancl *4 °°- curcc OUR MEN S $2.50 AND S3 01) RUSSET SHOES Beats anything to be found in Butler, more styles and a better quality for the money Don't forget to see oor men's fine shoes, new coin toe at .1.00, $1.25 and Ji.so. youcan't match these in Butler. The boys Russet at fi. 00, #1.25 and fi.so take the boys by storm. LITTLE OENTS LACE SPRING HEEL Shoes Q -n'A at 75c, 90c, SI.OO and $1.25 are gems just like your fathers. MEN'S WORKING SHOES SF.RVICABLE At 75c, fi.oo, $1.25 and (1.50 in creedmore bellus tongue Butler's Leading ¥\ p IIITCPI TON ° PP ' Shoe House Dm\j» lIU JCLI Un Hotel Lowry. g YOU ARE WAITING For your prescription don't fail to look j „ . over our line of perfumes, we have re- / i » ceived some very fine ones lately, anil i will be pleased to have you examine ___> Ar them. " f Pi We also have a very large assortm nt -V of tooth brushes made expressly for us } " wbi'. h bear our stamp, these brushes we guarantee and request tbe return of ydfTl/ any thit prove unsatisfactory. '* You may need something for your ~ ' M» V ' chapped hands and face, and if so we **" recommend Cydonium Cream as a fine _ s* toilet preparation. REDICK & G ROHM AN T DRUGGISTS. PEOPLES PHONE. 114. I'UTLER P A The Wise Grocer. Will try to indue* his customers to buy the very best gro ceries in the market, because by so doing lv makes a sale that will give satisfaction, and it is the pleased and satis (Llj *>f Red customer who builds up the grocer's business. V.'e have some of the very best goods obtainable which we sell as close as any house in the county. Leave us your order and we guarantee satisfaction. The Butler Produce Co., C L MOORE, Prop'r 130 W. Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. IF YOU GET IT AT THE BUTLER PRODUCE IT S FRESH. ; pooooooooooooo^ooooooooo< : : "THE COMMERCIAL," \ \ |W. K. THORNBURG Prop'r., Evans City, Pa ? i ) This popular house lias just been entirely remodeled ft \ > and refurnished. Everything convenient, and guests A ( located near Postoffice .ind P.& VV. Depot. When X .I. in Evans City t->p at the Comnr.crcial. Bell Tele- if I phone No. 16. jr Advertise in the CITIZEN. Ladies' Gent's and Children's Russet shoes in the popular shades, chocolate, mahogany and ox blood, lace and button in all the widths A A to E pointed and the new coin toe, with the new vesting cloth tops and all leather. There will be more tan shoes worn this season than any previous one, they are cooler in hot weather than black, besides being fashionable. Lrices in ladies, $1.25 to f3.00. Infants and childretis 25c to 75c, Misses fcizes 11 SI.OO to $1.50. Our Line of Dongola and Vici Kid Shoes. Is cor.\plete in all the newest lasts, direct tc> us from the l>est manufacturers. I.adies Dong pat tip button 75c and $1.00; Dongola at fi.25, sl-5° anro tecta the membrane from cold-. r stores the Klines of tasteand « i !. J'rice "> .n: 1> nor by maii. ELY UKO i il£l£:>» W Warren Street, New York. lim —mwttow 9 j> 1 pure whiskey x yon hardly know what that means © unless you've obtaiued your supply g ft from our stock 2 EOT DO*. Q el Prl»»t« «tock. 12 yra.old, 2.00 20 00 Cj Ct Gibson, 10 " IS" !»• 00 « g Finch. 