Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 08, 1897, Image 3

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NOTE-All advertisers Intending to make
cliunffes In their ads. should ntrtjfy us or
their Intention todo not later than Mon
day morning.
A good thing at Ruff's.
The Wise Grocer— Butler Produce Co.
Easter opening at Mark s.
C. & T'a Carpets, etv.
I'arjiet Cleaning—\V. B. McGeary
New Hotel in Butler
Professional Card Dr. B. A. Russell.
Horse Shoeing—Will Robinson.
Administrators and Executors of estates
can secure their receipt tx*>ks at the « I rl-
ZKN ofti.-e.
p, t .
—"When the twigs begin to rustle
And the birds are all a hnstle
On the bongh;
When an azure sky discloses
Promises sweet of June with roses
On her brow:
When the brook that sang so sadly
Welcomes every stwbeam, gladly
When to wood-song's subtle rhym
in, < . •
Countless echoes soft are chiming
Then it's spring."
—Now catch your fish.
—Splendid growing weather.
—"Curfew shall not ring to-night. "
—lt is said 90 cents a mile runs an
ordinary passenger train.
—The plow was going in all directions
last week, and some oats have been
—Any Butler man who did not get his
"proverbial peck of dust'' last week
will please hold up his hand.
—An ex-employe broke into one of
Guckenhimer's warehouse at B'reeport
last week an.l stole 18 gallons of whis
—A theory regarding bicycle riding
is all very well until the front wheel
begins to wobble, and then it is worth
—The wonderfully beautiful and ever -
fragmnt trailing arbutus, with its mem
ories of the springtimes of long ago. is
about due.
- Things will come to such a
pass by and by that a man will have to
show a civil service certificate before he
can tell a fish story.
—A party consisting of Rev. Howard
and his wife, two other ladies and a
young man, sang beautifully on our
sireets the other night.
—Co. E will take part in Appomatox
Day exercises, tomorrow evening. The
company is ordered to report at Armory
in light marching order at 6 P. M.
—Will McGeary will clean yonr car
pets on short notice. Use Phone N0.41.
and he will call for the carpet. See
card in another colnmn.
—North street has a church at one
e.irt and a school house at the other.
An effort is being made to have it
paved,,which, if successful, will make
it one of the prettiest streets in town.
- TlTe laws of this state prohibit boys
nnder 21 years from visiting or playing
in billiard and pool rooms. The offense
is punishable by a fine imposed on the
proprietor of the establishment.
—The monthly reception of the Y.
M. C. A. was held Monday evening.
The ladies of the Southside Reformed
church had charge and presented a
pie wing program after which refresh
ments were servwd.
—Our Conncilmen had an old fash
ioned session, Tuesday night—one that'
lasted from 8 P. M. till after midnight—
and they did a great ninny things —one
of which was to repeal the Cnrfew Or
dinance. / •
-—The election officers elected last
February, Judges and two Inspectors,
will hold the coming special election.
Their terms began immediately after
their election and continue for one year
from that date. We make this note in
answer to an inquiry.
—All the Bandsmen of the town turn
ed out for Lou Vogeley's funeral, and
headed the procession. They were
followed by the Elks, the Woodmen,
the Clerk's Club, the hearse and the car
riages, and it was the grandest funeral
Butler has ever seen. *
—We have received from H. S. Cate
of Greer P. O. Pa. a "Little Gem
Broom-Saver'' which seems to be a very
goo:l thing. It is made of wire, keeps
the broom from spreading and makes it
last longer. Sample by mail 25 cents.
Aldress Mr. Cate as above. Agents
—The Washington & Jefferson Glee
Club gave a concert under the auspices
of the Alumni Association of the Butler
schools, in the Park Theatre Tuesday
evening. The Concert was as a whole
-very satisfactory. Especial features
were the singing of Messrs McDowell
and McCnrdy, the dancing of the "little
coon", and the whistling solo by Frank
Weigand of this place. A fair sized
crowd was present.
—Easter is not far away and millin
ers are getting the different Easter
styles ready for the trade. A promi
'nent milliner states that ladies' head
gear will be more striking than ever
before. Flowers will be used in greater
profusion also fancy riblxms. laces and
chiffon will meet with great favor. The
arrangement of those different articles
on the hats will call for great variety in
decoration and some "dreams" may be
looked for. in all probability.
—The postoffice authorities here as
well as at all other offices in the coun
try are weighing the mails now in com
pliance with an order from the post
master general. The object is to ob
tain the weight of the mail that passes
through each office, aa a basis for the
letting of the contracts for the next
four years. The work of weighing the
mail began March 17 and will be kept
np a month. Thi-i will be compared
with the record four years ago and the
rate of the new contract will be made
in accordance with the comparison.
The mails handled by the railroads are
also being weighed.
—On Tuesday Gov. Hastings in con
ference with the officers of the National
guard, decided to parade the guard in
Philadelphia at the unveiling of the
Washington monument sometime in
May and also to send a provisional bri
gade to New York city to»take part in
the Grant memorial exercises on the
527 th inst. This provisional brigade will
be made up of two regiments from the
second brigade, two from the third, one
from the first and a cavalry troop and
battery. The second brigade, of which
Co. E. lf.th Regiment is a part, will go
into camp July 17. Nt either Economy,
Conneaut Lake, Ebeiishurj; or (xlen
caim. By this arrangement our Butler
company may go to New York and are
snre to go to Philadelphia, in addition
io the regular summer encampment.
i Sheriff Dodds took Jo*. Collins and
RMIIUUO Vadile to the Allegheny coun
ty workhouse on Friday. Each K"t
three months for illegal liquor selling
Letters u f administration were grant
ed to W. G Wilson on the estate of
John H. Lawyer of Middlesex twp.
Wm. Wood has appealed from the
settlement of the auditors of Clinton
twp. and taken recog. in sum of S3OO.
| J. 11. Flemming has registered as a
1 law student.
I Catherine M. Roth vs John M Roth.
! Summons in Replevin. Plaintiff claims
' harness, etc valued at SBS.
| Henry W. Roth, by his next friend
Catharine Roth vs John M. Roth. Sum
mons in Replevin, Plaintiff claims bay
mare valued at SSO.
