Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 29, 1896, Image 3

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-» I ■
New Advertisements.
0. A T's Furnishings.
The Cultivator and Country Gentleman.
How to make and enlarge an estate.
JTOTE —All advertisers intending to mafrt
obages in their ads. should notity us of
♦h»ir intention to do so, not later than
Monday morning.
Administrator.' and Executor* of estates
c*u secure their receipt books at the CiT
xis office
The Unsealed Return.
The attention of all election boards in
the county is called to the fact that the law
requires tliern to send two returns to the
Prothonotary of the County—one seale<l
for use by the Court, anil one unsealed
for general inspection. We hope that all
the boards will not forget this —the un
sea'ed return—as it is from them that
the newspaper men aecure their news of
the election.
hen a boy meets a body,
On the way to vote,
And a body hands a body
A two dollar note.
And that body, like a body
Full of scurvy tricks,
Votes the other ticket, why,
That is politics. "—Ex.
Pious girU only play on upright
—Tailors say knickerbockers are boun.:
to come.
—T Tuxedo coat will bo much worn
this w '.er.
'j;-. aro UoOd as a substitute
for Ui.-pin.
—Special train from Allegheny Satur
day night, at 12.
—Telephone companies don't believe
that silence is golden.
—Tne Popourat tells bis girl she is worth
16 times her weight in silver.
—Tbe humorous sido of a banana peel
is the side some other fellow steps on.
—Tbe shade trees are now lurnisbing
lots of excerci'e with rake ana broom.
A woman feels surest that smoking is
hurting her husband's health right after
she has cleaned her lace curtains.
The height J( economy is reached
when a wouiau puts her wedding gown
away thinking she may use it for a second
marri gt.
"Tnere is as inujh difference between
a politician aa.l a statesman, says the
Philosopher, ' as there is between a sueak
thief ana a btnk looter."
—Halt the people of Butler visited the
scene ot the accident Sunday alternjon.
That bridge should be made widei. There
iB nothing to prevent the recurrence of
this accident.
—Tbe Treasurer ot the Butler School
Board received bat $7,155:43, from tho
State this year, though the enrollment
of oTJr sobools is larger than last year
when our check was for $9,036:58.
—The Atlantis Club will receive the re
turns on ibe night of election by private
wire, at their clnb rooms, S. Main St. A
limited number of the 'riends of the club
have been invited.
—We are pleased to note thi»t some of
oar citizens are repairing their dilapidated
sidewalks. A worn out walk is dangerous
at night. A plank walk is the best of
walks in Winter timo if it is kept in re
Supreme Court oi Pennsylvania
has decided recently that a stockholder in
a water, gas or electric company, that has
a contract with a city or borough for the
products of his company, cannot hold a
position in the Councils ol such city or
—The largest and handsomest sign in
town is that of the
just erected over the windows of the col
lege rooms on Main St. It is 50 feet long
by about three feet in height, and was
built of Cheny that has been in stock in
Batler for 20 years. The letters were cut
ont of the same wood, are raised abont an
inch and are painted in silver white, while
the background is sand black. It is a very
large and attractive sign, and is indicative
of the prosperity of one of the beat institu
tions in Butler.
—A visitor who has just returned from
Canton, says he walked up to the residonce
of Major McKinley to see it it was true
that all the glass in the yard had been
tramped out of existence, and he found it
oorrect. He says if an animal that could
live a yoar on a single blade of grass was
turned into that yard to hint an existence
it wonld die of starvation. The lawn in
front of Mr. McKinley's residence was at
one time one of tho handsomest in the
oity, bat not oniy has it been destroyed
bat shrubbery and fence has been torn
away and carried off by relic hunters.
—Penna. lovers who hie themselves to
Jamestown or other points across the
York State border, in ordor to obtain the
ceremony whweby theii two hearts may
beat their way through life as one, will
be interested to learn that anew law went
into effect in th>,t State on the Ist of Oct
ober. It requires that the marriage no
tices shall be filed with city or town
olerk, who shall enter on a book kept for
that purpose the nama of oach party, place
of residence, time an~ place of marriage,
and name and official station ol the person
signing the crtificate. This service re
quires a 25 cont fee.
—The effort to show that tho Licycle is
immoral revives the proposition that im
morality is the result ol bad persons rathei
than bad vehicles or bad anything else.
There are bad church members; wherefore
should we abolish the church f There is
immorality in some schools; must we
therefore abolish education T And thero
are wimen who ache for notoriety; must
we therefore banish from the road all
modest women who use the wheel for
pleasure or exercise!—' Thero is a tendency
in opposing some new things to raise the
ory of immorality. To the puro all things
are pure.—lmmorality comes from tho
heart, not from using any of the good gifts
of nature, art or invention.
—Young men who prepose practicine
throwing a ball all winter in the bam
shall heed the warning of an eminent phy
•ioian regarding the "Oat Carve." He
says th»> the effort to put (hat particular
twist on the ball strains the poctoralist
major and the coraco-brach (a small at
tachment of the muscular process operat
ing the acapnia or shoulder blade, in giv
ing the arm the wide swing this curve re
quires), the infraspinatus (muscles lying
beneath the thorny protrusions of the lat
ter bono and affected by a necessary twist
of the full ;srm) and the ulnir (muscla
which operates the under and larger of the
two bones of the forearm) in its special
application to this effective delivery. So
don't do it. Confine yourself to the in
curvo and the drop.
A little work, a little play
To keep u.< going—and so good day ;
A little warmth, a little light
Of loves bestowing—and so good night !
A little fan to m**<!h the sorrow
Of ea< h day's growing—and sogooi mor
row !
A little trust that 7ri,«n we die
We reap our sowing !Aud so good-bye !
Robt MeCai; ha.? brought action in
relpevin vs Wm Snyder for one bay bursa
valued at SSO.
J. E. McCutsheon i Bro. have brought
suit in ejectment vs A H Cobn «fc Co for 5
tons of junk rope, valued at SIOO.
