Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 28, 1897, Image 3

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New Advertisements.
Notice of application for Detective
The Butler Produce Store
Donthett <fc Graham's Half Price Sale.
Ilu'elton,! Sweeping Redactions.
Ruff's shoes.
C. 4 T's. Inventory Sale.
fore —All advertisers intending to malrt
chages in their ad«. should notify us cf
th »ir intention to do so. not later t'-an
M nday marning
Adminfsthrators and Executors ot e.tat
c»u secure their receipt booke at tbe CIT
its otbee,
'•The poet longs tor gentle spring's
Return to gladden men,
Nor thinks :hkt when it comes it brings
House cleaning time again."
—"Washington's birthday next.
—No cases of Etui-stroke have been re
ported this week.
—lt's all right to follow a golden rule,
but not if it fall* out of a fourth-story win
—Monday was our coldest day an£ yet
they were working in the railroad cut at
—'•A woman is probably called a belie,"
says tbe Philosopher, 'because her tongue
makes so mnch noise."
—With the mercury '*ay below zero,
Veiji. » row posing, ala Trilby, as even
ing t.a in the Western sky.
—TLe inauguration of McKinley will
be tbe 1-JOtb anniversary of the retirement
of George Washington trou public life.
—The C. S. Government ha* leased the
Post' Sice building here from Jas. W.
Thompson for fire years at S7OO a year.
—The click fell and made a large dent
in the floor. "Ah!" said tbe flour. "Now
I understand what is me&nt by the nick ot.
'•Liey aia' no uao feelin' sorry fo' a
mule," Kays Brother Watkins, "kase de
fa*' chauce ho get be gwine kick de feelin'
out o' yo'.''
—Some ol the Nomination Papers sent
in to the County Commissioners this week
were detective and had to be returned for
correction. All the papers mnst be in by
this evening.
—The Bes»emer <t Lake Erie
K. K. lave put op the machinery lor a
safety gate and a gateman's watch-house
at the creasing of their track* over Centre
--Seme chap who claims to know all
aboot it published a liat of the promi
nent peopl« who are to die daring IHU7.
Tbi se of os who are not included in tne
list are drawing deep breath * of relief.
—Try to arrange your business so as to
attend tbe eclipso of tbe *an next Monday
afternoon. Tbe next day will be Candle
ma*, and will belong to the groundhog,
who will do the six weeks act.
—What won't boy* do f Sometime ago
aome boy* of tbe north end of town caught
a neighbor's roo*ter and painted bin red,
and the other night two boy* *ent Into a
doctor's office and caught his cat and
chloroformed ber. Poor puss, she's dead.
—A gentleman saw the following adver
tisement in a paper: "The Road to
Wealth. Send twelve stamps to ."
The penile/nan *ent twelve stamp*, and
in retnm for hi» outlay received tcinnte
instruction* bow to get to the V. 8.
Trea*ory from any part of Washington.
- -Oor grocers are paying 18c for butter,
17c lor egg*, 20c for potatoes, apple* and
turnip*, 50c for parroips, carrot*, beets
and onions, 3to 5c for cabbage, 10c for
dresaed chiokon, 13c lor dre*sed turkey,
12 for dre**ed dock, and 900 a bo. for
—The Kitty Rbuode* company opened %
week'* engagement at the Park Theatre on
Monday night to a large audience and have
been play ing to pretty good bu*ine»* ever
«ince. The company is a well balanced
one and give* general *ati*faution. To
night the company will present "Hazel
Kirk." A family matinee will be given
on Satotday afternoon.
—The Treble Clef Clnb, directed by 0.
If. Boyd, Jr. gave a very enjoyable con
cert !n the Opera House last Friday even
ing, whle netted about S2OO for the new
hospital; and after the concert an amnslng
alnaping-car scene was pot on the stage and
well a.':t«d by Mr>. R F. Scott, Mis* Mame
Lu*k, Aaron Iteiber, Frank Marpby, Ed.
Colt.ert, Jo« Heineman Carl Leighner and
—Part of the iron lor the new railroad
bridge* and trestlcx i* in town; and a nam
ber of workmen are erecting a larg»
'traveler," beginning at the embankment
tin Ihe Geo. Reiher place The trestle
from the embankment to the kpile* near
Lookout Ave. will be about 1200 feet long
and will cro»* the Weat Petin track*, the
creek and Lookout ave. The "Traveler"
i* being built on the cantilever plan. The
work I* interesting.
—The blizzard that raged la the north
went Wtdcesdey and Thursday of last
<weefc, reached us Saturday, and the mer
cury gradually fell until it reached 13 and
15 below **ro Sunday night.The creek below
Imrn fi< ze over In one night. At point*
la Mi"nes«,ta and Dakota the mercury was
reported at 20 to 40 below isro. Tuesday
morning tbe mercury stood at G to H below
*ero here; the *rro line had extended down
Into Kentuokay, and at one point in the
northwest tbo mercury wa* reported at SO
tMlo* zero, -with train* snowed in.
—'The American flag on and after tbe
o<X*. Fwirtb ol July, will have forty-five
ntat*. A notice ha» been M:M out to the
army nnA nnvv official* to that effect. An
order !»aa a'eo been issued to ti,o ci sto
dihi.s if public Liiiliifs Ibr 'ttrhogt tbe
Unirtd *to bigin at once io put in
the './tdltienal iter* in all old flags or
*ert)i* new oties, wl leh murt h,: six rows
ol rtars. The fli't, t'drd *n>l fiflb rows
will I avn eight stars em h, ami the second,
li-nith Mil rtxth will have seven stars
- Few people stop to count health as a
great ble«»in# It is the highe*t of purely
esrtMy hie- «lng, W« are so busy grnilio
ling over pome financial wroi.g that we
'forg* t all the money In the world wonld
■profit lis hut little if we were invalid*.
.Kdneslii ii Is a tine thing. »ay* Josh (lll
llngn. and lame is great, but a good relia
ble im tof bowal* i* worth II all Hays
Carlyle: "With stupidity, sound digestion
•nd a good liver, a man can confront any
44 the problem*of the universe."
—-The varieties of people, the difference
in Ibstr aims ambition* and luck, are hit off
in it.)* somewhat worn but pertinent pi.ra
graph; While cne man I* struggling for
justice another i* fleeing from it. One man
J* *avlr.g to build a house and another i*
try ing to sell hi* for le«* than coat to get
ridot'iL One man spend* all the mo ley
It* cau idfeke in taklug a girl to tbe theatre
and taking her flowers, with the hope of
making ber bit vife, while his neighbor la
-•pending what gojd be hoi' in getting a
sllvoiuo. One man escapes e.ll the diaeascs
ahat flesli 1m belr to and g',l* killeu on tlie
nilroad. Another e,:oapes with a suauh
and die a with whoop lni,4>""glt-
Will You Have a Public Sale ?
—lf you intend to have a public sale
this winter or in the coming spring. you
can read t! Jse few lines with profit to
your self. You may have a firrt cl»ss
clerk and auctioneer, and yet Lave a small
crowd and consequently a poor sale.