Maria C Frazier to Lizzie V Adams
| lot in Connoquenessing for S4OO.
I Chas S Lowry to J li Henninger lot
I in Butler for SI4OO.
' G Wickenliagen to Peter Rivers lot
in Butler for SIO<MI.
1 John Rimer to R Stone lot in Butler
i for $1 TOO.
! Zelienople Ex Co to Jacob Noll lot in
i Zelienople for S2OO.
j John it Smith to HW F Graham lot
in Butler for SIOOO
Walker Martin to II W F Graham lot
in Martinsburg for SSOO.
I N Meals. Clerk, to W S Gephart 50
acres in Buffalo for $1250.
John W Howard to H Walker lot in
Butler for $2300.
Agnes B Cratty to Paul Lambert lot
, in Butler for SIBOO.
Wm Raabe to Edw Schroth -58 acres
in Jefferson for $1360.
Jas Blake to Jos Blake lot in Euclid
for $275.
Noah Zeigler to W H Wright lot in
Zelienople for S2OOO.
E G Humes to J Sutton lot in Butler
for $2950.
F J Kost to E Carmody lot in Bntler
for SBOO.
S B McCleary, exr. to Abner W Van
Horn 06 acres in Worth for $2500.
S Wilmarth to John M Miller lot in
Butler for SI2OO.
W A Knoch to Caleb V Dwigans. lot
in Saxonbnrg for SI2OO.
George Mushrush to Nancy J. Sieg
fried, 114 acres in Centre for S2OO.
Jerome Stnley to E S Critchlow lot in
Bntler for SI2OO.
T McCandless to P B & L E RR, lot
in Clay for SIOO.
Chas Duffy to Geo A Billingsley. lot
in Butler for SI2OO.
S N Kidd to Eli McPherson, lot in
Bntler for SBOO.
Milton R Brown to C E McConnell,
lot in Butler for $l5O.
J J Armstrong to Man S Armstrong,
4 acres in Slippery rock for $125.
C J Armstrong to Mary S Armstrong,
23 acres in Cherry for $lO5.
Isaac Meals trustee to S N McGarvev,
40 acres in Concord for $825.
Chas Wright to Frederick Stall, lot
in Anandale for S4OO.
II S Anderson to Samuel M Conn, 55
acres in Concord for SI6OO.
Emma L Grant to Jas Hamel lot in
Butler twp, for $1125.
William H. Davis Butler
Jennie E. Marvle Sioux City, lowa
W. H. Kasser Columbus, O
Nora Nicholas Butler
Chas. W. Connor Pittsburg
Evaline Gravatt Delano
Daniel Gardner Mercer
Mildred Woods Alton
R J Conley Adams
Samantha Campbell Allegheny Co
Robert C Ferguson Eau Claire
Liza N. Blair Eau Claire
Samuel S Duerr Sarversville
Maggie Scott Sarversville
Edward McE Perrin Butler
Clara G Liebold Butler
5 G Qninn Magic
Mary Morrow Magic
Charles McK. Masters Mercer
Clara B. Albert Franklin twp
J. F. Cricks Butler
Carrie Lackey "
Wjof flro nf < t
burn the mineral springs, so the place
will still retain its attractions for out
—Will Robinson, the famous horse
shoer. is now located in the old Bole
shop, in rear of the Arlington, opposite
Gregg s livery. See card.
—W. T. McCandless knows what
"something good to eat" is, and know
ing that he knows, embarked in the
business by purchasing the "Palace
Restaurant. Try one of his meals.
—White. Walter & Co., exhibit sev
eral of the best makes of all
kinds of bicycle supplies, cameras etc.,
in their room in the Bredin building, at
the corner of Diamond: and besides
this have a "dark-room" for the instruc
tion of amateur photographers. They
repair bicycles, have bikes for hire, and
are in the business to stay. Call and
see their stock.
—Without making any inquiry at all
we know of three large farms that can
be rented or leased, part or whole, and
of several other small pieces of ground.
We know where there are two large
areas of land underlaid with coal wait
ing for some fellow to take it out.
There are many small garden lots lay
ing around which can be rented cheap
and should pay for working. Many
buildings are to be built this summer
and all sorts of workmen are needed
around a new building. Any man who
makes an effort to do so will surely find
some kind of work now.
—The 49th. anniversary of the Ad
vent of Modern Spiritualism (that is,
the rapping of the Fox sisters near Ro
chester, N. Y.) was celebrated on the 28
th ult. at the Berkeley Lyceum, New
York city. Most of those present were
elderly men and women, dignified and
earnest. There were no remarkable
manifesations, unless it was the invis
ible presence of the disembodied spirit
of Henry J. Newton, whose widow in
the flesh presided over the jubilee. The
announcement that Mr. Newton's spirit
was ■ there was made at the outset
of the services by a man in the front
row of orchestra chairs. It is probable
that the etherealized Newton had a
moderately good time at the meeting.—
Franklin News. *
Save \our Temper.
Probably 110 small article among the
indispensables of moderan life causes
more annoyance than a j>oor pen. when
writing. Some say they have nevei yet
found .1 pen to suit them. Our ideal of
of a pen, is one that seems to glide over
the paper without effort, and by its own
qualities makes the writing neater and
more legible.
Experts in writing say that the Spen
cerian Co's Pens are the best. Whether
this is so. it is not for us to say, but we
are informed that those who send re
turn i»ostiige to their New York Office
450 Broome St., will receive samples of
several different numbers, among which
may yet be found that greatly to be de
sired thing, a pen that does not spoil
one's writing and one's temper.
No One Dies.
No one dies of Pulmonary disease,
i who takes "77" in time. Twenty per
j cent one in five die of Polmonary
diseases -Colds. Grip. Pneumonia. Con
' sumption, who could be saved by the
j timely use of "77" Dr. Humphreys'
: famous Specific.
Since "71"' came into general use the
fatality has decreased and it only re
mains for its adoption as a national rem
edy. to rob our climate of its terrors.
For sale by all druggists—2s cents.
