Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 08, 1897, Image 2
THE CiTIZEM. Entered at P. O. at Butler as 2»1 class matter WILLIAM C. NEGLEY - - Publisher. _ |W l, a = « THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1597. Republican County Ticket. FOR CONGRESS. DR. J. B. SHOWALTER. FOR JURY COMMISSIONER. A. O. EBERHART. . DR. SHOWALTERS NOMINATION At New Castle, Monday, the Law nee and Mercer county people showed a disposition to recognize the rights of Butler county to the Congressional nomination at this time—in fact they could no longer with any degree of de cency ignore our claims- and so after a dozen ballots had been taken they ar ranged to throw the nomination to this county. The Beaver county delegation heard of this arrangement and fell into line, they voting first as the counties were called in alphabetical order—and Dr. Showalter received the unanimous vote of the convention. Dr. Showalter has been a lucky man in politics; his star is yet in the ascend ent and we congratulate him. He is a competent and energetic man, and will, no donbt, be a creditable and use ful representative of the district in the The Trouble With The Senate. There is in the country at largfc a gen eral and growing feeling of contempt for the National Senate. There is an increasing conviction that it has lost much of its usefulness as a branch of the lawmaking power of the govern ment and become mainly a hindrance and an invincible ol>stacle to use ful legislation. It is encouraging to find that leading members of the Senate itself are becoming aware of the preva lence and intensity of this feeling of contempt and condemnation and that they are growing restive under it. One of the older members of the body— the senior Senator from Massachusetts has been moved to pub!is h in a popu lar magazine a discnasion of the ques tion whether the senate has really de generated, in which he maintains that in some important respects that body is better than it was in the days before the Rebellion. Senator Hoar easily shows that man ners have not grown worse since the day when Charles Sumner was brutally stricken down in the Senate chamber for defending his right to free speech, or "when a Vice President was inaugurat ed in a state'of maudlin intoxication: or when Sumner likened Douglass to the noisome, squat and nameless animal who switched his tongue and filled the Senate with an offensive odor, "although if common rumor and current reports of senatorial debates are to be credited, some of these offenses against decency may be matched in these days of ' cold tea" and Ben Tillmans. But the aged Senator goes on to point out more im portant points in which he insists the Senate has improved. He maintains that the evil influence of the lobby has decreased; that Senators "no longer bring whisky-soaked brains to meet the high demands of the public service," that the use of Executive patronage for personal advancement has gone by; that Senators as a class devote more work to the discharge of their public duties than formerly. It is fortunate for the country if these coniiiiendations are all deserved. But after all this is said and conceded the fact remains that the Senate is not effi ciently—sometimes not even inefficient ly —doing its legitimate work as part of the legislative machinery of the coun ' l»ryr- It Ttvrb y*j unrl <1 of no tc legislation demanded by public welfare but it has stripped itself of the power to legislate. That it should fail some times to respond to the popular demand could be tolerated by thoughtful men, for that was one incidental object of its creation. But this is not the gravamen of the charges against it. It fails to respond to the will of its own majority. By the observance of its own traditions and absurd precedents it lies helplessly and almost hopelessly at the mercy of anv member who may wish to block the wheels of legistation. On this point Senator Hoar makes this admission. "Senators who have great measures in their charge are compelled to sit in vex ed and angry impatience while other Senators pour out an eternal stream of inane and empty chatter, chatter, chat ter about matters which have no pres ent practical importance whatever." And he is somewhat doubtful whether he should use the plural—Senators -in this connection. The fact is, that any one Senator is competent to do this and nntil the Senate by the amendment of its rules resumes its authority to legis late it will continue to act under the absolute sway of anv hair-brained and insignificant faction of its own member ship. Senator Hoar thinks this domination of the Senate by the minority is a man ifestation of a "pestilent and prevalent" evil which he says is showing itself elsewhere—the "attempt by minorities to prevent the constitutional action of majorities." But the fact is that mi norities are forced to submit to ma jorities all over the country, so far as known, except in the National Senate. It is so in the House of Representatives; it is so generally in both branches of State Legislatures; it is so in city and borough councils, and it may be so in the Senate whenever that body makes np its mind to cease bowing down be fore the fetish of its own absurd tradi tions and "courtesies" and resolves to resume its inherent constitutional right to rule its own action. A few years ago a Speaker of the House by his own will and courage rescued the lower branch of Congress from the pestilent' rule of the majority. Possibly Vice- President Hobart may perform the same great service for the upper branch. In that event he will win the gratitude of the country and rescue the Senate from growing popular contempt and condemnation. —Wellsboro Agita tor. HARRISBURG. The State Senate lately passed a bill changing the existing laws relating to holidavs in the following particulars: The third Tuesaav of February is.made a legal holiday. 