That m«ans money lost. One of tbe prime
things for the success of a persona! proper
ty fa!e is to pet out a crowd. The ea-ies'
war to do this is to get out attractive pos
ters fr >m our job room and to advertise
liberally in the Citizen. Why the Citizen
Becaus of its location and wide ppread es
calation. It is not read only by the peo
ple of the neighborhood, but it goes into
hundreds of homes in the surrounding
town snips. If you wani to reach the peo
ple who attend sales adTert'.»« in the
—The Electric Light Co, is making
great improvements in its pl<»Et the
building has been enlarged, a new holier
added. ?.nd a tremendous new engine and
dynamo are being put in place.
—Attention is called to the advertise
ment of the Butler Produce Co. Mr.
Moore says he will handle no goods that
conflict with what he Fays in his adv- — "It
you get it at the Butler Produce Store —
Its freeh."
—Twenty-three farmers in Chester coun
ty have answered trie question, Does it pay
to raise <>atsf Of the 23 17 say it
pay. although some ol them grow some for
feed or as an expedioncy. Nearly all agree
that potatoes are a more profitable crop in
this State than oats or any other kind of
—Grapes should bo trimmed now, whi'e
tbe weather is cold. It they are irimmed
in the spring th':y iviil bleed; that is, sa ;
will ran from the ends of the shoots the*
have been cut and tae vines will be weak
ed. If cut now these .?nds will be healed
by the time Ibe sap begins to flow and the
liability of damage wiU be reduced.
—Anotter cat s'suy cornea from iforib
Sewick.'ey towc=hij>, Bever county.
Jonas Bscku: ow -i a pot cat, which be
came the mother ol two kitten* Bieku*
has two sons also who arb of a scientific
turn of mind. They bad a couple of yonng
orphan rabbits, andj iLey conceived the
idea of killing the kitten,' and sewiDir tneir
«kint orer the rabbit* The kittens were
killed, tb3 rabbit-* neatly dressed in their
hides and placed in the neat lor the
cat to mother. When she arrived, the cat
was oomewhat surprised and expre**ed her
suspicion* that all was not right by pitiful
mewing*. Hhe final'y accepted the idea
that there had been a reincarnation and
adopted the rabbit*. She rained them
and now seem* much attached to them.
Ao Italian laborer on the Pittsburg and
Western railroad wan strnc* by an engine
at Downeyville and severely injured. Ho
wit* TAX-.H to the Allegheny General tlos
Tne Ull of a wall pictara ap»n a lamp
at Capt Klunnegan '* home on fmtitute
if ill. I»*', Thursday evening, made a firo
that burned the piano, and did other dam
age v> the a:nount ol about i'tOO in all.
Jo* Muchling'* lioroi ran off Sat
urday, bat nobody wa* hurt.
A Hungarian ba<l hi* eye* blown out
by dynamite al'i.ig Tuorn Oreok in Jeffer
*on twp., Tuesday.
An explosion of nitro-glyceriue at Cygnot
near Lima 0. T i«;-t Jay afternoon, killed
two men,their bodies being literally blown
to sl.eda. »o fi, not a particle of either
having bu;£i found. The victim* were
W. J Morrison, of Toledo, field superin
tendent for the Ohi'i an 1 Indiana Torpedo
company, and Edward Donni
son, a aboo'.er, of Rising Hun, formerly of
drove City, Pa.
A man named Hunting who was 400
feet from the magazine, wan badly cut
about the head !>y flying debris. A house
1,000 feet aw*y had til the wlridown and
door* blown in, and a li'tie girl received
injuries not believed t'< be »orious.
OH. hOTBa.
The producing agencies are paying H5
and 87ct« today.
RnnK»aw—The Hhidemantle gustier in
still making 12 bhls an hour.
White <fc Co'* So, 3, Hamil, southwest
of the gusher, was drilled In last week,
and made a small,flow; So. i' Hamil is
doing 100 bbl*.
Greenlee <t Taylor's No. 2, Dixon 1,000
feet southwest of the gusher Is expected ia
this week.
MiniiLKsK.i —The Korest'u No. 3, Mar
shall is good for 2~> bbla.
PABKKU -Hast of the Roaenberry pool
Gerber A Co. have drilled their teat weil
on tbe a'.lagher farm through the nand
and have a duster. This is the well at
which a oue eight interest was in dispute
and had it come in a producer there would
have been a legal hair pulling time over
the ownership. Now that, the well lias
come in dry the claimants are not saying
a word.
Militia Inspection.
The poring inspection o! Co. U., 15 Reg.
will be held in tbe Armory on Tuesday,
lCili Beginning with Monday Jan.
25th, company drill will be held every
other evening 'intll Fob. I, which begins
ihe last w»eit before inspection Daring
that week the company will be drilie';
every evening eccep> Saturday Oil Mon
day evening Feb. 15th, preliminary in
spection will be held. The boy* hope to
gain tbe best percentage In the 10th Keg.,
ai.'l maybe in the whole 2d. brigade,
A Letter For You.
Letters uncalled for at the Butler Font
Oflice, week ending Jan. 2i>, 1807.
Armstrong Mr., ( Armstrongs Oil Wells,)
Belli* A Grove, (Corner dry goods store,)
Hrttinger V.t. Jake; Hotter Mr, J; Am
brose, Klliott Mr. Klmcr B, llrudiar Mr.
Ivan. Kicbenuer Mr. Henry, (iallagher,
Mr John K; Huchlnnon W.J; lloland J.
C; Kltch II K*q; Kelder J. F; Settler
Allen, McMulleii T. B. K«j; McMnllen T.
B. K*f|; McHenry Mr. Itob; Frlce Austin
Ksi|; Sage P. B; Hhation J J. Ksq; Thomp
son M A; Varga Mike; Maltman Mr.
Mike; Waldari Frank; Zimmerman A. J.
, »«!•
Aiken Miss, Aiken MI<M Bec.sie, Aiken
Miss Bessie; Hunter Mis Nora; Kelly
MM Lizzie, McMillen Mr*. J. II; Mardorf
1 Ml** Almira (3'(» M*.in St, i Niggle Mrs
' Agnes- ftoxbury Mi* Jennie; Stan field
i Mrs. hdwin; Taylor Mr- Anna; tVaiker
i Mi»* Sadie.
fn calling for the*® lettet* plea e say
Jon M W. liiowa p. M
i __
< In ranvafteinx for members for the
Hoard of I rede, there wc.r a mimlw-r of
our citiz.cn* whom it was not jio'.siblc for
the meiiilierahip coinmittc to visit, anil
doubtless there are '.till « uuiiilier <>f <>ui
uimA citizens who nrc tint only willing
1 but noxious to join the Board of Trade;
( organizA-d solely to benefit every resident
. of our city ami if they will kindly tend
t their names to one of the iiienil>eiKlii|>
. coniinitlee th< y shell at once !><; 1 isted
on the Roll of Honor.
LKVI M. Wins
P. W. Kni'i'
' Membership Committee.
