VOL- xxxiv AFTER STOCKTAKING WE FIND A GREAT MANY ODD LOTS OFssHOKS IN" OUR STOCK WHICH WE ARE GOING TO SELL, AT SWEEPING REDUCTIONS. THE BASIS ON WHICH OUR LARGE RETAIL SHOE BUSINESS WAS BUILT—SAVE PEOPLE MONEY, GIVE THEM GOOD HONEST GOODS AND THEY'LL PATRONIZE YOU. A Big Cut in MEN'S FINE SHOES. tnAWPH'C rTVV CTTntr-C 111 finest I'ateiit Call; was $5.50, now #4.00 WOM EN S FINE Qiie lot was , o now 5Q One lot reduced front $2 and #2.50 to One lot calf, was $4.00, f5.00 and #6oc, only ST.?S. now $2.00. One lot reduced from $3.50 end $3.75 One lot heavy shoes, was 1.25 and ft.so to *2.00 and $2.25. now SI.OO. One lot reduced front fi.oo and f 1.25 Men's line Shoes, were fi.25, now to 75 cents. 95 cents. Women's Black All Wool Overgaiters, SILK STITCHED. CLOTH FACINGS-TO CLOS E CUT AT 15 CENTS. Bargains in Misses' Shoes. Bargains in I&£s' Shoes. 50 cents, 75 cents and fi.to. We will -5 cents, 90 cents, SI.OO and $1.25. save you 50 cents on every pair. Bargains in all. Children's Shoes. _ Our Slippers At 25 cents, 40 cents and 50 cents. Baby Shoes at 10 cents to 50 cents. to close, and also all our Felt Shoes, WOOL BOOTS AND RUBBER FOOTWEAR BARGAINS. All kinds at lowest prices—Arctics, Storm Aiaskas, Overs, Crcquet, Storm Boots— all at prices greatly reduced. Women's Rubbers at 18c, 20. and 25c, Misses' Rub bers at 16c, 20c, and 25c. iL'en's Rubbers at 40c, 50c, and 60c. All shoes direct from factory to your feet. Butler's Leading p fJITCPT TON ° PP ' Shoe House B* vj* lIUi3IJLIUII Hotel lowry. MRS. J. E. ZIMMERMAN. Stock-Taking Gleanings. The completion of stocL-taking leaves every department with broken lots or odds and ends of goods wtich must be closed out at once to make room for the daily incoming of spring merchicdise. Some of these broken lincf are almost certain to be among your necessities. In that event you will get more for your money than at any other time during the-past season. By reason of still deeper price cuts than we have yet given, the following are a few examp'es of what w° intend to do from now on until our entire stock of winter goods is sold. Ladies' Jackets and Capes. We have marked down all our Ladies' Jackets that sold at sls and £2O to >?5oo One lot of plain Beaver Jackets, real value SO, to 2.49 One lot of Misses' Jackets, v;ilue $5 to j6, to.. 2.59 One lot of Children's Jackets, value #4 to $6, to close at 2.29 Feather Boas marked down ti 25c, 50c, 75c sind #1; former prices 50c, *l, $1.50 and !{:2. Included with these we offer you ouret tire stock of Blankets, Ilaps, Winter Underwear and Hosiery for men, womeu and children. Flannel Skirts, Waists, Tailor-Made Suits and Separate Skirts, anil Heavy Winter Dress Goods, and a positive saving of 50 per cent, on every dollar's worth of merchandise bought here during this clean ing up sale. Mrs. J. E- Zimmerman. N. B.—We have already received two shipments of new Spring Dress Goods at popular prices. Come in and get posted on the new Spring Styles. 00 YOU LIKE NICE CLOTHING? It is rare you s;ee such garments as we are now showing. They are novelties, they have got the snap in them, makes you fell as if you must have a suit out of this batch. We have the exclusive sale of these garments in thi* vicinity. Now if you want to dress up, here is a chance, If you once get inside of one of these suits you will be loath to take it off. We sell the finest Black Clay Suits ever known. The linings are guaranteed to outwear the outside T. H. BURTON, T. H. BURTON, U'O s. MAIN ST. BUTLER. FA. GLOVE SALE J|| JAN. 21 TO FEB. 6th. Black Cashmer Gloves gc were 25c Black Cashmer Gloves 29c were 50c Black and Colored Kid Gloves 75c were SI.OO Black and Colored Kid Gloves SI.OO were $1.50 Black and Colored Kid Gloves +1.25 were f 1.75 Black Siik Mittens 39c Black Cashmer Mittens. 9c were 25c Black Cashmer Mittens 19c were 40c Infants Mittens 9c BARGAINS IN UNDERWEAR Aim |o| HOSIERY. M. F. & M. MARKS, 113 tP 117 South "Klain Street, J?utl*r, Ft. THE SUN. | The h" st °f American News papers, CHILES A. DANA, Editor. The American Cons tu n ti° n ' : the '\mei ican Idea, the America . M . Spirit. These first, and all the time, forever. " Daily, by mail. - $6 a year. Daily and Sunday by mail. $8 a year. The Sunday Sun : iti". the greatest Sui iday Newspa per in the world. Price sc. a copy. By mail, $2 a year. Address THE SUf New York THE BUTLER CITIZEN. UfllJl IS THE TIME TO HAVE IlUn Your Clot Hi CLEANED or DYED ' If you want goou and reliable cleaning or dyeing done, there is just one place In town where you "sill get it, and that is at tie s® off mu 216 Center avenue. do fine work in out door Photographs. This is the time of year to have a picture ot your house. Give us a trial. Agent for tbe Jamestown Sliding Blind Co.—New York. R. FISHER & SON, Biliousness Is caused by toi'i'.il liver, whieli prevents <!i_ ; tiou and permits food to ferment and pntriiy ia -« : tile stomach. I'hen follow dizzn. js. headache, '' . Insomina, nervousness, aad, 3 z - 3 If not relieved, bilious fever gES 0^ or blood poii n'-.'- Ifood'3 5 ft £ . % i pills stimulate the stnasach, 808 %•' rouse t , liver, cure ' eadaehp. dirziness. con stipation. ete. ' ; . S->l*l I*> ■••! druggists. The ill to »okk v. ; tii Lloou 3 SarsapariJ.'?. 3 This Is Yonr Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, a generous sample will be mailed of the ' most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cream Balin sufficient to demon strate the gre: t merits of the remedy. ELY BROTHEES, 56 Warren St , New York City. ■Rev. John Reid, Jr.. of Great Falls, Mont., | recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I ; can emphasize his statement, '"lt is a posi i tive cure for catarrh if used as directed." — | Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres. I Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any miuriou3 d rug. Price, 50 cents. J RAILK .AD TIME TABLE?. PENNSYLVANIA M S L. • Western P.-rnsylv«aia Division. Schedule in fflvt t X- v. 10 189 G. South. —" —Week Days— -1 \. M. A. SI A. W. r. M. P M BUTLKK I.eavei;a3 Buo 11 jo '-'45 50", Saronbur?... A rrivi 1; w sH 43 .'flu fi; d'Jtlftr Jc'r.. " 7'27 t w 12 07 3y:. 5J ; HuilerJct . I.eavt-i ;t0 H* li 1- 3 .<■"> 5 .11 X;tir*Jlia . .. Art IV '• ■■f 1 •- 12 21 345 <O2 Tireutnm 7ii 12 26 3 £'2 00. 7SO 'J u 1238 402 ... CiarHDuni 925 12 53 4ir G27 SI: iirpSl-.ITH SOT -31 1 :>1 422 032 Ali'jiiieiiy city 8 :> *:> 1:5 41 <: 4;: A. K A >l. P. M. I". M. F. «. SI.'SUAV TKAISS U :iv ISnII.- r t...» A':c t,li» -ii <"> ami r>rtn..*Jp.i! fi-n rn i'ii!:.le ku : l(.|i> 7:4f \ V. :o.:J ."> r-o I*. A l . Xniih. - M •.< k l>»y- 1 M * >T, A. »1 r. M. t-, H. 1 Ail.-'-'lif lt> Cl'.y. 1.V.7X y»0 II 2> 2;530 Siiar;,«Viri: 711 ul2 11. 7 2 "0 ('lai» iitoit! 'j 1!' Ii 15 2bS S[<nrk''!a!e I 1 ■' 5i T..rel■' In" . . 7 ";J s 12*'" 1 2- Co 7 Slirrul,--. 737 !> 4•: 12 1' 3 i. !: !!.: 1r '! a: 7* 45 > 12*23 »'• Ci. H1.11.T .!.'•! Lv 7 1.:.t .; 4- 1; 2.. f i.\or.l'i;rs In 10 1 "• 12 *l.) 413 li 44 it' , ...... Ar. * lo .' > 1 i-i 1 71« \ M A. M. P. M. I" M. r. .« S'.:N! A\ T!iAI>S 1 : < Ml< ril( !.y City K Hii!l« r . i>d pvlm-tp •ii leti: :..:i A I.na7:-, 1' M. k i .yd i"' r a x 'A .•» 1: ]> •; - a 111 Ui. p 10 i'- • • 11 20 !i :;5 Lv BVTLKK... \r .... I '2"i 12 (!/ 7 Ar ! I<t Ji-'t L.r 12 34 , 3 13;: i! 7 4.". L.v , is.-r Jr'i Ar 830 12 -li 318 740Ai1 .■ . Lv H2B 12 5t 3 1-2 ;o3 '• Ai.r-Sj Jc'l •• 8 2-4 12 2; 333 804 " Li-eoMi'i!*.. " 812 12 ll 3 .">0 821 Apfiln" 7?C II ..." 4IS Is 61 " ..." 732 11 Ul. 430 922 '• li. .ir 700 11 0' ■l '8 030 • l r.s'n'T) In li) 1:> ftso 11 .'. ; 5 ' A .••••ilia " i 2"i Stv 100 310 i' •<ri«bu.'j*..."ll io tl 430 023" :• .* S 3«t 11 *2' a. pi j> m. a. nip ..i Oi S.i dav, ti-ii'- i.d'.tUf! Butle' 7:40 . •ii., I'.iiilc'.s ,'iir .lit; *J•11 li Ai-' 1 i. w Fiii.vd. Iph't. 'i' K n.iiuo ttitiuK 1. r :iu- ■ .-t ! -ivi' j-. Lurjf (U::i«u .-i'itiu.:) a.s i-.'i.iw.s: - AtlaDl'.c i/Apie 'Skiiv i! 10 A. y, Poij-U) Ita'iia Li:iiit«(' " 7 !"> I)ur K rei:f, •' .....730 Jim:. Li- Sip: . - " -t> ' 0 I tiilH.lelp-.it Ex. ie-- " .4 ."O I*. i . KaoU-rii iiixpress " o Paul Lir.H " 810 " Philxi-'n Mall, S iMlay only ....1 40 a. i;>. F> r "ielaiietl :*:i:»lic a.l :.v s Yin.-. P. Watt, Pi»f«. V-'edti.in DiJ'.rkt, c-.i /"ll'.b A7it. r.r.ci c r itblield S f , l'ilt.- 1'f.7,4. 8. if. TKEVO&T, ;. li \TOOI>. fiej»Th! l*»x-r. A g.-nt. ijITTSBUKG & WESTERN "■ Railway. Allegheny Short Line. Schedule ip effect, July 19, 1896. Butler Time, Depart. Arrive Allegheny Accommodation.. <; 25 »m J 2.1 am Allegheny Flyer 8 loamho 00 am Akron Mull s 1j am 7 j ■ urn Newcastle Aecotn ■ * 15am !i 27 im Allegheny Aecotno Ito Main 12 to pm .■MlegLeoy Express , 2 55 pin 4 55 i>in Chicago Lxpiess. :i 35 pm 12 20 pin Allegheny Mall , 0 05 ,iin 7 M pm Kllwood Aeci iao 0 05 pm 7 3 pin CMCSKO lixp. css G 05 j 111 y .7 am AlleiiLeny Express I | 8 00 pm Kane and ll:':idfol'd Mail P> 05 am 5 20 pn. Clarion Aceamo ' ."> n pm y 50 am Foxburg Acelimo 7 35 [ la s £•'< au. SUNDAY TK VINS. Dt-Forest Jet. Aceomo 8 15 atn 7 30 pm Allegheny Aceomo lonian- Chu-aiiO Express 3 35 pm 4 55 pin Allegheny Aceomo 0 05 pm 4 5 > pin Pulimuii lluffei rfleepU':'< ars jn." ,ir;.- 'My Coaches lull H-'r">u.'U r. lliltl: r Ciil'Mi'O dailv. Far 1 lirJ...ril' lli.U: is'o points . il» -i Sorthv.iHi or Boi;Miweot apply to A B. CKOUCII, A, ei:l Bdt irr, Ta Trains leave the h. a o. depot In .'or l tic tail a«tollo>-.*. K.ir U '.. Saitnac-tc. ' i 11a.' : plii.i, 111 New York, 7:30 and <>:S9 P c. 'Jiiinla jU! d, 6:10. 7 a in. ! :10. -.1720 {'. 1:1.: O!.- oe'svllle. f:4O, 7:3 '. a. in. 1.10. 4.30, 4 15. r-.V. :■ 21 0. in. IJnlmitnwn. 7.-.0 a. 111 . 5.50 p. la. Unlonlown,Mortal town and Fairinot't, 7,0", a, m. and 5,30 p.m. .Mt.l'lea.-jui i;. 40. 7.3" a. 11 .to and 4.2e pm. Washingiea, ."a. -7.40 .r.d 30 a. le., 4.0'). t.45 I'li.l H.oe, 11..v, p. in. Wheel r«, 7.40. iuiil 0.30 •>. m.. and t.oo, 9.00. 11. 2. j .. ( trn ainatl, st, .<out3. coliiinbuj, >.Dd N> e. ark 7.40 a. in., y. 10. 11.65 p. in. I'-..r ChiCjigo, 2.41 ali i 0.30 p. ni. HurW <r.'l Mieenn:.' cars to H .Jtlmoir \». . Ilnfte'i. ''iaelnrjati >iqi| rbluayr. H. 0 DOKKLK, G :■■. >:l|»t, AH-iill 11., !' I C. W. BA?BETT, A G.P.A . Al'e2:i;f'i3 . I'n U. P. IVEVHOLDS, Fiisburj;, I'd riMIE I'ITTSBURG, SiIEXAX GO & LAKE ERIE RAILROAD TIME TAELB—In effect. Sunday, Dee. t 30, 1596. Trains an-, r 111 !). Sfa lsi«-c! <eu tral Time (90 h Meiieiaiil. tJOIKO NoKTI!. ('OIN'i S'H TH 11 12 STATIONS tl 13 p..n 'pm 'p.m. /uil'ufiaU. Lv ea.nv 'a.m. in i 5 4o; 2 30 L S.\M.S 8 36 U (5 ... I 4 5Si „ N.Y..C.«51.1 5.. 12 05 ' p. 111 4. m, .... 2 07 :> 10 trie it 0' i 00 .... 120 8 27. Wallace .lun t. ... 11 4: 110 1 is S *27 (ilrard 11 17 t 4.: 107 s 13.... Lockpori it * 1 ".3 ....111 W| (Ktr.GUMKt if.- fll 01 I 4 (■' 1 47] y war ar | J_4.' cO. ... 12 56 T Mnr.... viliton 1/ 12 Os SOS .... 12 4» 7 45 .. Shaduland 12 j:> 5 10 017 IS Ml 7 11,., MNVMM J ii M| 8 M 3 i'i'72";i ; 7 ] ".ir. lanevilie lv . ..IIS to| ■ 2 10;i2 00: 0 40lv .Conn'i Like 12 (0 .. I I 071 752 ir ar lO7 oon [ 1 3211 35 C oiMv..Meadvllle .lv. :i . | 1 32j 8 isar ai ...., ' ,;j 6 n NO2 !2 02 7 . lurtstovn.. No 1 1 ry 00; .... 11 57 c .. .Adamsvllle 1 11 aon . . 11 48 U <li-K<>Oil 1 '23 ,i u . jr. 11 40 1; ... Ureonvitle... 0 3» 1 c li 19 11 2* 6 ....BlH'l,angO.... ii 42 1 4:1 1,-32 ; coo 11 01 1'" redo ma... 700 207 5 41 10 47 Mercer... . 7 ;:i 2 25 1 52810 33 t'arclcx-. 7 »'• li 18 10 23 lirove city. .. 7 4.: :4> . 5 05 10 10 11 arrisvllle.... 7 5s 3 U' 4 "71# v Branch ten,... 8 ct: soh 1 4 58, 9 671 ... -V .. .iii te.«IS .... S Jo| 3 i:. 439 9 4<; Eueljd 8 •:; -j'. . .. I 4 l»; 9 ... .... O'Jt'.tr 8 r., 3 2.0 7JI Slti'.rii: uy, Piwil w 7 ir,' .. p.mi ».m a in i». rn .. T. BI.AIH. (if iieral Man'if.'