Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 01, 1897, Image 3

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Executor's sale, estate of Daniel Cress.
Adm'rs notice, estate of Rosa Read
" " Rosanna Lan
Auditor s report of Winfield twp.
Financial Statement of Batler Boro.
Bnrton's Best.
Mark's new location.
Schanl & N'ast on Deck.
■ Ruff's shoes.
Huselton's Spring styles
C. & T's Carpets. ,
Bntler Business College local.
G. Wilson Miller's seeds
Eggs for Hatching. F. C. Whitmarsh
NOTE All i.(lvt rti-.. rs intending to make i
chaurftM in tilfir aUa. should notify u> of
their intention toiioso, not iattr than Mon
day morning.
Administrators and Executors of estates
can vecure their receipt books at the CITI
ZEN Office.
—House cleaning time.
—Co. E. drills on the 9th.
—Time for spring poets to appear.
—Garden making will soon be in
—The price of coffee is on the down
—Some garden hyacinths are already
in bloom.
—April showers were a little previous
this year.
—April Ist—Moving, settling and
"All Fools" day.
—Maple sugar socials have been
rather slow no far
—March give us plenty of all kinds of
—Youthful baseball enthusiasts are
already out.
—The groundhog is now through
with his winter's work.
Early spring vegetables are in the
local markets.
—Plenty of real estate changing
hands in Batler now.
—The correct valuation of the county
is $14,247,267.
—Our paved streets have been
"clouds of dust" during the past few
—A Krause & Son, of Delano are
preparing to build a large, brick store
—The first flowers of Spring--the
Easter bonnets -are in bloom in the
show windows.
—W A. Kauierer, the West-end gro
cer, has added a full line of dry goods
and notions to his stock.
—An Irishman aptly described the
grip as '"the disease that you have three
months after you get over it."
—At the "Curfew" meeting of Mon
day evening, a motion requesting Coun
cil to enforce the ordinance carried.
—Heineman & son have sold out their
stationary store, and a Youngstown
man has rented the old store-room for a
confectionary store.
—The date of the special election in
Mars on the proposition to increase the
borough debt, has been changed from
the 13th to 20th.
-r-L. P. Dufford will have a public
Bile of stock, machinery, etc., on his
farm near Glade Run, Station, in For
ward twp., on Wednesday the 7th.
- Batter is scarce and our grocers are
paying 20 cents for it, eggs are abun
dant and are but 8 cents; potatoes 20;
apples 25; onions SI.OO setts $2.00 and
live poultry 7 cents.
—Several of the passengers on the
evening train to Pittsburg on the P. &
W last Monday, assisted the trainmen in
putting three drunken men, who would
not pay their fare, off the train.
—Eggs are ruinously low, the pur
chasing price l>eing down to the 10 cent
mark. Eggs are good, nutritious food,,
but when below a cent apiece they are
almost too cheap to taste good.
—Beware of assisting a fallen bicy
clienne to remount her wheel. A Chi
cago girl fell from her wheel not long
ago, and the man who helped her to
remount has since become her husband.
—A butcher's wagon with a calf in it
was passing when she remarked to him,
"Oh, look at the cute little cowlet."
"It looks to me more like a cute little
bullet," and she was silent for the space
iof ten seconds.
-Geo. Stage began operating his coal
-mine on the W. C. Barron place in
Clay twp., Monday. They took out six
cars that day and expect to average
from 15 to 20. He has a well furnished
mine, his pan and weight-basket cost
ing SIOOO.
—ln a baseball game at Roanoke Va.
the Pittsburg League team scored 4i»
hits and 45 runs off the home team.
Perhaps about July the Pittsburgers
will lie able to average about 1 run and
'i hits a game off their rival League
—The new tariff bill puts crude and
refined petroleum on the free list, but
with the saving provision that a tariff
< f 40 per cent, ad valorem shall be im
posed on all oil imported from coun
tries which place a tariff on the Ameri
can product.
—ln France, a country of good roads,
wagon tires vary from three to ten
inches in width, usually from four to
six depending upon the weight of the
load. The Scientific American says
that if such tires were compulsory in
America, the present good road move
ment would receive a tremendous im
—At the meeting of the Connoqnenes
■slng Lodge, I. O. O. F. Monday eve
ning arrangements were made for the
celebration of the 70 anniversary of Odd
Fellowship, on the 2(1 inst. J. C. Mc-
Nees was elected Noble Grand. J. G.
Sheiring Vice Grand, C. E. Anderson
Secretary; .T. B Mates, assistant Sec
retary and D. E. Dale, Trustee.
—The P B. & L. E. R. R. lately
placed orders for three Mogul engines
with each of the Baldwin, Pittsburg
and Brooks works: also an order fot
several hundred, steel, ore cars of fifty
tons capacity each. The latter ordej
was placed on bid of Schoen Steel Co.
at ranging from eight-to nine
hundred dollars a car.
-The second basketball team of the
tiharpsburg Y. M. C. A. defeated thf
team of onr Y. M. C. A, by a score ol
25 to 1, Monday evening, here. Tht
Sharpsburg boys have a great deal mor<
experience in the game and our boys
could afford to copy several of theii
points. After the game a receptiot
was tendered the visitors by the ladies
The Sharpsburgers were well pleasei
with their entertainment and with Bnt
John Sarver has sued Patrick and Sa
rah Harrigan for trespass and claims
damage in SIOO.
In Conrt Saturday divorces were
granted to S.O. McCalla from Bessie K
McCalla, ami to John Lee from Fannie
C. Lee.
Hugh Sproul has been appointed aud
itor of Cherry twp.. vice L. F. Steven
son, deceased: and Wm. H. Gilghrist
was appointed overseer of the i>oor in
same township.
The First Ward Hose Company and
, the Butler Firemen's Relief Association
have applied for charters.
! James P Albee has been granted a
peddler's license.
Henry Bickel has issued summons in
replevin against Edward Bowers for c
sorrel mare valued at SSO.
L etters of administration have been
granted on the estate of Rosa Read,
i late of Adams twp. to Isaac X. Wright.