8 " »•« 12.00 O B Gib.on. t " >«« 10.01. y b Finch, 8 " 100 in on {0»«rl»olt, 6 " 1.00 iO.OO end we put them up in FULL quarts we carry only the fullest line of V n all grades of wines, liquors, cor- >4 1 dials, brandies, etc. Send for e complete price list OLD EXFCRT WHISKEY In the invalid's friend—tie pl>«- i'j aiciati's — the ' itood fellow's chcet j§ fi.oo full qv.arts—si* quarts *5. /j We s«od all fio orelem free of charge to any r.ddres?. JOS FLEAHNO & SON. 'j Wholtlilt r!»;ail Dru^jistt. MARKirr ST.. PiTTSBvKU, • v c s-octoo* ■ THAT TIRED SYSTEM can be made strong by cautious use of pure liquors. We offer Pure 6-year-old unadulterated Whisky, either Finch's, Over holt, Gibson, Guckenheimer, Large, or Mt. Vernon at fi co per full qtL'irt, or 6 qts. for #5.00. We do not say you cannot get purity and age elsewhere. We do say, in 9 cases out of 10, you pay for adulterated substitutes. On C. 0. D. or Mail Orders of per gallon. ROBERT LEWJN & CO,, Importers and Wholesalers, 411 Wi'er St. Opposite 11. &0. Dt-pot, Telephone, 2179 Pittsburg, Pa. , KEVIVO RE'iOßj-.S Vitaiit) MA *^ A 1 '• ■ ' ' '^" '«h .''' KHCfCH REMEDY pi. di.i'cs Ibft above results In :w dajs. It acid pf.vreriully and quickly. tMiros when all fall. Younu raeu will regain tlielr loBt vitality, Ixtst Power. Kulllns Memory, Wasting Diseases, nnd ill elfeets of excess anil Iridi crellon wlilcli un fits one for study, business or taitrrlni; . II not only cures .... lit toe se«t or disease, but Is a K r eai. nerve lonl;; and blood builder, bringing back the pink plow to pale cheeks and restoring the ftp- of youth. It wards •'1 Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having REVIVO. no other. It can be carried In ve. r po'-Ket. lly mall. sl'*) per pnekaße. nr »l\ 15. 111. will' « positive written guarantee 'e < urc or reiund the money. Circular free. AJdress ItOVAL MEDIC-INK' (1. CIIICACiO, I 1.1. I-or Sale hy REDIHCK & GROMANN, SUUCTUKS LAKE riUv/.TK DISPENSARY. PCNI. AVE. AUU FOURTH Bt.. PITTSUUROK.PA Allformsof Delicatennil Com plicated Di.- .1 -us reiiiiiiingCoN ft HKNTIAI. aielSi IKNTIFII' Meil. ication uio treat 1"I nt this Jiis • ,ry with a "nccess ,"f l'hy - 1 -;t es and Surgitu.i:, am'. Is the o! lest and nn. u t :\j r.c iced .Si-ECIALISV in tho < ity. 8| 'at at .eiitloii fjiventoNorvous Debility teomevces iv; n. tal ' "eertlon, l-jdlscretiua of youth,etc., eau.*- 111.; physical and Jiental i{»eriy,lac|. of enerey. ! tioii'..tney.ete.; aijoCi acet s r'.tvl s»,rc-. F its, | i- '. hlieumatiaiu, nod all ■'! 'iscs'>f theSl.tn, I 1,,,, I. I.urt- , I rin.-ir. t>ru'.'ii: -,i Coie--.nation '1 't aii-1 bliictly eonil'h ntial hum* 'it'- •, • -.1 7 U* H r.*M.; Sunday-, 2 to :t. fib . 1 I lit (itiice or adui-cns DPS. I.AKK, C'!'. A* 1. iKDfltit i-i rrsintiuill PHTLA°C V --DENTAL ROOMS - "k; fM - J l til 39 - &th Av«., Pltt .burg, Td M i v>. ' PRACTICA' Y'l M CROWN at.'l w-rl ,( h l §M ifc*" l WHY wot Dor; IJJI fI&YOURSI '■"!'! CROWNS » l"l! J If"" 1 BRIDGE w " rk »" P' Ffii& 18 GREASE BEST IN Til I? U'ORI.D. Itswenrins'i'ialiiiinareunsurpassi d. actually outlasting two boxes of anv other brand. Not effected tiy heat, t fI.KT TIIK ': i:\IINK. FOK b.\l : B?DBAUEBS QSNEBAIXT Chi'limtf *» KittflUh l)l4inoi. I %4>\ •1 I .i' 1 ' it*. i'u'.btda., WiGHTI* For al! Bst iottsand NEHVOUS They fy the KjjS B Tt . ULOJD and give llnuttiv M ■» action to the entire system, fj S Curo DYSPEPSIA, HEADACH!£, CONSTIPATIOK and PIMPLES. EGGS HATCHING From The Best Strains in The County. W. and 11. P. Bocks. Hawkins and Brown Etrir St rains. I{. C. 11 bighorns, White Strain, s c. \V. l.eirhoriis. Knapp Bros, lilitch Mlnoreas. Knapps. Eairs from the aliove breeds *!.