Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 01, 1897, Image 4
A GENTLE REMINDER. SBICKEL'S ORANDS AND| SSAMPLE SALENS Still Going On. Big bargains in all lines-you'll be astonished at how much you can get for your money at our store. Stock must be sold even if we must make a sacrifice on the goods. Our large spring stock is beginning to arrive and we mils, close out winter goods—we need the room and if you see the bargains I am offering you will buy here. . - A FEW OF THE MANY BARGAINS WE WILL OFFER - - Men's oil grain waterproof shoes at $ l Boy's all solid waterproof shoes at Ladies' waterproof kangaroo calf shoes at -r Boys high-cut copper tipped shoes at J » Men's fine calf boots at - ' Women's fine serge slippers Ladies' fine dongola pat. tip shoes at Ladies' fine enamel handweit shoes at Fnll stock of sole leather, high iron stands with four lasts each reduced to 50 cents. All felt goods, leggins, overgaiters aud all winter goods to be closed out cheap. See our bargain couuters crowded with interesting bar gains. - - MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION - - JOHN BICKEL. 128, S._NAIN St. BUTLER,^PA. The New-York Weekly Tribune FOB EVERY member of fc"*- EVERY family on EVERY farm, in EVERY village, in EVERY State or Territory. \ FOR Education, * \ FOR Noble Manhood, \ V FOR True Womanhood, Tm n Tl7Xn Q important news of the Nation. 11 (j! V all important news of the vVorld. Tm r* T171? Q t^ic most re h*able market reports. II IJI V -Eiks brilliant and instructive editorials. T"\Tl? Q fascinating short stories. J.-L VJTI V -EiO an ucexcelled agricultural department Tm scientific and mechanical information. X-L ItX V illustrated fashion articles. Tm pi T"\7"TT humorous illustrations. 11 VJI V entertainment to young and old. IT GIVES satisfaction everywhere to everybody We furnish "The Citizen" and "N. Y. Weekly Tribune" FOR si.so PER YEAR. CASH IN ADVANCE. Address all orders,to IRE Clltllß Write your name and address on a postal card, send it ~ Geo Whitest, Building, New York CUY, and a sample copv of THE NF.W YORK TRIBUNE will be mailM to ytfn ■ CUT THIS OUT BRING IT WITH YOU TO BUTLER'S PROGRESSIVE SHOE HOUSE. A GREAT pgc SALE NOW GOING ON. Surprise after surprise awaits you. Never before in the his tory of Butler Co. has such an opportunity been offered to you. Think of it SI.OO, si.2f and $1.50 Winter Boots and Shoes all reduced to 98 cents. Prices That Tell The Story. w Ladies Rubber Boots 98c r Misses Rubber Boots 98c S Youths Rubber I<oots 98c r Mens Overs for Felts 98c V Mens Buckle Arctics 98c S Mens Buffßals Needle 98c \ Mens Buff bals, Yale 98c V Mens Buff Cong Globe 98c 3 Mens Working Shoes 98c \ Boys fine Bals, needle^9^: We Will Not be Undersold. Ladies oil grain butt 98c ! Ladies Calf Shoes 98c C Ladies fine butt Shoes 98c / L.adies spring heel shoes 98c 1 Boys and Girls shoes 98c \ Youths stoga boots 98c 1,000 Pair Schoo 1 Shoes 98 AND The Half Has Not Been Told DON'T MISS THIS SALE. TRY WHAT 98c WILL DO AT Butler's '.Progressive Shoe House. 2i5 South Main St., BUTLER PA C. E. MILLER, HOTEL FOR SALE The Oriental Hotel, at Petrolia formerly owned aud managed by W. H. Jellison; a/Id which had the reputation of being one of the best hotels in the county is for sale. For terms ami particulars inquire of A. KLINORDLINGER & SON. 1038, Pen® Ave. Pittsburg. OR W. H. H. Riddle, Butler fa. Wheeler & Wilson New No. 9 Family Sewing Machine. RotaiT MAKE XT Easy Running, Quiet, Rapid and Durable. Sewing Machines for Family and Factory use, for all grades of Cloth and Leather. Speed and Durablity. Factory and Head Office, Bridgeport, Connecticut, U. S. A. FOR SALE BY DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Needles for all kinds of sewing machines, Boss Washing Machines, etc. N. MAIN ST. BUTLER PA. N. B. —Second-hand Sewing Machines from $5.00 up. Sewing machines repaired. TIN