—Tbe Butler Lubricating Oil (?o
ban aiorrn] hack to tboir old Hturid
r i I'J, W. J'jffenon Ht. Hteolnniitb <t
' PftttnrHon'rf n«v huiliiing, w hero ni
klndn of engine, machinery, na'l il
r luniinating oil* of the line.ht i|iiality
:i are kept in ntoc!; in tbo haMment,
" and will be delivered to any part of
1 the city when ordeied from U. K.
V Mulntiro, agent.
if I'antH—Over 2000 panu S,u eclnct
* from, at pric'"!', oh >vnll, don't tnuh
it tlop them, itH uwful, wbore '»t
, 11 V' K 'h.
e Kox and *-hir* nil wool and a vurd
li 3t)ds, cheaper than thit obenpvHt—ut
k'-i, Vi\ N oi.
Cafsks Tkied.
John S. McElvain vs the Pennsylvania
R R. Co. trespass. Jan. 21, verdict for
the plaieutf for SIOOO.
Wm. H. Walker v» the Penn.-ylvania R
R. Co. trespass. Jan 23, verdict for the
plaintiff for §1250. These cases wers for
damages sustained a' the wreck at Harbi
son Station on the West Pena R u.
John Kiach vs Phillip Bickel trespass
Jan. 25, verdict lor the plaintiff lor 1100.
L. P. Troutmau vs. J. A Heydrick L-t
al, .jecimeat. JaD, 27, plaintifl taKe* a
Jos. Mangel vs Woi. MarKs et al, trt»-
pacs—jury out.
Wm. Muuhall et al, vs Wm. H. Schmidt
et al, ejtc'uiient —on trial.
The ca-«-s of Nicholas Reoit vr Christian
Michaels, t resp i.ts (2 c>ses)iii:d »\ in. ii'iu
hail et al r- Wm. li. Simtu et al, wer.-
'J'ub ca-?es of »amuel A. Purvis vs V< H.
O'Bri-U, a.-sumps;t; Thomas Z. Caldwci. ei
al vs Harry Hiuchbergui et al, mechanics
lieu, were set'led.
The cas; of E C, Dowitt A Co vs A.. S.
Marshall, as-ump«it, was continued.
Louisa H. Conlia has petitioned lor a
divorce trom Owen Coalin.
Robert Gregg has brought 3uit in replev
in ?s W. E. Davis, Henry Kora and Cou
stable Manny for one cooking .-tove, tbn->-
beds and bedding, lounge, amir, kitch -i
inrniture, etc. .- —
George Currie, an old soldier, was gran'
ed a pedlers license.
The charter for tne Butler Hoard of
Trade was recorded in theoffije A tfje Reg
ister and Recorder.
Catharine M. R itti, tyr her next friend
D. K Frazier, has brought suit in replevii
vs John 11. and D. F. Roth lor farnuuro.
etc, valued at B'W.
ftamuel Cridi-r Was appointed coustahi
of Evar.g City lor the unexpired term of
Cuarles Lynch, re igned.
Elmer E. 801 l was reippoiuted County
Detective, .iud th" ->alary fixed at S6O p-ir
A charter for the Ciclid Oil and Gas Cu
was recorded this week
The will ot Thornm Watson ol Wiolield
twp was probated and letters graulod to
Robert Watson and J. M. Galhrealh.
At Franklin—Monday, Judge Crii*eil
gr>au>d "J's licenses and held over ten.
Letters of administration were granted
to James ycLaughlia on estau> ol Hago
McLaugtiln ol ilerci r twp.; aisj toThotna
Graham <.n estate of J ine Shannon of 'Jo i
nequenessing twp,
The Charier (or the Butler County Gen
eral Hospital ban been reorded.
Saturday will be tne last day for filing
accounts with the Register lor presenta
tion at next term.
\Vm. Kepple, W. S. Kepple and A. D.
Kepple have brought suit in trespass vs
the Pennsylvania Torpedo Cs., and claim
damage* in $.'1500.
Levi Bickel had a hearing befure Esq.
Gilifhrlst, Tuesday, on a charge of .bigamy
and wii* held lorCourl-in MOO; Ham K«rr
or Jcnes was fined s•"> and costs for assvilt
and battery; W L Coulter, arrested for
forgery on oath of Wm. Kennedy.will have
a bearing this afternoon.
Jury Cornmi**ionur* Riiirbart and drib
b'tn finished their work for litis year las'
week, and now 700 names are reposiug in
the wheel ol chance and choice.
In this connection Gribben tells an in
teresting slory
When in Harmony sometime ago he
criticized by hi• party friend* ibero for no
putting the names of any Democrat-* .it
tnat town in the wheel for lh!Ki. Gribben
asserted that iie had, and that m >re t'l-ti
a fair proportion «f the names put in the
wheel for that town that yenr wero D-'in <
crats, »tat the proportion he had
was Hto7, or Boniithing like Thar, But
they said tiiat not a sirr'le Democrat had
been drawn while several Republicans had
That puzzled Gribben so roach tl.at he took
lh» trouble to go ever 'he nam"* left, over
in the wheel, and there found tnoso of a'l
the Democrat*, while all the Repablicv.l
hd 1 been drawn out. It v/as an odd fea
ture ol chance, and one that may never
happen again
Kdwin Meeder, adm'r, to Oath Pfeiler
lot* in Evan* Olty for $125.
Fred lionninger to J A Henninger lot In
Butler fir 11400.
Oil Well Supply C<> to W ri Wark lot in
Martinabnrg tor SSOO,
J B Arthurs to C E Broad head lot in
Euclid for S4O.
Kuima Haley to Klizibeth Murtland lot
Butler lor slß*o
Henry Martin to Theo L top ild 57 acres
in Jefferson for $3500'
John W Winer to B B Morgan 1J acre.i
in Muddycreek twp for $1
W B Dodds, sheriff, to It J Grahani lot)
acre* in Forward for $3045.20
J P Ripper to John Rippor lot in Evans
City for *225
A Wahl to W A NickoU* Jot in Evan*
City for S2OO.
A. M. Cornelius to Albert Rider lot la
Butler lor i 1250.
Tbo* I, Donaldson to Aline Hutchi on
1 acre in Middlesex twp fir S2OO.
Marriage I^icennca
Frank Dowser Parkers Landing
Sallie 8r0wn............. Jefferson Centre
Sbiloh ('-(loops Armstrong Co
Hirrlet Vounirer
Win E. Siierwln Fairview twp
Mary Goodga e11............0ak1and twp
R. J. 0 DOOMQ Bfltlff
Olara L. Uregg..... ..... "
(irant Krouf/her Billiard
Gula E Gardner...... "
Consignment Clothing Sale.