(«) per irt; -fiMWi per Kggs from IlulT Loghorns. ( Vrixild Strains) and W \Vyi'ndnlli s. (Ilawkius anil Knapp Urns. HtrafnsJ J1..V1 per I.",; s-.a. M;■ inrmit h Bronze Turkey eggs 1 1,1 r V: 63.n0 per hi. Into, rial Pekln Duck eggs SI.OO pi>r 13; . \ f.-w .'hole. .ekerel„ and drakes fi.r -«»•• F. C. WHITMARSH. Cuylcr, N, Y. 1 THK crriZKX- A Lively Crowd j Col. Peter Bolger tells the story of the j trip made by the Pennsylvania legisla ; tnre to the Grant Monument and the scenes and incidents of the day. in the ; Philadelphia Record. He says there were 856 persons in the j delegation which left Philadelphia at j T o'clock Tuesday morning including' Senators. memlw-rK of the House, clerks ! and special guests. A requisition had ; i been made for only i">4 seats on the i i grand stand and here was the rub. i Senator Crou-e was chairman of the 1 committee of arrangements and was ' ably assisted by Captain John Bare, (chairman of the House Committee on j Military Affairs "Now Sam." said Mr. Crouse, or j rather General Crouse. that title hav ing been unanimously vote: us well oa tiiis o -cis ion In their ivg.il.tr -v ate uniform, which wa the >une as the fat :ie of the regular army, but without their knapsacks, they seemed to win no less approbation from the multitudes than had been bestowed npon the national regulars preceding the New Yorkers. A drowning man would have little use for a method of rescue which would re quire days. A dyspeptic doesn't want t' > bother with a remedy that is going to take weeks to show its beneficial ef fects. The Mount Leljauon Shake's are of fering a product under the name of ! Shaker Digestive Cordial which yields j immediate relief The very first dose ! proves lx»neficial in most eases: and it is owing to their unbound' I confidence in it. that they have put 10 cent sample Kittles on the market. These can be had through any druggist: and it will repay the afflicted to invest the trifling sum necessary to make a trial. The Shaker Digestive Cordial relieves by resting the stomach and aiding the i digestion of food Laxot. is the best medicine for chil dren. Doctors reccommend it in place of Castor Oil. Old as the hills The valleys. Rushing the growler—The dog catch er. That dreadful prostration alter a severe attack of the grip in overcome by Hood's Sarsapa'rilla. A wide acquaintance- Your fat friend. The laziest lawyers aften work with a will. HOC JO r JLi-i euro L•£ »* 111 , lil\~ iousness, Indigestion, Headache. Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c. The book agent is often a man with a history. Willing prisoner -A man locked in slumber. ARMSTRONG'S—LittIe System Pills, the finest and best ever used, A true liver pill that is sure to please. Correct reply to a halting question— A lame excuse. A man oi the world The proprietor of a merry-go-round. NATURE'S Compound is gaining in favor every day. C*. P. Stewart, Salts burg Pa., says: "It has helped me more than anything else." It builds up the system gives a good natural appetite. A military definition of a kiss—A re port at headquarters. What is the best way to keep a man's love?