An old. man named Harbison who
made his home with Jos. Orbison of
Millers town became violently insane a
few davs ago. and was taken back to
John H. Thompson, an attorney of
Pittsburg, was committed to jail by Al
derman Xeglev, last Thursday, on a
charge of false pretense preferred by D
R. Lemon.
The county tax for this year will be
four mills.
The P. & W. R. R. has brought suit
in ejectment vs the P., B. & L. E. R. R
for a lot in Butler 120x100 feet:
and Nancy B. Cnmmings vs S. H. Hus
elton for lot on South Diamond, Butler.
Letters of administration were grant
ed to Fred'k Marterer on estate of Clara
Marterer of Saxonburg.
The will of Joseph Black of Cherry
twp. was probated and letters granted
to Robert M. Black and Jos. Xennehan.
F Protzman. Sr. to Garrett B Junkin
proj»ertv in Zelienople et al for S4OOO.
G B junkin to Zelienople Ex Co prop
ertv in Zelienople et al for $99,000.
Geo M Haley to Clara D Buchanan
lot in Butler for $1325.
Zelienople Ex Co to II L Protzman lot
in Jackson for sl.
L C Wick to Robert Liggins lot in
Butler for $750.
Eli May to John M Miller lot m But
ler for $llOO.
John M. Miller to Eli May lot in But
ler for S3OO.
Geo Muehlheim to W T Trontman
lot in Butler for SIOO.
P Daubenspeck to J L Maxwell lot in
Butler for $560.
W M Holliday to Jennie Strang lot in
Renfrew for 1(500.
Thos Robinson to Jos W Graham lot
in Butler for *350.
Abner Marsh to Robert E Dunbar 1
acre in Penn for sl.
Ametia Kline to W. M. Purdum, lot
in Harmony for SBSO.
Zelienople Extension Co. to W M.
Purdnm, lot in Zelienople for S2OO.
W. B. Dodds, sheriff, to H. 11.
Goucher, 70 acres in Oakland for
$843.50. .
Samuel Staples to Jas. W. Ficht, lot
in Adams for $l5O.
George A. Billingsley to Mary E.
Bell, lot in Butler for $llOO.
Maria Young to Jos. L. Young, lot
in Butler for SIOOO.
Harvey C. Lusk to Robt. Vogan, 28
acres in Bradv for SIOSO.
W. C. Wallace to Pgh & Bessimer R.
R. Co., lot in Penn for $157.50
T. G. McLanahan to J. C. Stalker,
lot in Farmington for $270.
Joseph H. Thomas to Jennie W.
Thomas, lot in Adams for S3OO.
John N. Ifft to Catharine Ranssman,
lot in Evansburg for $650.
John Berringer to Lewis Wohlge
muth, lot in Adams for $250.
D. A. Renfrew to Annis S. Miller, lot
in Renfrew for SIOO.
Geo. Arner to David Arner 60 acres
in Washington for S3OO.
Jas. M. Rea to cath. Dumbach 100
acres in connoquenessing for SSOOO.
U. E. Barrott to S. S. Alexander lot
in Farmington for SOOO.
Perry McCnrdy Lutler
Blanch McCollough
Daniel M. McCollough Butler
Katie Vantard "
Charles R. Slaughter.East Liverpool, O
Elizabeth E. Campbell ,'Chicora
J. M. Sloan Cygnett, Ohio
Sadie Sloan Venango
William Hinchberger Butler
Anna Dunn Butler
Harry White Cleveland, O.
Josephine M. Story Karns city
Robert J. Ferguson Middlesex twp
Sarah Love Clinton twp
At Pittsburg, C. H. Faweett of Cleve
land and Laura M. Shoupof Evans city.
—That "tired feeling" will soon be
apparent on many of our "nice young
meti" and some of our "enchanting
young ladies."
—Some business men of Butler have
for some time been considering the pro
ject of purchasing the Walker farm,
east of town, giving part of it to a
manufacturing firm, and laying the
balance out in lots.
Butler Woman Locked Up.
A woman atnmt 50 years of age was
locked up in Central station yesterday
! at the request of the proprietor of the
Manning house, at Penn avenue and
Eleventh street. She had been there
since December 27th and was known as
Mary Cole, and also as Lizzie Patterson.
Her home is in Butler. For some days,
it is said, she had acted as if demented
i and at times was slightly violent. The
proprietor had Drs. Gongh and Ransom
examine her and they said she was not
1 sane. She was then removed to the
' station and will be given over to the
> department of charities to day.'--Pitts
burg Gazette.
r Note i The Butler Business College
and school of Shorthand is the best
place to get a thorough training in liook
• keeping, shorthand and typewriting, ari
thmetic, commercial law, geography,
reading and spelling Call and investi
gate for yourself. You will be convinc
ed. That's business.
' Note 2. If you would be a first class
1 accountant, book-keeper or shorthand
> writer,don't expect to attain that distinc
e tion bv taking a cheap course, or a
H course because it is cheap. Never expect
something for nothing, l'ay skilled in
-1 structors prices til it skilled labor natural •
- ly commands. Get the best. We hire
- only the best teachers. Business men
have confidence it our methods. We
stake our reputation on our graduates.
That's business, too.
Note 3. If you are a school teacher,
spond your vacation with us; acquire
e the art of shorthand and typewriting, or
j make of yourself an accountant; you
will increase your earning power. Isn't
" that business.
'■ This College is located between the
n Court House and Hotel Williard, and re
.. mains open 51 weeks in the year, indi
vidual instruction, students enter at any
time. Correspondence solicited and vis
itors made welcome,
v J. M. Bashltne, President.
Butler' Pa.
This season we will sell the following
■r | well known bicycles. Cleveland,
Victor, Monarch, Phoenix, Sunol, Her
3 . rules, Defiance, Stella and Crescent.
We keep tires and everything that if
needed about a bicycle, also Cameras
Bicycles for hire.
0 R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler,
,f —Say Papa—did you see HBCK'S neck
ie wear, it beats anything you ev-r saw.
• e Pants—Over 2000 pairs to select from
, K at prices, 011 well, don't mention them
. I its awful, where; at HKCK'S.
ir <
in I Umbrellas 26 and 28 in. for 5o cents a
i( j -Good work harness for two horse'
our own make, #25.00; chtckhnes ioi
* less than leather is worth, at MARTIN
! Wm. Feigle of Colorado is visiting his
' old friends in Butler
Mrs. David Douthett. Sr. ir the guest
of her son William in Butler.
