Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 17, 1896, Image 3
THE CIITZBN THURSDAY. DECEMBER 17, 1896. New Advertisements. Election Notioee—Bntler Mutual, Worth Mutual And Hannahstown Mutual. Administrator's notice, estate oi Lavina McClelland. Jury Lifts for Jan. Term. Notioe to Teachers. Pipe's Toys and Fanoy goods. Douglass' Holiday goods. Reiber's " " Marks' Huselton's " " Knff A son " " Schaul <ft Nasi's orernoats. MoDrviit's Sewing machines. Arnatong'a medicines. SoTl—All advertisers intending to make obages in their ads. should notity us ol th»ir intention to do so, not later than Monday morning. Administrators' and Executors ot estat oiu. secure their receipt books at the CiT office, LUC/1 L AND GENERAL SPRING ANNOUNCEMENTS. [Subject to Republican Primaries.] For Tax Coixhctor. JOHN S. JACK, of the rst Ward. —Leap year is on the rouad-up. —Advertise your holiday goods. —There will be plenty ol cold weathei before neit spring. —The early holiday advertisers are at tract: : the early buyers. —The best way to tell a woman's age is in a « hit per. —Letter), for Santa Clans are accumulat ing in the poet of&oe. —Never put off until to-morrow what you should have dune yesterday. —The Fall term ol Slipxeryrock Normal oloaes, Saturday. —See programed for Farmers Institutes on our 4th page. RHEUMATISM—Many cases treated with other remedies, have been cored with Armstrongs "I cure U " It reaches paia, cures sprains, bruises, crarapcolio, cholera-morbus, etc. —"Talking through his hat" is now Voted vulgar "Warbling through his turban" is the correct thing. —J. L. Moore, ot Centre twp killed a Poland-China porker, last week that dress ed 400 ponnds. —A hone was stolen from John Bricker of Winfield twp., Wednesday night afloat week. —ln the matter of purchasing Christmas gifts always oonsnlt your pocket book first, then make your selection. —They are advertising "a holiday cor- Mt." We suppo»e its the kind tha* lets itself out after dinner and "stays" to sup per. ARMSTRONG'S Little Sy»tem Pills, the finest and best ever used. A true liver pill that is sure to please. —Chri«tmas, tomorrow a week Our next paper will be dated Dec. 24, 18% and it will be the last we will print this year, as no paper will be issued on the 31st. —Our main street was crowded last Batnrday Afternoon, and our merchants had a large holiday trade. The fine weather did it. I christening among the foreign ele ment on 'he South Side lasted from Satur day last till Sunday evening, and they all had a "good time." KNOCKED OCT-A merchant sa>« Morrison Bros 0 ■ lg'i syrup ban knock, d ut my sales <>u »H oilier eougi euros. —Up-to-date girls who sp.ll their uatiies "Lyiiau," "Mae." "NVliye," 'Elisabeth," •tc., have lujiiainrs among tile your.g men who sign i," •• Jiy k«,'' and "Jy ui " respectively. —This ambiguous sigu is displayed in a vacant, oity store window: $5 reward will be paid lor any person molesting the occupants ot these premises who will _ be prosecuted according to law." —The timber of the (Jnited States (rives a yearly product of over a billion dollars, or twice tbe value of the entiie output ol all the mines put together— g 'ld, silver, coal, iron, copper and zinc. DIPtITHERI A Nine times ic ten a physician will not be needed it Arm strong's Diptberia and Quinsy Drops are nied as soon as soreness is fell in tbe throat. —The P. O. will be closed on Christmas day, from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M., money order and registry department closed all day, regular morning deliveries, and lobby open all day, and the same order for New Tears. • —The Pearce Bros of Butler twp, will farnish yoa with a nursery grown, Xmas tree, if yon leave your older at the Fnlton Fish Market, opposite tbe Savings Bank on Main St. The prioe will depend on the •ise. —lt was amasing to sue tbe kids scam paring for home when the bell rung la«t Monday night, but some of tbe larger boys bad some fun with constable Mathers that evening. They gathered at the P. 0 building and wLen Jo-Jo oame by they iormed in line behind |him and marched down street. NATURE'S Compound is gaining in' favor every day. 0. P. Stewart, Saltsburg Pa. says: "It has helped me more than aaything else." It bnilds np the system, gives a good natural appetite. Board of Trade, On Thursday last Chairmen Bowser ap pointed the oommittee of fifteen as fol lows First Ward—J. 8. Jaok, L. C. Wick, A. C. Anderson. Second Ward—George R. Eaton, I. J. MoCandlees, T F. Niggle. Third Ward—E. M. Bre<?in, J. M. Leighner, 0. >l. Russell Fourth Ward—Alex Mitchell, J. V. Bills, J. A. Bonner. Filth Wart*--Amos Steelsmitb, 8 D. MiUer, P W Lowry. At tbe meeting of yesterday evening L. X. Wise presided. The charter and oon atitution prepared by the oommittee was adopted without dissent The initiation lee was fixed at $lO and the annual dues al $5; and some twont.. men ir.gned as members, immediately. Then a motion to an point a soliciting committee of ten two from each ward liroight out remarks from Me»sr« Sclenck. Fisher, Miller. Rulf. MC'andless, Wick. Jones and others, during which the advanMges of the town in ns'ural gs* freight rates at*) wealth were staled Th« re are mil lions of dollars in bank here, w.