— Not to return it. For Singers and Public Speakers. Usj Aunt xl.iuh tel's E! campaue and Horehound. It is knownjtliat clear white rock candy is the most healing of all substances, and horehound, elohmpaue the very best throat remedies; combined we have Horehound, Elecampane, Urape Juice and Rock Candy, one of the best pulmonary remedies known. Singers and public speakers should carry a bot tle in his pocket. For sale by drug gists. Prise 25 cents and 75 cents. The man with the big nose —The man that knows everything. Advice to vocalists -When yon pitch your key. stick to it. Will it Keep? In reply to a correspondent asking Mr. Speer a 1 tout his Oporto Grape Juice he says he will warrant it to keep any length of time if they are kept full and well corked. The juice is not likely to keep long after allowed to come in contact with atmosphere over 40 degrees temperature. It is excellent for inval ids. "i get around a good bit in the course of a day." soliloquized the wheel; "I guess that's why I'm always tired." "Why does she wear that disfiguring veil?" "My dear 'ooy, you should see het without it!" KNOCKED OUT—A merchant says Morrison Hros Cojgh Syrup has Unrat ed on! my sales on all other cough cures. A man can talk himself to death in the West by simply calling anothe. man a liar. "Patrick, were you a minor when yon landed in Livergool?" Asked the tax collector. "No. your honor, I was a bricklay er." RHEUMATISM—Many cases treated with other remedies, have been cured with Armstrongs "I cure U." It reaches pain, cures pains, bruises, crampcolic, cholera-niorbus, etc, An Irish lad complained of the harsh treatment received from his father. "He treats me," said he mournfully, as if I was his sou by another father and mother. Mistress of the house, taking her ser vant to task; Bridget, 1 am afraid yon have broken your word. Bridget, absent mindedly: Shnre, ma'am, it must have been the cat. DIPHTIIKRIA —Nine times in ten a physician will not be needed if Ann strong's Diphtheria and Ouinsy Drops are used as soon as soreness is felt in the throat. "And did my predecessor not hud a place in your hearts?'' asked the new missionary "Well the next thing to it." answer ed a savage guardedly. Rheumatism Curkd in a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in l to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable ami mysterious. It removes at once the causes and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 centi. Sold by J. C. Kedic, ar.«t J. F. iialpli Druggists liutler Apr 96 Muggins: 1 am surprised to hear that Bjones aud his finance are happily mar ried. They used to 1m; quarrelingall the time. Buggins: Well yon see. they each married somebody else. Carpet Cleaning Time Is here. Telephone or write to W. H. McGeary, West End, who has the best of machinery and does the best work. Carpets called for and delivered. Carpets shipped from a dis tance will lie promptly cleaned and returned. W. 3. McGEARY. People's Telephone 41. i! I brands of White Lead JL isec list arc not made by | any patent or quick process, but |by the " old Dutch " process of #slow corrosion. Thcv arc the best; arc the standard, and have been tor years. Protect your in terests by making sure the brand is ri^ht. - I' \ J \V a 5 •I! intending to pain:. NATIONAL LEAD & OI j German .Nat. liank IV' . , l'.