Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 28, 1897, Image 4

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We have begun a grand Clearance and Sample sale, and in
tend to make the month of January which is usually a qu'et
month, one of the busiest in the year and in order to ac
complish our purpose we have marked all goods away donn
and have placed three large sample counters in our store
crowdedjwith bargains.
Grand cut in all lines none will be spared —W ~ neen
the money and you need the goods. Each l:ne represented
in this grand slaughter sale. All can be suited, shoes lor
every person, and a bargain for every person. AttenJ this
sale and get a pair of sample shoes at reduced prices and you
will be well pleased
Felt boots ;»nd overs reduce to f'-5° per P a jr
Mens gum ijoots reduced to 2.00 per pair
Boys gum boots reduced to 1.75 per pair
Youths gum 'joots reduced to J- 10 P er P a : r
Childs gum x>ots reduced to .90 per pair
Mens box toe shoes double sole and tap rc-guiar prices $2.2$ K° a ° f ■ ■' J '
Mens nana ca'f shoes regular price '-75 reduced to 1.2-
Boys satiu r;.'.f shoes regular price 1-35 reduced to l/x>
Youths satin calf shoes regu ar price 1.00 reduced to .7.-.
Ladies fine (iosgola s!io»s negti'ar price 3-5° reduced to 2.50
Ladies fine <iougo!a shoes regular price 2.00 reduced to i.=o
Misses fine <;oago!a shoes regular price 2.00 reduced to iSO
Cbildrens fine oongola shoes regnla.-prce 1.50 reduced to i.eo
Children* fine dongoJa shoes regular price 1.00 reduced to .50
Balance of our Holiday slippers which so"<3 at Ji.oo, $1.25 and J: .40, your choice
for 65c per pair and many oilier bargains which will interest you.
(A box of leather pomade FREE, ask for it.)
ZL) Call and see us,
128 South Main[St, Butler Pa.
"Oh, I Gness That'll Haye To Do."
Customers nev'er say that in our shop. We don't keep the
M have-to-do" kind of stock. You can get exactly what you want
here. The only trouble you can possibly experience is to know just
what to choose, from so much that is Stylish, Elegant and Suitable.
Our tablcr are piled high with the choicest weaves from the best
looms of America, England and the Continent. If we are not already
making your clothes, come in, and cxperince the reaPluxury Jof buy
ing from a stock complete, varied andbeautiful. If you come once
you'll come again.
Tailor, flatter and Men's Furnisher, ,0 ' "
reatest Bargain Ever Offered! &
Jr Home or Office £
lis that matchless Reference Library, the New
Lgcs. Over 300 Prepared under editorial Buperviision of »
harts and Diagrams. Irihn ClnrW PiHruith I I D <£«
Mechanically Perfect. JOiUl Clark KKlpdlil, L.L.. .
■ mi to c f ''RkJjMit i't HiatoriM," ctej
l/ot's '''' states. Statisticsof Presidential Klcctums,
L D >-T •! State and Territorial Elections, telli'ious
i Summaries Statistics of the Popuk.flon of Of
|K™ & lpf\ i the World, an J a VerlfnNi Mine of Other
inlorma'ion oiMh'jusantfs if MIJCCtI of
r-% //?%, V V T% m* wcur " IMMEDIATE POSSESSION of
C L/ULLiIK ra% C b;r^Tsomn n 7ir"r*oiicS &
Reference Library at once for continued use and enjoyment. pSL
tO AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA is the LATEST OF ALL general reference ♦
om 5 /»to yearn old, and ai e silent i*• jjurrl• jiR E'.'! /'T topics of universal inter': it.
