Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 19, 1896, Image 3

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New Advertisements.
Sheriff's Sale for Dec. 4.
C. <fe T'g stoves.
Raff's bargains.
Douglass' kodaks. "•
Findley's Mars branch gallery.
JTOTB —AII advertisers intendingto make
obftges in their ads. should notify as of
ihtir intention to do so, not later than
Monday morning.
Administrator* and Executors of estates
t\a secure their receipt books at the ClT
ai o£oe
—After the [toot] ball is over,
After the field is clear.
Straighten my noso and shoulder,
And help me to find my ear. —Ex.
—At Cbioago last Friday "December
wheat sold at 81$ and "May" at 85|.
—A promise to pay is worthless without
the ability to make the promise good.
—lt is quite natural that the man who
likes to air his views should blow about
—lf a lvurtiiin ; H any good, and all
bnnness men say it is, the go jd of it is in
ft good deal of it.
—Whilst the price of rye is going np
there are many persons who persist in put
ting it down.
—The parlor lamp's complaint: "Every
time that girl's best y jung man turns up,
Igettu I down.,,
—The ry wo begin this week will run
ftbontt'.v! ..coaths, and our story-readers
Will fin '. very interesting.
—lnvitations have baen issuod for a
dance on Thanksgiving evening, in the
Armory Hall, by tho Atlantis Club.
—Tne P. <fc W. have lately
been taking instructions regarding the air
brakes at a school at Bennett.
The great fight for home and native
Iftnd and poatoffices has already begun in
this county.
Every presidential election in tarn is re
ferred to as '-the hardest political battle
the country has erer known."
—A heavy dew,one that would thorough
ly wet your shoes, was on the grass yes
terday morning—Nov. 18, 1890.
—Extensive improvements in the P., S.
A L. E. R. K. are said to be projected, and
Aong tneiu large car yards m Butler and
M Harrisviile station.
—The only jury out all night thi* week
was the ono on the gas explosion case
from Wick. In this case ten stubborn
fellows could n*Jt agree with the oVher two.
—As the election is over, the best subject
to discuss just now would be turkey, espec
ially, one stuffed with oysters and "servnd
to a torn." Thanksgiving Day, you know,
Will soon be here
Doctors gay that there aro two things
which cause diphtheria quicker than any
thing else, a cesspool and decaying veget"
able*, Don't throw vegetable, or animal
matter or fruit parings iato the closet.
Kalamazoo celery sells in our markets at
10 oeats for 3 stalks. The enterprising
Hollanders who settled that part of Mich
igm earn a half-million dollars every year
raWng celery.
—Hhve you seen the splendid picture of
the Court House now on exhibition in the
■how window of the Boyd drug store. It
was made and framed by Mr. Fisher of the
Butler Dye Works.
—The stores of ./.i.-dau & Co. and Kerr
A Sons, and the office of Hooks it C'lark at
Mara were entered and robbed, last Mon
day night; Spence, Booth <fc Co's and Car
• rnther.f A Co's. safes at Callerv were blown
open same night. '
—A boy with a dime uovel sticking oat
of bis pocket, on being a?ked how old he
Wis, took thejjigarette from his month
and replied: "I'm five at home, six at
school and four ou the cars, but don't yon
give it away."
—Dr. J. E. Faulk now has elegantly
tarnished and completley equipped dental
rooms on the second floor of the Bickei
building. Dr. Faulk has been in Butler
but a year or 60, yet his reputation c.s a
dentist has spread so rapidly that he now
has a very large practice.
—The largest mirror in this country is in
the dining room of the Hotel Savoy, New
Tork city. It is said the proprietors take
• mean advantage of human weakness by
ordering ths head waiter to seat women in
frojit of it. They savod in six month 3on
the meals the cost of the mirror.
—"A woman came in and asVed for con
summated lye," said the grocer's new boy
with a grin. "You didn't try to correct
lifer, did youT" asked the grocer. "Met
Naw. I'm on to me job better than that. I I
just handed her a box of consecrated lye,
ud didn't say a word."
—Some changes were made in the P.
S. R. time table last Monday. The trains
leave Butler as heretofore, bat (he after
noon train now leaves Allegheny at 2:35,
or 25 minutes earlier than heretofore;
and the only trains leaving Butler that
make oonneclions for Blairsville and the
East are the morning or 6:25 a. m , and the
2:45, p m.
—A "New man" sociul is tho latest thing
oat in the way of church entertainments.
The ladies invite the gentlemen to meet at
one of their homes, and each one is given
a task, such as sewing on a button, cutting
• pattern for some kind of a garment, writ
log a receipe for making cofiee, and doing
other house work It is said to afford
much amusoment and bring in the money.
—A man galloped np to 4 doctor's office
the other night al> ut 10 o'clock, and asked
for the doctor, and ho told a crowd of men
who gathered around that a child waH
ohoking to death with the croup. One
of the best remedies for croup is in nearly
eyerybody's home all the time. It is or
dinary lamp oil. Try a spoon full or two
of it tbe next timo your child has a bad
—The vifrit of Department Commander
Darte of the G. A. R. to Butler, with his
staff, last Thurtday, was tha occasion of
a oampfire being held iu the Court
House that evening, with addresses
by Messrs Dirte, Morrison, Liver-
Ing, Simple aud other*. Cipt Darte
is strongly i i favor of a anion or fusion of
tbe G. A. It. and U". V. L. H© caid "we
saved this country and it is ours," but
he thinks they would do beat-r in holding
poeession with hot one organization.
—A gentleman recently receirod the
following copy of an inscription on a grave
stone iu an old churchyard in England,
with the request that he decipher it:
A. T. «. TH. ISST
s. c.
T. J. A N. E."
Here is how 110 deciphered it:
"Beneath this store repose? h Claud
Coster, tripe seller, of Impington, as doth
his eoneort, Jaue."
Easy enough whon yon know how.
Hariett Ann Thompson vs. Thomas
Chantlef, ejectment. Nov. 12, jury return*
a verdict for tho defendant.
France : Freer vs. Jas. Cochran, trepans
Nov. 12. jury retnrns a verdict tor plain
tiff for s4o_damages.
0. M. Russell vs. Charle- Braaden ot
al, Assumpsit. Nov. 13, jury finds for
plaintiff for $191.20.
Mary Christley vs the Union Heat <t
Light Co, trespass. Nov. 1". the jury
after being out for 24 hoars failed to agree
and wero discharged.
Win. H. Grant vs P. <£ W. K R Co.,
Trespass. Nov. 18, jury return- a verdict
lor plaintiff for slj;s,
Win D. Deewer vs P. £ tt. It. R. Co.,
Trespass. Nov. 18, jury finds for plaintifl
for s:i2 50.
Win. fi. Grant vs P. 'k W. R. R Co .
Trespas . Nov. 18, jury finds for plaintiff
foi $440.
J. F P. McGinley vs 0. W. Shoup, As
sumpsit N'ov. 18 jury returns a verdict
for plaiutill for $303.80.
The following cases have been continu
ed: Boyd Bros, .t McCalla vs John Hal
four, appeal; James il Henry vs. Malinda
Henry, diV'Tce, ana A. V. Cunningham
vs. Nicholas Garvin, assumpsit.
The case of Jennie Duffy vs. O. W.
Eagal, slander, wai settled.
Tho case of Chas A. McNally vs. Henry
Reiber et al, ejectment, was discontinued
by the plaintiff.
TV. B. Love et al vs Georg* B. Humph
rey et al. Defendants confess judgment
for amount of plaintiffs' oiaim, with stay
ot execution for two year®.
L. B. Andrews for use vs J. L Stover,
Assumpsit—on trial.
On recommendation of Dr. Graham,
John Henninger and J. D. Marshall,
Joseph Kacffman was adjudged insane,
and sent to the Dixmont hospital.
Ex-Co. Suprentendant, N. C. McCol
longh, who read law with R. P Scott, was
admitted to practice, last week.
J. L Br >wu was appointed constable of
Forward twp, vice Allred Dunbar, resign
Mrs. Amelia Zitymman had summons
in slander issui-d vs. Charles Hollixian,
also vs. Miss Lizzie Hoffman; also vs. Miss
Emma Hoffman and claims $5.00'.' dama
Charles Schoentag has petitioned for
divorce from A. uie Schoentag.
Joseph Rockenstein has mada an assign
ment for the benefit of creditors.
On petition of A. G. Campbell, Sheriff,
J. F. Forquer, Dr. W. H. Brown and Reu
ben McEivain were appointed a commis
sion to inquire into the lunacy of E. E.
Reep, and on report of same he was sent to
Dixmont hospital.
Jos. Uartman ba.s issued Bummons in
ejectment vs Harper and Craig for a piece
of land in Adams twp.
Sherman & Johnston have replevmed
one engine, valued at sl.lO in the hands of
Jas. M. Thompson.
Jan. 11, 1897, has been Cxed for a Speci
al Term of Court tor the trial of Civil
Letters of administration have been
granted to Elizabeth aud A. G. Frederick
on estate of Adam 11. Frederick of Sum
mit twp.
John Thompson to Thos Chandler, quit
cla'in, G acres in Middlesex lor S3OO
J F Huselton to L C Wick lot in Butler
for $2 000.
D C Brawley to John A Gibson iT r.cres
in Parker lor $225.
A McCaslin to Jos X MeCaslin 100 acres
in Middlesex for SIOO.
A N Flowers to E K Grant lot iu Har
mon.* for S3OO.
John Welsh to B <fc P R R lot in Jeffer
son for S3OO.
John A Smith to B 4 P R R lot ia Jef
ferson for $250.
\\ O Stover to John Wellner lot in But
ler f->r $475.
Marriage l^iceuses
Chas A Gibson ...............Fox burg
Mable A Gibb Karns City-
Edward Deleau Butlar
Blanche Lavet Butler
Frank Oughton. Butler
B M Pettigrew. Washington twp
J E Greer Shira
Minnie Parks Six Points
H D Murray Callery
Lena Dougherty Sandy Point
John D Ober Butler
Cora F Hughes.... ....... ...... Butler
Wm J Keisinger ...Homer City, Pa
Lizzie S Cooper Peun twp
Michael Wielaud Clearfield twp
Catharine Alc'Jlafferty .Clearliuld twp
J E Gerwig Beaver Co
Ceilia Bells .... Harmony
Wm II Covert... ...Portersvi'le
Ada B Harvey Prospect
Perry Brown Butler
Clara Sutton Butler
Lewis F Portei Butler
Minnie Rimp Summit twp
Lewis I) Giilelaud ... ..... Mars
Ida M Hindman... "
Wm C Shanor Butler
Margaret S Zimmerman Allegheny Co
E E Miller .........i ....... Pttlersville
./oily.. ....... .Venungo Co
At Pittsburg, W A Dully of Butler and
Josh phino Fmchs of Allegheny.
—The local institute announce d for
Pete rsville on Nov. 21st, has been post
poned until Saturday, Jan. 9th, 1597.
—Some of the ladies of the town have
taken up the hospital question. The tirst
meeting was held Tuesday, when commit
tees on constitution and board of directors
were appointed and the following perma
nent officers elected: President, Mrs. W.
D. Brandon; recording secretary, Mrs. C.
E. Herr; correbponding secretary, Mrs. J.
H. Troutman. Another meeting will be
held Saturday and the permanent organi
zation completed.
. —A correspondent wants to know if
there is any law against the destruction of
United States coin by tho owners thereof.
We believe there is not. After a man
comes into possession ul money oi any
kind it is bis to do with as he pleas.«, so
long as he does not try to defraud tho gov-
or his neighbor. Destroying
either silver or paper money defrauds no
one but himself, and gold is worth, as
much in any othor as in it's coia form.
—The local editor of ono of our exchang
es attempted to writo a verse on bloomers,
the other day. and made a dismal failuro
of it. He wrote:
"Pnt away the little bloomers
That our darling used to \cear;
She'll not need them n-ore this winter,"
Then ho thought of'air' 'lair' 'hail' 'there'
and several other words that rhyme with
"wear" but none of them would do, aud he
finished with "The air's too cold."
Fruit and Vegetablo
On South Main Street, next door to
Stein's bakery, where you can secure
Fresh Garden Stuff, every morning.
Green Lima Beans a specialty.