1 his is the February election day. " Labor day is made the first Monday of September instead of the first Saturday as observed. This is to conform to laws of other States. When the 30th day of May falls on Sun day the day succeeding. Monday, is made Memorial Day instead of Satur day as under existing law. February l.)th. Lincoln's birthday, is made a legal holiday. . During Tuesday's session the Bliss bill, in the interest of the Guarantors' liability and indemnity company, per mitting them to issue surety l>onds, was defeated by a vote of 105 to 21. Among the bills which passed finally were: Requiring grand and petit juries to disj>ose of costs in certain criminal cases; prohibiting any person from falsely representing himself as a detec tive ;providing for Are alarms in hotels and factories employing over 10 per souq; to provide for the maintenance and care of indigent insane in county and local institutions. Having secured unanimous consent. Mr. Marshall, of Allegheny, presented the new capitol bill. This creates a capitol commission on public grounds and buildings and their successors when elected, and the president pro tem. of the senate and the present speaker of the house. This commission is to erect a new capital at a cost not to exceed $550,000, to be lire-proof, and in colon ial stvie; to award the contract to the lowest bidder, after two weeks adver tising; to use as much of the materials from the capitol ruins as possible, and U> utilize the insurance money as par) of tlu' |550,0(H) appropriation. This i» practically th»- plan desired by the gov enor. Dr. Schaeffer ha* l*c«-ii reappointed State Sup't of Public instruction Congressional Conference. About seventy Butler county men put in an appearance at New ( astle last Monday Dr. Showalter. with some twenty friends from his town and vicinity came to Butler on the early train that morning; they were joined here by about twenty-five more, and these with the additions at Callers*, and other points along the route made a crowd of about sixty, while some of the dele gates and friends of the Dr. from the northern part of the county went to New Castle by way of Mercer. The ride was a pleasant one. the ho tel accommodations were good, and at 1:30 P. M.. the Convention met in the Court-room and was called to order by Chairman Potter of the Lawrence Co. Committee The convention organized by electing E I. Phillips, of Newcastle President; and S. P. Stone, of Beaver, J. M. (*al breath, of Butler and James Lindsey of Mercer Vice Presidents; and Messrs Josiah M. Thompson, W. C. Taylor, C. W. Cline and W. T. Gilmore, secre taries. When the convention had been form ally organized, the chairman called for the presentation of candidates, and the counties responded in alphabetic order. Ex-Judge Mechlem named Hon. C. C. Townsend of Beaver, J. M. Galbreath presented the name of Hon. J. B. Showalter of Butler, Hon. J. R Brown presented the name of Hon. Thomas W . Phillips of Lawrence, Thomas Cox pre- SCllllft tilt rrrrTTTT- rrf Oor. W. A Clark of the same county. W H. Cochran presented the name of Henry Robinson, and Col Kreps the name of Maj. Harry Watson, the latter two candidates being from Mercer. The first ballot gave Townsend 15; Showalter 15; Phillips 13$; Clark 11; Robinson 10* and Watson 4j—there were tie votes in both Lawrence and Mercer counties. This vote was kept up until the 12th ballot when Clark threw his vote and a half to Showalter; a recess followed during which the Lawrence and Mercer delegates agreed to nominate Showalter; the Beaver del egates heard of this and fell into line and on the 13th ballot Showalter re ceived the unanimous vote of the con vention. The Dr. was called for, and he re sponded in a neat speech thanking the convention for the hoeor conferred up on him, and before adjourning resolu tions were passed asking congress ami the legislature to pass such laws as would prohibit the use of power ma chinery for work in any of the prisons of the country, and prohibiting any prison-made goods or wares from being shipped out of the state in which they are made. A TAX of one cent a gallon on beer would furnish sufficient revenue in two years to build a five-million dollar capi tol. But for some unaccountable rea son the subject of the taxation of beer seems to be approached with extreme caution and delicacy. WASHINGTON NOTES, On Thursday President McKinley sent the following nominations to the Senate. Andrew D. White, of New York, for ambassador to Germany. William F. Draper, of Massachusetts, ambassador to Italy. Chandler Hale, of Maine, secretarrv of the embassy a& Rome. Benjamin Butterworth, of ohio, com missioner of patents. Oliver L. Spalding, of Michigan, and William B. Howell, of New Jersey, to be assistant secretaries of the treasury. TSHI Iltitrl L/. O-iifceuj . ryf M*w-*«tc4svir»e*fco. consul at Fnchow. China. Capt. Robert Craig signal corps, to be major. Two women have applied to the new administration for foreign appoint ments. One wants to be minister to Columbia, the other a consul at some European point. These are the first instances of requests of this kind. The new woman is nothing if not energetic, and these two applicants are of this tvpe. There is nothing in the statutes preventing a woman being appointed to either of the diplomatic positions men tioned. Chairman Dingley made short work of the juggling of percentage figures by which the Democrats in the House sought to make it appear that the Din gley Tariff bill, which will this week l>e passed by the House carried a higher average rate of duties the McKinley did. Said Mr. Dingley: "Notwith standing the fact] that in this bill in every schedule except earthenware, glass, tobacco, and, I think silk to some extent —notwithstanding that in every schedule except these the present bill carries actually less duty than was car ried in the act of 1890, and notwith standing the fact that in many of the schedules it carries duties substantially the same as those in the present (Demo cratic) law. yet if you convert these specific duties into ad valorem percent ages, not taking into consideration the changes of value between 1890 and 1H96 yon appear to have an increase of duties imposed, when as a matter of fact, the actual duties imposed are less. The President sent a message to Con gress Tuesday regarding the flood suf fers in the Mississippi Valley, and Con gress responded with an amiropriation of $200,000. ROHERT BONXEK mentions the fact that when he bought his first trotting horse in 1856 only nineteen horses, liv ing and dead, had trotted a mile in 2:30. Now there are more than 1,300 in the list. JACKSVILLE. Mrs. W. J. Drake has returned from a visit to her daughter. Mrs. Rev. R. B. Wilson, of Allegheny, who accompani ed her mother on her return home and will spend some time in the country. Mr. J. H. Pizor and Marcus Reichert attended the congressional convention in New Castle on Monday. Mrs. Nancy Badger lias returned to her home in Portersville. Miss Olive Maxwell, of North Liber ty has been visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Margret Stickle. The new gas well on the Lewis Vosler farm was drilled in a few days ago with a fair pressure of gas. W. P. Mecom came _nt»ar having a serious fire the other day—the roof of his house caught fire from a spark, and was pretty well under headway when discovered