AMERICAN" contain# hundred of *'E\V ARTICLES on nbjei t., not treated ill Iftto
i, #uch, for in?>ta;.c>-, a "THE X-RAY," "AR'iON," "IM>!; ELESB CAR
PLANT A EXPOSE! ION," "COLOR I'!J( o(.k A I'll V," < u etc. It also (a,*
LATELY become famous,in h, for ic a« I'Lop ROENTGEN, discoverer
SEN, the explorer: Rt'DVARO KIPLINC the celebrated writer. He-.ideii thi#
LATEST STATIS'I I' S State, 'I erritonal and National, and of th«- whole world. J3J
•nry for the Professional and Bu.il nets V\an, the leather, the Student, the
of Kupcrb quality and wonderful variety,including numerous engraved j>ortrait#
Authors, PliyHicmiiS, < hc-mists, Philosopher. and S' "•r 1 1 i-1 • and with ovu > o
d chart# from th<■ VICKY I,ATI. I E.\i I.ORA'I IONS and SI RVEYS, dclinc-
its, Countries,Stat' i.Citic--. 'I own 'itadel Solar,Lunar,.i;id I' nctary SyKteni!'.,.. ,d jk*
wn world, and forming a< < i;and Iri■ 4 » (lA'! i .1 Clobe I ftHSTAND
bent illustrated and the licnt mapped encyclopedia in (lie English Language C'*,*
Introductory Offer %
y throughout th<- country for comparison with all othei refere'v- work as 1o plan,
.1 and educational value. We feel that i-vi-ry net will c reate a demand for others. y
will last for a limited time only, aft< r hi< It our regular subscription • it!'- will b'-gin, (a^g
to style of binding. Now, however, to quickly and thoroughly introduce the work, 6*^
•il lalKiiil th<- < ost of papei and printing), tin distribution being limited to a very py
K the offer at any time when we considei a sufficient numbei of th-fntrofluetory ay
YCLOI'EDIA I'T 'I'.LISIIINO CO., itf, Fifth Avenue, New York City, and a full
unit. The balance is payable at the rate of sti<,so monthly for one year, or alxmt.
ireferthe half Morocco binding, t!i<- monthly payment will )»■ fc-\ and for full sheep,
yeat We recommend the Half-Morocco style, which i- purticulaily elegant and
it a lifetime. If not as repreiiented any u t may be returned u:tliin ten clay# and 8
> that the volume*! l - will he cheerfully paid for in HIIOWII by ttcndiuK a $.4 net of books Qj
ill thoroughly appreciate the nuperb new work and ftpfak favorably of it toothem. d|
lis## be ?>•*11 1 orj a]>]#li#:ation until the #»ff#rr is withdrawn. Wu refer y##u t#i the « i
me of payer y##ti nee thin ##fr#:r in. Addrenn S
CO., 156 I*
for the winter gaieties. Why pay
sixty or seventy-five d.l.ars, wr.cn
we can make you up perfect gar
ments with the best linings and
workmanship throughout for from
$35 to $45? Make your selec
tion now, so that we can have
time to give you a careful job be
fore you need the clothes.
Perfect Styles and Fit are pre
eminently the necessities in a sat
isfactory full dress suit. Our
guarantee goes with every dress
suit we make. If the fit and
style are not exactly as they
should be, we cannot afford to
have you wear the garments.
A Good Diesser must have a
full dress suit for special evening
wear. We have the finest goods
and make absolutely correct gar
ments. Do not make the mis
take of having your evening dress
suit made by an incompetent or
careless tailor. A mistake of this
kind is expensive.
csoSn co
C r >r. Diamond. Butler. Pa
'a CRfllak IMtAMd Rrtal
Original * d 4 OHIJ Genuine. ▲
•*rt. r<-ilftt>l«. uont ul M\
£, ■( A I>ru«rl«t fur Ckuketltr • Mngluk
I if r U %uA <;*ld B«ui:.
>'k.«i wi'.b bl*»« ht-'w-i. Take
■fcft VLjjoo otker. Rtfwluny'r** \
I'f ~ ffr •..rmaanrf UmKttt'/n* A : hrugx"'* *r
I *Jf Is t«unpf V* pmru- .!*.» •fttmaoiftls an*
\ f E* " IUU«* tmr • • . fcy r+tmrn
\ If Mail. ltfu««»QT 1
"* <!hlrfcr««arCktf»' '
•*3 ty mil Lecsl I Pfc
No. 1 Curoe Fever.
No. 2 " Worms.
No. 8 " Infants' Diseases.
No, -4 " Diarrhea.
No. 8 " Neuralgia.
No. 9 Cures Headache.
