Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 01, 1897, Image 2

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Entered at P. O. it Butler as 2d class matu-r
WILLIAM C. KEGLEY - - rubllsber.
Republican County Ticket.
Meeting of County Committee.
The Republican County Committee
met in Butler last Monday, transacted
its business and adjourned within an
Chairman McFarland called the com
mittee to order, and made a short
speech referring to Republican success
last fall and Republican failure at the
February elections.
An election was held in every district
excepting JacksonE though two comrni t
teemen did not put in an appearance,
and the Co. Chairman was authorized
to fill their places!
The roll was called and the following
gentlemen answered to their names.
Adams N. „ , .
Adams S.,W. W. Hill. Valencia.
Allegheny. Jno. Womer, Foxburg.
Brady, J. G. Grossman, West Liber
Buffalo, Harry Fleming. Ekas
town. „ „ ,
Butler twp, Jos. Criswell, Butler.
Centre, L. L. McCandless. McCand-
Cherry. J. H. Black, Moniteau.
Cberrv S. Hugh Spronl. Gomeraal.
"(lay, "Win. Christley. Euclid.
Clearfield, E. S. MiUigan Coylesville.
Clinton, H. M Love, Saxonbnrg.
Concord, C. M. .Campbell, Hooker.
Counoquenessing N. Jos. Graham.
ConntKinenessing S.,W. W. Rrandon,
Cranberry, Jan. H. Graham. Ogle.
Donegal, W. C. Pontious .Chicora.
Fairview, B. S. Rankin,
Franklin, Harlan Book, Euclid.
Forward, W. F. Smitn, Brownsdale.
Jackson E.
Jackson W. Wm. Dindinger, Har
mony. . „ ,
Jefferson, S. M. Wright, Butler.
Lancaster. J. N. Kirker. Middle Lan
Marion, E. O/Sptonl, Boyer.
Mercer. Locke. For&tville.
Middlesex, S. C: Trimble, Flick.
Muddycreek, Wm Cleland Porters
Oakland, H. C. McCollough Bntler.
Parker, D. B. Dennison, Brnin.
Penn N.; D. D. Quigley, Renfrew.
Penn S., Jas. Ranklin, Maharg.
SHpperyrock, Loyal Daugheity, Slip
peryrock. < ■ • "
Summit, R. M. Johnston, Butler-
Venango, E. J. Miller, Ean Clare
Wash N. J. W. Hilliard, Hilliard.
Wash S. Phil Harper, North Hope.
Winfield, W. H. Bicker, Carbon
Black. . ..
Worth, H. L. Kelly. Jacksville.
Butler Ist W. George Robinson.
2d W. N. C. McCollough.
3d W. Earl McOuistion.
" 4th.W. James Miller.
" sth W. F. L. Stauffer.
Centerville, R. 8. McClymonds.
Evans City, H. C. Boggs.
Harmony, H. M. Wise.
Harrisviile, R, L. Brown.
Karon City, Jacob W. Gosser.
Chicora, M. B. Mcßride.
Portersville, E. L. Bickel.
Mars, C. A. Craig.
* Petrolia, C. A. Gray.
Prospect, P. H. Sechler.
Saxonburg, E. R. Kennington.
W. Sunbury, J. 8. McClung.
Valencia, T. A. Rhodes.
Zelienople, Ira S. Ziegler.
Fairview, Amos Tiuiblin.
Connoqujan essiug boro, Thos. Gra
ham. . ..„
N. C. McCollough moved that Joseph
Criswell be temporary Chairman, and
tDat was a green to; Jonn "Winner mov
—"** c a »>,»» ixui pvi uu(3 P. OtoniTri
be secretaries and that was agreed to.
Dick Johnston moved for a commit
tee of five in resolutions and that was
agreed to; and Chairman Criswell ap
pointed Rwkard Johnston, Ira Ziegler,
Clyde McClymonds, G. E. Robinson,
and Wm. Dindinger.
Geo Robinson moved that N. C. Mc-
Collough be elected Chairman of the
Co., Committee, and that was agreed
to, and the temporary secretaries were
R. L. Brown, 8. M. Wright, 8. C.
Trimble, W. C. Pontious, and Earl
McOuistion, were appointed to tabulate
and count the votes.
John Worner moved his resolution
changing the day for holding our pri
mary from Saturday to Tuesday, the
convention to lie held next day. John
was full of tHie subject and made a
good speech on it, and the
motion was put and carried with but
one dissenting, voice. The Resolution
reads as follows:
"Resolved, That by reason of its
proximity to the Sabbath, Saturday is
not a convenient or proper day of the
week on which to hold the Republican
primary elections, as has been done
heretofore, and we do therefore recom
mend that hereafter all Republican pri
mary elections lie held on Tuesday of
the proper week, and the convention of
delegates on the Wednesday following.'
The Committee on Resolutions report
ed as follows:
We the delegates of the Republican
party of Butler county, in convention
assembled, congratulate the people of
the county upon the return of the Re
publican party to power, and the instal
lation of that sterling patriot and true
American citizen. William McKinley,
in the office of President, which insures
a return to the American policy that
will bring prosperity to the country iu
the future as it has in the past.
That we approve the action of thp
new administration, and our Republi
can leaders in Congress, in deciding
that filling the places of office-holders
shall be held in abeyance until the in
dnstries of our country fanning, man
nfacturing and commercial, have been
relieved and revived by remedial tariff
legislation that was so promptly intro
duced on the assembling of Congress in
extra session.
That in our nominee for Congress.
Hon. J. B. Showalter, we present to the
people of the district, as the unanimous
choice of Butler county, a man worthy
of their confidence anil support, and an
all ttye other comities or the district
have.had a representative in Congress
since our county has had one. we ap
[s-al to the delegates from the other
counties to recognize our rights, and in
that spirit of fairness that should con
trol deliberative bodies, to nominate
the candidate from our county, a conn
ty that has always stood for Republi
can principles and against the common
enemy, the Democratic party.
These were adopted unanimously.
A motion prevailed authorizing the
officer* of the convention to declare the
result of the election, as tabulated by
the committee, aud the convention a'l
THK Mercer County Republican Com -
mittee invites the Republican Commit
tees of the other three counties compris
ing thin Congressional district, to ap
point committees of three each, to con
fer regarding a more satisfactory met*
Od of making nominations for Congresn.
There is and can tie but one more wtA
factory method, and that is THE
fnriONS are the latent thing to is: cor
nered. They are very scarce ij) the
Pittsburg markets.
A <;IKI. baby was liom, Tuesday, t»
Mr. aud Mrs. Andrew Caruegie. Their
John Dalzell spoke in favor of the
Dingley bill last Thursday afternoon,
and his speech was considered the best
vet made He gave from the barest
notes, having no written speech, a com
plete review of conditions, results of
former legislation, relations of revenne
and protection and benefitsjto be expect
ed from the bill under consideration,
much of his argument being based up
on data in regard to industries of Pitts
burg and the region of which it is the
Industrial center. He concluded with a
brilliant peroration, part of which was a
portion of a beautiful poem upon Pitts
bnrg by the late Richard Realf
As he took his seat after his long
speech, Mr. Dalzell was applauded con
tinuously for some time, and scores of
members crowded around him io take
his hand and congratulate him.