« have plenty of water; a to*n is to a great ex tent j'"St what it= people make it. and now is ..ur lime for going ane-td Chair man Wise seleced ihe soliciting com mittee as follows: J. S. Jack. L. C. Wick, C. N. Boyd, I. J. McCandloes, P. Schenck, J M. Leigh ner. J. V. Ritts. A- Mitchell. J. H Trout man and 8. D. Miller, and tbfse gentlemen will calf upon you lor four subscription snd report at tne meeting of next Tuesday night. Holiday Rates. The P. S. i L. E. R K. Co. will make rates of one and one-third fares lor the round trip. Tickets good going Dec., 24th to Jan. Ist inclusive, limited for return Jan. 4th. Gents Department. We can help yoa oat ia the gents selection, whether a necktie, shirt, ambn-11* cdlarn sod cuffs, bandker <-hi«f, kii<rj"-k trav-ling caae. Jiiri-'t HI <1 i»- u-p i>> ALS. M. Ktiujta & tfau. LROAI NEWS. The Grand Jury finished their work laft Friday, having acted upon .11 bills of in dictment, finding 22 true bills and ignor ing 9 Their presentment will be fiwnd be low The following bills were acted upon aince oar iut report: Scoil Thompson a&b atfco with iu tent to commit rape, true bills. Harrison D. Swartifager, feloneously en taring a sprint house, not a true bill. Wm. R Hopkins, maiicioui mischief, a true bilL Sick Pession, selling liquor without li cense, e'e Dec. 14. plead g'dty and was sentenced to pay a fine ol SSOO. costs and be imprisoned in the county jail for three months. J. C. Crell, f<tb, a trne bill. George J Kepler, Surety ol the Peace, Dec. 10, had a hearing ami discharged and complainant to pay costs Nick Seuger,selling liquor without li cence, tic, true bills. Jas. Kelly,selling liquor without licence, a irue bill. W. J. Brown, obstructing the serving -f a legal process, a true bili. CASES TBIHD. Commonwealth vs: rt . 11. Ag»!>-rr-. malicious .uischiet. Deo 15, jury returns a verdict o! not guilty, but to pay costs. Bessie Frey, larceny Dec 14, jury finds Ule deleudar. t guilty but is recom mended to the mercy of the Court. Wm. Getty, malicious mischiet Dcu. 15, jury returns a verdict of not guilty, and the co-te divided between the defendant and prosecutor. Wm. Getty, larceDy. Dec. 15, jury finds the defendant not euiltv. Jas. Kelly,selling liquor without license. Dec. 16. not guilty, but pay the costs Benton Stephenson, ourety of the peace ordered to enter into recog. in S3OO to keep the peace lor one year. A. J. McClelland. M D, violation of thi. Registry act. Dec 15, jury returns aver diet of guilty, and is sentenced to pay oosts and not to practice in this county. James Summers, selling liquor w thout license. Dec. 15, jn.y returns a verdict ot guilty and he was sentenced to pay costs, a fine SIOOO and he imprisoned in jail for 3 months. Charles Hanes. larc6ny from the person. Dec 10, jury returns a verdict of guilty, and he was aenteuced to pay costs, a fine of SIOO and sent to the penitentiary for 22 months. Jos Casso, selling iiqnor without license Guilty aud was semeueed to pay costs, a tine of SSOO and cent to jail 3 months. Alex M Beers, assault and aAb, Dec 16 jury finds the detendant not guilty, but pay two thirds ol the costs. Samuel Beers, surety of the peace, dis charged bht pay his own witness costs. Robert Ash, surety of the peace, dis charged but pay his own coste. Wm R Hopkins, malicious misehief, Dec 16 not guilty but to pay costs. AH other oases were settled or contin ued. At Saturday's session of Court the Sher iff's deeds, and the accounts of the Regis ter, Clerk and Prothouotary were confirm ed; the motion for a new trial in the case of iho Commonwealth vs L Kaphaal wa.- heard and he'd over; John O'Brien pleaJ guilty to resisting an officer and was sen tenced to pay a fine of S2O and be itnpris oned in the county jail lor 20 days; Fern Bowser plead guilty to assault and battsry and surety of the peace and was sentenced to pay costs aud to enter into recog. to keep the peace lor a year; Jos Domain plead guilty to selling liouor to minors and was sentenced to pay e fine of SSOO and be imprisoned in jail tor 3 months; John Maiz land plead guilty to selling liquor without liotnse aud was sentenced to pay a line ot SIOOO and be imprisoned for 3 months; the P. <fc W. R. R was ordered to build a good overhead bridge on Lookout Ave. and have t completed by the Ist of March next. Gbani) Jury Prbskntmext. To the Hon John M. Greer. Jndgo of the several 1 ourts ot Butlor county, I'a. The (irand Inquest now ui<|uiri> g iii and for the body of the County of Butler, beg leave to report us follows: Ist That in the perforin mce of our du | ties, as such, we have had before u-. atiu passed upon 31 bilis of indictment, finding 22 tru bills a lid ignoring 9 oills. 2d. Thai v pn-««d tip" :AO reports ol {triage view fr 'in i'-ui. wp and i troiu ii'ti id t*y . oli vi.ig '.tie former and approving the latter 3d. That we fcave Carefully inspected ami examim-il the COUP house ami all the counti "lli •••8 therein and a>e gratifiid to hml the neat manner in winch they aio kept a.id ihe excellent care taicen of the couu y records and property, and only re gr»-t that we nave n>t m >re vault room in the same as the growing condition ol our ci.uuiy will soon demand more room 4th That *e have visited rhe countf js.il and find it inadequate, beinif now full, and the veniilaliou and sanitar. conditions o! the same being in very bad condition and demanding immediate atton ion. sth. vVe tlieiefore recommend that the County Commissioners build a new jail something similar to the plans and specifi cations of Owslev A Boucnerle of Youngs town, Ohio, this day snnmuted to us, aud at a cost of about $50,000 6ih. We also think it would very much improve the appearance and accostic pro perties of the main Court room to have the floor gradually raised to#ard the east wall being the back part ot said room and re commend l bat the same be done at the earliest convenience of the County Com missioners. 