GRAND CLEARANCE and SAMPLE SALE of BOOTS and SHOES We have begun a grand Clearance and Sample sale, and in tend to make the month of January which is usualiy a quiet month, one of the busiest in the year and in order to ac complish our purpose we have marked all goods away down and have placed three large sample counters in our store crowded 4 with bargains. Grand cut in all lines, none will be spared —W- need the money and you need the goods. Each line represented in this grand slaughter sale. All can be suited, shoes ;or every person, and a bargain for ever}- person. Attend this sale and get a pair of sample shoes at reduced prices and you will be well pleased Felt boots and overs reduced to ?'s° per pair Mens gum l>oots reduced to 2.00 per pair Boys gum boots reduced to 1.75 P cr l a ! r Youths j»utn boots reduced to 1.10 pcr pai~ Childs gum boots reduced to .90 per pair Mens box toe shoes double sole and tap regular prices } 2.25 goat $1.60 Mens satin calf shoes regular price 1-75 reduced to 1.25 Boys satin calf shoes regular price i-35 reduced to 1.00 Youths satin calf shoes regular price 1.00 reduced to .7,* Ladies fine dongola shoes regular price 3-SO reduced to 2.5. Ladies fine dongola shoes regular price 2.00 reduced to 1.50 Misses fine dongola shoes regular price 2.00 reduced to 1.50 Childrens fine (iongola shoes regular price i-5° reduced to i.eo Childrens fine dongola shoes regular price 1.00 reduced, to .50 Balance ot our Holiday slippers which sold at SI.OO, $1.25 a "d $ ' .4°i your choice for 65c per pair and many other bargains -which will interest you. (A box of leather pomade FREE, ask for it.) X. Call and see us, JOHN BICKEL, 128 South MainJSt, Butler Pa. "Oh, I Guess That'll Have To Do." Customers never say that in our shop. We don't keep the "have-to-do" kind of stock. You can get exactly what you want here. The only trouble you can possibly experience is to know just what to choose, from so much that is Stylish, Elegant and Suitable. Our table- are piled high with the choicest weaves from the best looms of America, England and the Continent. If we are not already making your clothes, come in, and experince the real luxury of buy ing from a stock complete, varie d and beautiful. If you come once you'll come again. J. S. YOUNG, Tailor, Hatter and Hen's Furnisher ,0 " sHS HAND CAMERAS. Pocket Kodaks Loads for 12 exposures, price 15.00 The "Day" Camera, Size of picture 3# X ]4, price fe.oo. The "Quad" Camera Size of picture i'/j X 3#, price $5.00. The "Birds Eye" Size of picture 3# X 2> l A> price SB.OO. Large Cameras and Supplies AT DOUGLASS' BOOK STORE 24 f S. MAIN STREET. What is Your Need? If you need any thing in the furnish ing line we can sup ply you. It you want a hat or cap we can show you the best Up -To - Date stock in the county, at very low prices. Colbert & Dale. 42 S. Main St., Butler, Pemi'a The Place to Buy^^ GAS COOK; ING EATING STOVES, GaS BURNERS AND FIX TURES, HOSE, BATH TUBS, ENAMEL AND IMPROVR) WELSHBACH GAS a/aaa/aa. BURHERi a/*aaa/a W.H. O'BRIEN ON 107 East Jefferson St. MZEIJfc BEST IN TUB WORLD. Jt«w»arfnK qualities are unsurpassed, actually outlasting two boxes of any other brand. Not •fflected by heat. iroRT TIIK 'JFMUNK. VOB 8.U.8 BY nutrgpg nrnkn;, r.r.v. CUT THIS OUT BRING IT WITH YOU TO BUTLER'S PROGRESSIVE SHOE HOUSE, A GREAT SALE NOW GOING ON. Surprise after surprise awaits you. Never before in the his tory of Butler Co. has such an opportunity been offered to you. Think of it SI.OO, si.z* and' Winter Boots and Shoes all reduced to 98 cents. Prices That Tell The Story. W Ladies Rubber Boots 98c Y Misses Rubber Boots 98c S Youths Rubber 98c f Mens Overs for Felts 98c ) Mens Buckle Arctics 98c S Mens Buffßals Needle 98c ) Mens Buff bals, Yale 98c \ Mens Buff Cong Globe 98c J Mens Working Shoes 98c 98c We Will Not be Undersold. Ladies oil grain butt 98c ! Ladies Calf Shoes 98c x Ladies fine butt Shoes 98c / L,adies spring heel shoes 98c p Boys and Girls shoes 98c \ Youths stoga boots 98c 1,000 Pair School Shoes 98 AND The Half Has Not Been Told DON'T MISS THIS SALE. TRY WHAT 98c WILL DO AT Batter s "Progressive Shoe House. 