GRAND CLEARANCE and SAMPLE SALE of BOOTS and SHOES We have begun a grand Clearance and Sample sa'e, and in tend to make the mon h of January v. h'lch i-> usual.y a quiet month, one of the bi.'. r ;e.->i. :'i the year and in oulei to a compiish our purpose we have marked a.i away dov. n and have placed three large sample counters in our store crowded with bargains. Grand cut in all lines none will be spared—W need the money and you reed the goods. Each ::ne repre emeu in this grai.d slf.'jhLer :>; c. . can be suited, snocs lo> everv person, and a barg«in for every person. Attend th> sale and get a pair of sample shoes at reduced prices and you will be well pleased Felt boots and overs reduced to f 50 per pa-~ Mens gum boots reduced to 2.00 per pan Bo> » gum boo's reduced to [-75 P ? ' P a ; Youths gum boots reduced to 1.10 per p. Childs gum boots reduce! to .90 per pa Mens box toe double sole and tap regular prices 52.25 ro at } 60 Mens satin ca!f shoes regular price )75 red-iced to 1.: Boys satin ca':'shoes re«u!«'-iv. ice i-"5 reancon to Youths satia v shoes regu ar p~ ce I .<"3 reduced to -7"> Ladies fine do:ii»o!a saoes price 3-5o red c-a to a..-i L,adies fiue do i-o'.a sho~s u: ce 2.00 u aveed to 1.50 Mines fine doti ;ola shoes regu'ar price 2.00 reoticco to i,. > Chi'.drens fine i ongo'a shoes reg.i'ar price I -5° re.[;ced to Children? fine dongo'a shoes regular price S I. o*j t to .50 Balance ot o. " Ho'.'.dav s'lppe s w'nicii soM at $r.25 ar.d (1.10. your choice for 6'-c per pa;r and many oi'ut.' bargains which \\ ill iuleiest you. (A box of leather pomade FREE, ask for it.) Call and see us, JOHN BICKEL, 128 South Main St, Butler Fa. "Oh, I Guess That'll Have To Do." Customers never say that in our shop. We don't keep the "have-to-do" kind of stock. You can get exactly what you want here. The only trouble you can possibly experience is to know just what to choose, from so much that is Stylish, Elegant and Suitab'e. Our table are piled high with the choicest weaves from the best looms of America, England and the Continent. If v.e are not a 1 ready making your clothes, come in, and experince the real Juxuiy of buy ing from a slock complete, varied and beaul .ul. I > 011 come once you'll come again. J. S. YOUNG, Tailor, Batter and Men's Firilsier. "" gzs : I HERE'S VOIR OPPORTUNITY | 1 Positively the Greatest Bargain Ever Offered! || | For Daily Use in Your Home or Office % work in the world equals that matchless Reference Library, the New j STANDARD AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA I j& n I ARfiF * Nearly 4,000 pages. Over 300 Pre P ared ™ dcr editorial Gu^rv,i,on of Hfy Jp VF LAI ' UI - r ■ Colored Maps, Charts and Diagrams. Inhn fhrl/ II I) «K © VOLUMES Every Volume Mechanically Perfect. 11 Car • - • ©.;»« anthor of "Ridpath's Hi^^^ FRESH FROM THE PRESS t 1 IKikiSsfci COST SBOO,OOO TO PRODUCE | J 9 Mmfak l«nw* ****??> oem**aaa»»J [ Jgg?S£ The new standard American Sk,' 1 ' < £ 9 »»■; Tti I' VOL6 ffitl iS. jr States, Statistics of Presidential Elections, Jmb Ml; LT7« 'vol3 '-Vol 4fc j P _ T M A PP. State and Territorial Elections, Religious tfHtf! 3 Vot ' I iL u ■ m-AA'hhp" p il % a « r ' b-o li L -Hp the Wi rid, and a Veritable Mine of Other p>». *§ 3 i «jj IT IS NOW THE STANDARD j| i| Ftr . Limit, d Ttai. 0»l,- (6NI\TR fjAI I JID jf Just to Introduce the Work \,/A\L# payable $1.50 monthly for one year. Sgf j p You ihus secure this Splendid Reference Library at once for continued use and enjoyment. &L *9 THE NEW STANDARD AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA is the LATEST OF ALL general reference J© SEE HOW I works. All others are from sto 10 years old, and are ?'V::i e;.v>r'ling P. TV *ENT t- >pic; of n;: ; " . .merest. " 3 I atc it ic t THE "STANDARD AMERICAN " contains hundreds of .\ !