Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 18, 1897, Image 2

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    THE; citizen.
Entered at P. O- at Butler as 3d Class matter (
WILLIAM.C. NEG LEV - - Publisher. ,
______ :
A President Without A Party.
A Washington correspondent of a
leading daily paper told quite a pathet
ic story, a few days ago. about Pre>i
_ dent Cleveland's sense of political isola- j
tion. This chronicler represented him :
a* feeling deeply hurt and chagrined by j
the fact that he approaches the end of
his second term without substantial j
support in either house of < ongrese
and with few influential leaders in the
country at large. Although he has
generally appeared indifferent to pop
ular criticism, he is now said to feel
keenly the common public expression
of satisfaction at the near approach of
his retirement to private life. Still the
official head of a great Nation, he finds
himself nnvisited. neglected and snub
bed bj- the leaders of the party that
twice made him President and an ob
ject of indifference to all. 'A anity of
vanities, saith the Preacher: all is vani
ty," and the President of the United
States momfully echoes the saying of
the preacher.
It is possible that this reportorial
picture of the President s state of mind
may be overdrawn; but certainly there
are abundant political reasons for l>e
lieving it to be in the main accurate
Mr. Cleveland is to-day a President
without a party. His nominations of
public officers-many of them for im
portant posts—are hung up in the Sen
ate by the scort?, and no Democrat cares
tri move their consideration. Bill* t"
whith he has objected are returned to
« the House and quietly passed over his
veto almost as a matter of course and
without public comment.
men declare openly that no member of
either house whe has any sense or self
respect can afford to call on the Presi
dent. It is doubtful if Andrew John
son or John Tyler at the close of their
respective terms had fewer friends than
has Orover Cleveland to-day. _
Both Tyler and Johnson were politi
cal accidents, elevated to the Presi
dency by the unexpected death of the
men chosen by the |>eople. Mr. _ Cleve
land has been twice the deliberate
choice of a great party, and he has had
some reason to regard himself as the
only possible choice of that party.
Both Tyler and Johnson were denounc
ed as traitors to their party, and Mr
* Cleveland now shares- their fate. He
is charged with driving from him the
chief men of his party*. He is taunted
with a lack of political tact, to say
nothing of statesmanship. It is alleged
that he has divided the party on both
the tariff and the financial issues. There
is an element of truth in these charges,
but thev are not true clear through.
Mr. Cleveland's party has indeed
been divided on both the issues named;
but that division was more the fault of
the party than of its President. Mr
Cleveland w»s no doubt sincere in his
demand for a tariff for revenue only,
but his party was not sincere. It car
ried the election of 1892 oh that issue,
but when it came into full possession of
the Government in 1893 it did not live
up to its proclamation. Its Tariff bill
as it passed the House was not a pure
revenue measure, and before the Demo
cratic Senators got through with it it
became a bill of sale to the trusts an
act of perfidy and dishonor, as Mr.
Cleveland aptly descril»ed it. Recog
nizing as he did the nature of that bill.
Mr. Cleveland should have vetoed it.
He would have done a good thing for
the country and for his party if he had
done so. and his failure to do that was
one of the noteable blunders of his ad
ministration. That blunder led to the
Supreme Court decision knocking out
the income tax. the great loss of reve
nue the consequent increase of the
debt and finally the demand for the
coinage of cheap silver dollars.
On the financial issue Mr. Cleveland
has been sonnd and consistent. He
was no doubt partly to blame for the
prominence of that issue; but when it
became prominent he met it manfully
and stood faithfullv by the sound cur
rency aoctimes of Jefferson. Jackson
and Benton. Our readers will recall
the jaunty indifference and recklessness
with which the Democratic organiza
tion in this State turned its coat, ate
its own words and repudiated its own
record last summer. It is sheer impu
dence for the men who took part in
that grotesque political somersault
barely six months ago to charge Mr
Cleveland with the division of the
party on the financial issue. They are
the men who by their own cowardice
and faithlessness split their party in the
last campaign. And at the same time
they convinced the country of the
party's fatal lack of character of com
mon honesty and of political sens*;.
It is true enough that Mr. Cleveland
is to-day a President without a party.
That fact is due partly to his lack of
political tact, and partly to his person
al temperament, but largely to the
fickleness and faithlessness of the party
that stuck by him while he had offices
to distribute and deserted both its Pres
ident and its doctrines when the folly
of its own lawmakers had made the
hard times harder by the passage of a
Tariff bill that well merited Mr. Cleve
land's stinging denunciation. The ex
piring Administration has lieen in the
main a failure. But the disgnsted and
discredited leaders of the free silver
Democracy cannot make him the scape
goat of a party whose recklessness and
political faithlessness have been so re
cently demonstrated before the eyes of
all the people.-'-Wellsboro Agitator.
GAME is getting so scarce in this
State that the Game Commissioner has
decided to overhaul the laws in an
effort to secure the preservation of what
is left. Some of the more insatiate
sportsmen may resent a move which is
really in their interest; but, irrespect
ive of their wishes, regard for the gen
eral welfare is the one consideration
which ought to prevail.
The coming establishment this year
by Chicago capitalists of a sso,oooevap
oration soda plant at Green River is
the initiation of a "Wyoming industry
whose scope can scarcely l>e realized.
The State has soda-charged water
On Friday of last week the House ad
journed till Wednesday of this jveek,and
the Senate till next Monday. All the
new desks and chairs have been pnt in
place, and the new capitol is now ready
for j>ermanent use
A new Senatorial apportionment
bill has been prepared, which makes a
district (the 4<jthi of Butler county and
the northern part of Allegheny county.
It will be presented to the apportion
ment committee next week, but its de
feat is predicted.
Governor Hastings on Tuesday signed
the joint resolution authorizing him to
solicit plans for the proposed new Capi
tol building. He will at once arrange
to facilitate the work of bnilding bv
getting plans. A celebrated New York
architect was expected that afternoon
for a conference with the Governor.
Next Monday night on the reassembling
of the Legislature the Governor will
send in a communication on the condi
tion of the revenues of the Common
wealth and his views on the matter of
money for the building of a new Capi
MATTHEW STANLEY is said to be
red-hot over the prosecution of son,
Dick; and his dogs of war in Penrose
blouses are to IK; tied loose.
THE average daily attendance of
children in the public schools is high
est in Pennsylvania, being 779,000
while in New York it is 757,000.
JANUARY, 1*97 was the month of
fires. Fifty million dollars will not
cover the losses from January files in
the United States and Canada
The School Appropriaiion
The biennial appropriation of fIO.OOn.
