Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 04, 1897, Image 4
Grand Clearance Sale ofTelUndßubber Goods and all Winter Goods at - BICKEL'S,ButIer,P© BIG CLEARANCE SALE AT 133 T) T P&PI7 122 S. Main St. A " Ullj s . Main S t. The Leading Millinery House Of Butler Co. It will be to your interest to attend this CLEARANCE SALE f®^ Mi^ Ilery must go regardless of cost, to make room for the spring goods. N OTHING \\ ILI, BE SAVED. Fine and stylish Bonnets, Hats, Tan O'Shanters, Fascinators, Hoods Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, and everything in our store will go \VA\ BELOW COST. Early buyers for best bargains. D. T. PAPE. zszoaoocoz ooboooooooooooooooooooooooooog i PlUie® W is I 1 tuaiity A|Power, 1 | Hitch your M j| But be surep I; business .|| *t's in a ij works to a n I"? Fahys Qold=| good watch. j N fitted Case, | ijl # And that you buy it from | E. GRIEB, JEWELER, 139 N. MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. Prescriptions and Family Recipes are -natters of -'mportance and should be filled carefully and with pure drugs only, wi give them our special attention. Tie Baby + * requires a little special care during the warm weather, espec ially if fed irom a bottle, we have a supply of frest infant food, at all times, also bottles, nipples, tubes, bottle and tube cleaners etc. It you desire a sterilizer we can supply you with one, or will be pleased to furnish any desired information concerning them. Disinfectants should be used extensively at this season of the year, the best being copperas, chloride-lime, and crude carbolic acid, the latter being better than the pure, as in purifying an important disin fecting agent is removed, we have a large supply of these at all times. We also carry a full ine of toilet articles and sick-room requisites. REDICK & GROHMANN PEOPLES PHONE. 114. BUTLER PA. CLOSING OUT SALE OF CLOTHING Our closing out sale of men's, boys and childrens overcoats, suits and pants is still going on as we desire to close out every garment in the house before April I, 1597. ur stock is yet full and complete Childrens suits from 75c up, childrens overcoats from 75c up. We must say that our sales so far have exceeded our most sanguine ex pectations being much in excess of last year. We will still continue to carry tl>e largest and best selected line o. furnishing gcods in Butler, such as underwear, gloves, mittens, sliirts in laundried and unlaundried, percales, madras, domestic and jeseys, collars, cufls, ties in necks, bows and four-in-hands. Hats, caps, overalls, jackets, sweaters, cardigan jackets, umbrellas, trunks, \ .I!ist s, telescopes, satchels, cloth, hair and tooth brushes, purses, pocket and bill books, papetries, watches, chains, charms, rings, pins clocks, silverware, spectacles and eye-glasses, toilet soaps, mackintoshes, rubber coats, canvass coats, etc. We Guarantee Quality and Prices. When looking for Holiday goods give us a call, we know that we can suit you. D. A. HECK & SON, 121 N. Main St. Butler, I'a. "A HAND SAW IS A GOOD THiUG, BJ V try . SHAVE WITH." SAPOLIO IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. • Hl' Y DIRECT and pay but one profit, Our assortment Is one of the bos® -JK. and most complete in Imfm-,, Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Plants, Roses, Vines, Bulbs, Seeds. Rarest new, eliol«e*t old. Send forour ontalozrue ' 'is a3SBR. today; tttellsit all; r.n elegant jiugea, maaazlne »Ue, profu.-eiy : tree. fe- Vv V . * W 1 Seeds, l'lants Bulbs, tim.i 1 lr. es, etc. I v n _ I rtf paid, safe arrival and satisfaction gaaran "-ed. I:.r/-r »*• •'"f j -CJlcUjp by express or freight, lad Year. ait«roLuhon3cs. I.UwA; rc::. f-' ' THE BTORRS & HARRISON CO., Box 46k Gainesville, Op YOU WANT A NEW DRESS ' '' for the winter gaieties. Why pay sixty or seventy-five dollars, when we can make you up perfect gar ments with the best linings and workmanship throughout for from $35 to $45? Make your selec tion now, so that we can have time to give you a careful job be fore you need the clothes. Perfect Styles and Fit are pre eminently the necessities in a sat isfactory full dress suit. Our guarantee goes with every dress suit we make. If the fit and style are not exactly as they should be, we cannot afiord to have you wear the garments. A Good Diesser must have a full dress suit for special evffluig wear. We have the finest goods and make absolutely correct gar ments. Do not make the mis take of having your evening dress suit made by an incompetent or careless tailor. A mistake of this kind is expensive. CSPIRMO WEDDING SUITS A SPECIALTY. Cor. Diamond. Butler. Pa aFTERBU.,aTKKFWI 3:49 H. ST., I'ill 1.A., VA. Thirty years'* "tlnuous practice!:* thecureof all tlwases of men f.iiil \von»*n N'j mutter from cause or lon« stoiiding, 1 w.!l pu arnnlee s cure I'J'-I Pe -* CJo'il- lU'UL)' 1 L'-u- ait i iuj I'M BKST IN THE WORLD. its wearing qualities are unsurpassed, actually outlasting two boxes of any other brand. Not effected by heat. W(JET Til B WENMNK. FOR SALE