Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 22, 1896, Image 4
T. H. Burton T. H. Burton There is a Difference of opinion Biit Here is a Landsliac, cVth" best place g° a ° fOT to trade. WHICH WAY ARE YOU HEADING? Not in Politics—but where are you going to do you fall buying? Yon v&nt the Best and Most for Your Money, Don t Yon? You can get it. We give it. Hats, Caps,andGentsV / Furnishing Goods. All departments complete and well stocked with The Ms, tie Finest fafc anil Best Hues It ilie Mooey PolitolSpeakers* AreWnSglhi'o^'of' L Va'iues. WE have a complete assortment of splendid goods They are yours at prices that will make our competitors speak of this sale as the J crime of 96. It will be turning down good Bargains if you don't come. T. H. Burton T. H. Burton Pittsburg Gxposition INDUSTRY, MANUFACTURES ART MUSIC. All the wonders of Electricity. The Roentgen Raj! Shoe Making Machinery—making 500 pairs Shoes daily. The greatest exhibit of Agricultural Implements and Novelties ever shown in Pennsylvania. MUSIC—FOUR CONCERTS DAILY—MUSIC g~y-| VICTOR HERBERT, Gilmores Band, conductor. October 5-24. NEW MUSIC HALL» Costing $50,000. Free Seats for 3,500 People. An Art Gallery with three hundred pictures finer than any ever shown west of New York. HALF-RATE EXCURSIONS ON ALL RAILROADS. Look Out for the Announcements. ADMISSION,"2S cents. CHILDREN, 15 cent*. BRING THE FAMILY AUTUMN STYLES FOR MEN. £ The Latest Furopean creations \ V for business wear are Scotch Cbev- f \ iot« and fancy cassimeres in warm 1 C cheerful coloring of brown and % P green, with a miTture of red or a S \ dash of yellow artistically blended, f S ALSO, C grays in mixturs and positive ? J colors. \ 1 For Dress { Vicuna, Lambs wool and Worst- / t ed coatings with pla'd and stripe \ V trousering. I \ We have them in all their va- J 1 'rietv and besides the largest stock f 3 in the county. / \ We have facilities for making \ £ ood clothes, cheaper than same € Can be produced elsewhere in V / Western Pennsylvania. / ALAND, MAKER OF MEN'S CLOTHES. JOSTHORNE &C 0 THE WAY Mail Orders are coming in for the New, All-Wool Tufted Suitings there must be extra merit in them —we claim that there is, but would rather have an expression from you, individually. Will you write our Mail Order department for samples of these extraordinary values in newest, up to-date styles in Dress Goods and Suitings?— 36 to 50 inches wide, 35c, 50c and 75c yd. All we ask is fair investigation and an unbiased verdict. Also send name and address for New Catalogue out of press this week. If you come to The Great Exposition don't fail to visit The Great Dry Goods Store, right on your way to Exposition Buildings. Penn Avenue and Fifth St.. PITTSBURG. Butler Sayings Bank Butler, l?a. Capital - - $60,000-00 Sarplas and Profits, $119,263.67 JOS. L PURVIS President J. HENRY TRODTMAN Vice-Preside n WM. CAMPBELL, Jr Oashie LOUIS B. STEIN Telle r DIRECTORS—Joseph L. Purvis. J. Henry Troitraan. W. D.Brandon. W. A. Stein. J. 8. CamobelL. The Batter Savings Bank is the Oldest Back lug Institution in Butler County. General banking business transacted. Wb solicit accounts of oil prodncers, mer chant*, tarmere and others. AU Bulness entrusted to as will receive prompt attention. Interest paid on time deposits The Buller County National Bank BUTLER, PA. Capital paid In $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits $87,962.35 Jos. Hartman. President; J. V. Ritts, Vice President; 0. A. Bailey, Cashier; John 6 KoMarlin. A Rs't Cashier. ' A general banking buslusss transacted. Interest paid on time deposits. Money loaned on approved security. We Invite you to open an account with this bank. DIKBOTORS— lion. Joseph llartinau. Hon. W. 8. Waldron, Dr. N. M. Hoover. H McSweeney. S. E. Abrams, C. P. Colli is. I U. Smith. Leslie P. Hazlett, M. Ftnegar, W. ilcnry Wilson. John Humphrey.Dr. W. C. McCanoleaa, Ben Maaseth Harry Heaaley. J. V. Htvti. COUNTING THE COST. Have you ever calculated how much is saved in the long run by having your clothing made by tailors who know their business ? You get better goods more care ful workmanship and the fit and style are worth a great deal. It's a satisfaction to wear first class well made clothes, and then it's economical as well. Clothes that fit, wear longer, look better and are more satisfactory to the wearer. Those who wear our garments appreciate this. Stop and calculate. Do you wear tailor-made clothes? In that case you have garments that last longer, wear better and suit you more completly than any other. Every garment is made in the best style. No accidental fits. No disgraceful efiects. It is cheaper to wear custom clothes than any others. Fall styles on display. WEDDIIG SUITS A SPECIALTY^ CIPIFCO Cor. Diamond, Butler, Pa WALL MOULDINGS The nicest line of Wall Mouldings in town are at Heineman's New Room. 201 S. Main St. New line of Blank Book Writing Paper just received. 