I DOWN. | & It took fourteen rounds tor Fitzsimons K R to knock Corbett ont. It took thirteen Uk U ballots to nominate a Republican Con- , pressman in this Ccnßrcssional district. i M It costs ten dollars to become a member j of the Butler Board of Tratle. It takes £ jm only SS-5o to buy a set of our own make j S Bujyjy Harness with wide curved breast N, (fIP W H collar and made of oak leather. This is / , 5? \ 1 the best harness for the money we be- W : W U lieve in America. Ot course we have I Ok 1 them as low as *3.50. but you know and I •J 1 we know this kind is no good, don t f rV tfc wear, and liable to break any minute and I m j horse run away and break your neck, all I U I for #3.50. No, No, we don't say such 1 Jr, M stuff is pood. You always know what Uk U /'] Martincourt & Co. say can be relied up- M Tj JR (I on> and the price is always right. No y 1 |f extortion, no deception here. Our capac- ity for making harness is thuty sets per jp) ( ||P week, and buying wholesale as we do, 1 and paying no rent, why can't we sell M (M cheap is any factory, and we do. We never had a.s large a stock of buggies (R ■ 4P5 an 'l wagons as now, and never as cheap. ( Is. B. MARTINCOURT & GO j 5 S. B. M4RTINCOIRT, 6 Je«erson St. « , M. LEIGHNER. Baller Pa Charming Spring Styles IN FINE FOOTWEAR. j Manvof which are to be seen here alone, a mainraouth collection of captivating ' novelties in shoe-!. It's a grand spring stock that awaits your inspection. WE START AN ELEGANT LINE Ladies' Gent's and Children's Russet shoes in the popular shades, chocolate, mahogany and ox blood, lace and button in all the widths A A to K pointed and the new coin toe, with the t"new vesting cloth top and all leather. 4kJmV There will lie more tan shoes worn this season than any previous one, they are /. V_y£/a3rr*\, cooler in hot weather than black, besides / 1 A V s4*%/ being fashionable. Prices in ladies, ifi.2s / ' ' ' i v . to J3.00. Infants and childreus 25c to f y/jj j jBWk V 75c, Misses sizes 11 % SI.OO to $1.50. ✓- - ■ Our Line of Dongola and Vici Y ' Is cor.iplete in all the newest lasts, \ 'kjT* /'i*' / direct tr-us from the best manufacturers. -v4ir t»/ lOf i.' j 72SES /"JjT J.- iXingola at f!.»5, *'-5» and $2.00; In -1 fants and Childrens at 10, 18, 25 and 50 cents; Miwes sizes 11 yi, at 75c, 85c, *i-oo W ConhxttXSS: and $1.25. SPRING SHOES FOR MEN AND BOVS «««vw u, VM, .»•> -£l» Tasf^s the advantages of higher price shoes in tit, stiape »V 1L a " Russet |r.so, fJ.oo, $2.50, #3 00 and - HfIPIS OIK MEN'S $2.53 AND $3 Ofl RUSSET SH'JES ficate anything to be found in Butler, more styles and a letter quality for the •r, IWt forget to see otir men'sfine shoes, new coin toe at *I.OO, *1.25 an'! $1 you can t niatch these in Butler. The toys Russet at *I.OO, *..25 and *..*> take the boys by storm GENTS LACE SPRING HEEL Shoes o-13'i at 75c, 90c, »i.oo and *1.25 are gems just like your fathers. Shoe. 9-'3/4 / Ej(ig WORK|N(J SHOES SERVICABLE At 75c, fl.oo, $1.25 and $1.50 in creedmore bellus tongue Butler's Utding |) f UITQFI TON PP ' Shoe House O. t. nu3ELI un Hotel u»r>. WHILE YOU ARE WAITING For your prescription don't fail to look , over our line of perfumes, we have re- /, j celved some very fine ones lately, am! /*) will be pleased to have you examine J 4 ' We also have a very large assortment of tooth brushes ma/le expressly for ua ft A "* wbich l>ear our stamp, these brushes rZsiot&r's(l/' \CtJa • we guarantee and request the return of * \jT-v j \nll[ any that prove unsatisfactory. -- [r~' You may need something for your :.