-.. I I "A HAND SAW IS A GOOD THING, BUT NOT TC SHAVE WITH." SAPOLIO IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING YOU CAN T STOP IT. /iTzu IP • /|j. •• itas^- "iS.iSSsp^ GIRLS WILL JUMP ROPE. Let them jump they will not jutup long, the time will come when they will not care to jump. Buy tlicm good shoes and let them go, children are hard on shoes at all times and when rope jump ing begins that's when they wear out the fastest. IRON CLAD SHOES. Will stand the test. We ha\e given this matter of children's shoes careful attention and we feel safe in saying that there are no better made, and if you buy your children's shoes of us you will not be disappointed. ALL OUR LIN S Are complete, you will need shoes or li ppers this Spring, try ur, men's and ladies' fine -hoes 75c to *3.00; boys ai'd girls shoes 75c to *2.00; children's shoes 25c, 50c and 75c. SEE OUR 98c LINE Men's high cut 2 buck.lv plow shoes 9-Sc, Ladies' fine tan and butt shoes 98, , lien's fine shoes 980. The Greatest Sale on Record, DON'T MISS IT. C. E. MILLER. 215 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. AT J. R. GRIRB'S 2 anil 12 Do Not Make Five. It's quite u problem to pleas.* everyone's taste in any line you may select and particularlj ol jewelry, silver novelties, cut glass, etc., but I'm sure you will find what you want in my large stock and at such prices that defy com petition. 1 am making a spe. cialty of nobby and find Goods and want your trade. J. I. GRIF.fi. 118 SOUTH WAIN ST Butler Savings Bank i > tiller, Pa. Capital - £60,000.00 Surplus ami Profits 19,263.67 JOS. L ITUVI-s President J. HKNKY ! i.'<'l T\l A N Vice-President WM. ('A M i'i'.KLl,, Jr Cashier LOl IS H - KK!N Teller I)IKK» lolls -.!• s« i»h I, Purvis, .1. Henry Tro'.tman Wl/ Hf.th ion, \V. A. Stein. J.'S. The Batter Havina Bank the (Hdnrt Hanking Institution in Hutler County. O* ii<* 1:11 haukiiiLC business transacted. We sollrit aoronnts <»r oil pimlut'ers, mer chant*; farzoi ri and others. All Imsiiu ss entrusted t<> us will receive prompt :ti tent inn. imict ua time drposll-.. T n i K Butler County National Bank, lintler 1 nil, ! Capital paid in - - £iuo,ooo.oo j Surplus and Profits - $114,647.87 I Jos. Hartman, Presi'lent; J. V. Kitts, i Vice President; C. A. Bailey. Cashier; I John G. McMarlin, Ass't Cashier. A general liankiuK business tmnsaotcd. If 11 #-r<•"-»! paid nn time d« posits. Mnm;y loaned on approved seeurity. We I»i\ ityou to open an account with this bank I>l lvK< TO lis Hon .ios.pl, Hartman. II- n. W. >. Waldron. In- \. M H.H.%. i II Mc- Sw.rm y, I! I \hram.s. < p. i oiiins. I O Smith. M'slh I' Ha/lctt. M. llneiran. W. \V. 11. I.arkln, John Humphrey, I'r. W. C. Met andl. ss, Hen Ma.set h. M. Wis*-. .1. V. Kit ts. I WANTKIi FAITIII-TL MK\ Ok WOMKN to travel for n s|H»uslble estaliiisl.ed ; • and ♦ \p« n s. Position permanent. Kefer- j I ewe. KiM-iose s« lf-addrt">s<*d stamped en- I velope The National. Stur lusuraure Hldg. I Chiciuro Hotel WW. I ; Reopened and ready j for the accommoda- I tion of the traveling public. Everything First=class. I MRS. MAINE REIHiNG. Owner i 3EANOR &NACE'S ' Livery, Feed and Sale Stable REAR OK WICK HOUSE, BUTLER, PA. The best ol hewn and first class rij(B always on baud and tor hire. Best accomodations ii town fir p-rn:a~ neut hoarding ar.d transient trade. Sj'eti" al earn guaranteed. Stable room lor MXty-fivo hoists. A good class of horses, both drivers and dialt b"rM-s aiways on haiid and for :-ale under a toll guarantee; and horsea bought i up.'ii proper notification by SEAN OK «fc SAC K. [ Telephone, No 219. EGGS FOR SALE. From pure bred stock at hard times prices, Barred Buff and White Plymouth Rocks, Buff and White Leghorns, Mammoth Im perial Pekin Ducks, $1.50 per setting, $6.00 per 100. Stock for sale, also Belgian Hares. F. HERRINGTON & CO. Warsaw, N. Y. IMPROVE YOUR POULTRY. I bred 22 varieties, my stock takes prizes wherever shown. Mammoth White and Bronze Turkeys; Toulouse and African Geese; l'ekin, Aylesbury and Sluscovtv Ducks; White nd Pearl Guiu eas; Barred and White Plymouth Rocks; White and Silver , Wyati'lottes; White, Brown and Buff Leghorns; Black Minorcas; Light Brali nias and Indian Games. Large Catalo gue free. PINE TREE FARM, Jamesburg, N. J. . A. Mount, Prop'r. b« dcc*>lrfd by allnrlnj? &d vert isrrufnt* and thtiw yr-u cen tfcttho Inwt made, finc-t finiah and MOST POPULAR BEWINO MACHINE for n mere sen*. lftiy from ivllablo manufacturer* ■ .1 !..*» trained a reputation by honral and »quar > . r..,- Th*ro tanor.cln the world that can calxju»,Tkju«. r. AN FILIXCIAiCXJ, CAL ATL AJdA, UA. FOR SALE BY J. B. McDEVITT Dealer in Sewing Machines, Piano* arid Organs— next door to V. U. C. A. build in;: — liutler Pa. Buy the light-running, New Home, sewing machine, perfect natislaoti.m guar auieed, never (jets ont of order. Wheeler & Wilson New No. 9 family Sewing; Machine. ' Rotary >ioiion & Ball Bearings MAKE IT Easy Running, Quiet, Rapid and Durable. Sewing Machines for Family and Factory use, for all grades of Cloth and Leather. Speed and Durnhlity. Factory and Head Office, Bridgeport, Connecticut, I). S, A. FOR SALE BY HENRY BIEHL, DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Needles for all kinds of sewing machines, Boss Washing Machines, etc. N. MAIN ST. BUTLER PA. N. 15.—Second-hand Sewing Machines from $5.00 up. Sewing machines repaired. TIN WARE AND ROOFING A SPECIALTY. Subacribu tor the Citizen D. T. PAPE I 5 The Leading Millinery House in Butler Connty. < > © The first shipment of SPRINC BONNKTS, HATS, FLOWERS, r iBBOxs, i > r\ etc - * IJS arrived. THEV ARE BEAUTIES, ami at prices way below 1r the -.1 prices for early Spring pools. If you want a stylish ' ' !'> "net or Hat now is the time as we have all the new { > Q shape i for Spriif in stock. A Kemembt -*v always keep in stock a full line of MOUNRINfI BONNETS, * ► MAT>, \ fcILS AND VEILING; also a large line of Communion Y WREATHS \ND VEILS. < > £ D. T. PA. PIC, i: X \22 S. MAIN ST. BUTLER, PA., 122 S. MAIN ST.\ J Hi! Hinds I of People m §>l> read our Rind of " flds." Reason enough for it, too. /o mi T- —- jL/ Jr HEY arc good "ads." in more ways •J* than one. The strikingly original J- thing about them, is the fact that they tell the truth about shoes. But then— \ our shoes will bear having the TRUTH TOLD about them. T It would be a cruel thing to tell the truth * about SOME kinds of shoes. That is the f reason we don't keep that kind. Have you seen those new Ox Bloods and Cl>ocolatts?«« Thev are now ready. V Tts our pleasure to show then. A. BOFF I SON'S, 1 X* I** 1 ** Roughest Roads ( l * ee ' I " ce ' 3ou ' evarc ' s teneath the springs of \ | No. -R' > - l!u- K y. # / They are strong and beautiful— PfPnAtlfs) 1 \ The wise man's choice in ve- riCUUIIia 1 / hicles. They are at all dealers. J / Made by THE FREDONIA MFG. CO., Youngstown, Ohio. \ Natures Best Stimulant is a Little Good WHISKEY. 0 It is wonderful how much goo