000 toward the support of the public ;
schools has become so mnch a part of ,
the necessary expense of the State, that
any talk of reduc ing it is met with most
emphatic protests. It is commonly be
lieved that this large appropriation to
the schools was made solely for the bet
temient of the schools. Thi* is not
stictly true. The preamble to the act
increasing the school appropriation to .
ikIO.OOO.OOOfor two years recited that it j
was for the purpose of 'reducinir local
taxation. " Much complaint had been I
1 made on the part of the people because :
of excessive local taxation, and a bill
was brought forward, known as the :
(irange Tax Bill, to compel corporations j
to pay local taxes. To increase corpor
ation tax to the extent demanded,
would, in the opinion of the most enii- '
nent business men and financiers of the
State, drive many great manufacturing
interests from ouj borders, cripple
others nnd keep out enterprises calculat
ed to develop our resources and enrich
the Commonwealth. A considerable
number of well meaning persons favored
the plan of collecting tax.* from corpo
rations by the present methods, and
paying it in to the various county treas
uries according to population. This is
virtually done by applying it to theex
penses of the public schools. There are
yet many who insist upon having the
corporation tax distributed among the
counties but if this were done, the
State would have no funds to appro
priate for the support of the schools.
It is easy to make appropriations when
you have the money. The difficulty is
in getting the funds. -Punxsntawney
THE Immigration bill squeezed
through the Senate yesterday with tvso
votes to spare—34 to 81.
Congressman Phillips is quoted at
Washington as saying: "lam a candi
date for re-election from the Twenty
fifth district. I expect to be returned
without serious opposition, and the
Pittsburgh Leader of last Sunday told
of the "untold bitterness' that exists
in the breasts of the Wallace faction
in Lawrence County because Phillips
made ' Harry Hall" of Mercer Co. Sec
retary of the Labor Committee, of
which he (Phillips) is chairman, and
says; "As the case stands at present
Mr. Phillips will have to put up a fight
against the controlling powers in Law
rence county to get the delegates to the
congressional conference. Although he
is personally popular, the fact that he
has recognized so ardent and bitter a
combiner as Col. Henry Hall, has hurt
Congressman Phillips with many of his
friends, who are angry over the selec
tion of a man who is not a resident of
the Twenty fifth district to fill a $3,000
per year position bv its representative
in congress. Col. Hall is now a resi
dent of the Twentieth ward, Pittsburg
and has served as a state delegate from
Allegheny county within a year.
The Pittsburg Legal War.
Two informations, charging Richard
R. Quay with criminal libel, were made
last Friday before Alderman J. \. Mc-
Masters. Shortly after 5 o'clock Sena
tors C. L. Magee and William Flinn. in
company with Attorney J. S. Ferguson,
went to the office of the alderman,
where Senators Magee and Flinn each
swore to an information. Warrants
were not issued, as Thomas M. Marshall
counsel for Mr. Quay, in anticipation of
the suits, had arranged with the alder
man that he should l>c notified when
the charges were made, and he would
go bail for his client.
The informations against Richard R
Quay set forth that the liltel 1 rinted by
the "'Commercial Gazette" on March 9.
189(5, was procured to lie published by-
Richard R. Quay. The information
sworn to by Senator Flinn reads as fol
lows, that made by Senator Magee lie
ing the same, with the exception tliat
his name appears instead of Senator
Flinn wherever the latter occurs;
"Commonwealth of Pennsylvania vs.
Richard R. Qnav.
"Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
City of Pittsburg. County of Allegheny.
Before me, the subscriber, James V.
McMasters, an alderman in and for said
city, personally came-William Flinn,
who. upon oath administrered accord
ing to law, deposeth and says that at
Pittsburg in the County of" Allegheny
on the 9th. day of March. A. D. 189<>.de
fendant aforesaid did deliver or trans
mit to Alfred Reed, one of (ha owners
of and general manager of a certain
newspajM-r published in the City of Pitts
burg in the County of Allegheny afore
said, known as the Pittsburg •Commer
cial Gazett" for publication, therein, a
certain false, malicious and defamatory
libel, and did secure the publication in
the said Pittsburg "Commercial Gaz
ette" of the said false, malicious and de
famatory libel, which said libel is as
follows, to wit, and which said libel
did expose the said William Flinn to
Public hatred, contempt and ridicule,
to wit.
Here follows in full the libelous arti
cle headed "Sold Out to Hanna," for
which Alfred Reed and Walter J,
Christy have already been convicted
of criminal libel.
"Complainant therefore prays and de
sires that a warrant may issue, and the
aforesaid delendant, Richard R. Quay,
may be arrested and held to answer this
charge of procuring the publishing of a
libelous statement, and further depon
ent saith not.
"William Flinn.
"Sworn to and subscribed before me,
this With, day of February. A. D. 1897.
"James V. McMasters.
Quay waived a hearing and gave bail
for Court.
Mr. Ralph Parks spent one day last
week viewing the new R. It. from
Culmerville to Harmerville, he says
the grade is almost completed
Mr. J. H. Parks attended the tea
party at Baden last Saturday evening.
There is rumor of a wedding in our
vicinity, but don't say anything about
Mr. W. P. Criner and daughter Miss
Pearl attended the Odd Fellows supjier
and dance given in Saxonlmrg last
Thursday evening.
Denny McCall, the pumper on the
Mehaffey farm, has taken a vacation
and his place is being filled by
Henry E. Criner.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thomas spent
Monday evening with friends in Bak
Miss Phebe Robb and Mi s Lizzie
Johnston were the guests of Miss
Blanche and Grace McCull last Satur
Cliff Criner is talking of studying
Miss Grace McCall. of Clinton twp .
was the guest of her Uncle W. J. Sef
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for its great leavening
strength and bealtbfulness. Assures the
food against alum and all forms of adul
teration common to the cheap brands.
Nsw York.
John S. Duss lias lwen made sole j
trustee of the Harmony Society of 1
Economy. Pa. Recently death removed
the junior trustee Bnthwuller and as
no other member of the society—now
reduced to twelve members, only three
of whom are men —stood qualifed to .
share Mr Du*s' responsibility, he was
given charge of the society s vast j
property, extending for five miles along >
the Ohio river Here is a lesson on the
impractibility of communism. "lhe
society came to this country from Ger
! many in 18IV2. It consisted of one- ,
I hundred families, lead by Michael
I Hahn and George Rapp. Since then it
ha- "teadilv increased in property and
trouble, and has steadily decreased
in members and freedom. In a few ,
years its aged_members will all be dead |
I and then their millions will be the ,
1 subject of endless litigation. and j
lawyers of the Allegheny county bar
will practically be the society s heirs.
At Williamsport. Pa.. Mary Steiger.
lit years old, confined in the county jail
for house breaking, removed a large
stone from the jail wall and started to
escape. She was half out and half in
when discovered.
A 10-year-old son of Audley Pitzer. of
Moravia, Lawrence county, ran a needle
into his heel a few days ago. He was
taken to a doctor three honrs after the
accident and half the needle was found
in the instep, while the other half was
found is inches away, near the knee.
On Friday a negro walked into the
Saltsburg. Pa. National bank, stuck a
revolver at the face of cashier Klingen
smith—no other ]>erson being al>out
and demanded the cash. A package of
m* -rr-ti- hnnHc-d Him■ be tlwn
out of the door and started to run, but
was captured before he got a mile a\s aj
from town.