-S — /JXlr cliapjied hands and face, and if so we reaiininend Cydonium Cream as a fine toilet preparation. REDICK & GROHM ANN DRUGGISTS. PEOPLES PHONE. U4- BUTI.KK PA. The Wise Grocer. Will try to indue; bis customers to buy the very U-st gro. /Iceries in the market, Ijecause by vi doin« be makes a ale that will give satisfaction, and it is the pleased and satis fied customer who builds up the xrrri-T'* bti iini -t. V«<- have some of the very Ijent goods obtainable which wp itell as close as any bonne in the county. I/.-ave us yo'ir order ami we guarantee satisfaction. The Butler Produce Co.. C L MOORE, Prop'r 130 W. Jefferson St., Kutler, Pa. IF YOU GET IT AT THE BUTLER PRODUCE IT S FRESH. —- OOOOOOOOOOO0OOOOOOOOOOe-^X i: "THE COMMERCIAL," ]; I K. THORNBURG Prop'r., Evans City, Pa. ( This popular house has just been «-ntirLly remodeled < > ( \ and refurnished. ICvcrything convenient, and quests < ► Located near Postofficc and !'.& W. Depot. When . . in Kvans City t'>p at the Comiiitrcial. Itill Pele- Advertise in the CITIZtN. HUMPHREYS' VETERINARY SPECIFICS 600 PAGE BOOK MAILED FREE. CONTENTS : Part I.—Diseases of Horses. Part ll.—Diseases of Cattle. Part lll.—Diseases of Sheep. Part IV.—Diseases of Hogs. Part V.—Diseases of Dogs. Part VI.-Diseases of Poultry. Samp book in better binding 80 cts. HI SPHBIVS'SED. CO., Cor.HMiM k Jokii SU-,**» York NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAL WEAKNESS and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific No. 2©, in use over-40 years, the only successful remedy. SI per rial,ox 5 via.l* and laxaerial po-wder,for %i :1 by I>ru«*t«t». or «nt on r* :t of or!-#. MLMPJIULVb* 21LI>. CO., Cmr. William M l«ki8to.« CATARRH LOCAL 1 DISEASE •nd is the result c? co!4s and COL■ tut Wen climatic charges. , Kor your I*rotorti'*ts "^3 mercury or &cy oiiicr injur- Ely's Cream BaimP^-^ is arkiiow!cfl?cd to be the mopt thor'.nrh cure for ' Ka?a! Catarrh, Cold in Ileal scd liay few ct all rerrodi*-a. It opcn« and c;e.\ri?t» the nasal h Lj'B jiain ar ■! jnilammatior. heap the f *<*. I'T >- ttct* the membrane from co.il". the iwr«< i of tisit and smell. J'rice ftc. at DrnsgisU or by mail. ELY JJROTIIEIW, 54 Warren Street, New Yor'.u rniMiminirn | P"«*e J ? whiskey | yon hardly know what tliat means S I unless you've obtaiaed your supply ® ! from our stock U DOT. DO*. 0 I Prl»ite stock. 12 yr». old, 8.00 80 00 # I Gibson, lO " ISO 15. OO ■ 1 rtncli. » " 1 •»» "®® ft Gib, on, ft - 1«© 00,, W Finch, » " 100 ««00 \ \ Overl.olt, 5 " »•«<> »° 00 ;,1 || aud we put them up in FULL quarts ( f j i —we carry only the fullest line of 0 all grades of wines, liquors, cor- -j i dials, brandies, etc. Send for a , t | complete price list OLO ExfcnT WHi«yev '> is the invahd • Mend—tf t pb»- ,-j aician's fctandby the ' good fellow'* ch«f> > k. H aeW p<.:lcly and hurr-ly r»f.t'irr« Nervoustiehs. I> st vitallly. I o«>-r. I'kIIIIIL' M'-mory, Want in/ Dlseuscv and ill 1 uf rtc and Indlsurellou. wblcli mi nis one for mnOy, Or marriage. II not onljr euri'o uiniit|iiii. Innlst on Imvliik ItRVIVO, no other. It can be carried In vet pocket, liy mall, fl.wi per imekace. or sir ("r J'. i/i. with h positive written guarantee I«I ure or refund tl i-money, circular free. AJdress ItOYAI. M! OH'INK ' O . CIIKIA'.O. II I. For Sale by KIiLMJICK & GROMANN. i;tj(:roKS LAKii f -» rg, 3 I'HI // TK DISIUNSAKV. fj C C A. h HI. Avt. Al(t< f-OUHTM OT.. fS-j** PITTSBUKOK. PA \ All fori:, of l»:le ale aiid Com jrMr niit: ti *l. and -• ik-tii n:M> I. icaln 1 Hi': treated at thin HI wHli n • -iceiw .od> attaln-d. Ih.S .. I mcnibcrof tie-Ito il < "ill I . - .. j fjtirKia"'') »ll*' l» Hie ol lent and most |H lie lei-.l SfKI'UI.IK.' in til'! eltf. Kper'al lit iitl'iii <;ivenMNervmia Debility I'eome'«lt! 11 nilMTtlon.t idlm rutlori of youth,Me.,eaiiv ,ii|'i.hy«leal an>i cental decay,ln> kof enenry, <|i.»ii '..