M. Sampler, Sr/ns & (10., Mann
facturlng Clothiers of 13, J5,
17 arid 19, East Fourth
street, New York*
The above firm haH coriHigned to
nn their Ktock of Men's, JJoy'H and
Cbildren'n Buitn and Overcoata and
odd panta left over from their laut
Fall iflanofactoriog. They have
made the prii-e on tbeae go idn 60
per coat ICHH than the regular price
on the goods in the neaaon We are
therefore confident that the people of
Butler county will ace that it ia to
their interoHt to come to UH for cloth
ing thin month. We herewith ijuote
you ufew of tbe prlcea on thin mam
moth Htock :
Fifty Men'a Caflalnctt Haitn ut
former price WUH $. r i. 75
Mcn'ti all wool Cheviot .Suita at $5,
orjner price JIO, lo'i Men's Flue
[rtcotcb ]ilaiiin | CaMslnierua iind
Worate'l Kuita at SS, Worth sl-i.
l>oya' Long I'antH HallK at
former price $4. 38 lloya' Srii'.H,
panta, all-wool, at f.l, former
price it o fioyu' parita .Suit*
fat former price $lO. H.*> Hoy if
knee panta miite at. ji, former price
t'i and 14. 30 MenV Blue end
[ Black Beaver OvenioatH at $6, former
price $lO 40 Mcn'H Blue arid
Black Beiwer Overcoatß at $lO,
firmer price $lO, $lB and s'io.
Boya' Overcoata anil Ulatera a', s.'!
and s.'{,so, former price sti, $7 and
45 Children 'a Cape Overcoata
at $1,50, former price $2.50, $.'5.00
arid $3.50. I Oil pair# of Men'a
Scotch all-wool panta at $1.75, for
mer price $2 50, s'».oo and s.'! 50.
300 ptiira of Boy a' Knee f'anta,
aizoa 4 to 14, at 25c a puir, former
price 50c.
Now don't let thia opportnni y
alij» hv lint come at onco to ua for
clothing at half prico.
b' itAi;i, K NAKT.
Leading Clothiera.
Now ia the time to get
TIIK I'foi-i.KH STOUK are cloning out
ail Jieavy cotton, fleece lined and
wool good* to mabi roo;,i fop Hpririj;
' atock.
—25 |ier cent eaved \>y buying
More.;) BlankcU arid Uobca at MAH
Fatal Accident on the P. <S W.
The Paint creek trestle, on the P. it W.
R. R. near Shippeaville in Clarion Co. was
the scene of a disaster, last Saturday after
co m, whereby W lliam S- Copeley of But
ler was instantly killed; Cbas. Carrathers,
of Bntler an 1 John Kelly of Cleveland,
formerly <<f W Saubury. hurt
Tne pts- iriia Tr 111 K*ce to But
ler, dae »t Butler a:. r.-ache t the tres
tle about 2:30 that atUriioon. Coming
dujra the steep grada ou the hiU>iio t .
other side ol the t.*u-»t'e the brakus either
did not work or else the train hid acquir
ed such momentum that the wheels s : id,
ior when the engine hit the curve it left
toe track, b imped over the ties tor a dis
tance and thea pluuged int» the raviae
nMu,r the wholo train wiih ii.
The tngineer aud fireman, Damel J'
Moriarty and Lia Beat'y of Foiburg weie
instantly killed as was also Mr. Copeley,
the mail agent; and several persons were
T.it" pa~.seDgnr car was turned over on
its : jde, and Mr. Kelly wa pinned in, be
tween two seats, but another passenger,
who was not hurt got him 100.-e and help
ed tiim out through a window. Ho spent
Sunday with his sister, Mrs. J. M. Painter
in Butler, and left fur Cleveland next
Young ilr Carrutbers is lyinc a* his
rnin 01 Lui Linghun siiet t Heisbni'--
ed, aua may be injured internally.
Conductor Tonka was in the baggag" car
ai tue tiica ol the accident, but escaped
with but slight ii-jar es. He walked to
Sbippenviile and \nri.ii ileVs pi the
Wreck; a relief train came U> lite scejie in
about two hours, and th*> dead at-<l wound
ed w.-ie cared lor Ihe tr lin beaiiiig ll.e
body ot Mr. Copley, reached the Butler
depot at midnight, where a Ihiiib crowd
vi'o* it. Funeral teivicca were
1,. d at Mr. Copley's house. Sunday after
no. -n, aud the ui-av-ifl to Manorv ioi,
Armstrong Co., next <l«iy M l ' ?»' ,u
y» ars -if agi, an 1 Is »v •* a >vild an 1 four
grown-up chiiursn lb* had been a mail
sgeut on tile rt>ad (or about iJO )eais.
Buginuer Uoriartv was toaud soma ibs
ta-.CJ l'.'ooi the engine, with bin head
Crushed in and mor« or less cut and
ad. Fireman Beatty was found some timo
af'er, l.vtn* s;n»ler the bagiiage ear, badly
mangled, his right iefc torn from his
b'idy and picked up s >ine disUa„<. from
whern he was lying Mail Clerk William
'jopley was found a'>out 10 feet lrom Fiie
man Bealt/, his head and tiody b«'i g
A M i.-s liallock, of Allegliel.y, who was
o.i the tram ao t who *-as not serious- } iu-
jure.l haupoi.ed t«» htv« s > ne ooitou, I ud
num and other articles iu lior satchel, «nd
With ilii'M' file rendered greatly apprecmt
e l uiii !i> the injured.
The eug.iie and cais lie in the ravine,
the creek, a masn ol ruins,
A dispatch from Foibirg, dated Won
day, said:
It is tin uglit to-night that Brakouiau
(j.virgti H iiw, wno was injured in the Pnis
burg A Western railroad wreck Salurtlay
aii I whose death was reported, will gel
. long all right. Conductor Touks, Bag
gag" Matte, Kaiiiy and Bridge Foreman
i;laik, all of this place, are slowly im
proving The wrecked coach wa-.
brought, to tiiis place this evening. It had
one side and one end smashed in and
lit-,t all ui the seats were crashed to
While Key Pollard was up street last
Saturday evening, and his wife and chil
dren were in the barenioat kituheti of their
home in Duffy low n, they heard an esplo
sion, and rui tiirg up stairs found that a
lamp had exploded and set fire t<> the
Thu Imrninp oil hud so scattered over
the room that nmhing could l,e saved on
tti.i floor; ami the fire spread so rapidly
that hat lew articles could he carried out
of it The lire companies responded to tin
alarm piooiptly, and l.»id a line ol hose
from the plug at Kauiercr's store up the
hill l i lbl> house a distance of ahoui 1500
IMMI —hut the h.'Ui-e w»s air. ady destroyed
and all they could do was la extinguish
the flutnes. Itev. Pollard and family
found shelter in a neighboring house,
Tlieir house was insured for #SOO but the
iiinuranoit is payable to the ma:; who hold*
* mortgage on the premises. On Monday
of ihis week L C, Wick and A. Kteebinith
coll oted a nioo sum of money for the
Rev Pollard's most serious loss by the
fire was his library, every book of which
w.n burned The library is said to have
cost him over SI,OOO.
A M. Reynolds' store at Fariuiugtoti
was burned, Tnecday afternoon. The
buiiiling Wit'! insured for shoo, and the
•'eck for $3,000.
