Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 12, 1896, Image 4
ir - ** Wl S BUTLER, PENN'A. jg | Furniture Palace | The New Season's idec-s are^§t g$V rapidly arriving and being placeila^^ V J I'U/ on exhibit - Many stiikingly^g y—.j tIJ handsome pieces in every tiepart pSj ment will reward your coming. "Simply perfect," is the nevfrfc* V •>, > ending expression trom visitors, \ referring to our continuous ex-^£s " , : fV K\\ hibition of home beautifiers —to^g // jlj 7y/\ \ r the pieces they select —to theggS Hf SSCIVr » OUt lowerin S t ' le va ' ue 01 Furniture. ' Its a high claim when other^C dealers say, "Its just as good as Campbell furniture' —owners of the handsomest the land are satisfied there is no furniture equal to ours.^^ SUITS. J yP( New styles in Bed-room Furniture present themselves|§s season —they are coming in rapidly now, remarkablefgjg beauty and improved features. No one need to find the wanted suit, they start at $1 5 and keep slowly,till they reach several hundreds of dollars. JgJ 31 COUCHES. p Our reputation for superior grade Couches is jSCsoread. Buyers have long since learned that the poorljgg kinds are not cheap at and rate. g^'^^CARPETS^ Our Fall stock is ready and includes everything jgrfable in floor covering. Patterns are innumerable —not onlylggg JSlthe ones that Will please your neighbor, but you —and vicalSt Patterns for everyone, qualities for 1 everyone. prominenr factories in the world are represented. con their best. Everything new and artistic. Every Carpet is selected with regard to its merit as a^g iCampbell U Tcmplcton,! Why Be Figures w : £ I j it takes figuring iust at this time to make both ends me°t, anrt now winter is almost here and you must be prepared for bad weather. You Most Have Good Footwear you want to buy it cheap, not too chgpp for at this time of the year it must be good. We can't praise our fall stock too highly for never before have we been in shape to. offer high grade footwear at inch low prices as we a"? now. Brad Winners List Men's Stag Boots 11.50 Boy's Stag Boots 1.25 Youths' Stag Boots 1.00 Ladies' Calf and Oil Grain Shoes 1. 00 Ladies' Warm Shoes 65c, 75c atvi 11.00 Child's School shoes 50c, And SI.OO. We Defy Competition Ladies, Miss, Youths and Chil dren's Rubber Boots at the uniform prices of SI.OO. Boys Rubber Boots, sizes 1 to 6 $1.50. Men's Felt Boots and Oveis $1.50. Ladies' Neat Felt Boots and Ovv-v si,oo.\ Boy's Felt Boots and Covers. $125, for goods and low prices, try Butler's Progressive Shoe House. 2*5 SotttU Main St., BUTLER PA 0. E. MILLER, 1831 1897 THE CULTIVATOR and CIM SEPTUM IN THE BEST OF THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES Devoted to Farm Crops and Processes, Horticulture & Fruit-Growing, Live-Stock and Dairying. WHILE IT ALSO includes all minor departments of Rural interest, such as the I'oulirj Yard, Entomology, Bee-Keeping, Green house and Graperv, Veterinary Replies, Farm Questions and Answers. Fireside Reading, Domestic Economy, and summary of the News of Llie week. Its Market reports are unusually complete and much attention is paid to th_> pros pects of the Croj>s, as throwing light up on one or the most important of all ques tions—When to buy and when to sell It is liberally Illustrated, and contain' more reading matter than ever before The subscription price is $2-5° P. cr >' ear but we offer a special reduction in our CLUK RATES FOR 1897. Two Subscriptions, in > ne remittance j Six Subscriptions, do. do. ic Ten Subscriptions, do. do. 1; gnrT'fosll new subscribers for :597 paying in advance now, we will send tin paper weekly, from our receipt of tin remittance, to January Ist, 1097, with out charge. (QrSI'ECIMEN COPIES FREE. Address LUTHERTUC*ER & SON, Publishers, Albany, N. Y YOU WANT A NEW DRESS Suit for the winter gaie f j ies why pp.y sixty or seventy f (Vc . dollars, when we can y OU U p perfect gar- yvith the best linings and workmanship throughout for (rom $35 to $45? Make your selec tion now, so that we can have time to give yo« a careful job be fore you ncc<| the clothes. | Perfect Styles and Fit are pre | eminently the necessities in a sat , isfactcyy full dress suit. Our gua*nj\tee goes with every dress SWt we make. If the fit and ' style are not exactly as they should be, we cannot afford to have you wear the garments. A Good Diesser must have a full dress suit for special evening wear. We have the finest and make absolutely correct gar ments, Do not make the mis take, of having your evening dress suvfe made by an incompetent or careless tailor. A mistake of this kind is expensive. WEDDING SUITS A SPECIALTY, Bfili Cor Diamond, Butler, P? The Place to Boy - GAS COOK ING AND HEATING STOVES, GAS BURNERS AND FIX TURES, HOSE, BATH TUBS, ENAMEL AND IMPROVE WELSHBACH GAS BURHERi W. H. O'BRIEN I ON \ 107 East Jefferson St. > CCh(rhm(f/« Rngllub Diamond Itr«n<f. ENNYROYAL PILLS Original u<l Only (irnulnr. A .SL'A sure, ALWAM rrii&blr. LAD'CS /K\ l»n:ggl«t f ir'Chii'faMter « /"»• •'i /' ' ! . V \ i"J "lfellrf for • > ' return X p Mail. lo.oofiT ;. „ t _ I'M ht-trrCncir' «.• »*«»n %3 oj ail Lucui i hlittda., SPECIFICS Per Esrses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, AND POULTRY. 500 Pago Book on Treatment of Anim&Jfl aud I hart N*ni Free. ctres ( Frvpn»,('onirP(ii ion*. Inflammation A. A. < Spinal Meninsiti*, Milk Fever. li.lt.—MruinN. Lamene«M, Itlicnuiatinm. I>i*»temper. Nh mi I l)in hargtu. I>. I).— Itoim or (<rub», Worm**. K.K.—( oiiL'hs lleave*!, Pneumonia. F.F.—folic or C>ripen« li« 11 \ ache* : Miiioarriage, Hemorrhage*. | 11.11.—1 rinnry and liiduey Ui-entrs. I ]. 1. —Frnpiive DioeimeH, Muiiite. J.K. ol llitfevtion, rornlyNifl. MptoMfli owSMohA - - .GO Ktuble €'a?*e. with S|n>oifl(s, MamulL Veterinary Cure Oil an«l Med lea tor, ST.OO Jar Veterinary Cure Oil, - - 1.00 M«f by l>nurci»t•>: op «e«t prepaid an? where a»d in any qtianlitv on n-celpl of price. OCXPIIRFTS'MED. CO., 11l k USViinaa SU, XewTork. f.r^HUHPHEEYS' I HOMEOPATHIC fj A BiSy SPECIFIC No GO i In use JU years. Tho only successful remedy for Nervous Debility Vital Weakness, amd Prostration, from over-work or other causes, per vial, o» 5 vials and large vial powder, for $5. Bali by Bn|gMi|«r **r»t pasi|MM*a receipt of pries. HTM I'll RF\S' MID. CO., 11l A 113 William St., Sew York, I LEMINC'S f L OLD EXPORT j^j WHISKEY if la a medicinal JL y of well known and „ well founds! a. 0. HatZib -r - , ■> KfiS&SSSm P&S:S ■ -am? iigl <ss. Si.ful- or. Sk% f g, - <raßauvsavtsfitesaMS pT, It ■ uilds up, • revivifies, f i strengthens and stinn: 1 :t.-s fc/sj down systems—o _;- a dorse it Wause it ic- pure. JOS. F"L.t: VT/A/Q f£ «;o/V, Vtf Wtolesale aud detail Druggist's, St " ''' :TTN,I! U0 ' PA - Lfeu ' - r ' - »y wwCrCy Welbster's ? ■ rational* senary l $ • • 'fW ■/ < ::chor£ty, ? 0 " ' onrt * 6 6 _ Ma Klard A ' ' . :!'■ I S i&ir '' ' 0 1 M aim!-i. v. 0 3;»valuat»le X £ THE BEST FOR PRACTICA BLE 3 p It Is easy te find the word wan ted. o O It Is easy to ascertain the pronunciation 6 O It isea*y to trace the jtrowtVi of a word O 9 It is easy to learn what a word means. 0 6 The Xetr York Trihr, rtc Says— O A The latest edition comes Irwin tin- rrWs with i X J «mi|;l-ieii..s»Ui..t Implies ,t„. tl., r ,„, p |, i: V Y lorUl anil tywigranliti al «np. r\islnn. • • • Tn- 9 O «I<le piihlic, ton. Ami". ft>is n u,,,k (~ w hlcll it la 9 O consumtly useful to. reft r— A pril 8. Ibdc. 5 X OCT THE BEST, o Specimen pages sent on appKcatior, to A o (»• it* C. MIiRRIA Jf CO., Puhlis hers, O O Springfield, Muss.. P.S.A. 6 OOOOC O-00000-O-O 0000-O-O 0-0-30000 Un!!