201 S. Main St. B ChMMtau* Eajrll.k Muml Brut. "» PENNYROYAL PILLS M Orlflißl ud Oily G«nolie. A •Are, always reliable, taoics ask l' r 1 1 ifrM for Chichester * Fnqhth Dla-jJw\ Brand in Red and Gold mttallicxXfljtr j-v with blue ribbon. Take VDf W wflno other. Refute dangerous rubstitw ▼ I"/ fffticmt arui imitationi At Drugrnte, or wti44e. 1 W Jg in Ptiunpe Cor pariienlara, t**ttmontala and \V* D "lUlle.f for I*ad!ee*** <n letter, by retara •A If MaIL 10.OO© Aomi Pm**r. J Ckltkwter Ch«alMlC«..]ladlMa H«uN| HUMPHREYS' No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worms, No. 3 " Infants' Diseases. No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 8 " Neuralgia. No. 9 Cures Headache. No. lO " Dyspepsia. No. 11 " Delayed Periods. No. 12 " Leuchorrea. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. IS Cures Rheumatism. No. 16 " Malaria. No. 20 " Whooping Cough No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. 30 " Urinary Diseases No. 77 " Colds and Grip. Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid oil receipt of price, 25c., or 5 for sl. DB. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC MANUAL or DISEASES MAILED FREE. Humphreys' Med. Co., 11l William St.. N. Y. # CHEAP * J YET GOOD I i WHISKIES. I fu/E are hendquarters for every known J 0" stimulant needed for system ienlng or tor good cheer. We quote > Blossom, full quart. 50, $5.00 d.> i iOlinstnut Grove " 75, B.oo'-i - $1 00 p-r <jt, 6 qti». $5 ?Overholr lOO *• 0 " sOi v f Finch - 100 " 6 '• 5 UOT Thompson 100 " 6 " 5 00# 5 We guarantee these whiskies toi W be the best ever offered at tlie^ m prices quoted. Don't forget 9 j| OLD EXPORT WHISKEY, t 1 warranted 8 years old. tt.oo full# 4 quart. SIO.OO ;u 11 case 12 quarts.^ 5 Charges prepaid on all fIO.CO^ # orders or over. # JJOS. FLEMING & SON,* \ Wholesale and J T Retail Druggists. i_ . J 5412 Market|Street, Pittsburg, Pa.i DONT STCPTOB4CCO HOW IT, CURE YOURSELF WHILE USING IT. The tobacco habit grows on a man until his nervous system <s seriously affec'ed, Impairing health, comfort and happiness. To quit sud denly Is too severe a shock to the system, as tobacco to an inveterate user becomes a stimu lant that his system continually craves. "Baco Curo" is a sclentlflc cure for the tobacco habit. In all its forms, carefully compounded after the formula of an eminent Heriin physician who has used It In his private practice since 1872, without a failure. It Is purely vegetable and guaranteed perfectly harmless. You can use all the totacoo you want while taking "Baco- Curo." It will notify you when to stop. We give a written guarantee to cure permanently any case with three boxes, or refund the money with 10 per cent Interest. "Baco-Curo" Is not a substitute, but a sclentiflc cure, that cures without the aid of will power and with no In convience. It leaves the system as pure and free from nicotine as the day you took your first chew or smoke, Cured By BACO-CURO And Gained Thirty Pounds. From hundreds ol testimonials, the originals of which are on Hie :tnd open to Inspection, i'.ie following is presented: Clayton. Nevada County Arkansas Jan. 28 189.5 Eureka chemical & Mfg. Ce U frost e. Wis. —Gentlemen: for forty years I used tobacc • in mil iißforms. For twenty-five years of that time 1 was a great sufferer from general debili ty and heart disease. For til teen years I tried to quit, but couldn't, I took various remedies, among others "Ni.