T. H. Burton T. H. Burton There is a biflerence of Opinion [But Here is a Lanasllae, cn the belt place T' f ° r to_trade. WHICH WAY ARE YOU HEADING ? Sol in Politics-bat where are you going to do you fall bu y in ß' Yon Tint tbe Best and Host for Yonr Money, Don t Yon? You can get it. We give it. tJi^^ooyTGotWng. Hats, Caps,andGentsv : -*^Hffi®/ UraiSlling All departments complete and well stocked with • Ik tat Stiles, ik Finest tales ami Best Values If tlie Money These are hard times and our prices demonstrate how bad we want business. Political Speakers Are Wrangling Over the Basis of Values. ™ ffl pH~ - - xrjrss?" B "' - v " u " a - WE lave a complete assortment of splendid goods They are your, at prices that will make our competitors speak of this sale as the J crime of '96. It will be turning down good Bargains if you don't come. T.H. Burton T. H. Burton NINE BARGAINS. EVERY ARTICLE IN THE FRESHNESS OF NEWNESS. INCOMPARABLE, UNEQUALLED, UNMATCHABLE PRICES. 1 Mens Double Sole and Top Buckle Shoes High Cut, and all J- solid leather, regular price $'.25 our price, 95c. 2 Boys Lace School shoes, T»p Sole all solid leather, regular price $1.25 our price, 90c. 3 Boys Veal Kip Boots 2 full soles and tap saddle seam, war ranted all solid leather, regular price $1.50 our price, £1.20. A Mens Veal Kip Boots (same as above,) regular price $2.00 our price, $ 1.4°- pr Ladies Heavy Button Shoes warranted all solid leather, regu & lar price $1.25 our price, 95c. 6 Misses Heavy Button Shoes, warranted all solid leather, regu lar price sl.lO our price, 75c. Childrens Heavy Button Shoes, warranted all solid leather, • regular price 75c our price, 50c. 8 Ladies Fine Patent Top Dress Shoes solid leather throughout, regular price $1.25 our price, 85c. 9 Mens Good Gray Felt Boots with four leather stays, and buckle heel and tap overs, regular price $2.00 oui price, $1.50. All rubber poods equally low in price as we are always the lowest j on leather goods, so, are we in rubber goods. The above goods must not be confounded with the cheap truck which is being continual ly advertised by some dealers, these goods are worth considerable more than we ask for them, and are positive bargains. AL ROFF A SON, I PQ We have the bill for one thousand pairs of sample Shoes j • from the Blue Hill Shoe Co. We bought them at an un commonly low price. They will be sold at less «.han the cost 01 making them. A. R. & SON. AUTUMN STYLES FOR j COUNTING THE COST MEN. / The Latest European creations \ J for business wear are Scotch Cbev- j iots and fancy cassime/es in warm J C cheerful coloring of brown and S J green, with « mixture of red or a S \ dash of yellow artistically blended ( ? ALSO, C grays in mirturs and positive I J colors. C ) For Dress r S Vicuna, Laml>s wool and Worst- / 3 ed coatings with pla'd and stripe \ V trousering. % ( have them in all their va- 1 1 riety and besides the largest stock f J in the county. ) V We have facilities tor iiaking \ £ good clothes, cheaper than same t C can be produced elsewhere in C /Western Pennsylvania. / ALAND, MAKER OF MEN'S CLOTHES. What is Your Need? If you need any thing in the furnish ing line we can sup ply you. It you want a hat or cap we can show you the best Up -To - Date stock in the county, at very low prices. Colbert & Dale. 242 S. Main St., Butler, Penn'a EIES EXAVIKEU FHEE OF CtiAliGF R. L. Klrkpatrick, Optician aid Jewel!i Next to Court House Butler, Pa Qradi ate I.a Poit Harological Institute Have you ever calculated how much is saved in the long run by having your clothing made by tailors who know their business ? You get better goods more care ful workmanship and the fit and style are worth a great deal. It's a satisfaction to wear 4 first class well made clothes, and then it's economical as well. Clothes that fit, wear longer, look better and are more satisfactory to the wearer. Those who wear our garments appreciate this. Stop and calculate. Do you wear tailor-made clothes? In that case you have garments that last longer, wear better and suit you more complctly than any other. Every garment is made in the best style. No accidental fits. No disgraceful eftects. It is cheaper to wear custom clothes than any others. /all styles on display. WEDDIHG SUITS A SPECIALTY. COOPER HO Cor Diamond, Butler, Pa 18:31 TST)7 THE CULTIVATOR and COUNTRY GNTtfNIAN THE BEST OF THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIKS Devoted to Farm Crops and Processes, Horticulture & Fruit-Growing, Live-Stock and Dairying. WHILE IT ALSO includes all minor departments of Rural interest, such as the I'ouhry Yard, Kntomology, lice-Keeping, Green house and Grapery, Veterinary Replies, Farm (Questions and Answers, Fireside Reading, Domestic Economy, and a summary of the News of the week. Its Market reports are unusually complete, and much attention is paid to Uk- pros pects of the Crops, as throwing up on one or the most important of all ques tions—When to buy and when to sell. It is liberally Illustrated, and contains more reading matter than ever ln-fore. The subscription price is $2.50 per year, but wc offer a special reduction in our CLUB KATES FOR 1897. Two Subscriptions, in <ne remittance f | Six Subscriptions, do. do. 10 Ten Subscriptions, do. do. 15 ftrw'fosll new subscribers for 1897, paying in advance now, we will send the paper weekly, from our receipt of the remittance, to January Ist, 1H97, with out charge. MaTSPECIMEN COPIES PRKE. Address LUTHER TUCKER & SON, Publishers, Albany, >L Y« 1 HUMPHREYS* Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with ' Witch. Hazel Oil as a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION'. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures PILES or H FMORRHOIDS. External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding—ltchintjaad Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulai. 1 Relief immediate—cure certain. It Cures BURNS, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burn.. Relief instant. It Cures TORN, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures BOILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures INFLAMED or CAKED BREASTS and Sore Nippies. It is invaluable. It Cures SALT RHEUM, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and Si.oo. Bold by Druggists, or not post-paid on reeeiptof price. HTBPHKEYS' 9kD. CO., 11l A US WlUhn SC., Sew Yarfc. WITCH HAZEL OIL a.-ru- Tllis wllinkes I • '. \ lhls wu,s ' i« a tonic its j .• ' j I k< \ <"»iiota the truestj il doctored e of tile U P mixture word —it r^'-yigl—' il , is : J n builds up the t-' absolutely ailing ones, kv - pure distil !* ■ lation. J - -:i» 1 KI.FULLQT.-SS.SIXOTS| mPrice Li:lSent' C;n Application U JOS. FLE; HNS & SON. U I • ryxrn** O:csah - .. J •■ - - iv?ai>rr st. kv [ . I 9000-0000-00000000000-0-OCK> 000 | "Webster's % | International % | Dictionary | Y Successor of the " Unabridged?* 9 i The One Great Standard Authority, I i So writes Bon. D. Brewer, X Y J oatlee IT. S. Hupreme Court. Y <s standard 6 of the U. 8. (ior't Printing O Office, the V. S. Supreme £ I Court, all the Htate 8u- A I * jwl , preme C ourts, and of near- I 1 ly all the Hchoolbooka. V FBJLBI /Syj • Warmly X WQm j » Commended A 1 1 1 by State Superintendent* O Vv t of Schools, r.»ll«-K'«- I'resl $ ■QBBTffi I <)fnts.an<l other K<tucatortt I l almost without number. V h ii.-- i um and to p L , teacher. scholar, pro- A I f**Ml'>n;il man, and self- X j Miwar. Y $ THE BEST FOR PRACTICAL USE. X O It la easy to find the word wanted. 6 6 It Is easy to ascertain the pronunciation. 0 6 It is easy to trace the growth Q f a word. 0 O It is easy to learn what a word means. 0 X The Sow York Tribune Says:— O A The lateHt eflltlon rom«i from tne i»r«-HH with a q Y rr,mpl#*t#fn» M that irnpli'-s th«* inont tli"roti(r!i <-d|. X ; Y torlaland typr»Krapht<-al »>nx-rvi«lon. * * ' Th« Y i O • I- public, Vft. flfj.U this ft w< rk f » which It Is V | O i i- "iritly us<-fult'i refer.—April 8, laSB. O 2 GET"THEIJEST. X J J ecimen pages sent on application to A O .( C. HERRI A V CO., Pnbilahera, <5 6 Sprln&fleld, MassU.S.A. o 6O<KH>OOOOO<KK> OOOOOOOOOOOO^ fiJCX&L "TAFT'S I A*?i I'HlSi "DENTAL ROOMS.-- |] k jj 39 " sth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. II ll BPSB We'J. pRACTICA , .^Y<J"»''KtI"-U(] 111 SiT » CROWN an.l BF.IOCi£ v -" r k M ! Wla a»" f Pltulmre—WH Y rtOT DO U "Jlfl |I%YOURS? ( '" |,! CROWNSA [fllli* W"" 1 BRIDGE wrk re<liu<-.l t., M \*S Vf B|ss PER TOOTH Al.v, I! * It V ■■rn-Hli ON LY^t^J L REVIVO RETOHtS ViUditf TIIK (JRhAT »th Day. FRKNCH REMEDY piodi.i i-s the iitMive r"HiillH In 'M 'la.vs. It n< I s powerfully »n<l (|Ulckly. c.'ureM when nil otlK-rs fall. Younif men will regain tlieir lost lll.lD hoofl, aid "I ( l ni.-Ti will recover liielr yit'itMul vlijor r.y iiMlm- HliVIVi). Ii (jn'ckly an I nuri-ly Nervfi'ltTieHH. vitality. Lost l ower, l'alllnu Memory. Wanting l>lsen , -,es, nun til efleets '.T exei sh anil lndifierelioii. wlileli uri Tilt one for nti"ly. I.UHlnes* or marriage. It not onljr euren at tne seat, or disease, but In a «reat nerve tonic: and blood builder, brlntrlnv haek the (>lnk plow to pale elu-i-ks and restoring the fire of youth. It war is oil lin.mliy aiid ( onsumptlon. Insist on having ItKVIVO. no other It can be carried In vest pocket. Uy mall It.") per package, or »lx for f". id, w Ith a positive written guarantee to cure or reftiiid the money. Circular free. Address ItOYAI, M I DH INK' ().. < UICA<;O, ILL For Sale by REDDICK & GROMANN, Senior A Nace's Livery, Feed and Sale. Stable Hear of Wick House. BuMcr, Pa The bait of horHea aud rirMt »:1«BB UIWUJM on baiid antl for hire. bent accommodatiouH in town for porrnaneat boarding and transient trade. Special care guaranteed. Stable room for Bixty-five bornen. A good claHB of horweH, both driv erw and draft horseH always rj band and for Hule under a full guarantee; and horrten bought upon [»roper noti fication bv SL.ANOR <fe N ACE. All kinds ol live utock bough: and Hold Tolephotin i»* Wiek lloum', aFTSR ALL others FAIL Conau 1 1 the O'- Vjci UMJ B " 8 DRLOBB N l-IKTRENTII 1*1111..%., «\\ Tlilrty yearn nUrinous prartW** ln,^»<*« un-of an ,Ji-.» an uof »»ien r.nd wom« n No niatti-r fr'-ai what r*use or »<•.»« lonic at*ndln«. 1 v ill tfuuruufr* a run 10 2 I'm"" C-lor.'i Uonud Uook «ci.l -«i> *z«<i aaS w kt£L 1 . ( . W IOK »K LHa is Roiigi 1 a d Wnilfd Lnmhpi lit AL. KI9P« Doors, Sash, Blinds, Moulalngs, Shingles and Lath Always In Stock LIME, MAR AND r L ST!;H Office opposite P. <fc W. Depot, rtTTTif B, R» c ll.h IllMmon'l l!rni»<t. ENNYROYAL PIUS Origin,.l «,..l Only \ f £ "IUIVt for I'u.ll. ~»!,. irUer'Xyrvturn \ If \lull. | O.OfHt ' ... X'lmf I'-iprr. I I'M' -lerl briuh uM .o.,Mu<lU»f. u u "•aa r / «il i>r iKKiau. , I'hlJttds., I'm. Hotel Willard. Re<JiH4f>ed and n*> w ready for the accommodation of the travcliug'pub lie. Evervtf.in ii« f>>n < a-n«tyl». m. MATTIE HtlHlN'j, owner M H bRUOKS. Clerk. TH E CITIZKIST rtillilng Old Shoe». Old shoes are not waste from the standpoint of modern industry. After they have done their service and are dis carded by the first wearers a second hand dealer restores the worn shoes to something like their former appearance, and they are sold again, *0 be worn a little longer by the poorer classes. When the shoes are filially discarded by them, | Ihey are still good for various purposes, i In France such shoos are bought up in i quantities by rag dealers and sold to i factories, where the shoes are taken apart and submitted to long manipula tions, which turn them into a paste, from which the material is transformed into an imitation leather, appearing ▼ery much like the finest morocco. Up on this material stylish designs ara •tamped, and wall papers, trunk cover ings and similar articles are manufac tured from it. Another French industry using old dilapidated she* is the trans forming of old into new footwear. This is the principal occupation of the military convicts imprisoned in the for tress of Montpellier. There the shoes are taken apart, all the nails are taken out and then the leather is soaiod in water some time to soften it. From those pieces that can be used are cut the up pers for children's shoes, and parts of the soles are similarly used. The small est pieces of !• Vt are applied to be used in high L :is XV heels, which were so much in style a few years ago. Even the nails of the old shoes are used again. They are separated by a magnet, which attracts the steel nails, while the copper and brass nails are carried on farther. The price received for the old copper nails alone almost pays for the first cost of the old shoes. Clippings and cuttings of the leather are also used, be ing turned into a paste from which arti ficial leather is made, and what is not good enough to serve for this purpose is Bold with the sweepings to agricultur ists in the neighborhood, who use this paste with great success as a fertilizer. —St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Counting Treasury Notes. One of the most singular and interest ing manufactories in this oountry is that where the United States treasury notes are made. The paper differs from any other, and it is kept under guard from the moment of its manufacture until the printed notes are issued from [ the treasury. These sheets of thin paper, ; both before and after printing, are ! counted and recounted by officials ! whose fingers, from years of practice, 1 have become so deft that they fly over their work with the rapidity of light ning. A visitor, watching a woman count ing apparently endless heaps of notes, said, when the worker stopped to breathe: "I should think that this monotonous 1 work of counting, continued for years, I would bring on a disease of the brain." "It would," promptly jeplied the official, "if we thought of it. But while I counted those notes I was planning a holiday for ruy little boy. I repeat the numbers unconsciously, as a musician touches the keys of the piano. It Is a habit. It was not always so," she said, | laughing. "When I began the work, I j was teriified by its importance. The officers, pacing up and down, robbed me of self control. I touched the sheets with shaking fingers. I was working for the government. I went over the pile again and again, and even then made mistakes. I never make a mistake now. I have the habit of counting. " Youth's Companion. llar<l*hipH For an African Kzplorer. I have always something the matter with me which interferes with my effi ciency. Now it will be a wretched ulcer near my knee joint to hinder my walk ing; at another time one near my right elbow to weaken my arm and give me unsteady aim in shooting. Then lam cured of these, and feel miserable and feverish; but snapshots of deafening quinine make me strong and cheerful and fit to bear the strain of a few days' visit from malarial neuralgia, which seizes my head, makes tender every tooth, and stabs me unmercifully with acutest pain, till the head is aching with hammering throbs, and the eyes, through pain, are curtained by a mist. In due time 1 recover from this, and become dyspeptic, or cannot wear my largest shirt because of a swollen spleen. I gradually reduce this, and then blisters on the feet and erysipelas in the ankles make walking the worst kind of agony. Illness to me in Africa is as the bubble in a spirit level—it moves and changes its position, but never ceases.—"Glavo In the Heart of Africa" in Century. Tra%«;lirig AJont*. Did you ever ride in a street car at night when you were the only passenger for many blocks? It is a peculiar experi ence. I got on a Broadway car last night, or, rather early this morning, at Park place, and I had the car to myself as far as Astor place. I didn't have a paper with me, so I had nothing to keep me busy, and I didn't want to go to sleep. If there had been somebody in the car to look at, perhaps it would have been all right, but as it was I don t think I ever felt so lonesome in my 1 if<•, and if I had been the solitary passenger much longer I would have gone out an the platform and talked to the conductor out of sheer desperation. If I were :i railroad president, I don't think I would care for a private car if I expected to travel alone.—New York Times. Nc.wr Talked I'olltlca. "You say he never talks politics?" "I've known him ten years and I never even heard him mention the sub ject. " "And you s.-eru to think that it's creditable to him?" "I do." "Well, I want to say that any man who lives in this country and doesn't care enough for its welfare to discuss the political questions that arise is not"— "Hut this man is dumb. " —Chicago Post. . I'll.'jS cure Uver Ills, i':;il»ijnncsg, linllgentlon, Headache. \ pleasant laxative. All Druggists. In the dominions of the British Kmpire a ionc, some S.ono people vanish every year without leaving any trace. Rhcumatixm Cured in a Doy. "Mystic ( urn" "fc.r Rheumatism {'and Neuralgia radically euros in 1 to 3 days. I It* action upon the wyntem is remark aide and mysterious. It removes at once the can e aiel tlin ili-ea'ii immediately disap pears. The li 1 • dose greatly benefits; 75 cents Sold by J. C Kedic, and J. F. lialph DritpgiHts, Hutler A bust of Thomas CarlyJe wason Satur day placed in the house in Kccleteclian in which he was born, - Kt./lish bp:ivtt< Liniment, removes all 'Oil, llti r r lil.iu cd lumps and Idem ■1 e truiri !> 1 . . 1 lood spavins, curbs ,1 nil- *>e. 1i - . rni|ilione, stifle*, sprain* •.."I" coughs, etc. Save II >i\ u-< 1.1 • .• 1)1)111**. Warranted the ■ v 111 •* 11 - ) i Hlen i h Cure ever known ■Jill ) hi J ite'llck s bigs are j> < ntiftil and cheap in Mata gorda county, T< xa«, and • anguine Texans hope t.i see tile day when they will be one of the state'sjigreatcst crops. Dr. J)< trlii, u Snrsoparilla J'illv'' Contain all the \ iriuew of the liquid Bar • apaiilla- in a concentrated form and be in 1? candy ranted are delightful to lako. Combined with the >arsaparilla are other extreme!) valuable blood and Uiirre reme dies. which render them at once ihn great est lib.oil ptinlinr and blood makers as well as the most powerful nerve builder known. Tlier magical powa-rs to cure all er lou l>i« «•■» —. Nervous Weakness, N'eivou* ll.mis i« II vsteiia, Lurs of Yital I'oweiH l- .iliio Health, eto , are pleasing and wonderful Price 50 cents and SI<KJ noi.l b> P.. dick it Urohmann and J, P. lii.ljih OrugK's l " Uutler. Interesting Facts Regarding Divers The dress of a fully equipped diver weighs 169 1b., and costs about SSOO. 1 First ot all comes B*4 lb. of thick under i clothing, then follows the dress itself, r weighing 14 lb: boots. 3a lb., monstrous • things with leaden soles; breast and j . back weights. So lb; and, lastly, the hel- | , met, which weighs 35 '-b. When the hull of the Great Ksstern was cleaned by divers as she was being loaded with j the cable for the Indian submarine tele- j ' graph the contract price for the work ' ! was cti.Soo and was completed in six ! : weeks by twelve divers. The incrusta -1 tion on her bottom was more than a foot j ) thick, and after it was removed she lift -1 ed fully two inches. The greatest Jeptli ; . | at which a diver may safely work is 150 j feet. There have been however rare in j I stances of diving to 204 feet, and sus- I j taming a pressure of SS,' * lb. on every j ' square inch on the body of the diver, j " Diving was first incepted by the action of ( J the elephant In crossing a deep river, - when he swims beneath the water, ele vating his trunk, by which method he I 7 breathes. The work of a diver consists . in recovering lost art ices, and slinging them iu such a manner that they can be easily hauled up, cleaning aud cop pering ships bottoms, cleaning propel " lers, and communicating by slate and ' voice. When able to work at a deapth of 150 feet a diver is considered fully r qualified. The flag slugs in the British 3 navy carry eiglit divers, and the cruisers - four fully equipped.—From the f Standard Magazine. For a broken down system there is 3 nothing like Hood's Sarsaparilla. Try it 1 now. , Joseph Gigogne and Mrs. John Heidet, both of Frenchtown, Crawford county, were married at that place recently. Mr. 1 Gigogne is Si years of age and his new 1 wife 60. I j American Institute Farmsrs Club ' A committee from this club report the ■ wines of Alfred Speer, of Passaic, N. J the most reliable to be obtained, and that t his Oporto Grape makes a I'ort wine sup s erior to any in the world. His Claret and Brandv have no superior. ' The increase of game in the Maine woods during the restricted period has been remarkable. The Boston Heraid estimated that at the present time there are 145,000 deer, 12,500 moose, nearly 10,000 caribou and 10,000 bear ready for s the season's sport. In short, the state is ' a regular menagerie. Th: Speer Brand of Brandy. Is a guarantee of Excellence. Ihe Climax Brandy made from grape in 1576 is abso utely pure. For sickness in your family do not for heaven sake use any brandy but old and strictly pure distil ' lant from the grape. The revenue ol Victoria for the past quarter amounted toi, 1544,002 pounds, showing a decrease of 7,7°4 pounds in tiie past year. Poisou Ivy, 1111 eel bites, bruises, "Calds, 1 burns, are quickly cured by tie Wile's Witch llazel balve. the great pil.i cure. ; Kkoick & Urohmann. A scheme talked of is a company 1o ex port American cattle, with Cardiff as its . distributing port. The capital of the new organization will be 30,000 pounds. Theories of cure may be discussed at ( length by physicians, hut the sufferers 1 .vaut quick relief; anil One Minute Cough 1 Cure will give it to them. A sale cure tor children, li is "Hie only harmless remedy - that produces immediate results '' KitnxjK ifcUIIOUMANN. I Of iK, 106 persons arrested for various 1 offences 111 Liverpool last year only 328 were wsll educated, a large jxjriion being absolutely illiterate. It does'ut m.t'tcr much whether sick 1 heailache. biliousness, indigestion and con stipation are cause l be neglect or by un avoiUable circuinstHuci..; lie Witt's bittie Karly Itisers win speedily cute them all. ÜblilCk. A UaoiIMAN.N. The fern is indicative of fascination. 111 Saxony the present by a lover to his • sweetheart of a handful of ferns means the same as a proposal. ' The wliolu system is drained and uuder -1 mined by indolent ulcers and open sores, lie W ill's Witch Hazel halve speedily heals ihem. it is the best pile cure known. UuniCK Al UUOHMANN. A married woman iu Calhoun county, Michigan, teaches a districts chool at sto i month,_ boards herself and does the janitor work. Don't trifle away time when you have cholera morbus ..r diarrhoea. Fight them 1 inthe beginning with lie Win's colic and c olira cure. You don't have to wv.t or results, the) are u.-iaiitaneoQS, and il le'vves the bowels 111 healthy condition.. KKDIC'K <fc (i KOII MANN 1 A French doctor says that persons who attain their 3oth year without suffering t from any serious disease are likely —all things being equal to live tilt they are at least 73 years of age. If you have ever seen a little child iu the agony of summer complaint, you can real ize the danger of 'he trouble and appreci ate the value ot inHtaotaneoUH relief al ways afforded by He.Witt's colic and chol era cuie For dysentery and diarrhoea il is a reliable remedy. We could not af ford to recommend this as a cure aniens it were a cura. likDH K <fc Gkohmann. Of all Shakespeare's women, Imogen [says Hazlett] is the most tender and the most artless. IH7O Climax Itran'Jy from grape wine, has, by its extreme age and constant caie while in uniform temperature ami pure, sweet attCDSpl'ere of storage houses for fourteen yean, be come a rval ol Hie Hennessey and other brands 1 I Cognac lirati'!/, and much lower in price, ami prelerri il by the physician < of Philadelphia, Now York and other cities liny it ol di uggists. Mr. Ague* Cute tor tin Hiartgr. s Perfect relief :n all cases of Organic •>( •sympathetic Ileal Disease in 30 minutes and speedily effects u cure. It is a peer 'ess remedy f.ir Palpitation, Shortness o. jrealli, Smothering Spells, Pain iu bet ide ami all symptoms ol a Diseased Heart no done convinces. Sold by City Phar "oaev. Dr. S. P. Anderson, who was convicted by the court at Pittsburg of causing the death of Dakota Schrecongost, by a crim inal o]>eration, was sentenced to the pen itentiary for live years. T I''. Authoiiy, I.x-l'ostmaster ol Pro mise Citj low.i, r*}s: "I bought one bottle 01 'Mystic Cure' lor Rheumatism, and two dose. 1! it did me more good than any medicii ■ I ever took Sold by J. C Kedick, and .1. F. Italph druggists, Ilutlur Three men tried to rob a bank out in Colorado, Inside of five minutes all three were 111 a critical condition, in ten minutes no hopes were entertained of their recovery, and at the end of fifteen minutes their funeral was being largely attended. Flowers were omitted. lii l it/ lit A'tx' unurs —Dintrei -11. g Kidney and Bladder dis ea-es relieved in -it hours by the "Now Great South Ameri.an Sidney Cure." This new remedy i- a great surprise on *c count of itr extending promptness i:i re lieving pain in the bladder, kidney, hack and evciy part of the urinary passage' in male or female |t relieves retention of water and pain in pa. -ing it almo. Tim medially, 11 yon want quick reliel and cure toii: is your remedy . Sold by ./. C. liedick druggi i Butler Pa. A feature of the population statistics of Western Australia is the large proportion of males to females. The disparity is maintained 111 the arrivals by sea. At the present there are 45 females to every 100 males. '•Boys will be boys." liut you can't af ford to lose any of tin rn. lie leady for the gieen apple season by having DeW ill's colic and cholera ciro in the house. KKIIICK il (■ 111) 11 MANN. Two luiudred new designs in penny toys are brought out every week in While- 1 chapel. Many a dav's work is lost by ick head I ache caused by indigestion and stomach j troubles Do Witt's I.it'le Karly ICis -rs are the most 1 llcctual pill for overcoming such dfliculii '.". KK.MCK il (IROIIMASN I The apple crop in South Haven, Mich., , is the largest tor 50 years. Many ot the I I trees, overloaded with the fruit, arebrok- ( cn down. The winds have blown down j thousands of bushels. | FREE | BUTTON SI AN FLEGANT BUTTON FREE I SWEET CAPORAL I CIGARETTES f AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE 1 A COLLECTION OF BUTTONS | WITHOUT COST. •' \ w DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES.® GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPOLIO ACCIDENTS v«LL HAPPEN PO.VD'.S EX Til irr- he Bicycler's Necessity. ...... DON T RlilE bicycle. s ,4=4i Amm KIT. Ed POND'S EXTRACT is unequaled|iS for quickly healing aM kinds ofWOUNDS, RPIJISES LAMENESS or SORENESS of MUSCLES, ABRASIONS, RHEUMATISM. Hub thoroughly wilh POND'S *XTRACT afUr every ride to keep the muscles Hiipple pliant, 'Pry POND'S EXTRACT OINTMEN T for J ILEB. AVOID SUSSTiTU i'ES-Weak, Watery, Worthless. POND'S EXTRACT CO., 76 Fifth Ave., New York. 0i)()(TOKS LAKh PI'.I TI-: IHsiPKN^AItT. Or A. Pcm A i . Atn» Fou iTM 87.. PITTStiUROh. PA. ,■5? '. "' v ah ri.i in or i>. ii' lie .'in. l (.'ov' - Ph ate i l'i" •= ■ >e«|. h H'.i STIAI. rill"! -1 11 M iKI' .>1 ' icalioii aiu treated :it this ;ii etunri with n i.-n-*- wrelj attained. Dr. 6 l\ I .it si ' .. enih.Tor the 1:..; .il I • elf II n 1 s ,nd SurKe.,,l . and i- Ihe i)i le t and im ' I •>1• lii 1 ••<•. 1 sriot 1 i.i'<. 1" 1 1 ■• • liJ •pec'sl a' • 0.1 11 to N •. vous I• I • "in • '• ••!' il lion,! »■«. rretioti 1 it ei .■ i 1 in«i iMN.f.i! ■ • ..r. «»f "»i"i . <•!<•.; ,i..»<. 1 • OldHon , I' • • i lidAt I hi, 1 ltd All 1 of the p Li,ui . Drlnirj 'h. an «* ii . . ictly conn li fi»» '• •tu i r i 7 to li P. v.; 6uvwiav»il to 1 1 . ; - or wi'ri {• r . i .. » . ~, . v\ 11 !: 1 • 1 1 Uf)U/ IS THE TIME TO HAVE nUII Your CLE AIN ED or DYED If you want good ami reliable cleaning or dyeing done, tliere is just one place in town where you can get it, and that is at H! EUHFR OK WORKS 'sil (> (Jenter avenue. lIKVn.Wc do fine work in out door Photographs. This is the time of year to have a picture of your house. Give us a trial. R. FISHER & SON, Agent for the .Jamentowu Sli'linif Blind L' J. —New York. ff The Place to Buy (IAS COOK ING ANI) 11 KATINGSTOVHS, G/vS BURNERS AND FIX TURES, HOSE, BATH TUBS, ENAMEL AND IMPROVE WEISHBACH GftS BUHNER, fi. H. n'BRIEK UN 107 East (efTerson St. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Compiny, Office Cor.Main & Cunningham ILF. Ml* K Pr<-». (.Kit. K r ITKItKK. Vl re I'rw. 1,, s Hi-.ir.Nkl>. S.I 'j mill Trw, DIKKCVi : Alircl W Ick. 111 •ndersoii Oliver, •r. W. Irv 111, lin ci si. 1 lieiiw.t , A,. W. UUckmore, *■.' W' '"i K.I 11. J. KllDKler e IHWWf, I 1 • ~ (. ec*. itenno, |'oftn Koeutuir LoYAI \ciUrtlKN Ayent. ' • WHAT ■B O N WILL DO. Y IS NATURE'S OWN TOW g Stimulatm tho appntito nntlpra- Jr. rtuces refreshing sloop. CIVCS VITAL STRENGTH TO MURSIHO ! MOTHERS. I jtat' Chock-t wnst'.nn dlseaaos. atop* I & \ iiiKbt svi aU. euros lucipieu' coasuin jtiou. I Jncrcasor atrors-h anil flesh. O MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD, Promotes healthy lun* tiwiue. Will (tivo tho palo and puny th» Wrosy cheeks of youth. CUKES AI.L FEMALE COMPLAINTS. JViukos Htronn iw". lu<l woiLtD of weaklings OMSK IRON lOHiG PILLS Care au "asllng Diseases end Iht/r sequences, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION,4c. ' '• •« v rro nr»ithr»r pfvptlotioi cnnut in and •.• >' 'iKtilntiiiit i floet on thu COD #r.t« i) •■ f nnch or its lining: consequently i■<){ hurt tho tooth or eauao const tm-tton H i-ii. hm do tho li/iuul forms of Iron l: < utmont 50c. pamphlet frso. li .. T>t by vour uJcireHA 7 AT ORE & CO., CINCINNATI. O. v, Nerve Itemei i have done forother* VM ■TfC' will do " tday " #j£r anCPermanently Rb.nurod. 3°th DAT. A positive cure te>- all WcaKtiesses, Nervoiisnc s, Debility, and a:l their tr ti.i < f evils resulting from early errors and later excesses; tlie result of over work, worry,etc. nrei.cessiveuseof tobacco,opium M i . ; i]uor, which lead to consumption ind infinity. I !ieir use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist "ipon having lu- mine Him BERRIES, no other. Convenient to carry in vest pocket. Price, h'.OOp r box, six ! "oxes, one full ti atm.nt, £5.00. Guaranteed tocure any case. 11 not kept by your drug i t we will "end them by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. I mphletfi.-e. Address mailorders to \r.iLHICA . KLDIC? I. CO. CiNCINIATI. 0. Hi IS •'V ».A id M m . ' a veil "'f- : /Aao of ' y* f | \ VITAUS" :(j THK'IIIKAT 20U1 d L REMOH REMEDY »ch..d.T. I'KOIH'CPH Till MIOVK RRNCLTp Itqulcfc I . la Ity Pour Id off iDMoitjf • n.J oi viTALM, ao r •! i •• i *-k« t llf t%all * v. tti, h tmm I • >. i KM \l> Til" MONEY Cl*« • I trt; •• CALf'M ! ■ > • I « * 1 , < JhU-aijtt, Hi. i-'nr rfalo iu .Huller, .Pa. by Citf . i'tittim-icy. I 123 n T PAPA S. Main St. _£/, A JHLjL Jj **• Main St. The Leading Millinery House of Butler Co. n p Ji? s Autnmn and Winter Millinery. All the latest and most stylish Bonnets, Toques, English Walking hats, Golfing hats. Sailor hats, Children's hats. Baby hoods. Feathers, Flowers, Wings, Ribbon, etc., to be found in the Eastern Markets, can be now at our store. Never was such a complete line of handsome and stylish millinery brought to Butler Co., and at prices in the reach ot all. MOURNING GOODS ALWAYS A SPECIALTY. All are invited I Fancy gcods for to inspect our t . | T I f\ 1 1 the Holiday* mr sto«k. riving daily. 