-. \\ ARTICLES on subject-, not treated in S« 3 J ' ' any other encyclopedia, such, for instance, as "TIIE X-RAY," "ARGON," "HORSELESS CAR- gy. RIAGES," "THE ATLANTA EXPOSITION," "COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY," etc., etc. It also A, gives biographies of hundreds of people who have LATELY become famous, such, for instance, as PR< >F. R( > ENT< 1!., discoverer Q\A <9g of the "X-RAY," IAN MACLAREN, DR. NANSEN, the explorer: RUDYARD KIPLING, the celebrated writer. Besides this gp> 2? it is the only Encyclopedia which presents all the LATEST STATISTICS—State, Territorial and National, and of the whole world. J3g It is the One Great, Practical Reference Library for the- Professional and Business Man, the Teacher, the Student, the * ® Farmer, Artisan and Mechanic. Is*; J 9 With over 3.500 engravings, of superb quality and wonderful variety.including numerous engraved portraits MAGNIFICENTLY of distinguished Poets, Authors, Physicians. Chemists, Philosophers and Scientists, and with over 300 ®* J B I iicTDATPn new maps, diagrams and charts from the VERY LATEST EXPLORATIONS and SURVEYS, deline * Q ILLUM K>\ ICU ating Continents,Empires,Countries.States.Cities.Towns, Citadels, Solar,Lunar, and Planetarv Systems, and > THROUGHOUT! every portion of the known world, and forming a Complete .ind Indexed Atlas of the Globe. THESTAND- pfc, te 2 I—————l ARD AHERICAN is the best illustrated and the best mapped Encyclopedia in the English Language gsjf 5 Our Great Introductory Offer J To secure widespread and favorable publicity for THE NEW STANDARD AMERICAN ENCYCI OPEDIA, we have decided Sj 9 to place a few introductory sets in each community throughout the country for comparison with all other reference works as to plan, ggfif ® scope, lateness of treatment and general practical and educational value. We feel that every set will create a demand for others. j? j 9 at prices ranging from S-jS to $72 a set, according to style of binding. Now, however, to rp.ickly and thoroughly introduce the work, j } as above stated, we make the price merely nominal (about the cost of paper and printing), the distribution being limited to a very *j) few weeks, reserving the privilege of withdrawing the offer at any time when we consider a sufficient number of these introductory v . sets, at the special price, has been distributed. ' pfo ' Send $1 to THF ENCYCLOPEDIA PUBLISHING CO.. is 6 Fifth Avenue. New York Citv. and a full J S HOW TO SECURE set of eight volumes of IHE NEW STANDARD A All .v'iCAN ENCYCLOPEDIA, in eloth binding, will rjj AMP OP THFSF t>e forwaiued to you lit on, ?. The balance is payable at the rate of st>,so monthly for one year, or about ' 2 "1 tUt I J & SPLENDID SETS $2.50 per month for'.lie year. We recommend the Half-.V.orocco'sty'le, which is particularly elegant and ™ S serviceable, and will last a lifetime. If not a. cprescnted a:i; >et mav be returned within ten days and g money will be promptly refunded. Our con.i -'ence t!:at the volumes will be cliceri 'y pari for is shown by sending a S4S set of books ffU, g on payment of only s>l. We also feel thai you will thoroughly a irect.-.te the su; crb new *vork and speak favorably of it to others. gw* i b Sample pages, with specimen illustrations, will also be sent on'application until tiic oner is withdrawn. We refer you to the S pnblisher of t^iis' newspaper. Always mention name of paper von see this oftpr in. Addr;r,s 1 The ENCYCLOPEDIA PUBLISHING CO., 156 New York, N?Y. S* YOU WANT A NEW DRESS lor the winter gaieties. Wiry pay s ; xty or seventy-five dollais, w.u n we can make you up perfect gar ments uilli the best linings .. a workmanship throughout for : >m $33 to $45? Make your selec tion now, so that we can have ."me to give you a carc-~jl job b - >re you reed the Perfect Styles and l"It are pre eminently the necessities in a sa.