- r. (.reenvlii, i a W.U bAKC-FANT »• .K. v I'ie, la I L. S. McJUNEIN Insurance ana Hea! Estate ? Aqent, 4 17 EAST JEFFEUSOK a ;. BT'TI.EP a Subscribe icr tbe CITIZEN. BUTLER, PA., THURSDAY, KEBRUARV 11, 1K97. i THE MI&IRESS of the^J^/'iine. cr* A Woman lntcr%'Cn^f. y RCUeIt Wm** ICopyrlght. iß<js. by Robert Bait 1 ciiArTEi; xx. Although the steam liip that too'.' Kenyon to America was oue of the speediest in the Atlantic service, jet the voyage was inexpressively dreary | to him. He spent lnost of his time j walking up and down the deck think* : ing about the other voyage of a few 1 months before. The one consolation 1 of his present trip was its iiuiekne^s. When he arrived at his hotel in Nev. ! York, he asked if there was any in< ' sage the.re for him, and the cler'i hauil : ed him an envelope, which hetorecpeu. It was a cable dispatch from Went j worth, with the words: "LongwortTi | nt Windsor. Proceed to Ot ::v.a in:me diately. Get option renewed. Long worth duping us." John knitted his brows and won dered v here Windsor was. The clerk, seeing his perplexity, asked if he could te of any assistance. "I have received this cablegram, but don't quite understand it. Where is Windsor?" "Oh, that means the Windsor hotel. Just up the street." i Kenyon registered, and told the clerk to assign him a room and send his bag gnge up to it when it came. Then he v. alked out from the hotel and sought the Windsor. He found the colossal hostelry, and ' was just inquiring of the clerk whe the r a Mr. Longworth was staying there when that gentleman appeared at the desk aaid took some letters and his key., Kenyon tapped him on the shoulder. Young Longworth turned round with more alacrity than he usually dis played, and gave a long whistle of sur prise when he saw whom it was. "In the name of all the gods," he cried, "what are you doing here?" Then, before Kenyon could reply, he said: "Come up to my room." They went to the elevator, rose a few stories, and passed down ail ap parently endless hall, carpeted with some noiseless stufr that gave no echo of the footfall. Longworth put his key into the door and opened it. They entered a large and pleasant room. "Well," he srid, "this is a surprise. \\ hat is the reason of your being here? Anything wrong in London?" "Nothing wrong so far as I am aware. We received r.o cablegrams from you, and thought there might lie some hitch in the business; therefore I came." "Ah, I see. I cabled over to your ad dress and said I was staying at the Windsor for a few days. I sent a cable gram almost as long as a letter, but it didr't appear to do any good." "So; I did not receive it." "And what did you expect was wrong over hero?" "That I did not know. I knew you had time to get to Ottawa and see the mine in twelve days from London. Not hearing from you in that time, and knowing the optloa was running out, both Wentworth and I became anxious, and so I came over." "Exactly. Well, I'm afraid you've had your trip for nothing." "What do yon mean? Ia not tie mine all I said it was?" "Oh! the mine is all right; all I meant was, there was really no neces sity of your coming." "But, you know, the option ends in a very short time." "Well, the option, like the mine, is all right. I thing you might quite safely have left it in my hands." It must be admitted that John Ken yon began to feel he had acted with un reasonable rashness in taking his long trip. "Is Mr. Melville hero with you?" "Mr. Melville has returned home. lie had not time to stay longer. All he wanted to do was to satisfy himself about the mine, ne was satisfied, and he has gone home. If you were in Lon don now you would be able to see him." "Did you meet Mr. Von Brent?" "Yes; he took us to the mine." "And did you say anything about the option to him?" "Well, we had some conversation about it. There will be no trouble about the option. What Von Brent wants is to sell his mine, that is all." There was a few moments' silence, then Longworth said: "When are you going back?" "I don't know. I think I ought to see Von Brent. I am not at all easy about leaving matters as they are. I think I ought to get a renewal of the option. It is not wise to risk things as we are doing. Von Brent might at any time get an offer for his mine, just as we are forming our company, and, of course, if the option had not been re newed, he would sell to the first man who put down the money. As you say, all he wants is to sell the mine." Longworth was busy opening his let ters and apparently paying very little attention to what Kenyon said. At last, however, he spoke: "If I were you, if you care to take my advice, I would go straight back to England. You will do no good here. I merely say this to save you any fur ther trouble, time and expense." "Don't you think it would be as well to get a renewal of the option?" "Oh! certainly; but, as I told you before, it was not at all necessary for you to come over. I may say, further more, that Von Brent will not again re new the option without a handsome sum down, to be forfeited if the com pany is not formed. Have you the money to pay him?" "No, I have not." "Very well, then, there will not be the slightest use in your seeing Von Brent." Young Mr. Longworth arched his eyebrows and gazed at John through his eyeglass. "1 will let you have my third of the money if that w ill do any good." "How much money does Von Brent want?" "How should I know? To tell you the truth, Mr. Kenyon, and truth never hurts, or oughtn't to, I don't at all like this visit of yours to America. Y'ou and Mr. Wentworth have been good enough to be suspicious about me from the very first. You have not taken any pains to conceal it, either of you. Y'our appearance in America at this partic ular juncture is notliinjj more nor less than an insult to. me. I intend to re ceive it as such." "I have no intention of insultingyou," said Kenyon, "if you are dealing fairly with me." "There it is again. That remark is an insult. I wish to have nothing more to say to you. I give you my advice that j it is better for you, and cheaper, to go I back to London. Y'ou need not act on , it unless you like. I have nothing fur- I thcr to say to you, and so this interview | may as well be considered closed." "And about the mine?" "1 imagine the mine will take care of ' j it elf." "Do you think this is courteous treat ment of a business partner?" "My dear sir. I do not take in courtesy from vow. Whet!: v uan ; pleased or displease* With my treat* r.cnt of yoi: is :: matter of *u;:reme in difference me. lam tired of living j in nn atmosph re of suspicion, and 1 | have done w f th it. that's all. You tliini; j fcoue game is being played on you— ! bot'.i vou and Wentworth think that— j and yet you haven't the 'cuteness,' ax j