-iiey, ete,.; aUoC'.aeein '/Id SoiCri, Kit», I'tleKhemuutlnin, and all'li ■ ■ 'i 'if tließkin, , .'l. I.him'., t1 lurirv 'lr/ari ,* li . f'oi.'iultatl 'ii ■,e>. ;,!• I rlll' tly ••'i i* ttlf o*s TOOTH Al II" * Fills HVHT im tiik worti.n. iUwearlr -rjtialltlrtarennmirpiUßiv) », tiinllv outlantlrif IWO bo*.-* of ony other brand Not •*.-ct<«l lijrtmnl I riIKT Til IC « H!NI' INK. rou hai.i; isy I'Ealkic; ;.em:llAJ^ly. Pi '» Pnfllth Iltnwoii'l ItraiiO. ENNYaOYAL PILIS Si* t. Onlf llrfiMlnr- A /-.f', . •«'' '■>■ »""" / / i.i 1 4 a • 1 '• ' ' "• l) ' ,f '"" ' v* m f IM In it»f tkri"' . iHiiuh/I, V* '» » • t'. »l ; ' .•'•la. ritliada., «'» WRIBKYIi® F'.rall Hn-ioe* arid Nuavoou VSII I M tii-.sA-.K-. 'Hi '7 purify tlic i H Hl,'.-'b and (jive IUAI.TIIY B J mM ICtlon 10 the tn'lrr nya'ern. B ■ ■■■■QUi Curo DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, j CONSTIPATION anO PIMPLES. EGGS HATCHING 1 l-'roiri The Beat Struma 111 The < 'ounty. Ii W and I! I' iii.i-l llnwkliiH ui'l 111-own \ UK >I raln», I I < ' It 1.. !' I".II. 'A I,lf -train, - 1 W. I.i rftiiirtii. Kua I>|l Itr'M I 1 111 1 1 Mltiol Kll UJiJe lJ I KK" friito the aliove t.i,l- ||.Mi |,. r 11; • •'m ' |n r m. . , I'.trif from llulf in, \ 1 1 -tialo ,j llhTv WyaniMUa, (llawkliu, and KnapjD . | liro .. -irafe" -I /> i»-r I *2 'M |n-i " I 1 I 'to. , ! .Mauiiiiolh llion/.e Turkey ui'l", <: Vi i« 1 '.I. t no pi 1 II k |||||>< IMI I'' kill I"n-k I ... •! " |.' iI ; "t IH-r Um • A few i-liofcii cc-keri It and'lraki , f ,|,- • ' F.'c. WHITMARSH, Cuyler, N. Y. t I Advcrtiue in ILO ClTi/.JtM. TH K CITIZEN- I T Big Guns. , I ' P i Pnnxsutnwney Spirit) j j A visit to the big steel works at Sonth B«-thleheui. Northampton county, j where they make armor plate and can non for coast defense, is calculated to give a man some ideas of the enormous ; I expense of war. 1 accompanied the Appropriation Committee to the Lehigh ; University recently, and after inspect t ing that elegant institution, founded by ; the late Judge Packer, we were shown v through the steel works. It i 3 an 1m- f mense establishment, employing 4.000 ( men, and it is here that most of the J t large cannon and armor plate fur coast t defense and for the United States Navy ( are made. t* saw them forging armor plate and M casting a cannon. They make guns there weighing eighty I ions*, and are preparing to make one ] | hundred ton guns. These enormous f j engines of war are made of the best of , e the wealthiest community in the world. Everybody lives in a palace up there, t and has money to burn. But as they are nearly all' frugal and thrifty Ger- { mans thev do not burn it. W. O. S. George Miller, employed as helper to } the paper machine tender at Hartje's < paper mill, at Stubenville, Ohio, met with death in a frightful manner. ( While working around the dryers his ( head fell forward and was drawn through and crushed in a five inch space between the dryers. His head was I not released from between the hot dry- i ers until the upper dryer was jacked t up. 1 And now the time has come