James A McJlarlin TH appointediminor
ity inspector lor the 3d ward of Butler.
On recommendation of Harry L Graham,
D B Dennison and H M Colbert, Commit
tee. ilary A Helden was adjudged insane
and sentenced to the Hospital at Dixmont.
The farm of the late Samuel Weber, of
Forward township, about 60 acres wad
sold at public on \\ ednepday list tor
the fum of $2200. Mr. Abraham Barrick
being tho crier of the sale.
N S Barrickman to H A Barrickman lot
in Butler for SI3OO.
ft A Barrickman to J L Barnckman lot
in Butler tor SI3OO.
Thos S Fiemiuii to il E Fleming 91 acres
in Parser for SSOO.
Kobt McClung to A Lgmanonowski ldt
in Butler lor S3OO.
S D Purvis to C S Shoup lot in Butler
for SIOO.
Wm T McCandless to J T Heaven 4S
in Connoquenessing for SISOO.
J T. Heaven to W T McCandless 8 acres
in Connoquenes-iug for SGOO.
Clara Uilliard to 11 il Barney lot in
Petroiia for SSOO.
The Butler & Pittsburg R K have re
corded the following grants this week;
from M E Ekas land in Clinton for s3i/0;
Juo Wiley land in Clinton for $275; G A
L'st land in Clinton for $25; U C Hartmen
land in Jefferson tor $175.
Marriage i^icensis
George C Vicklas Hvans Citv
Jennie L Croft.. ...Craiberry t'wp
James D Stewart Worth twp
Sarah il Kedic Shir
Altred D Mc Carney ....Yenango tWj
Emma L Johnston
Edward Turner Greece City
ilary J Bowers "
J J McGam.li Clarion Co
EUa \V. Kaulold jellerson twp
acob J Hoffman Pittsburg
Bora A Pubs M t Chestnut
Samuel K Crowe Renfrew
Minnie E Hamilton Brownsdale
Chas A Hawk Butler
Sadie N. Rankin Baldwin
W J Campbe.l Cherry twp
Agnes E Douthett Connoquer.ecsing
At Pit'fburg—A Jordan and Hattie
Kelly of Mars.
At Meadville, L M. Cochran and Mina
Styer. 9
—Hang out flags Saturday.
—Next Tuesday is election day.
—The season of dances is at hand.
—The old yos\r is gradually passing
—Thanksgiving will be the next legal
—Potatoes are not as good a crop as
last year.
—The rabbit siootiug season opens
Nov. Ist.
—We are always very thankful for news
—Wild geesa are now taking thou flight
—Get the bad sidewalks in better con
dition for winter.
Only one week and the political agony
will be over.
—Look out for political roorbacks from
now until election day.
—The "oldest inhabitant" has been
around with his prediction that the com
ing winter is to be severe.
—Since the But ler Portrait Co. located
in Butler they have taken three-hundred
orders for pictures. They make an ex
cellent picture for the price.
—The Ladies History Glass will meet in
the T. M. C. A. building on Friday, Nov.
6, at 3p. m. Subject for the winter, "Tlio
Decades of the Nineteenth Century.
—A young lady in a neighboring town
is euch a firm silverits that when her
young man calls on her she will not let
him go home till 16 minutes to 1.
—A young man and woman of a neigh
boring town are reported to have made a
desparate wager: If Bryan be elected
he will marry her and if McKinley bo
elected sbo is to marry him.
—Membors of a Philadelphia conirre.
g&tion are trying to figure our just what
their pastor meant when ho counseled
them to vote as thoy prayed, and then ex
horted them to pray often.
—Morg Davis bot Jim Porter, the black
smith, $25.00 that he could not drive his
bay mare from Butler to Millerstown in
one hour, and Jim started from the Court
Honse, yesterday at noon and reached
Millerstown 57 ninutes after. The horse
is a small one weighing about 800 pounds.
—Onr grocers are paying 15 for butter.
18 for eggs, 20 to 22 for potatoes, 20 for
apples, 25 to 30 doz bunches celery, 3 to 5
a head for cabbage, 40 per bu for walnuts,
75c to 1.00 per bu for hickory nuts. 2.50 for
chestnuts, 50 lor parsnips, 35 for carrots,
20 for turnips
—The school-teachers who are stop ping
at the Waverly had great Inn, this morn
ing. About eighty of them forired in the
parlor up stairs, and mirched down to the
dining room, where they surrounded and
serenaded a young married couple, who
were at breakfast; and woi'nd up the pro
ceedings by presenting them with a band
some, candy baby doll. It was groat fun
for everybody but the blushing bride and
embarrassed groom.
"In spite of all our work and pains.
In spite of party fettor,
Wo hope, no raattor whicn side gaing,
To see the times get better,
Rut one large class of men must view
The times with consternation;
The street debator will get through
And lose his situation,"
By an oversight on the part of tha I'ro
hibition comr.iittee.our nominee for State
Senator, Kev. K, M. Sherrard, does not
appear on the official ballot.
Stickers will be provided and placod in
all the voting precincts of the county.
V oters will please ask lor stickers.
A 11. UECKI.BR Chairman.
Estray Notice.
Two cows estraved from the residence
of Jacob Koiber, E. lelfeison street, But
ler, Pa,, one Alderny and one red cow.
Any information leading to the finding of
same will be suitably rewarded.
Butler Pa.
Pants— Over 2000 pairs to select
from, at prices, oh well, don't men
tion them, its' awful, where *U
Miss Anything but the fine photos
which Findley will make for the
teachers during Institute at reduced
rateq. Cryetal types and platino
types. Always the latest. Call
and see the work.
FINDLKY, successor to Zuver
I*. 0- Building
Telephone, No. 23<».
The Peoples' has complete line of
ladies', Misses, and children's under
wear la Union suits, we cayy the
largest stock in Butler. Prices from
25c to $2.75. 3t
Music scholars wanted, at 128
W. 'Wayne St.
Trunks, valises, baga and tele
copes—at HECKS.