No. IO " Dyspepsia-
No. 11 " Delayed Periods.
No. 12 " Leuchorrea
No. 14 " Skin Diseases.
No. 13 Cures Rheumatism.
No. 10 " Malaria.
No. 20 " Whooping Cough
No. 27 " Kidney Diseases.
No. 30 " Urinary Diseases
No. 77 " Colds and Grip.
Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on
receipt of price, 25c., or 5 for sl.
Humphreys' Hed. Co.. 11l William Bt.. H. Y.
and is the result o< colds and Cjr f -Col-l
sudden clinatic changes. B
For your Protection PWfflta $2 v A
we pontivriy state tfcst r *
remedy does Dot eoata i
mcrmry or any other ir,jar-
ions fttifjj rX
Ely's Cream
in ackEow:e<"n:ed to be the mw •' rough cure for
Nasal < aurrh, Co d in Head and Hay ferer of ail
reme«ii«-a. It or»-n« and eiean«es the i a«al paaaajree,
a. ATB r>a:n ara inflammation, h'-ala the aorea, pro
tect* tr.e membrane from co.jp, re-torea the «en«i
of taete and rat". Price 50c. at Dnj i-?ista or by mail.
ELI' iSROTHKI'.s, S« Warren Street, New York.
I pure
you hsrdly know what that meant ]
unlets you've obtaiued your supply J
from our dock I
PrlTtU stoU. I* JT«. old, 2°o 20*®
Glbfon, 10 " I 60 15.00 I
rineh, s ." las 1«.00 ;
Olbaoo, 0 100 10.00
rineh,. « 100 10 00' (
i , Ovcrholt, « " 100 1000 ,
| and we put them up in FULL quarts ,
1 —we carry only the fuiiest line of j
i all grades of wiues, liquors, cor- i
i dials, brandies, etc. Send for a (
| complete price list
1 i OLD Export WHISKEY J
la the invalid's friend—ll e ph»« (
aioans standby ttye " gvod (
fellow's ch«*f I
li ar, full (juarla— six quarta ,
We send all fio orders free of S
0.-rgc to any adtiiess.
Wholesale and Retail Orujgitts,
Funeral Director
337 S. Main, St. Butler Ta.
Dimples and Wit.
I know a maid that's passing fair;
Her sweet smiles'are entrancing
And, oh, I float upon the air,
When she and I are dancing
Paint never traced so fair a face,
Nor eyes so deep and mellow;
Her form is plutnp and full of grace.
And I'm her hundredth fellow!
She never heard of Socrates,
Nor of old Ananias;
She thinks that money grows on trees;
Her grammar's on the bias.
But w bat I care for history
And other kinds of learning?
This senseless maiden Jsmiles on me—
With love my heart is burning.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
HOOD'S PII.LS cure Liver Ills, tJi!-
iousnoss, Indigestion, Headache.
Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c.
A Kansas has hil upon
a novel plan to Induce his debtors to pay
up. lie has p'.ib:ished in thelo '
the following card: "As lam obliged to
meet the payment of a note, I am com
pelled to call upon all of those who are
indebted to me to help me out as much
as they can. I have dccidcti to select a
day. I request your presence at my shop
to pay the amount herein stated. You
will receive a special treat. Lunch and
reireshtnents will be served from I p. m.
to 6 p. in. in my basement, and a very
good time is assured. I'lease present
this card when you call and shjw the
amount or your ' account which is
dollars and cents
liUtLilATloil—ili.ny ca.*rs ut-aiea
Willi n.iitl rciiitu.tr>, iiave ticcu carnl »i::i
Aru isiH'lig* '"1 '-.liie L. ' It i*:isclittr
cut# hprm ba, biuiie.-, crampcoiic,
cuviera- morbus, etc.
Editors can not be too careful in read
ing their proofs and not near a sufficient
number ol compositors are.assassinated.
Recently an editor wrote up his pajxrr
and then went fishing. In his next issue
he published the lollowitig apology:
"Our proof reader is so careless that
he ought to be hung. We owe an apol
ogy to our readers tor his infernal care
lessness. In yesterday's issue we said
we had been unable to get our paper
otit in time on «ccount of being ill trom
sleeping to c.ose to a window, and the
fool compositor set window, widow, and
if it were not for previous good reputa
tion we'd have to leave town."