they call it here, or the sharpness to j find it out. Now, a man who has sus- > plcions he cannot prove should keep [ those suspicions to himself until he can. » That is my advice to you. I v\ ish you | good day." J John Kenyon walked back to his hotel more suspicious than ever. He wrote a letter to Wentworth detailing the con versation, telling him Melville had sailed for home anil advising him to see that gentleman. He stayed in New York that night and took the morning train to Montreal. In due time he ar rivedat Ottawa and called on Yon Brent. He found that gentleman in liis cham bers. looking as if he had never left the loom since the option was s'gned. You Brent at first did not recognize his visit or. but, after gazing a moment at him. he sprang from his chair and held out his hand. "I really did not know you," he said: "you have changi-d a great deal since I I saw you last. You look haggard omi ! not at all well. What is the matter with j you?" "I do not think anything is the mat | ter. I am in very good health, thank I you. I have had a few busines worries, j that is all." "Ah, ye 3!" said Von Brent. "I ain | very sorry, indeed, jou failed to form J your campany." "Failed!" echoed Kenyon. "Y'es; you haven't succeeded, have you ?" "Well, I don't know about that; we arc in a fair way to succeed. Y'ou met. Longworth and Melville, who came out to see the mine. I saw Longworth in New York, and he told me you had taken them out there." "Are they interested with you in the mine?" "Certainly; they are helping me to form the company. " Vou Brent seemed amazed. "I did not understand that at all. In fact, I un derstood the exact opposite. I thought you hail attempted to form a company and failed. They showed me an attack in one of the financial papers upon you, and said that killed your chances of forming a company in London. They were 1: re, apparently, cn their own business." "And what was their business?" "To buy the mine." "Have they bought it?" "Practically, yes. Of course, while vour option holds goo 1 I cannot sell it. but that, as you know, expires in a very few days." Kenyon, finding his worst suspicion l'oalizul, seemed speechless with a.maze ment, and, in liis agony, mopped from his brow the drops eol'ectef 1 there. "You appear t.o be astonished at this," said Von Brent. "I am very much astonished." "Well, you cannot blame inc. I have acted i-crfectly square in the matter. I had no idea Lorgwoith and the gen | tlenian who was with him had any con nection with you whatever. Their at tention had been drawn to the mine,they said, by that article. They had in vestigated it, and appeared to be satis fied there war «imeti:ing in it—hi the mine, I mean, not in the article. They said they had attended a meeting which you had called, but it was quite evident you were not going to be able to form the company. So they came here and made me a cash offer for the mine. They have deposited £ 20,000 at the bank here, and, on the day your option closes, they will give me a check for the amount." "Serves me right," said Kenyon. "I have been cheated and duped. I had grave suspicions of it all alofvg, but I did not act upon them. I have been too timorous anil cowardly. This man Longworth has made a pretense of help ing- me to form a company. Everything he has done has been to delay me. He came out here apparently in the interest of the company I was forming, and now he has got the option for himself." "Y'es, he has," said Yon Brent. "I may say I am very sorry indeed for the turn affairs have taken. Of course, as I have told you, I had no idea how the land lay. You see you had placed no deposit with me, and I had to look after my own interests. However, the opt ion is open for a few days more, and I will not turn the mine over to them till the last minute of the time has expired. Isn't there any chance of your getting the money before then?" "Not the slightest." "Well, you see, in that ease I cannot help myself. I am bound by a legal document to turn the mine over to them on receipt of the £20,000 the moment your option is ended. Everything is done legally, and I am pert'eetly help- i less in the matter." "Yes, I see that," said John. "Good by." He went to the telegraph office and sent a cablegram. Wentworth received the dispatch in London the next rooming. It read: ; "We are cheated. Longworth has the j option on the mine in his own name." CHAI'TEK XXI. WhenGcorge Wentworth received this j message he read it several times over | before its full meaning dawned upon I him. Then he paced up and down his | room and gave way to his feelings. His | best friends, who had been privileged | to hear George's vocabulary when lis was rather angry, admitted that the j young man had a fluency of expression , which was very much more terse than ; proper. When the real significance of the dispatch became apparent to him, I George outdid himself in this particular j line. Then he realized that, however j consolatory such language is to a very j angry man, it does little gocd in any I practical way. He paced silently up and j down the room, wondering what he j could do, and the more he wondered j tbe less light he saw through the fog. He put on his hat and went into the j other room. "Henry," he said to liis partner, "do you know anybody who would lend mo j C 20,000?" Henry laughed. The idea of am body lending that sum of money ex- i oept on the very best security w as in it self extremely comic. "I)o you want it to-day?" lie said. "Yes, I want it to-day." "Well, I don't know any better plan 1 than to fjo out into the street and ask every man if he luus that sum about him. Y'ou are certain to meet men who have < very much more than £20,000, and per hapfi one of tlieni, struck by your very | saaic appearance at the moment, might ! hand over the sum to you. I think, ; however, George, that you would be j more successful if you met the capital- j ist in a secluded lane some dark night, j and lir.il a good reliable club in your hand." "Y'ou are right," said George. "Of course, there is just as much possibil ity of my reaching the moon as fretting that sum of money on short notice." "Yes, or or. long notice, cither, I imagine. I know plenty of men who j have the money, but I wouldn't under- 1 tnk-e to usk them for it, and I don't be lieve you would. Still, there is nothing like tr_\ i. g. lie who I rit-s i ,ay succeed, but no one can succeed who doesn't try. Why not >-o to old Longworth? He could let you hr,v t!:>- i..ouey in a moment if he wanted to do so. He knows you. What's your security, what are you goi: - to do with it— that eternal mine of yours?" "Yes. that 'eternal 'nine.' I want it to be mine. That is why I need the £ 20,000.' "Well, George, I don't see much hope for you. You never spoke to old Long worth about it. did you? He wasn't one of the men you :ntended to get into this company?" "No, he was not. I wish he had been, lie would have treated us better than his rascally nephew has done." "Ah, that immaculate your.gman has been playing you tricks, h.:.