Harper s Magazine IN 1897. FICTION': The Martain, the new by Dri Uaurier. th» eagerly expected sac oeiwor tn "Tnlby," hetran in October Num ber. 1896, with illustration* troiu the au thor'g drawing. A new novel hy Frank K Stockton —developing a Twentieth Century Renaissance —full of humorous Bitualiona and characteristically illustra'- ed. A Pair of Patient Lowers, by William Dean Howells o:ber striking novelette by American authors. .Short stories D> Mark Mwaiu, Thomas Nelson Page, Rich ard Harding Davis, Owen Wister, John Kendrick Hangs, Kath McEnery Muart. Oo.'ave Thauet, Mary K. Wilkins, aud other popular writers. SCIENCE: Story oi the Progress of Science during the Nineteenth Century, a series of papers by Dr Henry Smith Wu liams, supplemented by contributions oa special subjects b;. expert scientists. Ar ticles on tue re I at on* ol curious psycholog ical manifestations to physiology by Dr ADdrew 'Wilson. AMERICAN FEATURES: Tho Mexico ol Today, a serie* by Charles F. Lunimis, splendidly illustrated- the result id a re cent visit to Mexico undertaken lor Har per's Magazine. M xico is preeminent!) a silver-producing country, and its monetary operations rest entirely on a silver basis. Owiug to the keen disoussion of certain economic proplems in congestion with issues of urgent importance in American politics, these papers, will oommand gen eral attention American Historical Pa pers by Woodrow Wilson, John Bach Mac Master, and Jambs The truo ( story of Sheridan's Ride, by Geu U A. Forsyth, Continuation of Howell's Person al Reminiscences ot eminent literary Americans. . AFRICA AND THE EAST: White Man's Africa, a fully illustrated ser.es of papeis hy Poultney Bigelow, the result of personal observations during a recent trip to Africa, covering the whole field ol Eu ropean exploitation of that country. Il lustrated articles by Stephen B csal on the transformations g;>ing on in Eastern Siberia, recently vKited by tno author. Hungarian Sketches, written aid drawn by F. Hopkinson Smith. The full story of the recent Coronation of the Czar, by Richard Harding Davis, illustrated by R. Caton Woodville, who was commissoned by Queen Victoria to paint a pictura of the ceremony. Netcspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the exprest order of Harper & Brothers. HARPER'S MAGAZINE For one year • • * - $♦ 00 Postage Fice to all subscribers in the Unit ed States, Canada, and Mexico Address HARPER & BROTHERS P 0. Box 959, N. Y. City. Harper's Bazar IN 1897 The BAZAR, a thoroughly up-to-date periodical for #omeu, will enter upon its Thirtieth Volume in 1897. As a Fashion journal it is unsurpassed, and is an indispensable requisite for every well dressed woman. Katunrine Do For est writes a weekly letter on current fash iOOT from Paris. In New York Fashions, and in the fortnightly patteru-sheet sup pliment* ladies find lull details, directions and diagrams for gowns, wraps, and chil dren's clothing. Sandoz. Baude, and Chapufc draw aud engrave the newest and finest Parisian designs every week. The serials for 1897 will be: The Red Bridge Neighborhood, by Maria Louise Pool; and Father Quinnallion, by Octave Thanet. Short stories will be constantly presented by brilliant writers, among whom arc Mary E. Walkins, Harriet Pres oott Stofford, Marion Harland, Ruth Mc- Enery Stuart, Viola Roseboro, and Mar garet Sutton Briscoe. What Women are Doing in various parts of the Union will form a series ot special interest. Other interesting features are The Out door Woman, devoted to healthful spor-s and pastimes; Musio. a weekly critical summary of music in New York; Amatur Theatricals, Embroidery and Needlework Ceramony and Etiquette, Good Housekeep, mg, "What Girls are Doing," "Current Social Events," and Personals gleaned from original sources. Women and Men. Colonel T. W. Hig ginson will regularly continue his valuable essays. Answers to Correspondents. This col umn is conducted for the benefit and con venience of readers, and all questions re ceived are answered in rotation, as prompt ly and fully as practicable. Art. The BAZAR is a notable picture gallery, reproducing the most beatililul work of American and foreign artists, as presented in the annual Pans and New York exhibitions Wit and Humor. Everybody turns for a hearty laugh to the BAZAR'S last page. An All-Round Woman's Paper.