AKMSTKOKG'S Little riyntem Pills,
the liii Oat and beet ever used. A true
iiver jull that in •uie to pledoo.
As there are an unusual number of
people sufferiing from rheumatism, they
may be interested to learn that a leading
medical journal says that oil of winter
green mixed with equal quantity of olive
oil, applied externally to inflamed joints
affected by acute rheumatism alfords in
stant relief and having a pleasant cdor,
its use is very agreeable.
KNOCKED OUT—A mereliijit cayi-
Morrieou Broa Coagti fc'yrup lias knock* d
ut lit j n&loij oil all oilier UuUgn cures.
Considerable sympathy is being ex
pended upon a i'lUs'on man who went
on the bond of a husband sentenced by
the court to pay S2O a month for the sup
port of his family, the bondsman now
being compelled to pay the amount be
cause the husband refuses. This is
naturally an unpleasant proceeding foi
the man 011 the bond but that is what
bondsmen are for. Those who become
surety in this way should appreciate the
full responsibility oi the undertaking.
UUcuhiaUbui Cured in a Day.
"ilystie Cure" lor liaeuumUMii anil
.Neuralgia radically cares lu 1 lo 3 days.
ilB act on upon the yi-tem is remarkable
and mysterious. It removes at oiieo
cau-e ui.il me disease immediately uisap
pears. Tile limt done greatly Oenciii.; io
ceulo hold by . u KeUiC, aiiu J. k\
lialpu Diiigjasts, liittier Aprlfd
Jivery successful Ctristian life mu»l be
a life of faith.
Growth in grace is often helped by
having the grace to ..ay 110.
To build up the weak, and tired organs
of the body take Hood's SaisapariUa.
It ought to be a matter of principle
with the Christian to praise the
whether he feels like it or not.
Hoarding up money in a miserly way
can never be done without making a beg
gar of the man who does it.
Chicora, l'a , Herald: Richard Vensel re
ports One Minute Cough C'ire the greatest
nuccesn of nwdical science. lie told UH
that it cured his wliolu family of terrible
coughs and colds, alter all other mo called
cure* had lailcd entiiely. Mr. Vensel said
it a*siried iiis children through a very bad
siege ol measles. One Minute (jough Cure
makes expectoration very easy and rapid.
The hard times are probably responsi
ble for the narrow trousers worn by the
All exchange says a simple disinfec
tant to use 111 a sick room is made by
putting ground coffee in a saucer and in
the center a small piece of camphor gum
Light the guin with a match. As the
gum burns allow the coffer to burn with
it. The perfume is lefresliing and
healthful as well as inexpensive.
Constipation in its worst forms, ftyspep
ria, r.ick headache, billiousuess and de
larigement of the liver are readily cured hy
l>i-*.V ill's Little Karly Risers Thes<> little
lulls n«yer giipe. Small pill, safe pill,
best pill. Ukuick it (iKOIIMANN.
One reason why some men drink so
little walci is because they have iron
constitutions and they are afraid they
may rust.
Bv the time a man liegins to be fond of
his daughter because she no longer cries
with colic and teething she begins to cry
for some young man.
Physicians say yawning is very health
ful e*ercise, and should not be consider
ed a breach of etiquette. It may be so,
but it looks out of good ta:ite to yawn in
church <ir when you have callers or .-.re
making calls.
Minutes hbi 111 like hours when a life is at
stake. Croup gives no time to sei.d for a
doctor, delay may mean death. One Min
ute Cough Cure gives instant relief and in
sures recovery. The only harmless reme
dy that p'ves Immediate re llts.
You should keep uji your charity.
These aie pretty cold days, and the
nights arc colder still. See to it that the
]s<or are not stiflering and that tin- needs
of the deserving are promptly relieved.
All the trouble alsiut the theatre hat
might easily be avoided and every-body
continue to l»c happy, il a window was
inserted in it for the lienefit of the man
in the lear.
The individual who volunteer' infor
mation when a question lias been asked
of some one clue generally gets snubbed
foi his or her pains.
Sensational preaching is vain although
some luiiiiaiti* frequently indulge 111 it
says the "Hani's Horn."
All the dillerent skiu troubles, from
chapped hand* to «< zi-ma and iiidnbt'it ul
cer* can he readily cured liy OeWltt's
Witch Hase! Halve.
At. soon as thought finds a laxly il !«•-
gins to move the earth.
If some people would laugh more their
doctor bills would be less.
When a young lion is hungry how
much l»etter off is he than a wolf.'
I'crsccuting a good man is the devil's
way of showing that he hates Cod,
The wages of sin is death, no matter
how prompt we pay our j»cw rent.
When praise i< going up, slioweis of
blowing arc sure to becoming down.
A weed in the garden can lie easily de
' troyed *;hen It fjri't rtart*. Consumption
can bo Dipped lo the hud l.y One Minute
Oough Cure. Rkiili k <t- Osoiimann
God's mercy can 110 more wear out
than his love.
If our lielief la? wrong, our eternity
will be wrong.
Prescriptions aod Family Recipes
are matters of : mportance and should
be filled carefully and with pure drags only, w; give them our special
The Babj + *
requires a little special care during the warm weather, espec
ially if fed from a bottle, we have a supply of frest infant food, at all
times, also bottles, nipples, tubes, bottle and tube cleaners etc. 11 you
desire a sterilizer we can supply yon with one, or wi:l be pleased to
furnish any desired information coucerning them.
Disinfectants shou'.d tie extensively at tliis season of the year,
the best being copperas, chloride-lime, and crude ca; bol:c acid, the
latter being better than the pure, as in purifying an important disin
fecting agent is removed, we have a lar-e supply of these at all times.
We aiso cai ry a full iue of toilet ai tides and sick-room r. or.. .:te«.
. r OZ-OZ*- -s- ' -'.'jv -' ••■ • -• -
| Punc* as a
tualityj Power. 1
;j Hitch your 1| ■ But be sure!
I business fe H 't's in a jj
| works to a jf P Fahys Gold-1
| good watch. J Jj| |M filled Case, |
And that you ha y it from |
When Death is Fair.
When the heart is dumb with aching
And a sickness fills the brain,
And the spirit is nigh to breaking
With the endless round of pain.
Then it the dread death angel,
With his icy numbing breath,
Seems to us a sweet evangel,
And we shudder not at death.
But we listen for his coming
And his knocking at the gate,
Like the children at the lattice
For the father who is late.
The women who are hardest on others
are generally the ones who ought not to
throw stones. _
It is strange thai some really noble na
tures cauact .ilond the sight ot other peo
ple's happiness.
Doesn't it make you angry to discover
that you Lave !• t: ' worked" to be
slangy, but expressive.
Lust —A ill er little child who ma le
homo happy by its *imle* And to think
it BTTVU been -a\'e(l liuil the pareiiii
only kept in the nous One Atiuute Coojih
Care, tho inlallihle remedy for croup.
Spring poets will soon be out. But
that's nothing. They always are.
Any girl will tell you that a ring on
the finger is wortn a dozen on the door
Oh, that we cou'd strike a happy mean
in the matter of temperature in our
UATUKE'f} Compound i» gaining in
favor every day. 0. P. Stewart, ballshuig
Pa. says: "It has helped me more tl.mi
any thin, else." It builds up tho *J?*t< in,
gives a good nalural appetite.
Keep hard at work if you wish to con
quer heart ache anil the blues.
The easiest, way to gain the appearance
of wisdom is to wear glasses
The man who has nothing to do is al
ways looking for someone to do.
1)1 PUTIIKKI A-N in.) time in ten a
physioiitii will iiot lie needed it Ar n
strong', Diptheria and (Quinsy Orotis aio
used an noon as soreness is lull lu Ihe
The aggregate weight of a family living
it) Van iluren county, Michigan, is one
ton. It consists of a father, mother and
four children, and when they go to
church together they »it in one pew.
"Folks nebber is satisfied."said Uncle
lvl»en; "er white young lady is alius try
in' ter git fri/./.es in her hair, an' de cul
le<l young lady is alius tryin' ter net 'em
Violent shirts are all the rage.