- isfadory full dress suit. U " guar.uitee goes with every dri-ss suit we make. If the fit and style are not exactly as they should be, we cannot afiord to have you wear the garments. A Good Diesser must have a lull dress suit for special evening wear. We have the finest ;ocur> and make absolutely correct gar ments. Do not make the 11" - having your evening ibess suit made by an incompetent oi careless tailor. A mistake of this kind is expensive. WEDDING SUITS k SPECIALTY. SM® Diamond. Butler. Pa rfat< hr*Uy N F.nftllah IMamnnd RpahA. PENNYROYAL PILLS I Original and Only Genuine. A safe, always reliable. LAO'ti ask & f\ T>rujgi«t f «-"Oki'c beiter a £rand in »*cd Hold metallio\vCy V> «<-& led with biue ribbon. Take \Br oi*'no other. Refuse ua:;jero~j Mubttitu- v I*/ - Af liont and imitation* At Dru*ri«t«. or aead 4e. I M in tumpi for partlculari, 'crtimonials and \ t* D 44 Relief for l.ndl< »" ; r bj return A JT MnlL 10.000 T%L bSbto. Xame tx^cr. m r 4*fc»»l« *•€«■•«&••»? r .jJttnaifcon M u unr«» Sold f* ail Local l>r jniili, I'hllnda., Pfc HUMPHREYS' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with HuaphrsyS TTitci. Saeel Oil as a CI-RATIVS and HEALIM; APPLICATION. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures PIT HS or HEMORRHOIDS, External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding—ltching a»d Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Relief immediate—cure certain. It Cures BURNS, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. It Cures TORN, Cut and Lacerate! Wounds and Bruises. It Cures BOILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Ivbing L...j tions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It i« Infallible. It Cures INFLAMED or CAKED BREASTS and Sore Nipples. It ie invaluable. It Cures SAI.T RHEUM, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chr.pped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Kustrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Size?, 25c., ani ' Si.oo. Sold by Druggists, or tent post-paid on receiptof prica- HIIPHREYS' lED. CO.. 11l A lit WWUm bU, T«rfc WITCH HAZEL OIL CATARRH LOCAL'DISEASE and is the result of colds and c//errCQLO* sudden climatic changes. For your Protection v M we positively state that this M y* v Jym doosi not contain , C,-o /SB Xiiprrnry or iicy ether r ions drug. ffli Ely's Gr6amßalmtfc i i^3 is acknowtedired to be the most thorough care for Naeal Catarrh, Co'd ir Head and Hay Fever of all remedies. It open® and cleanses tho i: ill pnMagef, allays pain ana inflammation. hea!s the §nr#»-», pro tects the membrane from colds, the senses of taste und smelL Price 50c. at Drnpiri-rs or by mail. ELY BBOTHEHS, 56 Warren Street, >'cw York. HOIWHKM——HWWW pure whiskey j ! yon hardly know what that means J 1 • unless you've obtained your supply j i from our slock ( | j ROT. DOZ. I I i Prlvutt (lock. IS JT»- old, S.OO 24 M I I I Gibson, 10 " 1.50 15.00 J 1 ' Flncb, 8 " 123 IS.OO | [ Gibion. 5 " 100 10.00 Flncb, B •*. 100 100O' ( I | Overboil. B - 100 10.00 < | | aud we put them up in FULL quarts , 1 —we carry only the fullest line of j i all grades of wiues, liquors, cor- I ! dials, brandies, etc. Send for a , ! complete price list ' OLD EXPORT WWYEY ] | Is the invalid'* friend—tre phv« •Irian's standby the " good | fellow's cheet ( SI.OO full quarts—si* quarts $5 , We send all $lO orders free of charge to any address. j | JOS FLEMINO & SON. TJ Wholesale and Retail Druggist*, | MARKET ST.. P.TTSBURO. PA M, IHERUIM Funeral Director 37 k S.IKdiD,St. Butler Pa. THE CITIZEN Crusoe's Island Gone. Every lover of romance must regret the disappearance beneath the Pacific waves of the island of Jnan Ternan-lez. It was on this island that Daniel Defoe laid the scene of his famous tale of ad venture, entitled "Robinson Crusoe, there is hardly a child in America who is not familiar with its striking tradi tions, says the Atlanta "Constitution." Several week- ago it was amounted by a Spanish skipper that the island had been submerged, but in the absence of corroborative testimony the story was not credited. Within the last few days however the announcement has been confirmed by rther uinriuers, and there is no longer room for skepticism. In this connection it may be of some in- Uest to review the remarkable history of this island. It received its name f r otn a t old Spauish navigator, who uist landed upon its shores in 1563 and subsequently settled up 011 it with his tamily. Eventually the Spaniard quit the island, becoming weary of its solitude and is olation. Still another tenant of the islam! in la ter vears was a Mosqucto Indian who was '.eft upon its shores by an English soldier in 16M, but who w. s rescued by a pass tig ve-.