Unluvct Unit* In II'IIMIIIIII/I'III for II"
For the benefit of those who desire to
attend the ceremonies Incident to tho iu
augaratlon of I'.-e.Mdoot efi ct VleKinley.
Ihi pen us) 1 v aula Railroad ('oinpitiy will
sell ex-Ufi-ion tickets to Wa-bington Miirc.l
I. 'Z T ii'.l d, valid 10 return from March
•I to 8, al the following rata^i——
i' lom I'iMsbtirg, +lO 00; Hutler, $lO 00;
A legheny Valley J unci I: Hi, #lO 00. and
tiom all other stations on the Pjnniiylva
liiii Htste.it at reduced rate*.
Tills inauguration will he a most inter
idling event, ar.d will attract a large num
her ol people Irom every section of the
The n Hgtiilice it facilities of the POllll
iiylvauia Railroad make this tho favorite
route to tho national capital at. all time*
and iis enormous equipment a; d splendid
terminal advantages at Washington make
P. especially popular on such occasions.
Music scho'arH wanted, at 128
W Way no t 8
Pants thai Kit.
Made of goods that wear, arid
keep their shape Wo are turning
them out by tho hundreds and the
values are so fur ahead of anything
you ever Haw, the goods themselves
s i perfect, HO Ktylish, HO thoroughly
tip to dut.o, that much as we may
promise you will find more when
yon git there
I'UTi.BK I'a NTH Co.
126 W. Jefferson Bt J block went
of Herg's Hank.
Trftnks, yttligoH, bags and tele
M'Mpos—at IIKOKH.
Free Kree. Kioo-
Votjr name 011 a postal card will
iirmg K copy of Tho iiiith.r Husinesa
(Jollogo Kxponent.a bright eight page
monthly paper, issued by Tho Hutler
Business College and Hchool of Hhort
liant! Hutler, I'a
Do you want a hat or cap? IIEOK
IIHH thorn and can save you money
Hoarding 11 oObe CarUH, witn Ac.
of \sseuibly, 2f> ceutH for balf-*-do»ei.
.or sale at CITIZEN ilTico
Vox i'opun—Buy your clothing,
underwear, hosiery, hats, caps, sox
and neckwear of l> A. IIKOK. and
ave niooej
All winter goods al. a big rod net
ion liooil wool sox at 1 0cand l/» ;a
flh Mntnina—you ought, to see the
big piles of children!) suits at HECK'S
only >1.25, you can't get the same iu
town lor less than $2.50,
-('losing out heavy underwear
and blankets below cost to make
room for spring goods at THK I'K«>
l'|.K« H l .ii.fc
—Job work ol all kinds 4OUK at li.w
A. T Scott, Esij. is down with grippe.
Phrllip Bickel is nurs ng a pair of beal d 1
fingers. I
I. X. Graham Esq., of Evans Cit> , was 1
iu t iwt, on legal business, this morning.
Mis. Gleeson. cf Xew Castle, is the '
gue-t of her sister, Mrs. J. M. Painter,
Jnhn Renisou aad his son Wm.. ol
Ada lis twy , *-er<3 in town, yesterday .
Ci a a lord Johns in and Ed Westerman, i
ol Middlesex, drove up to Butler, yester
A. Z. Shouts and wife, of" UarmoLy ,
Visited their daughter, Mrs. Thomas .
S'cwart, of Fairview Ave., last week
A. X. P. Leonird. of Fairview Ava. and
fticily have moved ui ttie Knk farm in
Summit twp
Daniel Shanor aud Jacob Ntel«y, ol
Franklin twp., were in towa ou bu.-iuess,
Kev. D. B. Stahlmau, ol Prospect,
preached morning and evening in the Eng
lish Lutheran Church, on Sunday.
Will McCandleS* ai d G. Wi!dy I.loy<l
h»\e opened a br ker's office m ihe Bickol
John Parks, of Middlesex twp , had
ears l adly frozen while ou his wa; home *
from Saxonburg, Monday night.
L. C. Wick was around, Monday, solic
iting subscriptions lor tie becelit 1 1 Rev.
Poilard. ana in a lew hours secured over
1 avid Kuglish tiLii duU^btel, ot I ratikllu
li. p , old some shopping in Built r, ytsttr-
Cay; also John Roxberry and daughter, of
Jos. KiskaOdon has moved into the
Giieb borne on E. North St.; and the
K..uscber bouse on W. St. will be oc- <
ciipitJ -y Mr- W B Hamilton, J. S.
V' utig'i cutter i
V;ss iial>. 1 Copley, JU-.I aas av»v at
Hitn 01, airivtd home, Sunday, while the
tuiieral si-rvices were leug hi Id. SLe tin
not brar ol her lalbeiV death until she ar I
rivtd at Uiiiou c»pot, Pittsburg. ]
Mr. J. T. Blair, the efficient manager |
of tee 1' &. <fc L. E. has been retained a>
lumiager of ibri Pit sua.-g liiSi iuer *.u I
Lake Erie, at; l Jlr W It. Sargoant. also
enuaily efficient, as Geu. Passenger Agcul.
Mi'STeuu McKinnty o; C»ncori} i*p -
entertained a number of her Iriendo ou a <
rtctJ.t eveuipg, in t;"?ior of ber cousin
Get !go A. X'ev. j- iii;<J '4 lie. allet iilresii- '
meiits were surveil u«icial "tptjaemeuts '
■*'tre enjoyed by all presett.
Cbriaioph Uu', of Liio*sV»r lwt< , I
Who dtntl last Satutoaj, at tl.e ago til
seventy-three, Lai neither taken food
or iJrink through » is mouth tor nearly a
year. His ICroal w ,t„ "lose I, and I o was
Kep'. alive by means id a tu >u Icatliiig
ii to his vtotnacb.
-XJji. p. |{ R's great excursion train to (
Call'ortna pa»se,( HiKiiigh I'itlsli'jrg Wed- |
neaday «v . i iog The m«J >rity of the «*-
curs!ocsts w i*r« Iroiu east of tlio moun
tains but a (■: w b larded the train at Pit's- j
burg, ar.il among them J. N Patterson of (
Butler The train vent on o 8t Louis ]
via th« Pal: Handle and is due in Pittdii rg '
on i'« reiniti tr'p, via the Fort Wayne i n (
M <r< ti I'Jt*.
(Notices in this column coid 50 cent*
for ten lines or lees. When the bills are (
printed at tne CITIZKN office they aro in ,
serted o e time free.)
J I. Huey will have a sale of per-onal
property on ihe Dean place, east of Coop
erstown in UidJlesex twp., on Friday,
Kelt 5, beginning at 10 A vf. St:e bills j
p 'sted. |
Mrs. Ellen Hays, adin'x. of Joseph ]
Hays, dee'd. will hav« a public sale of l
stock, farming implements, etc. at her >
n-Hid'oice near Valencia on Wednesday, ;
Pel: 17, begmni'ig at. 10 A. M,. See bills .
pitted, I
Findley »ili ojitn tim etudio at
Marx on February 1 »*t ami will (
remain tliero for the entire week ,
special inriticementß for that week on
fine work, brin# ' li« children iih it ;
ho lust week of the winter; old pic- 1
dircH coppied anil enlarged, satisfac
tion guaranteed. FINDLEY Butler,
PA , Teleph >ne 23<>.