Vou want a spring hat before Easter
too. See the selection at The Peoples
That staid old philosopher. Benjamin
' Franklin, used to say three removals
were as bad as a fire." meaning thereby
that the loss incurred by the breakage
of furniture, crockery ware and other
articles was about equal to that of a
fire, to say nothing of the trouble and
j inconvenience occasioned by these re
i movals from one place to another. '
i However, quite a number of our citi-
I zens approved of the weather, last
| week, and gathering up their prouiis j
cioas varieties of business and domestic I
! plunder, flew to new nests, and put up |
j their stove-pipes in ne\<» places as fol
| lows:-
• The Misses Marks moved their stock '
!of millinery, etc., across the street to \
j the fine, large store-room adjoining the j
1 Butler Savings Bank, where they can j
j be found in all their glory of new rib- ;
! bons, feathers, hats and veils, fully pre- j
| pared for the Easter season.
Will Morris, the handsome (his wife i
! thinks so) tobacconist, flitted up street ;
to one of the rooms lately occupied by j
the Misses Marks; and Will Cubbison
has rented and fitted up another of the I
rooms for a barber shop. r »
Levi Wise moved into his new n<tusp
on north Main St.. E. H. Sloan moved
across the way on W. Pearl, and Wm.
Aggers to the Johnny Richey's house,
lately purchased by him.
George W. Campbell has moved to
Virginia; Andrew Bryiner moved into
the house on E. Clay lately occupied by
Campbell: Jas. A. McMarlin into the
old Kipp house on W. Clay, and Ed.
Engleman into the house he vacated.
Dr. Boyle moved to the Kerr Mc-
Bride house on N. Main: Mrs. Vincent
removed to Jno. West's house on E.
Jefferson, and Jno. moved to his new
house on Mifflin, lately used as a "Crit
tenden Home," and the •"Home" moved
to Erie.
A. M. Cornelius moved to a house op
posite the property on New Castle St.,
which he sold to Mr. Rider. The let
ter is now occupying his new property.
Chas. Kramer moved from the Hoffner
house on S. Washington to the house
vacated by Mr. Rider on the same
W. P. Brown lias moved to Mercer
St.. and James Kennedy, of Concord
twp. has moved to Brown's old house
on the hill which he lately purchased
from him.
W. H. Grove has moved to the sec
ond floor of the Leighner building on
S. Main St.. Alex Williams is living
with Capt. Flannigan on Institute hill:
and Mrs. Sullivan and Mrs. Shaw are
again occupying the old Sullivan resi
; ilence on the Diamond, after a long ab
Thomas Graham, of Concord twp.,
moved to No. 308, Franklin St.. Butler,
and Mrs. Conner is now living with her
son over the grocer}-.
The Bntler Portrait Co. emigrated to
New Castle, and a Pittsburg firm of
tailors is now occupying the Leighner
store room in S. Main St.
Rol>ert Gregg moved from the island
to the Fowler house on E. North St.,
Robert Bole moved his blacksmith shop
to the old skating rink and Will Robin
son is occupying the shop vacated by
Bole in the rear of the Arlington.
Walker Martin moved into the house
on McKean. he lately purchased
from Hart Graham: Hart is living in
rented rooms nearby and intends build
ing this summer.
Isaac Mcßride moved from Jackson
street to Third street, and R. G. Craw
ford moved into the house vacated by
George Whitehill moved from Mif
flin to W. Penn street, and Maggie and
Helen Maharg will occupy the house he
moved out of.
Dr. Forrester will hereafter have his
office with Dr. Byers: and Tony Shaf
fer is fitting up the old Thompson of
fice for a barber-shop.
Oliver Thompson bought the brick
house back of the jail and moved into it
and Mrs. Slator moved into the house
vnoaM V.j- hi,,, VfiH-lir,
A. J. Fair, of Mercer St.. moved to
Buttercup, and Harry Caltenwood, of
Mercer Co. moved into Fair's house.
John Ober moved from Water St. to
the second floor of Kohler & Graham's
building on S. Main St.
Bresleham bought the two Barrick
man houses on Water St. and moved
into one of them; Pete Klinger now oc
cupies the other.
Chas. Barrickman moved from Watei
St. into the house at corner of Wayne
and S. Washington Sts., which he
bought from J. F. Haley.
Mrs. Sarah Redd has moved from
Fairview Ave. into the house on S.
Washington formerly occupied by Mr.
O. M. Covert moved to 726 Fairview
Otto Limberg moved from the South,
side to Mrs. Mardorf's house on W.I
Cunningham St.
J. D. Morris moved from Mercer St.
to the house lie recently purchased on
W. Cunningham St.
John Gray has moved from Mill street
to Centre avenue.
Phillip Dufford has noved from Mill
street to South Washington street.
Jno. E. Burtner has removed to the
Dr. Leake farm, one mile north of
W. M. Donnel has removed from
Brown to Fairview avenue.
T. A. Balph has removed from East
Clay to Walnut street, into the home
he recently purchased,
L. E. Shira moved to the Shaffer house
on East Franklin, and C.E. Jamison to
the house on West Jefferson
John McKeown, formerly of Bntler
and now working for the Western Un
ion Telegraph Co., fell from a telegraph
pole in New Castle last Thursday and
was seriously injured. He was paint
ing the pole at the time and was about
25 feet from the ground when the rope
holding him broke.
Michael Dooley, an employe of the
Keystone Bridge Co., fell from the big
crane or traveler on the new railroad
near Frazier's Mill, last Friday evening
fraoturing his spine just below the ribs,
and paralyzing the lower part of his
body. He was brought to Butler, and
taken to the Waverly House, and on
Sunday removed to Mercy Hospital
Pittsburg. At the time of the accident
the men had just finished re-erecting
the crane on the track, and were
straightening out some parts that had
bent and Dooley was on the upper part
of the crane, when he fell backward
and to the earth below, a distance of
about twenty feet, landing on his neck
and shoulders.
While helping to move a building on
. Mat Leibler's lot on Race St., a few
days ago, W. J. Mates was struck on
the head by a falling plank and serious
ly injured.
Fiank Baker, assistant cook at Rus
" sell's camp on the new railroad drank
' ten bottles of lemon extract, last Sun
• day, and died that night.