-To-liac." "The lonian To bacco Antidote." " oilble Chloride of (Jold " etc., etc.. but none ot them did tue the least bit of good. Finally, however, 1 purchased a box of your "Baco-Curo" and It lias entirely cured me of tlie liablt in all Us fornris. and I have in creased thirty p muds In weight and am reliev ed irom all the numerous acn. s and pains of body and mind. I could write a quire of paper upon my changed feelings and condition. Yours respectfully, P. U. MABBUKV, Pastor C. P. Church, Clayton, Ark. Sold by all druggists at SI.OO per box: three boxes, (thirty days' treatment), $2.50 with lr< n clad, written guarantee, or sent direct upon receipt of price. Write for booklet and prools. F'ireka Chemlcala & Mfg. C., Lacrosse, Wis.. and Boston, Mass, 2 16 TO 1. i \ SILVER GOLD V 4 In the money question means tnat lni in weight one silver dollar. We guar * iantee for either one Silver or a Gold Jto give you the purest and most agsd Take a moment's time and look at* A these prices: a Old Somerset $2.00 per gai# 43,t0 4Yr Old Pure Kye.. $2.25 to 2.50 " m to 10 " " " . ..3.50 to 4,50 " J *IBBS Hand-made Sour Mash 5,50 " * AJ, S. Dougherty Pure Rye 5.50 " m J Andilessen Best Pure Kyc 5.60 " i i special price list on Wines, etc., on ap-i No extra charge for jugs or% Glye us a trial order. Blf A. ANDRIESSEN, t J lSßJFederal St.,? Allegheny, Pa. J TAFT'S PHILADELPHIA | I —DENTAL ROOMS.-- [ n 39 - sth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. *1 WW We're PRACTICA' :_Y<l°l"Rthe j II ML 31 CROWN "'"I BF.II J£ WORK \ 9m. mn "F I'ITTSI.URG— why NOT DO IJIwTI .vMYOURS? '■ "><l CROWNS 'JIVE# U"" 1 BRIDGE work reduced lo rJllvf 11*5 PER TOOTH. Also the L M m y hest get of Teeth made, QN LY SQ f R « PE ' RHVIVO Yitality. THE GRIsAT 30th Day. FRENCH REMEDY produces the above results In so days. It acts powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fall. Young men will regain their lost man hood. and old men will recover their youthful vigor by using KEVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervousness, Lost vitality. Lost Power. Failing Memory. Wasting Diseases, and ill effects of excess and Indiscretion, which un fits one for study, business or marriage. It not only cures starting at the seat of disease, but Is a great nerve tonic and blood builder, bringing back the pink plow to pale cheeks and restoring the fire of youth. It wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having KKVIYO. no other. It can be carried la vest Socket. By mail. SI.OO per package, or six for 5.00, with a positive written guarantee to cure or refund the money. Circular free. Address KOYAL M EDICINK CO.. CHICAGO. ILL For Sale by RKDDICK & Seanor & Nace's Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Rear of Wiek House, Bullor, Pa The be.it of horses and first class rigs always on baud and for hire. Best accommodations in town for permanent boarding and transient trade. Special care guaranteed. Stable room for Bixty-five horses. A good class of horses, both driv ers and draft horses always oa hand and for sale under a fall guarantee; and horses boaght upon proper noti fication by SEANOR & NACE. All kinds ol live stock bought and sold. Telephone »t. Wick House FRAZM7 BEST IN THE WOFir.D. Its wearingqualitios are unsurpassed, actually outlast ing two boxes of any other brand. Not Affected by heat. IjTUBT THB CiBNUINB. FOR SALS UY DEALERS UENKU-LLLY. THE CITIZKIST is worth what It will buy, Be more, no less. Money will buy more now than it would In 1873. Money is therefore worth more now than it was in 1873. Every man who works for wages gets more money for his work now than he did in 1873, and can buy more with each dol lar of it. Is this a condition of things which any workingman .should wish to reverse? Is it the interest of any workingman tc vote for a return to conditions which would give him smaller wages in money that would buy less?—N. Y. World. How potent governmental authority is to sustain flat currency is shown in Ha vana. where the captain general recently undertook to support the paper money is sued by Spain through the banks. Gen eral Weyler orderod the Commercial Ex change and other business organizations, as well as loyal citizens of all sorts and conditions, to accept the government is sues at par with gold under severe penal ties in case of refusal. The result was that the currency instantly dropped 10 per cent, and now, after about sixty days, the bills are at 20 to 25 per cent discount. Mean while, tho gold coin formerly in circula tion has disappeared as if by magic. As an object lesson Weyler's attempt to force flat money into circulation is worthy of serious consideration by all advocates ol that sort of currency.