UY DEALEBS GENERALLY. Butler Sayings Bank Htitler, Capital - - - - $60,000.00 Surplus and Profits - $119,263.67 JOS. L PURVIS President J. HENRY 1 ROUTMAN Vice-President WM. CAMPBELL, Jr Uasbier LOUIS B. STEIN Teller 1 DIKEITOKS -.Joseph 1.. Purvis, .1. Henry Tro'Uraan, W. I). Brandon, W. A. Stein. J S. Caraubell. The Butler Savings Hank is the Oldest Rauklng Institution in Hutler County. General banking business transacted. We solicit accounts of oil producers, mer chants, farmers and others. All business entrusted to us will receive prompt attention. I Interest paid on time deposits. THE Bailer County National Bank, Bull Penn, Capital pi! in - - £IOO,OOO 00 Surplus and Profits - (i 14,647.87 Jos. Hartman, President; J. V. Ritts, Vice President: C. A. Bailiy. Cashier; John G. McMarlia, Ass't Cashier. A general banking bu .Incss t ransa ted. Int'-rest paid »n time dejjosits. Money loaned on approved -tii-ity. \Vt Invite you to open an account with this bank. DIKEt'TOUS—Hon. Joseph Hartman. Hon. W. S. Waldron. Dr. N. M. Hoover. 11. Mc- Sweeney, I!. K. Abratns. I'. t'ollfns. I. (J. Smith, "Leslie I*. liaziett, M. l"i:iegan. \\ . W. II l.arkin. John Humphrey. I'r. W. r. Met 'and less, lien Masseth. Levi M. Wise. .1. V. Hilts. 'ii F.ii(lU)i l>!arrwr..l Rr&nl ENNYHOYAL PIUS Original end Only (-t'ttulric. A 6 * r E> a!**}'* 1 r 'Hable. cao»cs - ffYX m-uSM witli Mu«» rihb«.-.. Tuic n«» other. Rrfu. r snbititu- V I*l ffPtion* and imitation*. orm<l4e. 1 'j/ in for n-iiculam. • 'imnnials an«* 1 C .' J "Hc!l.f for f n.ll. ."- • r.tnin i (T lli.omi - v. .«» /•• ▼. Vic t * .'ir'n PM* SEANOK & RACE'S Lively, Feed and Sale St iblc REAR 01- - WICK HOUSE, BUTLER, PA. The host of horses »nd first class always on hand and for hire. Best accomodations in town fer porma nent boarding and transient trade. Speci al care guaranteed. Stnble room tor sixt.V-five h<>tses. A geoil c lass of horses, b >U) drivers and draft horses always on ha" 1 and << r ale ur.dcr a fall gH***OtWs and 1 ones bought upon proper notification by HUMPHREYS' No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Infants' Diseases. No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 8 " Neuralgia. No. & Cures Headache. No. lO " Dyspepsia. No. 11 " Delayed Periods. No. 12 " Leuchorrea. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. IS Cures Rheumatism. No. 16 " Malaria. No. 20 " Whooping Cough No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. 30 " Urinary Diseases No. 77 " Colds and Grip. Sold by Druggists, or sent, prepaid on receipt of price, 25c., or 5 for sl. DR. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC MANUAL OF DISEASES MAILED Free. Humphreys' Med. Co.. 11l William St.. N. Y. CATARRH local'disease and is the result of colds and »oj&£CufccCQLuw sudden climatic changes, For your Protection Eyy fever @2 A we positively state that this - jM] remedy does not contain . <5. ahH mercury or any other injur- X|M Ely's Cream Balm is acknowledged to he the most thoronph cure for Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay Fever of all remedies. It opens and cleanses the nasal passages, allays pain ana inflammation, heals the sores, pro tects the membrane from colds, restores the tenses of taste and smell. I'ricc > r. at Drnegistsorby mail. ELY BROTHERS, 60 Warreu Street, New York. w m ! i\ -■ > -i ... .. . J] . v .j W [ fr ; » . v, ' '.3* il3 *'■* '■ r i -ill <S ■ i! gi B - ~ V: FLE W i M vV6 CL i) £XP 0 R T BUILDS UP r«r V-fai*. AMD further Strengthens THE Sfr.e.s6-irsBYEARs OLD AND ABSOLUTELY PURE.COSTS 51. FULLQts, Six QUARTS $5. mtt'At OHT ON A.L O&CERS//fck/' iy\\of JiD OR Ovf-Aso otNO A Jj v oiui rmr To Awv^<v^ftjk"^B ?$• .?WNF ■'• " ■ ; •* £.; M THAT TIRED SYSTEM can be made strong by cautious use of pure liquors. We offer I'ure 6-year-old unadulterated Whisky, either Finch's, Over liolt, Gibson, Guckenheimer, Large, or Mt. Vernon at fi.oo per full quart, or 6 qts. for #SOO. We do not say you cannot get purity and age elsewhere. We do say, in 9 cases out of 10, you pay for adulterated substitutes. On C. 0. D. or Mail Orders of SIO.OO or over we prepay all charges Our Motto : "FAIR DEALINGS TO EVERYBODY." Grandfather's Choice Whisky, guaran teed 3 years eld, $2.00 per gallon. ROBERT LEVVIN & CO., Importers and Wholesalers, 111 Wa'er St. Opposite B. & 0. Depot. Telephone, 2179 Pittsburg, Pa. DOCTORS LAKE Jk|£ ■ PRIVATE DISPENSARY. 'QdJS Cw. Plnn AVE. ANO FOURTH BT.. ' MfflT PITTSBURGH, PA. ( A li forms of Delicate and Com plicated Diseases requirinfcCON «P|L 'WJW FIDENTIAL and SCIENTIFIC Med icatiou aro treated at this Dis- I oensary witn a uuocess .arely attained. Dr. S. j K. Lake lsi'tueiiiberof the Royal Colltgeof'l hv ' Meiana <uid Surgeon 3, and Is the ol.lest and most experienced SPECIALISE in the city. Special at- A'ntion giventoNflrvoua Uebillty from excessive ' mental exertion. Indiscretion of youth, etc., caua i ing physical and Jiental decay, lack of energy, : £espoiidency, etc.; also Cancers. Old Sores, * its, | Piles, Rheumatism, and all discasesof the Skin, Blood, T.unga,Urinary Organs,etc. Consultation !roe and strictly confidential- Oifice houra, 9to i and 7 to 8 P. M.; Sundays, 3 to 4 P. M. Only, rail at otli.