—What more appropriate gift cau be made to wife, daughter or sister than a subscription to HARPER'S BAZART Secure it as a wel corae visitor in your household for 1897 Xeicspapers are not to ropy this advertise meat icitliout the express order of Harper & Brothers. HARPERS BAZAR For one year • ■ • * (4 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the Unit ed States, Canaila, and Mexico Address HARPER & BROTHERS, P. 0. BOX 959, N. Y. City. Harper's Weekly IN iß9r. vVith the end of 1897 Harpers Weekly will have lived forty years In that time it has participated with all the zeal and . power at its command in the great politi cal events of the most interesting and im portant period in the history of the conn try, and it has spread before its readers the accomplishments of science, arts, and letters lor the instruction ot the human mind and the amelioration of human con ditions and of msnners. What the Weekly has been in its spirit and purpose, as these have beeu manifest ed principally in its editorial pages, it will continue to be. It is impossible to announce with prr cision all that the Weekly will contain during the year 1897. It were as easy t» announco what iB about to happen in the world, what triumphs for good govern ment are to be won, what advance of the people are to be made, what is to be the outcome of the continuous struggle be tween the spirits of war and peace, what is to happen in the far east, what is to be the state of Europe twelve months hence, what new marvels of science are to be re vealed, or what are to be the achievements ol arts and letters, for the Weekly is to be a pictorial record of all this Cartoons will continue to lie a feature. Serial Stoiie&. A new England story by M'.ss Mary E Wilkins, will befjiii in January. A tale of a Greek uprising against the Turks, by Mr. E. F. Benson, the author of "Dodo." will follow, A sequel to "The House-Boat on the Styx," by Mr John Kendrick Bangs, illustrated by Mr. Peter Newell, More short stories will appear in the Weekly than it has l:eeu possible to pub lish duriug 189 G. Departments: Mr. W. D. Howell's "Life and Letters" have been among the most charming features of periodical liter atuie; Mr. E S. Martin, and others will contribute observations on what is going on in "This Busy World;" "Amateur Spirt" will remain the most important department of its kind in tho country. The Weekly will continue to present to its readers the world's news most interest ing to Americans, to make important ad vances in both the lilnrar/ and artisiic features, aud t > retain for itself 'he lead ing place in the illustrated journalism ot the world. Newspapers are not tn copy this Advertise ment without the express order of Harper & Brothers. HARPER'S WEEKLY For one year • - ■ • f4 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the Unit ed States, Canada, ami Mexico. Address HARPER & BROTHERS. P. 0. Box 959, N. Y. City. I-. t). WLCK l:h& LRR IF Roy h 3"d Woiked LiiiiiLir UP AL~ KINDS D Sasb, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always In Stock. UMF, HAIR AND PLASTL opposite P. A W. Depot,; JCUTIiBB, P*. AUTUMN STYLES FOR MEN. The Latest European creations \ v for business wear are Scotch Cbev- T I iots and fancy cassime/es in warm p cheerful coloiing of brown and I } green, with a mixture of red or a \ S dash of vellow artistically blended, r i ALSO, I C grays in mixture and positive t J colors. \ ) For Dress I } Vicuna, Lambs wool and Worst- X S ed coatings with pla'd and stripe \ x trousering. X C We have them in all their va- 1 1 riety and besides the largest stock I J in the county. J V We have facilities for making X f good clothes, cheaper than same % \ can be produced elsewhere in C / Western Pennsylvania. / ALAND,. MAKER OF • MEN'S CLOTHES. AT J. R. GRIEBS 2 and 2 Do Not Make Five. It's quite a probiem to please everyone's taste in any line you may select and particularly ot jewelry, silver novelties, cut glass, etc., but I'm sure you will find what you want in my large stock and at such prices that defy com petition. I am making a spe. cialty of nobby and find Goods and want your trade. j. n an 118 SOUTH MAIN ST B. 7y Si. This store is right into the Holiday business —is going about it with an earnestness that will at tract your attention and we know will win your confidence. In the Fancy Goods lines we put on sale larger and finer as sortments than ever of Art Pot teries and Bric-a-Krac iri Royal Bonn, Royal Vienna, Sevres, Doulton, Adderly, Teplitz, Clois sonne, Italian Faiennce. Bisque Figures, Bronzes etc. Then there are numberless articles in Fancy Leather and in Celluloid —Comb and Brush Sets. Work Boxes, Shaving Sets, Glove and Hand kerchief Boxes, Necktie Boxes and Collar and Cuff Boxes. Then the range of Cut Glass and Fine China—Silver and Sil ver-plated Novelties, Lamps, Shades, Globes, Tables, Onyx Cabinets, Hard Wood Tabouret tes, Fancy Chairs and Tables—all at our well known small profit prices. THEN BOOKS, TCTYS AND GAMES. —and then you've but a mere mention of the Holiday Display this store has prepared for your holiday buying—a newspaper description can't be definite— better come and see and we'll warrant you'll find the prices so much in your .favor as will pay you for the coming. We'll be glad to send Cata logues to those who will write for it —costs you nothing and will save you many dollars —19 pages mostly illustrated, devoted to Holiday Goods, exclusive of the Jewelry and other departments which contain so many good gift articles. The time is short—come or write for the book without delay. Boggb &: Bali I, ALLEGHENY, PA 1 Tlie Place to Buy GAS COOK ING AND HEATING STOVES, GAS BURNERS AND FIX TURES, HOSE, BATH TUBS, ENAMEL AND IMPROVED WELSHBACH GAS BURP, W. H. O'BRIEN 8 SON 107 East Jefferson St. —Job work of all kinds done at guizsN Officii, HUMPHREYS' No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Infants' Diseases. No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 8 " Neuralgia. No. 9 Cures Headache. No. lO " Dyspepsia. No. 1 1 " Delayed Periods. No. 12 " Leuchorrea. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. 13 Cures Rheumatism. No. 16 " Malaria. No. 20 " Whooping Cough No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. 30 " Urinary Diseases No. 77 " Colds and Grip. Sola by Druggists, or sent prepaid oil receipt of price, 25c., or 5 for sl. DR. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC MANUAL, OF DISEASES MAILED FREE. Humphreys' Hed. Co., 11l William St.. N. Y. Why He Figures it takes figuring just at this time to make both ends meet, an<l now winter is almost here and you must be prepared for bad weather. You Must Have Good Footwear you want to buy it cheap, not too cheap for at this time of the year it must be good. We can't praise our tall stock too highly for never before have we been in shape to offer high grade footwear at such low prices as we are now. Bread Winners M Men's Stag Boots si-5° Boy's Stag Boots 1.25 Youths' Stag Boots 1.00 Ladies' Calf and Oil Grain Shoes 1.00 Ladies' Warm Shoes 65c, 75c and f 1.00 Child's School shoes 50c, 75c and SI.OO. We Defy Competition Ladies, Miss, Youths ?nd Chil dren's Rubber Boots at the uniform prices of $ 1.00. Boys Rubber Boots, sizes 1 to 6 $1.50. Men's Felt Boots and Dveis f 1.50. Ladies' Neat Felt Boots and Overs SI,OO. Boy's Felt Boots and Overs $125, for.goods and low prices try Butler's Progressive Shoe House. 2is] So uth Main St., BUTLER PA C. E. MILLER, pure I whiskey f you hardly know what that means S unless you've obtaiued your supply g from our stock £ BOT. DOZ. O Private stock, 12 yr». old, 2.00 20 00 A Gibson, 10 " 1.50 15.00 O Fincli, « " 125 0 g Gibson, 5 M IOC 10.00 Jgf Finch, 5 •' 100 10 OO g Overliolt, 5 " 1.00 10.00 aud we put them up in FULL quarts —we carry only the fullest line of all grades of wines, liquors, cor dials, brandies, etc. Send for a § j | complete price list 2 I I OLD EXPORT WHIS.KEV 1 is the invalid's friend—tjie phv- £ sician's s>lan<lby the 14 good ST fellow's cliee> M JI.OO full quarts—six quarts $5 X Wtr send all fio orders free of Z ch.-rgc to any address. 3 JOS FLEMING & SON, \ Wholesale and Retail Druggist!, ! MARKBT ST.. PiTTSBUKCi. fr / x saa»ittffT"" DOCTORS LAKE KA 1 VRI ./ TK DISPENSARY. ULK Jg Cca- PEN\ AVE. ANL> FOURTH BT.. RSTTL-W, PITTSBURGH., PA AUforinsof Delirntc ami Com plicated Diseases reqiiirinßCON TCTV" PIPENTIALan<ISCIENTIFICMcit icaIion aio treated at this Dis with a -access .•■••rely attained. X>r. fe i'v. Lake ismember of the ltoval Collide ->? I'hy iciaps ,t:i'l Surgeon:, am! is the u! lest am! most SX;H ricneed SPECIALISE in ihecity. Spec's! at .•ntion ftiven to Nervous Drbility fromercesaivj aiL -1 til exertion, lid.scrotion of j oHth,ctc.,cauh ini; physical una jiental <lccny,l.-u-k of energy, etc.; a.jot'ncers Old Sole*, Fits, l iles. Klieuihatlsm, and all di~ nsesof tlieSUin, 11100.1. l.unirs, Urinary Or«nn.".,«.tc. Consultation ioe strictly coulidintiul O.lce lioui" 9to 1:i ;iu 7to S I', "m .; Sundays. 2to 4 ;i. oil v. :li ail ©Aire or ail.'.ress "DRS. I.AICE, O 'lt. 'K X SA« B VND <TII ILL'. . 1 ' I 'ITS IT'MT.IH BUTLER COO TY Mutual Hra Insurance Company, Office Oor.ftlain &. Cunningham ALK. WICK. I'res. «EO. Kf TTKIfKB. Vice Pres. L S MrJI'MilX, and Trtm- DTIUECT :>KS: .Vitrei WlcF,. I Henderson Oliver, r. W. Irvlrt, fames Stephenson, A. W. Blackrnore, 1 N Weifzel, F. Bowman H. J. Klingler eo Kettercr. < has. Rehhun. i ec. Iteniio i-fohn Koenin*? 10/ I MJIMKA /rri.t. FRAZER& BEST IN TIIE WORLD. I Its wearinprqnalities are unsurpassed, actually I outlastina two boxes of any other brand. Not affected l.y lient tsr«KT TUB 'JKNI'INK. I FOE SALE BY DEALERS GENERALLY. PChkrhe«t*r'a Rnfllih Diamond Brand. ENNYROYAL PIUS Orlflnul nni) Only Gcnnlnr. A s*rt, alw»r* r< iiable. LADIES ask fTy f* fri IM I>ruml«t for C\irhr-ttr» Fnglimh I'I.I- vS|^aßvv n i<>n« Brnn-l in Kcd and Gold niet»llic\\C' gy *>'alol with blue rihhon. Take uaugr ..-,j V T? - " Ew Lndl.-» *" J r pciorn ''Mi iintfpC'icr' .. Kt»n \ fl/7 BUSINEBB > ( rs'A coi/LEOB > i f vf\Smam *America for r I c tftlnlng a bread- J ✓ mJwJ winning educa- C \ Wj/y 'ion For circulars 1 I —KoardintfHouw! Car«e, With Ac 01 vueemblj, 25ceur>-. f.;r balf-»-doien ' .or iMkle at CITIZKN office. r PH K CITIZKN How Koquefort Cheese is Made It is supposed that hundreds of years ago the south of France was disturbed by volcanic eruptions, which slit up the ancient roes, causing streams of lava to flow from them. The new surface con sists of basaltic rock, which in its turn was fissured by eruptions and thrown up 011 a mountain range. The whole of the interior of a mountain was thus formed into caverns and caves, which belch forth hot sulphurous springs. It is here that the celebrated Roqnefort cheeses are made. The village of Roquefort is situated on the Mountain Larzac, which is about twenty-five miles in length and nearly 3,000 feet high. It consists chiefly ot limestone, covered with sufficient pas ture to feed the 300,000 sheep kept for their milk. The caves being formed by the displacement of rocks, consist of an intricate labyrinth of open spaces and passages connected with each other and and with a subterranean outlet. A coo' current of air, therefore, always of the same humidity and temperature, flows in every inturrupted stream through the caves. There is nothing in the milk or the preparation of the cheeses that gives them that peculiar flavor and delicious mellowness for which they are renowned. This is entirely effected by the method which they are cured. When the cheeses are ready for treat ment they are taken to the caves and after being allowed to cool are carried to the salting room. They are rubbed with salt on one side and then piled on the top of each other until the cave is full. After standing for twenty-four hours or so, the reversed side is saPed and once more they are piled tip as be fore. The cheeses have to be frepuently reversed in order that the moisture may be even throughout, and to develop the fungus which has previously been sown in the curd. In forty-eight hours the cheeses be come viscous, and are rubl>ed with coarse c oth. In thecourse of another two Oays the fungus will appear on the outside in the form of a sticky paste. This is carefully scrapped off with knives, together with a thin stratum of crust, and set aside for food. The cheeses are now sorted out; the most solid ones placed on the floor. In eight days time they become covered withe a yellowish red mould, togetner with other minute vegetations which is removed and given to the pigs. The scraping is continued until the character of the mould changes, showing that the curd has altered its condition, and an nouncing the completion of the cure. Then they are again carefully scraped and wiped, and wrapped in tinfoil, and are ready for the market. Roqueforte cheeses have been cured for centuries by this process and stand as a triumph of uneducated art. Is The Golden Rod a Fraud ? The golden rod, about which so much poetical stuff has been turned out, is probably a prime nuisance. Many peo ple attribute attacks of sneezing and hay fever to bunches cf golden rod having been brought into the house. Irritation of the air passages is noticed by persons who have stirred around in fields where the flower was in bloom, the trouble be ing probably caused by the pollen of the plant. The-State veterinarian of Wis consin says that the horses eat the flower, go into a decline and waste awiy, both blood and tissue being destroyed. It will be of much interest to farmers and horsemen to know that golden-»od causes a fatal disease in horses resemb ling consumption, The Veterinarian* of Wisconsin, says that this disease has de stroyed thousands of horses in Wiscon sin and Michigan, and strongly urges the destruction of golden-rod. HOOIVS FILIJS cure tilver 111;, iiUfousness, Indigestion, Headache. A. pleasant laxative. All I>ru3glsts. Get out your sleigh. Winter came with a swoop. Steady company—A bicycle instruc tor. The weather man was right for once. Takes a tumble to himself—the acro bat. The old maid has another month of leap year. Some men with big heads are narrow minded. Snuffing a candle dont cure a cold in the head Rheumatism Cured in a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterioQs. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disup pears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents Sold by J. C Redio, and J. F Ralph Druggists, Butler Apr 96 Age and little brothers are bound to tell on a girl. The horse is not a oaradoxcial animal and yet he can eat without a bit in his mouth- Hoax-"Yorr dog is fond of high living isn't he?" Jtax —"Yes; he's a skye ter rier. The turkey breathes easier. "Excuse me,', observed the man in spec t<> les, "but I am a surgeon, and that is not H I ere the liver is." "Never you mind wnere his liver is," retorted the otlier "If it was in his big toe or his left e»r De- Witt's Little Eariy Kisers would reach it and stake it for him RROICK & GROIIMANN. Its all over —a woman's secret. Ante-Cliristmas lovers quarrels are about Que. The trouble with the Horn of Plenty is that it is too easily blown in. Life is uncertain and the fellow who goes to a church fair must take his chan ces. Absolutely pure, perfectly harmless, and in variably reliable are the qualities of One Minute Cough Cure. It never tails in cold.- croup anil lung (roubles. Children like i> because is is pleasant to take and it help* them. KEDICK <FC GROIIMASN "Never judge a girl by her letters," says the Philosopher- "The girl who is short will sometimes add the longest postscript." Christmas month. Save your money for the present in the future. If you want to "kill her dead" take her sleighing. Scaly eruptions on the held, chapped bauds and lips, cuts, bruises, scalds, burus are quickly cured by DeWitl's VI itch Haz el Salve. It is at present the article most used for piles, and it always cures them. KEDICK & GSOHMAKN. A local scientist had a theory that dynamite was soluble, but that was ex ploded. An easy going man sometimes belies himself wh :n he's calling on his best girl. Out in Ohio the educational compaign is being continued by thieves who break into school houses and steal the dictiona ries. The old *a? vf delivering messages by phone lllUfirtit» *h3 old tedious method of "ureaking' colds compared with almost instautaneous euro by llieir Oue Minute Cougr. Cure. KKDHK & GROHSIANN. Those Kansas husbands who are de serting their wives are probably trying to escape from that coercion and oppre-sion which Bryan and his corps of orators pra ! ted so much about. One of the latest female fads is to wear kittens in their hats. This may possibly prove a comfort to their husbands, when I in the course of events they are called up on to contribute to the "kitty." There is considerable dispute among ' eminent authorities as to the amount of Grover Cleveland's wealth. In accord ance with precedent the proper thing would be to appoint a commission to settle it. Solid silver innthnecrs make handsome Christmas gifts. New Metals (or Coin. Advices from Washington D. C., state that experiments with pure nickle and aluminum as substitutes for the present nickel pieces and one and two cent bronze pieces will be made at the mint by order of Director Preston during Sep tember or October. A resolution was j passed by the House of Representatives ; authorizing such experiments. There is some doubt whether the actual adoption of a new metal for 'he minor coins will be recommended at an early date by the I treasury officials, even if the experiments prove successful. The objection to a change in any form of coins or notes is the disposition of the public to refuse the old forms and insist upon having the new. This woul-t drive into the mints for recoinage £14.000,000 in nickel pieces which are now in circulation, and $7,500- 000 in pennies. The advantage claimed for pure nickel, instead ot the alloy now usen in five cent pieces is its greatei hard ness, durability and distinctness of im pression . Foreign Bodies in the Throat. The difficulty of removing fish bones and similar obstructions impacted at the lower end of the oesophagus is well known, and various mechanical meas ures and appliances have been invented to deal wit?i the difficulty. One of the most simple, however, and as reported, one of the most effectual, is to adminis ter to the patient a pint of milk, and forty minutes afterward an emetic of sul phate ot zinc. The fluid easily passes the obs:ruction, and is of course, rapidly coagu ated in the stomach into a more or less solid mass, wh eh, on icing ejected, forces the obstruction before it and so ef fects its removal If you are weak, tired, and nervous, Hood's Sarsaparilla is just what you need. Try it. Shirkey needn't mind that little pain in lis side with |:o,ooo to poultice it. If Germany doesn't behave herself we will have to quit eating souerkraut. McKinley is socn to show his slate and soon after Grover will hang out his shingle. As there is snow north, south and west of us, it is hard to tell where the warm waves are to come from. To care ail old sure.*, to beal an indolent ulcer, nr to speedi ; core piles; ys.u need "lnipiy apply D-Wm's Witch U.izel .Salve atcrding to direcious. Its magic iike ii tioi; will surprise }<>o Kkdick it Geohma.hu They are complaining about the water supply in Chicago and at the same time are closing up the bucket shops. Bryan now demands $3,000 for a lecture cash in advance. It would appear from th is that there are other advance agents of prosperity. Pet polecats are becoming fashionable in Massachusetts. Those Yankees al ways were inclined to go a little beyond common scents. There has been a good deal said since the election about the toy states out west. They might be utilized now for Christmas presents. A movement has again been started in Boston to pnt clothes on Bacchante. It certainly does seem a marble hearted proceeding to leave the poor girl without clothes this weather. The length of life may be increased by lessening its dangers The majority of people die from lung troubles These may be averted by promptly using One Min ute Cough Cure. RKDICK & GBOHMANN Magic music is a new indoor game that is at present very popular. The lot of the conductor or inotorman is not one to be envied in weather such as this. Crushed velvet toques are much worn by fashionable women, those of violet being tremendously in vogue. And now the dealers in sleds smile joy fully and pnt forth their warts with con fidence. Preparing delicacies for the sick means a livelihood to many a woman who could not earn a penny any other way. A few of us know that rubber shoes . were originally called robber shoes, thev having been devised for tilt stealthy use of burglars. It is strange but true that the tiniest specimens of femininity will as a rule j select a bull dog for a pet in preference to a toy terrier. Soothiig, and not initating, strengthen iug, and not weakening, sm»ll but efl'ec- I 'ive —such are the qualities of DeWitt's Little Early Risers the famous little pills. Kediok <fc Grohmaks. Mother—You say your husband no longer spends his evening at the club? Daughter—l soon broke him of that, Mother—How did you manage it? Daughter—Before going to bed I put two easy chairs together by the parlor fire, nnd then held a match to a cigar until the room got a faint odor of smoke. Mother—Charlie, you said you'd been to Sunday school. Charlie—(with a faraway look) —Yes'm How does it happen that your hands smell fishy? Charlie—l—l carried home the Sun day school paper, and the outside is all about Jonah and the whale. There were 65,000 polling places in the United States at the recent election. Texas had the most 4,022. Deleware had the fewest. All the Queen's daughters were taught to swim when very young. The daugh ters of the Prince of Wales could swim before they could read. The old lady was right when she said, the child might die if they waited for the doctor. She saved the little one's life with a few doses of One Minute Cough Cure. She hud used it for croup before. RKBICK & GEOIIMANN. It's strange that an eye opener gen erall) has the opposite effect on most men. The wise man faring forth into the country for pleasure these days taketh with him his bathing garment and skat ing shoon. The conductors now tell waiting fem inine passengers that their car is a smok ing one, but the information rarely de ters any of the gentler sex from crowd ing into them. Though it is satd that a. wish made up on a shooting star is bound to come true there are very few who can collect their tlionghts quickly enough to wish for anything belore the star is gone. A violet bath is now the luxurious fad of the girl who wishes to be beautiful. How often we hear the remark. "I won't come to see you until you call first. Little folks in the cars now indulge in much conversation abont Santa Claos and Christmas gifts. Dont let a man take a cold by stand - with uncovered head as he talks to you on the street. Let a woman be weighed down with responsibilities and she will far more fre quently fight her way out of them than succumb to them. How horribly old it makes you feel to have a person mention something hap pening twenty years ago, and have to be obliged to confess that you remember it. Hotel WillardJ Reopened and u»w ready for the j accommodation .>f tre traveling pab-j he. Everything in f 1 » 1 <> f c Mile MRS. MATT IE REIHIHG, Owner M H EFOOKS. Clerk. Advertise in the CITIZEN. I FREE BRIAII PIPE PA FOR 1^ Vv - • jjff/ffr i LONG GUT f l j| (fc - - • .<■ --4 _ , : 1 LOHQOM 3TRA/OHT i (;oiP()\t OR i iTO'Tiiii^l| U |^''^i^'^ '"A HAND SAW IS A GCOO THING, BUT V. SHAVE WiTH." SAPGLIO THE PROPER THING FOR MOUSE-CLEANING. "Oh, I Guess Ttat'll Have To Do." Customers never say that in our shop. We don't keep the "have-to-do" kind of stock. You can get exactly what you want here. The only trouble you can possibly experience is to know just what to choose, from so much that is Stylish, Elegant and Suitab.e. Our tables are piled high with the choicest weaves from the best looms of America, England and.tiie Continent. If we are not already making your clothes, come in, and experince the real luxury of buy ing from a stock complete, varied and beautiful. It you come once you'll come again. J. 8. YOUNG, Tailor, Hatter and Men's Furnisher ,0 ' S cl " Prescriptions and Family Recipes are natters of mportance and should be filled carefully and with pure drugs only, WJ give then our special attention. The Baby + * requires a little special care during the warm weather, espec ially if fed trom a bottle, we have a supply of frest infant food, at all times, also bottles, nipples, tubes, bottle and tube cleaners etc. It you desire a sterilizer we can supply you with one, or will be pleased to furnish any desired information concerning them. Disinfectants should be used extensively at this season of the year, the iKrst being copperas, chloride-litne, and crude carbolic acid, the latter being better than the pure, as in purifying an important disin fecting agent is removed, we have a large supply of at all times. We also carry a full ine of toilet articles and sick-room requisites. KEDICK & GROHMANN PEOPLES PHONE. 114. BUTLER PA. JOCGGOOOOOQOOOOGGOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOO JPunc- is J I tualityjjkPower, j 1 Hitch your ijj 6 But be sure I A 'JH business |9 te us in a | I works to a f] 11 Fahys Gold- | 1 watch. j(M fsHed Case, g § I I |fJ i | And that you buy it from g E. ORIEB, JEWELER, | 139 N. MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. until IS THE TIME TO HAVE Hun Your Clothir\j£ CLEANED or DY £D If you want goou and reliable cleaning or dyeing done, there is just one place in town where you can get it, and that is at THt BOTLfI Df[ WOBKS 21 <3 Center avenue. do fine work in out -door Photographs. This is the time of year to have a picture of your house. Give us a trial. Agent for the Jamestown Sliding Blind Co. New York. R. FISHER & SON, JF'Zr ~ TATI 'S~ P"HTL ADt L P 111 As| 7--DENTAL ROOMS.-- [h t 39 - slh Avo., I .ttcbu'g. Fa. || IllFff W.-T.-PRACTICA* * "H CROWN BFiljt » ''M |(|X ■! I'itt-t.urg—WH V „OT DO v ",ff< SMYOURS? CROWNS A Vsf? / '< •} •»'» BRIDGr work " S fJ:5 PER TOOTH ■,*. Seanor &Nace's Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Hear of Wick House, Bullcr, Pa The be tt of horses and lirst clhsb rigi* always ou hand and for hire. Hest accommodations in town for pormaneat boarding and transient trade. Special c«.re trunrai Stable room for sixty-five horse- A good class of !iO->es both driv ers and diafi horses always o hi >d and for sale uud.r a fall (:ua m! >■; md horse* b > jgbt upon proper u* i fication bv SLANOH & N A'JE All kind* ot live stork bought a*id -;old. ! T<!l"phon«i W>ck House •..; (.mm jt iir?BKRTB »*., pnn •.. '"in*o' >1 • s« ' "it'll :i«l nor ri N«> t::alt r from ** la •uni m ; ... a . ndtn : I • 11 amtrunimM «M.r* L_'i. lk»« J « uuo iui J Subberibe tor the CITIZEN, HO FOR XMAS a.i.l the time lor present giving. Our custom for years has been to give to our customers daring the holidays a present. This year we will give to every purchaser, whether an old or new customer, a bottle of fine TABLE WINE Ami our new 1897 Calendar* V present in every sense of the word—you d> not pay for it directly or indirectly. You get it with mail orders the same as if you visit our store. A word about Whisky—AGE is everything. If you order 8-yetr-old Whisky from us you get S-year-old Whisky not druj; store age). We believe in treating our customers well and in fair dealing to everyone. GUARANTEED c, S^ K! i^ ER ' 8-YFAR- DOUGHERTY, BRIDGEPORT, 1 DILLINGER, LARGES, (J L D SAM THOMPSONS WHISKIES. Vour choice of any of thes brands with a guarantt ■ of age, ii.» der full quart- -6 quarts for <5. «>. Or if vuu like a young Whisky, there is 10 better brand than Ol'R GRANDFATHER'S CHOICE, which we ell under guarantee of being 3 years old at $2 00 per gallon. Mail and C. O. D. orders packed and shipped promptly. We prepay express charges on orders of SIO.OO or over. ROBERT LEWIN Sc CO. Opposite H. & O. Depot. 411 Water St., Pittsburg, Pa. 80 Hill TOE BUMS THANKSGIVING, CHRISTMAS, NEW YEARS. Now is the tine vvhen the Good Old Holidays will soon be here, and there is nothing that will add more to the comfort of the sick or the pleasure of the hear ty, than a little good wii.e or whisky. What Stall You Give Your Friends For Christmas ? Look Over This List, And You Will See Just What You Want. Rye Whiskies Ptr Case. Bottle Gallon Doz. Ots. Silver Age, Pure Rye $1.50 $6.00 $15.00 Duquesne Rye & Barley Malt 1.25 5.00 12.00 Malt, absolutely pure 125 5-CO 12.00 Bear Creek, Old Mo:ion 1.00 400 10,00 Guckenheimer, 6 years old 100 4.00 10.00 Gibson, 6 years old 100 4.00 10.00 Finch, 6 years old ' 00 400 10.00 Dougherty, 6 years old 1 .00 4.00 10.00 Overholt, 6 years old 1 00 4.00 10.00 Guckenheimer, 4 years old 1-75 3 00 lS °° Possum 65 2.50 Anchor 5° 200 Monogram 1 -75 Magnolia 1.50 IRISH AND SCOTCH W HISKIES IMPORTED. E. & J. Burke * * *Jmp. Qts 2.50 25.00 E. & J. Burke* * * 2.00 20.00 Water Carafe, Irish 2.25 - 22.50 Wicklow, Irish-jugs 2.25 - 20.00 Shamrock, jugs 2.00 20.00 Rosslyn. old Scotch-jugs 2,25 22.50 Bonnie Castle-jugs 2.00 - 20.00 Cruiskeen, Irish 2.00 S.OO Benmore 2.00 8.00 Ramsay Scotch i-5° 1500 Glenlivet, Scotch i-5° - 15.00 Wise, Irish i-s<> 6 00 Camlachie *>s° 6.00 Mehan's, Irish i- 2 5 - 15.00 Jas. Sykes'lrish ' 25 15.00 Ramslay's I - 2 5 5-°° 12.50 BRANDIES AMERICAN. Champerelle 12 5 5 00 12.00 Cognac*** 100 4 co 10.00 Cognac* * 75 3-°° 8.00 Cognac* 5o 2.00 6.00 p a l e . . 50 2.00 6,00 French'..".'. 5« 200 6.00 Cooking SO 2.00 6.00 50c, 75c, #I.OO and $1.50 per r\ • 1 quart—Best . values —purest, 'UIIIS cllKl liUHIS and of fine bouquet— CALIFORNIA WINES: —We have theTn in every brand and quality—A good Port, Sherry, Angelica, Hock or Claret at 50c per quart, or $1.75 p<-r gallon —Fine body and flavor. EXPRESS PREPAID on all orders of $5.00 and over. No charge for packing and shipping. Get your friends to club together for their Holiday order, and save all shipping expenses. AIL "ORDERS CARE.FI ELY PACKED Let us Have Yours. MAX KLEIN, WHOLESALE LIQUORS. 82 Federal St. Allegheny Pa. 1 • - - - The New-York Weekly Tribune FOR FARMERS and VILLAGERS, V FATHERS and MOTHERS, - FOR \ SONS and DAUGHTERS, FOR ALL THE FAMILY. With the close of the Presidential campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizes the tact thft the American people are n:>W anxious to give their attention to home and b-jsine-s interests. 10 .ne. t tus condition, politics v ill have far less space and prominet.ee, -until another State or National occasion demands a renewal ot the tignt for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to the present day, and won its greatest victories. Evety possible eftort will be put forth, and money freely to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE preeminently a NATIONAL, FAMILY NEWSPAPER, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each the family. We furnish "The Citizen 1 ' and "N. Y. Weekly Tribune" FOR si.so PER YEAR. CASH IN ADVANCE. Address all t rdcrs to # HI Cllllfl r bud MdmMnm...» »po«tal can!, sen.! it Building, >c\v York City, and a sample co}<\ of lua, JsKW TRIBUNE will be mailed to you
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