—Philadelphia Even ing Telegraph. HO.VEST money is absolutely necessary in any country if it wishes to stand among the pioneers of civilization. A system of monetary exchange that is not based upon an honest dollar of one hundred cents lg just as demoralizing to the morals of a nation as a community would be where no man could believe the word of his neigh bor. Discounting all their defects of a na tional character, we believe that any stu dent of political economy will bear us out in the statement that China, Mexico, Japan and many of the South American republics lag behind in the march of pro gress in a great measure because they are on a silver basis. If Bryan and free silver triumphs we believe that the United States, in spite of the high character of its people, would retrograde la the direction of semi-eivillzatlon. and on a silver basis another generation would find us far he hind the great nations of the earth. I* MADISON, 1816: I "It is essential that the nation should j possess a currency of equal valne, I credit and use wherever It may clrcu | late." Tell This to Silver Men, During 1896, up to Sept. 1, the govern ment of the United States has coined 11. 212,412 full legal tender silver dollars. It has in the past eight monthscoineds3,lßl,. 174 more silver than was coined from the foundation of the government down to 1873, and is even now coining silver a£ llie rate of $3,700,000 per month. And yeWthe people arc asked to believe that there is a conspiracy to strike down silver, and that hard times have come because the govern ment has refused since 1873 to give the country enough of the white metal! —Irwin Republican. ; iOD'3 PILIJS cure t/Iver Illi, Jiiiousness, Indigestion, Headache. A pleasant laxative. All Druggists. The cold wave has developed wintry weather in the Adirondacks. The moun tains are covered, and at Blue Mountain Lake and other points in that region two inches of snow fell last week. Don't trifle away time when you have cholera morbus or diarrhoea. Fight them lntbe beginning with DeWitt's oolio and c olera cure. You don't have to w»it or results, they are instantaneous, and it leives the bowels in healthy condition.. KKDICK & GKOHMANN This season's oyster crop in Connecti cut, which is now fairly on the market, is pronounced one of the best ever known. The shipments of oysters this month have exceeded those ot a year ago by double the amount. Rheumatism Cured in a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterioas. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap pears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents Sold by J. C Redio, and J. F. Balph Druggists, Butler Apr 96 While sorting Japanese rags in a paper mill at Westbrook, Me., an operative found a small metallic object, at which he picked with a penknife, and he lost three fingers and a thumb in the explo sion that followed. —£t.glish Spavin .Liniment removes a » Lard, soil or calloused lumps and lilem shes from horses, blood spavins, curbs phnta, swueney, ringbone, stifles, sprain* 11 swollen throats, congbs, etc. Savo 50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the Tinot wonderful Blemish Cure ever known Sold bv J. (J. Uedick.s Mackintoshes may be waterproof but any pawnbroker will tell you ihat they can be soaked. Dr. Detclion's Sarnaj)arilla Pills" Contain all the virtues of the liquid Sar saparilla* in a concentrated form and be iug candy coated are delightful to take Combined with the Sarsaparilla are other extremely valuable blood and nerve reme dies, which render tbem at once the great est blood purifiers and blood makers as well as the most powerful nerve builder known. Their magical powers to cure all .Nervous Diseases, Nervous Weakness, Nervous Headache, llystevia, Lu»s of Vital Powers, Falling Health, etc , are pleasing and wonderlul Price 00 cents and SI.OO. Sold by Redick & Grohmann and J, F. Balph Druggists Butler. With the approach of Thanksgiving we should take more interest in the Tur key question. The whole system is drained and under mined by indolent ulcers and ojien sores. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve speedily heals them. It is the best pile cure known Keuick & Gbohmann. There are lots of political transpar encies, but you can see through most of them. T. F. Anthony, Ex-Postmaster of Pro mise City. lowa, says: "I bought one bottle ot -Mystic Cure' for Rheumatism, and two doses ol it did me more good than any medicine I ever took. Sold by J. C. Redick, anil J. F. Balph druggists, Butler. The fellow who looses his money in the stock market shouldn't beef about it. Many a d&y's work is lost by sick head ache, caused by indigestion and stomach trouble? DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the most effectual pill for overcoming such difficulties. Rbdick A Gbohmann. Spirited away—the man who dies of alcholism. Belie! in Six uourt —Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by the "New Great South American Kidnoy Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on ac count of its exceeding promptness in re lieving pain in the bladder, kidney, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retontion ol water and pain in passing it almost im mediatly, If yon want quick relief and cure tiiis is your remedj . Sold by J. C. Redick druggist Butler Pa. Autumn leaves are falling with the mercury. "Boys will be boys." but you can't af- 1 ford to lose any of them. Be leady for the green apple season by having DeWitt's! colic and cholera cure in the house. Rbdick & Gbohuabm. THOMAS JWFERSOV, 1784. •The proportion b.l*«n the val- ! IM of gold and silver it a mercantile j problem iltngVtlifr." "Jut prinoiples will lead «» to dis- | rrgard Ickhl pruportiou altogether; to j Inquire Into the market price of gold In the several countries with urhich we shall principally he connects in commerce, and to t*ke an average from ttiem.** • • ! The Silver Craze a Hiiea#e. Mr. Recti said nothing truer at Bridge port yesterday th.tu that "if There is any thing in thta stiver question, it is because It is a dise.».-e of tho whole world. If it is * disease, it is because it is a world dis ease " The disease is caused by the un paralleled improvements in the means of communication within a quarter of a century. This has brought all the agri culturists of the world into competition with taoh other in every market, and the result has been a great fall in the vrfluo of the earth's produce. This has fallen, too, on a world lades with leases, mortgages, contracts and set tlements rnaih* u»der another set of con ditions, and as the agriculturists are the majority of the human race, they have ut tered piercing cries and drivea many "thinkers" crazy. The only remedy is to wait for time to set things right, as It al ways does, for the prices of things we have to sell to adapt ihemselves to the prices of things we have to buy, as they always do In the long run. The remedy of the em harassed hag been to call things by other names, and to pre tend that we de not exchange commodities against commodities, but eoiajnidities against anything we choose to call money. But this operation would no soonor be over than we should have to be gin again. There would be more leases and mortgages and contracts under the new money, and they would speedily become too btird to bear, and we should have to invent new names for other money in order to make them lighter. Every ten years would not he too often to change our currency and relieve the debtor class.—V. Y. Post. Chicago's Great Republican Parade. CHICAGO, Oct. 10 —Very nearly a hun dred thousand men marched yesterday in the great Republican parade. Business was suspended, nearly all of the mer chants closed their gtores, and almost the whole population ef Chicago turned out to see the parade. The streets were gayly decorated, and buntings and flags floated from most of the business houses in the town district. The parade was more than twelve miles iu length, amd 150 bands fur nished the music. Republican Simplicity. WHAT a contrast between beiijg presi dent and trying to be! 6rowds follow the boy orator wherever he mores. President Cleveland gees to the theater and no one knows he is there Jie makes a long jour ney, from Buzzard's Bay to Washington, and attracts no more notice than any other traveler. Hero is republican