Harry Book ha* moved to Buttercup.
Will Kennedy is now with Robt. Gar
rard on Jefferson street.
C. il. Cnbbisom niw has tbe barber chair
in theoffiqe of the Waverly.
Rev. Collins is expected homo from
England, next Sunday.
David Studebaker, Esq . of Worth town
ship, wa-< in town on business, Tuesday.
Jasmine ilcAJpine il. D. will open an
office in the Bickel Block, November 1-t.
A. if. and his bride are oconp.v
ing rooms in the Harvey residence on S.
Main St.
Mr John Zahradneck has completed a
fine new house on the Plankroad on lot
purchased from J. H. Negley.
Mr. Andrew Lemon, of Butler twp, had
somo fine apples in town, lftst week, ot
tho Sweet Vandevert, Sweet Paradise,
Baldwin. Russet. Fallowater, Roman
Beauty and Rainbo Tarietics.
J. L. Kirkpatrick has resigned the P. d
W. agency at Renfrew and nas purchased
the Markwell store. Markweli is going
back to Greece City to help Lis lather in
the store there.
C. H. Book and wile, of Cherry were in
town yesterday. Like many other farmers
Mr Book, his an immense apple crop this
year, and some varieties prbw to an un
usual rizo.
Josiah M. Thompson and his daughter,
ilrs. Elmer McJunkin returned from W.
Ya., last week. Mrs. Tnomp-on was
seriously ill, but is recovering. The boys
were also home, but have returned.
Dr. J. C. Boyle, a native of Worth twp,
and who lor tho past six years nas been
piacticing in Wnshington Co. lias moved
to Butler and has opened an office on Jef
ferson St.. two doers below Zimmerman's
dry goods store.
The purchasing agencies aro paying
$1.17 today.
BROWNSDALE —Mong <fc Go's, well on
thair 5 acre lease on tne Eshelman came
in last week ard is doine 40 barrels.
BAKF.RSTOWN —Black Bros. <fc Co. have
finished np their No. 2 on the George Hays
tarm, in the Gold tictd, and have a
from the third samd.
BfTTKPcrp—Waiker <fc Cos No. 4,
Shakeluy, came in Monday, and Will make
a 25 bbl. well. Phillips well on the Shorts
is dne this week.
PARKER TWP —D. Lutz, of Pittsburg is
drilling on the W. W. Whieidon farm,
adjoining the Alien.
(Notices in this column cost 50 cents
for ten lines or less. When the bills aro
printed at tne CITIZEN office they are in
serted one time free.)
On Friday. Oct. 30th, on the Berg farm
east of West Suabury, Joseph Ekis will
sell three horses, one cow, wagon, buggy,
plow, harrow, hay, grain, etc. See bills
Mrs. Margaret Held will have a sale of
personal property on the old Brell farm in
Forward township, on Monday, November
2d, beginning at 10 a. m. See bills posted.
Jas. Stevenson, of Clay township, Utar
Euclid station, will have a sale of personal
property on YVertnesday, Novembor 4th.
Attention G. A. R.
Jndge Alfred Darte, Commander ol the
Dep't <>t Pa. G. A. K., with his staff of
fleers and a number of promiuent Pittsbnrg
comrades will pay an official vioit to Post
105, Butler, Pa., on
All open meeting will bo held in !he Court
House on Thursday evening, to which all
comrades of the G. J. K. in Butler Co.,
and all ex-soluiers and their friends are
cordially invited. Let every Post in the
coanty bo fully represented.
The Holmes and Woliord company com
mence a three nights engagement at the
Park Theatre Monday night presenting
the new romantic drama the "Brand -of
Cain" This company carry their own car
of special scenery, and will present this
Brand scenic production 'he same as at
the Lincoln Theater Chicago, where tne
|ilay rucentfv closed a very successful two
weeks engagomentjduring the eiigavnmi-.nt
the following repertoire will be produced,
Monday, The "Brand of Cain." Tuesday
The "Isle of Cuba," Wednesday Frank
Mayos greatest success The Streets of
New York. Prices 10,20 and 30 cents,
Legal Holiday
Tuesday, November 3, 1896, lift'ug a le
gal holiday, the postoffice in Butler will
be open on that day as follows:
From 7:30 to 10 a. m. and from 5 to 7 p.
Regular morning delivery.
How to Make or Enlarge an
Bay an Endowment Bond, issued
by the National Life Insurance Co.
of Vermont, which provide for any
emergency that may arise.
Thej contain the following guar
FiasT—A fixed cash value at the
end of the third year and every year
thereafter while in force, which is
plainly endorsed on the contract.
SECOND —Extended insurauce
when desired, for the full amount of
the contract for a definite time.
THIRD —A paid up policy after
three years for the full amount that
the reserve will purchase.
FOURTH —The Bonds can be ussd
as collateral security in obtaining
loans from the company or from any
Ask Ohas Irwin or A R. Arm
strong to call and explain these con
Butler, I'a.
Low Prices in Musical Goods.
Some special prices at Grieb <te
Lamb's dissolution sale now going
Near Pianos S2OO and up
New Organr. SSO and up
Guitars $4 and up
Mandolins 50 and up
Violins $1.50 and up
Autoharps $2 and up
Tnere are also some second hand
instruments—pianos at $35 tc SIOO.
Organs at S2O to $!I0.
Harmonices and other musical in
struments at p'oportionately low
rates. Strings of all kinds constant
ly in stock.
Fulton Market.
Fish, Oysters, Poultry and Game
in season.
Fish and Oysters received daily.
We dress all our poultry in this
market, in the finest of style. Goods
delivered to any part of the city. I
handle uoihing but the finest grad CB
of Fish aud Salt Witer Oysters
I have the finest facilities in the
city for handling such goods. J pay
the best prices for live poultry.
Try rny goods once, and you will
have no other.
II DIVEL. Prop'r.