Frank Fink of Institute Hill is seri
i ously ill.
Frank Clutton of Centerville was in
' town yesterday.
Porter Kelly, of Parker twp., was in 1
town, yesterday.
E. B and Levi Boyer. of Lancaster j
twp., were in town, yesterday.
W. P. Braham. Esq.. of Karrisville. '
was in town, yesterday.
Sylvanus and O. N. Cooper, of Slip-
peryrock twp.. are in town today, with j
a load of maple syrup.
J. N. Kirker of Lancaster twp. was 1
in town. Monday, also Harry Fleming j
of Buffalo.
Prof. E. Mackey is home on a short;
vacation from Reading. On Sunday he
addressed the Y. M. C. A. meeting.
Adam Currie of Concord twp. and his
son Samuel were in town, yesterday.
Sam was on his way to Penn twp.
where he will work for Mr. Nicklas.
Ex-County Commissioner S. T. Mar
shall has moved from North Hone to
Ean Clare (Farmington). where he will
assist Cal. Jamison in his general store.
Mr. Cross of Slipperyrock continues
his efforts to arouse an interest in that
most beautiful and elevating of studies
—Astronomy. We wish him success.
An article from his pen will lie found
on onr fourth page.
Burt and Charles Hazlett came home
from Connellsville Pa. for a short visit
last week. The Hazlett brothers are
doing an extensive contracting business
in that place, among their job* being
the bnilding of a church and a hotel.
The 20th Annual Convention of the
Bntler county Sabbath School Associa
tion will be held at Chieora on Tuesday
and Wednesday. May. 25 and 26 1897.
All Superintendents are requested to
send their names and addresses to Ira
M. Graham Corresponding Secretary,
Evans City Pa., in order that report
blanks and programes may be 'sent
to them.
Mrs. Marion B. Baxter the accredited
agent of the National W. C. T. U. is
expected in Butler next week and will
sj>eak in the United Presbyterian
church on Wednesday evening, April
7th on the aims and work of the
World's and National Unions. Mrs.
Baxter has visited Butler before and is'
well known as a captivating speaker.
She ought to command a full house
Possibly there may be an address on
Wedgesdav night also. Farther notice
will lie given later.
There will be a special meeting of the
National Missionary Societv next Tues
day April oth to arrange for the meet
ing to be held by Mr. Geo. S. Fisher,
who comes direct from Nathan in Mo
At the annual election of the United
Presbyterian Sunday school last Sunday
the following officers were chosen:
Superintendent, James M. Galbreath;
assistant superintendent, S. P. Pollock;
secretary, W. F. Rumberger: assistant,
secretary, C. E. Smith; treasurer, Jen
nie Cornelius.
Appomattox Memorial Day, will be
observed by the Union Veteran Legion,
on Friday evening, April 9th, at 7:80
o'clock sharp. Comrades are requested
to muster in Hall at 6:00 o'clock sharp,
for parade. Hon. Judge Greer, Col.
Thompson, and other Comrades will de
liver addresses appropriate to the oc
casion; and the old veterans, under the
direction of Comrades Williams and
Harper, will warble a number
of old time war songs, as sting on the
march and in the camps of 1801 65. All
are cordially invited to meet with the
old soldiers on the anniversacy of ap
Committee Joseph Criswell, John T. '
Kelley and E. P. Shetter.
A Letter For You.
Unclaimed Letters at the Post Office ;
at Butler Pa., week ending, March 29 97 1
Miss Josie Brier. Mrs. S. A. Bloom, ,
Mr. Loss Bosser. C. Bubl & Co., C.
Buhl & Co., Mrs. James Cubbison, O. '
D. Dewitt Esq.. O. D. Dewitt Esq., !
Mrs. Lizzie M. Gilbert, Mrs. L. F. Hay- I
maker. Miss Mary Kirnner (Diamond j
St.) Mr. Frank Wilson. Morison Bros,
Mr. F. R. McFeatters, J. A. Roessing, 1
H. F. Smart. Mr. Tom Springer, Miss j
A. L. Miller, J. J. Thomas, John Tracy
Fred G. Willson
In calling for these letters please cay j
Make a note of it that we are still in
the seed business, for all yon may have 1
been led to believe, from what you
have read, that there are only one or j
two firms selling seeds nowadays in i
Western Pennsylvania. Remember, j
too, that we sell all kinds of Garden ;
Seeds in Bulk. If you come to our"
store you won't lie obliged to buy seeds
in bits of papers, but can get anything
you wish by the ounce, pound, pint or
1 quart at a price less than one-fifth the
cost of package seeds. True, we also !
sell seeds in papers, and our prices are:
3 five-cent papers 10 cents
6 five-cent papers 15 oents
12 five-cent papers 25 cents
Medium Red or June Clover, Mam
moth Clover, German Millet. Seed Bar j
ley, Seed Oats, Blue Grass. Orchard I
Grass, Fine Mixed Lawn Seed all at !
lowest prices and of the very best. Yes, j
the farmer has yet to come and make
complaint of having received weed !
seeds in seeds bought at our store.
Ribbons all colors for fancy work No. !
16, for 15 cents at the PEOPLES STORE, j
Lace enrtains 3 yds long 37 inches
wide for 50 cents jier pair at the PEO
The Butler Lubricating Oil Co. has
moved back to their old stand 119 W. ]
: Jefferson St. Steelsnnth & Patterson's J
new building, where all kinds of engine,
machinery and illuminating oils of the <
■ finest quality are kept in stock in the '
basement, and will be delivered to any
part of the city when ordered from C, E.
■ Mclntire, agent.
Fine unbleached muslin yard wide
J 4J cents at the PEOPLES STORE.
FOR SALE -A new "drop-head'
Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine.
t Inquire at this office.
Gents Congo and Opera hook umbrel
las for 75 cents at the PEOPLES STORE.
I 36 in. bleached muslin soft finish sct
Gents laundried precale shirts all
sizes, 49 cents at the PEOPLES ST< IRE.