/ IS THE TIME TO HAVE nUff Your Clothirj <) CLEANED or DYEIV If you wa»t goou and re\iable cleaning or dyeing done, there is just one place in. town where you can get it, and thar j s at TNF DTC WORKS Center a venue. e do fine work in out uoov Photographs. This 3s the ti'.ne of year to have a picture of your house. Give us a trial.. E. FISHER & sor, Agent for tbe Jamest< wa Siif intj Blifiii L'o New York. pl W d ; REVIVO HETORtS Vltility ( > M L'. THE URbAT ;soth Day. FRENCH REMEDY pr 'duces tlje above results In :w da\s. It acts pofferlillly and i|Utck!y. cure 4 when all other rail. m>'U will regain their lost man hood. ai.»l okl men will recover tlielr y.xittiful vigor oy using iikvi V-». n qu'rkiy ind surely restores Nervousness. Lost. * iralitv. Lo>t Power. Failing Memory. Wasting inseasos. and ill effects »r e\c»ss and indi cretiou. which mi nts use ior study. r>usint'-s or It not od)j iMirea «v ..turfing at ttif s. it or disease, out is a great. nerve tonic and blood builder, bringing hack the pSufc plow to pale cheeks and restoring the Are or yon Hi. It wards off *» ,I «SW%I y * 'onsumpU on. Insist <u having KK\ IVo, no other It van be carried in vest pocket. By mail. .»j0 per pftckau.*'. or six tor with a positive written guarantee to cure or refund the money. Circular free. Address ROYAL MKDHi At • <>. < lIICACJO. ILL Foi Sale l>y RE.DDICK & GROMANN, Ska NHL ESS' HEAVE CURE 1 have a fclei .ve (Jure that will enro any case of heaves m horses iu forty days, 1 used accord in j ■ to directions, and if it doec not do »a»t I .claim for it, I w ill re f uud tbe amount pa id and un charges wilt he made for th« 'treatment. The following estimonials a. e the strongest proof of the e lio.au >vt• ; > o ure: A. J. McCasdi.kss, Dutler, Pa., 1893. UR. A. J. SIC(.'ANDLKSB: On tb j 2nd <.ay ol April, 1892, 1 com men cod to uso j'our new care for one o XT io ."sos that had lh« heaves ve: l>ai. and cor tinned to use 'i;o medicine fo* abo at forty days and the horse did not aho*ani signs of a retain of tneiti. It is no v atmnt; » y ear siuce L ijuii nivin i'_e metlTO'.no and the 'itir-o *:. is ii»* - .*er .-'howed *uj signs of heaves, anil i fuel i-ti-tiid [ tha"; lie is properly cared I V. (:. .'JRISWKLL Liutler. IV .Auril 3, 18')?. I.J. MCUanhlksm 1 have used your Ueave Jure and lound t will do the work it used atcordng t;' di» rections. Yours trulv, I. H MCMtlmn Hotel Willard, Keupered atirt now reudy for the accommodation of tbe traveling pub lic. Evcrvth •g in fiift-c»fß * le. MBS. MATTIE RGIHING, « M H BFPOKS, C'erk. | aFTER|IL|THERS FWI .~ i - Li a L*' & J.I H MFTEI.NTII *T., mil. V., " . . iffy • iir: ntinucu* practice in thecureo' n»»*n r.nd woxu» n No matter from « * ».* ;• .v --»n : I v i'.l frtuwiutce a cur* |..!V- IAJU*. uu-i UU ii«M 1 v THE CITIZKIN Whistling Trees. The musical or whistling tre; is found in the West India island?, in Nubia and the Soudan,says Tit Bits. It lias a i>e culiar shaped leaf, and pods with a split or open edge. The wind passing through these sends out the sound which gives the tree its peculiar name. In Barbadoes there is a valley filled with these trees, and when the "trade wind blows across the islands a constant moaning, deep toned whistle is heard from it, which in the still hours of the night has a very weird and unpleasant effect. A speies of acacia, which grows very abundantly in the Soudan is also called the whistling tree by the natives. Its shoots are fre quently by the agency of the larvae of insects', distorted in shape, and swollen into o globular bladder Irom one to two 1 inches in diameter. After the insect lias 1 emerged from a circular hole in the side |of this swelling, the opening played up \ on by the wind, becomes a musical in strument ( qual in sound to a sweet toned flute. There are 5,700 members of trades un ions in Los Angles county Cal. A New York ladies tailors union has opened a free employment bureau. Detroit painters and decorators antici pate the eight hour day on ilarch 1. New York retail grocers want jobbers to cease supplying department stores. ~v/Ul»'S PILIiS cure Biliousness, Indigestion, He>«daehe. A pleasant laxative- All Druggists- Brooklyn's two unions of knitting workers may consolidate. Fines of New York union cigarmakers have been restricted to #lO. l'risco has a drayman and teamsters' independent political club. Waie For Weekly Perscns. Weekly persons use Speer's Port Grape Wine and the Unfermented Giape Juice because it gives tone and sticngtli to the system. Ii is superior to ail other wines. Cripple Creek bus 800 mining compa nies. Welsh steel workers won 10 per cent advance. Wages of New Hampshire spinners are being reduced. The compositors is the oldest trade un ion in America. Speers Old l'ort Grape Wine from his Oporto Grape vineyard at Passaic. N. J., his Socialite Claret, vin. 18&1, and his luscious Burgundy stand unrivalled by any wines m the wor.d, especially for invalids. New York has a taxpayers alliance. Amsterdam has a 971- karat diamond Brooklyn has a trolley express system. Bufialo has an Italian laborers union. Copenhagen shoemakers won advances New York is importing Belgian blocks. American farms represent $ 13,000,000,- 000. Illieumatism Cured in a Day. ••Aljstio (Jure" tor Rheumatism and Neuralgia. radically cures in 1 to 3 days, its action upon the .system is remarkable anil uiyeusiiuan. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap pears. J iie first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents anjd by J. C Kedie, and J. F. iiaipii Druggist*, Butler Apr 06 Loiuloa prints t'aree novels daily. l'aris boasts a bicycle tire engine Frisco has a Chinese labor nnion. An electric railway switch is new. America has 10, two union brewers. Florida's orange crop, 100,000 boxes. Missouri cattle are worth S2S 000 000. —English spavin Liniment removes a uard, suit or calloused lumps and bie.n sneo icom uorses, blood spavins, curbs pants, sviceue), ringbone, sillies, sprain 11 swollen throats, coughs, etc. iSJWi' 50 by use oi one bottle. Warranted ific jiost H unaerlui Dleiuish Cure ever kuowu SurJ 0V J. A divers suit costs SSOO. Electricity ages whiskey. Sydney has a #75,000 organ, Artificial cotton gains favor. Florida contains rubber trees. London has 140 cooking schools. There are aluminum horseshoes: Japan makes 500 bicycles a year. ltr. Dctchon \v Sarsapanlla Fills" Contain all Itie virtues ot the iiquid Sar sap.it illas m a concentrated torui and be i..|t coated are delightlul to lake Combined w iIU the Cjarsaparilia are oiner extremely valuable blood and nerve reme dies, which lender tbeiu al once the urea l .- Ist blood purifiers and blood makers as well as the most po.verlul nerve builder known. 'l'heic aiagical powtrs to cure all .Nervous Diseases, Nervous Weakness Nervous Headache, Liysteiia, Loss ol Vital Powers, c'ullin_ Health, etc , are pleasiug ami wonUertul Price 50 cents aud sl.l*o oolii b_> lirdick <t tirofimaun anil J. F. 15 lipfi Druggists Duller The man who can look supremely un conscious when rigged out in one of these new lashioned colored shirts has a nerve to be commended. 1 The silver fizz is now obsolete. Golden hair will be more popular than ■ever. Turkeys are taking anti-fat in antici pation of Thanksgiving. One of the great financial questions is ; how to pay election bets. It is hard to convince some people that the re is no use in crying over spilt milk. Pidson ivy. insect bites, bruises, scalds, burns, are quickly "cured by DeWite's WitCU Hazel salve, the great pile cure. Rkdick <fc Gbohmann. The "I-told-you-so" fellows are get ting ill their jaw work. The new tube works at Greenville are Hearing completion. There's always a great ileal of kicking at the foot ball game. Physicians in some parts of the couii e try are studying the cause of excessivj blushing and have found a course o treatment for it. Electricity is doing wonderful work. We have the trolley pulling millions, and here they're commencing to draw peo ple' s faces with the telegraph. This is the season when the wise mer chant advertises bargains ami when the wise customer reads the advertisements and profits by the opportunities. The welcome California orange crop comes this yesr to fill a want, just as the abundant and delicious peach crop van nishes. California oranges, too, are four weeks earlier. Theories of cure may be discussed at let'tjtli by physicians, but the sufferers >vaiu quick relief; aud One Minule Cough Cure will give it to them. A sale cure l«r •children It is "the only harmless remedy tli.it produces immediate results." Kkihok >fc Groiimanx. A man may sign a note as a mere mat ter ol form or courtesy for a friend, anil then have to pay it as a matter of neces '■ sity. An exchange announces the death of a lady, who lived fifty years with j her husband, and died in the confident hope of abetter life To build up all th>; weak and tired organs ot the body, take Hood's Sarsa parilla. 1 It ilm-i-'nt rr..'.'t«r rrueh whether sick heaiiuehe. bili.nistiess. indigestion undcon , 'tlpatioii are caused h** neglect or by un hvr ilable circumstances; DeWitt's Little i:ur!} hi.-irs will speedily eure them all. life Dick. & GBOHMANN. Mercer county has a number of old residents who are ktill pretty active. J. H. Heasley, of Springfield twp., who is 72 years of age, c.ug fifty-two bushels] of I jiotatoe? with a fork one day recently. Monmouth township, Warren Co., Indi ana has completed 3,000 feet of brick pavement, the first hard county road 111 the United States. The brick is single course, laid on six inches of sand and supported on each side by two and one halt feet of crushedstone. The cost will be no less then #5,000 a mile. A boy walked into a merchant's office the other day in search of work. After being put through a catechism by the merchant he was asked his motto Mine as yours, he replied. "Same as you have on the door—'Push.' " -He Was engaged. The hunters and dogs are so numorous in the vicinity of Htusville that they are dliving the pheasants from the woods in to the city. Over a dozen birds have be en killed or found dead 111 the city limits in the past month. The whole stem is draiued ami unilir miued by indolent uioers ana ojien Mures. Dert ill's ** itch HuZcl omve speedily heals Ibeui It Is the lent pile cure Kn:.wn. ttEDICK Jt OBOHMAKB Turkeys are taking anti-fat in anticipa tion of Thanksgiving. One of the great questions of the day is how to pay election bets. It is hard to convince some people that there is 110 use crying over spill milk. It may be news to some pecple tint milk applied once a week to boots and saoes soitens and preserves ttie laather. Don't trilie a way lime wheu you have Cholera UlOl bus or diarrhoea. Fijrhl ihein iulhe wliti Do V\ ill's colic aliU c ul<sra care, l'ou don't have to w ill 01 results, luej are instantaneous, and 11 leaves the bowels m health) couduiou . KhUll'K d (jaoUMA.NN The interment of the hatchet is now the proper thing. Pity the sorrows of the estimable citi zens who did not know just now tuey ought to vote. The Siiver fizz is now obsolete. Golden hair will be more popular than ever. If you have ever seen a little child iu the agon) ot summer complaint, you eaii real ize the diiiiger ot ',he trouble and appreci ate the Value ot instantaneous lellel ai ways afforded by He \\ i'.t's eolic and chol era cule. For djsenterv .»nd diarrhoea 11 is a reliable remedy. VVe could nol at lord 10 muiiimeud nils us a cure uule.-s .1 were a cure. KEDICK £ G BOH MANS. Some nove and very expensive hatpins have heads in the shape ol crowns made of pearls and diamonds. Few curtains are now suspended from pins. They are gathered on the poles so as to hide the poles. Though there is certain actual pain in failing out between sweethearts tnere is a joy in making up that fully compensa tes tor the sorrow. 1870 Climax Brandy From grapr. wine, has, by its extreme age and constant care wMle in uniform temperature and pure, atrcosphsre of storage houses for fourteen yearr, be come a rval ol tbe Hennessey and othej brands el Cognac branny, and isuci lower m price, and preterreil by ihe physician of Philadelphia, Now York and other cities- Bu> it ot diuggisis Wedding anriversaries are not always the joyous occasions they should be. The woman who acts as though she had something to hide is always the one watched most. If one were never parted from those they loved, the reunions would lose halt their piquancy. l>r. Agncw's Cure lor the litartgins carl'ect reliet in all cases of Organic ot sympathetic Heal Disease iu 30 minuted and speedily effects a cure, it is a peer ess remedy f.ir Palpitation, Shortness o. Jreath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Lei ide and all symptoms ol a Diseasod ilea.t -no dose convinces. Sold by City Pnar uaov. The undulated coiffure is the essential ly correct one. The English walking hat is undeniab y the correct mode in muliuery. The lorgnette can be made the very embodiment of impertinence. T. P. Anthony, Ex-Postmaster of Pro inise City. lowa, saj s: "1 bought one bottle 01 Mystic Cure' for Kheuuiatism, aud two duscs vi! it did mo more good than auy medicine 1 ever tooii Sold *>y J. (J Ktdick, and J. F. Dalphdruggists, Butler. It is sel otn that a marriage made in haste turn out as well as did that of the poet-parson, George Herbert. He and his wite married on the third day after their first interview Why is it hotels so universally run to led carpets. Long sash ends are seen on some of the large hats. Ut ile/ m titx injurs. —Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by tte "New lireat South American liidney (Jure." i'his new remedy i> a gieat surprise on ac count ot ltr exceeding promptness ia re lieviug pain :n the madder, kidney, back anil every part ot the ariuary passages in jiaie or tem iie. It relieves retention ol «.ater and pain in pulsing it utino.-l iiu- mentally, 11"you want quick relte! and eure luis is jour retnoiii. 6old bj J. C. ctediek druggisi Uuitor i'a. An electric boat has been constructed for the inspection of the famous sewers of Paris. It pul s itself along by a chain lying in the bottom. An English inventor has invented a transparent umbrella covering, so that the carrier, facing a head wind, can see through it where he is going. '•Boys will be boys." but you can't af ford to lose aDy of them. lie leady for the gteen apple season by having DeWitt's eultc and cholera cire in the house. Kkdick <fc Grohmanh. Illinois is overruu with rabbits. Thou sands of them are being killed and ship ped to market every day. The value of bicycle exports from Great Britain, whole or in portions, was last year a million and alialf sterling. A! any a day 's work is lost by sick head ache caused by indigestion and stomach troubles Do Witt's Little Early Risers are the most effectual pill for overcoming such dthculties. Rkdick A Ghoiimann The Duke of Wellington was always known in Belgiuru as the Prince of Waterloo. Cape Colony has ordered orange taees for experimental purposes. There is said to be a shop hard by Pic cadilly fitted up especially for lady smok ers. XVLOK PfcALKR IN tious.li and Med Lumber or AL. KINDS Dours, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, SHiugies and Lath Always In Stock. LIME., HAIR AND PLASTLIR Office opposite P. <fc W. Depot, PUTtiKB, Pi. TArrs phuTacelphia " fcT -.Srtß —DENTAL BOOMS.-- Rj] »F •' 39-sth Ave.. Pittsburg, Pa. )t <! SPIPSa u "' r ' PRACTICA' ydoiiiKthe H|j MR CHOWN "Ud BFiljt work |J tJa.» (,f I'Htshurg—WHY ,»OT DO fu* /liIVOURS? CROWMSfi M||l / Y'i'i"! BRIDGE work re.luc.sl t,.M A\t 11 iiss HER TOOTH Also the ft FREE 1 BUTTONS! AN ELEGANT BUTTON TREE | with each package of I SWEET CAPORAL I CIGARETTES r? AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE 8 A COLLECTION OF BUTTONS g WITHOUT COST. ' V. DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES.' GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPOLIO AC . •. ; •. - a ? POSiy A J'XTS,.: CV— iV J c ' * vv>ff t ;• FwT: :.. jM St £3tela -t 7 4 i&ij * | BICYCU - mm*, , U A REP/UR KIT. M BRUISES LAMENESS or SORENESS of MUSCLES, ABRASIONS, RHEUMATISM. Try POXD'S EXTRACT OIN / Mhs T fot PILES. AVOID sii9ST*Tt> tE3 - Weak, Watery, Worthless. POND'S CXTR/'C i CO-., ■- Y oiv.. What is Your Need? o As^ ~>§ \ If you need any thing in the furnish - ing line we can sup ply you. If you want a hat or cap we can show you the best Up-To-Date I stock in the county, at very low prices. Colbert & Dale. 242 S. Main St., Butler, Perm'a ' \ iXn'TUka La Kb I .JEJ. 5 mi TK dispensary. i,C /V Cr.i. ?E,<i Ave. ano Fourth St.. JLli> V PITTSBURGH., PA. X Allforiusof IVlirntenmlCom- VT- p. 1. .11«• i - rr.[liil insC'oS • *sf fii> NTlALamlSi'iKsrini: Jleil ii':.ti.ii> uio tlvi'ted nttltisHis . s .1 ti :i 'iccpss "rely attained. Pi . S . .. ■ r.cnihei'of the It'iy-il t ■ ill ">f 1 liy -1 Surgi.f.ir, mi'l is 1111? o! le.->t and must t 1.,.. M-Bi'i* Lis. .11 ii.aeitv tSpei 'ul at .11 ; .cutoN "vims 1) l.ility „ .:! M-rtlnn. l"id.*crcti«>n ci j out!., etc.,rails . ~h\-i.-fU ami iier.tal • ! 'T,l:i 'k of euertry. 1.... -iw.ete.; a.joC: : 1 <■«'t"-' ' .id Sores Fits, 1 ; mill .-lil ,I| :isesof the Skin. .11.! .. l'iinar> Orpin. ,it<*. C I.saltation j. ■ s*.; .itlv coaii'ii ntiiil. O-"ice ho ill*" 11 to : ••' • \ 7 to S r.'M.; Sundays, 2 to 4 i>. M. jnly. I at €•'";< 0 or ail '.i tss I.AKK, 'it. •:\X A * 1 \JIOVE£TJ , IITP3 , !BSH. PA ABRAMS & BROWN, INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE ■ Strong Companies. Prompt Settlements. Ho ne insu'anr 1 ' Co. of New York, lusur I pnee Co. of X rth Vmeric*, of Philadelphia I Pa. Phenix Insurance of Brooklyn, N. Y. j nnil Hartford Insurance Co. of Flartlord Conn j OFFICK: Corner of M«in| St. and the , D : apin3ti, north i* 1 Court Hia«, Butler. I' | FRAZER Se • BEST IN THE WOULD. Its wearin rqualitiesare unsurpassed, actually out last inK two boxes of any other brand. Not affected t.v lieat urtJKT TIIi: _FOK SALE ISY CK&LEB3 UE.NLBALLX. WHAT IRON WILL DO. IIS NATURE'S OWN TONIC. Stimr.iates the apretiio and pro duces refrephins; sleep. GIi.ES VITAL STRENGTH TO NURSINQ R MOTHERS. Chookn wast'ne diseases, atops rdght sweats, cures incipien' iconsum nion. O Increase? strors..h and flesh. MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD, Promotes healthy Jung tissue. Will Rive the pale and tuny tho -*m, rosy checks of youth. IVJ CURES AI.L FEMALE COMPLAINT?. Kakes strongmen and women of 1 weaklings. GILMGRE'S IRON TOHiC PILLS Cure e!> Diseases pno thfe/r sequences, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, &c. They are neither styptic no) caustic. anJ v UO coagulating effect on tho COD .ents i fio stomach or its lining: consequently : not hurt the teeth or cause constipation :arrhcea. as do tho usual form* of Tron • > days treatment 50c. pamphlet tree. I< kept by your druggist. addres3 GILxVIORE & CO.. CINCINNATI. O. tWltfkt Nerve Berrie« have done for others they will do am; Ft rma ne nt!y Rbuure d. 3uTU UAY - A positive cure tor all Weaknesses, Nervousness, Debility, and all their tnin of evils resulting from early errors and later excesses; the result of over work. sickness, worry, etc. or e;.cessiv e use of tobacco,opium and ; : quor, which lead to consumption anclinsanity. Their use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist 'ipon having 'he mine NERVF3ERRIES, no other. Convenient to carry in vest pocket. Price, s'-00 per box, six boxes, one full treatment, $5.00. Guaranteed to cure any case. If not kepJ by your drug gi t we will send them by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. Pamphlet free. Address mail ordersto JMERIC6N MEU!C»L 00. Cincinnati, O. iVITAUS ! I ?K T '?S B Ltr? D> a well S THE GREAT soih FRENCH REMEDY 30t.i Day. ! PRODUCES Till: VBOVE RESULTS U <|Uic*- !ty and surely removes N*-r* u ne j -. -r-.^ 1 Wa-tli k' di«<-1-< - Kt-stores 10.-i Vitality. Pover j and Failmc Memory. Wards ufl Insanity and I Consumption. lijf 1-1 on havl: VITAI.TB, no 1 other CV.a lie carried 1.1 yi Mix ket. By rial) ; J1 00 pc.' it for f*>.lki w;tii n ! «ntH* t,, i'n:E HI: heft ND TK : monev Circular fre«- Addre- OALFMET MEDICI • E TO., Chlcagis !1L For -sale in .Rutler. Pa. oy Cil> Pharmacy. 122 T\ T DApp 122 S. Main St. JJ t 1 XIX Jj S. Main St. Tlit Leiding Millinery House of Butler Co. Autumn and Winter Millinery. All the latest ami most stylish Bonnets, Toques, English Walking hats, Golfing hats. Sailor hats. Children's hats. Baby hoods, Feathers, Flowers, Wings, Ribbon, etc., to be found in the Eastern Market?, can be s?en now at our store Never was such a complete line of handsome and sty i>h millinery brought to Hutler Co., and at prices in the reach of all. MOURNING GOODS ALWAYS A SPECIALTY. All are invited I I—J I— * j'; { l'ancy gcods foi to insject our # # X » A - « the Holidays ar stock. ' riving daily. "Oh, 1 Guess That'll Have To Do." Customers never say that in our shop. We don't keep the "have-to-do" kind of stock. You can get exactly what you want here. The only trouble you can possibly experience is to know just what to choose, from so much that is Stylish, Elegant and Suitable. Our tables are piled high with the choicest weaves from the best looms of America, Kngland and the Continent. If we are not already making yoi:r clothes, come in, and experince the real luxury of buy ing from a stock complete, varied and beautiful. If you come once vou'll come again. J. S. YOUNG, Tailor, Hatter and Men's Fnrnisher, op Prescriptions and Family Recipes are .natters of 'mportance and should lie filled carefully and with pure drags only, w j give them our special attention.) The Baby + * requires a little sjjecial care during the warm weather, espec ially if fed from a bottle, we have a supply of frest infant food, at all times, also bottles, nipples, tubes, bottle and tube cleaners etc. It you desire a sterilizer we can supply you with or will be pleased to furnish any desired information concerning them. Disinfectants should be used extensively at this season of the year, the best being copperas, chloride-lime, and crude carbolic acid, the latter being better than the pure, as in purifying an important disin fecting agent is removed, we have a large supply of these at all times. We also carry a full ine of toilet articles and sick-room requisites. REDICK & GROHMANN PEOPLES PHONE. 114. BUTLER PA. {WHEN It is poor economy to take your watch anywhere x i for repairs except to a reliable watchmaker. S (OUT OF Every class of repairing that iB brought into onr f (ORDER. store is done by skilled workmen, experts in their \ s various lines, and we endeavor to have everything j y correct before it leaves our hanJs. S ) E. GRIUB, »;« < \ ESTABLISHED 1850 139 N Main St, BUTLEP PA/ mm DOWN ON WHISKEY There are a great number of people who will tell you that whiskey is not good —That they tried it, and it proved of little or 110 benefit to them, and that they didn't know what the doctors were about when they prescribed whiskey for indigestion, consumption and many kindred complaints. The reason for all this is easily found—These people have never used ABSOLUTELY PURE LIQUORS simply because they never knew where to buy them. What an amount of suffering could be saved, had these people sent their orders to WAX KLEIN, Allegheny, Pa. Over a quarter of a century have wise ones sent him their orders —They know that his name is a guarantee of purity on every bot tle leaving his establishment, and that the liquors shipped by him are the very best. Have you ever tried Silver Age Rye? If not send $1.50 with your order to him and you will receive a quart of the finest and old est whisky in the world. His stcok is com plete, and a glance through bis catalogue (mailed free upon application) will prove his prices to be the lowest in the state. When in need of iiquors send your oreer to MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal St. Allegheny Pa. EXPRESS CHARGES PAID on all orders of $5 00 and over—Get your friends to club together. Z~ RALLY ROUND THE FLAG, i F °R SOUHD MONEY, \ NATIONAL HONOR, HOME PROSPERITY. THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBDNE, THE LEADING NATIONAL REPUBLICAN FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Will make a vigorous and relentless fight through the Presidential campaign, for principles which will briog prosperity to the entire country. Its campaign news and discussions will inter est and should be read by every Americnn citizen. We furnish "The Citizen" and "N. Y. Weekly Tribune"" 4 Months, I 7 Weeks for 50 cents. CASH IN ADNANCE. Address all orders IKE CfTIHN. Write vour name and address on a postal card, send it 'o Geo. W. Best, Tribn Buildiug, New York City, and a sample ,'fliE NfcW YORK \\ 6FJCIY Tjubcns wilJ be mailed to you