2i5 Sooth Main St., BUTLER PA C. E. MILLER, SEANOR & NACE'S Livery, Feed and Sale Stable REAR or WICK HOUSE, BUTLEK, PA. The best of horaets t>nd lit>t clam rig* aIA-ayj ou baud ami fur him. Lifßt accomodations in towu fir pu.m.i ncnt boarding and t.raiment trade. Soci al car.; guaranteed. Stable room lor sixty- five hoi Re*. A good claws of horaCH, both drivers and drall horsed always on hand and lor sale under a full guarantee; and lioraca bought upon proper notification by SI>ANOK A XACE, Telophouc, No 21!). AFTER ill DR.LDBB 3 4 2!> N. FIFTEEN Til ST., PIHLA., VA. Thirty years' c ntinoous practice In the cure o! an dlsteajwa of men f.nd women. No matter from *»bnw cause or Ijoi-v long Ktandin :. I v* U1 gnaratUce a enra Ciotb'Uoun'.* li<»Ok JK-UifU) OB«i DUU^ VI V w BUTLER GOUfiTY Mutual Fire Insurance Company, 1 Office Cor.Main & Cunningham A I.F. WICK. Pre*. HEO. K KTTIiUKH. Tlm l'ren. L. S. MeJI'.NKIS. Src'jr snd Trca». DTKEOTOItS: Airroi Wick. Hendertoa Oliver, ' r. W. Irvln, lames Stepiler.soa. a-, w. jsiaekinore. ;N. Welttel. K. Be win an, 1!. J. Klingler co Knttercr, I thas. Rebhiin, tec. Kenno. ..Jolia Koentne LOYAL MciUNIKN Agent. HUMPHREYS' Nothing has ever been produced to ! equal or compare with Humphreys' Witch Ssxel Oil as a CVRATIYK and i HEALING ArrucATiov. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief j and atwavs gives satisfaction. It Cures'Pn.M or HEMORRHOIDS, Externa! ! or Internal, Blind or Blseding—ltching and Burning; Cracks or Figures and Fibulas, j Relief immediate—cure certain. It Cures BURNS, Scalds and Ulceration and I Contraction from Bur:.?. Relief instant. It Cures TORS, Cut and Laceoatcxl Wounds an l Bruises. It Cures BOILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Emptions, Scurfy or bcald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures INT .AMF.I) or CAKED BREASTS j and Sore Nippies. It is invaluable. It Cures SALT Riir.;::, Tetters Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Son- Lips or C-ras nr.d Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and SI.OO. Sold byDrng(!irts.or cor.t po«t-p»i(1 on receipt.)!price. IIIHI HRUV lED. CO., 11l * 113 WMUa N«w Tort. WITCH HAZEL OIL CATARRH LOCAL 1 DISEASE and is the result of told-, and fm-cOLD* sudden climatic changes. For your Protection g M we positively siate tbr.c this remedy docs not c» r.ta n KB v/ v .. /gv. mercury or any other injur- |p Ely's Cream Balm WNo* : * i= acknowledged to be t!:e mw: thomaph cure f. Na?al eatarrh.Coid in ar.d liny K-tct of r.I. remedies. It opens and cleans-" *'.o i..i.«al; assape?, allays pain and inflammation. heals the f ri-s, pro tects the membrane from coM*. re«tnrf9 t!.e eenses of tMteandsmelL l)rr!2El?t9 or by mail. ELY BROTHERS, s<i Warren Street, Sew York. FLEMING'S jFi OLD EXPORT WHISKEY Is a medicinal tonicggjy Jjgjf' M of weM toi It huilds up, • revivifies, gjf strengthens and stimulates run Bm down systems —doctors in dorse it because it impure, Am JOS. FLEMING <& SON, Wboleaale and l?eta:l Drnggiits, Sono fbr YOU WANT A NEW DRESS Suit iVI for the winter gaieties. Why pay sixty or seventy-five dollars, when we can make you up perfect gar ments with the best linings and workmanship throughout for from $35 to $45? Make your selec tion now, so that we can have time to give you a careful job be fore you need the clothes. Perfect Styles and Fit are pre eminently the necessities in a sat isfactory full dress suit. Our guarantee goes with every dress suit we make. If the fit and style are not exactly as they should be, we cannot aflord to have you wear the garments. A Good Diesser must have .a full dress suit for special evening wear. We have the finest goods and make absolutely correct gar ments. Do not make the mis take of having your evening dress suit made by an incompetent or careless failor. A mistake of this kind is expensive. WEDDING SUITS |A SPECIALTY. C >r. Diamond. Butler. Pa Butler Savings Bank Butler, IPa. Capital - _ $60,000'00 Surplus and ProGt*, $119,263. G7 JOS. L PURVIS- Presi'leu .1. IJK.VRY '! ItOUTM AN Vj.