THE OIITZEN arwm. i i ■ i ■ < = THCKSDAV, DECEMBER 84, 1896. New Advert lsements. Election Notices —Butler Mutual, Woith Mutual and Hannah.-town Mutual. Administrator's notice, estate ol Lavina McClelland. C, A T's. announcements. Findley's Mars Studio. Ely's Cream Balm. £OTI —AII advertisers intending to make chages in their ads. should notify us of th tir intention to do so, not later than Monday morning. Adminfsthratord and Executors ot e»tat cau secure their receipt books at the Cit XIV office, LOCAL AND GENERAL SPRING ANNOUNCEMENTS. [Subject to Republican Primaries.] Saturday, Jan. 23, 1897, from 1 to 7 P. M FOR TAX COLLECTOR. JOHN* S. JACK, of the Ist Ward. THOMAS B. SMITH, of the fifth Ward. Cnnstmas Bells. I heard the bells on Christmas day Their old familiar oarcls play, And wild and sweet The word repeat Of peace on earth, good will to men! And thought how, as the day had come, The belfries of all Christendom Had rolled along Tie unbroken song Of p- «ce on earth, good will to men! The wo:M revolves from night to day, Till ringing, singing on its way, A voice, a chime, A chant sublime, Of peace on eartn, good will to mon! But in despair,l bowed my head: "There is no peace on earth," 1 said, '•For bate is strong, And mocks the song Of peace on earth, good will to men!" Then pealed the bells more loud and deep; "God ij'not dead, nor doth Be sleep; The wrong shall fail. The right prevail, With peace on earth, good will to men!" —Longfellow. Several of our merchants, and also our insurance men, are distributing hand! S'jmecalendars. —lt snowed Tuesday, and all creation (in this section) went sleighing tbat eye aintt. —The Republican primary for jthe bor ough ba-> been fixed fo Saturday, Jan., 23d, 1897, 1t07,p. m. The election will be on Tuesday Feb., I6th. 1 —Twelve years have pnajed since Phillips struck the first big well on Thorn Creek, and now we are having a second edition ol' the Thorn Creak excitement. —Fape's Jewelry and toy show-window's are always attractive, hot just at present they are particularly handsome and attrac tive. Stop and look at them, —The girl who has a specially nice young man on tap always to help her put her big sleeves into her coat is sorry that 'ashion decrees in favor of small ones. —Uioy school boys are observed smok ing cigarettes, It they were well ac quainted with one of their branches— physiology—likely they woulu stop. —Before a girl gets married she rever thinkfc a man has such a thing as a stom ach. A fter she's been married a while she wonders if he's got anything else. —Some Fittshurgers lately sent to a famous cat Kennel in Feodum, Maine, and secured Un Angoras, which arrived last week. They cost $lO, and weigh 15 pounds, each. —A down town young man is rejoicing because his girl is one of those nice crea tures wbo is satisfied whether she gets little or much in the way of a Christmas present. —lu this .'atitude the days are now the ahortest, being a boat 9 hoars and 15 min utes. In Loudon the day's length is now only 7 hours and 49 minutes and in St. Petersburg 5 hours and 52 minutes. —Arthurs, Dunn Jk Co,of Euclid Lad five men employed Tuesday to kill and clean turkeys and chickens for tho Pittsburg market. Thoy intended to kill about four hundred. —The Engineers werd surveying at En olid, Monday. The cut just above the sea tion is to b« deepened 35 feet at the sum mit; tho track at the station is to be low ered 15 feet, and the same height taken off the trestle. A special from Slipperyrock (Center ville) dated Monday and read as follows: "The Slipperyrock postoffico has been changed from a fourth to a third class of fice. Tho present posunaster, A. J. Bard has been appointed postmaster for foir years, commencing January 1, 1897. at a •alary of SIOOO per year. This has caused quite a disappointment to some of the local candidates. —No prettier scene has evei been placod on the stage ot our Opera House than that made by the hundred kids in whito dresies last Thursday and Friday nights; »n«l the ad's stimulated the inventive genius of our merchants, who presented som J features that were very atnrsing. —The Frst Ward Hose Co. paid Jlie Boston Symphony Orchestra S3OO, for their t*o concerts