when f careful honsewivea are moved to parody gentle old Isaac Watts and hum to them selves: How doth the little early moth Improve each shining day, And scatter eggs on every side Before it flies away. ARMSTRONG'S—LittIe System Pills, the finest and best ever used, A true liver pill that is sure to please. Although the bicycler is in favor of good roads he's opposed to road tacks. The summer shirt is going to be loud enough to call out the fir<- department. It is surprising how many more things you believe than you know. Every woman thinks she would be an angel if it was not for the men. When a little old man wants to make an impression he puts oti a high plug hat. NATi'RK'S Compound is gaining in favor every day. C. P. Stewart, Salts burg Pa., says:' "It has helped me more than anything else." It builds up the system gives a good natural appetite. To a man 00 years old it must seem like paying his funeral expenses sev eral times to pay a year for life in suranee. A man can never love anything that he cannot trust. Women love cats. A woman begins to IK; an old maid at the age when she begins to act like one. There are lots of women haters that you never hear of because they are mar ried. When a woman prays for her hus band she always begins by saying that lie is so good that the Lord won t let anything hurt him. Country school terms are closing. RUB.UMA.TISM CUIiUD IN A I)AY. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in I to 5 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable , and uiyiterious. It removes at once tlje causes and the disease immediately dis appears. The lirst 11 owe greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Redic, and J. P. halpli I>ruggists Butler Apr 96 A woman who frizzes her hair all up in the back of her neck would prob ably criticise the man who parts his hair down the back of his head l All the liars are busy digging bait. A Nebraska legislator has introduced ; a bill making it a misdemeanor for any citizen to have in his possession a deck • of cards with more than four aces or kings in it This is Ileform with a very large It | Ull'imiKKlA Nine times in ten a ■ physician w.«. not !«• needed if Arm I strong's Oijihthcria and Ouinsy Drops I are used as soon as soreness is felt in the j throat. A Kansas newsp'iper tells the siory 1 of an Atchison woman who, disgusted at her hnsharid lor putting •>" cent« in the contribution IH»X at church, took out the half dollar and put in a nickel when the plate reached her. The North < 'arolina House of Iti-pre seritativ< H has pasn<*l a bill requiring all teachers in tile public schools to read alond to their pupils at least twice each year the of the I'mted Htates and that of the State RUIvl MATISM Vauy <:a-»". treated with other remedies, have been cured with Armstrongs "I cure 1,'." It rea< lies pain, cures pains, bruises, crampcolic, cholera morbus, etc, American bicycles are said to In- cut ting a wide swath in the English mar , ket The American wheel being light ' er. stronger and more handsome than those of English manufacture are be I ing prefeired by many riders who de I sire beauty, strength and comfort in ' ! their bike • I Negroe-i rarely lieeome Imid The river Nile is 5,000 miles long. The Duke of Fife has ten residences. M There are'!