-e or address I)RS. I.AKE, COR. riiSX Alt. Aii-DAXII ItGH-tA THE KEELEY SURE Is a special boon to business men who, having drifted unconsciously Into the drink habit ana awaken to lind the disease t>f alcoholism fastened upon them, rendering them unlit to manage af fairs reouiring a clear brain. A four course of treatment at the . ?!TTSBURG KKELGY INSTITUTE, No. 1216 Fifth Avenue, * , ef?to r cs to them all their power-, mental and physical, destroys tte abnormal appetite, and restores Liem to the condition they wero in be fore they indulired in stimulants. This has been danelnmoro than lf»00 cases treated here, and 1 among them come of your o u neighbors, to ! whom wo <an refer with contidence aa to the ! a., olute srifety and efficiency of the Ke» ley rure. I The fullest and most searcnin? invt ii'fition is . pvited. Send for n»ux»hlet p-ivimr riicrma* | tion Ci 1 PH ILAD E L PI-! IA Vlfai —DENTAL ROOMS.— W v *-» Ptttscurs.Fa. M ! (•' CflO , A*N M SiV%'F ,O ; £ wrt (j 1 *> St /ia-f n--t.-':.rs why rtOT DO v {Jffi /VIYOURS? <-■ "I'l CROWNS Miil'lU" 1 ' 1 SHIOGE wt "" «"B? ililwla lljvs PER TOOTH Also the IF TH K CITIZEN fl An Editor's Lament "Within my breast a longing steals Back on the farm to go, Where I can have each day three meals And hear the roosters crow. • And walk barefoot where the soft mud Can soothe my fevered feet. And watch old Brindle chew her end. And eat. and e.tt. and eat. 1 ' Alas. the dear old farm can give ( v To me no pleasures now : K Some other man while I ' ball live ' Will hold the stirring plow ,'] "While I am doomed by wretched u fate 1 L' To sit beside my bench < And wrench the thought wheels in \ my pate At fifteen cents a wrench." J After the grip tnat lov state of t i health tone is quickly l.uilt up by Hoods j Sarsaiwrilla. ! s The Don t Woman The "don't' woman is at it again, j ! Here is her latest: There are a few j ti.ore dfln'ts to be borne ir. the mini of ' < s; v:oia::n who wr.l' 1 .1 o f.t all times ai tractive with subtle, leiiiiiiiiie £t ' iniction so indescribable. yet so fasi i nating to men and womankind alike i | wherever recognized. Don't brush j yonr hair straight up from neck and back from the face, coiling it into a lit tle ball on the top of the head beneath i your hat. It cannot fail to dissipate whatever little claim to beauty you I may possess. Don't fail to wash the hair well once a month. Don't fail to give yonr hair the vigorous brushing it needs before retiring each night. A | well groomed head will repay the time | spent iii Kin it in becoming a shining crown of glory. Don't be careless in the use of face powders. They are some times aids to softer skins, but their use is more often perverted. Don't neglect the hand ineror nor the full length glass one is as assential as the other. Don t wear frayed skirts and run down heels for yonr husband's benefit. He is a man with all a man's fastidious tastes for a tidy, dainty woman. Don t wear white, lace trimmed skirts on the street. They are intended for house and carriage wear. Don't wear cheap gloves nor the fine soiled ones. A good glove will bear many cleanings and al ways look well. Don't dress your neck with a ruff all round if yon are not tall and slender, and have a long neck. A half ruff from the side around the back is much prettier. Don't carry a lace and flower muff with a cloth dress and heavy jacket. HOOD'S PSLLS cure Liver Ills, bil iousness, Indigestion, Head.iche. Easy to take, easy to operat-i. 25c. A noisy exnaust may prove an in tolerable nuisance to near-by house holders. A miller who learned this fact from the number of complaints rained down on him. tried quite a num ber of hoods, exhaust heads, muffers and other attachments. Failing to re duce the noise, he removed the exhaust pipe and put in a large pipe in its stead. The sound was clearer and more dis tinct than before. In despair he car ried his large pipe 100 feet from the mill, and to the surprise and relief of everybody interested, the steam lost its sharp bark, and came out in a steady and almost noiseless stream. The long pipe did it. —Scientific Ameri can. ARMSTRONG'S Little iiytcm Pills, the finest and liest ever A truo liver pill that is sure to \do i.> A New York paper prints some fig nres which remarkable if true. It says that the production of bicycles in 1890 was 600,000 against 11,000 in 189") The capital now invested is $90,000- 000, The estimated output for the present year is 1.000,000 wheels. The Commissioners of Public Roads of New Jersey asks: "What better argument for the speedy improvement of our roads than the necessity of affording passage for this immense number of vehicles V" RHEUMATISM —Msny cases treated with other remedies, have been cured with Armstrong* "I cure U." It reaches pain, cures sprains, bruises, crampcolic. cholera morbus, etc. At Jamestown, N. Y., a jury has awarded Mrs. Morris, of Franklin, Pa., a verdict of $29,250, the amorfnt of in surance upon her husbands life who was drowned in Chautauqua Lake, the in surance companies threaten to appeal to the Supreme Conrt. They allege that Morris carried more insurance than his salary would keep up, and hint at ' suicide. ' KNOCKED OUT—A nierchuit says " Morrison F.ros Cough Pyrnp has knocked > rt n v fslesop all other erupt cures. 3 r The recent order of the Pennsylvania lines, directing conductors to refuse, after March 1, single trip local tickets 1 except on the day of issue and the date following, unless otherwise stipulated, it is said, has caused a great deal of dis cussion in railroad circles. It is alleged that such an order is illegal and that the State Supreme Court has decided a single trip ticket is good for 99 years . after date of selling. The Pennsylvania officials, however, say the order is per t fectly legal, and that it was issued simply as a part of the policy relating to limit tickets. DIPHTHERI A—Nine times ic ten a physician will not. be needed i! Ann stning's Dipthem aed Quinsy Drops are i 11-1,1 as scon as B'.rf nes* is felt, in the J threat. i. Food. fuel, clothing and shelter are . the four essentials of existence in our * climate. I; NATURE'S Coir pi ird if gninit g i j j ' ;vnr every day. I'. Stewii-t. Saltsbnm I'm is -Ts: 'lf bus helped me more thatr e I anj ifci'n. rise." It hnilr!s v:p the systi m gives a good natural appetite. * Rheumatism Cured in n Ihi'i J "It has always amused me. remark * ed a botanical expert, "to here people talk of their preference for black pep per over white, anil the various expla nations they give for the same. Little ' do they know that both the white and ' black pepper grow on the same shrub. * Over the pepper seed grows a black 1 covering. The seed itself is white or ;? nearly so. To make black pepper the V seed and external covering are ground up, while the white pepper is the seed alone ground up. White pepper is S milder than black, the greater part of the pugeney being in the covering. A ii pepper made of the covering alone 0 I would be such to use the slang term, e | hot, stuff that would burn the mouth, s , The black covering of the pepper seed , I contains the oil. I "Mystic Cure" tor Rheumatism and 3 Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. >i | Its action upon the system is remarkable H ! and mysterious. It removes at once the j; ' c»nse and the disease immediately dis. v fj j pears. The first d'-se greatly benefits; 1 cants Sold by . C Ridio, and J. F. is i Balpb Druggists, liutler Apr 90 S | Subscribe lor the Uitizsn Receipts and Expenditures of Butler Co. for the Year 1896. i STATEMENT OF TAX RECEIVED ANI> Dl'E FOR 1*95 ANI> PREVIOUS ____ - . ~ ~ Si> |o~ DISTRICTS. COLLECTORS. = | g E J r I I A Hut lor Michael Du fiord I*B7# W (WJT.. W 1# W fll'l If l iny I McMichael I*<' 1« Wi ... • 10 W; J, Washington. II S-jitim O5 :£! 04 Karns < it \ M King >0 42 2 31 . C .lurry JIV Newman ....... " 1 > li« 15 03 It ■ |ln ilv TAlli IM . IMB 2171 24 71 J. nakloi r| Peter Wliltmire l"!*! 7 -I 7 M v I'learfleld BHDifl ....... " ! «■ 27 42 C i i.ii, lan' . Christie fiobb l*w til » 41 . , Butler bom .. Hamael Walker ! " ff * ll« 7*| ais ~ Stunmll I w BaMlmf " I- *' 12 lc i 5". I Slippery rock J L Cooper i".» 4 (« 402 |I VoiiMUgo William Stalker. " 211 ail 1.7 11 2> * 1 Washington HSaaton .... ®' ♦# 3* } ( Hutli*r t»oro. lohn Vounklns lii 27 2ii li:i2 falrvlew William tJlhsun " 12 so s 00 12 6 3B .. 1 '.»• 1 1 Harmony. I'n d Wolgle " O.C s m 4'.i , j t I-lav " K K Conn " 115 »l 102 St 571 7:47 i ClearfleM H H Dn*y ; " 298 .V) «j| «r ssi !»-> J Chi rrv A McMurrv " 34 1V :e 29 170 . ! I Marioii A J Gilchrist " 307 m: lsO 00| 996 srn j , >i»'r,-t-r William John>ton.... " 1 5.1 2 70 1 2:i | - IVtmlla KM Fritz " 4«2 521 S® J Sunhury SS Hum " 1"> W 15 99 | J Saxi mburg I'liarles Kaabe " 240 S". 22s (M 12 21 ' <• \dams . Joint Kline 1595 702 <*»» ar. l l*» as is 79 i \lletrhenv I•' Milforil. ... " S0» W SV» :fi 13 38 71 11l 00 ' Buffalo Samuel Weatersaaa.. " 2^71* 1 HB 2t' 142:1 7£l *.. [ ] Kutb r tieorge Bauer " «►« 7 s "«2 41 »*7 44 50 1 1 Hr-idv.. T S lieatty " !«■'> ■'■» 138 30 524 3 « 1 * I llntiin . .. .1 llalstoad " 3#» Vt I> 1~. -.* i; |5 I'itiin.. •" ii* i! 2 .vim is |! a 42 a» Ttt .... .. j J • 11. A MfMurr.v .. " :;-7 ir.' in'im sas a> 1» 254 52 < . 1 <>:!>.'xif ii> ->ing Wi'litim S I'b-lt'licr.. " I2i s7 1 ; :s> 535 23 12 | , . -n. "r,!.. I'M I'aeipbeil " 11' >7 lit 22 > ; i'U arl'.cUi 11 II 1 >1151"V •• n> 00 >l7 M 34 t-7 im ' 1 IHm. -al John liilzi rt " V. «!' 2!' 90 100 21 4:1 ' ,1 Kor»iir.l Gi-orjs. .1 Marhurger. " 370 «n 325 90 is 10 as Oil ( ail\it-w lames Mi'Gravey.... " 40 31 27 7*» 154 17 02 ' Franklin i 'liarles Mackey " 401 01 4-51 50 02 7 Oil ( .1 eiYtTM»n IWllliam .1 Oooper.. 213 sy 222 os 11 73 10 r •lackson J A Eyhort " a'.j 13 1521 07 17 s7 14.10 Lancaster IKphriam Erfo " 53 10 45 41 240 1; at I Marion A.I Gilchrist " a*l «7 150 00 7*» 26 57 22 01 ] Mercer William Johnston... " 150 »> 139 9:1 783 3 3ft I Middlesex >( Trlmlilf ... " .VC !<» 171 54 24 97 :«;i ' ! Muddyoreek iR B Ki'niiedv " :C! :U1 40 Oakland jlVSer Whlimlre.... " "I .5- IM 327 22 32 Parker Ii .1 Kepler " SV s4 3lii ill is 5:5 24 40 summit '.I W Italilauf 447 4- 41." 2i> 22 41 77s ... Vfiiaum William Stalker " 4s' 01 310 00 17 sv 1710 'tllili. Washington 11 Seaton 4 57 <W 21 25 13s Si +:*» 24 . Winlield A Freeliinr " S«si :55 01 355 SB Worth W.l Shields " SI- 67 214 91 11 37 12 39 Butler Istro loan Vouiikins. ... " 3259 92 2524 W 1-52 7 s 133 10 *!6s l«6 (.'enterville F 1. Forrester " liil 54 lto 57 7 Ul 7 (iii Evans fitv 11l W Zcigler " 217 <5 22s S5 12 67 6«5 I'airview ljorti William tilltstm " II I- * 4.5 2 53 ilarmouv Fred Weltrie " 195 SO 17s 54 It 55 7SI Ilarrlsvi'lle Joseph Push " :« 32 26 16 1 41' 476 Karns I'isy George K Magill " :s5 H* 31 45 174 276 Mar> lohn Daviiis«>n " ta» 70 1:5:537 7 4i» 6 IXS Mi 1 lerMown Thomas H Evans '* 176 s4 157 6"' s 47 10 73 l'Ctrolia. ..- I'M Fritz " 50 19 4:; as 3 43 4 09 Portersvllle \ Hensha* " 55 4« 50 4s 2 so 2 1s Prospect t'F Newman " 157 so 145 S9 S 10; 387 ... SaMinburg i'liarles Kaala* " 64 50 215 62 35 113 57 Sunbury Pl' Brown " 241 27 91 42 4*s 40 Zellenople S B Zeigler **| S» S4] 79 W 4 44] 5 42j [ Total £16710 531*12795 46 {693 455 51131 33 $2373 64 5143 33 COLLECTORS ACCOUNT FOR ISM 6. Ailams 1!J Con lev j 1024 3';? 767 at $ .V! si $ ;» +799 Kt 5 Allegheny I J Milforil SOS 79| 473 ss 40 15 +2W 76 HufTaio Samuel Westerman... 1501 56; 610 00 4.1 ai *2st .6 Butler George Bauer 1290 031 SCO 00 59 57 16 67 +3UB 79 ltrady. Thomas S Beatty 674 54 550 on 40 3:1 443 +79 79 Clinton John llalstead 124S Si 1111 96 74 31 teas Clay KB Conn 1«M 13. 775 (10 3H 41 210 IW Centre Banlel C Miller ICS 10 770 00 52 91 26 66 122 .V, Clearfield II 11 Iluffy 750 55 453 09 41 14 +226 41 Clierrv. Samuel I, Nelson 1023 5s 70s 71 53 97 *l7O 90 CountHiuenessins Wm Fleteher l ; 5Si 17 900 oil '66 60 355 4S Cranberry Andrew Kirchler 1474 54 13">7 13 99 .i 01. 91 Concord Charles Campbell 907 41! s3l 23 55 91 31 37 Donegal lohn Rltzert 965 57 Sls 00 57 +93 19 Forward Geo.l Marhurger Iso 6 42, 1005 00 114 64 +s6 7s Falrview. .... Jas McGarvey iat3 90! tfiO 00 66 00 Is 23 . 36 Franklin. . Charles Mackey li« 0 77 460 00 34 09 +SB 6S, Jefferson Wm J Cooper 1:522 13 1009 00 67 91 +34."> 22 Jackson lolin Eyliert 1356 24 1175 IXI si 15 +IOO 09 Lancaster Epbrlam Erh 1051 si 973 17 71 12 757 I Marion Jas Gilchrist 1 524 60 375 00 31 91 +41.69 Mercer Wm Johnston "i2O sl| 250 00 21 22 +249 59 Middlesex SC Trimble 8556 52 SB7 S5 14»i 0s 113 21; Muddycreek K J Kennedy 522 91 73.> 00 62 61 S> .53 Oakland Peter Whlimlre 1186 M **> 00 59 27 *277 Mi Parker Geo .1 Kepler 949 12 400 00 a) 64 +519 4«; Pcun Geo E Hay 151* M 140S 29 91 42 39 10 Sllpperyrock Jos L Cooper 13SS 37 593 92 44 01 +6.>o 44; Summit I W Italilauf 1227 45 9*3 34 6. 60 179 61 Venango Wm Stalker sO7 t4 <W6 7S 51 9* J* 6S Washington . Harper C'amplHtil 1266 6. .71 00 .«.15 4.19 ._ Winfiela... August Freezing 1301 73 10&5 00 76 44 W29 Worth WmHPis.tr 10:57 09 643 3. 47 60 m, 14 Butler horo John Younklns 11197 00 7.>3.. 1. .IS9 Mi 16 <5 +J3S. 14 Centerville horo F L Forrester 731 13 2*7 5* 24 49 ?- Evans City boro DM Zlegler 1101 40 928 49 63 .jfi +l4 3. Fairview Iwiro \\ m Gibson 1.0 6. 14a 00 1- .5L 11 3> Harmony boro Fred Weigle 454 31 455 00 34 6S ol_ 41 49 llarrisville boro Jos Pew 603 39 502 S. 42 .* Karns City boro Geo F. Magill 79 91 jw St 4 '-t 19® Sliilerstown lioro Thomas II Ev;ins SO3 6!t 3..S 44 30 ;>3 414 .- Mara boro J W Lee 276 35 1«4 73! 13 11 +*42 Petrolia boro F M Fritz 216 35 1™ <>> *■« * Portersvllle Itoro Alonzo llenshew 327 60 Ha J>. _? 2 121 H Prospect.boro Charles F Newman 422 o*' •*>* «•». 2s a. , V.' Saxonburg boro Charles liaabe :SSI 44*. -* S J }■' Sunbury boro P P Brown 239 60 100 00 * •>! +w ] '9 Zellenople boro Samuel B Zeigler 93s 91 863 66 71 * ft ' Total #6330 s.'l fOUO2 44 J2927 s.'l SIOO S3 «l3s-4 58 *44 85 tPald or partly settled since audit. UNSEATED LAND TAX KECEIVED BY TREASUKER. 10 * I f | 2 I tf I V 1 O ; | | §I 5 |l p J j 3 DISTRICTS. r : I : : Z"" . . I'll 0 Butler 15 2(5 17 40 10 88 522 48 255 10 23 58 49 Bradv ... 19 51 16 81 19 74 11 521 67 58 20 81 88 39 Centre."... 14 36; 14 03 28 42 9 14, 65 95 202 67 97 Cherry 905 937 906 467 32 15 649 38 64 Clav 820 818 6 15! 318 25 71 538 31 09 Clearfield • 27 38 36 50 18 24; 911 91 23 20 91 43 Concord... 483 629 776 112 20 00 177 21 77 Connoqnenessing 1 50 150 j 75. 54 88 30 405 Fairview 13 78 19 55 14 20 735 20 90 13 », 68 8o Forward 920 11 70 375 129 22 19 Marion ' ... 16 60 729 25 01 436 54 26 490 59 16 Mercer 342 597 365 186 14 90 139 16 29 Oakland ' 18 09 18 09 38 56 403 78 77 138 80 15 Parker 41 40 79 84 59 65 1 22 32 203 22 62 23 265 4-t p"nn 577 504 2 8S; 288 16 57 243 19 00 W i n field..'.".'.". *".j 25 30 29 51 50 59 843 113 83, i IJ3 80 Worth 630 630 15< 14 17s 1 90; 16 16 Wa5hingt0n.............. 38 05 57 68 25 76 88 05! 