WARE AND ROOFING A SPECIALTY. QUALITY FIRST, QUANITY SECOND. %%%%%%%%%%%%%% We have both, in the book and sta tionary line. 0 0® If yon want the best and a variety to select from *BUY AT# DOUGLASS' 241 S. Main St. IMPROVE YOUR POULTRY. I bred 22 varieties, my stock takes prizes wherever shown. Mammoth White and Bronze Turkeys; Toulouse and African Geese; I'ekin, Aylesbury and Muscovev Ducks; White nil I'earl Guineas; Barred and White Plymouth Rocks; White anil Silver Wyandottes; White, Brown and Bufl I/egliorns; Black Minorcas; Light Brali mas and Indian Games. Large Catalo gue free. PINE TREE FARM. Jamesburg, X. J, . A. MotnT, I'rop'r. Advertise in the Cixizxu. f^HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS 500 PAGE BOOK MAILED FREE. CONTENTS : Part I.—Diseases of Horses. Part 11.- Diseases of Cattle. Part lll.—Diseases of Sheep. Part IV.—Diseases of Hogs. Part V.- Diseases of Dogs. Part VI. —Diseases of Poultry. Samo book in better binding BO cts. msriiur.is'aEi). Co., cor.nua*** J»k« si«.,xe« Tork NEKVOUS DEBILITY, VITAL, WEAKNESS and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only sueeessful remedy. SI per vial,or 5 vials and large vial powder,for $5 S«)14 !>y l>rog<;i»ti, or sent postpaid on r«c«ipt of uric, lit JH*HKL\ s* XLl>. CO., C«r.WUHui * JohaSU., Se» Vo«i CATARRH LOCAL' DISEASE and is the result of colds aid C(/«,-CQIDB sudden climatic chanjas. H k '<sW „Kgujl For yotir Protoi'ti< n (jig! u, J5 we positive!/ rtate that tUs remedy doos n.»t Cunt...a men urjr or any other injur- -CjM Eiy'sGream is acknowledged to he ti.t most thoronch core lor Na«al Catarru, Cold in Head ar.<l Hay Fever of all remedies. It opens end cleanse* Ihe pafsaie?, al'ays pain an J hiflammation, hcr.U the pore", pro tects the membrane from colds restores the ten-ei ©f taste and smeil. Price noc. Nt DrnjrpsUorbytna:!. ELY BKOTHEItS, 56 Warren Street, New York. ~ plj OfiKi J 2 1 hI m§ ; i"> b% P U SSjfe V&355* A \ There are numberless . . jof whiskey Bold ou fa.s- c...i.. % >o f purity— £v.j FLEMING'S OLD EXPORT WHiSKcT V J £ Has stood the test o! populr. ; for OTtr 15 years— : f F. Jif it ieo't just what it is claiti:- /■ \ ? ? cd to be it wouldn't bo as pop t. j t uiar as it is. j; We ship all HQ orders free o: j UM charge «nd will mail a con j> - 1 picic catalogue to any addrenb JOS. FLEMING A SO\ ! ' A Wh< lef-a ; e flt.ij U't sil I» ■ ■■■/■■ »V •v> ' _ ' \ ft&i '-Vl '.T..." THAT TIRED SYSTEM can be made strong by cautious use of pure liquors. We offer Pure 6-year-old unadulterated Whisky, either Finch's, Over holt, Gibson, Guckenheimer, Large, or Mt. Vernon at |i.oo per lull quart, or 6 qts. for $5.00. We do not say you cannot get purity and age elsewhere. We do say, in 9 cases out of 10, you pay for adulterated substitutes. On C. 0. D. or Mail Orders of SIO.OO or over we prepay all charges Our Motto : "FAIR DEALINGS TO EVERYBODY." Grandfather's Choice Whisky, guaran • teed 3 years eld, $ 2.00 per gallon. ROBERT LEWIN & CO,, Importers and Wholesalers, 4il Water St. opposi:e B. &0. Depot ! Telephone, 217Q Pittsburg, I'a. ™e r " revivo Vitality* THE GKEAT 30thJDay. FRENCH REMEDY produces tlie above results In 30 days. It acts powerfully and (|Ulokly. Cures when all others fall. Yountr men will regain their lost man hood, and old men will recover their youthful vigor by uslwr BEVIVO. It quickly and sur.,l> restores Nervousness, Lost vitality. Lost rower. Fallini,' Memory, Wasting Diseases, and ill effects of excess and indiscretion, which un fits one for study, business or marriage. It not only cures... starting at the seat of disease, but Ls a great nerve tonic and blood builder, bringing back the pink plow to pale cheeks and restoring the fire of youth. It wards off Insanity ami Consumption. Insist 011 having KEVIVO. no other. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mall. Il.no per package, or six tor (5.C0, with <\ positive written guarantee to cure or refund tl-.s money. Circular free. A.ldress HOYAL MEDICINE CO.. CHICAGO, ILL For Sale by REDDICK & GROMANN, IJUCTOkS LAKE Kbj£9 PRI /ATE DISPENSARY, ifjv Jq Ora. PEMI, AVE. AND FOURTH BT., LESPSm*-, PITTSBUROk, PA. ■ JgiMttS X All formsot Delicate and Com plicated Diseases reiiuiringCos- F IDEXTIAL andSCIENTIKIC Med i..cn-:.ry with ft -access .arelv attained. Dr. 8. ti. Lake is " <nciiil>ct* of ttie Kovul Coll* Fliv .•i'-inna and Surgeoa-, ant*, is the ol lest and most ;.\|-,Tteaccd SPBOIALtsv ill the city. Special at ■nt'on given to Nervous Debility l'romercessive met-tai exertion, lidiscretion of youth,etc., eatis -11.(. physical and jiental decay,lack of energy, lespou Vncy, etc.; al so Ce.acers Old Sores, f its. Piles. Kheumatism, ami all di-.-asesof the Skin, I 100-l, I.uiius I'ldnary Organ:-,etc. Consultation 'tve strictly coiiudenttal 1 7 to 8 P.M.; Sundays, 2 to 4 p. S. j-ilv. at cflice or aildress DRs. LAKE, C'>K MS A» K iNDfUST. I'ITTHU'MtGII. t.~L p"* I V % vlh --DENTAL ROOMS.-- w 1' tkAiTSS 39-sth Ave., PittsbiT 0 , Pa. « I, Wtf We're PR ACTIC A' „'/*!« ' : 'Kl•" ftj MJWt 2I CROWN and work VFMi tMK" r I'ltt.sburg—why ,<OT DO fJ 1 AIJT fIIYOURS? «o«d CROWNS L*. fflnlv U""' BRIDGE w<!r l> reduced t »' Uss PER TOOTH Air. the 1R CNL.Y S8 JJ Hot«r Willard. Reopened and ready for the accommoda tion of the traveling public. Everything Firsf=class. MRS. MATTIE REIHING, Owner CD £ ICQ AXLE inAiEn GREASE BEST JN THE WOULD. Its wearin gfjualities are unsurpassed, actually outlasting to boxes of any other brand. Not fcffecte<l by heat, T iTCSKT'TII K GRNIIINE. FOB SALE JiY DEALERS CENEKALLY Pm'hiphMitc '* Pnffl!-h Diamond nrantf. ENNVROYAL PIUS Orlclnul au«l Only Genalne. A N ftArc, *lwav» r-iiablc. £■ "!t'nd Ilran-l in l{«*d an<l Guld T-v »• alcd Wilii blu<» TuLo 1W xvjno otbrr. ft'finc Canqrrox.x I'l ~ fir tioiu atui imi'.aliont. At Drugß'*?«, or aentl 4<*- 1 W .V in fctanp* for (>arttcuUr». • ''imoniftU »uA 1 V* uf "JWlrf fop r, lij rt'tnrn \ /> %!nil. 10.000 ; M An.nr. t I'Jtr. _ —"I <hl« >CJJ fcx SEANOR & MCE'S Livery, Feed and Sale Stable REAR OF WICK HOUSE, BUTLER, PA. The best ol horses and first class rigs alxay - on hand and for hire. Best acciinx dations in town for perma •,ei.t boarding Ht.d transient trade. Speci al care ;;u*r ipteed. Stable rni'in lor cixty-five hi s , A good class of hordes, both dnvers and diatt haiMt always MI hnr>ri and for sale under a lull gnara tec; J.U■ i horns bought upon proper notification by SKANOK i NAC'E, Telephone, N r o 219.' THE CITIZEN APRIL ASTRONOMY. Several typographical errors crept in to my last article, which it is of consid erable importance to have corrected. For the angular diameter of \ enus. in stead of 37 minutes 6 seconds, read 3..fi seconds of tire. For fnmacs. read fur- j naces: for septillous, read septillions; f >r aries, read Aries, and for Titan, read Titan. During the month of April all the j major planets except L ranus and Nep tane may Vie seen with the naked eye j between sunset :;iul midnight. Venus although approaching the earth, is be- \ coming less brilliant, because as she , overtakes the earth more and more of her j unilluminated disk is directed toward the latter. On the 2i*th she will be in conjunction with the sun and nearest the earth, the distance between the two planets at closest approach being about | 261 millions of miles. Venus sets this , evening at 9:31 and on the 15th at 8:33, local time. Mercury, on the 2e?'th, will be at j greatest elongation from the sun, his | angular distance from the latter being , 20 deg. and 43 seconds E. This planet j being somewhat elusive and dilMcult to | find, is seldom seen by ordinary observ ers. When in the best position for ob- , servation he shines with the brilliancy of an average star of the first magni- ; tude. To those who wish