•> monarchies in the civil ized world Wooden sleepers on railways last NI about 15 years. KNOCKED OIJT A merchant says ' ill m L*i»ll Bfo* Coagta Syrup IMM knock i; 1 ed out iny sale* on all other cough cure*. " Signatures in lend pencil have been held good in law The windows of a Persian house are not visible from the street. I A grasshopper can spring more than 200 times its own length The ballot law now landing in the ' Legislature provides a simple form of ballot for the unwieldy one we are com pelled by the present stupid law to use in this state. It was prepared by the Ballot Reform Association of the State. It does away with party columns and groups the candidates for each office to be voted for. requiring the voter to mark every candidate for whom he j wishes to vote. No name appears more than once upon the ballot, although all the party designations for each candi 3ate are printed. The directions about voting are simple and easily understood and independent voting is made jnst as ; easy as straight party voting. Any man who can read this ballot can find the names lof the candidates of his ] choice. The promiscuous scattering of hand bills about the streets should be stopped People who keep lawns are con- ; staiitlv annoyed by them. The proper i place for advertising matter of this j kind is in the newspaper. The same nuisance prevails in all towns. Every day when the wind plays a little the lawns and streets are strewn with fly ing pieces of paper, either hand-bills, wrapping paper or refuse strips. It is a serious annoyance, and also a source of danger, as no object more frequently frightens horses than a sheet of paper that is stirred by the wind. The grand jurors of Clarion county had a poor job last week. They had nothing to do and there is not a single prisoner in the county jail. < >ld Clar ion may yet get her name changed to Beulah Land. For that tired feeling Hood's Sarsa parilla has 110 equal. It invigorates the whole bodv. The wretched est pun of the season, thus far, is in the Pittsburg Times: "If Butler wants the cur few it should tie a tin can to his tail." You never know how dear bicycles are until you come to buy one, nor how cheap they are until you try to sell one yon have bought. A Michigan yonng man's mind is a blank liecause of cigarett smokinge and the report calls it a "strange effect." A teacher of physiology in a school at Port Allegheny, N Y: received this note of warning: "My boy tells me that when I trink ls-er der overcoat vrom my stnmmack gets to thick. Please lie so kind and don't interfere in my family affairs." HOOD'S r*SLLS cure l.lver Ills, Bil iousness, Indigestion, Headache. Easy to take, aasy to operate. 25c. The consumption of soap in Indi only reaches the modest amount of one ounce per head aim nally. More than 2,000 people mysteriously disappear from London every year and are never heard of again. A St.. Paul Judge has awarded a citizen $•"» damages because a motorman refused to stop a car for him. The average mortality among British troops in India is 10 per 1,000 while in England it is only 7$ per thousand. The oyster is one of the strongest creatures on earth. The force required to open an oyster is more than 000 times its weight. It is reported that the rector of a well known Episcopal church in Saginaw. Mich., has decided to go 011 the stage and play in Shakespearean roles. Aunt Rachael's Horchcjund and Elecam pane. Combined with Speer's Grape Juice and Rock Candy for public Speakers and Singers is being prescribed by many prominent physicians, which is a guarantee of its purity ami its efficiency in curing pulmonary complaints. It is used in preference to Cod Liver