Fruits of all kinds.
Spring chickens dressed or alive.
Eggs and butter. Oysters, Game
in season and celery, also eabbage
for kraut.
Leave your orders for Ketsup. &c.
Vox Popun—Buy your clothing,
underwear, hosiuiy, hats, eapd, BOX
acd neckwear of I>. A. HECK, and
ave money.
—Thousands of vijllars worth of
Horse Blankets acd Robes at MAR
Pants—Over 2000 pairs to select
from, at prices, oh well, don't men
tion them, its, r awful, where <it
—The People's Stor<? carry a large
stock of blankets, and ladies misses
childrens and men's underwear, also
fleece-lined cotton and wool hose.
John HeUilge- ter of Win Geld twp. wa
in town last week.
Daniel Shaner of Centre twp , hi- voted
at sixteen pre-iiiential elections.
Jame&Jiobertson was in town last weel
on business. His father is yet in p:>oi
health, and is confined to the house.
Mrs. Sellers, widow of James Seller*
has purchased the Dumir p;op»rty on the
Freeport road.
Mr H. A. Iloidrick of Kittanning and
Miss Emma C. Bippus of North Oakland
will be married on the 25th inst.
Oliver May of Stonewall, Manitoba,
was the gue»t of Rev. Collins this week.
He stopped off here on his way to Eng
Register and Recorder-elect Adams took
his 12-year-old son to tho hospital at Mer
cer,'yesterday, where an operation * ill be
performed on a bone in the boy's leg.
James Speer and wile, who have been
liv.ng on Protb'y Seaton'.- farm in Marion
twp., have removed to Pittsburg wh.-re
both will bo employed in the Platte Home
for Incurables.
Dr. J. M Balph, formerly of Bntler ar.J
Miss Allen of Beaver Falls were married
last Wednesday. They have since sailed
in company with Miss Dodds ot Beaver
Falls, for Syri» to which country they go
as missionaries.
Rev. Collins is the possessor of the m< st
convenient portable organ we have ever
seen. When closed it looks like an ordi
dary telescope—is 10x15 inches, weighs 23
pounds and nas the volume of a church or
gan. If the weather is favorable he will
give an open air service Sunday evening.
The Grace Lutheran Conference in Butler
ended last Thursday night The usual reso
lutions were adopted, in which special rec
ignition was nade to Rev Alexander Mc-
Laughlin, of Sardis, Pa., who took sick at
unxsutuwney during the session of the
"ittsburg sym.ii arid has been seriously
ill ever since.
A special committee consisting of Rev.
Miller, Rev. J. W. Schwartz. D. D. and
RbV. J. M. Wonders, was appointed to
readjust the charges in tho northern part
of Butler county.
Union Thanksgiving services will be
held in the U. P. Church at 10:30 o'clock.
Sermon by Rev. Johnston. The usual of
fering will be taken for the benefit of our
local poor.
Tho purchasing agencies are paying
$1.17 today.
RKSKRKW—White & Co's, well on the
Hamil was put to pumping last Friday
and did 250 bbls. that day.
EVASS CITY —Bolard «fc Dale's well on
the Wahl is a good producer
BRPSH CREEK—The Home Oil Co's. No.
4 Brenner is doing 75 bbls.
DELAMO Haymaker .t Co's No. 2 Keck,
near Delano produced 80 barrels the first
24 hours.
COOI'ERSTOWV—Jennings Bro's well on
tho Parks is doing 100 barrels lrom the
CALLKRV—B real en & Co's N>. 2 Kim
inel is doing 75 barrels; the MoCalmont Oil
Co's No. 0 Staples is doing 100 jarrels.
Light and Heat.
The Butler Light. Heat i Motor Co..
generally known as tne Electric Light CT.
have sent out postals notifying their cus
tomers that they must put in meters,
whioh they will rent at 25 cent* a month
or sell outright, The company intends
tunning its plant night and day, Sundays
Mr. Ritts has sold the "Citizans" gas
plant to the old (Home) company, and
there has benn some taik of an adduce in
New Christian Endeavor Union.
A union meeting of all the Christian
Endeavor Societies of ftutler, numbering
eight, was held in the Y M. C. A. Hall on
Tuesday night. Rev George R lidmund
son. pastor of the Presbyterian Church at
Slipperyrock, delivered an able and enter
tsimng address on the need and possibili
ties of such organizations as the Y. P. S
C. E. At the close of the address % But
ler city union Christian Endeavor was
organizad and the lollowiug officers elect
President—Rev. Eli Miller, Grace Luth
eran Church
Vice President—Rev. George Davis,
Church of God.
Recording Secretary—Miss Bertho Bor
land. St. Paul's Reformed Church.
Corresponding Secretary—Mrs. W. H.
Collins, Baptist Church.
Treasurer —Mi s Belle Lowry, Presby
terian Church.
Childrens uuion suits, heavy
fltece-iined, only 25c. Ladies heavy
union suits 35c at the
Low Prices in Musical Goods.
Some special prices at Grieb cte
Lamb's dissolution sale now going
' on.
Ne* Pianos S2OO and up
New Organs ss(l and up
Guitars $4 and up
Mandolins $3 50 and up
Violins $1.50 and up
Autoharps $2 and up
Tnere are also some second hand
instruments—pianos at $35 tc SIOO.
Organs at S2O to s!'o.
Harmonices and other musical in
struments at proportionately low
rates Strings of all kinds constant
ly in stock.
—Music scholars wauted, at 128
W. Wayne St.
Sox and shirts, all wool and a yard
wids, cheaper than the oheapest—at
HECK'S, 121 N. Main St.
—The Butler Business College
and School of Shorthand. High
grade commercial, shorthand and
English school, located in Butler
Curriculum embraces Book keeping,
Shorthand, Type-writing. Commer
cial Arithmetic, Commercial Law,
Grammar. Geography aad Spelling.
Endorsed by bankers, merchants aud
patrons. Fail and winter term opens
September Ist.
Wanted to Rent a desirable House
in Butlea or vicinity Address. J
Box 254 Butler Pa.
—Good heavy Kohtan suitings
only G and 7c per yard at the
Pants that Fit.