slmplic* lty, with a difference. — Philadelphia Tele grafh. In a chicken kng contest held at White Pigeon, -r>?e li , one woman work ing alone heat Mictiien working togeth er, picking 103 fowls in the forenoon to •he men's 101. In order to clear the title to her house on the south side of eighty-third street in New York the Countess de Brazza paid SIOO for thirty-six square inches of land belonging to adjoining property, but on which the house encroached. Celery is getting crisp. A cold fact—a lump of ice. Tired nerves are soon made strong and vigorous by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Be sure to get Hood's. The fellows who cheer themselves hoarse for McKinley are reccommetided to wrap their throats in Canton flannel. Grapes Overhanging Two miles of Car riage Drives. Grape arbors loaded with Grapes, 2 miles long, and over 300 miles of vines trained on wires. This is the extent of Speer's Oporto Grape Vineyard at Pas saic, N. J. only 12 twelve miles from New York City. Those who doubt it can have their expenses paid and SIOO given them by the N. J. Wine Co., if they will come and see and do not find the above true. The wines are the old est and best to be had. We shall consider it a favor on the part of our subscribers if they will remit a part or all tha is due us. New Jersey Grape Juice Sent to Eu-ope. Mr. Speer, of New Jersey, has a rep utation extending over the world as be ing a reliable producer of Oporto Grape Juice and Port Wine. His Oporto Juice and Port Wine are ordered by families in Dresden, London and Paris for their superior medicinal virtues, and blood making qualities, owing to the iron con tained in the soil in which the vines grow. A farmer near Sacramento, Cal., says his crop of asparagus this season will bring him $ 12,000, of which $9,000 will be profit. He has twelve acres of it. Poison Ivy, insect bites, bruises, scalds, burns, are quickly cured by DeWite'o Witch Bezel Salve, the great pile cure. REDICK & GROHMANN. Rings made of gold or silver horse shoe nails are among the latest cam paign fancies. Theories of cure may be discussed at length by physicians, but the suflerers »vant quick relief; anil One Minute Cough Curo will give it to them. A sale cure lor children. It is "the only harmless remedy that produces immediate results." REO'CK <FC GROHMANN. Always think twice before speaking, especially if you are putting up a stove pipe. It does'nt matter much whether sick headache, biliousness, indigestion and con stipation are caused b' r neglect or by un avoidable circumstances; DeWitt's Little Early Risers will speedily cure them all. REDick. & GROHMANN. The young folks are beginning to think about Ilallowen parties. 1897 calendars are in preparation and will soon be making their appearance. If you have ever seen a little child in the agony of summer complaint, you can real ize tho danger of*,he trouble and appreci ate the value ol instantaneous relief al ways afforded by DeWitt's colic and chol era cure. For dysontery and diarrhoea it is a reliable remedy. We could not af ford to recommend this as a cure unless it were a cure. REDIIK <FC GROHMANN. Gorgeous neckties are a feature of fall fashions. Leap-year has passed the three-quarters post. October is considered as lucky ss June as a wedding month. 1870 Climax Brandy From grape wine, has, by its extreme age and constant care while in uniform temperaturo and pure, attcospbere ot storage houses for fourteen yearf, be come a r'val of tbe Hennessey and other brands el Cognac lirati'i/, and much lower in price, and proierred by the physicians of Philadelphia, Now York and other cities Buy it of druggists. Politics getting hotter. Buckwheat cakes are ripe, The leaves fall before the fall leaves. The base ball umpire is out of a job. Now is the time to advertise fall goods. The bike is suffering from that tired feeling. Dr. Agnew's Curo tor tho Darfect relief in all cases of Organic of sympathetic Heat Disease in 30 minute.', and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer "ess remedy for Palpitation, Shortness o. ireath, Smothering Spoils, Pain in Lei ■mJo and all symptoms ..fa Diseased Heart 'no dose convinces. Sold by City Phar uaor. 1 Woman. ,> " "I ? J PLUC^ The " new woman favors economy, 4 and she always buys "Battle