by a neighbor and extin guished. A Plea for Good Roads. Several road-making machines which were ordered by some <>f the neighbor ing townships were delivered in Butler last week. That reminds us that this is the time of year when some good solid stone and some good honest lalior can be judici ously used in improving every yard of road in the county. The roads are not to be improved for the benefit of the man with a bicycle only. Good roads add very greatly to the'land value of the farm, make the markets more accessible, and save wear and tear on the horses and wagons. How lunch better it would be to drive into town over u solid road bed than through mnd a foot or two deep. We have seen men working out their road tax who tried to see just how little work they could make pass for a day's lalior. The man who shirks his road work hurts himself and his every neighbor. And yet about election time b-tine shirker makes it a point to H*k some *avui of h?s neighbor which lie does not deserve. Don l be afraid to do a little extra work ont he roaqs You are sure to be paid for it in many ways. H. The Libel Law In the last Wednesday the lirst section of the bill to liberalize the libel laws of Pennsylvania so as to per mit the truth to be pleaded in mitiga tion or justification of the alleged libel was voted down, and the whole bill fell with it. The first section simply pro vided that when a man was convicted or acquitted of 1i 1 »el in one county of the State he could not l>e prosecuted in any other county. It is simply amazing that the Legisla tnre of Pennsylvania should exhibit such an illiberal spirit towards the newspapers of the State. Of the forty nine States and territories in the 1 nion Pennsylvania is the only one that does not permit the truth to be pnt in evi dence bv the defendant in an action for libel brought by a private individual. In many of the States the truth is a suf fiicient justification without regard to the motive, and in all the States except ing Pennsylvania, the truth published with good" motives and justifiable ends, amounts to a complete defense. Our libel laws cauie down to us trom the time of James I as a part of the common law of England. There ha\ e been no improvements since that ex cepting the Constitutional provision which permits the truth to be told con cerning public officials. After the com mon law governing libel and slander passed into our system from the mother country, .the laws of England were greatly modified and liberalized, but they did not apply in this country after the revolution. Consequently the State of Pennsylvania is still clinging to the mouldy and cast off garments of des potism. The laws in use by us were specially designed to suppress and si lence public discussion in an absolute monarchy. Their purpose was to pre iu*rva anui protect the kiiipreroga tive in an age when liberty was a dream. . . The whole system of modern journal ism has grown up since these laws were enacted, and it is no wonder that they do not fit. The fiction of law which assumes that criticism of a man s conduct is a breech of the peace.is still clinging like a barnacle to the practice and precedent governing libel in Pennsylvania, ihis doctrine ignores man s personal rights reputation, credit and a good name, and assumes that every man is alike entitled to honor and respect regardless of his conduct. It would prevent newspapers from ixposing imposters and protect the public from the schemes of bunco men to rob them, because the truth is more likely to provoke a man s wrath than a lie, consequently the greater the truth the greater the libel. It also ignores the freedom of speech and of the press, without which there can beno real liberty. The libel law of Pennsylvania, based almost exclusively upon the common law of England, which has been super ceded by statute laws in that country more in harmong with the spirit of lib erty and civilization, is so indefinite that it is scarcely construed alike by any two judges. Its absurdity and in justice is so apparent that few convic tions are obtained under it. But the fact remains that it is a constant men ace to the liberty of the press, and consequently to the best interests of the people.— Punxsutawney Spirit. Chattanooga Tenn.. had a iftdO.OOO fire Saturday morning which destroyed the largest business building in the city and killed two men. STATE Factory Superintendent Jas. Campbell says there are al>ont 100,000 more people employed in Pennsylvania now than there were six months ago. JHE bill which was before the legis lature to increase the school term from six to seven months was defeated in the House by a vote of '.)•! to 78. The coun try members generally voted against the increase. FAIR VIEW. Mrs. Louis Keeffer is away visiting friends in Butler. She has two sons and two daughters living there imd it takes quite a while to visit all of them. Nora Black, of Harrisville. Mrs. W. Cmawn s sister, IS vlsrnng with them this week. H. W. Jamison went last Monday to Perrysville to work at rig building. Howard Rankin has moved into his new house he built lately on the R. F. Rankin farm, we miss him. Bert Michael went back to work to the Buenavista oil field. Monday, where he accidently smashed his finger and was laid oft' for a few days. Hiram Madison was here visiting his mother, last week, the first time for several years. Lesly Gifford, who has been working at Homestead for several years, was married on Sunday to Miss S. C. Lyson a native of that place. They arrived here at his home on Monday evening, and were greeted on Monday night by a jolly serenade composed of ail sizes and sex. DENT. CLINTON TWP. Jacob Coon, the well known pipe line workman is spending his vacation with John cjuinn, of Hayesville. James Walker and wife, of Jefferson twp., visited William Hesselgesser and and wife, of Worthington. Armstrong Co., recently. George P. and James Maizland pur chased two fine Clydesdale brood mares from Patton and Noble, well known stockmen of Armstrong county. They claim the Clydesdale breed excels all others and that they could not be in duced to have any othe.