Made of goods that wear, and
keep their shape. We are turning
them out by the hundreds and the
values are so far ahead of anything
you ever saw, the goods themselves
so perfect, so stylish, s i thoroughly
up to date, that much as we may
promise you will find more when
you get there
125 \V. Jefferson St—£ block west
of Berg's Bank.
Don't forget the millinery depart
ment of the People' Store. Every
thing the latest style and at reduced
prices. $3 00 hats only $1 50, $5 00
hats at $3.00. Come soon, they
will not last lons'.
Do you want a hat or cap? IIECK
has them and can pave you money
—25 per cent saved by buying
Horse B ukets and Robes ut MA*-
Trunks, valises, bags and tele
copes—at HECKS.
Freedom's Song.
(Published l>y Request.)
W. BROWS ASH J. L. HESRY, Comrade*
| of A. G. IkCeil Post, So. 105, G. A. R.
! In response to your kind request for a
copy "f rhe poem read by me at the con
j elusion of my speech to y our comrades at
| a camp-fire held in tho Court Uouse on tho
I evening of November 12, 1696, I reply:
Vou understood the poem is not original,
as 1 ,-tated it was written nearly one hun
dred year- ago. The Author is Wilhelem
Muller. a German poet who died in IS2<.
The translation is published in Alden's
Universal Literature, Vol. 13.
Yours rtruiy,
Whoe'er (or freed -m lights and falls, his
fame no blight shall know.
As long as through heaven's free expanse
the breezes freely blow;
As long as in the forest wild the green
leaves flutter free,
As long as rivers, mountain born, flow
freely to the sea;
As long as free the eagle's wing exalting
cleaves the skies;
As long as from a freeman's heart a free
man's breath doth rise
Whoe'er for freedom fights and falls, bis
fame no blight shall know.
As long as .-pirits of the free through earth
and air shall go
Through eartii and air a spirit band of
heroes moves always;
'Tis near us at the dead of night and in the
noontide's blaze,
ID the Storm that levels towering pines
and in the breeze that waves
With low and gentle breath the grass up
on our father's graves.
There's a cradle .» the bounds of Hellas
broad and fair,
But the spirit of our fr«e-born sires is sure
ly hovering there.
It breathes in dreams ot fairy-land upon
the infant's brain.
And in 1 is first si. ep dedicates the child to
manhood's pain;
Itc amnions lures the youth to stand,
wit a nev. born joy possessed
Where once a freeman fell, and there it
fires his thrilling breast;
And a shudder runs through all his frame;
he knows not if it be
A throb of rapture, or the first sharp pang
of agony.
Come swell our banners to the breeze,
thou sacred spirit band,
Give wings to every warrior's foot and
nerve to every hand.
We go to strike for freedom, to break the
oppressor's rod,
We go to battle ant', to death for oar coun
try and oar God.
Yo are with us; we hear your wings, we
hear in magic tone
Your .-pint voice the paean swe'l and
mingle with our own.
Ye are with us; ye throng around, —jou
from Thermopylae,
You lrom tho verdant Marathon, yon from
the azure sea,
By the cloud-capped rocks of Mykale at
Salami-i —all you
From field and forest, mount and glen,
the land of Hellas through,
Whoe'er for freedom fights and tails, his
lame n*< blight shall know
As long aa though heaven's free expanse
the breezes freely blow;
As long as in the forest wild the green
leaves flutter free;
A. long as rivers, mountain born, roll
freely to the sea;
A long as free the e igle's wing exulting
cleaves the skies;
As long as fiom a freeman's heart a free
man's breath doth rise.
A. J. Carner of Beaver Falls, foil from
the new R. R. trestle near tho Center Ave
bridge last Saturday, and was badly in
G, A. R. Supper.
The James Uarvey Post No. 514, will
give an o> ster supper at their Ball near
Riddles X Roads on Tuesday evoning, Nov
24th. Eyery body is cordially invited and
a good time is oxpected.
P. S. — A full dish of oysters is guaran
A Legal Holiday.
Thursday Nov. 20, 18DG, (Thanksgiving)
being a legal holiday tne Postoffice in But
ler will be oj en on that day as follows:
From 7:30 to 10 a. m. and from 5 to 7 p.
m. Regular uiornintr delivery.
John Bro*vn P. M.
Excursion Thanksgiving Day.
The P. S it L. E. R. R. ivill make spec
ial excursion rates between all points on
its line, good going Nov. 25th and 20th for
return up to aDd including the 27th,on
account of Thanksgiving day. For fur
ther information call on nearest P. S. &
L. E. ft. R. agent.
Findley, of Bat'.er will open his
Branch gallery at Mars, on Tuesday,
Nov 24 Mew operator and new
equipments, first class work guaran
Butler, Pa,
Free. Free. Free.
Your name on a postal card will
bring a copy of The Butler Business
College Exponent,a bright eight page
monthly paper, issued by The Butler
Business College and School of Short
hand. Butler, Pa
Underwear—A specialty at HECK'S
his stock is largest and finest ever
offered in Bu*'e'
Say Papa— did you see HECK'S
neckwear, it beat 3 anything you ever
—The Butler Lubricating Oil Co.
has moved back to their old stand
119, W. Jefferson St. Steelsmith A
Patterson's uew building, where al
kinds of engine, machinery, and il
iuminating oils of the finest quality
are kept in stock in the basement,
and will be delivered to any part of
the city when ordered from C. E.
Mclntire, agent.
Ijf" The only genuine Spring
1£ Water Ice in Butler is now
being delivered to bis customers daily
Leave your order at Richey's
Oh Mamnn—you ought to Bee the
big piles of ehildrens suits at HECK'S
only 51.25, you can't get the same in
town (or less than $2.50,
—BoardingHouse Cards, with Ac*,
of Assembly, 25 cents for half-a-doxen
.or sale at CITIZEN office.
You are invited to call at our
store and inspect the Pocket Ko
daks, and the most unique cam
eras introduced since the origin
al No. i Kodak.
' They are complete miniature
cameras—slip into the pocket
easily—yet use either roll film or
glass plates; can be loaded in
daylight, have brilliant view
finders ftitl automatic shutter
for time exposures or snap shots.
They make negatives i '/i X 2
inches, but such perfect nega
tives that enlargements of any
reasonable size can be made
from them.
The Pocket Kodaks are covered with
fine leather, are neat and dainty and
withal splendidly made.
No matter how many cameras yon
have, take a look at the Pocket Kodak,
price $5.00
Ask to see the "QUAD" camera, with
plates and loads for 4 exposures, makes
a picture 3 '2 X 3' J inches.
Near P. O 241 S. Main St
I Plant your Christmas advs now.
| Harry Wilson, colored, was arrested at
' Freeport a few days ago, and held for
court, charged with the burglaries that
! hive lately occured in that town.
J New Castle has a religious revival on
i annds There have been 300 conversions
under the powerful preaching of Rev.
Demster, a revivalist, who went thero
about three weeks ago. Meitings are be
ing held in several different churches of
the town every night.
Mrs. Mary Stepp, of North Buffalo twp
is in jail in Kattanning ttharged with try
ing to poison her husband George Stepp
and their three children. Tneir married
life »>f late hu not been very harmonious
and after a separation, Mrs. Stepp return
ed homo recently anj made buckwheat
cakes for the family. In the latter she
min d rat poison intending to kill her hus-
Lanu and children and then herself. They
escaped death through taking too much of
the poison. Mrs Stepp is about 35 and
her husband GO jears old.
Rev. Leighton E. Eckart, a Presbyter
ian minister of Easton. Pa. ha 3 struck lor
a reduction of wages. He is now receiv
ing $2,500 a year with a parsonage, and
si«jf the clinreh cannot afford to pay him
over $2,000. He thereforj asks to have
his salary cut SSOO. Th:s is probably the
first case on record of a man striking for
lower wages.
The Clarion Jacksonian says the farmers
,in some parts of that county have taken to
what is to us a novel way of hulking corn.
Th9y run it through a common threshing
machiDe with most of the concaves taken
out. Mr. B. M Shirey of Curllsville told
us that he threshed 115 bushels and is very
rnuca pleased with the results. The corn
a* shelled is clean of dirt and cobs, ar.d
the fodder left iu gooi! .-hape for feeding.
Among a lot of potatoes dug at the Mor
ganza Reform School was oue which is a
valuable curio. The potato was the exact
size and image of a man's hand. Each
finger was separate and perfect, and was
so formed that the knuckles resembled
those of a human hand. The palm of the
hand, too, was perfectly represented on
the reverse side. Va'uable offers for this
freak of nature have btt-n refused. It will
be preserved in alcohol.
Tuesday evening ot this week fire broke
out in the Rezno Building in Mercer and
in a few miuules had spread so rapidly that
it was feared that that ntiro town would
be burned. A call was sent to Greenville
for assistance, but before it arrived the
fire was under control. Tha following
were dainageJ most: W. D. Keck and J.
C. Logan's warehousa, Lynch & Ball's
lirery and carriage works. Dr. B. A. Rides
bam. Dr. Heath's barn, The Bahjiser
wool warehouse was buined. The loss is
estemated at $20,000; nearly all the burned
buildings were insured. No one was in
jured. The local fire lighters desprve cred
it for the admirable manner in which
they handled the conflagration.
Alderman Brinker, of Allegheny, form
erly of Butler, proprses making some
trouble for certain officials of that city,
be is quoted as follows: "It is the pnrpose
of myself and friends to institute quo war
ranto proceeding.) in court to compell the
heads of all the city departments to show
cause why they should further held office.
We claim they have been illegally olected
aud thereforo cannot, continue to hold of
fice. "We have had the very best legal
opiriion as to the status of the present office
holder, and we find that when the late
councils elected the heads of departments
for four years tney violated the law.
List of names drawn this 4th day of
November, 1896, to servo as Grand Jurors
at the regular term of court commencing
on the 7th day ot December, 1896, the
same being tue first Monday of said month:
Burry L N, Evans City, merchant.
Balilaul John H, .-Summit twp, farmer.
Cochran K W, Ilarrisville, farmer.
Duffy Charles, Butler 2d wd, merchant.
Dug.in James, Marion twp, larmer.
Grant, Buffalo twp, farmer.
Glenn Samuel, Clay twp, farmer.
Koch Jacob, Jr. Lanca ,er twp, farmer
Kamerer W A, Butler sth wd, merchant.
Mitchell Win, Butler 4th wd, teamster.
Moser James M, Oaklani twp, farmer.
McClymonds Calvin, Muddycreek twp,
McCandlass Greer, Connoquenessing twp,
McCandless J R, Jr. Cherry twp, farmer.
VlcGucken Thos, Clearfield twp, justice
McGarvey John J, Mercer twp, farmer.
McCoruiick W A. Adams twp, producer.
Italston Slipperyroek twp. larmer.
Heed D F, Butler sth wd. ice dealer.
Sitler Martin, Jackson twp, farmer.
Shaffer James M, Butler Ist wd, clerk.
Shontz A B. Jackson twp, farmer.
Stiver Frank B, Uarmonv, dealer.
Viocent John K, Marion twp, farmer.
List of names drawn this 4th day of
November, 1896, to serve as Petit Jurors
at the regular term of court commencing
ou the 14th day of December, 1896, tho
same being the second Monoay of said
Aderhold Albert, Jefferson twp, farmer.
Aiken D L, Butler Ist wd, merchant.
Bell J N, Millerstown, gauger.
Bell Eiuier E, Butler Ist wd, detective.
Bricker Barry, Penn twp, farmer
Bailey Josiah, Marion twp, farmer.
Bright Henry, Franklin twp, farmer.
Brandon W S, Connoquenessing twp, far
Campbell J S, Cherry twp, farmer.
Cooper Wm, Connoquenessing twp, far
Campbell Jas E, Butler Ist wd, merchant.
Christy Findley K, Cherry twp, farmer.
Dick AVm, Franklin twp, farmer.
Double Joseph, Donegal twp, farmer.
Enright Daniel, Butler Ist wd, laborer.
Forrester James, Franklin twp, farmer.
Gilchrist A I',.Cherry twp, farmer.
Hepler A O, Butler 2d wd, pumper.
Householder C A, Butler Ist wd, car
Hill John W, Adams twp, farmer,
lloon Thomas R, Center twp, farmar.
Hutchinson Tfcos, Conoord twp. farmer.
Johnson Kichard, Summit twp. farmer.
Knouse Andrew, Summit twp, fanner.
Krug Henry, Butler 2d wd, butcher.
MarSle David, Evans City, farmer.
Meals Isaiah, Washington twp, farmer.
Moyer Sidney, Harmony, justice peace.
Moon Thomas, Worth twp, farmer.
Mcßriue Wm, Sr. Worth twp, blacksmith.
McGeary J W, Muddycreek twp. farmer.
McKiuney N H, Penn twp, farmer.
McGeo James D, Adams twp, farmer.
McMahau Daniel, Clearfield twp, farmer.
Patton James, Concord twp, faimer.
Peffer C W, Harmony, merchant.
Smith Von, Saxonburg, justice peace.
Stoner Henry, Washington twp, farmer.
Sitler Jacob, Jackson twp, larmer.
Seaton Amos, Venango twp. farmer.
Stoner Luther, Karns City, producer.
Smith J B, Brady twp' farmer.
Tiuiblin John, Butler twp, larmer.
Vanderlin H S. Butler 4th wd, student.
Wilson Wm, Fairview twp, farmer.
Wimer Jefferson, Worth twp, farmer.
WadeworthD C, Slipperyroek twp, far
Wright Isaac N, Cranberry twp, farmer.
Strong Companies,
I*romvt Settlements.
Home insurance Co. of New York, Insur
ance Co. of North America, ol Philadelphia
Pa. Phenix Insurance of Brooklyn, N. Y.
and Hartford Insurance Co. of Hartlord Conn
OFFICE: Corner of Main St. and the
tV-maad, north o'C) urt House, Butler, P
best in the world.
Itswearinpqimli(i«'sareunsurpassprt. «,.i„on w
outlasting (wo boxes of any other brand Not
affected by beat. ttr«KT Til K "jkNIIINh
Advertise in the CITIZEN.
The -porting Craze. November 26.
The "Sporting Craze" a', the Cambris
Theater last evening was greeted with a
; large audience and judging from the ap
i plause the company more than filled their
; promises. Tbe comedy is like a.l farces—
j written to represent specialty people, and
i "Sporting Craze' ha- surely plect vof their,
j George 11. Adams as "Ducky" made a de
cided hit, his witty savings and fanny falls
receiving well merited applause. Ht* ac
robatic teats on the -tilts were wonderful.
Wiilitui Courtright. of "flewr flewy" fame,
made an instantaneous hit as - John Reu
ben," the sporting farmer. His specialty
of"Stuttering John" kept tne audience in
one constant roar. Carlan and Clark, the
German comedians, are among the best
ever seen in this city and received four en
cores. The Adams sisters are very clever
dancers. Misg Emma DeCastro, the
charming soibrette, sang herself in to popu
larity with the audience at once in her
negro melodies. Frank Farly the all
around a'Mete. gave one of the best and
most scientific exhibitions of bag punching
ever seen in this city. All in all it is a
"bang up" show and s! ould be patronized
by all lovers of comedy. One is bound to
laugh—one cannot help it.
Final Account Notice.
Notice is hereby given that P. W. Low
ry, Committee of Kerr U. Mcßride, a lu
natic, has liled his final account in the of
fice of the Prothonotary of Butler county,
Pa., at Ms. D. No. 26, Dec. Term, 1891,
aud the same will be presented to Court
for confirmation and allowance on Satur
day, Dec. 12, 189 G.
Prothonotary's Office, Nov. 9. 1596
Executor's Notice.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
Henry Heck, dec'd, late of Winfield twp.,
Butler county. Pa., having been granted
to the undersigned; all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate will
please nake immediate payment, and any
having claims against said estate will pre
sent them duly authenticated for settle
ment to
Denny, Bntler Co., Pa.
Executor's Notioe.
Letters testamentary in the estate of
Harvey Cooper, dec'd, late of Slippery
rock twp., Butler county, Pa..having been
granted to the undersigned, all pjrsons
knowing themselyes indebted to said es
tate will please make immediate payment
and any having claims against said estate
will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
A. L. COOPER, Ex'r.
Slipperyrock, Pa.
Ralston <fr Greer \tt'ys.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of admir" ration in the estato of
Henrietta D. Beatty, dec'd, late of vVash
ington twp. Butler Co, I'a,, having been
granted to the undersigned, ill persons
knowing themselves indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment, and
any having claims against said estate will
present them properly authenticated for
settlement to
E. C. BEATTT, Adm'r
Butler, Pa.
Administrator's Notice,
Letters of administration having been
granted to the undersigned, on the estate
of William Lardin, dec'd, late of Clinton
twp, Butler county, Pa., all persons in
debted to said estato will please make im
mediate pay ment, and any having claims
against the same will present them prop
erly authenticated for settlement to
L. S. LARDIN, Adm'r.
Saxonburg, Pa.
E. McJunkin, Atty.
Executors' Notice.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
John L Beatty, dec'd, late of Washington
twp Butler Co, Pa. having been granted
to the undersigned, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate will
please make immediate payment, and any
having claims against said estate will
present them duly authenticated for settle
ment to
413, Lookout Ave., isutler Fa. or
Hilliards, Butler Co, Pa.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of administration on the estate
of Isaiah N. Bryson, dec'd, late of Coal
town, Cherry twp., Butler Co, Pa having
been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will permit them duly authen
ticated for settlement to
C'oaltown, Pa
Administrator's Notice.
Letters ot administration on the estate
of George List, dec'd, late of Adams twp.,
Butler Co, Pa. having been granted to the
undersigned, all persons knowing them
selves indebted to said estate will please
make immediate payment, and an}- having
claims against said estate will present
them duly authenticated far settlement to
McFann, Bntlor Co, Pa.
W. H. LUSK. Att.'v.
Funeral Director
37 S. Haio.St. Butler Yi
and 2 Do Not Make Five.
It's quite a problem to please
everyone's taste in any line you
may select and particularly of
jewelry, silver novelties, cut glass,
etc., but I'm sure you will find
what you want in my large stock
and at such prices that defy com
petition. I am making a spe.
cialty of nobby and find Goods
and want your trade.
ii. era.
S |
/ yr circular! \
erhaps you don't kno\* how
D *
we are on
relation to prescrip
it will not be amiss to
( )
v all your attention to the
rompt service given
o everything of the kind placed
our hands
pn.... ' n department
ever was so complete
ave you money too.
C. Iff. BOYD.
Diamond Block, Butler, a
Register's Notice
The Register hereby gives notice that the
following accounts of executors, administra
tors and guardians have Seen filed in this
office accordin? to law, :md will be presented
to Court lor confirmation and Allowance on
Saturdav. the 12th lay of Dec, 1890. at 9
o'clock A. M. of said day:
1. Partial account of J M Lawrence, ex
ecutor of Anna Cooper, dec'd, late of Cen-
Urville borough.
2. Partial account of Robert Allen, ex
ecutor of Eflie Allen, dec'd. late Jof Brady
3 Final account of Elizabeth Burry ad
ministratrix ofFredrick Burry, dec'd, late
of F-anklin township.
4. Supplemental account of Thomas
Watson, executor of James Watson, dec'd,
late of Clinton township.
5. Final account oi J D McJunkin, guar
dian of Joseph Cojran, minor child of Rob
ert Cowan, dec'd, late ot Middlesex town
6 First partial account of John Berg,
Henry A. Berg and Mary E Berg, execu
tors of John Berg, dec'd, late of Bntler
7. Final account of Robert S. Harbison
and Mary II Harbison, executors of Robert
Harbison, dec'd, late ot Middlesex town
8. Final and distribution account of
Margaret Weckbecker, administratrix of
George Weckbecker, dec' 3, late ot Har
mony borough.
8. Final account of David Newell, guar
dian of Blanche Crooks, minor child of
John Crooks, dec'd,; lato of Middlesex
10. Final account of Philip Daubenspeck
guardian of Minnie V Walley, minor child
of Martha L TValley, dec'd, late of Parker
11. Partial account of J J Smith and
John Kline, executors of Jacob Kline,
dec'd, late of Adams township.
12. Partial account ol 41 H Byerly and
Adam Byerly administrators ol John
Byerly, dec'd, late ol Buffalo township.
13. Final account of John G Bippus, ex
ecutor of John G Bippus Jr, dec'd, late
ol Butler borongh.
14 Final account ot Rachel A Koch,
administratrix of Jacob Koch, dec'd, late
ol Brady township.
15. Final account of Lavina H Kiester,
administratrix of Jeremiah Kiester, dec'd,
late of Muddycreek township.
16. Final account of Frank W Cashdol
iar, guardiat of Frank W Gilleland, minor
child of John C Gilleland, dec'd, late ot
Adams township.
17 Final account of John W Brown,
guardian of Bertha McElhaney, minor
child of James McElhaney, dec'd, late of
Butler borough.
18 Final and distribution accounts of
Samuel II Cooper and Winfield S Dixon,
executors ot James L Dixon, dec'd, late of
Pena township.
19. Final account of R P Scott, adminis
trator of Thomas K. Cannon, dec'd late of
Parker township.
20. Final account of E W Kidd, guar
dian of of John M Vandivort, minor child
of John Vandivort, dec'u, late of Cranber
ry township.
21. Final account of Francis Byers ad
ministrator oi Wunam Byers, aeca, rate
of Concord township.
22. Final account of OK Waldron, al
- of Cornelius Snodgrass, dec'd,
late of Butler borough.
23 Final account of Mary M Hardman
and 0 W Hardman, executors of TV V
Bardman, dec'd, late of Butler borough.
24. First partial account of David Porter
Williams, administrator of Rev Samuel
Wil'iams, dec'd, late of Erady township.
25. Final account of Catharine Rimp.
administratrix of John Kimp, dec'd, late
of Summit township.
20 Final account ot John Bickel guar
dian of Charles Kimp, minor child of John
Kimp, dec'd, late ol Summit township.
27. Final account of John Bickel guar
dian of Minnie Kimp, minor child ot John
Kimp, deo'd, late ol Summit township.
28. Final and distribution account of
Agnes S Lusk, administratrix of- Amos
Lnsk, dec'd, late of Zeliencple borough.
29. Final account of W C Hawn, guar
dian of Florence E Black, minor child of
II C Black, dec'd, late ot Harrisville
30. Final account ol Donald M Ward,
executor of Tabitha J Kastor, dec'd, late
of Butler borough.
31. Final account of W S Moore admin
istrator of S C Tebay, dec'd, lato of Muddy
creek township
JOHN S. WICK, Register.
Road and Bridge Reports.
Notice is hereby given that the follow"
ing bridge and road views have been con
firmed nisi by the Court, and will bo pre
sented on the first Saturday following the
first Monday of December, 1800, being the
12th day of said month, and if no excep
tions are filed they will be confirmed
K. D. No. 3, June session 1896, Peti
tion of inhabitants of Slippery Rock town
ship, Butler county, Pa., to vacate public
road in said township, from a point on the
Centerville and Grove City road, near the
house of W. G. Williams, to a point on the
Ilarrisville road near the house of Mrs.
Eynch. June 13, 1896, viewers appointed
by the Court, and September 5, 1896, re
port of viewers filed stating that the road
is necessary and vacating the same.
September 12, 1896, approveJ. Notice to
bo given according to rules of court. BY
It. D. No, 11, Docember session, 1896.
Petition of inhabitants! of Forward town
ship, Butler county, Pa., to vacate and an
nul publio road in said township from a
point at Amberson's bridge, on the Frank
lin road, to a point on a road near Mar
shall's fording. June 1, 1896, viewers ap
pointed by the Court, and September 4,
1896, report of viewers filed, stating that
the road is not necossary and vacating the
same. September 12 1896, approved'
Notice to be given according to rules of
court. By THE COURT.
K. D. No, 4. September session, 189 G.
Petition of citizens of flTinfield township,
Hutler oounty, Pa., ti<r county bridge over
Long run whore road leading from Buflalo
rFurnaco to Denny's Mill crosses said run.
August 1. 1890, viewers appointed bj- the
Court. September 1, 1890, report of view
er? liled, stating that the bridge prayed for
is necessary and that the erection of the
same will require more expense than is
reasonable that the township ot Winlield
should bear. A change is made in the
course of the public road to connect with
said bridge, as per draft filed with report
of view. September 12, 18%, approved,
Notice to be given according to rules of
court and to be laid before the grand jury
at next term. BY THK COURT.
R. D. No, 5, September session, 1890,
Petition of citizens of Penn township, for
county bridge over Patterson's run at the
place whore the public road from Dutch
town to Thorn Creek M, E. Church cross
es said run. August 1, 18%, viewers ap
pointed.by the court, and August 24, 1896,
report of viewers filed Mating that the
bridge prayed for is necessary and that
the erection ol the same will requiro more
expense than is reasonable the town
ship of Penn should bear, and did locate
tho site thereof as prayed for in petition.
September 12, 1890, approved. Notice to
be given according to rules ot court and
to be laid belore the grand jury at the
next term. BY TUB COURT
Certified from the record thi< 9i.h day i 1
November. 1890.
Subscribe for the CITIZEN.
* READ ♦
Single Breasted $5.00
Double Breasted -$5.50
All Wool 20 oz.
Single Breasted Sack $7.50
Double Breasted and Frock SB.OO
Lined with black Italian $5.00
A.ll wool Blue and Black Kirsey Overcoat $7.00
Schaul & Nast
Lead in Clot Ii ier», 137 S Main St-> Butler, Pa:
Ii Don't forget to call on us for that new school suit yourS
boy will need this fall. flr
A new line to select from and at prices so low as to
almost "out-of-sight," H
Our clotliingjfor men for fall and winter wear is alsojA
worthy of your consideration.
Never in the history of the clothing business has theUh
price been so low as at present. JO
P. S.—A few suits remain from the half-price tale, which Mfc
go at half-pricejmarked on ticket. M
Widows' Appraisements.
The following widows' appraisements of
personal property and real estate set apart
tor the benefit of the widows of decedenU
hrive been filed in the office of the Clerk of
Orphans' Court of Butler county, vi*.
Widow of William Keelev (realty
and personalty)' S3OO 00
" Samuel S Hunt 300 00
" Miles Coovert 300 00
" John W Wagner 300 00
" John D Kamerer 290 10
" John Gephart 300 00
R C Yates 300 00
All persons interested in the above ap
praisement* will take notice that they will
be presented for confirmation to the Or
phans' Court of Butler county, Pa., on Sat
n-day the 12th day of Deo. 1896, and
if no exceptions are filed they will be oon
_.rmed also absolutely,
Clerk O. C.
Seanor & Nace's
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Rear of Wick House, Butlor, Pa
The be.it of horses and orst class
rigs always on haud and for hire.
Best accommodations in town for
permanent boarding and transient
trade. Special care guaranteed.
Stable room for sixty-five horses.
A good class of horses, both driv
ers and draft horses always on hand
and for sale under a full guarantee;
and horses bought upon proper noti
fication by SEANOR & NACE.
All kinds ot lire stock bought and
Telephone at Wick House
I (L
The Place to Bny
W. H. O'BRIEN«ion
-107 East Jefferson St.
R. L. Kirkpatrick, Optician and^Jevelei
Next to Court House Butler, Pa
Gradt«te La Port Harologieal Institute
Hotel Willard.
Reopened and now ready for the
accommodation of the traveling'pub
Everything in first-c bpb style.
M H BROOKS, Clerk.
K«cll.k DUani BruJ.
HfittW Orlfiß*! and Only Genuine. A
£~ A( f*v\ »lw»y« rWimbU. taoita uk
I»'a*rirt for Cktrh'Her $ Knpi •«* />.« iVV\
Bran.i Iti Krd tad Gold m»uHk\\lßr
-OfifltKiin, t<kl*d with Mu* ribbon. Tak« \W
W Ao wj"t> Olkfr. Rrfu** u*ng*r\4~s tuSutMw ▼
I / Af twns atuHmmtmtionM At Drofcats. «r a*od 4e.
I T. In etempurlieulare, ic •iro«>oial« aol
It 1 O** Keller Tmr ].adl« -v itur. by rct«ni
I JT MmlL !•»•©• T uiiLvitUl*. A\,„, tJLT.
9m v
B. 68.
This store always carries a big
stock—this year we've more
than ever before—greater variety,
choicer styles, superb quality, bet
ter values—up to fine imported
goods, $6.00 a yard —at the pop
ular prices between 25c and SI.OO
the assortment of styles and the
values are simply wonderful.
48 inch plain colored Ladies
Cloth—yard-and-a-third wide—
all wool—
-25c A YARD.
Stylish Bourette and Boucle
Overplald eflfccis— -Kill 4*/ linJm
wide—all wool—a magnificent as
sortment of color combinations—
-35c A YARD.
50 inch all wool Black French
Serges—nice soft finish—think of
the saving in cutting a dress from
such wide goods—
-35c A YARD.
Black Serges 20c to the finest.
50 inch Broadcloth—soc—genu
ine broadcloth finish—fine goods
with a firm body—in all the
wanted medium and dark shades.
Broadcloths to $3.00 —all less
priced for the kinds—but none
better value for the money than
these at half a dollar.
Choice Novelty Woolens in the
stylish weaves of the season—
and rich Black goods—
50c, 75c, $l.O0 —
prices so far under usual for such
fabrics that it's of personal con
cern to every woman reader to
see about.
Write for samples and don't
miss getting the new Catalogue
—either or both free when you
JBoggs & Buhl,
We are going to have a succes
sion of sensations in SILK and
DRESS GOODS. We have done
some wonderfully lucky buying
in the last few days, and we can
consequently do some selling
which will astonish you.
To start with, we offer a lot of
inch widths, in highly colored
Broche effects, also in very desir
able checked Moire Antique Pop
lins 01 the better grade which
were «$?;>.25, $2.50, $2.75 a yard
$1.38 a yard.
This is not advertising exag
geration." It is the actual fact
that we are cutting from 85c to
$1.45 oft the price of each yard.
The Broches are exactly what
you want for waists. There are
some beautiful patterns among
In DRESS GOODS we have
another surprise for you.
endless variety of patterns and
shades, 50 inches wide—mind
that, 50 inches wide—
-35c a yard.
You can have samples as often
as you write for them. Have you
our Catalogue?
Penn Avenue and Fifth St.,