A bridal chamber - the harness room.
Many an inscription ill a cemetery is a
monumental lie.
A torpid liver means a had complexion,
hail breath, indigestion ami Irnjuent head
aobes. To avoid such companions take
DuVVitt's 1/ittlo Karly Kiters, the famous
little plils. ICUiICh it (i 11011 MANN.
The dentist txires people, and geLs paid
for it.
Hoax 1 saw "Olivette".last night.
Joa* —Did you see all of it?
Hvery roce has its thorn," says the
Philosopher; "but it doesn't follow that
every ki.-.n has its microbe."
What seems to be piidc in some people
is merely bashlillness.
It's a good plan to look out for the
man who has nothing to do, he may do
Hootliiug for I lmi' senbl < <•' rijijioU
: rtijiin a: i lips. Ilnuliii|{ tor eiitrt and
xoro*. In taut rebel lor pilu«. s'o|i paiu
: ->nie, Tm- are tne virtues ol DoWill's
Witch ll.i/.' l Salve.
A girl without a beau is like a man
without a home. Both have not where
to lay their heads.
"My son," said an old man on his
deathbed, "I have had a great deal ol
trouble in my life, but most of it never
A bill to be introduced in the Kaunas
legislature forbids women to wear bloom
ers or lo appear in public "riding astride
a bicycle." 11 takes skill to ride n bicy
ele wilh a side saddle, but that is what
the Kansas women are expected •<> do.
.Since the beginning of the government
there have litre,i 12 estra sessions of t 01l
greas. The one to be called by President
McKtuley will be number 13. The peo
ple think it will be unlucky.
The people ol Massachusetts have never
had a Governor elected by a boss, or
one who acknowledged directly or n ill
rectlv obligations to tins p. anient crca
lion ol modern oolitic*. With tin-excep
tions ol pattison's two adunniatratiou:.
when could Piuiisylvaitiu say the same
No eye can see like those of the soul.
h RbVIV 0
Wfc U tiffl Wit
M£lpI ma,je a
™r- if'-a ; a We " Man
1.1 i»>.
lfith bay.
THE HKkAT 301UJ Day. CS-2S
pr-idixes tlie above results In no days. It acts
powerfully ami quickly. ceres when all others
fall. Youiu men win regain their list, man
hood, and old uien uIII recover their youthful
vlynrbv uslue UKVIV >. It quickly and surely
restores Nervousness l/>st vitality. I.ost Power,
Falling Memory, W 'St'nif Dl'- ases anrt ill
eir. its of excess and indiscretion, which uu
-11 ts one for st mlv. bu-.ine-» or marriage. It not
onl* eurcn ..j aiarlliiK " l si-mo; disease,
r-'il is a great nerv *« *<- -irnl blood builder,
h'lnglne hack : plrk plow to p*le cheeks
und r-stori: the Hi. .1 J Oil Hi. It oil
I inanity act f'misiimntl"n. ln»IM en having
IVO. no olner. ii uan . carried lu vest
p""kvl. It;, in-' »' no per packOK*. or six for
?"> 10. with*a positive writti n ju | w to cure
or irimid tlx- moii Irtular free. Address
Iff,.'! 1 '1 INK' U.. UIICA'SO. IT.f.
lor Sale by KIiDIMCK & GKOMANN,
can lie made strong by cautious use of
pure liquors. We offer
Pure 6-year-old unadulterated
Whisky, either Finch's, Over
holt, Gibson, Guckenheimer,
I,argc, or Mt. Vernon at |i.oo
per full quart, or 6 qts. for
We do not say you cannot get purity
and age elsewhere. We do say, in 9
cases out of 10, you pay for adulterated
On C. 0. D. or Msll Order.-; of #lO 00
or over we prepay all charges
Our Motto :
Grandfather's I hoice Whisky, guaran
teed 3 years eld, $2.00 per gallon.
Importers and Wholesalers,
411 Ws'er SI. Opposi'e B. \ 0. Depot,
Telephone, 2174 Pittsburg, Pa.