■ —Do you want a hat or cap? HKCK
r has them and can save you money.
t —Boarding House cards with act of
Assembly, 25 cents for half a dozen, for
L . sale at CITIZEN office.
Vox Populi -Buy your clothing under
- wear, hosiery, hats, caps, sox and neck
y wear of D. A. lIKCK and save money.
—Job work ot all kinds done at the
The PEOPLES STORE have a full line
of umbrellas from 50 cents up.
—Findley will open the studio at Mars
g <*n March Ist and will remain there
I, for the entire week special inducements
r for the week on line work, bring the
children as it is the last week of the
is winter; old pictures copied and enlarg
ed, satisfaction guaranteed. FLNDI.EY
Bntler Pa., Telephone 236.
Oh Mamma —you ought to see the big
piles of childrens suits HECK'S only
i(ii.2s, you can't get the same in town for
less than $2.50,
1, I The PEOPLES STORE areselling27 in.
I precales for Ocents.
it I Underwear —a specialty at HKCK'S His
stock is largest and finest ever offered 111
1 Butler.
« Cotton Plants.
i 1 t ions how to grow cotton plants North. A(J.
I 'lresi Seed Department seaboard Air Line,
I'lneMufT (Winter health resort), N. C.
Death of C. N. Brown.
1 C N. Brown, or "Brownie" as he was
called by his associates, was blown to
atoms at a well on the Ramsey farm
near Evans City at 7 o'clock this morn
ing. He drove to Evans City yesterday
accompanied by another "shooter and
was to have shot two wells in that
. vicinity to-day.
i He seems to have gone to the well
• alone while the other men employed at
i it were at breakfast, for nobody else is j
| reported hurt. Nothing was found of j
j him excepting pieces of hi> backbone I
1 and skull, which will 1h? brought to!
! Bntler.
I He was a native of York State, was
| about 45 years of age. has been engaged
| in the torpedo business for 23 years,
i and leaves a wife and four children.
I His home is on the Freeport road just
j outside the borough limits near Robert
McClungs. He has been manager of
the Butler branch of the Penn'a Tor
pedo Co., for severalyears.
1, 2 and 3.
The presentation of Classic plays by
Mr. Warren Conlan at the Park Thea
tre, Thursday. Friday and Saturday
nights, and Saturday Matinee, should
lie looked upon as an event of more
than extraordinary importance
This popular and talented star sup
jiorted by his own excellent company,
will produce four famous plays, which
are looked upon as the very best efforts
of their respective authors and are
without doubt the greatest plays of the
age. Mr. Conlan is indorsed by the
Press throughout the country, and as
an interpreter of Shakespearean char
acters, he is second to no actor now 011
the American stage. His support in
eludes such well known artists as Miss
Margaret Ferry. Miss Lillian Rhodes.
Miss Louise Meredith. Stanley King.
Augustine Duncan. Everett King. Pick
ering Brown. Thomas Lewis. Louis
Harbach. and many others of equal
prominence. The costumes are of the
most elaborate description, costing over
Thursday evening Sheridan Knowle's
famous tragedy of "Virginius" is to be
produced, Friday uight "Othello" Sat
urday matinee "Merchant of Venice .
and Saturday night the farewell per
formance will be Shakespeare's master
piece "Hamlet ". An opportunity of
seeing these classic plays presented by
a company of such rare excellence, at
popular prices of 10, 20, 30, and 50 cents
is heretofore unheard of. and that it
will attract general attention from onr
play-going citizens cannot be doubted.
The most thorough, renditions are prom
ised. and we trust a crowded house
may greet the company at each per
formance. The advance sale of reser
ved seats has commenced at Heinemans
where ladies tickets for the opening
night may be procured. By all means
go and see these great plays.
The concerts given by the club this
season have given perfect satisfaction
everywhere and they are meeting with
crowded houses in all the cities they
visit. Since last year they have added
to their club several new members in
cluding Valentine Abt. of Pittsburg,
the famous mandolinist, Prof. Mc-
Dowell, tenor soloist, for four years
with Prinston Glee club, and Frank
Weigand, of this place, whose whistling
is attracting favorable commentation
everywhere the Club goes and it quite a
feature of the program The concert
will be given for the benefit of the
Alumni Association of the Public and
High Schools and as this is a worthy
cause, it should be well attended.
The Schubert Club, of Grove City
College will present the opera "Ruth"
at the Park Theatre on Tuesday even
ing, April 20th. for the benefit of the
Good Will Hose Co. The Schubert
Club is composed of students, and are
I said to put up an excellent opera -con
j sidering that they are amateurs.
George and Bertha Cronenwett, of this
I place are members.
1 A class in Elementary French is be-
I ing planned for the Fridays in April,
! May, and June, to meet in the Y. M. C.
j A. building at 3:30 p. 111. Terms $2.50
: for the course: text books 30 cents, and
i Miss White will make up in private
J lessons missed through late entrance or
necessary absence. Will any lady or
I schoolgirl interested in the subject
| kindly send her name to Miss White
j or meet her ui the Y. M. C. A, rooms,
j Monday April sth a 8:30 p. m. 1
Improved English Sweeper.
I Mr. W. J. Chambers is introducing
: the Improved English Sweeper in
1 Butler, and is meeting with great suc
l cess.
! The sweeper is a 12-inch brush, made
I of good bristles and attached to an ex
| tension handle, which makes it appli
: cable to walls and ceilings as well as
' floors, and is an entire success. When
it becomes soiled it can be washed, and
it, with care, will last twelve years. If
you want one address him at 427 Centre
Some special prices at Grieb & Lamb's
dissolution sale now going on.
New Pianos S2 OO and up
. New Organs #SO and up
I Guitars #4 and up
! Mandolins $3.50 and up
| Violins siiso and up
' Autoharps $2 and up
, There are also some second hand in
| struments— pianos at $35 to SIOO, Or
! gans at S2O to 90.
I Harmonices and other musical instru
] ments at proportionately low rates,
j Strings of all kinds constantly in stock.
I will offer at public sale at my resi
dence on Mercer street, (near W. A.
■ Kamerer's store) on Tuesday April 13th,
' at 2 o'clock 58 colonies of Italian Bees,
' also hives, honey boxes and bee supplies.