Thousands «>f dollars worth of i
Horse I'lutikoiH and (lobes at Mau- 1
| jfttout i»tyu<n li- line Holiday
floods at CLBEIjAND'H Jewelry store
I 2f ( H. Main St. Butler I'a
The Now Lire Option Policy
unci Endowm&nt Bond,
Issued by the
The Ix-Ht Insurance in the World. '
IT grants solid protection upon inn
tual plana at. the lowest guaran
teed cost.
IT is immediately payable on proof '
of death, or, also, if a Bond, at the ,
end of the upoclfiod term.
lr is incontestable after two yearn i
from date of 1 «eue.
IT in automatically non-forfeitiblo,
aft'T three yearn, for face amount.
IT gnarantwH m»st liberal, endorsed
cash, paid-up and extended insur
ance value!.
IT Ih collateral for loans with the (
Company up to the limit aecured
by the guaranteed eaah value
IT participates in aurplua distribu
tiona, aa elected by the holder, and
allowa him all the uaual method*
of aurplua adjustment known to
IT place* no reatrictiona on residence
or travel
IT la economical, incontestable, uon
forfeitable and adjustable—a poli
cy of guarantees.
For further information address,
Box 1114, Hutler, i'a.
Low i'cices in Musical Goods.
Home special prioea at (Jrieb Ai
Lamb's dissolution wale ri'iw going
Ne# Pianos S2OO and up
New Organr. SSO and up
(Juitsrs $1 and up
Mandolins s•'! i>o and up
Violins $1 50 and up
A uloharps $2 and up
Tnere are alao aome second hand
instruments -pianos at s'ss t' SIOO.
Organs at SBO to s!•<>
Ilurmonicea and other musical in
struments at proportionately low
rales Strings of all kinds constant
ly in atock.
Hay I'apa—did you see Muck's
neckwear, It beats anything you ever
All wool ilress linodl 40 inchea
wide only 25c at Til* PKOPI.es
Underwear— A specialty at IIKOK'H
his stock is large-t anil finest ever
offered in Bu''e*
Kxeciilors Notice.
belters twtainentary on th« estate of
Henry llenk. dee'd, late <>l Winfield twp .
Iluiler eonntv. I'a . having been granted
In Km under. dgued; all personM knowing
themselves indebted lo "aid aetata will
please iiakii immediate tmyment, and any
having claim* against ..Ah! e.Ualo will pre
npnt ibem duly authenticate I fur settlo
tn en t to
bonny, butler Co., »'».
iiijJl'MUN A tIALIittKATII, Ally's. i
The .-liin attenianco at our l< cal prima
mariesol last Saturday is attributed to the
bliizar.!—lut CSC Repablu-ans and
lJemi>crats went to th<» poll -
Interest centered in the contests for Col
lector the voi© ou which «#< as follows;
Ist. 2d. 3d. 4tr. 3th. T'l
Jack 54 t?7 45 77 40—2K3
Alexander.. 123 17 21 30 3'.> - 240
Smith ...... 37 5 20 10 55 133
Kockenstein, l!«t; Lowry, 103.
The borougb nominations are as fol
Republican— l"or Burgess, R. B. Gil
ghriet: Tax Collector, John S. Jack; Over
seer. Reuben McKlvaiu, and Auditor, J.
M. Painter.
Democratic—For Rarges.», J T. Myers;
Tax Collector. Jos. Uockenstein: Overseer.
Wm. H. Morris, and Auditor, M. H.
The ward nominations are as follows:
Republican—Council, J. Ii Ilarpei, I.
Andrews; School Diiector, Eiuier K. Boll;
Judge ol Election. Alex Borl lad; Inspec
tor, John liordman.
Democratic—Council, Joseph W. Gra
ham, L P. Walker: School Director, Dr.
M. R. Headland; Judge of Election,Alpho-
Walin: Inspector. Charles A. Colling.
2i< \VARI>.
Kep.—Council, J. I). Xorthrap, Sohool
iMreetor, C. I). AMinger: Judge, ii. I)
lij'erly; Inspector Harry L. Urah.iui.
Hem—Council, W. 'A. M'irrii; ~ebool
Diiector, Albert C. Krutt; Judge, i'. D.
Pape; Inspector, J, A. ttoineman.
Hep. - Council, Peter tfc'ienck; School
Director, J. B. Sherman: Judge, W. S
Orris: Inspector, M. Wick.
Deni -Council J. G Slamm; School D.rec
vi r, Jss. I>. McJunkin; Judge, J Mctj
-:nitb; Inspector, (ieoige Xoull.tt.
Hep —Council, Joseph Woods; School
Director, L). E. Dale; Judge. C. E. Soiia;
Inspector, J. L Garroway.
Deni—Council, Adam Iloflne!; School
Director, C. M. Ileineniau, Judg -, J W.
Ziegler; Inspector, Charles S Sboap.
Kep.—Council, John K Eywry; School
Diiector, T. M. Baker; Judge, Mc-
Ciung' liifptctor, Phil'ip Hull.
D' in—Council. James W. Thompson;
School Director, Wm. T. Meobifug; Judge,
D. P. Keedj Inspector, John 11. Reibor.
LtcciAL nsv: VIE T t
Ju re-application of Anthony Allen for
a Detective license iu (quarter Sessions ot
Butler, Co. l'a., No. 32 March term, 1597.
Now, Jan. 27th, 1897, the within peti
tion directed to lie filed and publication
to be made according to law.
Notice is hereby jjiven that the above
application for a license to engage in
the business of detective, and for the
conducting of a detective agency, will he
presented to the Court of (Quarter Sessions
on the 1 ath of Feb. 1597.
Ccttified from the records.
By virtue ot an order of the Orphans'
Court of Butler County, Pa. at O. C. No.
102 June Term, 1H96, and to me directed,
I will 011
at one o'clock P. M. expose to public
sale on the premises iu Oakland twp.,
Hutler County I'a., the following real es
tate late the property of said Margaret
Martin, deceased, to-wit: All that cer
tain tract of land situated iu the Ti»wn
ship of Oakland, County of Rutlcr, and
State of Pennsylvania, hounded and de
scribed as follows to-wit: On the north
by lands of Joseph lienson, on the east
by lands of Peter Zituel and Conrad
Kit/art, on the south by lauds of Mary
Vosbrink, and on the west by lands of
Conrad Kit/.art and Joseph I.ane, con
taining ninety-six acres more or less,
with the appurtenances, with bank barn
and outbuildings thereon erected, late
the residence ot said decedent. Said real
estate to be offered first on the premises
with power to adjourn from lime to time,
and to Hutler, Pa., at the Court house if
necessary f« r want of sufficient bids: said
sale to IK- on the usual terms, to wit:
one-third cash on approval of sale by the
Court, and the balance in two equal an
nual payments, secured by judgment
bond and mortgage on the premises,
bearing interest, and with an attorney's
commission of five pv-r cent for collection.