President McKinley nominated—
Charlemagne Tower, of Pennsylvania
to be envoy extraordinray and minister
plenipotentiary of the United States to
Austria Hungary.
William S. Shallenberger. of Pennsyl
vania. to be second assistant postmaster
Henry Clay Evans, of Tennessee, to
be commissioner of pensions.
Anson Bnrlingame Johnson, of Col
orado, to be consul of the United States
at Fuchan, China.
James D. Gill, of Massachusetts, to
be collector of internal revenue for the
Third district of Massachusetts.
Thomas Ryan, of Kansas, to be first
assistant secretary of the interior.
Mr. Tower is a Philadelphia lawyer
and capitalist, and author of a Life of
Lafayette; Mr. Shallenberger is the
ex-Congressman of Beaver and treas
urer of the Rochester Tumbler Co.: and
Mr. Evans is the Republican who was
lately elected Governor of Tennessee
and counted out.
On Wednesday the President nomi
nated P. A. McClain of Philadelphia
for collector of Internal Revenue, aud
A. M Thackara of Philadelphia for
Consul to Havre.
The new Tariff bill passed the House
that day by a vote of 205 to 121.
During the discussion of the bill pro
viding for the payment of 2 per cent
interest by banks having state money
on deposit last Thursday, the Qnay
people went to pieces for lack of leader
ship and quay was sent for, and he
promised to be in Harrisburg this week.
On Wednesday Gov.Hastings notified
the House that he had approved the fol
lowing bills: Providing for the creation
and regulation of municipal liens and
the proceedings for the collection there
of in boroughs: fixing the standard
weight of a hushel of oats at 83 pounds;
authorizing the publication of 1,500
copies of the resolutions and memorial
services of the late Representative P
McCaulev Book; supplement to the act
of Jane 1. 1895, to authorizing school
districts to aid free public libraries
otherwise established; authorizing the
purchase by the Btate of unseated lands
for the non-payment of taxes for the
creation of a State forest reservation;
making constables of townships ex
officio fire wardens for the extinction of
forest fires, and for reporting to the
Court of Quarter Sessions violations of
the laws for the protection of forests
from fire; prescribing the duties of said
wardens and their punishment for fail
ing to perform the same, and empower
ing them to require, under penalty, the
assistance of other persons in the ex
tinction of such fires: to provide for the
pay and mileage of coroners for view
irig a dead body where no inquest is
-rtie < :onrct> *ji ,•, , iv„ v , r
Lawrence and Mercer counties selects
New Castle as the place, and April sth,
as the date for the Congressional Con
vention, and so notified c hainuan Mc-
Farland, last Thursday.
All tha Congressional delegates se
lected by Dr. Showalter were elected
excepting Dr Crawford of Cranberry,
who was beaten by Geo. M. Graham,
of Connoquwnessing.
The Mercer county convention was
held Tuesday. Henry Robinson beat
Harry Watson for Congress in that
county, securing 11 of the 15 Congres
sional delegates, and the Quay delega
tes to the state convention were elected.
Resolutions were adopted indorsing
Beacom of Westmorland for State
Treasurer, and appointing a committee
of three to meet with similar commit
tees to tie appointed by the other three
counties of this Congressional district
for the purpose of devising a new way
to nominate congressmen.
In Lawrence Co., Thomas W. Phil
lips carried all the districts excepting
the New Wilmington which was car
ried by Clark. The delegates to the
State convention will not be elected un
til the regular primary April IJ.
In Huntingdon Co., the Republican
convention adopted the following
"Resolved, That, believing it to he
the desire of the majority of the Rep
nblicans of Huntington county that the
prevailing political methods in county
and State should Is* purified, we
heartily indorse John Wanamaker for
State Treasurer as the most expedient
means toward the accomplishment of
this end, apd we hereby pledge our
.■utmost endeavors to secure hii; noinina
tion and election."
TCEHDAV evening a cyclone which
struck Chandler, a town of 1500 people in
Oklahoma, leveled every building.injur
ed IM people and killed 20.
The well on the T. Morrow in dry.
Mr. and Mrs. Dipnerare on the sick
list, but improving.
How many 1 toys and girls will go to
flutler an witnesses in June.
J. A Milligan is going to Chicora
every day tor medical treatment, and 1
think his' health is improving
At our Republican Primary on the
27th most of the good Republicans stay i
ed at home.
Be careful where you go to fight.
Prize fighting is not allowed in Cle ir
field, so Im* careful boys.
Coopeibtowu Institute.
Coopers town March 30, the afternoon
session opened ato'clock In the ab
oence of the president tin first thing in
order was the election of a president.
J. A. Mc( afTerty was elected. Miss
Cora Bowman then favored the audience
with a folo Mr. Danbensjieek then
opened the dit!cii*-iion < n the "Study of
Current Events;" followed t,v Dr.
Stepp, Mr. Leslie and Mr. McCafferty
Misn Floy Aber then favored the insti
tute with a piece of instrumental music.
Duties of the Director wan discussed by
Dr. Stepp, Mennr Ferguson, Leslie.
Lfigan and McCafferty. Duty of the
teacher Mr. Datib.-nspeclr. Miss Anna
Shanor lhe«i **hti a 4010 I'rogress of
"Our District School" ./.u. discim-ed by
Messrs. Daubcnnpeck, Leslie and
son Miss Bessie Finefrock then gave a
piece of instrumental music. Meeting
then adjourned to meet at 7:'!0.
Eyening session opened at 7 'iO with
music tiy Mj-s Nellie Kkas Recitation
by Miss < 'ampt«-u by Effie and
Hesnic Daugnerty and' |<itz.
Oration, "The Power of Eloquence'," by
J A McCnfferty. Solo by Minn Leona
Cooper, Rev ilc('almont gave a very
interesting talk on Mow the Teacher
and Pupilw should spend their Vai;atu»o
Song by Floy Aber. 'l'h> gijls 'if room
No. 7, gave a dialogue, subject, "K*
Visitors, Recitation by Nellie
■Mtijillan. Song by Eflie and Besnie
Daugherty and IJertha Ritz.
Duty of Parents l, t Director and
TeHi'her. Rev. Mc<'altnonf in-aiui,,* •'
talmM«. f bv Bessie Finefrock; recita
tions by <ir;u.,. Johnston and Calvin
The meeting then adjourned
Butler County Republican Primary Election
Returns, March 27, 1897.
Cong Jury Commrs. Del. to State Con.
: | H H I % I' ?