Meeting of Hospital Association.
I A regular meeting of the Woman's
Hospital Association will be held in the
Y. M. C. A. hall on next Tuesday after
noon, April 13th, at 3 o'clock. All of
the members are urged to attend, as
business of importance will be trans
' acted.
MRS. C. E. HERR, President,
> Secretary.
*, By sample. Wheels at Waverly Hote!,
Satur.'ay Apri! 17 1597. A variety of
makes, ladies and gents high grade
wheels, with Morgau & Wright tires,
taken in security by a Chicago bank.
' These fine wheels must be sold at once
r at a sacrifice. Vou can save SSO by buy
s mg now. Come and examine samples.
John Floyd of Parker has moved to
Phillip Burtner of Saxonbnrg is in
poor health.
Wilson Garvin of Cranberry twp was
in town Tuesday.
A. C. Cruikshank has sold his inter
est in the Appollo Roller Mills.
Miss Lottie Heiner was the guest of
' Mrs. John C. Graham.
Dr. E. A. Russel has opened an office
i in the Bickel building.—See card.
C. N. Brown was insured in the Roy
| al Arcanum of Petrolia for $3,000.
j W. I. Scott of Lancaster twp. was in
I town on business, last Thursday.
Miss Jean Vamuni of Pittsburg is the
' guest of M.-s. J. A. Richey.
| G. H. Rea of Marion twp. was in
j town, Saturday.
: Dan Dunbar of Watters station was
' in town. Friday.
{ Charley Double of Donegal twp. went
! to West Virginia last week.
i Mrs. Mary Glenn of Bntler has lieen
i granted a pension.
Frank and Charles McCurdy of Brady
twp. were in town. Saturday.
Miles Orwig of Niles, 0., is the guest
of Frank Morris of Cleveland St.
James M. Dunn of Brady twp. was
in town on business, Monday.
Porter Wilson was in town Saturday,
wearing the first straw hat of the sea
John Lumley and wife of Forward
twp. did some shopping in Butler, Sat
Miss Sarah McFadden of New \ ork
is visiting her cousin. Miss Allie Collins
of S. Main St.
Miss Mary Sterritt of Beaver Falls is
the guest of Maud Moorehead of South
Washington St.
Conductor French was on our streets,
Monday, for the first time since the ac
cident in January.
Miss Lena Kiskaddon of Foxburg is
the guest of the Misses Kiskaddon of
E. North St.
Wm. G. McDowell, of Wilkinsburg,
paid a short visit to his brother. James
of E. Jetferson street, this week.
John Muder Jr. of Saxonbnrg was in
town, Tuesday John is one of the
most expert auctioneers in the county.
Miss Kate Patterson of Pittsburg re
turned Tuesday to enter upon her third
season as trimmer for The Peoples
Henry Garrett of Punxsutawnev is a
remarkable old man. He is 88 years of
age, has just recovered from the Grippe
and is now cutting a new set of teeth.
Miss Kittie" Criswell daughter of
Joseph Criswell and Thomas C. Steph
ens of Pittsburg will be married next
Wednesday, week, at the Criswell
home in Butler twp.
A. L. Weihe, of Evans City has
leased the "Dispatch" of New Kensing
ton and went on Tuesday to take charge
of it. His family will remain at Evans
City for the present.
Warren Conlan, the tragedian, who
was here last week, is a very clever
actor, so is his principal assistant Miss
Ferry, but they played to slim houses in
Butler, and their receipts did not equal
their expenses. Bntler people
seem to have no time or money for
Simeon Nixon, Jr. is a member of the
Class of '97 of the Pittsburg College of
Pharmacy, which graduates this year,
and holds its Commencment Exercises
in Carnegie Library, Allegheny, on
Thursday evening of next week, the 15th
inst, beginning at 8 o'clock. Samuel
Purvis, Jr., Chas. Fisher and Will For
ker are the other Butler boys in the
graduating class.
Henry C. Heineman retired from the
stationery and book business, last week,
after being almost constantly engaged
in it for forty years. Mr. Heineman
was liorn in Schleswig HoUtein, Ger
many, June 13, 1828. When he was
five years of age the family came to
America, and later to Bntler. Heine
man was employed in uutier nve years,
but in 1849 went to California. Not re
alizing his dreams of golden wealth, he
returned in about a year, and after re
maining here about the time, again
sought the wealth reported to be so
plentiful in the far west. After frtur
years he came back,and in 1857 embark
ed in the liook and stationery business,
which he has followed continuously up
to the present time. He was the
pioneer in this line in Bntler, and for
years his was the largest establishment
in the county.
Rev. S. E. Hawk and A. C. McClel
land. evangelists, will begin a series of
avangelistic meetings in the U. P.
Church, Wednesday, April 21.
There will be a meeting in the inter -
est of missions on Saturday evening,
April 10, at 8 o'clock, in the Y. M. C. A.
hall. This meeting will be addressed
by Mr. Geo. S. Fisher, a traveling mis
sionary, who is returning from a mis
sionary conference with Mr. Nathan
and his workers in Morocco, Africa.
All friends of missions are cordially in
vited to attend.
Mrs Marion Baxter will speak in the (
interest of the W. C. T. U. in the U. P. '
chnrch, Wednesday evening, and in the
M. E church, Thursday evening.
An Illustrated Review of the S. S.
lessons of the past quarter will be given
in the Baptist Church, Friday, April 9,
at T :30 p. M. The stereopticon lantern
will be used. A good time is promised
to all Sunday School workers. A silver
collection will be taken to defray ex
penses. Evangelistic services will be
held on Sunday next at 7:15 P. M.
Everybody welcome. Come early.
Ribbons all colors for fancy work No.
16, for 15 cents at the PKOPLES STORE.
Lace curtains 3 yds long 37 inches
wide for 50 cents per pair at the PEO
The Butler Lubricating Oil Co. has
moved back to their old stand 119 W.
Jefferson St. Steelsnuth & Patterson's
new building, where all kinds of engine,
machinery and illuminating oils of the
finest quality are kept in stock in the
basement, and will be delivered to any
part of the citv when ordered from C, E.