East Brady suffered a serious fire on
Sunday morning the 7th inst. at ■>
o'clock. The Central Hotel was entire
ly destroyed and several narrow es
capes were made by guests. The hotel
was owned by Frank Kline and was in
sured, for The building was a
three story brick. I)r Wallaces drug
store was also badly damaged, his loss
will reach $2,000.
Some of the residents of Clarion coun
ty in the neighborhood of Kossuth are
getting lots of sport out of hunting
foxes this winter. One man has killed
or captured fifteen sa far. and there are
other hunters in his neighborhood
whose records are about as good. Out
of the entire number killed, there have
not been more than five gray ones and
not a single black.
The Kensington. Pa., fire brick works
has received a contract for 8,000,000
brick for the Pittsburg. Bessemer &
Lake Erie railway tunnel
Harry Allison, a vouug farmer, of
Scott township. Lawrence Co., shot
himself through the heart last Saturday.
He had just moved on to the farm of
John Cooper and intended to go to work
Monday. His wife was washing the
supper dishes in the kitchen and Allison
was playing with the baby in the din
ing room when there was a sudden re
port of a revolver, and Mrs. Allison
rushed in to find her husband dead.
There had been no family trouble, and
the cause of suicide, if it was suicide,
is unknown.
John Hanna. James Gibson, Edward
Bartley and others are doing lots of
teaming this winter.
James Walker of Jefferson twp. was
a visitor at the county seat Saturday.
John C. Logan had an experience with
a Holstein bull last Thursday, which he
will not soon forsf^t.
LAST week the Cretan insurgents
proclaimed their independence of Tin
key and their union with Greece. Fight
ing has commenced between the two
Ex-CONFEDERATE Major General J.
O. Shelby died of pneumonia at Kansas
City, Mo., on the 13th inst.
AMBASSADOR Wayne MacYeagh. at
Rome gave a brilliant ball which was
attended by King Humbert and the
Qneeen and a host of notables. The
Ambassador danced with the Queen.
FOR 1890 the balance of trade in our
favor from the export of all our goods,
including silver bullion, was over $350, -
000,000 the largest of any year in the
history of the countrv-
THE Supreme Court of the United
States has decided that those provisions
of the South Carolina Dispensary law
which forbids the Citizens of that State
from importing liquors for their own
use are in contravention of the interstate
commerce clause of the Constitution,
and are therefore void.
derful, exclaimed a druggist, how the people
itlck to riood's Sarsaparilla. They all want
The One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. sl.
Hood's Pills cure all Liver Ills. '!5 cents
MCELWEK At her home in Oakland
twp., Feb. 15. 18»~, Gertrude, daugh
ter of P. A McElwee, aged 10 years.
MrCOLLOI'GH At her home in But
ler, Fell. 10, 1897, "Mrs. Jane Birch,
wife of D. Solomon McCollough. aged
65 years.
WILLIAMS At his home in Fail-view
twp., Feb. 7, 1897, Rev. J. R. Wil
liams, aged o*2 years.
PENCE At the home of his mother in
law. Mrs. Ferguson, in Mercer county,
Feb. 3. IH!>7, Milton Pence, formerly
ly of Butler, aged 31 years.
DEItI'IMORE At his home in Jeffer
son twp., Feb. 15, 18117 Wilson Derri
more, aged 72 years.
MITCHELL At her home in Centre
ville. Feb. i:i, 18117, Mrs. H. F. Mitch
ell, aged 80 years.
KRADEL At his home in Summit twp.
Feb. 11, 1897, Adam Kradel, in his
58 th year.
GRAFF At her home in Worthington.
Feb. 14. 1897, Mrs. Peter Graff, aged
80 years.
GLENN At her home in Washington
twp., near West Sunbury. Sunday,
Fell. 11, 1897, Mrs. Margaret Glenn,
widow of James J. Glenn, aged about
78 years.
NKGLEY At her home in Penn twp..
Monday. Feb. 15, 1897, Mrs. Marv
Ann Negley, nee Simmons, wife of
F. H. Negley, in the 03d year of her
Mary Ann Negley of IVnn twp. was
f the daughter of Wm. and Mary Simons
of E E. Pittsburg. She was liorn Feb.
23d, 1834 and was married to Felix H.
I Negley, April 7th. 1857. There were six
I children l«>rn to them, Ada L.. married
to T. M. Gibson; Jennie G., married to
D. \V. Lefever; Clara M.. married to T.
L. Duff; Wlll. C., married to Leora
Wickes; Felix Harry and Homer Danktt
She had been a member of the M E.
| Church from early life and died full <>f
I hope of a blessed immortality A fond
I and loving wife and devoted mother
died Feb. 15th, 1<?97.
Receipts and Expenditures of Butler Co. for the
Year 1896.
n»y : r -IS* * * * «
Washington H Seaton. till 4 » „ •_• ;ti I 1
Karns city i " l 15 05 " 1......"" r. a; i
i cherry i J I<»' 31 71 "4 71
Brady. T A 111ne5.... - u
Oakland .. PeterJM.lt mire ' - Z .*• 1
Clearfield II II Huffy .. .. . m Vn . »i i
| Oakland... Chrtstlf .. e;i no 7» ft ♦> i
Utitl. r ts>r>. Samuel alkcr .. n77 13 l.i >;7
I Summit I 3® Baldauf Is tu 7 , r . j
wipperyrock tJjSSfKiite •• mrn'mie in*::::::::
Tenugo wnilMnnwuter ... iiii
I Washlnslon 11 Seaton.... i.S 31 7s> V> iiVtw
Butler lioro Tolin Vonnklns .. ,rt ji , iw j r |. J ■ ,
l alrvlew WUUamGI «on .. »" J * * & 1
Harmony l-r« k d Weijrle .. gi i <r > 71 -r "
1 .
252:::.:::::::::::::: -Jg •« jjjj
Mercer William Johnston.... .. J £ ri? I SI
Petrol la". K M Frit* .. * .1 .......
Sunbury » Hunt. ~- t •—*,». r» *»i
Sav.nl..,** V.Vhn 1 Klin?" I* 7;,
'JnSSf r I Mil fowl " »«» B ' 35* 35 13 33 :it 71 111
Allegheny I-I Mlltord .. -h,--V-, ••; 14 21 Tvi
Buffalo Annuel Westerman. - • »j» i, < A 2
Bntler Georee Baner • •"= ♦' \», **£
Brady T S Benttv ..
p!'" to " RB a ronn C ISO I" 043 12179
'L a >-. \ M.-Mur*v 1 "" n " A *} »»* SEW 58 .
< hrrrv \ MiirT \ . ■ .. r - (w. •,, *, •>.> «o
<'onn>H)uenesalnir- ... \%illl:tni> I t»-t.-her r" - * ( .... .
Concord «• M Oamplicll. " (w !" ' , ... ... ....
Clearfield Hll Duffy r* ,£ ,ij £ '■ 1
iJ.mi iral .John Ritzerl.. .. ( .