Mrs. J B Murphy
i Mercer St
Butler Pa
The cheapest place at all times to
buy dry-goods is at the PEOPLES
—Music scholars wanted, at 128 W.
Wayne St.
Trunks, valises, bags and telescopes
ot HKCK'S.
Sox and sliirLs, all wool and a yard
wide, cheaper than the cheapest—at
HECK'S 121 N. Main St.
—The best place to get your harness
and parts of harness cheap, is at MAR
A Ilardman Piano Which cost $450.
Must be sold as the owner has left town.
It can be had for f 160, spot cash. In
quire at this office.
Valuable properties situated on corner
of Brown and Centre Avenues, Butler,
PP., inquire at this office.
' Made of goods that wear, and keep
their shape. We are turning them out
by the hundreds and the values are so
, far ahead of anything you ever saw, the
goods themselves so perfect, so stylish,
so thoroughly up to elate, that much as
< we may promise you will find more
y when you get there
125 W. Jefferson St. — ]/% block west of
Berg's Bank.
s Have opened up their new headquarters
rl in the basement of Cooper's merchanl
tailoring establishment with a complete
line of Bicycles, Bicycle Supplies of al]
• kinds, Kodaeks, etc. Give them a call
1- Southeast corner of Main and Diatnom
'' Sta.
The purchasing agencies are paying
96c and 96c today. ,
COOPERSTOWN -Jennings Bros
well on the Parks was completed last
week and is rated at 75 bbls. I
t CALLBRY —Hartman &Co s well on ,
the Staples did 70 bids the first day.
j EVANS CITY May & Turner have a .
good producer on the Rohner.
SLIPPERYROCK —Ralston & Co of <
Butler are drilling on the John Ralston
i farm. I 1
] ROUGH RUN—Another good well i i
! was struck on the Keck last Satmday ( i
! evening It made 14 inches in a 250 i
bbl tank over night flowing. A well : 1
is being drilled on the Henry Fredrick, i r
just l»elo\v Dilks Station. I
A Special Musical Gift to all Readers of
Our Paper.
The very latest musical composition 1
to enlist popular approval is "The -
Broad Street Conservatory March." 1
composed by a young Philadelphian,
Rholand H. Smith, a pupil of the pop
ular institution to whom his work is
dedicated. It is highly inspiring, sug
gestive of the iMipular marches written
by Sottsa. It has been played by all the
leading theatre orchestras, and concert ,
bands in the (Quaker City, and at the •
sea side and mountain resorts. The (
piano part of this excellent march has ,
just been issued, and through a special ,
arrangement with the author we are en- (
abled to present a copy free to every
reader of this paper who
will send name and address, en- ,
closing this notice and 6 cents in i
stamps to cover mailing and postage. ]
to The Broad Street Conservatory of
Music, 1331 South Broad Street Phila- '
delphia. The retail price of the March \
is 40 cents and this is an offer that i
should be appreciated by our music il i
friends. ,
Dedication of Grant Monument. j
Dedication of the Grant Monument
al Tomb, April 27, The Pennsylvania
Railroad Company will sell tickets from
all points on its line to New York. April
26 (and from points within one hundred
and fifty miles of New York. April 26 i
and 27.)" good to return until April 29 in
clusive, at rate of a fare and a third for
the round trip. Tickets for military ,
companies in uniform, numbering fifty j
or more, traveling in a body on one
ticket, will be sold at rate of single fare
per capita for the round trip.
The parade on this occasion will lie J
the grandest military demonstration ■
since the war. Thousands of veterans. <
United States regulars, and State mili
tiamen will be line.
There will be a great auction sale of ,
horses at Albert & Grubbs' livery stable
on West Jefferson street, near the Lowry 1
House, on Saturday April 3d when we
will offer to the highest bidder one car i
load ol horses consigned to us by A. Ash
er of Pittsburg, l'a. consisting of speedy
trotters and pacers, and general purpose ;
horses, suitable for teaming or farm 1
work. These horses are selected with (
the greatest of care especially for this
sale, and they wili be sold regardless of 1
cost to ihe highest bidder. Also a lot of
new and second handed buggies and har
TERMS: A credit of six month will be
given on all sales, and five per cent off
for cash.
The sale will commence at 10 o'clock
a. m., rain or shine. Consigned by A.
Asher to
J. R. Kearns, Auctioneer.
Our prices are always the very lowest
that can be put on goods, but once 111 a
while we get a chance to make some
fearful cuts: One of these chances has
come in some very good goods, and
goods very seasonable.
They are Silk Wrap Lines Tissue, All-
Linen and Silk and Linen Fabrics, for fine
warm weather dresses; they used to cost
from One Dollar to Three Dollars a yard.
We will sell them at just One-Half as long
a. the lot lasts. State how much you
want to pay and let us send j'ou some
Tli e goods arc the most fashionable
fabrics on the market, aii'l at these
prices are also the cheapest.
Here's another chance in Plain Diag
onal Cloth, very handsome and fashion
able goods, in all the new Spring shades.
A fine imported fabric which always
costs 75 cents a yard except when we
cut prices on it. It is selling here now
for Fifty Cents a yard.
Get samples of the finer kinds of All-
Wool Suitings in new and correct Spring
patterns, which we are selling at
Twenty-Five and Thirty-Five Cents a yard.
You will wonder* how such excellent
materials can be sold so cheap.
Penn Avenue and Fifth St..
B. <y B.
and Fashion Journal
—NO. 21 —ready about April 10—will
be one of the largest and most complete
mail order guides we've ever published
—-jver 150 pages in the book—prices of
everything we sell—pictures of the
gomls on almost every page—every sug
gestion and bit of information that will
help make buying here satisfactory and
profitable to you, no matter where you
live. Send your address and we'll mail
you a copy free, postpaid.
The choicest wash silks we ever of
fered at such prices:—
New Crystal Cord Silks, 36c.
Genuine Habutai Wash Silks, 35c
best wash silks made.
Kaiki Silks, 25c in handsome stripes
and checks.
New Foulard and India Silks,
25, 35, 50, 75c and SIOO
500 different pieces designs and col
r orings that show an artist's touch
splendid for full gowns and waists.