-v.-l some three or four years after ward. The adventures of this solitary indiaa durii:g Lis j«ri tod 011 the island were similar to those narrated in "Robin son Crusoe." He had nothing with him but a pocket knife, a gu:i, a small horn cf powder and a few shot. With such means of sup;jc: t a> the island faruishtd he managed to exist until deliverance finally came. It is barely possible that IK-foe was ill possession of these facts at the time of writing his book. Hut the bt-rmit whose adventures ou the island foreshadowed the story of Roliiiiboi: Crusoe, was a Scot<"huia!i b\ the name of" Alexander Selkirk. In I-eb. 1709 Capt. Rodrieu comstandias an Eng lish vessel dropl anchor on the coast of Juan Fernandez, seeing no signs of life or habitation on the island he went ashore and discovered a man in sheepskin, after r.arrating his adventures to the captain, the hermit brought forth a volume show - ing the faithful account which he had kept of every little incident connected with his long imprisonment on the is land. Selkirk returned liume with Capt. Rodgers, and in a 1 likelihood, this jour nal fell into the hands of Daniel Defoe, who based upon it the most remarkable tale of adventure ever written in tlie.Eng lish language. Although "Robiuson Crusoe" is com monly regarded as a work of fiction it is not without historical inspiration, and the genius of the author consists rather in the fluent and graceful style of the narrative than in its charm of original ity. Before leaving the subject, it is well to call attention to the fact that the island of Juan Fernandez is indebted for its fame not only to the story of Robinson Crusoe but also to the celebrated poem of William Cowper, which begins with the familiar line,"l'm monarch of all I survey." While these masterpieces of genius cannot rescue the island from its watery grave in the'calm Pacific main, they can at least preserve it from obliv ion and render it for all the time to come one of the green isles of literature. FfIETM ATISSJ— Many ca-t-s trea witi. o . <?r remeu'e* nave ivt-j cured « i Arms" ougf cj e I it reaches t*Q left >nr»u», liiuise*, c.aaii«cv.':c. cu«!eia no cue, e-c. Try to improve your mind a little these long evenings. Don't be content to bump along, playing dummy all your life. The hingdom of mind is full of treasures if you'll only dig a little below the surface. ARMSTRONG'S Little System Pi I '-. ;lie tines 1 and best ever ti-ed. A tit • liver (>:il that is »c:e to please. A youth named John Martin son of Albert Martin, residing at Sideling Hill, Pa., met a most horrible death recently, being cremated while tied to a gate. The boy and his two sisters were playing in the barnyard, and had placed an old gate in an upright position between a stack of straw and a stack of fodder. The The gate represented a horse stall and John was tied to it for the horse. One of the girls had some matches. She acciden'.ily set the stack of straw on fire, and in an instant the flames were leap ing in every direction. The little girls almost frightened to death, tried to re lease their brother, ar.d in doing so knocked the gate down, which being heavy pinned the boy to the earth. By this time the flames were all around them and not being strong enough to re lease their brother ttiey fled to the house and in giving the alarm forgot to statr tliat the boy was being cremated. By this time the barn was on fire, and the men of the house set about to save the live stock never dreaming that the child was being cremated by the flames. After he was the children told their story and the boy's charred body was found. KNOCKED OU !*— A mc'c 'i.nt says M rison Bros Cong i Svrnp h<» knocked ut my i;i; all eougi- cu-es. JilteuiiKiliimi Cured iu a Day. "Mystic Cure" lor Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cares iu 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterioaf. It removes ac once the cause aud tue disease iinniodifctely disan pears. Tue firs" dose greatly beueths; 75 cents Sold by J. C Redic, and J. F. Balpu Druggists, Butler Apr 96 "Want your pavement shoveled off?" ask the man looking for work. "No," replied the lady. " I still have some use for my pavement but you may remove the snow." Chicora, Fa , Herald: Richard Vensel re ports One Minute Cough Cme the greatest success of medical science. He told c's that it cured his whole family of terrible coughs and colds, alter all other so called cures had failed entirely. Mr. Vensel said it assi.-ted his children through a very bad sioge of measles. One Minute Cough Cure makes expectoration very easy and rapid KEDICK A liaOHMAKN They had a remarkably lively kissing bee at the fete recently given m Paris in honor of,Bernhardt. After Sardott had proposed his toast "to the great and good Sara," Bernharbt wiped away a tear and kissed the playwright, "While both her hands were busy sending kisses every where." Then, says the account, when M. Ilaran court had recited his ode to the "greatest tragedian" emotion overcame him to such an extent that he kissed h?r face and hands too. It was a dramatic scene, but only the enthusiasm of the moment prevented it from becoming ridiculous. Constipation in its worst forms, dyspep sia, sick headache, billiousuess and de raugeineut of tne liver are readily cared by pills ueyer gripe. Small pill, sale pili, best rill KKIHCK £ UKOUMANK. The other day a Chicago passenger agent received a letter from the publisher of a little paper in Arkansas which had the merit of frankness, ft least. The Arkansas editor said: "Dear Sir: 1 wish you would send me a pass from Lit tle Rock to Chicago and return. I've got to go to Chicago and 1 can't do it un less you do. My paper goes almost everywhere in this section and I'm hav ing mighty hard work to keep it from going to h—l' Minutes seem like hours when a life is at stake. Croup gives no time to sehd for a doctor, delay may mean death. One Min ute Cough Cure gives instant relief and in furta recovery itie only harmless reme dy that gives immediate results. KKUICK £ UROUKAK.V. A banker at Adrian, Mich., who i troubled with an irritable temper, keeps a barn full of cats, and when he gets out of sorts he goes out, gr.;bs ,i cat and cut> off its head with an ax. His wife don't approve of her husband's habit, but is afraid to break him of it. Ail tcb aitit»r««nt skin troubles, fr< m chapped hands lo eizema and indolent ul crrs eai, ,be readily cured by DeVVitt' Witch llaz.-l Salve. KKMCK ifc CaollilANSi "I should have b-uiig my umbrella," rcuiaikeu Mrs. Livewayte, a member oi the Chicago Literary Society. "Brung?" aaktd Airs. Laiccr. iu a gen tle' corrective tone. "How stupid I am! Of course, I mean to say brang." Prescriptions and Family Recipes are flatters of 'niportaiice and should be filled carefully and with pure drags only, \»give them our special attention. The Baby + * requires a little special ca>e during the warm weather, espec iallv if fed iroin a bottle, we have a supply oi tre>: inf.cit food, at ail times. also bottles, nipples. tubes, bottle and tn!>e cleaners ec. It }<>u desire a steiil-'-cr we can supply you <\iih one, or will '<c p'ras*-d to fit lii-li auy - ;d ijfo m.. :on cone uin ; tl:. :i. t) shoaid lie uii.! t .* •>'. t!::.-> scas-m of the j; ar, the u 1 ■ j. j. cVo. Ic-l-ine, an-l c e c&.ooitc tue laucr IjtT.j better than the pu-e, :i-> in pnrMy ; . a.i ::noo:. int ■; 11- fccticg is removed, we have a supply ofthev* a', a'! 