Forward G«w« J Marlnjw'. . :u At fr IJ,
Falrv'OW ' -u-kev 4811,1 «l '«• » ,c 7(» " ... . i
Franklin ,< nartes .naritej n in n-
Jeffrrson . W llllam J Coopt-r. . .. r« , T >7 ;i
Jackxtn A hi 4, ti •> i)| .
Lancaster EphHamErb .. - - :; " : », nl
Marlon LV J Gilchrist ' " 1 ,tl ■ ■«, " '
Mercer ! William Johnston.... •>, J J,
Middlesex Trimble ' -» () •« -
Muddy-reek R B Kennedy "J ,♦ J> «
Parker"' 'i ll Kepl-'r Z J{s %\ a 47 -s
Washington H S-at..n - 4 ~ »- r t » •
WinH.ld \ rr.-.ii..L- « U ' K>
Worth W.l Shi. Ids .. ajg' igJS «» Jii ii
lluller i«.m, I fol.il \«»ai»kinn I«l i u,' r Till -IV
Centervi.lc IF I. 1 orn -ter »i ' «J
Eviu.sClty II) \V/.eljtier -}• ' U A 'j ■
Falrvlew U»ro William Glhaon ,'! t, 7; ~r. ;
Harmony Fred Wehrle l> ■> » , '
llarrlsvflle I.»."ph I'ufh... .. :fr * J*. 1, :
Kams City Geonre E Maelll A. Jj
Mars ~ ..John Davidson .. J?; ' 51 1i- •! i!
Sllllerstown Thomas H Evans. .. l»i •» IJ £
Petrolla FM Frit/. .. r. t, ™
Portersvllie \ Henshaw .. « •?» * ; -Jl
Pr..5p..,-t CI Newman .. 1»« "» I<-' *> " 1 i
Saxonbui* Charles RaalM> .. "* £ ■• ■ ■ , ; - J ( ' »•- -t> 113 8.
Si.nl.nrv P P Brown .. iUf »1 «
Zellenople SB Zelßler i »«1 » * 4 4 *| 542
Total ~. *W7IO VI sl27lk> «. srt'C «*ll3l SL'£3Ti 64 #142 22
Adams RJ Conley ? I»CM »»* 7«7 4rt | Sjl t SB J| i
Alleeheny J.l Mil ford * ?•' 1.4 »b i*
Buffalo ' Samuel Westerman I 9'l Din «' f-> 3<J i!!
Butler Ueonte Bauer Ui>«> <d 030 «J ® IJ 3wl ..i
Rrady Thomas S Beatty. t;7l ".| S.rf> on 4ii »ft - !
Clinton John Halstead IS4R «V IDJ «» •• •" J&M
r i.. r Klt < 'onn mill 11 ii-.W -"41 -1" •..i
Ce'ntiv lirtnieic Miller '.«!«) 77t. .«• Vi «>4 Mm IW •«
ch arfi. ld II II Duffy ... n ...
ch-rrv Samuel L Nelson. IP2I ->s 7!i«.l .T ». U- ,
Conn.;,ue,,eßsins Wm Fletcher 1522 17 '■»*< >*< «« U.+s
CranlH'rry Andrew Kln'hler 14.4 M I- 1 '; '' If JJi
Concord," < •hiirlus (aitiplH-ll fllfl II s.ll .« 1»! J
Join, lUtzort imS S. •*!-» '*J SIS
Forward .. Geo J Marburiter I*W 4S l'»i. <*' ll* 01 Hfl 7S
Fairview .. Jas McGarve IKB * » «• "M Is 21 :M
Franklin: i!.. .. Charles Mackey 103177 WO no :»4 IK) ; Vt2 »
Jeffer .on Wm -I <'« M.p. r |:«2 I t 1W» «' «J »!
Jackson John Eyhert i:wi 31 1 1£5 00 JHj . 100 «»
Lancaster... Epl.riam Erb tffcit "*1 '< JJ J- ••"
Marion ' : 's (Jilchrist ' "jt iv* : t;-' "0 ji W 41. tu
M,. r ,.,. r Wm Johnston -1» 31'" -i
Middlesex SC Trimble. 'Pn r K
Mudrivrn*<*k R K«'iin* 4 dy 'm J'l - }
Oakland IVtt'r Wliitmirt* IW6 SI. Soi> 00 .»u ;»4
Parkor Geo J Kepler 01912 00 W 519 4*
P?S„ GeoE Hay 151« si 110s » 9! 42 r.» 10
Slippery rock Jos L Cooper 12s* :7 Smtt 44 01 ft- 1}
Summit .J W Baldauf 1227 4". 9« 2» ft*. «o l.» M
V.•nun Kit. ' Viu Striker st.7 4t «wi .« ;l »j «£J
Wasl.lnuion Harper iwni U oljjj *»
Win tit-Id August treenllnjf 12« 1,l !«*►» on # ij it M 59
Wcirili Wm 11 Pisor 10Cf? oft Hi- in' .1
Uut'. r Imihi .... John Yourikins 11497 ♦'•<» 7Xit I. v»0 -M5 I*s it
CeiitorvSjl? boro!.!!!!.. FI. Forrester 720 13 3*7 a< 21 19
F vans City l»ro I'M Zlesler I|i4 40 MB 40 IB !,, "r
lSarvlewlH.ro Wm Gil.son I 7« «7 143 W 12®
Harmony ln.ro Fred Welde 434 31 4." «» •» O* ■> 1- *» *J
Un -' J l v!"i^r. . v "" s :!!! «« % m">,3 M 1 4?
i».'t,.,n, hAm FM Frit/ 21« !•"»<» <*» 12 " w
Port. rsvllle 1i0n... ' !! Alonzo llenshew ~7 •» lift •» »
Prospect lH.ro Charles F Newman 422 Oh m. > -- » . «'
Saxonl.urir ln.ro < harles Itaabe .W14.. H ..
Sunbury ln.ro Pl' Brown 2«' 100 00 Jt -.1 111 10
Zellenople boro Samuel B Zeifiler. !«SJM s.l-1 m , I _< * W
Total 7 fAECIO 44 45U27 W?lll" s.'t <l2K>a > *H K*>
! S 1 f I s 1 f : I s I I
Si* Ei £. » -i s
5, a a-
DISTRICTS. : P ; i : i |
Allwrhfc-iv" « 85 71-.S 52 21 $ :«» 15 ? 12 56* 13« ««* 17 ft" * 157 28
B, ]er ' 15 86 17 40 10 W 1 522 AH 21i 10 23 .58 49
Eraclv • 19 51 16 si 19 74 11 52 67 58 20 81 88 39
f Vntre 14 36 14 03 28 42 914 65 95 202 67 97
n" rrv 905 937 906 467 32 15 649 3* H4
(•j!.,. - 820 Bl* 615 3IN 25 71 53N 31 09
riMrfield 27 3N 36 50 18 24 911 91 23 20 91 43
Concord .... 4«» «29 7 7.-, .12 20 w 177 2177
Cdnnonucnessinir 1
FairvkU IST* 19"' 14 30 -i5 20 90 13 97 68 85
Forward 920 11 70 3.5 129 22 19
Marion 16 60 720 ?5 01 436 54 26 490 59 16
( l-tlrland ....18 09 18 09 38 56 403 78 77 138 NO 15
Parker 41 40 79 84 59 65 22 32 2<)B 22 62 23 265 45
p.. m , 5 771' 504 2 88! 288 16 57 248 19 IN)
WhJfieid.::::::::::::::.. 2530 2951 5059 848 mm usw
Worth 630 680 1 •>. 14 1. 199 16 16
Washington ' 88 05 57 6N 25 76 88 05 159 41 969 169 13
Venango 24 71 27 49 21 04 17 m 90 30, 2191 112 21
Donegal s '.14 17 4N 16 46 57N 4N 66; 705 55 .1
Butler boron K h.! 37 79 110 65 110 79 15 14 274 38! 34 86 809 24
Fairview borotitfb 2NO 340 .. ... •. ,HI f.' -- ] J
l f5pect........ W, 1 »•> W _ " 00 iH '
Total 7. S3BB 90 $564 08 ssll 04 $lB9 10*1653 12 *230 09 ,SIBBB 21
LOG TAX OF l-'.ll.