to see Mt-r- j enry, we suggest the following easy method of finding him. If the sky is clear on the evening of the 2*th. let the observer at 7: V> o'clock, standard time direct his eye to a point in the horizon 2U degrees north of due west, and then shift the gaze straight upward from that point 12 degrees, and the object sought for >vill be seen. These direc tions will be approximately correct for two or three evenings before or after the 2«th, but the latter date is prefer able if the meteorological conditions fa vor it. as the planet is then at a greater elongation from the sun. At the time indicated Mercury is equal in altitude to the seven stars, and is only about a degree south of that agglomeration. It will be interesting to observe the large apparent size of the full moon on the 17th inst. The moon is in perigee on that date, and is uncommonly close to the earth. A calculation shows that the distance between the earth and its satellite at 7 P. M. on that day will be but 222,127 miles, center to center. From surface to surface of the two bodies would be but little more than 217,000 miles, and if when the moon crosses the meridian on that date, it is in the zenith of the observer (which it will be in south latitude 20 degrees) he may consider himself within that dis tance of the lupar surface. The question will naturally arise, why is the moon so much closer to the earth than usual at this time? Instead of the earth being in one of the foci of the elliptical orbit which the moon de scribes, it is the common center of gra vity of these two bodies that is so sit uated, and both the earth and moon re volve around this common center of gravity, the earth describing a small orbit of about 3,000 miles radius. Now when the earth is displaced from this common center of gravity towards the moon and the moon is at the same time at the lower apsis or perigee, it follows that the moon must then be closer to the earth than the average perigean dis tance by an amount equal to the radius of the little orbit referred to. If when the moon is at the lower apsis the earth is displaced from the common center of gravity in a direction from the moon, it is plain the distance between them will be 3,000 miles greater than the average perigean distance. The distance of the moon at apagee is likewise subject to these variatiqps, its maximum distance being about 203,000 miles. On the evening of April sth an inter esting phenomenon may be witnessed. The two stars 19 Tauri and 20 Tanri of the group the Pleiades will be oc culted by he moon. These stars are very fain being each of the sth magni tude, and a good opera glass with a per fectly clear sky will be necessary to ob serve the occultations, although it is possible the immersions behind the dark limb of the moon might be observ ed by extra good eyes unaided. When not in proximity to the moon these stars may be easily seen with the naked eye. The eastern standard time of the phases and the angles of position as computed for the latitude and meridian of Butler, are as follows: — Immersion Em ersion 19 Tanri 7:54 8:58 20 Tanri 8:17 9:11 u Angles of position in degreea:-- At Immersion At Emersion 19 Tauri 91 261 20 Tauri 118 236 From the north point of the moon'* disk towards the east for direct image. AUGUST CROSS. LOOK AT THE LABEL Pasted on your paper, (or on the wrapper in which it comes,) for a brief but exact statement of your subscription account. The date to which y«u have paid is clearly given. If it is a past date a remittance is in order, and is re spectfully solicited. Remember the subscription price, SI.OO a year. Don't send money in an ordinary letter—it will be at your own risk. Use money order or registered letter, Remit to W. C. NEGLEY, Butler, Penna. ;3rlf the date is not changed within three weeks write and ask why. The ladies will wear large black hats of shirred net this summer. HOOD'S LS cur? Liver IV. - •>!