* kind. Gibson. Hanna & Co. have the credit of removing successfully a very large boiler from Cooperstown to Butler, the boiler weighed eight tons. It required four good teams. Edward Bartley has constmcted a handsome and commodious machine ami repair shop It is rumored that John C. Logan in tends erecting a large store building 011 the James Maizland farm near the de pot of the Bessemer and Lake Erie rail road. FLICK. Sylvester Montgomery has left for the W. Va. oil fields. A. H. Gold has returned home from ()hio, where he has l>een visiting friends for the last three months. R. R. Hays has moved his family to the Capt. Hays farm. Miss Pearl Criner was the guest of Miss Grace McCali, last Sunday. J. A. Shaffer, of Kittanning, is visit ing Adam Gold. Mrs. J. W. Gillespie is going to start -a restauraunt on the Pittsburg A: West ern railroad. Hiram Gillespie is laid up with a sprained ankle Thos. Parks has moved on a farm near the Undercliff oil field. aOKAI H POWDER Absolutely Pure. i Celebrated for its gieat leavenint; 1 strength and liealthfulness. Assures the food against aluui and all forms of ailul teration common to the cheap brands. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO NEW YORK. I Advertise iu the CITUKN. Allegheny county will have 975 thirst-quenching places for the coming year—viz: 4*4 in Pittsburg. 170 in Alle ghent. 41 in McKeesport. 101 in the boroughs and SO in the townships. The business part of the town of Cambridgeboro, Crawford county, was destroyed by tire, last Thursday, and among the bnildings destroyed was the Cambridge House, which has sheltered a great manv Butler people. Haggerty & White's loss is put at 945. Ouo and their insurance at $30,000. They will probably rebuild During a riot at Freeport Saturday night among the Hungarian miners, Mike Mostrenski had his skull fractur ed by au Italian, who escaped. Several others were less seriously hurt. There is not a prisoner in the Clarion jail. The only one confined there made his escape last week when the janitress entrred with his dinner. He was a deaf mute from St. Petersburg. That the Mercer Co., folks mix thrift with their politics is evident from the fact that the assessors returned a total of about $2,500,000 at interest in that countv. Sharon has over half a mil lion at interest, and Mercer and Green ville a quarter of a million each. Mercer papers report the shipment from that place last week of six car loads of horses, purchased by one firm who left over $3,000 in the county. Five cars went to New York for ship ment abroad. The prices were far in advance of those prevailing during the winter. The other day, at Anderson. Ind. . a mau and woman who were accused of the murder of the mans wife, were acquitted by a jury, and within an hour after their acquittal the pair were married. Then the jury took to scratch ing their heads over the question whether the joke was on them or the deceased woman. DEATHS. EAGAN—ApriI 2. 1897, infant son of P. H. Eagan, of Monroe St., Butler. KELLY—ApriI 1. 1897. Victor, son of William V. Kelly of N. Main St.. aged 3 years. JOHNSTON—At hia home in Summit twp.. April 7, 1897, Jacob L. Johns ton, aged about 50 years. OTTO—At the home of her daughter in Oklahoma, April 7. 1897. Mrs. Otto, widow of Christian Otto, aged 85 years. FINK —At his home in Butler. April 4, 1897, Frank Fink, aged 26 years. REDICK —At his home in Allegheny twD., April. 6 1897. John Redick. aged about 75 years. LEIBLER -At her home in Butler twp April 1. 1897, Mrs. Mary Leibler, widow of Andrew Leibler, aged 77 years and 28 days. Mrs. Leibler was the mother of 16 children, 12 boys and 4 girls, almost all of whom like herself were robust and strong. In all respects she was a most excellent women and highly respected by all who knew her. With her hus band she came from Germany to this country when young and purchased a f»rm about three miles South of Butler where they always lived. Mr. Leibler died about 15 years ago. NEGLEY —At his home in Philadel phia. April Ist, 1897. Harry Xeglev. in his 44th year. Harry will be remembered by the middle aged men of Butler as the sec ond son of John H Neglev, Esq. He located in Philadelphia about twenty years ago, and for many years was the foreman of the "Saturday Evening Post." Several years ago his throat be gan troubling him, the affection went to his lungs, and for the past eighteen months he has been a bed-ridden and helpless invalid. He was buried in Fernwood cemetery, Philadelphia. Tuesday of this week. His wife and three children survive him. OBITUARY NOTES. Rev. Lee M. Heilman who, when a young man had charge of the North Washington and Rider churches for some months died in Washington State a few days ago. Pure Blood is essential to health. Now is the time to purify and enrich the blood, and thus give vigor and vitality, by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla The One True lilood Purifier. All druggist*. |1 Hood's Pills cure all Liver Ills. '« centt. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Company Office cor, Main and Cunninghan Sts. ALK. WICK. Pre*. <m>. K KITKUKU. Vice Pn«. L. 8. W'y And T?M» DIRECTORS. Alfred Wick, Henderson Oliver. I>r. W. Irvin. James Stephenson. W. W. Illackmore. N. Weitzel. K. Bowman. H. J. Klinurler. Geo. Ketterer, ('has. Rcbliun. Ceo. Renno. John Koenig. LOYAL fccJUWKIN Agent. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. W. P. MCTLROV, DKNTIST. Formerly known as the "Peerless Painless Extractor of Teeth.'' Located permanently at ill East Jefferson St., Opposite Hotel Lowry, Butler, Will do dential operations of all kinds by the latest devices and up-to-date methods. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. DENTIST. Gold Fillings Painless Extraction of Teeth and Artificial Teeth without plates a specialty, Nitrous Oxide or Vitalized Air or Local naesthetics used. Ottice over Millers groceiy, east of Low ry house. DR. J. E. FAULK, DENTIST, Painless extraction—No Gas—Crown and bridge work a specialty. Office —Room No. I, new Bickel build ing. DR. N. M. HOOVER, 137 E. Wayne St., office hours. 10 to 12 a. m. 1 and to 3 p. m. I \R. CHAS. R. B. HI NT, I' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Eye, ear, nose and throat a specialty. 132 and 134 S. Main Street, Ralston building. OAMUELM. BIPPUS, 0 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 200 West Cunningham St. 1 J. DONALDSON, 'I • DENTIST. Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec ialty. Office over Miler's Shoe Store. Y I*l. McALPINE. » • DENTIST. Main St. Na-sthetics Administered. 1 1 M. ZIMMERMAN, 'I • PHYSICIAN SURGEON Office No. 45, S. Main st.eet, over City Pharmacy. [ BLACK, Li PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. New Troutman Building, Butler Pa. r A. RUSSELL, M> D. IJ . Room 3, Bickel Block. Butler Pa. , eoplo? Phone No. 309. Night call 173 ELECTION PROCLAMATION.' GOD SAVE THE COMMONWEALTH IN THE NAME HY AUTHORITY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENN SYLVANIA. [EXECUTIVE DE- j PAHTMENT. ] To William B. DodtK. Enquire. High Sheriff I of Uie Connty nf Bntler. Sends Greeting: i WHEKHAS. In consequence of the death of Hon. James J. Davidson, who was elect»*l a member of the Fifty-fifth Congress from the Twenty-fifth Con gressional District of this Common wealth, comprised of the counties of Mercer. Lawrence. Beaver and Butler, a vacancy will exist in the represent.-! | tion of the State in the Honse of Repre- i sentatives of the United .States, and WHEREAS. An extraordinary session of Congres. has been called by the President of the United States to meet at Washington on the 15th day of March, 1897. Now. THEREFORE. I. Daniel H Hast ings. Governor of said Commonwealth, in pursuance of the provisions of the Constitution of tne United States and of an act of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, entitled. "An act relating to the elections of this Common wealth." approved the second day of July, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, have issued this writ commanding you. the said William B. Dodds. Esquire. High Sheriff as aforesaid, to hold a special election in Butler connty on Tuesday, the twentieth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, for the election of a representative of the people of this Commonwealth in the House of Repre sentatives of the Congress of the United State sto fill the vacancy as aforesaid, and yon are hereby required and en joined to give the lawful notice and cause to be held and conducted the said special election and make return thereof in manner and form as by law is direct ed and required. Given under mv hand and the Great Seal of the State at the city of Harris burg this ninth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, and of the Commonwealth the 121 st. DANIEL H. HASTINGS. By the Governor: FRANK REEDER, [Seal] Secretary of the Commonwealth, In obedience to the commands of the above writ. I, William B. Dodds, High Sheriff of the county of Butler, do here by make known and give this public notice to the electors of said county that a special election will be held at the several election districts established by law in said county, on TUESDAY. APRIL 20. 1897, when officers will be voted for as fol lows: OFFICERS TO BE ELECTED. One person for Representative in Congress, the nominees for which are as follows: REPUBLICAN. .JOSEPH 1 B. SHOW ALTER. " Of Chicora Pa. DEMOCRATIC. SALEM HKILMAN, Of Sharon Pa. PLACES OF HOLDING rHK ELECTIONS The said elections >vili lio held thioughout the county as follows: The electors oi Ad:»:ns townahip. North j ret-ill' l, :it the Carpenter ah.ip ol J ... Suiltli nt Myoma in said pneiuct. The elector ol Ad.ira s. at. pre. net, at Parks Mill is'- creciuct. The electors of Allegheny township at the house ol David Hooz!e at Pointv in taid township. The electors of liafla'.o township at the house of 'l'liou. W. Elliott in said towi.ship. The electors of Butler township ht the house of .luuies llagemau in sa d town ship. The electors of Brady township at the School house at West Liberty. The electors of Clearfield township at the office ot Fr.mk P. Mcßride in said township. The electors of Clinton township at the Hal! at Riddles X Hoads in s ill township. The e'.cctois of Concord township, at M. Cochran's new house in Middletoni). The electors of Clay tomsUip at tho Centre School house in said township. Tho electors of Centre township at the Centre School House, in said.towiistiip. The electois of Cherry towiinhip, North |ir,-I'lTti'l.. uL Uu. KV-'-l.r.} ..1 ..il i-ionil', ill said prei iuct The electors of Cherry township. South precinct, at the Oomersol School 110-ase in said precUit t. The electors of Connoqueneosiny township Northern precinct at School house No. 7, m Whitcttowu. The eleoicis ot Coouo.ju* itownship. Southern prec.nct at t..0 (jr&haoi School ill.Use No. 5. The clectoi'a or Cranberry township at tie house of Andrew ICirshler in slid t ;wushii- The electors of Donegal township at tL« elei::ioii house in said township. The electors of Pair via ,v township at the election house in said township on tarm cf W U II Kiddie The electors oi Forward township at the house of Robert U.-Brown. The electors of Franklin lowuship at Mt Chestnut U:ati;.e U.iii in said township. The electors ol Jackson township. Eisteru precinct,at the house of Juo A Eichart in said precinct. The electors ol JiesLsoa township, West ern I'leiinct, at the Jaiec-ki' Ml'g building in said precinct. The electors of JeCfei'son township, at the house of Morris Brighter The electors ot Lancaster township at the house of C. Uh!. Th. electors of M. .-lies"* township at tiio house of George Cooper. Tne electors of. >l.irion township at the house ol li. VV. Atweii in :-iii*l lownsa.p. The electors of STuddycreek township at the I ou-e of Henry in said township. The electors of Mercer township at the house of J. A. Galbreitli i.i said to*uihip The electors of Oakland township at the house of William J. Hutchison in sai i town ship. The electors of Parker township at ttio honse o! Mrs LucinJi W illey in Martius burg. The electors of Pinn township, Nortli pre cinct, a; the Opera iiouse in Heiitiow. The electors of Peiin towi,M..p, <ouili pre ciuct, at ho house of ii. Sutton, in said precinct. The electors of Summit township at the liouse of Adam Frederick. The electors of Slipperyrock township at tho house ol Harry AI blister iu said township The electors of Venango township at the shop ol l£. K- Taylor. Tho electors of Winfield township Uall in said townsliip. The electors of Washington towuship, North precinct, at the house ol Mrs. .Jane Hender son. at I i li I lards The electors of Washington township, Sout'i preeim.t, at the Insurance, Co. oliiee, iu Norm Washington. Tne electors of Worth township at the Public Hall in Mechamcshurg in said town ship. The electors of tho boro-.gh of Butler, Ist war! at the Wuller Hall in said ward. 2nd ward at tho Kohler iiouse in said ward. 3d ward at the Grand Jury Koom in Court House. 4th ward at Nixou's Ilome, N. McKean Si, in said wa d. sth ward at the Wick House, on N Main St., in said war The electors of the borough of Centrovilie at the house ol Robert Ralston. The electors cf the borough ol ilarrisvillo at the ti. A. It Hall in said borough. The electois of the borough of Prospect at the house ot Sain'i. Kiddle iu said borough. The electors of tho borough of Sasouburg at the house of Mrs. E. A. Helmbold in said borough- The electors of the borough of West Sun bury at the public school house. ihe electors of the borough of Miileratown at the hotel of Jn ». Dolau iu said borough. The electors of the borough of Fetrolia at the Council Room In said borough, '! he electors of the borough of Fairview at the Uuion Hall in said borough. The electors of the borough of Karns City at the Hose iiouse iu said bort ugh. The electors of tho borough of Evans City at the shop of Miekley «Sc West in said bor ough. The electors of the borough of Harmony at the office of F R Convert in said borough. The electors of tho borough of Zelienople at the wagon shop ot James Wallace in said borough. 'The ehctors of the borough of Mars at the house ol Jos.'MuCannon in said borough. The electors oi" the borough of Portersyille j at the house of li. I. Beighley iu said bor >. The electors of the borough of Valenci i at the store room of Bail & Stoup iu >ai i bore ugh. The electors of the borough of Conuoque- ; neasing aithe house of P W Tinman iu su I j borough. Notice is hereby given that every person, excepting justices of the peace, j who shall hold any office or appoint I inent of profit or trust under the gov eminent of the United States or of this ; State or of any city or incorporated dis ; trict, whether a commissioned officer or ' otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent who is or shall be be employed under , the Legislative, Executive or Judiciary department of the State or of the Unit ed States or of any city or incorporated district, and also that every member of Congress and of the State Legislature . and of the select or common conncil of any city, or commissioners of any in corporated district is. by law. incapable of holding or exercising at the same time the office <>r appointment of judge. ins|>ector or clerk of any election of thin Commonwealth, and that uo inspector, ' i judge or other officer of any such elec lion shall IH> eligible to any office to IK- J then voted for. except that of an elec tion officer. Given under my hand at my office at Butler this ::i<t day of March, in the year of our Lord Is'.lT. and in the 101 st year of the Indejiendence of the I'nited States of North America. WILLIAM B DODDS. Sheriff of Butler Connty ( Mercantile Appraiser's 1 LIST FOR 1897. BUTLER BORO. B ildauf Win. 2 i«»ol tables s4l (HI : Hnselton .T F. 5 pool tables. 71 00 Millinger (.i E. I! pool tables 51 00 I Turner .1 M. 4 jtool tables 61 00 j EVANSBL'RC: BORO. Donaldson T A. :> JMK>I tables... 51 00 HARMONY BORO. Luton M E. 3 jiool tables 51 0<» ZELIENOPLE BORO. Allison G E. 3 jiool tables 51 Ort MARS BORO. Hoiks <Sr Lee. 4 jiool tables 61 1)11 MILLERSTOWN BORO. Tadder G P, 3 pool tables, Chi cora 51 00 MIDDLESEX TWP. Butler R J, 4 pool tables. Glade Mills 61 00 CENTREVILLE BORO. Sneathen D S, 2 jstol tables, Slippery Rock 41 00 PENN TWP. Ewing G, 2 pool tables, Renfrew. 41 00 ADAMS TWP. Marry P H, 3 jiool tables,Callery, 51 00 BUTLER BORO. Burkhalter Geo N. Park Theater 30 T-i ! EVANSBURG BORO. Ifft H J. opera house.. 30 75 HARMONY BORO. Latchaw A, opera house 30 75 SAXONBURG BORO. Knock «& Reotig, opera house... 30 75 BUFFALO TWP. Penn'a Distilling Co. distillery, Freeport 103 00 BUTLER BORO. Class Armstrong MA, restaurant... 8 575 Barrickman JL. restaurant... 8 575 Dunn JP. restaurant 8 575 Christie Maggie, restaurant... 8 570 Goss ES, restaurant 8 575 Gamer J M, restaurant 8 5 75 ; Brock Lewis, restaurant 8 575 Heath Mrs H, restaurant 8 575 King Peter, restaurant 8 575 Maxler ,! A, restaurant 8 575 Smith HJ, restaurant 8 575 Regas A. restaurant.... 8 575 Wellner JW, restaurant 8 575 McFarland SA, restaurant... 8 575 EVANSBURG BORO. Cole EJ, restaurant 8 575 Dunbar & White, restaurant.. 8 575 Hogeland SE. restaurant 8 575 Long AJ. restaurant 8 575 Stephenson WJ, restaurant... 8 575 HARMONY BORO. McNelly Harry, restaurant... 8 575 MARS BORO. Miles TH, restaurant s 575 PETKOLIA BORO. Fritz F M. restaurant 8 5 75 ADAMS TWP. Marry PH, restaurant, Callery 8 575 BUTLER BORO. Allison II H, store 13 10 75 Amy Bros, furniture 1 12 13 25 Aiken WR & Co, store 14 775 Anderson BC & Co, furniture. 14 775 Anderson AC, rn'gr, drugs 14 775 Aiken & Campbell, store 11 15 75 Boos Jacob, store 13 10 75 Bickel John, shoes 12 13 25 Burton TA, store 11 15 75 Biehl Henry, hardware 14 775 Butler Pharmai'v, •lrtigs 14 7 '«.*> j Balph JF. drugs 14 775 Boyd C N, drugs 11 15 75 Butler Produce Co, store 12 13 25 Bovard & Seyfang, hardware. 13 10 75 Breeman J. store 14 775 Bayonette V, store 14 775 Butler Lumber Co. lumber 12 13 75 Colbert & Dale, store 12 13 75 Campbell J G &W, hardware 9 25 75 Colbert Harvey, store 14 775 Cypher Geo A & Co, hardwarelO 20 75 J Cleeland DL. jewelry 13 10 75 .] Campbell & Templeton, fur niture 10 20 75 Core Music Co, pianos, &c 14 775 Camella Frank, fruit store 14 775 Courtney FW, store 14 775 Duffy Charles, store 11 15 75 Douthett & Graham, store 11 15 75 Douglass JH. store 13 10 75 DeArme WH, store 10 20 75 Ehmer JA, store 14 775 Elliott CR. store 14 775 Fisher WA, store 13 10 75 Finin L A, store 14 7 75 Forcht J H, store.. 14 7 75 Graham Bros, store ,13 10 75 Grieb JR. jewelry 14 775 Grieb E, jewelry 14 775 Hnselton BC, store 10 20 75 Heck D & Son, store 13 10 75 Hinchbefger C, store 14 775 Hinchberger Chris, fish 14 775 Hock JC, store 12 13 75 Hull H. store 14 7 75 Heinzer MN, store....- 14 775 Harper Bros, store 11 15 75 1 cure U Co, drugs 14 775 Johnston SA. drugs 14 775 Jackson & Mitchell, hardware. 14 7 75 Jack J S, store 14 7 75 Jarecki M'f'g Co, hardware... 13 10 75 Kamerer WA, store ,13 10 75 Kirkpatrick RL, store.... 14 775 Ketterer Geo, furniture 13 10 75 Kauffman J, store 11 15 75 Koch C, store. 10 20 75 Kirk HD, store 13 10 75 Kirkpatrick WM. store 13 10 75 Kinrh Daniel, store 14 775 Koonce HW, store 14 775 Kearns A& S. store 13 10 75 Klinger H J <Sr Co, feed 9 25 75 Kamerer GD. store 14 775 Larkin & Co, hardware 14 775 McCrea AY s & ('<>. feed 10 20 75 Miller Henry, store 10 20 75 Metzger WF, shoes 13 10 75 MurrinT A. store 14 775 Miller CE. shoes 12 13 25 Miller G Wilson, store 10 20 75 Martincourt & Co, store...,. .10 20 75 Myers AE. store 12 13 25 Mitchell Chas M, store 14 775 Mangold Mrs PR. store 13 10 75 Mcßride 1 J, store 14 7 75 McClain M, furniture 14 775 Morrison TA, store 14 775 National Supply Co, hardwarell 15 75 Niggel J & Bro, hardware. ~ . Oil Well Supply Co. hardware. 12 13 25 O'Brien W H & Son, hard ware 14 7 75 Pape DT. store 14 775 Pryor EB. store 14 775 Poolos S, store 14 775 Philips OM. store 13 10 75 Purvis S G. lumber.,lo 20 75 Patterson JN, store 11 15 75 Ralston W E, store 14 7 75 Ruff A & Son. shoes 13 10 75 Rockenstein Joseph, store 14 775 Rockenstein MC, hardware.. .14 775 Roessing BE, store 14 775 Redick <& Grohman, drugs 12 13 25 Reiber A& H, store 10 20 75 Reiber A M & Bro, store 8 30 75 Richey JA. store 14 775 Stock C, hardware 14 7 75 C, store 14 775 Shloss Bros, store 12 13 25 Schaul & Nast, store 12 13 25 I Springdale Drug Store drugs. .14 775 ! Stein L & Sou. store 10 20 75 ) Troutnian A & Son, store 7 40 75 j Terwilliger HE, store 14 *7 75 j Walker JO, store 14 775 ! Wuller DH, drugs 13 10 75 : Wilson \V B. hardware 14 7 75 j Wright JB, store 14 775 j Wick LC, lumber 10 20 75 j Young Lizzie M. store 12 13 25 ; Zimmerman Mrs JE, store... !• 25 75 I Starr JH, store— 14 775 EVANSBURG BOKO. Boggs & Kline, store 12 13 25 Barkev Bros, feed and c0a1... .13 10 75 Barto David, shoes 14 7 75 Brown .T E. coal 14 775 I Burry LN, hardware 13 10 75 J ( Dambach Edward, lumber... .13 10 75 Hudson R, store ..14 775 Hulings JD, store 14 775 Ifft Geo <Sc Sons, store 11 15 75 . Jarecki Manufacturing Co. hardware. 14 7 75, List J M drugs 14 7 "75 Nicklas Bros, store II 15 75 Oil Well Supply Co. h dware. .14 775 ! Peff. r Fred pianos. «Sfcc 14 775 | Rigg-- WD. >t<«re 14 7 75' Shonp Philip hardware 13 10 75 I Thomas JD. drugs 14 775 i White JM. shoes 14 775 j Smathers AJ. store 14 775 i Kipiier JA. Store 14 775 Voung & Hyle. furniture 13 10 75 Zeliman D. storv 18 10 75 HARMONY BORO. 1 liame HW. store 14 775 Dindinger Wise, hardware .13 10 75 , Dindinger Geo, implements... 14 775 1 Huber JH; drugs 13 10 75 ■ KirkerSJ, feed 14 775 ' Milleman Bros, store 11 15 75 I Oil Well Supply Co. h'dware. .13 10 75 j Swain GD. store 11 15 75 j Stiver FB. fi'ed 14 775 1 Valencia Lumber Co. coal 14 775 j Wise & Bentle. lumber 13 10 75 Zeigler HD. fnmiture 14 775 Zehman D. store 14 775 HARISVILLE BORO. ! Beatty ES. hardware. 14 775 I Black J R Co. store 12 13 25 1 Baily Joseph, store 14 775 j Brown RL. furniture 14 775 I Curry J E store 14 775 i Elrick JM. drugs 14 775 Humphrey DW, store 12 13 25 Morrison WL. store 14 775 CENTREVILLE BORO. Bolton LH. store 13 10 1® Bard & Son, store 11 15 75 Bingham FP. hardware 14 775 Bingham JT. implements 14 775 Coulter TS & Co, store !4 775 Campbell & Co. drags 14 775 Kerr JC, store .13 10 75 Mayberry & Pearson, store... 14 775 Mitchell II F. drugs 14 775 Ramsey WT. store 14 775 Sproull & Stoops, store 12 13 25 Sowash SJ. store 14 775 l'l»er Sons, furniture 14 775 PROSPECT BORO. Bowers A, drags 14 775 Critchlow Bros, store 13 10 75 1 Graham & Scott, store 14 775 Forester SS, store 13 10 75 Keister OF. store 14 775 MeCleary EL, store 14 775 McClnre JH. drags 14 775 1 Riddle WR & Co. store 12 13 25 KARNS CITY BORO. . Wersh John, store 14 775 Story TR, drugs. 14 775 , MARS BORO. Boyd WD & Son, store 14 775 Brown JM, store 14 775 | Crum A, store 14 775 Kerr & Son. drugs 14 775 Hooks & Clark, lumber 14 7 75 Jordan & Co. store 11 15 75 National Supply Co. h'dware.. 12 13 25 Irvine H C. furniture 14 7 75 Oil Well Supply Co, h'dware.. 13 10 75 Shannon W L. store 14 7 75 Topping & Philips, store 14 775 Zeigler AC& E, store 11 15 75 Zeigler Al. hardware 14 775 Zeigler Clark, shoes 14 775 VALENCIA BORO. Anderson J A &W F. store. .13 10 75 Barr & Stoup, hardware 13 10 75 Cooper PE, hardware... 14 775 Rhodes FA. store 14 775 Windhorst FC, store 14 775 FAIRVIEW BORO. Hawn WC, store. Baldwin... 11 15 75 Scott C, store, Baldwin 13 10 75 PETROLIA BORO. Denholm T, store 11 15 75 English RE, hardware 13 10 75 Chesebro EP. store 12 13 25 ' Foster WC, drags 14 775 Hawk JM. store 13 10 75 1 Starr ML. store 13 10 75 Stoughton WR, junk 14 775 , Yerger S, hardware 14 775 MILLERSTOWN BORO. 1 Boyle DE. store 14 775 Campbell WW, store 13 10 75 DeWolf Dr WL, drugs 14 775 Frazier J T T, store 14 7 75 Frederick PG & Co, lumber. .13 10 75 Glass George, store 14 775 Hock Bros, hardware 13 10 75 Hays EF, hardware 14 775 Johnston C H. hardware 14 7 75 Johnston CH, shoes 14 775 Frankle S, store 14 775 Litzinger HC, store 13 10 75 McKee .T L, drugs 14 775 Ketlll WE. atMo 11) 10 7.1 Scharbac-n C, store 14 775 Sweiger F, shoes 14 775 Westerman Bros, store 10 20 75 Westerman RF & Co, store. .13 10 75 PORTERS VILLE BORO. Humphrey Wm & Sons, store. 11 15 75 McDowal GB, hardware 14 775 Marshall AS, store 14 775 Ramsey Bros, store 13 10 75 ZELIENOPLE BORO. 1 Allen FL. store 14 775 Bastian GD, hardware 13 10 75 Blum John, shoes 14 775 Dindinger Jsjni, store 11 15 75 Eioholz FE, hardware 13 10 75 Goehring FS, hardware 14 775 Householder Geo, farm im plements 14 7.75 Householder H, store 14 775 Ifft John & Co, lumber 13 10 75 King Geo, store 14 775 Knauff GH, hardware 14 775 Kaufman H, shoes ~14 775 Meeder & Gelhach. store 12 13 25 Meeder AH He Co, store 13 10 75 Passavaut CS, store 14 775 Reibolt Jacob, coal 14 775 Strohecker CJ D. hardware. ..14 775 | Reed CE. drugs 14 775 Wild Henry, store 14 775 Winters A, store 14 775 Wright Bros & Co, store 11 15 75 Wise IM, feed 14 775 Zehner Fred, feed 12 13 25 Zehner Edwin, furniture 13 10 75 WEST SUNBURY BORO. Bredin & Conway, store 11 15 75 Campbell & Co, store.l 4 775 Hindman HC & Co, drags.... 14 775 Meckling John, furniture 14 775 Rhodes & Russell, store 14 775 Steindorf & McKinney, hard ware 14 775 ADAMS TWP. Beninger HH, store Myoma. .14 775 Irvine CB, store, Callery 14 775 Shannon J F, store, Callery... 13 10 75 Spence, Booth & Co, hardware Callery 13 10 75 Thomas JH, store 13 10 75 Goddard MJ, coal 14 2,75 BUFFALO TWP. Leasure AW, store, Silvervillel4 775 McC'afferty James, store, Sar versville 14 7 75 Powell JW. store, Sarversvillel3 10 75 Witte W H. hardware.Sarvors ville 14 7 75 Watson Wm, lumber, Sarvers ville 14 7 75 Wilkewitz G, peddler, Sarvers ville 14 * 7 75 Ekas AB, store, Ekastown... 14 775 BRADY TWP, Clutton E G, store. West Lib erty .' 14 775 Martin M E, store, West Lib erty 14 775 Robinson WW. store, Pump. 14 775 CONNOQUENESSING TWP. Alexander & Heyl, store, Whitestown 13 10 75 Barnhart R & Son, store, Con noquenessing 1.3 10 75 Nicklas COll, store, Connoque nessing 14 775 Purviance J F & W A, store, Connoijnenessing 13 10 75 Poppleton R N, store. Butter cup 14 775 CENTRE TWP. Fleeger A, store, Fleeger 14 775 CLAY TWP Arthurs, Dunn & Co, store, Euclid 13 10 75 Goucher AA, store, Euclid... 14 775 CHERRY TWP. Baily JA. store, Bovard 14 775 Elliott HW. store. Coaltown.l3 10 75 Fogel V. drugs. Coaltown.... 14 775 Sproull & Stoops, store, Gomer sol 14 7 75 Leslie (i W, store. Moniteau.. 1-1 7 75 McCoy H C & Son, store, Anan 1 dale 14 775 Welsh James, store, Coaltown. 14 775 I CONCORD TWP. Kuhn CC, store, Hooker 14 775 Murtland Bros, store. Magic. .13 10 75 ! j Markwell S. store, Greece Gityl3 10 75 I ' CRANBERRY TWP. Croft JW. store. Trail 14 775 1 Frantz J. store. Ogle 14 775 Garvin Wm, store, Ogle 13 10 75 Hendrickson AG, store. Ogle. 14 775 CLINTON TWP. Anderson Ii J, a tore, Flick 14 775 ailMMiiiiiiMMiyi | All Women | | Interested in ml% | I CARPETS ffi§| I S Arc Invited Tovisi * ourCARPET 18? 