159 44, 969 16913; i Venansro 24 71 27 49 21 04; 17 06; 90 30: 21 91 112 21 ( Donegal ...I 894 17 48 16 46 578 48 66| 705 55 71 Bntler borough! | 37 79 110 65 110 79 15 14 274 38j 84 36 309 24 Fairview lxtroitgli 280 340 3 2-»i 3 (K) lv. 4.> 1 13 '• ' Prospect I 90j 180 30 j ; 300 06 306 I Total i|HSBB l \K)G TAX OF 1594. I B %\ oIFI Sj § DISTRICTS. COLLECTORS. S i | ?« ! 5 I X Cherry!.................... Andrew Slc>iisrry <i «I 47|# ii 19 s23s ? .• Clearfield H 11 Duffy 88 77 8 W « 84 , Butler borouprh John \ ounklns - «IV «V a Fairview »K>rouffh Wm Gibson 2 JJ7, «11 111 «•> 3 llarrisville borough Joseph S Pew... ; 10 -j 9._ 51: e Petrolia I'M Fritz 21 26| JO lo 1 11 DOG TAX OF 1895. t Adams John Kline $4898331 2n i 1 73? 16 00? ? » Allegheny 1 J Milforil 27 30; 24 H7, S3 II a 0 1 Buffalo S Westerman 32 2» » 1 « 2:s Clav R B Conn tn 10 5B 81 39! 3 00, • Clearfield... II H Duffy 42 7s _ .Ji 42 2- Franklin Charles Mat-key 39 00 31 2. 173 6 CO, Jefferson Wm J Cooper 272 _ 21, 01 2 SO: Jackson .1 A Eychert s .to «s, 4-5 i Lancaster Epbrlam Erh 319 SOO 1.1 ' Marion ,1 A Gilchrist BSO r Middlesex > C Trimble 17 39 701 3s 10 (Hi " Muddy creek iR B Kennedy 9> 87 111 93, HI 300 Oakland 'lVter Whi. mire » » «« *| 2 j-: Venango Wm Stalker ! 6v4 140 os> S 00. B Washington 11 Seaton 27 51 9)001 105 H4o " Butler borough John Younklns I • Centrevllle borough ... .Ft. Forrester n Fvans City |i\V Zeigler ! t 00, a tin 31 100 " Fairview IWm Gibson 4?.'' 44s Si " Harmony. Fred Weigle I 1107 13 28 91' 30 Ka™°C?ty V eoE Maglll ;10 W »4» - SO Mars John Davidson 1 1 Sf P Sliller>tt>\vn Thomas H Eraus". 19 84 12 07 «ii 0 lWt \ llenshew , 700 661 36 I r ilvl CF Newman 650 509 31 SO IVtrolla F M Fritz ! lift. 915 an 200 Sunhury P P Brown 340 22S 52 1 00. Saxonliur-r Charles Raalie it ill h 95 i Zeiiei'.ople -It Zeigler j W»» 13 w 3 "Total ' '" ''" 1.'1.'1."'.Jt711 Its fiis 0s -2- V.gjjs 2:1 ?77 12$j 81 ? 1 DOG TAX OF 18915. Adams Holier! Con ley. ?Ms •»' ?12 '.I ?3l« * ? 722 13 ? ? Allegheny John J Milford 04 SO la 00 12. _ 4s 2:5 1.- 0.1 Hraifi...... Thus S lieatty ' 57 75 49 00 344 <".2. - I Sutler tieorge Bauer J v — !W "" al .. ~ Buffalo Samuel Westerman. 120 75 30 00 sa fe S? d Clay 811 7.. 0O -.02 111.3 111 00 . (Vntre ... Daniel C Miller 80 85 03 0s t42 12 .5 >OO Clierrv Samuel L Wilson 89 25 54 in 3 1.5 .52 1™ - Clearfield II II Duffy ! 75 75 17 00 144 57 32 »» Clinton -lohn llalstead : lik. fto 9s 14 o, si, Is. .Ji e concord.... CM Campbell 51.10 30 oo 200 13 so 1 Coiini*iuenesslng— Wm Fletcher 10s 00 30 «] 3 70, 54 30 Cranlterrv. \ Kirchler 11l 53, 100 00 741 52. 91 91 . Iltme.'al ... J Kit/.ert 144 sad 499 15 75 38 30 49 00 I'airview Jas MeGarvey 110 25 70 90 529 ts 00 97 00 < Forward.::.:::::::... »i.o Marhurger • 139 50 120 00 8 8»i 11 2". 304 21"' .. Franklin Chas .Ma kev 84 00 24 Oo 1.. il » SS 1 Jackson..'■ John A Eyherl 110 2". 75 00 5. 02 30 23 18 00 p ), [fer>oii Wm J Cooper 110 2. itl 00 ;. SI 1. 44 244 00 1 Lancaster Ephriam Krl. i 102 00 05 ft"> 0 :n» 12 75 s2» 1 Clarion .Ills GllKhrls! 79 .In 25 00 211 52 37 00 50 1 Mercer ~Wm Johnston 55 50 4-> ... 3 sir ;. SO 31. nil Middlesex... SC Trimble 157 50 too on 741 20 25 2W 00 s iliuldycrceli R B Kennedy 74 23 30 00 125 20 on 050 c 5 >ak land. Peler Wllitmire »7 SO 50 00 3<o i! 3 .10 f I'arker ........ ..... . JG Kepler M» 25 .30 00 3 70, 2H 23 J" JJO l ivim (leorjft* Hay...... .. 114 I* l W •! "J»» 12 7*» _ 60 00 i v U Joseph CtKjper s - "»0 I** T."» 1 ftl :i7 ."rf) C Suiiiiilit J\V BaldaufT 1V» 75 128 771 2.% & \', mjiii , Win Stalker.. .. HI 0i» ;V> :{ Ni 22 14 S4l • Washington'..' Harper ( amnbell.... \Vintii*uT August Fiveiinfc 60 I H O.i Worth Wm II IMsor 00 :t7 72 ~ 7*.» 44 49 1 I littler lmroutfh John \ ontikins <•» ;»() 27 I <•{ 3< -l"* -i* l Ct ntt rville boro F L Forrester 11 U 00 Kvans i'lty Ijoro M M Zeijfler 2rt 2» .» 0i» 3< 20 s* I'alrview boro Win Gibson 15 eo I \ Harmony t>oro I>f«l Weigle 2w 20 o«» l 70« •» J " llarrisville Ittsenb Pew 15 00| 254 21 22. • Karns City GeoC Maglll 13 aO . a 0 o M il]« rstown :Thos Evans M 1J 82 11. ]'.♦ ; »1 !• Mars boro •' I»ee 18 00 .» fill 40, 11 Ji : i'rospect boro 1 has Newman h2> s 2* 4.i ' Petrolia torn V M Frit/. 22 22 W I'ort« rsville Im ; > . \ lienshuy 'J .» 00 12 1" , I saxonburg 1 'has Haab - 2>* 2; I Sunbury. 1' 1* Brown t5 00 tt 00 , I Zellenople > K Zeigler 27 OOj 23 10 1 (V"» 2 "I Totai.. .v.'.l* :::::: ..... ,+***> wiian'jb'tiii *7 *v*> ts'sim mm i LEVY AND ASSESSMENT OF TAX FOR 189* i | Tic H DISTRICTS COLLECTORS. S© -3 » < » ** S j " Robert J Conelly.. 1624 20* 1198 87* 425 88* 168 00 Allegheny J J Milford. I 808 79 770 59 38 20 64 50 Antler tie.. Bauer 1290 03 tlt»2 197 17 i->> 25 inffalo S Westerman 1301 .">6 Srady T S Beatty 674 55 491 82 62 57 75 linton .1 Halstead 1248 58 1109 75 138 78| 105 00 l».v R H Conn 10:56 13 955 93 80 20 96 75 entre DC Miller 972 10 ?*93 43 78 6; 80 25 "U-arfieM HII Daffy 750 55 702 10 48 45 75 7. r > herry Sl, Nelson 1023 58 935 10 88 48 89 -»5 .'onrKiqnenpssinjf.. W J Fletcher 1*22 17 978 44 343 73 108 00 ranb. rry A Kirchler 1471 54 1188 85 285 69 11! 