mgp, Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN Highly Attractive Values! Y J A FEW OF OUR SPLENDID SPEC filflpP Ladies' Capes and Jackets. Ail tailor-made in the handsomest \a styles, including new sleeves, collars I tj and fronts in reefer box and empire i J eftects, plain braid or fur trimmed at J? %7> I prices that absolutely lead the race in t y yrjT m| / competition for public favor: Ladies' plain, stylish Beaver Jacket $ 3.98.— Value $ 5.00 Ladies'fine, stylish Beaver Jacket s.°°.— Va cOO Ladies'fine, stylish Boucle Jacket 5 °°- Ladies' fine, stylish Boucle Jacket 7.00.— Vaue 10.00 Ladies' fine, stylish Boucle Jacket 10.00.— Va ue 12.50 Ladies' fine, plain Cloth Cape 3.50.— V due 500 Ladies' fine, plain Cloth Braid Trimmed Cape. 5.00.— \ alue 8.00 Ladies'fine, Plush Fur Trimmed Cape 5 °°- X a ! ue , 50 Ladies' fine, Plush Fur Trimmed Cape 8.00.—\ alue 10.00 MILLINERY DEPARTMENT filled to overflowing with elegant up-to-date Millinery effects. We have space only to mention one or two prices: Stylish Trimmed Hat for 98, $1.25, $2.00 and $3 00 DRESS GOODS.—This has been our banner Dress Go°ds season, Never before in the history of this store have we offered such values in Novelty and Plain Dress Goods Novelty Suitings 39c; value 50. Novelty Suitings 50c; value 65c. Black Goods our specialty. , /Hrs. J. E. Zimmerman "Oh, I Guess That'll Have To Do." Customers never say that in our shop. We don t keep the "have-to-do" kind of stock. You can get exactly what you * want here. The only trouble you can possibly experience is to know just what to choose, from so much that is Stylish, Elegant and Suitable. Our tables are piled high with the choicest weaves from the best looms of America, England and the Continent. If we are not already making your clothes, come in, and experince the real luxury of buy ing from a Stock complete, varied and beautiful. If you come once you'll come again. J. S. YOUNG, , Tailor, Batter and Men's Furnisher, ° f ' Prescriptions and Family Recipes are natters of ''mportance and should be filled carefully and with pure drags only, wj give them our special attention. The Baby ♦ * requires a little special care during the warm weather, espec ially if fed from a bottle, we have a supply of frwt infant food, at all times, also bottles, nipples, tubes, bottle and tube cleaners etc. It you desire a sterilizer we can supply you with one, or will »>e pleased to furnish any desired information concerning them. Disinfectants should be used extensively at this season of the year, the best being copperas, chloride-lime, and crude carbolic acid, the latter being better than the pure, as in purifying [an important disin fecting agent is removed, we have a large supply of these at all time 9 MM-Ji We also carry a full ine of toilet articles and sick-room requisites. JREDICK & G ROHM ANN PEOPLES PHONE. 114. BUTLER PA. WALL HOOLDINGS The nicest line of Wall Mouldings in town are at 0000 Heineman's 0000 New Room. 201 S. Main St. New line of Blank Book Writing Paper just received. 201 8. Main St. PrfcWlwia/i KaclUl DUmmm4 llrul. ENNYROYAL PILLS OHflMl Mi Oalf V+nmimr. ▲ ••r*. rrllabU. LADH• ul A\ MrA\ Drucclt tnr (■ht'h'ttmr $ /><*»■ JmW Mran4 la K«4 (Jold —taUU\\Jßr vtih hl«« riMtan Tab a 1M W|M m€hmr. M*f*4t*u*np*r»Ktb»M I fl m ■ CROWN »"■' work A MM M"' I1»'I«T[-WHY HOT DO y BUHI JS|YOURB? CROWNS ft PlHl# «*,!,.! BRIDGE w " rk rwfurcl toM IJVV D«5 PER TOOTH Alf. ih.UL B W w y l**!*.