-e,> \VM. CA MPBKMj, Jr Caslii.: LOL'IB li.STKTN Telle IJIKKeTOUS-Joseph L. Purvis, .1. Henry Tro'-.tman, W. D. Brandon, W. A. St--in, J. • s. Campbell. The Batler Savings hank Is rne Oldest ;D«nk in ,- Institution tn Butler e'oiint.v. t-cneral hapklnj; ir::i. •; t"d W< Si«i!*'it n' counis or oil proiiii -is, liter chant?, farmers and ottaon. All eiiir;isi»U to us wl'l retvive p.mnpt <rt!. - i. Interest raid <.n time -1<?o lis The Biitier County Rational bank BUTLK.R, PA. Capital uaid in $100,000.00! Surplus and Profits $87,962 35 Joa. Uartmrm. President; J. V. It it tx. Vice President; C. A. Ifailey, Cashier; Jo'ic G McMarlio. A ss't Cashier. Asener:ti banktßebusfuess transacted. Interi"-! paM i-n time- <!•>»,<« ts. Money !■ ir.eii ou approved serurltv. We invce you to open an m-couni wltli this Dank, IMItIX Tolls—ll on. Joseph tl -rtman. lion \V. R. Waldron, I)r. N. M. 11. .*.PV. 11. Mi-Sneeoev. B. £. Abrams. <l. P.Col I i U. SoaiUi Lnuie T' iliuleti. M. I in( IP W. ffnry w !•« n. Johr Humphrey.Dr. W. < . .M ('nnolßis,l:i-:i Ma* t-ili 1 Harry llt asl -y. .1 V. H P. Atc'» ENNYROYAL FILt.S 1/ and Ai !>r<: 'ni-u, or 4r. \ W V ,n Ml: T* f* : •••'- • 'uiH'Oial* and IV* Lj "KHlcf for l u.i1...r. bv return •\ P Muii. 10.000' i m. _ v -"'/ « lit: lit-«trri'llcP*' .: 1 1 *«»n **q um.'Cv Funeral Director 327 3. Maio,St. Butler fa. . THK CITIZEN Astronomical Items. The solar el lipse of the Ist inst. which however was not visible in Lintler was not of that class which interests a.- tronomers in general, as nnlike the total eclipse. the annular eclipses afford no opportunity for investigating the nature of the "corona and hence contribute little or nothing to scientific knowl- j edge. At opposition to the sun on the 17th the moon makes a very close approach to the shadow of the earth, and then would l>e a partial eclipse of the sun as viewed from the moon. If. at the dis tance of the moon the shadow j of the earth were as broad as the earth itself the moon would enter the shadow and be partially eclipsed. Bnt the j shadow of the earth being in the shape . of a cone, decreases considerably I*> | tween this and the moon, and vanishes , at a distance of about 640,000 miles be | yond the moon's orbit. The vanishing I jwint of the earth's shadow is that ! point in spare in a line with the centers I of the earth and sun, where the ear'th's angular diameter becomes smaller than • the angler diameter of the sun. Contrary to the general supposition. | the quantity of light given by full moons is different from time to time. This is because the moon is not always at the same distance from the earth its obit being elliptical and th t . amount of light a full moon gives is in versely proportional to the square of its distance, or is directly proportional to the apparent area of its visible surface. Accordingly when the moon is full at its least possible distance from the earth it gives more light in nearly the ratio of 4 to 3 than when full at the greatest distance. The most brilliant full moon of 1807 will be Easter moon of April 17th and the least brilliant will be that of Decern ber Bth. The planet Jnpiter which will shortly be conspicuous in the evening sky, i.-> now in the constellation Leo and is only a few degrees from the star in the heart of the Lion. On the evening of its opposition to the sun which occurs the 23rd. inst. Jnpiter rises at 5.36 at an amplitude of 14J degrees north of the east point, and his radius vector, or distance from the sun on that date is 4'J'j; million miles, and distance from the earth 408 million miles. Mars is in the constellation Taurus, the Bull; and is almost in a line with the bright stars Aldebaran and Capella the former of which is popularly known as the "bull's eye", Adebaran resembles Mars in color but it is only half as bright. The relative motion of Mars is .from the earth at the rate of nearly a mil lion miles a day, and it is therefore constantly growing less brilliant. On February Ist. its distance from the earth was 80,473,000 miles, and on the 15th. its distance from the earth will be equal to one astronomical unit which is equivalent to the earth's mean radius vector, and is 92,500,000 miles. Even the