'lies. We;/.-> carry a fall iw of toilet articles and sick-room fcqub tea. it EI.)ICK. <k (iIU)ILM A\N PEOPLES PHONE. 114. BUTLER PA. o.;.•'*' * " - . . > •*1 V x 1 'sk 9 8s r- * • > 4 | iUCUi? j. w • | 1 I ... 8 § Hitch vour i "-*• c iirc | y>li ( » * X | business j „ ili £5 8 •i works to a 1 i.hys O.old^ i ixood watch. I H ! . niled Case, g 8 1 And that voi» Buy It from 5 E. GRIEB, J EVV bLER, 139 N. MAIN STKEET, HUTLKR,' PA. "A HAND SAW JS A COOL) THING. BUT K SHAVE WITH." SAPOLIO IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEAN!Nii. Caught In His Own Trap. Abraham Wosterlionse an old hunter in the Pine Creek district, Lycoming county, was rescued the other day by o party of deer hunters in the Black l-'orest more dead than alive, after having been imprisoned in a bear trap for five days with nothing to eat cxtept a sheep's head Wosterhouse left his home near State Run. taking an ax, a sheep's head and some sugar with him. Going into the Black Forest he built a bear trap, set it and piled heavy stones on the lid, crawl ing in to tic the sheep's head as bait. The trrtp unfortunately sprung, leaving uim imprisoned. Ke tried to free him self, but all efforts proved futile. The rescuers came across the trap by' chance and his weak cries caused the discovery. He will recover. Lost—A deer little ehiid who made home happy by its ?m>les And to thit-k it might have been saved had the parents only kppt in the hons One Minute Oou>;h Care, the infallible veireiiy for croup. KKUICK\I UKOHMASS. Old man U:>:tia:ck '.r-uis to be nl-o the uosae-:or of tune v.-.'.c.e .• .-g reco"'- .ous, but it "ue is v. : e hew "5 forget what ue hai> ;-(.:uembw.'wu. Wh;:i one coils'' s that til l ' if Con t;r?-s wants to de.' a eu.r adjust Cuba ■ lias only lot.iy o, . s a.j s' <* 'ge I thai ite ai>!e slate .«• i hou:<i put in a»i their i:uie a it. N'A'i {■ :;S s cou (» • .. .< s OMie a u»»>r ew , tiav. t I'. S ««■ .>*'•*.>•> t !»a. j.: •i> j- i e'uco in-• ir .e 1 ia 1 any -'i else." i • bu •:* np t'ue \vst- n ».v . * jro d u.i u.a.. A • ,)«•' e. When a washerwoman changes her place of residence, one may ask her "where she angs out row" without Uj .ug slang. The scarcity of deer this season has led many hunters to the conclusion that unless the next legislature enacts a law to prevent the killing of deer for the next three or live years, and thereafter only in alternate j ears the animal will become extinct. DI I'HTH Ktil/» —> e times ic tt-n a w : net needed it A u ntiocg i Dip «.e 'a and Quin&y Drop# a w utHni a a soon as soruneas is I©u in M| *' tdroal. An Arizona editor has been found who is sincere and honest. He hangs out lliis sign on his office door. "Gone out to take a drink, Will be back to-morrow." A torpid liver means a bad complexi >u, bad breath, indijsestiou aud frequent h<* id aches. To avoid such companions t-tke DeWitt's Little Karly Risers, the fam-us little pills. Rkdick «fc Gaoiiiiasx Some young men have a habit of star ing at the young ladies as they come out of church on Sunday evening—but it is a bad habit. If people would reflect that it is more trouble to do wrong than right the world would be happier. Soothing for I urns, scald 3, ebappeil hands acd lips, llealiug lor eats and sores. Instant relief for piles, stops paiu at once. These aro the virtues of DeWilt's Witch Hazel Salve. RKIIICK & G SOU MASS. "The day is here, let all rejoice. And sing with merry, happy voice To Him wdio does in wisdom show His goodness to all while here below." A weed in tho gard'-n caa be easily de stroyed when it lir-'i starts. Consumption eau be nipped io ttie bud by One Minute Cough Cure. Redkk i Gsowiann. The more you talk about business be ing poor the worse rou make it. Take it as you find it. The less said the bet ter. THE XEELEY SORE Is a special boon to H; ines* n: :i who, having drift'**! uneonvjonvly into the urink Imh.t anu cwikeni i».. list is f. • a fastened upmtliem. rendering tic rn unfit tu . *i iHire Rxiuiring a clear brain. A four re*;rse of treatment at the ?PTSBURa KLELEY ! «<T!T<_T& :;o. Fifth Avenue, ' tr» t- :n aV; •' po'.v- »v ( incuital mid physical, d-in-vs tto .rn- ! a'petite, nr. I report s* *em t«» the .»