7th Thanking the 'Jourt aud the kind and efficient corp- of county officers lor their kindness towards us in our staj, and the very efficient janitor for his assistance, i We submit tins our lasl and final present- I ment. | CHARLES DUFF?, Foreman. NOTES. ' Agnes L. Thomas has petitioned for a divorce from Win. W Thomas. Raymond Cornelius, Esq was appointed Court Auditor. George W. Crum was appointed Judge of Election lor forward twp, vice James Crawford, removed from the township. On petition of John McCoy fof viewers to assess damages vs the Li. & P. It It., Oeorge Maxwell, Robert Krause, V 7 m. Dick, Uugb Sproull, James Humphrey, Henry Bauder and K. D. Stephenson weie appointed. A rulo was issued on G W, Nixon, con stable elect of Penn twp to show cause why he should not qualify. On oath af John O'Brien, who was being heard on a charge of assault auu batlery and surety of tbe jeace, that be had got liquor at the Park ilotei while un der the influence of liquor a rule was granted on P. S. Clark to sbow cause why his license should not be revoked, and a hearing will be held this alternoon. Lewis Gansz et al have brought suit in ejectment vs tins Gnestmch et al for a tract of land in Evans City. Patterson Porter has issued summons in slander and trespass vs Adam Byerly. Anna E. Giesler bas brought suit in ejectment vs Martin Cypher et al lor 80 acres ol land in Winfield twp. Letter*) of administration have been > granted to John Wuigle on estate of Lavi na MoGleland of Connoquonetsinn twp ; also to liober'. Kidd on e-tate of J am.is Criswell "I Adams twp.; also to Charles it Frederick on estate of J. Jacob Sterner ol Middlesex twp.; al-o to J. .V Kirkpatriok oil estate of Jane M ixwull ot Ceuire i wp. The hearing of the ca-SM of tin Com vs Urn Kimge: smith wa.' coucluded before Esq. Anderson last Thursday night, and as no evidence was producbd against the du leudant he was dinchargeil. Two railroad men swore that he was the man who boarded their train at Wild wood the night of the Kauss murder. He had been in jail lor three mouths The fib case vs Scott Gill was settled. Jennie Cricks has petitioned for a divorce from K. J Cricks; also Fred Epimiger trom Susanna Eppinger; also S. O. McCalla from Bessie K. McCalla. J'ROPKRrV T KANSKftRS L to U C Adlcr 87 acres in Penn for $2530. U 0 Adler to I II Wise 78 acres in Penn for $2530. John Oesterling to Cyrus Harper lot in Butler for SI7OO. M J Kuhu to A O Miller lot ill Farming ton for $375. Wm Wigtnn to Jas C Wigton 30 acres in Frankiin for SSOO J W Hutchison to E E Abrams 100 acres in Parker for $124 Notice to Teachers. The School Board of Butler borough de sires to employ one exi erienced filth-grade ••acher and will r.i" ir» s.'pllcatlo until s.nrda Der. 20 -JO. i' u< -u. Appli cator can be I ■ ■ aid>-ii to ih- I'cre'.iry. T. F. 6ec'y. PERSONAL. Wm. tioehriag. of Kvaus City was iu lown, yesterday. Mis 9 Snow Bonlger. of Ottawa. Canada i« the of Mrs. Chas Brackney of Locust St. James M Crookshank and wife of Wi\- field twp. did their holiday shopping in Butler last Tuesday. L F. Ganter will leave Bntler this after noon for Asteville. N" 0 . where he and his family wiil live this winter. J. N. Forrester, an old veter*c. of Pros pect, is nil the jury this week and pud up bis subscription to the OITIZKS to Jan., 1898. W. H. Campbell and wife of Concord returned Hiome Frulav from Altoona where thev a tended the aieeticg of the State Grange as delegates. Dr McFa-lane of Pittsburg, assisted by Dr. Bricker of Bu ler performed an un u-ualiy critical operation in laperotoiny Dpou awoin mi living on Institute Hill, la-" Ha'c rday ofternoon and the patient is recovering an<: doing well. Alfred Nove, the inventor or discoverer of nitro glycerine died at »t Kemo, Italy, last week Ue handled the dangerous nuff for a long time, but it was his luck to keep his clav tabernacle together un'il di-ease undermined it. Yet many a mat. has gone all to pieces before he got fair y acquainted with the treacherous, xplosive. Marriage wiceuaea David 11. Jones Franklin twp Mary Smith Centre twp Charles K m W. ,-runbury Margaret Gilghrist Moniteau Wm. Kennedy ...... Renfrew Harriet O. Didds Evans Cm Richard yace .......Eiheboygan, Wis Eiiza S- Howard...... ....Bntler G. A. Klever ■ Snnbury Josephine Rider ..........Greece City Charlei W. Bunting.... ....Jefferson twp A lice L. R 5ebaugh........... ......Mais Ulyses G DeMass McKeesport Mary E. lienry.. ..Sandy Point Addi:ioo J. Brown Mannington, W. Va Emma M. McKee...... Allegheny Co James P. Noss.. .....Beaver tall* Stella Al. Alwire Saxonburg Walter G. Leslie .......... Em 1 enton Catharine B. Donnell ...Six Points OIL NOTES. The producing agencies are paying 97 ots today. On Monday there was another cut iu oil $1 01 to 99c .and this reduced the storage rate from 30 to 25 cts, a barrel per month. Pabkk»—Heydrick £ Co's No. 5, Roseubery came in last Thursday and start- Ed off at 100 bbls an hour. A short distance east of this well is a dry