In the interest of your pocket book
have us send you samples of these; then
t you can measure accurately, the length
' and breadth of the advantages we offer,
f and decide whether you'll save most
* money by buying here. We want to
show you by the most thorough test
j possible, how determined we are to get
your orders on merit—and we think
they have merit enough more than us
ual to win us the preference,
i: J3oggt> 6c i 3 n lil,
Neighborhood Notes
The explosion of a gasoline can cans
ed the total destruction of the four
story "Buchanon" block in Beaver last
Thursday The total loss is put at s7<»
000 and the insurance at $2f.000. The
"Beaver Star" occupied rooms in the!
At a recent public sale at Myerstown.
this State, the only bid received for I<*> i
bushels of potatoes was five cents, and j
down they went to the five cent bidder.
All the business places in Ford city (
were destroyed by fire between Friday j
midnight and 1 o'clock Saturday mom «
ing. The fire started in the store room j
of the A. C Bailey Company, during !
the fire there was an explosion which j
shook the whole town. Nothing was i
saved from the contents of the store
room, postoflice, drug store, meat mar ;
ket. billiard room and barber shop. |
The loss is put at £oo,ooo with about SHS 1
000 insurance. The owners think the j
blaze was of incendiary origin. The '
building will be rebuilt.
Executor's Sale
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' j
Court of Butler County, made at No. 61. June |
Term, 1* 4 J7. of said Court, the undersigned
executor of the will of Daniel Cress. dee'd..
late* of I'onnoquenessing township. Butler
Co. Pa., will expose for sale at public out
cry on the premises on
Monday. April 26. 1897.
at 1 o'clock P. M.. the following property, j
to-wit: A tract of land in Connoquencsslng j
township, Butler County Pa., bounded on the ;
north by Lusk Croft, on the east by Coates' I
heirs, on the south by the road and grave
yard, and on t!t»* west by land of John Fisk- ,
horn, mostly cleared, "having a two story ]
frame house, good frame barn and other out
buildings erected thereon, also good orchard
and rasplierry and strawberry patches
TEUM: —One-third cash on confirmation of
sale, one-third in one year and balance in
two years with interest, to lie secured by
bond and mortgage, according to ltule of
\V. I). BRANDON. Att'y. Prospect Pa.
Orphans' Court Sale.
Hy virtue of an order and decree of the
Orphans' Court in and for the County of
Butler. lVnn'a, the undersigned Executors
of the will of James Parks, deceased, will
offer for sale at public vendue on the prem
ises, on
Tuesday. May 4-. 1897.
at 1 o'clock P. M., of said day. the farm and
tract of land owned by said James Parks, at
the time of his decease, situate in Middlesex
township, in Butler county, Penn'a.. bound
ed on the north by lands of Wm. Perry, on
the east by lands of Mrs. Mary Whiteside j
and others, on the south by lands of John
Kiltiey and others and on the west by lands
«»f John llarting, John Shearer heirs and
others. Containing one hundred and forty
one acres, more or less. All under fence and
cultivation except al>out twenty-five acres
tiinlier or woodland. Frame dwelling house
of setY'n rooms, large bank barn and out
buildings, all in good repair, two orchards j
of excellent fruit-bearing trees, two good i
water wells, one at dwelling house and one I
at the barn, as well a?* g«>od springs of water j
over the farm; also n producing oil wells on
the farm put down under lease from de- I
creased in his lifetime under one-eighth oil ;
royalty and free gas for dwelling house,
average oil production about 35 barrels per
day. All interest of deceased under said i
lease as to oil and gas will go to the pur
chaser of the farm on confirmation of sale. <
The land is under lease for farm purposes
only for a term expiring on April Ist. 1898,
ami lease will be transfered to purchaser
who will be entitled to the rents as landlord.
TERMS —Cash on confirmation of sale and
delivering of deed, title good.
E. MCJUNKIN, Executors,
Att'y for Ex'rs of estate. Glade Mill, P.O.
Notice in Divorce.
I In the Court of Com-
Frank I). McChesney. mon Pleas of Butler
vs I Co., Pa.
Alice G. McChesney. A.I). No. 4«. I)ec.T., *96.
J Book 17. Page 233.
Two subpoenas r. above case having been
returned (N. E. I. you, the said Alice G. Mc-
Chesney, above named defendant.are hereby
required to apnear in said Court of Common
Pleas, to Ih* held at Butler, Pa., on Monday,
the 7th clay of June, I*U7, being the first clay
of next term of said Court to answer the said
complaint and show cause, if any you have,
why an absolute divorce from the Ixmds <>#i
matrimony should not be granted to said
Frank I>. McChesney.
You are also hereby notified that the com
plaint in the al>ove case will 1M; heard before
said Court and determined on June s. lsn7.
at which time and place you are notified to
WM. B. I>C)DI»S. Sheriff.
Administrator's Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of the Orphans Court
of Butler County, made at No. 2, June Term,
INO7 of said Court, the undersigned adminis
tratrix of Levi McGowan, late of Muddycreek
twp., Butler Co, l'a., dee'd, will expose for
sale at public outcry on the premises, on
at 2 o'clock I'. M„ the follow l ic described
real estate, to-wit: An undlvh d one-half
interest of, in and to that eerta 'i tract of
land situated in Muddycreek twn.. Butler
County, Pa., bounded as follows: Beginning
ut the northwest corner thereof at a point
on the OeorKeStickle line, where the same
is Intersected by the !■'red Leise line; thence
north HH>4 deg. eiist 103 2-10 perches by lands
of Fred Leise to a post; thence by part of
same original tract south 2:t5» deg. east
I<W 7-10 perches to the nubile road; thence by
the centre of said road south Xi'/ t deg. west
4 perches to a |x>st; thence by lands of Mrs.
Tebay and Isaac McGowan south deg.
west i:«t perches to a stone on George Stickle
line; thence by lands of George Stickle north
2'4 deg. west V! 0-10 rods to a post the place
of beginning, containing 71 i acres and -Pi
perches as per survey and draft made by \V.
K. Taylor. Ksi| . July r>, lstfl. Mostly cleared
and in fair state of cultivation, log dwelling
house, small barn and other outbuildings
thereon located. About 3 miles from
Porters ville.
TEKMS—cash on confirmation of sale by
the Court.
Tombell, P.O. Beaver t'o. I'a.
McJuNKm & GAI.BKEATH. Att'ys.
Administrator's Notice
Letters of administration on the es
tate of Rosa Read, dee d, late of Adams
twp., Butler Co. Pa., having been grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons,
knowing themselves indebted to said
estate will please make immediate pay
ment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly au
thenticated to
Lovi, Beaver Co. Pa.
W. H, LUSK, Att'y,
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of administration on the es
tate of Rosanna Landis, dee'd late of
Cranberry twp., Butler Co. Pa., having
been granted to the undersigned, till
persons, knowing themselves indebted
to said estate will please make immedi
ate payment, and any having claims
against said estate will present thein
duly authenticated to
Lovi, Beaver Co. Pa.
W. H. LUSK, Att'y.
Executors' Notice.
Letters testamentary on the estate ot
William Gilghrist, Sr., dee'd, late of
Cherry twp. Butler Co., l'a. having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said es
tate will please make immediate pay
ment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement to
Butler Pa.
A. B. C. MCFARLAND, Att'y.
Executor's Notice.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
Mary A Cowan, dee'd. la»e of Middlesex
twp., Butler Co. l'a., having been grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate
w ill please make immediate payment,and
any having claims against said estate
will oresent them properly authenticated
for settlement to
W. I). BRANDON, Kx'r.,
Butler Pa.
Executor's Notice.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
Henry Heck, dee'd, late of Winfield twp..
Butler county. Pa., having been granted
to the undersigned; all persons knowing
themselves indebted to m»id estate will
please nake immediate payment, ant! any
havinu claims against rsid '-state *pre
sent them duly authenticate 1 lor settle
ment to
Denny, Butler Co., Pa.
I erhaps you don't know how
eady \vc ate 011
V,' every thing relation to prescrip
it will not be amiss to
your attention to the
*■ rompt ser/tee
- 1 o everything ol the kind placed
our hands
ur prescription department
J ever was so comete
ave you money too.
I 3 liar mac is t-
Diamond Block. - Butler, a
of Butter as required by Act of Assembly
approval April 12th, I S 7.Y
The last assessed valuation of the taxable
property in Butler 1* trough Is. 00
The present indebtedness of the borough
of Butler is:
Outstanding bonds JH2.000 00
Floating indebtedness is.
Outstanding warrants 12,237 54
Bredin judgment. debt. Interest
and costs, about 789 2T»
Frazier Judgment, debt, interest
and costs, about 1.145 00
* 76.171 79
Less cash In Treasury * 4.784
By amount due from col
lectors 3.54S 40
Bv amount due from pav
ing and sewer assess
ments (considered good).. 2.000 00
Hose carriages, estimated
value l.*oo 00
Hook and ladder trucks
estimated value 1.000 00
I'ire hose, estimated value 2.400 U0
Street sweeper, estimated
value 150 00
Street scraper, estimated
value 100 00
Hose tower 500 00 ?16.55» 19
$59,583 50
The iionds come due as follhws:
£6OOO 00 in ISH7.
NSOO 00 in IHUS.
8000 00 in 1599.
700000 in 1900.
>*lo 00 in 1901.
5000 00 in 1902.
5000 00 in 1903.
450000 in 1904.
4000 (JO in liXtt.
1000 (XI in 1906.
1000 00 in 1907.
1000 00 ill 190s.
1000 00 In 1909.
1000 00 in 1910.
1000 00 ill 1911.
1000 00 in 1912.
1000 (10 in 1913.
1000 00 in 1914.
1000 00 In 1915.
1000 00 in 1916.
H. K. COULTER. Secretary.
MarchJJl. IW7.
TOWNSHIP for the year ending March 2.
John Hutzler. supervisor, in account with
Winfield township, Butler county, l'a.
MARCH S. 1C97. I)R.
To cash from Aug Freeling. collector. |2t>7 ,S7
To note of K Ivrause 50 00
J317 87
To cash to Michael Cypher J 25 99
For repairs 2 25
For new road 5 00
To J C Cypher post 1 50
H Kooler, finger board 50
Expense to Butler 75
Applicat'n for Co bridge on Long
run 2 00
I'eter Smith, teaming 3 00
William Krisler, for plank 3 13
Counsel fees on application by
McJunkln it Galbreatli 10 00
Aug Keogler. cash bat 1 29
L Weidhos, merchandise 43 00
Hutzler, teamster 6 00
John Denny, plank Is 69
A Mozer, plank 96
II Grim. for blacksmith work 1 07
70 days'service 105 00
For publishing. '95 4 00
For publishing. '96 4 00
For publishing, '97. 4 00
Expense of three oaths of office.. 100
Auditors fees, one-half of 36 3 00
J G Freeling 71 74
¥(l7 87
John G Freeling. supervisor, In account
with Winfield township. Butler county. Pa.
MARCH 2. 1597. DR.
To balance carried over $ 4 28
Cash from unseated land 4« 37
From Aug Freeling, collector 231 00
Note of \v T Freeling 100 00
Cash from J Hutzler 71 74
$455 39
By cash for labor on new road. JIB 3 25
Merchandise from L Weidhos.... 49 96
Merchandise from LII Falkner. 25 75
Plank. J L 12 (10
Scoop, J H 150
Plank and work 12 78
For MM days' service 15U 00
Seven days' teaming on new road 21 00
WO feel oak plank 15 20
1.224 feet square bridge timber... 19 58
W II Witte, merchandise 90
Ivrause & Freeling, merchandise 4 tV>
Making and furnishing 2 dupli
cates 3 00
$506 17
Balance due J G Freeling 50 78
Fred Witte and Henry Grimm, overseers,
In account with Winfield township.
MARCH 8, 1897, I)R.
Balance on hand March 2, '96 slll 43
Cash received from A Freeling, col 247 37
Tax from Co Treas on unseated laud... 19 94
Tax from other sources 44
Cash from Frank (S9O) & S H Bicker
(87.50 177 50
$556 68
dD CREDITS, MARCH 8, 1897.
Receipt from Mr and Mrs Frank .5177 50
Official oaths or Witte and Grimm 1 00
Receipts from Miss E Cooper as
temporary relief 24 00
Cash to B Douthett, justice fees
for Frank and Jacob Sim
mers and Nansted 3 00
Cash to Dr W W Lasher for
Jacob Simmers 41 75
Cash to P Rtimmel for K Rose... 117 00
To Dixmont for Kurtz and Rey
liorn 183 00
To Kirkland, J P fees for C
Frank and Jacob Simmers 3 00
For tax for Weidhos and Rose... 259
For furnishing and making du
plicate 2 00
Publishing report for 1896 4 00
Publishing report for 1897 4 00
Cash for one-half auditors' fees 3 00
Service of overseers 6 00
Report of public charge 2 00
$573 84
Township Dr to overseeru 17 16
We, the undersigned, auditors of Winfield
township, have examined these reports and
find them correct.
W. 11. BICKER, !-Auditors.
: HOW :
That it isn't fresh, or that the
prices are not the lowest for
the choicest Groceries,
Crackers, Pickled and Can
ned Goods, etc., if you have
not dealt at
C. L. MOORE, Prop'r.
130 W. Jefferson St., Butler, Pa.
Give us a call and be con
vinced. If You (lot It At The
It's Fresh.
At All Times.
Paid For Poultry.
\\ T 11. BROWN,
Office 236 S. Main St., opp. P. O.
Residence 315 N. McKean St.
U In clothing arc all in and ready for
JB your inspection. It's your privilege jR
aflP whether you want a snit now or not, aflr
U you'll find us strictly ud to date and U
JB with the largest line of new goods in JO
fir the county. Brown overplaids, flr
scotriies, serges (black and blue,)
fancy cassinieres and homespuns,
Leading Clothers, 137 S Main st. Butler Pa.
In the important line of clothing we offer
a make we call the
Which will win your trade, no matter where ycu have
been buying your clothes. A personal inspec
tion and trial will convince you that
once you wear this make, no
other make will suit
you quite so
Main and Cunningham Street.
Charming Spring Styles
Many of which are to be seen here alone, a mammouth collection of captivating
novelties in shoes. It's a grand spring stock that awaits your inspection.
Ladies' Gent's and Children's
Russet shoes in the popular shades,
chocolate, mahogany and ox blood, lac*
" a "d button in all the widths A Ato B
" & pointed and the new coin toe, with the
new vesting cloth tops and all leather.
There will be more tan shoes worn this
/ ijf';. y ' tSETTTv season than any previous one, they Me
/ yyrji. k'' roSXwfcv cooler in hot weather than black, beside*
/' //1 ji being fashionable. Prices in ladies, $1.35
/ '/I I vPjßffig to J3.00. Infants and childreus 25c to
f- /' // / 75C, Misses sizes 11% SI.OO to $1.50.
Our Line ofDongolaand Yiei
Cj Kid Shoes.
AfwrwnW Is com P' ete ' n the newest lasts,
In/ ml A direct to us from the best manufacturers,
w' ' I Ladies Dong pat tip button 75cand$1.00;
Oongola at (1.25, $1.50 and $2.00; In
> fants and Child rens at 10, 18, 25 and 50
yV cents; Misses sizes \ i I A, at 75c, 85c, 11.00
and #1.25.
Of best vici tan kid, and Russia tan calf skin 8 distinct styles. They combine all
the advantages of higher price shoes in fit, shape, style and color. Prices in men's
Russet $ 1.50, #2.00, 12.50, $3.00 and $4.00.
Beats anything to be found in Butler, more styles and a better quality for the
money. Don't Forget to see oar men's fine shoes, new coin toe at Si. 00, $1.25 and
$1.50. you can't match these in Butler. The boys Russet at SI.OO, $1.25 and f 1.50
take the boys by storm.
Shoes 9-13# at 75c, 90c, SI.OO and $1.25 are gems just like your.fathers.
At 75c, SI.OO, $1.25 and fi.so in creedtnore bellus tongue.
Billet's Leading I) p IITTCPT TON OPP '
Shoe House B • • lIU>3EJL 1 Ull Hotel Loirj.
Spring Millinery,
Hosiery, Underwear,
Gloves and Neckwear.
I _
Butler Savings Bank i
Hiatler, Pa.
Capital - J60,000.00
Surplus and Profits - $119,263.67
JOS. L PURVIS President
J. HENRY THOUTMAN Vice-President
WM. CAMPBELL, Jr ( '" h ', er
DIBKCTOKS—Joseph L. Purvis. J. Henri
Tro'Xtraan, W. O.Brandou, W. A. Stein. J. 8.
The Butler t»aviiiKs Hunk Is the Oldest
JlanUiuK Institution in Butler County.
General banking business transacted.
We solicit accounts of oil producers, mer
chants, farmers and others.
All business entrusted to us will receive
prompt attention.
Interest paid on time deposits.
Butler County National Bank,
Butler Penn,
Capital paid in - - f 100,000.00
Surplus and Profits - f 114.647-^7
Jos. Hartman, President; J. V. Ritts,
Vice President; C. A. Bailey. Cashier;
John G. McMarlin, Ass't Cashier.
A general biinklnK business fransactod.
Interest paid on time deposits.
Money loaned on approved security.
We Invite you to open an account with tills
' Vl'ntF.fTOKS Hon. Joseph Hartinan. Hon.
W. S. Waidron, I»r. N M. Hoover. H Mc-
Sweeney. K. E. Abrams, C. P. Collins, I. U.
Smith, Leslie 1* Haslett. M. I lin naii. W.
W. 11. i.arkln. John Humphrey, llr. VV I.
McCandless, Ben Masseth, Levi M. Wise,
J. V. Kltts.
Insurance and Real Estate
Good clothes at such low
prices that poor ones are no
longer wanted.
? ? ? ?
A There is a little something about i
11 the collar and lapel of oar coats ?
i and a certain graceful hang of the #
11 trousers that makes tlietn original. (
It is in part of the details, a J
J knack which cheap tailors cannot 1
acquire no matter how good is the J
• material they use. W
© & i i
Your inspection of our new
Spring Patterns and a com
parison of prices.
The Ford farm in Donegal twp., near
Millerstown is for sale. It contain*
atxiut 150 acres, is well watered ana m
good condition. For terms inquire It
this office.