Cherry ;.!!!!!!!!! Andrew MeMurry'.'.'.i'ti 17 *4l l'.i * i « . i ?"
Clearfield II II Duffy «• •« , . 3*l h., *«
Butler iMiroUKh. Vonnklns 77 10 ti'_ lit .14.. II .M
Fairview iH.n.uifh \\ nt (ilbsoit -Jh ZH| 11: '•>
llarrisvilU* l»orou>fli s • , w *, rj .J J-; . .'Ji
I'-trolla F M Fritz 21 3. 2» I;. 1 11;
tot aV....... .....!.!!...!!!!!!!!!!.!•!• ! tfii H»»i3s'a»'> 7ia iia23»c.t*4t i
DOG TAX OF 150."..
Adams .' .John Kline It «Ml SI SMI"73 fU Ml i« t
Alleirhen'y ;J J Mil ford 27 .to 21 !.7 <1 II »
Buffalo .... S Westerman :« 2«.r 2s S» I ."*! 2 .*>
.... K K Conn <i". 10 >hi 33i 300
Clearileid II II Duffy jl2 7s | Ml 2 2s
Franlllln !:.... Charles Maekey :» oo 31 27 IO 8«|
It.fTcrsoii Wm .1 < «m>|kt - •- -I n « -
J:i4*ks4>n.. I A Eycl»«Tt ; f' 7 .**7 4:i I
Luii«*a*»t«*r Kphrlam Brb I i •* 25 1
Marlon I A Gilel.rlst s .V, < « »
Middlesex S C Trimble 17 •!» <Ol -is 10 oo j
Muildyereek It B Kennedy » < l« *1 !'• »•»
Oakland Peter Whitmlre ; oso it !«2 •> ZM
Vetiiinxo Writ Stalker ' '1 >1 1 4*l 500 ,
wlShlmcton II 5eat.,,,.. | 27 51 30 00 1 05, CM
Butl r iH.rouirl, John Younklns
C.-utrevllle iH.roUKI. 11. lorrestiT I 4 -<t J M 1. I'*
Kvans City I. W Zei K |er ! J»» •> •» ;|J 1
l-'airvlew Wm Gilwon 472 41> -t
Harmony Fred Weijrle It «7 13 20 »l ?>
K arlts City Geo E Maifill »» »45 « M
Mars John Davidson I>o _ IJO
Mill.-rsiown Thomas II Kvans I', s4 I! «7 fl7 II VI
i'ort r.ville \ llenshew 700 ««| .M
Pros|,e. t C F Newman « ;J
IVtrolla I" M Iritz 110. HI-. mi » Jio
Sunbury I' I' Brown 3in 22> 12 I (to
Saxoiiburt . . ('harles Itaabe II 01: 014
zSlieSopl? H B Zelyler I>3 . JMI 74 200
btl I • :V- *&< %: «I|K 'Si ? i. fi -1 »
ffig&iiv Join.'J Vii"»«r. 1 f.' ,
ft- i'.VorKe Ba't'teiv ; &Z UZ -00
KHV\*r U ' nUU ": ' W75 7": II! SK W n 10 00
Daniel «• Miller I HO 35 03 0* 442 12 7.. 3H 00
rhSrry' Samuel LWllson j »» J» gg
I!!'-""" loh'n 'llaJsteaVl Us 14 1% ' " »
I word. <">!< » *z\ .....
Co,„,;H,uei,e»si„« A Kin 'IMV' li 7415 25 ' 'JI 01
Foiw*lrd GeoMarimw-r .. I-"W •■" •»» «»• J2f "» 3 w .1
!- ,it CI,«K MurkPV si mi 2MIO 177 Si (10
Jolol A Fyheri nor. 75 00 502 :m 31 IB 00
Win,. 'noiM-r : 11« 25 until, ssi 17 14 244 00
.1 • • ir>• i soil.. Knhriani £rl> |O2 oo IH 05 •> •»' 12 75 H35
MaHon :::::::::: r»o;; »«> **
<\"VrimbTe 157 SO mm 741 SO 25 2-.M m
*! . i ' II II Keiinedv 74 28 50 00 4 3". 2"M*i 1150
. U'ldyoreck i. 'V W Iml r.- 87 51. 50 00 370 33 3,1 74 25
Oakland J « Keoler HOST. 50 on ;i 70, 20 35 0s on
Georuo llay 114 00 M« ft HO 12 75 I»I on
I.;;"" „ Ios" oh Lr S2.VI Is 75 13s IB 37 85 30
jw'iiaidauV:row '?5 5 v* »» ..... «2;
Nummn stalker H ' "<> a •*' — l4 ' s wl
Venantt" IK r ,» r c',.,Vi.1.. II 130 50 30 l« IH» 0k ftl fts »
Ji.;"'' 1 ?? 1 "" AUBUSI I n"'Vlntf W» 00 00 122 34 03
WbiOeld Win M Pisor 85 00 37 72 2 711 41 411
BuUer iM.routrh. ■ John YOUIIKIUS .. 30# g 50 27 373 37 50, 218
CentervtUe lH.ro M «. 2n ks
F-U*"lewtt ro Wm Glfcim !' »«? „ ( J »g
Harnionv lH.ro!! Fred Weltfle * «jl 17"
llarrlsvtlle loscnh I'ew. 15" . - ■>* -I J*-
Kams City J"'*" ( M-«KHI V| m r.l
■ «2? | g „ » .
ProHiH t lH.ro Chas Newman "T' *-• 4-»
p 'trolla tn.ro F M I ritz "or-, 4 :ci
PortersvillelH.ro. A llenshay ; •> m 4.
Sax.m burp a run ft mi
SSr«.«H ««.