3p| ROOM and inspect our new line of Carpets. No objections to the men com' * n & : W *U be glad to see them, but women know more about buying Carpets than men do, so we ex* pHr tend a special invitation to the women. 31 A NFW PARPFT Wi;iim P r ° v * the ap- Jjg r\ vrMSil L I pearance of your fcge S " - - - home. Wo have them at 25c up in INGRAINS suitable for \our bed -2=s| room or sitting-room. BRUSSELS it 50c up for a parlor or fitting-room. AXMINSTER CARPETS at SI.OO and up for your parlor, and the finest line of 2SC WILTON CARPETS for parlors that we have ever 1 LACE CURTAINS 1 3&I —————— ——————— r oom. PORTIERS jU for your parlor or sitting-room. Come and see them, feg* Have the cheap ones at $2.50 md the finer grades also, MATTINGS Want somet,lin S nicc anti 111/* I I IllvlOa cool for a summer floor cov- s§Sl 1 ering? If so, buy a Matting. 2£? C Remember the 18c kind we told you about last week— they are selling fast, so come soon. The nicest line of JSC fine Mattings we have ever shown. They will interest women of good taste. gSplj PI 100 W'lt° n s, Smyrna, Axministers, Tapistry nUUO and Oriental Rugs for any room in your 3E51 ——— house in many different patterns and color- |§2g ings. Better come soon as the assortment is now com- |=f^C ICampbell g Temple ton! M BUTLER. PA, M DONEGAL TUT. ; tinmn TA, -more, Kntnsnu..t4 775 Graham JH, store, St J0e.... 14 775 CLEARFIELD Twp. Krause Robert & Sons, store, Coylesville 13 10 75 Gormley F P,store, Coylesvillel4 775 ; MIDDLESEX TWP. Bel lis G C & Co, store Glade Mills 12 13 75 Cooper LJ. store, Glade Mills. 14 775 Cowan C, feed, Glade Mills... 14 775 Marks & Whiteside, store, Glade Mills 10 20 75 Oil Well Supply Co, hardware Glade Mills 14 775 Hutchison T J. hardware, Glade Mills 14 775 McFann LR, store, McFann.,l4 775 MARION TWP. Baily Joseph, store Harrisvillel4 775 Gorinley J H. store Mnrrins vilie 14 7 75 Murrin & Mcßride, store, Boyer 14 775 Sisney LJ, store, Boyer 14 775 MERCER TWP. Owens Lewis, Jr, store. Forest. ville 14 7 75 Shields RC, store, Forestville. 14 775 VENANGO TWP. Coleniyre GF. store, DeSale..l4 775 Jamison W C, store. Ean Claire 13 10 75 Speer JC, store, Ean Claire.. .14 775 McXamee Mrs L J, store. Hil liards 14 7 75 PENN TWP. Bowser RM, lumber. Renfre\vl3 10 75 Douthett A M. store. Browns dale 13 10 75 McClymonds H S, drugs Ren frew 14 7 75 Kirkpatrick Bros, store, Ren frew 13 10 75 Patrick James, store, RenfrewlS 10 75 Price Bros, h'dware, Renfrew. 14 775 Roberts D;W. coal. Renfrew.. 14 775 Sutton AD, store, Maharg 13 10 75 JEFFERSON TWP. Hartenstine L, store, Great Belt 13 10 75 Montag W M & Co, store Jef ferson Centre 14 T 75 O'Niel & Co, store. Great Belt. 13 10 75 JACKSON TWP. Snitzel Philip, store, Harinonyl4 775 LANCASTER TWP. Metz A E & Son, store. Middle Lancaster 13 10 75 FRANKLIN TWP. Watson Win & Son, store, Mt. Chestnut 13 10 75 Watson Wm & Son. store Isle. 14 775 WASHINGTON TWP. Altniyre Mrs T, store Hil linrds 14 7 75 Graham JP. store. Hilliards.. 13 10 75 Arner & Williamson, hard ware. North Hope 14 775 Jack R P. store, North H0pe..14 7 75 Miftlin & Mifflin, store, North Hope 11 15 75 McKee & Co, lumber, Hil liards 13 10 75 Sommers James, store, Hil liards 14 7 75 McFarland C B, store, Argen tine 13 10 75 Thompson I N, drugs, North Hope 14 775 WORTH TWP. Gardner W F. store, Jacks ville 13 10 75 WINFIELD TWP. Ferguson E M. store, Leasure ville 14 775 Kransf A & Sons, store, DennylO 20 75 Krause & Freehling, store, Denny 12 13 25 Smith & Logan, store, Carl>on Black 13 13 25 SLIPPERYROCK TWP. Cia-ton A, lumber, Wick 13 10 75 Hall Amos, store. Branchton.. 14 7 75 Hindman J L, store, Branch ton 14 7 75 FORWARD TWP. Hall J N store Carr 14 7 75 Rex Lewis, coal. Carr 14 7 75 Sharkey D. store, Zeno 14 775 Shilling Alex, store Reibold... 14 775 SAXONBURG BORO % Hehnbold Mrs T & Sons, st:>relo 20 75 Hellnhold Mm T A: Sons, clothing 12 13 75 Krause T, Store 11 157s -MaurholT GW, store 14 775 Mershon Dr EB, drops 14 775 SUMMIT TWP. Dittmer MB, store, Herman. .13 10 75 Dittmer JJ, store, Herman... 14 775 PARKER TWP. J Black WC, store, Bruin 13 10 75 j Caldwell HM, store. Bruin.. .14 775 Howard JC, store, Parker 14 775 ; Morgan JA. store. Parker 14 775 Meek James, store. Parker... .14 775 Orr JH. store, Bruin 14 775 ALLEGHENY TWP. Schell J D, store, Crawford's Corners 14 775 OAKLAND TWP. Andre WJ, store. St Joe 14 775 Ball Geo. store North Oaklandl4 775 Badger SB, store, Sonora 14 775 NOTICE.—AII who are concerned in this appraisement will take notice that an appeal will be held at the County Commissioners' office in Butler on Saturday. April 24th, 1897, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 3 P. M, when and where you may at tend if you think proper. J. A. EICHERT, Appraiser. March 17, 1897. Evans City. T B. BREDI.V. " • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Main St. nea r Court House. C H PIERSOL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office at No. 104 East Diamond St. P F. L. VcQUISTION, VI CIVIL ENGINKER AND SLRVKVOR, Office near Court House. AM. CHRISTLEY, • ATTORNEY AT LAW.. Office on North Diamond Strve», oppo site the Court House—Lower Floor. 4 T. SCOTT, A. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office at No. 8 Fouth Diamond St. HH. GOUCHER. " ' • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Mitchell building. pOULTER & BAKER, ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Room 8., Aimory building. \\ r H. BROWN, M • HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN- AND SURGEON. Office 236 S. Main St., opp. P. O. Residence 315 N. McKean St. 4 T. BLACK, A. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Room J. —Armory building. V EWTON BLACK, ATTORNEY A* LAW. Office on South Diamond Street. 4 I EX RUSSELL, A ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offic-j with Newton Black, Esq. South Diamond Street. T M. PAINTER, '* ■ ATTORNEY AT LAW,. Office between Postoffice and Diamond "0 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. ™ /ill 1I •I■■ 1 ■ n 1 TRADE DESICNS, COPYRIGHTS Anyone aendtng a sketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an Intention It probably patentable. Communications strlctlj confidential. Oldest agency for texturing patents In America. We have a Washington office. Patent® taken through Munn X Co. receive, special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully illustrated, largest circulation or any scientific Journal, weekly, termsf3.»» a year; §l.sosix months. Specimen copies and LIANI.H BOOK ON PATENTS sent free. Address MUNN A CO., 301 Urvadwav. New York..