Mclntire, agent.
Fine unbleached muslin yard wide
4i cents at the PEOPLES STORE.
FOR SALE—A new "drop-head'
Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine.
Inquire at this office.
Gents Congo and Opera hook umbrel
las for 75 cents at the PEOPLES STORE.
36 in. bleached muslin soft finish 5 ct
Gents laundried precale shirts all
sizes, 4!) cents at the PEOPLES STORE.
—Do you want a hat or cap? HECK
has them and can save you money.
—Boarding House cards with act of
Assembly, 25 cents for half a dozen, for
sale at CITIZEN office.
Vox I'opuli— Buy your clothing under
wear, hosiery, hats, caps, sox and neck
wear of D. A. HECK and save money.
—Job work ot all kinds done at the
The PEOPLES STORE have a full line
. of umbrellas from 50 cents up.
. —Find ley will open the studio at Mars
on March Ist and will remain there
1 for the entire week special inducements
for the week on fine work, bring the
children as it is the last week of the
winter; old pictures copied and enlarg
ed, satisfaction guaranteed. KINDLKY
Bntler Pa., Telephone 236.
! OH Mamma —-you ouglit to see the big
■ piles of childrens suits at HECK'S only
•. $1.25, you can't get the same in town for
F less than $2.50,
The PEOPLES STORE are selling 27 in.
precales for 6cents.
Underwear—a specialty at HECK'S His
. stock is largest and finest ever offered in
~ Carpenters. Stone Masons and others
engaged in the building business are in
~ demand in Butler. Many are rei>air
ing or making additions to their house*
9 ■ and <iuite a number of houses are al
j ready under way.
I John Stein intends building a threj--
I story brick between his building on the
! 1 corner and the Campbell A: Teuipleton
building—4oX9s, and the third story
will cover the corner building and
make a hall about 60X95. The new
building will have two store rooms and
a hallway on the first floor; and the
contract has been awarded to Peter I
! Si'henk at about twelve thousand.
Mrs. Cummings awarded the con- '
tract for her new building on the Dia- J
mond to Rauscher & Shir:!. It is to be
a three-story brick, and Ed. Goss has ■
1 rented it for a restaurant and hotel.
J. H. Harper intends building a t
' frame store building on Centre Ave.,
the English Lwfherans will probably
t build a new church on Main St., this |
summer; and Henry Troutman has;
plans out for a residence on N. Main j
1 Street. Adam Hoffner has the contract
for the Harper building.
The contract for erecting the chapel
building for the State Normal school
t at Slipperyrock was let to Jackson &
Fulton, of Pittsburg, last week for
$25,875. It is to lie built of stone and
j completed by September 1. The gas
contract for the three buildings and the
one to l>e built was let to Gillespie &
Dobson for SI,BOO.
On W. Jefferson St.. A. M. Cornelius
I has the frame work up for his new
house; C. K. Laphain and H. Schneide
maa are building additions to theirs
and W. S. Greeg hits made some im
: provements on his.
On Mercer street Andrew Bellman
has the foundation up for a large house
' A. J. Tait has built a stable on the lot
1 he recently purchased from Amos Steel
smith and J.. W. Miller is going. to
build two houses on the lot he recently
purchased from Eli May. and one on
the lot purchased from S". Wilmarth.
On New Castle street Clark Campl>ell
- has moved into his new house.
The Hospital Association has pur
chased from Mrs, Muntz an acre of
i ground opposite the old Faller residence
on the South side, and intends to build
upon it. It is a splendid location.
The purchasing agencies are paying
I 88c and 88c today.
' The Standard played sheol with the
market, Monday, and dropped it 5
L cents, or from 9:5 to 88 cents.
[ RENFREW -McMarlin & MeCkmg
struck a good well on the .Tffseph
Brown, this week. It's location is east
F of the Hamil. Several new wells are
going down in that vicinity, Shide
t mantle & Co. are drilling on the Ren
-1 frew, adjoining the Forsythe, and
White & Co. on the Hamil.
Greenlee & Forst will have a good
producer in No. 5, on the Dixon.
; WHITESTOWN—Wm. Eisler got . a
j good well on the Shearer heirs last
week. Several wells are drilling and
located in that field.
r PARKER— Northwest of the Rosen
-3 berry pool one-quarter of a mile. Bo-
I lard & Cutler have a well in the Blake-
I ly farm, showing for 10 barrels a day.
i Southeast of the same pool. Miller &
r Co. are starting No. 2, Robison. and
Yandebosh & Smith are starting No. 2,
Meeks, and W. E. Karns is building the
c rig for No. 3, Pierce. Heydrick, Adams
<Xi Co. will start two more wells on the
Rosenberry farm.
i On Saturday last Lenz, Schlagle &
i Co., sold their wells and leases in Cran
-1 berry twp —39 wells and about 1500
- acres on the Garvin, Vandivort andoth
-3 er farms, to the Associated Producers
Co. for $75,000. The properties are pro
ducing about 175 bbls., which makes,
the sale at the rate of about $490 per
j bbl.
Low Rates to Washington D. C.
) The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
has arranged for an early Spring ex
rtiraioii to Wftnhinpjton loarHig Pitt*-
. burg April 15, 1897.
. Round trip tickets, permitting of stop
ove rin Baltimore in either direction
i within limit, will be sold at rates quot
j ed below, good for use going on special
■ train, or on train No. 4. leaving Pitts
burg at 8:10 P. M., returning on any
regular train of parlor cars and day
, coaches will be run on the following
> schedule:—
Train leaves. Rate
' Pittsburgh 8:00 A. M. $9.00
Butler 6:25 " 9.00
Freeport 7:49 " 9.00
Washington Ar.7.15 P. M. ....
Should the number of passengers not
be sufficient to warrant the running of
■ a special train, the company reserves
the right of carry participants on this
excursion on regular train.
Tickets on sale in Pittsburgh, at Un
ion Ticket Office, 360 Fifth Avenue,
and Union Station, and at all stations
mentioned above. For full information
apply to agents or Thomas E. Watt,
Passenger Agent Western District,
i Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street,
" , Pittsburg.