T) , :;::;;:::l:;;;;;:;v;::::!!:::::::^'ooi«2i7iwiui «i?i*s7»#i»e»ii7H6a- 1
i | p f fr~ 9"
II 1 I 5
y •* *
Adams Robert J Conellv .. $ 1624 20$ 11 i»* s; * 4 :« $ IBS in)
Allegheny J J MUford 7«t 7To 59 3N 20 64 V)
Butler .* Geo Baner 1290 03 U«2 S« IK7 17 122 25
Buffalo S Westerman. 1301 H 117« 17 123 39 120 75
Brady TS Beatty 1174 55 491 92 82 H2 57 75
Clinton J llalstead 124H 53 ll'B.i 75 138 7 MI 105 00
Clav R B Conn 1030 13 955 93 so 20 «« 75
Centre DC Miller 972 10 sj.:! 43 7S f.7 so 25
Clearfield H H Duffy 750 55 702 10 4-s 45 75 75
Cherry S L Nelson 1028 58 935 10 ** +» X 925 j
Connoqueneasing... .j W.T Fleteher 1322 17 97s 44 343 73 !<» ,»t
Cranberry A Kirchler 1474 .54 llss h.-, 25.". »;»• 111 7.*,
Concord C M Campbell 58t7 41 Mil i*' 4ii 41 41 50,
Donegal J Ritzert 9«5 57 814 69 150 s.s 144 INt I
Forward (T .1 Marburger lsiH! 42 10S2 77 723 B5 139 50 j
Fairview Jas McGarvev 1033 96 914 12 119 s4 110 25!
Franklin • C Mackev 102fi 77 887 20 139 57 «4 00 j
Jefferson Wm J Cooper 1322 13 1030 85 291 2* 119 25
Jackson J A Eichert 1356 24 lir.M s.", 384 89 110 25!
Lancaster Ephriani Erb 1051 si! sii:i .">2 ISM :u |o2 i*.
Marion Jas Gilchrist 524 60 759 .">4 65 ih. 7".i 50
Mercer Win Johnston 520 HI 4t>2 SH 57 92 55 50
Middlesex SC Trimble >2580 52 1377 5;! 120s IK* 157 50
Milddvcreek R B Kennetlv *22 94 77,5 2* 67 66 74 25
Oakland Peter Whitriiire 1136 >-1 **l 90 254 *5 *7 00
rYnn Geo E Hav 1518 81 1010 11 508 70 114 00
Parker G J Kepler 949 12 85* 3* !HI 74 So 25 |
Summit J W Baldauf 1227 45 !110 31 311 14 135 75
; Slipi>eryrock J L Cooper 12KS :t7 11-55 02 133 35 s2 50
Venango Wm M Stalker *O7 44 ..">2 50 44 94 81 IN)
Washington H Campbell 1266 67 1016 63 250 04 131 50,
Worth W H Pisor 1037 09 954 37 *2 52 85 (Hi j
Winfield A Freehling 1204 73 *27 71 377 »r2 <lB 25
Butler boro John Yonnkins 11497 Oo 7017 65 3879 95 309 75 I
t.'enterville lx.ro F L Forrester 720 12 364. 151 353 93 11 00
Evans City boro D F Zeigler 1104 40 5»59 0* 535 32 26 25 |
' Fairview lx.ro Win Gibson 169 62 113 62 50 00 15 00
Harmony lw.ro Fred Weigle ! 454 31 356 11 98 20 29 25
Harrisville lx>ro Jos S Pew 603 39 I** 63 414 76 15 00
Karns City boro (reo E McGill 79 ill 79 11 80 13 50
Millerstown 1x.r0.... Thos H Evans so:l 69 355 61 44* 08 34 50
Mars boro J W Lee..., 1 276 26 199 73 76 53 18 00
Prospect boro.C F Newman ! 422 08 208 27 213 81 825
Petrolja boro F M Fritz ' 216 35 107 9o 108 45 22 50
Portersville boro Alonzo HensUew 227 60 141 *7 85 7.5 !) 75
Saxonburglx.ro ('harles Ran be 281 46 290 36 i)l 10 2* 50
Sunbury boro F P Brown. . . 239 61 165 17 74 44 6 (Ml
Zelietiople bora Samuel B Zeigler 988 94 477 14 461 *0 27 00
Total $56323 78 $42056 88 #14266 90 $3886 00
stuoiii, 1:..A1>7 I POOH.
! I I I i I■l I 1 : 7 I
f f ' I* * . : f «
Allegheny £ls 78 s7l 2 E BEI 75 <ii «•'«« n£)W !$53 70 * 0 J»»tt 5««|5 »# ft sft
Brady 10 51 10 si 10 si 4-4 u, 74 4 m t9 - t 4 .-4 n ® 4 54. n - c >
Buffalo 1 :m 1 34 01 ill
Butler 1.5 3ft 17 4<i 7ml 10 34 11 10 > 10 41, <M 523 I 5 »
Centre 14 3tt 555 14 «I 12 «2 7 3,1 3s 43 ->42 733 1, 14 II r.l 4 ICI
Cherry 905 10 3s 11 37 37 *7 74 15 73 !• OH 1.5 73 II 0.1 1 4,1 4«7 I SI 13
Clay N 20 si- S IS tl 15 (i i.y :j |s :i is
Clearfield S7 » 43 sft 3» 50 HO OH 303 is 34 20 30 : s u Hll 17 33
'Con n, hi 1 51, 7 71, 150 1* 30 li 70 6 7ti ft. 75 fts 75
Concord 453 !tl 10 ti 20 DO 3» SI 17 77« .« 7s |5 1 13 1 4.i
Cranberry m !H 15 15
Iv»u-Kal MM 17 (Hi 17 4- 17 17 4s Ui 40 i« tM 4j' 13 41 STS »2 42 57s
Falrvlew 13 7s 3 H". I'J .V> 33 Vi |3l 14 3U 15 43 lOS 7 3S| 543
Forward 0 20 11 70 ,n 7o i 353 s 53
Jefferson 47 47
Marlon. 16 00 #2O 72017 11 *5.1 35 4s. 35 01 aO 40 (CI 4 :*1 4 90,
Middlesex . 3 07. 2 IC
Mercer 343 507 507 3 19! 3 ICt f, S4
Muddycreek .... 4 13 4 13 | si si
Oakland IS 00: S3 ss 18 00 !»7 07 300 30 3S! 3s sft «7 04 IB W. 403 IB HO 403
Parker 41 H» 1 03i 70 H4 3S 75 43 03 41; .50 fts J2 1- 37 ss 55 33 IB 11 33 11 04
Penn 5 771 14 sill 5-04 10 S7 17 sft- 3ss J» 44 3K5 2ss 573
Slipperyrock . . i 3 07. 3 07 s4 S4
Summit ! 1 15] 1 15
Winfield 3". 30 1 30 51 30 51 | SOS* 50 50 12 sft s 411 30 00
Worth lino can 030 i.»; 150 < 157 157
Washington .... 3s tl", SI 75 57 fts si 43 33 !»i' 35 70 4s 73 Is IV. .> ft-,
Venango 34 71 37 40 37 40 3 51. 21 04 34 55 3«5 17 Oft IV 71
Butler lH.ro 37 7!, 35 00 Ho ft". 130 73 14 '.<3 3S KHIIO 70HE 43 ti 4| 3SO 18 14 3l> 0u
Fairview Iniro.. 3so II 4" 340 I 3 3."> 33i iSO II («i iso
HarrlsvlUelH.ro i 3 15 ' 315 j | i I 35
Petrolla Iwrp. ! | 4 50 4 50
Piospef 1 ...'. «M 5 ati 1 5 a., is.. w .» 1 » 45 45
Sunbury Iniro.. | 3 IV4I I 3 1.1 j
Total W M 4> MHM OS 730 00 SB s". 3ft! 32 511 04 sft-, O". 3tKI 3) 130 31 |im 10 170 ."<1 130 91
•Due County.
A< roi'NT.
DISTRICT. * I * i '_/■
j ~ *
Adams ? 'U St* $ * $ 33 so
All.-Kli.ny IIS 14 Z>
t'leiirHi-ld " 'St 77 t5
Brady :Kit SB 273 08 »1 .VI
Butler 24# SB 117 15, 139 40
Cherry 471 1-' 471 12
Clinton 7.'.2 00i | ?:>•> HO
Connoquen'infr. as rt»| 80 25] 775
Donegal I I'JT <»'| '■ 1!»7 im
Franklin I 107 SO 107 38
luirvkw 11(W |IKI 18
Forwiird 111 1". »t » 23 75
Jefferson 12:121 72 OK 511#
Lancaster. ... 'H 1« ">1 1» 13 00
Mercer 457 ft - .; 137 50 ill So 22h 15
Muddycreek.., |.V» .Hi, 127 25 S* JJS
Oakland U2 50 67 M 2f» 04
IV mi :K3O T."» 00. 245 00
Parker 1* | *sl 4.**
Summit is: r:» j is:» rr»
YeliaiigO 44» ."»<» I 40 50
Washington ... :«n» 7.~> .'fcfli 7."»
Win fir Id 457 00 ;»IT> 50 t 91
Worth 2tf 75 24 75; 500
Butler l» »W3 »5 :«) 50 573 45
KarusClty 1».. 4HB (M j 488 04
Mars b 71 «» 71 00
Miiierstown b. 117 14 ! 117 11
Total *7W74 22 ?lKi «Nt «IS»f7 !M
|<IK lswi. run BY WAIiBAXT'.
Ass«->sliitf account f!S7O 00
Warn ii Hospital account 1.C2 25
Annual Statement Account.
Zicgler & McKee SIOO 00
Win. N'cffley lOy <*)
Robinson & Shiever 100 00
l\ A. Kat t itran 40 00
Total 340 00
Holler house account *M* 90
Births and deaths account 05 oo
Bridge view aecount 02 12
West IVnn Hospital account 2M5 :u
!te)?ist«-riiiff account 13H6 43
Commonwealth account 5*
Military roil account 270 :«
Court House account 217* o.'{
Election account 5100 10
Scalp account « W 25
Commissioners' account *OO 75
Lunacy account 370 04
Stationery account 1152 15
Cuseated laud account
Jail account 450 03
Inquest account 10* 21
Livery hire account 10* 75
Soldiers' burial account 270 oo
Tipstaff account. 500 00
Allegheny Co. Work House account. . 071 42
Jurors account TWO 01
Constables returns 1010 2*
iVnn'a Reformatory Srhool account.. 1021 07
Postage and expreosage aceount 55 UO
County I>etective Account.
George E. Thomas fltiO 00
Elmer E. Hell ffJO 00 700 00
Notary Public account 5 00
Wernersville Hospital 3W 00
District Attorney account 7*4 *5
Transcribing account 00 40
County account 286 :w
Printing account 552 50
< 'ourt < 'rier. 447 00
Clerk of courts a<<-ount 1425 2i#
Road view account £ls 40
Refunding account ITS# 40
Roiud damage account 240 00
County Auditors Account.
It. 11. Young sllO 52
J. A. Elliott 101 KH
J. N. Allison 101 sw :H4 2s
Telegraphing account 1 OIJ
Sheriff'"* account 3183 9tf
Prothonotary account 107 05
Janitor account 773 00
Stenographer account 1703 40
Bridge inspection accouut 31 70
Indexing account. 343 40
Western Penitentiary account 1355 02
County Commissioners Account.
S. W. McCullough. 312 days SIOB2 00
(i W. Wilson. 313 days 1005 .V)
John Mitchell. 307 days 1074 50 3202 00
Deli vering ballots account 90 24
Bridge Account—Canton Bridge Co.
Murriu bridge.. 20s on
Sweeny briuge 170 00
Greece City bridge.. 228 00
John Gordon, stone work ... lffl 00
Kalb bridge.. 210 00
George SchatTncr, stone work 144 33
Mi •df bi ldg< og bridge) »00
George Sehalfner. amount paid on
stone work Ivohler bridge 500 00
Pennsvl vania Bridge Co.
Hoover bridge 255 oo
Wooden Bridges.
Sander-*ou bridge. 250 00
Lower Hick bridge, superstructure I ."in no
Bridge Repairs 244* 03
Court Audltors account S3 25
indigent paupers account 51132
Commissioners* Counsel Account.
J. M. Painter 2.V) 00
Peiiu'a Reform School account *0 40
Traveling expenses account 103 81
Registering school children account l'.*»
Commissioners' deeds account. 13M OO
Register and Recorder's account 07 40
Jury Commissioners Account.
Janice (Jribben sino 42
A. O. Eberhart 32 13
Jury Commissioners' clerk.
Birdie Nicholas 24 00
II W Nicholas 50 oo 200 55
Total Amount .$.">0073 01
Reeeived from Collectors for I"*05 and
previous $1270.% 40
Ri . eiveii from Collectors for I*oo 40W2 44
R. c,.|\ed unseated land I*B3 21
State tax from state treasurer.. 11WW W
Warren and IMxmont Hospital acct.. J4MS 22
Retail liciuor license 427 50
Itinerant license 50 00
County Commissioners 3012 24
Jury fees, Sheriff Camplwll I*o 04
Joseph Criswell, Clerk of Courts 440 52
Amount in treasury, Jan. 1, I*o6. 10077 3">
Balance of dog tax of 'UO less per cent 770 40
10234* 00
By warrants redeemed .. 58530 00
On unseated land 1434 62
State tax paid 14035 41
Treasurer's per cent on state tax .... 141 70
Amount paid for teachers* Institute 2tio oo
Treasun-r's 3'w percent on $50.000 1750 oo
Treasurer's 2 per cent on 08,730 174 7s i
Aiiiount in treasury, Jan. 4, 1807 16*172 "«o ,
John T Martin in Ac<*Munt with
ry.g Tax fir l*o6.
To reserve of S3OO of 1 *!*""> 20t) 0t)
To amount collected of I*U4 135 33
To amount c«>llected of 1805 :t*2 77
To amount collected of I*o6 2171 70
By warrants for damage to sheep 1780 2*
Treasurer's.*! percent on ?17*0 2s 80 01
Reserve for I*o7 200 00
Treasurer's 5 per cent on SB2O 51 41 o2
Balance turned to Co. Treasurer 770 40
s2s*o 80
Amount due from collectors of t*Bft
and previous * 2388 25
Of I*oo 14006 <r4
Proth()ootary . , * Oo
House and lot 200 0t)
Due from townships on insane acct.. 0207 04
Commissioners' notes 5*2 40
We the undersigned auditors of Butler
county met in the Court llouse in Butler on
the 4tli day of Jaunary. 1807. and proceeded
to audit the several accounts of Butler coun
ty as required of us by law. of which the
foregoing is a correct statement according to
the 1 wst of our knowledge and In-lief.
In witness whereof, we have set our hands
and seals this 15th day of February. I*o7.
o. R. THORNE. [SEAI. .
We the undersigned commissioners of But
ler county do hereby certify that the forego
ing statements contain a Just and true *'V
hi bit of the receipts ;md expenditures of
Butler county for tlie year I*o6, as we truly
Witness our hands and seals this 15tli day
of February. I*o7.
Ofllce on Main St. near Court House.
0 11. PIBRSOL,
Oftice at No. 104 liast Diamond St.
Office on North Diamond Street, oppo
site the Court House —Lower Floor.
a t. scon,
Office at No. X South Diamond St.
Office in Mitchell building.
Room 8., Armory building.
Office between T'ostoffice and Diamond
Room J.—Armory building.
Office 011 South Diamond Street.
Office with Newton Black, Ivs<j. South
Diamond Street.
(' P. L. McQUlffilON,
Office near Court House.
hR. CHAS. R. B. HI NT,
Eye, car, nose and throat a specialty.
132 and 134 S. Main Street, Ralston
build ing.
11' H. BROWN,
Office 236 S. Main St., opp. P. O.
Residence 315 N. McKean St.
New Troutman Building, Butler I'a.
Office No. 45, S. Main strefct, over City
200 West Cunningham St.
1' 137 li. Wayne St., office hours. 10 to
12 a. in. 1 and to 3 p. m.
hR. W. P. McILROY,
Formerly known as ihe "Peerless j 1
Painless Extractor of Teeth." Located '
permanently at 111 East Jefferson St.,
Oppojite Hotel Lowrv, Butler. Will do
dential operations of all kinds by the
latest devices and up-to-date methods.
I TO LOSE!* [ 1
A loss on Odds and Ends will be accepted •
now as we wish to close them out quickly.
r J=jr as the new goods will commence to arrive
in about 30 days and we intend making
,-S| short work of odd stock.
j Sets at $lO. / $2.98. jj|
y».f Same kind we tolil about £ The kind we had in our show
week. Have a few sets of \ window maiked -,ys°-
goods left at abo*e price. ( prices of these goods were f.}, Vr**
price sls. Two decorations. J and *7. Only S left.
Crocking chairs) bed lounges jg
! 8 $3.98. sl2 jj|
Did you see tliem in the show /
window marked $5.00? Last year's S Only a few of the cheap
ytgfprices were $6, $7 and fio. Have/ left. Old price <lB. Yours
left. \ fl2 if you come soon.
8 COUCHES sl3. $35.®
•sst , , . \ OLD PRICE $60.00.
~3Q Well made and covered in a / dgr
JCJstrong wool covering. but the color V Not a new style, but well made
lighter than most peop'e want, so / Has square ends and plain front,lSC
jtejsfthe price is reduced from S2O to (. and is 5 feet wide. )qt
5^p i - ( Do yon want it? |^g
iCampbell ft TempletonJ
—■u- ■• —• •. - - -— ——.. , . • ——
J. S. Young. J. S. Young.
I desire to thank the public for their very liberal pat
ronage since I went into the merchant tailoring buiness,
and to show my appreciation of the same; and in order
to make room for the extensive line of spring goods
that are daily arriving, I will s II anything in nw stock
at greatly reduced prices.
J. S. YOUNG. Tailor.
101 S. MAIN St.. - - - BUTLER, PA.
The New-York Weekly Tribune
£ EVERY member of
EVERY family on
l F?i EVERY farm, in
_ EVEkY village, in
v , ' EVERY State or Territory.
V %*** AS>iS>—4®
1 V FOR Education,
1 \ t» I*OR Noble Manhood,
\ * FOR True Womanhood,
T rn fi I Q all important news of the Nation.
1 1 vT 1. > HiO all important news of the vVorld.
rrp Z" 1 1 Art 1 Q the most reliable market reports.
A "TL V EJO brilliant and instructive editorials.
I r P T \7" fascinating short stories.
A Ox r EiO an ucexcelled agricultural department
nl scientific and mechanical information.
* -LiCJ illustrated fashion articles.
nl p | \7p'Q humorous illustrations.
"AT LiO entertainment to young and old.
A A vll > IjO satisfaction everywhere to everybody
We furnish "The Citizen"
"N. Y. Weekly Tribune"
Address all orders to THE CIfiZEH
Write your name and address 011 a postal card, send it ro G«'o. W. Best, Tribune
Building, New York City, and a sample copv of Tutt New York U'sfki V
Tkibunk wil' be mailed to yov
Gold Fillings Painless Extraction of
Teeth and Artificial Teeth without plat -s
a specialty, Nitrous Oxide or Vitalized Air
or Local niesthetics used.
Office over Millers grocery, east of Low
ry house.
rainless extraction—No Gas —Crown
and lirid,i{fi work a specialty.
Office —Room No. i, new Bickel bji'd
Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest
I improved plan. Gold lillinjjs a spec
j ialty. Office over Aliler's Shoe Store
\ ill. McaLPINE.
> , Dkxtist.
Main St.
Nx-sthctics Administered.
Dkai.kr in
Rough Worked Lumber
Ok Al,t« KINDS.
1 )oors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings,
Shingles and Lath
Always in Stock.
Office opposite I'. & W. Depot.
Do not be deceived by allortiur adTertJeemontx and
think you can vet tbo beat made, Onuat flnlib and
for a mere unrig. toy from reliable manafartun rt
tb«f harejralned a reputation by honr«t and Miliar.!
rl'-niloif. Th'TV isnoDfln the world that run «■*>»..!
I h in- • hantcal construction. durability of work
•-* flueDi-m of flnifih, beauty in anpearano.-. or 1
any Improvement* aa Uiu MEW HOME.
i ' New Home Sewing Machine Co.
lOOK Miaa. llohtow. M*wi. ar»ioiß«r»»p. N.v
v tKioo, 111. ot. Uora. Mo. Duxu,Tuii.
fßA*ctaoo, Cal. ATHiia, Gi
Dealer in Sewing Machine*, Pianos aud
Organs ! !** f floor tt» Y. M, C. A. build
ing— Butler Pa.
Buy the light-running, N't* Home,
■ ing machine, perfect satiMncii .m gnar
antee<l, never gelt out «»f order.