- he?" "He has played me one trick, which is enough." "Well, why don't, yon go and see the old man and lay t:esse before him? He treats that r.ephew as if he were Ins son. Now, a man will do a great deal for his son, an:! jierhnps old Long worth might do something for his nephew." "Yi s. but I should have to explain to l-.im that his nephew is a scoundrel." "Very well, that is just the kind of ex planation to bring the £20,000. If his nephew really is a scoundrel, and you can prove it, you eou!d not want a bet ter lever than that on the old man's money bags." "By Jove," said Wentworth, "1 be lieve I shall try it. I want to let h:m know, anyhow, what sort of a man his nephew is. I'll go and see him." "I would," said the other, turning to liis vvr.rk. And so George Wentworth, puiii-g the cablegram in his pocket, went to see old Mr. Longworth in a fra-j.e of mind in which no man should s;-e his fellow-man. lie did not wait to be announced, but walked, to the a. . onishmjnt of the clerk, straight through into Mr. Longworth's room, lie found the ok! man seated at his desk. "Good day, Mr. Wentworth," said the financier, cordially. "Good day," replied George, curtly. "I have come to read a cable dispatch to j'ou. or to let you read it." Iltl threw the disnateh down before the old gentleman, who adjusted his spectacles :.u<l read it. Then he looked up lu quiringly at Wentworth. "You don't understand it, do you?" said the latter. "I confess I do not. The Longworth in this telegram does not refer to me, does it?" "Xo. it does not refer to you, but it refers to one of your house. Your nephew, William Longworth, is a scoundrel!" "Ah," said the old m.ui, placing the dispatch on the desk again and re moving liis glasses. "Have you come to tell me that?" "Yes, 1 have. Did you know it be fore?" "No, I did not," answered the old gentleman, his color rising, "and I do not know it now. I know you say so, and I think very likely you will be glad to take back what you have said. 1 will at least give you the opportunity." "So far from taking it back, Mr. Longworth, I shall prove it. Your nephew formed a partnership with my friend Kenyon and myself to float on the London market a certain Canadian "My dear sir," broke in the old gen tleman, "I have no desire to hear of my nephew's private speculations. I have nothing to do with them. I have nothing to do with your mine. The matter i.. of no interest whatever to me, and I must decline to hear anything about it. Y'ou are, also, if you will ex cuse my saying so, not in a fit state of temper to talk to any gentleman. If you like to come back here when you are calmer, I shall be very pleased to listen to what v - ou have to say." "I shall never be calmer on this sub ject, I have told you that your nephew is a scoundrel. Y'ou are pleased to deny the accusation." "I do not deny it; I merely said I did not know it was the case, and I do not believe it, that is all." "Very well; the moment I begin to show you proofs that things are as I say—" "My dear sir," cried the elder man, with some heat, "you ure not showing proof. Y'ou are merely making asser tions, and assertions about a man who is absent—who is not here to defend himself. If you have anything ta say against William Longworth, come and say it when he is here, and he shall air swer for himself. It is cowardly • t you, and ungenerous to me, to make a number of accusations which I am in no wise able to refute." "Will j'ou listen to what I have lo say ?" "No; 1 will not." "Then, by God, you shall!" aud with that Wentworth strode to the door and turned the key, while t he old man rose from his seat and faced him. "Do you mean to threaten me, sir, iu my own office?" "I mean to say, Mr. Longworth, that I have made a statement which T am going to prove to you. I mean t hat you shall listen to ine, and listen to me now." "And, I say, if you have anything to charge agaiust my nephew, come and say it when he is here." "When he is here, Mr. Longworth, it will l>e too late to say it; at present you can repair the injury he has done. When he returns to England you eannotdo so, no matter how much you might wish to make the attempt." The old man stood irresolute for a mo ment; then he sat down in his chair again. "Very well," he said, with a sigh, "I am not so combative as I once was. Go on with your story." "My story is very short," said Went worth. "It simply amounts to this: Y'ou know your nephew formed a part nership with us in relation to the Cana dian mine?" "I know nothing about it, I tell you," answered Mr. Longworth. "Very well, you know it now." "I know you say so." "Do you doubt my word ?" "I will tell you more about that when I hear what you have to say. Go on." "Well, your nephew, pretending to aid us in forming this company, did everything to retard our progress. He engaged offices that took a long time to lit up, and which we had, at last, to take a hand in ourselves. Then he left for a week, leaving no address, and re fusing* to answer the letters I sent to his ofiieo for him. On one pretext or an other the forming of the company was delayed, until, at length, when the op tion by which Mr. Kenyon held the mine had only a month to run, your nephew went to America in company with Mr. Melville, ostensibly