dole, with a well drilling in between. Nortn and uast is a 12 bt>l, well and directly west are the good producers that compose the pool. This leaves a chance f'»r a southwest and north east extension, and if this does not prove the case, there is little 8 how for a pool of oil of any extent. RENFREW— White A Go's well on the Uamol is holding up at 100 bbls. Five welis are drilling in that Vicinity. Phillips compleu-d two small wells on the Kennedy last week Hovis & Thompsons' well on the Xesbit is doing 50 bbla. ROCGH RU* —Smith & Havmaker's well on the ICeCK continues to do 100 bbls. CALLBKY —Lockwooi & Patterson well on the McKinney is yet doing 100 bbls. PUtJLIC SALE REGISTER. (Notice* in this column cost 50 cents i for ten lines or less. Wnen the bills are printed at tno CITIZB.V office they are M- j sorted one lime tree.) William Pisor, Sr., will h»v» a public sale ol stock, and farm prodace, etc, on his farm near Elliott's Mill, on Wedn»*s day the 23d. See bills posted. Christmass and New Year Holiday Excursions. Ticket Ape .it Pitsburg & Western Rail a i will seil M ind trip tickets to all s:a --t mis on tbi Pitti-iiurg & Western line and to points in C'ton ral traffic Association ter ritory, up to a 1 including Cleveiaud roledo. Chliiago, -t. Louis, Liuisvill" and ii/Cinntti »n Dec. 24. 25. anil 31 *ntl ■I tiuary 1 at a tare ami a ttird; GOOD IO r<*- luru until January 4 inclusive. The 205 Popular. All departments readv for Xnt j j shoppers, both useful arc! ornament j al presents suitable lor voutn t j old | age a present with every purchase i ot $2 aud upwards ALF. .M. PEUJER & Bao The New Life Option Policy and tndowmant Bond, Issued by the NATIONAL LIEE OE VERMONT —is— The best Insurance in the World. BECAUSE IT grants solid protection upon mn tual plans at the lowest guaran teed coat IT is immediately payable on proof of death, or, also, if a Bond, at the end of the specified term. IT is incontestable after two years from date of i sue. IT is automatically uon-fcrfeitable, after three years, for face amount. IT guarantees m»st liberal, endorsed cash, paid-up and exwnded insur ance values. IT is collateral for loans with the Company up to the limit secured by the guaranteed cash value IT participates in surplus distribu tions. as elected bv the holder, and allows him atl the usual methods of surplus adjustment known to insurance IT places no restrictions on residence or travel. IT is economical, incontestable, non forfeitable and adjustable—a poli cy of guarantees. For further information address, IKWIN & ATTM-HONS, Box IX4, Butler, Pa. Trunks, yaliaes, bags and tele, scopes—at HECKS. Turkeys Wanted. Five hundred of them at the Ful- ton Fish Market, 107, S. Main ot., immediately,also game and cbickeus. Fresn fish, fresh oysters and dressed chickens always on hand. Highest price paid for gnmo and live poultry. DIVEL. —The place to tret your Xmao presents. TUB PEOPLES STOB*. Gents Department. We cau help yoa out in the gon's selection, whether a necktie, shirt, umbrella, collars and caffs, banlknr chief, smoking j *cket, traveling case. Variety aud price at ALF. M. REIBEK & BRO. Free. Free. Free. Your name on a postal card will bring a cnpv of The Butler Business College Exponent,a bright ettfbt page monthly paper, issued by The Butler Business College and School of Short hand Butler, Pa Underwear— a specialty at HECK'S ' his stock is largest and finest ever offered in Bu*'e i I Sav I'apa —did you see HECK'S neckwear, it beats anything you ever saw. i Oh Mamma—you ought to seo the big piles ot ebildrens suits at HECK'S " only $1.25, you can't *ot the same in town lor IOSB than $2.50. Sensible Presents. Whether a jacket, fur cape, dress, " handkerchiefs, umbrellas or gloves, 1 every department in Holiday attire and price the lowest I ALF. (Vl liKIUKK iV iiay. ACCIDENTS. Jos Kiskaddon accidently cut his knee while building an ice honse for Mr. Morri son a few days ag'>, and now sports cnitches. John Bolint the Austrian who was shot by the Italian named Charley, died at the hospital in Pittsburg Sunday . "Charley" has not been heard ot since the shooting. The left arm of James Graver of Mt. Chestnut which wa« Injured by the ex plosion of a fly-wheeel, some days ago was amputated la>t Sunday, by* l>rs. Graham and Ho'.man. Samuel T. Williams, who was hurt on the B. <fc P. K. K. near Saxonburg, f-orne weeks ago, and who was taken to the Alle gheny Ganerai Hospital, was ab'e to at tend "his M ife'a fineral in Allegheny Taes day. She nursed him in the hospital and was taken down with typhoid and died last Saturoay. The couple were from Ly net burg Va. Perry Emery, of Barkeyvilla, Venango County", received what ire suopo-ed to be lata! injunes by the explosion ot a boiler on the Joseph B Ziegler farm in the Brush Creek oil tieldon Wedneadaj ot la.