Adams X j jo 3 13 10 14
An am h nv 28 2 720 } 4 27 88 1 24
Allegheny g R g ! . , 0 16
S 37 24 «. : 10 a. u
£"1 46 24 2; 217 lj 38 34 22 42
® nff * lo o-2 11 | l\ 2 19 11 19 11
v 24 24 9 IT 13 20
s W 8 3 S" 16 1* 15
,1 10 12 1 2 14 11 5
flenrfaeld }' 1 3() - 32
Concord :* ** U or 25 1 1 24 12 17 21
ConnoqneneseiDg N - 1 13
Connoquenessmg S , 21 12 13 13
Cranberry n Ja J 4 , 6
Dop*?® l 5i 40' 1 9 1 2 51 50 50
Fan-view. 55 56 50 11 57
Forward j ; , 4 14 1T oj
Jackson E. - „. , 24 24 04
Jackson 0 | 24 37
Jefferson. M 41T ~ * 5 •>„ 05
Lancaster •> :} 11 20 15 21
Marion gg 28 31 30 ->3
Middlesex. t j 5 3., 33
Moddycreek ' 8 j! 7 1 14 14 15
Oakland 83 40 39 1 3.5 82 24 40
P arke £ 31 2 511 4 12 24 32 8 32
Pt-nn > 13 , , u; 1 04 10 28 25
PgnnS. £ 3 6 23 „ 23 31 25 19
Slippery Rock. _ 5 », 5
Summit " ;{(J » ..,5 go y 23
Venango...... " 07 ) 26 14 21 15
Washington N - 21 s l 4 4 4s 2 9 oy
\\ ashington :jl 15 >6 26 32
Winfield JJ £ 26 7 ! 2 32 27 34
Butler Ist ward... . 0 of) 4 , .>,. w 92
Butler 2d warf "» „ ' = 27 „ 1 fi ;(> ;o 70
Butler 3rd ward O 'L * 2l , r j gy 13 73 58
Butler 4th ward J;j ; £ * 4 j- - 2 3 129 14« 129
Butler sth ward 1 « 17 12 22 31 21 32
Centerville , 2 , 4 , 55 4B 55
Evans tit}' , - l-> 21 0 3 4 25 37 39 20
Fairview ~ 5 ' 27 27 27
KarnsCity ' ~~ j 3 ., ! 30 33 -jy
Harmony g 223 i 23 23 8 24
Millerstown • ~ 15 33 28 30
Petrolia .. j, .j $) 9
Portersville « j 2 O 5 18 21 22
Saxonbnrg " 13 u {l2 j 8 ; . A 27 40
West hunburv 4 , ( - 4} - ~ , ))4 1(W i (r >
Zelienople— „ 4 15 It , 70 12
Connoquenessmg i * ~ (J ;J j.> 7 Ifi n I*s
Valencia . { 18 15 o 5 29 30 1 16 40
Mar* •••• _ ;
Tota j C:>l3 41 981) 580 329 358 214 1269 2<>l9 16-S5 193.
gwjllow to Hastings.
Rev. Swallow of Harrisburg was
cotavicted on the second charge of libel
brought again.nt him, lant Friday. He
was serenaded that evening and shortly
after addressed the following letter to
Gov. Hastings, who wa# one of the
witnesses against him.
"Dear Sir If you have examined the
testimony offered by my witnesses, but
mostly rejected by the court at the in
stance of the lawyers representing your
ni.ie of the two suits for libel junt closed
in one of which I am found 'not gnilty
and must pay the costs and in another
of which I am found 'giiilty,' covered
by a motion for a new trial, and if you
have sufficient determination to qualify
you to be the Governor of a great State
yon will have observed that y m are
astray when yon say that the testimony
produced 'is barren of truth.
"No one knows better than you that
you have wrongdoers, your creatures,
filling important places in the service
of the State. Han nothing developed
to prove my claims';' Surely enough
has developed to open your eyes, if not
already open, to the character of many
Of these men, and to stimulate vour
energies to rid your administration of
their presence.
"You nay you told them they wouTil
have to YulaTCsrte «Uwmselve.-> in the
courts.' Have they *-> —*t
infliction* Let us see. No nnit has
been brought on charges one, two and
six. Why? Action for criminal libel
was brought by your representative on
Nos. three, four, five, seven, fright and
nine, leaving one, two and nix unnotic
ed. When it came to trial you aban
doned No. seven. Nos. eight and nine,
concerning which we have more evi
dence than on all the others combined,
were, by order of the court, without
our knowledge or consent carried over
to the June term, thus enabling those
now known by us to be in possession of
State furniture to spirit it av. ay, and
by that time to hold up apparently
clean hands. By that time too, the
visible evidence of the incendiary ori
gin of the fire may have been replaced
by preparations for a new building.
We had less evidence on the soldiers
orphan school than on any other count,
because we had not access to books,
but were acquitted, which was equiva
lent to saying that we were justified in
its publication.
■'We had plenty of evidence when we
began on three and five, especially five.
< )ne of our witnenses who was very
positive at the outset that he knew of
fraud in bidding and of an attempt to
| bribe him for #BOO, shortly after we
were sued was given a State contract
and suddenly became a know nothing.
Another was given additional State
work. Another wan labored with by
one of the prosecutors til! a ]al<- h<mr
of night and went over to the other
side. Another for some reason became
so misty in his recollections of what
had been well remembered liefore we
were prosecuted an to be worthless to
us as a witness.
"When on the witness stand you in
fereiitially complained that we had not
as a taxpayer and a citizen presented to
you in person information in our pos
session as to 'mismanagement,' lonn,
'extravagance,' waste of public funds,
etc. That such a visit would have
been, barren is illustrated by tin- fact
that a mutual friend, who knew some
thing >'f the evidence in our posses-don.
visited you several weeks ago, not at
our instance, to plead with you to din
misn the wrongdoers, force them to dis
gorge, surround yourself with better
men, and thus prevent the pains and
sorrow of pioneciition and the grief
that mnnt inevitably coine to innocent
men, women and children throughout
the State, vhose fathers, brothers, sons
or husbands had at a period neat or i «
mote been led into the appropriation oi
St itc property by the spirit of specula
tion which has characterized so dinas
trously the years succeeding th«- war
"What was your answer? You in
suited the mutual friend and myself by
i ,i>-i una ting that I was weakening and
that lie wan there to for quarter for
me. and you did it after be had told
yoil that 1 would consent to nothing
lens than a continuance of tie litiel
suits to the point of my vindication or
"From thin time forward, t ill you are
fully satisfied l>y actual •-xi»«-ri<-n>-«* that
I am not weakening, all our <■<»n
will include the general public.
'lt lb will i(i<w to inquire whether
some plan may not at tL.it; lut« date !»•
adopted to prevent much of On: (tuflcl
ing that must result from a whoesale
prosecution of those who are wrongful
ly in posession of State property.
While we think you, sworn an your are
to execute the laws, should show no
quarter to the leaders in wrongdoing
and should pot place on private citi/ens
the onus of proving guilt upi'inst vour
agents, yet there Hflyujd he t>i,n,e -jtlai.
for tempering justice with mercv, and
we respectfully suggest to you the fo]
"First Dismiss, prosecute and pun
j h the ringleaders.