Bell Telephone, No. 57
Fruit and Vegetable
On South Main Street, next door to
Stein's bakery, where you can secure
iresh Garden Stuff, every morning.
Green Lima Beans a specialty.
Fruits ot all kinds.
Spring chickens dressed or alive.
Eggs and butter. Oysters, Game
in season and celery, also cabbage
for kraut,
Leave your orderb for Ketsup, &c
Institute Notes.
There are 31D school rooms in Butler
I county, and on Monday of this week, threo
• hundred inlelleetaal, healthy, handsome
aud well dre-<ed school-teachers registered
' here as membeis of the 421 Annual Teach
i ers Institute of Batler county.
I Snp'dt Cbee-eman makes an agreeable
presiding officer and he ha' been very
fortunate in his seiec'ion of instructors, all
of whom are giving satisfaction.
The talent among tho te»chers themselves
was illustrated by John E. Kocher in his
happy response to the address of welcome.
Prof. Caughlin's address ou "Character
Building," Monday evening, was listened
to by a large and appreciative audienc.
It was very good
Dr. Xelson, the instrnctor fn Physiology
is giving great satisfaction. His talks uro
interesting because he i> thoroughly e- n
versant with his subject.
The teachers wore lavored with excel
lent weather for their Institute, i.nd tho
change from December to October an
innovation that will probably be per
At Tuesday morning's session Sapd't
Cheeseman had the roll called, and all
thosrt teachers who were absent were so
marked, oven though their cards had been
punched f<>r the day.
Prof. Sprenkel is a very good leader in
mtisic, aad his efforts doing the week were
appreciated. .
Ue was ably assisted by some of tho
young ladies of the town and county.
Wednesday the Court ronin was crowded
a'i day, with many peop'.o standing. Dr.
Nelson, Prof. Murphy and Sapt Caughlin
talked on different subjects daring the day.
The Directors meeting in the Ander on
building was presided over by P. li.
Burke, Esq. of Karus City, wUo made a
short speech advocating neatness in the
external appearance of the school bui. J
ings, and also in the school-rooms.
Xot .1 great many directors wero pr -
seat at the morning session and the timo
was laKen up electing officers for the en
suing year as follow.-:
President, Dr. 0. P. Pisor ol Xorth
Uope; V. P., J. J. Maxwell of Baldwin:
aud Secy., W. P. Jamison.
During the aiternoon session addresses
were wade by Dr. Thomas, G. D. Swr.in,
Prof. Murphy, A. L. Campbell and S. F.
Bowser. Mr. Bowser talked on t, • Com
pulsory School law, the provisions of which
arc not fully understood.
The Dew Presbyterian church in Bruin
was dedicated last Sunday. Rtv. T! >1111:-
s.m made the dedicating sermor.. end dar
ing the week services have been conducted
by Revs. M. D. McClelland, Prospect; J.
K. MeKallip, Punxsutawney; J R. Coulter,
D D, Crawford's Corners; F. A. Kern-s
Moon Run; J. W. Miller, Parker; and R. L
.Alter, Xorth Hope.
There will be English service and com
munion in St. Marks Lutheran church on
next Sunday morning. Preparatory ser
vice on Saturday at 10:30 A. M.
Rev. A, H. Jolly of Pittsburg will
preach in the Presbyterian church r<-xt
Sabbath both morning and evening.
Excursion to Allegheny via P. & W.
Saturday Oct , 31 the P. & W. Ry. will
sell excursion tickets from Butler to Alle
gheny and return at the rate of $1.2;3.
Tickets good an all regular trains and on
special train leaving Allegheny at. 12
o' clock p. m. Oct., 31. Butler time.
Mr. E M. Cowtn has located in
Butler at Wick Ilonse, where he is
prepared to do all kinds of auction
eering and yenduo crying at reason
able rates.
He comes to as well recommended
us a first class salesman, having had
years of experience. Plea?e give him
a cal! at the Wick Hous's. Mail
orders promptly attended to.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
E. M COWAN, Butler Pa. 22 8
North Maia street.
You may key up your expecta
tions a notch or two higher without
fear of disappointment; the values
are so far ahead of anything you
ever saw, the goods themselves so
perfect, so stylish, so thoroughly up
to date, that much as we may prom
ise you will find more when you get
125 IF. Jefferson St.— V block west
of Berg's Bank.
I)o you want a hat or cap? HECK
haa them aud can save you money
Free. Free. Free.
Your name on a postal card will
bring a copy of The Butlor Business
College Exponent.a bright eight page
monthly paper, issued by The Butler
Business College and School of Short
hand Butler. Pa
—25 per cent saved by buying
Horse Buket3 and llobes at MAR-'
—The Butler Business College
aad Schocl of Shorthand. High
grade commercial, shorthand and
English school, located in Butler
Curriculum embraces Book keeping,
Shorthand, Type-writing. Commer
cial Arithmetic, Commercial Law,
Grammar. Geography and Spelling.
Knrlorseil by baukers, merchants aud
patrons tali and winter term opens
(September Ist.
Men's underwear in cotton and
wool at'2oe to SI.OO at The People's
Stpre. 3t
—Job work of all kinds done at the
Wanted to Rent a desirable House
in Butlea or vicinity. Address. J
Box 254 Butler Pa.
Underwear—a specialty at HJJCK'S
his stock is largest and finest ever
offered in Bu''e»
—The National Life Insurance Co.
was organized in 1848; has conduct
ed a successful business ever since;
has now over $13,000,000 00 of as
sets and a snrplus of $1,500,000.00;
issues all kinds of life options, poli
cies, and endowment bonds, which
pive jaeh surrender values, paid up
insurance or oxtsnded insurance, at
the third year from date. State age
and write for sample bond.
Lock Box 771, Butler Pa.
Say Papa—did you see HECK'S
neckwear, it beats anything you ever
If you see a man walking along
the street with a preoccupied air,
looking downward, he is admiring
his stylish pair of pants mado at the
125 W. Jefferson St \ block west
of Berg's Bank.
—The Butler Lubricating Oil Co.
has moved back to tbeir old stand
119, W. J'-fferson St. Steelsmith &
Patterson's new building, where al
kinds of engine, machinery, and il
luminating oils of the finest quality
are kept in stock ia the basement,
j and will be delivered to any part of
the city when ordered from C. E.
Mel ntire, agent.
Sox and shirts, ill wool aud a vard
wids, cheaper thau the oheapest—at
J HECK'S, 121 N. Main St.
Edward Welsh. a South Side boy, brvike
his left leg below the knee, last Saturday,
while playing foot-ball.
Z. G. McGrady. of yaarry St. had a foot
gma hed at Larkin «fc Co's shop, !a--1
While picking apples last Friday. Xick
Spahn fell from the ladder, and the ladder
fell across his back, seriously injuring
him. The accident was caused by the
breaking of the limb, against which tho
ladder was resting.
Burt Hamilton, who wa.v killed by in
haling gas at a well in West Virginia,
was buried at Mars, on Wednesday of last
Jno. F. Shaffer's razor went astray last
week, and John has a sore thumb.
Phillip Ripper, of Evans City was kick
ed by a hor.-e, a few days ago. The wound
was above the eye, and blood poisoning set
:n and made the wound dangerous
Harry Daubar, ol Evans City fell from the
n< t a freight car, a few days ago. His
he'ad struck a coupling, and hisfikull was
One of the most remarkable accidents
that has ever happened in Butler occmred
last Satnrday evening. Al. Morrison, who
lives on Thorn Creek, and who had been
doing s.,me shopping in Butler that day
tarted home about 7 o'clock. The street
from the Campbell residences down t > the
Lridgo is steep and at that titno it was
muddy and slippery. Morrison must
have gone down on a trot, and pulled to
the right to avoid a rig euerging from the
bridge, for hi- horse went right on, over
the board-walk, through the railing across
the offset from the board-walk to the
' bridge, and headlong over the wall, tak
ing buggy and rider with him. Morrison
was thrown from bis'buggy over the wall,
turned somersaults going down, am 1 land
ed on his hands, breaking both wrists,
lit) was unconscious when picked up, and
was taken to John McCoy's house, where
hi- injuries were attended to, and he re-
C iveii-1 consciousness during the night.
He remembers nothing of tho circmu
stances ol the accident, nor of his ride
down street, alter leaving the store whero
he bought some blankets. The horse,
strange To say. was not injured and was
eating oats in a livery barn, half an hour
al l -- r; but the bogr,' was badly wrecked
A I. is a grandson ot old Matthew Morrison,
tho blacksmith, ot Water street, lory
yt ars ago.
Butler Co. C. E, Union.
A well attended meeting of the execu
tive committee ol the Butler County C. E.
Ur.i'n was held at tho office of the Pre>-i
dent. Dr. Jos. Forrester, in Butler on
Monday. Plans of work lor the year were
discussed and the following committees
Lookout Committee:—Rev. W. L. Me-
C'lun', Prof. Kocher. Ed Sahli, W. L. Al
lan, P. W. Lowry, C. X. Boyd, llev. J. E.
Eggert, Mr. Crawford, Chicora: Grace
I! lay my, Eva. McJunkin, Miss Vina Me-
Collough; Agne-» Aggas, Eanelaire.
Good Citizenship:—John Dight, Sup r
intendent, Ira Graham, Ralph Reed Will
Seligman Ira Gibson, 0. G McCandless.
Prot J. M. McClymonds, Prof. H. J.
Painter, Mr. Lcnsn r, Jacob Sitlcr, Earl
Orr. X. P. Bisb, Rev. 11. L A'.ter.
Missionary Extension:—Miss Eila
Young, Superintendent, Mrs. Rev. Collins,
Mrs J. G. Ruiikle, Rev. Edmuuson, Mrs
Annie Conway. Miss Mina Waldron, Mi.-s
Lizzie Stewart. Miss Lulu McCafforty,
Mrs. Xellie Frazier, Mfss Eva Thompson,
Miss llattie Fleming.
Junior Work:—Miss Ada Gumper, Sup
erintendent, Mrs. P. W. Lowry, Miss
Alico Borland, Rev. Geo. Davis, Miss
Liliie Dodds, Miss Flora Wally, Miss Ida
McClelland, Miss Xettie White, Miss
Dema Bard, Miss Rosetta Timblin, Miss
Emma Smith, Miss Ella Hockenborry.
Vox Popun—Buy your clothiDg,
underwear, hosiery, hats, caps, sox
and neckwear of 1). A. 'IECK.. aud
ave money.
Dress goods in the latest styles;
novelty goflds in 4 and 5 tone effects
all wool at 48c to §I.OO. Black novel
ties from 48c to $1.50 at The Peoples
Store. 3t
—Thousands of dollars worth of
Horse Blankets and Robes at MAR
For Sale.
A fine Farm of seventy acres. two""' w
WCSt ol Freeport, buildings good as new, j
plenly of water, fruit of all kinds, soil
good, five good gas wells within mile
of said farm. Price $4,000. For par
ticulars address.
Box 98. Silverville.
Butler Co, Pa.
If* «" The only genuine Spring
! Water Ice in Butler is now
being delivered to his customers daily
Leavo /our order at Iviehey's
Oh Mamma—you ought to see the
big piles of nhildrens suits at HECK'S
only $1.25, you can't get tho same in
town for less than $2.50,
—Horse Blankets aud Ilobes
cheap, at MARTINCOURT & Co's
—BoardingHouso Caras, witn Act.
of A ssombly, 25 cents for half-a-dozen
or sato at CITIZEN office
Our Mail Order
Depart merit.
fully equipped to do you good
service in selecting and sending
samples, filling orders for goods
selected from samples, and in
every way possible advancing in
terests of
Shoppers by Mail
Test the matter by sending for
full line samples of DRESS
—also write for NEW FALL and
Dress Goods
For this week— , . .
Extra wide ALL-WOOL SUIT
INGS—3B to 48 inches—sol'd
colors, checks and O ~
fancy weaves— 0»)L> y ar d.
assortment— tllyO yard.
Scotch Mixtures, 1 A 1! imported
1 i.-rr . I sl.2j and f1 50
1 weed Effects, \ goodri) sl<oo
Matelasse Suitings, yard.
Penn Avenue and Fifth St.,
Strong Compa iries,
J'ronwt Settlements.
Hortie Insurance Co. of New York, Insur
ance Co. of North America, of Philadelphia
Pa. Phenix Insurance of Brooklyn, N. Y.
aud Hartford Insurance Co. otllartlord Conn
OFFICE: Corner of Main* St. and the
D'-ii-mud, north o*Court House, Butler, l*<»
FR/IZER grhsf
Its it's arn unmirpafwed, actijnllv
outlustini; tvro boxes of any other bran.l Nut
•fTVcUxI i»y heat. (ITCiKT Til K i<\ l INK.
J i Wii tA-Lt UX i'JiALUtti (JESKKAI.I.V.
Several store- in Wampum wero broken
into anil robbed la-t Saturday night also
the P. O. atChewton,
A Xorristown special ol October Cth
says I)r. John Schrawder. of Arc -la, was
to-day convicted in the criminal court ol
furnishing a false -.tatement to the Xorris
town Breeze. This is tho first case in that
county tried under the law of ISD3. mak
ing it a iv-demeanor to fjmi-h false htate
ment to a newspaper.
Last Thur>day Dr. J. Stewart, of Alle
gheny, deputy State veterinarian, and Dr. j
1. X. Gregg, of Fayette connly, slaughter- i
ed 21 cattle suffering from tuberculosis, at
t'ae schindery of John Schlipp, :n Alle
gheny. The cattle wero the property of
r rank]Elliott, of Redstone, Fayette coun
ty. anil were condemned about two months
ago by Dr Gregg. A finer looking herd
ot cattle could not have been found in the
State. Ail wero registered Holsteins, and
their individual value ranged from $75 to
r- J. the entire herd being valued at about
i 3,000 The remains of the animals were
converted into fertlizer at the schindery.
The shoo store of W. C. Daugherty in
Freeport was destroyed by fire Monday
night Everything was lost excepting the
hooks and some Government stamps.
Xear Hamlin V 7 est Va., a few nights
ago. Ira Sawyer and several companions
went coon hunting. Sawper becamo sep
arated from his companion;* and losl his
way. He made a tire against a tree and
lay down to wait lor dly light. He went
to sleep and tfie lire burned the tree
through till it fell of its own weight, pin- j
ioning Sawyer to the ground. The tiro
continued to burn the tree till it reached
Sawyer and bnrned him so badly that he
died in an hour after his friends found htm
in the morning.
Tho interiors of the buildings ol the
Slat« Institution at Polk are now com
pleted, and as soon as they are furnished
will be ready for occupancy.
Two men wore killed and five persons
injured, three seriously, by an explosion
oi 1,800 pounds of nitro-glycerine, Mon
day morning at the Acme Dynamite com
pany's works, near Hulton, Pa. Tho dead
are: Janes La Dree, chiel mixer and
Jo.»eph Ku>sie, engineer. The injured
were: James Singholder. Robert Sing
holder, Emma Johnston, two unknown
boy>. Tho injured were all employes en
gaged at aork in another department, 3'JO
feet away from the scene of the explosion,
which wan iu the mixing department.
The cause of the explosion is not known,
but it is supposed that La Dree and Kussie
were thawing glyce'iae Tno building
was completely demolished and the bodies
•if (he two men were mangled beyond re
cognition. The loss was about $.">,000.
Windows were shattered and houses
shaken for a distanca ol more than a mile.
Several months ago the remains of a
young man killed by a Lake Shore train
near Duukirk were identified as those of
Samuel a machinist of Erie.
The body was brought to Erio and the
parents buried the remains in the family
burial lot. The identification was com
plete because of the inarKs on tho face,
together with clothes, jewelry and other
corroboratijg circumstances. On Friday
ia»t the real and original Samuel Lehman
walked in upon his parents. The surpris •
came nearly causing tho young man's
mother's death. Lehman had been on a
tour of the country aud had carelessly cut,
himself off from communication with his
friends, and had heard nothing of his sup
posed death.
Four year old Ilelnia Ursler wandered
away from her homo near Snow Shoe Pa.
Thursday noon. She was swollowed up in
the wilderness o( the Allegheny mountains
A large searching party turned out to beat
the woods. Lato Sunday afternoon four
lumbermen found the child in the dense
woods, qlaying with two beur cubs
Strange to say, tnongn her clothes were
torn, she was uninjured excopt by briar
scratches. The men were taking Molina
away when a UOO-pound bear dashed out
from the underbrush. After a desperate
struggle the beast was killed with axes.
Fritz Vanseer's right arm was terribly lacer
ated by the animal's teeth and claws, and
they may have to amputate it. Mrs.
Ursler was almost insane when the child
was returned. It i.j a trait of the bears in
that vicinity that they never harm little
W. AI. Barnes, of Grove City, commited
suicide at the Central Uonse, in Hubbard
Ohio, last Thursday morning by taking a
dose of strychnine. Ho came from Youngs
town the night belore and engaged a
room. Ha retired for the night and the
act must have beer, premeditated* for ho
T-t tv. i. TI:tI i ins WHO at brovo City.
The letters were loft on the table and ad
dressed to Mrs. \V. AT. Barnes Grove City.
Executors Notice.
Letters testamentary in the estate of
Harvey Cooper, dse'd, late of Slippery
rock twp., Butler county, Pa..having been
granted to the undersigned, ail pirsons
knowing tti'ii.selyes indebted to said es
tate will please make immediate payment
and any having claims against said estate
wiU present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
A, L. Coopkh, Ex'r.
Slipperyrock, Pa.
Ralston <fc Greer A.tt'ya.
Administrator's Notice .
Letters of administration in the estato of
Henrietta 1). Boatty. dee'd, lato of \\ ash
ington twp. Butler Co, I'a,, having been
grant.id to the undersigned. All persons
knowing themselves indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment, and
any having claims against said estate will
present them properly authenticated for
settlement to
E. C. Bkatty, Adm'r
Butler, Pa.
Williams & Mitciiel, Atty.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of administration having been
granted to the undersigned, on the estate
ol William Lardin, dee'd, late of Clinton
twp, Butler county. Pa., all persons in
debted to said estate will please make im
mediate payment, and any having claims
agaiust the same will present them prop
erly authenticated for settlement to
L. S. LAUDIN, Adm'r.
Saxonburg, I'a.
£l. McJunkin, Atty.
E;> ecu tors' Notlca.
Letters testamentary on the estato of
John L Beafty, dee'd, late of Washington
twp. Lutler Co, I'a. having been granted
to the undersigned, all persons knowing
themsoKes indebted to said estate will
please make immediate payment, and any
having claims against said estate will
present them duly authenticated for settle
ment to
j: E. C. Bkatty,
413, Lookout Ave., Butler Pa. or
W. S. Bkatty,
Milliards, Butler Co, Pa.
A. Mitcukll, Att'y
Aum nistrator's Notice.
Letters of administration on the estate
of Isaiah N. Bryson, dee'd, late ot Coal
town, Cherry twp., Butler Co, I'a having
been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will permit them duly authen
ticated for settlement to
Emza Bkyson. Adm'x
Coaltown, I J a
J. I), McJcxkin, Att'y
Administrator's Notice.
Letters ot administration on the estate
of George List, uee'd, late of Adams twp.,
Butler Co, f'u. having been granted to the
undersigned, all persons knowing them
selves indebted to said estate will please
make immediate payment, and any having
claims against said estate will present
them duly authenticated 1 >r settlement to
M.yeoarkt A. List, Adm'x
McFann, Bntler Co, I'a.
W. 11. Lusk, Att'y.
Funeral Director j
37 S. Main, St. ButlerJ'i.
Slf •>/ /** r/'A COLLEGE > I
1 "if yj J n Ameru.l :' r uN- f i
C r~' S ff / / tnliiin - a bri-U'l J
P j // winuluit oil uea - f I
S f fj lion Kor circulars 1 |
/ {/ K iiddrcwi I
< p duff & sons. PITTSBURG, pa. > I
erhaps you don t know how
*eady we arc on
"C*everything relation tc [>roscrij>-
it will not be amiss to
your attention to the
A rompt service given
o everything of the kind placed |
In our hands
d k
pres... " rVnartment
ever was so complete
ave you money too.
C. It. BOYD.
Diamond Block, - Butler, a
B. cy B.
Your self interest
when rightly considered, never
fails to put you in the way of
gain, that is, to decide whether
doing this or that will pay
best, whether buying there or
here will get you the nice choice
Dry Goods at the least prices.
You'd naturally expect us to say
this was the best store to buy at,
but when we gather together such
large collections of
SILKS and cold weather wraps
as you'll find here this 1896, and
submit them all to your self inter
est for consideration, and only ex
pect your business when you're
satisfied you'll actually, save
money by buying here, you'll soon
be convinced that there's an un
usual earnestness about merchan
dising at this store that's bound
to interest you, that business is
sought not by talk, argument or
big store statistics, but by the
fairest test, as concerns your self
interest, that's possible, and
what's more, we're not seeking it
that way in vain, as the business
doing here now and the goods and
prices with which we're after more,
will abundantly prove.
And now, this Dry Goods buy
ing time of the year, there's not a
tiling in this store but what it's to
your personal concern to find out
about and test as to advantage at
the prices.
American dress goods 15c to 45c a
yard. More fine choice Novelty Wool
ens at sf>c, 75c, 85c, SI.OO than we ever
had, and that's the kind most people are
buying, widths range from 42 to 54
inches. Samples of any of these, or of
new Black Goods or Silks, sent free if
you ask. The new Catalogue is ready,
goes free also, will tell about the
Hardly i« v_luU of gaiu.t.'iit Tor lauies,
Misses or childrens but what's here, the
best of the kind to be had, and all
bought well and sold at fair small profit
prices that are convincing.
Boggs & 811111,
Why He Figures
it takes figuring just at this time
to make both ends meet, and now
winter is almost here and you
must be prepared for bad weather.
You Must Have Good Footwear
you want to buy it cheap, not too
cheap for at this time of the year
it tnusv be good. We can't praise
our fall stock too highly for never
before have we been in shape to
offer high grade footwear at such
low prices as we are now.
Bread Winners List
Men's Stag Boots £1.50
Boy's Stag Boots 1.25
Youths' Stag Boots 1.00
Ladies' Calf and Oil Grain
Shoes 1.00
Ladies' Warm Shoes 65c, 75c and
$ 1.00
Child's School shoes 50c, 75c and
We Defy Competition
Ladies, Miss, Youths and Chil
dren's Rubber Boots at the uniform
prices of SI.OO.
Boys Rubber Boots, sizes 1 to 6
Men's Felt Boots and Oveis $ 1.50.
Ladies' Neat Felt Boots and Overs
$ i, 00.
Boy's Felt Boots and Overs 1125,
for'gcx>ds and low prices try
Butler's Progressive Shoe House.
2i5 South Main St., BUTLER PA
Hotel Willard.
Ileopened and now ready for the
accommodation of the traveling'pub
Everything in'first-c übb style.
M H BROOKS, Clerk.
for running expense*
««■■»«-_ ' s 1101 good DMinesß.
We provide good* that
constantly draw OB Uw
: is not sufficient for fall :
• weather. What you •
: need is one of our $lO •
: suits. •
with your best girl is great fun, but tht
nights are cool and unless you want
pneumonia, you had best get one of <mr
$9.00 overcoats.
Schaul & Nast
Leading Cloth iere* 137 S- Main St-, Butler, Fb-
Don't forget to call on us for that new echool suit yoturS
K boy will need this fall.
U A new line to select from and at prices so low as to !,eS
almost "out-of-sight." flr
1 BUTLER - - - PA. |
Our clothing for men for fall and winter wear is also^
worthy of your consideration.
SA Never in the history of the clothing business has the^
price been so low as at present.
jm P. S.—A few suits remain from the half-price sale, whichSA
go at half-price marked on ticket. JO
The nicest line of
Wall Mouldings in
town are at
New Room. 201
S. Main St. New
line of Blank Book
Writing Paper just
201 S. Main St.
Jury List for November Term.
Lint of Traverse jurors drawn this 20 th day
Sept. 1896, to serve as jurors at the special
term of court commencing on the 9th day
of Noy. 1896 the same being the second
Monday of said month.
Armstrong James T. Butler 2d w book
Anderson John C, Allegheny twp farmer.
Aggis Warren, Clay twp farmer.
Blymiller Charles G, Allegheny twp
Burckhalter J C, Butler sth w carpenter.
Bame Casper, Jackson twp farmer.
Campbell J B, Washington twp farmer.
Caldwell Wm, Butler 2nd w farmer.
Collins J D. Mars bor laborer.
Cookson A Herd, Cranberry twp larmer.
Dutlield James A, Bntler Ist w driller.
Plumming Henry B, Buffalo twp farmer.
Frederick George, Donegal twp farmer,
(iraham Eli, Butler 2nd w janitor.
Graham 1 N, Evans City J. P.
(tilfillin K G, Oakland twp farmer,
lligenbotham James, Penn twp farmer,
ililderbrand Peter, Donegal twp farmer.
Irvin Benton, Adams twp farmer.
Logan Calvin, Jefferson twp farmer.
Morison Wm, Slipperyrock twp farmer.
Miller James E, Venango twp teamster.
Murren Frank, Venango twp carpenter.
Mechlin Joseph, Clay twp miller.
M cCandless George, Butler 3d w carpen
McKinnio George, Fairview twp farmer.
McCalmont 1) F, Middlesex twp preacher.
McTamnuy John, Peun twp driller.
MoMarlin James, Adams twp farmer.
McDonald Win, Butler Ist w farmer.
McGuire George H, Donegal twp farmer.
Phillips O M, Butler 3d w merchant,
l'uttersoa Norman, Slipperyrock twp ar
t.Miinn John, Middlesex twp farmer.
Kedick .Samuel, Mars bor clerk.
Kull 1* W, Butler 3d w merchant,
ltobb Eliott, Franklin twp farmer.
Stoop Elmer, Cherry twp merchant.
Stuble Wm, Middlesex twpjlaborer.
Simmons James L, Buffalo farmer.
Smith John. Allegheny twp J. P.
Shira F M, Parser twp farmer,
v'anderlin George, Venango
Vandiko Wm, Marion twp farmer.
Wahl Osmore, Evans City teamster.
White B F, Evans City merohant.
Wise Al. Harmony bor liveryman.
Yockay C F, Milleretown bor carpenter.
of papers in different
styles, for correspondence. Box pa
per, tablets atid envelopes to match
Paper by the pcand or ream.
Near I'. O 241 S. Main St
2 and 2 Do Not Make Five.
It's quite a problem to please
everyone's taste in any line you
may select and particularly—at
jewelry, silver novelties, cut glass,
etc., but I'm sure you will find
what you want in my large stock
and at such prices that defy com
petition. I am making a spe.
cialty of nobby and find Goods
and want your trade.
1831 1897
Devoted to
Farm Crops and Processes,
Horticulture & Fruit-Growing,
Live-Stock and Dairying.
includes all minor departments
of Rural interest, such as the Poultry
Yard, Entomology, Bee-Keeping, Green
house and Grapery, Veterinary Replies,
Farm Questions and Answers, Fireside
Reading, Domestic Economy, and a
summary of the News of the week. Its
Market reports are unusually complete;
and ciucli attention is paid to the pros
pects of the Crops, as throwing light up
on one or the most important of all ques
tions—When to buy and when to sell.
It is liberally Illustrated, and contains
more reading matter than ever before.
The subscription price is f 2.50 per year,
but we offer a special reduction in our
Two Subscriptions, in one remittance $4
Six Subscriptions, do. do. 10
Ten Subscriptions, do. do. 15
taT fo sll new subscribers for 1897,
paying in advance now, we will send the
paper weekly, from our receipt of the
remittance, to January Ist, 1897, with
out charge.
LUTHER TUCKER & SON, Publishers,
Albany, N. Y.
1 havo a lloave Cure that will core any
cane of heaves in horses in forty days, I
udod according to directions, and if it does
not do wnat I claim for it, I will refund
the amount paid and no charges will be
made for the treatment. The following
estimonials are the strongest proof of the
•diclnes power to c ure:
A. J. MCCakdlbss,
Butler, Pa., 1893.
Mr. A. J. MCCandlk.~.l:
On the 2nd day of April, 1892, I 00m
menced to use your new core for one o
jty tomes that had the heaves very bad,
and continued to use the medioine for
abo at forty days and the horse did not
show any signs of a return of them. It is
no *■ about a year since I quit givin tlie
medicine and the horse has never showed
any Higns of heaves, and I feel stisfied
that he is properly cured
W. C. Ckiswbll,
Butler, Pa., April 3,1893.
I.J. MoCandlbss:
I have used your Heave Core and found
t will do tho work il used accordng to di
rection*. Yours truly,
R. L Kirkpatrick, Optician nod Jevelet
Next to Court House Butler, Pa.
Graduate La fort HarologiCal Institute