* orTwtli mwlr ONLY as M 1 , I Tr->ll*m rr'j college? I udnf" 10 * breSS S ' * — u J S -P U J* —Job work of all kind* done at the Omm OiTioa f ' Vhj He Figures it takes figuring iust at this time to make both ends meet, awl now winter is almost here and you must foe prepared for foad weather. Yon Most Hate Good Footwear you want to buy it cheap, not too cheap for at this time of the year it must he good. We can't praise our fall stock too highly for never before have we been in shape to offer high grade footwear at such low prices as we arr now. Bread Winners List Men's Stag Boots #'-5o Boy's Stag Boots 1.25 Youths' Stag Boots 1.00 Ladies' Calf ami Oil Grain Shoes 1 .00 Ladies' Warm Shoes 65c, 75c and Jf .00 Child's School shoes 50c, 75c mid fr.oo. We Defy Competition Ladies, Miss, Youtha end Chil dren's Rubber Hoots at the uniform prices of f 1 .00. Boys Rubber Boots, sizes I to 6 $1.50. Men's i-'ett Boots and Oveis $1.50. Ladies' Neat I'elt Boots and Overs Boy's I'elt Boots and Overs 11 25, forjgoods and low prices try Batter's Progressive Shoe House. 215J South Mdlo St., BUTLER PA C. E. MILLER, BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Office C-or.Main & Cunningham ALP. WICK. I'm. MKO. K KTTttUKK. Vlr. I'm. L. H. ItJUnKII, H*r'j and Tr*a* Ul KKO'IOKb: \lrrol M lck." H»nd»r*on OII»«r, ' r. W. frvlii, Jaiiinw HUipbeuaou, ■K. W. lt! A 4 HUMPHREYS' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with Suaphreys' "Witch Hazel Oil as a cvrative and healimc application. It has been i used 40 years and always affords relief I and always gives satisfaction. It Cures Pnxs or 11 f morr hoids, External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding—ltching and Bumine; Cracks or Fissures and Fialulai. Relief immediate—cure certain. It Cures Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. It Cures Torn, Cut and Lacewted Wounds and Bruises. It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruption?, Chapped Hands, iever Blister?, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, 1 Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and SI.OO. Sold by Dmg«i«ts, or Nit post-paid on receiptor price. KI'IPHREYS* lID. CO-, 111*111 »KU« SC. S*» !"*• WITCH HAZEL OIL pure whiskey j ' you hardly know what that means J j 1 unless you've obiaiued your supply j» 1 1 from our stock 1 - I , BOT. DOI. I I 1 I *!«•«• stock. 12yr..«1d. 2.00 20 00 < I I I Glbfton. 10 " ISO 15.00 I ' Finch, 8 " >*» l*-°° ' | Gibson. 5 M lOC 10 0O ; Finch, » " >o° 10 00 6 I Overboil, 5 " 1-00 10.00 g [ aud we put them up io FULL quarts { • we carry ouly the fullest line of fj i all grades of wiues, liquors, cor- § | dials, brandies, etc. Send for a £ 1 complete price list X OLD EXPORT WHI^EY it the tnv«bd» friend- -ti e ph»- X eician s tan'.by the ' foci X fellow* checi m Ji oo full uu»ii»—six q"»rU Is. X We §en. J. Brewer, r V Justine I*. 8. Mnpreme Court. X 1 standard C of the I". S.tlov't PrlnUi.l - omoe. the I H - j\ Court, all the Htau? su- t - J 4IH ! preine Courts, and of /if**? 1 ly all the Bchoolbook e Efflißfli /0r... i Warmly HHB i coiniiK iitU't: 1 1 *>T Buper.riteri'l< vii & / *of School*. C.rp-si ( I other tA u«-at. mnHi L almost without number j invaluable In the household. ami V> c teacher, s< li"lar, i-r- > fi-anl' r.-il man, an'l *> It j XTHE BEST FOR PRACTICALUSF 6 It l« caiy to llnd the word wanted. O It la eaay to ascertain the pronunciation O It laeasr to trace the growth ol a word. V 6 It to easy to learn what a word meana. V 6 The Krw York Tribune Says i X Tba Utwit edition comri from the lip-** with ; v X that lmpll>-« the m' wt tborouKh *.'