"Second .Ap'ioint a committee of
three citizens', tVied ai.d 'rue. to receive
and act as custodians for nay con<>citn<.<:
money, furniture or other State prop
i-rt v that njay be returned during the
period i/f restitution that slyuM inline
djatcly foljosy sii' h announcement.
"Third Devi-e some plan for jue
venting the possibility of such wrong
doing in tin- future
•'I state what I know when I write
Ut'n oropcrty is scattered over the
State and' Is to j... i',,,""' in the
and offices of pofttii-mh*. juugen. !. •*'
yers, State and National officials other
wise reputable i>eople in all grades of
life, and also in the house of lier • whose
feet take hold on hell. Prosecution
for libel will not stop the revolution
now in progress, and 'revolutions never
move backward.'
"We must be taught by object les
sons, if we will not be taught by revela
tion, that it is as much a violation of
the eighth commandment to take un
lawfully any part of the aggregated
contributions for public uses of three
millions of people or of six millions, as
it is to take it from one individual.
lam yours, with every considera
tion of respect possible.
"S. C. Swallow."
In Loving Rem cmbrance,
Thou art gone, the silver cord of life is
Broken the pitcher at the fountain head
Thy mortal form to kindred earth re
Thy spirit to the Judge of Quick and
Alas the sweetest flower, by lok-e iin
Within the sacred precincts of the
.Must droop and die while weeds and
briers flourish.
Amid the ruins which neglect i mparts.
Oh! Adverse fate, why o'er me hang
thv billows?
my ron.i nope a i-.-r ■> t >
While stranded on the shoals of dire
I view the wreck thy cruel wrath has
Oh! Father, may these dark and gloomy
Be pierced by faith's unfaltering eye
arid comprehend
Behind these shadows waits a glad
Whose glorious light and joy thy good
ness sends.
For what is earthly hope or fond am
Whose smile, seductive, lares us to
In evanescent dreams and transient
Which leave the famished soul unsatis
Open the prison door of doubt and
Unbar the portal of my soul's seclusion,
And let the light of truth's eternal mom!
Light up with hope serene my soul's
Then bid the billowy waves of anguish
And hush the tempest of my soul to
And know He rules who counts the
stars by number,
And holds the raging billows in his
han d.
The closing day of lift; whose sunset
With radient beams light up th<
gathering gloom,
Is but the earnest of a day immortal,
Beyond the confines of the silent tomb,
Not dead, but only changed by life's
From mortal unto immortality trans
formed ;
Loosed from the prison house of earth
ly bondage,
And earthly conflicts changed for peace
and home
U. iijay the radiance <,f thv life's ex
Shine as the Polar star on life's rough
A guiding ray whose beams will all be
To guide my barque and make my
voyage plain.
Then in tin- haven fair the voyage ended.
Earth's storms outridden and *>'irth'b
dangers o'er,
We II meet again no more to part in
To dwell in heaven's bliss forevermort
li C T.
(ins. ( iiiiiil'ri tomb in Riverside Park,
,Vc> York nv<.iJo<jkii; M the Hudson,
h:ii lx«jj completed, and will !.<• dedi
CvU*l on the 'j7th, inst. There will be
n jfreat military and naval display and
the Notional Guard of this State may
take part.
Absolutely Pure.
{Zcjgbrafed for its Kicut Icavenink
str'.ngtli an«l ht-allhfuliitU, Amines the
food against alum and all forms of adul
it-ration common to the cheap brands.
Advertise iu the Cm/Ej*.
THE decision of the United States'
Supreme Court holding that the agree
ment of the Trans-Missouri Freight
Association was a violation of the anti
trust law of lsiw created a sensation in
railroad circles last week On Thurs
day of last week all railroad traffic as- j
sociations in Chicago refrained from ;
transacting any business which had to 1
do with the regulation of rates or divis
ion of business. Although the execu- !
tive officers and clerical force at the!
various headquarters remained at their
desks, only routine business and that
which did not come within the ban of
the Supreme Court's decision were at
tended to. Practically all the associa
tions were in a state of suspended ani
mation. ' looking over the ground and
waiting to find out where they stand
as Chairman Caldwell of the Westesn
Passenger Association expressed it.
REEP At her home in Bntler March.
2'J 1*1)7. Mrs. MinnieFrazier. wife of
Edward Reep. aged 28 years.
RIDGEWAY At his home in Coal
town. March 28 lt>97, Harry Ridge
wav. aged 63 years.
McCORMICK —At his home in Butler.
March 29 1897, John McCormick.aged
87 years.
BLACK—At his home in Cherry twp..
March 27 1897, Joseph Black, aged
77 years.
SUTTON- At her home in Penn twp..
March 8" 1897, Mrs. Elizabeth Sutton
aged 83 years.
She was a daughter of David Sntton,
one of the earliest settlers in this coun
ty. Her brother Jessie Sutton resides
inAlleghenv and another brother Philip
resides in Penn twp. County Commis
sioner D. H. Sutton is her nephew.
BALL At his home in Oakland twp.,
March 29 189»", John Ball in his 07th
KNAUFF—At his home in Jackson
twp.. March 20 l>s'.i7. Nicholas Knauff
aged 70 years.
BLACK At his home in Slipperyrock
twp.. March 30 18!»7, Alexander
Black, aged about 05 years.
VOGELEY At Iris home 1:1 Butler
March 80 1897.Louis G. Vogeley, aged
88 years.
Lou's death, which was caused by
heart and kidney trouble, is regretted
by a large circle of friends.
The funeral will occur from the Bow
man residence on Centre Ave.. tomor
row at 2 p. m. and will be attended by
all thi. musical urganiaatiohH iti our
BART LEY —At his home in Clay twp.,
March 20 IsiiT., Clifford, son of
Xaamnn F. Baxpey, aged 17 years.
Clifford's death was a sudd»n one and
was caused bv heart failure. He was
a fine young man.
STAUFFER A then Jiome in Butler,
April 1, 18:.-7, Mabel Reydrick, wife
of Harry Stanffer.
Think what a lou? train of disease's arise from
Impure blood. Then knrp the Mood pure with
7 he One True Wood Pnrifl.-r. All druggists. sl.
Hoocf's Pills ar- always rc'iable. cents.
FslutuaJ Fire insurance Company
Office cor. Main aiul Sis.
«.H5. K t "I Tfc*!{ KR, \ In Fr«i.
I. v 31c.1f KfN nn<llr»K«
AI fr«-<l Wick, H<*iid«'rsoi» Oliver,
Mr. W. !rvi 11 JaUi'-s Stcphensfn,
\V. \V. S. Wcitxctl,
I'. Bowman, H. ,1. Klin^ler.
(ieo. K«»tturt*r, ('has. Hcliliuii,
j K(tot)o, John Kocnlg.
i CYAL fccJUWKW Anent.