•»•?»' 'ion th« vv< »,.* in ! - fore they iadulgt i in s inulants This has been d^nein more than 1< *0 cji.vs treat.-I hare, and among them some of i at own TH ibo ,to whom we can rvier v: ; i comi-k: u3 to the a- «>».*:«• tfrjy.. :• 1 i liici.i.- • •• t. K y f'ure. The ftllli «• and mo«t : MI. . !; tic i» v. ii-.-afi- N pv!K>' ■ 'id 'or nawi»!ilet »»••■.»• " J ii"rm.v tior » | f-i, DOCTORS LAKE i?i& ft I'III TK DISPEXSABr. ' CC<4. AVN. AND FOoHTH Sr.. ■ jriPITTCBjnOK, PA » A All lorni'iot I>c'i ' ilu un ! Com •••«» fi IIKMIAL an-!itxu. ■--<* il:u . a.o trcn'i-'l at this !►'- ■ m-,rv with a E'.nxess ircly attained. Ilr. S. I'V I '.e U•> .i:cml'Orof t!»- I,' Cei!> 1"1>> - :• :.< ■> .Siirgeo.c, mill is the o! lest ami most 'xperic io6tl SIWULIU in ili.-ritv- Bpi ' ; al at ■ a -iventoS-rv. us Itebtnty 1 rosierce.-aiw iM iu.,i„l*«;.. iKlini irfjimlli.acr I' iihy-icai and Jiental dccar,lack of : -I >t. :.:ncv. etc.; aL*>t*.ucer» old Soic, >'its. IMes. Ithonhiatism, and all d:.- ssesot tlieSkm. | t'».,<l, "i.*e .'i': 1 Mi irtlT coiirtili ntl OiSi ObouiT-'.»to i . i < t> S P.'M.; Sundays, 2t04 p. 3t. .ill at entire or Addixns hits. ] MvK, W-'xt. •i-NJi AVi. Photeernr* rim 'roni l ife * " v RETORES Vitality feO^ MA^A ' V Tat Well Man Ist l>.iy. " f JL •_ J*> loth Tmv Me. THE C.Efc.YT WtU^Day. FRENCH REMEDY produces the above results in 30 days. It acts powerfully and quickly. cm rteii all •thua fall. Younz men will resatn their lost man hood. ..nd old men wlil recover tuelr vouthful vUorby uilnu ItEVIVO. It quickly mid surely restores Nervousness. Lest vitality, i,ost Power Failing Memory. Wasting Diseases, and ill effects of excess and Indiscretion. which un tits oue for study, business cr marriage. It not only cures t.j starting at tue s'-st or disease, but Is a great nerve ionic and blood builder bringing back the pink plow to pale cheeks dud restoring tbe fire of youth. It wards on Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having KttVlVO. no other. It can be carried In vest pocket. By mail. il.oo per package, or six lor f5.00, with a positive written guarantee to cure or refund the money. Circular free. Address ROYAI. MEDICINE < 0.. CHICAGO. ILL For Snle by RKDDICK & GROMANN, §|pi»f ' l :W 'fjyjai Sr. j vI, --•iPtiS*! 8&: i t .'.'t '► •t\ roiled by rltariiui and r ' • u j- r th<. b«.*t made, flm-ft and : ' - ' POPULAR SEW IMC MACHINE B v i*r< in r hftto MOWEmIM • - . •«! a rt citation by bor.t i and Miuarc - i in nom* in flie »-«rl.l that «*n rqml . : t •»i*tructinn. durability of working • f finish. b«rfjuty in appt-arurcc. «#r in* t •• !•». the WEW HOME . n Z rog CIRCULARS. .■■■■*: Home Sewing Machine Co. s. M .s>M. » I'SION BQUAM.K.Y. • ST.Loris.MO. I>AU.IS. 1 KR*N n Koajvi i. «*o, CAL. Att-ivti, GA. FCR SALE DY J. B. McDEVITT Dealer iu Sewing Machines, Pianos atid Organs—next door to Y. M. C. A. build ing—Butler Pa. Buy the light-running, New Home, sewing machine, perfect satisfaction guar anteed, never gels ont of order. IjNhl --DENTAL ROOMS.-- [jf I K 39 - sth Ave.. Pittsburg. Pa. |K M v.-'i PRACTICA* ft naes acßowN »i«i BF.init «wt« K'vm Pitts'""?—why NOT oo', At Mi- ffcVeURS? CROWNS L p , liHV(g mltnd BRIDGE w, "'k reduced t « I «'/ 51*5 PER TOOTH. Also til. P sL A ° N j iFTTER M.l3Ttj£RSf4|t ' IS * 5=83 Consult theO'" I'. iiuwe 8 DR.LOBB 3*9 N. FIFTFEVTH ST.* Pill LA., PA. Tbfrty years' c .ntinacus practice lndj?t»cure of an j of men x.«d WOUK IA. NO matter from vhb< i ratine or Low lorn? stojuiinc. Tviii rywmrnfee IL'-.-Pu"** Ciotb-ai*d ixu j ( //V ..// V COLLEGE? ) —/// winning ed uC n C V gJ ion horclrculan* 1 / (/ I' nrMrcwi J »' OUf r \ SoiX> pITTSBU FMZERt.% BEST IN YIIE WORLD. - a"-' 1 unsurpassed, actuaTly cutiastinirtwo boxes .if anv b-r brand. Not affected t.y i. lihTTUKiJKMIINK, fwlt .<ALE iIY I'E.VLE::S o ; ICAi.LY. ! C N W! CK I "K ' LKti IP ?!lN Lif r= r O* AL_ KiMDS L)o'>rs, Sash, Mouldings, Shi;j-;.ob and Laiu Mways In Stock. i• A 11' AND PLASTKR | 0<Bo« oppi >«> l'» i' A I'opf-. I . P* Adveriise in the CITIZEN. THE LARGEST STOCK OF Dolls, TOYS and Fancv goods at THE LEADING MIL LINERY 1101 SK of Butler. COME an examine our .slock, best u<>o(ls. lowest prices. 1 - > D T PAPF i2S S. Main St. * *** S. Main St. CLOSING OU SALE OF CLOTHING y ( n«. i 01 t ?..'e c! men's, b j s and children-- overcoats, suits * 1 an:.- s >* :>n as ue ue.-'re to close oat c\ery Raiment in ":i e house i< cA; i. in 7. Oar sto< ! : is yet ii 11 and complete • i •:drcn-< » ;«•- «• 7-c up, 1 l ,; \':cns o\cieoats »'• win 75c lip. Wc - \ . : <_■ . 'hi ~r r.. ■.cutt u; r most s m.-.uine ex . ;«ticrs hcii j; much : n cuccss - *..»t > car. I \\ c \\::i Siill cci auuc to earn " e i..»ge>t and best seeded line o« j mishins, gccus in Butler, such as i ndeiwear, gloves, mittens, shirts 11 1 aura, et and vv'aurbn. d, j-uc..madias, d> nc. lie and jerseys, j t, fi . ties 111 l eeks, bins . :.d four-in-bard . llats, cap.*., '. • ci.i" . jackets, eaters, jackets, umbrellas, trunks, valises, « ic.-copes, Mitchels, cloth, ha ; r ai d tooth brushes, purses, j 1 u biii books, p.ipctrics. vatein . chains, charms, rin;;-, pins clocks, \ ware, spectacles and eye-t;!a.-scs, toilet snaps, mackintoshes, ■bbvir coats, canva ■- coals, etc. We Guarantee Quality and Prices. When looking for Holiday "oovis a ca"'. u J.nou that wc can suit you. D. A. HECK & SON, ui N. Main St. Butler, Fa. X>C- X I "THE COMMERCIAL," I xW. K. THORN BURG Prop'r., Evans City, Pa.X A Tiiis popular house has just been entirely icmodeh'd A A and refurnished. Lverv till-g co ; 1:-ni. aid quests A v 'l' a > a_\ s receive close attc-.i ion. A jC Located near J' -.-lcnke ami I'. &W. Depot. \\ ken A Ji '1 I!\.. •> City slop at the Co.i'.i. Ik le'.c- JL X phone No. i(>. X <>oo<>ooooc>t>oo< >oo< >oe<x FOR FIVE DOLLARS CASH We will ship you Free of Express, your choice of the lo'ifnvinjj se lections of absolute'} p re "<m«i No cha ge lor boxing nor shipping. No. 1, • <'s Imported Port, ( # • n Imported Shciiy, - • qts Grape Brandy, ( . No. 2, .? i> s Fine Blat ! | 2 q-: ; Imported Foil, 2 cjts 6-year-old Fear Creek, I No. 3, 3 qts Sweet .Malaga, j 2 cjt t'-j ear-old L'eai Creek, -. I ql Silver Age Kyc, ( No. 4. 2 (|ts Jamaca Rum, 1' 2 qts Holland Gin, -J 2 qts 0-) ear-old Bear Creek, ( Our Fquors are the most reliable in the State, and our prices the •ov.-est in the country. California Wines of all brands, 50 cents per full quart. Semi for catalogue and price list. free 011 application. MAX KLEIN, WHOLESALE LIQUORS. 82 Federal St. Allegheny Fa. j The New-York Weekly Tribune FOR Je- FARMERS and VILLAGERS, V\W\. V\.s. r ' FATHERS and MOTHERS, V . FOR ; \ r < s SONS and DAUGHTERS, FOR ALL THE FAMILY. \\ : t'> 'he' V,■ of the Fic" "de! : e. DM ..TiiK I RIIU NE recogni estlie lact that the American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and s interests. » o iiie-t condition, polities ill have lar less space aim prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a rent vval of. tec light the prim ' •:<. .5 for wl v 11. I KIBI h I !»;.' om its hi.eption to the present day, .. d v« >n ii< r eat est \ieiorie-. Hverv possibl cfloit will be r, rth. ami money free'v spwt, :.» make TUL Wl'.! KLV TK 111 M". ■■ • h-ently a N \'l fO.VXL . \ Mll \i-.WS" \ I'hK. int ' ivc, mtcrta-.iii.'g a:d 1 ,n , ble te> e.ieii member o •le .'.ntny. We furnish ?he Citizen*' and 4t iN. V. Weekly Tribune" FOR Si.iio PER YEAR. CASH J\ AD\ T AX( b\ AAlrc...:!«■»» THE tlflZfl Wtifcc ytmr nflr** an i ad<lrt-?es on a posts! card, bcudjit Of*o. W. Best. Tru.nne liuiUnui;, .NCH Vork Cuy, and a sample copv of THE NTW YWKK WKI KI T TKIBUNE will be mailed to you -
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