!! r, 9 t.'rt«.l and typnirraphUtal aiil<-ril»lon. •• • 1 1»- T O wide public, too. flnda tM* a wrk t.' which it U Y O couatauUy $ OET~THE BEST. % A papjet wnt on application to >p X O.JtC. MEKKIA M CO.. PublUbcrt, 6 5 Springfield, ZXV h RBVIVO ' Vitdlity THE (SHfcAT :tOth Day. FRENCH REMEDY piodi;nef! th« at>ove reanlta In 30 days. It acts rx,iv<'rfiilly and <|Mrkly. «,'tir>•* wli»?h all others tall. Younif men will regain their lost man hood, and old mon will recover ilx-lr youtliful vigor by using KKVIVO. It i|iilckly and Hiircly restores Nervoasne»m. 1 >o«t vitality, l.ost Tower. Failing Memory. Wasting Disease*. nnd -ill effect* of excess and Indiscretion, which un fit* one for study, ImslncHs or marriage. It not only cure» ..j/tliirllng at tne seat or disease, but Is a great nerve tonic and blood builder, bringing hack the pink plow to pale cheeks an'l restoring the lire of youth, it wards oil Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having ItKVIVO. no other. It can be carried In pocket. My mall. 11. 00 per package, or six for IVno. with a positive written guarantee to cure or refund the money, circular free. Address KOVAI. JIKIJIt'INK < 0., UIICAOO. ILL For Sale by RKDDICK & GROMANN, McaNDLESS'HEAVECIIKK 1 have a Hnave Cure that will cure any oaae of heaves in horses in forty days, 1 used according to directions, and if it dot* not do wnat I claim for it, I will re'iind the amount paid and no charges will lie made for the treatment. The following estinionials are the strongest proof of the • liolniß ,) >»er t*> cure: A. J. McCANPLKKS, Hutler, Fa., 1H93 Ms. A. J. ticCaholksh: On the 2nd day of April, 1H92, I com menced to use your new cure for one o B:j" torses that had the heaves very had, and continued to use the medicine fo* atxnt forty days and the horse did not show any signs of a return of them. It is now about a year since I qnit givin t'.e medicine and the horse has never showed any signs of heaves, and I feel stisfied that ho is properly cured W. 0. CRIHWKLI, Butler, Fa., April 3, I8'»3. I.J. MoCanhlhhs: 1 htvw used your Heave (,ure and louud t will do the work il used afcordng to i!j. ractions. Yours truly, I H MoMILLIW. AT J. R. GRIF.B S and Do Not M akc Five. i wif ■fl It's <|iiitc a problem fo please everyone's taste in any line you may select and particularly of jewelry, silver novelties, cut glass, etc.. but I'm sure you will find what you want in my large stock and at such prices that defy com petition. I am making a spc. cialty of nobby and find Goods and want your trade. R. tarn 118 80UTH 1«AIN 8T Advertine iu tbe Cmzxjr mmm THE CITIZEN Bets and a Uear. Pittsburgh Dispatch Silas Gunning, a Forest county man who is attending the United States Cir cuit Court a? a witness in a case which has not vet been reached, is chafing un ler restraint and longing to be back 111 the woods again. He says this is the finest bee hunting weather he has seen > nee the fall of '59. He is one of the most successful bee hunters of the Al.e ghenies. He stopped cussing the ill luck that brough' him to Pittsburg on other per sons' law suits long enough to tell some thing ?Is nit bees. He says "tame ' lc>r ;" ey is no more to be compared with "wild j honey than cold tea is to appls jack. He goes in for wild honey every time, lie declares. On a piece of bread it is tietter than all the New Orleans molasses ever made. It reqnires skill in woodcraft and a sharp ax to gather wild honey. rip ples sunt, sunny days of the fall is the time for it. The proper way to proceed is to select a wooded tract where flowers are plenty and where you have known bees to been humming dunng the sum mer. Then grind your ax, take son c matches and a little honey, and go to the woods you selected beforehand. Bees make their honey in the hollow top of a hollow tree and they usuallj take the highest one they can find. Ihe hunter's object is to find that tree, cut it down and and rob the bees of the fruit of their summer's toil. The only way to find the tree is to follow any bees that may be flying around. If there are none out, then'the hunter must entice them out. To do this he collects some pine knots and builds a fire. On a tin he has lor the purpose he burns some of the honey he has for bait. If there are any bees wnth in smelling distance this will bring theni out. Sometimes only a lone bee will come. Then is when an expert hunter is needed He must follow that bee through the woods until it leads him to the tree where the honey is. No person but a woods man can do this. A bee is such a small object that it is easily lost among the trees, but with trained eyes and cars the bee hunter can follow it unerringly. The tree found, it is felled. Frequent lv there is more honey in it than one man can carry away. The usual find in a favorable tree is about 100 pounds of dark brown honey, with a rich wild flower flavor to it. Gunning says there is often some ex citement attending a bee hunt. Some times the bees cause trouble, but they can do no harm to a man who knows how to handle them. But he has had one expe rience that he nev« r wants repeated. "One day last fall" he said "I war nigh five miles from hum, in the woods. I wern't huntin' bees. One o' my yearlin' heifers hed strayed an' I war a lookin fer her. But I spies a bee a huniin' a round. Thinks I ,I*ll jess foller thet un' locate the tree, au' some day I'll come an'cut it down. "Well, ter make a long story short, I follers it. Muster took me mor'n a mile through the woods. At last I sees it light. Lookin' round me ter git somethm high up ter mark the place so's I could find it agin, an' what does I see but a big black bar a lieadin' fer me. "Nary a weepen did I hey with me, barrin my pocket knife, which war no 'count in a fight with a bar. So 1 made for a tree. Onhap'ly I took up the bee tret. | l"Now, ef thar's one thing mor'n nother that a bar likes thet thing is wild honey. Win n that bar got ter the tree he kind a looken up ter me an' blamed ef he did'nt git a sniff o' that honey. What does he do but shin it up the tree. "I thinks he's after me. So I v.rter sid ed off on a limb, thinkin' maybe I could drop to the ground when he'd git clost. When he gels to the liuib I lets go, intcu din' ter get down an' skin out, but darn fd o' my galluses did nt ketch on a knot an' thar 1 hung expeclin' the bar ev'ry second. "But he did'nt come. To cut it short, he left me hangin' thar, dumb on up the tree an' got at the honey. This sorter stirred up the liees, but they didn't both er nim eny.' He jess et away as oncoti sarned ez ve please an' the bees got ar'.er me. I couldn't protect myself an' I jess hal. ter take it, not carin' to do eny thing thet would discommode the bar. "Well, as the fellow says that bar ct his fill o' honey. When he got through he k**m down, an' I'm blamed ef I don t believe ter this day that he laughed at me an' the bees. He trotted away an' ez soon ez he get out of sight I cut my self loose an' kem down hard an' when I got up you bet I made tracks fer home. I could hardly see when I got thar. Ihe bees hed my eyes nearly closed. I thaught tliet war the toughest '9j>er ienee ever I hed till X turn to Pittsburg. Ilut, bless you, it wer childe's pi ay com pared to the way you've got ter dodge around cars an' things here. You can t s'op on the street a minute Ioedily healx them. It in lh« lient pil«' cure known Kkdiok rug(lsta. - In Krie they put boys behind the bars of the police station for yelling "rub ber neck" at a police officer. A 14-ycar old hoy recently spent a night in tilt lock up for that offense. Poison Ivy, insect bites, bruises, scalds, burns, are (|uiekly cured by OeVVitus Witch lluzei halve, the (jrnst i»iht cure. ItKUMJK it (>aslciafis, but the sulli rern .vanl quick relief; and One Minute l/otigb Cure will (five It to them. A sale cure b>r cbildien 1> if "the only harmless remedy il>a' produces immediate results." ItKli'CK ifc (iHOIIMANN. The first iron nails made in this coun try were hammered into t shape at Ctun* berland R, I. in 1777. The first lire engine used in this coun try was brought trom Ivngland to New York in 1731. It does'nt ir.aHir much whether sick headache, biliousness, indigestion and con stipatiou lire caused b" neglect or by un avoidable circumstances; UeWilt's Little Karly Kisers will speedily cure them all. ItKltiCk. A Okoiimann A legal bushel of anthracre coal weighs from ')(> to Hij pounds, according to locality. The first Sunday paper 111 the country wits the Sunday Curicr, begun at New York in 1731, IlhcumatiKin Cured in it bay. "Mystic Cure" for ►Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in I to :i days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap pears. The lirst dose greatly benefits; 7."< cents Hold by J. C Redic, ami J. K. Ralph lirugyisis, Ruder Apr 1)6 A rod irt length requires three jiounds of barbed wire iencing three lines to the fence. Tte Voyage of G. F. W. Frerpoisss so swiftly Hop Tlicy mind Fred o: his turning pop. The devil fish and money shark Are Fred's own nietaphures of mark, Fred eves the Caribbean sea. And cries, "Not deep tnough for me!" And porpoise, whale and dolphin whoop: "You didn't say that of the Sea of Soup." That tirid fee ing indicates decling health. Overcome it by taking Hood s sarsaparilla. The first agricultural news paper was The American Fanner, begun at Balti more in 1819. The standard measures of Great Brit ain are preserved in the archives of Parliament. The first iron forge in English North America was located at Raynham in the year 1652. -Vany a dai's work is lout by Mck head ache caused by indigestion and stomach troubles De Will's Lit'l*- Early Kis«*rs are the mont effectual pill for overcoming snch dffieultiee. RKDICK vn shops in Boston employ white clerks exclusively. Blobbs "What is it you 'ike about Miss Peachley?" Slobbs —"Vly arm." Hoax—"l hear Bjones is in pretty bad shape" Joax "He's always been bow legged." 111 1895 the railroada had 785,034 men in service. Illinois employes 30,000 miners. There are 50 si BUBBTITU CES —V Watory- Worthies®, POND'S EXra/»C1 CO., -j Av. <2 fork. DOCTORS LAKk . La a I'i'i TK iust'KNs vitr. l/ir jfy Orj.piir A/I ANu FoufiTM Or. PnTSbUROK. PA. X All form tot 1 lid hti I«• :ui«l Loi • i Jkil plicated IMwii-i-h re<|mi i"*« 'ON I / "y riT'ItNTIAL ai.'I.SCIIiNTIFH' Al' '«• i icatloo (ii*o ti'-alo'l »t this !>I • u »th n •»<•«•«**? irrlv mtahuHi. ijr.fe i\ l.akf { . remlicrof thf INtyal < ' '< 4° .i l l Suri'., th i ami ni ?\p< iickt'l si't cMhifi. »n th.M-itv S|mm filn* ,ii Hon "i vi atoV •: v«>w-. I»- liillly f' • ni» <1 v mi. i tl c\rit ion, 1 Khwrci ion of yoiH I , et'-.,run m; < :vr - '.it-on i;i I'ilt* •. I luniniailHin, indall »>•- • tlic! i i.i»» itMl. iJinel rlnarv { f l ' 'r. '• Ht I i'*tly I'.Oilll'll ll'liil i* iCl' ln'111" 't« I|.