75 ■ oncord c M Campbell 907 41 861 00 46 41 • 41 50 '!• : '- 11 J Ritz.-rt 966 ".7 814 69 150 88 144 00 Forward G.I Kairview las McGarrey 1033 96 914 12 119 84 110 °5 Franklin ••• C Mac-key 1026 77 887 20 139 57 84 o(T Jefferson, Win J Cooper 1322 13 1080 85 291 28 119 25 Jackson I A Eichert 1356 24 ltr>i 85 334 39 no 25 Lancaster Ephriam Erb 1051 8# 863 52 188 34 102 00 Marion Jas Gilchrist 824 60 759 54 65 06 79 50 Mercer Wm Johnston .">2O si 89 57 92 sr> 50 Middlesex S C Trimble 2586 52 1377 ">3 1208 99 157 50 Muddycreek KB Kennedy 822 94 755 28 67 66 74 25 Oakland Peter Whitinire 1136 81 881 !H) 254 85 87 00 Penn (»<>*> E Hay 1518 81 1010 11 508 70 114 00 Pi'.rker (i J Kepler 94# 12 858 38 00 74 80 25 Snumiit I\V Buldanf 1227 45 916 81 311 14 135 75 Slippery rock .1 L Coc«ptr lis-- 37 1155 <i> 133 35 8J 50 Vet. :n:*o Wm M Striker ' -i"7 41 752 50 44 04 gi 00 Washington II Campbell 1266 67 1016 63 250 04 131 50 Worth W H Pisor 1037 09 954 37 82 52 85 00 YYintield A Freehling 1204 78 *27 71 377 02 98 25 Bntler l»oro John Yonnkins 11497 60 7617 65 3879 95 309 75 Centerville lmro FL Forrester 720 12 366 19 353 93 nOO Evans City boro D F Zeigler 1104 40 569 08 585 83 26 25 Fairview l>oro Wm Gibson 169 62 113 62 56 00 15 00 Harmony boro Fred Weigle ! 454 31 356 11 98 20 29 25 Harrisville boro Jos S Pew 603 39 Karns City boro Geo E McGill 79 91 79 11 80 13 50 Millerstown boro Thos H Evans 803 69 355 61 448 08 34 5o Mars boro I W Lee i 276 26 199 73 76 53 18 00 Prospect l»oro CF Newman ! 422 08 208 27 213 81 825 Petrolia boro F M Fritz : 216 3."i 107 90 108 45 22 50 Portersville boro Alonzo Henshew 227 60 141 87 85 7."> ~«i 75 Saxonbnrg boro Charles Raabe 281 46 290 36 91 lo 38 50 Sunburv boro P P Brown ! 239 61 165 17 74 44 600 Zclienople l>oro Samuel B Zeigler....' 938 94 477 14 461 80 27 00 Total $56323 78142056 88 $14266 90 $3886 00 UNSEATED LAND ACCOUNT OF is*. Scnoot- | ROAD. POOR. DISTRICTS. i|:2 B||!||2S A lleftheny *» 76 #7l «3 «W 21 fss 7.1 *34 Ml 514 tii is 5 $3 791 97- 4S 86 ViYVs Brady I» 51 10 M lrt M 454 1# 74 451 IB 71 454 II V' 4 U 11 V> Buffalo I 1 at i :n «i <-. i Butler 15 86 17 «> 7 Pti 10 34 II 10 38 10 49 66 522 «« Centre 14 36 5 v". 14 03 12 62 720 2S 4*: 2s 42 722 'i 14 II 71 \is Cherry a 0"> 10 2S 9 ;S7 27 39 *7 74 15 72 9 rti IS 72 «OH 1 +>> 4«7 , ii i f clay s at s is K IS i:. « i:> 3 u- a is ClearHi'ld 2. > 4:i 31l so Os 2021>21 30 20 i 811 ull 17 Conuot] 150 7 71) 150 0 2!< Ii 7ii d 7ti lis 75 7S Coill'oril 4Si 93 10 H 2i> 80 M »1 17 7 711 S3 7> 5 1". 34 Ir> Ijk Cr:inlH*rry '.w W j ' IS i-, Donegal 594 17 ta> 17 4-- 17 liO 17 4> lf> 4<i 16 (H 1 42 12 41 57* 12 4" "> 7S KalrvU-w 13 7s 295 111 V. 22 SO' 123 14 30 IS 43 Ills 7 3,-, " s . f Forward 1* 20 11 70 11 70 2 vj •> 52 Jefferson 47 4; 43' 43 431 ! jv Marion 16 00 9 2l» 72917 11 *.Vi 25 IS; 2", 01 so 40 03, 4 :»i 4 yij Middlesex ! 2 07 i « 07 Mercer 342 597 597 3 191 3 lit 0 M Muddycreek 4 12 4 12 I SI, i si Oakland is 09 «2 ss Is i>.t W97 300 29 3S' :ts M 67 04 ;C Mi 403 i m Parker 41 10 1 113 79 S4 3S 75 43 02 41 SO 65 '_-J is 37 ss 55! 32 11 23 11 IU l'enn 5 77; 14 83 504 19 S7 17 56! 2SS3O 44 2 s". • ss- " 573 Slippery rock ... 3 07; 307 S4 'S4 Summit 1 ! 1 is 1 IS Win Held 25 30 29 SI 29 51 150 50 50 59 12 56 543 20 99 Worth 630 630 fi 30 1 50! Iso 157 " Irr Washington 38 OS 28 75 57 its si 43 2! mi 25 76 4s 72 3S 05 > 05 VenatiKO 24 71 27 49 27 41' 3 51. 21 04 24 55 265 17 06 1 19 71 Butler boro :i7 7'.i :1S 00 111! 65 130 73 14 92 2s 05 110 79 132 43 641 386 16 14 ■*) 00 I alrrlew boro.. 2Nt | 340 340 1 335 325 150 300 "t 50 Harrisville boro ' 3 151 3 15 ! 1 «.»• 1 ->s Petrolia 1»r0... I ' ! 4 so' 4 50 Prospect 90 536 ISO 5 26i 1 Si' 98 30 13S 45 45 Snnbury lxiro.. ; 2 ittj | i 261 j Tot al 3ss 90 43s 24!464 Os 720 00 282 85 263 32'51l 01.565 05 209 31 120 31 1110 lo'lTO 5013U '.'l •Due County. WARREN AXI> DIXMONT HOSPITAL ACCOUNT. I DISTRICT, J ? * I J ? 3 Adams ■? '.£if>Bs 5 $ 33 50 Allegheny 14 25 14 2."» ('1 ear tie la. 7725 77 2T» Brady :W4 ."iC 273 06 91 .» Butler 246 55 117 15 121)40 Brady Cherry 471 12 471 12 Clinton 752 9<> 752 90 Counoquen'ing. I fis 00 00 25 775 Donegal 197 00 197 00 Franklin i 107 50 107 50 Fairview 1103 18 1163 1* Forward 114 25 91 50 22 75 Jefferson 133 21 72 02 51 19 Lancaster tJ4 19 51 19 13 Oil Mercer 457 25 137 50 91 50 1 228 15 Muddycreek... 155 50 127 25 2s 25 Oakland 92 59 «7 55 25 04 l»en n 320 00 75 0i» 245 00 Parker 851 4s 851 4s Summit 182 7."» IS2 75 Venango. 40 50 I 40 50 Washington 309 75 309 75 Wintield 457 00 36.5 50 91 50 Worth 29 75 24 75 5 00 Butler I) 003 95 30 50 573 45 KamsCity b. 4*B 04 4ss 04 Marsh 71 <*• 7100 Milierstown h..i 117 14 117 14 Total .... $7974 i<J 5i493*22 SIH3 00 $6297 JH EXPENDITURES <>l BUTLER CX >NNTY FOR 1896. PAID BY WARRANT Assessing account 51570 00 Warren Hospital account 1322 25 Annual Statement Account. Ziegler & McKee ?too 00 Wm. Negley 100 00 Robinson & Shiever 100 00 P. A. Kattlgan 40 00 Total 340 00 Boiler house account 898 90 / Births and deaths account 05 00 ' Bridge view account 92 12 West Penn Hospital account 23*15 Registering account 13S0 4»i Commonwealth account X 137 5s Military roll account 270 Court House account 2378 03 Flection account- 5199 lf» Scalp account 90 25 Commissioners* Clerk account nW 75 Lunacy account 370 04 Stationery account 1152 15 Uuseated land account 14: M 61 Jail account 450 03 Inquest account His 21 Livery hire account 108 75 Soldiers' Imrial aceount 270 Tipstaff account 500 00 Allegheny Co. Work House account... 671 42 Jurors account 7090 01 Constables returns 1010 2s Penn'K Reformatory School account. 1921 07 Postage and e.xpressage account 55 00 County Detective Account. George E. Thomas *IOO 00 Elmer E. Bell 630 00 790 00 Notary Public* .account 5 00 WernersviUe Hospital 359 00 District Attorney account 784 85 Transcribing account 90 49 County account 285 90 Printing account 552 56 Court Crier 447 on Clerk of Courts account 1425 29 Road view account 235 445 Refunding account 179 445 Road damage'account 240 00 County Auditors Account. R. 11. Young.... sllO 52 J. A. Elliott 101 8s J. X. Allison 101 88 314 2s Telegraphing account 1 Sheriff's account 3183 U9 Prot honotary account 197 65 Janitor account 773 00 Stenographer account 1703 40 Bridge inspection account 31 70 Indexing account 343 49 Western Penitentiary account 1355 02 County Commissioners Account. S. W. McCullough. 312 days £1092 00 1». W. Wilson. 313 days 1095 50 John Mitchell. 307 days 1074 50 3362 00 Delivering ballots account 99 24 Bridge Account —Canton Bridge Co. Murrin bridge 208 00 Sweeny brhige 1"° w Oreecc City bridge 228 John Gordon, stone work ii} Kalb bridge 210 00 Ueorge S«*haffucr. stom- work ')'• Meeiier bridge, (log bridge) C 4* lieorgc Schaffner. amount paid on _ stonework Kohler bridge •'OO 00 Pennsylvania Bridge Co. He-over bridge 255 00 Wooden Bridges. Sanderson bridge' 2jo W Lower Flick bridge, superstructure.. 150 00 Bridge Repairs 2448 03 Court Auditors account _Btf Indigent paupers account 511 32 Commissioners' Counsel Account. J. M. Painter 250 00 IVmi'a Reform School account 40 Traveling expend s account 103 ?-i Registering school children account. 4!W IW Commissioners* deeds account l-l£ 00 Register and Recorder's account .. 97 40 Jury Commissioners Account. James Gribben Slj* l 42 A. o. Eberhart .32 13 Jury Commissioners' clerk. Uirdie Nicholas 24 00 11 W. Nicholas 50 00 300 55 Tot al A mount $59973 01 JOHN T. MAItTJN. THEASntER. DR. Ueceiveil from Collectors for 1 5 95 and previous. $12711* 46 Keeeiwd from Collectors for 1890 4*MOL 44 Received unseated land Iss3 21 St;tt«- tax from state treasurer 19290 99 ( Warren and Dlxmont Hospital acct.. 1498 2L Retail liquor license y 11 ineraut license Jr County Commissioners.... , ! Jury fees. Sheriff Campbell I*9 M Joseph < riswell. Clerk of C-ourts 440 .v~ Amount In trensury, Jan. 1. 1*9»» 109*« Balance of dog tax of 'W less per cent 779 49 j1»234s 06 TItEASritER'S CREDITS. By warrants redeemed *5» > 1 On unseated land 14-*4 '7 I srat« tax paid ,V fl ! Treasurer's ei-r cent 011 state tax HI «0 Amount paicl for teaohvr>' institute. 1 Treasurer's :i l * per cent on SWJIOO L.jO 00 i Treasurer's 2 per cent on I*4 7* I Amount in treasury. Jan. 4. IMb 16078 .TO fUKiifi 00 John T. Martin in Account with Dog Tax for 1K96. DR. To reserve of £3OO of 1895 200 00 To amount collected of 1894 135 33 To amount collected of tBOS .>2 77 To amount collected of I*9o 2171 70 $2889*80 CREDITS. • By warrants for damage to sheep 1780 28 Treasurer's 5 per cent on SI7BO 28 89 01 Reserve for 1897 300 00 Treasurer's 5 per cent on SB2O 51 41 02 Balance turned to Co. Treasurer 779 49 §2889 SO ASSETS OF BUTLER COUNTY. Amount due from collectors of 1895 and previous $ 2398 25 Of 1896 11200 <54 Prot honotary 8 00 House tuid lot 200 00 Due from townships on insane acct.. 6297 94 ! Commissioners' notes 582 40 §23752 23 We the undersigned auditors of Butler county met in the Court House in Butler on the 4tn day of Jaunary, 1897, and proceeded to audit the several accounts of Butler coun ty as required of us by law. of which the foregoing is a correct statement according to t he IH'st of our knowledge and belief. In witness whereof, we have set our hands and seals this 15tl» day of February. 1897. W. S. MOORE. I SEAL]. F. P. McHRIDE, [SEAL]. O. 11. THORNE. [SE,.I.J. We the undersigned commissioners of But ! ler county do hereby certify that the forego ing statements contain a Just and true ex hibit of the receipts and expenditures of But ler county for the year 1890. as we truly believe. Witness our hands and seals this 15tli day of February, 1897. JOHN MITCHELL, [SEAL]. D. 11. SUTTON. 1 SEAL]. HARMON BEATON. |SF.ALJ. ATTEST—J. C. KISKADDON. Clerk. WALL MOULDINGS The nicest line of Wall Mouldings in town are at 0000 Heinenian's - 0000 New Room. 201 8. Main St. New line of Blank Book Writing Paper just receive . 201 S Main St. The Pifice to liny c;.\s COOK IN*G AND 1 i I: AT ING bTOVES, G-\S BURNERS AND FIX TURES, HOSE, BATH TUBS, RNAMEL AND IMPRUV C D WELSH6ACH GAS OUBNERi W. H. O'BRIEN ON 107 East Jefferson St.