Mercantile Appraiser's
LIST FOR 1897.
BUTLEK 8080.
Baldanf Wm, 'I pool tables * 41 00
Hnselton .1 F, 5 pool tables 71 'Hi
Milliliter (i E. •'! pool tables... SI 00
Turner J M. 1 JJOOI tables <>l 00
Donald-ion T A, 3 poo] tables... ol 0!)
Luton M E, '•> pool rabies 51 00
Allison ('• F. jiooi Stables 51 00
M \KS B< )KO.
Hindis & Lee, I IXM>! tables <il <H>
MlU.i:!<;i'lHnVN Be >uo.
Tadder (• P, « |«jol tallies, ( hi
cora. 51 00
Buller K J. 4 pool tables, filade
Mills 01 (M>
Sneatlien I» S, 2 pool tables,
Slippery Roek .' 41 00
Ewiii« (i, 2 ]HK)I tables, Renfrew. 41 00
Murrj* P H, 8 pool tables,Callery, 51 00
Burkhalter (ieo N, Park Theater :J0 75
Ifft II J, oi>era lion,*.' .10 75
Latchaw A, oper.-i house 30 75
Knock it i>;)era house... 150 75
Penn'a Distilling (Jc; distillery,
t'reeport. '.. IN 00
Armstrong WA, restaurant... H 575
Barrickman .1 L, restaurant... 8 575
Dunn JP. restaurant 8 575
Christie Maggie, restaurant... H 5
(loss ES, restaurant H 575
Oarner.TM. restaurant f 575
Brock Lewis, resiaurant H 575
Heath Mrs 11, restaurant 8 575
King Peter, restaurant » 5 r")
Maxler JA, restaurant H 575
Smith ll .1 restaurant n 578
Retfas A, restaurant H 575
WeUner J \V, restaurant H 575
McFarland SA, restaurant... 8 575
< - 'l»;E.I, restaurant 8 575
Dunbar & White, rehtaujant., 8 ;» J5
llogeland SE, restaurant 8 575
Long AJ, restannint 8 575
Stephenson WJ, restaurant... 8 575
McNelly Harty, restaurant... 8 575
Miles T 11, restaurant 8 5 75
Fritz F M, restaurant.... 8 !) 7ft
Murry P H,'restaurant,Callery 8 "i 75
Allison 11 H.jitorc 11l 10 75
Amy Bros, furniture 12 i:< 25
Aiken \V II (,'o, store 14 775 '
Ajidvl'Sfjii BC&(. i, furniture I j i . '■> i
Anderson AC. m gr. drugs. .. .14 7 o">
Aikfii & Campbell, store II 15 |5 ;
Htjos .lac ib, tjforg.... 1<) 10 75 i
nickel John, shoen 12 I'l 25 '
Burton TA, store 11 15 75
Biehl Henry, hardware 14 775
Butler Pharmacy, drugs 14 775
Balph JF,
Boyd <" N, drugs 11 15 75
Butler Produce Co, store 12 lii
Bovard & Seyfang, hardware. 13 10 75
Breeman .T. store 14 775
Bayonette V. store 14 775
Bntler Lumber Co. lumber.... 12 13 75
Colbert & Dale, store 12 13 75
Campbell J< i A: W, hardware 'J 25 75
Colbert Harvi-v. store 14 775
. Cypher < ii-o AAr Co. hanlwarelo 30 75
I Cleeland DL. jewelry 13 10 75
| Campbell & Templeton. fur
niture 10 20 75
Core Music Co, pianos, &c... .14 775
i Camella Frank, frnit store 14 7 75
! Courtney F \V. store 14 775
I Duffy Charles, store 11 15 75
Douthett A: Graham, store 11 15 75
Douglass,! 11. store 13 10 75
DeArme WH. store 10 20 75
Ehmer J A. store 14 7 75
Elliott C R. store 14 7 75
Fisher WA. store 13 10 75
Finin L A. store 14 7 75
Forcht JH. store 14 775
Graham Bros, store 13 10 75
Grieb .T R. jewelry 14 775
Grieb E. jewelry *....14 775
Hnselton BC, store 10 20 75
Heck D & Son. store 13 10 75
Hincliberger C. store 14 775
Hinchberger Chris, fish 14 775
Hock JC. store 12 13 75 J
Hull H. store 14 775 j
Heinzer MX, store 14 775
Harper Bros, store 11 15 75
I cure U Co, drugs 14 775
Johnston SA, drugs 14 775
.laokson & Mitchell, hardware. 14 7 75
Jack J S. store 14 7 75
Jarecki M'f'g Co. hardware.. .13 10 75
Kamerer WA. store 13 lo 75
Kirkpatrick It L, store 14 775
Ketterer Geo. fnrniture 13 10 75
Kauffman J. store 11 15 75
Koch C. store 10 20 75
Kirk II D. store 13 10 75
Kirkpatrick \V M. store 13 10 75
Kinch Daniel, store 14 7 75
Koonce HW. store 14 775
Kearns A& S. store 13 10 75
Klinger H J & Co, feed 0 25 75
Kamerer G D. store 14 7 75
Larkin & Co, hardware 14 775
McCrea WS & Co. feed 10 20 75
Miller Henry, store 10 20 75
Metzger WF, shoes 13 10 75
Mnrrin T A. store 14 7 75
Miller CE. shoes 12 13 25
Miller G Wilson, store 10 20 75
Martinconrt & Co, store 10 20 7*>
Myers AE, store 12 13 25
Mitchell < has M, store 14 775
Mangold Mrs PR. store 13 10 75
Mcßride IJ. store 14 775
McC'lain M. furniture 14 775
Morrison T A. store 14 7 75
National Supply CQ, hard ware 11 15 75
Xigfiel J <-V Bro. hardware....
Oil Well Supply Co, hardware. 12 13 25
O'Brien W H & Son, hard
ware 14 7 75
Pape DT, store 14 775
I'ryor EB, store 14 775
Poolos S, store 14 7 75
Phillips OM, store ..13 10 75
Purvis SG, lumber 10 20 75
Patterson JX, store 11 15 75
Ralston WE, store 14 775
Ruff A iV Son. ahoee 13 lo 75
Rockenstein Joseph, store 14 775
Rockenstein MC, hardware... 14 775
Roessing BE, store 14 775
Redi'.k M,'. Gioluuan, drugs 12 13 25
Reiber A & H, store 10 20 75
Reiber A M & Bro, store 8 30 75
Richey J A, store 14 * 7 75
Stock>C. hardware 14 775
Steel C C. store 14 7 75
Shloss Bros, store U 13 25
Schaui Kant, store 12 13 25
Springdale Drug Store drugs. .14 775
Stein li & Son, store 10 20 75
Troutman A & Son, store 7 40 75
Terwilliger HE, store 14 775
Walker JO, store 14 775
Wuller DH, drugs 13 10 75
Wilson WB. hardware 14 775
Wright JB. store 11 775
Wick LC, lumber. 10 20 75
Young Lizzie M, store 12 13 25
Zimmerman Mrs JE, store... 9 25 75
Starr JH, storj* 14 775
Boggs & Kline, store 12 13 25
Barkey Bros, feed and c0a1... .13 10 75
Barto David, shoes 14 775
Brown JE, coal 14 775
Burry LS, hardware "...13 10 75
Dambach Edward, lumber 13 lo 75
Hudson R, store 14 775
Hillings JD. store 14 775
Ifft Geo & Sons, store. 11 15 75
Jarecki Manufacturing Co.