«- Icusness, Indigestion, Ho. daciie. Easy to take, oasy to operate. 25c. The chief want in life is somebody who shall make us do the best we can. NATURE'S Compound is gaining in favor every day. C. I'. Stewart, Salts burg I'a., says: "It has helped me more than anything else." It builds up the system gives a good natural appetite. An innovation m Easter bonnets deo orrations is a tiny little baby chicken. It is said to be very chic. RHEUMATISM—Many cases treated with oilier remedies, have been cured with Armstrongs "I cure U." It reaches pain, cures pains, bruises, crampcolic, cholera-tnorbus, etc, Fine shad have arrived, and people are now looking for dandelion. Promptness is a jewel that very few consider fashionable. DIPHTHERIA —Nine times in ten a physician will not be needed if Arm- ; strong's Diphtheria and (Quinsy Drops are used as soon as soreness is felt in t'le j throat.. An Eastern fashion journal announo-1 es that there will be nothing new in bloomers this season." We conclude from this bloomers will lie worn by old women only. ARMSTRONG'^—LittIe System l'ills, ; the finest ami best ever used, A true liver pill that is sure to please. No Lun Things The.~. Sing Lee was an enterprising young Chinaman who conducted a laundry in a mining camp in-Colorado some years ago. His never-failing good humor made him a universal favorite, and on more than one occasion the boys found that he had a ready tongue in his head. A Presidential election occnred about ' this time, and one of the boys, an Irish- I man. remarked to Sing: "Well. Sing. ; i yez'll have to be goin' to China now. j The Irish be goin' to run things here and they won't have any li-tth; n Chinee • around. " Quick as a flash Sing retort ed: "All light, ute go Ireland. Ilish j no Inn things there. J ■ j If marriage were not such a doubtful : state and women were all that they ! seemed and the dudee were obliterated : from the face of the eaith and the ' offensive partisans were not too ram-; j pant— and that we could discover that : 1 , a man may be good even liefore he dies I —and society were not a matrimonial • j mart- -and the objectionable features ! j could be eliminated from the waltz— j i | and the collection liox was not r.lways j ;; associated with religion „and sensation ' alism was not considered naughty by j . j the people and spiritualism did not j j look so like a fake and the suicide: j would not seek the nicest room hi a| ' . hotel wherein to die and th. pies ' like j mother used to make" were more nu nierons and the bad spellers were not ' so anxious to write letters and girls > who go to cocking schools were not too ■ tired to help mother get dinner when ! they come home and the pugilists i wouldn't talk so much about fighting— i and the word "genial" were not used i so much —and a few other things were arranged this world would not be a bad place in which to live. —Ex. An exchange says: Pick out twenty young men as you meet them and not more than five out of the twenty are making any effort to save money. The indications are that the poorhonse of the future will have to be ten stories high, with folding beds in every room. You should not act silly or owly if a . bill is presented to you. Remember , that the favor was from your creditor , and that yon are the party under obli , gation. He gave you goods that he - had to pay money for and took your , word that you would repay him. A gentleman in a western legislature recently stated that a question had > arisen in his state as to the advisability 1 of passing a law prohibiting women 1 hunting in pants. "Well" says one of ' the party, "if yon can pass such an act t and enforce it I know one man who will i move to your state, as I never dare go " to sleep first with a cent in my pockets. Hood's Sarsaparilla rests the tired ' brain. It gives nerve strength and ; bodily health. A man who lately ate "roasting-ears" for dinner is quoted as follows: "In the fall," "when sweet corn is rij>e re move all the husks except the last lay er, and place it endwise in the Ijottom j of a keg or barrel, then pickle the same j as one would pickle meat. In this way you can have corn as fresh in March as you can in the fall." What Everybody Says About Brandy. That the Wines and Brandy of the Speer >7. J. Wine Co., Passaic. X. J, are leading all others in public favor. Their Wines are unexcelled for delicacy of flavor, and are pronounced by the most capable judges to be the very best in the market. For pure grape Brandy their Old Climax, vintage <Jf 1876, is admittedly the best to be had and more reliable than French Brandies. Drug gists sell it. Wm, Shakespere, who was consider able of an all-'ronnd writer composed a few lines for the benefit of James Pompadour Corbett, to-wit: "The painful warrior, famous for fight, After a thousand victories, once foiled, Is from the book of Honor razed quite, And all the rest forjjot for which he toiled." There is said to be a growing belief among the American tobacco consumers that home-grown tobacco equals the importe d article. Tobacco is grown in at least a dozen States, Pennsylvania leading in the amount of production, while Ohio has 50,000 acres given up to the culture, and an average crop of 30.- 000,000 pounds. If the man pulled the load While the horse held the whip, He'd fix up the road When he'd made the first trip. KNOCKED OUT—A merchant say- Morrison Bros Cough Syrup has knocks ed out my sales on all other cough cures. They came into the fighting ring, 'way ont in Carson City, And that is why I'm called upon to sing this little ditty. For Jim and Fitz, they punched and plugged; the ring it was with gore wet. Until at last Fitz landed one, and the blow almost killed Corbett! There is a market for farm products every month in the year, but of all p*o ducts, milk, butter and eggs find a ready market at all times. They are articles that can be produced every day, aud bring in cash when nothing else can be sold to advantage. The farmer who lias a large flock of fowln and gives them proper care can keep his family supplied with many things that could not be otherwise obtained until crops are harvested. Grape and Bark Bitters for Malaria. Every one knows the value of the grape as a luscious and healthy fruit, Aunt Raphael's Malarial Bitters is the ultimate of the Grape Juice;in its prop erties, mildly diuretic, sudorific and tonic. More than seven-eights is the pure juice of the grape, simply made bitter by Peruvian Hark Chamomile Flowers' Snake Root, &c., and will cure Malaria Fever if used as directed. Get ready for Settlement day. Peaches of a certain kind will lie ripe on Easter Sunday. He who does not lift has no right to grunt. □ A number of rumors are afloat as to the nature of the objects that are seen in front of one of our churches, every Sunday night. A searching inquiry by one of our reporters has brought to light the fact that they are neither liv. ing pictures nor a group of Florentine statues, but a party of light-headed youths who make life a burden. The largest diamond in the world re cently arrived in London from Kimber ly, South Africa. It is said to be worth $2,500,000, uncut. Let's wait until it's cut before purchasing. Sometimes when one gets into a scrape for telling the truth, the ques tion arises, "Does honesty pay*" RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in I to 3 days. Its action upon the system i? remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the causes and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Redic, and J. F. Balpli Druggists Butler. Apr 96 ®TT is a significant fact that re- X sponsible dealers sell and re ! sponsible painters use Pure White Lead (see list ot genuine brands) and Pure Linseed Oil. Thcv if' know their business. Those who don't know, try to sell and use the " just-as-good mixtures," "so # called White Lead," Bcc., &c rnPC Bv using National Lead Co."« Purr White Lea! Tintioff Coi °r». any desir J *hai!e readily »>.Jtained Pamphlet R:viug valuable information and card showing samples of colon tree; also cards showing niciures ot' twelve houses of efferent designs painted ia \ anous styles or combinations of shades forwarded upon application to those intending to paiot. NATIONAL LEAD & OIL CO. OF PENNSYLVANIA, German .Nat. Lank Luilding, Pittsburgh, i> - . I T ~ ; •• ■ . - WHILE YOU ARE WAITING For your prescription <lon't fni! to look . over our line of perfumes, we have rj- /.! , j ceived some very fine ones lately, and jj J* . will lie pleased to have vou examine I vJ/>\ J W&SkW We also have a very large ass rtm nt of tooth brushes made expressly for us W » which bear our stamp, these brushes /fi yp we guarantee and re;ju>. it the return of iwTal " any that prove U!)satisfactory. Vou may need something for your _v-' J*l\ t/ chapped hands and face, and if so we **-•"" ~'/ Vf recommend Cydoniuin Crsani as a fine. toilet preparation. HE DICK & G ROHM ANN DRUGGISTS. PEOPLES PHONE. 114. BUTLER PA. "A HAND SAW IS A GOOD THIHC, BUT NOT SHAVE WITH." SAPOLIO IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. Do not be deceived by alluring advrrt!?cTiiei;t»a;u) think you can get the bent made, finest finish and MOST POPULAR SEWING MACKiNt for n mere ponpr. buy from reliable m«nufictor»T3 that have trained a n-putation !»y honest and pquMT\» d'-ulmir. There is none in the world that ran in mechanical construction, durability of working . - tlnene«s of finish, beauty in appearance, or fcsj t»N the NEW HOME. WRITE TOR CIRCULARS. j ;.'ii Eew Home Sewing Machine Co. ik.Majss. EVJSIOH, Mass. SBL'!aoKS«rARE,S.'St 1 Itx. St, Lons, Mo. Tmt mk t^y.^ 3U KiiSCISCO, Cal. Atlaxxa, GA. FOR SALE BY J. B. McDEVITT Dealer in Si-vitjj Machines, Pianos and Organs— nes 1 door to Y. M. 0. A. build ing—Butler Pa. Buv the ligiit-rr.rninjr. New Home, sowiiif? n\M t| i . pt-rfnel satisfaction guar ai 'eeil, ls-ver got* "n? of order. AT J R. GRIFB'S 2 and 2 Do Not Make Five. It's quite a problem to please everyone's taste in any line you may select and particularly of jewelry, silver novelties, cut glass, etc., but I'm sure you will find what you want in my large stock and at such prices that defy com petition. I am making a spe. cialty of nobby and find Goods and want your trade. J,«. USE. 118 SOUTH IH4IN ST The Place to Bay GAS COOK ING AND 11 EAT IN G STOVES, GAS BURNERS AND FIX TURES, HOSE, BATH TUBS, ENAMEL AND IMPROVED WELSHBACH GAS W H. fI'BRIEN ON' [O7 East Jefferson St. E¥t:> EXAMINED FHEK OF CBAHGE L. ivii.v-lrick, Opucian and Jewelei j Next to Court House Butler, Pa iadu«te La Port liarological i ULUtut unu, l is THE TIME TO HAVE IflSfl Vour Clothing CLEANED or DYED If you want good and reliable cleaning or dyeing done, there is just one place in town where you can get it, and that is at W BUTLFB DY! WOBKS 216 Center avenue. We do fine work in out door Photographs. This is the time of year to have a picture ot your house. Give us a trial. Agent for the Jamestown Sliding Blind L' j. —New York. R. FISHER & SON, c. 1). A LOVER OF GOOD HATS Can surely fin:l his every desire satisfied 'in our Spring 1897 stock, which con tains all the shapes, colors and qualities most admired by connoisseurs. We have no fancy prices, but merely value for value. WE TREAT Furnishing Goods in the same manner, buying the best and selling as low as many charge for inferior goods. We are always glad to show visitors our goods. Call And See Us. COLBERT & DALE, 242 S. MAIN ST. BUTI,ER, PA. CUTTING PRICES o n and clothes now-a-days is what we are doing. The drop in price and the same high level of quality and workmanship is bringing every one to us. If you want a Clay Diagonal suit for $25 00 you know where you can r;et it. All Cut Up. The goods we have is all of it being rapidly cut up and transferred into stylish Cutaway and sack suits. Out prices are all cut up too. For you can get a business sack suit for $ 18.00, etc. Sartorial Prices Shattered when you can get the imported goods, with the finest of trimmings, and the work of the very best cutters for 00 per suit, you ought to shake hands with yourself. It will not always be thus. Em brace the opportunity while it lasts, and leave \ our measure with clPi&l I SDIK A SPECIAL! V. Cor. Diamond. Butler, Pa I; D. T. PAPE : The Leading Millinery House in Butler County. j; J I The first shipment of SPRING BONNETS, HATS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, I ► J. etc. has arrived. THEY ARE BEAI'TIES, and at prices way below . . '| " the iisusl prices for early Spring goods. If you want a stylish < ► Bonnet or Hat now is the time as we have all the new i > ,I , shape; for Spring is stock. < ► Remember we always keep in stock A full line of MOUNRING BONNETS, < } iI k HATS, V'tlLS AND VEILING: also a large line of Communion . . ' WREATHS AND VEILS. < ' !]! D. T. PAPE, ;; to struggle with, and the size of the bills usually caiis forth a groan. They always cease when we under take the contract. The family is just as well shod, with just as stylish shoes as they ever were, but the bill is less. They don't understand it however. It is a species of witchcraft perhaps—sort of a shoe leather-de-main, as it were. But we know the reason. The prices have been too high. That is where we make our gain. We see that the shoes are a little higher grade than others offer, and then we chop the price down. If you are paying too much for your shoes, (and you are, if you are not buying them here) don't you think this would be a good time to reform ? Suppose you come in and have a chat with us about this. Never too busy to talk shoes. A. RUFF ft SON, No. 114, S. Main St. L I * ils now Champion, so you have been told, but you haveg never been told of buggies and harness selling as cheap as we are selling them now M Just think of a pretty Surrey for $52-50 And Top Buggies for S3O. a Do vou ask how we get them? Do you know that over jP fifty carriage manufacturers failed last year? We \ always have the cash and "have lx*en in V business so long that we know when bargains are offered and _ have always made it a rule to give U out customers the benefit of our bargains; that is why our business has increased so greatly. Uk We make and repair all kinds of harness. Our S own make work harness, $22.50, and our own make o| bugsy harness, $8.50. Wheels, tops, dashes, har- g ness oil, sweat pads, collars, shafts, p >les, trunks, J valises, everything and Kramer Wagons. The best wagon on Earth. in YOURS, ft S. B. MARTINCOURT & COI S. B. MARTINCOURT, E Jefferson St. X J. M. LEIOHNEK. Bu,ler Pa g DO YOU KNOW WHAT A GOOD WHISKYJS? J It is a whisky that is made from the best grain, 1 S carefully distilled and well matured—and that / f is what can be said of the BEAR CREEK RYE y 1 WHISKEY. We guarantee it to be absolutely C pure, and the best whiskey on the SI.OO PER FULL QUART. 6 QUARTS. FOR $5.00. " V</V,k> ' AQE RYE is a better whis \ / key—lt's better l>ecause it is older and it's age C / that counts. $1.50 PER QUART $15.00 PER DOZ. WINES ( V We carry a full and complete stock of every % J brand and quality at from #l-5° I x " r K al - "j„\ ? wards-If there is anything wanted in (iIKIU 1 } LIQUORS, we have it at lowest prices. \ ® ® ® ® ® E XPRFSS CIHRGEs PAID - \ Son orders amounting to $5 °° ,lt, d ° vtr- Club C C together, and send your order in to / P MAX KLEIN \ Wholesale Liquors, ALLE^IENYI-A: S Catalogue and price list mailed free— Let us 1 \ have your name and address. \ Advertise in the CITIZEN.