to see and report upon the property. After waiting a certain length of time and hearing noth ing from him (he had promised to cable us), Kenyon went to America to get a re newal of the option. This cablegram explains his success. He finds, on going there, that your nephexv has secured the option of the mine in his own name, and, as Kenyon says, we are cheated. Now, have you any doubt whether your nephew is a scoundrel or not 7~ Mr. Longworth mused for a few mo ments o: what the young m.ui had told him. , "If what you say is exactly true, there is no doubt that William has been :ruilty of a piece of very sharp practice." "Sharp practice!" cried the other. "You might as well call robbery sharp practice!" "My dear sir, I have listened to you: | now I ask you to listen to me. If, as I say, what you have stated is true, my nephew- has done something which I think an honorable man would not do; but as to that I cannot judge until I ( hear his side of the story. It may put a different complexion on the matter, and I have no doubt it will; but, even granting your version is true in every particular, what have I to do with it? I am not responsible for my nephew's ' actions. He has entered into a business connection, it seems, with two young , 1 men and has outwitted them. That is probably what the world would say | about it. Perhaps, as you say, he has been guilty of something worse, and has cheated his jiartners. But even ad mitting everything to be true, I do not see how I am responsible in any way." ' "Legally, you are not; morally, I think, you are." ' j "Why?" "If he were your son— "But he is not my son; he is my ' : nephew." 1 "If your son had committed a theft, j would you not do everything in your ! '' power to counteract the evil he had done?" | "I might and I. might not. Some fa- | 1 thers pay their son's debts, others do j ' j not. I cannot say what action I should j : take in a purely supposititious ease." | ' | "Very well, all I have to say is, our j • j option runs out in two or three days. | • Twenty thousand pounds will secure j the mine for us. I want that £20,000 ' I before the option censes." ' j "And do you expect me to pay you | ' j £20,000 for this?" ' "Y'es, I do." Old Mr. Longworth leaned back in his j office chair and looked at the young ' 1 man in amazement. "To think that you, a man of the city, i • I would come to me, another man of the i 1 city, with such an absurd idea in your ' head, is simply grotesque." ' "Then the name of the Longworths is j ' nothing to you—the good name, I j ' mean?" "The good name of the Longworths. i my dear sir. is everything to me; but ■ 1 think it will be able to take care of it- j ■ self without any assistance from you." | There was silence for a few moments. I Then Wentworth said in a voice of sup- ! pressed anguish: "I thought, Mr. | ' Longworth, one of your family was a l scoundrel. I now wish to say 1 believe the epithet covers uncle as well as i nephew. Y'ou have a chance to repair the mischief one of your family has ! done. Y'ou have answered me with con tempt. You have not shown me the slightest indication of wishing to make amends." [ He unlocked the door, i "Come, now," said old Mr. Longworth, rising, "that will do, that will do, Mr. j [ Wentworth." Then he pressed an elec tric bell, and when the clerk appeared, • he said: "Show this young gentleman the door, please, and if he ever calls again, do not admit him." And so George Wentworth, clenching ( his hands with rage, was shown to the [ door. He had the rest of the day to ponder on the fact that an angry man seiuoin acco..ipnsh?s his purpose. I [TO BE COSTIXCED.J A TERRIFYING DREAM. ' First Tramp—Help! help! murder! help! ] Second Tramp—Wot's dc matter, Wil \ lie? , First Tramp—l was dreamin'j I dreamt I was takin' a bath. —Up-to- j Date. That GUI Story. j "Did you read about that man whose life was saved by a pie?" "No; how was it?" "Well, his dear little wife mude it, set it in the window to cool and a tramp I came along and stole it." —Chicago Rec , ord. 1 Quite » Difference. Telephone Superintendent (over the t wire)--Hello, there, you! No swearing through the telephone. Irate Subscriber—l ain't swearing t through the telephone; I'm swearing L at it,—X. Y'. Weekly. Then He Won't Miud It. ' Fortune-Teller —Y'ou will be veiy ' poor until you are 35 years of age. • Impecunious Man (eagerly) And after then? 1 Fortune-Teller —You will get used to ' it.—-Tit-Bits. , Sure Tiling. "Bottsy's blowing nil the time about paying as he goes. Do you tlunk he does?" "Sure of it, for there isn't a place ia town where he can get trusted." —Chi- i cago Tribune. It's More Than I.lkcly. "I wonder why so many people go abroad every year." "A groat many of them go simply to prove that they ure able to." —Chicago Post. Was an Angel. Mons. X —Before I married my wife I thought she was an angel. Mons. Z —And now# Mons. N—And now I know she was an angel.—L'lllustre de Poehe. Retribution. ' "The t'oming woman will have whis ' kers, I understand." ! "Good enough; we can use her razors ' to sharpen our lead pencils."—Chicago ■ Record. Agreed. Plankington (proudly showing his ; country home) —Yes, old man, I bought this house to sell. . Von Blumer—l don't blame you a bit. I'd do the same thing.—Brooklyn Life. A I'rlvUcße. ' "It is said that kissing breeds dis ease," said the first sweet thing. "Wouldn't you like a chance to get sick?" asked the second sweet thing, rather spitefully.—Chicago Post. The I'ropcr Course. "We art going to have an amateur opera. Would you put in any g^ng^s?" "Yes; gag the jierformers, by all • means."