hardware.. 14 775
List JM, drugs 14 775
Nicklas Bros, store 11 15 75
Oil Well Supply Co, h'dware..l4 775
Peffer Fred, pianos, &<• 14 775
Kiggs VV lj, nturtv 14 775
Shoup Philip, hardware 13 10 75
Thomas JD, drugs 14 775
White J M. shoes 14 7 75
Smathers AJ, store 14 775
Ripper JA, Store 14 775
Young & Hyle, furniture 13 10 75
Zehman D, store 13 10 75
Rame H W, store 14 7 75
Dindinger & Wise, hardware. 13 10 75
Dindinger Geo, implements. .. 14 775
Huber J H; drugs 13 10 75
KirkerS.T, feed 14 775
Milleman Bros, store 11 15 75
Oil Wull Supply Co, h'dware. .13 10 75
Swain (i D, store 11 15 75
Stiver FB, feed 14 775
Valencia Lumber Co, c0a1.... 14 775
Wise & Bentle, lumber 13 10 75
Zeigler HD, furniture 14 775
Zehman D, store 14 775
Beatty ES, hardware 14 775
Black Jlt & Co, -store. . 12 13 25
Baily Joseph, store.. 14 775
Brown RL, furniture 14 775
Curry JE, store, 14 775
Elriclr JM, drugs 14 775
Humphrey I) W, store 12 13 25
Morrison WL, store 14 775
Bolton L 11, store 13 10 75
Bard & Son, store 11 15 75
Bingham FP, hardware 14 775
Bingham JT, implement-.. ,l i 775
Coulte r't fj A; Co. ((tore 14 i 75
Campbell & Co. drugs 11 775
Kerr J (', store 13 10 75
May burry & Pearson, store... 14 775
Mitchell HF, drugs 14 775
Ramsey WT, store 14 775
Sproull & Stoops, store 12 13 25
Sowash SJ, wtojv 11 775
I'ber & Sons, furniture 14 775
Bowers A, dings 14 775
Critchlow Bros, store 13 10 75
Graham & Scott, store 14 775
Forester SS, store 13 10 75
Keister OF, store 14 775
McCleary FL, store 14 77^
McClnreJ II Urnt-'s ...14 7 7j»
Riddle W R < 'o, 5t0re...... f2 13 35
Wersh John, store 14 775
Story TR, drugs 14 775
Boyd VV 1) & Sou, store 14 775
Brown JM, store 14 775
Crnm A, store. ... .14 778
K«»rr & Hon, drug* ........... 14 775
Hooks & Clark, lumber 14 7 75
Jordan Co, store II 15 75
National Supply (Jo, h'dware..l2 13 25
Irvine 11 C, furniture 14 775
Oil Well Supply Co, h'dware.. 13 10 75
Shannon \V 1,, store 11 7 75
Topping & Philips, stoie 14 775
Klgler AOA: F, store..' 11 15 75
Zeigler A 1 hardware 14 775
Zeigier Clark, shoes 14 775
Valencia BOKO,
Anderson .J A «!C WF, store.. 13 10 75
BaiT & Stoup, hardware 13 10 75
Cooper 1' F, hardware 14 775
Jthodes F A, store 14 7 75
Windhorst F C, store 14 7 75
Hawn W C, store, Baldwin...ll 15 75
Scott <'. store Baldwin... Kj (o 75
Denholm T, store II 15 75
English RE, hardware 13 10 75
Chesebro EP. store 12 13 25
Foster WC. drugs 14 775
Hawk J M, store." 13 10 75
Starr ML, store 13 10 75
Stoughton WR, junk I I 775
Verier tv .. ~.. i 1 1(5
Mit.t.KHK't'oWN BOKO.
Boyle I) E, store 14 775
Campbell WW, store 13 10 75
l)e\\ olf Dr WL, drugs 11 775
Frazier JT T, store 14 775
Frederick PG & Co, lumber. .13 10 75
(Bass George, store 14 775
Hock Bros, hardware J3 10 75
11.1 >0 I'' F hardw are 1 ( 7 j.5
Johnston •'II hardware I I t •"<
Johnston CH, shoes ..,.14 775
Frankle S stfapti t4 1 7f>
Litzinger HC, store 13 10 75
McKee JL. drugs 14 775
Redd VV E. store 13 lo 75
Scharbacti C, store 14 775
Sweigcr F, shoes 14 775
Westenuan Bros, store 10 20 75
Westerman R F Co, store. .13 10 7•»
Humphrey Win & Sons. stoiv.ll 15 75
McDowal GB, hardware 14 775
Marshall AS, store 14 775 ,
Ramsey Bros, store 13 10 75 '
Allen FL, store 14 775
Bastian (T D. hardware 13 10 75
j Blnin John, shoes 14 775
Dindinger John, store 11 15 75
1 Eicholz FE. hardware 18 10 75
Goehring FS, hardware 14 775
Householder Geo. farm im
plements 14 775
Householder H, st«re .14 775
j Ifft John & Co. lumber 13 10 75
j King Geo. store 14 775
I Knauff GH. hardware 14 775
i Kaufman H. shoes 14 7 7, r >
1 Meeder & Gel bach, store 12 13 25
Meeder AH & Co. store 13 10 75
Passavant CS, store 14 775
Reibolt Jacob, coal 14 775
Strohecker CJ D. hardware. .. 14 775
Reed CE, drags 14 775
Wild Henry, store 14 775
Winters A. store 14 775
Wright Bros A: Co. store 11 15 75
Wise IM, feed 14 7 7.-,
Zehner Fred, feed 12 13 25
Zehner Edwin. furniture 18 10 75
Bredin & Conway, store 11 15 75
Campbell A: Co, "store 14 775
Hindman HC & Co, drugs 14 775
Meckling John, furniture 14 775
Rhodes & Russell, store 14 775
Steindorf «Sfc McKinney. hard
ware 14 7 73
Beninger HH. store Myoma. .14 775
Irvine CB. store, Callery 14 775
Shannon JF. store, Callery.. .13 10 75
Spence, Booth it Co. hardware
Callery 13 10 75
Thomas JH. store 13 10 75
Goddard MJ, coal 14 775
Leasure AW , store, Silvervillel4 775
McCafferty James, store. Sar
versville 14 775
Powell JW. store. Sarversvillel3 10 75
W itte W H. hard ware. Sarvers
ville 14 775
Watson Wm, lumber. Sarvers
. ville 14 775
Wilkewitz G, jieddler, Sarvers
ville 14 775
Ekas AB. store. Ekaatown... 14 775
Clutton E G, store. West Lib
erty 14 775
Martin M E, store, West Lib
erty 14 775
Robinson WW, store, Pump. 14 775
Alexander & Heyl, store,
Whitestown .. .* 13 10 75
Barnliart R & Son, store, Con
noquenessing 13 10 75
Nicklas Con, store, Connoque
nessing 14 775
Pnrviance J F & W A, store,
Connoquenessing .~, 13 10 75
Poppletoii R N, store, Butter
cup.."...; 14 -7 75
Fleeger A, store. Fleeger 14 775
Arthurs, Dunn $r ('<». atore.