-t week. The Valley Sews gives the following par tiiularc: "There weie t.vo boilers in the boiler house which stood on tnw side ol a ni'l The one that bad beeu iu use faib-rt to take water freely and the pumper had till ed the new boiler atrd turned the gas on and it seemed as if something was wrong with the steam gauge, as Abe Z' lgler, the pumper who runs the alternoon tour had gone dowu early to help get the walls start ed. told Emery he thought somthingvroDg as iltey tried to start the wells thinking they had sttain enough, but it would not start them. Mr Emery then pushed the ball out to the end of the safetv valve to save steam, lie said Mr. Zetgler lelt him standing in the holier house door and walk ed down the hill about 40 leet to do some thing at tbe tank, and had just got there w hen the c*plosion occurred,and fortunate ly was not hurt. But not so with Mr. Emery lie was found about 40 feet from the boiler house wrapped around a stump and thought to be dead liut soon showed signs of life. Farmersand 0.l men in the vicinity soon gathered to the scene of the accident. Mr. Emery was taken to the home oi J os B. Zeigler where he is being kindly cared lor. Dr. Cowden ol Zelienople was im mediately sent for. It wan lound that he was badly hurt when examined, lie had several scalp wounds, besides being badly burned on the face aud side of body, his left leg broken and mashed, his right hand mashed aud bones broken, besides bruises on oitferent parts of the body, and alto gether was in a very critical condition. Dr Cowden dressed bis wounds aud with the assistance of Dr. Fttbian, of Harmony his leg was set Cue who did not know where the boiler house was located could not tell where it had beeti by the appearauce ol the surround ings, as there wa* not a sptinter of the boiler bojse on the spot where it hau stood The dome of tlie boiler went through the belt house of rig No. 3 ami mowed its way through trees a distance<4 300 foel. The flue part of the boiler went up the hill, tearing down four tre<*s and landing 20C0 feet aw ay Iron the boiler house, while Inr a»'»j iD opposite directions other parts wire found. TIM coil the pumper wore was foond on a tree 00 feet The ottier butler was blown against a tree and it was tbis that saved Air Emery from be ir.g entirely ijlowu to atoms, as it is sup posed he wa-, standing back ol it wnen tbe acciueut occurred. ilr. Eatery gained consciousness Thurs day morning and feetns to be improving, bur is jet in a very critical condition. PARK THEATRE. TUB CARNIVAL Kehersals are lieing made nightly for the l>u»ii ess and professional men's tar nival which is to be held at tbe Opera House on Thursday and Friday eveninns of this week. The arrangements are completed and the entertainment promises to be one ol true merit Biehtylivs young ladies are lo represent as many of our Itntler firms, and no pmus are boiug spared by lirms and their ladies to make their dis play creditable. A sharp rivalry is mani fest as to wno is to carry off tbe prist Those holding reserved seats will save ttietr coupons lor castiug their votes More man oae hundred children will ak- par in the eatorttdatnani and wil! make a beMtifal appmraaoe MUM slug**. TBK FAMOUS LADIKS' S*URNONT ORCHES TRA SOON UKKK. The famous Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchfs'ra will be at Butler 'ir Satur dav giving perloriuaiiCß.l afternoon and evening al the Park Theatre. Excursion rates for the matinee have been secured on the i'. & W. and P. S <fc L. E anil a great many out ol lown people are expected to tak- in .he Itornoon performance Eight or nine hundred tickets have al ready 'teen sold for the two concerts and everything indicates a snccesa in every respect. There will be no advance in piicoit—st) and 7f> cents at night and 50 cents in the aiteruoop. TUB SPOOIKRS Tbe Spooners is the title of one ot the strongest r> pertoiro organizations that will tour the East this season. Edna May ripooner has beeu classed by many an the must versatile leading actress of the day. She will tour jointly with tier charming sister, Cecil, who has quickly stepped to tue front rank of s lunrettes of America. The Spooners hare a full line of comedies aud dramas of their own, written for them, and ne». to the cities they will visit. The above company will open a week's engagement at the "i'ark Theatre" com meiicing Mouday next, popular prices will prevail, Special matinee Christina- day. On Monday night—One Lady and one gentleman or two ladles admitted on one 30c ticket it reserved before 6 p. m. Mon day I)o3. 21st. Christmas Candy Wo always made the Christmas Caaily "usiness a prominent fea*,ure of our December business. We are better equipped this year than ever before to supply the wants of San day schools iu the candy line. We want all committees to call and see our stock and get our prices before placing their orders. J. A, KICHE*. 142, 144, S. Main St. uutler I' a. Sensible Presents Whether a Jacket, fur cape, dress handkerchiefs, umbrella or gloves, every department in Holiday attire an d prices the lowest. ALF. M REIIJBR & BRO. Low Prices in Musical Goods. Some special prices at Grieb <te Lamb's dissolution sale now going on New Pianos *2OO and up New Organr. $- r >" «nd up Guitars *4 and up Mandolins s:i 50 and tip Violins $1 50 and up Autoharps .$2 and up Tnere are also some sec >nd band instruments —pianos at $35 tc SIOO. Organs ut S2O to S9O. Harmonices and other musical in struments at proportionately low rates Strluga of all kinds constant ly in stock. No 118 SOUTH MAIN ST. —Findley will open his branch gallery at \lars, on Saturday of this week, and it will be open all next week aud after that it will be on Saturday of each week only. M usic scbo'ars wauted, at 128 W. Wayne St. Sox and shirts, ill wool and a yard wids. cheaper than the oheapest—at 11 ELK'S, 121 N. Main St. Vox Popun—Boy your clothing, underwear, hosieiy, hats, caps, sox and neckwear of D. A. »lECK and are money. Thousands of dollars worth of Horse Blankets and Robes at MAR TINOUURT A Co'S. Latest styies iu fine Holiday Goods at CI.BEL.AND'B Jewelry Btore 125 S. Main St. Butler Pa. i \ lijrge assortment of toys at I THE PKOI'LII STORK. Grand Bird Carnival With a Stereopticon. Tbe Kellogg Bird Carnival Concert Co . oae of the finest attractions of the Lyceum has beer, secured for au off date in Butler, buff-en Warren PA. and ashiDgton PA Tue company aj peari in Wairen Christ mas afternoon and evening, then at Wvbiugiou the 2Sth. Through the k:n'! ne.-s ol Mr. Norinaue, the manager and agent for the Kedpath Bureau we are able to gire the people of B'ltler its opportuni ty ot «tnjojing thtg Phenorumal edtertain tnfnc on i)ec. 26. the night alter Christ mas. in Aanoc.atiim Ball . Tno company consists ol the lollowin,; brilliant array: Vlr. C'has l» Kellogg, is a phenomenon and a novelty uerer before dreamed ol Oaing to » peculiar and unprecedented anatomical construction of the throat, lips anil tongue, h ha- complete coutrol over the muscles ol these organs, and is able to re produce the songs ol every v ot s-inging Birds. v r Kell'gg is not a wfti-tler; he is a bird waibler. Mr Kellogg will throw on a screen a Grand Collection of Song Birds, (all the s ides are made from pbotograpis of the buds themselves) with their nests and exact uates, colored true to nature. Emily Stuart K.-llogg, contralto, is a vocalist of gieat p i*«r and the most c ire ful study in the shading and blending of her voice. The lower notes are of qualitv and drp'h seldom readied by contraltos generally Urs. Kellogg has .-tnnied with tIM liest MKHI ill New York, Pl'lladei ptna and Boston Philadelphia has well bestowed its favor upon this gilted singer. Miss Email M. Dillman, ;es'hetic calis temst. Miss Dillruan's work introduces many fea'ures that arc as novel as they are charming to the eye, aud these are rendered striking and effective by the skill lul manipulation of calcium and electric lights. Miss ilary Bocoan. the pianesie of th-- C mpany is a graduate of the Philadelphia Musical Academy and is an artii-te ot rare ability. Mr. Donald P. Adatnson, electrician, r.f L-.mdan, England. Mr. Adamson has had many years experience in operating calci um and electric lights for special peifor minces in both Europe and America Xmas- The useful and ornamental at popular prices at ALP. M REIBER & BRO. HEW Fruit and Vegetable S TOKE On South Main Street, next door to Stein's bakery, where you can secur* Fresh Garden Stuff every morning, lireeu Lima Beans a specialty. Fruits ol all kiuds. Spring chickens dressed or alive. Egt?s aud butter. Oysters, Gam™ in season aud celery, als > eabbasje tor kraut. PHILLIPS & CO., Leave your order* for Ketsap, Ac Annual Gift Sals With every purchase of $2 vnd upwards. ALT. M. REIBER & BKO. Christmas Proclamat'on. It is a vorv short time until Chris'niur, have vou tbont;hr of eriff" you will be obliged to make order to brighten somebody's Christmas [t will pav you to examine our line of diamonds, wntches, rich cut silverware, vases, novelties in silver and gold, clocks, canes, opera glares. cbaiDS, charms, gold peus, manicure seta, silver hair brushes, combs and mir-ors also a tine line of and hundreds of othT things suitable for presents. Articles pur chased may be • eft for future de iiverv Call early and obtaiu firs' t b»ice. R I), KIRKPA TRICK. Jeweler and Graduate optician Nejct to Court House, Pants thai Fil. Made of goods that wear, and keep their sLape We are turning them out by the huudreds and the values are so lar ahead of anything vou ever saw, the goods themselves so perfect, so stylish, so thoroughly up to date, that much as we m»y promise you will find more when you get there HUTLEK PA*-TS CO. 125 W. Jefferson St - block we, t of berg's Hank. Pants—Over 2000 pairs to select from, al prices, oh well, .lon't meo iiod theui, its awful, where, <U UriK'a Do you waut a hat or cap? HECK has them and can save you money —25 per ceut saved by buying liorse Blankets anil Robes at MAR? TiNCOVBT life Co'e —BoardingHouse t'aras, with Ac, ot \ ssembly, 25 cents for half-a-doyi n 4 <ir sale at Oitizkn ifli'-e. Xmas The UHcful and ornamental at popular prices at A LF. M. REIBER BHO For a Xmas present. Table linen, napkins, fancy towels and doylief at The Peoples Store —The Butler Lubricating Oil fo. has moved back to tDeir old stand 1)5), W. Jefferson St Steelsmith Pattersou's new building, where al kinds of eugine, mac binery, and il luminating oils of the finent quality kept in stock ia the basement, and will be delivered to any part of the city when ordered from C. E Mclntire, agent. I(* CT ou genuine Spring !L t Wator Ice in Butler is now tieing delivered to his customers daily by .1. A. KICUEY. Leave /our order at Richey's Bakery. A a nual Gift Sale With every purchase of |2 and upwards. AL,F VI. REIBER A BRO. The largest stock of Dressel Dolls in the city at THE I'B<ipi,Es STORK. —.lob work of all kinds done at the OITIZBN OPFIOK iS m mi h jmm. £/«« fkki i M I-' ,;r i STYLE 124 The only leather tipped corset 'in the market. Try them and you will wear no other, for sale at I the PEOPLE'S STOKE, A Midnight Fire. Shortly after midnight. Tuesday uight, ; the house owned by Al Ruff at corner of I i lay an.l McLean St - ua- discovered to be burning. Tbe tire originated iu the kitch en of the part of the house occupied by ! Mr« Burton and her daughters, and spread ; so rapidly that thev hail to make a hasty exit, though part of their fuurniture in the j front rooms sa.'ed. The other half ot the houre was occupied by Thomas BalpH and family, aud they | too had to leave hastily, but a part of their I goods was also saved. The tire companies re-ponded promptly, aud prevented the fire from communicat iug to the house ol Jerry Starr, aujoining, i but the Kuff house is a total wreck ami j will probably be torn down Al has S2OOO j in-ura-ce upon it—J7oo with McJnnkinl aud SI3OO with ibrams. Brown £ Co A einarkatile lea!ure of the fire *as the i melting of one ot the legs of Mrs. Burton's range, though there had been no fire in it tor severa'. days, and the only tire in th« kitchen was in a little gas stove placed on top of tha range. LfcGAL VDVEK riS£ vl£ >1 r S NOTICE. Tbe general meeting of the Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance C0.,0l llannatistowu and vijinity, will be held on Saturday, Jan. 9, 1597, at 1 o'clock P. M.. at the Cresm ery Building in Delano. All members are Cordially inviied to attend. PROGBAM. 1. Report of the President of the allairs and standing of tbe company. U Heading by the Secretary of tbe Chsrter and By-laws, if desired 3 Election ut four Directors to serve for three years. FRKU WITTK, Pres. A. KBAL'SK, Sec'y. Delano, Dec. 9, 1896. NOTICE. There will be a meeting of the policy holders of the Butler County Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Tuesday, Jan 12, 1897, be tween the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock P. M , at the office of the Secretary, 126 E. Jeffer son S* , Buvler, Pa., for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors for the ensu ing year. By order of the President. Attest: WM. IRVINE, Pres. L. S. MCJUNKIK, SKC'Y. Notice to Stockholders. The annual meeting of the Worth mu tual Firo Ins. Co. to select officers tor the ensuing year will e held in the school hou.-e at West Liberty, the second Satur day of Jauuary, 1897, at 10 o'clock A. M. JAMBB HUMPHREY, Pres. S. J. TAYLOR, Sec'y. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. Notice is hereby given that an applica tion will be made to the Governor of Penn sylvania, on Thursday, the 31st day of De cember, 1896. at Harrii-burg, Pa., l>j Wil liam J. Breaden, S. N" Russell, Harry B Zihniser, VV. G Russell, J. B Arthurs. O. F Russell and M L Zahnissr, for the charier of an intended corporation, to be culled ' The Euclid Oil and Gas Company." The character aud object of which shall ibe within the county of Butler, Pa. to operate for. produce and market petroleum oil aud natural gas, and for that purposn to buy, lease, and sell such lands and leaseholds and property as may be neoes sary therefore, and lay such pipe lines.con demu such lands and do such other acts snd things as may bo necessary therefore, with all tbe rights and privileges incident thereto, under tbe Act of Assembly i* -uch caso made aud provided. Tbe princi pal office and pi ice of business of whici intended corporation shall l>e West Sun bury. Butler county, Fa MCJUNKIN & GALBRKATH, Solicitors. NOTICE. Whereas my wile, Hannah E.. has lef' my bed and board without just, cause or provocation, all persons are hereby notified not to trust or harbor he' on rav account ISAIAH THOMPSON Butler, Fa., Dec. 11, 1890. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that letters of ad ministration on the estate of Lavina Mc- Clelland, dec'd, late of Connoquenessing fwp , Butler county, Pa., have been grant ed to the undersigned, therefore all per so ia knowing themselves indebted to said e-tate are requeste Ito m'ke prompt set tlement, and thoso having claims against the saii>e to present them duly authenti cated for payment to JOHN WEIGEL, Admr'., S F. BOWSER, Att'y. Prospect, Pa. Executor's Notice. Letters testumenta.y on the estate of Dmiel Cress, dec'd late of Connoqueuess ingtnp., Butler county, Fa, having been granted to the undersigned all person knowing themselves indebted to said es 'ate will pleuse make immediate payment and any having claims against said estate wlil present them duly authenticated for settlement to ALEX. STEWART, Ex'r. W. D. BSANDON, Att'y. Prospect, Fa Executor's Notice. Letters testamentary on the estate of Henry Heck, dec'd, late of Winfield twp., Butler county. Pa., having been granted to the undersigned; all persons knowing themselves indebted to s»id estate will please iiake immediate payment, and any having claim* against said estate will pre sent them duly authenticated for settle ment to JOHN HECK. Ex'r, Denny, Butler Co., Pa. MCJUNKIN & GALBRKATH, Atty's. #f /iiCHINR Do n.>t bo deceived bv alluring advrrtlnementfl Mkl think you ran get th«* beet nuufe, flm-nt finish and MOST POPULAR BEWINQ MACHINE for a tnero pong. Ruyfrom reliable manufacturer* that have train**! a reputation by bonent and vqiuuo There l»n»m'ln the world that ran Hiual in ni'-'-tiaairal constnjoti/n, durability of working part*. flncni'M of fluiMh. beauty in or iiu ok many iu*pr"v««ui«<nt* an the MEW HOME. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. The New Home Sewing Machine Co. ORANOK, MASH. BOOTOV, MAHH. 28 UinoK BQUAMK,N.T, CHICAGO. ILL. ST. LOtmi, MO. I > UJJL&, TKXMM. BAN F&aycnoo, CAL A TLA 64, FOR *ALfc BY J. B. McDEVITT Dealer in Sewing Machines, Pianos and Organs—next door to Y. M. C. A. build ing— Butler Pa. Buy the light-running, New Home, sewing machine, perfect satislaction guar anteed, never gets ont of order. L. S. McJUNKIN ' nsirance and Kea! Estate Agent. 17 LAST JEFFEBSON ST. HI JTI JKH - a, M, A, mm Funeral Director 37 3. Main.St. Butler Pa. DR GHAS H. B. HUNT, Physician and Surgeon. Eye, car, nose and throat a specialty 132 and 134 S. Street. , Rnlston building'. Subrtcrnje tor tbe CITIZEN. P erhaps you don't know how D we are on U* everything relation to prescrip tions C! it will not be amiss to ( ) all your attention to the intelligence P rompt service £iven T o everything of the kind placed n our hands prescripts rfment \T ever was so comete s ave you money too. c. nr. BOYD, Pharmacist, Diamond Block, - Butler, a YOU WANT A NEW DRESS for the winter gaieties. Why pay sixty or seventy-five dollars, when we can make you up perfect gar ments with the best linings and workmanship throughout for from $35 to $45? Make your selec tion now, so that we can have time to give you a careful job be fore'you need the clothes. Perfect Styles and Fit are pre eminently the necessities ill a sat isfactory full dress suit. Our guarantee goes with every dress suit we make. If the fit and style are not exactly as they should be, we cannot afford to have you wear the garments. A Good Oiesser must have a full dress suit for special evening wear. We have the finest goods and make absolutely correct gar ments. Do not make the mis take of having your evening dress suit made by an incompetent or careless tailor. A mistake of this kind is expensive. WEDDING SUITS k SPECIALTY. TIM Cor. Diamond, Butler. Pa WALL MOULDINGS The nicest line of Wall Mouldings in town are at Heineman's New Room. 201 S. Main St. New line of Blank Book Writing Paper just received. 201 S. Main St. JV The Place to Buy GAS COOK ING AND HEATING STOVES, GAS BURNERS AND FIX TURES, HOSE, HATH TUBS, ENAMEL AND IMPROVED VELSHBACH GAS BURNER. ! W.H O'BRlfilUSlf 107 East ]t*fferson St. . Advertise m UuiWjt, DO Not Put up an ARGUMENT As to where you will buy your suit or overcoat, but come to us. OUR GARMENTS, when seen, present their own merits so strongly that they need 110 persuasive lan guage to induce you to buy, they are the best for the money that can be obtained. Yours for Clothing, DOUTHETT QRAHAM. A Gold in The Head Is worth two in the chest. You will escape both if you get one of our warm wooly overcoats or ulsters THE COST OF ONE WILL SURPRISE YOU Men's all wool Beaver overcoat $5 .00 Men's all wool Kersey overcoat 6.00 Men's all wool YVelton overcoat 8.00 Men's Chinchilla Ulsters 5.00 Men's Frieze Ulsters 7.50 Men's Dress u Ulsters 10.00 Schaul & Nast t Leading Clothiers. 1137 S Main St-, Butler, Pa. ; SIDE TALK WITH GIRLS: ; OH TIMELY TOPICS, 1 < - ► L Its not often we have a chance for a chat with the girls but this week we h»ve (tot something that wont kee p, consequently we've got to say it, i ami don't care who knows it, It will prove interesting, and to those > who hove Christinas presents to buy, save money, time and annoyance. C YOU CAN SUGGEST the names of anv number of your friends and re- A lations who would be pieased with such a sensible ( present as a pair of slippers or shoes. ► J YOUR BEST FELLOW would appreciate a pair of the comfortable slip- M pers that we are selling at from 50c to $1.50 a pair, y Ruth approves of this method of assailing the ► citadel. ' i . ► REMEMBER THE POOR We are closing out a large lot of Mines and . Children's shoes at 50c a pair which cost us from i one to two dollars a pair. While not the latest > style, are good and substantial. n REMtMBER GRANDMA with a pair of our comfortabte felt slippers or * £ fleece lined shoes. She don't say much but she i W thinks. ► NO QUESTION ABOUT PAPA. He likes to read his newspaper evenings in i , comfort, nothing will add to his comfort like a pair of slippers such as v.e are show- A ► ing in great variety, V i UP-TO-DATE MERCHANDISE AT DOWN-TO-DATE PRICES. ;A. RUFF SONS J 114 s. MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA. Presents For Christmas. We have hundreds of things that are suitable for the ladies. For gentlemen we name a few as follows: Books Bibles, Photo Medalions Fancy Calendars, Collar and Caff Boxes, Collar Button Boxes, Pin Trays, Pen Trays, Letter Raoks, Pocket Letter Cases, Silver or China Cloth Brush, Mirror, Valise Tan. Letter Seal, Umbrella Marker, Pocket Comb, Purse, Bill Book, Opera Glass, Bioycle, Pen Cleaner, Necktie Box, Slipper Case, Portfolio, Photo Case, Gents' Manioure Set, Hat Rack, Traveling Case, Gold Pen, Pooket Camera, Shiving Brash, Matoh Reoeiver, c-P M u . Jf' Pocket Cigar Case, Silver Coat Marker, Siliver Hat Marker, Pocket Match Case, Ink Eraser, Book Marks, Kev King Marker, Silver or China Uair Brush, Cigar Box, Smoking Set, Fancy Blotter, Picture frame, Ash Receiver, Inkstand, Shaving Mug, Di ar y Paper Knife, Stamp Box, Glove Box, Paper Weight. Library Set, Gents' Toilet Set, Mustaohe Cup. Reading Lamp, Clock, Fountain Pen, Typewriter, Call and see at DOUGLASS' 241 S. MAIN St * NEAR P. O. THE LARGEST STOCK OF Dolls, Toys and Fancy goods at THE LEADING MIL LINERY HOUSE of Butler. COME an examine our stock, best goods, lowest prices. 122 n t PiPF 122 S. Main St. S. Main St. PLANT YOUR XMAS ADVS.