S. P. HoWhltß, J,. F. UANTICK,
A. 1.. BoWDVI, Trustee.
By virtue of an order issued out of the
Court of Common I'lens of Hutler County
I'a., and to mc directed at A. li. No 20,
Sept. Term, therefore in pursuance
of said order, I will expose to sale at
public outcry 011 the premises o.\
at 11 o'clock A. M., the following de
scribed real estate, know n, as the "I'inc
Tract" said real estate being situated 111
Centre and Oakland twp's., But'er conn
ty I'a., bounded and descriljed as follows,
Purpart No 1, containing 70 acres,
bounded on the north by purpart No
on the east by purpart No 4; on the
south by laud of C. Ilewings, et al, and
on the west by land of fllaiu heir*.
Al.so, f'urpart No j, coutniniug 1711
acres, bounded on ''it north by land of
Titos. Brown; on the cast by purpart No
3; 011 the >.Olllll by purpart No 1; and 011
the west by 111 tin heirs and Jas. Mc
-1 .lath.
Al.so, I'm part No 1, containing 170
acres, bounded 011 the north by laud of
Titos. Brown; on the east by lands of |.
Robb; 011 the south by pijrpart No .|; and
Oil the west by purpart No 1.
Al.so, purpart No 4, containing 70
acres, txnindcd on the north by purpart
No \; on the cast by land ol I. Kobb; oil
the south by laud of I). Caldwell et ul,
and on the west by purpart No 1.
Said described properly being pur
parts No's 1, •, and 4, of the feal cs
stale kiiiiwit as the "Pine Tract" (not
accepted) as partitioned by a writ of
partition liled iu said Court at above
stated number and term, a reference to
which the proceedings will more fully
and at large ap|icnr.
One-third cash on confirmation of sale by
the 11.ml, and the balance to be paid iu
two equal annual installment*, sct.urcd
by bond and mortgage on the premises,
including five per cent attorneys com
mission if the same has to be collected
by process of law.
W1 1.1.1 AM ». Dunns,
Administratrix Notlco.
In rv estate of .fimnph Hays, dne'd, I tin
ol Adams twp, Butler county, I'a.
Wl i r«as letturs ol ndmiiiMtratlon liavo
liet 11 i :nmd mi aliovn oslato to ICIIOII Hays
by llin of Wills, llu<rtder« nl 1 per.
sons iudelitnd to nld Oiitati* will pl«.t>«i
..•ill" tho -11 MMI it ml any elaliiiH
unaliint Haiti i ltttii will present ttiein prop
orly proved lor payment to
yiLi.KIT II A VS, ad 111 'rx
of Jos, llayH, dee'd,
Valencia l*. (1., I'a.
W. <J, KINHLHV, Att'Y.
Ail in In Istrator's Notice.
Notice IK hereby Kiven that Intter* of ad
ministration on the estate of l.avlna Mc
L/'liilland, doo'd late of Connn'juennit«|nK
twp , Uotlnr notinvy, I'a , have b«i"i arant
ed to the Ulidernlniiml, therefore all por
-lon 11 kiiowiti|/ tlieui'ielVSß liulelited to ssid
estate are requested to innke prompt set
tlenient, and those having claims against
I tin sau-e to present them duly antlinntl'
catifd lor payment to
JOHN WHIUKI.. Ailmr'.,
H K. flowssa, Att'y. I'rospeot I'a
Fxoi tilor's Notlco.
batters tentamniitaiy 011 the estate ol
Daniel (,'rn .i, dee'd, late of (,°oiiuo<|iiiiiu.s 1
lag twp.. Hutler liounty, I'a . having been
granted to tim undersigned, all persons
knowing thetnuelvns tuleii'ed '• ~u es
ti.t 1 Wlll yioson make Immediate payment
ami any having claims schluhl i-.slil e/ 'nte
will present them duly authenticated for
! . ul!lenient to
W. l>. IISASIIOS, Att'y. i'roapeel, I'a,
crhaps you dun tkn > h.nv
we are on
U* everything relatio.: U ij>-
IJ o it will not bt amiss to
( 1 ,
all your attention to the
rompt service given
o everything of the kind placed
our hands
ever was so com-te
ave you money too.
Diamond Block, - B.'.iler. t
} Careful \
j hunter j
J Of fresh Groceries .
\ at lowest pric e s
J consistent with the Mk
5 quality of the uk '
0 goods always wim's yHk 9
# up at our store, #
!WHY? j
? Because she knows that --lie J
V is certain to find here something J
J to interest—something that will #
enable her to save a little inon- f
S ey out of the portion laiil aside d
m for supplying the liable. (Ami a
> jjet strictly fresh, pure goods at A
\ that.) 2
J There is tangiblo evidence of J
J the correctness of that state- J
J ment by personal investigutkiu. J
j Butler Produce Co j
# C. L. MOORE, l'rop'i.
IJO W. Jefferson St. 4
0 {
Produce Store ITS FRESH.
Money Talks!
There is niore it .;u:iu :it in one bargain
than in a whole co uiiin of type-talk.
And if a bargain is nu argument our store
can furnish more than a thousand argu
ments of its superiority as a place to save
There never was a better time than
now. Goods are always low priced here,
but just now they're being sacrificed.
An assorted lot of fabric? Nt twenty
five and fifty cents a yard.
Choice selection <>f I'igured Siletias,
Black Moire Percalinc linings of the
rustling kind, all at ten cents a yard.
Fifty-inch Black Surah Twills and
Fancy Figured Mohair in various pat
terns will he sold at thirty-five cents a
Very choice selections in Silks of the
75c, jfi.oo and $1.25 kinds at fifty cents
a yard.
fine grades of Corduroys in the Vel
vets and Velveteen Cords, 75c and #I.OO
ones at fifty cents a yard.
1,000 yards of fancy white Dimities
and Nainsooks, in stripes and checks,
the 15c and 20c qualities, now ten cents
a yard.
One lot of fine Towels, regular ID IILLD
jih- kind at so, <*■ and u'ie each.
Send foi .samples of iinytliiiix you
wish. We have it.
Pcnn Avenue and Fifth St..
Butler Savings Bank
I "5111 lej - , I '/1.
Capii.il - - $G0,O00"O0
KurpiuM und I'roliU, $119,263.67
J()M. I. I'll K V M I'ir'iilj'ii
J. ii i \R) l H<M TM \ N « • Prividto.
W M ( \ M PBI IX, Ji
MM im h. stk:N i>II»
IMHHTOIIH .lonopii |„ |*llrvln. .1. I• i»rv
I to' i «ii in, W. I>. Cr.iu loii. VV. A. Kl«'iu. .I.' S.
( ABiUOi'll.
'I <n* r.nihT Having hunk ii 11»»« ;i:<it>k
lir: i rmt II hi ion hi lint l**r bounty.