Oil, ami in many cases the curative results are quicker and more permanent. For sale by druggists. Prices 25 cents and 75 cents. Twelve veterans of the war of 1812 are yet living, with ages ranging from 90 to 10-1 years. The Government is about to increase their pensions from sl2 to stf() a month. In the British Museum Library the hooks that are presented are yellow in color, those that are purchased are red and those bound in blue denote that they came by copyright. St., Louis is to have its Madison Square Garden built on the general idea of that in New York City but it is to Is* styled the Exposition Coliseum. It is to lie ready by next September. Four nailing vessels are lost at sea to one steamer. A sewing machine works 12 times as fast as the hand. Family wines that rival the world in excellence are from Speer's Passaic, N. J. Vineyards. The ('laret vintage IHMI, the Burgundy and I'ort are very old superior wines. The Port is especially for invalids. The Climax Brandy is very superior. A <'hristiania, Norway, firm thatsells American bicycles writes to Hardware saying that Norwegians consider the saddles of most American bicycles less comfortable than those of Fnglish wheels. There are 2!1 acres of land to every in habitant, of the globe. The. cost of cremating a l*«ly In France is only !l francs. The army of < 'hiua is sometimes put down at 0,000,000 soldiers. The Vatican contains 280 staircases and 1,100 different rooms. Fight eggs in every dozen consumed in England are imported Two million pound's worth of gcrman toys are sold in England. An average hive of bees produces '■>•> pounds of honey during the season. A London omnibus carries on an average of 2,500 passengers a week In every 1.000 men in the British army only IH are over six feet in height. A sunflower in a season will produce 12,000 seeds, while a Jioppy bears 112. 000, Doctors are of the opinion that the left leg is usually stronger than the right. Carpet Cleaning Time Is here. Telephone or write to W. H. McGcsry, West Hud, who has the best of machinery and docs the best work. Car,jets called for and delivered. Carpets shipped from a dis tance will lie promptly cleaned -mil returned, W. B. McGEARY, j People's Telephone 41. W\ ' 11 t' 1 a.i run '• N n 0, 11.1,. i r..i 1. ,11011 «ll>l« ' ■ 1 -il.l 1 .1 1. cl I.OIKM- In I'ei.mylvurila sulury 1 11ml iMH iitn Cotillon iiermiui'-nl Iti f.-r I .-lie. I-.IM In,. „If u'Wr' •.■»'«! HtllMlpeU I'll M tojie I ill Nutloii 111, still Insurance lilutf ' i;lilCi|U • /CONSIDER THE COST. Suppose the I 1 building is 60x25x20. It will require \ . to paint it, 14 gals, ready-mixed paint j Or, four 25-lb. kegs of white lead, $6.00; r five gals, pure linseed oil, $2.00 ; four cans -j tinting colors, So cts.; */ 3 pt. Japan dryer, 1 ku 15 cts.; pt. turpentine, 5 cts. Total, ,| £||B £9.00 —a saving of $8.50 in favor of ] | Pure White Lead without considering : j fr its greater durability. Examine the brand 1 ! (see list). CDCC By using N»tional Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Cnl- t u. rs free; «i ll** Ui\ •*--r—_- also cards showing pictures of twelve houses of d:tTerer.t designs pamted ia J llrj }] various styles or combinations of shades forwarded upon • u intending to paint. > NATIONAL LEAD & OIL CO. OF PENNSYLVANIA, German Xat. Bank Building, Pittsburgh, l'a. "A HAND SAW IS A GOOD THING. BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH." SAPOLIO IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANiNG. YOU