in the Opera House here last Saturday, and the other expenses of the conceits amounted to about $(50; but as tho house was crowded for both, their re ceipts were upwards of S6OO, aud the com pany is about $250 ahead. The enter tainments were all that could havo been desired. Everybody was dolightod. —From Argentina comes news of the passage of a remarkable law by tho en forcement ot which the statesman of that faraway republic v*ry foolijhly expect in tho c lurse of a very few years to crowd its plains %nd mountains with inhabitants. One clause of this enactment reads: "On and after January 1, 1897 every nnmarried male citizen ot Argentina who is not less than 20, or more than 80 jnars of age shall on the first day of each month, pay a tax, the amonnt to be determined by the uiu nieipal authorities." This is certainly going a long ways, but the South Ameri can legislature went still further and ionn led ont. their law with another clause, wnicb reads: "A coliba'e ol either sex wl]o*etiall without 'egitimate motive, re je t tho aMresse-< oi liiin or her who may Mpiretobisor her baud, and who con tinues conumaC'ously unmarried, shall piy 000 piastre* for tho beni fit of the per son, or woman, who has been refus al." Purhaps this scheme will work as its inventors hope, but the chances are t".a' before January 1 arrives Argentina will bar* lost by emigration, every un married person now living iu tho country. That second provision would inspire ter ror even iu tho late Mr. Holmes. Again, Old Winter comes with silent,snow clad feet, To sit tho king ol cloud aud storm in his accustomed seat. Wo know him by unerring signs, which none misunderstand Tho holly berry on his brow, the ivy in bis hand. Strange that his breath, which brings to tlowers a deadly blight, Never fa'ls to foster in the heart fresh blossoms of delight. Which hi d» as send to those we love new raes»ages of c liter, Wishing them a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Vi&ow ;i'uar. Mtrry Christmas. Ucloss tomething extraordinary occur* we will not print a paper next week; we want to take a rest and we wish you all a Merry CtirUtmas and Happy Xew Year. Jlmmieboy's Letter to Santa Claus. Dear Santa Claus, if you could bring A patent doll to dance and sing, A five-pound box of caramels, A set of reins with silver bells; An elephant that roars and walks, A Brownie droll that laughs and talks. A humming top that I can spin, A desk to Keep my treasures in; A boat or two that I can sail, A dog to bark and wag his tail, A pair of little bantam chicks, A chest of tools, a box of tricks; A scarlet suit of soldier togs, A spear and nut for catching trogs, A bicycle and silver watcb, A pound or two of butterscoto h; A small toy farm with lots of trees, A gnn to load with beans and peas, An organ and a music box. A double set of building blocks— If you will bring me these, I say, Before the coming Christmas day, I sort of thinif, perhaps, that I'd Be pretty nearly satisfied. —Christmas presents are what the little oiks are thinking of. —The Spooners are holding forth at our Opera Hou>-e this week, and they will give matinees tomorrow afternoon (Christmas) I and also Saturday afternoon. They give a good show at popular prices and the house has been crowded every night. —A most appropriate Christmas presen. to a friend at home or away, would be a year's subscription to the CITIZK*. It saves writing letters and the cost is 1. trifle more than it would cost you to mail them a copy weekly. —Some of the show-wiadows of our town are beautifully decorated for the holidays. There is one dry-goods window that is probably not excelled by anything in the city, and three of the bakery windows attract tho atteution of all passers. —Austin Beach, City Editor of the Pittsburg Times and who is now in Hava nna in the interest of hir- paper, contribut ed an interesting article on the condition of things in tbat city to Tuesday's .ssue. Mr. Beach will remain ia Cuba for some time ana thoroughly post himself on af fairs there, and his observations will ap pear in the Times —at present the most enteiprising and prosperous paper in the city. —The Board of Directors of tho Pitts burg. Shenango and Lake Erie Railroad Company at a meeting held in Meadville> Tuefday authorized the merging and con solidation ol their line with the Butler and Pittuburg Railroad which will take effect upon its raiification by the stock holders of the respective companies. They also let the contract to Hingston Gcb hard Wagner. J. Jf. Johnston has brought euit in eject ment v* Chas Howard for 20 acre- of land in Penn twp. A. C. Steel et al have brought suit in ejectmen". vt J. B. ilassou et al for a trac' of land in Parker twp. A. M. Cornelius, Esq. was appointed to investigate the condition of affairs of the Adams twp. School District. P. S. Clark of the Park Hotel had a ing yesterday on a rule to show cause why Lis license should not be revoked. John O'Brien, who claimed to have received liq uor there while intoxicated was sworn and said he did not remember ot getting anything there; Pat Brown, Geo. Knit tie Mid Fred Glace said the man was nut drunk when arrested, The rule was dis missed, Clark to pay his own witness costs. Peter Gallagher, who was committed on a charge ot larceny, plead guilty and waiv ed the right of trial by jury, was directed to pav costs and enter recog. in the sum of SIOO for appearance at March Term. Sophia Kansell, charged with fornication ani open lewdness, plead guilty and waiv ed the right of trial by jury, was senten ced to pay costs, a fine ol S4O and sent to the workhouse for one year. M. Sahn, M. I), has been returned on a charge ot violating '.he Registry Act. Terressa Stillwagon has replevined one bay mare, the value of $73, in the hands of M. M. Stillwagon. Allen Stevenson of Mt. Chestnut made information before Esq. Gilghiist, Tuesday charging Constable Brown with felonious a to be independent in Pcnn.-yl- Tanm. Oh, you citizens of Philadelphia, »h j think you are men! You are nothing hut dog-!, led around by a string A boss —a political bo?s—has the string, aud you art- led around by it. Never was a State on God's earth ruled by bosses as is the State ol Pennsylvania now. "Oh, for independent met.! God calls for uipn, society calls for men, politics calls lor men, religion calls for men, tho church call* for men, Notice to Teachers Tho School Board of Butler borough do sires to employ one experienced lilth-grade teachfr and will receivo applications until Saturday, Dec. 20, 1890, at noon. Appli cations "can Lie lorwarded to the Secretary. T. F. NIGGBL, Sec'y. Holiday Rate^ The P. S. &L. E. R. li. Co. will make rates of one and one-third fares lor the round trip. Tickets good going Dec., 24th to Jan. Ist inclusive, limited for retnru Jan. 4th Gents Department. We can help you oat in the gents selection, wnother a necktie, shirt, umbrella, collar? and cuff-*, handker chief, smoking jacket, traveling case. Nariety and price at ALF. M. REIBER & Bito. Christmas Candy. We always made the Christmas Candy business a prominent fea*,ure of our December business. We are better equipped this year than ever before to supply tho wants of Sun day schools in the candy line. We j want all committees to call and see our stock and get our prices before placing their orders. J. A. RICIIEY, 142, 144, 8. Main St. Butler. P a. Sensible Presents. Whether a jacket, fur dress 1 handkerchiefs, umbrella or gloves, every department in Holiday attire an d prices the lowest. ALF. M. REIHER & BRO. Low Prices in Musical Goods. Some special prices at Grieb per cent saved by buying Horse Blaukets and Robes at MAR TINCOURT & Co's —Boarding House Cards, with Ac, of Assembly, 25 cents for half-e-dozen 4 or sa'o at CITIZEN office, Xmas. The useful aud ornamental at popular prices at ALF. M. KEIISER & BRO. For a Xmas pr esent. Table linen, napkins, fancy towels and doyließ at THE PEOPLES STORE. —The Butler Lubricating Oil Co. has moved back to their old stand 1)!), W. Jefferson St. Stcelsmith & Patterson's new building, where al kinds of engine, mac hinery, and il luminating oils of the finest quality are kept in stock in the basement, and will bo delivered to any part of the city when ordered from C. E. Mclntire, agent. A nnual Gift Sale With every purchase of $2 and upwards. ALF. M. BEIHER & BRO. —The largest stock of Dressed Dolls in the city at THE PEOPLES STORE. —Job work of all kinds dono at tho CITIZKV OFFICE. ill» h mku imk m\A ■' ! ml STYLE 134 The only leather tipped corset in the market. Try them anil you will wear no other, for sale at the PEOPLE'S STORK. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fira Insurance Company, Office Gor.Main & Cunningham AI.K, WICK. Pros. lit:o. KKTTKRKB. vice I'm. L. 8. ■eJU.NKIS, Sec'jr and Treaa. DIRECTORS: Air red wick. i Henderson Oliver, ' r. W. Irvlu. lames Stephensou, •v. W. Hlaokn'ore. Welt/.el. K. Bowman. B. t, Kllru;ler eo. K«tteror, (.'has. Kebliun, • ( ec. Kuuno. John KOCIIILK LOYAL McJUNIXN Agent. A. T. SCOTT, ATTOHNKY-AT-LAW. {Hoc ftt.Ka. ». UouUi Diamond. (Butler, Fa. NEIGH BOP HOOD NOTES. The beaut' ul Casino building in Shen ley Park Pittsburg, was de-troyed b}- fire last Thursday night. The tire wv< caused by the bursting it one of the pipts con taining ammonia—u*ed for t'reeiinp the floor or surface of the skating rink. At New Castle, last Friday. Frank Jon grass an Italian was found guilty of ir.ur der in the first degree. The crime for which Jongrass was con victed was the murder of Jessie Carrine, his sweetheart. Jongras* brought the family from Italy, and found a residence for them at Hillsviilo. The girl's father refused his concent to the marr:agc of the young people and Jengra-? left the place looatfng at MeKeesport. On the night of October 6,the girl was shot and instant ly killed as she stood in the doorway of her home. Suspicion was directed against Jongrass and he was arrested at McKees port two days later. At the trial he claim ed he was ill the day of the murder and had not left MeKeesport. The evidence against him was circumstantial. The managers and trustees of the Mor eanza K»form School can point vrith prido to ocular evidence as to the practical value of the manual training system en grafted a few years on the institution. The boys b*ve done all the work reqnired for a uew building, from digging the foun dations cutting the stone work, making and laying bricks, and the carpentry,up to slating the roof. The idea was to teach the boys trades, so as to be well fitted to take up the duties of life to the fullest ex tent on leaving the institution. To judge from results the experiment has been a complete success. Merchants in Dunkirk, N. Y., have de cided to try a noyel method of hurrying payment from customers who are beating or standing them off. A tall man dressed in a white suit of clothing and a white cap will act as collector and will call at the business places or homes of such custo meis after all methods to collect the bills have failed. The visits will be repeated until the bill is settled. Tney will operate the scheme only against those who' are able to pay but won't pay. The beats will doubtless feel a chill "when tho col lecting ghost walks in upon them. LEGAL VDVEKTLSETFE V!T S NOTICE. The general meeting of the Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance C0.,0f Hannahstown and vicinity, will bo held on Saturday, Jan. 9, 1597, at 1 o'clock P. M.. at the Cream ery Building in Delano. All members are cordially invited to attend. PROGRAM. 1. Report of the President of the affairs and standing of the company. 2. Reading by the Secretary of the Charter and By-laws, if desired. 3. Election ol four Directors to serve for threo years. FRED WITTB, Pres. A. KRACSE, Sec'y. Delano, Dec. 9, 189 G. NOTICE. There will be a meeting of the policy holders of the Butler County Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Tuesday, Jan. 12, 1897, be tween the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock P. M., at the office of the Secretary, 12G E. Jeffer son St., Butler, Pa., for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors for the ensu ing year. By order of the President. Attost: WM, IRVINB, Pres. L. S. MCJCNKIN, SHC'Y. Notice to Stockholders. The annual meeting of the Worth mu tual Fire Ins. Co. to select officers for the ensuing year will Ve held in the sohool house at West Liberty, tho second Satur day of January, 1897, at 10 o'clock A. M. JAMES HUMPHREY, Pres. S. J. TAYIOB, Sec y. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. Notice is hereby given that an applica tion will be made to the Governor of Penn sylvania, on Thursday, the 31st day of De cember, 189G, at Harrisburg, Pa., by Wil liam J. Dresden, S. N Russell, Harry B. Zahniser, W. G. Russell, J. B. Arthurs. O. F Russell and M. L. Zahniser, for the oharter of an intended corporation, to be called "The Euclid Oil and Gas Company." The character and object of which shall be within the county of Butler, Pa. to operate for, produce and market petroleum oil and natural gas, aud for that purpose to bny, lease, and soli uuch lands and leaseholds and property as may be neces sary therefore, and lay such pipe linea.con demu such lands and do such other acts and things as may ho necessary therefore, with all the rigttß and privileges incident thereto, under the Act of Assembly in such caso made &ud provided. The princi pal office and place of business of which intended corporation shall be West Sun bory, Butler connty, I'a. MCJCNKIN ni'rDt«UMl u I MM, flat ' Safin Mi *•<>■ 1 SEWIMC MACHINE BIIV from rHiablo innnufnrtur^ra 1 a rrr»i«.'»tli»n !»r li#>n« HOME. ■'SITE FOR CittCULARS. :■ Hew Home Sewing Machine Co H.'.jicwdo.CAL Atlakta.OA. FOR BALF. BY J. B. McDEVITT Dealer in Sowing Machines, Pianos arid Organs—next door to Y. M. C. A. build ing—Butler Pa. I Buy the light-running, No*" Home, ■ewing machine, perfect natislactum guar- I antoed, never gets ont of order. P : *• erhaps you don't knov* how • eady we are on relation to prescrip tions S it will not be amiss to n all your attention to the i Reliable ntelligence P rompt service £iven T o everything of the kind placed T -*-n u-: prescription i.. v N it- was so comete s you money too. C. Iff. BOYD. 3r*h.armacist, Diamond Block, - Butler, a- YOU WANT A NEW DRESS Suit for the winter gaieties. Why pay sixty or seventy-five dollars, when we can make you up perfect gar ments with the best linings and workmanship throughout for from $35 to $45? Make your selec tion now, so that we can have time to give you a careful job be fore you need the clothes. Perfect Styles and Fit are pre eminently the necessities in a sat isfactory full dress suit. Our guarantee goes with every dress suit we make. If the fit and style are not exactly as they should be, we cannot aflord to have you wear the garments. A Good Diesser must have a full dress suit for special evening wear. We have the finest goods and make absolutely correct gar ments. Do not make the mis take of having your evening dress suit made by an incompetent or careless tai'.or. A mistake of this kind is expensive. WEDDING [SUITS A SPECIALTY. COOPER&CO Cor. Diamond. Butler. Pa SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE A RED-LETTER YEAR FOR 1897 THE ENTIRE NOVEI.TY of many of the plans for 1897 is noticeable. For in stance, the series devoted to "LONDON AS SEEN BY CHARLES DANA GIBSON." Mr. Gibson has not before apfiearcd as a writter. He visited London last summer for SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE. for the purpose of depicting with pen and pencil those scenes and types which the huge metropolis presents in endless vari ety. Oi like novelty is the considerable. NOVEL BY RICHARD HARKING DAVIS, "Soldiers of Fortune." The hero is one of the most vigorous men that Mr. Davis has drawn. Illustrated by C. I). Gibson. 1 •'THE CONDUCT OF GREAT BUSINESS." A beautiful illustrated series of article of which the follow ing are already complet ed: "The Great Department Store." "The Management of a Great Hotel." "The Workiug of the Bank." "A Great Manufactory." UNDERGRADUATE LIFE IN AMERICAN COLLEGES. A series of articles touching upon the life of our older universities as represented by the doings of the students themselves. Judge Henry K. Howland writes 011 "UU dergraduate Life at Vale." Mr. James Alexander 011 •'Princeton," and Robert Grant and Kdward S. Mar tin on "Harvard." "JAPAN AND CHINA SINCE THE WAR," will be a most interesting group of arti cles richly illustrated. "THE UNUUIET SEX." Under the title of "The Unquiet Sex," Mrs. Ilellen Wat terson Moody will write a series of arti cles:—"Woman and Reforms," "The College-Bred Woman," "Woman's Clubs," and "The Case of Maria" (a pa per oil domestic service.) U W. D. HOWBLLS'S "STORY OF A I'LAVJ In this Mr. Howells gives us the best novel lie has ever produced in his de lightful vein of light comedy. GEORGE W. CABLE. In addition to the fiction enumerated there will be a series of four short stories by George W. Cable, the ouly ones he has written for many years. How To TRAVEL WISELY with a min imum of wear and tear must be regarded as an art little understood. Mr. Lewis Morris Iddings, in two articles, will offer a variety of useful suggestions and data on "Ocean and Laud Travel." This will be happily rounded ou. by an article from Mr. Richard Harding Davis on "Travellers One Meets: Their ways and Methods." The illustrations by Ameri can and Foreign artists will be highly pertinent. ***lt is impossible in a small space to even mention the man y attractive fea tures for 1897. A beautiful illustrated booklet has been prepared, which will be sent, jwstagc paid on request. Scribner's Magazine sj.ooa year 25 cent, a copy CHAS. SCRIBNER'S SONS 15 3- 1 57 Fifth Avenue, New York. L. S. McJTINKIN f nsu r ance and Real Estate Agent. 17 EAHT JEFFERSON BT. IjIJTI.EK - a DO Not Put up an ARGUMENT As to where you will buy your suit or oyercoat, but come to us. OUR GARMENTS, when seen, present their own merits so strongly that they need no persuasive lan guage to induce you to buy, they are the best for the money that can be obtained. Yours for Clothing, DOUTHETT & GRAHAM. A Cold in The Head Is worth two in the chest. You will escape both if you get one of our warm wooly overcoats or ulsters THE COST OF ONE WILL SURPRISE YOU Men's all wool Beaver overcoat $5.00 Men's all wool Kersey overcoat 6.00 Men's all wool Welton overcoat B.OQ Men's Chinchilla Ulsters 5.0Q Men's Frieze Ulsters 7.59 Men's Dress Ulsters 10.09 Schaul & Nast Leading Clothiers, .137 S- Mum St-, Butler, Pa! : SIDE TALK WITH GIRLS: : ON TIMELY TOPICS, I i > . Its not often we have a chance for a chat with the girls but this week j we haye «ot something that wont keep,consequently we've got to say it, i and don't care who knows it, It will prove interesting, and to those ► 3 who have Christmas presents to buy, save money, time and annoyance. £ YOU CAN SUGGEST the names of any number of your friends and re- * i lations who would be pleased with such a sensible i present as a pair of slippers or shoes. ► YOUR BEST FELLOW wu Id appreciate a pair of the comfortable «lip- < ► pers that we are selling at from 50c to $1.50 * P«\ lr - fc 1 Ruth approves of this method of assailing the ► citadel. < * > . REMEMBER THE POOR We are closing out a large lot of Misses and , ' Children's shoes at 50c n pair which cost us from < one to two dollars a pair. While not the latest > style, are good and substantial. * REMfcMBER GRANDMA with a pair of our comfortabte felt slippers or k fleece lined shoes. She don't say much but she \ thinks. ► NO QUESTION ABOUT PAPA. He likes to read his newspaper evenings in i . comfort, nothing will add to his comfort ' like a pair of slippers such as ve are show ► ing in great variety, i UP-TO-DATE MERCHANDISE AT DOWN-TO-DATE PRICES. | 3A. RUFF & SON: J 114 S. MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA. | 1 ■ WALL MOULDINGS The nicest line of Wall Mouldings in town are at ! Heineman's New Room. 201 S. Main St. New line of Blank Book Writing Paper just received. 201 S. Main St. M, A, HERKIMER Funeral Director 37 S.;«aiD,SI. BntlerlTa. DR CHAS. R. B. HUNT, Physician and Surgeon. Kyc, oar, nose awl throat a specialty 132 and 134 8. Main Btroot. Ualßtoa building. Sobacrit* tor the Girizx*. The Place to Buy GAS COOK" ING AND;HEATINGSTOVES; GAS BURNERS AND FIX TURES, HOSE, 13ATH TUBS, ENAMEL AND IMPROVED WEISHBACH GAS BURNER, W.H.OMKS® 107 East Jefferson St. THE SUN. The first of American News papers, CHARLES A. DANA, Editor. The American Constitution, the American Idea, the American Spirit. These first, and all the time, forever. Daily, by mail. - $6 a year. Daily and Sunday by mail. $8 a year. The Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday Newspa per in the world. Price sc. a copy. By mail, $2 a year. Add ret* THE SUN, New York ," )U IA i\ MNUp'.P'™ ..ft I ' Ju,. iturrauol ,r.jtfJOTSTCJT BROS. - -Tlli M> »t ' —ml r.< fX