Guucher A. A, store, Euclid... 14 775
Baily JA, store, Bovard 14 775
Elliott HW, store, Coaltown. 13 10 75
Fogel V, drugs, Coaltown H 775
Sproull & Stoops, store,Gomer
sol 14 775
Les'ie G W. store. Moniteau..l4 7 75
McCoy H C & Son, store, Anan
dale. 14 7 75
Welsh James, store, Coaltown. 14 775
Knhn CC, store. Hooker 14 775
Mnrtland Bros, store, Magic.. 18 10 75
Markwell S, store, Greece City 18 10 75
Croft JW, store. Trail 14 775
Frantz J, store, Ogle 14 775
Garvin Win, store, Ogle 18 10 75
Hendrickson AG, store, Ogle. 14 775
Anderson RJ. store. Flick... .14 775
Griffin TA, store, liattigan. .14 775
Graham JH, store, St Joe 14 775
Krause Robert & Sons, store,
Coylesville 13 10 75
Gormley F P,store, Coylewvillel4 775
Bellis G C & Co. store Glade
Mills I# J3 75
Cooper LJ, atstre, Glade Mills. 14 775
Cowan C, feed, Glade Mills... 14 775
Marks & Whiteside, store,
Glade Mills 10 20 75
Oil Well Supply Co, hardware
Glade Mills 14 775
Hutchison T J. hardware,
Glade Mills 14 775
McFann LR, store, McFann.,l4 775
Baily Joseph, store Harrisvillel4 775
Gormley J H, store Murrins
vilie 14 7 75
Mnrrin & Mcßride, store,
Boyer 14 775
Sisney LJ, store. Boyer '. .14 775
MERCK Tvvv..
Owens Lewis, Jr, store, Forest.
ville 14 775
Shields It C, store, Forest ville. 14 775
Colemyre GF, store, DeSale.,l4 775
Jamison W C, store, Eau
Claire 18 10 75
Speer JC, store, Eau Claire. ..14 775
McNamee Mrs L J, store, Hil
liards 14 7 75
Bowser RM, lumber, R«*nfrc\vlLS 10 75
Douthett A M, (jtore, Browns
•Idle. 13 10 75
McClymonds H S, drugs Ren
frew 14 7 75
Kirkpatrick Bros, store, Ren
frew 18 10 75
Patrick James, store, RenfrewlS 10 75
Price Bros, h'dware, Reufyew 14 f75
Roberts p.W. cii.»] Hwilrew.. 14 775
Sutton AD, store, Maharg 13 10 75
llartenstine L, store. Great
Belt 13 1# 7.V
Montag W M & Co, store Jef
ferson Centre 14 775
O'Niel <fc Co, store, (treat Belt. 13 Hj 75
tfnit/.el Philip. store, HarmonyM 775
Metz A E & Son, store, Middle
Lancaster 18 10 75
Watson Win <& Son, store, Mt.
Chestnut 111 75
Watson Wm A- S,< ; u, store 151e.14 775
Altmyre Mrs T, store Hil
liards 14 7 75
Graham JP, store, Hilliards. .13 10 75
Arner & Williamson, hard
ware. North Hone 14 775
Jack RP, .it»'«v, North Hope.. 14 775
Mitttin'dS Mifilin, store, North
Hope 11 15 75
McKee & Co, lumber, Hil
hards 18 10 75
Sommers James, t»tore, Hil
l|ards 14 775
McFarland C B, store, Argen
tine 13 10 75
Thompson 1 N, drugs, North
Hope 14 775
Gardner W F, store, Jacks
ville . ~ )* 40 75
Ferguson E M, store, Leasure
ville 14 7 75
Krause A & Sons, store, DennylO 20 75
Krause & Freehling, store,
Denny 12 13 25
Smith & Logan, store. Carbon
Black 12 lu 25
Gaston A, lumber, Wick 13 10 75
Hall Amos, store, Branchton.. 14 775
Hindman J L, store, Branch
ton 14 7 75
Hall J N store Carr 14 7 75
Rex Lewis, coal, Carr 14 775
Sharkey I>, store Zriu, 11 ? J.S
Shilling A lev store Reitiold. 14 775
HelmlsiM Mrs T & Hon*. store 10 20 75
Helmliold Mrs T <Jtr Sons,
clothinu 12 18 75
Krause T, Store II 15 75
Maurboff G W, store 14 7 75
Mershon Dr EB. drugs. 14 775 1
Dittmer MB, store, Herman.. 13 10 75 '
Dittmer JJ, store, Herman 1\ 175 1
1 |
1 Curtains 1
| ]|>® and Portiers. |
S ARE YOU INTERESTED in any of the above
articles? If so, we wouU like to have you look
a * our stock, Have selected this stock with the
yrvy greatest care, we never forgot its quality when buy*"
Sst ' n g goods. The best is cheapest in the end: at least fEg
we find it so. XX X X X g
( ' I|| p VTQ for your Parlor in Wiltons, Axminsters or lirus-
v* , se ' s- Sitting room carpets in suitable patterns.
Vo " can have Bruasel or Ingrain as you wish. All-wool, Half-wool JS3S
SSI or All-cotton Carpet tor your bed rooms, anv price from ')» cts ISC
U P to the best all-wool. gCT
\[ \ I r[\(X make a cool floor covering for summer time
' A ' 1 and if you want a fine matting come and see tfer
ours; some new patterns tliat look morr ike carpet than matting,
!" U cost nbout as mucli. But we have the clieaor ones, also
f —s, a y e 3 quality at 1 O cts tliat we consider an extra good value.
jßjjj Take a full roll I O and the price will be a little less.
... For any room in your house. New patterns.and at prices that gSg
jgif will suit you. Our Nottingham Lace Curtains at ,"T<k. they 1-*^
make a nice sitting room or dining room curtain. Have pCX
nner ones for the parlor and cheaper ones tor the bed room Come
seetheni; it costs nothing to look, as you are not expected to Iffi?
buy unless the goods please you.
A 11 1 I Stock will be complete next week.
M Sr*M«SS 52.50. S£s 53.50 S l , 55.00 ffi
{Bat Chencille lortiers with plain centers and fancy colore;! dados. Tap
y-j with your carpet and wall paper. You want the kind when
you buy, so come here and get the newest and best.