CANT j STOP IT. / /T5 'i xjM p / , YRE GIRLS WILL JUMP ROPE. Let them jump they will not jump lonj», the time will come when they will not care to jump. Buy them good shoes and let them go, children are hard on shoes at all times and when rope jump ing begins that's when they wc-ar out the fastest. IRON CLAD SHOES. Will stand the test. We have given this matter of children's shoes careful attention and we feci safe in saying that j there arc 110 hatter made, and if you buy your children's shoes 'if us you will not be disappointed. ALL OUR LINES Are complete, you will need shoes or slippers this Spring, try ur, men's and ladies' fine shoes 75c to $3.00; l>oys at'd girls shoes 75c to $2.00; children's shoes 25c, 50c and 75c. SEE OUR 98c LINE Men s higii cut 2 buckle plow shoes 98c, Ladies' fine tan and butt shoes 9H, Men's fine shoes 98c. The Greatest Sale on Record, DON'T MISS IT C. E. MILLER. 215 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. AT J R. GRIKB S H and Do Not Make Five. 01 It's quite .1 problem to please everyone's taste in any line you may select and particularly of jewelry, silver novelties, cut glass, etc., but I'm sure you will find what you want in my large stock and ;it such prices that defy com petition. I am making a spe. cialty of nobby and find Goods and want your trade. J. R. GRIEB. 118 SOUTH ISAIN 8T Butler Savings Bank 1 iutier*, I «. Capital J6O,iliur LOTIH It HTKIN T«llt?r IMICI.' loi: . I. J urvlM. J. I!«-I.rv 'll (I'tlfniiO W. If ItrniKlou. VV. A. • J.'H. ('uniitNill. f Tin Itut I« 1 , w ;i villus IliiiiU I't tin* Oldi'Hl Ituiiktiitf I IIH! Itut 1<»II in Itut h-r <'omit y. I ii'lirr.'il hitiikllliC hllnlm I»:iuslM't'"'l. VVt* h of nil pro»nl iti - fi<*>,ujo.M» i Siirphw and l'rolits $114,647.87 : Jon. Ilartmaii, Piesideiit; J. V. Kltts, Vice Prer.ident; C. A. Bailey. Cashier; 1 John MeMarlin, Asa't Cashier. j A ifi-m-rul liiiiilitiitf liuxliMi" ti-»ii»aet<«l. . I lll*'t'* »t palll oil t 1 ma* f|«*l>o*»lt4. j \loin*y loiin« »l oi| Hppfov•*«•!»« -t aim! in|iinM< rt nllrnf. Tlu*rt> In noun in thn worhl thai rmi r«iunl In MM - bi»nb *l rohKtnirtioii, durahlllty of worHn r jnrtfc iin«-iifwi of Arilnh, tx>auty In Ai>p«Miniiw'«' <«• . -i.y ImprovinnrntMM tho NEW HOWIt WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. -it New Home Sewing Machine Co. r * :ion, MAM. HorTO*. MANM. » I'winn Hgt-*ni:. N T • HI- AUf. IIX. HT. IJO« In. MO. !>AI.LA*.TU4«. Ham IrluurriKXi, IUL. Ati.amia, Qa. fOR SALE SV J. B. McDEVITT Duolur in Sewing Machines, Pianos and Or(/nnH ne*t door to Y. M. 0. A. Imild ing—Butler I'u. Buy the light-running, New Home, sowing machine, perfect witiMnollon guar nnturd, never f»t> ont of order. Wheeler & Wilson New No.'.) F.'imily Sewing Machine. Rotary Motion & Mail Bearings MAFCIC IT Easy Running, Quiet, Rapid and Durable* Scwinp* Machines fur Fnmlly 1 <1 Kuctory «mc, lor 111 l grades "t < 1 "i' aiul Leather. Spi.c«J and I>ur«bllly. Factory niicl llcad Office, Bridgeport, Connecticut, t. S, FOR SALK BY HENRY BIEML, DiiALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Sew tug Machines, Needles for all kinda of sewing machine*, Boss Washing Machines, N. MAIN ST. BUTLER PA. N. B. Second-hand Sewing Machines from #s.