A Hardman Piano Which cost $450.
Must be sold as the owner lias left town.
It can be had for jj!r6o, spot cash. In
quire at this office.
Made of goods that wear, and keep
their shape. We are turning them out
by the hundreds and the values are so
far ahead of anything you ever saw, the
goods themselves so perfect, so stylish,
so thoroughly up to date, that much as
we may promise you will find more
when you get there
125 \V. Jefferson St. —% block west of
Berg's Bank.
Note 1 The Butler Business College
and school of Shorthand is the best
place to get a thorough training in book
keeping, shorthand and typewriting, ari
thmetic, commercial law, geography,
reading and spelling. Call and investi
gate for yourself. You will be convinc
ed. That's business.
Note 2. If you would be a first class
accountant, book-keeper or shorthand
writer,don't expect to attain that distinc
tion by taking a cheap course, or a
course becanse it is ;heap Never expect
something for nothing. Pay skilled in
structors prices tint skilled labor natural
ly commands. Get the best. We hire
only the best teachers. Business men
have confidence iii our methods. We
stake our reputation on our graduates.
That's business, too.
Note 3. If you are a school-teacher,
spend your vacation with us; acquire
the art of shorthand and typewriting, or
make of yourself an accountant; you
jwill increase your earning power. Isn't
that business.
This College is located betweeu the
Court House and Hotel Williard, and re
mains open 51 weeks in the year, indi
vidual instruction, students enter at any
time. Correspondence solicited and vis
itors made welcome.
J. M. Bashline, President.
Butler' Pa.
—Say Papa—did you see HECK'S neck
wear, it beats anything you ever saw.
Pants—Over 2000 pairs to select from,
at prices, oh well, don't mention them,
its awful, where; at HECK'S.
Umbrellas 2<> and 28 in. for ."io cents at
—Good work harness for two horses
our own make, $25.00; clitckliues for
less than leather is worth, at MARTIN
Easter Opening of Millinery at The
Peoples Store, Tuesday, Wednesday ami
Thursday, April 13, 14 and 15.
Trunks, valises, bags and telescopes
ot HECK'S.
Sox and shirts, all wool and a yard
wide, cheaper than the cheapest—at
HECK'S 121 N. Main St.
—The best place to get your harness
and parts of harness cheap, is at MAR
Street Paving, Etc.
At the meeting of Council. Tuesday
night. Engineer McQtiistion was con
tinned for another year, and the H»gi
neerand Paving committee were direct
ed to prepare specifications for the pac
ing with b.-ick. asphalt and Liguuier
block t Ordinances providiiur for the
paving iif East Wayne and West Cun
ningham streets were adopted—the i*--
tition regarding S McKean street
was held over till next meet
ing and the solicitor was
directed to seenre the releases from
damages a petition lor paving North
street, full length, was referred to the
Paving committee the Curfew ordin
ance was repealed—the estimate of the
Board of Health for this year is *»>r>s
Harry Grieb's bond as Trersurer was
accepted—the Auditors Report shows
the net indebtedness of the town
to be $.>8,506. Burgess Myers collect
ed r»i> during March and the
Butler Light Heat and Motor Company
made a proposition to furnish street
lighting for Butler live years, using arc
lamps 2.000 c. p., all and every night
for per lamp a year or *('>.*><> j per
month a lamp: bills to be rendered and
paid monthly, or will furnish same
lamps on standard moonlight schedule
for five years at s»>•"> per lamp a year: or
1.2(H) c. p. every night for *72 per year
or moonlight schedule for S6O. Refer
red to light committee to report at
meeting April 15th.
A Letter For You.
Unclaimed letters at the Postoffice at
Butler Pa., week ending April 5 1*! IT
Mrs. E. F. Anderson. Wm. Bell. Miss
Sadie Butler, Ella Cookson. W. A.
Duffy Esq., J. C. Hollman, Mr. J. M.
Hassett. B. K Hill Esq.. Miss Emily
Johnson, Miss Sarah J. Kiskadden. Mrs
Mary McHale (122 E. Wayne St), Mrs
R. M. Sherrard. Miss Margaret Sweeney
(822 E. Jefferson St), Mr Christ Stellar.
Mr. Alexander Smith. The Christian
Giver. Mrs. John Thompson. Mrs. John
Dedication of Grant Monument.
Dedication of the Grant Monument
al Tomb, April 27. The Pennsylvania
Railroad Company will sell tickets from
all points on its line to New York. April
26 (and from points within one hundred
and fifty miles of New York. April 26
and 27,) good to return until April 29 in
clusive. at rate of a fare and a third for
the round trip. Tickets for military
companies in uniform, numbering fifty
or more, traveling in a ltody on one
ticket, will be sold at rate of single fare
per capita for the round trip.
The parade on this occasion will be
the grandest military demonstration
since the war. Thousands of veterans.
United States regulars, and State mili
tiamen will be line.
Some special prices at Grieb & Lamb's
dissolution sale now going on.
New Pianos S2OO and up
New Organs #SO and up
Guitars < f4 and up
Mandolins 13.50 and up
Violins.. $1,50 and up
Autoharps $2 and up
There are also some- second hand in
struments— pianos at $35 to f.IOO, Or
gans at S2O to 90.
Hartnonices and other musical instru
ments at proportionately low rates.
Strings of all kinds constantly in stock.
I will offer at public sale at ray resi
dence on Mercer street, (near W. A.
Kamerer's store) on Tuesday April 13th,
at 2 o'clock 58 colonies of Italian Bees,
also hives, honey boxes and bee supplies.
Mrs. J B Murphy
Mercer St
Butler Pa
The cheapest place at all times to
buy dry-goods is at the PEOPLES
—Music scholars wanted, at 128 W.
Wayne St.
Executor's Sale
By virtue of :m order of the Orphans'
Court of Butler County, made at No. 01, June
Term, 1807, of said Court, the undersigned
executor of the wfll of Daniel Cress, dec'd.,
late of Connoquenessing township, Butler
Co. Pa., will expose for sale at public out
cry on the premises on
Monday. April 26. 1897.
at 1 o'clock P. M.. the following property,
to-wit: A tract of land in Connoquenesslng
township. Butler County Pa., bounded on the
north by Lusk Croft, on the east by Coates'
heirs, ou the south by the road and grave
yard. and on the west l>y land of John Frisk
horn. containing 12 acres, more or less.
Mostly cleared, having a two story
frame house, good frame barn and other out
buildings erected thereon, also g<x«l orchard
and raspberry and strawberry patches
TERMS— One-third Cash ou confirmation of
sale, one-third in one year and balance in
two years with Interest, to be secured by
bond and mortgage, according to ltule of
W. D. BRANDON. Att'y. Prospect Pa.
Orphans' Court Sale.
By virtue of an order; and decree of the
Orphans' Court in and for the County of
Butler, Penn'a, the undersigned Executors
of the will of James Parks, deceased, will
offer for sale at public vendue on the prem
ises, on
Tuesday, May 4. 1897.
atlo'clock P. M., of said day, the farm and
tract of land owned by said James Parks, at
the time of his decease, situate in Middlesex
township, in Butler county. Penn'a.. bound
ed on the north by lands of Wm. Perry, ou
the east by lands of Mrs. Marv Whiteside
and others, on the south by lands of John
RltHey and ot hers and on the west by lands
of John liarting. John Shearer heirs and
others. Containing one hundred and forty
one acres, more or less. All under fence and
cultivation except about twenty-five acres
timber or woodland. Frame dwelling house
of seven rooms, large bank baru and out
buildings, all in good repair, two orchards
of excellent fruit-bearing trees, two good
water wells, one at dwelling house and one
at the barn, as well as good springs of water
over the farm; also 13 producing oil wells on
the farm put down under lease from de
ceased In his lifetime under one-eighth oil
royalty and free gas for dwelling house,
average oil production about 35 barrels per
day. All interest of deceased under said
lease as to oil and gas will go to the pur
chaser of the farm on confirmation of sale.
The land is under lease for farm purposes
only for a term expiring on April Ist. ISUS.
and lease will be transfered to purchaser
who will IK* entitled to the rents as landlord.
TERMS—Cash on confirmation of sale and
delivering of deed, title good. '
E. MCJUNKIN. Executors,
Att'v for Kx'rs of estate. Glade Mill. P.O.
Notice in Divorce.
1 In the Court of Corn-
Frank I). McChesney, mon Pleas of Butler
vs [-Co., Pa.
Alice G. McChesney. A.I). No. -W. Dec.T.. '96.
Book IT. Page ZU.
Two subpoenas r. above case having been
returned (N. E. I. you, the said ATice G. Mc-
Chesney. above named defendant,are hereby
required to appear in said Court of Common
Pleas, to lie held at Butler, Pa., on Monday,
the 7th day of June, iss'7, being the first day
of next term of said Court to answer the said
complaint and show cause, if any you have,
why an absolute divorce from the bonds of
matrimony should not be granted to said
Frank I>. McChesney.
You are also hereby notified that the com
plaint in the aliovecase will be heard before
said Court and determined on June H, ISK7,
at which time and place you are notified to
WM. B. I)OI>ITS. Sheriff.
Administrator's Notice
Letters of administration on the es
tate of Rosa Read, dec d, late of Adams
twp., Butler Co. Pa., having been grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons,
knowing themselves indebted to said
estate will please make immediate pay
ment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly au
thenticated to
Lovi, Beaver Co. Pa.
W. H, LCSK, Att'Y,
Administrator's Notice.
j Letters of administration on the es-
I tate of Rosanna Landis. dec'd late of
• Cranberry twp., Butler Co. Pa., having
: been granted to the undersigned, all
j persons, knowing themselves indebted
to said estate will please make immedi
ate payment, and any having claims
I against said estate will present them
duly authenticated to
Lovi, Beaver Co. Pa,
• W H. LUSK, Att'V
crimps you don t know li'iw
cady we ai e on
jeverything rvi.iti "; tc j>r<.s<-rip
So it will not be amiss to
( 1
all your attention to the
rompt service
<> everything of the kind placed
n our hands
prescription department
ever was so comcte
8 ,
ave )ou money too.
Diamond Block. -- liiitler, a
Executors" Notice.
Letters testamentary 011 the estate ot
William Gilghrist, Sr., dee'd, late of
Cherry twp. Butler Co., Pa. having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said es
tate will please make immediate pay
ment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlemeut to
Butler Pa.
A. B. C. MCFARJ.AND, Att'y.
Executor's Notice.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
Mary A Cowan, dee'd. late of Middlesex
twp., Butler Co. Pa., having been grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment,and
any having claims against said estate
will oresent tlietn properly authenticated
for settlement to
W. D. BRANDON, Ex'r.,
Butler Pa.
Executor's Notice.
Letters testamentary on the estate ot
lit nry Heck, dec-'d, late <>f Winfield twp..
butler cownty, Pa., having been granted
to the uadersigDed; all [lemons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate will
please uake immediate Dayinent, and any
havicg claims against said estate will pre
sent ttiein Only authenticate J for settle
ment to
Denny, Butler Co., Pa.
TOWNSHIP for the year ending March 2.
John Hutzler. supervisor, in account with
Winfield township. Kutler county. I*u.
MARCH S. 1597, DR.
To cash from Aug Freeling, collector $387 87
To note of K lvrause SO 00
To cash to Michael Cypher S 25 99
For repairs 2 3ft
For new road ft 00
To J C Cypher post 1 .TO
11 Rooler, linger board ftO
Expense to Kutler 75
Applicat'n for Co bridge 011 Long
run 2 00
Peter Smith, teaming 3 00
William Krisler. for plank 3 13
Counsel fees on application by
McJunkin & Galbreath 10 00
Aug Keogler, cash bat 1 29
1. Weidhos, merchandise 43 00
Hutzler, teamster 6 00
•John Denny, plank IS 69
A Moier, plank 96
II Grim, for blacksmith work 1 07
70 days'service 10ft 00
For publishing. '95 4 00
For publishing. 'S*i 4 00
For publishing. '97 4 00
Expense of three oaths of office.. 1 00
Auditors fees, one-half of $8 3 00
J G Freeliug 71 74
$317 87
John G Freeling, supervisor, in account
with Winfield township, Butler county. Pa.
MARCH 2, LS97, DR.
To balance carried over $ 4 28
Cash from unseated land 48 37
From Aug Freeling. collector 231 00
Note of W T Freeling 100 00
Cash from J Hutzler 71 74
$155 39
By cash for labor oil new road.. ,SIS 3 2ft
Merchandise from L Weidhos 49 90
Merchandise from L H Falkner. 2ft 75
Flank, J L 12 DO
Scoop, J H 1 no
Plank and work 12 78
For 1(M days' service 156 00
Seven days' teaming on new road 21 00
950 feet oak plank 15 30
1.234 feet square bridge timber... 19 58
W II Witte, merchandise 90
K rause & Freeling, merchandise 465
Making and furnishing 2 dupli
cates 3 00
*>o6 17
Balance due J G Freeling 50 7X
Fred Witte and Henry Grimm, overseers,
in account with Winfield township.
MARCH 8, 1597, DR.
Balance on hand March 2. '96 slll 43
Cash received from A Freeling. col 347 37
Tax from Co Treas on unseated land... 19 94
Tax from other sources 44
Cash from Frank (S9O) & S H Bicker
(87.50 177 50
•556 68
Receipt from Mr and Mrs Frank.sl77 50
Official oaths or Witte and Grimm 100
Receipts from Miss E Cooper as
temporary relief 24 00
Cash to B Douthett, Justice fees
for F'rank and Jacob Sim
mers and Nansted 3 00
Cash to Dr W W Lasher for
Jacob Simmers 41 75
Cash to P Rummel for K Rose.,. 117 00
To Dixmont for Kurtz and Rey
born 183 00
To Kirkland, J P fees for C
Frank and Jacob Simmers 3 00
For tax for Weidhos and Rose. . 259
For furnishing and making du
plicate 2 00
Publishing report for 1896 4 00
Publishing report for 1897 4 00
Cash for one-naif auditors' fees. 300
Service of overseers 6 00
Report of public charge 2 00
$573 84
Township Dr to overseers 17 16
We, the undersigned, auditors of Winfield
township, havt examined these reports and
lind them correct.
W. H. BICKER. '-Auditors.
Our prices are always the very lowest
that can be put on goods, but once in a
while we get a chance to make some
fearful cuts: One of these chances has
come in some very good goods, and
goods very seasonable.
They are Silk Wrap Linen Tissue, All-
Linen and Silk and Linen Fabrics, for fine
warm weather dresses; they used to cost
from One Dollar to Three Dollars a yard.
We will sell them at just One-Half as long
as the lot lasts. State how much you
waut to pay and let us send you sotne
The goods are the most fashionable
fabrics on the market, and at these
prices are also the cheapest.
Here's another chance in Plain Diag
onal Clolh, very handsome and fashion
able goods, in all the new Spring shades.
A fine imported fabric which always
costs 75 cents a yard except when we
cut prices on it. It is selling here now
for Fifty Cents a yard.
Get samples of the finer kinds of All-
Wool Suitings in new and correct Spring
patterns, which we are selling at
Twenty-Five and ThlrtyFive Cents a yard.
You will wonder how such excellent
materials can be sold so cheap.
Penn Avenue and Fifth St..
ON £
U In clothing are ail iti and ready for
your inspection It's your privilege JR
0r whether you want a suit now or not, flr
you'll find us strictly up to date and
with the largest line of new goods in JB
(ft the county. Brown overplaids, fV
scoti-hes, sergts (black anil blue,) U
fancy cassimeres and homespuns,
Leading Clothcrs. 137 S Mala St. Butler Pa.
In the important line of clothing we offer
a make we call the
\\ Inch will win your trade, no matter where you have
been buying your clothes. A personal inspec
tion and trial will convince you that
once you wear this make, no
other make will suit
you quite so
Douthett &Qraham.
Main and Cunningham Street.
The Wise Grocer.
Will try to indue his customers to buy the very best gro
ceries in the market, because by so doing he makes a sale
A«P\|pOBA that will give satisfaction, and it is the pleased and satis
fie<l customer who builds up the grocer's .business. We
have some of the very best goods obtainable which we
sell bs close as any house in the county. Leave us your
order and we guarantee ratisfaction.
The Butler Produce Co.,
C L MOORE, Prop'r
130 W. Jefferson St., Butler, Pa.
APRIL 14, 15, 16, 17.
108 South Main St. one door south
of Butler Savings Bank.
In other sports, too, the toe gets on th«"k°,
ground. That wears most toes nDIOT
Stocking comes through. New shoe + „ -l**
needed. Not so if
• '
Tips are used. They make the toe the
strongest part of a child's shoe.— Save /Jl I
fifty per cent, of a child's shoe expense. I
it worth saving? M M I
SIZES 5 to S 65C 1^
SIZES to 11 75C-&
SIZES 11 'A to 2 90c1\J: ===========
Carpet Cleaning Time
Is here. Telephone or write to
W. B. McGearv, West End, who
has the best of machinery and
does the best work. Carpets
called for and delivered.
Carpets shipped from a dis
tance will be promptly cleaned
and returned.
People's Telephone 41.
Practical Horse Shoer.
A WILL ROBINSON, formerly Horse-
C Shoer at the Wick House has
0 opened business in a shop in the
rear of the Arlington Hotel,
J where he will do Horse-Shoeing
J in the most approved style.
4 <«.'ww
Having rented the
we are prepared to give boarding, by the
week, day or meal. Our tables are
laden with plenty of good victuals; our
rooms and beds are neat and comfort
able, and our charges reasonable. Give
us a call and be convinced.
P. A. McELWEE. Prop'r.
120 K. Cunningham St.
For all Biuocs and NEEYOCS VBII I M
DISEASES. They purify the UL ■ ■
action to the entire system. | H
The Ford farm in Donegal twp., near
Millerstown is for sale. It contains
about 150 acres, is well watered and in
ggod condition. For terms inquire at
this office.
Subscribe tor the (JinxiN