IGampbell ft Templeton,®
1 Black WC, store. Bruin 18 10 75
Caldwell II M, store, 8min...14 775
, Howard JC. store, Parker... .14 775
, Morgaa .1 A, store, Parker 14 775
( Meek James, store, Parker 14 775
Orr JH, store, Brain 14 775
I Schell J D, store, Crawford's
Corners 14 775
Andre WJ, store, St Joe 14 775
Ball ( t«i, store North Oaklandl4 775
Badger SB, store, Sonora 14 775
NOTICE.^ —All who are concerned in
this appraisement will take notice
that an appeal will be held
at the County Commissioners'
office in Butler on Saturday, April 24th,
1H!»T, l>etween the hours of 'J A. M and
:i P. M , when and where vov\ may ut
tend if yon think pron«tv-.
J. A. EICHEHT, Appraiser,
Maroh 17, 181)7. Evans City.
Jury List for April Term.
List of names drawn from the proper
Jury wheel this I ltli day of .March 181(7
to serve as Travers Jurors at ft special
term of court. ((yqjutmeing on the 12th
day of April the same being the second
Monday of said month.
Alexandre W F, Fairview l»oro, wagon
Atwell David W, Marion twp, faring
Allen Robert, Brady twp, farmer.
Adams G B, Mercer t\vp, farmer.
Rickit HarVfcy, Clinton twp, farmer.
Boyer Edward. Lancaster twp, farmer.
Rlinn Frank, Franklin twp, farmer
Blair S U, Forward twp, farmer.
Campbell J P. Butler boro, 3d w labor
Christie A W, Centerville boro, mer
Cooper A L. Valencia lioro, driller.
Caldwell John B, Jefferson l>oro. farmer.
Edwards 1 S, Butler Iniro, 2d w carpen
Erl> John, Jackson twp, farmer.
Orosman N hC, Fi-auklin twp, farmer.
Hav(ior J ft, Washington twp, farmer.
Hamilton John, Mercer twp, farmer.
Harj>er J H, Butler boro, Ist w merch
Keifer Dan. Brady twp, carpenter.
KeisterOF, Prospect ln«ru, merchant.
Leighner J M P-uUw lx.ro, ad w mer
Lonmier Herman Saxonbnrg boro, P.
Lindsey Win, Allegheny twp, farmer.
Lefever John, Butler boro, sth w black
Martin Win, Penn twp, farmer.
Mates W J. Butler boro, stl) \v laborer.
Miller E J, Venangu twp, farmer.
} McCandle* W T, Butler boro, ltd w
MoFarland Thomas, Penn twp, farmer.
McCallitL Aimer, Cherry twp, farmer.
Pflugh Fred, Franklin twp, farmer.
Kiddle Nelson, Franklin twp, farmer.
Riddle Victor, Prospect boro black
Regan John, Buffalo twt>, firmer.
Ralston John. Hlippuryrock twp, farm
Itaisley L M, G'onnoqnenessing twp,
Schenk Leonard, Butier boro, ild w sh(*>
Schenk Peter, Butler >«vr>», 8d w con
Shini li ii. Washington twp, farmer.
Mankey John Cherry twp, farmer.
Sutton (i A, Karns City, preacher.
Seig Austin, Lancaster twp, farmer.
Thorn Peter, FiOrviow twp, wagon
Thomas George E, Butler boro, sth w
a iwyer.
Walilron 1' I), Evans City, teacher.
Wattersjolin, Evans City, carpenter.
Wigenhagen Gust, Butler Intro, Ist w
Zeigler David M, Jackson twp, farmer.
From The Bcsl Strains in The County.
W. and li. P UtM'k*. Ilawkln* and llmwn
>t Tallin,
|{ < It Lftfhorn*, White strain.
S * W. horns. Knapp tiro*.
Itlai'k Minorca-,. Knapps.
(lit- UIHJVP iirt'i'il^||,oi\ |)vr I.f;
fli'iu Itutt LcKliortiH, (Arnold Strains)
ann W. NVvaiulot!«••», (Hawkins an<l Knapp
l*i-«»■». StruiiiM) p«*r I"»; jC!..Vo p«*r iK>; sll
p«-r lm».
Mammoth Itrouzc Turkuy t*jCK» IE.AO |H»r 9;
fMio jH-r i:t.
I inpt-ilal IVkln haek <«> p«-r 1U; SI.OO
pi*r &YW IMT KM).
A f« w rlioii-i*nn'Li-rH* mid (Irakifor »nU\
Clrrular frt*i\
Cuylcr, N. Y.
__ - |
insuraoo and Real Estate
llonn* liituruiK'i «'«». of New York. Inanr
aiH'i* < '<>. of North Aim*rl«*a. of
l*u rin-nlx IriHiiranci* of BrookN. Y. 1
and Hartford IfiMiirnty'v l«'/ At liHrtfonl
t'l I tt b- * ot||<<l of Main Ht. and lhi* IMU
mopif north ui Court liouiM*. HutUr l'u,
Formerly known as the "Peeress
Pa:nless Extractor of Teeth." Located
permanently at M East Jefferson St.,
■ Oppoiite Hotel Lowrv, Butler. Will do
> I dential operations of nil kinds by the
| latest devices and up-to-ilate methods.
' |)R. H. A. JOHNSTON,
I Gold Fillings Painless Extraction of
I Teeth and Artificial Teeth without plates
| a specialty, Nitrous Oxide or Vitalized Air
or IX>cal luesthelics used.
■ Othce over Millers groceiy, east of Low-.
1 ry house.
DR. J. E. FAULK, „
Painless extraction—N t Q Caa—Crown
and bridge work a specialty.
Office—Room No. new "Bickel build
1.17 E. Wayne St., office LIAIU*. to to.
12 a. M. I and to 3 p, 111.
Eye, ear, nose and throat a specially.
132 and 134 S. Main Street. Ralston
bui Id INF.
Office on Main St. nea Court Hons.-.
Office at No. 104 East Diamond St.
Office near Court House.
- •
2(XJ West Cunningham ST»
Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest
improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec
ialty. Office over Miler'i Shoe Store.
Main St.
Office No. 45, S. Main street, over City
New Troutman Building, Butler PV.
Office on North I>iutnond Street, oppo
site the Court HOUSE— Lower L-'loor. .
« t. scon,
Office at No. S i-outli Diamond St.
Office in Mitchell hmlding.
Hoom li, Armory building.
Office L>etween P.>stoffioo and Diamond
From pure bred stock .iC
hard times prices, Karretl
Huff and White
Rocks, Hiifi and White
Leghorns. Mammoth lllT
pvnal I'ckni i>ucks, $1.50'
pv» sett ng, $6.00 per 100.
Stock for sale, also Belgiau
Warsaw, N. Y.
Funeral Director.
337 S. Main St., Butler.