• •meiai I».l liking in mint t ii.tm*'*l#«l
Wi »-<>||rit n« coiiiitH <>( oil prod U 'TK, iiirr
cu • rntiii«*taami <>l int>«.
A I I'.iii *»•• .1 «M>trilMM(l ' 1 UW *l*l. rrrrlvu
I- *.111(11 nf oi)i 1 o 11.
11l < ri'U IMl'l OH •!»n«» I'Mir^ltH
The Butler County National Bank
"BUTLKR, l*&.
Capllai |»a«l In $100,000.00
Sui'pluH a'i<i Prollls $K7,'.M>2 35
Jim Hiirtmnn, I'm- iilnnl , J. V. IMIn. Vlr.o
*vmutant; (J. A. Hnitny, Ci lii»r; Julin (1
Mr\l i: I 11. A f 't oA«lii«r.
I flt»«IPKl |>«< I<l Oil 11 l|l«» Hi.
Mob'"/ Ili.lUD'l " H|«|»IO»t>«l WN.IIfll V.
W.' IN ril" H»U ID (»|IIMI AN HcciiUUl will) till*
lill'l l lol' 11->n . Jimnfil! II nrtutJW IIIMIW.
li Wa lll|mi, Mi N M lloo,«> II \|. iWH-m-V,
i i Ai'Miu't. r. I i•> »v I <• miii it li
»• ii i. M . i in a W. fii-niy \\ ijirii. .IOIIN
Moi«»i»iit•• y. I*l, W.i M' l'.ioitlc i. Mmni'lli
II S.irv 111 ihl-V. .1. v. If»*. I«
I.ivcry, I'Yc<l and Sale Stable
|MiTMvK, I'A.
Th« liont 111 hone* wnl lint cln »
alwny* on hand anil for hlro.
IliMt Kll<l<llll<lllAtlnim in town for |>«» r 111 n
Kent IHIIM-lljiiK iiml » trmln. Hpeol
nl < nr<i iruftrant«o<l
Htnl>l« room |<ir fluty iivn hot Him
A u<iin| eluuu ol liorna*. Iml.b ilrlvor* uriil
ilinll hor»»i* nlw.»y» on liuiid <»wl I• »r mil#
iinilnr it lull itnnrantw; wnl hnrrfim bouglil
■ I(1 in propnr llotllii»llon liv
SKA NO It ,t na<;k,
Tolnplnmn, No "l!».
toawmb*"'" !•■ r*liiM rß *™ l
lit ft. I ll 'ri »'.*TU Ml ~ 1M111.%., VA.
'llilfly )riiin i Ulliiiiniri pw |||f< 1 • of AM
nof f.o«l wonivfl No mailri f» <|| l l|«i
i nuao nr If,# tmiij MIMIHII'IL' f «• 111 *ft ' ir%
» - 4 -4 •• f> •O.J lot 1i%4
lA A :- INL' 1!
,) O # IW < siwt 4
iiiii.i | HALF PRICE SALE.
We have a limited number of overcraU, io:> to 150]
which we have placed on our first fo>r oil a counter by
themselves— _
in Men's Boy's and Children's, which we will sell at half
And continues until the go«xis ere sold
DON'T WAIT: : : :
Main and CuoniDgliam Street.
Consignment Clothing Sale.
M. Sampter, Sons & Co., Manufacturing
Clothiers ol 13, is 17 and 19,
East Fourth Street New Vork,
Schaul & Nast's.
LencMnfi Clothiers, 137 S. Main St-, Butler, Pa.
cur This OUT
Surprise after surprise awaits
you. Never before in the his
tory of Butler Co. has such
an opportunity been offered
to you.
Think of it SI.OO, #1.25
and $1.50 Winter Hoots and
Shoes ail reduced to 98 cents.
Prices That Toll Tho Story.
! Ladies Rubber Hoots 98c
Misses Rubber Hoots 98c
Youths Rubber I'oots 98c
Mens Overs for Felts 98c
Mens Hucklc Arctics 98c
Mens Huff Hals Needle <jßc
Mens Huff bals, Vale 98c
Mens HulT Cong Globe 98c
Mens Working Shoes <)Nc
Hoys ((ne Bals, needle 98c
Wo Will Not be Undersold.
La lies oil
Ladies Calf Shoes <)Be V
Ladies fine bull Sloes 98c /
Ladies spring heel shoes <>Xc y
Hoys and Girls shoes 9HC \
Youths stoga boots 98c
1,000 Pair School Shoos 98
Tho Half Has Not Boon Told
Butler's .Progressive Shoe House.
ZiS Sooth Main St., BUTLER PA
('. E. MILLER,
What is Your Need?
If you need anv
lliiiiLT in the furnish
nig lino we can sup
ply you. II you
want a hat or cap
wo can show you the
host Up-To-Date
stock in the county,
at very low prices.
Colbert & Dale.
S. Maii\ Hutlcr, I'cnu'a
A 4*. 4* 4-
Genuine Scotch Tweed Suit,
made lis you want it, FOR
is an example of how our
ao per cent discount sale
reduced the price of our
f,}o suit.
St) WE MUST empty the stock tables
Ijefore our Spring Patterns
a. rive. The discount goes
and see al>otit it.
B. B.
Stock Taking Ends With
account to !>c taken of everything
in the store—money is easier to
count than goods—we've adopted
such low price measures as will
clear all the surplus stneks —
convert them into cash quick—
we're willing to take a loss on
choice fcooils to do this—wc won't
carry over any surplus stocks—
thc/ve got to go—write now,
soon as you read this, for samples
and sec if the way they're going
doesn't interest you and your
pockctbook more than anything
has for a long time.
50 inch Mixed Suitings—all
wool—that were half a dollar,
40 inch all wool Diamond
Checks, 25c.
40 inch all wool Bourctte Suit
ings, 25c,
33 inch all wool neat mixtures,
Lot of all Wool Suiting Mix
tures. .j2 to 52 inches wide, that
were 75< , SI.OO, $1.25 —all at
All Wool Hlack (ioods at 25c,
35c, 50c, 75c, —all greatly re
Nice Bright Plaids, 15c, 25c,
15* ' s°c, 75c for waists or chil
dren's dresses there never has
been such a chance to get like
values for the money.
All the surplus stocks in the
store at mark-down prices—
write and tell us what you're in
terested in and we'll send samples
that will show you we mean busi
Get samples of the new 1897
wash gooils.
Is<><><;s & Buhl,
Mutual IFire Insurance Company,
Office Cnr.Main & Cunningham
IU. W 1(1. I"r»«
fctu. KKI-TKUKR, Tlr* I'rr..
t. N. ■rJIMUV Hm-'i ill TrMa.
Allrivl Wink, Mpiirterwin OII»»r,
• r. W.lrvlM. JSIIIXM strph«u»oo,
W. W. IHwleit oft, N Wnllwl.
V. Itowm tn. 11. J. Ktlneler
Knii< 11 r, rhim. M«>ihun,;
( pi', ItniMci, John Komi Inn.