—Town Topics. A. i jUC AN INDIAN LEGEND. How the Mojavt'* Kipltln the IHvWlon of tue itarr*. The mystery surrounding the origin of the Indian race is greatly enhanced by listening to some of the quaint leg ends, says the Los Angles Ilerald. Here is one of them, related by the older men of the Mojave tribe: "At the time of the Mojave. the v hlte man, the negro, and all other people lived together with their god, Mule velia, \x hose mother was the earth, nr.il whose father the heaven. "They were all supplied with food, clothing. and many luxuries. Besides these they had tools and .ill kinds of im plements and machinery to work with. "Everything- was manufactured, and especially matches. "One day Mulevelia died, and all the |>eople, excepting the Mojaves, fled, aft , er looting the camps of everyUjingthey could lay their hands on, not even leav ing a match. "Here was a pretty state of affairs, and the dead god awaiting cremation! "There seemed to be no other alterna tive than to dispatch a messenger for a spark from one of the brilliant lu minaries of the upper region,and ucoy ote was sent to a star for some fire. "After a long time he returned with out success, and so hungry that lie* tried to eat up the dead god. "Mastanho, the man, sat by rubbing willow sticks together, and produced fire, which they used in burning up Mulevelia. "After the cremation, which took place somewhere near Fort Mojave, the mountains at the foot of the canyon parted and the Colorado flowed through and swept the ashes away. "Mastanho now became chief and di vided the Indians into tribes and gave them their allotments of land." FACTORY WAGES IN RUSSIA. Barely Sufficient to Keep Soal and Body Together. As for the distribution of wages, the pay of a woman amounts to three-quar ters of that of a man, that of a boy or girl of 12 to 17 years to one-haif, that of a child under 12 years, to one-third of a grown man's wages, says tho Catholic World. The advantage arising for the factories from woman's and children's wages is such that no humanitarian at tempts have been as yet able to solve that harassing- problem in any civilized country. But as the wages of working men in arc absolutely reduced to a minimum and scarcely suflicient to keep soul and body together for more than 13 "hours' toil it is a cruel amid, gross injustice to cut working women's wages by a third, since the first neces saries of life are alike in men and wom en regardless of sex. The monthly wages of on adult laborer, man or wom an. in England are 2y g (124.05 per cent), in America 4 4-3 (379.14 per cent.), times greater than the wages of a like laborer in the Moscow factories. Since, however, the duration of working time in the three countries is different, Mr. DcnentiefT has reduced the compari- SOH of wages per hour and come to the conclusion that wages in England are by 284.5 per cent., in Massachusetts by 493 per cent, higher than those in £he Moscow factories. If we make a good, allowance for the higher cost of living iu America—•'which, ltowever, is to be understood cum gramo salis, only the luxuries of life being- dearer here, not the necessaries, like meat, flour, bread, tween the mode of living of an Ameri can and a Russian laborer. MUSTACHES IK FAVOR. But a Few Decade* Ago They Were Pn popular. "In the 60 years I have lived in New York," said an octogenarian to a re porter of the New \ ork Mail and Ex press, "I have never seen such varia tion in the styles of wearing the mus tache. Why. it seems that everybody trains and crops them as an advertiser ment for their various professions. The broker, the banker, the sport, the busi ness man, etc., seem to adopt styles of their own. "Talking of mustachesremindsof the time when Consul Olidon came to New- York from Egypt in 1837 wearing a big black, drooping mustache. He was looked upon as a curiosity, and it was some years later before the mustache was generally adopted. When I was a boy the mustache was looked upon as vulgar and monstrous and unbecoming a gentleman. "I have often heard my father talk about the introduction of the first mus tache In New York. A gentleman re turned from Europe, so the story goes, in ISIG. A scrubby-looking mustache adorned his upper lip. The citizens were stiicken dumb, ne was ridiculed, criticised and spurned, and was finally compelled to >have it oft in despair." Well Meant. American wheelmen traveling alone in Europe have many queer experiences. A young man who was bicycling in southern France was pushing his wheel up a steep hill when he overtook a peasant with a donkey cart who was rapidly becoming stalled, though tho little donkey was doing his best. The benevolent wheelman, putting his left hand against the back of the cart and guidinghis wheel with the other, pushed sj hard that the donkey taking fresh courage, pulled his load up to the top successfully. The summit reached, the peasant burst into thanks to his bene factor. "It was very good of you, mon sieur," he said; "I should never in the world have got up the hill with only one donkey!" Story of a Prmnre SehoolmUs. I A bachelor tt'saoher wlio "was in tho habit of punishing refractory pupils I by using a ruler on the hand, recently had occasion to chastise a pretty mis* of 10 summers. The mischievous girl advanced to the desk, and the teach er said: "Give mo your hand, Nellie." Her black eyes twinkled, «s she de murely said: "Mr. B , this is so sudden: you will have to ask papa." A (inicefQi It is not every man who knows how to compliment a woman gracefully. The following dialogue took place be tween a very pretty lady singer and a celebrated composer, who is by no means addicted to flattery: "Tell me, my dear maestro, which would yoa like better, to be blind or deaf?"" "Deaf, madam, when I am looking at you, and blind when I hear you sing!" —Tit-Bits. Kiully Provided. They sat before the open grate fire. "Do you prefer your chestnuts roasted?" he r.sked. She inclined her head. "I like them much better that way," she said. "As you please," ho returned, and In another minute he had thrown the comic weekly into the fire. Chicago Post. An American Beauty. Ah, radiant rose, with your gmco so de mure. Your beauty the eye and the spirit con tents: But there still lurks the thorn. None would guess, I am sure, That you cost me a dollar and twenty live cents. _ . —Washington Star. No O HAD PLAYED THE GAME Ue Could Xot 100 l Joneeey with lU* Trick. Three young men were seated at a' '.nble in a Market street restaurant. One >f them drew from his pocket and laid ui«>n the tablo a silver dollar, says the Philadelphia Record. Beside it he placed a visiting card, with a round hole about a half Inch in diameter p creed through its center. Said he: "Sec the fat. white dollar? See the little I»ole in the card? Bet you the cigars I : ran push the big dollar through the little hole," "I'll go you," said one ofi his companions; "but, remember, you arc to push that dollar through that; hole without enlarging the hole."- "That's what," responded the proposer >f the feat. Laying the dollar flat on the. tabic, he held the card on edge just be hind it. Then he produced a pencil which he shoved through the hole in the cord until it touched the edge of the coin. "Pushing the dollar —through the hole, see ?" "Here comes Jonesey," said the loser. "Lend me your dollar and your funny card and I'll get revenge.. Oh. I won't do a tiling to Jonesey!" Ai lcugthy, cadaverous young fellow, with a vacuous expression, drifted into the; vacant place at the tabic. "Jonesey,"i said the loser of the cigars, "here's fej big dollar and here's a little round hole iu a card. Bet you I can put the dollar through the hole just as it is— loser to; pay all four of our checks." "Done,**i said Jonesey. The other proceeded to repeat the action of the first trickster.; "Hold on," drawled Jonesey, languidly,, "your contract is to 'put' the dollar through the hole. I didn't bet you couldn't 'push' it through the perfora tion. You see, dear toy, I've been up against the game hitherto" CHINESE JEWELERS. AU of the Work la Done by Hand—Some of It b Beautiful. There are two jewelers in Chinatown, but their establishments do not. re semble the ordinary places known as jewelry shops, says the New York Times. The Chinese jeweler is a man ufacturer as well as a shopkeeper. His establishment is a tiny room up one or two flights of stairs. The room, in one place is divided by on openwork iron partition, with an arch awl a coun ter near the window, where the Jeweler stands at work. He is an elderly China man, wearing glasses, and he works over a tiny fire in the window. All his ■work is done by hand, and some of it Is beautiful. There are heavy silver bracelets which open with a hinge aud fasten with an odd little staple. The fine raised i>attern is cut out, every bit of it, by hand. There are gold rings made in the same way. There are fine rings, made of 24-carat gold. Almost) nothing is kept in stock. There may chance to be a few rings and bracelets, which -are taken from a small safe. Most of the goods are made to order. When the manufacturer is asked the price of a ring he weighs it before ho answers. His scales consist of a slen der stick of ivory, perhaps a third of a yard long, covered with Chinese char acters. At one end is a small brass plate suspended from the stick by fine threads and a very small weight, also hanging by a thread, is moved along to the balancing point by the Jeweler a* he holds the little machine in his hand. The front part of tho little shop ie filled: aa many things as can well be crowded into it. BIG HAT IN OHURCH. It Fills the Whole l T nlver»e for the KM Behind It. This Is what happens to the man b©i hind the hat, says the Chicago Observetrt The preacher disappears until nothing" remains but a voice. And wfch the hati standing up Qgainst the spot where the voice is, and the modulated sentences breaking against it, how is attention to be fixed upon the sermon? The mind grows lax, the quiet and sweetness of the sanctuary tend to distraction, the hat fills the w hole visible universe, and involuntarily one's thougihts center upon It. It Is a wonderful construction. There is a yellow rose trembling on a long stem with every movement of the wear er's head and one begins to calculate the extent of its arc. There are bunches of feathers, disposed, apparently, with_a view to preventing anything from be ing seen between them whichever way, the hat is turned. And there are stal actites of ribbon, upright and immov able, which still further obscure the horizon. Occasionally one gets a momentary, glimpse of the head of the preacher as it is stretched out in gesticulation, but it seems a mere detached fragment use lessly beating the air. The preacher; himself has disappeared as if he had never been. The only thing visible when the hat is turned for a moment is another hat of the same kind farther on. Dissenters In Russia. When M. PobtednostzeiT became the head of the holy synod in Russia it was reckoned that the days of the dis senters were numbered. He would soon stump them out. In spite, however, of his ruthless policy, they have steadily increased, until there are now about 2,500,000 of them without reckoning the old believers, who are 18,000,000 strong. A Large Idea. London Truth reports that a primary battery has been discovered of such potency that a big ship will be able to go to America with its motive power in closed in a jam pot. The discovery was made accidentally by two Scotch boys, mid has l>een taken up by several Scotch men of large means and of considerable business experience. Paris Woman's Club. Paris has a woman's club where home less women can spend their evenings and get their meals. There is a good library, and for 00 francs a year a wom an may become a member. All the em ployes about the place are women. Bulldcd Better Than He Knew. Mrs. Jackson—l thought you told me yt/u trimmed that hat yourself. I'm sure it is just as stylish as if it had been done by a high-priced milliner. Mrs. Johnson (complacently) —Yes, I think it. has a stylish look myself. You see, my husband sat down on it acci dentally nfu-r I had got done and gave it exactly the right twist. Boston Courier. However. She was looking- for a flat and had just found one to her taste in the vi cinity of Washington square. But the price was too high, she told the janitor, a Frenchman. "The idea! Forty dol lars for the first floor—all the dust from tho street—ugh! Have you anything lower?" "Mnis, oui, xnadaxne; ze basement."— N. Y. Tribune. My Mother. My voice was as clear as the trumpets of Heaven. My footsteps were steady In passing her door: She asked me the hour. I replied: "Just eleven," And straightway tho clock In the hallway struck four. —Harlem Life.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers