T. H. Burton T.H. Burton Tkere Is a blUerence ol Opinion) but lleK iw Uud,lldc, gggfe I z!%r i ' h - WHICH WAY ARE YOU HEADING ? Not in Politics-but where are you going to do you fall bu £ n S Yob nnt the Best mil Most for Your Money, Dont Yon? You can get it. We give it. Hats, Caps, and Gcritsv Furnishing Goods. AU departments complete and well stocked with Hie tat Silk the Fined Mk nl TO Vslbk" fir fc to] Them are hard times and our prices demonstrate ho* bad we£ a PniiHrni ALSO, C gray* in mixtur * and positive i J colors. C J For Diess I \ Vicuna, Lambs wool and Worst- / f ed coatings with pla ; d and stripe \ V trousering. f \ We have them in all their va- 1 1 riety and besides the largest stock f J in the county. J \ We have facilities tor making \ f good clothes, cheaper than same t C can be produced elsewhere in C f Western Pennsylvania. / ALAND, MAKER OF MEN'S LOTHES What is Yonr Need? If you need any thing in the furnish ing line we can sup ply you. H you want a hat or. cap we can show you the best Up-To-Date stock in the county, at very low prices. "Colbert & Dale. 342 S. Main St., Butler, I'enn'a EYES EIAOEI) PHEE OP CHAKGF R. L Klrkpatrlck,(Optician andJJewelei Mext to Court House HuMer, Pa', Oradtste L® Port HarologkaJjJnatitute COUNTING THE COST. Have you ever calculated liow much is saved in the long run by having your clothing made by tailors who know their business ? You get better goods more carc lul workmanship and the fit and style are worth a great deal. It's a satisfaction to wear first class well made clothes, and then it's economical as well. Clothes that fit, v ear longer, look better and are more satisfactory to the wearer. Those who wear our garments appreciate this. Stop and calculate. Do you wear tailor-made clothes? In that case you have garments that last longer, wear better and suit you more complctly than any other. Every garment is maac in the best style. No accidental fits. No disgraceful effects. It is cheaper to wear custom clothes than any others. Fall styles on display. WEDDING SUITS A SPECIALTY. ciFira Cor. Diamond, Butler, Pa The Buller Caunly National Bank BUTLKR, FA. Capital paid In $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits $87,962.35 Jo*. lUrtti an. President; J. V. KittH, Vice Preni«i»-Dt: C. A. Bailey, Ca«bier; Jolm 0 McUarlin. A *n'i Cashier. A Keuerul hanklnx liUMnesi transacted. Interest paid <>n time deposits. Money loaned on approved security. We Invite you lo open an uccount will) tliln oank. ItIKKCTOHS-Uin. Joseph llartinan. Hon W. H. Waldron, l»r. N. M. Hoover, 11 MeHweeney, It. K. Abrama. I*. Collins, I . llraiidon. W. A. Hteln, J. S. Campbell. '1 he ISutler Savin** b tnk Is toe Ol'loit Bank ItiK Institution In Kutler County. ..• neral bunking business iransa ted It sDllr II :.ild mi time deponltb" Subscribe for the CITIZE.V HUMPHREYS' No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Infants' Diseases. No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 8 " Neuralgia. No. 9 Cures Headache. No. lO " Dyspepsia. No. 1 1 " Delayed Periods. No. 12 " Leuchorrea. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. 13 Cures Rheumatism. No. 16 " Malaria. No. 20 " Whooping Cough No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. 30 " Urinary Diseases No. 77 " Colds and Grip. Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price, 25c., or 5 for sl. DR. HCMPHBETS' HOMEOPATHIC OF DISEASES MAILED FREE. Humphrey*' Med. Co.i 111 William Bt«H. # CHEAP Jj J YET GOOD ][ | WHISKIES. are tirMrtiiuartert (or every know . w™ stimulant needed lor system struct' 1 iining cr for gooo, d (I £G/i.p*tnut Grove " Son* J iiUs-.n - $1 00 ft-r qr 6 qt* *5 «»• 5-)r«rh..lt lOO " 6 S(H a ttfuch - 100 6 " 5W v Thornp'Oi 100 " *' 5 01-J J '1 e £U«*rautee tbeS<* nl*kl< s foe tue test ever offered at th»J 0 nrice* quoted. Don't lorget J J OLD EXPORT WHISKEY, 1 J warranted 9 ye.irs old, $1 ou full# 2 quart, $lO 00 full case 12 quarts.^ Charges prepa'l ou all SIO.(X)X v orders or over. J JJOS. FLEMING & SON,J € Wholesale and £ Retail Druggists. J #412 Market Street, Pittsburg, Ta.# Bam swiMicco. HOW It. CURE" YOURSELF WHILE USING IT. Tlie tobacco habit trows on a man untl his nerv us system 'S serious y afTec ed, Impairing ue;ilth, comfort aud happiness. To quit sud denly is too severe a shock to the sys'em. as tobacco to an Inveter te user becomes a stlmu laut that, his system continually craves "Ilaco ■ 'tiro" is •» scientific cure for the tobacco habit, in all it* lorms carefully compounded after the formula ol au eminent Berlin physician who has used it In his ptlvate practice since 1872. without a failure. It is purely vegetable and guaranteed perfectly harmless. You can use all the tobacf" you want while taking "Baco- Curo." It will notify you when to stop. We zive a written guarantee to cure permanently any case w Ith three boxes, or refund the money wiih 10 per cent Interest. "Baeo-Curo" is not a substitute, but a eclenliflc cure, that cres without the aid of will power and with no In convienoe. It leaves the system as pure and fre* from nicotine as the uay you took your first ■•hew or smoke. Curedgßy BACO-CURO And Gained Thirty Pounds. From hundreds ol testimonials, the originals of which are on tile und open to Inspection, the following is presented: Clayton. Nevada County Arkansas Jan. 1»!5 Kureka chemical & Mtg. Co.. I,a Crosse, Wis. —Gentlemen: Kor forty years I used tobacco In all Its forms. Kor twenly-flve years of that time 1 was a u'reat suHerer from general debili ty and l.eart disease. Kor tlfteen years I tried to oult. but couldn't, 1 took various remedies, anion# others »o*To-Bac." "The Indian To bacco Antidote " " ouble Chloride of Gold." etc.. etc.. but none of lliem did me the lea«t bit of eood. Finally, however. I purchased a box of your ••Baco-Curo" and It has entirely cured me of the habit in all lis lorms. and I have in crea-ed thirty pounds In weight and am reliev ed Ironi all the numerous aclns and pains of body and mind. I could write a quite of paper upon :ny changed feelings and condition. Yours respectfully, P. 11. Mahhuky , c. v. /'kurcli <'laytoii Ark Sold by all druggists at SI.OO per box: three boxes, (thirty da\s' trealmei.t), SO with lr< n clad, written guarantee, oi sent direct upon receipt of price Write for booklet and proofs. F'ireka Cheiulcala Si Mfg.C., Ui Crosse. Wis.. And Boston. Has*, 2 16 TO 1. I J BII.VKH OOLt> J 4ln lhe money question means tnat In# Jwelghl it would take 16 Cold dollars toj riniiki! In weight one silver dollar. We guar £ iniee for either one Silver or a Gold Jto give you the purest and most ug«d ifoodsv #>old. Take a moment's time and look prices: • Pi Year Old Somerset per gnl# to 4 VrOld Pure Itye.. $•-' 25 to 2.50 " S '.r to m .3.5ut04.r>0 " > <'|BB* Hand made Sour Mash 5.50 ' s. Dougherty PU'-e Itye 5.50 m ' I \udilessen Best Pure Rye ft.oo J i Mpc lal price list on Wines, etc., on »p-i 'kOln:a!lon. No extra charge lor Jugs Piiacklng. tilye us a trial Order. f 1 "CT K A. ANDRIESSKN, t V iSH I ; e"d BF.ir.jlC ""rk [j »m M"f l'ltt.lnirg—WHY .SOT DO 1,1 LImII,II|YOURS? CROWNS ,1 yII YJ ml-'"" 1 BRIDGE w " r k red need to L' AM If tits PER TOOTH A 11... the It •J O N L g /«&. "Sf REVIVO REI ' ORES vitality or Mc. TilK GlthAT :iOth Day. FRKNCH REMEDY piodi.ces the above results In :iu days. It acts powerfully »nd quickly, cures when all others fall. Young men will regain their lost man hood. and old men will recover their youthlu! vigor by using ItKVIVO. It qu'ekly and surely restores Nervousness. l/>st vitality, Ixmt Power, KalllDg Memory. Wasting Diseases, nnd til effects of exetss and lndlKtreilon, which un fits one for study, business or marriage. It not only outer. starting at toe seat of disease, l.'it Is a great, nerve tonic and blood builder, bringing back the pink plow to pale cheeks «ud restoring the tire of youth, it wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having ItKVIVO, no other. It can be carried In vest pocket. Ily mall. ll.'*) per package, or six for 15.«>. with a positive written guarantee to cure or refund the money. Circular free. Address KOYAI. M I DH INK <>. < 11ICAUO. I 1.1, For Sr.lc by RKDDICK & GROMANN, Seanor & Nace's Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Rear of Wick House, buller, Pa The be it of horHeH and drat clasß rign ulwhv'h on haiid and far bire. Bent accommodationH in town for per rutin eat boarding arid transient trade. Spfi ial care i/auraiteod. Stable room f or sixty-five horseh. A good CIBSB of horneß, both driv ers and draft horsen alwayn ou band and for eaie under a full guarantee; and hor«cH botght upon proper noti fication h.v st; A NOR & N ACE. All kindn ot live Btot-k bought and Hold. Tolepboue »t Wick IfouHe fcr T5R fiLLOTOSFjUL * Consult the O'- -ell«Wo " DRJ-088 N lIKTKKKTII HT., rilll.A., I is! fty yritm illnuMti practice In th** run* of aii J *> .4n« iiJ *u« n t.u*\ worn* 11 >'•> matU-r fr«»rn what i nuae or Lo»v lon« ■(iindlng. I will yuiiwutet •curt UoaA(l Look Hull*# , TH.K CITIZKN THE PRICE OF GOLD Three Pertinent Questions Vary Clearly A n*wered. The subjoined questions have been asked of us by a correspondent: "1. Does the price of gold fluctuate in a commercial sense the same as silver* ■■■>. When the jeweller buys gold bul lion at prices quoted in the market re port. is that an indication that the price of gold fluctuates commercially the same as the price of silver? '•3. Is frold amenable to the law of supply and demand as a product, or only as money?" The asking of these questions shows of Itself thf- confusion that prevails in many min is on the subject to which they relate The price of gold in any country in which gold bullion is coined without charge, or at a trilling charge. to the owner differs from the quantity of coin which it will produce only by the difference whicn the owner is willing to pay to save himself the loss or inconvenience of waiting for the actual coinage to take place. In this country every depositor of gold bullion at the mint gets, as soon as the bullion can be weighed and assayed, an order on the treasury for 120.67 for every ounce, less the cost of melting and alloying, which U next to nothing. in Great Britain the Bank of England is required by its charter to pay for ounce of standard gold offered to It 77 shillings and 9 pence, in Its own notes, and these notes it muet redeem in gold coin on demand. It can then either have the gold coined into sovereigns at 77 »hiU in;rs and 10' i pence per ounce, or It can keep it uncoined. When the bank buys gold on its own account, as, for instanoe, when it buys American gold coin, It pays a trifle less than the regulation price; and when it sells, either our coin or gold bars, it gets as much more as purchasers are willing to pay. Nevertheless, the coining value of the gold flies, very nearly, the market price, and the deviations are trifling. When it comes to the value of gold measured by commodities, a different rule prevails. The price of gold does not vary, but the quantity of it required to procure In exchange any article that is bought and sold, varies according to the market. An ounce of coined gold will buy, some times 30 ounces of silver, sometimes 31, and sometimes 32. It will buy, some times 20 bushels of wheat, sometimes 30, and, at present, here In New York, about 25. When a jeweler needs gold he can either melt up gold coin or buy uncoined bars, as he pleases; but, either way, he pays very nearly the same value for it. Our answers to the questions put to us are, therefore: 1. The price of gold does not vary in a commercial sense the same as silver. 2. The price paid for gold bars does not indicate that gold fluctuates commercially. 3. Gold Is amenable to the law of supply and demand, but the variations in its value are indicated by the prices of other commodities, of which prices gold coin, or its equivalent, la the measure.—N. Y. Sun. "There cau hardly be » better rule in any country for the legal than the market proportion. The presumption in ntich raite In that each metal find* it* true level according to its intrinsic utility fn the general system of money operation. "AM long as gold, either from Its intriiiMic superiority as a metal, from It* rarity, or from the prejudices of j mankind, retains so considerable a pre-eminence in value over sliver as It lia» hitherto had, a natural conse quence of thlM fteems to be that Its condition will l>e more stationary. The revolutions, therefore, which may take place in the comparative value of go I d and Mllver will be changes in the Mtute of the latter rather than In that of the former." Alexander | Hamilton. \ • A I'ointer from Jefferson.. "The roal credit of the United States depends on the ability and the immuta bility of their will to pay their debts."— Thomas Jefferson, 1792, Letter on Panic. Tom Watson's throat Is getting into in • i>/l 11 it in nnHoi* tht* cara of his physician, but it is the glory of Bryan s throat that it is yet to miss a schedule. • t>OIVS Pll-liS cure Idver Ills, ''liousness, Indignation, Headache. A pleasant laxative. All Drafflsta. The principal part of a Kaffir's lelig ion consists in singing and dancing. Don't trifle away time when yon have cholera morbus or diarrhoea. Figbt them luthe beginning with DeWitt's colic and c olera cure. You don't have to wut or results, they are instantaneous, and it fe ivts the bowels in healthy condition.. Hkuick r. Deletion'* Sarmparilla Pillx" Con tail) all ttie virtues of the liquid Sar saparillas in a concentrated form and t;e itig candy caated are delightful to take. Combined wtih the are other extrtmely valuable blood and nerve reine dies, which render them at once the great est blood purifiers and blood makers as well as tho most powerful nerve builder known. Their magical powers to cure all Nervous Diseases, Nervous Weakness Nervous Headache llysteiia, l.v/ss of Vitai I'owurs, Failing Health, etc , are pleasing and wonderful Price 00 cents and SI.OO Sold by Kedtck y indolent ulcers and ojien sores. DeWitt's '-V'itch Hazel Salve speedily heals them It is the tiest pile cure known. Ukdiok & Grohmann. The length of the Box Tunnel on the Great Western Railway of England is 168 yards T F. Anthony, Ex-Postmaster of Fro niise City, lowa, says: "I bought one bottle 01 "Mystic Cere' for Rheumatism, and two doses of it did me more good than any medicine I ever took. Sold by J. C. Itedick, and J. F. Italph druggists, Butler The management of the Austrian fe male prison is in the hands of female re unions orders. Belief tn Six it nuts —Distressing Kidney and Illadder dis eases relieved in six h>«urs by the "New Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on ac count of it e exceeding promptness in re lioving pain in the bladder, kidney, back ind every part of the urinary passages in male or loinale. It relieves retention ol water and pain in passing it almost im mediatly, Ifyou want quick relief and C irril to lohi- any of tin m. lie tei.dy for tho green apple season by having DeWitt's eollo ami cholera ciro iu the house. Rkdiok ength by physicians, but the sufferers ■vant quick relief; and One Minute Cough :uro will give it to them. A sale cure b>r children. It is ''the only harmless remedy that produces immediate results." Rkwok eople rise early in the morn ing, in London late. In Paris the bed stands longside the wall; in London in the midst of the floor. The Climax Brandy of 1876 Vintage Has proven to be a superior distillation and with years of ripening is now put on the market by the Speer N. J. Wine Co. It is a superior mellow brandy posessing all the medicinal properties for which brandies from grape are so eminently useful. Sold by druggists. A horse can live 25 days without solid food, merely drinking water. , A Speer's Unfermented Grape Juice in Europe. Has a wide reputation from its effi cacy in the sick room. The juice is rich, tastes like eating the ripe grape fresh from the vine: used by churches. Many diamond diggers of Hrazil con -1 end that the industry is still in its in fancy in that country, The coffee plantations of Guadeloupe occupy the mountain ranges, and ure from 600 to 1,800 feet in altitude. If you have ever seen a little child iu the agony of summer complaint, yon cau real ize tho danger of '.ho trouble and appreci ate the value ot instantaneous leliet al ways afforded by DeWitt's colic and chol era cute For dysentery and diarrhoea it is a reliable remedy. Wo could not af ford to recommend this us a cure unlet s it were a cure. Rkdii.k it Grohmann. An example of Tctntninck's pangolin has lately been added to the collection of the Zoological Society, I^ondon. A homing pigeon is credited with hav ing flown, a short tunc ago, 500 miles in one day, flying at. the rate of 50 miles an hour. Windsor Castle stands in the Civil Ser vice estimates for an average of $30,000 for yearly repairs. The last London home of Sydney Smith is about to be aliolishcd. 187(1 CUiniu llrandy From grape wine, has, by its extreme age and constant caie while 111 uniform temperature and pure, Hiveet atiaoupb'jre of houses for fourteen yoarr, be oomo ar ! val of the llennenHey anil other brands el Cognac Ifran<'.y. »nd muci lower in price, and preferred by the pby»ician« or Philadelphia, Now York and other cit:en Ituy it ol druggist*. I>r. Ague#'# Cure lor tbt< Hearigi/'tt Effect relief in all oaseH of Organic o< sympathetic Hoat DiitoMo in 30 miuutej and Hpoedily effects a cure. It in a peer 'ess remedy l'.»r Palpitation, Shortness o .'real li, Sinotherfag Spells, Pein in Lei •-ide and all symptoms ofa Discard Heart no dose convinces. Hold by City Phar T3BOV. The number of inhabited houses in Loudon is estimated at al>out 548,300. The railway Op Snowdon the highest mountain in Wales is now completed. The brogue in lJelfast is but a weak indication of what Dublin can produce. Florida will be in the orange market again this fall with 100,'>00 boxes. The Yellowstone geyyers arc reported to be gradually lessening in activity. The lobster factories along the Maine coast have closed alter an unsuccessful season. Delm ir, M. d. had a mad dog scare last week and 38 dogs were killed by the town authorities. Shaketpcar make than 300 ref erences to th _• liible. ' -.mhbbbbwpwbw Ff blrliratrrN FnfflUli IMinmrf Brtil. ENNYROYAL PILLS Original aaJ\ (MM »"»*#•v v • L ralta •fw Jfrs» Wjn-.olb. r. H*fu**d*m9*ryus .übiHtu- V I / A/r, I C- JP lr» at ain ( a fur j.arlleulara t< *t im..nlala ar. 1 \ O " Haiti f fbr l-adlra," la l«ffr h f ratara . \ IT AS Mil. lO.ftOO T'• 'timonuu Afan« fhfir. . V ~f < kl. t.r>«r< irmlcßlC»,M«dl«..n "nu.rr, fcut7LuUM.iJ[.u>Ju.. \ rkii»4», \twi\ PLUC W i| S " Battle Ax" is popular with all M || parties because of its remarkably || H fine flavor, its high quality and the jjS W low price at which it is sold* s r H The people of the United States 3 S know a good thing when they see I • U it, and they won f t pay 10 cents for M gj other high grade tobaccos while they | |j can get "Battle Ax" for 5 cents* | DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES/ GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPOLIO^ ACCIDENTS HAPPEN ros'ir* EXTRACT- he liih y iei 'n SeceasUy. ,».« DORT&KWNMUIIM BICYCLE. __ I ; A REPAIR KIT. M POND'S EXTRACT is IIP for quickly healing all kinds*if ®ND ®i avoid BUBBTITU fES-Woak, Watery, Worthless. POND'S EXTRACT CO., 76 Fifth Ave., New York. DOCTORS LAKH km m I*l*l // TK DISPKNSAKT. v JB Cca» Peni. Ave. ANL> Fourth Bt.. iMBKUk PITTBBUROK. PA. • JaJilLvA AtHorniaof Delicate ana Lom p\iciit4*1f«l --icatioo aro treated at thin !>» ,rn-;ir> with a uceest /"rely attained. JDj . S /v Lake '+ "■ member of tin' Itovjl C oih e 'Of I hy nciaPK <1 n from ttrwviv lie- • al oxertion.i idwretion of youth, ctr., ran • ni, jilivdeal ami jurntul »! • ay»la«*k of |« -!.<»»,'.'iicv. etc.; a..ioCr h #/Ut So»-« -, r tif*. I'iU* . • lifuiDiitiwm. ami all u- "Cio! trie Skin iii.i iui ! 'ilimfl'i»tic. Ccu j. • •• 1 bitlrtly coiin'h ntiat *» 'i< v-huui' 1M« 7 to S p.M.i bnn«iaym 2 to ■* » »>, \ ai- ofh-e or u«Mich- I T* . 1 ' ! . X A* » VNH ♦ » - »'• 1 • • until IS THE TIME TO HAVE nun Your ClotH CLEANED or DYED If you want good and reliable cleaning or dyeing done, there is just one place in town where you can get it, and that is at THf BUTLFR DTI WORKS '2lO Center avenue. do fine work in out door Photographs. This is the time of year to have a picture of your house. Give us a trial. R. FISHER & SON. Agent for the Jamestown Sliding Blind Co. —New York. oft #slf ({ q The Place to Buy GAS COOK ING AND 11 EATINGSTOVICS, gas burners and fix tures, HOSE, BATH TUBS, ENAMEL AND IMPROVED WELSHBACH GAS BURNER, H. O'BRIEN I ON 107 East Jefferson St. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fira Insurance Company, Office Cor.Main & Cunningham A |.K. WH'K. I'rra. UKO. KKTTKKKH. Vic- Tr... |„ K MrJIt.MCIN. S'<-| ami Trra., DTRKCTOKH: Alrn-I Wick. illciidi raoii OMvfr, Ir. W.lrvlii. iKjiit-H .nh.i,bwi- , >v. W. Illttckinore. K. Bowman. , 11. J. Kllnplt-r e»> K«tt'-rcr, •' li»*. Kfimnn, Lec. Keotio, I Kwhluh, LOYAL MciUNIKN Agent. WHAT l RON WILL DO. IS NATURE'S OWN TOVIC Ntimi'.latos the nppsti.e and pro aueoa rofrcihinK aleop. GIVES VITAL STRENGTH TO NURSINt R MOTHERS. Chrcki want'n* diaeaaea, atop* night awouta, curat incipiou' couhuiu jtion. Jncreaae? atrorj..h and flash. MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD, m * Fromotos healthy lun* tiasuo. Will Rive the pale and puny tkfl -jjrav wy- roay cheek a of youtn. («\¥ CURES ATX PKMALE COMPLAINTS. Ai"nken atronit ra»u miyH treatment f)Oc, pauipt)l«t tree. II not kept by your drugfUt, addr«u GILxVIORE & CO., CINCINNATI, O. tWh&t Nerve BerriM have done foreth«r» ano Permanently A positive cure tor all Weaknesses, Nervousness, Debility, and all their tr ti.iof evils resulting from early errors an J later excesses; the result of over work. sickness, worry, etc. or excessive tobacco,opium and liquor, which lead to consumption anti insanity. Their use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist 'ipon having llu mine NERVF BERRIES, no other. Convenient to carry in vest pocket. Price, Sf .00 per box, six '-/oxes, one full treatment, 55.00. Guaranteed tocure any case. If not kept by your drug gist we will send them by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. Pamphlet fice. Address mail ordcrsto AMERICAN MEDICAL 00 . CINCINNATI. 0. VITALIS * well ViTALIS 10tb ° e, i THE OP.EAT soth FRENCH REMEDY sou.Dar pHOl'i er.s THF! ABOVK REHOI.TH It <|tuck- Ir i'i <1 H'tr'-ry rpmoTf« NrrT'iiimirwi. Ui. M r IH.. ..<>« I.at Vitality,Powar nr,.t ! ill'ii/ Memory Wnril. nff In.unity and i .i - mi 1n.1.l HIS VONI'T ( , .nrf r—• \.l,|r.-.» CAM" 1 i MI.t>ICINE OOChicago, 111. For »ect our • I • JL 1 « lll «" Holidays ar >tock ' riving daily. WHY Stffi PEUFLE ARB DOWN ON WHISKEY Tliei ait- a great number of people who will tell y< that whiskey is not good—That they tried it, and it proved of little or no benefit to 11, jiu, and that they didn't know what the doctors were about when they prescribed vvhiskcy for indigestion, consumption and many kindred complaints. The reason for all this is easily found—These people have never used ABSOLUTELY PURE LIQUORS simply because they never kju.w where to buy them. What an amount of suffering cou'.d be saved, had these people sent their ortieis to AX KLEIN, Allegheny, Pa. Over a quarter of a century have wise ones sent him their orders —They know that his name is a guarantee of purity on every bot tle leaving his establishment, and that the liquors shipped by him ate the very best. Have you ever tried Silver Age Rye? If not send $1.50 with your order to him and " you will receive a quart of the finest and old est whisky in the world. His stcok is com plete, and a glance through bis catalogue (mailed free upon application) will prove his prices to be the lowest in the state. When in need of liquors send your oreer to MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal St. Allegheny Pa. EXPRESS CHARGES PAID on all orders of $5 00 and over—Get your friends to club together. "Oh, I Guess That'll Have To Do." Customers never say that in our shop. We don't keep the "have-to-do" kind of stock. You can get exactly what you want here. The only trouble you can possibly experience is to know just what to choose, from so much that is Stylish, Llegant and Suit able. Our tables are piled high with the choicest weaves from the best looms of America, England and the Continent. If we are not already making your clothes, come in, and experince the real luxury of buy ing from a stock complete, varied and beautiful. If you come once you'll come again. *J. S. YOUNG, Tailor, Hatter and Men's Furnisher, op RALLY ROUND THE FLAG, SOUND HONEY, ! * \ NATIONAL HONOR, HOME PROSPERITY. THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, 1 THE LEADING NATIONAL REPUBLIC!! FAMILY HEUSPiPER, Will make a vigorous and relentless fight through I the Presidential campaign, for principles which ! will bring prosperity to the entire country.^ 1 Its campaign news and discufcsions will inter | est and should bo read by every Aniericnn citizen. We furnish "The Citizen"* and ! "N. Y. Weekly Tribune" 4 Months, I 7 Weeks for 50 cents. CASH IN ADNANCE. Address all orders to Til CITHER. W rite your name and address on a postal card, scud it es, liottle and tube cleaners etc. It you desire a sterilizer we can supply you with one, or will lie pleased to furnish any desired information concerning them, Disinfectants should be used extensively at this season of the year, the best being copperas, chloride-lime, and crude carbolic acid, the latter being Utter than the pure, as in purifying an imj>ortant disin fecting agent is removed, we have a large supply of these at all times. We also carry a full ine of toilet articles and sick-room requisites. REDICK& G ROHM ANN PEOPLES PI ION K. i 14 ULTLLK PA. ) 111 LI C M It is poor economy to take your watch aoywbereS } for repairs except to a reliable watchnißker. X ?OUT OF Every class of repairing that is brought into onr I /fID nC D Htore done 8killc(1 workmen, experts in tbeir \ S 1 various lines, and we endeavor to hare everything S J correct before it leaves our banJs. X ? GRICyB, JEWEim | \ ESTABLISHED 1850. 13l» N Main St.. BUTLER^PA^/