?A" 1• n F-HTladclphTT
- C "OrNTAL HOOMS -- [jj]
• 39 • 6t»l Ave., fittsburg, P». 11l
n.-'n-ppACTICA' .7 «h.' [lfl
»1 -FL ' ! fJF.IO .t* II
tiiAli JA 1 riii-tun\Hni ,*or doU
Mil HIfOURS? cmowns 'J
Mlfr# BFIIOOE """K r.iturr.l iiiFJ
li\l \'f His Pt-R TOOTH A'-
fJMB " * ' 'i' L X*-JJ|
f iincrUKS LAKE
hjC 9 l'Rlv/TK kHsPKN«iAKT.
Avfr . AND FUURIH 01..
All form*of liellratemn! Cotti
x»llc.at« <i liiwriM . nu|i»ii liin< ON.
'Kflf M i»kNTI Af. UH'I HriKWTIKH' M«"l.
trillion nro nt tlun !>i,*
vi'ii ruy wtti fi fitcccw. ,'nrcly iittuliifl. Dr. H.
U. LnkrU" mcnil>or of tl»o lU>yalC ol!« 1 hy
-1 . iph «tii<ft H l*ll'l Iw the ol lebl Ana inonl
•K|t« in* »re«l HrtSUAUH** Iti tharltjT. H|Hjr,lfll 111..
.. filloii ;dvt MtoNrrvoiiH Urtitllty from«r«(*iHiivo
mi" i jil ««\(U'tlou. 1 atliftcreilon of youth,#ir. scAUS
mtf iilivHlral and jm-ulu! W of fnor^y,
'••■"iioii !i'iit:y f OM Hon'C, Ijiln,
ril««s ItIMMHOAIUiii, Hil l nil #lHi a»ci4of Uiu Bkln,
t lih.'l, I.ii, Urlfuiry Orjramsttr. (XtiHiiltailon
i. « ais *. ii( i irtly conlM« utliil O/ico houi*, 1) to
1 1,-r I j to a r. 'w ; Buii.li.yH. » U» 4 r. M. Only,
i i at. or rt«l ;i« -.» I»HH. I.AKK. CC'ft.
Isa*tieclal liouii to lm»liic*i men who, hnvlns
drlfti-d imeoiiM'liiusly Into the drink luihit and
Hwsken hi find the ll • n eof uli iihiiil.-jn liixteni il
il; Hi t'n ill, r*'llderlllK Hu m nilflt to nifllini{< - nt
f.tirs f' 'itilrlnK it eleitr bmlu. A four i"*h*li»
ISl'ioh; of tfu ni' lit at tli"
wnrsßUßd KIT.I.hv iwstiiutb,,
fin. .hi n'tti Avnua,
.i-". -i 10 lIM-rn nil lln Ir powi m, ini nthl i.n<f
jiiiv i.-nl. .! -tr- ..•••■•■l «|.p.-iite. iiiiJ
i. ...r. .-in to ttie 'oielUiuli tie. all lie-
I Iliey Iml'll i 111 .tlnillsilf". TV* »i i : |i.. ,i
ii iti. i i. tli-il ... Hinl
• .ll'iHK I fie in o.iii' C . ntt' " t'/iri, fo
~•..1.1 ■ i: r. ''villi ei.pfl 1.-ii in 1.. a
«i i,lu.. ili l) u.ld ellleler.ey i.nii K !• . ('iin>.
The lull' i nid ui' •• t .r< fine in. . :n Is
nit!..!. ;-;cul Zit inMßiOilet eivm ••itona»
(lon "J l
l,(). WICK
DK*LKK ll*
tiniipli anrt Yfikir lurrtfr
or Al.« KISUS
I)o«>rs, Ssish, Hllnd.s, MouUHngs,
SMnglos Hthl L»th
Always In Slock.
Olfle.. oppo.fla I'. A W. Dnpof,
I'l'Tl/'H, P».
|f*w«i/irir tiinn/
»utltt«tiiii< two lio*.n of tti.y ..llier I,rami. Not I
*fT.-iX.»I I,ir l.enl irijKTTIIKIJKNI'IM, I
122 D T PAPF 123
S. Main St. 4,1 1 ' 111111 S . Main St.
Tbe Leading Millinery House Of Botler Co.
It will he to your interest to attend this CLEARANCE SALE, as all our Millinery
mast go regardless of cost, to Take room for the spring goods. NOTHING WILL
BE SAN ED. Fine and styli->h Bonneis, Hats, Tan O'Slianters, Fascinators, Hoods,
Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons. and everything in our store will go WAY BELOW
COSI. Early buyers for best bargains.
1). T. PAPE,
y C-t r closing rut s.t'e of men's, boys and children* overcoats, suits
p;.nts is still going on as we desire to close out every garment in
il.c house bcf< !c Apiii I, iJ>97- Our stock is yet full and complete
( liildicns suit* .from 75c up, childrens overcoats from 75c up. W'e
irvst say that cur sales so far h ve exceeded uur most sanguine ex
pectations being much in excess .f last year.
We will still continue to cam he largest and best selected line o.
furnishing gcods in 13utlcr, such as underwear, gloves, mittens, shirts
in laundried anil unlaundried, percales, madras, domestic and jerseys,
collars, cufts, ties in necks, bow s and four-in-hands. Hats, caps,
overalls, jackets, sweaters, cardigan jackets, umbrellas, trunks, valises,
telescopes, satchels, cloth, hair and tooth brushes, purses, pocket
and bill books, papetries, watches, chains, charms, rings, pins, clocks,
silverware, spectacles and eye-glasses, toilet soaps, mackintoshes,
rubber coats, canvass coats, etc.
We Guarantee Quality and Prices.
When looking for Holiday goods give us a call, we know that we
can suit you.
121 N. Main St. Butler, Pa.
VW. K. THORNBURG Prop'r., Evans City, Pa.|i|
< > Tnis popular house has just been entirely remodeled 4 ►
< will always receive close attention. 4 >
. L Located near l'ostoftice and I*. & W. .Depot. V\ hen
in Evans City stop at the Commercial. Bell Tele- i }
phone No. 16. , .
We will ship you Flee of Express, your choice of the following se
lections ol absolutely pure liquors. No charge for
boxing nor shipping.
No. 1,
2 (|ts Imported l'ort, (
j <jls Imported Sherry, <
2 qts Grape Brandy, (
No. 2,
?. cjts Fine Rlaekberry, j
2 qts Imported I'ort, \
2 qts 6-year-old Hear Creek, '
No. 3,
3 <|ts Sweet Malaga, j
2 qts 6-year-old Hear Creek, ■<
i qt Silver Age Rye, (
No. 4.
2 qts Jamaca Hum, j
2 qts Holland Gin, -<
2 cjts 6-year-old Hear Creek, (
Our liquors are the mn>i reliable in the Slate, and our prices the
lowest in the country. California Wines of all brands, 50 cents
per full quart.
S-nd for catalogue and price lint-
Mailed tree on application.
82 Federal St. Allegheny Pa.
The New-York Weekly Tribune
EVERY member of
Vri EVERY family on
EVERY farm, in
llTOl®!/ > EVERY village, in
\ v ,» *. - EVERY State or Territory.
*1 V FOR Education,
a \ FOR Noble Manhood,
\ * FOR True Womanhood,
If ■ £-\ | all important news of the Nation.
1 ij I \ all important news of the vVorhl.
I r P the most reliable market reports.
1 nI V LiO brilliant and instructive editorials.
I r Pr 1 I VI?Q fascinating short stories.
1 111 \ Ijkj an ucexcelled agricultural department
I r P ( { I scientific and mechanical information.
-A "JAV IjD illustrated fashion articles.
[ r P ( y I\ r humorous illustrations.
I "II t I-iO entertainment to young and old.
> T f * I
il '' I t liO satisfaction everywhere to everybody
We furnish "The Citizen"
"N. Y. Weekly Tribune"
FOR si.so I>L:R YEAR.
Addri m nil orders to J||J [|J|/[((
Write your imiw and ultima on a jwatal caul, send it to Qr.o. W. Ilcst, liibunc
lluildlnx, New York City, und u Multiple copv of TliK Nkw Yokjc Wm'JCIT
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