casual observer will have noticed the growing brilliancy of Venus which illuminates the evening sky with striking splendor. The ' 'queen of the planets" is now in the constellation of the Fishes, and will be at her greatest elongation of 40deg.GGmin.east from the sun on the 16th. inst. She sets on that evening at 9:31 at an amplitude of 10 deg. north of the west point. Venus resembles the earth in many ways and is known to have an extensive atmosphere. It therefore is to be inferred that this planet as well as Mars is in habitable. The law of analogy int. r poses no insuperable barrier to such an inference, but on the contrary rather Supports it, and it must be admitted that a plurality of worlds is more likely than the opposite opinion. But at the same time it is most improbable that all the planets of this solar system are i inhabited, for aside from the earth, i only Venus and Mars appear to be '■ favorably situated with respect to the sun. Not only is an atmosphere abso indisj>ensable to the support of life but 1 a proper degree of light and heat is , also requisite, and when these are ab sent or deficient, it may safely be as aumed that no life of a high order does or can exist. Hence we may conclude that the phenomenon of liife as known to us on earth is certainly absent from such remote planets as Uranus and Neptune. AUGUST CROSS. The atandard blood purifier, strength builder and nerve heljier is Hood's Sarsa parilla. Very often a girl's disdainful shrug of her shoulders when in company may be traced to a combination of red flan nels and buckwheat cakes. ItUB l AIATI.S.'J M;.nj cues tr».a • d wit:i remedies. louo briu curvd wi.ii Aruj'iliuiiga "1 ouru U." U f'.aehes pain, tUittt ; pruius, b;uise», criiupuolic, cholera no: bus, etc. Any one doubting that Butler lias some fast horses will only need to stand for a few rninuts on any of the principal streets of town to be convinced of their error. KNOCKED GUT—A ratrolii .tit Bay> I Monison Uru* C'ougu S'yiup has knocked at my Baits on all other eougl- cures. jA useless life is only ail early death. AivMSTKONG'j I,;; tlj .iytilem l\ils, tho liuett and licst ever use i. A true iivur piii that is amo to pleaso. A Kansas farmer hos calculated that one hen is nearly equal to an acre of land. DIPIITIiEKIA Xine times in tea a physician will net be needed it Arm strong's Diptheria acd Quinsy Drops arc used as Foon as soreness is felt i:i tue throat. Over four billion cigarettes were smoked in America during the last year, an increase over the record for 1895 of 3:2:2,687,340. And yet popular education is said to be spreading, >!OO.VS euro Uivcr ii:s, ■ousness, Indigestion, He.elache. Easy to take, sasy to operate. 25c. "Your wife has such a liquid voice," said Mr. Fosdick. Yes that is a pretty good name for it it never dries up. Washington's birthday next. liltcamatum Cured in a Day. •'Mystic Cure" tc.r Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in L to B days. It.- action upon tho system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at onco tho cuu-e and tbe disease immediately disap p.- iro li e first ii<:--o irreatly benefits; 75 oiii's >old iiy . (J Kfdic, atn\ J. P, ilaii'! Druggists, Butler Apr 96 Thermometers have their ups and downs. And some people predicted a warm winter. There was no discount on January as a winter month. Braking on a freight in zero weather is no joke. NATURE'S Compound is gaining in favor every day. U. P. Stewart. Saksbarg Pa. says: 'lt has helped me more tha anything else." it builds up tho system giyes a good natural appetite. DEVOID OF ANIMAL LIFE. A Oa*rl<>H4 Struggle llptwc<-n Fire and Water in Antarctica. The aiitaretlu is a continental land unique In the world. Its desolate shores, rarely approachable undermost favorablo conditions, axe laved by an Doean, the richest on the globe in Its marine life, animal and vegetable, says Hie Ladies' Ilotne Journal. Seals and Wbales in incredible numl»ers abound In it« waters, and countless sea birds | cover with nests and eggs the few fa vored land s;>ots -which arepfree from snow during the brief, comfortless siim mer. It is a continent where DO land animal life, either mammals, birds, insects, spiders or reptiles. Xo mammal exists withira COO miles of its borders. It Is also devoid of liuid vegi tation (except the lowest forms of cel lular tissue, lichens, which have lied' found in two places only), having neith er ferns, tlowering plants, shrubs nor trees. i Ilere, however, nature displays ber forcts on a scale elsewhere unknown, i Over the millions of square miles of this: austral continent ce.-iselessly continues j a titanic struggle between theoppofllng ' ancient elements of tire and water. In i vain the volcanoes pour forth, streams 1 of molten lava and shoot upward p!l --| lars of fire. Welcoming the lava as a protecting, nonconducting covering ! of its lower strata of flowing glaciers, the continental icecap reslstlessly ad vances, certain that in t.iroe, when the processes of erosion have lowered th«' elevation of the volcanic craters, its countless, tiny snow flakes will quench the apparently unextlnguiaiable tires that now Kluake from end to end thecon tlnent of Antarctica. A CIRCULAR RAINBOW. A Singular Phenomenon Witnessed in tho Monntaln* of India. One of those peculiar atmospheric phenomena, circular was ob served- in India by Lieut. Wheelock about tho middle of August, says the Chicago Journal. Mr. Wheelock was climbing a mountain spur at sunrise. The atmosphere was clear, but there was a benvv fog hanging over the val leys. As the sun rose a rainbow,, round aa a circus ring, was seen In the fog which all but obscured one of the beau tiful lakes which axe so common in India. Mr. Wheelock is a trained meteorologist, and was not at all aston ished to see a circular rainbow, know ing, as he did, the conditions under which it was found. But-what attracted his attention iu particular was the presence of a bright spot in the exact center of tho circular "bow." This spot was so intensely luminous that the observer thought it might be a bush fire some distance away, but this supposi tion was soou dispelled by further de \elopments. Slowly and regularly, and from nil sides at once, the bright cen ter spot became surrounded by circles of radiating light, each containing all of the primary colors, in fact, each was a perfect mlniaturo circular rain bow. This wonderful jkhenonienon.last ed for about two hours, or until the sun had risen to such a height that the reflection sank back against, the moun tain side. Mr. Wheelock watched it until it faded away, pronouncing it the most beautiful and wonderful sight he had ever beheld. BASEBALL IN THE DESERT. The JJertonln* Were Badly Frightened by the Hall. Jimmy hit the ball, a slow one, und pimply seait it out of sight. Away over Bob Pottit's head it flew, as though bound for the middle of the Sahara, pays the Spoirtsmain's Magazine. Two hundred and fifty yards frwm the in field squatted the Bedouins, still chat tering and gesticulating like crazy men. Whether or not they saw the ball com ing I know not, but that one of them will never forget his introduction to the league baseball, however, I am cer tain. It struck liim squarely upon tho top of his black head and then bounded 40 feet into the air. The blow was, of course, a hard one. but the terror it inspired was fat greater thou the shock. An unearthly howl broke from his lipsaa the Bedouin 'followed the ball into the air and the bedlams that instantly broke loose was exceeded only by. tho scene in front of oux hotel that morning. Had the sphinx herseif charged Into our midst thiose white-robed desert angels could not have become more panic stricken, and when, a few seconds later, Ned Ilaidon plunged into their demoralized ranks after the ball they fairly howled in their fright, and fled in every direction like frightened children. Within 30 seconds there was not an Arab in sight, and it was fully ton min utes before they plucked up courage enough to steal around the edge of the farthest sand-dune and tuke up their former positions. Follon-lng Supposed Instructions. At a certain London hospital a patient was recently given some extract of malt, with instructions to take a t-easpoonful twice a day, commencing on the follow ing morning, and to report himself ct the end of a fortnight. At the expira tion of this time he returned, and said to the physician: "Please, sir, am Ito go on taking them insects you gave mo?" "Insects!" said the astonished physician, "what insects?" "Wh\\ them cockroaches, sir. I have taken oMt night and morning in a teaspoonful of the sticky stuff." Inquiry elicited that the cockroaches had not been dispensed, but had got into t he jar during the first night of its stay in the patient's house. Royal Kissers. Emperor William is a great kisser. Tho prince of Wales isn't, so he ha 3 been at the trouble of teaching his vari ous foreigu relations to shake hands in the English fashion and to inform them that he doesn't wish any hugping. The kiss between the czar and the em peror of Austria the other day, accord ing to all reports, was as long and cling ing as that of Olga Xethersole in "Car men." V T T Genuine Scotch Tweed Suit, made as you want it, FOR is an example of how our 20 per cent discount sale reduced the price of our ?;,o suit. SO WE MUST empty the stock tables before our Spring Patterns a. rive. The discount goes during JANUARY AND FEBRUARY. THIS IS A BENEFIT FOR YOU: Come in and see about it. MAKER OF MEN'S CLOTHES. - P Prescriptions aud Family Recipes are natters of mportance and should l>c filled carefully and with pure drags only, give then; oar special attention. The Baby + * requires a little special care "luring the warn: weather, espec ial Iv it fed 'rum a bottle, we have a supply <ji frest infant fo-nl, at ail timer., also bottles, nipples, tuoes, bottle and tul>e cleaiK :•- etc. It you desire a sterilizer we can supply you with one. or will l>e pleased to furnUh ..•:••• i l inform " '.ion concerning them, Di-iufccta:. is should be used extensively at this .season of the year, the' t being copperas, chloride-lime, and crude car!>olic acid, the lati< being belu . than the pu e, as in purifying an important disin- KCt.n ,; is removed, we 1 vc a !arj;e supply of these at times. We al: 3 carr- a full iue of toilet articles and sick-room requisites. REDICIv & GROHMANJN PEOPLES PHONE. 114. BUTLER PA. I ill g I tuality ,y | £ower. 1 | Hitch your i But be sure | business f| pjj it's in a !i works to a H Fshys Gold-1 ;j «• >ad watch, j |fj is ■ inted Case, % g ° I I H h i A-d tliat . : ? r% E. ORIEB, JEWELER, 139 N. MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. HAND SAW IS A GOOD THIMG, B'JI NOV SHAVE WITH." SAPOLIO ' IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANINfi. Ijsfe I>o not he deceived by allnrinc: advertiwment* nnd you can get tbe befit made, finest flniah ana OST POPULAR SEWINC MACHINE fr inore eonff. buy from reliable manufacturers * I;iiv- trained a reputation by honent and square There is none in the world that can equal 'i.inical construction, durability of working • iv of finish, beauty in appeamnre.orhas : v i mprc vcmenta as the NEW HOME. f?ITE FOR CIRCULARS. 1 tic Kew Home Sewing Machine Co. ■jisni, Mam. BogToii.JfASH. a rnoit SoriEl, N.Y. Liucino, 111. st.Locts. Mo. Pallas, Tkxib. Sa.vFbakcuco.Cal. atlasxa, Ga. FOR SALE BY J. B. McDEVITT Dialer in fiwinp Machines, Pianos ."nd Orpans—nest door to Y. M. 0. A. build iujr—* Rutler Pa. Buy the light-running. Home, •sowiDg machine, purfec t sati.-facliiin guar anteed, never gets ont of order. AT J. R. GRIRB S '2 and 2 Do Not Make Five. ; I ' \ I I I /y -il r' ■i J/ It's quite a problem to please everyone's taste in any line you may select and particularly oi jewelry, silver novelties, cut glass, etc., but I'm sure you will find what you want in :ny larp,e stock and at such prices that defy com petition. lam making spe. cialty of nobby and find Goods and want your trade. j. I. [iilfsß. 118 SOUTH MAIN ST pWebster's % I Eiiitcrnatioiia it. Dictionary 0 Successor of the " Unalri'lg' ■/." X The Ouo Great Standard Authority. So wriun Hon. I>. J. Brfwer, /■ 9 JMM I'. S. Supn'.ne Court. 1 standard W preuie <'cmru,ali'ii>f n .*.:*- z. . i J*! lyaUllioSctiooiDooki!. llSictM 1 /£!&■ 1.l Wanislj' . $ THE BEST FOR PRACTICAL USE $ O It Is easy to tind the word wanted. 9 Q it Is easy to ascertain the pronunciation, r 6 It is easy to trace the growth of a word. V 0 It is easy to learn v. hat n v ord in una. y 6 The New York Tribune Say • O X Tlse 1 it. Nt C'iUi n c >i.! it' .it 1 : • , 0 1 i teas 1 ' - : *• • 9 u irial and tyj raj 0 v. JJUldlc, !"•». !'":*ls 'lils O I• • * ..».• • X OETMTIiE BUST. X G.&C. MF.KRTAM CO., fuhlili-r. !> 6 Springfield, Ifnss., V.S.A. 0 6<>ooo<K>o<KV>C<>o- >C .' - ' yy {% Is the Best C S /nl //// BUSINEBS ? (7 / ■,* //'/ COLLEGE > /if // j/ f / IV In Amwrica lur o\> f 5 •/w/O' tuluinß » bread y S *■—<£" j J*/ winning ediicn f V MM/ Uon for circular!. > • ■ UU lf "TgBU RG, ■ vmTr l "' h RE VIVO | WfGgk • RETORES Vitality rS maFe a wj/ V % Well Nlan TIIK VT .»tli Day. FRENCH REMEDY Pi -di. '. it the above result* In 3J days. 11 acU !• .vi . tally and <|Ulr cures wlien all others mil. Younj tn-'u will their lost man hood, and old n «*n will re-over tlielr ynulhful vi::fr ny >:slm: KBVIV >. It ari l surely i r. r.- s > i-: I.osi vlt ilitv. I.osl Power, ri:liin Mrmorv. l»lsease~. in.! ill effects et rxceaa and lndiscre'ion, which un lit-, oi • tor st lily, hasine -or m irriace. II uo» only cun-n .... starting nt s?.it of iHs ',.-?, l.ut Is i gre:«« nwte :>>nli: and bloo'. builder. i !•.. I: the pink plow to p;ile eheeks •ini! ■•■itoriuc tiie lin' <>; youth. Ii wapls off Ins • ii!t> and <'onsuini>tlon . luslst on liavlng U'.VIVi •. i<i) other. Jt c;ii t.«» I'.irrled l:i vest pocket. Bv mall, tl.ioper package, or sl\ i.»r j ■>.no. wit: 'I positive written K'larautee ti-eure ur reru'iil tl - 1 monev. <'lieular tree. Ad.lre.-s 1.1 • V Al. V I Dl< INK O CIJICAUO. 11.1. Put SpU- l»y REDDICK & ORG MANX. THAT TIRED SYSTEM can be made strong by cautious use of pure liquors. We offer Pure 6-year-old unadulterated Whisky, either Finch's, Over holt, Gibson, Guckeiiheimer, Large, or Mt. Vernon at Ji.oo per full quart, or 6 qts. for f5.00. We do not say you cannot get purity and age elsewhere. We do say, in 9 cases out of 10, you pay for adulterated substitutes. On C. 0. D. or Mail Orders of #IO.OO or over we prepay all charges Our Motto : "FAIR DEALINGS TO EVERYBODY." Grandfather's Choice Whisky, guaran-j teed 3 years eld, £2.00 per gallon. ROBERT LEWIN & CO,, Imp6rters and Wholesalers, 411 Wa'er Si. Opposite B. &0. Depot. Telephone, 2179 Pittsburg, Pa. / --DENTAL ROOMS.-- M 1 GO - scn Ave. F ; ttsburg, Fa. M ii iVo'r, FRACTICA* •..Y«'»l"Ktl'of||| H 'f\ rS cnown »"•< « (| M<&.!••! I'm -urg-WHV HOT DOU AIM Jvit) YOURS? <•••!•! CROWNS A M¥!»•'•/ \Sl' • : BFSIOGC «:.!k r.ihitv.l !..?« J<i V? ii PLn TOOTH Al; tlic 1* V* j? licit vt ..f !'. ftii Miiilc. CN LV - ■ i.T.MH } \ '-I b ■' i'l 'v I I 'nJ iJiUv. ■ ' k Cr.<. Pt ■ A-e c ufc mtj. OJ. FiTTaaur;oi-.. PA A'.liir: I». . -:!t«ai. IC*. : \ l>i-t re^juiiinr<'OM ! ; /•' It: N'T* 4L SCiKNTUIt- .Me*!- 1 i iimii .. alO t' '■. toil nttlus I>i? 1, a •iri-csfc -nrel' aitalnrd. It-roftlie!!.. I f.'urjs-.».v, k»-I li» tiie ol Wat and nitn.l ■ lel m■tci.> .» tliaciiv- at . .. i ntol. :vow li'l li'y tiwnc-. je?.-Jv-_- . (ttDii.'. i '.scretii.nof vouth,6tc.,cau.-- .. , >i<| jicnt:.! iy,l.T kOf i ""r^.v. I,' a..n»C' OKlSoi*e\ Fits, ttiam, and all di sseaof tb«BUa, . I.::- .1 rlniirv Or?an .«.!••. C< • ... . ... ..• 1;v r.' O Ice hum* !l to ;to s j'.'M.} t- "1 •5.2 U> 4 M. .1 ilv. . . ■ or i' !•: . - J.MCK, f 'ft. 1 \ 'AinTli.l p> rr.-i:.ill THE ICEELEY SURE Is a racial boon tn l u inC" m.who, having drill.-; 1 •:i.■ - im -iv into the drink balut ana ,1 . . •n • . {!■.<• Mi li-en cofai'-oho'.ism fastened 1 1. r.: leri'.? fh' ta nn3t to managea£> f;;r- . ..-1... : a < J *tr I ruin. A f.-vr k» ce'iri-cufr a.t"iiiut at tho ntuao KEELtiV ;,*o. 4213 n:"th Arcane, , t .. - , !I r . incrtial iniii r. , ;;r . ,n' i 1 11 'leti'.e, and iMor ' ' . :»"! iiondtUaa Ike* «•< rc in b®> j,. -t .. • : ■: 1:1 uv:!.-.r.:- This lias been flOMlnnu » than II 10 a 1 treat* I!: -re, and n . :.11: •: • ' j of vi ;r own in to wh 1 V I rV. ■ :«;•!.• . •as t > the Isolate ■ it*i*i v and of Hie Koeley cure. The fit..* ill riost j ircliins inv. n \ it--J. ■ I Jjr nvinif full l llorioa tiop I Hotel Willard. Roipeced and now ready for the accommodation of the traveling pub lic. Everything ia firat-c i et> f-tyle MRS. MATTIE REIHIRC, Ownfr "TTcTwiclc UK'.IKB iK Rough a ;:! Wtihd Inmbfi Of AL. KIUDS Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always in Stock. H't'E. HAIR AND PLASTLIR Oiiict) opposite P. Sr. W. Depot,' lUTiuin. Pa- BIG CLEARANCE SALE AT 133 D T PAPF 122 S. Main Si. U ' 1 ■ Inl S . Main St. The Leading Millinery House Of Butler Co. It Will be to yonr intcrcst io attend this CLEARANCE SALE as all our Millinery •'•>t go regardlessof cost, to make r<_> >lll for the spring goods NOTHING WILL I!k SAVED. Fine and stylish Bonnets. Hats, Tan O'Shanters, Fascinator*, Hoods, - Kl. Ribbons, and everything in our store will g<> WAY BELOW COST. Early buyers for l>est bargains. 1). T.PAPE. CLOSING OUT SALE OF CLOTHING Oir closing out sa'e oi nun's, bo\s and children- overcoats, suits and i ants is still going en as we desiie to close out every gaiment in tilt- house before Apiii i, Our stock is yet lull an<l complete ( hilcirens suits from 75c up, chiiihens overcoats from 75c up. We must saj that our sales so iar have exceeded our most sanguine ex pectations being much in excess of last year. We will still continue to carry the largest and best selected line o» furnishing gcods in Butler, such as underwear, gloves, mittens, shirts in laundried and unlaundried, percales, madias, domestic and jeiseys, collars, cufts, ties in necks, bows and four-in-hands. Hats, caps, overalls, jackets, sweaters, cardigan jackets, umbrellas, trunks, valises, telescopes, satchels, cloth, hair and tooth brushes, purses, pocket and bill books, papetries, watches, chains, charms, rings, pins, clocks, silverware, spectacles and eye-glasses, toilet soaps, mackintoshes, rubber coats, canvass coats, etc. We Guarantee Quality and Prices. When looking for Holiday goods give u > a call, we know that we can suit jou. D. A. HECK SON, 121 N. Main St. Butler, Pa | "THE COMMERCIAL," ]: YW. K. THORNBURG Prop'r., Evans City, [ 1 \ Tliis popular house has just been entirely remodeled \ > and refurnished. Kverything convenient, and guests 4 > IV will always receiw close attention. j it located near p. stoffice ami I'. & W. Depot. When J. . I in Evans City stop at the Commercial. Bell Tele- .I. FOR FIVE DOLLARS CASH We will ship you Free of Express, your choice of the following se lections of absolutely pure liquors. No charge for boxing nor shipping. No. 1, 2 qts Imported Port, ( 2 qts Imported Sherry, ■< 2 qts Grape Brandy, ( No. 2, 2 qts Fine Blackberry, j 2 qts Imported Port, -J 2 qts 6-year-old Bear Creek, ( No. 3, 3 qts Sweet Malaga, f 2 qts 6-year-old Bear Creek, < i qt Silver Age Rye, ( No. 4. 2 qts Jamaca Rum, f 2 qts Holland Gin, ■< 2 qts 6-year-old Bear Creek, ( Our liquors are the most reliable in the State, and our prices the lowest in the country. California Wines of all brands, 50 cents per full quart. Send for catalogue and price list. Mailed free 011 application. MAX KLEIN, WHOLESALE LIQUORS. 82 Federal St. Allegheny Pa. The New-York Weekly Tribune FOR EVERY member of .. EVERY family on Wwm EVERY farm, in ' 'JZWffiVv EVERY village, in \\ • * • EVERY State or Territory. V f *\ FOR Education, a V C? , j EOR Noble Manhood, \ v * EOR True Womanhood,, I r |-, -| "iTTj' CJ important news of the Nation. 1 VTJL\ all important news of the vVorld. I r P the most reliable market reports. 1 vJ L V CiO brilliant and instructive editorials. IT C* f asc ' nat ' n & s ' ,or t stories. I ul t IjO an ucexcelled agricultural department IT i ' scientific and mechanical information. A ' » illustrated fashion articles. Im f iVFQ humorous illustrations. L vJI \ EiO entertainment to young and old. IT fHVFft 11 \l 1 t 1 JkJ satisfaction everywhere to everybody We furnish "The Citizen" and "N. Y. Weekly Tribune" FOR PER YEAR. CASH IX ADVANCE. Address all orders to THE CiriKN ■ Write your name and address on a postal card, send it 'o Geo. W. Best, Tribune Building, New York City, and a sample copv of The Nbw York Wbkki.y Tribune will be mailed to you.
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