■i ito l'. M.i hnniiiiyc- 3U» •' I 1: -. I.WfK is A- I WD'.TL.T.I'II'M' 1 • 1831 1807 THE CULTIVATOR and couht-y (idiinim TIIF, BEST OF Till". AGRICULTURAL VVKKKLIKS Devoted to Farm Crojis and Processes, Horticulture & l'"ruit-Growing, Live-Stock and Dairying. WHILE IT ALSO includes all minor departments of Rural intercit, such ius the l'ouhry Yard, Ivntomology, Bee Keeping, Green house and < irapery, Veterinary Replies, l'arm Ourstioiis and Answers, I'iresidc Reading, Domestic Economy, and a summary of the News of -lie week. Its Market reports are unusually complete, and much attention is paid to the prus pects of the Crops, ius throwing light up on one or the un>st important of all ques tions When to luiy and when to sell. It is liberally Illustrated, and contains more reading matter than ever before. The subscription price is per year, but we offer a special reduction in our CLUB RATES FOR 1897. Two Subscriptions, in 1 ne remittance #1 Six Subscriptions, do. do. 10 Ten Subscriptions, do. do. 15 Bfciy i'o sll new subscribers for 1H97, paying in advance now, we will send the paper weekly, from our receipt of the remittance, to January Ist, iKy7, with out charge. B*aY SI'KU.MIIN COPIES I'REE. Address LUTIII K II CKI K ,X: SON, Publishers, Albany, N. Y. unui IS THE TIME TO HAVE nun Voitr CLEANED or DYED If you r dyeing done, there is just one place In town where you can get it, and that is ;it THE BUILFR DYL WORKS til <» Center avenue. tthSA.AVc do fine work in out door Photographs. i his is the time of ) ir to have ;i picture ol your house, (live us a trial. R. FISHER & SON, Agent for the Jamestown Sliding Blind Co. New York. i'-TOi HI GTH'tKS FAIL ta ■ «■■«, n .. . ... OP.LOBB n 'i, 1:1 N1 it -T., I'im.A., «•* •i i.lrly v art ilimhu-i -rtU-v lit** cur® O* ! umttTfruiii ' I. Ilk.- 01 ; HUllll , lv . 111 : I'd kitr*jk UuU*« na WHAT I ROW IIS NATURE'S OWN TOVIti. Rtlmi'lates the npr-etUo mid pro duces refrephln* sleep GIVES VITAL STRENGTH TO NURSINO R MOTHERS. Checki waat'.nic dliifiwn. stops nitcht awo&ts. cures lncipiuu' consutn >tion. lacreaser ntrors.h and flesh. j f| MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD. Promotes hen!thy luiir tissue. Will (rivo tho pnl" end puny tho ] rosy choeks ol youth. |VI CURES ALL FpMALH COMPLAINTS. IViukes MtroiiK 1 i'"• i uiul v.-oiueu of weaklings jILHGHPF IRON TOfilC PILLS Csre a . 'as'.ing Diseases pna tht/r sequences, jRO'JCIiITIS, CONSUMPTION, Ac. Vhny nro neither «t vptlonoi rnustlr find ■ i,i) coiiKiil'ttiiiK ciToot on tho con .nets II ■ stomach or 11 4 lining. consequently nt tho teeth or cause constipc.w-ui diarrhoea, us do tlio usual forra« or Tron o Mtiyn treatment 000, poinphlet I'roo. If . ki'pt by your druKitist. address GILxVTORE & CO, C'f niNNATI O tWliat Nerve lierrie* dave done forother.t ,btday ' am,' Permanently A positive cure tor all WcaKtiesse* Nervousness, Debility, am! a:l their trii.iof evils resulting'from early errors and later excesses; tiie result of over work. worry, etc. or excessive of tobacco,. >pium and i'quor, which l . ad to consumption niul insanity. 1 lieir use show s immedi ate improvement. In* i ' 'ipon having .IK- genuine NERVE BERRIES, TO other. Convenient to carry in vest pocket. I'rice, .00 per box, Ar. '".oxes, one full ti -atment, fS.oo. Guaranteed tocure any ca• W« 'li'tf i or -It for *'• v Ufa '» tf»nr ... r, rl i ! -It » Ftt\r» IMC ~f' ' I .Y l '"nli mi fto ,» uii» in. Kur sale in |l«utlet, JIV, >/ City pharmacy. i£2 n T PAPF S. Main St. |/, X« X ill Li S ' N,ain M - The Leading Millinery House of Butler Co. rTjjfs Autumn and Winter Millinery. All the latest and ma»t stylish Bonnets, Tuques, English Walkini: hats, Golfing hats. Sailor hats, Children's nats. Babv hoods, Feathers, T-lowers, Wings, Ribbon, etc., to be found in the Eastern MaikeU, can be seen now at our store. Never was suet a complete line of handsome and sty ish millinery brought to Butler Co., and at prices in the reach ot all. MOURNING GOODS ALWAYS A SPECIALTY. All are invited '""I Fancy gcods foi to ins; ect our . 1.1 T\ X 1V- the Holidays ar stock. ** riving daily. It ia poor < conomy to t*fe joor watch anywhere y % for repair* except to a reliable watchmaker. X ?OUT OF Every class of repairing that is brought into onr / (ORDER Btore ' 8 De Bkilled workmen, experts in tbeir \ ✓ various lines, and we endeavor to have ev»rythin ? l ) correct before it leaves oar hanJa. / \ k. grie;B, JE Tv H E icR \ ESTABLISHED 1850 139 N Main St. BUTLER PA / ii M IB IMS THANKSGIVING, CHRISTMAS, NEW YEARS. Now is the time when the Good Old Holidays will soon be litre, and there is nothing that will add more to the comfort of the sick or the pleasure of the hear ty, than a little good wine or whisky. What Shall You Give Your Friends For Christmas ? Look Over This List, And You Will See Just What You Want. Rye Whiskies Per Case. Bottle Gallon Doz. Qts. Silver Age, Pure Rye sl-5° $6.00 $15.00 Duquesne Rye & Barley Malt 1.25 5.00 12.00 Malt, absolutely pure 1.25 5.00 12.00 Bear Creek, Old Monon 1.00 4.00 10,00 Guckenheimer, 6 years old •. 1.00 4.00 10.00 Gibson, 6 years old 1.00 4.00 10.00 Finch, 6years old ' .00 400 10.00 Dougherty, 6 years old 1.00 4.00 10.00 Oveiholt, 6 years old t.oo 4.00 1 OO Guckenheimer, 4 years old 1.75 3 00 8.00 I'ossum 65 2.50 Anchor 5° 2.00 Monogram — — 1-75 Magnolia 1.50 IRISH AND SCOTCH W HISKIES IMPORTED. K. & J. Burke Imp. Qts 2.50 25.00 E. & J. Burke 2.00 20.00 Water Carafe, Irish 2.25 22.50 Wicklow, Irish-jugs 2.25 20.00 Shamrock, jugs 2.00 20.00 Rosslyn, old Scotch-jugs 2.25 22.50 Bonnie Castle-jugs 2.00 20.00 Cruiskeen, Irish 2.00 8.00 Benmore 2.00 8.00 Ramsay Scotch 1.50 15.00 Glenlivet, Scotch 1.50 15 00 Wise, Irish 1.50 6.00 - Camlachie 1,5° 6.00 Mehan's, Irish 1. 25 15.00 Jas. Sykcs' Irish 1.25 15.00 Ramslay's i- 2 5 5 - 00 12.50 BRANDIES AMERICAN. Champerclle 125 5.00 12.00 Cognac 1.00 400 10.00 Cognac 75 3 °° 800 Cognac 5° 2.00 6.00 Pale 50 2.00 6,00 French 50 2.00 6.00 Cooking 5° 200 600 50c, 75c, SI.OO and $1.50 per Grins and Rums CALIFORNIA WINFS:—We have them in every brand and quality—A good Port, Sherry, Angelica, Hock or Claret at 50c per quart, or $1.75 per gallon—Fine body and flavor. KXPRKSS PREPAID on all orders of $5.00 and over. No charge for packing and shipping. Get your friends to club together for their Holiday order, and save all shipping expenses. All. ORDERS CARHFf LEY PACKED Let us Have Yours. MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal St. Allegheny Pa. The New-York Weekly Tribune FOR FARMERS and VILLAGERS, WPSfeg- FATHERS and MOTHERS, \ \ SONS and DAUGHTERS, FOR ALL THE FAMILY. With the close of the Presidential campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizes the tact th?t the American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and business interests. To meet this condition, politics w ill have far less space and prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the fight for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to the present day, and won its greatest victories. I.very possible eflort will be put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE preeminently a NATIONAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER, interesting, instructive, entertaning and indispensable to each member of the family. ; We furnish "The Citizen" and "N. Y. Weekly Tribune" FOR PER YEAR. CASH IN ADVANCE. J||f CITIZEN. 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