«*« up. Sewing machine*repaired. TIN WARF AND ROOFING A SPECIALTY. | UubHcrlhu lor tho CITIZEN j I D. T. PAPE I | The Leading Millinery House in Bntler Connty. ; > ft The tirst shipment of SI-RING BONNETS, HATS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, ( > X etc. has arrived. THEV ARE BEAUTIES, and at prices way below , . Jr the usual prices for early Spring goods. If you want a stylish Bonnet or Hat now is" the time as we have all the new < ► X shapes for Sprlnj la stock. . ft Remember we always keep in stock a full line of MOUNRING BONNETS, { > & HATS. VtILS AND VEILING: also a large line of Communion . . » WREATHS AND VEILS ' ' I D. T. PAPE, I; | 122 S. MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA., 122 S. MAIN ST.] \ SJL® WWW ifj TRUST BOY + + To discover the wear, or the wear out, to a pair of shoes —that is, if he is a well boy. The shoe bills for sick boys are not very large. If your boy is one of the healthy kind he contributes largely to your shoe bill. Now then, you want to keep him healthy, and you want to cut down the bill; and that's where we come in. The boy don't come in until he has to. You a ve heard of shoes that " wear like iron." We have them. The price is no higher than you have been paying, but it takes the boy half as long again to wear them out. Sometimes he gets dis couraged in his efforts to get a hole through the toes when riding "belly whopper" on a bob sled, or kicking the bark off a tree, but HE has to stand it, and the shoes don't care. Bring him in and let us fit him with a pair of our "BOY RESISTERS." A. BUFF & SON'S, When You \; Lay Out Money \; be sure that you are getting the real !: No. 2 KO.J bukT" value of the price you pay. ; ■ ; Fredonia running and I __________ VV every penny they > Your dealer sella them. cost you. , I THE FREDONIA MFG. CO.. Younfi«town, Ohio. > rjmrumj-iru'irir -I ------ ■ ■ . ■ ■ ■ ■ > DO YOU KNOW WHAT A COOD WHISKY IS? It is a whisky that is made from the best grain, carefully distilled and well matured—and that is what can be paid of the BEAR CREEK RYE WHISKEY. We guarantee it to be absolutely pure, and the best whiskey 011 the market. SI.OO PER FULL QUART. 6 QUARTS. FOR $5.00. Of course tie SILVER AGE RYE is a bettfer wliis key—lt's be tter because it is older and it's age that counts. $1.50 PE QUAR $15.00 PER DOZ. WINES We carrv a full and complete stock of every brand and quality at from f 1.50 per gal. wards —lf there is anything wanted Jn GOOD LIQUORS, we have it at lowest prices. ® ® ® ® ® I -ALL EXPRESS CHARGES PAID- Son orders amounting to >5.00 and over. Club C together, and send your order in to MAX KLEIN Wholesale Liquors, aix f kou k eny pa: C Catalogue and price list mailed free—Let u* p / have your name ami address. \ The New-York Weekly Tribune FOR EVERY member of EVERY family on - EVERY farm, in EVERY village, in EVERY State or Territory. \ \ FOR Education, \ FOR Noble Manhood, \ FOR True Womanhood, VKK ft " important news of the Nation. ■ 'IL * * all important news of the vVorld. Irn / 1 1 \ 7 the most reliable market reports. » \I 1 V I-iO brilliant ami instructive editorials. 1 r P f fascinating short stories. .1 'ti V liO an uccxcelled agricultural department 1 I V sc ' c " l 'fi c ;im ' mechanical information. 1 'I I V I-jO i|| us tratcd fashion articles. I rii /" 1 I yUG humorous illustrations. ' ' "J J » lUO entertainment to young and old. irn f I| VFS 1 1 I Y UO satisfaction everywhere to everybody We furnish "The Citizen" and "N. Y. Weekly Tribune" FOR sx.so PER YEAR. CASH IN ADVANOK. Address nil orders to IH[ CM I Write your name and address on a JK«UI card, send it 'o Geo. W. B«tt, 1 r Huildinjj, New York City, atul a aamplej copv of lux NKW \ JRK WEK*II I THIUUMK will be mailed to you *