Ax" for I her sweetheart. She knows that a 5-cent 1 piece *of " Battle Ax" is nearly twice as I large as a 10-cent piece of other high grade A brands. Try it yourself and you will see I why " Battle Ax" is such a popular 1 favorite all over the United States. | DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES ' GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPOLIO ACCfDor r.: happen POND'S EXTRACT— tie Bicycler's Necessity. FOR THE DON'TRLDE WLTHOUFMK bicycle. BH&J A REPAIR KIT. M satSuSl RPUISFS LAMENESS or SORENESS of MUSCLES, ABRASIONS, RHEUMATISM. Try POND'S EXTRACT OINTMENT for PILES. AVOID SUBSTITUTES-Weak, Watery, Worthies#. POND'S EXTRACT CO., 76 Fifth Avo., New York. IJUCTORS LAKH S rr.l /.TE DISPENSAIIV. -fx-. JR Cvi. ?Ei4' Ave. anl» Fourth St.. ■' PITTSBURGH, PA. All forms of OoliiMte an«l Cor.' afCVUi.-ii nli< .t:c«l l>iMvi-ts n .iun I ' fiih:ntial scir.vriKic J' :< .iti .i! ;ir>! " ! •cnsary WHO a -mCMb.-MNly attained. Dj " k. I.akels" member ot the ltov.il < • .W^cv' and Surgeon pnd Istlic ol ixrx i.• iced 81 bcu Lift. in t • ■ '• a?) it ion riven to N irvoiß > t mdi o* • • m* talex4 rtlotul i• • rotio I • 3 icai And nental • • • :;»•*. . rl<*.LU9o< • • • i.'i. ! • iinatisiw, ;»r. l i.,..J : t T iin;ir\ \ii .j • . UII f •■ " ■ • ! ; , to U r.X.; Sund : ■ 8 to • V c- or - P l ' ■ llnl£l IS THE time to have HUH Your Clothi 1154 CLEANED or DYED If you want goou and reliable cleaning or dyeing done, there is just one place in town where you can get it, and that is at TP MM DY[ WCKKS 216 Center avenue. do fine work in out- : door Photographs. This is the j time of year to have a picture ofi your house. Give us a trial. R. FISHER & SON, Ageut for the Jamestown Sliding Blind (Jo.—New York. Tie Place to Buy GAS COOK ING AND HEATINGSTOVES, GAS BURNERS AND FIX TURES, HOSE, BATH TUBS, j ENAMEL AND IMPROVE mSHBACH GAS BU BNEBi W. H. O'BRIEN ON » 107 East Jefferson St. butler county I Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Office Cor.Main fit Cunningham ALl'. WICK. Pre*. HEO. Ki.TTKKKK, Vire Prm. L. S. MeJU.NKIX. Sei-'jr anil Tre*», DTUKCIORS AlrrelWlck, Heudersoi »: ■■ ' r. W. Irvln, «v. w. BUctunore. N. Welta K. Bowman, H- J- Klltisrler CO Ki ttcri r. » !i;.s H-m.u.:, tec. RcLno. TdUd Koenluc LOYAL M cJUWIKN Aflent. WHAT 0 N DO. IS NATURE'S OWN TONIO. ■Stimulates the appetite and pro duces refreshing sleep. GIVES VITAL STRENGTH TO KURSINS « ''OTHERS. Jin cki wast''ni; diseases. sfops nigbt sweats, cares incipieu* ■®=- consura >tion. Increases strors.h and flesh. MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD. ~ - Promotes hca!thy lung tissue. Will eivo the palo and puny the • 7 rosy cheeks of youth. V. ■ CURES ML FEJIALE COMPLAINTS. '*ii Stakes strong menand women of weaklings eiLM&HE'S IRON TONIC PILLS Csre all 'asting Diseases eno ih tip sequences, ■C JCi.ITIS, CONSUMPTION, die. v neither styptic noi eaustir. and , npuiating ctTeet on tho connects stomach or its lining; consequently : : ..t the teeth or ca use constipation a. aa do tho usual form* of Iron. . s tr< anient 50c. pamphlet free. If . . . l.ept by your druggist, address , CINCINNATI, O r 1 Jerve tierries have done for others '■ will do a: 't,rmutientlyJUliwiW. SOTH DAY - A positive cure tcr all Weaknesses, N.rvousness, Debility, and a:l their il resultinefrora early errocs and later excesses; the result of over work, jickness. worry, etc. or e.vcessiv e use of tobacco,opium i .\juor, which lead to consumption nr..! canity. Their use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist npon having mine NERVE SERRiES, no other. u to carry in vest pocket, treatment, £5.00. Guaranteed tocure case. If not kept by your drug ; ure will :vnd them by mail, upon 1 of price, in plain wrapper. Pamphlet fi ce. Address mail ordersto AMERICAN MEDICAL 00. CINCINNATI. 0. JS a well r\zn of GREAT to.t> Euy^ "'fIETSY 30t:> Day. i 'II" \IiOVF. RESULTS' It quick* • Nfrv'«:«n»". 'T* y > in>* loot Vitality. Power W..r<U t'fl ln-»nitv nn<l ■I on baring VITAt.IS, no t ; ~ -> i . kct. By nail . . < % f.ir with a »?uar < i. UKFr.ND 1 ITS MONEY . B OCX, OLic»«ii, UL l r .1« in iHuUet. P». ,oy Uiiy Pharoiatiy. 122 n T P&PF IS2 S. Main St. JJ t , X xaJT 1J M a ' n St. The Leading Millinery House of Butler Co. njjfs Autumn and Winter Millinery. All the latest and mo«t stylish Bonnets, Toques, English Walking hats. Golfing hats. Sailor hats, Children's hats. Baby hoods, l-'eathers, Klowers, Wings, Ribbon, etc., to be found in the Kastern Matketj, can ne now at our st.ire Never was suck a complete line of handsome and st> i.-l. millinery brought to Butler Co., and at prices in the reach of all. MOURNING GOODS ALWAYS A SPECIALTY. All are invited T> HT O T3 '[ ' Fancy gcods for to insect our , # 4 # X .( ' X • *ke Holidays ar sto.-k. " rivipg daily. WHY SOME PEOPLE ARE DOWN ON WHISKEY There are a j*reat number of people who will tell you that whiskey is not good—That they tried it, and it proved of little or no benefit to tl. im, and that they didn't know what the doctors were about when they prescribed whiskey for indigestion, consumption and many kindred complaints. The reason for all this is easily found—These people have never used ABSOLUTELY PURE LIQUORS simply because they never knew where to buy them. What an amount of suffering could be saved, had these people sent their orders to AX KLEIN, Allegheny, Pa. Over a quarter of a century have wise ones sent him their orders—They know that his name is a guarantee of purity on every bot tle leaving his establishment, and that the liquors shipped by him are the very best. Have you ever tried Silver Age Rye? If not send $1.50 with your order to him and you will receive a quart of the finest and old est whisky in the world. His stcok is com plete, and a glance through bis catalogue (mailed free upon application) will prove his prices to be the lowest in the state. When in need of "liquors send your oreer to MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal St. Allegheny Pa. EXPRESS CHARGES PAID on all orders of $5 00 and over—Get your friends to club together. •HIM! Sim * «J 88105+ ♦o'SD MSI * Oil NlCij* These are the things that have enabled me to build up a first-class tailoring trad* during the last vear. \\> have the most skillful, painstaking cutter; employ none but the vety best MorVn.cn; handle nothing but llie very best goods, both foreign and domestic, and guarantee you perfect satisfaction in each ana every particular, and for all thia c! arjje vou simply a fair living profit. J. h. YOUNG, Tailor, Hatter and Hen's Furnisher. ,0 ' ££ op - RALLY ROUND THE FLAG, SOUKD BONEY ' 1 y honor, home prosperity. THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, THE LEADING NATIONAL REPUBLICAI FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Will make a vigorous and relentless fight through the Presidential campaign, for principles which will bring prosperity to the entire country.^ Its campaign news and discufrsions will inter est and should be read by every Americnn citiien. We furnish "The Citizen" and "N. Y. Weekly Tribune" 4 Months, I 7 Weeks for 50 cents. CASH IN ADNANCE. Address all|orders to 111 Mil. W rite your name and address on a postal card, send it «o|[Geo. Building, New York City, and a sample e.py. ef Tn New \or* wwwt Tribttnk wi" be mailed to yov. _______ Prescriptions aod Family Recipes are Matters of Importance and should be filled carefully and with pure drugs only, w-' give them our special attention.] The Baby * * requires a little special care during the warm weather, espec ially if fed from a bottle, we have a supply of frest infant food, at all times, also bottles, nipples, tubes, bottle and tube cleaners etc. If • you desire a sterilizer we can supply you with one, or will be pie furnish any desired information concerning them. Disinfectants should be used extensively at this season of the year, the Ijcst being copperas, chloride-lime, and crude carbolic acid, the latter bein K better than the pure, as in purifying an important disin fecting agent is removed, we have a large supply of these at all times. We also carry a full ine of toilet articles and sick-room requisites. REDICK & GROHM'ANN PEOPLES PHONE. 114- BUTLER PA. i »■» nril It is poor economy to take yonr watch any where 5 £ for repairs except to a reliable watchmaker. # (OUT OF Every class of repairing that is brought into onr C Jp|p nC D Btore lB done by ski,,ed workmen, experts in their S S. 1 various lines, and we endeavor to have everjthiogS } correct before it leaves our banJs. f i e;. JEWELER. | \ ESTABLISHED