11 SHE PEOPLE ARE DOWN ON WHISKEY There are a great number of people who will tell you that whiskey is not good—That they tried it, and it proved of little or no benefit to them, and that they didn't know what the doctors were about when they prescribed whiskey for indigestion, consumption and many kindred complaints. The reason for all this is easily found—These people have never used ABSOLUTELY PURE LIQUORS simply because they never knew where to buy them. What an amount of suffering could be saved, had these people sent their orders to .. AX KLEIN, Allegheny, Pa. Over a quarter of a century have wise ones sent him their orders—They know that his name is a guarantee of purity on every bot tle leaving his establishment, and that the liquors shipped by him are the very best. Have you ever tried Silver Age Rye? If not send $1.50 with your order to him and you will receive a quart of the finest and old est whisky in the world. His stcok is com plete, and a glance through bis catalogue (mailed free upon application) will prove his prices to be the lowest in the state. When in need of liquors send your oreer to MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal St. Allegheny Pa. EXPRESS CHARGES PAID on all orders of $5 00 and over—Get your friends to club together. "Oh, I Guess That'll Have To Do." Customers never say that in our shop. We don't keep the "have-to-do" kind of stock. You can get exactly what you want here. The only trouble you can possibly experience is to know just what to choose, from so much that is Stylish, Elegant and Suitable. Our tables are piled high with the choicest weaves from the best looms of America, England and the Continent. If we are not already making your clothes, come in, and experince the real luxury of buy ing from a stock complete, varied and beautiful. If you come once you'll come again. J. S. YOUNG, Tailor, Hatter and Men's Furnisher, "" RALLY ROUND THE FLAG, FOR Y ' \ \ NAT |ONAL HONOR, HOME PROSPERITY. THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, THE LEADING NATIONAL REPUBUCAf FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Will make a vigorous and relentless fight through ihe Presidential campaign, for principles which will bring prosperity to the entire country. Its campaign news and discussions will inter est and should tie read by every Americnn citizen. We furnish "The Citizen" and "N. Y. Weekly Tribune" 4 Months, I 7 Weeks for 50 cents. CASH IN ADNANCE. Address all orders to im ciiiki. W rite your nnire and address on a postal card, send it 'o Geo. W. Beat, Tribn l Building, New York City, and » sample c*py of Tub NEW YORK TUHMI w<" lie mailed to yoi' Prescriptions and Family Recipes are natters of '"mportance and should lie tilled caiefully and with pure drugs only, w; give them our special attention.* The Baby + * requires a little special care during the wnrui weather, espec ially if fed from a bottle, we have a supply of frest infant food, at all times, also bottles, nipples, tulies, bottle and tube cleaners etc. It you desire a sterilizer we can supply you with one, or will be pleased to furnish any desired information concerning them. Disinfectants should lie used extensively at this season of the year, the best being copperas, chloride-lime, and crude carbolic acid, the latter being Utter than the pure, as in purifying an important disin fecting agent is removed, we have a large supply of these at all times. We also tarry a full ine of toilet articles anil sick-room requisites. REDICK & GROHMANN PEOPLES PHONE. 114. BUTLER PA. {WHEN It is poor economy to take your watch anywheres f— for repairs except to a reliable watchmaker. £ (OUT OF Every class of repairing that i» brought Into oar / c ORDER Htorpclonew ° rkmen ' e ** >eri ' fl ,n th ® ,r J ) 1 various lines, and we endeavor to have everything \ J correct before it leaves our hanJa. X \ K. (xRIRB, .S.a < I KSTAHLIHHKI) 1850 139 N Main Bt, BUTLER PA /
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers